#bwah not tagging everyone
the-ninja-legacy-whip · 7 months
So since Anthonia is a distant cousin, does that mean she's stuck with Kai as a family member when he start dating Skylor ? Amd what would be her reaction and the others about their relationship? ( the others means the ninjas, Jesse, Anthonia, ect )
Nothing quite that drastic, but once Skylor gets the chance to meet Antonia she's thrilled at the idea of "meeting some of her mother's family" (even if it is family that's like seven times removed)
Antonia thinks Skylor is cool as hell and thinks it's funny to watch Kai absolutely fumble over her
Lloyd can literally sense the potency of their connection and thus approves, but also likes seeing Kai unashamedly happy again (especially after S3's aftermath, hoo)
Zane, as usual, minds his business about other people's love lives, although he (and Pixal) are naturally a little skeptical about Skylor specifically and her intentions even after everything. But with how hard Kai vouches and seeing her try to better herself, he eventually warms up to her
Pixal takes much longer to stop giving the cold shoulder. Skylor doesn't blame her. Kai feels slightly guilty but not guilty enough
Cole taunts Kai relentlessly for being so blatantly weak for Skylor after witnessing months of his shameless flirting with people but Kai just flips the script on him when it comes to Jesse
Speaking of Jesse, certain S3-related circumstances ahem lead him to having a crush on Skylor for like 48 hrs (because she is attractive and cool and he is a weak bisexual individual). Non-drama shenanigans ensue and he and Skylor become good friends, but Jesse ultimately and very gladly sends her in Kai's direction snksnknk (Jesse you've been in enough triangles for a lifetime stop)
Nya: How. How did this happen. Jesse: ...how did what happen? Nya: How do you guys get kidnapped onto a remote island, forced into a life-or-death elemental tournament WITHOUT ME, and Kai, a solid 7 maybe on a good day, comes back with a living, breathing once-evil smoking hot strong af girlfriend on his arm???? Nya: Am I in a parallel world??? A mirror realm of some kind??? A DREAM?! Chad: No, it's more a nightmare, really. Nya: ...I have to lay down. I have to be imagining things– Kai: sHUT UP NYA IT'S NOT THAT HARD TO BELIEVE Skylor: *losing her mind laughing*
...and, discussing Jay is spoilers.
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koifsssh · 7 months
okay first things first
a) i am insane
b) i really like clowns
so put these two things together and what do you get?
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you get clown rainy of course!!! look at him go!!!
I should probably explain what's going on, so i will! I had made clown rainy... and then sort of made an au centered around that idea, not that i really think of it as any proper au, since it's mostly for oc's and such! with that out of the way i will explain his acts! yippee!
he is a dreamer! a wanderer of the stars, if you will! He does tightrope and trapeze! At least, that's what i think fits him best!
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his stage name is the Sleepwalker! very sleepy, very tired, you get the gist! they call him that because he's often mistaken for having his eyes closed on the tightrope, so they think he's "sleepwalking"!
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his solo shows are mostly calmer segments, im not sure how to describe it really. usually he has a microphone attached to him, so he may talk to the audience! however, he's usually talking to himself really, but thats what they come for!
Rainy's ramblings are sort of hopeless romantic, but some of the things he says can be comedic as well, it depends really...
his shows are supposed to leave you sighing, if that makes sense! my favorite quote of his is this;
"I hope you don't make fun of me, but i've always wanted to dance amongst the stars... haha, do you think i would be good at it? Oh, if i had a partner with me we could dance on the rings of Saturn, that would so lovely, wouldn't it? ...Oh well, i suppose it's alright, i don't mind dancing alone, the stars are always a witness..."
on another note, he's a duo with Maverick! (because of course he is!)
they are very silly together, a couple of clowns... a clown couple... clowns...
they do various bits together!
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though, admittedly, Rainy's favorite bit to do with maverick is to gently smack him in the face, he thinks its hilarious
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very silly indeed!
(also! note! yes, i know, rainy's design did quite change a bit, but just know the colored reference is the one i'm going with! as much as i love a good clown, they never cease to make it difficult to draw...)
i should probably note that the au so far has mostly been about them specifically...
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hehe, it was probably obvious though!
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starheirxero · 1 month
The first half was EVERYTHING! I had chills the whole time! Moon's and Eclipse's dynamic completely switched on its head, suddenly turning Moon into the "lap dog". Moon's begging, Eclipse's laughter, the panic as Moon ran to his twin, maniac cackling in the background as he screams-
And don't even get me started on Ruin! I can definitely see, why people would be upset, but I personally really like the direction they are going with him!
He seemed genuinely remorseful, yet remains firmly in the believe that whatever his plan is, it's for the better, no matter the consequences! It's just genuinely interesting, I love myself some morally grey characters!
On a small side note, I have seen what you wrote to me in the tags under one of your posts! You do not need to apologize for responding late! This is your blog, and everyone who writes you does it, because they want to. While yes, it is incredibly flattering, and can be very exciting, you did not ask them to do so, they chose to out of their own free will! You have your own life, and don't have to justify yourself for when, or if you respond at all! So please don't worry about it, everything's perfectly alright!
NO LITERALLY OF THIS YEA that episode was just GOLDEN. Eclipse's laughing paired with Moon's cry literally felt like something out of a an actual drama of some kind and I am LIVING FOR IT!!! THINGS ARE GETTING TENSE!!!!!!!
AND GHOD YEA RUIN. There is something so terribly intriguing happening with him and considering that I'm answering this at a time where there should be another lore video today, I am SO EXCITED. I hope there is a crash and burn and I hope it is EXPLOSIVE ^_^!!!!!!!
AND ALSO BWAH. DIES. Thank u so much actually that is a genuinely huge comfort and honestly exactly what I needed to hear, I appreciate u sm <3
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box16 · 1 year
im not putting this shit in ops tags bc it is a funny ass post but i think the idea that making a show about aroace characters would stop anyone from shipping them together or making them fuck is really funny. characters will canonically be like "bwah i see romance as a waste of time" and everyone myself included will be like well what if they sucked face.
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grobleen · 5 years
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I am drowning There is no sign of land You are coming down with me Hand in unlovable hand And I hope you die I hope we both die
Nothing like the threat of annihilation from seradar’s space tyrant Suuhek and rumors of the Iccoth to really make you re-evaluate your life and how much you hate everything. Auagwal is having a bad day.
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rrazor · 3 years
lactose | o. tooru, i. hajime, m. issei, h. takahiro
tags: nsfw (group)
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>> (04:37) r u done >> (04:37) emergency >> (04:37) pls come back asap >> (04:38) u aren’t gonna believe this
slipping your phone back into your pocket, frown on your face, you glance over at the boba shop worker putting your order together.
“thank you so much!” you grab the bag and shift it in your hands.
he smiles. “have a good day!”
you return the polite sentiment and rush back to your place, doing your best to not jostle the bag too much.
“hello?” you call, breathing a little too heavily, setting down the bag on the living room’s coffee table.
your sister spots you and calls your name.
“hey, what’s—?”
walking along behind her are your fellow third years, looking up, yes up, at you with glittery doe eyes, mochi-like cheeks and itty bitty statures to match.
“what the fu—.”
“zip it.”
you clamp your mouth shut.
“kya!” tooru, all fluffy hair and soft skin, runs up to your legs, giving them a tight hug. hajime, not wanting to be beaten, runs up too, rubbing his cheek against them.
“hey,” you laugh softly, squatting down to hug them both.
takahiro eyes sparkle and makes his way to you too with issei a teensy step behind. you give them all a big hug before looking up at your sister again.
“what happened here?”
“the whiny one was sharing some handmade cookies a fan of his made.”
“you mean tooru? did you eat any?”
she nods. “they were pretty good actually. but only the guys got hit.”
you look at them again, all soft smiles in your arms. you know that if kyoutani was here, he’d mutter “good” and then walk away. you almost snort aloud at the thought.
“ouh!” takahiro chirps, pointing up at the bag on the table.
“well, i guess we might as well feed them,” you laugh. your sister unpacks the drinks and grabs hers as you help the babies get their drinks set up in front of them. it’s kinda funny and ridiculously cute—the drinks are half their size when usually, the cups would look small in their large hands.
“i gotta head over to kii-chain’s house for a group project. will you be okay on your own?”
she nods and heads out the door but not before reminding you to text her in case something comes up.
there goes your afternoon of studying.
takahiro stands up in front of his drink as you hold it for him. he dips in his head to take a sip and you wanna cry-laugh at how his little arms are angled back behind him as his tiny lips form the cutest pout.
“mm!!” he hums, chewing at the pearls, eyes closed in satisfaction. you laugh, kissing his cheek. he giggles and puts his tiny hands on his cheeks and you can’t help but think he looks like a little peach.
hajime pulls on your sleeve. “buu?”
you insert his straw for him and bring him onto your left thigh as he holds onto the cup and sips away, looking up at you silently with glittery eyes as he does. you hum, kissing him on his right cheek. “the aloe tastes good, doesn’t it?”
“num!” he nods, smiling at you. ah, the world’s cutest porcupine.
issei crawls in between your legs and plops himself down, looking up at you. you smile and steady takahiro on your right first—he’s still leaning up and down, drinking like a bird toy. you grab issei’s boba and bring it down in front of him, angling the straw towards his pout.
“you want some? it’s good, sweetie.”
he nods, blushing slightly as he holds onto the drink with his tiny hands, taking a sip and looking you in the eye as he does so.
“poo,” he mumbles with a soft smile.
you bite your tongue to keep yourself from laughing and kiss his forehead instead. you tickle his chin, loving the little laughs tumbling out of his lips.
“humnnn!!” tooru thrashes his arms, patting your shin. his pretty forehead creased with how you were ignoring him.
“tooru, this one’s yours.” you set his drink in front of him and tooru grabs it and scoots in closer to issei, forcing you to widen the space between your legs.
you steady takahiro to your right and help him sit down, not wanting to topple over him.
“nn?” he looks at you.
brushing through his short bangs, you smile at him. “sitting, okay?”
he nods, matching your smile before going back to sipping at his boba.
“fuu!” tooru pouts, patting at your chest in protest.
“okay, okay, what is it, your highness?”
you pick up his drink and urge him to drink, hoping it smoothes the frown lines on his forehead. it does—roasted milk tea and black sugar bringing a soft smile on his face.
you huff a laugh at the sound, brushing through his soft bouncy hair.
“aum?” takahiro points to your drink left on the coffee table.
“s’okay. i’ll just have it later.”
he hums as you pat at his head.
but, what were you going to do now? you look at all of them. hard to say, really. the history textbooks didn’t have any example contingency strategies on situations like this and neither do you so the internal thought process ends there because there’s no point really thinking about it at this point.
takahiro is the first to have his fill of his sweet drink. leaving his drink on the floor, he turns around to cuddle into your chest. you rub at his back and pat his chest, burping him just in case he needed it. issei is next. he curls himself into you as you bring your hand around his back. before long, tooru pops off his straw and exhales in satisfaction. he scooches next to issei and buries his head in your chest too. and finally: “fuu,” hajime exhales. he lets go of his drink and it starts its fall onto the floor, but you grab it in time, sighing in relief.
hajime nuzzles his head into your chest and you swoon at all the affection they’re giving you. you fawn over them and can’t resist the temptation of kissing their little hair whorls.
“hyeh?” takahiro looks up, hands on his head. tooru thinks it tickles and coos. issei and hajime knock heads as they look up at you.
“oh!” you rub their foreheads and leave kisses on them to circumvent any tears. they look at each other and blush.
“un!” tooru begs, making grabby hands up at you.
so you spend the next little while tickling and lavishing affection on the little ones, relishing in their coos and giggles, cheeks pink and broad smiles on their faces before a thought pops into your head.
“do you guys want popcorn?”
the babies immediately look up at you with a sharp glimmer in their eyes. you get up after setting the hajime on the floor and grab the large bag of popcorn from your kitchen cabinets.
“pop! pop!” takahiro chirps.
“pop!” tooru giggles.
everyone’s given their own mini mountain of popcorn. tooru squeals in glee, soft brown curls bouncing with the motion. he picks up a handful and drops it in yours.
“pop! pop!” he babbles.
“nm!” issei does the same with hajime and takahiro following along. it spills and ends up all over your lap.
“oh, thank you!”
as the boys eat with the popcorn, you clean up the mess of notes and textbooks on the table, not wanting them to get dirty or stained. your exams are still next week, so it was fine, right? right?
a piece of popcorn lands on the table. you turn around to see them throwing it at each other—takahiro and tooru use it as projectiles while issei and hajime are trying to throw them into each other’s mouth.
“bwah!” takahiro kicks his leg back to throw and ends up knocking over his drink. luckily, you manage to catch it, sighing in relief once more as you set it on the table.
unfortunately, this time, relief doesn’t last long because tooru tips his over and spills it, soaking the leg of your pants and getting it over hajime, who’s sitting on the floor. his pants seep the liquid in and he starts sniffling at the cold sensation.
tooru starts crying too after seeing the aftermath of his fumble, wailing as tears stream over his cheeks.
“oh!” you pull tooru onto the couch, where he pushes his face into the arm rest and bawls. takahiro and issei are ushered over to another spot on the floor as you pick up hajime. his little hands tighten into fists in your shirt as he does his best to not cry. soft sobs slip out of his wobbling lower lip as you stand up and pat at his back.
“hey, we’ll go and get you cleaned up, okay?”
“mm?” issei looks up at you, pouting at the thought of being left behind. takahiro comes to grab you too and tooru looks up from the couch, fat tears swimming in his pretty eyes. the look of fear on their faces and the thought of leaving them here alone doesn’t settle well in your stomach so you decide to just bathe all of them.
“let’s all go together?”
“mm!” takahiro nods.
you look over at tooru, beckoning him over. “you too, tooru.”
he smiles a little and bumbles over to you.
you somehow manage to get all of them into the washroom, running the water immediately, waiting for the hot water as you strip the babies of their clothes.
“wrr,” takahiro mumbles.
“you’ll be warm soon enough,” you soothe.
you plug the tub and adjust the water’s temperature as it begins to fill up. tooru and hajime sniffle as they sit down. issei pats at the water’s surface, giggling. you’re glad none of them are afraid of the water.
“hajime, tooru,” you coo, patting at the water with issei. “it’s fun you see?”
hajime mimics you and starts babbling in excitement. tooru follows soon after. with the water up to their ribs, the boys start playing in the water, having forgotten about the crying.
“oh, thank god,” you sigh, wiping at your forehead.
“pish, pish!” issei splashes himself with the water, a cute smile on his face. you giggle softly and cup his cheek, thumb brushing his soft little eyebrows.
“having fun?”
he coos.
you grab your hypoallergenic, sensitive skin body soap; takahiro’s sensitive skin didn’t handle fragrances nor sulfates well. you lather it into a towel and bend over the tub to clean hajime first.
“kya!” tooru giggles and splashes the water, getting it all over you.
“hey, tooru!” you bring up your arm to block his attacks, but it’s all in vain when the others, including hajime, gang up on you.
doing your best to block the water, you grab the shower head and turn on the water, splashing them in their little faces.
“pwah!” hajime sputters.
“pbbbt!” takahiro shakes his head.
tooru laughs and pats at his cheeks in delight and issei coos at the sheer fun of it all. you laugh along with them, brushing the water off your face and wringing your t-shirt.
“c’mon, let’s get back—.”
a cloud of smoke envelopes the entirety of the bathroom, leaving you coughing as you try to fan it away.
issei raises a brow. “oh?”
you open your eyes. cramped into the bathtub are the four of them in their original sizes, looking at you. “oh,” you say, thoughts escaping you. “well, that was quick.”
tooru pushes his bangs back. “and what were you doing?” he trills.
you roll your eyes. “well, someone just had to spill their bubble tea all over my living room floor.”
takahiro snickers, climbing out of the tub and you close your eyes and huff, turning your chin away and doing your best to act indifferent towards his nude, muscular physique. the other three follow him out and soon, you’re surrounded by a cage of muscle and oozing sex appeal.
you pout, blush high on your cheeks as your thighs clench together. it should be illegal for them to look that good. “what are you guys doing?”
“taking care of you,” hajime states nonchalantly, stripping you of your track pants and panties, throwing them to the side before propping your legs over his thighs. your shirt and bra quickly follow suit.
“wh—?” did they retain their memories? but your thoughts are cut off with a breathy gasp as hajime trails a finger over your folds before promptly eating you out.
takahiro smirks at your cute reaction before seeing the bottle of body soap on the bathroom floor.
“you use this stuff?”
you swallow, leaning back into issei’s broad chest as he gropes your breasts and tweaks your nipples. “well—shit—you’re allergic to all the other stuff, so—!”
takahiro hums, heart thrumming with your endearing consideration for him. he brings your hand up to kiss at the back of your hand. “thanks, princess.”
tooru chuckles, eyeing all the skincare products he’s left on your bathroom counter. “you’re such a good girl,” he coos, bringing you in for a kiss.
“isn’t she?” issei drawls lowly next to your ear as you whimper into oikawa’s mouth, remembering the pile of his clothes in your closet.
“fucking sweet pussy, too,” hajime grunts, sucking on your clit, trying to match the effort you put into massaging his sore muscles after each practice.
your breath hitches and tooru gladly swallows all of your moans. you can feel issei grind up against your back and when you pull back to breathe, all the air is taken from you with the way they’re looking at you.
“well then,” oikawa smirks. “let’s get started, pretty girl.”
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jungshookz · 4 years
I’m picturing all the cee pd dads at the high school graduation. Tae is trying not to cry about Emma, hobi is taking selfies with hope and she’s embarrassed (secretly loving it, he set off an air horn when her name was called), coach kook is giving Lucas a noogie, and yoongi is either super proud of hwayoung and doing that embarrassed neck scratch or getting smooshed between his wife and daughter in pix and yelling HAJIMA when they kith his cheekies
tae & emma: tae’s eyes have been watering since this morning and every time emma tells him to at least trY and compose himself his eyes start welling up with even mORE tears to the point where y/n has to console him like every five seconds by holding his hand and giving him a squeeze or leaning over to kiss his cheek,.,, okay looK he can’t help it if he’s emotional!!! he was literally emma’s kindergarten teacher and now she’s 18 years old and graduating from high school???? it’s like he bLinked and time went by so quickly and the next thing he knows he’s going to be sending her off to university and then she’ll be graduating from university and pursuing a career anD- omg emma’s name was just called and tae just shoT up from his seat and started applauding as violently as possible and you know whAT he’s just going to SOB!!! he doesn’t care who’s watching!!! he’s going to CRY HIS EYES OUT FOR HIS SWEET EMMA!!!! emma is trying to keep a smile on her face as she poses for a picture with the principal but she just caught sight of a very distraught looking tae and now hEr eyes are starting to get glossy.,.,, 
hobi & hope: hobi is literally the biggest hope stan like?? he’s treating the graduation ceremony more like a concert and he’s acting like an insane fangirl but he doesn’t CARE because he wants everyone to know that hope is his daughter!!! the parents sitting next to him got a little irritated because every five seconds hobi would lean over and be like: hey u see dat girl! ya she’s my daughter! she’s on the cheer team!! and they were just like sir we don’t even know who you aRE!!! you bet ur ass he ordered a customized t-shirt that says’ hope’s world!!!!!’ and the shirt is peach coloured and he even wrapped fairy lights around himself aNd he has a matching baseball cap (with her face on it of course) sitting on the top of his head AND he has these little flags that he’s waving around viciously when hope’s name is called!!! he’s so proud of his baby!! and also he’s pretty proud of himself for managing to keep her in high school and for raising her to become this sweet and caring and optimistic young lady!!! as soon as hope got up from her seat to get her diploma hobi BLASTED an air horn and startled literally everyone so in hope’s photo her smile is very sheepish because she’s only slightly embarrassed by her dad but also she loves him so much and loves that he’s her #1 fan no matter what :’) 
kook & luke: everyone’s kind of just blown away by how attractive luke’s family is??? y/n has to keep explaining that she’s just his older sister and noT his mother and that jungkook is technically luke’s brother-in-law but for some reason everyone keeps thinking that they’re his parents?? it’s kind of awkward because mom and dad are literally right there and y/n has to keep pointing to them and saying ‘no, they’re not luke’s grandparents, they’re luke’s parents. i’m not his mother. do i look like a mom?? i’m his SISTER-’ anyways literally every one of the girls in the grade have checked out jungkook at least once because jesus CHRIST that is an attractive person!!!!! in fact some have been bold enough to approach jungkook and ask him all sorts of questions and give him all sorts of compliments and y/n has to waRd all these 18 year olds away from jungkook which is not how she thought the day was going to go!! anyways luke’s name is called and jungkook starts jumping up and down in excitement because that is HIS boy!!! even though his boy abAndoned soccer to start playing football,.,,. but whatever.,,., after the ceremony y/n makes sure to squish as many kissies to luke’s face as possible (in front of all his friends, of course) anD luke just lets her do that because he loves his sister and would die for her SO 
yoongi & hwayoung: the one thing i will correct you on is the fact that yoongi will be the one squishing kissies to hwayoung’s cheeks even though she’s told him multiple times to STOP because he’s going to ruin her makeup!!! yoongi’s not afraid to show off his daughter and show everyone how proud he is of her!! she graduated top of her class!!! she’s class president!! valedictorian!!! prom queen!!! y/n literally does noT understand how hwayoung is her child because of how intelligent she is.,.,. because if you haven’t noticed by now,.,. (her words not mine) y/n is kind of a duMmy!! and she hates public speaking!! and she hated clubs in high school!! so it’s safe to assume that hwayoung inherited a lot of yoongi’s genes because she certainly did not get the valedictorian gene from her lol BUT the other day hwayoung was looking through old photos and she found a picture of y/n and yoongi from when they first started dating and she was shoCked by how much she looks like her mama!! the smile!! the eyes!! hwayoung thinks her mama is the prettiest one in the entire world!! also in her valedictorian speech she wasn’t technically supposed to talk about anything personal but she gave a very brief shoutout to yoongi and y/n for being such wonderful and supportive parents and yoongi is usually very good at holding his emotions but he let one tear slip and y/n nearly exploded because it seems like it was only yesterday that hwayoung’s only form of communication was ‘bwah’ and excessive drooling :-((( jimin and jungkook forced hwayoung to take like a trillion photos together anD jungkook was this close to running on stage to give her a huge hug after her speech but luckily jimin was there to hold him back 
let’s play!
games with cee tag
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cutepresea · 4 years
Memoria: A Relaxing Date
If you want to blacklist these, you can use either the tag #xdu memoria scripts or #xdu scripts
Reminder  that these are copied straight  from XD Unlimited itself, so any grammatical weirdness, mistranslations,  and/or mischaracterizations are  not my doing.
In-game Summary: “Worried that Elfnein is overworking herself, Shirabe invites her out for a stroll and some fresh air.”
(Yes, this is the really weird one where Elfnein licks Shirabe’s face :/)
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Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Hmmm..."
Elfnein: "Mmm... Uh... What is it, Shirabe-san?"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "You look tired, Elfnein."
Elfnein: "I am. I've been holed up here in HQ since, um... Yesterday."
Kirika Akatsuki: "Since yesterday? You mean you pulled an all-nighter?!"
Elfnein: "I managed to get a little sleep."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Are you all right?"
Elfnein: "M'ime fime-- Bwah?!"
Kirika Akatsuki: "Oh man, that looked like it hurt. She walked right into that wall."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Are you sure you're all right?"
Elfnein: "Yes, I'm okay... That woke me up a little, at least. Anyway, was there something you wanted?"
Kirika Akatsuki: "Oh, right!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "We wanted to use the simulator for some training."
Elfnein: "Oh, is that all? Please give me a moment. I'll get it ready right away."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Is she really okay?"
Kirika Akatsuki: "She sure doesn't look it."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "That's what you get for stuffing yourself at breakfast, Kiri-chan."
Elfnein: "Mrmm... Ah!"
Elfnein: "S-Sorry about that... I spaced out a little..."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "You're apologizing to a wall."
Elfnein: "Wha? Oh, Shirabe-san. I'm sorry..."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "You didn't bump into me. You bumped into a wall."
Elfnein: "I see... Where's Kirika-san?"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Her numbers weren't great, so she stayed behind to run some checks."
Elfnein: "I see. Then I should--"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "You really shouldn't keep pushing yourself like this. You need to rest."
Elfnein: "But I can't rest when everyone else is working so hard!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Well, if you're going to be like that about it..."
Aoi Tomosato: "Ah, Shirabe-chan. Kirika-chan said her tune-up is going to take a little while longer."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "I see. Could you pass a message to her for me, then? Tell her that we're going to the park for a while."
Aoi Tomosato: "Sure, no problem."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Maybe some fresh air will help you feel better."
Elfnein: "But I--"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "No buts!"
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Elfnein: "Ah, ouch!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "You just tripped over nothing. Watch your step, okay?"
Elfnein: "Right, I'm sorry."
Elfnein: "Ouch!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Now you're running into telephone poles?"
Elfnein: "Sorry, sorry..."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Don't apologize to the pole. Even for someone who is clumsy, this is quite a new level of clumsiness."
Elfnein: "Honestly, other than alchemy I'm still quite ignorant..."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "A knowledge problem, is it?"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Give me your hand."
Elfnein: "My hand?"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Yeah, I'm worried about you, so let's hold hands while we walk, okay?"
Elfnein: "All right... Thank you very much."
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Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "I know what it's like to feel bad about taking a break, but just try stopping to breath in the fresh air." [1]
Elfnein: "Okay... I'll have to try that--"
Elfnein: "Nghhhhhhh foooo... Nghhhh fooo..."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "And there you go again falling asleep again. Right, I think you could use a little rest."
Elfnein: "Yes, I'm sorry..."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "I think I remember Kiri-chan apologizing in her sleep a lot right after the Frontier Incident, too."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "But she does look so peaceful when she sleeps."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Hehe. I wonder how much longer KIri-chan will be?"
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Kirika Akatsuki: "Ugh, I was the last one to finish training again?"
Kirika Akatsuki: "But this is the last round! I need to finish up here quick so I can go see Shirabe!"
Kirika Akatsuki: "Gear tuning complete!"
Kirika Akatsuki: "Right, time to go see Shirabe!"
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Elfnein: "Huh?!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Are you awake?"
Elfnein: "Huh? Was I sleeping again? Oh, sorry your shoulder was a very good pillow."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Don't worry about it."
Elfnein: "I need to make it up to you somehow... Oh, what is that vehicle over there?"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "I think it's an ice cream truck."
Elfnein: "Then I'll go get you some ice cream as thanks!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "You really don't have to--! And off she goes."
Elfnein: "Here, please have this."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Just one? What about yours?"
Elfnein: "I didn't have enough money for two..."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Then we can share this one."
Elfnein: "Are you sure?"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Yeah. It will taste better if we eat it together."
Elfnein: "You're so kind, Shirabe-san."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "It's nothing, I--"
Elfnein: "Oh, Shirabe-san, you've got ice cream on your cheek."
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Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Wait! What are you--?!"
Elfnein: "Please don't move. Let me get that for you."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "E-Elfnein, that tickles."
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Kirika Akatsuki: "Wh... Wh..."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Kiri-chan."
Kirika Akatsuki: "Wh-Wh-What?!"
Kirika Akatsuki: "I had no idea you two were... so close!"
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Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "W-Wait, Kiri-chan, it's not what you think!"
Kirika Akatsuki: "Well I never... For the sake of our friendship, I'm leaving! I hope she makes you happy, Shirabe!"
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Elfnein: "...She ran away. Is everything okay?"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "No it's not, but it will work out somehow."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Oh Kiri-chan..."
Elfnein: "I'm... I'm sorry for whatever I did. Did I do something inappropriate?"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "It was only a little inappropriate. What you did should only be done with people you're really close with."
Elfnein: "I see... So I shouldn't have done that with you?"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Well... It's not that you shouldn't, but maybe you should do it with Kiri-chan, too."
Elfnein: "I understand. Next time, I'll do it to Kirika-san as well."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Yeah... I Suppose that's fine." [2]
[1] "breath" should be "breathe" here
[2] "suppose" doesn't need to be capitalized
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superwolfiestar · 5 years
Partners in Time Ch. 19
Outside, at the Manny Mountain, the heroes coming out of Moob's…butthole (sorry about that…) and falling down.
"WHOOOOOOOOAAAAAA!" they screamed as they were falling.
Thankfully, they landed safely on the ground, until all of the Moob Eggs fell…on Jose's head.
"Ughhhh! What is this, Land on Jose day?" Jose muttered in anger.
Soon, Princess Della using her yellow parasol and landed safely down to the ground.
"Well, we were able to perform a dashing escape, weren't we?" Stuffwell said. "An adventure-filled escape from a massive, pink horror…"
Then, everyone looked up and saw that Moob's eyes closed and became motionless.
"It looks like Moob isn't moving anymore…" Panchito pointed out.
"I would surmise that the eggs supplied that big hungrinator with its energy. Yes, indeed." Stuffwell concluded.
"We better hurry and get these eggs back to the village where they belong!" Princess Della stated. "Seems like they somehow know they've all made it home! Come on, everyone!" she guided the eggs back to the village.
"No idea how she does that…" Young Panchito said astonished.
"I suggest a return to the village to see what's happening." Stuffwell suggested and jumps back in Panchito's pocket.
Back at the village…
"Bwah ha ha!" Young Zeus laughed evilly.
He was enjoying a buffet of Manny Cookies while the Mannys surrounding him watched.
"Listen up! I'm the one who saved you. Me!" Young Zeus said. "So make with gratitude…and the goodies, too!"
"Thanks a bunch, pal!" a red gray Manny thanked.
"Thank you!" a blue gray Manny and a yellow gray Manny thanked.
"Hey…" the Mannys heard a little voice from behind. They turned around and saw the group of four heroes coming to them. By the way, the one who just spoke was Young Panchito. "He's lying. He didn't save you, we did." He corrected.
"Grrrrr! This is NOT happening again!" YoungbZeus yelled. "Lemme guess… You're here for the cookies? Hmph!" he scoffs and resumes eating. "I'll scarf 'em all before I let you touch a single crumb!"
"Umm… You do know you still have the Cobalt Shards in your belly, right? They're occupying a lot of space in it." Jose warned. "If you fill your tummy too much, you'll end up choking, and that's dangerous for babies."
"Oh, shut up! You're not my dad!" Young Zeus scolded, not listening to Jose and ate ALL of the cookies. But then, he started to cough and choke:
"Told you." Jose crossed his arms.
"Arrrrgh! BLAAAAAAARF!" Young Zeus barfed out the two Cobalt Shards he had eaten.
"The Cobalt Shards!" Jose exclaimed.
"Look! Magic!" the blue gray Manny chirped.
"He's amazing!" the red gray Manny clapped.
"Oops! Whoa, no wonder! I forgot I'd eaten those!" Young Zeus replied in a silly tone. The Cobalt Shards moved on by themselves. "Wait, wha—What's going on?!" to everyone's surprise, the shards dashed at full speed towards Young Zeus and pushed him hard enough to send him flying. "YEEOW!"
"Whoa… I was NOT expecting that!" Panchito was shocked.
"Wow! Awesome! Our hero can fly!" the yellow gray Manny squealed.
"You're the best!" the red gray Manny appraised.
Young Panchito and Young Jose walked over to the shards and took them.
"For the love of LUGGAGE! Those Cobalt Shards hold a pugilistical power!" Stuffwell remarked, surprised about the event that just happened. "There's no record of this in my data banks. I believe we've made an important discovery! BACK TO ADVENTURE!" he jumps back in.
"Listen up, Mannys!" Princess Della came in. Everyone turned to her as she directed to the nine heroes. "These guys here saved you, not that little kid. He was in an egg the whole time!"
"Manny! Manny!" Baby Manny spoke.
"Seriously?" the gray Manny questioned. "Is it true, Baby Manny?" he asked the gray Manny.
"Yes!" Baby Manny nodded.
"Whoa! You can speak a few words now?!"
"Yaaaaaay!" Baby Manny cheered.
"Oh, wow." The pink gray Manny was astonished.
Princess Della turned to the heroes and thanked them: "Thanks, you guys. Seriously."
"You're welcome!" Panchito replied with a smile.
"Yay!" all of the Mannys, including Baby Manny, jumped in joy.
"Well, we have to go now." Jose told the heroes.
They nodded and gathered around her. However, the adult Super Caballeros was surprised that Princess Della didn't want to tag along.
"Are you sure you don't want to come back, Della?" Panchito asked.
"No." she shook her head. "I'll stay here for a while, so that my memory comes back over time. After all, this whole village needs a repair and help."
"Alright, then…" Jose replied.
"Goodbye, our true heroes!" the adult Mannys waved.
"Bye!" Young Panchito and Young Jose waved back. He then looked at Baby Yoshi. "Oh! Goodbye to you too, Manny! I and my best friend will make sure we live in big adventures together in the future! Right Jose?"
“You bet!” Jose let out a cheesy smile.
"Manny!" Baby Manny chirped with a big smile while waving.
Panchito and Jose couldn't help but smile at the kids's words about Manny in the future. But they are still confused about everything they have witness doesn’t appear in their memory. After the goodbyes, they all jump into the time portal and the heroes disappeared from sight in a bright light.
After travelling through the time portal, they reappeared at Boy Princess Donald's Castle Garden in the present day. There, they wasted no time in heading back to Professor Gyro at the throne room.
"Welcome back again, guys!" Professor Gyro greeted them. "So you've got your hands on some of the Cobalt Shards, hm? 2 of 'em?"
"We have also found Princess Della in Manny's Island of the past." Jose told him.
"What! You've found Princess Della? Then why isn't she with you?" Fenton asked.
"Well… She's suffering from amnesia, I'm afraid. She decided to stay there so that her memory would return." Panchifo said. "And we also have a picture that she drew prior to her memory being erased." He hands Professor Gyro the drawing.
"Hm… Ah…" Professor Gyro and Fenton looks at the drawing. "It looks to be a sketch of the Alien princess attacking someone else…"
"Yes, we believe that someone is Boy Princess Donald." Stuffwell informed. "Seems that he's holding off the alien scourge with the Cobalt Star, but…"
"As we know, Boy Princess Donald lost this battle, and the star shattered into fragments. How did this all happen? Was the Cobalt Star alone not enough to win the day? Or did something unexpected and just plain awful happen? Stuffwell, you have any clues?"
"Umm… Well…" Stuffwell looked quite nervous for some reason.
"What's the matter with you? I give you visions of power so you can able to see visions of the past, present and future, don't you?" Professor Gyro questioned. "That's what I made you. You sure you're alright?"
"Yes, I'm fine." Stuffwell replied. "I'm sorry, professor. I don't have any clues at this moment." He said. But in truth, he's actually lying. What could he be hiding from the heroes?
"Hmm, you're still acting very weird for me." Fenton suspected. "Anyway, it hardly matters. You just find those time holes and collect Cobalt Shards."
"Leave it to us!" Jose exclaimed.
"Oh, and that reminds me, a new time hole has appeared on the third floor of the castle. My readings indicate that this particular time hole is a direct link to Boy Princess Donald's Castle of old."
"Really?!" Panchito and Jose said in surprise.
"Unfortunately, my visions show that the Castle is under guard by the Aliens. We can't go there yet." Stuffwell warned.
"So it looks like we'll have to just focus on gathering more Cobalt Shards for now." Panchito stated.
"You're right, Panchito." Jose nodded. He turned to Stuffwell and asked: "Stuffwell, are you getting another sense of time energy?"
"Yes, I am getting another one." Stuffwell answered. "This way."
He led the heroes out of the throne room. Not too long, they once again encountered both Scrooge's entertaining Young Boy Princess again. They teach the adult heroes the Bros Ball, where they turn into a rolling ball and not only it allows them to move faster, but also allows them to go under walls and tight spaces.
Once the learning was done, Stuffwell led the group back to the second floor. This time, the other time hole was at the top. They jumped inside, wondering what their new destination will be.
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wistfulcynic · 5 years
Their Way By Moonlight: In The Aftermath (Chapter 3)
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a/n: I don't think I’ve ever been screamed at so much as I have over the ending of the last chapter. I wish I could apologise, but I’m not sorry. I delight in your agony, in fact. Bwah hah hah. 
It doesn’t let up much either, I fear. This one is definitely going to be angsty. Also mysterious, and I hope I can keep track of all the threads of it. Enjoy, and please keep your questions and theories about the curse coming! 
(This chapter contains allusions to a non-consensual relationship, due to the circumstances of the curse. If this is triggering for you please proceed with caution!)
Summary: A new curse has fallen on Storybrooke and this time the Saviour is trapped inside it, deliberately separated from her son and anyone else who might help her break it. But what no one knows –including her own cursed self– is that she and Hook are soulmates, working together within their shared dreams to find a way to break the curse and free everyone from the clutches of evil yet again. (Alternate 3B, set in the What Dreams May Come universe)
Rating: A hard M (and earning it in this chapter!)
Tagging: @teamhook @wellhellotragic @rouhn @kmomof4 @resident-of-storybrooke @darkcolinodonorgasm @jennjenn615 @tiganasummertree @let-it-raines @bonbonpirate @thejollyroger-writer
Anyone wishing to be added to or dropped from this tag list, please let me know!
Read it on AO3
In The Aftermath: 
Killian Jones, over the course of his long, long life, had experienced many things he wished he could forget. At times he felt steeped in bloodshed, in the violence and cruelty that had defined him for centuries, both as perpetrator and victim. He had been inches from death more times than he could count, had been stabbed and shot and beaten, and wielded as a weapon by those even more villainous than he. Yet the memory that haunted his dreams more than any other was not of battles or murder or treachery, it was of the icy, claw-like hand of Rumplestiltskin as it plunged into his chest and gripped his heart, threatening to tear out what he had no right to touch. There were still nights when he jerked awake in a cold sweat, breaking free from dreams in which the crocodile had finished the job, had ripped his heart from his chest and crushed the life from it. 
Watching Emma introduce Walsh as her husband, Killian sincerely wished he had. All the torments he had suffered at that demon’s hands, or those of Pan, or Cora, or any number of others over the long tread of the centuries, not one of them matched this, the sensation of his still-beating heart torn from him not by his most hated enemy but by the woman he loved. 
It’s the curse, he reminded himself, forcing the reminder through the red haze of hatred and fury swimming before his eyes. Only the curse. It’s not real. 
Which did nothing to alter the hideous reality of Emma standing before him, smiling into the eyes of the creature responsible for their current miserable circumstances. The hideous reality that he had no power to stop her, to change this. Not here. Not yet. 
And so Killian did what he had always done when he found himself overpowered, outmatched, backed into an impossible corner. He survived. He forced down his pain, buried it as deep as it would go and prepared himself for action. 
It was a measure of how far he had already travelled down the path away from villainy that this action did not take the form of ripping Walsh apart, and damn the consequences. Such impulses, as temporarily satisfying as they may be, had never ended well for him in the past. The bigger picture, he reminded himself. You have a plan. Stick to the bloody plan. 
Not to mention that this realm tended to frown on violent homicide. Another thing that had taken some getting used to.
So he arranged his face into a polite smile, grateful for the hours of practice that helped it slide naturally into place, nodded at this man who had stolen so much from him, shook hands and took his leave. The moment his back was turned to them the mask fell from his face, replaced by a fearsome determination. “Henry!” he called.
The boy turned, his cheerful smile fading to nothing as he took in Killian’s thunderous expression and the straining tension in his posture. 
“What is it?” he asked.
“It’s your mother,” Killian snarled, no longer able to keep the rage from his voice. “She’s married to Walsh.”
“What?” Henry stopped dead in the middle of the sidewalk and Killian hustled him along with a hand on his shoulder. “But how?”
“It’s the curse, of course. Someone has a bloody vicious sense of humour.”
“Does he know? I mean, does he have his memories?”
“I’m not sure. No, lad, don’t look!” Henry turned his head back, looking chastened. Killian put his arm around the boy’s shoulders, partly in comfort, partly to ensure he walked quickly. “We mustn’t attract attention,” he said. “What we need is to get back to the shop and reconnoiter. Marshal our resources and make a plan. Come, hurry now.” 
Arriving back at their new residence they collapsed on the sofa and sat in silence, lost in thought as the minutes ticked by. Finally Henry spoke. 
“What are we going to do?”
“I don’t know,” replied Killian, feeling frustrated and useless. “I don’t know that there’s anything we really can do, other than stick to the plan. Though it’ll be a damn sight more difficult now to pull it off.”
Henry lapsed into silence again, but his face wore the expression it got when he was thinking hard. “We need to find out how much she thinks she loves him,” he declared finally. “I think that might tell us how strong the curse is.” 
“What do you mean, lad?”
“Well, I’m spitballing a bit here, but I think we might be able to gauge the strength of the curse based on how strong the cursed relationships are.”
Killian considered that, and nodded. “All right, I’m following so far, tell me more.” 
“Okay, so like under the first curse, my granddad was married to Kathryn, but he didn’t really love her. He thought he had memories of loving her, but his real feelings were for my grandma.”
“Yes, but wasn’t that because David was in a coma and wasn’t given his cursed memories until he awoke and Regina was able to— to download them?” Killian struggled to remember what Emma had told him of the circumstances under the first curse. “So they would naturally be weaker than memories that had been created by the curse, when it began?”
“Maybe, but I think it’s because Mom was already in Storybrooke, already weakening the curse. It wasn’t just my grandparents, everything started to change when she got here. I think if she isn’t certain of her cursed feelings for Walsh then it may be a sign that this curse is weakening. We need to know that. We need to… to test the limits of her cursed feelings. To test them against her real feelings.” He gave Killian a sidelong glance, reluctant to meet his eyes. “If you see what I mean.”
“Aye. You’re saying that what I have to do is seduce a married woman.”
“Er— yeah. I guess.”
“Well, it’s not as though I’ve never done that before.” Killian sighed and ran his hand over his face and through his hair, forgetting for a moment who he was speaking with. “Though I confess I feel rather less enthusiasm for the venture than I once did. Not to mention that no version of Emma, cursed or not, is going to be terribly receptive to the idea of adultery.” 
Henry snorted a small laugh, and Killian looked at him sharply, feeling a twinge of guilt. He should definitely not be speaking so frankly of such things in front of the boy. Henry was so precocious that Killian sometimes forgot he was only thirteen. “What, lad?”
“It’s just ironic.” Henry shrugged. “You and Mom committing adultery with each other.” 
‘Indeed, though I fail to see any humour in the situation.” 
“Gallows humour, isn’t that what they call it?” 
“Ah, but when you have actually stood on a gallows with the noose around your neck, even that humour doesn’t inspire much of a laugh.” 
“Wait, you were hung?” Henry’s eyes widened in fascination. 
“Hanged, lad, and aye very nearly.” 
“Wow, okay you have got to tell me that story!”
Killian found himself smiling, cheered as he always was by Henry’s bright enthusiasm. Although he greatly enjoyed entertaining the boy with tales from his pirating days, heavily sanitised of course, the case of his near hanging was one that would not easily be scrubbed up for teenage consumption. “Perhaps later,” he said vaguely. “For now I believe we have established our plan for the moment, distasteful as it may be, and there is still rather a lot of work to be getting on with in the shop.”
“I was hoping you’d forgotten about that,” grumbled Henry. 
“No such luck, my boy.” Killian clapped him on the shoulder, forcing cheer he did not feel into his voice. “Look lively, now! We have bookshelves to arrange!” 
That evening Killian took his time falling asleep, both because his mind was too agitiated for easy slumber and because he knew Emma would be waiting for him in the dream, and he feared what he might do when he saw her. Fury still simmered like a noxious potion in his gut, and anger management had never been his forte. 
He indulged in a long shower then spent nearly two hours attempting to read, forcing his attention to remain on the pages though the words danced before his eyes and refused to be absorbed by his brain. Gradually, despite his determined efforts, his body relaxed and his eyes drifted shut and he is in their bedroom, there among the familiar beloved surroundings as though nothing has changed, as though he could stand here assailed by memories of all the times they have made love in that bed and not feel the wrenching pain of all that has been taken from him. Emma is perched on the edge of the bed, waiting, looking apprehensive. With a snarl and a wave of his hand, Killian tears them away, brings them to the living area of his new abode, an acceptably neutral venue although its edges and corners are indistinct, his memory of the place too inexact to replicate it precisely. They are firmly clothed, clad in their typical styles. They need to talk, and he does not wish to attempt conversation whilst distracted by her naked form.   
She sits beside him on the couch and says nothing, waiting for him to speak. 
“How?” he says after a long silence, his voice an agonised croak. “How can it be him? How can he be here? I thought we’d dealt with him!”
“He did say he wasn’t easy to get rid of.” 
“Emma, you pushed him off the bloody roof! He turned to dust!” 
“Maybe that doesn’t destroy them, it didn’t in the dream.” 
“Flying bloody monkeys, of all the demonic things! And now you’re married to one!”
“Curse married!” she cries, her careful composure finally breaking. “It’s not real, Killian, you know it isn’t!”
“It’s real enough when you’re living with the bastard,” he snarls, “when you believe he’s your husband.” 
“Babe, I’m—” 
He winces as the endearment he secretly adores pierces his heart. “Don’t call me that!” His voice breaks. “That’s what you called him.”
She slides closer to him, reaches for his hand. He lets her take it, though her touch burns him. “Killian, my love, my soulmate, the only man in my heart,” she says softly. “I’m so sorry, but I tried to tell you. You had to have suspected this.” 
“Aye,” he says bitterly, “I suspected you may be— involved with someone under the curse, but I thought it would be Baelfire! He at least loved you once. He at least is a man. The idea of that heartless monster in your bed, touching you, touching my—”
“Shhhh,” she soothes. “Don’t think about it.” 
“How the bloody hell can you possibly expect me not to think about it!”
“I just don’t want you to dwell on it!” she says, irritation creeping into her tone, her own anger and frustration and guilt seeping through. “You know how you get when you brood. It just makes your darkness harder to fight, and I need you to stay in the light, Killian. For me and for Henry, and for yourself. We have to stick together, fight this together. But we can’t fight anything if you hold on to anger. Believe me when I say I hate this situation as much as you do— more, even, as I’m the one who actually has to live it— but we can’t stop it unless we stay strong, and stay together.”
He knows she is right, and though it does nothing to lessen his fury he is able to push it down again, and to take her in his arms. She sighs in relief, snuggling close. “I’m sorry, Emma,” he whispers. “I promised not to falter, and at the first challenge here I am, faltering.”
“It’s not faltering, you have a right to be angry. I’m freaking furious. I hate being stuck in this and I hate how much it’s hurting you.” 
They sit wrapped around each other for a long time as Killian debates whether to ask the question he needs an answer to, not wanting to disturb their pleasant moment but knowing he has to ask. He swallows hard, loathing the words as he forces them from his throat. “Do you love him?”
She buries her face deeper into his neck and he can feel tears leaking from her eyes. “I— I think so. I’m so sorry.” 
Even though he knows they are speaking of her cursed self, even though he knows none of this is her fault, he can’t stop the fury rising again, this time woven through with ugly streaks of jealousy. 
He clenches his fist, sending the dream whirling around them and they are back in their bedroom, naked, and she is handcuffed to the wrought iron headboard. She gives a startled gasp, pulls experimentally on the restraints then looks up at where he stands next to he bed. He dares her with his eyes to make something of it, knowing that she could whisk the shackles away as easily as breathing, knowing also that she won’t. She nods, and he knows she understands that he needs this, needs to work out some of his frustration and fury on her body. 
He has the hook now, sharp and gleaming in the soft light, and she bites her lip as he brandishes it. She knows he won’t hurt her, but the fact that the potential for pain is there excites her. Captain Hook excites her, and though Killian is sometimes not sure how he feels about that he is grateful that she loves all of him, even the ugly parts. 
He drags the hook up the inside of her thigh and over her mound, tickling the golden curls atop it, watching with dark amusement as she holds her breath and tries not to writhe. She wants the hook on her clit, he knows, he knows exactly how she likes to be touched with it, but tonight he is not in the mood to give her what she wants right away. He wants to torture her a bit first, wants her breathless and helpless, begging for what only he can give. 
He wants reassurance that he is the only man she loves. He knows he is, but tonight he needs to feel it.
He teases her with the hook through her curls a few moments more, applying pressure that has her squirming but not slipping it into her folds. Instead he traces patterns up her belly, around her navel then along the underside of her breast, dragging the sharp tip across her flesh just hard enough for her to feel it, not even leaving the faintest mark behind. Hundreds of years of practice have given him a finesse with this appendage, a delicacy of touch that seems incongruous to the heft and intent of the hook. She is whimpering now, though he doubts she is aware of doing so, her eyes shut tight and her hands gripping and releasing the headboard she is chained to. He brings the hook up to her nipple, circling it with the curved edge before pressing the tip into the centre of the hardened bud. She gasps, and the chain of the handcuffs clangs against the headboard as she struggles against her bonds. He applies pressure that falls just short of pain, and through the haze of her mindless arousal she forces out a single word. 
“What’s that, darling?” he inquires, as though he hasn’t heard her. “Do you wish me to stop?”
“No! More. H-harder.” 
His brow furrows slightly. Any harder and he will definitely hurt her, but he complies, increasing the pressure and tilting the tip until it sinks into her skin, not enough to draw blood but barely shy of it. She makes a low, keening noise he’s never heard from her before, part pleasure but part a twisted sort of yearning that springs from the same dark impulses that drove him to restrain her. She is doing penance, he realises, assuaging her guilt over hurting him by bringing pain upon herself.
Part of him wants to let her do it. Instead he pulls his hook away. 
“No—” she whines.
“Killian, please.” 
“You needn’t do this, love.”
“Yes I do, I need it—“
“Damn it, Hook! I need you to fuck me and not be gentle about it, and you know you need that too!” 
He hesitates. She is right, he is simmering with violence that needs an outlet, but he doesn’t truly wish to hurt her. A bit of teasing with the tip of his hook is one thing, actual punitive pain quite another. Killian is a broad-minded man but true pain has never turned him on. He’s known far too much of it for that. If she is determined to make amends to him —though there are none owed— she can do it simply by letting him have his way with her, putting herself at his mercy and letting him fuck her as he pleases. 
“Very well,” he says, “But we do this my way.” 
She nods eagerly and he returns the hook to her nipple, stroking its curve over the small pinprick of a bruise that has formed there, at the same time biting hard on the other breast, sucking another bruise into her skin. She thrashes beneath him, on-edge and desperate, and he chuckles against her flesh. This is the kind of pain he prefers to give her. She won’t be coming for some considerable time. 
He sucks a line of bruises along her collarbone and the curve of her neck as his hand slips slowly down her body, coming to rest between her legs. He presses the heel of it against her, rocking it gently, stimulating her clit without direct touch. Her heels dig into the mattress as she lets her legs fall apart, wordlessly begging him to touch her properly, but he ignores her plea. His cock is rock hard and aching, his hand already drenched with her arousal, but he pays them no mind, instead licking a trail up her neck, soothing the marks he’s left there, making her shiver. 
“Damn you,” she whispers, but there is no heat behind the curse. “Why can’t you just fuck me?”
“All in good time, my love.” This is torture, after all, and he is a very patient man. 
He reaches out with his mind and manipulates the dream, and shackles appear on her ankles to match the ones on her wrists, spreading her legs wide. He kisses down her belly and over her mound, nuzzling his nose into the wet curls. She is intensely aroused and she smells amazing, musky and sweet, his favourite smell in the world. He wants to bury his face in her cunt and lick it clean. Soon, he promises himself. Very soon.  
He kisses lightly over the damp hair, humming as he gets a taste of her, the vibrations making her buck her hips, her scream of frustration very nearly drowned out by the clang of the shackles against the bedframe. He waits. She is better at managing the dreams than he is, she could put a stop to this at any time, could reverse their places and shackle him to the bed. She’s done it before. But the dream remains unchanged, and he feels a rush of love for her. She understands. No one has ever understood him as she does. 
Slowly he parts her glistening flesh with his tongue and licks patterns through it with just the tip, still teasing, allowing neither of them what they truly want. She is moaning and twisting, straining to bring him closer to where she wants him, her range of movement limited by the shackles on her ankles. He licks deeper, caressing her swollen flesh with the flat of his tongue, dancing around her clit until she screams at him, damns him, and finally begs him in a broken voice to let her come.
This is what he has been waiting for. He drops a kiss onto her curls and sits up, taking just a moment to position himself before plunging his cock deep inside her. She’s so wet she squelches, and despite the tightwire tension in their bodies they both snigger at the sound. Normally the dream smoothes over such things but tonight they are both longing for what feels real. He removes the restraints as he begins to move inside her, and she wraps her arms and legs around him, blanketing him with her love and nourishing him with her strength. He thrusts hard and relentlessly, looping his hook through the iron sworls of the headboard, and she clings to him, letting him ride her, fuck her deep into the mattress. This is what they have both been craving, and it’s not long before they come, crying out in unison as pleasure engulfs them. 
They cling to each other in the aftermath. The dream never lasts long after they finish, and none of their attempts to prolong it have yet been successful. Her arms are tightly wound around his neck and she is crying again. 
“I don’t want to let you go,” she sobs. “I don’t want you to be a stranger the next time I see you.” 
His heart breaks for what feels like the millionth time, and he wonders at the resilience of the organ, how it hasn’t crumbled into dust ages ago. “I know, my love,” he says. “It hurts more than I thought it would. But we will get through this, somehow, you and I. Together.”      
She nods, but her tears are still flowing. He brushes them away with his thumb and smiles reassuringly even through his own agony, groping for the words she needs to hear. “I’ve not believed in much in my life,” he says finally, “But I believe in you, Emma Swan, and I will fight for you. I’ll never stop.” 
“I know you won’t,” she whispers. “I love you so much, Killian.” 
“I love you too, darling.” 
Killian woke with a start, as was common after a shared dream. Less common was waking to the sounds of sobbing from the other side of the wooden divider. Quickly he cleaned himself up with the tissues he’d left on the nightstand for that purpose and slipped on some pajama bottoms, slid his feet into the sheepskin slippers he’d lined up neatly next to the bed the night before, then padded silently over to Henry’s curtain. “Henry?” he said softly, wishing he had a door to knock on. “Are you all right, lad? May I come in?”
There was a moment of silence, apart from sniffling. Finally Henry replied. “Come in.” 
Killian pushed aside the curtain and approached the bed where Henry was curled, his tearstained face pressed into his pillow. 
“What’s this, my boy?” asked Killian gently, sitting down on the edge of the bed and brushing the hair from his forehead. “What’s troubling you?”
“I was just thinking about my mom,” said Henry. “And how she’s stuck with Walsh and she doesn’t know what he is. And my other mom, we don’t even know what her life is like now. And my dad, I— I kind of thought he might be with my mom here, but now we don’t know where he is either, and I just feel like everything’s wrong! I’ve got three parents and none of them know me. No one who loves me even knows who I am!” He sobbed again, and buried his face in Killian’s shoulder. 
Heart breaking yet again —how could it keep doing that?— Killian wrapped his arms around Henry and hugged him tightly. “I love you, Henry,” he said. 
“You’re just saying that to make me feel better,” said Henry, his voice muffled in Killian’s t-shirt. 
“I would never insult you with such a deception, lad. I know I’m not really your father, but I certainly couldn’t love you more if I were.” 
“Really?” The hope in Henry’s voice wrenched at him, and Killian tightened his arms. 
“Of course. How could I not? You’re Emma’s son, Baelfire’s son. Milah’s grandson. Very nearly everyone I’ve ever loved has had a hand in making you.”
“What about Rumplestiltskin?”
“Aye, well, let’s not dwell too heavily on his contribution, hmmm?”
Henry chuckled through his tears. 
“And even if that weren’t the case, I would still love you for yourself. Your courage and your optimism and your imagination have kept me strong throughout this whole ordeal. I truly don’t know what I would have done without you. Something dreadful, no doubt.” 
“No, you wouldn’t’ve,” said Henry earnestly. “Don’t think like that. You’re not a villain anymore, you haven’t been for a long time. A villain wouldn’t have taken care of me all this time, no matter who my parents were. And I love you too. Dad.” 
Killian smiled as tears prickled behind his eyes, touched beyond measure by Henry’s faith. Sometimes the lad was just so much like Emma. He stroked Henry’s back until he fell asleep, then eased himself away, pressing a kiss onto the boy’s hair before he left. 
The next morning they awoke to rain, sheets of water pouring down the large windows of their loft, lightning and thunder cracking and booming off the distant shore. By unspoken mutual agreement and after a quick trip to the grocery store, Henry and Killian spent the day indoors, arranging the shop and preparing for the delivery they expected the next day. In the evening they cooked dinner together, baked fish and vegetables at Killian’s insistence (and which Henry no longer objected to very strenuously; once Killian learned that the spices which in his realm were valued more highly than gold could be had in this one for mere sheets of their odd paper currency, he had taken to applying them lavishly to everything he cooked, vastly improving it in the boy’s opinion) and curled up on the sofa to eat it, watching Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Henry’s choice. Despite everything, in that moment Killian felt happy. He wanted this to be his life: Henry and Emma and quiet days where nothing happened, no lust for revenge, no looming threats or reasons to hurt people. He missed his ship, terribly, missed the freedom of the open seas, but he didn’t miss being a pirate. It occurred to him that if he’d been able to choose all those centuries ago, that young, upright, wide-eyed version of himself, if he’d had the luxury of choosing the path his life would take he’d have chosen this. A family, a respectable career, a peaceful existence. He knew he’d done nothing to deserve it, but he yearned for it nonetheless, and was prepared to do whatever was necessary to secure it. 
The following day dawned bright and sunny, with the fresh-washed feeling that comes after a heavy storm, and Killian declared that it was time for Henry to go to school. 
“You’re all enrolled,” he said, pouring milk into two bowls of breakfast cereal. “You just need to report to the principal’s office to collect your schedule.”
Henry made an indistinct noise that Killian interpreted as reluctant consent. 
“Do you wish me to walk with you?” he inquired. 
“No, I’ll be fine. I went to that school for years, remember?”
“Aye, of course. It’s still a new start, though.” 
“Yeah,” said Henry rather glumly, mashing the cereal with the back of his spoon.  
Killian wondered what this could be about. Henry was usually quite an enthusiastic student. “Is everything all right, lad?” he asked, attepting a casual tone. 
Henry frowned and thought before replying. “Are you sure I have to go to school today?” he said finally. You don’t need me here for anything?”
Aha, thought Killian. This must be what the books called “separation anxiety,” uncommon in children as old as Henry but not unknown, and quite understandable in this case. It had been just the two of them for so long Henry was naturally reluctant to go off on his own. “I’m always glad of your assistance, but you must go to school,” he said firmly. “And don’t forget, this is part of the plan. You’re our undercover agent, collecting intelligence. Report back to me this afternoon on anything you can learn about the curse and how it’s affecting people. What their new identities are, any hint of who might be behind this. You know what to look for. Your mum and I are relying on you.” 
Henry perked up slightly at this and nodded. “I can have a spy notebook, and write things in code,” he said, his clever mind clearly already forming plans. 
“That’s the spirit,” said Killian, smiling to himself as Henry began to eat his cereal. When he’d finished he collected his backpack and permitted Killian to hug him goodbye before heading out the door, the habitual spring still in his step. Killian watched him through the wide front window, feeling a small twinge when he disappeared around the corner. He missed the lad already. Perhaps separation anxiety went both ways. 
To distract himself, he made a cup of tea and went downstairs to spend a relaxing hour setting up the accounts for the bookstore. It was something he flattered himself that he was quite good at, having discovered to his considerable amusement that running a business was in many ways not dissimilar to captaining a pirate ship. As captain he had been responsible for keeping records of their takings and ensuring that each crewmember received his fair share, while as a business owner he would need to keep records of the store’s sales and he hoped eventually pay himself and any employees a salary. On his ship he had maintained inventories of their provisions, set and enforced duty rosters, made plans for where to hunt their next take — or how to grow his business, to use the terminology of this realm. All of which turned out to be skills he could transfer to the relatively sedate task of running a bookstore. Who would have guessed that all those years he’d actually had a profession that was considered respectable in this realm, he reflected with a smirk. Of course, the reputation for ruthlessness and bloodlust he’d taken great pains to cultivate was not exactly standard procedure for businesspeople in this realm, but from what he’d read about many of the more successful CEOs his methods had been almost tame by comparison.
He was startled from his musings by the sound of the shop door opening, and a voice calling “Hello? Is anyone here?”
Kilian rose and went down to the ground floor, startled into momentary dumbness at the sight of the woman standing hesitantly in the centre of the room. 
“Swan?” he said, once he had found his voice. “What are you doing here?”
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starheirxero · 2 months
I have used they/them pronounce for you before, and I would like to apologize! I am incredibly sorry for using the wrong pronounce, it was wrong of of me, and I promise I will only refer to you as It/it's from here on!
BWAH thank you little anon I appreciate it 😭 You're totally fine also!! I realize my tags on that post probably came across as bitter to the wrong people and that's on me. Everyone makes mistakes and I endlessly appreciate the fact you're actually willing to gender me correctly moving forward🙏💜
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zukalations · 6 years
92nd Class Ties!
This round-robin style talk with all the 92nd class members was published in the October 2017 issue of GRAPH, as part of a series on the more senior classes (those who have been in the company 10 years of more). 
There are too many people to tag effectively, so the participants are: Chinami Karan, Shouno Chio, Ayanagi Shou, Kizaki Reo, Tenma Michiru, Matsukaze Akira, Shizuki Otone, Takasumi Hayato, Rinjou Kira, Houzuki An, Marika Yume, Makaze Suzuho,  Seki Yurito, and Mana Haruto.
92nd Class Ties!
After pulling a classmate's name out of the box, they have to express her appealing points with 3 keywords!
Chinami Karan, Moon Troupe
"Who will I get~ Who will I get~ (singing) Everyone's so unique that I'll have plenty to say no matter whose name I get~"
About Shouno Chio...
The 92nd class' pride as a dancer I was really startled to see her dance when we first got into TMS! She could put her leg so high and extend her feet so beautifully, and with a perfectly calm face she would spin 5 times! 6 times! 7 times at once! Just going round and round, so I would end up thinking 'are her legs going to be okay?' (laughs)
Overflowing knowledge, floods of conversation If you ask her one thing, she'll reply with 10 times that, with such rapid-fire talk that it's impossible even to get in acknowledgement that you're still paying attention. She knows a lot about history and manga, and not by half-measures either - she'll explain from A to Z, so just listening I'll end up with more than I can digest (laughs). But sometimes by the time I notice it she'll be on a totally different topic (laughs)
Difference between adorable appearance and reality In contrast to her cute face, her natural voice is surprisingly low (laughs). Also, she knows a lot and her handwriting is very pretty so it seems like she'd be able to do anything skillfully but...she's unexpectedly bad with her fingers. When she was a yokasei she couldn't even braid her hair properly!
Shouno Chio
“No~ I've never done 7 spins! (laughs) As for having a lot of knowledge...If I realize there's something I don't know I'm the type who just has to go and research it. So that's resulted in me being like this (laughs). It's true, I'm bad with my fingers even now. Despite that I'm fussy doing my hair and take ages on it, although sometimes it just turns into a mess halfway through (laughs).”
About Ayanagi Shou...
Inexhaustible Kansai dialect Despite her face, she speaks Kansai dialect, and once she gets started she won't stop (laughs). What was really funny was in the shinjin kouen of Romeo et Juliette, where she played Mercutio. In one rehearsal, she yelled 'Yo, c'mon~!' at Tybalt (Rinjou Kira). Full Kansai dialect (laughs). I feel like she'd probably go into it any time she got excited enough.
Surprisingly, an uncle type Though she's as beautiful as a Johnny's band member, she's an uncle inside (laughs). Recently she was really taken with Chapi-chan (Manaki) and kept saying 'Cute~ She's so cute~' She was delighted just to pass next to her, so basically she's just an ordinary fan.
Wants to be spoiled She's always been like that. But it varies depending on who she's dealing with - towards our retired classmate, Yukie (Toumi Sarasa) she would put on a really manly air and be like 'Say Yukie, won't you _____? *sparkle*' but towards Momo-chan (Momohana Hina) she'll go over like 'Momo-chaaan~', acting like a younger sibling (laughs). Momo-chan would often get cross with her and be like 'Be a man towards me too!' (laughs)
Ayanagi Shou, Snow Troupe
“Mercutio! (laughs) Reika (Rinjou) was shocked at that too (laughs). It's true, I really love Chapi-chan. I respect her! Momo-chan has felt like a younger sister ever since before I entered TMS. I'm rather the 'baby of the family' among my classmates, but Yukie was even more so than me (laughs).”
About Kizaki Reo...
Caring elder sister She is really dextrous with her fingers, and in TMS she would do everyone's hair for them, and teach makeup basics... She did so much for me! Though I've likely forgotten everything I learned from her (laughs). There's no doubt that onstage, she's a man! (laughs) But she used to be surprisingly girly, so in my head she's not an 'older brother' but an 'older sister'.
Full-bodied voice Powerful, I guess, or 'hefty'? (laughs). She has a really wonderful voice that she knows how to control, and has a lot of singing power too - I love it. She's always held her own distinct viewpoints, so I think that must help her get things across on stage; no wavering, just very straightforward.
Laughs loudly and often She laughs with a really open feeling, 'Gahahahaha!' and since she laughs from the belly it's really loud (laughs). And that leads other people to where she is... (laughs) When we were yokasei, she would laugh really loudly even in situations where we weren't supposed to laugh at all, and then we'd get caught up in it too (laughs). Even now when I end up chatting to her in a corridor, hearing that big laugh makes me really nostalgic.
Kizaki Reo, Star Troupe
“Eh! Caring? ...I guess I did do that a lot. I forgot all about that (laughs). Since joining the company I've been paying attention to my voice and working on it, so to hear you say that makes me so happy~! Well, I do still laugh pretty loud, but I've managed to learn to hold it in when I'm not supposed to be laughing. Over the years I've learned about 'everything in its season' (laughs).”
About Tenma Michiru...
Doesn't give up She has a strong core and hates losing. When we were yokasei, we'd always be really sleepy, but Michiru-chan would be fiercely keeping her eyes open and slapping her face to keep herself awake. I saw that once without her noticing and it made me think 'I'd better work hard too!'
A really fun person!!! She's always been fun, ever since TMS. Often she and Toumi Sarasa would do stand-up together. She's really quick-witted, so she'd make everyone laugh with her great timing. Last year she was able to display her talents at the end-of-year Takarazuka Sky Stage special, which made me really happy.
Warm and big-hearted I laugh too easily and kept screwing up in TMS, but she would always come over with a smile and be like 'Gosh~ What have you gone and done this time!? (laughs)' which would make me feel much better. She shows that big-heartedness on stage, and she's really comfortable to watch. She's very particular and I can see her working hard to improve, which gives me a lot of strength too!
Tenma Michiru, Flower Troupe
“Right, in order to keep myself from falling asleep, I'd put energizing stuff under my eyes (laughs). Mieri (Kizaki) definitely laughs really easily. I'm a nervous type, so when I saw her laughing in situations where I'd never dare to, I thought she was a really cool person (laughs).”
About Matsukaze Akira...
Akari-chan (Matsukaze) is the real hard worker here! Ever since TMS, she's been really stoic and hard-working. Recently, she came to consult with me about facial hair, since I'm her senior in middle-aged man roles (laughs), and we'll see each other's showsand go out to dinner afterwards, but whether it's watching her on stage or talking with her, it really makes me feel that her determination in taking things on has really brought about great results. I feel a lot of respect for her at those times...it makes me feel like I should take things more seriously (laughs).
Always ahead of the times In TMS, when I was using cassette tape to record my vocals, she was the first one to get an MD and IC recorder, which I was dying to have (laughs). Recently, when we have days off she'll go to take lessons in things I've never even heard of. That's diligence for you!
Airhead Though she's so serious, Akari-chan will make the most unbelievable misunderstandings. Suddenly, she'll go totally spacey and show her airheaded side, and it always makes me laugh!
Matsukaze Akira, Cosmos Troupe
“Ume-chan (Tenma) has done a ton of different sorts of middle-aged guys, so I consulted with her in hopes of expanding my repertoire! New things? I don't remember anything about that~ (laughs) It's true, I'm very spacey at heart, so I put a lot of energy in onstage to not let that part of me get out (laughs).”
About Shizuki Otone...
No course-changing! She's very dedicated to her goals and very direct regarding the stage. Therefore, when I go to see one of her shows, we'll end up talking it all over passionately in the dressing room afterwards. On top of that directness, she has a strict side. If she feels something is wrong she'll say so, and I think her ability to state her own views so firmly is really amazing. If I hear some new viewpoint, I'm like 'Is that so~, that sounds right...' immediately (laughs).
Rapid-fire conversation Talking about her feelings for her troupe or whatever, she'll talk so quickly and fervently, it's a flood like 'Bwah~' but she doesn't mumble at all! (laughs) She's always smiling, but if she's ever provoked it's really something!
Bright and very caring! Even if I just run into her in the hall, she'll surely smile and call out to me 'How are you~!? Have you been doing well~?' and even if I'm a bit tired from rehearsals it livens me up! She's been very caring ever since TMS she's been very caring, and currently, she feels like an 'older sister' figure. Recently I've had a lot of older guy roles, so maybe I've been trying to convey those caring aspects a bit??? (laughs)
Shizuki Otone, Star Troupe
“Akari-chan is a dancer type, so since I like dancing, too, maybe I should get some constructive criticism from her. I respect her a lot. Though she says she easily gets swept along, I feel a lot of love for Takarazuka from her, and I think she has a clear goal and a lot of determination. Therefore, I think whatever role she takes on, she'll do really well~”
About Takasumi Hayato...
Passionate and manly - THE otokoyaku! While Moon Troupe otokoyaku tend to have a more gentle aesthetic, Rumi-chan (Takasumi) has Star Troupe style passion. It feels really in-your-face, like 'Bam!' (laughs). It feels really good to look at her. She's always had the atmosphere of an otokoyaku and I really like it.
But when she starts talking... In TMS she was responsible for cleaning the classrooms, so she led everyone firmly like an older sister. Since she had to keep everyone in line I had an image of her as really strict...but in reality she's very girly (laughs). She talks with a sweet demeanor, and that discrepancy is something I just love.
Relaxing Kansai dialect As the current members from our class have decreased, so have the number of Kansai dialect speakers. Rumi-chan is always using it, so even though I'm from Shikoku, just hearing that makes me feel relaxed somehow.
Takasumi Hayato, Moon Troupe
“I've always looked to the Star Troupe members for inspiration, so I'm really happy to hear that! The whole reason I took the Takarazuka entrance exam was because I wanted to be a dignified otokoyaku who looks good in whiskers. I worked hard when I was in charge of the classroom cleaning, but actually I'm not so much the responsible type but a quiet sort, and I can be airheaded...I can't hide that from my classmates, can I (laughs).”
About Rinjou Kira...
She's so nice!! In TMS there's a position called 'Birthday Officer'. Reika received that appointment and she was amazing! She remembers all her classmates' birthdays, and until recently she'd take it on herself to send out 'Happy Birthday' messages in the 92nd class LINE chat! Although that doesn't happen any more since the number of current members has decreased so... (laughs)
The Conan* of the 92nd class When we were yokasei, even though she was the youngest person in the entire class, she was so calm and seemed to already know how the world worked, so one might think 'what the heck is with this kid!?' but on off days she'd sleep really soundly. "On the outside, she's a kid! On the inside, she's a grownup!" fitted her perfectly, I thought. Also, Reika was sort of my dance tutor... In TMS I was always getting instruction from her. I think I'm here today thanks to her!!
Actually a passionate Takarazuka fan! She loves 31 Flavors, Disney, and Takarazuka!! Whenever there are new actresses debuting she'll be like 'that kid's cute~' and check them all out quickly (laughs). Reika really loves Takarazuka from the bottom of her heart!!
Rinjou Kira, Cosmos Troupe
“In TMS I remembered everyone's birthdays, but recently, I haven't contacted anyone...I'm sorry... Conan!? (laughs) I don't think I was that calm, per se, just chilling out... And I wasn't a very good dance teacher. I do love 31 Flavors even now~ Azuran-chan (Takasumi), you know me so well!”
About Houzuki An...
Her legs are just too long!! She had the most amazing impresion on me when I first laid eyes on her in the examination hall! When we were all lined up in our leotards I was right across from her - her skin was so white and she was so tall... Even now, when I see her in a show, the length of her legs makes her stand out and I can't help but think she must have really amazing balance.
Does everything detachedly Ever since she was a yokasei, she doesn't really get people angry with her or screw up a lot, but it's not as if she's pushing herself desperately or extremely determined about any particular thing. She doesn't have anything like that, and just accomplishes whatever she has to with a detached manner. No matter what, she'll do it thoroughly but at her own pace.
Doesn't talk a lot She has a strong mental core, and holds her own views firmly, but she's not the type to chatter on. Since she doesn't really change her expression a lot, when once in a while she does laugh or something, even though I'm her classmate I'll think 'that's so cute~' (laughs). When we were yokasei, we were always together since we had the same cleaning spot, and we were roommates in our honkasei year. She's very pleasant to be around, and we still go out to eat and such sometimes, but she doesn't really extend invitations herself (laughs). I know that's just what she's like, so I don't mind, but I do think it'd be nice if Chinatsu (Houzuki) would be the one to invite me once in a while... (laughs)
Houzuki An, Flower Troupe
“Though I would goof around with everyone, I was the type who didn't get noticed when it came time to get in trouble, I guess (laughs). I'm not so good at getting my emotions to show on my face...I am excited, though! Reika-chan is really nice and comfortable to be with, and she feels like a family member. But I'm bad at inviting people to do things (laughs) - next time I'll be the one to make contact, sure”
About Marika Yume...
Really caring When I transferred to Flower Troupe I had wigs or whiskers for every show, and she would help me take care of them every time. Even though she was so busy, she would take time for me, and I think as an musumeyaku she's really amazing and someone to respect. I'm really grateful to have her as my classmate.
Knows delicious restaurants She's a real gourmet. When we have performances in Tokyo, she always takes me to one of her favorite places. And then while we eat a delicious meal we'll have pretty earnest conversations about our thoughts regarding the show.
A stage performer who can do anything In For The People, there was a scene where musumeyaku were playing soldiers, and she was so cool and sharp in the scene where they were fighting holding rifles! I feel she's not boxed in by being a musumeyaku, but is a stage performer who can really do anything.
Marika Yume, Flower Troupe
“Wigs, right - after coming to flower troupe, Chinatsu ended up with a lot of female parts, didn't she (laughs). In Golden Desert I was playing King Jahangir's (Houzuki's) attendant Rubaba, so I helped her out with her wigs. Although I'm certainly not 'a stage performer who can do anything', it makes me very happy that you would say that! Thank you very much. It's so lovely to have such a cool person talk about me and to be able to talk about someone so cool! I'm so glad I'm in the 92nd class~!! (laughs)”
About Makaze Suzuho...
Loves acting When she's talking about acting she gets way more animated, and watching her in a show you can really tell that she loves acting. When she played 'Death' in Romeo et Juliette, it was really moving how she expressed all her feelings through dance only. It made me think 'Wow! She's become someone from another dimension!' In A Place In The Sun she played someone with a split personality, and it was just amazing! I talk to her a lot about various theatre and drama subjects, and it seems like recently she is into prose plays, and the shows she recommends are always really fun.
Has kindness, discipline, and passion She'll tell people what they really need to hear in the moment, but she's not just kind - she'll also be strict when that's called for. When I'm feeling down she'll tell me 'I'll listen if you need it, so go ahead and call anytime, even if it's in the middle of the night'... I really feel a bond of comrades with her - 'She's working so hard in Cosmos Troupe, so I should do my best in Flower Troupe!' Maybe it's just on my side, though... (laughs)
Loves delicious food! Yurika (Makaze) loves delicious food, so we go out to eat together a lot. But I don't know really what her specific favorites are, so I'd like to learn a bit more about her tastes.
Makaze Suzuho, Cosmos Troupe
“Ahaha~ I'm so glad to hear this. I do love acting and talk about it a lot! Mariko (Marika) will always tell me the good and bad points of my performances. As I've been in Takarazuka longer, I've been more and more grateful to have classmates who will tell me honestly what they think. As for my tastes~ it's basically 'Whatever's tasty!!' I feel... (laughs). But if I had to say, then maybe traditional food! I'm Japanese after all!! If it was my last meal I'd want white rice and something that complimented it (laughs).”
About Seki Yurito...
Total B-Type!! There are a lot of reasons for this... When we were in Star Troupe together, we'd often have neighboring dressing tables, and there'd always be things like powder puff bits? Flying around? And the table would be such a jumble that there was no way to tell if she was still there or had gone home and left it that way (although apparently it's been neater recently (laughs))...but despite all that she would iron her shirts carefully, one by one...while I really like Sekkii (Seki), I'd rather not be categorized together with her as a B-Type! (laughs)
Great physical abilities When we were in TMS, she was so flexible, so much so that I was like 'is she made of konjac jelly!?' (laughs) When Star Troupe did Ocean's Eleven, she was a member of the acrobatics troupe. She did a back bend and even though she was about ken-6 by then I thought 'she's still made of konjac jelly!!' Doing stretches in rehearsal, she always is so thorough about it, so I think she puts a lot of effort into keeping that up...also, apparently she sleeps in really weird positions!!
Brings back thoughts of original determination When we were ken-2 or -3, we both had the lines we'd been given cut since we did them so badly... We were so mortified we just cried in the corner of the rehearsal room... We share so many memories, so when I see Sekkii working so hard in Star Troupe, it makes me really happy and takes me back to my original determination. Even though we're in separate troupes now, Sekkii is a really significant person to me since we were together as junior actresses.
Seki Yurito, Star Troupe
“I hear I'm really B-type-ish a lot (laughs). Right now I have a dressing table next to Yumeki Anru-chan, and since she really likes neatness it makes me nervous so I'm keeping it tidy (laughs). I do sleep in weird positions. Sometimes I'll have my hands over my head and my legs in a ballet position. Stretching is my hobby! (laughs) While Yurika really has it together now, you were really a crybaby as a junior actress and we cried together a lot... Recently I went to see you in the Paris Festival - you were really cool and I was so proud!”
About Mana Haruto...
Really scary as a yokasei (laughs) We had the same cleaning location in the dorms, and since Manaharu-kun (Mana) had a really strong sense of responsibility as a yokasei and was really disciplined, even though I was scared of the honkasei I was scared of Manaharu too (laughs).
So good at acting! Austere characters, young characters, cowardly characters...she's really good at embodying her roles. Ever since we were in TMS and she stood out in the drama recitals, I've thought she's really good at acting, and when I go see her in shows now I still really think that.
Trims the back of her neck She started keeping it trimmed as a yokasei. A honkasei scolded her for having untidy hair, so Manaharu-kun jsut shaved her nape so nobody could tell her it was messy ever again, and found it a big relief (laughs) - I thought that was really brave and manly. Currently she changes her hairstyle with each role, but basically, she always keeps the back short. Lately, when we run into each other at the locker room or wherever, she'll say 'go for it' and pat me on the head. Although she's my classmate, I'm still like 'she's so cool and handsome!' (laughs)
Mana Haruto, Snow Troupe
“I think I must have been really scary! The other members at that cleaning spot were Toumi Sarasa, Taso (Tenma), Chinatsu...a bunch of individualistic and free-spirited people all together, so since I was in charge of keeping them focused I would get angry a lot. Yuriko (Seki) was really responsible, but seeing me like that must have made you awfully nervous (laughs). 'Go for it', did I really say that!? (laughs) I actually hear a lot that I was cool and manly even as a yokasei.”
About Chinami Karan...
Gap between appearance and personality is wonderful Though she's really baby-faced and gives a really cute impression, in reality she's super mature and responsible. Ever since she was a yokasei, she never backed down a bit in cleaning or in arts classes. Even when she wanted to cry, she would bear with it and keep going even as tears ran down her cheeks. I think that's really beautiful! (laughs) Even now whenever I'm in difficulties, I think 'what would Karan-chan (Chinami) say if I asked for her advice about this?' She's really super-human mentally. And she's great at singing and dancing too! Bravo~! (applause)
High personal production values! She does totally different stage makeup than I do, and if I look around no-one else in Moon Troupe uses the same stuff. I think she must have selected it after personal research. Her dress sense is great, and her hair color and style and everything are always so cool! She's always on the cutting edge of fashion and it suits her so well. When we run into each other in the hall I'm like 'she looks so good~!' - I kind of wish I could be like that (laughs).
A good older brother Yuumi-chan (Sakihi Miyu), who transferred in from Moon Troupe, said Karan-chan helped her out a lot. She's really responsible and I think she's really generous with the junior actresses as well. Generally, even if I'm goofing off she'll be like 'gosh~, you're always so funny, Mikkun (Mana)!' and respond like a kind older brother (laughs).
Back around to Chinami...
“I'm not mature at all! What have you been looking at (laughs). Mikkun is really the responsible one...is she like an older sister, or an older brother (laughs). As for the makeup, I've done a lot of research to get closer to my otokoyaku ideal, since I'm so baby-faced. I can't any junior actress who comes to me for advice, so I'll think about how she can best convey her appeal, and if she even looks a little relieved afterwards it makes me really happy too... Therefore, I'm happy to hear someone say that about me.”
* Conan is the title character of Detective Conan (Case Closed in the US), who is a teenage genius detective trapped in the body of a small child.
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daily-yoificrec · 7 years
6/18/17 recs
1. can't count the years by counterheist || Rated T, 4.8k
A local magazine features Mila’s as the best breakfast spot in town one year after it opens. The opposite page is devoted to a pie shop Mila has heard of, but never been to. Easy as Pie gets a paragraph of text and three photographs. One shot is a slice of blueberry pie, another is of hands kneading dough. The last one is of a woman with long, dark hair and olive-toned skin holding an armful of large blue ribbons. Sara Crispino, the caption reads, owner and baker at Easy as Pie holds all six of her National Pie Competition blue ribbons.
Mila drives over the same day she sees the article, as soon as the breakfast rush ends.
Pls read this if you love saramila bc it’s so good and there aren’t nearly enough saramila fics in this fandom. There’s also side vicyuu! But seriously, read this for diner owner Mila and pie master Sara. I really love the dynamics built between everyone, especially Mila and Victor’s friendship. 
2. How Charming of You by ppiiku || Rated T, 3.2k
Victor was kneeling on his feet now, taking a hold of Yuuri’s hand and kissing it. “I never meant to cause you distress, my love. Will you please forgive me?”
“Don’t move. Just… Sit here. And don’t talk,” Yuuri ordered, trying not to panic. He could do this, there had to be an antidote or a hex for unwanted suitors, anything to stop Victor from groveling at his feet and looking like a lovestruck fool which, technically, he was.
Super duper cute fic with potion mishaps and Yuuri as a wizard, with obligatory bonus lovestruck as hell Victor.
One of the tags is “Victor is a fool”. this is very accurate, he’s a fool in love.
3. Sugar Pie, Honey Bunch (You Know That I Love You) byRennieOnIceCream (Hitsugi_Zirkus) || Rated T, 3.5k
Viktor catches himself and doesn’t even hide his smile when he asks, “Did you just call me ‘honey’?”
By the way Yuuri hurriedly glances to the side, it looks like he hadn’t even realized he’d done it intentionally. It had just slipped out, and that’s what makes the occurrence of it all the more lovely to replay in Viktor’s head again, and then again, and then maybe thrice more.
Viktor bats his eyelashes at Yuuri. “Say it again~”
Or, moving in together in St. Petersburg takes some adjustment, some stressful and some very, very sweet.
Bwah. I think one of my teeth is halfway to a cavity because of this.
4. The Song Inside of Me by cutthroatpixie || Rated T, 8.1k
After years of playing and composing, Viktor ends up halfway around the world in search of inspiration. Perhaps the missing piece he needs isn’t too far from where he ends up.
A fic that’s been on my Marked for Later list for forever, I finally got around to reading it! Victor is also a fool in this. A musical au that flows very well \o/
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ao3feed-hqrarepairs · 7 years
The Sugawara Koushi Effect
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2kRS2dV
by apple_pi (kozushou)
“It’s called the Sugawara Koushi effect,”another barista, Nishinoya, had whispered to him conspiratorially one day after he noticed the starry eyed way Shouyou was gazing after Suga and managing to coax a stammered, flustered confession out of him. “Everyone who comes in here has a crush on him at one point at another. Don’t worry, Shouyou, it’ll fade eventually!” Three months later and Shouyou still feels all bwah and uwoh every time Sugawara’s even in the same room as him.
In which Shouyou is absolutely head over heels for a certain cute barista
Words: 2123, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Hinata Shouyou, Sugawara Koushi, mentions of ennoshita and nishinoya, also a mention of kenma!!!, not stated in this fic but kenma and shouyou are roommates, long-haired shouyou is my shit, also i live for suga with piercings
Relationships: Hinata Shouyou/Sugawara Koushi
Additional Tags: Fluff, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2kRS2dV
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ao3feed-haikyuu · 7 years
The Sugawara Koushi Effect
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2kRS2dV
by apple_pi (kozushou)
“It’s called the Sugawara Koushi effect,”another barista, Nishinoya, had whispered to him conspiratorially one day after he noticed the starry eyed way Shouyou was gazing after Suga and managing to coax a stammered, flustered confession out of him. “Everyone who comes in here has a crush on him at one point at another. Don’t worry, Shouyou, it’ll fade eventually!” Three months later and Shouyou still feels all bwah and uwoh every time Sugawara’s even in the same room as him.
In which Shouyou is absolutely head over heels for a certain cute barista
Words: 2123, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Hinata Shouyou, Sugawara Koushi, mentions of ennoshita and nishinoya, also a mention of kenma!!!, not stated in this fic but kenma and shouyou are roommates, long-haired shouyou is my shit, also i live for suga with piercings
Relationships: Hinata Shouyou/Sugawara Koushi
Additional Tags: Fluff, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2kRS2dV
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 4 years
Rain nd Stars (saiouma week 2020 day 5)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/35brfB4
by lesbiansonia
BWAH saiouma week day 5: Prompt fo today is rain/stars and I chose both bc fuck you They aren't in a relationnship but also kinda are you'll get it when you read Anyway this is very cute yeah :]
Words: 1175, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Oma Kokichi, Saihara Shuichi
Relationships: Oma Kokichi/Saihara Shuichi
Additional Tags: Fluff, starting a relationship, Cute, Stars, Rain, Cuddling, kiss, Teasing
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/35brfB4
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