#but we’re on day 6 so I’m gonna see how long I can keep this up lmao
Yandere diaries. || Toby x reader. A new (possible) series I got the idea to do of the creeps doing diaries showing them gradually becoming yandere.
3k words. CW: Yandere, adult content (mentions of arousal and references to masturbation), descriptions of violence and gore, unhealthy relationships, severe abuse, delusions, Toby slipping into insanity and also being an unhonest/unreliable narrator with how awful he’s being.
4/26/22 -
I met someone new today! We bumped into each other at a park I like to go to on Earth. They were so kind to me. We ended up getting ice cream together and exchanging numbers. I hope I can see them again soon.
5/11/22 -
I’ve been able to see them a couple more times. We’ve been messaging regularly, and have also called a couple of times. I’ve never felt so connected to someone so quickly before. We have a lot in common, and they don’t even mind any of my tics or odd quirks. We have a plan to meet up this weekend and go to the movies together, I’m really looking forward to it. I hope we continue to be friends with each other for a long time!
5/14/22 -
I just got home. We had such a fun time at the movies! We saw one of the more recent horror films together. They got scared partway through and clung onto me to feel better, and it made me feel really happy and protective over them. I wouldn’t mind seeing more horror movies with them in the future if it means that they’d do that again. We haven’t known each other very long, but I feel so connected and interested in them, I feel sparks every time they touch me. Is this what falling in love feels like?
6/21/22 -
I haven’t been able to see them for a few weeks because of our schedule differences. I feel like I’ve been excessively sad because of that. I just feel like my life is so much dimmer without them. I wanna go to the park with them again, eat ice cream, and curl up under a tree with them. I wish I could be with them every day.
7/29/22 -
We haven’t known each other for a very long time, but I’m certain they’re the person I’m meant to be with for the rest of my life. They make me the happiest I’ve ever felt, they understand me like nobody has ever understood me before, I just feel so carefree and excited in their presence. I think they might feel the same way about me too. I need to try my best to build up some courage and ask them to be my partner before someone else can.
8/11/22 -
I asked them on a date and they said yes!! I’ve never felt more excited than I am right now!! We’re going on our first date in a few days. I need to make sure I have a nice outfit to wear because I want to take them somewhere nice to eat, and then we’re gonna go for a walk together and stargaze. My life truly feels so complete and wonderful right now, I feel like I’m finally on a path to keep getting better with them in my life!
11/24/22 -
I haven’t been dating them very long, but I convinced Slender to allow me to invite them to Thanksgiving dinner. Normally we have to date our partners for a year, but I just know our relationship is going to work out, so I don’t feel the need to wait that long. They had so much fun meeting everyone, and they were happy the whole time. I felt a bit jealous that they didn’t pay as much attention to me, but that’s okay because there were so many new people they had to meet. I’m sure next time I invite them over they won’t pay anyone else any attention. I’m looking forward to having them over here more often!
12/14/22 -
I got into an argument with Jeff today. I had them over to visit me, and I stepped away for a minute to get us some snacks and Jeff so rudely decided to try and steal their attention from me. It isn’t fair! He was trying to make them laugh and hang out with him instead of me!! I got really angry and I started yelling at him, and he yelled back at me, claiming he wasn’t doing anything wrong. He’s not allowed to just walk up to them and act like they’re buddy-buddy. They’re my partner, and they’re here for me. Nobody else has the right to their attention but me.
12/25/22 -
I got to celebrate my first Christmas with them today. We spent a little bit of time downstairs with the others, but then I wanted to bring them upstairs to my room so we could be together alone. I gave them a bracelet with our names on it so that everyone would know they belonged to someone, and they seemed to like it. However, I got a bit upset at them. They said they had to go home so they could celebrate with their friends and family too, but aren’t I good enough? Aren’t I their family now? It doesn’t make any sense to me why they couldn’t just stay at the mansion, but I let them go. I’ll have a talk with them about this later.
1/24/23 -
We had another argument again. They have this friend that keeps overstepping his boundaries and I don’t appreciate it. He’s been hogging their attention recently and hanging out with them more and it’s seriously fucking pissing me off. They wouldn’t stop talking to him so I had to lie to them about him to finally get them to back off from him a bit. I wouldn’t normally want to do that, but it’s for their own good. Nobody should be hogging them away from me that much. Their friends are lucky I even allow them to talk with my dove at all. I think that’s what I’ll start calling them, now that I think about it. My sweet, soaring Dove.
2/17/23 -
I ended up getting into a fight with one of Dove’s friends. I was trying to make sure I could spend Valentine’s with Dove, but this friend wanted to be able to see them that day since he’s going on a trip soon or some other stupid excuse. It pissed me off. IM their boyfriend, that day is for US. I confronted him to get him to back off but he had the nerve to stand his ground. I had to beat the shit out of him to get him to understand his place. It’s been three days, and apparently, he hasn’t contacted them since. Good. One less pest I have to worry about. Dove was a little suspicious when I came home with torn-up knuckles that day, but I just told them it happened during training and they believed me. They even took the time and care to bandage me up. They really are so special to me. Nobody else can have them.
3/18/23 -
I’ve never really thought much about blood before. When it’s on myself or my victims, I’ve never really cared about it, I’ve actually usually thought it was gross, but it was different today. Dove got this gash when we were out on a hike from tripping and slicing their arm on a sharp rock. Normally the blood wouldn’t have bothered me, but it was just so pretty. The red spreading across their skin was just so alluring. Of course, I got them cleaned off and patched up as soon as I could, but my heart is racing just remembering it. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I hope they get cut again soon. I have to confirm if this feeling inside me is real or just a one-off.
3/28/23 -
It wasn’t a one-off. We were cooking, and they were using one of our sharper knives. My curiosity got the better of me, and I “accidentally” bumped into them from behind. They ended up cutting themself, and their blood was just as alluring today, flowing freely out of their finger. I ended up putting their finger in my mouth to suck the blood off, and I’ve never tasted something so intoxicating before. They were a bit confused, but I just played it off and they let it go. Holy shit. I feel like I have to taste it again. I have to. The red on their skin, the metallic lingering taste in my mouth. It’s so addicting. It honestly made me a bit excited, I had to take a moment to myself so they wouldn’t notice.
4/16/23 -
I bit them. We were making out, and I just felt myself getting so worked up. I pinned them down on my mattress, and I started kissing down Dove’s neck. I couldn’t help it, my heart was beating so fast and I felt myself getting dizzy, and I bit them really hard. Their skin was so soft in my mouth, and blood started oozing out, running against my teeth and my tongue, and my lips, it was so warm and exciting, it felt like I was getting drunk. Dove didn’t like it though. They screamed and cried and begged me to stop, and I didn’t want to, but I did. I bandaged them up and apologized and feigned innocence. They said they wanted to go home early, so I took them to not get on their bad side anymore. I was so worked up though. I had to take care of myself when I got home, I was just so turned on. I have to do it again somehow. They won’t like it, but I have to. Nothing has ever felt so pleasing before.
4/29/23 -
I tried to bite them again, and they realized it wasn’t an accident this time. They yelled at me and hit me to get me off of them, and I hit them back much harder. They looked so broken and upset while they cried, but their tears and screams got me just as turned on as their blood did. The bruise that formed on their cheek was so beautiful. I held them close and apologized a whole bunch because I don’t want them to hate me. I cried a lot and I meant it. I promised I wouldn’t do it again, which I guess I didn’t mean. However, they can’t just disobey me like that. I need to try and be on my best behavior so they can be more relaxed around me. I can’t have them fighting back every time I want to do something to them.
5/09/23 -
I think my Dove needs to be caged. They’ve gotten so used to flying free that they need to be grounded and brought back to reality. I keep trying to limit their interactions with others because they keep poisoning my Dove against me, and Dove tried to fight me today. We got in a big yelling match, but I was able to calm myself down in the nick of time so that I didn’t make things worse. I got them to calm down, and we’re gonna have some space between us for a few weeks. I think I’m going to take this opportunity to my advantage.
5/30/23 -
While we haven’t been spending time together, I’ve been working hard. I found an old house in the Underworld for cheap, and I’ve been rebuilding it and fixing it up. I altered it to be able to hold Dove in without their escape, and I’m so excited about it. I’ve got a bedroom I’m setting up for them, and a nice kitchen because they’ve always liked cooking with me. I know Dove is going to love it so much when I bring them here in a few weeks. It’s going to be the best thing for us. Dove is too innocent about the world around them, and I have to be able to protect them. Nobody else can do a better job than I can.
6/08/23 -
[Parts of the entry have been torn. Words are smudged or crossed out and it is not completely legible, but some of it remains visible. *Full translation will be added at the end for those that use translators/text to speech.]
Dove is FUCKING LU—Y I had the home re—y! If not, I wo—d’ve just thrown th— in the fucki— basement!!! [Redacted] got wh— they deser—. I be— the- so bad you —— —king recognize —. I’ll du— the bo— som—ere else.
7/06/23 -
Dove hasn’t been making things any easier. Since they last tried to move away things have been such a fucking pain in the ass. They were so scared when I locked them in here. I wanted it to be a warm welcome, where I’d bring them here voluntarily, but they had to go and ruin it because of [Redacted] sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong. They tried to run away a few days ago, and I went to write about it but I was so fucking pissed I ripped the page to shreds. I had to break their ankles so that they wouldn’t be able to run again, least not for a long while. I’ve also been keeping them tied up more, but it’s easier now that they can’t walk. The bruises on their legs are just so beautiful. I think I might keep them like this, even though they cry every day from the pain and the circumstances, but their tears are beautiful as well. I have to get more painkillers soon for them.
10/18/23 -
It’s been a while since I’ve updated. Things have been going smoother lately. Every time Dove’s ankles start to heal, I’ve been breaking them again. I just can’t trust them because they tried to escape again. I’ve been enjoying myself a lot more. I can bite them and cut them and hit them whenever I want to. I can taste their blood and chew their skin and bruise their beautiful body however I like. Of course, sometimes it makes me sad when Dove gets so upset about it. I don’t know what to do. It gets me so turned on and riled up like nothing ever has before, but I also want them to love me. They haven’t been fighting back anymore, so I think they’re getting used to it. We’ll see.
12/25/23 -
It’s our second Christmas together. I got Dove a bunch of things they asked for since they’ve been so good. They seem to have given up hope of resisting me, and it’s made me so happy. They even made me a cake for Christmas, and it was so delicious. I’m so happy we can be together again like this, just a happy couple with no interruptions. It’s truly the best gift I could have received this year.
2/16/24 -
I’ve been letting Dove’s ankles and legs fully heal. They truly haven’t been trying anything, and they’ve been so devoted to being a good partner for me, I don’t think I need to break them anymore to teach them a lesson. They can nearly stand on their own now, and they seem so happy. They said it’s because they can hug me while standing, and that made me so happy to hear. We’ve started cooking together again. We’re becoming a happy family, and I’m so glad I was right that Dove is the one for me. They even let me bite them as much as I wanted today, and they let me scratch them too, they didn’t even cry out today. I could tell they were trying really hard, so it made me very happy.
4/25/24 -
Things have still been going well. Their legs have healed up perfectly. It’s been five months since I last broke them, and I think they’re so grateful for it. They don’t disobey me, they do everything I ask, they’re so affectionate and loving with me. It makes me so happy to know that they’re truly settling into life with me. I don’t think they mind how much I hurt them anymore. They don’t complain as much, but they still cry those same beautiful tears for me. I think they’re starting to enjoy it.
5/26/24 -
I have to go on an extended trip for a week soon because of work and I’m nervous. They said they’ll wait happily for me, but I’m still so, so nervous. However, earlier this month I was gone for a few days and they didn’t go anywhere. Dove actually welcomed me back happily. I think we’ll be okay. I think this is it, the true test. I know they’ll pass, but still, I can’t quiet the anxiety in my heart. I’ll have to spend as much time as possible with them and get out all my excitement before I have to leave. I’m going to miss the feeling of their skin beneath my fingers and teeth.
6/11/24 -
[This page has also been smeared and torn in anger. *Another fully corrected version will be at the bottom.]
Dove, you’d better pray to —y FUCKING DIETY in EXIST—— THAT I DON- FIN- —U!!! When I d-, you’re goin- to su——— much for do— th— to me.
6/08/23 -
Dove is FUCKING LUCKY I had the home ready! If not, I would’ve just thrown them in the fucking basement!!! [Redacted] got what they deserved. I beat them so bad you can't even fucking recognize them. I’ll dump the body somewhere else.
6/11/24 -
Dove, you’d better pray to every FUCKING DIETY in EXISTENCE THAT I DON'T FIND YOU!!! When I do, you’re going to suffer so much for doing this to me.
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fcthots · 9 months
hear me out.. tattoo artist! jason
Ok think Jason w tattoos is UDHFH STEP ON ME. AND TATTOO ARTIST JASON? EVERYTHING. but I have such a fear of needles that this is the only way I could do this one. I will return to it later if I become any less of a a coward.
Also this somehow turned into a full fic, don’t ask me how. I just looked down and there were words typed in the post. I don’t know what possessed me. And before I forget: it’s not really relevant so far if the bats are still bats in this AU, but the batfamily is still at the very least, a family.
Jason works at a tattoo parlor and that’s where you two meet. It’s love at first, well, first day? Anyway, you come in wanting to get your ears pierced. You know you’re scared going into it so you call ahead and ask for the nicest, most gentle, and most patient person there and you book a stupidly long appointment with him so you have time to have a panic attack and freak tf out.
You were not expecting Jason to be over 6 feet tall and be the most menacing person you’ve ever seen (and you saw batman one time!!). You also weren’t expecting him to be so stupidly fucking attractive. You sit down where he gestures for you to, and hug your arms close to yourself. He gets everything ready while you start trying to control your breathing. You can see Jason continuously turning to look at you out of the corner of your eye as you fidget with your ears wondering how bad this is gonna hurt.
“You okay?” You look up at him. He’s staring at you with concern in his eyes. Ok, so maybe you weren’t as good at controlling your breathing as you thought, but you still needed to respond.
“Mhm.” Your words were sort of failing you right now so that would have to do. You attempt to keep your tears in.
“You ready?” You look down and see the needle in his hands. Absolutely the fuck not. Your breathing gets worse, your tears are starting to make it out of their prison, and you are about to have a panic attack.
“No.” It comes out too fast. You shake your head wildly to make sure you get the message across.
He immediately puts down the needle and shows you his open hands. “Can I sit?” You bring your knees to your chest and nod before you hide your face. “You’re scared of needles?” He sits next to you, keeping a respectful distance.
“Phobia,” you mumble as you slightly lift up your head. You see the equipment on the table and you attempt to cover up the way your heart spikes. Jason follows your gaze. He gets up and puts a clean towel over the needles before he sits back down.
You were very clearly crying now despite trying not to. Your adrenaline was kicking in.
He held out his hand. “Do you wanna hold my hand?”
You jerked. “Do you mean like while you stick me with the needle? Because I’m not ready. I’ll be ready soon. I swear I’ll try and get myself together, I just need a minute-”
“We’re not piercing your ears right now. You can hold it then too if you would like, but I was asking if holding my hand would help you right now. We have all the time in the world for the needles later. I just wanna help you through this for now.”
You grab his hand. “I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry for all this. I don’t mean to make your job harder. Also I might be here for a long time. I’ll try not to, but I’m scared.”
“Don’t be sorry and don’t worry about me. Let’s help you right now. I can be content here all day. You’re just helping me slack off.”
You smile and wipe your tears with your free hand.
You sit in silence for about 5 or so minutes before Jason pipes up. “So why are you getting your ears pierced if you’re scared of needles?”
“People keep telling me I need to. Also I have a friend’s wedding coming up and I was told my dress needed to have earrings.” His hand is warm and huge. You really don’t want to let go.
“But if it’s causing you this much stress, who cares about earrings?”
“Most other people apparently.”
“That’s fuckin stupid.”
You laugh and finally meet his eyes.
He starts talking again. “Well what about clip-on earrings?”
“They don’t really make those much anymore. Super hard to find.” Jason looks thoughtful at that.
“Didn’t you book out the rest of my day?”
“…yeah sor-”
“Respectfully, don’t finish that sentence. My brothers ex-girlfriend makes jewelry, and I know for a fact that she makes clip-ons and fake piercings. Steph, her name is Steph by the way, used to make them for my brother before he moved in with us and was able to get them pierced. I’m 99% sure she’s home right now.”
You feel a huge weight lifted off your chest. “Seriously?”
“Yeah. How did you get here?”
“I walked from my apartment. It’s not all that far.”
“Alright well, if you’re comfortable with it, we can take my bike to go see if she can make you some if you want to go now. It’s not a walkable distance really. And don’t feel pressured to-”
“Let’s go.”
“Let’s go. Anything to not jam a needle into my ears.”
Jason leads you by the hand to his bike and takes you back to Wayne manor. There are so many people there that barely question why you’re there. Jason walks off to go find Steph and you get nervous until a dog approaches you. A child follows shortly after.
“Titus can tell that you are upset. He is trained to help with such things.”
Jason comes back to find you with Steph in tow only to see the dog literally laying on top of you while you discuss animals with Damian.
What a weird ass fucking day, but a good one.
Part two
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estrellami-1 · 11 months
If I Should Stay
Part 1 | . . . | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
Steve slides down the wall as soon as he’s in the bathroom, hands going to his hair, gripping hard as he tries to remember how to breathe.
“Steve?” Robin says. “The door’s locked, it’s just us. What’s going on?”
“I don’t know if I can do this, Robs, I look at her and all I see is bullshit, and I know she’s got questions, and fuck, she probably thinks I’m cheating on her, which I’d never do, but she- and Jonathan-”
“Whoa,” Robin says, grabbing his hands. “Deep breaths, Steve-o, we’re gonna make it through this. I will absolutely flirt with Nancy if it helps on the accusation front. I told Eddie the kids like D&D, so hopefully…” she trails off, listening, and they both smirk when they hear Eddie, already in character. “That didn’t take long.”
“He’s a good guy,” Steve says. “And they’re good kids. Mostly.”
Robin snorts. “Mostly,” she agrees. “Listen, why don’t you break up with Nancy? Nothing else happens between the two of you, right? So we tell everyone what’s going on, you pull Nancy aside—I’ll come for moral support if you want—and explain what happens and tell her you can’t see her anymore.”
“You don’t think it’ll mess with the whole timeline thing?”
“Steve. Buddy. We’re telling a group of twelve-year-olds about something that happens four years in the future. The timeline’s well and truly fucked. You weren’t happy with her, not after Barb, right? Because the stories you told me painted you as being miserable.”
Steve sighs. Reclaims one of his hands to run it through his hair. “Yeah.”
“Okay then. And hey,” she says, moving to sit next to him. “Maybe if you break up with her now, you can do something about your crush on a certain someone.”
“Robs, c’mon,” he complains. “Even if I did, what happens after? When we go back to ‘87? Are there three years of memories I don’t have? Do we break up before you and I go back, and pick it up again four years later? And what if we fail and he dies anyways? What then, Robin?”
She leans her head on his shoulder with a sigh. “I dunno, Dingus. But hey, I’m here.”
He offers her a half-smile before laying his head on hers. “Yeah. You are.”
A knock on the door startles them. “Uh, Steve?” It’s Nancy. She sounds oddly apprehensive. “Eddie’s doing a great job at keeping the kids occupied, but we’d all like to know what’s going on.”
Steve sighs and pushes his face into Robin’s hair for a second before turning back to the door to answer. “Yeah. We’ll be right there.”
Nancy doesn’t answer. The first time around, it was something Steve had found endearing. She didn’t have time to waste on meaningless words. Now, it irks him a little bit.
“C’mon,” Robin says gently. “You can fall apart again after, but there’s no use catastrophizing over something that hasn’t happened yet.”
He quirks his mouth up at her. “Right, ‘cause you’ve never been dramatic a day in your life.”
She rolls her eyes. “I’m a band kid, Steven, of course I’m dramatic.” She begins to smirk. “Besides, not like you mind when it’s-”
“Okay,” he says, but they’re both smiling as he unlocks the door.
They go downstairs and he smiles at the sight of everyone on the couch, enraptured, as Eddie’s crouched on the coffee table, eyes wide, monologuing. Steve casts his eyes around, taking everyone in, and starts to frown. “Where’s El?”
Nancy’s the first to break out of the reverie. She looks around, brows furrowed, then slaps at Mike’s arm until he slaps back. “What?”
“Where’s El?”
“She’s right- oh.” Saucer-wide eyes turn to Nancy. “I don’t know.”
Permanent Taglist: @justforthedead89 @ilovecupcakesandtea @madigoround @bookbinderbitch @suddenlyinlove @nburkhardt @artiststarme @paintsplatteredandimperfect @i-less-than-three-you @alyelf @quarble @messrs-weasley @littlewildflowerkitten @vankaar @starman-jpg @bornonthesavage @steddie-there @goodolefashionedloverboi @andienotannie @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @platinum-sunset @just-ladyme @steddiestains @swimmingbirdrunningrock @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @martinskis-lydias @notaqueenakhaleesi @sleepyboosstuff @bestwifehaver @m-owo-n @thatonebadideapanda @finalmoondragon @velocitytimes2 @callmeanythjing @ajeff855 @ilikeititspretty @knitsforthetrail @sillysparrow @that-one-corvid @ace-is-bored @local-writers-corner @harpymoth @weirdandabsurd42
@paperbackribs @ninjapirateunicorns @bisexualdisastersworld @hiscrimsonangel @lolawonsstuff @xo-r4e @thedragonsaunt @l0st-strawberry
Fic Taglist: @blondlanfear @do-you-want-something-more @little-gae-shit
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bellewintersroe · 8 months
Max Verstappen X HornerDaughter!
Part 6- here’s the LINK to part 5. Thank you for all your support! Only a small chapter, but 100% more coming, just you wait… When Red Bull fail to establish their dominance in Singapore, it seems nobody can get off of Max’s back, despite the fact he’s happy for Carlos and the McLaren boys on the podium. All the doubting gets to his head and in the end there’s only one person he turns to for support. Leni secretly freaks when she realises her and Max keep getting closer… Taglist: @ironmaiden1313 @callsignwidow @fangirl125reader @norassimpingzone @roseseraj @eugene-emt-roe @copper-boom @its-elias-world @cassiopeiia24
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“But is Max Verstappen really happy for Carlos Sainz, or is that just a cover up?”
“Max- Max how do you feel? Should it have been you up on the podium today?”
“Max how does it feel that the Red Bull dominance has been broken?!”
“We’re sensing some tension lingering around Max Verstappen today in Singapore after he takes 5th place. It was an astonishing race for Carlos, we can’t quite say the same about the man who has been dominating the 2023 season!”
Poor Max. It was no wonder the poor guy just wanted to get out of the media’s eye. He was so happy for his friends on the podium, he was still confident and self-assured, but the media kept portraying him to be some kind of villain that was spiteful for his own close friends. Even Checo, the media harassed to shit, but Max seemed to take the brunt of it.
No matter how happy he was, it wasn’t enough for the press who constantly accused him of being a brat, or pissed off about the race. I was positive there was nothing Max could do to please them, so when he headed back to his hotel in peace, I was disappointed, but not so surprised.
Me on the other hand, after four drinks in I’d twisted my ankle and ended up limping back to my room, the kind receptionist from downstairs offering me an icepack. It was pretty boring sitting alone in my room when everybody else was out, even my whole family was somewhere but I’d drunken too much too quickly and paid for it soon after.
That’s when I thought of Max. He too was in his room, probably asleep after such an exhausting day. In my tipsy mind I lifted my phone up, glancing through our previous texts. I’d not responded to his last message which was just a simple not explanation of why the RB’s didn’t work so well on specific types of circuits. I’d seen him in person and felt too awkward to text when we were in the same proximity.
Snapping a picture of the ice pack over my ankle I sent him a bunch of pissed off emojis, feeling playful.
Leni: don’t drink Prosecco it fucks you over It wasn’t so long later when Max actually responded. I was surprised it was so quick, but god- I wanted him so bad. I felt like having him, especially now, so soon after a break up would be a little sour for everybody around us, never mind that my own dad was his team principle.
Max: wtf Leni how did you manage that, are you ok?
Leni: hahahaha don’t even ask I’m good, are you?
Max: yeah just pissed off with all the media today. I don’t want to see a single person else. I cringed at his words. Yikes. That was my invite gone. Rereading my messaged to make sure they made sense, I sent a simple message of; Leni: I don’t blame you
Max took a while to respond after that. I was actually falling asleep, my eyes feeling heavy until the buzzing of my phone aroused me quicker than I could process.
Max: unless you wanna come chill with for a while “Oh, Max. I don’t know how you deal with them. They make it out like you’re gonna start a war with Carlos just because you didn’t get a podium, once.” I sat on the edge of his bed, continuing to hold the ice pack to my ankle.
“Exactly, and I don’t know why!” He paced from one end of the room to the other. “They like drama.” I pointed out.
“True, but…” Max plopped himself on the hotel bed. “I feel fine for Japan, I’m confident, but when you’ve got millions of people doubting you it gets kinda irritating.” I winced slightly at his words. Max usually didn’t be so open about his feelings with this side of the media, I knew truthfully he never really give two shits what they thought, but when people were constantly at him I was positive he must’ve found it jarring.
“You’ve also got millions supporting you again.” I responded as he smiled gently. “Yeah. I know that.” His voice was gentle, grateful, he sounded humble. It was a side to hum media didn’t like to show, especially in drive to survive.
“I know I will be.” I shrugged, glancing over to see him smiling down to his sweats. It was a miracle to see him something other than jeans. “Thanks, Leni.”
“Or maybe I’ll switch teams completely and start going to the Ferrari garage.” Max threw a pillow at me in response.
“Dick.” I snickered, scooting further up onto the bed to rest against the headboard, besides Max. There was still possibly the largest gap between us that I’d ever witnessed.
“Could you imagine what my dad would say?”
“I don’t think he’d be too happy.” Max smirked. “Neither would I.”
“Really?” I gazed over his expression. He was still smiling, indicating he couldn’t have been too serious. “Yeah, I mean, you’re part of our team. If you’re not there it would be weird.”
Hours passed and soon we’d both retired under the covers, watching the TV in a comfortable silence. The alcohol that once streamed through my body had fallen stagnant and I was feeling more nervous than when I initially arrived into Max’s room. I stole a glance at him, his eyelids were heavy as he watched the movie, something I hadn’t paid attention to in a good hour.
The gap between us had closed slightly, and I felt myself overthinking more and more about how soon it was to be in this position with him. Friends do this, right? As long as there was no physical contact, as bad as I wanted it, it would be fine.
So the minute I felt Max’s hand brush against the bare skin of my elbow I felt myself completely freak, fidgeting my legs and accidentally kicking my bad ankle. “Ow, fuck. I kicked myself.” I pushed myself up, pretending to be completely and utterly blind to how close we were laid previously.
“Are you ok?” Max too, pushed himself up. I pushed the covers off me and glanced at my slightly swollen ankle. “I’m fine, just… hurt.” I winced, lowering it off the side of the bed.
“Oh- you can stay… if you want.” Max muttered, sounding a little nervous. My stomach grew butterflies, my heart felt like it exploded and as badly as I wanted to say yes and jump on him- something was stopping me.
“It’s okay. I better go to bed, thank you though.”
“Want me to walk you back?”
“30 seconds down the hall?” I giggled as he shrugged like it was obvious. I realised how rude that sounded, to turn down his offer. “It’s okay, thank you though, Max. I would stay but Blue is there- and if I don’t come back, you know, it looks a little…”
“I get it. Then they all start asking questions.” Max agreed as I offered him another smile. “Yeah. Exactly.” I turned my head a way, hesitating to actually turn around and leave. Max stood besides me at the door and to avoid any other form of intimate interaction I avoided eye contact at all cost.
By the time I’d got back to my bedroom I’d well and truly wanted to top myself. Well done Leni, well fucking done. That could have been one of the most finest moments of my life, not!
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natashaslesbian · 5 months
We Saved Each Other (Part Five)
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Summary: you’re continuing to grow everyday with Natasha, facing all kinds of challenges both new and old
Word Count: 4.1k
Parings: (Natasha Romanoff x Kid!Reader) (Maria, Clint and Fury appear)
Warnings: Red room references, abusive father references, nightmares, shouting, crying, but the fluffiest ending
Natasha was amazed at your progress. It had been a long 2 months but you were continuing to grow every day. You were starting to get more comfortable around the avengers but there was still some bonding to be done and many more mountains to be climbed.
-5 weeks at S.H.I.E.L.D-
“So” Fury said as he settled into his chair “how are the two of you settling in?” The director asked. Natasha glanced over to you through the glass, you were always scared when you couldn’t see her and truth being told Nat didn’t ever want to let you out of her sight either “we’re okay” she said “ok, and the truth?” Nick smirked “it’s been hard I guess” the widow wasn’t yet used to allowing her emotions to show “she doesn’t know any different” Natasha said, eyes still glued to you “we don’t know any different” she corrected.
“Woah y/n look at this one!” Maria said as reached right to the bottom of the box of brand new toys Clint had sent for you “what is it?” You asked as you waddled over “it’s a doll house” Maria said “do you wanna open it up and put it together?” Your eyes lit up, you had never had your own doll house “yes please” you said. It was a challenge for Maria, this whole situation was. The agent had her walls built so high and watching over you, playing with you, it brought a lot of memories back for her. “What are you going to name this one?” Maria said as she passed you the brand new doll “I can name it anything?” You asked “of course” Maria said.
“We can’t keep her here without a guardian much longer Romanoff” Nick coughed “what does that mean? Where are you gonna send her?” The panic ran up through Natasha’s spine “we don’t want to send her anywhere, but she needs a guardian” Nats blood settled again “are you asking me to do that?” She asked “I’m not asking you to do anything, in all honesty you can’t, you haven’t been a US citizen long enough” Nick said “you need to have been here at least 12 months” Natasha sighed “that’s another 2 months away” the red head said. She would be damed if these people just shipped you off somewhere new “why can’t she just stay here until I can be her guardian” Natasha asked “I didn’t know that’s what you wanted” Nick said, falling back into his chair. Shit. She was letting her guard down again, letting some stranger see her emotions “well I don’t want her just thrown into the care of someone else” the widow said “we can take care of her, I can take care of her. Please Fury, let me help her”
“Hey y/n” Nat said as she opened the door “you wanna get some lunch?” She asked, you shrunk into yourself again, still wanting to play but not wanting to get into trouble “okay” you nodded your head. Natasha picked up on your discomfort “would you like to stay and play a bit longer?” The red head asked “yes please” you timidly said. Maria said her goodbyes and Natasha came to join you on the carpet “what’s your dolly’s name?” She asked, your cheeks grew a certain red and you giggled “Natasha” you smiled “you named her Natasha? After me?” The agent asked “yeah” you shyly said “why did you do that?” Nat asked again “because you’re my best friend” you smiled up with your y/e/c “you’re my best friend too y/n” Natasha said, feeling her heart open more than it ever had.
-6 weeks at S.H.I.E.L.D-
You were so exhausted. Each time you slept your mind was plagued with demons, running around and throwing very bad memory into your consciousness. Right now was no different .“Y/n?” Natasha cooed “you’re okay y/n, wake up for me sweetheart” she pleaded. You had finally settled at 6am after a night of tears and no sleep. It was 8:30 now, things were going so well, Natasha was thrilled that you were getting some rest at last. “Y/n sweetheart, it’s Natty can you hear me?” She asked. You could hear her calling you but she was too far away, your father dragging you even further and pushing you into the arms of a strange man. Natasha cradled you in her lap, wiling you to wake through her thoughts “I’ve got you darling. It’s okay you’re safe” she continued to say.
Finally the darkness had gone and the overhead light stung your eyes slightly as you rolled away from it, further into Nat’s grip “Natty” you cried out “I’m here baby, I’m here” she said as she gently stoked your hair behind your ear “d- Dreykov” you whispered “its alright y/n. I won’t let him hurt you, he can’t get to you okay” Natasha said to you, and herself. “Do you want sprinkles?” Natasha asked, you nodded your head at the mention of your beloved stuffed bunny. The widow had bought if for you after your first nightmare, she had always wanted a stuffy and she was honoured to gift your first ever one to you.
You wrapped Sprinkles arms around your own while Natasha tucked you back into the soft sheets. “Get some sleep okay sweetheart” she said, bringing her hand back to your forehead, trailing her fingertips across your hair line “okay” you yawned “Natty?” You peered up at her “yeah?” She said as she sat on the plush mattress next to you. “can you sing me a song?” You asked “a song?” Nat asked in return, slightly terrified at the prospect of singing “yeah” you said sleepily “daddy used to sing me lullabies. Be-before he turned scary” you frowned and Natasha lent down to leave a kiss on your forehead, the action taking both of you by surprise “what did daddy used to sing for you?” The widow asked. You hummed in thought for a moment “I don’t remember” you said “how about I sing you one that my mommy used to sing to me?” Natasha smiled at the brief memory “where is your mommy?” You questioned as you rubbed your sore eyes “I don’t know, I haven’t seen her in 15 years” Nat believed Melina had died many years ago but she didn’t want to put that in your head “that’s a long time” you said “it is” Nat nodded “are you going to leave me for 15 years?” You quietly asked, afraid of the answer. Natasha couldn’t promise you anything, her future was just as unclear as yours but she was sure of one thing “I’m not going anywhere y/n” she said “now you close those eyes” her Russian accent filled your ears with a beautiful tune as she began to sing. Her comforting warmth lulling you into a deep slumber.
-7 weeks at S.H.I.E.L.D-
“No.” Natasha firmly said “I’m not going on this mission!” she slammed her hands on the wall “Romanoff” Fury warned, Maria cutting him off “the whole point of you coming here was that you would work under S.H.I.E.L.D” she said “well things have changed!” Natasha yelled “I need you for this mission Natasha” Fury boomed “I have to be here for y/n” Natasha said, scratching at her palms to calm her anger “you can’t stay glued to her side forever” Maria sighed. “You don’t get it!” The widow screamed, loosing all control “then explain it to us!” Fury said, mirroring Nat’s anger. “This is the safest place y/n has ever been but she doesn’t feel it yet.” Natasha began “she won’t feel safe for a long time and I may not be the perfect role model but I am the only one she trusts, the only one who will ever understand the hell she has been through!” Natasha’s voice was cracking, the tears threatening to spill “you both went through it” Maria said, catching the halls attention “they need time Nick” she said looking at her superior “a month is long enough” he said “no it’s not” Maria shot back “only Natasha and y/n can tell us when they’re ready” the brunette came to stand by Nats side, a silent promise that she was there for her. “So what do you need?” Nick asked “time” Natasha said.
“Natty?” You quietly called from the bedroom door, the three adults in the corridor turned their attention to you “hey y/n, are you okay?” Nat asked “why are you shouting?” You mumbled “sorry sweetheart we were just having a little disagreement” the red head said as she came to pick you up. She stopped immediately when you backed away from her “its okay no one’s angry” she cooed coming down to your level “I don’t like it” you sniffled “you sound like daddy” Natasha’s heart sank, she wanted to make a different impact on your life. “I’m sorry baby I didn’t mean to scare you” Nat said trying to defuse the situation. Her efforts fell short when Fury announced his exit with the slam of the corridor doors. You flinched and pushed past the red head into Maria’s legs, breaking Natasha’s heart without knowing it. She couldn’t hold it back this time, big strong Nat, the tears started to fall. She quickly stood and turned on her heels walking past you and Maria, intertwined together. “Natasha” the agent called after the widow, her sobs fading and allowing her to hear yours. “It’s alright y/n, let’s go and get a hot chocolate okay”
Natasha caught the faint red stain in the mirror as she turned on her feet, the blood beginning to seep through her pointe shoes. This was the only way to let it all out. She had cried enough, spent too long feeling sorry for herself. Now she needed to make up for her mistake, and she needed to forget the look on your little face. The balletic music filled her head enough that Natasha didn’t notice when Clint came into the studio, only realising he was there when she caught his frame landing from a leap. She continued to twirl until Clint stopped the music “that looks painful” he said as he pointed to Natasha’s shoes, she simply shrugged. “Maria called” Clint began “told me what happened earlier. Why are you punishing yourself?” He asked. There it was again, the feeling of her tears creeping up on her “because I’m a monster” she whispered “No. you’re not” the spy said as he handed his teammate a fresh water bottle. He tilted his gaze to the bench and Natasha understood the message. “You’re allowed to be hurt too you know” Clint said as he passed nat a first aid kit, understanding that she would probably want to tend to her own wounds herself. “This has been a huge scary change for you, and for y/n. It’s not always going to be easy” Clint settled on the bench close to Natasha “she got scared Nat, but she won’t stay scared. I see it in her face, she trusts you, you just reminded her of a time I’m sure she’d rather forget” Nat looked over to her fellow agent every few seconds, in between placing her sneakers back onto her bruised feet “do you remember your second week here?” Clint asked “we were training in the gym. You dodged my right hook and I took you straight to the floor, and you stayed there for an hour. You were afraid, because I reminded you of a time you would rather forget” Natasha thought about the memory in detail, imagining that’s how you must have felt today “but here you are now, sat here with me. And I know you’ll never admit it, but I see it on your face too; I see that you trust me” the two shared a glance, accompanied with a small smile. Feeling content that Natasha was safe to be on her own, Clint left her to ponder. Ponder about you.
When Natasha found you, you were watching finding nemo. You and nat had watched it together for the first time last week. Maria was close by and Natasha wished it was her next to you instead of sprinkles. “Hey y/n” she quietly said, not wanting to startle you “mind if I join you?” She asked from a safe distance, thrilled when you nodded. She sat on the armchair next to the couch and you instantly knew that she was too far away for your liking. Shuffling down of the cushions you made your way over to Natasha and slotted your hand into hers, a large smile forming on her face. You pulled her to her feet and dragged her back to your mountain of blankets, silently asking her to join you, which she of course did. After a while of content movie watching, Maria excused herself, leaving you and Natasha to talk. “Y/n” Nat said, drawing your focus to her “I’m so sorry I scared you today” you looked up to her emerald eyes and saw nothing but regret, a look your father never had. He had never told you he was sorry after shouting and he definitely didn’t after he had thrown you around the house. You knew Natasha was different, every touch to your skin was gentle and every sentence was soft. “I forgive you” you said noticing a tear forming in the corner of Natasha’s eye “don’t cry Natty” you said as you came to your knees and crawled to wipe away her stray tear. “I promise you I will never hurt you y/n, you don’t have to be scared of me” Natasha sniffled “‘M not scared of you” you sat back on your heels “but I am scared of daddy” you admitted “and I’m scared of Dreykov, and the red room. I don’t wanna go back there” Natasha broke hearing you say the very same words she had once pleaded. “You don’t ever have to go back there baby” the red head cried with you “not to the red room and not to daddy, you can stay with me forever” you collapsed into Nats arms and held on tight, you knew you were never letting go “look at me y/n” Natasha said as she lifted your chin with her pinky “it’s okay to be afraid. I’m afraid too sometimes, but me and you are gonna stick together and I will always look after you” he sniffled “I’ll look after you too Natty”
-Week 8 at S.H.I.E.L.D-
Waking up next to Natasha felt safe. She was warm and always had one arm holding you close. The widow had tried to coax you into your own bed, adjacent to her own on the other side of the room. Each night, however, you would always end up cuddled together. Natasha understood it was where you felt most comfortable but still dealing with her own nightmares at the same time was hard, thankfully you were a heavy sleeper but Nat always feared she would startle you awake too.
Today was a big day. You hadn’t been outside of the S.H.I.E.L.D grounds since you arrived, the outside world seeming too scary. Natasha had seen you though, staring up at the city through the fencing. Your little mind was so curious and you had yet to explore the world outside of an abusive environment. You were excitedly nervous when Natasha told you she needed to take a trip to the store, you had never been to one of those before. The red head didn’t really need to go but it was a good excuse to get you out of HQ. She had agreed with Fury that a car of specialist agents would follow close behind, dressed in everyday clothes as to not frighten you although they were ultimately there to protect you. Fury accepted Natasha’s many requests, despite not fully understanding why he needed 10 members of his team watching the surrounding areas.
“Good morning Natty” you said as you gently laid your weight over her stomach, you were clingiest in the morning and Natasha loved it. Thinking back to the first few weeks you were here, it was remarkable that you accepted her loving touch so easily now. “Are you looking forward to our trip out today?” Nat asked “yeah. But ‘M a little nervous” you mumbled behind a yawn “that’s alright sweetheart” Natasha said as she pushed your baby hairs to the side “I’ll keep you safe y/n” she smiled, and you smiled back. The redhead considered asking you if you wanted to go to a cafe for breakfast but thought that might be too much for todays adventure.
“Okay, other foot darling” Natasha said as reached for the laces on your right shoe. “Alright, I think we’re ready to go!” She finished with a gentle pat to your shoe clad foot. You followed Natasha through the building towards the garage area, reaching for her hand every now and then but deciding against it. “Woah!” You said as you helped the redhead push open the door “would you like to pick a car? We’re allowed to take any one that we want!” She said “yes please” you excitedly giggled and instantly moved towards the convertible Volkswagen Beatle. “You wanna take the bug y/n?” Nat asked, you nodded with anticipation and the widow helped you into the car seat Maria had gotten for you.
You were amazed. The trees swaying so freely, all the colours in the bushes just filled with flowers. You couldn’t keep still the entire journey, every corner filling your little mind with wonder. As curious as you were, you failed to catch the unmarked S.H.I.E.L.D car trailing you. Natasha however, was glancing in the mirror every few moments to make sure they were still there, your safety being her number one priority. You got excited when the tall buildings of the city came into view but were immediately disappointed when Natasha took a left turn into a car park. “Ok here we are!” Nat said “do you have the list I gave you sweetheart?” You held up the notepad high to show Natasha you had taken good care of it.
When you reached for Natasha’s hand this time, just outside the shop doors, she obliged straight away. Keeping a tight grip on you and the basket in her other hand, she asked you what was the first item on the list. Natasha didn’t actually need any of the things she had written down but they were basic necessities so would one day become useful. You stayed close to your best friend the entire time, starting to feel slightly overwhelmed as the store filled up with customers. The lights were getting to bright and the mixed sent from each department was too much but as long as Natasha was beside you, you knew you would be okay. “Ok I think we’re all done darling” the redhead said “shall we double check?” She continued as she put down the heavy basket. You began to list of every item on your piece of paper “toothpaste” you said “check” Natasha answered “shampoo”
“Check! I think we’re all good!” Natasha finally said after you had ticked of every item. “You’ve been so helpful y/n, how about we go and pick you out a new outfit?” Truth be told you were ready to leave but you had been eyeing up the clothes every time you wandered past “okay” you said and retook Nat’s hand.
You didn’t like this section anymore, at first it had been fun all these bright colours and pretty dresses, but each time you picked something out Natasha would let go of your hand to pull it off the rail. Eventually both your hands were so full of clothes that you had no way to connect, thankfully Natasha had suggested that it was time to leave so you followed close by to the checkout making sure you could see her red locks the entire time. A group of teenagers came charging towards you both, taking you by surprise and causing you drop your new sneakers. You quickly lent down to grab them but when you looked up again Natasha’s red hair was no where to be seen. You immediately panicked, not being able to see the widow, dropping everything in your grasp to run ahead and catch up to her. You expected she would be just around the corner but when you shuffled around on the slippery floor, she wasn’t there. A gentlemen came up behind you with your discarded items “here you go y/n” the man said, causing you to let out a squeal at the unwelcome touch “no go away!” You screamed and ran in the opposite direction.
Meanwhile, Natasha was frantically searching for you in every isle and around every bend. “Y/n?” She called at every corner. All your shopping was long gone by now, nothing mattered more to Natasha than you did. She ran through the store, halting when she saw agent Carlos holding the clothes and shoes you had picked out. She came crashing into him demanding to know where you were “she got frightened and ran off agent Romanoff” he timidly said, fearing the darkness in the red heads eyes. “Well contact everyone else! Find her!” She demanded and began to race the store in search for you again.
The toy isle seemed a great place to hide, you knocked the boxes of the bottom shelf causing quite a commotion. While pushing the remaining toys out of your way, agent Hill had caught you in the corner of her eye “Romanoff I’ve got her, the toy section” she said into the cuff of her sleeves drawing questioning looks from other customers. Just before you could climb into your hidden safe space, an arm interlocked with your own “no!” You yelled “let me go!” You kicked as Maria pulled you towards her “it’s alright y/n it’s me” she pleaded. Through your teary eyes, you couldn’t quite make out her face and although you recognised her voice she wasn’t who you wanted “no! I want mama! Where’s my mama!” You cried out.
Natasha came speeding down the shop floor, scanning every isle despite knowing where you were. A huddle of onlookers had appeared, Nat simply pushed through them ignoring their huffs of disapproval. She rounded the corner to see you backing away from Maria screaming for your mom, how Natasha’s heart broke, knowing she could never bring her back to you. “Y/n?” The widow said, your head immediately whipping to her direction, your screams stopped for a moment but your howling increased as your eyes met Natasha’s “mama!” You cried as your feet picked up and you ran straight for her. Natasha’s world fell still, you were calling for her. Calling a name she had only dreamed of one day hearing and knew she never would. “Mommy!” you cried once more as Natasha’s world came back to life, her own feet leading her towards you. “Come here baby girl!” She said, and moments later your bodies collided into the most loving embrace the two of you had ever witnessed “mommy’s here y/n” she said into your ear as you cried into her shoulder “please don’t leave me mommy!” You sobbed “I’m not going anywhere y/n, I promise” Natasha said “mama’s got you. Let’s go home baby”
That night, Natasha welcomed you into her bed, wanting to hold you close. You had spent all evening trying on your new clothes (Maria had made sure they were purchased along with the toys you had accidentally broken) you had put on a fashion show for your new mama and required her validation for every outfit, not that you needed it. You had worn yourself out before your usual bedtime and Natasha had decided the two of you would have a movie night. Your eyes had fell closed no more than 30 minutes into the first film. Nat turned off the lights, leaving just the one on her bedside table, you shifted as the redhead pulled the duvet up to cover you both “mh” you whined “mama” you huffed as you cuddled into her side “I’m here sweetheart” your mommy said, holding you tightly in her arms. You fell soundly asleep in the arms of your mom, the woman you love most in the world. As for Natasha, she fell asleep holding in her hands what had only ever been a dream. A dream the red room had tried to take away from her, yet here she was holding her daughter, holding you.
This is the longest fic I’ve ever written so I apologise if there’s any mistakes I tried my best to get it done quickly as well and with my dyslexic ass there’s probably mistakes all over it
Happy new year guys🩷
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cloudy-em · 10 months
Bad Cop - Badass!Confident!reader x Soft!Shy!Spencer Reid
gender neutral reader!!
When Y/N first walked into the BAU, they had a chilled confidence surrounding them that made me nearly cower at my desk. Hotch had told the team we were getting a new member, but I expected some bright-eyed newly recruited agent to walk through our doors. Y/N held themself with such grace and confidence. They made eye contact with me, and I looked away immediately, flipping through a file on my desk and pretending to read it slowly. The next thing I knew, Y/N was in front of me, introducing themself before practically strutting away. They showed no signs of overexcitement or nervousness that every newcomer in the BAU holds. It was mildly intimidating that Y/N lacked that. 
It’s been 6 months, 13 days, and 44 minutes since Y/N first joined our team. They’ve been more helpful than I initially expected. They hold their PhD in human behavior studies and had previously worked in the Crimes Against Children Unit for 3 years before being sent up to the BAU. Y/N is very intelligent and always plays the “bad cop” role (incredibly effectively, might I add) whenever we have to interview suspects. They show no fear in the field, either, and they have not lost the confident energy surrounding their presence. I wish I could hang out with Y/N more often. I talk to them enough to do my job, but whenever drinks with the team or a game night comes up, I find myself stuttering out a lame excuse. It’s just that Y/N is cool and I don’t want to embarrass myself. I find my thoughts drifting to them often, even in the SUV as we’re on our way to an unsub’s warehouse, where he’s keeping a 15 year old girl prisoner. The SUV slows to a stop, hidden from view of the warehouse by tree cover and distance. We pile out of the cars, reviewing what we discussed at the local police station. 
“Remember, he wants as much time with her as he can get, which is why he’s turned his warehouse into a maze. He doesn’t think he can outsmart us; he just needs to delay us so he can finish his ritual. We move quickly in pairs. Clear the rooms, but don’t spend long getting distracted or held up by his puzzles. Our goal is to get to Mariah as quickly as possible,” Hotch states, the team and additional police officers nod. 
“Prentiss, Morgan take the south entrance and move around the perimeter. Reid, L/N take the south entrance and move towards the center,” Hotch’s voice trails off as he continues giving assignments for the warehouse maze, but all I can focus on is the fact that Y/N and I are going to be partners for this. I can hold my own, sure, but Y/N? They could probably take out 10 people by themself! I don’t want them to see me as incapable, because I’m not. I’ve passed all of my tests, written and physical. But by comparison, I’m a mouse and Y/N is a falcon. 
I’m brought back into reality by Y/N. “You ready?” they ask genuinely. I’ve never had the pleasure of being partnered with Y/N, but I’ve heard Emily say they take partner work very seriously. They’re committed. I nod at them for fear my voice would crack due to how dry my throat is. They nod back before turning around and calling a “let’s go” over their shoulder. The team jogs towards our respective entrances, Morgan and Prentiss in front of Y/N and I. We arrive at our destination, the south entrance, and Morgan tries the rusted metal door. Emily and Y/N both have their firearms raised, ready to enter and clear when Derek opens the door. He nods at them and they nod back. They clear and Derek and I enter before splitting up to join our partners. 
“You guys go left, that will lead you around the perimeter and those rooms. L/N and I are gonna go right so we can work our way towards the center,” I say, my eidetic memory not failing me as I recall the warehouse map from earlier. The other three nod before we begin to move. Y/N and I are quiet as we walk down the concrete corridor, guns raised and clearing each room as we move. 
Y/N pauses and I glance at them, questioning the sudden stop. “I hear something,” they whisper to me. Sure enough, there’s a sound ahead. Y/N points down the corridor and we walk towards the sound, picking up our pace as the sound grows in volume. I whisper into my mic where we are, letting the rest of the team know we’re onto something. Before it can even register, Y/N runs to the end of the hall with their guns raised, bursting into the room.
“FBI, drop your weapon!” I hear them announce firmly, as I enter the room with my firearm at the ready as well, I see our unsub kneeled in front of Mariah. She’s chained to the wall and the unsub has a knife in his hand. 
“Did you not hear me, dumbass, I said drop it!” They shout this time. The male laughs and he brings the knife closer to Mariah slowly, like he’s teasing the idea of whether he should hurt her or not. Y/N doesn’t hesitate. 
They launch themself across the room and onto the unsub, gun sliding across the room, and their sudden weight forcing his body to the floor. They twist his arm, causing him to drop the knife. “I don’t give third chances,” Y/N says. “On your stomach!” they order. He doesn’t listen. Y/N forces him onto his stomach, cuffing him and patting him down. As they move to press on his shoulders and biceps, ensuring he has nothing hidden there, he moves his head down to bite their finger. 
“Motherfucker!” Y/N yells, reactively punching him. “Where’s the key for Mariah’s restraints, huh?” they ask. He’s silent. “Tell me or I’ll hit you again!” he sighs and mutters that the key is around his neck. They pull it off of him throwing it across the room for me to catch (I did!) and I approach Mariah, trying to be as gentle as I can with her as I unlock the cuffs from around her wrists. She thanks me, throwing herself onto me in a hug. I pat her back, helping her stand up so we can walk her out of the building to her family and the waiting EMTs. 
“Successful op, huh Reid?” I hear Y/N approach as I’m standing by the ambulance, waiting for the EMTs to finish checking on Mariah. I’m a bit surprised. “Oh, um, yeah, except for you I guess.” Y/N raises an eyebrow in question. “He bit you, that’s gotta hurt, right?” I ask. Y/N shrugs. 
“Not really. It bled, sure, but it’s okay,” they tell me. I suddenly feel myself worried over their well-being. I place my hand between their shoulder blades, a silent request for them to follow me to the SUV. 
“Sit, please,” I mutter, grabbing one of the first aid kits we keep in the glovebox. Y/N smiles at me, and I try to keep my blush as bay when I smile back. I use hand sanitizer to clean my own hands before rubbing some into Y/N’s hands. “We’ll wash them and reapply the bandage when we’re back at the station, but this is okay for now,” I tell them and they nod in response. I place a bandage and antibacterial ointment on the wound, wrapping their finger snugly. 
“Oh, thank you, Doctor! You’ve saved me!” Y/N says, laughing at their own antics. I smile back, ready to remind them for the nth time that I’m not a medical doctor, but I think better of it and opt with a simple, “you’re welcome”. I turn to walk away, to check in with the rest of the team before I hear Y/N call to me. 
“Wait! Doctor Reid!” I turn to face them again, wondering if something else is wrong. Instead of wearing a concerned facial expression, Y/N wears a smirk. “You gonna kiss it better?”
thank you for reading! next up in order for my writing:
lip gallagher x fem!reader fake relationship
emily prentiss x fem!reader smut
chef luca x fem!reader smut
feel free to send me any messages with requests or if you'd like to join my taglists!!
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zolanort · 17 days
What is 'Hyrule's Excellent Adventures?' 👀
It’s a 16,000 word unfinished fic with 6 completed chapters that I’ll probably never actually post. It was basically just playing with a how-the-chain-met scenario from Hyrule’s PoV and has a galaxy-brained climax that I was extremely excited about, but I kinda lost steam after some of their canon first encounters were posted. Who knows though, maybe one day I will be inspired to wrangle it back into canon-adjacency. Or maybe I’ll let it go fully divergent? We shall see.
Here’s a silly snip from an uncompleted chapter if you want it.
“Hey Sky, want to prank Legend with me?” Hyrule said, just loud enough for the Veteran to overhear.
Legend narrowed his eyes at the pair.
Sky pretended to consider it as though Legend hadn’t heard. “I’m game,” he replied at last. “Have anything specific in mind?”
“What?! Sky—!”
“We’re gonna play the long game,” Hyrule smirked, holding up the blank disguise ring from the shop. “We set this ring so that anyone who wears it looks like me. Then,” he gestured to Sky, “you take this back with you to your era, and it gets passed down for the Vet to find one day.”
Legend halted mid-step. “Wait,” Legend turned, then pointed between Hyrule and Sky, eyes bugging out of his head.
Hyrule held up the blank ring, careful to keep it in Legends line of sight, and slid it onto his finger. It flashed briefly, and an angular red symbol formed on the gold surface.
“You—!” Legend made a strangled noise. He reached for his pouch, pulling out his ring box and poking through it until he produced a golden band adorned by a matching red symbol.
“Din blast it,” Legend swore, then laughed.
Sky spared a glance at Legend’s reaction, then back at Hyrule, a playful gleam in his eye. “I take it that this prank has already worked, then?”
“You can bet on it,” Hyrule replied, slapping the ring into Sky’s hand. “Legend has been convinced that I’m one of his predecessors for months.”
Sky laughed, then whipped back to face the veteran. “Wait, so that time when—?”
“Yeah, that was me, not the traveler.” Legend said, then paused, mouth curling at the edges. “Although, you really can’t blame anyone but yourself at this point, can you?”
They laughed.
Sky slid the newly enchanted ring onto his own finger, Hyrule’s features fading into place over his own.
“Hey,” he said slowly, “wouldn’t it be funny if three Hyrule’s walked back into camp?”
Legend smirked, sliding his own ring on in answer.
“Hey Wind.”
Hyrule nodded to the Sailor as he walked into camp. Wind waved from his spot on the ground next to Four, then looked back down. He and Four had been comparing shields. Hyrule continued towards Wild, who was oiling a cast iron pan.
“Hey Wind.”
A second Hyrule waved to the Sailor as he walked into camp. Wind looked up, waved again, then did a double take. The first Hyrule was doing his best (and failing) to keep from grinning as he watched Wind's eyebrows crawl progressively higher and higher up towards his hairline. Second Hyrule sat on a log with a sigh, stretching and cracking his neck.
“Hey Wind.”
A third Hyrule made his way into camp, walking over to crouch next to Four, who bristled and leapt up like a startled cat. The smith grabbed frantically for his sword, then stopped when his hand caught on the handle. He stared between the sword and Third Hyrule, face so full of conflicting emotions that they all canceled back out into an oddly neutral expression.
“What are you two up to?” Third Hyrule cocked his head, looking between the two identical shields on the ground.
“Oh, just comparing shields.” Wind’s eyebrows had made a miraculous reappearance. “We noticed some similarities. Uh, how about you?”
“Oh that’s neat! Legend and I found out we have the same ring today, so that was something.”
“Speaking of which, I’ve been meaning to tell you guys” Wild interrupted from across the camp, “I have all of your old clothes!” He pushed a button on his slate, suddenly donned in Hyrule’s clothes. Plus or minus a hat and a pair of trousers.
First Hyrule blushed, hiding his face in his hands.
“Wait,” second Hyrule called, smirking, “you didn’t used to wear pants?”
“It was a phase,” First Hyrule cried, wilting in place next to a wheezing Wild.
Third Hyrule laughed. “What kind of phase would make you not want to wear pants?”
First Hyrule sank onto the ground in silence, face still hidden.
“I— It was more comfortable,” he hedged, “pants are expensive! And constricting!”
—Second Hyrule nodded along smugly—
“and, well, the, ah, the stories said that the— they said the previous heroes— ah goddess, the hero of legend didn’t wear pants, ok?”
The camp erupted.
Second Hyrule leapt to his feet, mouth agape, as Third Hyrule leaned against Wind for support as they laughed into each other. Four smirked between Second Hyrule and First Hyrule, clearly having figured something out, before looking back down at the shields with a smile. Wild had his hands hooked under First Hyrule’s armpits and was trying to pull him to his feet (to no avail, as he was too busy sulking).
“What happened while we were gone?”
Time stood at the edge of camp, Wars looking around with a bemusement that was directly proportional to Twilight's confusion.
“Hyrule didn’t used to wear pants,” Wild informed helpfully, gesturing down at his own bare legs.
Time scanned the three-and-a-half Hyrules and the two shields with his singular eye, then returned his gaze to Wild.
“I didn’t either.”
The camp erupted for a second time.
So,” Legend smirked, sitting down next to Hyrule and splaying his bare legs out in front of him pointedly. “You wanted to be like the hero of legend, eh?”
“I will fight you, Legend.” Hyrule said, punching his arm in a way that wasn’t entirely unkindly and perhaps even borderline friendly if you looked at it in the correct lighting. “Wouldn’t want a repeat of the first time we met, would we?”
Legend laughed, rubbing at his arm. “Not particularly.”
“Can we agree that the order we came in doesn’t matter and that we are equally awesome in our own right?”
“Swear not to use weird pet names like Time and Twi?”
“I would rather die.”
“I can make that happen if you ever try.”
Hyrule held out a hand and Legend shook on it.
Somewhere in the same forest, Time and Twilight sneezed in unison.
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atths--twice · 8 months
Passing the Time
While waiting for labs at the hospital, Scully helps Mulder pass the time.
Fictober day 6. Prompt: That's All? Easy.
For my dear friend Ingrid. 💓
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February 7, 2018 George Washington Memorial Hospital 
“How much longer did they say?” Mulder asked Scully as she closed the door and rejoined him in the hospital’s waiting area. 
“Twenty minutes at least,” she replied and he sighed heavily.
“We’ve already been waiting for two hours.” 
“Lab work takes time. You know that.” 
“I do,” he said with a nod. “I also know that we’ve been out of the game for a while. Maybe there were advancements while we were away.” 
“Excuse me?” she asked, picking up a random magazine as she sat down. “We haven’t been away from anything. You have. I worked in a hospital until very recently, remember? I am aware how long labs can take.” 
“You know what I meant,” he said, rolling his eyes and she hummed. Glancing at the pages before her, but not finding much interest in them. “I guess I just forgot about the waiting part.” 
“No, you’ve never been good at waiting,” she said, turning the pages with a sigh. 
“In regard to some things,” he said and she turned her head to look at him. He shrugged and gave her a small smile. 
“Hmm,” she hummed again, her attention back on the magazine. His leg bumped hers as he began to bounce it and she pressed into him, silently telling him to stop. “Don’t you have something you can do on your phone? A game to play or something you can read?” 
“Not really.” 
“You had that one game you were playing. Just do that and the time will go by faster,” she said, feeling as though she was speaking to a large child. 
“But it’s boringgggg,” he said, dragging the word out dramatically while he bumped his leg into hers. 
“Mulder,” she said, huffing out a laugh. “Twenty minutes is hardly any time at all. You’ll be fine.” 
“At least twenty minutes. That’s what you said they said, right? So it could be more.” 
“You wanna find a supply closet and make out?” she asked, turning her head and looking at him as he immediately stilled. 
“You… you’re… seriously?” 
“Of course not,” she said, looking back at the magazine and shaking her head. “We’re working.” 
“If that’s the only hold up, I’ll take a rain check.” 
“Sure,” she said, turning another page and not giving it much thought. 
“I’m gonna hold you to it,” he said, his voice lower and she fought back a smile, enjoying teasing him. 
“With or without clothing?” she asked, her voice also low. 
“Definitely without,” he answered quickly and this time she was unable to hold back her smile. “Or whatever you prefer.” 
She turned her head and held his eyes, seeing the desire within them. Leaning closer, she grazed his cheek with her own as she brought her lips close to his ear. 
“I prefer without as well,” she whispered, brushing a kiss to his cheek as she pulled away. 
He groaned softly and she smiled as her attention turned back to the magazine. 
“Christ, Scully,” he breathed, putting his arm along the back of her chair and looking around the room. 
“You gonna make it?” she teased and he laughed as he shifted in his seat. 
“Honestly? Sometimes I don’t know, Scully.” 
“I do enjoy keeping you on your toes. Or your back.” 
“Fuck,” he breathed, shaking his head. She bit her lip to keep from laughing. 
“Can I offer any help to alleviate any discomfort you’re presently experiencing?”
“Yeah, you can stop talking,” he nearly growled. 
“Or I could offer a distraction.” 
“No, that’s how we ended up here.” 
“A different kind of distraction,” she said with a laugh. 
“I’ll be the judge. Let me hear  it.” 
“You consider yourself an intelligent man,” she stated, looking at the magazine. Pausing on a page, she considered the pair of pants the model was wearing.
“I do indeed, but I’m not sure I’m liking where this is heading.” 
“You have an incredible memory. Some might say it's too incredible.” 
“It’s definitely served me well,” he said, stretching out his legs and crossing the left foot over the right. “In more ways than one.” 
“Hmm,” she said, trying not to let her mind wander too far, knowing how well his memory had served in their sex life. Even from the very beginning, it was as though he had memorized every spot that made her cry out and beg him for more.  
“So what did you have in mind?” he asked and she shook her head, pushing away those thoughts. 
Later, she told herself. Definitely later. 
“Make a list of all fifty states,” she said and he looked at her. 
“A list of all the states? That’s your grand plan to help me pass the time?” he asked, moving his arm and sitting up, his brow furrowed even as he smiled. “List the states? That’s all? Easy.” 
“And the capitals,” she said as he stood up, patting his suit jacket, most likely looking for a pen. 
“What?” he asked, stopping and staring at her. “The capitals too?” 
“You said listing the states was easy. We’ve got time to kill so… capitals too,” she said, turning a page and raising an eyebrow at him. 
“Oh… you’re going to regret this. I’ll be done way before the labs are.” 
“So you say,” she said, looking at the magazine. “Yet there you stand, writing nothing down.” 
“Oh, you… you…” He shook his head, waving his finger at her. “I’m gonna find some paper and then… be prepared to be amazed.” 
“I’m all a tingle,” she said with an exaggerated shiver. 
“You… ha ha ha,” he said, walking out of the room to hunt down some paper. 
She smiled as she put the magazine down and reached for another. 
He was back quickly, heading to the small table in the corner of the waiting area, when she stood up and stopped him. 
“Give me your phone.” 
“You don’t trust me?” 
“No,” she laughed. “Not for things like this. Gimme it.” 
“I can’t believe you don’t trust me,” he said, taking his phone from his pocket and handing it to her. “I would never-”
“Dyspareunia,” she said, putting his phone in her pocket. “Thought of that word on your own to build off of your previous word spare?” She raised her eyebrows and he shrugged with his palms up, a guilty smile on his face. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. I’ll be holding onto your phone. Go on.” 
“Bossy,” he said, as he continued past her. 
“You love it,” she stated and he nodded, grinning at her. 
“I absolutely do. Especially when-”
“Nope,” she said, pointing at the paper. “Get to writing.” He saluted as he sat down as she shook her head as she also sat down. 
Quiet fell over the room and she was surprised when she realized ten minutes had passed without any interruptions. Looking over at him, she smiled as she saw how focused he was as he wrote. Suddenly feeling sleepy, she set the magazine beside her, crossed her arms, and closed her eyes. 
“Hey,” Mulder said softly and she opened her eyes. “It always amazes me how you can fall asleep anywhere.” 
“Are you done?” she asked, sitting up and looking at the paper in his hand. 
“Why yes, Miss Scully. I got all my homework done,” he said in a southern drawl, handing the paper to her. She took it with a smile, her eyes running over his words. 
“You know,” he said as he sat down. “That was actually harder than I thought it would be.” 
“Hmm,” she hummed. “That’s not surprising.” 
“What are you trying to say?” he asked and she laughed quietly.
“Nothing about you in particular. It’s just not something we think about in our normal day to day life, so it’s not surprising that it proved to be somewhat difficult.” 
“As long as it wasn’t a dig at my intelligence,” he said, sticking out his lower lip. 
“I would never. Did I not call you an intelligent man earlier?” 
“No. You stated that I considered myself an intelligent man.” 
“Did I?” she asked, tapping her finger against the paper as she read. 
Juneau, Alaska. Austin, Texas. Olympia, Washington.    “You did. Find any mistakes?” 
“Not yet,” she said, glancing at him out of the corner of her eye. 
“You won’t. Because, I have a fantastic memory, as I believe you said.” 
“Ohhh. You were so close,” she said, closing her eyes briefly and shaking her head. “I said you had an incredible memory, but it looks like I was wrong.” 
“Fantastic… incredible. One would say they’re interchangeable,” he said, moving his hands as though weighing the words on a scale. 
“Hmm,” she hummed, nodding in agreement. 
Columbus, Ohio. Montpelier, Vermont. Bismarck, North Dakota. 
“So what’s the word, Teach?” he asked as she folded the paper in half. 
“All correct. One hundred percent,” she said, smiling as she turned her head to look at him. 
“A hundred percent. That should get a gold star,” he stated and she sighed. 
“Unfortunately, I’m all out of gold stars at the moment.” 
“Huh…” he said, rubbing his fingers across his chin. “No gold stars? You got anything else of value? I mean… a perfect paper achieved by my incredibly fantastic memory… it deserves something.” 
Smiling again as she leaned closer to him, she placed a hand on his cheek and kissed him softly. Then again. Then once more, her lips lingering on his. 
“Better than a gold star?” she whispered and he hummed as he kissed her before pulling back slightly. 
“Much better,” he whispered back, bumping his nose gently against hers. 
She pulled back further, smiling at him, her fingers scratching lightly at the stubble upon his cheek. He smiled and she dropped her hand with a sigh just as the door to the waiting area opened and the lab technician stepped inside. 
“Agents, I have the results you’ve been waiting for,” he said and they both stood to their feet and followed the technician down the hall. 
Though her focus was on the case and the new evidence they now had, her mind kept drifting to the softness of Mulder’s lips and how she wanted to feel them on hers again. 
Without clothing this time, she thought. Most assuredly without clothing. 
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tame-a-messenger · 2 months
Ok I’m glad that we’re getting sword af again but I’m disappointed it’s audio only. Like is it bad that this announcement kinda ruined my day a bit? One of the things people like the most is seeing the cast interactions I mean a majority of the posts I’ve seen about sword af are about their interactions and reactions to things (and several posts about the seating arrangement for next season only to get no seating arrangement 😔). Also like I don’t really do podcasts. I can’t focus on audio only things for that long and (even though I’m definitely going to try to listen to season two) I don’t think I’m going to be able to listen to season two because I can’t focus that long when there’s no visuals. Everyone keeps saying budget is the reason for it to be only audio but smosh mouth and smosh Reddit stories are their podcasts but both of them have video too. Cut the video for smosh mouth if you have budget problems not the show where acting and reactions and interactions are so important. This is just going to hinder the sword af experience like I don’t understand why they did it?? I just can’t believe they delayed sword af season two for like 5 or 6 months only to make it audio only. I’m so sad that I’m probably not going to be able to enjoy season two as much because I’m not going to be able to get into it like I can when I can actually see everyone.
Also the wording really got me too like “rejoice!! 80% of what made sword af so good has been taken away!!! Hazzah!!!” Like wtf?! I keep seeing people saying we should be grateful we even get a season two and like yeah. I get that but also it’s going to be a completely different experience now and we have a right to be a little disappointed about that. Idk I’m just disappointed and a little upset but I’m going to give it a try and hopefully I’ll be able to enjoy it still
I’m happy it’s not dead in the water too, but at what cost?
Having it be audio only???? like how can you miss the point so badly?? 
I want to talk about the possible reasons they changed it to a podcast but I’m honestly too confused to even think of reason they would change it at all? Like it got similar views to most of the other content they put out at that time?? it wasn’t that different? And the community LOVED IT! 
“Everyone keeps saying budget is the reason for it to be only audio but smosh mouth and smosh Reddit stories are their podcasts but both of them have video too“
(maybe not so much Reddit Stories because they make bank $ off those videos) BUT SMOSH MOUTH?? Like we could have had at the very least 1 steady cam pointed at them (or if we want the very least- a recording of them in a zoom call (I’m assuming the reason it’s going to be audio only is because they’re filming sessions at home through zoom/discord??) I would literally take that over no visuals
They said S2 was dropping Dec 10 2023 (holy fuck I went to fact check and they removed the release date off the end of the video..)(I’m pretty sure it was supposed to be sometime in Dec) then they pushed it back with no new release date- THEN THEY TAKE BACK THE VISUAL ASPECTS????? WTF
Thanks guys, really, thanks....
“the wording really got me too like “rejoice!! 80% of what made sword af so good has been taken away!!! Hazzah!!!”
Actually had me seething. I can’t believe they phrased it that way. 
Don’t get me wrong. I love Sword AF. That’s exactly why I’m so pissed off about this whole debacle, they teased the FUCK out of S2 only to strip it down to the absolute bare bones. 
I just don’t understand why they would do this.
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fic-recommended · 11 months
Shyan Fics
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I’ll Crawl Home – carrieonfighting
(16,024 words / 6 chapters / Teen and up)
Tags: Demon!Shane, Angst, Non-Linear Narrative, bc im PRETENTIOUS, Protective!Shane
"Shane was almost unnerved by how quickly he’d settled into this body, this name, this life - his friendship with Ryan was the most time he’d spent with any human before, and yet the man fascinated him."
Wow. That’s all I gotta say. I started reading Shane/Ryan fic because I had a weird dream and went looking for comfort fic to ease the edges of my mind. I stumbled upon this fic and was so fucking blown away. I was drawn in because of the demon!Shane tag and the way this story is charted out is insane. It’s nonlinear (there is a liner version tho I’m strongly against it). Just ohmygod read this fic it’s insane and hurts so good.
I’m Gonna Keep You in Love with Me (for a While) – beethechange
(21,847 words / 1 chapter / Explicit)
Tags: fake married, also real married, friends to husbands to lovers to ???, Las Vegas Wedding, possible dubious consent due to alcohol consumption, Anal Sex, Hand Jobs, Oral Sex, Rimming, just assume most of the kinds of sex are present here, probably more Celine Dion than you were hoping for, they say "fuck" a lot, also "dude" but I don't make the rules okay, Bedsharing
Shane is pacing around the hotel room. It’s not a huge room and Shane’s legs are long enough that he doesn’t have much real estate to pace before he has to swing back around for another loop.
“Can you stop?” Ryan asks. “You’re making me dizzy.”
“Okay,” Shane says finally. “Okay. Here’s what we’re going to do. We’re just going to—we’re going to be married. The only way out is through.”
“Um,” Ryan says, because this plan strikes him as counterproductive to their shared goal of not being married.
To me there are the big two when thinking of Shane/Ryan fics. That is to say the others aren’t amazing but two gutted me in a way I was not expecting from I ship I don’t even ship. This is one of the two and fucks sake it hurts me but in a way I really like and neeeeeded. (The other is the one above this)
Muscles Better and Nerves More – beethechange
(26,301 words / 1 chapter / Explicit)
Tags: Bodyswap, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Getting Together, First Time, Pining, Slow Burn, Masturbation, Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Anal Fingering, Body Horror, Rituals, Swearing, Sexy Shame
“I’m serious,” Ryan says. “Don’t go fucking up my body. I want that shit back in the same condition I left it.”
“The same condition—Ryan. I’m not spending hours in a gym every day so you don’t lose muscle mass.”
“I want you to treat my body with the respect you would a national park. Leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but memories.”
A certain meddling Voodoo Queen of New Orleans thinks Ryan and Shane need some new perspective on life. After an inadvisable ritual deposits Ryan in Shane’s body, and Shane in Ryan’s, the ghoulboys pursue some soul-searching and self-discovery to put things right. Sometimes in a sexy way.
I have found out while reading this fic that I am also a sucker for bodyswap!au. Something about learning to love someone completely while seeing (and being lmao) all of them is so intimate and endearing to me. Plus there’s dumplings in this fic and that is just sweet sweet poetry.
If you can find a way to love me, it’s all right – varnes
(11,232 words / 1 chapter / Teen and up)
Tags: Fake/Pretend Relationship, Psychic Ryan
When Ryan was a kid, he fell into a pile of bricks. They were playing hide and seek, and he thought he had the best hiding spot: high up in a thickly lush tree, his knees drawn to his chest so that he’d blend in. But the branch broke. He hit his head and doesn’t remember much of what happened after that. When he woke up a few hours later, the sun was setting, and his friends were gone, and his parents were calling for him, their flashlights swinging across the grass. There’d been blood on his bangs.
Anyway, now he can see ghosts.
Kind of.
Look, he’s not great at it.
Or: Ryan, personally, has three lists: “NICE GHOSTS,” “GHOSTS I DON’T FUCK WITH,” and, “IDK, SPOOKY STUFF.”
Oh my goddddd this fic is so sweet and so owie. At first I was skeptical because the fanon is that Shane can see demons or ghosts or whatever. But having it be Ryan???? So owie in such a good way. Other then this fic being the masterpiece that it is, I’m going to convince you with one sentence: Ryan has a cat with a ghost in it that demands Taco Bell. That’s it baybee. Read it or you’ll regret itttt.
BFFS Get Married For A Week – Ryan and Shane – aspookycryptidsock
(18,108 words / 8 chapters / Explicit)
Tags: Fake/Pretend Relationship, Fake Marriage, Friends to Lovers, Oral Sex, Hand Jobs, Pining, Mutual Pining
"As I was saying," Curly continues with a pointed glare in Ryan's direction. "It's my honor to join the two of you in unholy matrimony. The rules are simple, you'll live together, plan one date each, and cherish each other. Til week do you part."
I first read this fic years and years ago. I don’t know how it happened but me and my best friend found it while being at a library and we went feral reading it before their mom picked us up. It’s my origin story to the ship. This fic is my first love and my baby gorl. Shane is intense in a way I lovelovelove. Ryan is dumber then a pile a bricks amen.
Body Farming – shiphitsthefan
(7,251 words / 1 chapter / Explicit)
Tags: Season/Series 04, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Shane Madej, Protective Shane Madej, Omega Ryan Bergara, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Mutual Pining, Scenting, Multiple Orgasms, Knotting, Daddy Kink, Size Kink, Dirty Talk, Dom/sub Undertones, Filth with Feelings, Community: bfukinkmeme, Multisex Omega
Failed suppressants and a surprise heat: the worst of cliches, and here Ryan stands, living the trope on location with the alpha he’s hopelessly in love with. Even worse, they’re spending the night in the famous Bell Witch Cave, completely alone and with no way to contact the outside world.
Ryan knows he can survive and keep his preheat a secret, as long as Shane will stop being so protective and concerned. After all, it’s not like Shane wants to bond with him.
Your honor I’d like to state my case by saying being horny on main is bc I’m silly goofy and I never meant no harm. ABO fuck or die in a cave? Fuccck kkkk y e aaaa
Por Favor, Sweetheart – carrieonfighting
(7,859 words / 1 chapter / Teen and up)
Tags: Kid Fic, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Accidental Baby Acquisition, ryan dadgara, and shane dadej, Original Baby Character - Freeform, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, You Have Been Warned
Two dorks raise a baby and don't even realise they're doing it together until it's too late
Alternatively, Ryan Bergara is Trying His Best Thanks
Ryan gains custody of a baby and is strugggglinnnggg until a Sasquatch comes and helps <3. Ain’t nothing says romance baybeee then an actual baby.
daring it’s a faded notion – varnes
(28,760 words / 5 chapters / Explicit)
Tags: Paranormal shenanigans, y'all remember that trope where people can't be more than 5 feet apart without Suffering?
The sun is too bright and Ryan’s whole body is alight with something that is eating him all the way up from the inside out, but he keeps his eyes open and he makes himself look, and he tells himself that once he finds Shane, he’ll think about it. Once he finds Shane, they’ll make a plan. Once he finds Shane, and only then, he’ll let himself have the thought he’s been swallowing down like bile since he came to: that they didn’t fall.
They were pushed.
OR: Ryan and Shane get cursed by a ghost, and now they can't be not-touching. It's ... not great.
Ghosties don’t like the no homo and said ummm yeeeeet!!! Into the Grand Canyon then the ghoul boys kiss???? Makes me go hubba hubba
Collide - needywitch
(35,310 words / 2 chapters / Explicit)
Tags: Pining, Friends to Lovers, Fluff, Eventual Smut, Slow Burn, Masturbation, Mutual Pining, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Eventual Happy Ending, Getting Together, Falling In Love, Biting, First Time, Dirty Talk, Love Confessions, Rough Sex, Shane Madej Has a Big Dick
Ryan is desperately in love with his best friend.
Owieeeeeee. This one made me cryyyy. The prose of this fic along with a healthy usage of the word jaunty made this fic deeply emotional as well as made me want to cry when they kissed. Very excellent
A Perfect Piece of Ass, Like Every Californian - beethechange
(25,706 words / 3 chapters / Explicit)
Tags: entirely self-indulgent PWP, smut with feelings, Threesome, Birthday Sex, Oral Sex, lotta ball stuff here folks, so i hope you like balls, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Sexy Air Traffic Conducting, Vaginal Sex, Voyeurism
“Happy birthday, Shane,” Sara says. “I got you a Ryan.”
“Th—thanks?” Shane says. He looks at Ryan and Ryan just looks back, weirdly impassive, giving nothing away. “But I’m pretty sure I already have a Ryan in this model. What’s the return policy?”
“Not like this, you don’t,” she says, raising her eyebrows meaningfully. Out of the corner of his eye Shane can see Ryan bring his hand to his mouth, stifling a snicker that he turns into a cough. Oh, he thinks.
Oh shit.
I’m not gonna sit here and pretend that this fic is morally correct but Shane/Sara/Ryan fic is what I needed and it blew me away and it is the best smut thank you goodnight
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dixonlvr-online · 2 years
How far is too far?
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader
Warnings: Swear words, mentions of violence and killing, argument
Genre: Angst, ends with fluff
Challenge: It's been a long day @whumptober/ Bedtime stories / "There's only us."
Part 1 if you're interested.
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Talking to Maggie was exhausting these days.
Or maybe it was just the fact that you’d woken up at 6 in the morning to make battle preparations and it was now 9pm. All day, you’d gone from group to group, person to person, making plans, building weapons, stabilizing walls, and whatever else needed to be done.
What struck you the most was that no matter who you were with or what you were doing, they all talked about the same thing: killing the Saviors and Negan. Not that you didn’t want revenge yourself, especially for what they’d done to your husband Daryl, but the constant talk of killing was starting to get to you.
Even now, when you sat with Maggie, just two friends trying to enjoy an evening before everything, the conversation had turned to fighting. Maggie talked over the plan, how she wanted to find Negan and put him down in front of everyone. You’d tuned her out the last few minutes, hearing enough of it during the day.
It was when her voice raised that your skin prickled and you felt your blood go hot. You downed the rest of your drink and stood, startling Maggie from her rant.
“It’s been a long day. I hope you don’t mind me cutting this short,” you said. Maggie gaped up at you, but nodded. You shot her a tight smile before quickly leaving, needing to put some space between the two of you.
Your feet dragged on the walk home, body aching with exhaustion. Your shoulders felt heavier than usual, from the physical activities of the day and the weight of what was happening tomorrow.
The only thing you wanted now was to clean up and crawl into bed, hoping the words of the day would wash away until morning. Unfortunately, when you opened your trailer door, Daryl was at the table writing on some plans.
You sighed, and he glanced up at you. You tried to smile, knowing he must’ve had a long day too, but you could feel the tightness in your face. He gestured for you to come over, eyes still scanning the papers in front of him.
You stepped behind him and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, trying to ignore the plans in front of him. He traced a hand across one of the lines.
“Does this look right to you? I told Jesus it ain’t soundin’ right, this part right here. I mean, the Saviors are smart sons of bitches, if we’re gonna wipe ‘em out once and for all we need to-”
“Can you not talk about this tonight?” you cut him off. He flinched, startled by your tone. You released your hold on him and stepped back, letting him turn to see you. His brows furrowed at the tight expression on your face.
“What? I’m just goin’ over the plan-”
“I can’t listen to one more word about tomorrow. I’m so sick of it, and so tired of everyone talking about it,” you said, trying to keep your tone under control. God, you just wanted to go to sleep. Daryl stood, confused expression turning to annoyance.
“Dunno if you noticed, but this is a big fuckin’ deal, Y/N,” he said, shaking his head at you. You bit your lip to suppress your anger, his words rubbing you raw.
“I know it’s a big deal, Daryl,” you forced out, gritting your teeth. “But that doesn’t mean we have to talk about it all the fucking time. Give it a fucking rest already!” You let the words rush out all at once, no longer caring to keep your voice down. Daryl’s eyes darkened.
“What the hell is this about? Ya don’t want to fight them no more? After everythin’ they did to us? To you! To me?” he yelled, towering over you. You stepped closer, glaring up at him.
“Of course I want to fight them! They need to be stopped, but that doesn’t mean we have to become monsters, for God’s sake!” you retorted. Daryl froze at your words, trying to grasp your meaning.
“What’d’ya mean, monsters? You think that’s what we’re bein’?” he asked. You felt your shoulders drop, the anger from before slowly fading away. In its place was an overwhelming feeling of sadness, of exhaustion. You nodded, slowly.
“All I’ve been hearing all day is, ‘We need to kill these guys,’ and ‘I hope Negan dies as painfully as possible,’” you said. “This was from people I respect, people I consider family. 
“Who…” you faltered, averting your eyes. “Who have we become?”
Daryl took a small step forward, lifting a hand to your cheek. You lifted your face to see his, watching regret pass through his eyes. 
“We ain’t monsters. You ain’t,” he said, gently. You shook your head.
“It’s too much sometimes. All of it. All the fighting, all the plans to fight, it never ends. If it ever ends-”
“When,” Daryl corrected you. You bit your lip, nodding.
“When it ends,” you said, “what will we have left? Will we have crossed a line we can’t uncross? What if we go too far this time?” 
Daryl considered your words, the two of you sinking into the silence. Finally, he held a tentative hand up to your arm, waiting for your confirmation to come closer. You nodded, stepping forward into his arms.
He held you close, feeling the beat of your heart against his chest. You breathed in deeply, relaxing into him. The rest of the world seemed to fade when you were in his arms. All the exhaustion, all the weight felt lighter when he carried some of the burden.
“You ain’t gonna go too far. I won’t let ya. And if ya cross that line…I’ll pull ya back. I promise,” he said. You smiled, your first real smile of the day, and leaned further into him. He rested his head on your shoulder, breathing out in relief after he spoke.
You knew tomorrow was going to be hard. You may have to kill. You probably would. But knowing Daryl would be here to hold you afterwards, to pick up the pieces when you fell, made the fight feel worth it.
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myonos · 1 year
Partner In Hatred (pt 3/4)
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• heeseung x female reader • e2l • wc: 1.3k
• genre: fluff, angst?
• warnings! mutual bullying(?), swearing, heeseung and y/n are both dickheads to each other 🤣 insults, rumor spreading, physical violence in the first part, mention of a bone breaking.
• summary: Y/N and Heeseung have been enemies since the age of 5. The universe keeps them in each others lives until one day when Heeseung moves away. After years apart, Y/N and Heeseung meet again after he moves back home for college. Both are dreading seeing the other again until they realize, they’re both hot now?
taglist: @cowstiddymilk
The girls planned a beach trip today; this is the first activity you’re doing since graduation. The wind blows through your hair as the sun strikes down. The plan is to soak up some sun and splash around in the water. You're an adult now, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy yourself.
The sand comes up to the parking lot. You dig your toes in it. It’s warm, like a hug; it makes you feel fuzzy inside.
You don’t forget to apply sunscreen as you all lay down your towels. Your phone buzzes as you lay down, and it’s a message from Heeseung.
What are you doing?
You think for a second, maybe you should invite Heeseung here.
“Would you guys mind if I invited Heeseung to hang with us?”
They all squeal, yes.
“Tell him to invite friends, too. It’ll be fun!” Hanni says.
I’m at the beach with my friends. We’re inviting you, bring whoever you want ;).
Bet. We’ll be there in 20.
You smile, this should be fun.
The sun is crisping you up, like bacon.
After what you assume to be 20 minutes, you hear a horn honk and your name being called.
Heeseung steps out of a car with 6 other guys in tow.
The 6 other guys are Heeseung’s best friends. You’ve known them as long as you’ve known Heeseung. Jay, Jake, Sunghoon, Sunoo, Jungwon, and Niki. They’ve also known about your previous feud with Heeseung and were always trying to get you both to call a truce.
“Hi, you look nice,” Heeseung says as he sets his stuff down next to you.
You raise an eyebrow at the compliment. “I’m just wearing a bathing suit.”
“Well, yeah, but you still look nice. The color suits you.”
“Thank you.”
You turn away, feeling heat rise to your cheeks. You hope he can’t see them.
Abruptly, Heeseung is pulling you up.
“What are you doing?” You squeal.
“We’re gonna go play. Come on.”
There is no room for protest as Heeseung drags you into the water. You shriek at how cold it is, before splashing Heeseung right in his face. He wastes no time and splashes you right back. Now it’s war, again. Except this time you will not get into trouble. Back and forth you both splash, using arms, legs, hands, whatever you can.
You rapidly splash him, to where he can longer fight back.
“Okay, okay!” He shouts, “You win!”
You stop thinking he’s had enough. What you don’t expect is for him to rush forward, grabbing you around the waist. You yell as he picks you up over his shoulder. You smack his back as you laugh and he spins around, making you dizzy.
“Put me down!” You yell.
He puts you down and in your state of dizziness; you push him hard enough to knock him over.
You run back to shore, sticking your tongue out as you leave him.
You notice the other guys run over to tackle him and continue to play as you sit down on your towel.
“You two definitely like each other,” Ningning says, sipping her water.
Hanni and Yunjin hum in agreement.
“How? It’s only been a day since we met again!” You scoff.
“And in a day you went from past enemies to best friends who flirt.”
“You haven’t seen each other in so long, and you’re both hot as fuck now. Why not?” Hanni exclaims, throwing her hands up.
You’ll never be able to explain why Hanni gets so worked up over relationship stuff. Although, she proclaims herself as a “lover of love” and “matchmaker”. You decide to ignore them. You and Heeseung don’t have to like each other to be friends now, right?
You watch the boys play in front of you. Heeseung looks happy, happier than you ever saw him. You’re glad to see him happy, which is something you never thought you’d say. Looking back at the years you and Heeseung hated each other, you realize it was almost for nothing.
Here you are, no longer enemies, no longer the bane of each other's existence. You’re happy to see one another, even to hang out with each other’s friends. You never saw this coming for you and Heeseung, especially within a day, but you accept this new part of your life with open arms.
You’re going to the same college too. Maybe you’ll hang out even more then. But that’s coming, you’d rather focus on the present.
Your thoughts are cut short by Heeseung running up to you, again.
“What now?” You groan, but you can’t help matching his smile.
“We’re gonna play chicken, we want you all to play.” He refers to your friends as well, who protest but you interrupt them, “Of course we will.”
The girls groan except theirs are genuine. You, of course, partner up with Heeseung.
The others partner up accordingly and then it’s on.
You and Heeseung are strong, both known for being heavy-handed. You easily knock Hanni off of Jungwon’s shoulders, then you take out Yunjin. Ningning looks terrified and you can tell she will not try, so you put her out of her misery.
It’s a hard battle against the other guys who paired up with each other, Sunghoon is strong but after two quick pushes to his shoulder, you knocked him off Niki’s shoulders. With that, you and Heeseung are victorious.
“You two become friends and are suddenly inconceivable, it’s almost unfair!” Sunghoon whines.
“You’re mad, loser.” As Heeseung continues to taunt the other boys, they waste no time in, once again, tackling him. It’s an enormous pile of boys, so you and the girls venture off to the side to avoid being dragged in.
You decide to look through the clear water for shells. Maybe you’ll make a necklace.
Once everyone has calmed down, you’ve got many shells, enough to make a necklace for everyone. Hunger has also made its way to everyone, and you all decide to buy food at the stand across the parking lot.
It’s good, and within half an hour everyone has finished eating.
You spend the rest of the day at the beach, learning about one another and making plans to hang out again.
As you lay in your bed, ready to sleep, your phone buzzes. Heeseung is calling you.
He’s put on speaker, “Hello.”
“Hey, I had a lot of fun today. I’m glad we’re gonna see more of each other.”
“I had a lot of fun, too. We all did. Your friends are really fun to be around. You are really fun to be around.”
You pause, thinking about what you’re going to say next.
“It’s funny that we could’ve been friends sooner had we just gotten over ourselves. Then again, I think everything happens for a reason.”
“I agree,” He says. “I called to thank you for today but also, I wanted to know more about you since we’re still new friends.”
“You wanna know more about me? Like what?”
“Like your favorite color, favorite food. Your hobbies, stuff like that. I enjoy knowing what my friends like.”
“Then I wanna know about you too. Let’s go back and forth. What’s your favorite color?” You hear him breathe over the phone like he’s preparing his answer.
“It kinda changes every once in a while but as of right now black, purple, and white.”
Your bathing suit was. Maybe that’s why he complimented it.
“Is that why you complimented my bathing suit? It was purple!”
“Yeah… that’s why.” You almost take notice of the pause before he speaks again. “What about you?”
“My favorite color is orange! People always question me when I say that but it has so many pretty shades.”
“I like orange. I kinda get that vibe when I look at you so it makes sense.”
Both of you go back and forth, talking about anything and everything you can think of. By the time you recall hanging up, it's past 3 am. You feel you’re in a movie, spending hours on the phone. With a boy no less. But it's not like that, right?
please excuse any typos, etc i’ll go back through later ….or not.
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cerebralinvasion · 1 year
february yandere event!!
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yikes! i just realized i haven’t posted here in like a month! soooo partially as an apology but mainly because i decided it’d be fun, we’re gonna do a little event! every day of february i’ll write a little bsd x reader drabble for you from this prompt list! with the twist being that all prompts are yandere inspired hehe… i don’t assign characters to a prompt until the day of so feel free to request characters for any day you want! one character can even have multiple slots!! okay that’s all for the notes!! list of prompts below!
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1. “Aw, are you gonna cry? Go ahead, it’s not gonna change anything.” (kouyou)
2. “Please be good for me. I don’t want to hurt you.” (atsushi)
3. “I’m doing this for you! Why are you trying to stop me?!” (ranpo)
4. “My life is so bleak without you.”(dazai)
5. “I don’t care if your eyes are filled with love or hate, I just want you to look at me.” (higuchi)
6. “Did you really think you could escape?”(dazai)
7. “I’m all you have left now.”(mushitarou)
8. “What do they have that I don’t?!” (akutagawa)
9. “One more chance! I’m giving you one more chance to fucking stop resisting!” (chuuya)
10. “This might sound weird, but I like it when you’re sick. Because then you let me take care of you.”(yosano)
11. “Sweetheart…where are you hiding? I know you’re here. Come out, come out, wherever you are. I’ll find you anyways, I can hear your breathing.” (jouno)
12. “I don’t mind being a monster as long as I’m your monster.”(akutagawa)
13. “Listen, I’m giving you two choices. Either you start eating willingly or I’ll force you. There’s no way I’m letting you starve yourself to death.”(chuuya)
14. “Why…why do you keep resisting me? That’s not fair! Don’t I deserve to be happy too?!”(akutagawa)
15. “Love is patient. I, however, am not.”(mori)
16. “I just want to protect you. Nothing wrong with that, is it?”(jouno)
17. “Silly little thing. Don’t you realize that this is all your fault?” (fyodor)
18. “These people are stupid! Can’t they see that you’re mine?!” (ranpo)
19. “Good morning ~! Sleep well? I hope the bindings aren’t too tight. Did you know you’re quite the restless sleeper?” (dazai)
20. “hopeless? You think I’m hopeless? Sweetheart. Pigeon. Dove. Don’t you see that you’re the one caged here?”(nikolai)
21. “those bruises… did i do that…?”(chuuya)
22. “oh, you aren’t that drunk, don’t worry. i just drugged you.”(dazai)
23. “i keep pencils you’ve chewed on, pictures i’ve printed of you, clothes i’ve stolen from your room… you think i’m a creep, don’t you?”(poe)
24. “want to escape? tell me, what other person would ever love someone like you?” (fyodor)
25. “I know how fucked up this is. It’s just―there’s no other way I can keep you safe.”(chuuya)
26. “you don’t know how much i hate being this way- but i can’t change.” (tetcho)
27. “Don’t you dare fucking try it. You know you can’t outrun me.” (chuuya)
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the-cult-of-russo · 1 year
Just Beneath The Flames (Part 1)
Pairing: Billy Russo x Reader
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Warnings: cursing, smut at some point probably lmao, zombie shit, typical canon violence. You know the drill.
A/N: Soooo, I wanted to do a zombie AU for a long ass time. What can I say? I wrote for the walking dead fandom for yeeears lmao. Anyway, the first scene came to me and I just started writing. No idea where it's going or if it's gonna be good, but I guess we'll see lol
I told myself I wouldn’t post this until it was finished but as I’m writing this author note, I’m just starting chapter 7 and I have no idea how far this will go and I’ve been dying to post this lmao. I figured I’d start posting it and see what happens but after these 6 chapters are posted that I’ve already written up (I’ll post one a day), there might be some delays and stuff. I can’t promise chapters after that will be consistently everyday as I’ll be writing it. I’ll do my best. I posted Poetic Tragedy as I went too and all the kind words people left really encouraged me and inspired me to keep going.
Name of this one is from the song of the same name by Digital Daggers.
We were kings and queens of bedlam
We were happy to exist,
In discomfort we’d created
Though we dreamed of more than this
We had embers in our bloodlines
Iron lungs beneath our skin
Though our hearts were barely beating
We were bleeding out within
We’re at a stalemate,
Begging for the earth to shake,
Wondering if the winds will change
And blow us all away,
We are in the dark age
Tell me it was worth the pain,
Will the wild winds sing again
And blow us all away?
Or will we stay
Everything the same?
Oooh, stay,
Just beneath the flames
Just beneath the flames
We were wary of the future
How the days drew on and on,
With our eyes so widely open,
Tried to see where we’d gone wrong.
We were bold and we were brazen
But grew timid over time,
In our fear we lost direction,
And our dreams left us behind,
We’re at a stalemate,
Begging for the earth to shake,
Wondering if the winds will change
And blow us all away
We are in the dark age
Tell me it was worth the pain,
Will the wild winds sing again
And blow us all away?
Or will we stay
Everything the same?
Oooh, stay,
Waiting for a change,
Oooh stay,
Just beneath the flames
Just beneath the flames
You crouched low, hiding in the shadows as you darted from one tree to another. The forest was bathed in darkness, the only light coming from the campfire that was calling you like a moth to the flame. Either these people were stupid or they were really sure of themselves. You'd never declare your whereabouts like this. You were hiding behind a tree, eyeing up the campsite. There were two women quietly talking among themselves, two children asleep next to them. There was a stocky man with short hair poking at the fire, a man with longer and messier hair beside him as he spoke in a hushed tone. There was a man with a darker complexion asleep not too far from the women and he had two guys next to him. One also had longer hair and he was slightly bigger than the more slender man next to him. The slender man's eyes never seemed to land on anything as he smiled and spoke to the other man. You wondered if he was blind but you couldn't be sure. You weren't too bothered with the people though. What drew your attention, what brought you here to begin with, were the crates of tins and other various foods. Your stomach growled like one of the dead as you stared at your prize, trying to figure out the best way of going about this without getting caught. They didn't just have food, they had weapons too. You wondered what was also in the black van parked on the road just outside the treeline. That was the first sign people were here and then you'd seen the light of the fire. 
You adjusted your scarf and was just about to move when you felt something feeling suspiciously like a gun being pressed to the back of your head.
"Don't fuckin' move," a voice growled and you felt your heart stutter. You'd sworn to yourself you wouldn't rob people again after the last time but you'd been desperate. Your hand inched ever so slowly to the knife strapped to your thigh but then the gun pressed even harder against your head.
"Don't even think about it," he hissed.
"You really gonna use that thing? It's just ringing the dinner bell for the dead," you muttered plainly, your body tense as your eyes darted around. You weren't sure how you were getting out of this one and memories swarmed your mind at a rapid rate. 
"We'd be long gone by then, but your body will still be warm enough for 'em to wanna bite," the man murmured darkly as he grabbed your arm and yanked you to your feet. He whistled sharply then and you jumped slightly, body tensing even more when the group looked over, some of them coming to see what was going on. The stocky man who had been poking the fire came right over to you, his face hard and cold as he drew his own gun. 
"Who the fuck are you?" He asked harshly.
"That's really none of your business now, is it?" You snapped. You couldn't help it, not when you were backed into a corner like this. Not when you had guns on you. The man from behind you moved around you then, moving to stand with the other man, his gun still trained on you. He was tall, his dark hair somehow neat and slicked back. But his eyes were almost black and the fire in them made you turn away from him.
"Why are you here?" The stocky man asked, glaring at you so hard you were surprised you didn't burst into flames. You shifted where you stood, uncomfortable under this scrutiny and unsure of your fate.
"I was gonna rob some food," you muttered honestly.
"I call bullshit," the man with the dark eyes scoffed.
"Where's your group?" The other man pressed, narrowing his eyes. 
"I don't have one," you bit out.
"You really expect us to believe that? That you're out here all on your own and doin' just fine?" The dark-eyed man laughed incredulously.
"I wouldn't say fine, but I'm still breathing if that counts," you glowered at him.
"Nah, I don't believe this bullshit," the man huffed, turning to a blonde woman who was hovering near the other man.
"Go get Matt, get him to do his heartbeat thing," he instructed, making her nod and scurry back off to the camp.
"The heartbeat thing?" You asked slowly. He turned back to you then with a dark smirk.
"Let's just say we got a human lie detector," he grinned patronizingly.
"Great, then he can tell you that you're an asshole who's wrong," you smiled back, just as patronizingly. His eyes narrowed to slits as he rolled his shoulder. The blonde came back then with a man, the one you suspected was blind. You were even more sure with your observation at the way he didn't quite look at you as he stood with the other men.
"We need you to do your thing, Red. See if she's lyin'," the stocky man muttered, his untrusting eyes going from the man back to you. 
"You're scared," the maybe blind man stated, tilting his head a little. You guessed he was using whatever mojo he had to listen to your heart beat like a hummingbird's wings. 
"She should be," the dark-eyed man scoffed, earning a small smack to the stomach from the stocky man who gave him a look. 
"I have guns pointed at me, I'd be stupid not to be scared," you pointed out sardonically. 
You watched as the stocky man and the blind one looked at each other, or at least seemed to before the blind one nodded. 
"Why are you here?" The stocky man asked once again. You rolled your eyes, shifting where you stood.
"I haven't eaten in four days and I saw your van on the road. I followed the light of your fire and saw you had food. I was going to take some," you explained monotonously. The blind man's head was tilted and then he 'glanced' at the stocky man.
"She's telling the truth," he said quietly.
"Do you have a group?" The stocky man asked, looking at you a little more curious than hostile and you wondered if he was starting to realize you weren't a threat. 
"No," you muttered, feeling a wave of pain hit you in the chest. 
"She's being honest," the blind man murmured with a nod. The stocky man nodded thoughtfully and you shot a condescending smirk to the dark-eyed man who just glared at you. 
"You rob groups like this often?" The stocky man asked you and you shook your head with a frown. 
"I only do it if I'm desperate, the last time was three months ago but after that… " you trailed off, the urge to touch your throat stinging you but your hands stayed at your side since the guns were still pointed your way.
"Are they the ones that left the scar?" The blind man asked softly, his voice sounding apologetic. Your head whipped to him, shock coloring your face. You blinked at him slowly and he shot you an almost sheepish smile as he looked down. 
"Look, I wasn't gonna hurt anyone, okay? I was just hungry and desperate and you looked like you had more than enough. Just let me leave," you muttered with a frown. The stocky man lowered his gun but the dark-eyed man didn't until he got another firm look from the other man. You started to wonder if the stocky man was the leader here. The blonde woman who had been hovering once again then rushed over to the crates of food and started rummaging. 
"Karen… what the fuck are you doin'?" The dark-eyed man asked roughly.
"You heard what she said, Billy. She hasn't eaten in four days, we can at least give her something," the woman huffed, giving him a sour look as she plucked a couple of cans from the crate and a bottle of water. She rushed back over to you then with a warm smile and it made your chest ache. You really hadn't expected this. 
"Here, I hope this helps," she murmured. Your mouth floundered for a moment, unsure how to respond. It had been a long time since you'd experienced kindness from anyone, especially a stranger. 
"Uh… thanks," you muttered, slipping your backpack off your shoulders before stuffing the cans and water inside. You were starving but you'd eat once you left. You didn't really want to stick around in case they changed their mind. You slipped your backpack back on, eyes darting around the group. While yes, they'd just been pointing guns at you and interrogating you, it was understandable in this new world. But now they were letting you go and giving you some of their supplies. You didn't like feeling in debt to anyone.
"I um… since you helped me, I can give you some info to help you too," you started hesitantly. They two men were still watching you like you were a bomb about to go off. 
"What is it?" The stocky man asked warily. You licked your chapped lower lip, stuffing your hands into the pockets of your jacket. 
"There's a group around these parts and they aren't good news. You know how some people are… the living can be worse than the dead out here," you frowned. 
"They the ones that hurt you?" The stocky man asked, his tone a little softer although his body seemed more tense and on alert at your words. You nodded jerkily, trying to push the memories away. 
"I came across them a few months ago and I was starving, I needed food. They caught me trying to rob them," you muttered.
"What happened?" The stocky man asked carefully.  You sniffled, cracking your neck a little.
"These guys… they're real assholes. And I'm talking about the ‘take what you want and kill anyone in your way’ kind of assholes. There's ten or eleven of them, all armed to the teeth with guns and a shit tonne of knives. They didn't take too kindly to me trying to take what was theirs. They… they slit my throat and left me for dead," your hands clenched into fists in your pockets as a barrage of memories hit you. 
"They slit your throat?" The dark-eyed man scoffed incredulously, an amused smirk on his face like he didn't believe you. You tugged your scarf down a little, revealing the jagged scar along your throat as you quirked a brow at him and he looked away. 
"Wha- How did you survive?" The blonde gasped, blinking at you with wide eyes. 
"Let's just say the guy that did this wasn't very good with a knife," you snorted mirthlessly.
"And you were able to just walk away, stitch it back up yourself and you're fine?" The dark-eyed man asked skeptically.
"I didn't stitch it up myself, I had help," you muttered tensely.
"Thought you didn't have a group," he glowered, eyes narrowing at you.
"I don't, not anymore," you bit out and the man's mouth clamped shut. 
"Andy… he was the last in our group, we were the only ones left. He was a doctor before all this and he stitched me up the best he could," your voice was laced in pain as you hastily fixed your scarf back in place. 
"What happened to him?" The stocky man asked quietly. 
"He got bit, asked me to put him down," you swallowed thickly. You were sure the sound of that gunshot would haunt you until your dying day. 
There was a tense silence that overtook you all then and you decided it was time to duck out. Before you could leave though, the stocky man piped up again. 
"This group, any idea where they are?" He asked, a dark look in his eyes. 
"Last I saw them, they were down by the creek just east of here. They move around a lot but I keep tabs on them so I know where to avoid," you shrugged. He nodded looking deep in thought for a moment. 
"Could you show me where?" He asked after a long moment. An inelegant snort left your lips as you looked at him like he'd grown another head. 
"Didn't you hear anything I just said? These guys are kill on sight and the last time I saw them, they tried to kill me. They think I'm dead and I'd like to keep it that way," you huffed incredulously.
"I get that… I get that you're scared, but if you show me where they are, they won't be a problem for you anymore," the stocky man said as he raised a brow at you. 
"What, are you gonna take them all out? You're outnumbered and outgunned, how the hell are you gonna manage that?" You asked derisively. 
"They might have more guns and more men but we got more skill," the dark-eyed man smirked coldly. 
"So you guys wanna go on some suicide mission and just have me tag along for the fun of it?" You scoffed as you shook your head. The stocky man shared a look with the blonde woman before he took a slow step towards you. 
"How about a deal? You show us where they are and you can come with us when we're done, join the group," he offered softly. 
"Seriously, Frank?" The dark-eyed man asked hotly but he got ignored. 
"No offense, but I don't wanna join your group," you muttered. 
"Why wouldn't you? You're alone out here and struggling. You could be with us and you wouldn't have to worry," a different man frowned at you. You hadn't even noticed him come over. It was the man who had been sitting with the blind man.
"I've tried being in a group and I had to watch each person I care about get ripped apart by the dead, get murdered or slowly die from illnesses. I'm better off on my own," you said firmly, making the man look away with a frown. The stocky man moved towards you a little more, getting your attention. 
"Alright, you don't wanna join us, that's fine. How about you help us with this and you get first picks from their shit after we're done?" He offered. You mulled it around in your head for a moment. You knew those assholes had a tonne of gear and food. 
"Throw in that bow and we have a deal," you smirked, gesturing with your head to a bow you'd been admiring in the camp. It was a Mathews V3X 29/33. The dark-eyed man barked out a laugh as he shook his head. 
"Is that a joke? She's not takin' my fuckin' bow, Frank," he scoffed. He managed to look incredulous, amused and offended all at the same time. 
"There's that hunting store not too far from here, I'm sure you can get another," the blonde muttered to him in a hushed tone. He squinted at her like he was trying to set her ablaze with his mind. 
"You have any idea what kinda bow that is? They won't have this kinda thing in a shitty little hunting store," he huffed. 
"Fine, you can keep your bow. But you take me to the hunting store so I can get one," you relented, quirking your brow at the stocky man since he seemed to be the one in charge. 
"Done," he smirked. It was easier than you thought. 
You didn't really relish the thought of seeing those assholes again but you had no plans on actually participating in the fight. You'd stay well out of the way and hopefully go unnoticed, you'd get some food and some weapons out of it so you'd go along with it. You'd been due a break and maybe you were finally getting one. Being alone out here was hard but even with the offer of joining the group, you knew you had no desire to. It was just asking for bad news and getting attached to people just meant hurting when you lost them. And you always lost them because this new world was cruel. It was relieving though to know you didn't have to deal with another group of unhinged lunatics, especially since you were staying in the same area. You wondered about the possibility of trading with them. You didn't want to join them even if they did seem nice enough, but it would be good to have some sort of relationship with other people. Maybe if you needed food you could offer them something. Building relationships like this was the only way to survive this. Your old group had trading relationships with other groups until slowly the numbers dwindled to nothing. You often wondered just why you survived all the bullshit, why out of everyone, you were the last one standing. It didn't make sense yet here you were. No matter how dark things got and how morbid your thoughts turned, you always tried to push on and deal with it. You promised Andy you would before you put a bullet in his head and you owed him that at least. 
You stood around awkwardly as the two men got ready with weapons and food for the trip. The one with dark eyes had a sniper rifle with what looked to be a silencer on it. You weren't too good with guns, you didn't really like them. The blonde woman walked back over to you as the men got ready and she handed you a protein bar. 
"For the trip," she smiled. You took it gratefully with a hesitant smile of your own, still feeling a little out of place and just wanting this whole thing over with. You didn't wait to eat it though, ripping the wrapper off instantly before munching on it hungrily. You were glad for some sustenance. The cans felt like they were burning a hole through your bag but you'd wait until you had a moment alone to open them. You could never seem to get the hang of using your knife to open it, you really needed to keep your eye out for a can opener. 
"I'm Karen, by the way," the woman added. You'd almost forgotten she was there in your euphoria over finally getting some food. 
"Y/N," you supplied, earning a smile from her. She walked over to the men then who seemed like they had all their stuff ready. You were still standing at a distance from the camp as the others who were awake spoke to the men, probably murmuring their goodbyes. You watched curiously as the blonde, Karen, toyed with the stocky man's vest, which looked a lot like a bullet proof vest that you were sure he wasn't wearing before. He said something you couldn't hear to her before she leaned up and kissed him softly. You felt for them. One of them was going to die and the other would be doomed to live with that pain. It's just how things were now. 
You blew out a sigh as you waited, anxious to get going so you could leave and get on with things. You were also looking forward to going to the hunting store. You really needed a bow after you'd had to abandon your last one after your camp got overrun with the dead. The men finally walked over to you and you grabbed the straps of your backpack, adjusting it a little.
"Ready?" The stocky man asked. You nodded and the three of you set off. It was strange how well you'd learnt the lay of the land here. You weren't from St Lawrence County in New York, you'd been from the city. But when all hell broke loose, you knew being in an overpopulated city was the worst place to be. It would be the quickest way to die, or worse, get bit and turned into one of the dead. So you'd made a mad dash for your brother's apartment and the two of you took off. You’d looked at the map and tried to pick an area that was less populated, more rural. And that was how you ended up here. You’d met people along the way and slowly formed a group. But now you were the only one left. Your younger brother Sam had been the third to die. It wasn't even the dead that got him. He had a heart condition and it had been getting harder and harder to find the medication he needed. Eventually, there wasn’t any left. You swallowed thickly and tried not to think about it. Focusing on those you lost wouldn't do you any good, you always had to move on, keep pushing forward. 
It was still dark outside as the three of you moved through the trees carefully, always keeping an ear out whether that was for other people or for the dead. You had no idea how this would all play out. 
“So, you guys really think you can take all these dudes on?” you asked curiously. It had been a long time since you’d had to make conversation with anyone. You’d missed it and not missed it all at the same time. It was easy to find comfort in your loneliness, easier to look after yourself than have the burden of taking care of others too. To feel that crushing weight bear down on you when you couldn't help them and they wound up dead. But at the same time, it was hard. Being by yourself for such a long time had worn you down. You felt like you were in a vacuum. The dark-eyed man scoffed as he glanced at you.
“We don’t think it, we know it,” he wore a cocky smirk on his face but it didn't fill you with confidence. For all you knew, you were about to witness them being murdered. You wondered to yourself what you’d do if that happened. Would you go back to their group and let them know? Or would you just flee, leaving them never knowing what happened?
“Right…” you muttered, clearly sounding not very impressed. 
“We know what we’re doin’. Former Marines, Spec Ops. Not our first rodeo,” the stocky man said. While he didn’t seem cocky, he did seem confident. You nodded thoughtfully, they looked the type. The type of guys who had seen some shit and probably had to do some shit. Then again, the same could probably be said about you at this point. You didn't think there was a person walking the earth that hadn’t been through hell at this point. It was a war of a different kind. The silence came back then as you led them through the forest, making you feel slightly on edge. The stocky man also seemed not to like the silence as he broke it abruptly after a while.
“I’m Frank and this is Billy,” he muttered, looking at you and then glancing to the dark-eyed man who was apparently Billy before back at you.
“Y/N,” you replied, much like you had with Karen. 
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Y/N,” Frank said with a wry smile and you snorted lightly. 
“These assholes… they seem like they know how to handle their weapons?” Frank asked curiously. You didn't blame him, he obviously wanted as much information about the guys before he got there. 
“Well, I mean they tried to kill me and failed pretty badly, so I’m gonna guess no on that one,” you huffed, rolling your eyes a little.
“Bunch of little boys playin’ with guns and knives, thinkin’ they’re big men,” Billy growled as he shook his head.
“Basically,” you shrugged. It didn't make you feel any better though. Maybe they weren’t as skilled as the men either side of you with their weapons, but they still had more numbers and more weapons. If they fired enough times, surely a shot would land. You kept glancing at Frank as you all walked, something itching in the back of your brain before the puzzle pieces all clicked together in place.
“What?” he asked warily after you just blinked at him for a moment.
“Nothing, I just… I knew I recognized you from somewhere but I’ve only just figured it out. You're the Punisher, right?” you asked carefully. You remembered bits and pieces on the news about him. You felt sorry for him, for what happened to his family and you couldn't quite blame him for the rampage he went on. He chuckled, looking away awkwardly as he nodded.
“Yeah… that’s me,” he muttered. You started to wonder if maybe they did have a chance after all. And maybe forging some kind of trading relationship wouldn't be too bad. The Punisher was definitely someone you wanted on your side and if you ever got into trouble with another group, and you had no doubt there would be others in the future because there was always more, maybe he’d be able to help you. 
You carried on walking for a little under an hour before you slowed your pace a little, the surroundings feeling familiar as the hair on the back of your neck prickled up. The walk had been littered with small talk, mostly from Frank as his counterpart remained silent and brooding, on high alert at all times. Frank had told you the names of the people in his group, told you a little about how they all left the city. Much like you, they knew the city wasn't a good place to be and the man with shaggy hair who had been at the fire with Frank, Micro, had suggested here. 
“We close?” Billy piped up for the first time, noticing your slowing pace.
“Yeah, it's not too far,” you murmured. You tried not to let the fear creep in, your throat burning like it was cut all over again and you tugged at the scarf you wore with a frown, readjusting it. You all heard them before you saw them. You had no idea how these assholes even survived for this long as they all laughed and hollered like they were having a party. You could see a faint glow from a campfire behind the trees on the other side of the creek.
“Alright, you stay here, out of sight,” Frank said, giving you a stern look as if you even needed to be told. You weren't going any further than this. You nodded, crouching behind a tree as you watched Frank ready his gun. Billy took the sniper from his back, getting on the floor on his stomach as he set it up behind a bush for cover. Frank walked further away, crossing the creek at enough distance not to be noticed. You took a shaky breath, now behind the tree and unable to see what was going on. It made you nervous. Your eyes drifted to Billy then, his sniper at the ready, his eyes laser focused across the creek.  You weren't quite sure of their plan or how they were supposed to communicate to be in sync with one another but it didn't seem to matter. After a few beats of nothingness, the only noise coming from the assholes across the creek, Billy fired three shots in quick succession. You didn't see if they landed but the men all started yelling, no doubt scrambling for their weapons. The silencer hadn't made the shot completely soundless, it wasn't like the movies. But it was significantly quieter, enough to confuse the men about where the shots were coming from. You heard a few loud shots fired in the direction you and Billy were and you curled in on yourself, hoping the tree would protect you. But then you heard even more shots and you could only hope that Frank had joined the fray. Billy took some more shots and you covered your ears at each loud boom coming from across the creek, your eyes darting around rapidly as if waiting for the dead to descend on you all at the noise. When the shooting stopped, you hesitantly moved your hands from your ears and you heard a sharp whistle, much like the one Billy had done when he'd found you. Billy stood at the whistle, shouldering his sniper rifle. You stood on shaky legs, holding the tree for support as you looked over to Billy. He watched you with an unreadable expression for a second before gesturing with his head. He didn't spare you a word as he set off moving to cross the creek and you hurried to keep up with his long strides. You didn't care about getting wet and this part of the creek was fairly shallow, coming only to your mid-calf. 
When you got to the camp the men had been staying at, the place was littered with bodies, Frank standing among them as he waited for you both. 
"Goddamn, Frankie," Billy grinned, shaking his head as he took in the carnage rather gleefully. 
"Told you we'd get it done," Frank smirked at you. 
"You definitely did," you muttered wryly, glancing at all the bodies. You didn't feel bad for them one bit after what they'd done to you, what you knew they'd probably done to countless others. Death didn't bother you like it had in the old world, not when you were surrounded with it constantly. You spied something on the floor next to one of the men and crouched, seeing a pocket knife. You swiped it off the muddy floor, checking it quickly and grinning to yourself when you saw a can opener. You stood up, quickly stuffing it into your jeans pocket and catching Frank's slightly amused look at you.
"Well, a deal's a deal. You helped us out here so you get first pick of all this shit," he murmured and you gave him a nod. You didn't waste time, knowing the dead would be ambling their way towards you pretty soon after all the noise. You dug through bags, picking out some cans and other bits and pieces, shoving them into your backpack. You wanted to take as much as you could but you couldn't overburden yourself. You still needed to get around easily. You shoved about 10 cereal bars into your bag and a few bottles of water too. It would last you for a little bit and it was more than what you currently had which was close to nothing. You grabbed one last can of tomato soup before you moved to sit on a log near the campfire that was still burning. 
"Go nuts," you said dismissively, grabbing your new pocket knife as you opened the can. Frank and Billy got to work, grabbing some of the men's bags, emptying them out before filling them back up themselves. You took some greedy gulps of the cold soup, watching them shoulder the large backpacks of food before grabbing some duffles and starting to gather up some of the weapons and ammo. 
It was as you just finished your soup that you heard the telltale groans of the dead floating through the forest. You stood up quickly, throwing on your backpack and seeing the men thinking the same as they grabbed the duffle bags. You all quickly walked back through the creek to the other side before you set off back to their camp. You didn't need to worry about the dead on your heels, knowing they'd be distracted by the meals you'd left them. With each step you took, you felt a little lighter. Ever since you'd run into those assholes months ago and they'd left you for dead, you'd been feeling like a skittish animal. The reason why you'd been so starving was because the stores in the area were getting scarcer off food and when you went the last time, the gang of men had been there. Not feeling like having your throat slit again, you'd avoided it like the plague. You didn't have to worry about them anymore, didn't have to sneak around and keep tabs on them so you could always stay one step ahead. But you knew the relief would be short-lived because there would always be another group to take their place. You'd quickly learnt that nothing brought out the worst in humanity as much as the downfall of civilization. There was the added threat of the dead ones walking around but after living this life for so long, you worried far less about the dead ones than the living. The dead were like animals, operating on pure base primal instinct and the drive for food. They were predictable. The living however were far worse. They were unpredictable, selfish, greedy, desperate and deadly. There were worse things than death in this life. Getting taken out by one of the dead was one of the easiest ways to go now, but you'd just take some respite from the harsh reality of the new world while you had it. Whatever came for you next, you'd deal with it when it came to it. 
Taglist: (if you’ve been asked to be tagged and aren’t here, it wouldn’t let me tag some people.)
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baddygab-bi · 2 months
If leaked and possibly fake scripts are to be believed, Eddie and the transphobe have “intimacy issues” because she was a nun? Or something like that. Then they see Buck and Tommy on a date so Eddie does ask her to move in (after dating for how many months? Three? Idk he needed a live in babysitter) but they have the whole issues thing and it ends with him saying he needs to talk to her. Shrug emoji?
I keep hearing about these leaked scripts, but haven’t seen them and nobody will tell me where they’re coming from so I have no idea what I think about them, but they got the kiss right and they claim Eddie uses the b-word, which I think most of us guessed would happen anyway.
So idk. Either someone is leaking stuff or is a really good guesser.
But let’s talk about them as if they’re real.
100% called the moving in. It’s so obvious.
Yeah, I mean, I 100% think that because Buck just was made canonically bi, that the show is gonna double-down on Eddie being straight. I’ve thought that since the start of the bi rumors. If they want to keep people from shipping Buddie, they’ll have Eddie call Buck brother (“You can tell me anything, Buck, we’re brothers // “I support you, Buck. You’re my brother” something like that) and to physically separate them they’ll have Eddie more intimate with Marisol. Which we know happens based on a picture the actress took in her trailer. So it doesn’t surprise me AT ALL that he’s ask her to move in. The timeline is all wonky. I did the math and if it’s two weeks from the cruise, and the cruise was a week long, and the cruise started on the last day of season 6, then Eddie and Marisol have only been together for the length of time since his recovery to now. I thought they’d be living together when the season started, so this just goes with what I thought would happen.
A NUN?! Lmao. She can’t just be religious, no, she has to be a nun. She can’t just have intimacy issues because sex is scary and intimate, nope nun. This is what happens when the character is literally a blank slate.
I hope that ending talk happens before she moves in, because if not I honestly don’t think we’ll ever get rid of her. If she moves in and Eddie decides “nope” it’s gonna feel like a Taylor Kelly part 2 type of thing where the girl moves in and the guy realizes he made a mistake. I don’t think the show will do that twice. Once she’s in, the show will keep her in, especially if they want to push Eddie being as straight as possible. Not to say she won’t leave in season 8, but she’s be around for the rest of season 7 for sure, without a doubt
Like if they want to have Buddie go canon and have Eddie covering feelings by inviting her to live with him, I’m here for it… But I just don’t think that’s what the show is gonna do at this point. If that happens it’ll be in season 8. I hope I’m wrong and they break up
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peachy-wolfhard · 2 years
He’s an asshole but he’s MY asshole (V)
A/N: ngl i cried writing the beginning of this, rewatching the season for this series has been rlly fun (except for the scene where Fei dies rip my queen), OH MY GOD DONT USE THE SCHEDULE THING BC THEN THE TAGS DONT WORK!!!
Taglist at the bottom, feel free to ask to be tagged in upcoming parts!
Warnings: ANGST, girlie u are going THROUGH it, Reggie’s a douche, more angst, y’all almost break up, reader is said to wear a dress but its only a passing comment, drinking, swearing, eating, five might be ooc bc i havent written for him in so long, smoking, sex implications
Word Count: 4.2k
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4 Part 6  Part 7
     Laying on the pool table yet again in the Hotel Obsidian after your brother and other sister died. Can't seem to fucking escape this place. It's like Hotel California. Great now I’m gonna have that song stuck in my head. Laying on your back, head against the lip of the pool table, you admire the necklace Fei had got you when you were a teenager. Yours had said ‘Best’ while theirs said ‘Friends’. Originally they were black with white lettering but due to time, they had faded to a bronze color with black lettering from the years of filling them in with sharpie. Tearing up you curl into a ball and start to sob. My fucking family is dead, my fucking best friend is dead. Now in the fetal position, you full-body sob, not caring if anyone sees. 
     Ignoring the ongoing argument in the other room, you go to the buffet trying to find something small to snack on, finding an apple. Using your knife you peel and slice the apple, cutting it into little cubes. The thought of cubes breaks you again, dropping your knife on the floor and dropping to your knees. I want my family back, I want my fucking family, I NEED them. I need Alphonso’s shitty jokes, I need Jayme’s daily existential dread talk, I need Chris’ happy disposition, I need Fei. Sobbing you slide down the wall silently munching on the apple cubes. After a cry sesh, your arms fall to your sides, brushing the matted-down carpet. Looking forward all emotions drained out of you, feeling empty. Deciding to see what the other idiots are up to you head back toward the balcony.
     Before walking into the room you hear Ben and Diego arguing. Leaning on the column you watch them argue, numb. “Hey, you guys done? The universe is disappearing outside. So you can keep rearranging the deck chairs of the Titanic if it makes you feel better. But the fact remains that we are too late,” Five says. “Come on, Five,” “It's over Luther, we failed.” “Come on. It cant be over over,” Viktor says. “Yeah, come on, Five. We gotta figure this out, man,” Diego insists. “Okay. How about we take a step back? Look at the big picture here. Most of us have spent the last 28 days trying to stop the world from ending. What exactly have we accomplished?” The room goes silent, the Umbrella’s reflecting on their past 28 days. 28 days ago I wasn't in this shithole and had all my siblings. Walking from your column you stand next to Ben, his arms wrapping instinctively around you. Normally, this would make you smile but not now, not after half of your family died. “Well, we made some friends along the way,” Luther says positively. “Incorrect! You know what we’ve done? Nothing. We made things worse every single time,” Five corrects Luther. Leaning closer to Ben your head leans against his bicep sighing. “Don't save the world.”
     “Well, on that…super happy note, we’ve um--oh, what the hell,” Luther says as both he and Sloane stand. “We’ve got a little announcement to make,” “We’re engaged!” they say in unison. “Kill me, Jesus,” Ben mutters making you smile for the first time. Taking the flask out of his hand you take a long drink before giving it back. “Now?” Allison asks. “Yeah. Look, we realize the timing is less than ideal. But, obviously, it's now or never. Am I right, Five?” “Don’t drag me into this, please,” Five says while looking away. “What…Whatever time we have left, we wanna spend it with all of you. So we’re super pumped if you would join us in the banquet hall at 6:00 p.m. for a celebration of our love, and the official union of what's left of our two great families,” Sloane explains. “Dress code is creative black tie.”
     Sloane goes around handing out their wedding invitations when Reggie and Klaus return after being gone for days. Klaus explains that they were tangled up in a father-son end-of-the-world road trip. Klaus’ long explanation ends with him saying that he’s now immortal. Huh, so that's what Diego was talking about. After accusing Klaus of getting into bath salts, Reginald asks why we’re playing with jars. “They’re invitations. Luther and I are getting married,” Sloane says to Reggie. “If he goes to their wedding I'm gonna be even more pissed off,” Ben whispers to you. Ah, your wedding was a magical time full of arguing and absent fathers. Sloane hands him an invitation before Luther tells him space is limited and taking it back. Ben picks your invitation up and looks at it, “Ours were better,” he jokes. “Well I mean it's not like they have marketable powers like us,” you continue joking. 
     “Dad, have you been taking your pills?” Sloane asks. “As a matter of fact, I haven't. And I can confirm that I’ve never felt better in my life. You thought you could dope me up and slow me down, take control of my affairs and squander my fortune,” Reginald says, looking directly at you. He’s always hated me, accusing me of only being with Ben to get a hold of his money, the feelings mutual. “Well, Klaus here was good enough to wean me off that wretched poison, and now that the fog is lifting I can see all your dastardly designs with a bracing clarity.” “You took him off his meds? What were you thinking?” Sloane asks upset. Reginald is then sent into another spiel about how he's the only one thinking and then calls him an impressive young man, causing Diego to laugh. “As for the rest of you, your training is to resume post-haste,” Thank fuck some normalcy in your last couple of days. Ben and you quickly tell him that you're ready. You can tell he’s been waiting for this, to go on a big grandiose mission since the last huge mission was years ago. 
     Five and Reginald start going back and forth; Five mentions that he talked to Pogo. God, I can't remember the last time I saw him let alone heard his name, I miss him. “Nobody wants you here, Dad,” Luther tells Reginald. “Hey, you don't speak for everyone, big guy,” Ben replies holding your entwined hands up. I don't even wanna be around him, he’s done nothing but make Ben and me feel like shit. I mean he didn't even come to our wedding when it was at his own house! “Feel free to join him.” Before Reggie can continue with another one of his long tirades, Klaus interrupts taking him to ‘have a cup of tea’ in his suite. Diego leaves as Lila quickly follows him; Sloane then leaves presumably to go see what’s up with Reggie, leaving you, Ben, and the Umbrella’s alone.
     Walking past Luther and Viktor, Ben holding your hand and pulling you along with him, he overhears Luther mentioning his bachelor party and how “not everyone is invited.” “What was that?” Ben stops making the three of you look at him. “Nothing man, nothing,” Luther shrugs off with a quiet chuckle and smile. Ben quickly continues with you in tow, walking even faster than before. Getting to what you have claimed as your room Ben flops on the bed and sighs deeply. Flopping down next to him you ask “Is everything alright? You’ve been pouting since we left.” Ignoring you and rolling on his side away from you, staring at the wall. “Well, when you want to tell me I’ll be open, not gonna force it out of you,” you say walking towards the door baiting him to say what’s wrong. “Okay fine you pried it out of me,” he says with his usual dramatic flair, rolling onto his back, and staring at the ceiling. “It’s just…why wasn't I invited to the bachelor party?” he asks, completely serious. “Babe, are you joking?” you ask smiling thinking it’s just another one of his pranks. “No, why would I be joking?” he says turning and looking at you now sitting on the bed. “Well I mean you’ve been an asshole to them the entire time they’ve been here,” you tell him. “Listen, I’m gonna find Sloane and see if she needs anything before we get ready.” 
    Walking to what you remember is Sloane and Luther’s room, you start reflecting on Ben’s actions. Being that you were the only person that truly got to see who Ben was or wanted to be. For everyone (and even sometimes you) he wears a mask of a confident, arrogant leader but in those times when his mask slips you can truly see him. An affection-starved man craving any and all affection and recognition he can get. A man that just wants to be loved and seen by his father. Someone who has played a character so long that he himself doesn't know who he is. Finally, you made it to their room, knocking to the tune of ‘Shave and a Haircut.’ You can hear Sloane yell to come in, walking in you see her sitting in a chair hemming a dress. “Need any help?” you offer secretly hoping that she would say no. “Um, not at the moment but thank you,” she smiles. “You know I can't even believe it,” she confesses. “What the wedding or the end of the world?” “Oh shut up, you know what I meant. I just can’t believe I’m getting married,” she says smiling down at her dress. “I mean I always thought and dreamt of this day and now it’s finally here. Did you feel like this?” Sloane asks looking up at you like a little kid asking for their mom’s advice. “Well truth be told no, but that’s just because Ben and I aren't romantics, unlike you and Luther,” you say playfully rolling your eyes at the last part.
     “So it’s official. My ears are broken and the idiot with knives really can’t sing,” Ben says barging in on you and Sloane’s alone time, the first part making Sloane jump at his sudden appearance. “Diego. You know his name is Diego.” Caught in the middle yet again. “Maybe you should try and be nice to him and the others,” Sloane says running out of patience for Ben. “And why would I do that?” “As much as I’d love to work through your anger issues right now, I have to get back to this. The wedding is in an hour,” she exasperatedly said, patience wearing thinner by the moment. “Fei is dead,” Ben says, reminding you about half of your family being dead and you soon too. “Yeah. I know. And so are the others.” “Oh, so that's it? You’re just gonna turn your back on the Sparrow Academy? I mean you heard Dad. we have training to do. Something big is about to go down.” “Ben, shut up,” you jump in, defending Sloane. “I wish you were talking about my wedding,” Sloane says sadly. “Okay, Sloane listen to me--” “No. You listen to me. I’m sorry they didn't invite you to the bachelor party,” Sloane says ever the nicest person in the room. “I don't…I don't care about that.” “yes, you do,” you and Sloane say in sync. “You care more about being invited to the bachelor party than Fei or the others or even saving the world.” “That's--that's... That's crazy,” Ben says chuckling awkwardly and looking at the ceiling before putting the mask back on and going back to his serious leader act. 
     “Is it? The three of us have never been alone. It's always been the eight of us. Now it’s just you,” Sloane says, Ben scoffing at her. “So congratulations, Ben. you're finally number one of one.” Ben looks at you incredulously, “So you’re not a Sparrow anymore?” “Why would I wanna be one?” you say about to cry for the millionth time today. Ben’s face drops for a second, looking you directly in the eyes, sadness written all over his face. “You don't mean that,” he says quiet enough that Sloane can’t hear. “Maybe I do,” looking at him tears in your eyes. “What’s so damn special about them anyway?” Ben resumes the conversation with Sloane. “They’re a real family. They don't exist to sell action figures and tote bags.” “We were more than that,” Ben tries to defend. “Were we?” No, we weren't. We were only a thing to deter crime (which didnt work) and sell merch. Hell, my own wedding had merch. “Why is it so important to you to be a Sparrow?” that's what pushes Ben to leave, quickly he walks out the door just before trying to grab your hand and pull you along unsuccessfully.
     Time for a wedding! Dressed all fancy in a black gown that you found in one of the abandoned hotel rooms. You haven't spoken to Ben in an hour and a half, only seeing him here for the first time in that hour and a half. “What’s the deal with them?” Klaus leans to Five and asks. “I have no idea, could be because we’re all gonna die,” Five says matter of factly. Standing next to Allison, Ben walks toward you, “You look…so fucking good,” Ben says hoping to make amends. “Thank you. You look good too,” you say smiling while taking a drink of your champagne easing yourself into your night of hard-drinking. Standing next to you Ben grabs your hand and starts playing with your fingers smiling. “Hey. I love you,” he whispers, leaning into your neck causing you to smirk. “Love you too,” you say now giving him a sip of your drink. After that Luther and Viktor arrive, “I don't know. Normally, my tush looks good,” Luther says walking out of the elevator with Viktor. As soon as they walk out Allison and Viktor are already quralling. Luther whispers something to the both of them before raising his voice, saying “Bah, bah, bah! My day! Two hours. Do you think you can manage that?” Viktor replies with a ‘fine.’ 
     The elevator bell rings and everyone faces toward to elevator. The seconds that it takes for the doors to open are painstakingly long, making you anxious and excited to see your sister. This was the day she would meticulously plan out when you two were in your teens, documenting everything she wanted in a large binder down to the lighting, and now it's finally here; albeit at the end of the world and planned over a night and a few hours. Looking at her you smile, “Let’s get this over with before I die of cringe,” Ben interrupts the beautiful scene of Luther seeing Sloane in her dress and the sweet moment the two of you were sharing.
      The marriage was ordained by Klaus who gave a very eventful but meaningful officiant speech. Sitting on the left side next to Ben, you interact whenever Klaus says something that warrants it, such as him yelling “Can I get an amen?” to which everyone except Ben makes noise. Glancing towards him he's pouting again. I’m not his fucking mom, I’m not gonna babysit him the entire night. I actually want to have a good last day. “I pronounce you married as shit! Viva la apocalypse!” Klaus yells as Sloane and Luther kiss, making the tiny crowd cheer. After watching Sloane and Luther have their first dance, you start looking at the food spread; the cookies and brownies catch your eye more than the other foods. After putting the food on your plate (and grabbing a bottle of vodka) you turn around to look where to sit. You could sit with Ben and Allison and have the joy sucked out of you or Diego and Lila and have to deal with their mushy love talk or you could sit with Five, someone who you haven't gotten to know yet. 
     Sitting down across from Five he looks up from his food and nods to acknowledge you. Looking back toward Allison and Ben; the latter staring at you. “So I take it things aren't going so good with Ben and you,” Five comments chowing down on a pastry on the table and taking a looong drink. “Rather not talk about that, right now I just wanna get as fucked up as possible,” you say smirking while sitting the bottle down on the table. “Okay, I have some questions,” you say watching as Five pours himself another drink. “Are you actually like a kid or is it some time-travel fuckery?” you ask the burning question that’s been on your mind since you saw him and Ben fighting. Five goes on to explain the first apocalypse and him being stuck there for 40 years and how he’s actually a 53-year-old man. “Huh. so you’re a little old man,” you say as Viktor sits down next to you.
     Getting up from your seat after talking with your new in-laws, bottle in hand you walk toward Ben’s table and flop down in the seat next to him, setting the bottle between you two. The elevator bell chimes making everyone look over and see Reginald walking in, making the room so silent, even the music. Reginald walks over and gets himself a plate and starts looking for a seat. “What is he doing here?” Ben asks rhetorically.  “But who invited him?” “just sit and suffer with me,” Allison says making you giggle. “I can’t even get invited to a bachelor party and he’s invited to this?” “Wow. you really can't relax,” Allison comments making you giggle again. “Y/n, are you okay?” she asks, making a confused face at you now laying your head on the table. “Oh my god, how are you already drunk?” Ben asks in disbelief. “Well you see, in my grief, I perhaps stumbled upon the open bar and perhaps may have started the celebrating earlier than the rest. I mean come on, we’re on the edge of oblivion and you people expect me not to day drink,” you say smirking “And! I’m not drunk yet.” Leaning on Ben’s shoulder, you watch how awkward the wedding has become, no one making eye contact with Reggie. The awkwardness is semi-broken by Lila and Diego, Lila wanting Diego to introduce them. Watching them was nice, Lila and Reginald actually had things in common and got to talking, impressing Diego.
     After the nice moment between Lila and Reginald, Allison had gotten up leaving you and a now pouting Ben alone. Ben and you had managed to drink almost half the bottle in addition to the numerous glasses of champagne. Now you both were laying your head on the table staring at each other, Ben laying on his plate of shrimp. Klaus soon made his rounds to your table; he had been doing this all night walking from table to table and person to person trying to convince them Reggie is good now. Guess it’s our turn. “Hey, Ben-ihana and lovely little eight,” Klaus starts. “Don't hit me!” he jokes sitting down at your table. “I know we all ain’t been best buds in this timeline or whatever, but man, do I have a mission for you--” Ben interrupts him by belching verrry loudly in his face making you giggle, still laying on the table. “Eleven people,” Ben says ominously making Klaus question. “There are only eleven people left,” “Ten and a half, I’m not all here at the moment,” you say making Klaus chuckle. “Okay. Drunk Ben clearly likes numbers and… shrimp,” Klaus says still trying to recover from Ben’s shrimp burp. 
     “And you couldn't even invite me to your stupid bachelor party.” “Oh. Have we finally flicked off bad Benny’s hard candy shell?” Klaus says rubbing his arm. “Why don't you like me? Or us?” Ben asks making you move next to his shoulder, cheek touching his jacket looking at Klaus. “Because you’re huge puckering assholes.” “Okay, but you like the other Ben and y/n,” Ben says annoyed and clearly sad. “Yeah, we love the other yous,” Klaus says with a hint of sadness. “Why? What’s so special about them?” “Because he was a know-it-all. He was a scold. He was a tiny dark cloud on a perfect sunny day,” Klaus laughs after that. “What about me? What was so special about the other me?” you ask now becoming increasingly curious and intrigued. “Oh my god, they were a pain. An emo with a preference for sulking and being pretentious in a corner. Know-it-all just like Benny,” Klaus explains about you, well the other you. “Those.. those are all bad things about us,” Ben says after looking down at his shrimp. “Yeah, and they looked great on you two.” “Okay, you know what? We are so much better than that other Ben and y/n. I was number one--” “Twice,” you interject. “And-and they ripped people’s throats out.” “Oh yeah, did that all the time in my timeline. Does Dad give a shit?” Klaus says before asking Ben. “No. he was busy hanging out with you” Ben whispers poking Klaus. “Oh, man, methinks you might be trying a little too hard. Look around. Nobody’s polishing their boots or pressing their tights. We’re a complete and total shit show. Ya get it? And our Ben and y/n, my Ben and y/n, were just that kind of disaster and it made them ridiculously easy to love,” Klaus says, sighing at the thought of his deceased siblings, before getting up to leave you two alone. 
     The speeches started after Klaus left and went back to Lila and Diego’s table. Reginald was first, talking about Sloane when she was little, calling Luther adequate, and talking about how he wishes that his shortcomings will be seen only as a rough patch. “I’m proud to call you my children, even those I raised in a revenant version of myself,” Reginald continues, glancing around the room before stopping on you, making you look toward Ben in disbelief. Holy shit, the man that wouldn't even acknowledge that Ben and I are married called me his child! Reggie’s speech continues and finally ends with a poem, Allison leaves making everyone look toward the walking woman. “Makes, no sense,” Ben says still eating his many shrimp as everyone starts applauding at Reginald’s newfound kindness. “All right! All right! Time to turn those frowns upside down. This one is for all my party people in the place,” the concierge turned now wedding D.J says, as everyone gets up and starts dancing on the dancefloor. 
     Dancing around with your new family and husband felt nice, it felt like it was just a normal wedding on a normal day. After all of the fast and upbeat songs played then started the slow songs. Arms wrapped around Ben’s neck while his arms around your waist the both of you sway drunkenly together. Looking up at him, you plant a small kiss on the end of his scar making him smile, and put his face into your neck and start kissing it. “Noooo, stop,” you say smiling and pushing him away jokingly. “No, come back here,” he says pulling you back before snuggling his face back into your neck. Leaving the dancefloor you and Ben go back to your seat. While sitting and drunkenly talking Klaus shows up and the three of you start walking around the hotel property.
     Towards the end of the night Klaus, you, and Ben arrive back at the wedding noticeably more drunk than before. “Oh no no no no no!” someone shouts. “Klaus, why are you bringing Ben here?” Five asks. “Hear me out before--” “Hear him out,” you and Ben shout in sync as you take your shared cigarette away from Ben. “The brother that you all knew as Ben is gone. And not-- I don’t mean our Ben, the nice Ben. I mean this Ben, he’s gone now. The asshole, he’s gone now,” Klaus exclaims. “But that's what I liked about you, my asshole,” you say sadly looking at Ben. “Klaus, what are you talking about?” Luther asks. Klaus ignoring his question continues, “And the man that stands in front of you is new new Ben, and he’s one of us, and he’s a member of the team. And he’s part of the family!” Ben and Klaus shout the last statement in unison. “And as a welcome gift, I suggest we throw him off the roof,” Five says making you laugh. “Ha! They like me more!” you gloat at Ben. “Yeah, I’ll help,” Diego agrees with Five. “You know what. You know what. He can stay. He can stay,” Luther says. “And baby eight?” Klaus says holding your shoulders and giving puppy eyes. “They’ve been welcome to stay,” Diego says making you smile as you walk over with Klaus and Ben.
    Almost as soon as you sit down everyone starts heading to bed. Standing up you pull Ben along with you, “I’m ‘sleepy’ if you get my meaning,” you say to Ben too loudly. Taking a moment to understand what you meant, Ben then realizes it, “huh? Sleepy? But-- Oh!” he says before speed walking with you toward to elevator.
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