contre-qui · 2 years
If you see me reblogging all the fun UK politics stuff on my main even tho I'm from the US, just know it's because I think it's funny that I left for the summer and will be returning to a whole new government when I go back to uni
#Larry for PM
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contre-qui · 2 years
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01 June 2022
I saw these cute little skull snails online by artist Nick Maskell and loved them so much I replicated them in my journal. I also went rock climbing again today, which is definitely my new favorite form of exercise. I'm really excited to have finished up the academic year, and now it's flat-hunting time.
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contre-qui · 2 years
Studyblr Reintroduction ✨
Hey y'all! Just reached a decent follower milestone so I thought I'd do a quick reintroduction for those new and old to my blog.
I primarily post study and book content - including book reviews - as well as some witchcraft and tarot, life/adulting stuff, my general thoughts and ravings, and some writing content.
Mari, she/they, young adult
Uni student, studying undergrad English and creative writing
Recently discovered autistic
I speak English and I'm self-studying Spanish
Secular witch and tarot reader
Other interests include embroidery, sewing, and crochet; baking; biology and human anatomy/physiology (including my experience in cadaver dissection); reading and creative writing (esp. sci fi, fantasy, poetry, horror, and queer lit)
I'm pretty much always happy to chat about any of the above and any other questions or interests you have!
Just a few of my fav blogs and friends I've made in the community - y'all are the best 💜
@peregrination-studies @the---hermit @incipitinterpreter @abbeyx @salvadorbonaparte among many others
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contre-qui · 2 years
My new favorite activity is googling random dough/batter based foods to see if I can make basically anything with my sourdough starter discard.
Fyi, the answer seems to be yes.
(also I think I figured out the foolproof trick to sourdough starter after 2-3 attempts so if anyone wants a little unqualified advice, I will happily drop my trial-and-error knowledge on you)
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contre-qui · 2 years
Small note: I am currently up to my ears in exam season, but I'm almost done (less than a week left!) so I've been pretty inactive, but hopefully will pick back up soonish.
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contre-qui · 2 years
If you are, like me, a giant nerd with many ideas but can't write these ideas because you have specific essay prompts for your classes, consider:
I keep a page in my Notion that's just for academic essays I'd like to write some day. Weird comparisons between characters in two different books. The influence of victorian egyptomania on a particular novel. Just keep a list. Then if you have a dissertation or a really loose essay assignment, you have a list of cool topics to pick from that you already think would be interesting.
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contre-qui · 2 years
If the tarot readings are still open I'd love to know if my academic future is successful / if I'm on the right path! It's something I always wonder about and I'd find it so fascinating to have an idea
Thanks and have a great day 🥺💕✨
Hi there - they certainly are!
I've pulled the Five of Wands and the Eight of Pentacles. The Five of Wands reminds us that we aren't alone! You aren't taking this journey on by yourself, so make sure to remember to rely on and work with the people around you. Maybe reach out to make new friends or try to acquire a mentor or advisor of some kind, or just lean on those friends and peers you've already got around you. This card can sometimes also indicate conflict or rivalry, but that's less the vibe I'm getting from it in this case.
The Eight of Pentacles speaks to apprenticeship - to study, to hard work and diligence, but also to achievement and rewards. This card indicates to me that if you keep at it, you will get to where you want to go. Of course I can't guarantee anything certain, but this card says to me that you've got the skills and you're continuing to hone them. This work does have the potential to pay off in a tangible way.
Hope that helps - have an awesome day and take care!
✨ tarot readings currently open ✨
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contre-qui · 2 years
Hello! I'd like to request a tarot reading, if you're willing. I used to have a friend back in school who would do a 12-card spread to give an overview for the coming year. I don't know if you have something in your repertoire that's similar, but I'm kind of just looking for a "what can I expect" type reading. The closest match on your list is a "near future" reading, but I shall bow to your professional/instinctive insight. <3
Hi there! Since these are free readings, I don't feel comfortable doing a full 12-card spread, since that's a lot of energy and work on my part. I have done a smaller predictive/what's coming up for you reading for you, though, and if you wanted to message me about negotiating for a larger/more in depth reading I'm open to that as well!
I pulled the Hermit, the Three of Pentacles, the Sun, the Queen of Swords, and the Ten of Wands. The Hermit is an indicator of self-reflection and a journey of personal growth. You might find yourself somewhat isolated, but either way I see some introspection and personal development coming up for you.
The Three of Pentacles says a lot about teamwork and collaboration, so this may refer to your professional life. It often speaks to people of varying talents coming together for a common project/goal, and it might indicate that you become peers or equals with people you previously considered more advanced/experienced than you.
The Sun! Pretty much always a positive card to get. It's about overcoming obstacles and generally happy vibes, especially in this type of context. So expect some good times to roll your way, especially if there have been barriers to that in place recently.
The last two cards, in my mind, seem like reminders rather than predictions. So keep these in mind for the futute. The Queen of Swords speaks to a state of mind; she's about having a clear mind to make analytic decisions. Intellect doesn't have to be devoid of emotion, but remember to keep your emotions in balance with your intellect when making decisions. It's also a call for independence. Other people can't make your choices for you. Finally, the Ten of Wands. This is a reminder not to burn out. You might work really hard to achieve your goals, but perhaps to your detriment. So remember that achievement is a burden you must balance with your other responsibilities and with your mental health.
Thanks for reaching out! Please feel free to ask any follow-up questions/seek clarification, and if you wanted to negotiate for a larger reading feel free to message me. Take care!
✨ tarot readings currently open ✨
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contre-qui · 2 years
I think something I'd like to try implementing this academic year is consistency in my day-to-day workload. Because yes some days I have the capacity to work for 12+ hours, but is that setting tomorrow me up for success and continued progress?
Maybe I'd have less trouble with motivation and work if I stopped before my maximum limit, and thus had more brain space for personal activities and the next day's work.
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contre-qui · 2 years
Oh also I officially hit my book goal for the year (52) today, so any thoughts on an updated goal?
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contre-qui · 2 years
Quick rant:
The FAFSA very specifically divides your parents into the categories of "father" and "mother". My parents are queer. So many people's parents are queer. How the hell am I supposed to fill out legal forms connected to the IRA with my "father"'s tax information not being connected to a man. Like legal gender marker and all.
And now that gay marriage has been legal in all of the US for, what, seven years now? what are they going to do in a decade when all those peoples' kids start applying for the FAFSA too? Like sure my situation is a little unique and I get that but A) it's not *that* unique, and B) it's getting less unique by the year. So don't open with this "parent 1 and parent 2" bullshit and then immediately jump me to "father and mother" right after.
Absolutely fuck off. And at least if you're going to make me misgender someone through an entire application, give me more financial aid for my trouble.
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contre-qui · 2 years
Hello yes good evening.
I just spent like five days at the beach and read a book every day I was there. Five books in five days. I feel refreshed, I feel rejuvenated, my skin is clear and my crops are watered.
The ocean makes the autism be a little quieter I think sometimes, and the reading makes me happy. Also I don't get enough sun in general so I just macrodose once a year lmao
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contre-qui · 2 years
Hey so there's a lot of stuff right now about US-based ppl deleting their period tracker apps. Obviously I'm not a legal expert, but Clue is a European company, and they have now released a statement explicitly stating that your data cannot be subpoenaed by US courts. I'll link it here.
Make your own choices with your health and data safety, but this might be a good option if you feel comfortable using it.
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contre-qui · 2 years
Not an ask game, but:
If anyone ever has any questions for me about the cadaver dissection I did for my degree, omg please ask!
Idk if I ever mentioned it online but it was one of the coolest, most educational, and most emotional experiences of my life and I'd love an excuse to talk about it.
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contre-qui · 2 years
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23 June 2022
I think I'm going to spend my summer reading and learning, and I'm starting by trying to read kids' books in Spanish. I figured the Magic Treehouse books were a great starting point. It feels a little funny to read kids' books like this, but it's kind of fun, and it is genuinely challenging me. I'm also working my way through a giant tarot book and really trying to develop my skills and get a deeper understanding of each card. I have lots of plans for taking notes and comparing imagery.
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contre-qui · 2 years
Hey how do you do tarot. Do you read it through energy or what is your way of reading it?
That's such an interesting question; thank you for asking! I personally read with a lot of intuition. Obviously I do keep the cards' meanings at the forefront, but so many cards can mean multiple things or mean different things in different contexts, so I really follow my gut about what the cards mean in that moment. Since I'm still a beginner, I sometimes consult a reference for card meanings - and usually certain things will stick out to me, so that's what I deem most relevant. I also choose to focus heavily on the imagery on the cards: colors, the background and weather, symbols, which directions the figures are facing and how much of their face is visible, that sort of thing. Again, certain details will stick out more for certain readings, so sometimes the colors don't seem especially relevant and sometimes they really do.
I don't tend to use specific spreads unless someone has asked about a really specific situation I think could be helped by a spread. I tend to just let the cards fall and read what comes up, paying attention to groupings and the way cards fall on their own.
Overall, my reading style is based strongly in the historical meanings but also has a lot to do with the impression I get from the cards in a given moment, as well as the personal associations I've built up surrounding certain cards.
Thank you so much for asking! This was really interesting to answer. ✨ tarot readings currently open ✨
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