#but sometimes she'll use it after a difficult fight
binah-beloved · 3 months
Would binah enjoy doing things that make you flustered/blush around her? (Such as that birdie pet name)
yes, definitely. she derives a fair bit of joy in watching you stumble over your words and feeling your cheeks heat up. it's partially because she enjoys seeing you softly embarrassed, but also because she likes that her words can cause someone to become flustered in the first place. Binah has always been someone who inspires confusion and terror in people, so the fact that something as simple as a teasing nickname from her can make you do a double take has her heart melting. she particularly likes cupping your face in her hands right after, feeling how warm your cheeks have become as she lets out a quiet chuckle
she'll have to fluster you more often
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yooms-posts · 11 months
God gave us two hands, two legs, two eyes, and two ears, but just one heart so that we could find the second and today I found my pair in you.
Characters: miles morales (both earth 1610 and 42), gwen stacy, hobie brown, pavitr prabhakar
Pairings: all of them x gn reader (separate)
Reader: gn reader
notes: reader is around the age of the charcaters don't be weird, mentions of fights and blood, reader could be seen as a person who speaks Spanish for miles, contains some spoilers for atsv
genre: fluff with a hint of angst 🤏
Miles morales (1610)
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he is such a sweetheart fr 🤞
definitely gets nervous and shy when entering a relationship with you
his love language is definitely acts of service, physical touch and giving gifts
is shown in the movies that miles is a very good artist, I'm sure he'll give you a very precious gift made by himself
need help with anything? he's there trying too help, homework is getting difficult for you? he's ready to teach you easier methods
holding your hand to keep you close? you got it babe
i feel like he likes to kiss your forehead as a sign of affection
in moments of vulnerability, he would place his forehead against yours
meeting his parents of course, family means a lot too him
his mom and dad may be wary of you (sorry), but they start too loosen up when you interact with them more
they could tell that you were the right one for miles, and they couldn't be any happier
that was wayyyy before you knew he was spiderman
why? because he thought it may make you view him differently
after all he couldn't keep it from you, you were one of the important people in his life (and he was running out of excuses why sometimes he has to leave earlier on dates)
it was definitely some sort of a shock! being spidermans s/o? crazyyy
have i mention dates when the both of you sit at very high buildings? dont worry he's watching out for you
miles just swinging while you hold him tightly for dear life
helping to patch him up after a fight while scolding him for being reckless sometimes
sometimes he has to comfort you when you realise you could lose him due to his duties
best date views, best atmosphere
the both of you just leaning on each other, wrapped in a blanket watching the sunset? yea thats the life...
both of you making nicknames for each other
he would call you: mi luz (my light), bebé
*if you aren't familiar with spanish, you would definitely pester him and ask him for the meaning
you would call him: lindo (cutie), mi hombre (my man) if your feeling slightly playful, babe
trading clothings is common
his jacket? suddenly your in possession of it, your shoes or clothes that fit him? it's his turn to wear it
lots of photos taken, whether its good or questionable (you accidentally spilled water on him) it will be kept in his phone
Gwen stacy
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i remember seeing her and questioning myself fr 🏳️‍🌈
anyways, your very precious to her i dont make the rules
like miles, nervous and shy when entering a relationship but leaning towards nervous
her love language is definitely acts of service and quality time
being spiderwomen definitely brings a challenge to the relationship
thats why quality time is very precious to her, any time your together is makes her happy
it doesn't have to be anyone talking or doing anything, she just want to be with you
acts of service? if you ever mention that you need something, she'll pick it up own her way back
kissing is very rare but when it does happen it always on the knuckles of your hand or on your cheek
inviting you over to her house for dinner, which lead to you meeting her dad, peter and aunt may
of course her dad approves you, he notice how she lits up even more around you
but after the incident where gwen loses peter, she unintentionally shuts everyone out
it causes a riff in your relationship because all you want to do is help but she's pushing you away
it got into an argument between the two of you and she accidentally slipped out that she's the heroine
that was the reason she was pushing you away, scared and afraid you might be next
comfort her, hold her, tell her that you aren't going anywhere, she needs that comfort
the relationship became better and stronger slowly
same thing as miles, you patching her up and muttering she shouldn't be too reckless
dates with her are always exciting, she would be showing you places where only her could acces due to her spider abilities
nicknames are the regular ones between the both of you
you would call her: my girl, babe and wifey (as a joke to tease her)
she would call you: dear, bae
its shown that she leaves her sweater/jackets in other people's room soooo...
yea, leaving her stuff at your room and taking it back a few days later
technically making it yours too, i dont make the rules 🤷‍♀️
Hobie brown
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i wish british people are real 😔
i wanna say it would be a 'you fallen first but he fall harder' type of scenario
like it's impossible to not fall in love with him a little
love language? it's got to be words of affirmation and giving gifts
he would be those types who would be able to tell that somethings bothering you
he would reassure you if you ever feel bad about yourself or have bad days, he would be there to boost your confidence
remember how he made his own version of the watch to travel different dimensions?
then get ready for him to present to you self made gifts for you
whether it's like a pin or a accessory, he puts a lot of love and thought into it
he gives me the type to lazily pepper kisses on your face teasingly
but if he needs the comfort or other way round, one of you would cradle the others face and kiss the other
going to shows and pubs for entertainment
definitely invites you to watch his show, if you are there you bet his eyes stays on you
him casually entering your house (with your permission!!) at the most weirdest time
around 2am he's knocking on your window so you could help with with bandaging
the first time that happens is when you didn't know of his secret identity which worried you
fights don't really occur between the two of you since he knows what to say and not to say if things get heated
since gwen sometimes crashes at his dimension, she would have probably meet you
it's like a sibling bond between you and her, you sometime lend her your clothes and she tries to help around in the house
im not sure what his actual age is tho...if you know please tell me, its confusing some said he's around gwens and miles age some said he's 19-20
if he is 19-20, you and him would probably be like the older brother and older sibling to gwen
which later on include miles too (miles heard how kind-hearted you are when talking to gwen)
to be honest, eveytime your with him it feels like a date
he's unpredictable at times, making it exciting to figure out what he plans on the date
nicknames is common between the two of you
his nicknames for you: love, darling and hun (he rarely calls you that, it happens when he is sarcastically teasing you)
your nicknames for him: sweetheart, B (since his name is hoBie yk?) and babe
if your open to different types of clothing style, he would lend you his jacket
the both of you would trade small accessories with different styles to match each other
Pavitr prabhakar
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my cutie patotie fr ( not trying to baby him in anyway!! he's just precious in my eyes)
he is so sweet and polite to everyone, so i wouldn't blame you if you fall for him
you know those confession letters? he would probably leave one at your locker
very understanding if you dont feel ready for any PDA at the start of your relationship
physical touch is his main love language followed by words of affirmation
if you are okay with being held, get ready to be held by him
his arms wrapped around your side and arms, he likes to hover near you to hold you
holds your hand almost everywhere and most of the time
he has a way with words definitely, he knows exactly how to make you laugh, how to make you smile or how to jokingly tease you
you mean the world to him, of course he would notice little things about you
definitely giggles when kissing you, whether it's on the cheeks or the tip of your nose
introducing you to his aunt, which she takes a liking to you :)
bringing some food made by his aunt to share with you
you already had suspicion that he was spiderman, you didn't say anything cause he looks so proud when keeping it a secret
eventually it ends up with him spilling it since he gets cuts the next day without proper excuses
which led you to remind him to care himself when doing patrols
proudly showing you off to people, your just amazing to him really
dates with him is very calming and stress-free
like doing each other's face mask or shopping for things together etc
nicknames has got to be cute for you two (or purposely cringy to get the other to not pay for the meal)
his nicknames for you: baby, babe, bae or my s/o
your nicknames for him: pav, my s/o or darling
i feel like he won't mind lending you his clothes, just give him a heads up first
like it could be his tie that you found cute or his pants that fits you nicely
Miles morales (42)
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his whole design was just so sick and just so hdisbosjso?!
him and you? yea you wish...that actually came true congratulations ‼️‼️
it takes a long time to be his friend but as a partner? even longer but it's worth it
he just have issues like lots of them, he's got to know if he could depend on you for help
take your time and slowly tear his walls down, show him your trustable and reliable
his language would range from acts of service, words of affirmation and physical touch
physical touch is a 50/50 with him though, you have to reassure him it's fine if he doesn't want to show PDA
acts of service is definitely his strongest love language
for example, if he notice your too tired to do something he would wordlessly do it for you
do the same for him! he would deeply appreciate it
if you ever have bad days, dont worry he would be there telling you interesting stuff to distract you from it
once your relationship is secure and good, he introduce you to his mom and uncle
his mom already had a feeling that he was seeing someone by the way she notice he slightly smile at a text on his phone
when you meet them, his mom would welcome you with open arms
asking you if you have eaten the typical mother things you know?
his uncle though? he intimates you at first, once he notice you were good for miles he let's loose slowly
likes to kiss your hand generally, like the knuckles and palms
if he feels a little more bold, he likes to tease you by kissing the corners of your lips and ghosting above your lips before pretending nothing happened
that prowler business? you were bound to find out sooner or later
he trust you a lot, he asks you too sit down with him to properly explain why sometime he doesn't show up to dates early
that would be a massive relief for you, you were getting worried that he's starting to loose interest
which you have to mess up big time for his trust and loyalty for you to dissappear (don't)
dates would take place at the rooftops, blankets laid down with snacks to watch the sunset
you cant tell me he would have a soft smile glancing at you from time to time while watching the sunset
seeing that his spanish is more noticeable than miles 1610, his nicknames for you are all in spanish
his nicknames for you: mi cielo (my sky/heaven) , mi corazón (my heart)
*if you aren't familiar with spanish, you would probably try and search up the meaning before asking him
your nicknames for him: guapo (handsome), cariño or mi amor (my love)
i feel like he likes small accessories from you when trading clothing
it's like a reminder to him that his yours and your his
probably brings it with him everywhere he goes
Wooo im finally done!! If theres any spelling mistakes tell me. I hope you enjoyes yourself. Im thinking of writing more itsv/atsv if i have time. Let me know what you think. :)
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neuroprincess · 5 months
Criminal Minds Women, and how they act when they’re jealous? Thank you!
Criminal Minds - They're Jealous (Preferences)
Classification: Fluff
Pairing: Alex Blake, Elle Greenaway, Emily Prentiss, Jennifer Jareau, Penelope Garcia and Tara Lewis
Warnings: None
Word count: +600
Alex Blake
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- Being a more reserved and quiet person, she may not feel or show jealousy easily. However, when this happens she can react in one of two ways: stop next to you and wait for whoever is trying to gain your attention to realize that you're together, or simply be direct about it, being as calm and rational as possible. Then, in privacy and comfort, Alex will kiss you passionately, hands on waist caressing tenderly and never admitting that this reassures her more than any words could.
Elle Greenaway
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- Let's say she doesn't get jealous often and it's not easy to cause it, that's what the brunette says. Elle isn't so subtle, you know immediately what's going on, because in a millisecond she changes her body expression, also gets serious and keeps silent, giving short answers. If you're at work, she'll stare blatantly, anger showing in every facial muscle. If you're in a bar or other public place, she'll just lean in and kiss you, resting her arm on your shoulder. She's certainly the most probable to pick a fight.
Emily Prentiss
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- This woman would try not to let her jealousy show and would deny it to the death to anyone who asked, but she can't be as discreet as imagines. When she's jealous, the agent laughs more than she normally would and sometimes, without even realizing it, she slips out a few sarcastic phrases, clearly uncomfortable with the situation. If Emily becomes self-conscious about how is acting and reacting, she will apologize to you, a little embarrassed, and try to talk about it. Words of affirmation and physical touch are very effective ways of reassuring her, like holding hands under the table or using affectionate nicknames.
Jennifer Jareau
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- Of all of them, the blonde is by far the most jealous. In addition to being easily susceptible, it's evident in every look, gesture and word, a growing anger at any provocation or inappropriate attention another person gives you. She finds it difficult to express this verbally or talk about the topic, but JJ is usually protective and very affectionate in these moments, which means arms wrapped around your body, hands held with fingers intertwined, an occasional kiss between collarbone and neck… possibly a mark in the same place will be made later, a hickey that she will constantly admire and be proud of, because you are hers and only hers.
Penelope Garcia
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- Surprisingly, the hacker is jealous and doesn't make a point of hiding the fact. There are rare moments and it takes a bit of effort to happen, like when Derek calls you "Baby Girl" and she's openly bothered. At first, you both think the reason is because it's his exclusive nickname for her, only to quickly discover, in a friendly conversation, that she actually doesn't like anyone calling you affectionate names except herself, especially the sweet ones. And the man almost gets slapped on the head for teasing her on purpose. After all that, Penelope laughs and gives you a tender kiss, calling you all the sweet names she can think of, delighted to see you blush with some of them.
Tara Lewis
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- Jealousy isn't on her agenda, even if you've been in a relationship for years it's possible to count on one hand how many times she's been jealous. If it does happen she's super chill during the whole thing, you hardly notice except for that familiar smile that doesn't really reach the eyes and fingers stroking down your forearm tortuously slow, believe, Tara doesn't even realize what she's doing until someone tells her. The topic is brought up in a pleasant conversation, with a few laughs and glasses of wine, which surely ends in a cuddling session.
taglist: @inlovewithmiddleagewomen @wastdstime @scarr0713 @geekyandgay98 @dvrkhcld @heidss @xvyzxx @quailbagutte @milciak @ctrlamira @milffilm @prentiss-theorem @josephinevr @cordyandbilliehavemyheart @unexpected-character @spenc-is-bi @grandtacoranchnickel @multifandomlesbianic @louderfortheback @lovelyy-moonlight @gratifiedgiraffe @h-doodles @moonzbluz @lilfartbox1
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ooo if you don't mind me sliding a request into your inbox then how about a yandere pavitr and gayatri
𝙎𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙘𝙞𝙣𝙣𝙖𝙢𝙤𝙣
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Cw: yandere/lovesick!Pavitr and Gayatri x gn!reader, obsessive behavior, delusion, unhealthy relationships, manipulation, mention of kidnapping
Notes: I'm so excited about this request ong
>Pavitr is delusional, he thinks all he does is for the sake of Mumbattan and his partners, he does not perceive his behavior as negative, and will react badly to being contradicted
>Gayatri in the other hand, is a little more self aware, enough to know your fight or flight response can be triggered anytime if they lack discretion with their more... Unconventional practices
>Pavitr is obsessive by nature, but as a yandere he's more on the protective side, he doesn't think you'd ever leave him, after all, you three have a perfect relationship (or so says his delusions) but he does worry about your safety
>Gayatri does worry about your safety, but her biggest fear is that any of you would leave, she's more relaxed about Pavitr because, well, he cannot physically be more in love, but you, you could leave, and she cannot allow that to be a possibility
>What I think gives them extra points as yanderes, is that they don't work as a duo, but as couple, they're madly in love with eachother just like they're head over heels for you, so you're less likely to question their actions when you see them interacting with the other just like they do with you
>Pavitr acts like a manipulator, but he isn't, he just voices his feelings to you, and it sounds like manipulation. But Gayatri is, she will use every tool on the box to keep you with them
>It's not something Gayatri enjoys, but she's more likely to get verbally aggressive in an emotional outburst than Pav
>Her words are most likely to be directed to you, but Pavitr also gets a piece of it sometimes
>"You're out all night and you don't even call! How am I suppose to trust you this way! How am I supposed to trust you with Y/N?! You're a cheater! A liar! You just want to leave us!" Tears spill from her eyes, yelling with a broken voice, Pavitr comes close to her and softly but firmly grabs her wrists so she can't hit him, she hugs her tightly until her breathing stabilizes, whispering how much he loves her, how much he loves being with you, how he'd be caught dead before even looking at someone else
>Pavitr is low-key a masochist, he feels terribly guilty when he fails to save people as spiderman, or when he has to leave you to go on patrol, so he accepts every mean thing you or Gayatri have to say, and he even feels a little comforted if you're upset about him leaving, because that means you love him just as much as he does
>Gayatri spoils you both so much, clothes, spa days, books, skincare, jewelry (and you know indian jewelry is 🔛🔝), whatever you want. She does this in hopes of making you dependent on her, but it's also because she loves gift giving even as a sane lover
>If ever so much as say the word "leave" or "break-up" they're both having full on panic attacks and clinging to you for dear life
>Although if it's really serious, Gayatri acts cold and mean to you, calling a liar and a coward, she'll try to calm Pavitr and glare at you, using his reaction to manipulate you and make you see how much of a bad person you are to make poor sweet Pav behave this way
>If you seem like you're up to something (maybe escaping) Gayatri would use her influence to tell everyone you're mad, that your words cannot be trusted as you are experiencing a really bad maniac episode, but it's okay, they still love you, and take you back
>This strategy is powerful and unless you have a really really trusted friend (that it's already difficult with how clingy they are) who would believe you, you're pretty much screwed, everyone you know will send you back to them
>In case you haven't noticed, Gayatri is definitely the one that would kidnap you, but she really wants you to stay by your own free will
>But of you did manage to escape from them, they'll search for you, Pavitr would be satisfied just stalking you and occasionally stealing your stuff, but Gayatri isn't
>"Baby, don't worry, they do love us, it's just that they are so confused, it's not their fault, we need to find them so they can be safe, Y/N cannot be trusted with their own safety" she kisses her boyfriend's forehead and calms him down so they can start looking for you already
>Now, if you're okay with their yandere tendencies, it's just heaven
>They're so attentive and will shower you with love and gifts every second of the day, they may even allow you to go outside alone (not for too long ofc)
>They're both extremely clingy and sometimes keep you bound to bed for cuddle sessions that last DAYS, don't worry about food, you can order whatever you want:3
>Gayatri may be more dangerous, but they're both at your feet, if you were a manipulative person, it's okay, they'll do whatever you want, just don't leave
>They both love to kiss you for hours, until your lips are bruised and you feel dizzy from the lack of air
>As long as you're docile, they're sweet partners who may have a few screws loose, but love you endlessly
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vampirebloodie · 5 months
Midnight Date | Billy Butcher x Reader
Summary: Billy just wanted to threaten you, but a fight leads to the two of you having a hot date at midnight.
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Warnings: Smut 18+, creampie, unprotected sex, hair pulling, fight before sex.
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"It's her."
Billy said throwing a picture on the table where the other boys were standing around watching everything attentively. The photo showed you distracted inside a store in ordinary clothes, without your superhero uniform.
"And who is this?"
Hughie asked confused, he knew all The Seven but not you.
"She was invited to join the seven but refused, Starlight took her place as a second option. She is more powerful than Homelander."
M.M explained.
"What? More powerful than Homelander?"
Hughie asked in surprise and Billy rolled his eyes.
"That's right, kid. She doesn't like the spotlight so she lives an ordinary life during the day and becomes a superhero at night."
M.M patted him on the shoulder.
"I'm going to have a little chat with her, i'm sure she'll join us."
Billy said and Kimiko started gesturing to Frenchie.
“This will be before or after he threatened to kill her?”
You heard the sound of the bell ringing, indicating that someone had opened the door to the bar where you worked, you were cleaning the tables, ready to close.
"We're almost closing."
You warned without looking at whoever was entering, you didn't worry, after all, you had superpowers and knew very well how and when to use them.
"I just want a shot of whiskey, i've had a rough night."
You looked at the man, he had a big beard and a closed expression. So you just walked to the back of the counter, taking a bottle of whiskey, he leaned on the wood and took the glass watching you fill it with the liquid.
"We all have a rough night sometimes."
You just said, sighing.
"A supe's night really must be difficult, right?"
He asked, downing the drink, you looked at him, trying to hide your surprised expression.
"You heard me very well, doll."
He smirks.
You remained silent thinking, then you pushed him, your strength making him fly against the other side of the restaurant and fall on the tables and chairs, knocking over everything, you ran towards the emergency exit going into an alley, until your body was pushed against the floor and a hand grabbed your hair making you groan in pain, you recognized the pair of shoes in front of you and it was the same man. Then you saw him take a gun out of his pocket and put the cold barrel of it against your chin.
"Try something funny and i ll blow your brains out, even if i have to shoot 300 times to kill you."
He threatened and you swallowed, scared.
"What do you want with me?"
"Talk. First, why didn't you accept the invitation to be part of the seven?"
He asked and you laughed.
"I don't join with corrupt people."
He was a little surprised by your answer.
"So you know very well about the corruption cases involving Vought. What is your relationship with Homelander?"
"What? What relationship? Homelander hates me me since i was a child and he was a teenager, he always hated the fact that there was someone more powerful than him and who could one day join the seven. They wanted me to take his place as leader. "
You explained part of your story with the superhero, but there were many other things to be told about you and him, nothing romantic of course, you hated each other and almost killed each other every time you met. in the tower or elsewhere.
"What about Vought?"
"Why don't you ask them, do i look like i work at Vought?"
You responded roughly and the grip on your hair tightened, you moaned again.
"Doll, doll...Cooperate with me."
He said in the form of a warning and you reluctantly decided to start talking.
"Vought has been watching me for a long time, i think it's a miracle that they haven't kidnapped me yet to keep me in a maximum security prison."
"And they're watching us now?"
He asked.
"Why don't you ask yourself that, William Butcher? Vought has been chasing you longer than I have."
You suggested and he smirks.
"So you know me? That's great! Now tell me how."
He pulled you by your arms, lifting you up and pushing you against the wall, making your back hit the cold bricks. Your faces were almost glued to each other.
"It would be weird if i didn't know you. The supe killer and Homelander's biggest hater, tsk tsk."
"You know i kill supes... And you're a sup..."
He said in a hinting tone and you smirks.
"You will not kill me."
"How are you so sure?"
"Vought would know and intensify their pursuit of you. And when they caught you, you would beg them to kill you as quickly as possible instead of torturing."
You said smiling, his strong hands grabbed your neck, squeezing it. You felt the lack of air becoming more and more present there, your face starting to take on a reddish color, in an act of defense you kicked him in the middle of his legs, making Billy howl in pain and let go of you. The two of you got into a physical fight, without using your powers to kill him knowing that he was still needed by Vought, you found yourself defenseless fighting a man who was much bigger and stronger than you. Before you could give up the fight and run away once again he grabbed your wrists, cornering you against the wall again, his free hand grabbed your chin making you look straight into his eyes, his eyes contained pure anger, while yours contained fear and despair.
"I'd love to destroy that pretty face of yours, but you're too pretty to be hurt."
He said and smirked, you blinked a few times trying not to believe that he was actually flirting with you at a time like that.
"Are you..... flirting with me?"
The moment you say those words a surge of joy floods through your body. Your words are like a call for him to give in to his urges. Without another moment of hesitation he grabs the back of your neck and pulls you close to him. He kisses you passionately, his grip around your neck only becoming stronger.
Butcher''s grip tightens even further as he kisses you back, his tongue forcing itself into your mouth. He pulls you on top of him, the strength in his grip showing just how firmly he has you held. As he kisses you he moves his hands down to your hips, squeezing them firmly.
"We keep just.... kissing?"
You asked a little shy and he laughs.
"Oh doll, if you want more, you just need to say."
He caressed your cheek, you bit your lip and your hand went to his jacket, opening it, revealing a hawaiian-style flowered shirt, which made you hold back your laughter a little and he raised his eyebrow.
"That's style love. Something you don't have in that uniform"
He said referring to his uniform which was showing a little due to his coat being a little open.
"Fuck it"
In one movement, you took off your coat and tore your uniform, leaving your breasts exposed to Butcher. Butcher groans at the sudden motion and leans forward again, this time placing his hands around your body. He stares into your eyes again, this time much more intensely. His voice becomes almost like a grunt as he begins to speak again.
"This is going to get so much more intense..."
He continues to hold you tightly, his breathing becoming more rapid and the tone of his voice slowly changing to a more husky tone.
"I'm going to make it so intense that you'll be a drooling mess by the end of it.."
"I would say that i dare you."
"You will desire not to say this."
The way you reply seems to only increase his desire, his grasp on your body tightening. He stares deeply into your eyes before bringing his mouth to your neck, just before he bites down he whispers one word.
You grab his strong arms and his hands go to your chest, squeezing them hard making you moan, he turns you onto your back, your cheek pressed against the wall as his hand grabs your hair.
"No foreplay today, doll, but next time i promise to enjoy it more."
"So there will be a next one?"
You asked anxiously and he smirked, he pulled down your leggings, leaving your panties showing, which were soon torn, you were startled and just saw him putting the fabric inside his pants pocket, a trail of your juice due to excitement staining your thighs. inside leaving them sticky and sticky. He opened his pants and your eyes widened seeing the size of his member, it was bigger and much thicker than any you had ever seen in your life, he seemed to have enjoyed your surprised reaction, you bit your lip feeling the head of his cock caressing your wet folds before pushing himself completely inside you, you held back a scream.
Billy grabbed your waist as he hit you hard and brutally and you only knew how to moan, he grabbed one of your legs and lifted it, thrusting himself deeper inside you, his balls hitting you hard and his grunts were the most exciting melody you've heard in a while. You never imagined being in a position like that, having sex with a probable enemy in a dark alley right after he had threatened to kill you. His hands grabbed your hair, pulling your head back, your bodies glued together.
“O-oh god! Please please!”
You screamed clenching your inner walls around him, Butcher groaned feeling you squeezing his cock with your pussy. The two of you were already close to full climax.
"Do you want to cum, doll? Hm?"
He asked kissing your neck, you were completely melted by his touches, drunk on his cock, your eyes rolling back and you fighting to keep them open.
"Y-yes!!! Please, Butcher, please...."
You begged, almost crying with pleasure, he smiled and thrust himself into you even harder, if that was possible, his dick hitting your G-spot over and over again without stopping.
He said, his thick and rough fingers starting to massage your clit, your legs starting to shake being held open by his other hand that still pinned your leg open to the wall, you felt that familiar feeling of your stomach tightening and your head spinning. Screaming you melted on top of Butcher and seconds later you felt his hot liquid fill you, your liquid and his liquid mixing into one, running down your thighs. You were a mess, your hair was messy, your makeup was smudged and there were several marks on your body from the grip of his hands. Your legs weakened and you almost fell to the ground, but he caught you beforehand.
"Good girl, i got you."
"What are we gonna do now?"
You asked catching your breath and wiping the sweat from your forehead.
"Now, doll, you gonna help me to kill Homelander."
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cosmic-glow · 9 months
Can i ask a story with Kakashi Hatake accidentally talking to the reader who likes her but doesn't know how talk with her? like drunk confession
Notes: YES! I don't know why I like writing about drunk characters so much... maybe that's a little worrying... But this turned out so cute and honeyed, I really hope you like it, good reading!
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"A Good Reason to be Drunk" - Oneshot.
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Warnings: Kakashi x fem!reader; mentions of alcohol and drunkenness (obviously); small plot at the end; SFW; Kakashi in love💕
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There was no shortage of warnings about how difficult the journey of becoming a jonin is, and indeed it is, but you were aware of this when you decided to become one. What you weren't aware of was that the person who would train you until you had experience was a big slacker who would leave all the work to you.
You heard a lot about Kakashi, the ninja who copies, while you was studying and training to become a jonin. But what you were never told was that he was late for every appointment, procrastinated on mission paperwork, slept whenever he could and left all the hard work to his teammate. You couldn't deny that he was indeed very skilled during fights, but his behavior didn't make up for it.
And here you were, sitting on a sofa in a bar, drinking sake with your already drunk colleague beside you, leaning on your shoulder and smiling idly. Kakashi irritated you very easily and sometimes you didn't even know why.
But at the same time, he had already saved you so many times during fights, intervening when you believed that all was lost, he taught you so many things that weren't in the books, he compensated you for the hokage's scoldings, taking the blame for any mistake in the mission ... In the end you were a good pair, it was just his lazy side that got on your nerves sometimes. Actually, come to think of it, it was even an honor to train with a ninja like him, you just didn't want to admit it.
After all, in addition to the reputation of being a very skilled ninja, he also had the reputation of being a "stealer of hearts", there weren't a few women who said they were in love with him, maybe you were just wanting to focus on some of his defects so as not to let yourself be carried away by the charm too. But it was hard when he was so close to you, laughing with cheeks flushed from alcohol, looking at you with those eyes as black as night. The strain on your nerves at the thought that maybe if you looked too hard he would use his sharingan on you, having you under control to do whatever he wanted.
- I have a headache these days... Can you help me?
- How can I help you? - you asked as a question and not an offer of help.
- There's this girl that I like... But I think she hates me - he sank deeper beside you, sad - How can I make her like me?
You hesitated, not knowing how to proceed, were you imagining or was Kakashi asking you for love advice? He must have been very drunk.
- I don't know, ask her out - you tried to get away from him a little, the heat of the drink starting to take effect.
- I already did that - he settled down on the sofa, stopping leaning on you, resting his head on his hand, his elbow on his knee, the white hair falling over his face, he looked at you between the strands - I don't think it worked.
- So I don't know, ask her directly if you did something, maybe she'll tell you - you got impatient.
- No, y/n is too stubborn to admit anything! - he frowned, irritated by the suggestion and shaking his head to dismiss the idea.
You stopped whatever you were doing, now just staring at him with wide eyes in shock. No, you're drunk too, not as drunk as he is, but the drinking must be making you hear things, make things up, there was no way Kakashi was in love with you.
- Who? - your voice threatened to break, still surprised by the revelation.
- What? - he asked looking for a glass that was still full.
- The girl you're in love with, who is it? - he turned his head to you.
- I can't tell - he said, with the most serious look a drunken man can muster.
And just now, unfortunately, what was left of sobriety in him decided to show up, you would have to manipulate him into giving you the answer without realizing it.
- But how can I help you like this? Tell me at least a little about her.
Kakashi took a deep breath and leaned back on the sofa, he had found a glass that was half full, he was staring at the ceiling but seemed to see through it, far beyond what you could see.
- She is beautiful, very beautiful... She makes me laugh with her stressed way, she always gets angry so easily - he laughs - She likes to look at the stars and listen to music... Her laugh is contagious... And I see myself more and more in love with her... - he was silent for a long time, you even thought he had finished talking -... I need to tell her, I can't even sleep wellI, lose the time and I'm late every day, and she always fights with me because of that - he laughs softly.
Kakashi was so peaceful as he described you, he had a passionate look on his face, fascinated by his beloved, as if just remembering her brought him peace. But at the same time, you could feel his heart sink when he spoke because he thought his beloved despised him, because he was afraid of rejection, because he loved too much.
- I don't want her to hate me... I love her so much - tears started to well up in his eyes - I just wanted her to know that, but I can't even tell her - the tears fell amid sobs, his eyes got low.
You felt helpless not knowing exactly what you should do or say, so you decided to focus first on his problem with being drunk - as if you weren't. Assuming the role of responsible for the situation you got up, took the cup from his hand while he was crying, tried to wipe his tears and got him up saying "it's going to be okay, Kakashi" because it was the best your head could think of and took him outside from the bar after paying for the round.
Now you had a drunk and crying Kakashi on your shoulder being carried all the way home. It was better not to complain, as you could only end up making the situation worse, besides, you thought that part of it was kind of your fault, like, it was you who decided to be rude on purpose to the guy who was in love with you (even though before you didn't know that). Before you could think about it, you entered Kakashi's apartment and put him to bed, which didn't take much effort since he was practically asleep on his feet.
- I love you, y/n - he whispered with his eyes closed, you don't know if it's for you or some vision of his dream.
- And I don't really hate you Kakashi, it's just easier than admitting that I like you too - you spoke low so as not to wake him up, arranging the blanket, not bothering to say it since he wouldn't remember.
Kakashi opened his eyes slowly, a smile forming on his face, looking directly at you with a twinkle in his eyes like a shooting star in the night.
- I knew there was an explanation for all this anger - he said, his voice without any hint of drunkenness anymore - And I also knew that you would never admit it.
It took you a moment to process his speech, Hatake could see the gears turning inside your head as you was transfixed staring at him. When your gaze lit up, understanding what he had done, he started to chuckle at your expression.
- Were you pretending this whole time?!! - you took a step back, crossing your arms, indignation written on your face.
- Yes and no - he sat on the bed, still with the smile on his face - I did pretend to be drunk to get to know if you felt something for me, something besides anger, of course. But I didn't lie when I said I was in love with you, when I said that I stay up all night thinking about how to confess to you.
A silence hovered between you, he had already finished and now he was waiting for your answer, you on the other hand didn't know where to start, all you wanted to say getting stuck in your throat, needing a moment to organize everything.
- You took advantage of my kindness - you don't know why your mind chose to start with that one.
- For a good cause.
- Tricked me.
- Because you're stubborn and would never give me an answer, just like you're not giving now.
- And what answer are you waiting for?!
- That you tell me if you accept to be my girlfriend or not! - he said as if it were obvious.
The silence from before returned, you staring at each other again, your cheeks more flushed this time and his also slightly flushed. Even though he tried to keep a calm, carefree look on his face, Kakashi was internally begging for your answer to be yes, so that he could show the love he's had for you for so long, so that he could touch you the way he wanted, so that he could kiss you. You wanted to let Kakashi love you, you wanted to tell him that you loved him too, and you couldn't understand why you felt that this was a sign of frankness. But with a deep sigh, trying to silence this insistent thought, you looked at him and smiled.
- Of course I do, you idiot!
His smile widened, his cheeks now as flushed as your own with pure happiness.
- I guess I'm the luckiest man in this village now.
He gets up to hug you and can finally kiss his beloved, wrapping his arms around you. Kakashi wouldn't allow there to be a single day when you didn't feel loved after that.
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Sorry for any typos;
Buy me a coffee?
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stars-n-spice · 1 month
Silly Squad Alignment Charts
Because I thought it would be fun and silly :)
Find out more about the Silly Squad here!
Of course, have to start with the classic:
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Hunter will say they have food at home and it's literally like probably two slices of bread, a bottle of ketchup, and a head of lettuce
Viram KNOWS how to cook so you best be happy to eat her food instead of having Mcdonalds
Khea and Echo it depends on their mood whether they pull up and order a single black coffee before leaving (Echo would never do it if Omega is in the car)
Crosshair doesn't even like their coffee but he does it to be a little shit
Feel like Tech is also kinda in the middle because he'll be like "Technically we have food at home-" but he also needs his caffeine
Phee will ALWAYS pull up to the Mcdonalds, especially when Omega's with her. Then Omega always holds it over Hunter- "Well, PHEE takes ME to Mcdonalds!"
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Tay is the definition of a bastard (no seriously)
Phee is bastard (affectionate) but would technically be more of "Badass" than anything
Khea, Crosshair, and Tech are the Bitch Trio and if you put them in a room together they WILL tear each other apart (emotionally most likely but Tech will goad Crosshair and Khea into physically fighting each other while he records)
Majority of the squad is Babey though
Echo is also "Bad Ass" but he could also be a Bitch if he wanted
Hunter is Bastard just because I think it's funny
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Dumb Bitch Hunter my beloved <3
Echo is sad dick because he has no dick
I use dumb affectionately with Wrecker (not with Hunter and Tay)
Tech just has big dick energy to me idk
Khea's a sad hoe but she'll never admit to it (the being sad part)
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If you've noticed, I really like making fun of Hunter that's why he's there in the dumbass squared category
Wrecker, Khea, and Phee are all smart as fuck but have more fun pretending that they aren't really
Tay is good at pretending that he is smart - he is not
Then of course, Tech, Cross, and Echo are all smartasses
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This fit so perfectly I was dying
Hunter is laughing nervously because he's aroace lmao
Omega would be like "Thanks! :D" and just carry on
Jung would most likely do *thumbs up* instead of finger guns though
When you pair up the couples, it's funnier
If Tay said "I know" after Cross told him that he loved him, Crosshair would dump him on the spot
Khea tells Wrecker she loves him for the first time and he short circuits and probably would say something along the lines of "YEET!"
Viram and Echo both have issues and would not be able to comprehend why someone would love them - I'm sure Echo's got insecurities and Viram knows she's a workaholic and therefore difficult to be in a relationship so she apologies in advance
If Phee told Tech she loved him and he went "a horrible decision, really" she'd probably laugh
And of course, who doesn't love Phee? If you don't, get out of here.
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Crosshair could care less, he ain't dealing with that shit
Tech would say this ominously as if he's seen the future and knows your death is imminent meanwhile Khea's is more of a - "you probably will because everyone close to me has already died" sort of way :/
I feel like Omega might also be "i'd die for you first" too
Hunter, Viram, and Echo don't want to deal with that shit either, they've already got so much loss, guilt, and other things on their plate
Tay's probably not listening when someone tells him they'd die for him while Phee's like, "Oh, neat. Anyways, as I was saying about my last adventure-"
Jung is ready and willing to put his life on the line and Wrecker would probably more like a "Nu uh" because he's got your back and would look out for you
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Phee will also do it for some credits or a cool treasure
Tay is going to fight god (and he's going to lose)
Tech could do so much more than take down the government, but he needs incentives (him and Phee can take down the government together <3)
Khea is a bounty hunter, her job literally requires her to stab people sometimes in order for her to get money
Crosshair would stab without anyone needing to ask him
Echo's taking down the government no matter what, but especially if Rex asks him to come along
Jung is going to fight god if you ask them to (and he'll win)
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Viram is the type of friend who is an excellent tutor and you end up understanding the concept after getting her help meanwhile Omega will explain what she knows and then the homework becomes a group project of figuring out what the fuck it's asking
You can copy Hunter's homework but there is no guarantee that the answers are right (most of them are wrong)
You can copy Jung's homework and there's a high chance the answers are right
Khea had better things to do than homework - like get frustrated over it and cry for a bit before giving up on it
Phee did some of the homework but she'll only help you out if you give her something in exchange
Wrecker and Tay, beloved himbos, they had no idea and even if they did do the homework, you wouldn't want to copy off of them
Crosshair also didn't do the homework but he also doesn't want to respond
Tech and Echo both did the homework and it's correct but they don't tolerate copying work to even have suggested it is offensive so now you're left on read
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bucky-h0e · 4 months
The Many Lives of Bucky and Alpine | Main Masterlist
This is a multi-series fic. Based around Bucky and Human! Alpine and the different lives they lead. The main story is Serendipity - this follows the 'canon' timeline, however the other variants will have their own canon events and timelines as well. Bare in mind that Serendipity will most likely get the most updates because of this.
This is a long-term, on going project - if you would like to request something, please do! Just be a little patient with me :)
Each timeline is separate from one another and has their own 'plot' and attributes, you don't have to read them all! Sometimes I will update with an Alternate Narrative - this will be marked clearly and is not vital to the timeline - just a bit of fun!
Remember, these are NOT shipping fics!
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Neighbour!Alpine and Bucky. This follows The Falcon and The Winter Soldier's events; post, pre and during.
Bucky Barnes now faces a difficult task indeed, navigating the 21st Century whilst making amends for his actions as the Winter Soldier. Left alone to his own devices, he fears he may continue the life of solitude, pushing away all who try to help. But what happens when a stubborn 106 year old meets a similarly stubborn (and downright bizarre) 21 year old? And for God's sake, what is her real name?
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You Feel Like Home
Half-Romanian! Alpine and Bucky. This starts just after Captain America: The Winter Soldier and through Captain America: Civil War; post, pre and during.
On the run from both HYDRA and SHIELD, James Bucky Barnes finds shelter in Bucharest and creates 6 rules for himself to ensure his survival.
One: Make no noise.
Two: Stay out of sight.
Three: Use only cash. Spend only when absolutely necessary.
Four: Follow the news reports. Any mention of his name, MOVE.
Five: Do not get attached to his neighbour's neglected, sick daughter.
Six: Stop breaking rule number 5.
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The Winter Soldier and his Angel
Avenger! Alpine and Bucky. Follows the Captain America Sequels, with Alpine as an Avenger and Steve's ex-handler.
Alpine Doe. Codename: Angel. Bought from the Red Room by a man who wanted his own version of Charlie's Angels. Hired by SHIELD under Natasha Romanoff's insistence after assisting them in bringing the scumbag in. Placed as Steve Rogers' handler and guides (drags) him into to the 21st Century. Now she fights alongside the Avengers, mainly Steve, and feels like she owes everything to them. She when Steve's once thought dead best friend shows up to kill them, she'll stop at nothing to reunite the two. She just wished he'd stop trying to stab her.
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Bucky Barnes: ex-Winter Soldier, now DILF.
Biological Child! Alpine and Bucky. Loosely follows The Falcon and The Winter Soldier with some minor (major) changes.
James Buchanan Barnes is no longer the Winter Soldier. Steve Rogers is considering retirement. Tony Stark retired and is expecting a second child. Natasha Romanoff is on a well deserved holiday. The World has not ended. Finally, Bucky can begin the journey to find himself once more. The same self that used to be quite the ladies man, not that he was complaining. Of course, that is until an mildly annoyed woman knocks on his door with a positive pregnancy test makes him realise just how much the super-soldier serum had affected his body and DNA.
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Pimp My ... Buzz Wagon?
Medic! Alpine and Bucky. Follows Captain America: The First Avenger.
The Howling Commandos are a very special breed indeed. Not only are they almost singlehandedly helping tilt the war effort to favour the allies, they are also somehow managing to get home safely despite the wounds that come with the territory. Annoyed at their lack of concern because Steve Rogers "...can heal a lot faster now!", Agent Carter recruits a medic to join the group. Whilst the less super-soldiery of the group have no real big complaints, Bucky Barnes can't help but argue with the fact that their new medic is an underaged girl.
Read here
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For You, I'll Set This Place Ablaze
HYDRA Prisoner! Alpine and Winter Soldier! Bucky. This one roughly follows the plot of Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
HYDRA is irritated. Wiping the Asset's mind is becoming tedious. They need a killing machine, with some level of cognitive function, not a mindless fool incapable of executing simple missions. Slowly but surely, the Asset's memories come back - each time quicker than the last. They are desperate. Perhaps, there is another way to make him behave. Their plan? Give him what he desires. A family. A support system. Make him believe the child is his. She knows no better. Give him something to cherish and to protect. Then rip it away when he fails. Soon, he will learn. HYDRA will always prevail. HAIL HYDRA.
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withahappyrefrain · 2 years
Eff me up with some truth or dare with Peter? 🌻💛
Anything for you @spidervee, my favorite sunflower. I also put in some friends to lovers, as I know you enjoy that. Also this has some real idiots in love as well
Part of my 3K celebration!!
The smell of weed and cheap beer filled the room, mixing with the sounds of mindless conversations and chatter.
Your eyes scanned the room, a smile forming on your face when they landed on a tall, lanky figure who had a mop full of brown locks.
Peter's eyes met yours, eyebrows wiggling as he held up two red cups.
Your friend sat down next to you on the couch, handing you a cup.
"The finest beverage in all of Sigma Ki," He joked, putting on a phony British accent.
You threw your head back and laughed. What started as a chemistry project quickly landed you your best friend.
And your current crush.
Not that he could know that. Peter was reserved; the fact he let you in, the fact you knew about his secret identity, was extraordinary.
The last thing you wanted was to ruin it.
So you just smiled at him and took the drink he held out, ignoring that his fingers seemed to linger on yours for longer than they should have, the way the corner of his eyes seem to crinkle only for you.
After all, he had been drinking and it meant nothing.
"C'mon! Let's play a game!" Your classmate Betty's voice rang out as walked over to the couch area.
Peter leaned in, the scent of cinnamon flooding your nostrils, "Think if we ignore her, she'll go away?"
You did your best to hold back your laughter, shaking your head as you leaned towards your friend.
"Then she'll complain about how no one wants to play with. I think we should indulge her, what do you think?" You turned your head to find that it was now only inches away from Peter's.
God, he was beautiful. Even with the fading bruise that was hidden behind his stubble. It was tragic how beautiful he was. You almost wished he would go out, start dating again, just so you could begin the process of moving on.
It was then you realized that Peter hadn't answered your question.
"Earth to Peter Parker?" You giggled, waving a hand in front of him, which seemed to have broken him out of whatever trance he was in.
"What? Sorry, did you uh, get new body wash?"
He noticed? Sometimes it was difficult to tell what skills of Peter's had been enhanced by that Spider bite and what was purely Peter Parker.
"I did! It's not too much is it?" Self-consciousness began creeping in, your fingers toying with the hem of your jacket.
Meanwhile, unbeknownst to you, Peter was internally cursing at himself for revealing that he paid such close attention to you, he could recognize a change as small as body wash.
"No, not at all! It's perfect- you're perfect," He said, taking a sip of his drink in an attempt to shut himself up.
"Oh uh, thanks Pete....." your voice trailed off. It was moments like these you wondered about the intent behind his words. Was it coming from a purely platonic place?
"Are you two in or not?" Both you and Peter silently thanked Betty for her interruption.
"What are we playing?"
"Truth or dare!" What were we, twelve? As if he could sense your oncoming snarky comment (he probably could), Peter gently elbowed you.
"Sounds great, count us in!" Peter chimed in, ignoring the glare you were sending your way.
Fighting an eye roll, you and Peter sat around the coffee table, joining the others Betty had rounded up.
"Remember, you totally don't have to answer the question or do the dare if you don't want to," Betty paused, "You just gotta chug your drink instead."
"I don't think our alcohol safety presentation from freshmen orientation would be very proud of us," Peter whispered, eliciting a giggle out of you. Not that it was hard for him to do that.
It started out simple. Are you a virgin? Email your professor right now. What drugs have you taken?
"I dare you to point to who you think is the hottest in this room," Betty told you.
Your mind instantly went to your friend who was sitting right beside you, watching you intently.
There was no way in hell you were pointing to Peter. There was also no way in hell you were going to point to a random frat guy.
So you chugged.
"So there is someone here you find hot!" Betty smirked. You shrugged your shoulders.
"Guess we'll never know now."
Your classmate rolled her eyes, "I'm sure Parker could get it out of you."
"But that would be me using my charm for nefarious purposes! Goes against my brand, right?" Peter's arm was now slung across your shoulders and it was taking everything in you not to stare at his biceps.
A squeeze alerted you that you hadn't answered. You nodded your head eagerly, agreeing with him.
It was platonic. Purely platonic. Friends were allowed to be affectionate with each other. Friends were allowed to call one another perfect.
"Parker, truth or dare?"
"Truth," He said before taking another sip of his drink. It was really stupid how soft his lips looked.
"Have you and Y/N ever kissed?" Only in your dreams.
"Uh....no," Peter ran a hand through his ridiculously soft hair, "W-we haven't."
Betty raised her eyebrows, "Do you want to?"
"You get one question per round," Peter reminded her. Because he couldn't just say no.
He also figured right now wouldn't exactly be the best time for you to learn what he really wanted to say.
Your eyes avoided Peter's as you got up to refill your beverage. Sure, you could say you wanted to go home and he would walk you back to your apartment. But would that be too obvious?
You returned back to your spot, Peter offering you that eye crinkled adorned smile that made your heart flutter while somehow also putting you at ease.
"Alright Parker, truth or dare?"
"I think I'll go with dare this time." You were thankful. That meant you would be spared another question that would remind you of your feelings for your best friend.
"I dare you and Y/N to kiss."
Fate had it out for you tonight.
You turned to Peter, whose face was now very red, "You don't have it if you don't want to. You could just chug."
Peter stared at his drink, "I'm reaching my limit."
Your brow furrowed in confusion. The man needed ten beers to feel a buzz, he was nowhere close to reaching his limit.
Peter's eyes darted back to you, "Unless you don't want to-"
"It's fine," You mumbled, "It's just one kiss."
You were the opposite of fine.
"Yeah," Peter put his drink down, "it's just a kiss."
Except it wasn't just a kiss.
It was the best kiss you ever had. Peter's lips were unbelievably soft and tasted like faint vanilla chapstick. His large hands cupped your face as he tilted your head up, deepening the kiss.
The wisps of his soft hair that had fallen over tickled your forehead. Without thinking, your hands found themselves on his chest and oh that his tongue swiping across your bottom lip. Your head was spinning and it wasn't due to the alcohol.
Somewhere in the background, there was faint cheering and claps. It was hard to take in anything else besides Peter's tongue.
A piece of popcorn hit your face, causing you and Peter to break away.
"Get a room you two!"
Your eyes darted to his now red lips. It was then you noticed the way his chest was practically heaving up and down, like when he had an eventful night of patrolling and the adrenaline was still coursing through his veins when-
Was that good or bad? You knew what it meant in those romcoms because this was real life, not-
The alcohol must have gone to your brain. Cause you to hallucinate, to mishear things. It had to be some stimulant energy drink mixed in with vodka that was doing this because there's no way your best friend, Peter Parker, just insinuated he would be glad to get a room with just you.
You look back at him, expecting to see that cheeky grin and exaggerated eyebrow wiggle to signal that he was only kidding.
He looked hungry.
Before you could say anything, your feet were no longer on the ground. Peter always loved to tease you that he could pick you up at any time if he wanted to.
In the back of your mind, it should have made sense, given that spider bite. But he was strong.
"I thought he only did skateboarding?" You heard a party-goer ask a friend.
In vain, you slapped Peter's back (as you were now conveniently thrown over his shoulder) to try to stop him, to put you down.
Finally he listened and your back made contact with a mattress.
You were in a room.
You were on a bed.
You were on a bed, in a room with your best friend Peter Parker.
Peter Parker, who was currently hovering over you, his face inches away from yours, licking his lips while staring you down?
You also had been drinking a lot.
"You're drunk," you blurted. Were you talking to yourself or Peter?
"I get drunk off your scent more than beer," He rasped, his forehead now touching yours, nuzzling your nose with his.
"What?" Your skin felt hot. Peter's calloused fingers brushed against your hips.
"Look, I had a whole plan for how I would finally tell you that I've been dying to kiss you since we got partnered up for that chemistry project. I even wrote out a whole speech. It's written down, in my pocket right now. I've been carrying it around for the last month," His face was stone cold sober, ignoring your widening eyes and agape mouth.
Holy shit. Holy shit.
"And I am going to pull out that speech and recite it to you. After I kiss you. Because I...." He laughed, "I just don't want to wait."
You stared at him for what felt like an eternity. Peter's words were on repeat in your brain.
"I....I didn't have a plan Peter. I....didn't think you felt that-"
"You just thought my face was naturally red whenever you smiled at me?"
All the signs were right fucking in front of you. And because you were a self-doubting idiot, you brushed them off, ignored it, made excuses for it that denied your hopes.
Peter's thumb trailed down your face, stopping to rub your bottom lip.
"Well thank God for Betty Brandt having enough chutzpah to dare us to kiss." Peter pressed his lips against your chin, moving up to your cheek.
You nodded your head, "Yeah th-thank God for that."
Peter's lips pressed against yours and somehow it was even better than the first time. Maybe it was due to the lack of crowd watching or the fact he wasn't doing this as some dare.
Or maybe it was the confirmation that your best friend returned the same feelings you had been harboring for months.
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icybreaths · 4 months
// Thinking about modern Jewel.
Almost never seen leaving her home to the point where neighbors wonder if she's real at all sometimes, but they know she's real because they can hear her talk through the wall sometimes. She has a cat.
Rarely ever crosses paths with anyone outside of her apartment. Usually wears a baggie jacket with the hood over her face. Maybe she has pink hair but some think it could be a wig. It's not ofc.
Big food hauls in the wee hours of the morning. Fresh berries. Veggies. Meat. Always meat.
Noise complaints are initially ignored. Someone comes to the door. The noise stops. She doesn't answer the door. It stays quiet after they give up and go away. The noise comes back but it's much quieter now.
Keeps berry bushes on her balcony. Sits cross legged when tending to them to stay out of sight. Hangs her laundry up with her hoodie on.
Takes her cat on walks in the wee hours of the morning or late at night. She has a couple of parks and nature trails that she favors. May get a short conversation out of her, a glimpse of her shark teeth. Her kitty Chiisai doesn't like other people so Jewel uses that excuse to move along.
Catch her late in the 7/11 grabbing a few drinks. She has a different hoodie. She shows her face. She's 'not from around here' if she's asked.
Catch her on a rooftop. Just a glimpse.
She'll stand at windows and watch the news like a hawk. Criminals end up dead but it's difficult to figure out the murder weapon was.
She's rumored to involve herself in underground fighting. No cameras allowed, so anyone outside of those rings wouldn't know.
She's an ice sculptor but it's background work. Almost no one ever sees her.
Her pockets jingle and some think it's money. Rocks and teeth are the only things that have fallen out though.
She Does have friends. They respect her privacy.
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anxious-lee · 1 year
|| Lackadaisy (Pilot) Tickle Headcanons ||
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A/N: I have ONLY seen the pilot as of now, so if any of these headcanons are ooc or even canon divergent, please be kind and take them with a grain of salt AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD NO SPOILERS IN THE COMMENTS 🫣
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-- cheeky ler 😏
-- we all know he lives to cause mischief, and what's more mischievous than this?
-- the grin on their face and the boisterous laughter both warm him up inside
-- plus he's just a little jester who likes to play games
-- teases are his greatest weapon
-- uses EVERY tease under the sun, including ones i havent even heard yet lol; baby talk, compliments, teasing about how much you like it, he does it all
-- don't even bother holding your laughter inside, he'll take personal offence and won't rest until you've given in
-- "ohoho come now, sweetheart, be sensible. do you really think you can keep from laughing when we BOTH know how ticklish you are~"
-- "you devilish little rascal! you got the drop on me... for a few seconds, that is. no matter; all is forgiven, right after you've been taught a lesson in tomfoolery from THE tomfool himself!"
-- sporadic scribbling and random pokes are his favorite tickle techniques
-- likes to pin the lee's arms and legs to keep them from squirming away
-- tickles freckle the most; he knows his poor cousin needs it
-- while he may not show it outwardly, it saddens him to hear freckle sad or self-deprecative; in these circumstances, his intent is more to help freckle than it is to entertain himself
-- he has a bad habit of not knowing when to quit and can tickle his lee half to death, but he usually snaps out of it when he hears the lee become breathless
-- tickling ivy is both relatively difficult and easy; on the one hand, she enjoys a good tickle fight, but on the other, she is just as, if not more, competitive than rocky is
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- she's a crafty little ler
- she'll commit to a full bit just to dupe her lee into making themselves open to tickles
- her favorite lee is freckle obviously
- her sweet beau needs a chance to let loose once in a while, and doing that for him is her favorite job
- she's also incredibly competitive, as mentioned earlier
- good luck trying to take her down in a tickle war, because she will fight to the very last breath; and once she's won? oh hell on earth, it is going to tickle
- her preferred method is, you guessed it! Raspberries!
- rip freckle
- she loves them mostly because it's hard to take anything seriously when you're being tickled by random fart noises lol. it's goofy and silly and helps the lee to relax by bringing down their walls
- she IS ticklish and somewhat enjoys being tickled, but usually only by freckle
- if it's anyone else, you probably won't even get the chance to tickle her
- teases with baby talk, also for the sake of not taking it too seriously
- her primary motivation to tickle is to have fun and bond with her friends
- she and rocky sometimes have tickle wars that go on FOREVER, meanwhile freckle is blushing on the side, very conflicted on whether to help or not
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- 100% lee
- he's too shy to tickle anyone unless it's Ivy, and even then he's very very gentle
- is indifferent to being tickled; he doesn't actively like it, but he never tells the ler to stop, so he does choose to let it happen, and besides, he can admit it's nice to laugh hard once in a while
- again, doesn't actually dislike the sensation, but his imposter syndrome hates it when someone gives him any kind of affection bc he doesn't feel he's worth it
- which, of course, just makes his friends tickle him more
- rocky is his most common ler; he often tickles poor freckle to get him to admit something nice about himself (or rocky lol)
- "don't be bashful, my careful cousin! give us a smile~"; "it's very simple, freckle, just repeat after me, 'rocky is a dashing, debonair Robin Hood'"
- ivy tickles him because it burns her up to see him put himself down or worry, so she takes it upon herself to lighten his spirits
- while she does start playfully forceful, she never makes it impossible for him to escape. she sits very gently on his hips and scratches lightly enough to give him breath; even with all of those mercies, freckle still doesn't fight her, not really.
- however hard it is for him to accept it, getting tickled by his friends makes his feel supported and loved ❤️
- panics immediately at the first sign of mischief
- will try to talk the ler out of tickling them
- and when that inevitably fails, he will bolt
- "nononononononoNONONO!"
- actually just yelps "no" and "please" constantly, mostly out of reflex
- "please what, freckle?" "I DOHONT KNOW"
- his laugh is so contagious, full of heart belly laughs and bashful giggles
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- ler
- idk if the comic displays him any differently but LOOK AT HIM
- an evil tickler
- touches you just softly enough to make it absolute torture
- uses maximum two fingers, teany tiny scritches
- the kind of ler to trail a claw from the base of your belly alllll the way up to the top 😖
- teases by reminding you constantly how utterly helpless and immobile you are, and his low, smooth voice makes it all the more unbearable
- watches you with his drilling eyes, making note of what places and what techniques wear you down the most
- most common lee would be his romantic partner (if he has one)
- I can't imagine what reason such a serious and somber man would have to tickle people, but I'll leave that up to you
- he is a little ticklish everywhere
- not ticklish enough to laugh, but enough to smile, which he'll fight as hard as he can
- most ticklish spot is his palms would you believe
- no one dares try to tickle him, they don't have a death wish
- even if they did try, they'd probably think he wasn't ticklish anyway
- serafine once tried to give him a quick tase to the side, but he doesn't laugh and she couldn't see his smile so she just assumed it didn't work. plus she got a death glare in response so that endeavor didn't last long
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rubylarkspur22 · 10 months
Thank you for answering my previous ask.
I have read your take on main antagonist!Nezuko, and that gave me an idea. What about an AU where Nezuko is the main protagonist instead? Not role swap (or at least Nezuko remains a demon).
How do you think that would effect the plot of KNY and what do you think would Nezuko´s character arc be about?
No problem!
Funnily enough, I have an idea for something similar to what you're asking about. It's more a "Nezuko and Tanjirou Are More Co-Protags" or "Nezuko Got Her Memories and Personality Back (And Maybe Conquered the Sun) Immediately After Her Coma" AU. Basically what it says on the tin, Nezuko's pretty much back to her human self after her little coma(minus the whole demon thing), and is a lot more active as a character.
Everything past the cut is quite long, so be prepared for that!
So, Nezuko being the main main protagonist? Let me brainstorm some ideas. Starting with setup:
Nezuko still becomes a demon, as you said. However, we need to pull some strings to pull Tanjirou away from center stage. Let's say he got injured sometime between the start of Episode 1 and meeting Urokodaki(so either by Muzan or the Temple Demon). Badly enough he can't use a sword(best bet is either a respiratory injury, or some sort of paralysis. Limb loss just makes him a less edgy version of his beta self.), and his new inability to use a weapon/Breathing Style or fight altogether is noted by Giyuu and/or Urokodaki. Therefore, he's barred from training, but he still wants Nezuko to become human again.
After realizing Tanjirou is in no condition to fight demons, but still wants to cure her, Nezuko takes matters into her own hands. Starting with a coma. However, it's shorter than canon(let's go with 6 months to a year) because she pushes herself to her absolute limit to pretty much speedrun her season 1-3 development(making herself resistant to her demonic instincts and sun-proofing herself are her main priorities). When she wakes up, she gives everyone a heart attack by walking outside.
After everyone calms down when Nezuko doesn't burn, she asks to be trained. Urokodaki is hesitant, but can tell Nezuko has a very strong resolve. She wants to help her brother attain his goal of turning her back into a human, and also seeks revenge on Kibutsuji. So he agrees to train her. It's difficult to train a demon in a Breath Style, but Nezuko's will and determination makes it easier for her to perfect her moves.
Tanjirou helps where he can, maybe even remembering the Hinokami Kagura sooner and teaching it to Nezuko when he does. But he's also a worried big brother, despite Nezuko's assurances that she'll be okay. He definitely tried to take up a sword at some point, but ended up getting a hefty scolding from both Urokodaki and Nezuko when they found him.
Starting from there, what effects would there be on the story?
Demons are hella confused. Who is this girl? Why does she give off the presence of a demon, yet wield one of their blades? And if she is a demon, which some doubt she is, how dare she turn on her own kind and help those who would sooner kill her than work in tandem with her? (this is especially fun on Mount Fujikasane, during Final Selection ÒwÓ)
Muzan takes an earlier interest in Nezuko when they run into each other in Asakusa, perhaps even sending one of the Twelve Kizuki after her. Luckily, he still doesn't realize she's conquered the sun until the Swordsmith's Village, so she's just considered a rogue demon until then.
Zenitsu is far less forward with his affections, and is force fed respect women juice. His and Nezuko's relationship is a lot more mutual and starts with friendship. Inosuke tries to behead Nezuko in the Tsuzumi Mansion, but they sort it out eventually and Nezuko becomes Inosuke's favourite minion/sparring partner.
The mental breakdowns that will occur during the Hashira Meeting. A good demon? And she can walk in the sun?! Perhaps the sky is falling down, someone check!!!
Nezuko not only fighting the demons, but desperately trying to avoid capture by them. If they get her back to Muzan, it's all over.
She's also a fair bit more powerful, as I imagine her cells would start photosynthesizing after she conquers the sun. So Nezuko can gain plenty of energy from sunlight, enough to use her full demon form and Blood Demon Art for extended periods of time without a lack of usable energy making her hunger a problem. Where she could beat up Daki easily, and had a struggle against Hantengu's emotion clones in canon, I'd say she's on Douma's level (maybe Kokushibou's if she really pushes it) at her peak in this AU.
Rengoku probably won't die. Assuming Akaza gets sent to the Mugen Train. If he doesn't, that may be a different story.
While Tanjirou doesn't fight, he still keeps running into demons. Or rather, demons keep coming to him. Poor guy can't catch a break. Muzan found out about Tanjirou somehow, and thought he could either turn Tanjirou and get the same results he wanted with Nezuko, or that he could use Tanjirou as part of a trap and kill the eldest living Kamado once Muzan had Nezuko. At first, Urokodaki is protecting Tanjirou from any demons that show up. Then Urokodaki sends word to Giyuu at some point that they need to transport Tanjirou to a more secure location because demons keep knocking down his damn door looking for the poor kid and Urokodaki's too old for this BS!
As a result, Tanjirou is brought either to headquarters or the Butterfly Mansion, as both locations are top secret and surrounded by anti-demon security measures.
Nezuko might be influenced by Genya to start eating demons. She sees him chomp a tree, and decides she might as well do the same because why tf not? Demons are surprisingly nutritious. She only has a minor crisis while wondering if the humans the demons have already count for her human consumption count.
Eventually, the Infinity Castle Arc happens. Nezuko ends up against Kokushibou with Sanemi, Gyomei, and Muichirou. Genya gets sent to battle Akaza with Giyuu and Rengoku. Both battles would be hard, but they'd ultimately emerge victorious, with a couple close calls on both ends. Not sure if Mui survives, but Genya sure does!
Most of the final battle is Muzan trying to capture and absorb Nezuko, and Nezuko is using his flesh as kindling. The majority of the human Demon Slayers' injuries are far less severe thanks to Nezuko's BDA burning out Muzan's poison. And at some point, she gets the antidote, which ups the ante. She needs to finish Muzan before she turns back into a human and loses her demonic strength, but she can't get too close lest she be absorbed and all her hard work be for nothing.
As the sun rises, Nezuko become a human again just when Muzan goes to devour her. Her final attack costs her an arm, but she survives and wakes up after the battle to her teary-eyed big brother and the friends she made on her journey surrounding her.
Nezuko's arc would mostly be learning not to rely solely on the strength and power she received as a demon, as it will only last so long and will go away once she's human again. While she has no intention of taking the antidote until the final battle, it's still something she needs to remember.
She also learns to lean on others for help in this quest to restore her humanity. Whether it's asking others to help her get blood, or stepping back while others take the fight, she doesn't have to do everything on her own. Even if she's a demon, and can handle a lot more than any human, she can still let the humans handle it.
And lastly, dealing with the guilt and self-hatred she's bound to experience. Her mother and younger siblings were killed, and Tanjirou got injured, all while she couldn't do anything. As a result, in wanting to do more to protect her last living sibling and the new family she's built with the Kamaboko Squad, Nezuko overworks herself to a point that would kill her if she was human. Someone(probably Kanao, Shinobu, Mitsuri, or Muichirou) eventually has a talk with her about what she's doing, and helps her work through her trauma.
Those are all the ideas that I managed to spitball off the top of my noggin, and I am open to more.
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lunawings · 9 months
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Yesterday was quite the emotional rollercoaster for me.
I'd been doing my best to stay positive about not making it into the idol showcase at PopCult, but, while I was waiting outside and already feeling slightly down I overheard someone say that they were surprised they got in considering they only learned their dance in two days or something like that. (It turned out in the end this person is AMAZING and that was well earned), but... I auditioned after practicing on and off for almost a year and I got waitlisted. But, also it's not like I don't understand why I was waitlisted either. Even though I started practicing early, I've had a lot of obstacles along the way. Specifically, it's been difficult to find places to practice due to the uhhh challenges presented by my place of residence. Also, not to mention, my body has been against me almost every step of the way. (To make a long story short, after much time trying to avoid and pretend, I've recently started embarking on a medical journey that's looking like it may end in me getting diagnosed in a... second autoimmune disorder......)
I tried to fight through these negative feelings and enjoy the show, but I just couldn't. Until. UNTIL.
Until people I knew began to take the stage.
Whenever I get to see people I know perform at idol showcases (and the number is slowly increasing every time) I... *ahem*... LOSE
Don't get me wrong, I loved going to big shows with professional idols in Japan. But this is like, a completely different kind of happiness. After some reflection, I realized that it's because it's not a parasocial happiness. I actually know these people and sometimes I even saw them practice and I know how hard they worked and what it means to them and I can go up afterwards and tell them how much I liked their show and they can be happy to see me too and thank me for coming and and and...
Yeah it's just, it... Being involved in the community brings me so much joy. I love love LOVE being able to cheer for my actual friends.
But. While I was still feeling down before the show, I took a picture of the stage. A picture I would use to upload to Idol Land PriPara so I could superimpose my idolsona, Luna, onto the stage. If I can't be up there, at least she can, I thought. Looking at that photo is bittersweet. Luna the idol has done so much for me. She's able to do all the things I want to, but I cannot. Even if my body breaks down, she'll keep on performing. For me. There is some crazy serendipity in the fact that this was the weekend Idol Land PriPara finally became playable.
I look at the picture. And I like it. But I also remember behind that photo is a somewhat sad and pathetic girl who grinded Idol Land PriPara for hours the night before instead of sleeping to unlock the character parts to complete her OCs look because she knew it was the only way she could get on that stage.
I might, if my body lets me, apply to an upcoming event. But either way, I am planning to take a long hiatus from my idol activities to reevaluate what kind of an idol I want to be and how I can perform. I hope to return to the real-life idol performing scene sometime next year with a new goal and a new energy.
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talesofourworlds · 2 months
🌟 Drop one of my characters’ names in my inbox and I’ll tell you 10 facts about them 🌟
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Rinwell chose to settle in Elde Menancia after the events of the main game because of the massive library there. It provided boundless opportunities to research, for one. For another, Menancia had come to feel very homey to her out of all the places she and the others had traveled to. It also gave her a chance to remain close to Kisara and, for a time, Dohalim. Even after the events of BtD, it's easy to find Rinwell holed up in the Menancian library researching away.
Though Rinwell knows it will take a long time to have people change their view on mages, she still is fully intent on working toward that goal. She hopes her parents are proud of her for trying so hard to make it so mages can be seen in a good light. There are days when it's difficult for Rinwell to try and further this goal, but she has hope in its progress.
Due to her nature as a mage, Rinwell needs to keep her strength up a fair bit so she can do what she needs to do in combat. Using so much astral energy does take a lot of energy, after all. So does dodging, as her style of fighting does make her need to stay on her toes so she can cast and also avoid getting hit. The quickest way for her to regain energy is by eating sweets, at least as far as she can tell. The struggle comes in maintaining a more balanced diet, which Kisara tries her hardest to make sure Rinwell and everyone else actually do. Rinwell just tends to prefer the boost she seems to get from sweets in particular. She also has a nostalgic reason for the preference, as she has fond memories of sharing sweets with her parents when they were still alive.
I've said this before on this blog, but it took a while for Rinwell and Dohalim to trust each other enough to be able to use Radiant Genesis together. It also took them a while to actually start viewing each other as friends. Specifically it was Rinwell that took a while on this front. Sometime after everything with Almeidrea, though, she opened herself up enough to not only apologize to Dohalim for how she'd been treating him, but also open herself up to the idea of really being his friend.
Rinwell originally didn't consider the idea of Hootle maybe wanting to stay in the Owl Forest with the other owls. It wasn't until the party had started finding more of the owls around Dahna and helping them get back home that the possibility hit her. And Rinwell resigned herself to the idea of having to say goodbye to her closest friend. Naturally, it was a shock when Hootle made it clear that he didn't want to leave her. She still cherishes her bond with Hootle quite a bit, so the relief of knowing he still wanted to stay with her was better than she could have asked for. She knows that one day he still could decide he wants to go join the other owls, though, but hopes that it won't be for a long, long time.
After meeting Edna, Eizen, and Chronos, the idea of exploring other worlds became pretty intriguing to Rinwell. She isn't sure if she'll ever get the chance to world hop, for lack of a better term, but she always keeps an eye out for books on the subject to see what she can learn. Being separated from her friends would be difficult, Rinwell knows, but she still is curious about what other worlds might exist beyond the one she knows.
Part of her wants to try and harness the power of Indignation like Ganabelt could. And Rinwell has actually made attempts to do so. Always without the rest of the party knowing, of course. She doesn't want them to worry about her potentially getting hurt from trying to harness such massive amounts of light astral energy. Still, she knows she's a capable mage. If she gets enough practice, then perhaps one day she'll be able to do it. For the time being, though, it's a subject she's limited to research and the very occasional attempt at practicing. She feels like utilizing Thunder Blade a lot might be a key, but isn't too sure how to actually put that knowledge into practice beyond just using the arte a lot.
Shooting Star is one of Rinwell's personal favorite artes that she learned while traveling with Alphen and the others. It takes a long time to cast, and can leave her in a vulnerable position while she's casting, but she feels like it's worth the effort when it can do a lot of damage. She also is partial to Celestial Hammer in terms of her aerial artes.
She has a tally of the amount of times Law has used Tenebrous Claw in combat. It started as a thing she did out of annoyance, but eventually just became something she kept track of in general. Especially after hearing a conversation between him and Kisara where he commented on how repeated usage of Mystic Artes would make them not so mystic. She herself struggles to actively use her own Mystic Artes since she tries to keep herself out of harm's way and isn't the best at perfectly dodging attacks, so it is still a little annoying seeing Law making such liberal use of his own. But still. It makes him happy. Who could blame him for that?
Rinwell definitely has stopped by Calaglia on more than one occasion following the events of the main game to get doughnuts. Sometimes she also uses the opportunity to visit with Law, but most of the time? She's mainly there for the sweets. She won't deny it, either. But it is good to catch up with Law when she can get the chance.
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piraticusdorm · 1 year
how easy would ur ocs say it is to make friends? who thinks it's the easiest (and do they actually have friends) and who thinks it's most difficult? bit of a vague question but I felt the need to ask shrug -rq anon
It's an interesting question, thank u!!!
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Conrad thinks its easy! Few kind words, some jokes, he knows the drill! He has friends in every port! That said, a lot of friendships aren't that close, and it takes effort to become dear to his heart. It just doesn't do for a pirate to be anchored easily.
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Tink thinks it's difficult, having true friends. He's the type to not use the word lightly, with few but close friends.
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Krok thinks its just weird. It can be easy, it can be hard, depends a lot on the other person too. He has a hard time thinking of others as friends, but won't deny someone using the word first.
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Figaro would say it's easy! Sure, it's usually a "you scratch my back i scratch yours" situation, but he doesn't see anything wrong with that.
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Clyde says it's hard, everyone has an ulterior motive. Very hard to truly befriend, while she says everyone in Piraticus are her friends, she couldn't mean it less.
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Gwen knows it varies, but that it depends on your attitude too! She wants to act as if it was easy, and that's how she made lots of friends in Twisted Wonderland!
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Ruby knows superficial friends are easy, and close ones hard, but whatevs! The world is full of types of people and types of relationships, she'll enjoy them all in their own ways!
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Mr. Smythe says it's easy. He doesn't truly think so. After all, to him, his only friends are his crew in the ship. He's mostly closed off to new friendships, but who knows...
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Percy thinks it's easy! Nothing complicated about it, you just have fun together and you're friends! He... is very easy to take advantage of bc of how simple he is, if it wasn't for his ego.
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Jude says it depends, of course. Sometimes it's easy, sometimes it's not, and there's no set rule about it. He's hesitant to use the word, but is endearing by people who use it loosely and mean it.
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Typho truly thinks it's easy! He makes close friendships easily too, that's what fighting together to free countries from evil kings can do. Friends in all sort of places, and no matter how long it's been they can chat like no time has passed.
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Ximmer finds it difficult due shyness, thankfully they mostly trail after Typho and make friends together, but then they're unsure if they're really friends or just friends-of-a-friend.
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tadpolesonalgae · 4 months
i cant believe azriel didnt knock bas out and go in looking for her especially after the more than acquainted comment lol but good for him, punching civilians is bad. at least he's finally telling everyone about what happened, so excited to see everyone's reactions, actually wondering if elain will have some fallback since she's willingly holding back important visions from everyone, actually surprised azriel already knows and wasnt a little mad at her for not telling him he could be dying.
also her selling the earrings off like that? good for her. i wonder who the ring is for though.
this is going to sound bad but eris calling her pathetic and all that was so good to watch, i mean feel bad for her but she needed to hear it because it's true. i mean when he asked if she didn't want to know what's going on with her family and she just asked "why would i?".... yes why would you care about your family, great question genius. she's so smart sometimes but then turns around and does so many dumb things. maybe now she'll start changing though. and considering she'd feel guilty enough at using a scarf because it was bought with rhys's money, i can only imagine how guilty she will feel when she comes back because she did in fact run to the enemy
also i thought her power was fire? but it felt like light or something at the end? did i read it wrong - 🧶
‘but good for him, punching civilians is bad.’
I was considering writing them clashing but then realised Az is a 500+ year old Illyrian warrior with extensive training who’s been through two wars and knows how to torture people, and while Bas is good at street fighting and has good control over his magic, he’s also younger than 150 (I haven’t decided on an age) and an innocent civilian 🫢
‘also her selling the earrings off like that? good for her. i wonder who the ring is for though.’
About time she got rid of them 🙄 Even Az would be pleased to know she’d done something about it 😭
Hmmm, no idea who the ring could be for 😳 absolutely clueless 🫣 I wouldn’t know a thing 😶‍🌫️
‘this is going to sound bad but eris calling her pathetic and all that was so good to watch’
🤨🤨🤨 hello sadism? 🤨🤨🤨 heavy degradation? 🤨🤨🤨
‘i mean feel bad for her but she needed to hear it because it's true.’
Ohhhhhhh right. Yeah, totally with you there 😙
‘i mean when he asked if she didn't want to know what's going on with her family and she just asked "why would i?".... yes why would you care about your family, great question genius.’
In all seriousness, I’d argue it was a pretty risky move on Eris’ part—with her being so unsure of herself and having some fairly obvious self-esteem issues, it could have so easily turned into a real fight between them with reader getting seriously hurt from how blunt he was being.
However, I do think in that situation it was the right thing to do, but it was something only Eris could do because of their dynamic. With the IC I feel they’d be too gentle and understanding to do anything like that unless Nesta had a lapse and went back into a temporary self-destruction mode, but that would feel kind of cheap to use her in that way?
Overall, she did definitely need that kind of harsh wake up call, even if it was difficult for her to hear.
‘maybe now she'll start changing though.’
Heavy emphasis on start 🤭
(I’m laughing because I’m the writer and I get to decide what happens next)
‘and considering she'd feel guilty enough at using a scarf because it was bought with rhys's money, i can only imagine how guilty she will feel when she comes back because she did in fact run to the enemy’
In all seriousness, it’s probably going to be a tricky conversation on everyone’s part. I feel like there’s genuinely a high potential for some kind of miscommunication unless reader sets herself straight and says exactly what happened and why with clinical precision. Otherwise things are just going to be misunderstood and given the wrong reaction, so let’s just hope she pulls herself together in time :)
‘also i thought her power was fire? but it felt like light or something at the end? did i read it wrong’
So, reader still doesn’t know the exact details of her magic and won’t for a bit since I kind of doubt the event that inspired it could happen in Prythian, which makes finding a way for them to understand it a little difficult, but everything is still in the realm of speculation for the moment :)
It is true that she often gets quite a painful burning sensation across her hands though, which was part of why she was so reluctant to peer closer at it, as well as it having some unpleasant consequences on her body, like the lumps (that bleed), scaliness, and random pains, as well as another detail that’s been mentioned but not fully addressed. I know, it’s lovely 😊
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