#co-ed group dr
crys-shifts · 1 month
`ˑ ִֶ 𓂃🌊 random specific things i'm excited to experience in my dr(s)
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Stray Kids 9th Member:
being drawn by @/anelderlymeme yk who i'm talking about
painting with hyunjin (i paint in this reality too!)
producing music
three am food runs after coming home from tours b/c jet-lag's a bitch
NO!R DR (Own Co-ed Group):
vlives i scripted some chaotic members into existence
late night drives (my dad used to be an f1 driver in this dr!)
having a secret fan account seems fun ngl
this one crazy episode of CHANNEL:4 (our variety show) i scripted the entire thing out, might make a post on it later...
TXT 6th Member:
writing the lore for txt mvs... am i the only one who scripts shit like this???
dancing in the snow with taehyun and yeonjun after the end of my solo promotions
THE TATTOOS I'VE SCRIPTED!!! omg so they all have these really sappy meaning behind them and they're the cutest things ever and i'm just excited to see them in person
having an older brother for once. (I've got a little sister in this reality)
Okay that's all for today! Until next time!!
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captain-hen · 2 months
the ‘sunshine personified’ / ‘he makes everyone around him happy’ thing is sooo interesting because i don’t think we’ve really seen that from buck, have we? and by that i specifically mean in the fanon context of buck being the social PTA dad at all of chris’s school functions while eddie broods in the corner and only wants to talk to buck. if anything, we’ve seen the opposite behavior with eddie — he’s clearly good friends with chris’s friends’ parents, he was so happy and glowy when he first met the 118, he befriended may and linda so easily at dispatch, and i could go on and on.
he just seems to connect with people so easily, and i think a lot of that genuine friendliness is lost on people because he also has a tendency to get casually snarky with people he isn’t so fond of, whether it’s annoying temporary coworkers or selfish people on calls or opportunistic reporters. the same thing goes for his private nature vs. buck’s bleeding heart — it’s assumed that eddie isn’t a people person because he likes to keep his innermost feelings close to his chest and it’s also assumed that buck is good at instantly forming connections bc his feelings spill out of him at all times.
and like. it’s not that buck isn’t a kind and friendly person, but i do feel like his specialty is deep acts of love for the people he loves. idk if i’m articulating this right but i’m trying to point out that he’s never more ‘sunshine personified’ than when he’s with the 118 and co. he would do anything for them and he lights up around them in a way that he doesn’t really do with anyone else. and we haven’t seen him be so casually close to people outside that friend group.
when we got a glimpse of connor and buck’s friendship, it seemed more about what they could do for each other than about true connection. when we got that episode about buck and red, a lot of it was projection on buck’s part re. his fear of abandonment and his desire not to let his future turn out like red’s and it was also about his need to fix things for everyone else so he can feel like he’s needed. when he met lucy, he was desperate to fill a void and not feel as hollow as he felt going home to taylor kelly every night with his sister and his brother in law and his partner gone.
don’t get me wrong, i’m not trying to ascribe selfish motivations to buck bc i do believe he always tries to do the right thing, but when it comes to people outside of the 118, with the way it’s been written in canon, i feel like those dynamics have always been more about his own issues than they’ve been about actual friendship. and this isn’t even getting into how he acts when he feels like someone new is encroaching on his territory (see: eddie in 2x01 and lena). idk….i just think that kind of casual connection comes so much easier to eddie for whatever reason. maybe it’s because his abandonment issues are a whole other flavor, or because eddie’s upbringing was so different from buck’s. either way, it’s so interesting and ppl blinded by fanon are really missing out. i apologize for the long ass rambling and i don’t think i really articulated this well, so TL;DR — fanon sunshine buck and broody eddie do not exist in canon and i’m Very excited to see the way that mr. possessive, jealous, broody evan buckley acts when eddie meets someone new this week :)
no, you're so right about all of this, though! buck genuinely does light up and is at his most comfortable and golden retriever-like around the 118, because he sees them as family and trusts them so much—and i think people get carried away and attribute the same thing to everything else (like, for example, the social PTA dad thing). when in canon, buck on multiple occasions has not dealt with new people too well—whether it was eddie, or lena, or ravi...and now, as it looks like, tommy. and you kinda hit the nail on the head about how most of buck's relationships outside the 118 being very transactional in nature up to this point, it's sad, but it's true.
eddie is the complete opposite in this regard, though, like, the guy goes around collecting new friends like they're pokemon. lol. he is so wildly different to the fandom portrayal of him as this anti-social loner that i struggle with understanding how people even got there in the first place (i mean, i know why. but still).
anyway, buck's issues with jealousy and insecurity are sooo interesting to delve into as character flaws and so much more compelling than fandom's portrayal of him as a perfect angel baby who's never done anything wrong, but 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️ at least i have canon giving me the stuff i want lol
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empty-movement · 1 year
So looking on your website it seems like Ikuhara is the male voice for Zettai Unmei Mokushiroku, is that correct or am i reading your credits wrong?
Nope, you're reading that right! Ikuhara does indeed provide vocals for not only ZUM, but other chorus tracks from the series! There are complete scans of the OSTs in my Utena tunes history website, Audiology of Utena. To give you a breakdown of coolness:
The Student Council Saga's duels credit Suginami Jidou Gasshoudan (a junior choir), Maki Kamiya (who solos the Virtual Star Embryology ED), Kunihiko Ikuhara, and Shinkichi Mitsumune (the BGM composer) as the chorus for these recordings.
The Black Rose Saga's OST 2 is where it gets real wild! Not only are Ikuhara and Mitsumune credited on all the duel chorus tracks, Shingo Kaneko and Toshimichi Otsuki are credited on some: Utopian Past Tense Incantation (Kozue's), Conic Absolute Egg Archibras (Tsuwabuki's), Transparent Period of Adolescence (Keiko's), and Magic Lantern Butterfly Moth 16th Century (Wakaba's.) Kaneko is a storyboard artist and episode director, and Otsuki is a producer. Lol. This absolute party of nerds is also credited for the performance of the two songs from the Sega Saturn video game on OST 3, Herzen's Head and The Inversion of Me and My Room, and they are also the credited group for the Black Rose Saga's version of ZUM.
OST 3 covers the Akio Arc, where the auditory soundscape of the duel choruses shifts away from compositions of J.A. Seazer's work by Shinkichi Mitsumune, and those tracks are instead composed and recorded by Seazer with his own 'Theater Laboratory - Universal Gravitation.' No one else is credited in the chorus for those songs.
tl;dr: Ikuhara, as well as Shinkichi Mitsumune, are in the first two versions of ZUM, as well as the duel choruses for the first and second arc. They are occasionally joined in the second arc by other definite Not Singers from the production team. The Akio Arc and on however are recorded by Seazer with his musical theater group, and don't appear to include Ikuhara and co.
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okayy, but imagine every member of the horror house au.. in jail/prison!
I LOVE THAT!! I actually have considered this before, I love the idea and would love to explore it more!! Thank you for giving me the opportunity XDD
Horror House Horror Prison!
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Warnings: Like two gore mentions.
First of all, prison is not co-ed, so Chucky and Tiffany are separated- Though they are married, so they get conjugal visits. It is the worst day for everyone in the male prison, because Chucky comes back all smug and they all wanna kill him 😅.
Freddy is on constant suicide watch, because if he dies he can get back in the dream world and that make him very difficult to imprison 😅
No one fucks with Jason there (Apart from other Slashers), because he is huge and everyone knows better. Billy tries to stick around him for that reason XDD While Stu on the other hand has no problem because he's tall and fun and other prisoners just like him XD He makes prison fun! He befriends them and compliments their tattoos/crimes! Basically he's a natural there, extrovert that he is XDD
So yeah, Stu has a bunch of scary crime friends now and Billy is on very thin ice with them.
Bubba also sticks with Jason- but because he loves him, not because he needs him. Other prisoners will pick on him but no one actually touches him because he would go berserk.
Michael also doesn't get bothered but its not because of his size, obviously, he's not large- its because on the first day there he ripped someone's ear clean off their head. People give him a wide berth, apart from other Slashers (Unfortunately. Michael would love it if they would leave him be too but they always sit with him 😒😒 😅😅).
Michael, siting at lunch alone: 😑(But peaceful) Michael, when Jason sits down with his entourage (Bubba and Billy): 😑 (But frustrated) Michael, when Stu sits down, long legs knocking his own under the table: 😑 (But irritated) Michael, when Jerry, Pat and Pennywise sit down: 😑 (But questioning. Like why are you people here??) Michael, when Freddy and Chucky sit down): 😑 (But enraged)
Jerry, Patrick and 'Tad' (The name Pennywiseis under, pretending to be human so he can hang out in prison 🤣🤣) also hang out with the Slashers most of the time, but they're more independent.
Jerry is constantly fed only the tiniest bit of blood- enough to keep him 'living' but not powerful enough to escape. And he cant drink from anyone else around, because all the water has been blessed.
Also Jerry usually has the prison gossip. He walks around and charms people and they tell him what's going on (Who's coming in, who's leaving, who plans to shank Freddy or leave dog food in Chucky's bed later) and that is his addition to the group.
Patrick is pretty quiet here. He doesn't know how this happened. He was faking it so well! He covered his tracks! For this reason he kinda blames the Slashers though, because they dunno how to control themselves and got them all locked up for it (Which is true). Goes into rages and gets sent to isolation quite a bit.
Freddy is constantly bothering Pennywise about getting them out but Penny is just having so much fun here! Soooooo many fears... so many dark secrets... Its delicious.
Bubba gets really badly written letters from Drayton, Chop Top and Grandpa. Chucky and Freddy usually read them for him (I know, so nice. But they're nosy okay?? XD Allow me this). Jerry will read it if they blow him off though ^^
Michael gets visits from Dr Loomis and it can basically one of two ways- either the two men just sit there and glare at eachother for 45 minutes or Michael sits there and Dr Loomis lectures him for 45 minutes.
Okay over to the women's side of the prison!!
Just like her son, who takes after her obviously, Pam is the Big Boss and no one fucks with her around there. One sniff of disrespect and you will get a spoon in crammed down you throat.
Speaking of her son- Pam sends message with Tiffany to give to Chucky to pass son to Jason. She doenst truly trust that Chucky is doing his part-- but she has to believe ^^
And Pam is not the only one using Tiffany and Chucky's conjugal visits for her own gain XD Jennifer uses them to find out if anyone has been shanked. She has a betting pool going on with herself XD So Tiffany is just super happy, getting to go see her husband, and then Pam and Jennifer pop up just to harass her like
Guard: Valentine? Come with me, you're needed in Block 7 for your visit with Prisoner 1853. Tiffany: *Sighing happily* Oh Chucky... I'm coming! Don't wait up, ladies! Carrie: Have a good time ^^ Pam: Yes, and... if you would, could you please- Tiffany: *Frustrated sigh this time. What does she look like? A messenger pigeon??* Yeah, yeah, tell Chucky to tell Jason you love him very much and are thinkin' about 'em and hope he's doin' okay and to eat his veggies. I got it, hon... Jennifer: Yeah... Jennifer: -And before you fuck, find out if it was Freddy or Patrick that got shanked this time, K? Thanks. Tiffany: ... I swear-
Jen's just like what? I'm bored.
Maybe surprising?? But Carrie is the other one no one messes with around here XD They all heard about her massacring a whole gym worth of people and whether you believe she's magic or not-- that's still terrifying 😅😅 That halo is a trick. So there's just this adorable little blonde walking around looking nervous as hell and large terrifying women jumpin outta her way 🤣🤣
If anyone were to challenge Carrie still though, Tiffany has a shiv.
Pam has bitches. They are not Tiffany, Jennifer or Carrie... but yeah. Bitches. Women who are down bad for her and are at her beck and call. She doesn't pay them much mind, but they're there is she needs them.
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ningsols · 1 month
𓏸𓈒 ⠀ ʿ ⠀ℛiver's drs : ੭wn grp dr͏𝑠 𓈒 🎬 ㅤᡣ𐭩
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𓏲𓏲⠀⠀.. ⠀atlantis (boy group)
𓏲𓏲⠀⠀.. ⠀celeste (girl group) (ILAND2)
𓏲𓏲⠀⠀.. ⠀eclipse (girl group)
𓏲𓏲⠀⠀.. ⠀elle (girl group)
𓏲𓏲⠀⠀.. ⠀envy (girl group)
𓏲𓏲⠀⠀.. ⠀gloss (girl group)
𓏲𓏲⠀⠀.. ⠀honey (co-ed group)
𓏲𓏲⠀⠀.. ⠀lovex (girl group)
𓏲𓏲⠀⠀.. ⠀meow (girl group)
𓏲𓏲⠀⠀.. ⠀moxie (girl group) (A2K)
𓏲𓏲⠀⠀.. ⠀pink punk (girl group)
𓏲𓏲⠀⠀.. ⠀retrograde (girl band)
𓏲𓏲⠀⠀.. ⠀vex (girl group)
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Astronomers find 49 galaxies in under three hours
An international team of astronomers has discovered 49 new gas-rich galaxies using the MeerKAT radio telescope in South Africa.
The 49ers – the 49 new gas-rich galaxies detected by the MeerKAT radio telescope in South Africa. Each detection is shown as coloured contours, with redder colours indicating more distant gas from us, and bluer colours as closer gas. The background image comes from the optical PanSTARRS survey. Credit: Glowacki et al 2024.
Dr Marcin Glowacki, from the Curtin University node of the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR) in Western Australia, led the research, which aimed to study the star-forming gas in a single radio galaxy.  Although the team didn’t find any star-forming gas in the galaxy they were studying, Dr Glowacki instead discovered other galaxies while inspecting the data.
In total, the gas of 49 galaxies was detected. Dr Glowacki said this was a great example of how fantastic an instrument like MeerKAT is for finding the star-forming gas in galaxies.
The observations, which lasted less than three hours and were facilitated by IDIA (Inter-University Institute for Data Intensive Astronomy), made this discovery possible.
“I did not expect to find almost fifty new galaxies in such a short time,” he said. “By implementing different techniques for finding galaxies, which are used for other MeerKAT surveys, we were able to detect all of these galaxies and reveal their gas content.”
The new galaxies have been informally nicknamed the 49ers, a reference to the 1849 California gold rush miners. Dr Glowacki views the 49 new galaxies as valuable as gold nuggets in our night sky. Many galaxies are near each other, forming galaxy groups, with several identified in one observation.
Four nearby galaxies as part of the set of 49 found by MeerKAT, shown by the white contours. Three of the galaxies are connected together by their gas content. The largest galaxy is stealing gas from two neighbouring galaxies. The background colour image is from the DECaLS DR10 optical survey. Glowacki et al. 2024
Three galaxies are directly connected by their gas.
Dr Glowacki said, “These three are particularly interesting, as by studying the galaxies at other wavelengths of light, we discovered the central galaxy is forming many stars. It is likely stealing the gas from its companion galaxies to fuel its star formation, which may lead the other two to become inactive.”
Professor Ed Elson, from the University of the Western Cape and a co-author of the paper, said, “This discovery highlights the raw power of the MeerKAT telescope as an imaging instrument.  The methods we developed and implemented to study the 49ers will be useful for MeerKAT large science surveys and smaller observing campaigns such as ours.”
Dr Glowacki has recently discovered more gas-rich galaxies with the help of Jasmine White, an ICRAR summer student, who worked with him and analysed short observations made by MeerKAT.
“We hope to continue our studies and share even more discoveries of new gas-rich galaxies with the wider community soon,” Dr Glowacki said.
The research was published overnight in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
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luvbystar · 24 days
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KPOP DR’s ✩࿐࿔
🏷️ ENHYPEN 8th member | only female
🏷️ soloist | HYBE
🏷️ LOVETIE | own gg
🏷️ i- TUNEZ | own gg
🏷️ KISMET | co-ed group
🏷️ HEXGIRLZ | own gg
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riadiary · 1 month
List 5 things that make you happy, then send this to the askbox of the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers
1. my friends and family ! (in my cr and my dr)
2. my main drs rn (co-ed group , enha and my gg dr)
3. stuffed animals ! 🤭
4. music / performing (im a chorus kid so.. 😭 but also i just love the art of music and the expression within it)
5. crime shows / movies and anything disney
i love this smm
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2kidult · 4 months
were you the last person to join the seventeen lineup?
surprisingly no 😭 when i joined there was 16 members including myself, i was told that some of the boys would be removed so it would be a co-ed group (it technically is, but there is 13:1 ratio....) idk if this makes sense but im a part of generation 7! (minghao is generation 8 in my dr)
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crys-shifts · 1 month
`ˑ ִֶ 𓂃🌊 noir dr introduction (own co-ed group)
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about me
𓇢𓆸 full name: nina ceres lai
𓇢𓆸 stage name: ceres
𓇢𓆸 other names: mei lian (chinese)
𓇢𓆸 birthday: 12.16.2002
𓇢𓆸 gender: female
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idol life
𓇢𓆸 face claim:
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𓇢𓆸 speaking claims: don't have any. just described my voice?
𓇢𓆸 dance claim: noze
𓇢𓆸 singing claims: talent claim was hwasa
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𓇢𓆸 family: dad (1971), older brother (2000),
𓇢𓆸 friends: didn't script any besides my members
𓇢𓆸 dr vibe:
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beba-780 · 7 months
The Guild of Beasts (5)
• When Kai is admitted to the Guild, Nya is the one who settles him in her apartment so that the two of them can live together like before. In addition, Nya personally took care of his brother's recovery, since Kai would start training him once his injuries and health improved. Flame was kept asleep inside Kai for the moment, as he didn't want to risk detection for the moment he kept his power off in Kai, so at least his new human vessel could fully recover.
• While Kai was recovering Nya showed him all the facilities of the Guild and how it operated, also Nya introduced him to her friends, with whom she could at least find some comfort after being away from Kai. Nya explained to Kai that he met his friends while they were all training in the Hunters field in their city, they managed to become friends after helping each other again in the confrontation of creatures.
• Nya's best friends are: Cole Bucket, Zane Julien and Jay Gordon, at least the ones she does missions with outside the Guild, Pixal Borg is her best friend, and she is an A-class Hunter who works in the Guild's Technology and Weapons department.
• Cole is the leader of the group, and he is the strongest S-class Hunter in the entire Guild since apart from having superhuman strength, he has the power to manipulate the earth around him, he has a sacred weapon in the form of a great stone hammer with metallic and gold decorations. It was his family that was attacked by his enemies after they followed him to his home, luckily his family was saved thanks to him, but his father, Lou, was left with an injured leg and now needs a cane to move. Cole was affected by this fact and was the one who recommended the new methods of keeping the families of the Guild safe from their other enemies. Now his family lives in a new location where they can be safe, his mother Lily for the moment decided to continue with his father's work until he fully recovers, since the Bucket family is famous for their great participation in talent and dance tournaments throughout Ninjago, they won many awards by always being in first place.
• Zane is an important member in the Guild, he is an S class Hunter who also dedicated himself to taming all kinds of creatures for the Guild, he helps the research and healing department. Before the attacks began, Zane belonged to a family of great doctors, and his dream was to become one too, but after being recruited into the Beasts Guild, Zane focused a lot on researching creatures and new healing methods using runes and different types of magic. It has the ability to create ice, its creature is an X-class falcon that can appear to be a normal falcon, but in reality it has unique communication and espionage abilities, Zane uses it to send all kinds of messages to his group and Guild, also uses it to communicate remotely with his family. His father, Dr. Julien now works at the largest hospital in Ninjago using his Blessing of Healing and his younger brother Echo, studies to become a doctor and uses his Blessing to enhance his healing abilities. His holy weapon is a bow made by Pixal that adapts to his abilities, and Zane and Pixal are a couple.
• Jay is also an important member of the Guild, he is also an S-class Hunter and he is Nya's co-worker, they both met in the training camp and have been together ever since, they got engaged a year after they were all reunited for the Guild, Jay was a comfort to Nya knowing that she was separated from her brother Kai, but Jay also can't do much communication with his parents, both are famous movie actors all over Ninjago, only his mother Libber managed to get a Ben dition while his father Cliff was still a normal human. Cole is his best friend and helps the department of inventions and weapons, thanks to his Blessing on manipulating lightning powers, Jay managed to make many of the Guild's inventions work perfectly, he became very close to the couple of inventors who work in the Guild, Ed and Edna Walker, he considers them both as his second parents. His sacred weapon is nunchucks that can stretch thanks to an infinite magical chain, he possesses hidden blades for a more lethal attack, and thanks to his lightning powers, the nunchucks serve as conductive guides for Jay's lightning bolts.
• Pixal despite not being an S-class Hunter like her other friends, if she is an A-class Hunter, her ability is to manipulate all kinds of technology and use it to create new mechanisms, weapons, and among other things. Her only relative is the famous inventor and businessman Cyrus Borg, despite being disabled he is capable of creating the best inventions, his company is allied with the Beasts Guild and many inventions are brought from the Borg tower. She is engaged to Zane, and her best friend is Nya, she has tried to support her in any way she can, and she was the one who helped her sneak out of the Guild when she found out that Nya's brother was badly injured. She is in charge of communications in the Guild and the one who makes the weapons for some of the members. She sometimes goes out on missions but it doesn't always happen, as she would rather work from the Guild than get involved in fights.
• Lloyd is the youngest member of the Guild, and he is too important since he is the son of the leader Garmadon and Misako, a researcher who travels to different places collecting magical objects and trying to investigate more the magical world that merged with the world of humans. But in fact, Lloyd is not Garmadon's legitimate son, his mother is not an Awakened either, but he is, and at a young age he became an S-class Hunter, his ability is to create energy of pure creation, as well as destructive. He still trains to be a Hunter, but since then his home has been the Guild of Beasts, he never met his biological father, as his mother explained that he died of an illness when Lloyd was a baby, since then his mother raised him alone. He was 8 years old when his Blessing awakened, and when the creatures invaded his world, when his mother started working in the Beasts Guild she fell in love with Garmadon and they both got married, Garmadon tries to be a good father, and Lloyd appreciates him, but he still doesn't get used to calling him "dad", but he does call Wu "uncle", sometimes, since he always sees his stepfather Garmadon and Wu together. The only member he has a good relationship with is Nya, he sees her as his older sister.
• Morro is an orphan who became Wu's disciple, in addition, he is Lloyd's main guardian, something that annoys him since he would rather face Z-class creatures than take care of a child, but even so, the Guild members assign him important missions and he always accompanies Wu in their meetings. He's too self-centered, but he's not such a bad guy, he annoys Jay sometimes, but not that much. Currently he doesn't have a co-worker, since he likes to be alone at all times, but Wu still tries to find him a partner, he is an S-class Hunter and his ability is to manipulate the wind, he might even be able to fly with his ability and take the air out of his opponents to disable them.
• Other guild leaders are Ronin, Mystake and Faith. Ronin is in charge of the members' training, Mystake in the healing and research department, and Faith is in charge of attending to all the creatures that the Guild possesses. Also, another member who works in the guild is Dareth, who works as a clerk in the Guild, and he's just a normal human, but he's amazing at doing her job, also, Ronin and Dareth are very good friends.
• The Guild has a large number of enemies, but among the most dangerous are the Serpentine Guild, the Underworld Guild, the Jade Gang, and a dangerous cult called the Anacondrai Cult. They also have other opposing Guilds such as the Merlopian Guild, the Shintaro Guild, and the Creature Hunters Guild. One of the Beasts Guild's important allies is the Ninjago Police Department, the Coast Guard group of Guardians, and the Winter Guild led by an old friend of Wu's named Sorla.
• Kai started his training once he recovered from his injuries and improved his health, Ronin took care of his training, like Nya, Flame managed to teach him how to control his power without detecting that Flame was inside him, he managed to get along with Nya's friends and get very close to Lloyd, but to his misfortune he had to be Morro's partner, despite not getting along, both manage to do great teamwork.
• In addition, Kai received as a sacred weapon a golden sword of fire that he found in a Dungeon while accompanying Nya on one of her missions, Pixal improved it for him and now he uses it with ease. And in his first confrontation with the Anacondrai Cult, Kai comes face to face with the cult leader's daughter named Skylor, and although he wants to deny it, he began to have feelings for the daughter of his enemy.
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krewekreep · 9 months
Introduction of Sorts + Interests
This page will really be for me to get back into writing, develop my writing and indulge myself. I’m open to requests though but ask people to definitely contextualize your Bias (person you’re requesting for—yes I’m gonna use K-pop lingo oh well) and/or the scenario cause otherwise I’d simply write for myself. Which is why I also am making this page because I’ve been on tumblr for 10 years (my main account turned ten this year) and I’m worn out of the smut fest no prose or story fics. Definitely has its place in the community but the older I get the more I need actual full blown delusion. I need scene, setting, set up, climax, denouement…and so I’ll fulfill the order myself. 🫡
My interests:
(Im a 2010s coded Tumblr user so uh, I mean I suppose Dr Who and Supernatural aren’t 😂😂😂😂lmao ew anyway (I was into supernatural I’m ewwing at you and myself) .
Too I usually am not following everything that’s mainstream (I know im so cool) so also if something isn’t listed I most likely know of it—but went no further. I also like older anime and media so if you have something super specific that feels out of place no worries. Im gonna end up writing Greek smut about Dionysus so…🤷🏾‍♀️
Anime: (I’ve seen actually too much anime to name so here’s the ones I have a bias or have an affinity for the characters)
Chainsaw Man
Demon Slayer
Attack on Titan
Fate Series
Chainsaw Man
Attack on Titan
Spy x Family
Fave genres are horror/seinen, shoujo, and slice of life.
KPOP: (1st-mid 3rd Gen main but still aware of 4th gen pretty deeply)
I dont really want to do requests for idols but I don’t mind overall, explained further below
My fave boy groups (somewhat in order): Big Bang, Shinee, BAP, BTS (ex-army, long story**, don’t come to my page with that bullshit 💕) B1A4, IKON, EXO, 2PM, GOT7…I could go on. (I’m not gonna list them in an order but my heart can’t not include MBLAQ, Teen Top, U-Kiss, etc ugh those were the days😭)
Girl Groups (in definitive order): 2NE1, Brown Eyed Girls, F(x), Girls Generation, TWICE, 4Minute/Hyuna, Wonder Girls, Secret, After School, Global Icon (short lived), Tiny G ( VERY short lived), EXID, Ladies Code, etc.
Now 4th Gen…is cute…they got CUTE people that’s for sure. This list will be co-ed simply because I’m not feral for boy groups like I was younger. Really the boy groups don’t do it for me (4th gen overall criticism tbh) cause it’s really looks and kinda arrogant personalities I find obnoxious given y’all can’t even publicly date or be seen smoking…tone down the elitist vibe lol. But shade aside I do jam some things and have a playlist for my fave 4th gen songs so for sure no hate just a BOMBASTIC side eye sometimes. Anyway…
Stray Kids
Lessaraffim (I’m gonna leave it like my mind spells it, enjoy)
NCT 127 (specifically them ((in reference to the units)) cause I enjoy R&B coded K-pop, they do too much Niggaboo shit (looking at Mark and Taeyong DIRECTLY in the eyes 👁️👄👁️)((BUT it’s a Soo Man thing cause him, YG, and JYP competing over who wish they were a born a Black man the most…Soo Man and JYP ✨fist fighting✨over the top spot IYKYK)
New jeans (they’re minors and if they all aren’t their def much younger than me so no requests for minors please this is for taste assessment only)
BIBI and other female soloists (Hyuna, Sunmi, Ga-in, Lee Hyori, etc)
IVE (they really got some bops tbh, this is another TWICE case of let these young women talk and sing how they naturally would…music and live performances will thank them for it)
Nobody really else I guess honorable mentions are Ateez, Fifty-fifty,
*im gonna add that for Anime/Manga the double dipping means some combination of me knowing the material in both forms of media. Like Jujutsu Kaizen is an amazing example currently as of course the anime is ongoing but the manga is far ahead by a large portion of plot. So if your anime only, manga only, or something be sure to let me know so I’m not spoiling by accident. Don’t want the smut to spoil a character death or something….right? 😅
**the long story short and overall caveat of why I’ve fallen out of love for groups and K-pop are the fact that yeah as a Black person I genuinely started getting pissed off with colorism, n-word usage, appropriation, and mockery. The shit gets old and as a poor old super fan I’m happy I didn’t spend the money people do for folks who would literally refuse my hand…🫤 be fr. Likewise, the deaths of idols who were literally my biases really (of course) bothered me and took a toll on my enjoyment of the genre too. The more you love it the more you learn and that’s usually where the fun ends and now it’s numbers charts and placements. Lame 😭. I let the time I was fan be that but otherwise ? Eh I’m good I’ll bop from time to time and catch the tea but my bread in my pocket (besides my B1A4 What’s Happening and Twice Scientist albums😂)((and the other old albums I’ll get before they disappear forever or get destroyed🫠))
But yeah that’s that on that. I’ll be posting whatever ends up decent enough to be read by others. Otherwise wherever this ends up hope you drop a message🥸!
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sorrowfulsoul · 1 year
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roscoebarnes3 · 1 year
Humanities Council is a friend of Natchez
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By Roscoe Barnes III
The theme song for the NBC show, “Golden Girls,” begins with the words, “Thank you for being a friend. Travel down the road and back again. Your heart is true, you're a pal and a confidant.”
As corny as these words may seem, they express the gratitude that I have for Mississippi Humanities Council and its contributions to Natchez. The council has been a friend, but even more, it has been an essential partner to Natchez, helping us to grow as we strive to tell our full history.
The council has provided many opportunities for our institutions to succeed in their areas of expertise. These institutions are telling stories, providing lectures, having dialogue, and discovering history that is preserved, presented, and publicized throughout the year. This is all being done, in part, by the resources provided by the council.
The success is no surprise when you consider the council’s mission, which is to “create opportunities for Mississippians to learn about themselves and the larger world and enrich communities through civil conversations about their history and culture.”
Just recently, the council and its board members paid a visit to Natchez for a two-day retreat. They met on Thursday and Friday, June 8 and 9, at Historic Natchez Foundation. During their stay, they conducted business and dined at local restaurants. They also toured some of our historical sites, such as Melrose, Rhythm Night Club Memorial Museum, and the Dr. John Banks House, where they held a reception.
Over the years, Dr. Stuart Rockoff, the council’s executive director, and his team have been staunch supporters of Historic Natchez Foundation, Natchez Historical Society, Visit Natchez, and Natchez National Historical Park. They also support the annual Natchez Literary and Cinema Celebration. But that isn’t all. In 2021 and 2022, the council approved six grants for three of our museums.
Here's a list of other things the council has done over the last two years in its support of Natchez:
* In August 2021, John Spann, the council’s program and outreach officer, came to Natchez and spent the day meeting with the staff of Visit Natchez and directors of three museums: Rhythm Night Club Memorial Museum, Dr. John Bowman Banks Museum, and the Natchez Museum of African American History and Culture.
* Spann returned in July 2022 to lead a symposium on the subject of “Freedom.” The event drew a large audience.
* In May 2022, the council, along with Visit Mississippi, approved our application to have Natchez listed on the Mississippi Freedom Trail and the U.S. Civil Rights Trail.
* In October 2022, Rockoff spoke at the monthly meeting of the Natchez Historical Society, where he gave a talk on the Jewish history of Mississippi.
* In 2022, the council brought the traveling Smithsonian exhibit “Voices & Votes: Democracy in America” to Co-Lin in Natchez.
* The council also provides support through its Speakers Bureau, of which our very own Jeremy Houston and Galen Mark LaFrancis are members.
This list does not include the webinars, Zoom calls, and phone calls the council used to provide guidance on grant funding.
As noted on its website, the council is “a private nonprofit corporation funded by Congress through the National Endowment for the Humanities to provide public programs in traditional liberal arts disciplines to serve nonprofit groups in Mississippi.”
By supporting us in our efforts to promote the humanities here in southwest Mississippi, the council is doing what it does best, which is exactly what it was created to do.
In the book of Proverbs, we’re told, “There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother” (ESV). Mississippi Humanities Council, I’m happy to say, has been and continues to be such a friend.
Roscoe Barnes III, Ph.D., is the cultural heritage tourism manager for Visit Natchez.
Note: This column appears on the op-ed page (4A) of The Natchez Democrat (June 14, 2023).
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ningsols · 2 months
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✶ 𓂂 ˚ ⭒ . ݁ . MAIN DRS.
엔하이픈 enhypen | eighth member
canon miraculous | bat miraculous
✶ 𓂂 ˚ ⭒ . ݁ . OWN GROUP DRS.
아트란티스 atlantis | own boy group
브라즈! bratz! | own gg group shift
세레스트 celeste | own girl group
이클립스 eclipse | own girl group
엘 elle | own girl group
엔비 envy | own co-ed group
그러스 gloss | own girl group
헌이 honey | own co-ed group
러브루프 loveloop | own girl group
러브엑스 lovex | own girl group
미아우 meow | own girl group
몬스터하이 monster high | own gg group shift
먹시 moxie | own girl group (A2K)
핑크펑크 pink punk | own girl group
레트로그레이드 retrograde | own girl band
쉬트즈 sweetz | own gg group shift
벡스 vex | own girl group
✶ 𓂂 ˚ ⭒ . ݁ . KPOP DRS.
애스파 aespa | fifth member
홀리 holly | female soloist
있지 itzy | sixth member
아이브 ive | seventh member
킹 king | male soloist
르세라핌 le sserafim | sixth member
나비 nabi | female soloist
뉴진스 newjeans | fifth member
스타 star | female soloist
스트레이키즈 stray kids | eighth member
베라 vera | female soloist
스리라차 3racha | fourth member
✶ 𓂂 ˚ ⭒ . ݁ . OTHER DRS.
alice in wonderland
christmas wonderland
concert experience
decelis academy
fairytale / old-timey magic
fairytale / modern magic
the fosters
hogwarts w/ idols
ideal fan / better cr
idol school
marvel w/ idols
(canon) marvel
miraculous w/ idols
misc. heroes
paragon academy of aces (my book❓)
pokémon w/ idols
renegades / anarchists
sugar baby
the lunar chronicles
waiting room #1
waiting room #2
western fame (actress)
western fame (singer)
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thatndginger · 1 year
Heya I’m sending your question right back at you. You have a college AU you say? I love AUs. Tell me more 😊
Hiya! Sorry this one is a little late, the weekend really tuckered me out lol
Ok so if the Shapeshifter gang were in a College AU, this is what I think it'd look like:
Kerr McKay is a automotive engineering grad student, having left his home country of Ireland to study in the States. He wants to design motorcycles once he finishes up his degree, and spends an inordinate amount of time tinkering with his own motorcycle as a hobby.
Jay is also an automotive engineering student with an eye on motorcycle manufacture, but she wants to start her own company once she's finished, so she's also pursuing a business management degree - even though she absolutely hates it.
Warrick is an arts student pursuing a BFA, and the bane of his professors' existences. He's got enough credits for three minors in digital media, photography, and marketing because he just keeps signing on for more classes instead of graduating.
Jay and Kerr met first. The school's dorms were co-ed, and students were usually grouped by their fields of study, so they were on the same floor. Combined with having a lot of the same classes, the two grew close pretty quickly. Warrick was paired with them in one of their gen ed classes for a project - a happy accident of fate - and the three just kinda clicked. When Jay began to talk about starting her own motorcycle manufacturing company, Kerr and Warrick were very quick to throw their lot in with her. Kerr designated himself as Jay's lead engineer and 'creative genius' while Warrick took up the mantle of PR guru and artistic director.
Currently, Jay and Kerr are trying to finish out their degrees under the guidance of Professor Carlisle Morrish and his assistant professor Portia Beckham, while Warrick drags out his degree until Jay and Kerr are set to graduate. The three of them rent an apartment close-ish to campus, though they're hardly ever there. Warrick works part-time at a local radio station as one of their social media interns, and sometimes does advertisements when needed. Kerr and Jay do TA work for Professors Morrish and Beckham, and all three of them tend to hang around campus more often than not to meet up with friends (and rivals).
Jay is in a bit of a low-stakes war with the TA of one of her business classes. She swears Adrien Montrose is out to get her personally (he isn't), and is determined to make him give her a perfect grade before either of them graduates. Warrick and Kerr are embroiled in a long-standing prank war with some of the other engineering students and have recently wrangled some of the new undergrads into it - one Aleksei Rybkin is particularly enthusiastic. They're also trying to prove once and for all that the rumors surrounding Dr. Pearce - one of the biology professors - are true and she is hiding bodies and experimenting on them in her lab when no one's around.
I could keep going but I'm gonna leave off here before I work myself up into actually writing this au lol. Must finish the original story first!
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