#but what is her surname
markscherz · 6 months
Your last name is a joke. (Scherz means Joke in German)
Hello yes I do in fact know what my own surname means. I am half German by descent and grew up in Switzerland and speak fluent German and lived in Germany for almost ten years and married a German (who for some strange reason didn’t want to take my name 😅).
Try being taken seriously on the phone when they ask who it is and you say anything followed by ‘Scherz’.
Ironically, nobody in my family—as far as I’m aware, and we’ve traced part of our family tree back several centuries—has ever run a joke shop or had any other on-brand occupation.
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morrigan-sims · 1 month
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Pirate Outfts
I was bored, so I started trying some different outfits on Zara... The last one might be my favorite, if only because I already used another swatch of the first one for Wolf, and I can't have them wearing the same thing... But I also love being able to see all her freckles in the 2nd one...
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puniflash · 3 months
I am unwell.
I feel like this episode tore my heart into pieces and fixed it up again all in a time span of round about 45 minutes.
This was a true masterpiece. It felt like a Fanfiction coming to life. And watching it had me in a whirlwind of emotions throughout the whole episode.
It's almost 4 am and I am unable to fall asleep because I feel just as broken as Rick looked the moment Michonne gave him the phone with Carl's portrait on it.
Today's top three dialogue moments that broke my entire existence:
3. “You're the love of my life. i couldn't just let you go. It felt like my heart ripped itself out of my chest and walked out the door"
2. "Carl. They took Carl. I lost him again."
1. "I can't live without you. Without you, I die."
Anyways, I'm gonna go rewatch and cry again. What else am I supposed to do?
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jejesart · 2 years
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family name
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nonokoko13 · 5 months
Watch me make a shrine for a character we have only seen in bubble speeches and flashbacks
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Jeeves I don't know you but you seem the only stable person in this wicked household. Thank you for being in Damian's life, unlike certain man
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majisthelle · 2 years
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That scene in yakuza 5 😳
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add1ctedt0you · 5 months
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The Untamed - Episode 15
Her sword having fallen, Madam Yu held Zidian across her cheek, "Core-Melting Hand?"
Wen Zhuliu's voice was cold, "Violet Spider?"
One of Wang Lingjiao's hands was still under her foot. She felt so much pain that her features looked twisted, tears smeared all over, "Wen Zhuliu! Wen Zhuliu! Help me, help me now!"
Madam Yu snorted, "Wen Zhuliu? Core-Melting Hand, isn't your original name Zhao Zhuliu? Your surname clearly wasn't Wen, but you wanted to change your surname no matter what. Everyone's rushing like ducklings. Is the surname of those Wen-dogs really that precious? Turning back on your ancestors - how laughable!"
Wen Zhuliu remained unswayed, seemingly indifferent, "Each serves their own master."
Wen Zhuliu, "Excuse me."
Zidian flew out. Madam Yu shouted, "How pretentious!"
Wen Zhuliu's large hand waved. He grabbed Zidian without concern!
The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation - Chapter 58- Poisons - Part 3
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anthr-obi · 1 year
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donna, kory and raven being galpals wip I’ve been sitting on it for way too long. hopefully I’ll finally finish it
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killianxswan · 8 months
oKAY fine i'll talk about my obsession with 'hook' v 'killian' and 'swan’ v ‘emma' no one asked for this
(basically more thoughts inspired by this post)
let's start with emma. (forgive me if i'm wrong but) we get killian introducing himself by full name to emma and the others, but there's no scene of him finding out her surname. (i would love to see how that conversation goes, and emma's reaction to him starting to use it all the time). anyway, she is primarily referred to as 'emma', 'miss swan', 'the savior' even...but to my recollection never just 'swan' by anyone else. same way emma calls henry 'kid' or rumple calls neal 'bae'.
basically, killian is flirting 101. give a girl a nickname so she knows that you like her. so she knows you refer to her in a way that other don't.
killian is more obvious. most people refer to him by his more colorful moniker; hook. not ! that hook is not a suiting name for him. it's become a part of him and i personally believe it's gone from a name people feared to one used endearingly. but you can see it in his face how much it means to him when she calls him by his name. since i've started paying attention, i can't remember anyone else calling him killian except people he's loved in the past (liam, milah).
'hook' is who he'll always be to everyone else, but killian is the person only some get to see.
here are some examples of when they call each other the opposite that matter to mE:
emma- "you come to me, hook" during the s6 ooc engagement-call-off fiasco
killian- "emma, are you alright?" 5x02 after emma saves robin's life and killian pulls away from the kiss
both are times they feel disconnected from each other.
and!!! the opposite. like the scene mentioned previously in 3x22 where they reunite, they are so happy to see each the rouse flies out the window and they connect instantly.
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There's something fascinating with Deanna in that it feels to me like she is constantly eliding her own agency or absolving herself of having to accept responsibility for having made choices in many events in her life. It feels almost as if she is casting herself as a passive casualty and is reluctant to present herself as an active element against and in what has happened to her.
She frames herself as having been dragged back into the world of the living, but resurrection requires the soul be willing, that the soul make the choice to come back, and she must have made that choice to accept being brought back. She is emphatic that she did not choose Pelor and that she works as his cleric because she must help others despite how she feels, but it is a choice she made to have held on to that divine connection and to utilize it and to wear his symbols and work in his name instead of letting that pass and fade.
There is a sense for me at least that Deanna frames herself between these two choices as if she did not have one, as if these things simply happened to her without any engagement on her part. And, it's odd because it goes against what (ostensibly) appears to be the reality: that she chose to come back as the magic required, that she chose to seize upon the connection and the opportunity for power associated with it.
And I wonder how deep it goes. She says that her relationship with Chet ended before she wanted it to, and she seems to shift the burden of that on to him—but it was a summer fling while she was on vacation, and I do not know if she ever told him how she felt or made a gesture to preserve the relationship, I do not know if she made the choice to do nothing and let it end. Their relationship is so nebulous, and her feelings on it as presented contradictory (in a fun way).
But, I digress.
If Deanna really is constantly re-framing herself as if she is just a passive party in her own life, unreliably narrating her own lack of agency to us where she was indeed willing and decisive, I wonder why she does this. Is that she is scared to admit that she bears at least small amount of responsibility for shaping situations that make her unhappy? Does she find it easier to blame others, to blame the chaos of life, to believe that there was nothing she could do than it is to confront that she could have made different choices? Is it easier for her to blame gods she has no affinity for than it is to accept that agency and free will means the freedom to make her own mistakes and being accountable to herself for those decisions? Is it something else entirely?
I don't know, but I hope to find out.
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Titan army? Waging psychological warfare on one (1) Thalia Grace by bringing her thought to be dead brother to the truce talks? More likely to happen than you'd think.
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ratscrap · 2 months
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angel guy made for @duckdotimg's mondo vuoto setting !!!!! had a lot of fun conceptualizing him, hehe.. he's an angel posessing the body of a once indie pro wrestler who died on the job... not that he cares, he's just here to have a good time and push this new body of his to its limits.
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field-s-of-flowers · 6 months
Hey. Hey what if one of the OG lyctors was Jewish pre-resurrection. Wouldn’t that be so fucked up
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catsafari25 · 8 months
My housemate (who thinks that I only (attempt to) write original stuff) (albeit slowly) walked in on me flicking through PHM (for fanfic research purposes) and assumed I was re-reading it, and I haven't had the heart to admit the speed at which I fall down the fanfic rabbit hole
(Also, not what I was looking for, but it looks like Stratt calls Grace "Dr Grace" at all times, all but for two exceptations: 1) when the research lab blows up and she's calling for him and 2) just as he's hustled off to isolation before the launch ("Just think of the kids, Grace"))
(In their very last conversation, she doesn't call him by any name at all)
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dominoesart · 4 months
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I love Charlie's new look but her pilot design will always have a special place in my heart <3
Alt. version under the cut vvv
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sockopunch · 2 years
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prom B)
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