#but i just want clara content šŸ˜­
yourdeepestfathoms Ā· 8 months
My Hopes For The P2 Changeling Route
Or, just some things I think would be neat to see when the time eventually comes for her route!
1. More of Clara being an emotional mess.
One thing I was REALLY surprised to see in the P1 Changeling route is just how emotionally tormented Clara is. She constantly expresses anxiety, stress, and even what seems to be depression. I mean, she literally has a line where she says she has been crying for several days. She is EXTREMELY distressed and tormented, something that I donā€™t really see people discuss very often. This emotional state is especially jarring because of how she acts in the Bachelor and Haruspex route, where sheā€™s seen being snarky, cryptic, and kinda bratty. And then to play her route and see just how broken she actually is is very shocking.
P2 Clara is very different from P1 Clara. Sheā€™s less childish and more ā€œmature,ā€ though that maturity, at least to me, is very fragile, and you can tell this is a young girl pretending to be and acting like an adult because she has to. Sheā€™s way more bossy, way more snarky, and sometimes even comes across as rude (thoughā€”and this may just be because Iā€™m a Clara defender until the day I dieā€”I donā€™t believe sheā€™s trying to be cruel or mean, I just think she has a really bad filter and says things that arenā€™t appropriate. not that any of those traits are even bad traits that make her a bad character. she is a teenage girl, or at least has the mind and body of one; thatā€™s a very normal way for her to act, and i think itā€™s strange how some people shit on her because of that, despite her being a very accurate portrayal of a teenage girlā€”you know, minus the cryptic parts of her. but i digress!). I mean, she literally sasses off Artemy on several occasions, and Artemy is probably double her size, triple her weight, quadruple her strength, and has the power to kick her across the Steppe like a footballā€”thatā€™s the most teenage rebellion thing ever! And Iā€™m sure in the Bachelor route, weā€™ll see even more of her being fiery and snarky because Daniil and Clara have, like, DOUBLE the beef compared to Artemy and Clara!
To have ALL OF THATā€”all of that upturned nose sarcasm, that haughty ā€œIā€™m smarter than you professionally trained doctors with medical degrees and a proper educationā€ attitude, that bull-headed sassiness that makes you want to tell her to put her proverbial phone on the counter and go to her roomā€”and then to get into the Changeling route and see that sheā€™s actually very, very emotionally damaged and mentally ill would be a stark duality to how weā€™ve seen her in the past two routes. I think it would be especially surprising to those who never played P1 or at least never got to her route and never witnessed that side of her. The mask (haha) would slip off, and suddenly all of her vulnerability is raw and exposed and throbbing before our very eyes.
Because, at the end of the day, Clara is a child. She is a very young girl with obvious mental health issues and a mountain load of responsibilities chained upon her back, a young girl who is bullied and verbally abused and threatened by basically every single adult she comes in contact with (not you, Lara, youā€™re the real one), a young girl who has been forced to act like the adult she is not because all the grown ups in her life are too incompetent to do things themselves and would rather put it all on a child like sheā€™s their personal work dog (i understand why this is from a gameplay standpoint, sheā€™s the player character ofc sheā€™s going to go off and do the quests, but Jesus fucking Christ, Maria, why are you repeatedly sending a tiny middle schooler to stop the gay men from killing each other?!), a young girl with one of the most, if not the most tragic and downright cruel existences I have ever seen in a character in all of my years of engaging in fiction.
I just have a lot of feelings about this character, okay?
But with the way Pathologic 2 presents itā€™s storytelling and with the new gameplay mechanics and how it REALLY digs into where it hurts, if IPL DOES use and revamp this aspect of Clara, I think it would make the Changeling route absolutely incredible story-wise and character-wise. An exquisite emotional rollercoaster that never seems to stop going downhill. It would be the best way to strike players where it aches the most.
OR TLDR: I want Claraā€™s emotional problems to be brought back and expanded upon in P2 so people can see sheā€™s not just a sassy little gremlin child (because I have a lot of feelings about her character often being reduced to just that by the fandom.)
2. An expansion on Clara being the Sand Pest.
Out of everything on this list, I think this is the most likely to come into fruition because itā€™s a BIG THING with her. But I still wanted to discuss it anyway because I have Many Thoughts.
So, Clara is the Plague. We know this. But in P1, I feel like it wasnā€™t addressed as much as it really should have. I mean, this is a GIANT revelationā€”that this girl is the living embodiment of this horrible disease and thousands of deaths are, technically speaking, her faultā€”and itā€™s just kindaā€¦swept under the rug. Clara has a moment where sheā€™s like ā€œWHATā€ and then it isnā€™t brought up that much after that.
(And, for the record, I understand why this is. Everyone knows by now that the Changeling route was rushed. This isnā€™t me ragging on IPL, especially when the Changeling route is still INCREDIBLY well-done, to the point where I personally believe the statement that itā€™s rushed has been greatly exaggerated by players.)
In P2, I hope that Clara being the Sand Pest is a much bigger aspect of her character because it really is a Huge Thing that needs to be expanded upon. I want to see her have a full-blown mental collapse over this because you canā€™t tell me that thatā€™s not the appropriate reaction to finding out youā€™re a living Plague.
3. Interactions with the Sand Pest
Iā€™m referencing that one particular Executor that shows up in P2 to taunt Artemy about killing his kids. During my run, I referred to it as ā€œSandy,ā€ so for this portion, the bird is Sandy for simplicity.
So, I want Clara to interact with Sandy!
It was terrifying enough for Artemy to face off against this thing, but imagine being Clara, staring into the glowing eyes of what is essentially herself. And sheā€™s forced to grapple with this thing, fight against the consequences of an existence she never asked for, and be constantly reminded that with every breath she takes, sheā€™s stealing the breath from someone else.
4. More interactions between the three Mistresses
The Clara-Maria-Capella trio is really underrated in my opinion, and I hope we get to see more of those three interacting. Because we have Capella and Maria, who clearly already have this established relationship and actually like or at least respect each other, and then suddenly Clara is there, throwing off their, for lack of better words, vibe. (I just know Capella and Maria gossip about Clara when she isnā€™t in the Nutshell).
5. More interactions with the Albino
The relationship between Clara and the Albino is so adorable and wholesome, and Clara deserves this inkling of kinship and love that he gives her. Itā€™s such an underrated dynamic and interaction that happens in P1, and I REALLY want to see it happen again in P2.
I hope Clara gets to meet all those Albinos that Artemy saw in the Abattoir. I think it would be cute if she just had this flock of brothers.
6. An expansion on how Claraā€™s powers can just backfire and kill people on accident instead of healing them
I think there were two people Clara accidentally kills in P1- Lika and that mugger outside of Barleyā€™s lair. Itā€™s not mentioned at all with the mugger, and then with Lika, Clara freaks out briefly and then is like ā€œanywayā€¦ā€
This ā€œpowerā€ā€”the ability to kill people with a single touchā€”REALLY needs to be expanded upon. Because it is a GOLDMINE for trauma and guilt. Itā€™s also just something that needs to be explored way more because itā€™s a really interesting concept that P1 never gave much details about.
7. A deeper look into Claraā€™s existence as a child of Earth
I just really love that she is a dirt child and think itā€™s super cool part of her character, and I want her to have a deeper connection to those roots (pun intended). The lore in the game and the Steppe culture is so interesting, and it could be explored way more through the eyes of Clara, who is new to it, whereas Artemy knew most of it and Daniil just doesnā€™t fucking care to learn.
8. No more ā€œstop the gay men from killing each otherā€ quests
As funny as the concept of this small child stopping two sexually tensive men from beating the shit out of each other is, it got REALLY OLD after the second time. At the very least, the dialogue that you get when you speak to Artemy and Daniil each time should be different every day. If they hadnā€™t said the same thing Every Single Time, I think I wouldnā€™t have minded the repetitive quests as much.
9. Bring back the Barbie Blaster
Clara is clearly bigger and a little older than she was in P1, but I hope her hands are still too tiny to hold normal guns because I honestly really liked that little mechanic. It made her different than the other two. Also the baby gun you get is literally the best gun ever, idk what hbomberguy was talking about, that thing NEVER missed for me.
10. This funky healing mechanic I thought about
So, I started wondering about something- how is healing going to work in both the Changeling and Bachelor route? After all, they canā€™t exactly use tinctures anymore. But given how stupidly hard the game is, I wouldnā€™t be surprised if it expects you to get actual medicine yourself and make yourself go broke.
I then thought about this funky mechanic! I just wanted to put it here instead of making an entirely different post.
So, instead of using tinctures, Clara uses her hands. There are the three layers, like in the Haruspex route, and depending on which layer is afflicted, Clara suffers some kind of penalty while healing the patient, whether it be hunger, exhaustion, or thirst. This makes it to where she canā€™t just heal people without any sort of price to pay AND it makes her healing way more important because it really was just referenced in the first game. There were less than a handful of times where she ACTUALLY healed someone (not counting the Plague victims, as that is entirely optional). So with this she ACTUALLY heals people and has a very obvious power.
(Side note: maybe the less health Clara has, the less likely she is to heal people and instead accidentally kill them. Or if sheā€™s infected, then she kills her patient or even infects themā€”or raises their infection level altogether if theyā€™re already infected.)
11. An expansion on how Claraā€™s healing powers literally hurt her
Empathic healing, where a person has the power to heal but they heal by essentially absorbing the ailment of a person into their own body, is SUCH a good concept, and I donā€™t know if this was what IPL was actually going for, but I really want Clara getting hurt when she heals to be a bigger thing in her route. Because she DOES take damage when she heals Plague victims, and MAYBE thatā€™s just a balance thing in the game, but even still! A lot of good game mechanics can come into play if healing harms her!
12. More Lara and Yulia interactions
I donā€™t have much to say about this, I just really like those two and want them to talk to Clara way more
13. A cool opening animation of her birth from the Earth
Artemy got the train sequence, Daniil is probably gonna get him slogging through the Steppe because it seems like brother really fucking walked all the way to the Town, so it would make a lot of sense for Claraā€™s opening to be her clawing her way out of the Earth and waking up in the graveyard! I know IPL could make a really cool sequence with that, so I have high hopes.
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starleska Ā· 5 months
Have you ever read the Twelve and Toymaker comic? It gives a few more interesting looks into how the Toymaker thinks that arenā€™t touched on in the novelisation. Most interestingly (and the main focus of the comic) is that the Toymaker is terrified of the universe outside of the Toyroom ā€” which seems to be defined by its walls, in the novelisation the Toymaker puts particular emphasis on the walls with the candy-striped wallpaper lined with dolls ā€” because it has no walls and because he doesnā€™t (didnā€™t? He does in the Giggle) have much control of it.
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(ā€˜ā€˜The Toyroom is growing old, Doctor. So ancient that it no longer functions, as either prison or playground. The barriers between the Toyroom and the wider universe are growing thin, and it is this that has allowed you to wrest control of the toys, as my power wanes. Soon, there will be no Toyroom and I shall be loose in a wild, unforgiving universe, a cosmos with no walls. I can hardly conceive of such infinite horror.ā€™ā€™)
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(ā€˜ā€˜Youā€™ve given a madman access to the entire universe! With that sort of power, think what heā€™ll do!ā€™ā€™ ā€˜ā€˜Thatā€™s just it, Clara, he doesnā€™t want the universe. Didnā€™t you hear him? Heā€™s terrified of it. He canā€™t bear the thought of losing his control. He needs his safety net.ā€™ā€™)
And that he doesnā€™t tend to accept help unless he thinks heā€™s won it.
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(ā€˜ā€˜So youā€™re just giving him the TARDIS?ā€™ā€™ ā€˜ā€˜Donā€™t be ridiculous. Iā€™m building a new Toyroom!ā€™ā€™ ā€˜ā€˜Inside the TARDIS!ā€™ā€™ ā€˜ā€˜Precisely! I had to let him think heā€™d won. Heā€™d never accept my help otherwise.ā€™ā€™)
And THESE PANELS lives in my head
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(ā€˜ā€˜I had to help him, Clara. Can you understand?ā€™ā€™ ā€˜ā€˜Let me see... a lonely God, drifting through space and time in his magical toy box? Yeah, I think I understand, Doctor, all too well.ā€™ā€™)
The EU tends to give the Toymaker more than his actual TV appearances (mmmm his rambles about being alone in the void and the cold in the novelisation). I need to dissect him and study him in detail so bad
hello love!!! oh my goodness thank you for sending this my way, because i haven't read this comic yet but the sections you've sent me have absolutely broken my heart šŸ’” what an interesting look into the Toymaker's psycheā€¦it makes perfect sense. when you're a trauma survivor of any kind, especially if you grew up in a traumatic environment, the control you're able to have over that environment (no matter how minimal) is often all that keeps you togetherā€¦you have to find comfort in that there and whatever small safe space you can carve out for yourself to survive. this has given me a lot to think about, because i wrote the Toymaker with what i think was the canonisation given when he spoke to the Sixth Doctor; that the Toymaker created his Toyroom after a very long time of aimlessly using his powers, when he didn't have a concept of gameplay. there seems to be some contention about whether or not the Toymaker is the creator of the majority of older games in the universe/the concept of games (The Giggle seems to allude to that?), or if he was inspired by other beings who created the games first. i like to think it's a bit of both; that he is the originator of many early games and gameplay rules, but it was the barriers between the voidspace (and his Toyroom) which let in the ideas from other beings šŸ‘€ the idea that the Toyroom is the Toymaker's island of safety against a universe which fundamentally doesn't make sense to him is so distressing šŸ˜­šŸ’– i think a lot of us who've gone through difficult things can relate to that experienceā€¦of having your safe place slowly eroded as circumstances change and you grow older. but it makes sense!!! if he had no one, and the only thing he could cling to were the rules of his games (seemingly the only thing which brings him joy), the inherent chaos of the universe would be terrifying to him. no matter how much he tries to make it so, the universe just isn't a game with rules that can allow him to win: it's random, and brutal. is it any wonder that he has such tantrums when he loses, or when he perceives someone to be cheating? it isn't just that he's upset about losing or bad sportsmanship...it's the literal fabric of his entire worldview being torn apart. oh lord the bit about him not accepting help unless he thinks he's won itā€¦how familiar does that sound to those of us who were traumatised early on? needing to 'earn' things like affection, shelter, food, etc. by working twice as hard, because we feel we don't deserve it inherently...the fact that the Doctor shows the Toymaker such compassion even though the Toymaker is such a dangerous, destructive entity is a real credit to their character. i really appreciate The Giggle replicating that and showing how the Doctor empathises with the Toymaker's terror by offering to play with him...i wish we'd had more time to explore the 'vastness that will never cease'. i don't think that good or bad mean nothing to the Toymaker...i think he's petrified of it. suddenly we understand why he's so boastful about his abilities, like an arrogant child...he's asserting himself against the universe as the only safety he's ever known crumbles. god. my heart hurts - that image of him sitting with the dolls of himself and the Doctor is killing me. i am going to go and read this comic and cry now, thank you so much šŸ˜­šŸ’– yes please do!!!! your insight into the Toymaker is fantastic and i'd love to see more character studies of him šŸ˜­šŸ’–
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enchantedchocolatebars Ā· 5 months
Important News + Schedule šŸ’• šŸŽ‰ šŸ’Ÿ āœØ
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Since I want 2024 to be a year filled with nothing but writing progress for me, I've decided to work less on short fics so that I can focus more on my ao3 uploads and my multi-chapter Caleb x Clara (My Wittewife) story that I've been secretly working on.
It's titled "A Winsome Witch And A Happy Human".
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(Commission art here)
This is going to be my first time ever writing a full-length fic, and I'm very excited, but also very nervous lol. šŸ˜† šŸ˜…
Of course, anyone and everyone is still welcome to send requests and their headcanons or other stuff sincs my inbox is and has always been open (I'll also answer short stuff too.) šŸ’• šŸ’š šŸ‘ āœ… .
When it comes to my ao3 uploads, I believe that if I upload at least one piece of old content each week, I can get a lot of written content on the site before 2025 (and I'll be able to grow my fan base of readers lol).
Anyway, I think I've said enough lol.
Now, here's the schedule for this week.
Sunday 12 / 31 - "Like To Love You (The Written Animatic)" - (December 31st is Caleb's birthday [Personal headcanon of mine. Wrote a story about it last year.], and we get a cute montage of Clara [My Wittewife] making sure he has the best day ever!) [I USUALLY DON'T ADD SUNDAYS TO MY SCHEDULES BUT TOMMORROW IS AN EXCEPTION. Requested by no one, it's purely self-indulgent lol.] (Fic here.)
Monday 1 / 1 - An ao3 upload (here).
Tuesday 1 / 2 - An ao3 upload (here) and (here)
Wednesday 1 / 3 - An ao3 upload (here.)
Thursday 1 / 4 - I WILL TRY TO FINISH THIS! šŸ˜­ (It's for the full length fic). (I FINISHED IT)
Friday 1 / 5 - Post chapter titles for "A Winsome Witch And A Happy Human". Of course, I won't beat myself up if I can't, BUT I WILL TRY TO. šŸ˜­ (They are here.)
Saturday 1 / 6 - Post commission cover art for "A Winsome Witch And A Happy Human". I spoke to a mutual of mine who does a lot of commission art for me and she said that she can have the piece done by then, so hooray!!! šŸ’• šŸŽ‰ (Art here)
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ddarker-dreams Ā· 1 year
BUT THE POTENTIAL............ ONE MUST CONSIDER THE POTENTIAL................................
okay. okay. here is the concept.
clara refers to svarog as her father, right? he has some form of sentience, "i think, therefore i am" stuff going on. he can form his own thoughts and calculations without prompting. so, while raising clara, it's possible he searches through various databanks for information on child-rearing. that's when he happens upon various journal articles and the like on how vital a daughter's relationship is with her mom/a maternal figure. naturally, he wants the best for clara, which leads him to the conclusion he's gotta find a mom somewhere. however, this isn't a spare part that's just lying around... it'll require rigorous screening to meet his standards.
that's where you come in.
you possess the qualities he was looking for. you'll be a wonderful influence on clara! he's run multiple simulations, accounted for nuisance variables, and his conclusion is sound. from his perspective, this should be an upgrade for you too. life in the underworld is harsh and unforgiving ā€” it's not like you have the best prospects. he can provide the staples all humans require to survive. food, water, and shelter.
of course, there's the pesky matter of your... willingness to have your life uprooted to live on the outskirts of society with a bunch of robots. based on currently available data, your chances of survival are drastically less in your present living conditions than they'd be under svarog's dutiful protection. he gives you the statistics, how he came to them, and still, you seem rather hesitant. how strange. don't humans strive to guarantee their survival?
well, it's his job to protect the denizens of the underworld, so he'll just take you with him anyway. it'd be neglectful on his part to let you go on by yourself when the underground's mortality rate is on a negative trend. besides, you might have your reservations now, but he took your tenderheartedness into account. with one look at clara you're right where he predicted you'd be.
the little clara tentatively asks if the three of them are a family. he's rather content to agree. his calculations have always been notoriously reliable and now is no different.
and, since you're his family, it's only fair he goes to lengths to ensure your safety, right?
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bd-wlf Ā· 14 days
what are the chances The Doctor could be one of her parents yeah? JUST LIKE I KNOW THEY HAVE A CONNECTION AND IM GETTING REAL PARENT & CHILD VIBES FROM THEM!!!
And Moffat seemed to incorporate themes of war(I want to also say genocide) and AI with a hint of that same old army church troupe that we all know and love into this episode that I found was extremely familiar and almost comforting in a dark and twisted way
AND THE STORY HE TOLD HIMSELF ON THE MINE, it was a story just like the story they told in Space Babies AND THE RUNNING THEME IS STORIES like fairy tales and such
I can't remember all of it but the last line was something like "there's more to life than the moon and the president's wife" CLARA, ELEVEN, ITS ALL COMING BACK TO ME NOW
I'm sorry but this episode was truly everything to me, I'm gonna rolling around soaking up all of the fan content that comes from this until next Friday when I'm sure that episode will blown my mind even more
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tadfools Ā· 8 months
The durge/cuddle thing you posted is justā€¦ Whyyyy. I want to see that kind of content in game šŸ˜­
But also, please post everything about your (canon) ending with the manor. I love it. What do you think karlach is doing in that scenario?
Thatā€™s what the wonderful world of fan fiction is for my dear!
Thereā€™s bits Iā€™m still figuring out and bits I donā€™t want to give away but there is gonna be a chapter thatā€™s a banquet/party/maybe a wedding thatā€™ll be fun to eventually get to. This is a spoiler for the one that got a thay but Mama K isnā€™t going to make it to old age
After the gameā€™s third act she spends most of her time at Wyllā€™s side. They both stay in the city helping with the after math of [redacted]. A few months later Wyll becomes a viscount and Karlach becomes a self-appointed bodyguard (the wedding that takes place at Sunlit might be theirs) The manor is also where she spends the last few months of her life (thereā€™s a pond on the grounds that she likes to sit by) when the engine begins to overheat
Its slow at firstā€¦ she has dizzy spells, persistent heart burn, the scorching heat that made it so she canā€™t touch anyone returns. Shadowheart comes back from her pilgrimage with Isobel when that happens. She casts greater restoration on Karlach almost as often as on Wyll who, despite the blistering heat, does not let go of Karlach. In the end, when the pain is too much, Tavrais and Gale cast an extended sleep spell on her. What would be classified as a heart attack is what takes her in the end
After sheā€™s gone, Wyll has burn scars between the webbing of each of his fingers and curled around his thumb in the shape of Karlachā€™s hand that he refused to have magically healed away. I havenā€™t decided if the two would have a child in the few years they have together but if they do, their daughter would be named Clara, sheā€™d be a toddler when her mother passes
Karlachā€™s buried between her parents in the city's cemetery
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kinocakez Ā· 1 month
Anon here again! Oh my god I am so sorry but I just picked up my rented copy of El Fili again and... why did they make Simoun a whole dilf(/no sexual intent I just can't find other ways to describe the vibes???). Istg if Simoun was in an anime or something, Tumblr would have given him Tumblr sexyman treatment. He has what it takes I think??? I mean, he ticks the boxes. Educated rich guy who wants to bring down the government? The angst? Tumblr would be PUMPING OUT Simoun content if they KNEW. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
Tbh what ive been sayin likešŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ™ thats the mission i currently have.. if school gave me Simoun brainrot might as well be insufferable about it at ipalaganap HAHAHAHAHHAHA i acc fell in love with the character when i first watched "Maria Clara at Ibarra" when i was in 9th grade/last yr.. hes so interesting to play with idk..
And tumblr should PUMP CONTENT ABT HIM ASAP or i die of dehydration.. to play with his pathetic heavy emotion driven impulsive goal... bet Rizal was kicking his feet n' shi/j hes such a genius
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b1adie Ā· 1 month
unironically i started playing honkai seventeen days ago just for aventurine and I think I'm physically ill for this man. like gahhhh hes so silly. i have nearly 80 pulls thjat ive spent literally all my time grinding for, and I'm at 60 pity and I will literally kill someone if I lose the 50/50 .90% of gamblers quit before they hit jackpot and similarly 90% of Honkai Star Rail players quit before they win their 50/50. 90% of Honkai Star Rail players quit before they get E6 Aventurine. I need him so bad. Like I wouldn't be mad if I lost the 50/50 to like, Clara or something because I already have her from standard banner and I love her a lot, but if it were to literally anyone else I'd just start mauling people yk. I don't even know what that one kid's name is but he has blonde hair and swords and he's from the Xianzhou Luofu (not that far in the plotline, havent met him yet) but if I lose my 50/50 to that kid I might just die.
Listen I'm not his number one fan, I wouldn't daer to insinuate that I even am, I don't even want to like, fight people for that title. I just really like him and I wanted to thank you for all the Aventurine content that you've been churning out. I'm not sending this on main because I don't want to be clowned on but yeah this is. Really Unhinged. Sorry.
Also I like Dr. Ratio more honestly. I like them both equally but Aventurine isn't out yet so the only thing I'm staring at is Ratio. I have to run around as Clara (not a bad thing, I really like her!! She activates my parental instincts) because if I play as Ratio I will just stop doing whatever I'm doing and stare at him. It's been ruining my productivity.
listen to me. that blonde luofu kid has made me lose 4 times. if i see his ass a 5th time later today iā€™m going to start tearing the doors off peopleā€™s houses.
i didnt even realize how much aventurine stuff i was making until another ask mentioned it and i checked his tag and like half of the top posts were ALL MINE šŸ˜­ sneaky little blonde son of a bitch snuck up and took over my brain while i wasnā€™t paying attention. i have literally been having dreams about him. just 7 more hours now
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i was actually messing with my ratio build earlier. he does ok i guess but he could be betterā€¦ but i do have to admit i saw his design revealed like a year ago on reddit and i was like Oh my god?? like alright. slay i guess. and now i tell anyone who will listen that heā€™s a worm. what a weird guyā€¦ though i am a fan of his rubber ducky collection.
clara is who i got on the starter banner too ^_^ i wanna work on building her some more but im trying to build. every single character ever so its taking me a while to get back to her T_T
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foxglovegames Ā· 2 months
Sorry, please ignore my previous messageā€”that was sent before I could even type anything šŸ˜­.
Just wanted to scream about the Adrian and Hazel DLC, which I finally finished, and how I lost it entirely at the whole "Uncle Jacey" and "pregnancy" thing (Cameron, you shit-stirrer). Also, just how Adrian didn't totally deny the possibility of it happening soon-ish (I see you devs with that Hazel and Sina comment, pfft). Also, just Caroline being dragged away from hovering on their engagement is the funniest thing I've readā€”let her cook! She was their first shipper and has been waiting years for this! Hazel returning the head pats and constantly playing with Adrian's hair, too? Devs, you spoil us šŸ„ŗ. Speaking of, THANK YOU FOR THE ZOE AND JACE FOOD IN HAZEL AND ADRIAN'S DLC. I love those two as much as I do Hazel and Adrian (and am doing them next), and to see they're romantically tangled in that timeline has me šŸ˜¤. Does Jace ever get the guts to finally ask Zoe out? The people me want to know and how much groveling begging did Zoe make him do for making her wait? I didn't get to message y'all after doing Stephanie's base route either because things got tumultuous on my end, but she is soooo cute (Stephanie stans, I get it now) and want to throw some Stephanie x Jace love, because I don't think I've seen any content of them here??? I was laughing so hard throughout their route during a hard time, so it really alleviated my mood. Also, Jace getting a taste of his own medicine with an older, protective brother? Justice. Also, just screaming about their height difference. Jace and Hazel's bond in this route too was ā¤ļø. Anyway, will go on to play the rest of the DLC, but thank you, Clara and Millie, for a fun game ā¤ļø. I'm so excited for Burn the Midnight Oil and which vampires/demons I'll sell my soul toā€”I mean, smooch.
No worries, haha! Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us again, they're so much fun to read. šŸ’œ
Also, just Caroline being dragged away from hovering on their engagement is the funniest thing I've readā€”let her cook!
We wish we could have shown Caroline trying to plan one of the twins' weddings, we feel like that would have been quite chaotic but very fun lol
Does Jace ever get the guts to finally ask Zoe out?
For the sanity of everyone involved, let's hope the answer to that question is yes haha
Hope you enjoy the rest of the DLC! And thank you for your excitement for our next project - although it's got quite different vibes from Trouble Comes Twice, we're working hard to make it a fun experience for you guys so it's always nice to know there's people looking forward to seeing more of it. šŸ˜­šŸ’œāœØ
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sarah-dipitous Ā· 10 months
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 222
Halt & Catch Fire/Time Heist
ā€œHalt & Catch Fireā€
Plot Description: when a vengeful spirit starts killing off a group of friends through their electronic devices, Sam and Dean race to find an explanation
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: the GPS told the girl to get out of the truck so Iā€™m gonna go with sure
ā€œWhat do you know? Your phoneā€™s 3Gā€ is such a weird burn, especially for like 2014 or maybe 2015.
This was the funniest opening to the show Iā€™ve seen yet, I thinkā€¦but I donā€™t think it was necessarily trying to be. Between the aforementioned comment, the GPS first calmly telling the girl to get out of the car and then screeching at her to, and then ā€œdestination dead aheadā€ as the car careened off a bridge that was out. BRAVO, supernatural writers room
WHAT IS THIS EPISODE?! Weā€™re not far in at all and deanā€™s eating something that sounds like itā€™s part brownie, part croissant, and part cookie, and Cas has discovered riverboat gambling which is apparently a problem???
Bitch, you are from KANSAS, why did you say the Midwest so derogatorily??
This girl reading Dean for FILTH with his lack of technological knowledge and then just going ā€œyouā€™re gen x. Right.ā€ Girl, you are my new best friend.
This is quite possibly my favorite conversation in this whole show. Sam is an older millennial, Deanā€™s late gen x, and this girl is full gen z. Sam is enjoying himself, knowing everything the other two are talking about as they snark each other on things the other doesnā€™t know
Is there NO security at this junk yard? You can just torch an entire pick up truck and no one notices???
I know I still sometimes do it, but the whole talking out loud in hashtags these girls are doing IS annoying. Unfortunately, it does fit with the time
ā€¦Iā€™m sorryā€¦this girlā€™s laptop charger strangled her. Likeā€¦came up behind her like a snake and wrapped itself around her neck. I justā€¦what is this show even??
Dean immediately questioning the decision to name a fraternity Sigma Theta Delta or STD is justā€¦itā€™s beautiful. I love it here
Also him loving college campus food is so very Dean
Why are all these high school and college boys just the ABSOLUTE worst?? They show absolutely NO remorse and justā€¦are weirdly threatening all the girls theyā€™re in content with. Likeā€¦ZERO redeeming qualities
So this ghost is kinda I Know What You Did Last Summer-ing these kids
As much as he pretends to be a skeeze (and kind of is a skeeze sometimes), when it comes down to it, heā€™s SO kind and compassionate to young women
I hope she has good insurance on all her electronicsā€¦Dean just smashed them all
Oh this poor ladyā€¦the ghostā€™s widow (who he was married to for less than a year) just didnā€™t want to lose her husband again šŸ˜­
Deanā€™s so good at giving advice that he should take
I know theyā€™ll find a cure but I am crying at Dean wanting to just fight the mark as much as he can til he goes down swinging
ā€œTime Heistā€
Plot Description: The Doctor turns bank robber when he is given a task he cannot refuse
You can really tell that the budget is so much bigger than it was in earlier seasons AND that Moffatā€™s stylistic choices are REALLY having their effect (derogatory on both accounts)
Clara in a pantsuit though??? Itā€™s definitely a good look for her
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Ohh!! A very high stakes escape room!!
Yeah, I suppose having a shapeshifter on your team would be good to have when dna verification is something thatā€™s on the table
Why did I, as I was typing about them having a shapeshifter on the team, forget that she was a shapeshifter and wonder where their fourth team member went?? SMH
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This thing in orange is the tellerā€¦.sometimes it does feel like that
THE TELLER IS NEVER WRONG??! God how I wish thatā€™s how banks workedā€¦ok, itā€™s very funny that I paused before the end of that sentence because the full sentence is ā€œthe teller is never wrong when it comes to guiltā€ which feels very like people cutting off the ā€œin matters of tasteā€ from ā€œthe customer is always right.ā€
I would LOVE to be able to wipe the minds of customers and turn their brains into soup if I felt they deserved it
Is this why people call it a safety deposit box? Television?? (Buckle in for a lot of really stupid bank talk this episode and good luck figuring out whatā€™s ACTUALLY happening) because at my bank itā€™s just a safe deposit box and it drives me up the wall when people call it a safety deposit box. Iā€™d never actually correct people like ā€œwell ACTUALLY itā€™s THISā€ but I will use the correct term right back
Love Claraā€™s little nod when the Doctor answers ā€œI still donā€™t know why youā€™re in chargeā€ with ā€œbasically, itā€™s the eyebrowsā€
He just called them Team Not Dead? šŸ’€
I think thereā€™s something wrong with Psi (of all the spellings, I wouldnā€™t have thought of that. I was thinking it was either Sy or Cy) thatā€™s beyond stress making him glitch
Iā€™m connecting the dots (Iā€™m not connecting shit) between ESPECIALLY the Doctor and Saibra and Psi. Or maybe Psi is more along the lines of Clara, but they all seem to be alone (with kind of the exception of Clara and the Doctor having each other). Psi has had to delete all his loved ones from his memory, Saibra has been taught she canā€™t be trusted, The Doctor is the last of the time lords and Clara? Wellā€¦I dunno.
Oooooo they found the cage the teller is kept inā€¦oh poor Saibraā€¦
I know Iā€™m supposed to sympathize with Team (3/4) Not Dead, but man do I wish I was allowed and even encouraged to destroy people being assholes at the bank
Soā€¦all that was pretty much for nothing?? Saibra and Psi are dead and the vault still isnā€™t opening?
I wish more banks still had the large circular vault doors. I know at least one branch near me does but thatā€™s far too few
Of COURSE the teller is the last of its kindā€¦
THEY WERENā€™T DEAD!! The atomic shredders were really teleporters!!!
What is it about powerful but more importantly evil red haired women that are justā€¦you know? First Abaddon, then Rowena, now Director Karabraxosā€¦oh, sheā€™s awful and I would never want to be within a hundred light years of her in real life but oMG
I feel like Iā€™m starting to understand all the weird timey wimey stuff happening for this episode to work but the final part is just out of my reach
Ok. Whyā€™s the Doctor trying to be the funniest person at his brain soupening? ā€œLots of memories. Big scarfā€¦bow tieā€¦bit embarrassing. How do you like the new look? I hoping for minimalism, but I think I came out with magicianā€ I meanā€¦heā€™s not WRONG but likeā€¦a minimalist magician
Yeah, yeah, yeah. We KNOW and figured out the Doctor and the Architect are the same personā€¦oh, is Madame Karabraxosā€™s big final regret keeping the teller hostage?? It wasnā€™t the last of its kind!!! Thereā€™s another!!!! Iā€™m just. Iā€™m weirdly emotional
I wish we could get more of Team Not Dead
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trashcora Ā· 1 year
MY SWEETSWEETCORABEAR I LOVE YOUR PARALLEL GIFS SO MUCH I TEARED UP šŸ˜­ I couldn't really get into Mando this season cuz it was just, well... I'll keep it to myself šŸ˜‚ But after the finale & then seeing all your gifs I'm just so so happy & EMOTIONAL & everything is right again! (DIN GROGU WITH HIS PAPA HOLY MOLY šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ The best ending I could possibly ask for the both of them)! So how did you like this season, lil bear?
i must apologize for the lateness of my response i still really don't know my opinions of this season we'll see what my brain spits out in this ramble im about to give you. but before i do - tysm for your kind words on that parallel gifset i have to props the other nonnie who requested it! I really really really like how that set turned out and i was emotional too making itšŸ„ŗā™„ļø brings me back to the core of the show - a dad & his son traveling the galaxy.
okay.... for this season.... i have a lot of thoughts. my poor co worker who i would rant to every wednesday of my disappointments of the latest episode. shout out to you clara i know you give 0 fuqs about star wars but ty for letting me rantšŸ˜Œ
as much as I like bo katan, the reinstatement of mandalore, the exploration of the clans... i really missed my two boys - that's what im here for their little shenanigans.
I think Din became a side character in his story - but to be fair i don't think he ever wanted to be the main character.
There were moments in this season that i really adored - grogu in the ig-12 suit made me so much happier than i expected. I think the finale was the best episode of the season, giving us in my opinion the best fight scene of the series (din + red lighting + being a bad ass OOOOF yes more of that). And the ending!!! my man can finally REST!!! He as a whole ass house - a bed, a place where grogu can play in the sun!!!! That ending was very perfect. All that said.... moments don't make the season good.
Not sure where they're heading in the future. All this "mandoverse" talk i don't really want it. I think the Mandalorian was great because it was star wars but you really didn't need to know all the other star wars lore until the introduction of luke (WHICH WAS AMAZING im not complaining) you really could just pop in and watch this space cowboy on his side quests and have a great time.
SO i guess i was let down this season :( I still really enjoy the show and will continue to watch any & all mando content. I don't want to be overly pessimistic of the season. Maybe my opinions will change over time or when I give the show another rewatch!
ty sweetsweetnonnie for sending in the ask!! & ty to anyone out there who read this lol this was just my brain spewing thoughts really fast so if its incoherent i apologize. and if you really enjoyed this season! thats great!! this is just what i was feeling.
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marthaskane Ā· 27 days
In hindsight it's probably not as heartbreaking but hear me out:
Owen is so angry over his death and wants to go down screaming in rage because he finally got to terms with his undead status and has a chance to live again and do more good until his conversation with Tosh calms him down. When he smiles, it's because he finally gets to have the death he was supposed to when he first died, which is why he says it's alright, both to comfort her and because its a bit of a comfort to him. But he still says "Oh, God" quietly because at the end of it all, he doesn't want to die. The last thing he hears is Tosh saying his name, which probably meant loads to him.
Which makes it all the more sad because Tosh died knowing that the man she loved died again and there was no resurrecting him this time around. Even she died smiling because even though she never got to see Owen one last time, she got to see Jack- the person who changed her life for the better.
Omg, I just realised they never saw each other in death, the last time Tosh & Owen saw each other they were thinking its another day at work we'll see each other when it's all over.
I also headcanon that the team went back to get Owen's body and the two are buried next to each other as a last favour from the team. They never got to be together when they were alive but they could be together in death.
Also, that's why I think it was good quality because its all about how much potential they had, both as individuals and together, they could've kept going but the universe had other plans. Torchwood showed the grief that Doctor Who touches upon, (the death of characters in the background who save the world & had loved ones etc)
That was a very long one but what do you think?
I think there's a great parallel with owen here from a few episodes back where he thinks he's going to die again in 2x08. he says his goodbyes to each of the team and saves tosh for last. and once again, he is quite content for her comforting voice to be the last voice he ever hearsšŸ˜­
the amount of strength it most have taken him to remain calm in his actual final moments though is incredible and I think it really goes to show just how much he cares about tosh that he was able to do that just to spare her feelings.
it will haunt me forever that owen died not knowing that tosh was also bleeding out miles away from him and that tosh died knowing owen was gone. and they were both using their final moments to comfort the other one. tosh let owen die thinking she was okay, and owen died peacefully and calmly so as to not break tosh's heart.
and the last time they actually saw each other was them leaving yet another disaster where they could have died and owen doing his best to support tosh and make sure she's okay, helping her walk and medically treating her. neither of them knew what was coming šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
there's sort of a tragic beauty in them going together though because you're right. they never got a shot to be together while alive but in a way they do get to be together in death, whatever that means on this show. and truthfully with all their friendship/relationship development in s2, I don't think one of them would have been able to survive losing the other one. so it's almost for the best that if one had to go, the other one followed. I would like to think they could physically be put to rest together but given owen's death, its highly unlikely there'd be a body to recover. but I do agree that if there were, the team would put tosh and owen close together.
yes! I think there's a general premise with torchwood that they don't have the magic fixes there are in doctors who. our characters die and they have to deal with hard consequences. even in doctor who, tragic fates can be undone or the blow will be softened somehow (rose getting her own doctor, clara being able to for infinity before going back to her death). our torchwood team doesn't have this. even the resurrection gauntlet which seems like a fix came with heavy unwanted strings.
the missed potential of tosh and owen to have any kind of relationship is another one of those consequences and another form of grief for them to deal with. the team are very damaged by what they do and almost hold themselves back from truly opening up to others. even jack and ianto don't really get to 'commitment' because jack is terrified of getting so close and losing ianto due to his immortality. and owen and tosh too hold themselves back due to their own different issues and death rips any chance they may have had away from them TWICE and its just a full tragedy.
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missmortox Ā· 9 months
I have two speculations on why Alida didnā€™t follow Clara on insta:
1| Alida had a sense that Clara didnā€™t pass the vibe check around her. Clara probably gave her some attitudes prior to her relationship with Fares. I mean who would like to see their partnerā€™s ex in their happy moments right? The lady in the middle was being formal at the event is because i think Alida approached her and found her friendly so they spent more time together. Alida was so desperate throughout the event as no one was paying attention to her. Bill himself ditched her. Thatā€™s the only reason they follow each other. On the other hand, she followed fares is because he was nice talking to her. He probably gave her some greetings (of course he will as itā€™s his event he had to make nice gestures to every guest appearances duh). So, Alida figured he forgot about the clash between them. DUMBO!
2| Alida couldnā€™t control her jealousy over Clara. She discovered Clara is beautiful, gorgeous, sexy at the age of 38 when she looks like a fat ass granny + Nun + with masculine features + horrible smile. šŸ˜­
I feel you Alida! Shouldā€™ve been more aware about your health way before.
Did Fares actually talk to Alida? At the event I mean? I can't say that he didn't but in the photos it looks like she's just around him not that they talked to each other. I'm sure if he said anything to her it was decent and polite because he wasn't going to start a fight at his own premiere but I highly doubt they spent a ton of time talking. Same with her and Clara, especially not with that face Clara was making in that one photo with Alida. It's shady and weird that she'd follow Fares after all that has happened and not at least give his wife a follow. Though for all we know maybe she tried and Clara blocked her (there's no way to tell).
It's pretty obvious Alida's following of Fares only happened because people mentioned that she they weren't following each other so it's strange she'd be at this premiere. Now she's following him, he hasn't followed back (I'd be surprised if he ever does and he's fairly active on there so I doubt he didn't notice she followed, she probably even messaged him). Either way, I think that Alida's desperation is showing. Maybe she finally woke up and realized how damaged her reputation is after all this time and is trying to fix it. Except it won't work. It's something she should have thought about way before now.
Her sudden silence doesn't prove anything, other than she doesn't have content to post because she doesn't have friends who want to post it with her. She went from almost daily stories and being tagged to being entirely ignored on social except the rare occasions she happens to be at a huge party with some of these people. With the lack of Fares following her back and the lack of her following Clara it's nice to finally find people who won't placate her with a stupid follow just because she needs the validation.
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outoftheblue-if Ā· 2 years
ENOUGH OF THE ANGST. How about ro's reaction to mc insisting to taking care of them while they were sick? šŸ˜
I feel like I've answered this before? Who knows šŸ˜‚
Isobel: Look, she's not sick, ok? šŸ˜¤ She's fine, she doesn't need to be taken care of....... šŸ˜¤ okay, fine, maybe she's a little sick, but really she's fine! ...... okay, fine, you can bring her this thing and this thing if you don't mind...... What are you...? Is that... her favourite tea? šŸ‘€ Okay, that's... very nice of you šŸ„ŗ, but you really don't have to stay, she's fine šŸ˜¤ What are you....? Is that... her favourite book? You're gonna... read to her? šŸ‘€ But why?? surely, you have better things to do with yourself! Okay, fine, then, if you insist šŸ„ŗšŸ‘‰šŸ»šŸ‘ˆšŸ»
Would find it really hard to accept, but once you insist and she does, she'll just be like... šŸ„ŗ this is new, my heart is... full. i never knew i wanted this, but now i never want to let it go šŸ¤Ž
Max: Would try super hard to play it off, acting all chipper as they tell you they'll be fine, they'll just sleep it off. Nah, they don't need anything, and you really don't have to stay, they don't want to make you sick too! Whilst internally they're like šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ please stay and keep me company and cuddle me and give me all the love and affection. and when you do just that they're like šŸ˜­šŸ„ŗ i don't think i deserve this but it's all i ever wanted and my heart is going to burst why are you so good to me. Will honestly be so grateful and happy.
Clara: So grateful, so happy. Definitely tells you that you shouldn't stay, she doesn't want you to get sick! but she'll be very pleased to have you take care of her, and she would do the same for you šŸ„° Is just marvelling at how this is exactly the kind of partner she wanted for herself, and she can't believe how lucky she is to have found it with you šŸ¤Ž Heart full, even the icky sickness can't take away her contented bliss.
Richard: Also is not sick šŸ˜¤ Okay fine, so he's a little sick, but it's just a silly little cold, nothing to worry about. He'll just try to go about his day as usual, and if you start fussing he'll just be like āœ‹šŸ¼šŸ¤§ I'm perfectly fine, MC, but if you get real sweet with him, maybe lovingly embrace him, or put your hand on his forehead to check his temperature then slide it down to cup his face, or grab his hand to kiss it affectionately while staring at him like šŸ„ŗ Richard, I love you, please let me take care of you. ā€” He will straight up melt, like okay šŸ„ŗ whatever you say, mc and he'll be soo soft like how did i ever get so lucky?
William: He doesn't have time to be sick, and he's so used to not being able to take sick days or even take care of himself, so he'll likely protest, try to get up and go about his day, play it down, and you would likely have to get real strict with him and be like nope šŸ˜  back to bed with you to make him go. Even then he'd be super torn because it feels wrong to just lie there and do nothing, and he doesn't want you to be sick too, but at the same time he's just šŸ„ŗšŸ¤ŽšŸ„ŗ at you taking care of him. It feels so nice, so lovely, his heart is just bursting with gratitude and love, so he'll allow himself to indulge all the while thinking that he's no sure what he did to deserve you, but he hopes he'll be worthy of it forever.
Thank you for the ask! āœØšŸ¤Ž
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outoftheblue-if Ā· 3 years
I've been on this page for 15 minutes and you have me hook line and sinker. I must take care not to perish in the foreseeable future because I want this content so bad I can taste it.
If your taking asks on angst, how would ROs react to the MC getting actual true amnesia and forgetting them?
Or if you are taking asks on fluff, how would the ROs react to being given their favorite or a needed gift?
And if not, please just take the compliment as your writing from what I've seen is absolutely captivating.
Ahh, thank you anon! You'll make me cry! šŸ˜­I'm so happy and grateful that people are interested in my story and characters ā¤ļøI honestly never expected this much love and support, Iā€™m truly amazed šŸ„ŗ
Iā€™ll answer both for you, since you made my day!
If your taking asks on angst, how would ROs react to the MC getting actual true amnesia and forgetting them?
Iā€™m going to say this is in the relationship stage, for added angst šŸ˜ˆ
Isobel: Would be pretty stricken. It took so long for her to realise and admit her feelings for you and let you inside her heart, knowing that youā€™d forgotten everything that led up to that, forgotten everything about her, would be pretty devastating to her. She wouldnā€™t be deterred though, as her feelings for you are still there. She would set out to make sure you got the best care possible, and seeing about recovering your memories. If you never recovered them, or the attempts brought you distress, she would simply set out to make you fall in love with her again.Ā 
Max: Would be absolutely devastated. Theyā€™re convinced that you falling in love with them the first time was just pure luck, a chance in a lifetime, and now thatā€™s lost. Youā€™ve forgotten. How can they recreate that same luck a second time?? They would be frantically trying to remind you of everything, trying to convince you that you were in fact inĀ love, desperately hoping that youā€™d remember. If this caused you distress/discomfort however, they would stop, trying instead to be friendly and upbeat, but inside they would be terrified theyā€™d lost you forever.
Clara: Would be pretty crushed, but she would hide it well, focusing instead on being taking care of you and making sure you got the best care possible as you recovered. Would try to stay optimistic and encouraging in your presence, but would probably cry herself to sleep at night. You forgetting the love you had for each other is honestly her worst nightmare, and sheā€™s terrified youā€™ll never remember. But even if you never recovered your memories, she would set about trying to make you fall in love with her again.Ā 
Richard: This would be so hard on Richard. Being around you when youā€™d forgotten all about him and your feelings for each other would bring up so many past insecurities and heartbreaks, it would be difficult for him to deal with. On top of that, he finds it hard to express his feelings, and now the one person he felt he could share them with is like a stranger to him. He would be heartbroken, and probably act somewhat distant to protect himself, especially if you expressed confusion or doubt about the relationship/having been in love with him. He would still make sure you got the absolute best care though, and heā€™s hoping and praying that one day youā€™ll remember.Ā 
William: Would also be devastated, but he too would try to push that aside to be the best support he can be to you and make sure youā€™re feeling comfortable/having your needs met. Would also be feeling terrified that youā€™d never remember, as he too was amazed that you ever fell for him in the first place, and worried that this might not happen a second time. Even if you never remembered, he would be hoping that you would fall for him again, but he probably wouldnā€™t push it. He would be happy just to have you as a friend/in his life, if thatā€™s all you wanted, though it would absolutely killĀ him inside.
Or if you are taking asks on fluff, how would the ROs react to being given their favorite or a needed gift?
Isobel: Would blink, a little stunned for a moment, before a tender warmth infuses her chest. It still amazes her that not only does she have someone in her life that go out of their way to give her thoughtful gifts, with no ulterior motives, but also to have someone that knows her so intimately that they know exactly what to give. She would be a little speechless, probably a little misty eyed, as she pulls you into her arms and rests her forehead against yours. ā€œThank you, love, you know me so well.ā€ Would vow to return the sentiment as soon as possible.Ā 
Max: Their eyes would light up with excitement and warmth, a giddy happiness welling up in their chest. Would insist that you didnā€™t have to get them anything, but in the next second they would pull you into a hug, lifting you and spinning you if they can. ā€œThank you, MC! This is exactly what I wanted!ā€ Would set you down and place a resounding kiss on your lips. Would honestly be so amazed that you thought of getting them a gift, itā€™s above and beyond what they expected, but would probably be more grateful and happy at the gesture and the thought behind it than the thing itself. Prepare to be spoiled in return.Ā 
Clara: Would be delighted at the gift. Once she sees what it is, she would beam, happiness bursting inside of her. ā€œOh, MC, this is perfect! Thank you so much!ā€ Would marvel at the gift for another moment, before she pulls you into her arms to shower your face with kisses. This would honestly make her so happy. She loves surprises like this, and especially ones that show how well you know her, and how much you truly see her and listen to her. Would be walking around beaming like the sun for days afterwards, and would definitely plotting to do something nice for you in return.Ā 
Richard: Would be surprised. ā€œA gift? For me?ā€ Once he sees what it is, his eyes would widen in amazement, flickering up to yours and back as he tries to find the right words. ā€œIā€™m... Is thisā€¦?ā€ Would swallow loudly, feeling his heart squeeze tightly in his chest as boundless affection surges through his body. Would pull you gruffly into his chest to place a tender kiss on your forehead as he whispers thank you. Would probably hold you close for a long time, feeling a little overcome with love and gratitude.
William: Would probably rub his neck self-consciously, all the while an affectionate glow spreads through his chest, warming his insides and flushing his cheeks. ā€œMC, please, you didnā€™t have toā€¦ā€Ā  As he opens the gift, he would be struck speechless for a moment, feeling such a powerful surge of love for you, it knocks the breath out of him. ā€œThis isā€¦ Iā€™m...ā€ Shaking his head in wonder, he would set the gift aside so he can wrap you up in a loving embrace as he gives you a passionate kiss. ā€œThank you.ā€ He would murmur against your lips, before pulling back to stare at you with aching tenderness. ā€œWhat did I ever do to deserve you?ā€
Thank you so much for your lovely message, and for your wonderful asks! āœØā¤ļø
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