#but if you fuckers want to say they're not real people them my opinion of them shouldnt matter anyways
awkwardturtletrash · 8 months
An egregious rant about celebrity culture and I am not even sorry
I feel like I'm going insane, I want to claw my eyes out and eat my phone and burn every cord I have in my house. How is everyone okay with celebrities? The concept? The payoff? The whole fucking charade of these people? They're not real anymore, these aren't genuine connections, this is the most dystopian existence I can imagine and you're all just fucking eating it up???
There is not fucking benefit to these people being in my face 24/7 ??? I cannot find a single piece of genuine emotion besides annoyance and anger whenever I see the same fucking picture of Kim Kardashian (I had to fucking google the spelling) in that dumb pink shirt and everyone losing their mind that she incorrectly styled a piece of clothing that they will never touch in their god damn lives. It's the most insane, mindless, pointless use of an existence I've ever seen. Why are you all so fucking obsessed with the CONCEPT of people? She has a stylist. She has a whole team. She doesn't do her makeup or hair or outfits or accessories. You are following this handcrafted existence, this portfolio of makeup and cloth and you just??? (This is not a personal attack on Kim Kardashian, as much as I do not care about her life this is not her fault and I do not want it to seem this is a rant against any specific human, they are still people and cannot control society as a whole.) Fucking do it day in and day out? You genuinely care about who Taylor Swift is dating or if John Mulaney got Petunia in the divorce or if Zendaya is engaged or if Henry Cavil's hairline is bad now or if Kendal Jenner can walk well or if Jenner Lawerence got face work done???
(And don't say you don't "genuinely" care when you spend HOURS online tweeting about it and talking about it to your friends in person and 'finally getting into football lol' over a single woman who went to a single game and hung out with a single guy. You put in the hours, you are pathetically genuine.)
What fucking purpose is there? What benefit? The world is in fucking shambles and you bitches have stan accounts dedicated to an actor??? Where does the self come in? Your own life? I cannot pity anyone more than someone who so desperately needs to know Ryan Reynolds's favorite color or what Bella Hadid eats in a day. Did I sometimes watch these kinds of videos, seeing famous people describe mundane stories or do the most boring secret talent? Yes...In middle school. Something clicked one day that every interview is a job, that this is an advertisement, that they are selling themselves as a byproduct of a film or show or whatever they were up to. I am being sold human beings as a product for a temproary creation.
How are none of you ripping your hair out everyday over this? That cute little game on Jimmy Fallon? An ad. Oh she's doing a panel? An ad. Oh they're doing a Reddit AMA? An ad. Literally at this point their whole social media accounts are ads. Their appearances are ads. Everything is a fucking ad. Their existence at this point is an ad. Oh she's the face of Prada, oh he's the face of Gucci. THESE ARE WALKING ADVERTISEMENTS FOR LIFE NOW. The amount of people who keep track of who works for who and which dresses they're allowed to wear make me nauseous. Do you care about your friends as much? Do you notice your family as much? Do you care about your health as much as you care about a Met Gala look from 2013?
And again, I used to do this all the time. I still do! I'm forced to have an opinion on who Ariana Grande is dating. I'm forced to have an opinion on an Andrew Garfield interview. It's absolutely impossible to not have celebrities in your face. Everywhere is merch of their face and photos of their face and quotes from their work with their face tied to it. They are ads. We are paying for people. You pay to meet them. Pay for a photo. Pay for their signature. Pay to see them naked. Pay to see behind the scenes. Pay to see them on a panel. Pay for them. Pay. Pay. pay. pay pay paypaypaypaypay.......
And yet. Here we are. "Anne Hathaway looks so gorgeous for her age because she's unproblematic." "Elon Musk looks hideous and malformed and terrible." Assigning moral value to appearance. Caring about their outfits and hair and "face card" and whatever the fuck else we are cursed to think and see and hear and PAY.
My theory is that everyone hates themselves. Everyone, everyone not on a red carpet or famous on TikTok or not in an ad resents that fact. Everyone wants to be seen, famous, loved, beautiful, attractive, followed. Everyone feels so fucking ugly that they retweet random screenshots from a movie of an actor purely because they're attractive. That looking at someone else, praising them being beautiful is some form of twisted wish fulfillment. And it's sad and it's weird and most importantly it's always turns sexual. It's always "this actor is secretly a bottom" or "this actor could spit in my mouth."
It's the most obscene shit. Imagine a classmate showing you a photo of another classmate and saying the most raunchy, salacious comments. Imagine your uncle showing a photo of a shirtless teenage boy and saying how submissive and breedable he is. Imagine standing in a coffee shop and a barista starts loudly exclaiming how wet they are over a customer. How is it being twitter and a famous person better? Less insane? I find celebrities attractive, but I am not going to make a fucking twitter account roleplaying as a character they played, use only photos of them, and INTERACT PUBLICALLY. Y'all are fucking insane. Absolutely disgusting.
And this doesn't just apply to fucking Twitter trending whoever is hot this week or putting down anyone in a bad pair of jeans. Tumblr sucks too! It's obsessed with actors! Misha Collins???? Why the fuck am I supposed to care about his opinion??? Did I like his performance? Yes. Is his life interesting? Sure. Do I need daily updates about him? What the fuck are y'all on? Reblogging just pictures from magazine shoots? Having entire gifs dedicated to someone just being hot. At what point is it not unhealthy? At wha tpoint are you not feeding a machine of self-hatred and devotion to pixels on a screen that you can only see in person because you fucking paid for it? At what point do you lose yourself?
This is horrible written, doesn't make sense, and is definitely out of order. But I don't care. I'm tired and upset and done with parasocial relationships. Everyone always complains "now is NOT the time to say 'this is why you dont praise people'" YES THE FUCK IT IS YOU ARE A FUCKING IDIOT WHO NEEDS RESTRICTED INTERACT ACCESS
You don't know these people. They have entire TEAMS dedicated to their image and their interviews and their social media and their entire fucking personas. You are getting fed a product and you stupidly fell in love or trusted it or even gaslit yourself into thinking it saw you back. A product cannot love you back, what makes you think it even notices you?
Markiplier could come out as a horrible person tomorrow and as a longtime fan of his channel and an active watcher/listener of his podcast I would stop watching and I would have negative feelings but not a single one would be disappointment. Because I never once assumed I was his friend who knew him. This is a stranger. It's the same feeling if a stranger on the street said something horrible. It's the thought "well I'm not associating with that" and that's the only correct one.
Get a life! Become someone! Who the fuck are you if you exist to talk about someone else? What is your purpose? They already exist, they don't need you, you need you, please for the love of god get off Instagram and find a passion that isn't someone else's success.
and yes I am certain I have evidence of the above in my tumblr blog. I am not different I am not some special little person. I am simply insane and angry and tired. So deeply tired of society.
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thefairestfacts · 6 months
A headcanon I think about at least once a day is about Cupid:
You know, in ever after high she helps people into falling in love and helps them to confess that love. But then she falls in love with Dexter Charming, which is obviosly in love with Raven Queen, and Raven is in love with Dex-
Yes, we get it. But I don't really like it, so I'm gonna change it >:( with this idea.
C.a Cupid is aware that those two are in love with eachother. When she first came in eah she saw them and with her abilities she understoon what was going on.
They are so in love that they can't even express it.
So Cupid decides to help them! She takes it as a challenge.Raven and Dexter MUST confess to eachother.She has been dealing with love since forever! Helping those two into confessing to eachother can't be that difficult, am I right?
W R O N G. They are so dumb- so helpless-
She tries, and tries, and tries- BUT NOTHING!Cupid is so fucking pissed that every plan she makes,every advice she says EVERYTHING goes wrong and everytime it creates a very embarassing situation between those two.
Cupid is so stressed-
You know the "Into the woods" episode? Right, except that our little cherubin goes with Ashlynn because she can't handle Raven and Dex!Like, give her a break.
She knows they were going to a date together, so she was like:
"I swear to zeus, I'm gonna leave them to they're destiny because I can't do this anymore, they are impossible! Can you belive it Ash?? I try my best into confessing they're love and WHAT DO THEY DO?? EMBARASS EACHOTHER!!With you and Hunter it was easy, WHY AREN'T THEY!??!"
Then Raven, Dex and company come to the rescue and ""save"" the group in the dark forest.
Cupid sees them and she's like "ARE YOU FOR REAL-"
Raven tells her how it went, and it was great! The date.was.great.
So cupid is :))))))) you mother fucker :))))))))
P.s I'm tagging @xxcherrycherixx and @blajah-blaster because I want ur opinion on this
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saltypiss · 5 months
"Vivzie doesn't listen to valid criticism!"
3 things.
I don't blame her, ya'll can't write or critique writing to save your lives. Ya rewrite everything to fit what you want, not what the creator wanted, and then use your fan-fiction as an argument against the creator and show. That's also ignoring death threats and how utterly hostile and brain dead ya'll fuckers are. DTs aren't worth being scared of, but they do make listening to strangers far more difficult. Everything ya do pushes creators away from their inbox and social media. I don't blame them, I care about their mental health ya'll actively target.
At some point ya have to realize how little it matters for a creator to disagree with someone's opinion. It's a simple process, you just remember they're a person and not a target. Good luck figuring that one out, children.
Most of the criticism I see is bad. Really. Really bad. Poorly delivered, hostile as hell, mostly lies that you can visually debunk, and god help me if knowing too much about what happens behind the scenes doesn't make people fucking rabbid, who otherwise would have little ammo to go off of.
I'm reminded of a hostile post where there was a scene with Bltiz's sister in the background of a totally unrelated story happening, and just by looking, you can see all it did was just cluttered the scene having her there. But oh. Oh. My. God. If it didn't INCENSE this person that this 1 second scene didn't include her. Went off about how it would improve the story dramatically! Like kid, sit down. Please, you're embarrassing yourself.
I don't blame her. I really don't. Get better at critique, critical thinking and being respectful.
As for how she acts, I don't care. I don't feel it in the show. Let people be people, stop pushing them to act like shit and being surprised when they respond poorly. Ya'll don't deserve a real level headed response from anyone. You still spread the payment lie because all you have is this pathetic feeling of superiority that makes it okay for you to be worse than the person you find beneath you. Do Better. Be Better.
Bottom of my heart, as an adult: Grow Up. Find a hobby. Make some friends. Go out into the world and get some experience. Interact with strangers, get a job, get some close relationships. Experience life and loss.
You ain't special being shitty, we all were, the internet has been around since before your birth. I just grew up before you were born, understand the massive negative force you're apart of because you think it makes you cool. It doesn't. It's a cringefest you'll look back upon and die inside remembering, that's if you ever grow up enough to understand self-respect.
Be respectable to yourself. All I'm saying is, not one adult acts this way, regardless of age. Especially when it comes to fuck words. Please, grow up.
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kuroneko-dono · 10 days
My opinions on (some of) the Monsters in Dungeon meshi (as someone who was obsessed with Monsters as a child)
Basilisc and cocatrix
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They were in a book I had as a kid, so I Had nighmares with these fuckers! Mostly because... Have you ever angered a chicken? But, as Monsters, i love the anatomy and details! The eggs are cilindrical and soft, indicating that the main body is the snake one! The cockatrix being way more feral-looking than the basilisc due to being a higher level Monster And, the "turning people into Stone" not being an instakill but also not being just a thin layer of stone over the body unlike certain games! (RIP marcille's lashes) Overall, i love their design! 10/10
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I ADORE when there's some kind of in-world explanation as to why the scenery goes back to normal in games after you destroy everything, so i was delighted when i saw these critters! There's not much to say otherwise, so meh! 8/10
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A version of these was also in my book as a child, and they were my favorites! Now, i see how uncanny they are and get excited! Adore the direction ms. Kui took their designs and their functionality as essentially vaguely human-looking vegetables, icorporating the reprodution aspect that is normally (and thankfully) invisible in regular plants. If I saw these fuckers in real life id die on the spot because of their big ol' eyes and my allergic rhinitis. Love 'em, 7/10
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So! Let me say that i loved the representation of nighmares in Dungeon meshi! The way i always see them, they're represented by a literal horse.(Ex:rise of the guardians) But, here, they're these lil clam/draconic creatures that hide in your pillow! It's also way more practical and harder to get rid of, wich is probably a great evolutive reaction, right? If they're harder to find, they can just eat as much as they want until their victim kicks the bucket from exhaustion/dying in the dream! 10/10!
This is pretty much all, i just like yapping about creechurs :'3
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Highlighted Posts - Serious Topics
Link for the fandom topics post.
For the sake of convenience, I've decided to make two massive posts concentrating all of my most important posts on various topics. These are my most popular posts, my favorite posts (i.e. not necessarily popular but they should be! Just kidding. Or not...) and my best comments on other people's posts that are valuable enough to be mentioned here (in my opinion obviously...).
The posts are separated into subjects, and each has a comment in brackets denoting what type of post it is: an analysis relating to real world issues, meta for fandom stuff, and jokes when it's, well, jokes, plus occasional ones that are self explanatory. Both subjects and Types might overlap. It seems like there might be a limit to the number of links per post, so I've divided them into two groups - serious topics posts and fandom posts.
Beside these posts, I have many others I made or commented on that were just not important enough to include here, as well as literally thousands of amazing and fascinating posts I've rebloged from others, but mentioning them all here is of course impossible. It should also be mentioned that often specific reblogs might have valuable notes on them on chains of reblogs, so keep that in mind.
Jewish Things:
Mourning October 7th (analysis).
Part 1: You fuckers say: “go back to where you came from”. The fuckers in those places say: “they’re not from here, don’t send them here”. Jews: =/ (analysis/joke).
Part 2: Denying the connection of Jews to the Land of Israel, but not letting us live anywhere else. It’s almost like… you don’t actually want us to live. Anywhere. At all. [AKA: the history of antisemitism on the left] (analysis).
Part 3: It's okay, the others hate us too [AKA: antisemitism on the right] (analysis).
Stop pandering to Western Leftists. They want us dead (analysis).
Western leftists might want me dead, but I don't want them dead. I'm angry but I'm not a fucking monster, you know (analysis).
My Roman Empire (the Roman Empire) (joke).
Blaming the Roman Empire, subversion and responsibility (analysis).
History and the Weaponization of Trauma in post-colonial narratives (analysis).
From sea to shiny sea, Abya Yala will be free (joke????/analysis).
Part 1: Israel is not a colonizer state, comparison to Liberia and the origin of the word “Palestina” (analysis).
Part 2: Jews and Palestinians are both indigenous to the southern Levant, and they're both fucking assholes (analysis).
Part 3: A day will come when we can recognizes that we’re all Arabs, but it is not this day. Also – the ridicules obsession with the foundation of Israel being in ’48 and the fact that new nations and cultures are always being created, even in recent history (yes, the Palestinians are one of those) (analysis).
Israel. Is. Not. A. Fucking. Colonizer. State. Guess who is though??!?!?!?! (joke/analysis).
The trauma of Oct. 7th and the fact that I no longer trust any of you fuckers (analysis).
Existing as a Jew on this platform is fucking hell (analysis).
Archaeological terminology and academia’s allergy to “Israel” (analysis).
No, Jesus wasn’t a Palestinian. Just say you hate Jews for fuck’s sake! (analysis).
אבל מה אם ישו כן היה חי היום...? (בדיחה)
Israel didn't exist in Biblical times??? Are you on fucking crack?! (analysis).
Ahhh, yes. Palestine. The historic home of every nation in the world (except Jews). Sure. Also, apparently they're appropriating the fucking Natufians now. (analysis).
Jews aren’t white 1 (analysis).
Jews aren’t white 2 (analysis).
Jewish IS an ethnicity, for fucking fuck fuck fucker's sake (analysis).
Antisemitism and Hollywood (The Nanny, The Golden Girls, Seinfeld and Friends) (Analysis).
Jewish people's physical appearance and antisemitism (analysis).
אנחנו חייבים לדבר על חוסר היעילות של הפגנות (ניתוח).
History and Social Issues:
King Menashe of Judea is awesome actually (analysis).
Native American cities and ethnocentrism (analysis).
Ancient Egyptians were (not) black (analysis).
The erasure of Hatshepsut isn’t what you think (analysis).
No, Hatshepsut didn’t wear a fake beard (analysis).
No, the Santorini volcano did not cause the Egyptian plagues (cause there were no plagues!) (analysis).
Elizabeth II, Rameses II and longevity of reign (joke).
The reality of the field of archaeology is a little more nuanced than calling them “grave robbers” (analysis).
No, Europe isn’t keeping historical artifacts “safe” in museums from the barbarians who can’t take care of them (analysis).
The danger of the “erasing queerness from history” tumblr narrative (analysis / didn’t contribute to this one, but it's important for other purposes and for easy access).
The danger of the “erasing queerness from history” tumblr narrative continues, Egyptian tombs electric boogaloo (analysis).
Cultural appropriation is rarely what you think it is (analysis).
You’re calling it “cultural appropriation”, but you’re just advocating for segregation (analysis).
Bend it like Beckham and the internet’s inability to understand the complexity of history and ethnicity (analysis).
Western Leftists be like: “well maybe you should have been born in a more MORAL country, like mine =)” (analysis).
The problem with “educate yourself” mentality (analysis).
Influencers and “educate yourself” bullshit (analysis).
Shutting up about social issues you know nothing about is an option, you should try it (analysis).
Real people aren’t representation (analysis).
Not everyone knows their sexual/gender identity, and that’s just as important to represent in media (analysis).
The concept of consent and haunted houses (analysis/joke).
If your multi-dating, talk to your fucking partners (analysis).
Covid and being on the same boat (joke/analysis).
A Covid joke because I’m hilarious and underappreciated (joke).
Professionals criticizing their profession's image in cinema (joke).
The trolley Problem is not about fault! (joke/analysis).
Police and “bad apples” (joke/analysis).
No, you don’t have a right over other people’s labor and creations (analysis).
Dupes are fucking evil and so are you (joke/analysis).
Stop insulting YA books (analysis).
Social media cyclical criticism of authors (joke/analysis).
Special editions are for fighting Amazon actually (analysis/joke).
Stop saying "Amazon is losing money on Kindle books". You're playing into their hands (analysis).
Bezos, the man who has everything except a heart (joke).
There’s nothing wrong with nepotism, you guys just don’t understand how professions work (analysis).
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kai-sillyman · 11 months
Alrighty y'know what time it is heheh
TRR [Team Rainbow Rocket] Headcanons!!
[keep in mind this is just my AU you can have your own, this is just how I see these idiots]
[Also- yes I ship Lysandre & Cyrus, because I have my AU & my opinions, so don't like demonetize me saying some other ship is better stfu-]
Pansexual. Always been a little fruity, especially since he was a teen, & kinda crushes on Nanu- that's unrelated tho <3
Short as fuck. Like I mean this dude is 5 foot tall, whenever you see like photos of him with the rest of Team Rocket, he's usually standing on a fucking step-stool
Has rlly bad anxiety & shit like that, also takes antidepressants & medication because his mental health used to be rlly rlly bad [because of Ariana & just stressing out about managing Team Rocket] & he'll get like that bad if he goes long enough without them
Actually a decent father unlike his canon counterparts. Took care of Silver instead of putting him up for adoption after Ariana left, basically had to juggle trying not to be a deadbeat dad & managing a big mafia lmao. Silver turned out decent- he doesn't hate Giovanni so yippee!! [they actually get along whoa]
Absolutely fucking hates Professor Oak, due to some *personal* issues in the past.
Can cook rlly good. He actually wanted to get into culinary classes & shit but he got expelled out of highschool & then disowned so that was crushed along with his will to live
Trans [FTM] Archie is rlly the only one who knows, because he's a nosy fucker lmao. Still has rlly bad body dysphoria- explaining all the layers & oversized jacket [didn't get top surgery because he's a chicken shit so he just wears a binder 24/7]
Not actually from Hoenn [surprise surprise!!]- originally from Orre but moved to Hoenn because it was transphobic as fuck & it genuinely just sucked lolz
One of the only sane ones in TRR, also actually smart [like he didn't wanna like dry up all the water he just wanted to make more islands in Hoenn- still a dangerous method haha]
Salty as fuck. Will find something annoying or unlikable about you, he doesn't care who the hell you are he will do it. Also, he fucking hates Archie- probably cuz he screws up his damn research & drags him along lmao
Overworks himself all the damn time, & has a bad habit of putting himself in uncomfortable situations- such as choosing his admins. Maybe he should've gotten to know Courtney & Tabitha more before making them the Team Magma admins [oki oki but Tabitha gives off the vibes that he streams League of Legends in a damn maid outfit every night. Also I don't like Courtney because she just gives off those creep vibes eugh]
Gay & polyamorous. All the surfer guys in Alola are NOT fucking safe because he's there lmao. Also him & Matt are exes, but since no hard feelings they're still friends
Aggressive wholesomeness 24/7- also THE ultimate extrovert who tries to be on good terms with everyone except if you're Ghetsis because if you're Ghetsis fuck you [he's an absolute sweetheart but also a dumbass]
Dumb as fuck. Half the shit he pulls he just did because he felt like it or he was bored- he doesn't have a goddamn reason he just fucking did it
His Sharpedo's name is Grace. This is very important because Grace is love Grace is life
Gives everyone stupid nicknames & makes horrible jokes & puns. Sometimes it's fucking unbearable because they're so damn cheesy & Maxie is yelling from across the room telling him to shut the fuck up but he thinks he's goddamn hilarious
Greysexual. Attracted to his opposite [sweet cute guys aka Lysandre]
He's emo guys!!! Omg real!!! If he's not wearing his Galactic uniform he's wearing oversized grunge style clothing- you will never see him wearing anything with colour. Also yes he wears eyeliner & people assume he wears eyeshadow but nah that's just his dark ass eyebags
He's a fucking empath & it's hilarious. He hates it because he tries so damn hard to ignore his emotions which only makes his already rapidly declining mental health worse
Horrible sleep schedule & just terrible at taking care of himself in general. He's running off of goddamn energy drinks & coffee- he won't sleep unless he passes out from exhaustion lmao. Also he only rlly eats like popcorn [which is usually like he's up at 2 in the morning watching a space documentary & he just binge eats it because he hasn't eaten in two weeks or something]
THE ultimate space nerd. If you even mention something space related he will give you a detailed explanation or description about said space thing- also he's got Team Galactic's base is all space themed & they have millions of dollars worth of stolen space tech lmao [autism moment yes Cyrus is autistic]
Has an engineering degree, also graduated highschool when he was 16 & got into college early. Moved out of his parents' house the second he had enough money
Aroace. The most hardcore aroace guy out there. He has trouble with love & shit due to trauma, which also kinda makes it hard for him to admit that he does fucking care about N [he doesn't deserve N]
Do I really have to explain that this guy is fucking insane? Do I? [He's got actual BPD & he's narcissistic as hell but he's just gotten worse. Also autistic but that's not rlly- bad]
He looks like he'd be homophobic- but he's not. He just hates everyone. Also he's not like sexist or anything like that too
The most stylish & extra person you'll meet. He has a giant wardrobe & has all his clothes custom tailored- he has outfits for certain occasions & times, & he absolutely HAS to have the finest of jewelry & has to get himself all dolled up too. Bro is also feminine as hell sometimes. He knows he's fucking pretty
Has the most random talents & hobbies. I mean, he can swordfight- & also knows gardening?? Wha??? Also very musically talented- he plays 'elegant' instruments like the piano & harp
A goddamn drama queen. If his temper wasn't bad enough don't even get started on how damn overdramatic this asshole is. I swear Colress is so done with his shit
Asexual/Demiromantic. Attracted to everyone but preferably men, also will only be attracted to someone if he feels like he has an emotional bond with someone lol
Kinda on the dumber side. Also slow on things, like figuring out what he's actually doing. Genuinely a very sweet & kind person, also a bit of a crybaby but that's unimportant [undiagnosed ADHD]
He's a goddamn baker. He has a degree in business & finances or something- only because his parents made him. He's just an idiot lion baker man. That's also the only reason he took over Team Flare, the old leader kinda just appeared in an alley & told him he could have a bakery if he took up the offer lmaoo
Actually from another universe where he got shot by the Ultimate Weapon, but got swip swapped by Colress because why not!! Because it was a blast full of Xerneas's power [the whimsical deer fairy Pokemon of fucking life] he's immortal. He also can't get like injured- he'll just regenerate
He looks so goddamn intimidating- & he's oblivious to it. Half the time it's because he partially has a resting bitch face or he's squinting because he's kinda far-sighted. Whenever someone says something about it he just gets so fucking confused lmaoo
Thats all for now! I'll do a part 2 & maybe some extras for other characters like Colress- but yeah this is all for now lolzies
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bobgoesw00t · 5 months
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I wanna take a moment to talk about a few things in regards to the comments and discussions this post on twitxter has brought up, as basically 99.99% of the comments are all the same thing over and over and over again.
A. First off, if you plan on boycotting the final season because of the various things Noah Schnapp has been up to in his personal life/social media when it comes to the conflict in Gaza...don't even fucking bother. Stranger Things is on its final season now so there's literally NO POINT IN BOYCOTTING IT AS IT'S ALREADY AT THE FINISH LINE!!!!!!! If this happened even before the last season, then I would understand the need to boycott it, but we're not...we're on the FINAL SEASON....so if you don't want to watch it, please SHUT THE FUCK UP, DON'T WATCH IT, AND LET THOSE OF US WHO WANT TO SEE HOW IT ALL ENDS ENJOY IT!!!!!
B. Seeing as how all of this "boycott the final season" crap is stemming from Noah's stance on the Gaza conflict and that he's a Zionist, all of you dumb fuckers are forgetting one VERY CRUCIAL ASPECT: THE CONFLICT IS ONE OF THE LONGEST (if not THE LONGEST) TUG-OF-WARS BETWEEN RELIGIOUS GROUPS IN THE HISTORY OF OUR PLANET!!! This debate over which religious folk deserves the land has been happening for centuries now, and there are SO many layers to it that it's gotten to the point where unless someone builds a time machine to go back to when the core issue of the conflict happens, witness it and bring back irrefutable proof for all to see...the only real "answer" (if there even is one right now) is that both sides are neither right nor wrong...just in some sort of weird purgatory. Hell, even if someone DID use a time machine to go back and bring proof, there would be a good chunk of people who would disagree with what was brought forth.
C. Noah Schnapp isn't a god...HE'S FUCKING HUMAN AND HUMANS ARE NOT PERFECT!!!!!!! Everyone, AND I MEAN EVERYONE makes mistakes and has their own thoughts on various things that are a part of the world we live in today. Just because ONE PERSON says or does something you don't agree with, and/or their friend/s agree with them or remain friends with them, doesn't mean it's the end of the world. In the event it happens to be a celebrity of a wildly popular show on Netflix, feel free to say your stance on the issue, then please SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! No one is FORCING YOU TO WATCH THE SHOW/MOVIE OR SUPPORT ANYONE WHO WORKS ON IT. Not to mention EVERYONE IN ENTITLED TO THEIR OWN OPINION.
My personal stance on the crap that's happening in Gaza is that as someone who doesn't have all the facts but believes humans should learn to accept one another regardless of any differences we may have...I don't actually have a stance, rather I'm very neutral and find both sides to be at fault. Same thing with Noah Schnapp, I don't know him personally, and the only time I really hear anything about him or other celebs is if they're trending on tumblr and I just randomly happen to check that part of the website. Therefore, I can't agree with his actions, but I also can't condemn them as I don't have all the facts and I really don't care that much about what he does in his personal time.
More people need to learn how to separate celebs from other aspects of life and remember that they're human just like the rest of us, they make mistakes and either learn from them or don't. ...I also feel like people need to avoid social media more often as it tends to be a place where negativity festers into something that can consume you until you're nothing but a toxic husk of who you once were.
Now despite what I first said, feel free to boycott the final season of Stranger Things if you want to, I won't stop you just like you can't stop me from watching it to see how the journey all these characters have been on concludes. Let people make their own decision on if they want to boycott or not, and if they decide not to, respect their decision and don't harass them about how, "THEIR SUPPORTING GENOCIDE" especially when BOTH SIDES ARE GUILTY OF THAT!!!
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Scarborough Ahoy! (1994 Short Film)- Day 4 Watching Con's Filmography
Live posting. All I know is this is sad(don't know why), short, and that Con is good (and queer) in it. Watching it in 480p, so we'll see.
Warnings for: Suicidal Ideation, full body nudity.
Also, the movies description describes Con as the 'Gay Guy' and 'Barmaid'. So 'Con' and 'Barmaid' is what I'm calling them. I'll specify Con the Actor.
Casually kicking a one-night stand out; GET IT GIRL. Didn't expect that level of nudity, but here we are.
CONNNN! He's slightly older in this one compared to Dancing, and I already don't feel wigged out.
Con's semi-startled look at 'used to get laid all the time'. Me too, babe, me too.
As a person who hates booze, the bar scene made me physically nauseous.
Con, being a bro, and making sure she was alright. Love that for him. She needs a friend.
HAHAHA Hell yeah, stick up for yourself Con, he's queer, and the guy getting you a coffee.
God, gender fucking envy. And coat envy, that thing looks warm as shit. I missed when my hair was that length(Con's). Shame I need to be more feminine presenting where I live.
DAMN. I wish I was that confident in my driving. She backed up with SPEED.
HELL YEAH, TRIP TO FIND MEN BABY! God, I know England isn't affordable to anyone, especially foreigners, but god its nice to be able to drive that in a day and actually go somewhere
Con, stop wearing my dream wardrobe. I want that fucking sweater.
OH MY GOD. This is real ally behavior, compete to see who gets more guys
Synchronize watches! The confidence into immediate, oh shit, how the fuck do i do this on both their faces is great.
Santa, fuck off.
(Con making out with a guy)Now. How the fuck haven't I seen gifs of this. tumblr, I'm surprised you weren't hornier.
SHE CHOSE SANTA. Mam, have some self-respect. I hope he is at least a gentle lover? Laughing as he goes down on you probably isn't great.
AWWW. The way they watched out for each other after getting laid. Happily just walking down the road. Oh my god, help her up. BRO, GET THE FUCK UP OFF THE ROAD.
He straight up said 'boyfriend'. Damn, love short indie films.
24? Fuck him babe, old my ass
Okay, I thought Con was going to say his guy died, not cheated. I'm trained too well in modern......OHH SHIT, whelp (he killed himself)
Babes, please learn to love yourselves.
I Love that they coordinate outfits, either accidentally or not. They are the crew. Hell yeah, the ass-grabbing! Get sailor ass.
Now, mushy peas seems like hell. Actual worse thing on earth
'What's brought this on, catholic guilt?' Mood
'Feels great, sometimes not so great'
'What about love, then.' Awww babe
What game are they playing with all those colors, looks fun as shit. CON LOOKS SO HAPPY. LET THIS MAN PLAY HAPPY PEOPLE. He just fucking giggled, god damn it.
This seems like a nice road trip to mentally reset life for a bit.
Guys, if they're being passively suicidal, then at least they've got each other. See, they pushed and they still wanted to live. Cute shit.
Sexuality being fluid! Great to see this, especially for the 90s.
Love the respecting of boundaries; they both really needed to talk before moving forward. Great shit. It's probably her feeling guilty for 'tempting a gay' but... That feels depressing, so fluidity I will choose.
"Well, you can fix it; you did a course in auto mechanics, didn't you." Hahahaha
GAY EARING ON THE DRIVER. I love that Con's getting as much action as he is.
Nice of her to give them space, ally behavior
EXCUSE ME MAM, LET HIM FUCK. RUDE. Stand up for yourself CON! They're just friends. If she wanted more, she needs to communicate that. He's pulling his own and trying to reach out to find a middle ground cause he knows she's angry. I love that he comforts her even though he has every right to escalate this into a fight.
Awww, she saved him the head puzzle piece. Love that he smacked it down. His fucking grin.
THE LITTLE SHUFFLE DANCE. Also, this fucker is stealing my wardrobe again.
OH MY GOD WALTZING. I LOVE IT. Bitch, this is the most romantic thing I've ever seen. THE CINDERELLA SONG! AWWWWWWW. I love them. Bro has to understand how many mixed signals he's sending out here.
Going to the dockyard doesn't end happily in these sorts of films.
He's having thoughts and needs to fuck them out. Fair, she's gorgeous.
At least she realized pretty early that he was out too late.
(Con is revealed beaten up and bloody)SHITTTTTTT Well, that's a head wound. Scuffed hands. Okay, good, I thought he fucking died.
DON'T FUCKING LEAVE YOU JACKASS. I've read dozens of fanfic like this. DOZENS
Con's Characters Sexuality Discussion: There are two options here. He's 'gay' as described in the film's synopsis or more fluid in a modern sense. Again, he's willing to fuck her, and clearly cares for her. Who knows if he was 'pushing his limits' and this is why she turned him down. The I love you could be romantic/sexual love, or the love of a friend. Both readings are perfectly valid by the text. The short film ends here to not answer the question and keep it ambiguous.
I'm flipping between this movie being about their friendship and finding someone to be comfortable with, or two people used to having one night stands falling in love. You know what. Both are right! (As a queer who says I love you to my straight friends. Calls them beautiful and does all of the shit Con does here, yeah, the waters are murky, who said you alone need to filter it to solve the art)
I can see a happy ending where they grow to be close friends for the rest of their lives, or just making it a probably short-lived relationship. They're both young and impulsive and need to work on themselves a bit before getting serious, but I hope they can keep this little corner of the world safe.
Cinematography(7/10): Fun! About what to expect from a short film. Nonintrusive editing.
Actors besides Con (8/10): I LOVED THE BARMAID. God, she's so fucking sweet and just needs someone in her corner. She's fun, cocky, and bullheaded in a way that fit's with Con's character. I loved their friendship. I love that she's worried about that and doesn't want to push boundaries. I wish this was a longer movie, I want to see them learning to love themselves and having each other there. Everyone else was unmemorable.
CON! The Actor 10/10: He seems more comfortable in this role than in Dancing. It makes him a more likeable character. Likely due to the size of the project, and experience. He seems like he's found his groove here, and I wish we got to see more of it. Seeing him actually flirt was a joy. Again, personally, I think the 'I love you' could be from a gay 'bff' perspective or he genuinely loves her. I love that they just feel safe with each other which is clearly what they need. Love con's look, dialogue, and everything about how he held himself. He seemed like he really opened up to her verses how Con's character acted at the beginning of the movie. That can be really hard to pull off
Story 9/10: Really fucking fun. Sweet, they both felt stuck in a rut and finally made a friend that understood them. The dialogue/writing is so fucking inspiring as I try to write fun dialogue.
REWATCHABILITY: I would say that compared to the downers I watched yesterday, this overtakes Vengeance. It helps that it's so short.
9/10. I hate giving perfect 10s when I haven't seen everything, but god is this so close. I can totally see myself giving this a retroactive 10. Writing this overview I felt like I was balancing on a tight rope trying to 'figure out' the right ending. But that's kind of the point. The relationship they build is a comfort in a shitty world, and it's fucking beautiful.
I know people said it was sad, but I found it really hopeful? They're still living their shitty lives, but they're not alone anymore.
NEXT! Still plan on Cucumber, 3 steps to heaven for weird Con, and whatever I feel in the moment. Rewatching Blood brothers today with the Brother, so wish me luck.
(I linked some people who commented last post, thanks for the comments as always!)
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bat-connoisseur · 1 year
*sees your post about wanting to infodump about bats* Uh, um... What's the most <superlative> bat that you think should be talked about more? e.g. a lot of people know about smallest/biggest bat and everyone has opinions on ugliest/cutest but what's a new superlative to talk about? Alternately, what's YOUR opinion on ugliest/cutest that might not be The Bat Everyone Knows?
thank you SO much i can answer both of these.
I would like to share some silly bats i think. the silliest bats. that is my superlative. Here, take the Eastern Tube Nosed Bat.
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horrendous. fantastic. why do they look like that.
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they have some beautiful yellow spotting though. VERY cool.
There's also the hammerhead bat which is infamous because they look like this
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but i bring them up because its just the males that look like that. The females look normal.
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(a female as far as I can tell)
I think its really fucking funny that these guys have a 50/50 chance to be born and just look really fucking silly their whole lives.
As for the ugly/cute bats, I have a lot of opinions! The first being, yes, a lot of bats are ugly as sin. But that is a plus in my eyes. The uglier the better I say, even if they kind of look like they've been chewed on. An ugly bat is a marvel of evolution, the flaps largley being for hearing real good. That being said. here's an ugly fucker.
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A Francis' Wolly Horseshoe bat I think?
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also a wrinkle-faced bat because fucking look at it. This one's quite cute though.
As for cute bats. Well we all know about flying foxes. yeah they're really cute and pleasent looking animals. we all know this. Same goes for most fruit bats honestly. So here.
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MASTIFF BAT!!!! Cute little fella. this one's flat :)
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i was only gonna put one picture but then I saw this one going :D
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i also need to shoutout my favourite bat, the Common Pipistrelle. Insectivores have a reputation for being the ugly ones but its just not true!!! they're cute as hell! they're just little guys!!
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I'm also a 'vampire bats are cute' truther. Look at it!!!!! They're also so fucking cool. because of how they hunt they have so many unique adaptations. They can walk and gallop alongthe ground, something most bats really struggle to do. They can take off from the ground, launching themselves in a mechanism thought to be similar to the one pterosaurs used. They are such fascinating animals! Go watch a video of one wandering around. In fact I have one for you. A personal favourite (cw for blood because it is a captive bat having a little drink out of a bowl). look at the way it moves! Its cautious little sidestep!! Bats, especially vampire bats, are demonised as monsters who'll give you horrid diseases because they're evil but that just isn't true. they're animals. they do not bite you out of spite. they don't even know what a disease is. all they know is 'drink blood' and 'hang out with bat friends in cave'.
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ihassheepquake · 2 years
DC's Stargirl 3.08 "Chapter Eight: Infinity Inc. Part Two" has aired on the CW and I'm here to talk about it
Look at me, posting on release day for the first time since I believe the start of the season. Wild.
"Luckily you're with the one person who knows how to escape this place." Sure Jan. Sure.
I have a sneaking suspension that this episode is going to be one of those episodes where I do a lot of googling random names to see if they're anybody who actually exists in DC or was maybe a writer/artist for some JSA comics back in the day. Such as, these kids being shown as the alarm goes off. Tao Jones, Penny Dreadful, and Carcharo. Penny Dreadful is a character I've heard of before, but not the other two, though all three are real characters that are part of a group called Helix, which also included Mr Bones our BBEG.
Shadow Todd looks fucking awesome. But Jennie, sweetie. Maybe stop touching him? Because it keeps causing big explosions.
Maybe I'm the weird one because my grandparents had a rotary phone, so I know how to use one. But I feel like it's weird that Courtney doesn't. Like, it's not hard or weird to use.
Fuck you, Nurse Love. Your torture bullshit isn't how you help anyway, fuck that noise. Unrelated, but she knows Courtney is Stargirl. Which, yeah, obviously. But does that not raise alarm bells to Courtney? Or did she already know they know and I forgot about it? Also unrelated, but Courtney called Pat Dad!
Shadowland diner visions! The last time this happened, we saw the Zaricks again. Now, we see the Gambler again. And Pat's seeing his dad? Pat daddy issues reveal??
Odd they didn't take Jennie's ring. Maybe they can't.
Oh, I see, Pat's parents had him to fix their marriage. Terrible reason to have a kid. Some people aren't meant to be parents. And now it's the death of Shade's mom? Or sister maybe?
Now, why is Mr Bones watching the JSA? What's the point? What does he think they're gonna do, or prevent him from doing?
So, it was Shade's sister. And he regrets never saying goodbye to her.
Okay Bones, how do you know that if you can't get Todd's powers under control, it'll be the end of the world or whatever? That's a bold claim. I'm gonna need a second opinion. And of course, Courtney is like "the answer is the power of love" and it's probably gonna be true, but you know what? That's okay. Sometimes we want the tropes to be true.
Do I think shadowlands!Barbara and Pat's dad are telling the truth about Pat being a horrible father and whatever? No. But having been watching this show for two and a half seasons, yeah Pat could probably give Mike some more attention and work on meeting Mike at his level. But Pat's genuinely a good father. One of the few good fathers we see on T.V. Lord knows we don't get many. So don't listen to these fuckers Pat.
This psychic meeting between Jennie and Todd is so beautiful. I'm kind of surprised that the darkness leaving the ring isn't what they decided would give Todd his powers. But hey, Todd got everything under control! The power of love!! And also Pat and Shade are alive!!
Wait, so Helix isn't who's spying on everyone? Then who the fuck is? Please tell me it really was Dragon King this whole time, that'd be so fucking funny. I don't remember ever hearing about getting a second villain. And have these two episodes been called Infinity Inc because Helix is going to form Infinity Inc? Who are historically their enemies?? This mid-season has fully turned everything upside down.
And now a name drop of both the original and the second Sandman, Wesley Dodds and Sanderson "Sandy" Hawkins. Sandy for season four? Or maybe even later this season? We're probably going to see Jennie and Todd again later this season anyway.
Growth for Shade. I love it. I love seeing villains getting to grow and become okay people.
Now that this little side adventure is over, it's time to get back to the actual plot of the show. Let me know your guesses as to who the person spying on them really is. Right now I don't really have many guesses. I might spend some time this next week doing some research into JSA comic villains and see if there's anything that rings any bells. The promo for the next episodes looks pretty cool. I'm very into a confrontation between the JSA and the Mahkent family. And I do think that Cameron deserves to know the truth. It'll be great to see that train wreck. See that next week in DC's Stargirl 3.09 "Chapter Nine: The Monsters"
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incarnateirony · 2 years
today a friend googled the demographics of NOLA and Atlanta and really let it set in what I meant about it being a different, much less white and privileged world than this pillow cushioned fandom is used to.
Vancouver 78% white
NOLA 59% black and 33% white
ATL almost 50% black and 40% white
And those NOLA numbers are deceptive. A good portion of the population that answers "white" on the census are lighter blend creole people, or non-anglo french descendents. Realistically, the only anglo fuckers there are a small minority of annoying yuppie transplants that move there thinking it's just a fun party town and get their ohio vibes all over the place.
And yeah. it influences culture and how people think, act, and react. When cultures have had to pull each other up to survive, to stay free, when they predate the country itself--your white colonizer mindset is what gets your shit pushed in IRL if you try it. They don't take white nonsense.
And this fandom is the triple definition of White Noise. you're walking into a world of self made people fighting up against oppression for centuries, not handed to them on generational platters and privilege that white communities get.
your Quirky Fun Liberal Cities like "Keep austin/portland weird" look like utter jackasses in actual like. how shit gets handled compared to, say, houston even, much less nola or atlanta.
sorry to break it to this precious white fandom, even as another white person who had to break my bullshit down ages ago, but you aren't special. Your opinions don't dictate reality. And most of all the black gay pagan south does not give a FUCK if you consider an MLM pairing going mainstream "inappropriate." they catch Kelios concern trolling that shit they're gonna see how far they can take porn on network tv just to piss you entitled assholes off.
yeah. that goes for all of you. shrill queerbait shriekers that were attacking our own allies in the room included just as much as the wincels. If you wanna see how we do it, how about you like. come do your shit without a keyboard and a few thousand miles protecting you.
oh right. none of you are that brave. fuckin marshmallows. pat still wont even bet another 5k after his last fail but knows his precious whiteness and keyboard will protect him from getting his spine ripped out.
you wanna know why nobody here accomplishes anything anymore, it's because you're too busy fixing your egos behind keyboards but don't have the compunction to get up and actually do something to get what you fucking want. That's it. That's the difference. Down south, the real south, the actual Dirty South, not ivory lib castles like Austin and their suburbs fed conservative garbage via nexstar for years; you get up and help move the log. If you get in the way, the motherfuckers with the log will smash your ribs and keep going through you. It's that simple. nobody cares about your white fragility bubble, pat. nobody cares if you clicked and ordered 5 dollars to a food bank to make yourself feel better as a white savior. We care if you get up and bring the fucking food to people. We care if you help advocate for systems where it isnt as needed, and show up and meetings and raise your voice and cuss if you've fucking got to, and riot if you've fucking got to, and get arrested if you fucking got to.
nexstar's conservative shit flooding white liberal cities like austin is how you get jackasses like kelios being so up her ass she unironically screams Make Supernatural Great Again, or joined the Silent Majority, and demands staying in "safe, old ways". and fuckin white libs at a core, a lot of them are like this. They're conservatives in a mask. 2p0 too and how they go into DM to argue incest should be allowed irl or try to compare it to the lgbtq struggle--active enemy against progressives, but this fandom sucks his dick of raw, uninformed opinion anyway. Beneath the skin, these agendas are all driven by political skews informing their opinions, and this is ripping open faux white liberalism and gutting it like a piggylecki.
i ain't afraid to get arrested for the right cause. Hell it goes viral enough on why they'll pay my bail. you guys though, you're afraid to even step outside your houses. Welcome to Nola. Buckle up.
like in my life i've put a few dudes in the dirt in self defense, and you really gonna try to act like a tough shit online when you guys won't even put your money where your mouth is in a bet. Because you goddamn know. there's a reason taw had all of you running pissing your pants for years and then he met me and it was his turn to piss and run. only one person ended up updated to "armed and dangerous" on his doxxing site despite being a Big Scawwy Miwitary Man. catch a clue. you ain't any better than him, 2p0
And eventually, your followers will notice that for alllll the subtweeting you do, you magically missed the 20 chances to take up that bet if you're half as confident as you pretend.
Yeah guys, why won't he?
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faggotsonic · 2 years
Sonic for the ask game
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Sexuality Headcanon: ohhh gay absolutely. though I see a lot of people hc him as bisexual too and I also think thats so awesome :)
Gender Headcanon: trans guy who is SO gnc. I've always seen him as being so open and proud about his sexuality and gender but its like. DOUBLY so for his gender he's just so unapologetic about being transgender and being trans and his own way and he's going to make sure the world knows it
A ship I have with said character: s/nkn/xadow admittedly. All three dynamics really appeal to me and have so much going for them when it comes to parallels and opposites and also just being silly and fun. but only the dynamics in my head and in canon literally everyone is wrong about the s/nadow dynamic because they want to make both characters into flat fanfiction tropes and want to make it out to be more special than it is and theyre just so generally annoying about it that it comes off like i hate it but really im just really picky and hate the fandom version of it. i think they are silly. s/nknux (NOT THE MOVIE VERSION) however is the world though it is that deep. if I talk about them in depth though this post is going to get so long so ill leave it at that. but also shipping isn't that serious. unrelated to actually shipping but i hc that most of his friends and rivals (THAT ARE CLOSE TO HIS AGE) have had crushes on sonic at some point i think its really silly to the point of being a bit. everyone sitting at a table like raise your hand if youve crushed on sonic at some point and all these hands go up and sonic like "uh. did i do that."
A BROTP I have with said character: SONIC AND TAILS FRRRR SEGA PLEAAAASE let them act like actual brothers in game like tails isnt just his sidekick tails is sonics BROTHER they are each others most important person. they live together they mess with each other they hold prank contests that will go in history books they know almost everything about each other. they found each other when they were orphans and are both each others first friend and first family. people talk about how much that means to tails but it means just as much to sonic
A NOTP I have with said character: all the gross stuff but especially shoutout to s/namy oh my god can everyone shut the fuck up about it being "basically canon" SHES 12 YOU FUCKERS SHES 12!!!!!!!!ITS UNREQUITED OH MY GOD SHES 12!!!!!!! Other than that uhhhh... m/tonic and s/nourge like sorry metal fucking hates him and scourge is literally Him from another dimension thats weird. stop.
A random headcanon: OOOOO well I know sonic being an orphan is pretty much canon but i have to say i just LOVE the idea of sonic being an orphan and VERY much an outcast growing up (something something tails parallels). he ran away from whoever was raising him (and probably raising other orphans) at a pretty young age and his powers didn't make it hard to avoid other adults and stuff like school and stuff. anyways long story short he pretty much didnt have anything except for what he stole and pulled together for himself-- he gave himself his own name (transgender) and everything. I'm just a big sucker for heroes who have the craziest powers and have become the most powerful people around but come from the most humble origins and at the end of the day they're just another person like us.
General Opinion over said character: HE'S MY BEST FRIEND!!! He's EVERYONES best friend like i promise you if sonic was real he would be your friend and make you feel special and awesome because he is so nice and friendly. god i wish sonic was real the world needs a sonic so bad
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loudmouthedllama · 2 months
Re: "Not enough people are speaking out against the bullshit" Here's part of the issue with that as someone who WAS attempting to speak out against the average Tumblr BS: These people will pull any underhanded tactic in order to delegitimize you and take away your platform. They churn the rumor mill and make up lies about you that they spread to other people who have little to nothing to do with you behind your back. I've been a victim of this pettiness and have essentially had to tread on thin ice just to be able to continue using a third party public space, and while it is somewhat cathartic to take away the barest strand of a reason to have someone attack me publicly over stated opinions that had nothing to do with them, it's still vexing on some level that it's something I have to make a case out of at all. Like I'm some tumor on the website simply for sticking to my own lane more often than not and not causing problems behind the scene, unlike a lot of other people. You can't even filter and manage your own space without some people throwing shitfits and getting others to essentially stalk you, especially if you never had a single thing to do with these people in the first place. Not to mention all the egotism and grandstanding they'll do in those same public spaces like they're moral authorities in the RPC. The very same people who criticize "rules for thee but not for me" practice the same exact behavior themselves more often than not, or so I've found. Heaven forbid it's not state-sanctioned outrage, otherwise being upset at these sorts of things and criticizing them makes you too overly "aggro" and "mean" for most people's tastes. A friend of mine has also ended up with a steadily shrinking friend circle because they don't take the usual Tumblr BS lying down and a lot of their longtime friends are chickening out on them for it. Now, I'm not saying we should simply roll over and fall in line to be successful on this website, but just that it should be understood that we will always be outnumbered compared to the rest because everyone else is, if I might dare call them such, either sociopathic or perpetual victims who will inevitably get used by the sociopaths on here. This site is, unfortunately, a niche little safe haven for these types of people on the internet.
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psalmsofpsychosis · 7 months
[ angry rant ahead ]
you know, i usually dont talk to other people much in real life right now, even less so on the internet, it takes a lot to get me on the case of disco horses and other variants of supposed "discussions". It's a strange thing because i'm actually a quite talkative person, but also in the recent 5-6 years any and every kind of expression i've had, no matter how mild or colorful it was, people [who had already decided they hated my guts] used as an excuse to justify why "they were leaving me behind". It was always my fault that i was being treated like shit; they were just reacting sensibly to me being a fuckhead.
So i learnt to control and manage and frame and reframe my expression, not because i wanted to and liked it, but because of necessity— you can only afford to be left behind so many times before it starts damaging you emotionally, mentally, and physically in many aspects.
And i actually started developing severe physical symptoms because of how much i curated and leashed in my self expression— eating up 3/4th of what i actually wanted to say and spend so much fucking energy trying to script my thoughts and opinions in a way that would be oh so accomodating and considerate and soft-spoken and mild and non-threatening and harmless and agreeable so paper-skin-and-glass-bones fuckers online and offline dont feel threatened and start crying, or start biting me for "being rude" when all i did was to literally just open my mouth and form one or two sentences.
And i'm so insanely resentful about this. I'm resentful about constantly self censoring and watering down my expressions and forcing myself down to the level of other people the way grown ups squat to talk to a child so the child feels less threatened. Constantly writing and rewriting what i want to say so it's not "too antagonistic, too angry, too vicious, too confident, too anything" —"make it friendly, light, no-big-deal, agreeable, appropriate, acceptable to the rock bottom level boundaries of this context," the voice in my head says— when the truth is, i'm so so so much more than anything i've ever shown to people online and offline in the past 6 years. I'm full of hatred and rage and i'm shameless and i enjoy it too, i can hurt people terribly and i'm good at it and this is why i'm hellbent on kindness. It's a choice, i wake up and i make this choice every fucking day, and i dont like being taken for granted. I dont think most people truly understand what "where the light is brightest the shadows run deep" means, like no, you dont understand the depth of how fucked up i can be, you take my joy and delight for granted, and you cannot live up to either. You're not my equal on either front and you lack the substance it takes to mirror my happiness or my rage– and i get very irritated when people think they're on the same ground with me, "we're so alike!" no we're not, you just feel connected to the super mega easy digestable non-threatening responses i craft for you because i know you can't handle any more than this without having a mental breakdown and making me mom you.
Like, i solid feel like everytime i want to talk i have to put on kiddie gloves and do the kiddie talk, patting people's heads like "dont be scared, dont be scared, i'm a friend, no need to panic, now we're gonna play a game in which i give you super easy hints on life being more complex and deeper than you percieve it on a surface level and you proceed to think about that for 5 seconds everyday, easy, easy." Because that's what they are to me, children. I feel like i'm talking to children all the time, and no it's not about age, it's about the way most people are so incredibly shallow and superficial and simplistic and are so depth-averse it's kinda astounishing??? Like you'll find them hanging 6475378 adornments from every branch of a tree and thinking a tree is "a collection of leaves" and they never see the roots, or water them.
And yeah i'm so incredibly resentful about all of it. I feel like i put people in cute fun little floaties in the shallow end of the pool and stay with them and we play simple games and splash water at each other and they dont know the deep end of the pool exists, they dont care, they think everyone and them and me are kiddies playing in the shallow part, "oh you're just like me, we're all the same and having so much fun here," no, i'm so much more than you at any given point in this interaction, and what you sound like to me is a child mistaking their mother as "another playmate in the kindergarten".
And i'm super fucking tired of defanging and declawing my expression all the time so i dont spook the little dainty shallow people inside or outside my phone. "but they'll get scared and they'll leave!" and you know what? good. I want them to get very, very scared. And i want them to fucking run. I'm tired of trying to cater to simple people who i dont give a fuck about, people who are merely contemplating whether i'm worth loving or not. You walk into a haunted house only when you love ghosts and want to see one, this is not a space for the faint of heart. i am not a space for the faint of heart.
#half the stuff i want to talk about would scare you people back to the corner of your mom's bed#And everything y'all bring up is so extremely performative and hollow#and ''social points with the least amount of possible effort just to make you feel like you're included in the discussion#without having to do anything worthwhile''#it makes half this website's blood halal to me to be honest. like you're freerange low effort sport hunt material to me#but i wont talk. because it's not fun or productive or meaningful in anyway to yell at children#but i miss being around actual grown ups. people who i dont have to simplify my talks for and set the cute kidtalk voice for#''please dont be threatened i dont mean bad—'' actually feel free to get very fucking threatened.#your comfort comes at the expense of mine and it means nothing to me.#at least i can enjoy your bland socially acceptable fear as you make a run for it#it's not like your lukewarm neutered ''somewhat interested'' kind of joy does anything for me either#because the same people who feel threatened by me are the exact same people who like to watch my joy from afar#like a cute performing circus monkey#but never contribute to or add to my joy in any meaningful way.#My excitement and affection and love is also just another product for you to consume and throw in the trashcan when you're fone with it#tagging this as#ENTP#Ne-Fe#because i know the very specific portion of fuckheads on earth who will get this#but also i think at this point i'd heal on a physical level if i could meet an ENTP E8 who'd do a screaming match with me
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blue-slxt · 9 months
🩵 for the get to know me q+a 🩵
11) Do you want children?
13) Baths or showers?
16) What do you typically have for breakfast?
18) Favorite swear word?
19) What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
22) What is your favorite accent?
24) Are you scared of spiders?
29) Are you a gossip?
33) What makes you nervous?
34) Are you scared of the dark?
37) Have you ever done drugs?
38) Who was your first real crush?
43) What makes you angry?
44) Do you like your own name?
45) Comfort character of all time
48) Earphones, headphones or wireless ones?
49) Would you date someone you met online after getting to know them for long enough to genuinely start something serious?
50) what birth control methods do you use or would you use?
61) what’s your favorite smell?
62) what are your biggest insecurities?
63) are you more attracted to people who are older than you, younger than you, or the same age as you?
64) are you afraid to walk alone at night?
65) What do you think is the weirdest kink?
66) Should hickey's be visible or hidden?
67) Cutest kiss? (Forehead, cheek, hand etc.)
i'm sorry i always go for the longest questions 🤣 but it's because i love you so damn much my blue 🩵
Hey my anonymous love! I may not always know who everybody is, but when I get a long list of questions, I know it's you babe!💙
11) Do you want children?
I do! My baby fever is actually insane which is why I have my reborn doll to help hold me over for the next 2-3 years until I'm ready for my first real baby.
13) Baths or showers?
Showers. Baths always freaked me out as a kid because I always thought of it as just kinda sitting in a pool of your own dirt lol. So I much prefer showers.
16) What do you typically have for breakfast?
Grits and bacon are usually my go-to. A lot of people aren't fans of grits, but I LOVE them.
18) Favorite swear word?
Daddy Fucker. I accidentally called this poor nurse a daddyfucker when he had to give me a shot in my butt. Thankfully, he found it hilarious.
19) What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
I think it was something insane like 28-30 hours last year. I had to work a full 12 hour shift and then I came home and had to move out of my apartment and that took a long time so I got no sleep!
22) What is your favorite accent?
I think Australian. Something about it is so fun to me.
24) Are you scared of spiders?
Absolutely. They terrify the living daylights out of me. Always have. If I see a spider, I immediately need someone to come kill it. I will scream and run and freak tf out.
29) Are you a gossip?
My gf says I am lol. There might be a little truth to that. But it's never malicious.
33) What makes you nervous?
Being perceived in public. When I'm out in public by myself, something about other people taking notice of me and what I'm doing makes my anxiety go up. But I have an anxiety disorder so that's just kind of my life.
34) Are you scared of the dark?
Yes. I usually have to have some source of light when I sleep. Usually, it's the TV. At the very least, it's my phone.
37) Have you ever done drugs?
I partake in some oregano when I'm bored lol. But that's it.
38) Who was your first real crush?
It was a boy in my first grade class named Christopher. I was into him real bad. He was so cute and funny to me. I hope he's doing well.
43) What makes you angry?
Ignorance and people just not minding their own business. Like please just let people do their thing if it doesn't effect you.
44) Do you like your own name?
I like my name. I think it's cute and it fits me. Especially knowing what my name almost was.
45) Comfort character of all time
There's so many to pick from. The one that comes to mind right now is Ishida from A Silent Voice. I relate to him and his struggles so hard. It makes me feel seen.
48) Earphones, headphones or wireless ones?
Wireless headphones are my favorites. They're the most comfortable and usually have the best sound quality in my opinion.
49) Would you date someone you met online after getting to know them for long enough to genuinely start something serious?
Yea. I met my current gf on tinder so I have no issue with dating people that I meet online.
50) what birth control methods do you use or would you use?
I use the pill. Well, I've been off it for a while, but it's my personal preferred method. I've been thinking about switching to the shot though. Not like I really need to worry about getting pregnant right now anyways.
61) what’s your favorite smell?
The comfort aromatherapy scent from Bath & Body Works. It's vanilla and patchouli. It smells soooo good.
62) what are your biggest insecurities?
Soooo many. I like to fake like I'm so into myself, but truth be told, I'm actually super self-conscious about my body. Particularly, my boobs and my tummy.
63) are you more attracted to people who are older than you, younger than you, or the same age as you?
My age range is for people only a couple years younger than me (maybe 23 at the youngest), but it's a wider range for older (I'd maybe cap it at like 38-ish). There's a draw for older and younger so it just depends on the personality. But I tend to lean older usually.
64) are you afraid to walk alone at night?
Yea because I live in the hood lol.
65) What do you think is the weirdest kink?
Scat play. I could never. I won't yuck someone else's yum, but I just do not understand it in the slightest and I don't want to.
66) Should hickey's be visible or hidden?
It's always more fun if they're visible in my opinion.
67) Cutest kiss? (Forehead, cheek, hand etc.)
Forehead is my favorite personally.
Thanks for the questions love! <333
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dekuspet · 4 years
Oblivion - Part 1
Deku/Izuku Midoriya x Reader x Kacchan/Bakugou Katsuki
Part II here!
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Genre: Angst, Fluff
"He told me he'll never leave. He lied."
"I love you. You're the most beautiful thing I ever laid my eyes on. I'll never leave you.", he said to you as he speaks between your kisses.
"We will make a family. We will make little Bakugous. How many kids do you think will we have?", he smiled.
You laughed sarcastically as tears started falling down your eyes.
"Why are you laugh-crying?", the man who's eating your pussy was shocked. Who is he? You don't know either. You just fuck around. Fuck with strangers. Then leave. No strings attached.
Afterall, they'll all just leave you. They will, you know that.
You continue laughing sarcastically. The man who's about to fuck you isn't horny anymore.
"Damn, kid. Go see a doctor. You're creeping me out.", he left right away.
Ah, fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. You did it again. Is it because of the alcohol and your low tolerance?
Why do you keep remembering that shitty asshole? Earlier, you're horny. And now you're left, horny and sad.
You laughed again. Maybe you're really crazy. It's been five years. Five. Goddamn. Years.
You sighed. You force yourself to get up and move your ass to go home. Or maybe find another fucker to fuck? Afterall, you're still horny.
You have no problem getting fuck again and again. As long as there's condom.
No, it's not because you don't want to be pregnant.
Hell, you would want to be pregnant. Really.
"Little Bakugous"
Ah, again. You're real shit. You keep pitying yourself.
"You're infertile. You can't have babies. I am sorry Mrs. Bakugou."
You covered your ears as tears fell from your eyes.
Make it stop. Please. Make it stop.
"Aah babe, faster.", you stopped crying for a little as you heard your door bang. The two persons look like their about to fuck. You really can't see them clearly. You're to lazy to wear your eyeglasses.
Ow, maybe wrong room? Well, you don't give a fuck. You're leaving anyways.
You're about to leave, muttering sorry but not bothering to look at them. But the guy held your arm.
"Y-y/n wait!", you turned around. Now closer. You saw who is it with your puffy eyes.
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Those curly green hair partnered with green caring eyes.
"I-Izuku! H-hi!", you smiled forcefully.
"Hey babe. Who is she? Aren't we going to fuck? Or will this be threesome?", the other gurl said.
"I-I am sorry. I am not in the mood to have sex. I-I can find you another partner.", the girl looked at her with disbelief and she slapped him as she called him asshole. She left right away.
"I didn't know you can be an asshole sometimes, Izuku.", you laughed a little. Izuku scratched his head.
"I-I just want to comfort you. You looked like you just cried.", he said. You smiled. He's still the same caring, innocent boy. You both sat at the corner of the bed in the private room at the bar.
They know what happened five years ago. Well, not really everything. They don't know you're infertile. They just know the decision for your relationship is mutual.
You laughed sarcastically again.
"Hey, are you okay?", You looked at Izuku as he held your shoulder. Am I okay? It's been long since someone asked you that. You got teary eyes. It's like all your emotions are triggered to be released.
"I am not, Izuku.", you cried loudly. He is hesistant at first but he hugged you. You told him the whole story.
"I am sorry Katsu, I can't give you a child", Katsuki is silent. He is confused.
"Give me space.", he said as he left. He didn't return for days. You let him.
Your eyes sparkled as you heard the doorbell. It's probably Katsu.
You opened it and you saw Katsuki holding a paper.
Divorce papers.
"I am sorry. I want to have kids.", he didn't look at you.
Your heart clenched but you didn't cry. You signed it rightaway. When he left, you cried until you had enough.
"I am here. Ssh. I am here.", those comforting words. Damn. You don't know you need those. You acted tough when you and Katsuki separated. So no one will worry about you.
But not until now did you realize that you need someone to lean on.
It's been hours of you crying. And Izuku patting your back. Izuku's clothes are wet with your tears. Then you stopped. You looked at him and you raised your hands so he'll face you. He looked at you with troubled eyes, like he don't know what to say. You kissed him fast.
He's shocked. So he pushed you lightly.
"What are you doing, Y/n?", he asked as he looked at you with different emotions. He is sad, confused. You rubbed him down there as he moaned.
"I know you're horny. You set it aside to comfort me. I am horny too. Let's just follow our bodies. This will just be for one night. We will forget it afterwards. We will remain friends, okay?"
"B-but I don't have condom."
"Ssh, as long as you're not sick.",you didn't let him respond as you pushed him on the bed.
"Oh fuck.", you held your head. It hurts so much.
"Good morning, Y/n.", you heard Izuku said as you muttered 'morning'.
Eh? Izuku?
"I-Izuku!", you jumped out of bed as you remembered what happened last night. The blanket on your body fell and your body is exposed to Izuku. Izuku's jaw fell and he hurriedly turned around.
"I am sorry, Y/n!", you laughed at him. He is still innocent. He acted like nothing happened to both of you last night.
And you must admit, he isn't innocent in bed.
You quickly picked up your clothes and you moaned as your head hurts again.
"I bought medicines for your hangover. Let's leave afterwards and let's eat breakfast.", he turned at you and he smiled.
Izuku has a simple car. Of course he'll have a simple car. Even though you know Izuku makes lot of money because he is the number 1 hero, you expected this. Afterall, he doesn't like being flashy.
And maybe he bought lots of All Might Action Figures, even he is the current number 1 hero.
You both reached a restaurant. He removed his seatbelt and muttered a wait to you. He'll probably open the door for you. As he run to open your side of the door, a guy wrapped his hands around Deku's shoulder. You look at the smiling blonde with that red eyes. Bakugou Katsuki.
You know Katsuki and Izuku are in good terms now. Katsuki isn't bullying Izuku, and he didn't hold grudge for Izuku being the Number 1 Hero.
"Oi! Who are you with? You got a date?", Katsuki said.
Izuku is hesitating if he should open the door so Katsuki opened it. His grin fell as he saw you.
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You gulped. You feel like your legs are becoming jelly. You can't move. Izuku held his hand for you so he can pull you out.
"Kacchan, we are just go-", you stopped Izuku.
"Why are you explaining Izu, you're so funny.", you playfully hit him and you wrapped your hands around his arm.
"I'm so sorry, Bakugou, but I gotta snatch your friend. We're really hungry.", you smiled at him as you didn't let him say another word. You and Izuku entered the restaurant. You are glad Izuku let you drag him.
Katsuki is staring at you as you walked. You called him Bakugou. And you are with Deku. He is confused.
He has lot of questions. He felt like he is betrayed, even though you two already separated.
Deku doesn't know the bro rule.
Katsuki sighed as he left confused and angry.
You and Izuku ate and bid farewell after.
Afterall, you agreed that it's just one night stand.
Izuku become closer to you. And now you're somehow angry. He pitied you. That's why he's caring. You don't want to be pitied.
"Hey Y/n.", Izuku showed again at your agency with a bento box. You admit, you love his homemade food but you're both getting rumored dating as he always show at your work.
You pulled him and you brought him where no one can see. He is looking at you, confused.
"Look Izuku. Stop this.", you looked at him seriously. He looked hurt. He stare at the floor.
"Okay. Just, take this. I'll not bother you anymore. Call me if you need someone. Bye.", he left looking sad. Then you became guilty. You can't hurt this Cinnamon roll. So you run after him.
"Okay, Izuku. I am sorry. I just, don't want to burden you. You have problems too. And I don't want to trouble you with the rumors.", you told him sincerely. He held your shoulder.
"You will never be a bother to me. I am your friend, Y/n.", you smiled at him. You muttered a thank you. He smiled before he turns to leave the agency you're in.
"Let's meet at friday! Let's drink! Usual place!", you shout and he turned back to nod.
You both part ways. Your friendship with Izuku became stronger.
People gasp as Ground Zero attacked Deku. Kirishima and Kaminari stopped Bakugou. They all work at the same agency.
"Man, what is wrong with you.", Kirishima glared at Bakugou.
"That fucking traitor don't know bro rule. Deku, you don't date your friends ex!", Bakugou is loud. Fortunately, they're still at the agency and all heroes here will not betray them, probably.
"I am not doing anything! We are just friends!", Deku whispered.
"Fuck that friendship. What kind of friends meet early at the morning and eat breakfast? Remember Deku, bros before hoes. We are in good terms, man.", Bakugou is still angry.
"Y/n isn't a hoe. Stop being an asshole. She needs a friend. What you did isn't nice, Kacchan. She needs a friend.", Everyone's surprised as the Number 1 Hero glared at Bakugou as he left right away. Bakugou avoid his eyes as his guilt eats him.
You wake up feeling nauseous. It's Sunday. You know you didn't drink alcohol last night. You ran to the bathroom and vomit. You breathe heavily. Realization hit you after you vomited.
No this can't be. How?
"Congrats, you're 2 months pregnant.", you looked at the doctor, horrified. The doctor sense it.
"Is it an unwanted child?", she asked.
"No. I want to have a baby. But I am diagnosed as infertile.", you said.
"Did you get second opinion? If not, maybe the doctor's wrong. We have checked it Miss Y/n, you're really pregnant.",she sais as she smiled. She left you alone.
Ow what the fuck. You didn't have sex with anyone in the last 3 months.
Just Izuku.
You're confused. You are glad that you are fertile. But, what would Izuku's reaction will be?
You know he'll accept it. He's kind. But what if it'll hinder his work and dreams?
You shrugged the thought off. You walked to your car to visit Izuku.
"Deku!", Katsuki is knocking at Izuku's apartment.
"Kacchan!", Deku opened the door and let Katsuki enter.
"I'm sorry. I doubted you. And I understand that I became an asshole with Y/n. I thought I needed kids. But after we broke up, I can't find a wife. They're not y/n. I don't want kids. I want Y/n. But she is distant to me after we broke up. I didn't have time to apologize.", Izuku rolled his eyes internally.
"Kacchan, you should apologize to her.", I'm glad you're a dick so I can have chance with her.
"I-I don't know how." Figure it yourself, dick.
Both Katsuki and Izuku turn around the door as the doorbell rang.
Who could it be?
You rang the doorbell. You planned to say it at his face right away. You held your breathe as he opened his door and you pushed him in right away.
"Izuku, I'm pregnant.", Izuku looked shock. You saw blonde hair behind Izuku. Oh fuck.
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Bakugou when he found out that you are pregnant with Deku's child even though the reason that you two broke up is you being infertile, add up with the fact that Deku said you two are just "friends":
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