tired-and-unjellied · 1 month
Could I get some help from coderblr?
I was relegated the legacy code of a game, which has a lot of problems. The owner burnt out from the technical debt, and I have no idea how to tackle it properly since I was given the code (2 years ago, maybe more)
The code is all in 1 file. From memory, there are at least 30k LOC. The methods are not documented, and several arguments can be of two classes which are not under the same polymorphism, and really shouldn't be (a character and a location).
I don't know what I should do first: split the classes into files but keep shared methods, split classes and shared methods, documents all the file, migrate to better libraries, bugfix everything I can, maybe a secret option?
Thanks for reading!
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entourage-themes · 10 months
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Goddess of Delirium
Quiero agradecer enormemente al staff de @goddessofdeliriumrp​ por haberme elegido para realizar este hermoso skin, muchas gracias por su confianza y por darme rienda suelta en cuanto a creatividad para trabajar en su preciosísimo foro. ♥ El resultado me llena de satisfacción y de orgullo de saber que pude cumplir más allá de lo que esperaban, ¡disfruten muchísimo el skin! — 𝓡𝓸𝓼𝓼
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a-fox-studies · 1 year
Something really struck me while reading @wallf1ower's recent post in response to a tag game, and I wanted to give my opinions in it.
Programming really does have a special place in my heart. It does not really look like it has any emotional value to it like art, or writing, or music but programmers know. I am so attached to it, it's my escape.
And it is also true that we sometimes get emotionally attached to a particular coding language, like a pet <3 due to many reasons. I did do a bit of Java as my first programming language in school, but Python was my key to the coding universe as I like to call it.
I love every second I spend in front of my laptop creating something, and knowing that although how hard the process may be, the output will be beautiful, and it will be my own creation, and I would be proud of it. This can be applied to any situation in real life, and it's surprising how programming has given me the confidence that I need to get through life.
It's funny how some things you like at a young age may seem temporary, but turn out to be the very element that shapes your future the way you love.
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i-miss-petpetpark · 1 year
The Petpet Park rebuild had recently gotten many files!
and needs coders to put them togather!!!
Now thats where you come in.
If you are a coder or knows someone that is or just a random person willing to share
Pls share or reach out!
we need any help we can get on this to bring Petpet Park back!
Links in bio and the youtube video!
note: this project is not related to the Petpet Project and has different ppl
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nando161mando · 3 months
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Linus to everyone using ChatGPT and copilot.
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rpcpositivitea · 4 months
in light of monty taking her skins down, which I completely get given the circumstances in the community rn, this is just a quick thank you to her for all the work you put in on those masterpieces. every skin was so clean and stylish, accessible, and i hope even if you aren't sharing your work publicly anymore you can still find joy in coding because your work was some of the best this community ever had.
here's to monty <3
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dorky-stars · 4 months
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I'm starting to plan my own mod- I have an offer for a coder and I'm super happy about it. I just need to find someone to animate and someone to compose the music.
It's a fantasy styled mod with my ocs from my own little realm, I wanna call Starbox, the first mod being named- ...I haven't thought of that yet.
I've began to turn my ocs into polo refs (I don't know how to animate them but I'd love to learn!!)
Purple is Sumire, a species of Rhopacana (Butterfly/dogs)
Green is Verdell, a species of Mawlia (A made up species in my world!)
Red is Vermelha, a species of Mawlia
Pink is Altair, a species of Mothica (Moth-like)
Blue is Rigel, a species of Mothica
Some little fun facts:
Altair and Rigel are boyfriends!! They've been close since childhood, living in the same Mothica encampment in the Fauna Forests.
Sumire is Rhopacanian royalty!! Anything colored purple is a royal, seeing- well, purple is linked to royalty!!
Sumire and Verdell are girlfriends, a part of a forbidden live. Mawlia are very dangerous, and have been banned to the Vast Volcanic Lands, and even Brimstone after the War of the Realms. Verdell could be executed and Sumire could be decrowned. The only people who know are Vermelha (Verdell's younger brother), and Jay (Sumire's best friend)
Of course- there's plenty more lore to come and plenty more species!!! :D
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izicodes · 1 year
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Sunday 1st January 2023
Happy New Year!! 🎆 Today, I found myself working on some old JavaScript code for a password generator. I was tasked by my night class tutor to create a password generator that prompts the user for the length of the password, as well as whether they want to include lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, and special characters.
I quickly realized that it was going to be a more challenging task than I had initially thought. The way I would have approached the problem is a bit different the way they want us to do it, especially since there was starter code involved already 😅
Despite the challenges, I knew that I had to complete this task as soon as possible. I have a lot of important things to do this week and I can't afford to fall behind.
Wish me luck on completing this in time 🤗💗 Happy coding!
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fipindustries · 2 years
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happy trans women’s day!
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Hey guys!!!! @starisinsane and I (@ghostpepper-at-midnight) are starting a project. As soon as my friend and I get a total of 30 followers, will we start a fundraiser at our school. We will then donate the money to an issue YOU choose. See the poll on @starisinsane's blog and here. Choose and follow for updates!! The top two choices with the most votes get the money.
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athenacodes · 5 months
Got an ask based on me saying I found @hexxincodes' work easy to edit and asked if I had any other suggestions and I want to start this off by saying very emphatically:
I have not, unfortunately, had a chance to work with everyone's coding. As such, this is biased to what I have gotten to work with. Sorry about that, folks!
Still, here's some others' work that I have worked with and enjoyed the process of. Please take into consideration that I am a coder so what is easy for me may not translate for you. The best experiences of coding I have had, outside of Hex, are with:
Joss, but I don't know the blog name to tag, please forgive me
Now, again, this list is incredibly biased, so I am not in any way putting anyone's work down. I really have not gotten a chance to work with many people's codes. I just got the asks and wanted to answer.
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Programmers like!
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nullcodescripts · 1 year
StackFood Multi Restaurant v6.0.1 - Food Delivery App with Laravel Admin and Restaurant Panel - nulled
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StackFood is a complete Multi Restaurant food delivery system developed using Laravel and Flutter Framework. StackFood’s Powerful admin panel will help you to control your business smartly.
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elalmacen-rp · 1 year
¡Hola, gente del almacén! Estoy buscando a un diseñador/coder para pedir una comisión de skin. Aunque podría yo misma buscar hasta los confines del universo(?) no sé por dónde empezar, así que mando este ask para ver si pudieran ayudarme dejando sus blogs para contactarles y ver con más calma sus portfolios. De antemano muchísimas gracias, ¡besos!
¡Hola anon! Te dejo unos pocos, y dejo abierto para quien quiera aportar a sus conocidos (u ofrecerse ellxs mismxs) en replies o reblogs.
@magicalcore (portfolio): Individuales y compartidas.
@apolocodes (portfolio): Generalmente para phpBB3 y ModernBB, individuales y compartidas.
@entourage-themes (portfolio): Individuales, fcs animados.
@necromancercoding (portfolio): Individuales, fcs reales.
(No he incluido a personas que sólo ofrecen tablillas a comisión por la petición de skin del anon, como aclaración 💕)
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techleader · 1 year
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Interview as a service is a process that is often used in the hiring process to evaluate potential candidates for a job.
With the increasing use of online interview platforms, it has become more important than ever to ensure unbiased evaluations. By eliminating personal biases and using the same criteria to evaluate each candidate, virtual interviews can increase the accuracy of the hiring process and help companies make informed decisions about which candidates are the best fit for their organization.
The importance of unbiased evaluations in interview as a service cannot be overstated and should be a priority for any organization looking to hire top talent.
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rpcpositivitea · 3 months
You don't know me like personally, kaecodes, but you spent 4 hours over dm with me a while back teaching me how to convert a super old skin with black's CFS to jcink templates. Just finished my first skin from scratch. I started coding because of how excited you were to see me back in the rp space so I wanted to say thanks. I hope you are doing great, because you were great to me!
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