#but yeah the reddit user is likely correct
brotherconstant · 2 years
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INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE 1.06 || Like Angels Put in Hell by God
Are you still dreaming about our first meeting, Daniel? I keep waking up just before you ask me back to your shitty apartment.
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tottenhamhotsperm · 2 years
i think about this moment all the time
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lobautumny · 1 year
So like, the Reddit strike going on right now, yeah? I've been seeing a lot of people comment on how they appreciate the protest and then go on to say that this has the notable downside of them constantly looking up questions and not being able to easily find the answers because all of the easily-findable answers are exclusively on Reddit. I am not sure if most of the people making this observation are within the line of thought of "man, maybe this protest isn't such a good idea after all" or "man, it really sucks that we've let the internet get so consolidated," and I'm really hoping its the latter.
Like, all of this? This right here? Reddit making a shitty, anti-consumer grab for money and control over how people are allowed to access the information on their servers, and the website going dark in protest causing tons of people to not be able to access important information? This is exactly what people mean when they say that it's bad that the internet has shrunk down so much and is mostly comprised of, like, 10 websites. It's a fucking problem that one company making one bad decision and causing their website to crash and burn can jeopardize so much of humanity's cumulative information.
This two-day glimpse into the internet without Reddit is the warning shot. Imagine what will happen if Reddit actually goes down for good for one reason or another one day. Imagine what will happen if/when Discord or Fandom bites the dust, or gets rendered practically-unusable without paying an ever-increasing premium because they're owned by blood-sucking corporate leeches.
Another big thing is Twitter clamping down really hard on your ability to DM people if you don't have Twitter Blue. If this goes through, it'll put a ton of artists and sex workers who rely on Twitter DMs for their business operation into a shitty situation. Now, obviously, it's not gonna be the end of the world for them, but once again, it feels like a warning shot to me. Twitter is a sinking ship, and unless something changes and it starts to course-correct, I worry that it'll go under and all of the creators who rely on it will suddenly be in an extremely precarious situation.
These are the sorts of things that we, as the users of the internet, need to seriously think about as time goes on, and if we don't find an adequate answer sooner, we're going to pay for it later. I still hold that the best solution is to start making and using more individual, niche websites. Things like Twitter, Reddit, Discord, etc. have their place, of course, but I seriously think a lot was lost through the death of things like individual forums and the existence of many different wiki-hosting sites.
We need a concerted effort, not just on the side of larger creators, but on the users themselves, to stop exclusively using these larger websites and support the creation and growth of smaller, more niche websites, and prevent a catastrophe before it actually happens. I simply hope that people with larger platforms than my own pick up on all this and start talking about it and swaying people to act sooner rather than later. I know it's possible to correct the problem of the mysteriously tiny internet before a modern Library of Alexandria moment happens, I just don't know if that correction will actually happen in time.
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penelopepitstopp · 12 hours
I'm sorry to bother you, but I've come to think of you as the person who knows most on tumblr about britcom backstories, and I'm wondering if you know the context regarding this comment from the off menu reddit about the Steve coogan episode. Coogan in the episode makes a comment about how he dislikes comedians with polished mediocrity, and some people commented that Ed got very quiet after that and that maybe the comment was unfair considering the circumstances, do you know what that's about?
Why thank you I feel very honoured although there are people who probably know way more than me haha
Obviously I don't know for certain but I think it's just a few redditors being overdramatic/reading into interactions like they were in the room themselves/making a sly dig at Ed which happens now and then. Unless it's in reference to something Ian (his old double act partner) might’ve said but I highly doubt it cos that was aaages ago and most people don't know Ed from back then.
Maybe I am missing some context (and if anyone has some, feel free to say) but if I was to assume anything, Ed is a self-proclaimed comedian who would happily make fart jokes for an hour. He's not cerebral or off-beat or quirky. His shows don't have some grand narrative. He's a little shit with type 1 diabetes. And I guess some people might have taken that Coogan comment as a dig at him? But that's assuming he is a mediocre comic, which anyone who's seen him live knows he most definitely isn't. There's loads of extremely funny comics who don't necessarily have "a thing", I still enjoy watching them just as much as yer Tim Key's, yer Sam Campbell's.
If Ed was quiet after (I didn't notice anything odd at the time - who wouldn't be quiet when Coogan's speaking) I'm gonna take a guess and say he might’ve been wondering whether to make a joke about performing polished mediocrity himself but decided against it in case it made things awkward lol
So yeah, I think it's probably just the same people who go "oh they clearly hate that guest", "James isn't enjoying the podcasts anymore", "there was so much tension this episode" just trying to find drama where there isn't any.
Sorry idk if that answered your question I was kinda just rambling by the end there 😂
(I just checked before posting this and that user actively dislikes Ed, so yeah, I'm gonna say my assumption was correct lol)
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happysadyoyo · 2 years
So I made a comment on reddit where I started to sorta derail and I think the information is good enough to share here and in the trans tags for people not understanding wtf is up with all us “transandrophobia truthers.” 
This isn’t a particularly nuanced post. I left out how racism and ethnicity ties into trans men’s lives and “male privilege.” I think that’s an important part of the conversation and I’ll follow up with that in a reblog down the line. 
Anyway, context. I follow r/nottheonion, which posts actual headlines that sound like they should belong on The Onion, a popular satire news website that has an unfortunate record of their worst and most unbelievable headlines coming true. The particular headline here?
J.K. Rowling's new book, about a transphobe who faces wrath online, raises eyebrows
I’ve included the comment that I replied to for further context:
Reddit User: Did [JKR] ever say anything about trans men? I've only seen nasty things about trans women from her.
Me: Oh yeah. Reread the manifesto. About half of all explicit trans hatred is that trans men are women and girls trying to escape the perceived shackles of societal womanhood. I did a word by word breakdown of her manifesto because I got tired of being told (mainly by women) that JKR hadn't talked about trans men at all.
Plus let's not forget she showed her colors commenting on gender neutral language surrounding menstruation and pregnancy. Something that by and large does not effect trans women.
TERFs generally treat trans men, AFAB nonbinary folks, and CAFAB intersex folks as brainwashed and confused by the patriarchy and the people encouraging them to transition. They see using HRT as poisoning ourselves (T being poison is sadly such a common talking point in trans circles that I've seen young cis boys become scared of their own puberty) and top surgery as mutilation. They like to take pictures of barely healed phalloplasty scars to scare people too (nvm the fact that again, bottom surgery for men is under discussed in trans and even trans masc circles! People don't even know you can even get the necessary tools to get an erection or the other options besides phalloplasty!)
For the above group that are "too far gone" for TERFs to scare back into the closet, we are seen as monsters and gender traitors. They actively want us dead so we can't influence younger folks with our existence.
Oh and this isn't touching on corrective rape from TERFs. At all.
And as you can see there's a lot of leakage from general radfem ideology that leaks into mainstream and intersectional feminism. It's unfortunate because already trans masc folks are one of the most invisible groups in the trans community (the only other group I would consider more invisible are AMAB nonbinary folks, especially if they're not feminine and/or like masculinity). Trans men statistics are horrifically erased because they get recategorized as women.
A lot of trans men choose to disengage and "go stealth" because there's a lot of tangled up self loathing and reactivity towards masculinity in feminist, esp queer feminist circles. Of course, this leads to misconceptions like trans men have an easier time transitioning and have male privilege and completely ignores that a lot of trans masc folks can't or don't want to go stealth. And it ignores how conditional this male privilege actually is.
I'm also ignoring here how a lot of trans men disengage with queer spaces because of how unfriendly it can be. There's a variety of reasons, from people assuming they're straight (or actually being straight) to the general hostility that can be felt in the undercurrents in most gen queer feminist spaces.
This isn't to say that trans women don't have it worse. Hyper visibility and hyper invisibility are just two sides of the same coin at the end of the day, and this toxic mindset around men and masculinity hurts trans women just as much, if in different ways. But I hate seeing the hatred TERFs spew at trans men getting boiled down to nothing more than infantilization. Because while yes that is a lot of it and it's not something trans women get a lot of (because they're seen as men, so violent and dangerous and predatory), there's so much more and it's all just as bad as what women are getting day in and day out from TERFs.
To end on a more humorous note, my favorite instances of TERFs getting owned are when they're shown a celebrity photo and say "oh that's definitely a man" when... Nope. Just a woman. Showing they can't actually tell who is and isn't transgender
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realcatalina · 2 years
Geography in 1500-introduction
It is no surprise people don’t get political situation in Europe at beginning 16th century. We are not taught how geography affected the political situation, and course of history. Yeah on ocasion you get some map, but doesn’t really give you good picture. Often the very important towns or geographical features are missing! Or you don’t know certain places had same ruler.
So I’ve decided to change that and show you how actually things were. I will be doing series of post about Geography/Political situation in 1500, focused mainly on Europe and Northern Africa, 
For these posts I will often use map by reddit user Yetkinler:
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Looks like complicated mess? Because it was! Actually it was even more complicated that this. It is closest to the actual political-geographical state of Europe that I could find and Yetkinler did truly great job.
However it is literally impossible to depict HRE 100% correct on map of this scale. It was even more complicated than this!
Link(i use the map which is 4 years old): https://pholder.com/u/yetkinler/
(Tumblr won’t allow the map to upload HD, so if you want to get closer look, you have to download it from the link, not from here).
Unfortunately he/she is no longer active on reddit, but I’d still like to give them my thanks.
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I will be using Yetkinler’s map, adjusting it to make certain things more obvious.
Also bit of note here about geographical maps in general. Earth is 3D sphere. Trying to recreate continental shapes, and sizes of countries in 2D is never 100% correct. Further from equator, the more distorted things are. I recommend you check the link bellow, where you can move around the countries and see how big they are in comparison to each other!
It’s mindblowing. Or look up google Earth. It’s wonderful tool. 
 But back to historical geography, and political situation in Europe. There were several types of goverments. Main ones:
Monarchies, Republics, Confederacies and Teocracies
Hereditary monarchies
Elective monarchies-Holy Roman Empire’s Emperor was elected, but you’d be surprised how many countries technically(in priciple but not in practise) speaking had elective monarchy or nobles had right to chose ruler if ‘need be’.
Republics-Venice for example
Confederacies-for example Swizerland and Livonia
(A confederate government is a group of states, nations or territories that are joined together by a central government that has limited powers of authority.)
Theocratic elective monarchy-Papacy
But teocratic goverment was not exclusive for Papacy. There were also independed archbishopric and bishopric titles, sometimes they were vassals of other rulers or part of confederation. 
Holy Orders(military orders) also sometimes had level of idenpendence. Teutonic Knights were vassals of Polish Crown, but other orders were independent. 
Same as with republics, some were idependent and others were vassals and only semi-independent.
Another term you should know is primogeniture and partition.
Primogeniture is when eldest legitimate child(usually son) inherites everything, leaving his siblings with nothing. Partition means that highest titles of the monarch gets divided between sons. So each gains their own indipendent land.
It used to be very prominent in Europe’s history but by 1500 it was no longer in fashion. However in 15th century one such partion was very important and imo changed course of Europe forever.
But then there are things which don’t make much sense. Why is Poland a Kingdom, and Lithuania is Grand Duchy, despite being much larger?
Mostly the answer is tradition, country’s history and nobody bothered to change it.
Historically, there was something called ‘petty kingdom’. Good example were Anglo-saxon Kingdoms in England:
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Those were petty Kingdoms-which later got replaced by larger Kingdom of England. Problem is, not all larger kingdom lasted. Irish didn’t, and around 1500, still (Petty) Kingdom of Desmond still existed. It wasn’t that much larger than its neighbours, who didn’t style themselves as Kings.
In Iberia, when Navarre was established(first as Pamplona), it was still high times of petty kingdoms, and independent Castile nor Aragon didn’t exist as independent kingdoms.
When they later did, they stopped Navarre from expanding and themselves grew much larger. But at beginning they weren’t that different in size.
That is why Navarre was Kingdom despite being smaller than many duchies, princedoms etc. 
Less comprehesible is de jure part of kingdom, and how it affected whetever or not you should call the realm Crown or Kingdom. Because many kindgoms technically speaking should be officially called Crowns instead. 
However nowadays people don’t know there was difference and call both kingdoms. Personally I don’t mind either, but I’d like you to know what the difference was.
The issue mostly is whetever or not all their parts were officially de jure part of kingdom. Oficial part.
Idk if you’ve ever played Crusader Kings(game), but in it you can play as any ruler in Europe and conquer land. Your newly gained land, doesn’t become de jure part of your kingdom instantly, but in the game it takes 100 years, to make it official part of your kingdom-
In real life, there were territories owned by kingdoms for over 900 years-which still weren’t officially de jure part of the kingdom, just part of/under the Crown. Even though they had same language, same culture, and literally nothing which would explain why the shift wouldn’t officially happen. No reason at all for Moravia to not be official part of Bohemia. I live here, I don’t get it!
(But it might explain why twice in our history we were shortly not part of Bohemia and rest of the country was not up in arms about it, screaming-this is our land! Give it back!)
Crown instead of Kingdom was also used if the monarch had multiple kingdom titles, usually with first or main one being used. So Ferdinand’s realm was under Crown of Aragon, yet made of several kindgoms. So if you wanted to nitpick or be precise you could refer to one or the other.
‘Crown of Aragon was large and consisted of several kingdoms, but of course Kingdom of Aragon was closest to its rulers heart’. Here you can tell the difference. 
But even with this there were exceptions, times when for some reason the term Crown was not used, even though countries were part of personal union(had same ruler). We don’t use Crown of Denmark-but instead Kalmar union.
Union of two crowns could be complicated. Some never got shared name.  However instead of Castile-Aragon, they started to call it Spain, refering to it dozens of years of before officially it became Spain. Probably because it was easier in speech. 
Usually ducal unions-such as Ferrara-Modena only have - in between. Some people nowadays use  &, but I don’t like it(for no reason other than personal preference).
If you still don’t get something in this post, write to me, preferably in messages, because in comments I cannot reply as lenghtly as I’d like to.
I will start with Christendom, but later I’d like to do muslim states too.  Silk road, naval trade roads imo have been discussed enough. But I’d like to include trade roads across Sahara, because of how much it affected N. African states.  
I’ll see if I’ll eventually do Abyssinia too. 
I hope you’ve enjoyed it and if you’d have preferences as to which country/region I should start with, write me in the comments. 
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shut-up-rabert · 1 year
I think your anons doesn't know some things about you because i do remember the time where you couldn't find Jk Rowling problematic and was lowkey defending her by saying oh she did so little.. doesn't deserve the hate campaign running against her oh they're making a big deal about it. Like seriously anon what will you expect from this user idont see any wrong if you interact with terfs you chose it
I actually have a long post that I was writing at the time, collecting proofs and all to see what the whole thing was about, but then I had exams and the post has been in my drafts ever since:
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(screenshot from the same)
As you can see, I realised that things were bad aswell. I just did not post this when I should have, but I never really gave you a reason to believe that I was ever supporting her?
If its about that reddit reblog, I had not given a verdict (okay, ig my lack of correction made you think I had), I saw a reddit post where someone was asking what wrongs she did and asked everyone for more reasons to hate her. I was mad at the thought but I still asked in that post (genuinely so) if this was all she did, and soon learned it was not.
But even if I had an assumption that people were hounding her over nothing, I never supported her, did I? I kept it to myself and decided not to make rash decisions and hence never supported her, had I made them you people would have been on my throats now :)
The other post is simply me asking what wrongs she did to collect information of this very post
So yeah, tldr; I did not know and was just asking, don't antagonist me for not knowing
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teeto-peteto · 8 months
“Allow characters to have more than one emotion?” Oh no, Riot can’t do that, otherwise players will complain about why the characters talk so much.” (All of this is sarcasm, in case it wasn’t clear.) I swear, sometimes it feels like people want voice lines to go back to minute long carousel rides.
…Anyway. Vent over.
vent is not over
This is a perfect statement. Unless you're talking about Mordekaiser.
Anyone remembers when Project: Mordekaiser dropped and everyone started loosing their shit and claimed THIS was the best legendary skin in the game? How easy everyone threw down the river Dark Cosmic Jhin.
But they give a GIRL champion ONE more range of emotion and they fucking loose their shit. Male champions get full armored rad skins and everyone claps and make fan edits with the quotes and female champions get their splashart upside down and a reddit post saying 'Ok guys do you think they made her boobs bigger or nah?'.
Literally Ashe gets pushed away for speaking and in the meantime Viego is literally speaking his whole life and everyone goes like 'Wow... this slaps for an instagram reel with his quotes and stolen fanart'.
Riot does not want to put effort. Even now they are cutting down minutes of legendary and definitive skins voice lines to 8 minutes cause well they want the money money but they dont want to pay pay actors.
Riot constantly gives the 'thicc tiddy' skins to female champions. If they do to male champions, its because in their canon model they are shirtless/wearing revealing clothes etc (for example, Rakan or Sylas). Coven constantly gives this skins to female champions and then give a cool monster/spirit to male champions. Yes, covens are always composed of women, as star guardians are based on the magical girl trope and we still have Ezreal and Ekko there. Do we actually NEED to be 'historically correct' about coven?! Motherfuckers put girls in ridiculous clothing to call them witchy and then try to be historically correct. And they give the guys the cool skins. For what?! Cant we have an Old god Bel'Veth? Cant we have any female champion actually turn into monstruous eldritch horror? If they want to be so calculative and respectful to 'feminist part of history' then do this?
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3. The community sucks and its mostly formed by dick-in-hand men. They see titty on a girl they go ooga booga. If the champion speaks and doesnt say anything cool rad about darkness and killing and slavering people then they loose interest and cry. 'Shut up woman i dont care'. In the end we will turn back to the 1 minute carousel lines cause nobody gives a flying fuck about what characters say. The amount of videos/shorts/reels i have seen recently about champion quotes theres not even ONE said by a woman champion. They always quote something corny about Sett being strong whatever. They always quote Viego in a romantic way, as if provoking mass genocide with the excuse of 'love' wasnt a red flag enough. They quote Mordekaiser (literally a torturer and an slaver, yeah...). But hey, i guess they are easy to harvest so Riot will keep producing for them.
ranted more than i expected but well :^)
small note: i do not care about anyones favourite character. You like Mordekaiser? Awesome. You like Viego? Go my dear, you can fix him i believe in you. You like Ashe? Thats so cool. I do not shame anyone's character/fictional other/kin at all. Everything i say just applies to heteronormative male that presents a huge percentage of lol players and active twitter users that bombards Riot.
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canonically-a-genloser · 11 months
Green and gold clashing?
like it tried to put it in the same spot in the next reset?
What happend to Cas? Why was he injred
More blood
Rae be carful
The earth and Quxis are like fighting over weather or not to place a village here
Fang? Isn't that Ven's fiancé
Only one sdie of the village is deytroyed? Did the pillagers leave before everything was burned?
Ulysses /neg
he's saying sorry?
Stairing at him with my litol eyes >:[
L+Ratio+No fish
Fish be gone lol
Bloppers are so funny
Conner you good?
Sad music started and Conner vanashed lol
His user is correct lol
We closed our spical eyes lol
Ohhh yeah, that...
Jamie has already yelled at him... cus he hurt Conner the dog
Fuck him
I hate Ulysses
He hurt a dog, I no like him
Dogoo is good :D
Thats not a good idea-
Aax, Ocie, and Ulysses arn't really friends-
Yeah, he probably would-
What Aax is, thats a loaded question-
I just got a reddit nots from r/fanfiction that said 'forgive me readers for I have sinned' lol
You did kind of throw wrench in their happy day, cus they found Aax and Athena that day
Wings? Eh
Libary perhaps?
Hi charles *uninthusiastically*
Ehhh, season 2 obsidian box, forgot that was there
The lighting changed
Bad box
Yeah yeah, get rid of it. That sounds good
We kicked the box and now our beans hurt
Yes moon we know that but it still hurt
Aura hug for Rae ( ^ω^)
We wish we had hands so we can give him a comforting pat on the head
Room bad?
Claustrophobia duo /j
Snow *we all dive into the snow*
yeah, Rae I get that, I feel the same way
Foxxi is an eppy boi
this was all hand typed
all i understood out of that was foxxy and now i want to watch fnaf
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moodr1ng · 1 year
oh yeah i actually have no idea how i forgot this, but that lets not meet podcast did start as reading from the subreddit but i think now only operates on email submissions + kept the name! so i have no idea how much it differs from the content thats on reddit now (but, maybe thats why?) cus i havent ever looked at the subreddits myself LOL. i just figured i should correct myself. i think i do have like a worse "bullshit detector" than most people though so idk if its jsut cus of the difference in stories submitted (cus at least unlike reddit you dont get comments and stuff for the attention of that) or because it does just feel believable to me LOL
ohh ok thanks for clarifying! yeah im into it even if it might be fake so long as the story remains believable - my issue w creepypasta is most of the time, due to being less gullible than i was as a teen and also my honest feeling that good creepypastas dont rly get spread much anymore due to just how many bad ones are flooding everywhere, i just cant suspend my disbelief for it. if it IS user submitted and some stories sound legit and i can at least assume that *some* of them are even if i cant be sure, thats still more interesting to me! i like horror that feels more grounded in reality. ill check it out, thanks again!
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justwhatis · 2 years
Ccleaner reddit
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#Ccleaner reddit how to#
#Ccleaner reddit install#
#Ccleaner reddit software#
#Ccleaner reddit windows 8#
#Ccleaner reddit windows#
The computer might be a little smoother to operate, but seriously, don't get your hopes up. Now, I just make a little note for the customer to show how much time it's going to take, what the hourly rate is and with all that, it still has the same hardware which won't be running any faster. There is no escaping this, so you have to start with a computer that is more than up to the task when you buy it, if you still want to comfortably work on it.
#Ccleaner reddit windows#
It is a known fact that after some time, Windows (any version till now) becomes more sluggish and more heavyweight due to all the updates and extra features that are added.
#Ccleaner reddit software#
It's not just a regular cleanup that you need to do, but to increase speed, you also have to spend time in disabling startup programs, services and check which software is really hogging the RAM so that the machine doesn't immediately go swapping after bootup. I will tell them the cost for the cleanup. What I do with these kind of computers, is advising the user to invest in a bit of a more expensive computer. and suddenly you realize this computer just isn't workable anymore. So yeah, you have this computer that is already slow at time of purchase, and then you're going to load additional software onto it, and all those packages get updates (patches on top of patches) and you get some browser extensions and add-ons and yada yada. Ccleaner can actually slow down your machine if you don't know exactly what you're doing (there are multiple threads about this on SW already). Cleaning up unused bloatware, adware, and defragmenting (what really doesn't do very much for performance).
#Ccleaner reddit windows 8#
It's not only barely the minimum to run Windows 8 (and will start swapping in no time on that slow drive), but the chips themselves are most likely of the slowest kind (to keep things affordable you know).įirst of all, you probably did most you can do already. You didn't really specify which model of hard drive but I can only assume it's one of those cheapest slowest and laziest buggers in town. This is most likely a very low-budget computer that was barely up to the task when it was first bought. The 796 4K read speed went up to about 101924, and the 56992 8MB read speed went up to 439029.īooting to the desktop, clicking Chrome, Windows Explorer, and IE, resulted in a total time of FIFTY SECONDS from the time I hit the power button to the time IE finished opening and loading Google. I ordered a Samsung EVO 850 250GB drive, cloned the old drive to the SSD, rebooted and retested. I was (am) still deciding on what SSD to get, so I bought it with a spinner. For reference, my brand new 7200RPM drive in my i7 with 32GB memory runs at 91228 for the 4K reads and 111384 for 8MB reads. Theĭrive was doing 796 read speed on 4K transfers, and 56992 read speed on 8MB transfers. I had done the typical tests noted above before they left Texas.ĮDITED to correct speed numbers: I restarted it, waited 10 minutes, and then ran ATTO on it. I tried to open task manager, and after waiting over a minute, I gave up and shut it down. Time to open Chrome was around three minutes, Windows Explorer showed up a couple minutes later, and after a total of NINE MINUTES, IE had not opened. It took 2.5 minutes to boot, enter password, and get to the desktop, at which point I immediately clicked on the Quick Launch icons for Chrome, Windows Explorer, and IE, all while running a timer on phone. We just had friends from Texas visit, and she brought her laptop, complaining that it was slow. Run ATTO on the hard drive to see if that is the issue.
#Ccleaner reddit how to#
So any suggestions on how to clean and speed up this excessively slow computer?
#Ccleaner reddit install#
I've attempted windows update again, shows 100 required updates but when i go to install it just sits on the "Downloading - 0% 0KB downloaded."Īlso when checking/running updates, it still shows "last check for updates " and will not change.ĪMD C-60 APU with Radeon HD Graphics 1.0GHz then a few folders with their Documents and photos in it) It's pretty much a barebones machine anyways (only end user programs on the machine are Microsoft Office 2010, and Canon Printer Utilities. Im Unable to nuke the machine and start fresh (although i've HEAVILY considered just doing it anyways) because the user said they dont want me to wipe the machine. granted theres about 6% improvement, but it takes much too long to open up the file browser. Ccleaner, Malwarebytes, Updates, then Purge old files and junkware. i mean, this machine makes a snail look as if its traveling at light speed. Slow is an understatement when it comes to this machine. User came and asked if i could speed up their machine, I get their info as usual. Okay, So i took on a side job like any other side job ive done before.
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scoobydoofenshmirtz · 3 years
LGBTQ Supernatural Character Breakdown
Okay so yesterday I posted this lovely screenshot of yet another stupid reddit post about spn that I thought was funny and shrugged off as another reddit dudebro thing. However, then @thehappyearth went and actually read through the thread and reported back with results. The opinions of OP were unsurprising, but they got me thinking. Part of the post reads "I would prefer a neutral show that doesn't aim to include LGBT people in nearly every episode.. its unrealistic unless they are in a location where this holds true..example (California)". Now that's ridiculous for a lot of reasons. 1) Not having LGBT people in a show does not make it "neutral." Cishet is not the default human experience, neither is male, nor white nor able-bodied, etc. 2) It's not "unrealistic" to have LGBT in literally any location in the world. We exist everywhere you go. Yes, certain places tend to attract LGBT adults and families due to their culture, legal protections, history, etc. but it's not like there's something in San Francisco water that just makes people there gay at a higher percentage. I assure you, reddit user, there are LGBTQ people in every single place Sam and Dean have visited in the show. 3) like literally it's just homophobic shut up reddit bros. ANWAY...
But what really got me thinking was the "nearly every episode" comment. Like, dude. What show are you watching? But then I thought...wait how many LGBTQ characters actually are there in Supernatural, so I did a little digging and compiled this list (google sheets) of every LGBTQ character to appear on screen. This doesn't include characters who are only mentioned (although there aren't many to add with that anyway). I looked into some different criteria and I included each character, the number of episodes they appeared in, their first and last episode, how many episodes they appeared in as a confirmed LGBTQ character, their sexuality, if they speak or not, and if they died. I also included a description and notes, and noted which characters were in episodes nominated for GLAAD awards. I also included "ambiguous" characters who I either felt weren't "confirmed" as LGBTQ (like the man who is possibly a gay porn star or the sassy yorkie) but in that realm, or characters where there were bigger issues that make it more complicated (Dean, Crowley, and Rowena).
And then I got curious and made a whole second spreadsheet with a list of all the episodes featuring confirmed LGBTQ characters. I included which characters are featured, if it includes an LGBTQ couple, if it features an LGBTQ storyline important to the plot, if it features a recurring LGBTQ character, if any LGBTQ character dies, if it was nominated for a GLAAD award, and my opinion on if it's homophobic. I only included episodes where a character was confirmed LGBTQ when it aired, however I did include retroactively LGBTQ characters when listing what recurring characters are featured.
Some findings under the cut:
I counted a total of 32 on screen (reasonably) confirmed LGBTQ characters in all of Supernatural (for the purposes of this I have counted Charlie and apocalypse Charlie as separate characters). Now when I say confirmed this is a range from Charlie to characters who had a same sex kiss in the background. There is a chance I have missed some, so if you look through this and notice someone missing, please let me know. (Also sidenote I say LGBTQ but there's no confirmed trans characters as far as I could tell). That's an average of 2.13 per season. There are 9 recurring characters and 23 that only appear once. There are 6 with 3 or more episodes. The only characters that appeared in more than 2 episodes while confirmed as an LGBTQ character are Charlie (apocalypse world and regular) and Chuck. Of all these characters 10 are dead (with three of these presumably resurrected off screen) and 22 survived.
If we break it down by era Kripke had 4 with 0 recurring characters and half and half dead/alive. This is .8 per season average. Gamble had 3 and (at the time) none were recurring and none died. This is 1.5 per season average. Carver had 10 including making Chuck bisexual. Charlie also became a recurring character (then she died). This is 2.5 per season average. Dabb has 15 including Castiel and Claire. This included 7 recurring characters and 8 one offs, and 8 alive and 7 dead. This is 3.75 per season average.
As far as sexualities go, we have 3 (presumably) lesbian characters (2 Charlies and Donna's niece) 3 gay characters (Max Banes and 2 one offs who die) and 2 bisexual characters (Chuck and Noah the gorgon). No single character ever refers to themself by any sexuality as far as I can tell, but Alan J Corbett (Ghostfacers intern) and Conner (from the church) are both referred to as gay by other characters. Everyone else I based on context. All the other characters were unspecified as to their specific sexualities.
In terms of episodes with confirmed LGBTQ characters (so characters who at the time the episode was written were reasonably confirmed as LGBTQ) we have 39 total, a bulk of them being episodes that feature either Chuck or Charlie. That's about 12% of all SPN episodes. If you take out episodes that only include either Chuck or Charlie as the confirmed character you have 20 left which is 6.25% of all SPN episodes.
There are 12 episodes that feature an LGBTQ couple, 3.75% of all episodes. There are, by my count, 9 episodes with an LGBTQ storyline important to the plot or 2.8% of episodes. I know this is more subjective but I included Ghostfacers, Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo, LARP and the Real Girl, Sacrifice, The Chitters, Wayward Sisters, Ouroboros, Gimme Shelter, and Despair.
If we break down writers from who has the most episodes with confirmed LGBTQ characters Robbie Thompson comes in the lead with 9, Buckleming next with 6, Bobo and Dabb with 5, Yockey and Glynn with 4, Davy Perez with 3, and Nick Vaught, Nancy Won, Nancy Weiner, Eric Kripke, Jeremy Carver, Sera Gamble, Brett Matthews, and Bed Edlund all having 1. As far as writers who introduced new LGBTQ characters or canonized previously existing ones we have again Robbie Thompson in the lead with 7, Dabb with 6 (although 4 were from co-written episodes), Berens with 4, Yockey and Glynn with 3, Brett Matthews, Davy Perez, Nancy Weiner, Eric Kripke, and Nancy Won all with 2. Gamble and Edlund each have 1 and Buckleming sort of have 1 since they introduced apocalypse world Charlie. All of this is quantity not quality, so keep that in mind.
As far as deaths go, Bobo has the most with 3.5. 3 of those are from Despair where the characters were all (possibly) resurrected and the .5 is for Kaia who later turned out to not actually be dead. Yockey has 2 (both from Ouroboros). Edlund, Glynn, Perez, and Gamble all have 1 and Dabb also has .5 for cowriting Wayward Sisters.
The LGBTQ character who appears in the most episodes is very obviously Castiel who appears in 142 total episodes. Chuck is next with 19 and then Charlie with 7. Chuck has the most episodes as a confirmed LGBTQ character with 12 total and Charlie has 7.
Apologies if any of the math on this is wrong or if I left anyone out. Feel free to let me know and I'll correct the documents.
So really I don't know why I did this but basically yeah I don't know what fantasy world those reddit dudes are living in with LGBT people in nearly every episode (unless he's counting Castiel which...win for the gays I guess?). Nothing about this was particularly surprising but it's interesting to see all these things laid out and play around with the categories. Um...hope you enjoyed this i guess. lol
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ayoalex · 3 years
Why is Team RWBY since the beginning present as a dangerous team?
Ok, before I begin this post I have to warn that:
1- I'm not an expert, this is based on my basic knowledge as someone that used to do martial arts as a kid, play a lot of video games and watch a bunch of anime/cartoon or read manga
2- This is going to be a long post, sorry 😞
3- You are always welcome to discuss in the replies or to correct in whatever I could get wrong, again I'm not an expert so don't be shy to call me out. Btw, English is not my first language so it's possible I could have some grammar mistakes.
4- Do not want to see any type of hate for any character 🤨
5- And last, decided to post this here because I prefer RWBY Tumblr community than Reddit one 💀
Let's begin!
When they present RWBY at the beginning of the project we got a glimpse of what they can do individually in the short films know as Red, White, Black and Yellow as well as some aspects of their character, backstory, etc.
As RWBY continued their journey we could see they seem as a force to be reckoned with when together but seem to be lacking in some aspects when they were alone.
The ones that didn't do better alone was mostly Ruby and Weiss while Blake and Yang seems to be able to hold their own alone (tho Blake seems to be in her flop era in the last volumes 💀).
So, let's talk about them as individual first.
Ruby: we all know her, leader of the team and the youngest of them all.
Ruby do pretty well alone when she's fighting Grimms, specially those that aren't that hard to go against. She's basically a prodigy and for that she got into Beacon earlier (and the fact she has silver eyes 😬).
She's the few people in Remnant that use a scythe as a weapon and she's pretty damn good with it; as told by a lot of character using that weapon is hard af so probs for her to be able to be so fucking smooth and amazing with Crescent Rose.
As told by Ruby herself in V1 while talking with Jaune, she did her weapon and here comes her first problem.
Not practical. Crescent Rose is a bad ass weapon and I absolutely love it but it's heavy and takes a lot to use it. It's a rifle as well so Ruby basically has to be a sniper to be able to go well with it.
It's a weapon that doesn't goes well with a team as can get in the way unless the user becomes a support for the team instead of being at front.
This is basically a metaphor of how Ruby is kinda a lone wolf at the beginning and awkward af with people.
But! She later gives some upgrades to Crescent Rose that helps her change the direction of scythe which give her adaptability! Which is completely important!
Now, if I take Crescent Rose away of Ruby what happens?
She's dead bro
Ruby is useless in close range combat, specifically physically one. We can see that in a lot of moments through the volumes.
She usually use her semblance as an advantage, which with her weapon works perfectly but without it is... Meh. It only helps her to speed up.
In Volume 5 Ozpin calls her out for that and then trains her, we then see Ruby being able to actually block and evade attacks without the use of her semblance... Until Ozpin took control of Oscar 💀
She knows basic stuffs, mostly with her defense but she lacks attack.
We don't actively see an improvement of this part in the future as she's seen to struggle keeping up with Harriet. Tho I'm going to give Ruby the fact that Harriet was being emotional and "aaahhh go crazy go stupid" In there.
Tho, Ruby lacks in this she make up by being a quick thinker and strategic.
She's the one that comes up with the plans and she's fast on her feet as well, she knows how to use her teammates perfectly to the point on coming up with duo attacks for them. She use her creativity to be able to defeat enemies as we can see at the end of V6 against the crazy old lady.
In general Ruby lacks close range fighting skills as well hand to hand combat + she can be really reckless and not actually think stuffs through it at first which can lead to disaster (she's getting better tho!)
Weiss: so... Oh boy, the ice queen comes next.
Her first actual win in a solo combat was Marrow if I remember correctly.
So here's the thing, as a solo fighter Weiss is the weakest link because she relies heavily in her semblance, get her someone that can break her aura fast and that's it, she loses.
But her semblance is really REALLY good.
Like she could stand in one place, do her thing and that's it but there's a thing... Weiss is too logical and sometimes narrow minded, her winning against Marrow was amazing and made me proud because she used EVERYTHING in that damn room to her favor. She was creative!
For her type of semblance that's important!
At the beginning she was too STIFF with her semblance but it got to the point where she has learned to be fast on her feet. Use her semblance in a better, creative way AND be a support in the team.
But now, without her semblance Weiss is a good fighter, being a mix of ballet with fencing/swordplay. Really pretty to see and then take off the damn weapon and she's pretty useless.
See a pattern here? Team Whiterose are completely useless without their weapons and semblance, mmmm
Overall Weiss is a freaking monster thanks to her semblance. She has gotten better to it, to control it and stuff, became more creative and less stiff as well as quick thinker but she needs to get better in hand to hand combat... Please, I'm begging.
Blake: ah yeah, our favorite emo cat girl.
So, Blake is crazy. That's it, that's everything I'm going to say about her.
Ok no, but seriously her fighting style is chef kiss
Blake use of her semblance is amazing, like this girl knows what she's doing when fighting.
Her weapons are great as well, like they are sword, a gun, then that freaking ribbon where she goes all Spiderman with everyone. Amazing!
Tho, she comes with an advantage that no other in her team has.
As explained by different characters in the series, Faunus has physical advantage over humans, not only some of them can see in the dark, but they seem to get some characteristics of the animal they are based off.
A good example is how agile Velvet is thanks to the fact she's a rabbit faunus or the way Sun jumps because of being a monkey faunus.
Blake being a cat faunus gives her ton of advantage, she's stealthy, agile, fast, listen better than the average human, etc
Combine that with her semblance, weapon and fighting style and you have an amazing fighter.
But Blake is reckless and that have cost her in the past. Not only that but while she seems to know only basic stuff in hand to hand combat, relies a lot in her semblance and lately she use her ribbon way too much.
That gives an opportunity to the enemy to take her out easily as we saw in her fight against Vine.
I'm going to say that Blake is generally a good fighter and probably one of the best in Team RWBY in general words but lately she seems to focus a lot in her ribbon which makes her an easy target, idk if this on purpose because Blake have always dislike her semblance or it just they don't know how to make Blake fighting style anymore but it kinda annoys me how she has been reduced to a damsel in distress in some fighting scenes.
Overall Blake is a top notch fighter and her weakness are small details that she slowly overcoming.
Yang: ah yeah, here comes my girl (stupid Tumblr mobile isn't letting me putting her name in yellow 😡)
As you guys know I'm a hoe for this girl so I will try to be objective here.
Yang is the strongest member of the team, not only physically but mentally as well.
So, by far she has my favorite fighting style of all the damn characters, I just love watching Yang fight. I think is because I did martial arts as a kid and then some kick boxing in college so idk.
Listen, this girl is so damn practical, her weapons are absolutely genius.
She's probably the few (maybe only one?) Character that actually took an existing fighting style and did her weapon around it + uses her semblance around it which is practical and smart af
Which comes to one of my favorite things of Yang, how tactical she is. Like Yang is what Ruby could be if it wasn't because of the damn weapon.
Like you guys don't get, Ruby weakness is Yang strength.
Yang since the very beginning showed us how of an amazing fighter she is. You thought Ruby is a prodigy? That Weiss is a monster? Blake is out of this world? Well Yang is fucking God.
Ok ok ok
Yang is emotional tho, which cost her a lot (like A LOT, she lost her arm), in the past she was angry 24/7 (still is but baby got it under control 🥰). People are going to say "well not in v1, 2 and 3!".
I'm sorry but that girl has angry issues and the only moment she gets to be angry is when fighting so yeah, she would angry fight everyone and you know what? She still was an amazing fighter while doing so cuz she would kick everyone ass, being tactical about it, find her opponent weakness and absolutely looking hot while doing so.
Anyway, Yang doesn't have like a huge weakness like Ruby or Weiss, literally are small details. She's pretty much versatile as Ember Celica give her the option of shooting at her opponent. Since the beginning she was pretty much one of the best fighters of all the kids, probably coming second after Phyrra.
Her semblance use is pretty good as well, she seems to have a better grasp of it than some of the other kids and know how to manipulate it without overusing it.
Which btw is what made me have like a huge problem with V4 with the whole Taiyang stuff cuz Yang already knew how to fight like he was telling her, so idk I feel that was an insult to Yang as a character because the reason she lost her arm was because of stress, tired, being in battlefield and hello her partner is in danger.
Now that I finished with them individually we can see that RWBY has 2 support fighters, 1 versatile and the other one a basically upfront fighter. Which comes in handy a lot of fights.
But it isn't this what makes them a formidable team but it's their chemistry.
Since the very beginning we see they do the most important thing in any type of relationship, communication.
As Weiss has her problem with Ruby at the beginning she end up talking with an adult about it and then getting call out for her poor behavior, that makes her change her approach to Ruby but before all that she did communicate Ruby what her problem was with her which made Ruby to talk with Ozpin and change her approach to study and her team as well.
We see that Yang and Blake goes well since the beginning as well, and they communicate a lot better than Ruby and Weiss at the beginning. To the point that we can see it in their teamwork.
When it comes to Weiss racism the rest of the team communicate her to stop it and then you have Blake and Weiss discussion about it where we got a glimpse of Weiss life in Atlas as well the revelation of Blake being a faunus and an ex member of the White Fang. This makes Blake run away which later Weiss criticized while telling her that they should talk first and communicate better.
The priority of RWBY as a team is communication. Ruby communicate her plans to the rest of the teams, Weiss her feelings, Blake her knowledge and Yang... Ok maybe Yang needs to work in this department.
This makes their teamwork really strong and their bond just continues getting deeper.
Add to this the fact they learn to use each other in a better way, as having both Weiss and Ruby as support helps a ton, Blake to distract their opponents and Yang to finish them off.
A good example of this is probably the train part in V6, where Yang fights all of the Grimms closely, Blake tends to fight them at some distance while helping out and Ruby with Weiss combination of support make the job hard for the Grimms.
This is exactly why JOYR had such a problem with a new Grimm, Yang needs someone to catch her back while she finds a way to destroy the Grimm which is usually provided by her teammates meanwhile RWB didn't had the boost of strength that Yang gives them in battle to be able to finish off the Hound.
Even in duos RWBY are a hard opponent to go against, probably the duo that would have a hard time is Freezerburn as we see in V3 and still I think if you put them fight together currently they would be a duo you wouldn't want to cross lol
They shouldn't have a problem with trios either but usually Yang is the strength of the group and basically the tank so is understandable that RWB had a hard time adapting without her there.
There's a part in the book Before the Dawn where Coco talks about RWBY and how they are a really strong team and even say that while JNPR aren't bad, they were basically carrying on with Phyrra since Jaune wasn't the fighter he is today. (Plus other problems that Renora have as fighters but this is something for other day).
RWBY in general has a great communication between the members, a great leadership, strong bonds and amazing fighters. They know how to adapt to each other styles and some members even complement each other (Yang and Blake).
Other thing that should be talk about its how basically Ruby and Weiss are too similar and too different at the same time to the point that they should clash a lot (which they used to do) but thanks to the fact they communicate their teamwork is amazing and in their own way they make it work.
It really helps that Ruby with Weiss can have the luxury to go upfront against an enemy while having Weiss to back her up which is something she can't do with Yang or Blake.
That's mostly because their teamwork is a metaphor of their own relationship as well as Yang and Blake teamwork is a metaphor of their own relationship.
Usually Weiss is the main support of her team since she's a large range fighter thanks to her semblance which is basically what she gives to her teammates outside of the battle.
RWBY basically fight is how they are with each other outside of the battle as we can see in multiple instances.
Yang being the tank and strength in their fighting style is exactly what Yang is to RWB, she's basically the heart and soul of the team and without her a lot of their attacks doesn't have the strength necessary for it to work as well as we can in V8 how long it took to RWB to know what to do while Yang already knew what she had to do with JOYR. She's the action.
While Ruby is the leader and sometimes call the shoot, she guide the girls through battle and help both with support and action. She usually starts the fight as a sniper until she sees an opening to fight up close which is a thing she actually do with her team. She takes a step back before talking with any of them and helps them navigate through situation in their lifes like promising Weiss to being on her side at Atlas to sometimes intervening between Weiss and her family.
Blake in the other hand is more of a wild card, she's usually Yang personal support as their styles complement each other but in most situations she does it on her own, unlike Ruby, Blake usually is more of an upfront fighter and only being support when Yang needs her which is a thing outside of battle. She usually does her own way, and while she support both Weiss and Ruby is with Yang where we see a more intimate support.
This is what makes RWBY dangerous, their bond and chemistry is something they worked hard to have as they started with difficulties, is a thing the 4 of them appreciate and love, it really helps they know how to communicate and do so to be able to have a healthy relationship between each other.
Right now we are finally seeing a lack of communication between RWBY, specially between Yang and Ruby.
As we all know RWBY is a direct parallel of STRQ which means this miscommunication between Yang and Ruby is important for their future as a team. Is implied that they still have each other back but it's necessary for Yang to open up to Ruby about what's going since this could create a breach if not treated.
Conclusion: stan RWBY and stan LOONA 😌
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shoezuki · 3 years
This is a post on the cheating accusations around dream mostly surrounding his response video.
If you don’t want to see this or any of these posts then blacklist the tag #discourse
SO I’ve been doing a lot of digging into what dream has said in his response to Geosquare’s original video and report, which was compiled and conducted by the Minecraft Java mods on speedrun.com. 
I won’t talk about that original report in detail, but basically: the mods came to the conclusion that Dream had a 1 in 7.5 trillion chance of getting the pearl bartering rates and the blaze drop odds that he did within the 6 streams he did. As in, someone would need that luck to replicate what dream got. Therefore, he cheated. 
I’m going to put this into a sort of ‘point form’ in according to topic, attempting to put it in chronological order.
Dream’s Initial Tweets
Ok so first like. these are bad. these tweets are what he said (on twitter, excluding in the speedrunning discord) directly after the video was Uploaded to Geo’s channel. 
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worth noting he did apologize later, although i wanted to talk about these two instances so i felt the need to include it. 
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there’s a lot of interesting wording in the apology tweet itself too. I personally find that when he apologizes he tends to still be very subtextually angry in them with the tone, but more specifically. where he says ‘although i have reason to be upset’, that’s kinda weak and really unneeded. Alongside the ‘intense criticism’, it reads as him trying to say he’s still in the right. kind of like “im sorry i was rude even though I had reason to be rude’. Its an apology sure but he’s not saying sorry for how he really reacted; its justified to him.
Dream’s Response Video
Dream posted a response on his side channel DreamXD on the 22nd, along with the report he had a supposed astrophysicist conduct. I’m going to talk about the report separately from the video for reasons I’ll explain. 
Frankly, the video doesn’t really summarize or explain the report in a meaningful way. At most, it takes some points from it but tends to twist the numbers around, misunderstand the probability and math, and also what the report itself concludes. 
Essentially, dream’s video insists that the numbers found by the mods are wrong and therefore he didn’t cheat at all, yet the report concludes that the numbers found by the mods weren’t entirely accurate, however they’re still extremely unlikely. This is also all under the assumption that the report is entirely correct (ill say how its not next)
His first point is that only his 1.16 run (that was at 5th place two months ago, would have now been 16th) was deemed cheated. This is true; the mods have said that he isnt banned outright and theres no reason to question the legitimacy of his 1.15 runs. 
He also concludes that Geo’s statement that Dream didn’t cooperate with them, and that he deleted 1.16 mod folders, was false. This one is a little more complicated. It could more be chalked up to a miscommunication, although it’s relevant. Geosquare posted screenshots of the specific conversation they had:
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Essentially it wasn’t entirely clear, i can understand how geo and the mods interpreted it in such a way. Altho April added in a quote retweet thread that dream didn’t supply the folder she asked for, so he didn’t supply everything they asked for like he states in the video
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Essentially: yeah, misleading and weird on both ends. I dont think this is really anything quantifiable, although dream talked about this in the video heavily. 
Out of this though, Geo DID correct himself in the description of the mods’ video. Dream shows this in his own response, but it crops out some of what geo says. here’s from dream’s video
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that Update 2 is where he corrects himself. literally why the fuck would you crop it like this and put it in the video i mean this looks so weird and genuinely doesnt provide anything. Here’s what geo actually said
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Dream specifically cut it before the line where geo mentions how he said he deleted his specific 1.16 speedrun profile. This one is just so dumb to me. I’d say ‘why not include that’ but either i feel its a) so there’s no potential for people to say what he had actually said could be interpreted otherwise easily or b) doesnt want people to know he got so upset he deleted files (ego wise yknow). Again, I dont think this is definitive of anything but god. it feels scummy lmao
The Video: Incorrect Representation of His Own Report
Dream straight up doesnt present the report’s numbers properly. In fact it makes the entirety of his visuals forfeit, i.e. the gold block analogy that goes on for like 20 minutes. 
The mods said his luck was 1/7.5 trillion. Dream’s report says its 1/10 million (with the addition of 5 other streams) or 1/100 million (only the 6 streams).
I’ll only consider the 1/10 mil odds, since its all dream really brings up. but Basically; there’s not much difference between 1/10 million and 1/7.5 trillion. 
Dream says that the difference is 7.5 trillion minus 10 million, aka 7.4999 trillion. This is what his entire visual with the gold blocks is based on. This is absolutely incorrect, i cant stress that enough. 
You can’t find the difference of fractions by subtracting only the denominators. Like. this is elementary school math. it just doesnt work. 
It’d actually be calculated as: (1/10 000 000) - (1/7 500 000 000 000) = (74999/7 500 000 000 000)
If the mods are wrong, they’re only wrong by 749999/7.5 trillion. that’s literally only  0.000000099999866666667. 
Dream no doubt saw the numbers, considered 10 million vs. 7.5 trillion, and used these big numbers to hold his own point. PROBABILITY DOESNT WORK LIKE THAT. I really think he was just taking advantage of the seemingly big numbers here and wrote it out in a way that favoured him. The gold block analogy in the video played throughout the entire video practically, jokes were made on it, and he made a point of it being ‘so big the game crashed’. 
It’s just plain wrong. even so a difference in the odds doesnt prove shit. He’s downplaying his own odds that he found too. 1/10 million isnt a small number. Even though the legitimacy of that calculation is in question, it is still significant enough to proclaim he cheated. 
Some quick points before I move onto the report; these aren’t as significant in my eyes but it adds to the picture
there’s been criticism of his joking manor throughout the entire video, very specifically the Bill Nye joke. Considering he doesnt actually have a name to provide for his astrophysicist, this joke doesnt feel right
the mod he had a voice clip from (willz) even believes that he cheated and has agreed with the mod team the whole time. 
Dream never has a name for the mod who is apparently on his side (more understandable), the minecraft developer he quoted, or the astrophysicist (most damning)
Dream states that fabric is used by most speedrunners which is true, but fabric and fabric API are different; dream also had the latter installed. my knowledge of how theyre different is limited, all i really know is the API is what can enable editing of the code while fabric is more a modloader. im not entirely sure on this
Dream has said at the end of the video that all funds will go to the mod team so they can make a client that will regulate cheaters. this has been noted as feeling manipulative or like a ‘bribe’, but it definitely puts the mods in a bad position. 
either they accept it and look like they ‘gave in’ to dream and therefore acknowledge him in the right
they deny it and look selfish/taking dream’s kindness for granted
geo said they would insist it goes to a charity instead
Dream constantly disregards the mods as young, inexperienced, ‘just volunteers’ etcetcetc, despite the fact that theyre analysis has been discussed by people with confirmed PhDs without much criticism
Dream’s Report
The report itself is extremely interesting, in that it’s very questionable, but even so it doesn’t come to the conclusion that dream didn’t cheat. The tone between the video and the report is drastically different. 
This is from the “3. What are the goals of this document?” section:
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It essentially says this isnt intended, from the very beginning, to completely exonerate dream of cheating. Also note that the author says the mods’ report was mostly correct. 
This is at the end of “9 Conclussions”:
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It does notably say cheating isnt the only explanation, but it doesnt actually go as far to say that it’s not possible that he cheated. 
But this can be argued to not matter if we consider the validity of the report as a whole
Dream’s Report: Criticisms
Possibly the first and most known debunking of the report is by u/mfb on reddit, although there’s been much more such as this programmer criticizing the code provided at the end of the report (partially due to how the author of it stated that piglins barter 4-7 pearls, which is incorrect: it’s 4-8), Andrew Gelman, an actual statistician professor from harvard, commented on the original mods’ report as ‘impressive’ while Dream’s report is being regarded as something funny in the comments, and even analysis of dream’s behaviours and his argument by a law student
But what u/mfb posted is what i’ll focus on. Some background into the user; he’s a particle physicist, is moderator in subreddits like r/cosmology and r/astrophysics, he’s regarded as a reliable source on r/askscience and r/askreddit. Basically, multiple other people have vouched for him and before all this he had many posts in these fields. 
that’s already better than the unnamed astrophysicist. 
The post is better speaking for itself but here is a few exerpts from it;
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Essentially, the report’s methods are debunked by u/mfb-, alongside that a moderator of r/statistics regarded the report as ‘nonsensical in its application of statistics’ and linked to u/mfb-’s comment. 
i’m going to end this here. Partially because severe backpain or whatever,.
but I want to say at this point its practically definitive that dream cheated, that he lied to us, and that he continues to do so. Much more could be said on his video such as his tone, intentions, the overt emphasis on the ‘biases’ of the mods. 
I havent even mentioned that the ‘astrophysicist’ themself may be a scam; they are sourced from a website that is extremely sketchy, has no names attached to it, and was created less than a year ago (with practically no traffic on it until maybe a month ago). 
But i hope this is coherent. I have interest in this so if theres questions im always open. 
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crownedcryptid · 3 years
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FINALLY! After 4 years I found the patience to endure this mode.
The problem with Monokuma’s Test in v3 is that it is SO COMPLICATED. There are so many skills, each character have very specific stats and each fall into build subcategories, but you could NEVER BEGIN to understand any of that without outside help from online assets...AND THERE BARELY ARE ANY!
The only reason I was finally able to get through this was because I read an old reddit comment thread about a easy win strategy. Maybe I’m just not an RPG-minded person but this mode was ruthlessly hard and repetitive as hell. It was not enjoyable at all to me, but now it’s done and I never have to look at it ever again...aside from the ACHIEVEMENT FOR PLAYING THE BOARD GAME AS ALL 60-SOMETHING CHARACTERS?! WHY WHY WHY IS THAT AN ACHIEVEMENT!! 😂
I was so happy when S was announced but of course was mostly saying “NO WHY” during the announcement because my distaste for this side mode, but as shown on a recent livestream of S gameplay, they have really thought things through and made it better.
In S the dungeon is just a series of set, wave-based RPG battles so it will be waaay clearer on the exact type of character builds you should be approaching with, PLUS S is a standalone game with a lot of hype around it so there will ACTUALLY BE USEFUL USER-FRIENDLY GUIDES ON WHAT TO DO if things get too rough.
But really though, they need to tone down the amount of attack skills there are too many it’s just confusing, the game is designed so you need certain skills for certain bosses and enemies but NOTHING IN v3 indicates that to you, so many skills have the same in-game descriptions basically, so if it weren’t for guides you’d be stuck grinding out the board game just to find which attacks even hit enemies, then redo the board game to actually level up those attacks, and then do the board game again because you finally got a higher rarity card, but they don’t have the correct subcategory build so they actually are only helpful for one boss fight and can’t stay in your party so then you go back to the board-AAAAA
So yeah despite how bad I think the mode is in v3, S is looking like it will be waaay more polished, thought out, and charming.
Am I alone on this? Has anyone else endured the v3 dungeon mode? Is this just a case of me not being good at RPGs, or is it genuinely an unpleasant mode designed to milk an extra 20 hours of playtime out of the game?
I see what they were going for, but they didn’t have the user-experience in mind at all. It needs to be simplified, and luckily S seemingly is making things much better.
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