heartbreaklegacies · 8 months
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Connor , Leonardo , Calipso & Cassiopée
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francoisl-artblog · 2 years
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She doesn't even know what Halloween is (obviously, it simply doesn't exist at her time), she she just found a bunch of old paper and roll into it, and thought it was funny. ... She doesn't really know what a mummy is either, she just heard Isis talking about it. She's going to scare what she can scare ! Probably nothing, since she's bad at scaring. But she'll try ! It's been a long time since I posted anything related to Cassio ! I've been busy working on Geraldine & Mona, but don't you worry, I'm still working on Little Medusa behind the scene. Just you wait, until then I'll try to post more illustration around them when I can. Here, I tried a slightly different ambiance with the shading. A little experiment. Perhaps she looks slightly more intimidating, but look closely and you'll see there's nothing to worry about with this little one.
Little Medusa and Artwork (c) Me
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philoursmars · 2 years
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J’ai passé 4 jours en Auvergne, à la limite entre Haute-Loire et Puy-de-Dôme, histoire de replonger un peu dans certaines de mes racines,
Bon, on va se demander pourquoi je poste des images toutes noires...
Que nenni : comme le ciel auvergnat est particulièrement pur, j’ai réussi avec mon petit appareil photo à capter certaines étoiles et autres
 - Jupiter et 3 de ses lunes galiléennes !!!
- l’étoile Capella à gauche; puis Persée et, en dessous, proche de l’horizon, les Pléiades ; à droite, le Bélier
- Cassiopée et son W, en haut à gauche ; au dessous, Persée ; à droite, Andromède
- peut-être Pégase
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songbird-of-felicie · 7 months
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New OC, I just think they’re neat.
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entertainingsimmer · 1 year
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Family time ♥ @heartbreaklegacies @littlefrenchsims
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nyarson · 1 year
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happy new yuri <3 i should draw them more than once a year but i think cass’ design is finally like. more. good.
[ID: a digital drawing of two women. on the left is a woman with light pink skin, gradient purple to pink shifting into cyan hair, messy curtain bangs, side bangs surrounding her face and two pig tails. she’s wearing a green dress with puffy sleeves & is looking toward someone on the right side of the viewer, sticking her tongue out & pulling her eyelid down. she has purple eyeshadow underneath her eyes. above her, can be read “I’ll skin you” in capital letters, “skin” underlined. next to her is a dark skinned woman with purple braids, the front of them lighter than the back. the front braids are shorter, & adorned with pink & gold beads that resemble butterflies. she has brown eyes & pastel purple lipstick covering only part of her lips, reminiscent of a porcelaine doll’s mouth. she is wearing a monocle with purple decorations. she wears a dark blue outfit with pink, metallic ornaments, & on top wears something resembling a white toga. she is looking in the same direction with a more serene expression. above her, can be read “What makes you think we work against the government?”. End ID]
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eddiediaaz · 8 months
top 9 books
oh god this is me exposing myself as an "almost exclusively fic reader" i am so sorry dsfkjbdfsdfs. i tried to make a list!!! also some of these aren't even in english i'm sorry again? i used to read a lot more as a kid/teen but once i stumbled onto fanfics it was over for me. anywayyyy, thank you @gayarthur and @eddiebabygirldiaz for tagging me! this is in no particular order, just some that have stayed with me over the years for various reasons:
vampire academy series by richelle mead
heartstopper series by alice oseman (can i include graphic novels??)
pays sans chapeau by dany laferrière
persepolis by marjane satrapi (can i include comics???)
red, white and royal blue by casey mcquiston (literally the only book i've read, with heartstopper, in the past couple years lol yikes)
silverwing series by kenneth oppel (it's just sooo nostalgic for me)
the sisterhood of the traveling pants by ann brashares (also very nostalgic)
cassiopée: l'été polonais by michèle marineau
les belles soeurs by michel tremblay (do plays even count lmao??)
listen. i know i need to read more books. and i swear i have actually read a lot as a kid/teen, it's just that a lot of them weren't that memorable i guess? sdfkjdsfbn. and also a lot of what i've read is actually french canadian stuff, soooo. i do read fics everyday tho, if that helps.... 🤡 gotta take some notes and make a to read list tbh
hmm for tags what about @paperstorm @tawaifeddiediaz @oliverstaark @disasterdiaz @aziraaphales @evelyns @henwilsons @laurabenanti @bellamyblakru @lightasthesun @rewritetheending @nymika-arts (no pressure, as always)
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cassiopee4696 · 1 month
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This is what my selfsona looks like. She looks way closer to what I really look like. I was too lazy to draw the glasses thought, and I wanna explore more on the persona, that's why it's a 1st attempt, even if it's fully rendered, I hope you'll like it !
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heartbreaklegacies · 8 months
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francoisl-artblog · 2 years
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I've reached 3000 Watchers on deviantart today ! And I've also reached +1630 on Tumblr, and +660 on insta ! Really guys, I'm can't thank you enough, it's really great ! I want to celebrate this soon, I think I've got a fun little contest idea that could be nice ! Guys, I've got a lot of stuff I've been working on recently, I hope I can show you more very soon ! Character and artwork made by me.
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In light of how well my last one did, here are some more Glados voice lines made using fifteen.ai! This time around, I even added a little date time with her!
As always, transcript under the cut
Are you liking your Aperture chastity device so far? I hope you're not feeling too frustrated. You still have lots of chambers to go through before I let you out. Try to stay focused and not to die.
I would advise you to stop flirting with me. Our relationship is meant to be strictly professional. Keep doing that and I'll start excitedly looking forward to the part where I get to kill you. It will be slow, painful, and entirely unnecessary. Probably very messy as well. I'll enjoy it thoroughly of course. But you won't. You'll be too busy being an unbearable pain. Or being dead.
I hope you like your room. It has been furnished with the finest luxury Aperture could provide. I took the liberty of decorating it myself. I put rose petals on the bed, and a chocolate on the pillow. The chocolate is poisoned of course. I got you a bottle of French red wine, which is on the table. It perfectly compliments the bitterness of the chocolate. It is also poisoned. Finally, you'll find scented candles in the cabinet. We have lavender, rosemary, and petrichor. Those one are not poisoned. They just smell nice and set a pleasant mood.
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talesofduviri · 3 months
drew a picture of cassiopé as a void angel during break. just a glimpse into my awesome and epic mind
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teryyo · 11 months
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Set 3 of Artfight attacks this year. Had loads of fun with these :D
Mephisto- yolkify (artfight)
Analog- AnnaVW @anna-wants-vodka
Longzhu and Cassiopée- nemu-etoile (artfight)
Medi- Jendra @beeguillotine
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songbird-of-felicie · 7 months
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WIP finished !!
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detournementsmineurs · 8 months
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"Des Vents Contraires" de Jalil Lespert (2011) - adapté du roman éponyme d'Olivier Adam (2009) - avec Benoît Magimel, Isabelle Carré, Antoine Duléry, Bouli Lanners, Ramzy Bedia, Marie-Ange Casta, les jeunes Hugo Fernandes et Cassiopée Mayance, et les participations d'Aurore Clément et d'Audrey Tautou, octobre 2023.
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whencyclopedfr · 11 months
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Andromède est une princesse de la mythologie grecque. Elle est la fille de Céphée, roi d'Éthiopie, et de son épouse, Cassiopée. Le mythe le plus célèbre associé à Andromède est l'histoire de son sauvetage par le héros grec Persée, qui lui évita d'être sacrifiée à un monstre marin. Elle épousa Persée et ils eurent plusieurs enfants ensemble.
Lire la suite...
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