#conveniently hiding behind angel
perereiii · 2 months
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Something something something… We win! (Fanart for this fic ^^)
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seravphs · 1 year
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✧ modern intimacy | 200 fluff
Gojo watches you get ready for your anniversary date.
✧ all roads lead home | 600 fluff
Gojo “my girl is mad at me I hope I die” Satoru, companion piece to modern intimacy
✧ all the rumors are true | 450 fluff
He’s an idol. You’re a hairstylist.
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short/long fic:
✧ dinner plans | 1k fluff
Gojo's a brat.
✧ spoil | 1k fluff
Gojo Satoru likes his girls clingy. 
✧ sweetheart, psychopathic crush | 1.5k fluff and mild angst 
“What I want from the river is what I always want: / to be held by a stronger thing that, in the end, chooses mercy.” - Advantages of Being Evergreen by Oliver Baez Bendorf
✧ starboy | 1.6k fluff
Your job description entails taking care of one (1) astronaut on his way to Mars. It doesn’t say anything about falling in love with him. 
✧ arrive through obliteration | 3.5k smut
Gojo deserves a trophy for winning his fight against Sukuna. You’re happy to deliver.
✧ you get me closer to god | 3.7k fluff
Kneeling by your bed, rosary wrapped around your knuckles, lips pressed to the burnished rosewood, you pray. God, please send me another guardian angel. A blast of static from the TV behind you. The one you sent me- “Hey, how does the thing work?” Gojo says, accompanied by loud thumps. You cringe in silence. He’s strange.
✧ graveyard shift | 4.5k fluff | (not really a) mafia au
When you took the job, you knew working the night shift at your local convenience store would be boring. That’s fine; you’re here to make enough to pay rent, not to smile for strangers who don’t care anyways.The appearance of a stranger who seems to have a lot to hide is tantalizing bait to your boredom, but you can’t give in. That is, if you have a choice at all.
✧ the commutative property of relationships | 4.5k smut
Gojo and you have little to nothing in common besides a friend group and a shared crush on Nanami Kento. However, as befitting the sorcerer to end all sorcerers, of course Gojo has one up on you - he’s actually made a move on Nanami. If he offers to give you a taste through him, who are you to turn down such a golden opportunity?
✧ star power | 6.8k fluff
Gojo loves the untouchable. You’re an off limits rockstar who thinks he’s an idiot. The only thing he can do is take that as a challenge, right?
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✧ cruel summer 
✧ teen dad gojo 
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✧ let your hand become a blade so I may take it | royal au | 1/7 chapters
Updated knight! gojo x princess! reader
✧ the hand which holds the knife | royal au | 2 chapters 
OLD DRAFT of knight! gojo x princess! reader
✧ spring in hell and everything’s blooming | 2/5 chapters | estimated 12k 
There is before-Getou and after-Getou. In both spaces, Gojo exists.
✧ beating hearts promised to bared teeth | 1/2 chapters | estimated 20k
When a kind stranger offers you his home because your gambling addict of a father can’t pay rent, you’re left in charge of a shrine - with a catch. Once you arrive at your new home, you learn a crucial fact that he conveniently left out. You’re the new god in charge, and his familiar, who now belongs to you, does not like you. What’s a new god to do, especially when she finds herself slowly falling for the fox spirit?
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deathbecomesthem · 6 months
Roomies 5
Eddie Munson x Best Friend Reader | 2.2K - Previous
*This series will/does contain smut, angst, and fluff. Each chapter will have its own warnings for any potential triggering contents.
Chapter Summary - We are spiraling. Eddie is a rock. A shared best friend is in town for a visit. We've got some angst and bad behavior by our reader. The next chapter will feature more time with the shared best friend, and some important air clearing.
“Do not -” Eddie’s hand is on your reaching hand pinching the head of the arm on the record player that’s currently playing Black Sabbath. You’re not a fan, but you know the sound of Ozzy’s voice from the many years of friendship with Eddie. “- make me listen to your shitty music tonight. I’d rather sit in silence.”
“Don’t be a dick, Munson. Bikini Kill isn’t shitty. You’re just used to listening to that male chauvinistic garbage. You’re brainwashed into hating the girl bands fighting against that way of thinking.” The dig shouldn’t have much sting, it’s one you use a lot. It can be tiring defending your musical tastes all the time, and you know Eddie understands that. 
His response isn’t the normal finger flick to your forehead, though. His face drops, and he lets go of your hand. “Uh, fine. Put it on if you want.” He turns to head back to the kitchen where the boxes of Chinese food are set up on the counter. No fight. He caved, he didn’t set you straight. He didn’t explain that his reasons for not liking the punk riot grrrl bands has nothing to do with their message, which he agrees with. He just lets you win. 
Instead of Bikini Kill’s Demi Rep, you reach for Alice in Chains’ Dirt. Neutral ground. Sliding the disc from its sleeve, you wonder what new mines you might find hiding under the field of your friendship now. What else has changed without you realizing it. You wonder if every single interaction will be like this until eventually you’re both too exhausted to deal with it. And then what? You know what. And then it all fades away.
“So,” you approach Eddie from behind, hands clasped behind your back as if in private prayer, “what treats did you procure from Main Moon this fine evening?” You rest your chin on his arm, sneaking a peek at the inside of the containers as he opens them. “Oooooohhhh, you got spare ribs!”
Eddie laughs and mutters, “can’t disappoint my best girl, can I? Not when she gets that sauce all over her face every time she eats them.” You don’t see it coming before it’s too late. An arm wraps around your neck, and you're in a headlock you can’t twist yourself out of. He caught you off guard in a vulnerable moment, and now Eddie’s got sauce on his finger ready to spread it on your nose.
“Eddie, let me go!” You flail, but Eddie’s bicep remains firm, holding you against his side. 
“Oh, Angel, we’re just getting a head start on the mess you’re gonna make.” Eddie’s laughing while his finger makes a meandering journey from the tip of your nose to your forehead. He even managed to get some on the inside of your left nostril. He releases you, grabbing your arm before you stumble too far and fall, and stands back to admire his handiwork. “Oh, you’re looking very beautiful. You should let me do your makeup more often.”
“You idiot,” you try and fail to keep laughter out of your voice, “I’m not eating the rib you just finger fucked. That one’s yours, Buddy.” 
It was that takeout dinner, shared on the couch in your shared living room, that took the edge off. Eddie set the tone. The doubts started to calm. The looks between the two of you might last too long, there might be more excuses made to touch, but the fear that the end of your friendship had arrived dissipated. The routine set in. It was a relief.
When Friday night rolls around, you’re ready for a break. Three days off in a row. A miracle worthy of celebration. Convenient that your favorite spot happens to be below your apartment, and that you’re friends with the bartender. Heavy pours and free booze, and a short commute home. Ronnie’s in town for the weekend, the missing piece in your friendship with Eddie. The third Musketeer. 
“I can’t wait to see the look on his face,” Ronnie is close to your vanity’s mirror with a black eye pencil skating across her lower waterline, “he’s gonna shit his pants.”
“I’m just happy he’s got the rest of the weekend off. I thought I might have to spill the beans to get him to do it.” You’re rifling through your bag of lipsticks looking for the burgundy that’s your favorite. “He’s probably going to fucking murder me when he realizes I’ve been keeping your trip a secret.”
“Yeah, well, fuck him.” Ronnie fluffs her hair a little and adjusts the waist of her jeans, “last time he was supposed to go east to see me, he was neck deep in that waitress. Remember her? The one with the huge tracts of land?”
“How could I forget? She was the reason I didn’t see Eddie for 3 months. I thought he was gonna marry her or something stupid like that.” You laugh a little, ignoring the way your mind tries to compare yourself with the girl that Eddie was obsessed with only 6 months ago. 
“What are we dealing with now? Any ladies I need to fight for his attention? He never tells me shit about his love life, but I definitely got the feeling the last time we talked that there was someone.”
You laugh, and hope that Ronnie doesn’t look too closely at the way your smile sits strangely on your lips, “I don’t know. Where Eddie decides to stick his dick is really not something I think about a whole lot. But I haven’t seen any evidence of a girl in the apartment.”
Ronnie looks at you with her head cocked and says, “Except for you, of course.”
“Oh, sure. Except for me. We both know I don’t count.”
Garland wrapped in Christmas lights runs along the outside counter of the bar. You’re happy to find most of the booths and barstools empty. You were worried that Eddie might be too busy to enjoy the presence of Ronnie when he’s trying to work. It really feels festive, you can smell a hint of cinnamon in the air and wonder if it’s the Christmas ale that they have on tap this time of year. And there’s Eddie, standing in the corner with a Santa hat sitting crooked on his head, and a tall blonde tugging on the end of his hair with a wide grin on her face. 
“Who’s that?” You’ve forgotten that Ronnie is behind you for a second and you jump at the sound of her voice, “they look friendly.”
“I have no idea. Maybe she’s the new bartender,” your voice is quiet, afraid to draw his attention to you. You consider turning on your heel and heading back upstairs, but can’t with Ronnie here. “Let’s, uh, let’s go say hi.”
Eddie turns and catches sight of Ronnie, his oldest friend. His closest friend, next to you. Like a shot, he pushes past the blonde woman standing next to him to bring her into a big bear hug. They’re rocking back and forth and Eddie’s sparkling eyes are shining on you. He mouths, you’re dead, and then kisses Ronnie on the top of her head.
He hugs you next, holding you tight in his arms. It’s something that he hasn’t done in recent days, a familiar thing that reminds you that this is Eddie. Your Eddie. The smell of smoke and Old Spice and the feel of his stubble on your forehead make you forget the way only moments ago you were full of dread. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell you she was coming.”
“She wanted it to be a surprise. She’s been missing you.” you say into his chest, not wanting to break apart from his embrace just yet. You’ve been missing him too, despite the fact that you see him every single day. Eddie pulls away and puts an arm around both you and Ronnie.
“Consider me surprised. I can get out of here early, maybe. It’s dead, and Laney can close up.” Eddie turns his head to call back to the girl that’s made her way back behind the bar, “what do you think? You think you can handle closing alone?”
“Sure, Eddie.” She smiles at him, and turns to the old man sitting at the end of the bar. She rests her elbows on the bar, hip jutted to the side and you catch a glimpse of a line of red fabric - a thong - poking out from the hem of her jeans.
“Laney, huh? She looks like she’s got some talents.” Ronnie shrugs out from under Eddie’s arm and sidles up to a bar stool. You look up and see Eddie averting his eyes from the ample derriere of the bartender in question. You can see his cheeks darken under the Christmas lights.
“She’s an excellent bartender, and we’re lucky to have her. Shut up, and maybe I’ll get the two of you some free drinks.”
Shots on shots on shots. Round 3, and the feeling that this is a mistake has already started to pass. Now it’s just fun. It’s warm. You’re loose. Fear is a distant memory, and your lips move without the barrier of common sense. Eddie’s red rimmed eyes are on the girl behind the bar, again. It’s not in your head, because you see Ronnie shaking her head on the other side of him. 
“One more round for me and my friends, Baby.” Eddie’s low voice hums through his chest, and you see the way his thumb runs across the back of Laney’s hand when he passes her a $20.
“No problem, Eddie.” She answers back, and her tongue flicks against her lips before she turns towards the cash register.
“Subtle.” You bite your words into the moment, causing both friends next to you to turn their attention to you. “Don’t let us stop you. You’ve been eye fucking each other all night. Might as well get it out of your system so you can maybe pay attention to Ronnie for more than 10 seconds.”
“Hey now,” Ronnie reaches around behind Eddie, “we’re good.” She’s squeezing your forearm in an attempt to ground you before things escalate. 
“What the fuck is your problem? You’ve been rude all night for no reason.” Ronnie’s arm drops at Eddie’s words. 
“You’re rude, Eddie. I can’t do this.” The room has started to tilt, and you can feel the words tangling in your head. “I’m going for a walk. Have fun.” You lean over the bar and shout in the direction of the bartender, “Good night, Laney. I hope you and Eddie are very fucking happy together.”
The humiliation rises inside you like a tsunami as you stumble over your feet and down the steps outside of the bar and onto the sidewalk. It’s cold, but you can’t feel it, the whiskey is keeping you warm from the inside out. Tears prick the corners of your eyes, and you wonder if you could sleep in your car tonight. You wonder if there’s somewhere you could go. 
Instead, you circle the block and peek into the frosty windows of the bar. Eddie and Ronnie are getting up from their barstools, and Laney is leaning over the bar to give Eddie a kiss on the cheek. You start up the stairs full of shame, anger, and confusion. You’re going to bed, and you’ll pretend to be asleep before Ronnie crawls in next to you. You know that this time, the light of the morning will only put a spotlight on your bad behavior. 
The sunlight sneaks in through the blinds, and your eyes crack open to see the room spinning in front of you. You groan, and an arm wraps around your waist. Ronnie. You see a glass of water and a bottle of aspirin sitting on your bedside table. You sit up a little and take 2 pills with a small sip of water. And another sip. One more, and then it hits you. The things you said last night. 
“Oh no, what did I do?” You ask yourself. And then you notice that the hand around your waist is bigger than it should be. You should have known by the smell of him, that scent that calms you and makes you feel cared for.
Eddie’s fully dressed and laying on top of your blankets, face pressed into the pillow you bought specifically for Ronnie to use while she stayed with the both of you. He must have - what? - been worried about you and passed out while checking on you? Probably. You’re surprised Ronnie didn’t crawl in between the two of you, sharing a bed is something the three of you have done many times. 
You lay back down and push your face into Eddie’s chest. You’ll take his comfort for now. Let the sadness and humiliation leak out of your eyes and onto his cotton shirt. For now, you breathe in the smell of his neck, and let his curls tickle your cheek, thankful for the opportunity to steal this peaceful moment before the questions need to be answered.
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dawndelion-winery · 2 years
Take A Hint
Please just notice their advances
Ft. Diluc, Dottore, Itto, Zhongli
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It's not you, it's him
Truly, he could not be any more vague
Why? You might ask?
Simply put, he's trying his best to romance you without letting you know it's him who's romancing you
Something something anxious you'll reject him something
So yeah, flowers, subtle gifts in the form of things you happen to need, everything is handed to you on a silver platter of convenience
And the sender himself is nowhere to be found or even heard of
Throw in how he's not exactly known for being amorous, as popular as he is, how could you possibly have suspected it was from him?
Of course you'd ask around, sparking a whole new chain of talk about your mysterious admirer
And lots of unwanted advice from the well-meaning citizens of Mond
"You should try asking around at the Angel's Share. Master Diluc always seems to know a little about everything, maybe he has something for ya."
Having no other leads, you went ahead with it
As with every other evening, the place was packed, drunkards exchanging tales over their liquor
There was nothing of value to be gotten from them, so you made a beeline for the redhead behind the counter
"Good evening, what can I get for you this time?"
"You wouldn't happen to have information, would you? On umm, the person who's been sending me all these presents."
He stiffens up, though not enough to be distinctly noticeable
He was going to say no, continue to lay low for a bit more, but when you looked at him so expectantly, it was hard for him to turn you down
It was even worse when you pressed further, prying for details to push your luck
Still, he caved and answered, fumbling as he did, because there was only so vague he could be the more you questioned
"You seem to know this person really well, it's almost like- Wait, Diluc, are you??"
In your excitement, you had gotten up, kneeling on the barstool and leaning across the counter to come face to face with him
"I've thought of something else you can get me, bartender~"
"Y-yes, and...what might that be?"
"Just like that?" Kaeya confirmed, throwing his head back and laughing as he turned to his brother. "Yeah, just like that," you echoed, smiling at your lover who glowered at the blue haired captain. Diluc sat himself between the two of you as he wrapped an arm around you. "I told you it'd be easier to just ask them," Kaeya quipped, only to be silenced with a glare. "I recall," Diluc said. "But it worked out fine all the same." And fine it was, as he pressed a kiss to your temple, content that he no longer had to fret over hiding from you.
For someone who's all about the enjoying the experimental process, even he was growing tired of the lack of results
Were his hints (link to past post) too difficult to notice even for you? Had he overestimated your abilities?
Perhaps that was the case, so he'd have no choice but to resort to a more tried and true method
But of course even then he'd twist it in his own way to suit himself
It's not like there was any point in conforming to a standard the complete opposite of his own lest you fall for anything short of who he truly was
So he approaches you under the guise of a personal experiment, a little something that had piqued his interest
"You can be my lover for a... how's a month sound?"
You choked on your drink
As if being approached by the harbinger you worked for during your lunch break wasn't nerve wracking enough, that was what he wanted to talk to you about?
Despite his offhanded demeanor, seeming to not care about whether you agreed to it or not, you had a feeling it would be in your best interests to go along with it
It's not like you weren't at least somewhat into him anyway
His smile from under the mask did seem very ominous to any sane person though
Perhaps you weren't entirely sane, because the doctor's low chuckle didn't send you running for the hills in spite of you having no idea what he was planning
But really, how hard could it be to play the part of Il Dottore's lover for a month?
The answer was not at all
The position came with a number of privilege you were sure you'd miss once you lost them
Free access to anything under Dottore's command? Almost the same level of authority?
Really, it was insane just how much you were getting out of something that stemmed from his curiosity
And it really had you wondering just how he could afford to spare you all this luxury without batting an eye
Your colleagues, while understandably jealous, had been surprisingly supportive as well, giggling in your ear about how soft the doctor seemed to be for you
But all you could think of was how it was all a lie
You had to keep reminding yourself how quickly it would be over, and that you'd soon return to your old post
Even in the doctor's presence, which was often, you were doing mental gymnastics to stay calm at his every doting gesture
How was it even possible for him to hold you so gently? You'd never know
His duality was such that he could snap at the Regrator in a tone you're sure was icy enough to make the Tsaritsa proud all while holding you in his lap with the warmest possible embrace
And every moment felt like it'd last forever
Could he freeze time? You sort of hoped he would experiment with that and inevitably extend the time you had with him
You, ever the fool, had gotten comfortable with the arrangement even when you'd repeatedly reminded yourself not to
Although one could say you were an even bigger fool for not realising how he set you up to fall for him
Did you really think he was capable of looking at anyone he didn't consider special to him with enough warmth to melt a room when you can't even see his eyes?
On the final day of your agreement, you were finally starting to worry about how you were supposed to go about your old job after all you'd experienced with Dottore
Could you even function without remembering how nice it was to have his reassuring hand on your back?
"Oh my, anyone would think you were upset by the thought of leaving me if you pulled that face."
"Lord Dottore! I didn't notice- I'm sorry I-"
"No, this has been...a very successful experiment, if I do conclude. It has definitely helped me to confirm something important, I was just thinking of how to reward you for your help."
"I'm honoured I was able to assist, my lord. I'd be happy to accept any gift you might grace me with."
He frowned a little, and you were worried you had misspoken
Well, technically, you had, because he was hoping you'd have gotten comfortable enough with him over the month to drop the formalities
"Any gift? Then it's decided. We'll just have to make this a permanent arrangement, wouldn't you agree, my dear? In which case I think it only fitting that...when we're alone like this, you should call me Zandik."
The last part was softer, like the utterance of his name was for no one but you (it was)
Dottore might have been the feared harbinger, but Zandik was your affectionate maniac, and yours alone
"Zandik, I never really did get to ask...why did you choose me for that experiment anyway? It just all seems far too fortunate for everything to fall into place so easily," you asked. You hadn't expected him to grin - more to himself than anyone else. "Yes, very fortunate indeed, you must be quite the lucky one then, favoured by the goddess of love herself, no?" he chuckled. He wondered if you would ever figure out he schemed it all, or if you'd remain blissfully ignorant. Gingerly, he took off his mask and set it on your face. "Would you look at that, it suits you too," he mused. "So why don't we just take it, that we were bound to end up like this one way or another, my precious?"
You'd think it's obvious since he's such an outspoken guy
But he's fairly prideful too, so chances are, he's gonna try get you to ask him out
Unfortunately for him, he very much does want to cut the chase and ask you out so he doesn't have to wait
It's really a dilemma, and it doesn't help that no one in the gang apart from Shinobu gives sound advice
Just ask you out? Yeah right, Shinobu, he's gonna go with what the other guys say and just make himself seem so cool you'll be dying to go out with him
So he hangs around you a lot, dragging you with him and talking about how the Arataki Gang is doing stupendously
And who's leading the gang? None other than him, of course!!
Surely you'll think he's awesome, right?
Of course, credit where credit's due, he does end up talking about Shinobu a lot, praising her and how well she helps manage things
In part, that's supposed to help you see how humble he is despite his awesomeness
Too bad it gave the impression that he liked Shinobu, leading to you trying to set them up
Did you kinda like Itto? Yeah, sure, what wasn't there to like about him?
But that was also why you thought you should put your own feelings aside and help him out
And Itto, the sweet dumbass, not knowing any better, went along with all your ideas thinking you just wanted to spend time with him
You were taking him shopping for stuff!! That seems like a date, right? He was counting as a date
Yes, you were trying to dress him up and "coincidentally" bump into Shinobu and abandon them to have dinner together, but Itto didn't know the second half of that
He was absolutely memorising every detail to tell the rest of the gang after about how it worked and you slyly tried to go on a date with him
He was planning up how to tell them already
And you were dressing him up too? Look at you, acting like you're already married, he's very head empty
My guy is so ready to call you out on it when you bump into Shinobu a little earlier than expected
"Oh, what are you two up to? No offence, y/n, it's just that Itto typically doesn't come around town without some sort of mayhem following."
"Hey, you know that's not true, people love me, I-"
Red alert: he was looking stupid in front of his crush
And when you were quick to defend him? Boy, he looked like he wanted to kiss you then and there
You thought you were salvaging his reputation, but really, it just made you look like you were taking his side unconditionally
At least that's how it seemed in the moment
"How about that, boss. You actually got them to fall for you hard enough to overlook your idiocy. Who'd have thought?"
"Well, of course no one can resist the one and Oni Arataki Itto, y/n included, right my bug?"
You couldn't even be offended at his awful petname for you because there was so much to process
Were you dating now? Was that how it went?
Honestly, you could roll with that, as funny of a way as it was to get together
You didn't even have the heart to tell him about the misunderstanding because he seemed so proud to show off to everyone how you finally got together
The members of the Arataki Gang gathered around with gathered sakura blooms as they scattered the petals around to congratulate the two of you. For the most part, Itto was just recounting the tale from his perspective, which was pretty funny to hear since you knew how it all actually went down. Had you really looked at him with the love the ocean had for the moon? It was almost embarrassing to hear how he described you, the poetic brilliance so unlike his typical crude speech. Certainly, it was a simple as comparing you to fresh grass in the summer, but it was very him to do so. And you supposed that was the magnetic charm of his after all.
He can't think of a time when he's ever been so desperate to reach out to someone and yet so hesitant
But that had to be all the more reason for him to keep his distance because imagine if he lost you once he'd gotten attached?
Absolute devastation
But a small part of him insists you're worth the risk
Sadly, not enough to convince him because what if one day you realise you're just wasting your time with him? If you didn't actually like him any more than as a dear friend?
So you end up in this awful push and pull, hot and cold situation where one day he's inviting you out, eager to spend time with you
And the next day he's nowhere to be found, uncontactable as though he was never a part of your life
It got tiring really fast, so you roped in Hu Tao, since as his boss, she probably had his schedule
That and Hu Tao very much seems to be aware of something you aren't (aka the fact that Zhongli is immortal)
She wants to fill you in so badly because she's pretty done with watching Zhongli pine and then act like he never did
Still, she respects his boundaries (mostly) so she just helps drag him out of hiding
And by that, I mean calling him to work for something really important so he'll rush over
So you can imagine how his eyes widened when he saw you waiting with the director
"Director...and y/n, did I miss something?"
He knew he was being played the moment he saw Hu Tao's close-eyed smile but it was too late to run
Even then, Hu Tao wasn't one to break character, so she sent the two of you on some errands for her
So off you go, wandering Liyue on tasks you're certain have no relevance to whatever Hu Tao actually needs
Part 1: Scouring mountains for qingxin
At some point, Zhongli decided it'd be so much easier to just boost you up with his geo structures and catching you when you jumped/slid back down
No, he's definitely not the geo archon he's just very proficient at using his vision, he assures you
With the way he talks about Liyue as you search for flowers, even you end up piecing it all together
"What's it like to no longer be worshipped?"
"It's definitely more peaceful."
He pauses and slowly turns towards you
"I seem to be slipping up a lot today. This is exactly why I can't be around you. Still, what were the chances you'd figure this out before picking up on my feelings for you?"
Look at him turning the tables on you, it was now your turn to be flustered
How dare he
With a gentle tenderness only the passage of time could train, he picked out one particular flower from the bunch and held it beside your cheek
"Would it be inappropriate for me to comment on how you put even the loveliest of flowers to shame? Or should I find an equally appealing piece of jade or cor lapis to match the shine of your eyes?"
"What's with this sudden flattery?"
"You do bring out the worst in me sometimes. Even centuries of solitude couldn't grant me the patience to wait for you to choose me."
You'd returned to the funeral parlour with Zhongli, both of you hauling massive bouquets in your arms. "We've found the-" Zhongli began, only to be cut off by his boss chiding him. "Aiya, I gave you the perfect opportunity and you still have no game!"
"No, but I did-" He turned to you with pleading eyes, but it was a sight too funny to pass up on. You'd make it up to him later, of course. But for the time being, you'd let yourself be amused with his suffering as payback for ghosting you all those times.
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Commissioned by @monstersealclubber
Taglist: @myluvkeiji @aqui-soba @favonius-captain @tiredsleep @raincxtter @gensimping-for-all @irethepotato @almond-adeptus @mx-kamisato @yuzuricebun @chaosinanutshell @heizours @haliyamori @callmemeelah @sadlonelybagel @plinkuro @thevictoriousmoon @mastering-procrastinating @missesclaus @cxlrosii @miss-fantazmagoria @astrequa @kokomist @lemonswriting @eowinthetraveller @ajaxstar @boundedbyfate @the-lost-anime-dad @ash-astrophel @moonbyunniee @greyrain23
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
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Angels at the Door SIMEON x gn!Reader (Established); MICHAEL x gn!Reader (Developing) 4.2k Words | NSFW | Smut | Dubious Behaviour & Sexual Tension Content Warnings: Alternating POV. Pining, (resolved) sexual tension, accidental and non-consensual voyeurism, exhibitionism, scenting/marking, possessiveness, corruption kink if you squint, threesome (sort of), masturbation, intercrural sex, oral sex, penetrative sex. Next: Angels' Commendation | Epilogue: A Demon's Curiosity
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When Simeon suggests to Michael that you should be given your own room in the Celestial Realm, he wholeheartedly agrees. You’ve spent many afternoons visiting your friends there, but you leave far too soon for everyone’s liking. Luke doesn’t try to hide his disappointment when he has to say goodbye to you only hours after your arrival. Simeon’s peaceful countenance turns bitter when he watches you pass through the Celestial gates, and Michael wishes he had more time to get to know you properly.
You move freely between the three realms now. You often stay in the Devildom for days, sometimes weeks at a time. It seems logical (and convenient) that the Celestial Realm offers you that same comfort.
Michael acknowledges your importance and gives you the empty guest chambers next to his own. It’s a lavish gesture, but he believes it’s fitting for someone of your importance. You’re the rare human that managed to instill hope for a peaceful future between the three realms. You charmed his fallen brothers in the Devildom and brought that menace of a sorcerer to heel. Michael can’t even express how much Luke has grown thanks to your influence, and Simeon seems to have found his path once more with your guidance. 
Michael furnishes the room himself and makes sure that it has anything you could possibly want. It has a private bathroom so you don’t have to share the communal showers with the other angels. He even has the wardrobe filled with garments fashioned in the style of the Celestial Realm and hopes you’ll choose to wear them. 
He makes these gestures of appreciation so you know you can consider the Celestial Realm another place to call home. He believes he’s honoring your efforts and helping to foster long-term friendships with the angels of his realm. After all, he wants nothing more than your happiness. He ignores the way his heart clenches when he sees you using the gifts he’s given you.
The day Michael catches you and Simeon being intimate together, the lies he tells himself about his purely platonic feelings for you start to crumble.
Many beautiful gardens grow in the Celestial Realm. Some are designated for vegetables and fruit trees while others are filled with the rare, colourful flowers that can only bloom in the realm of eternal light. Some of the gardens have paved pathways where angels can stroll at their leisure.
Michael’s garden is a small grove filled with wildflowers and willow trees. It’s near the back of the Celestial Halls where his chambers are, and very few angels bother to travel that far into the garden. It’s not officially his garden but sometimes when he takes a book there to read, or he simply leans against a tree to meditate, it feels like his own private space.
He heads to his garden one afternoon with a book tucked under his arm. You’ve been in the Celestial Realm for a few days and you seem to be adjusting well. Luke has been a near-constant presence by your side, and Simeon is usually not far behind. The other angels are warming up to you despite some of their initial concerns or suspicions about your loyalties. Michael reassures them that you should be considered a friend to angels, the same way the Devildom considers you a trusted friend to their prince and his fallen brothers.
It never occurred to Michael that you might be more than a friend to anyone in the Celestial Realm until he stumbles upon you and Simeon together. He ducks behind a tree and the faint sounds he hears on the wind don’t stop; neither of you seem to be aware of his presence. He tells himself he should leave as quickly as he can and pretend he didn’t see a thing. He’s not sure what invisible power keeps him paralyzed behind that tree, listening to your soft moans and sighs as Simeon’s lips and hands explore your body. You’re both laying underneath his favourite willow tree on a bed of flowers, and it seems so romantic—so why does he feel so much bitterness in his heart?
Is it because you lay with Simeon, one of the most slippery angels he’s ever known? Is it because Simeon’s hands push aside the soft, delicate clothes Michael gave you so he can touch the bare skin underneath? Is it because it’s Simeon’s name falling from your lips when his sinful fingers bring you so much pleasure you can’t silence your cries?
Simeon’s whispers and your delightful moans eventually fade on the wind and Michael panics. He worries that you’ll both walk this way and find him rooted in place behind a tree, sweat trickling down his brow and the front of his robes tented by his aching erection. He’s on the verge of prayer when luck looks favourably on him; Simeon leads you in the other direction that will take you both close to his room—and yours.
Minutes pass by and you must be inside the Celestial Halls by now—perhaps Simeon has stripped you down properly and laid you down on your bed, kneeling between your legs to touch you even more—but Michael can’t bring himself to move. His book lay on the ground at his feet where it slipped from his grasp. The sweat dotting his forehead and the back of his neck makes his skin feel tacky, but he doesn’t care. He tries to ignore the growing need buried deep inside him, and only when his cock softens—despite the way it still twitches when he thinks of you and the sounds you make, and your musky scent carried on a summer breeze—does he finally leave.
Michael avoids his room completely and hides in the restricted section of the Celestial Library, hoping the solace will soothe his troubled mind. He makes his excuses to Luke when the young angel sends him a message inquiring about his whereabouts. He skipped dinner feigning some lengthy task he had to take care of—he’s not hungry anyway. He has other insatiable appetites tonight.
He contemplates his predicament in the oldest part of the library where only the highest ranking angels are permitted to enter. He decides that his interest in you is simply a passing fancy. He tries not to ruminate about what drew you and Simeon together, or what he could’ve done to prevent it.
Looking through his memories of the past few days, he can see hints of the true nature of your relationship: the shy, subtle glances you shared, the way Simeon stood closer to you than socially appropriate, the way you said his name with more fondness than anyone else’s. He’s grateful for your discretion and blames poor luck that led him to the garden at that most inopportune time. He’s certain no one else would have found you there. He can’t fault either of you for that, no matter how much he might want to. 
It’s late when Michael finally leaves his tormented sanctuary and retires to his room for the night. The Celestial Halls are darker now so that the angels (and you) can sleep comfortably. Your bedroom door is closed when he walks past it to his own room. He shrugs off his robes with a tired sigh and nearly falls into bed. He’s exhausted, and he closes his eyes and thinks about embarking on new beginnings tomorrow.
He meditates so that he can unburden himself with torturous thoughts of you and accept your friendship with grace. He doesn’t want guilt to ruin what you’re building there, and if you’re truly content with—with someone that’s not him, he can accept it. He’s Michael, and he won’t be brought to his knees by something as insignificant as lust. He’s better than that. He’s—
A whimper on the other side of the wall reaches his ears, and his brittle resolve cracks. He’s already hard under the sheets, and when he concentrates, he can hear the noises you and Simeon are making: the shuffle of your bedsheets, the wet, squelching noise your bodies make together, the rhythmic creaking of your bed in time with his thrusts.
Michael feels possessed when he slides off the edge of his bed and walks over to the shared wall that connects his room to yours. He presses his ear to the cool surface and nearly groans deep in his chest when he can hear you even clearer this way. You moan Simeon’s name but it’s muffled, like you’re burying your face against his skin—or in the pillow, laying face-down while he fucks you from behind. Simeon pants your name too as his pace quickens, and the rocking noise your bed makes grows louder.
If it were anyone else but you, Michael thinks he could go back to bed and roll over and pretend he didn’t hear a thing. But he can’t, because it is you. He wraps his hand around his cock and starts stroking himself in time with your muffled whines and stuttered whimpers for more. His pace is fast and desperate, and he spreads his precum along his shaft to smooth the glide. He wishes he could be fucking you instead; your body would feel better than his hand ever could. 
He leans his arm against the wall and buries his face against it to smother his own noises. He bites his lip to stifle his moans and to prevent himself from uttering your name in desperation. He gasps from the white-hot pleasure coursing through his veins and he knows he’s close, but he slows his pace because he doesn’t want to come before you do.
When he finally hears your high-pitched moan followed by a loud cry, he pumps his cock and groans into his arm as his release covers his hand and the wall in front of him. He milks himself dry until it feels like he can’t breathe and he’s about to split open at the seams. He stumbles backwards and falls back on the bed, and he takes gulping breaths as his heart races. He’s hot and his skin is sweaty and his hands are covered in the proof of his sins.
The mattress next door creaks, and feet pad softly on the carpet. Someone runs the tap in your ensuite bathroom and Michael pictures Simeon washing you with reverence. You whisper quietly to each other but he can’t make out the words over the pounding of his heart.
Michael gets up to clean himself when he’s certain you’re both asleep and finished for the night. He remembers the streaks of cum on his wall he has to clean too. He washes away the evidence of his perversion and wonders how carnal temptation got the better of him.
Perhaps he should return you to the Devildom, or at least offer to give you a more comfortable room elsewhere. There are other rooms you can use that are far away from his, where he won’t be able to hear one of his angels touch you with his hands and fuck you with his cock.
When Michael finally goes to bed, he knows he’s too weak to send you away. While he waits for sleep to claim him, he wonders how long he’ll have to wait before he can listen to you again.
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Simeon suspects Michael’s affections for you from the very beginning. Even as an honoured guest of the Celestial Realm, you’re given more freedom and gifts than he expected. Simeon said nothing—he was too delighted by your presence at his side to be bothered by whatever Michael was up to.
You both agreed to be discreet about your relationship. Angels might not abstain from physical intimacy the way humans believe they do, but you were concerned that any negative attention from Michael might complicate things. Simeon agreed, if only to ease your troubled mind; Michael would learn the truth eventually, and he could do nothing about it when he did.
Simeon doesn’t expect Michael’s behaviour towards you to change so drastically the night he discovered you together. Simeon wasn’t sure if the muffled groan he heard through the wall was his imagination. It lasted for only a brief moment, and you didn’t hear the noise at all. It would’ve been easy for Simeon to forget it, if it wasn’t for the increasingly affectionate way Michael started to treat you after.
Michael started following you both like a shadow. He justified his presence, of course—offering to show you parts of the realm you haven’t visited yet, teaching you history not taught in the Devildom—things that he knew you enjoyed, and your enthusiasm encouraged him even more.
The kitchens start preparing human world dishes with your recommendations, and Michael brings daily gifts to your room: a plate of his favourite pastries, a tin of Celestial Realm tea, vases filled with the most gorgeous flowers. He invites you to have tea in his private garden after he sends Simeon on some mundane task to distract him.
There are times that Simeon’s desire for you can’t wait until the nightfall to be sated, and you sneak private moments of intimacy together. Michael’s gaze lingers on your kiss-swollen lips when he conveniently finds you both shortly after. Sometimes he sniffs and pretends to have a runny nose while you search your pockets and hand him a tissue. Michael smiles at your thoughtfulness but Simeon knows he’s smiling because he caught the scent of your arousal in the air; it pleases Michael’s senses as much as it does Simeon’s.
When you make love in your room at night, Simeon knows Michael is listening. He has the same enhanced senses that Michael does; if Michael can hear you, then Simeon can hear him. To Michael’s credit, he tries to be quiet—and he’s more successful than that first night—but there’s only so much you can do to hide the sound of noisy bed springs and choked-off groans.
Simeon isn’t sure he can convince you to spend nights in his smaller, less comfortable room. He thinks about saying something to Michael on your behalf since it’s your privacy he’s concerned about; he hardly cares what Michael thinks of him now. But based on the way you react to the archangel’s presence, Simeon wonders how bothered you’d really be if you knew what he’s been doing.
Simon notices that your cheeks flush from Michael’s praise and attention. He also knows your heartbeat stutters when Michael dares to step a bit too close to you. The rare occasions when Michael has touched you—a hand on your shoulder or your back to guide you, a simple embrace, even—your body trembled with excitement long after Michael walked away.
Simeon remembers the way you stared at Michael’s bare chest one afternoon when you both saw him on the training grounds. The angels often tease Michael for growing soft due to his love of sweets, but his broad shoulders and chest still flex impressively when he wields his weapon. His movements are slow and calculated, and his blows are decisive and deadly.
You told Simeon after that he reminded you of Beel: he was a gentle giant, a hulking defender equally capable of great strength and kindness. Unfortunately for Beel, you never spared him a second or third glance the way you do for Michael.
Simeon muses that there must be something special about angels in particular that appeals to your most carnal desires. None of the demons in the Devildom seemed to interest you. Even his fallen brothers tried to seduce you and secure your affection for themselves, but none of them succeeded.
He’s curious what draws you to Michael: is it his skin that glistens when it’s covered in a sheen of sweat? Is it the way his long hair and broad chest draw your attention to him when he enters a room? Or perhaps it’s his eyes, haunted by years of painful memories and impossible choices that seem to brighten when he sees you, but darken with lust the longer he stares at you?
You’ve always been brave for a human. It’s not surprising that you would fall for wolves in sheep’s clothing.
Simeon wants to see how far he can push both of you in this little game you’re playing. He pulls you into a quiet part of the library and gropes your chest as he fucks his cock between the soft, warm gap of your thighs, but he leaves you a little messy afterwards. Your tacky thighs make a soft shlicking noise when you walk.
He leads you towards your bedroom so he can help you wash—after he fucks you properly—but Michael finds both of you first. He smiles warmly when he greets you, and his voice is like a deep, rumbling purr. He leans forward to pluck a loose thread from your tunic, and he scents you when his nose is closest to your skin. You don’t seem to mind Michael’s intrusion on your personal space, and Michael doesn’t seem to care that Simeon watches you both.
No matter what Michael might do or say, Simeon knows without a doubt that your heart is his and his alone. You’ve been through too much together, and his destiny is now tied to your own. However, he’s not entirely opposed to seeing where this path will lead if you desire it.
When Simeon takes you to bed that night, he feels particularly ravenous for you. He braces himself on his hands and knees above you so he can claim your lips in a hungry, filthy kiss. He licks into your mouth and detects a hint of tonight’s dessert on your tongue—a sweet vanilla cake, one of Michael’s favourites—and growls while he kisses you until the taste is gone. 
Simeon is worshipful as he slowly moves down your body. His lips graze your jaw and his teeth scrape the sensitive skin at the hollow of your throat. His hands glide over your chest as his lips leave a fiery trail over the heaving slope of your ribs and the soft skin of your belly. When you arch your back in quiet demand for more, he rewards your patience by tweaking your nipples. He pushes your thighs apart and makes himself comfortable between your legs. There’s a small bottle of lube hidden amongst your sheets. He reaches for it and asks you what you want.
“I want your fingers,” you whimper, and you wiggle your hips impatiently.
Simeon hears a sharp intake of breath on the other side of the wall, and he hides his smirk in the meat of your thigh as he peppers your ticklish skin with barely-there kisses. The first sensation of his fingers tracing along your arousal leaves you gasping and clenching your sheets. He lowers his head and mouths at your sensitive skin as he slips a finger inside you.
You roll your hips and encourage him to touch you more, to fuck you deeper with the finger that’s preparing your body for his cock. You never hide your lust for him, and like all the times before, it sends heat rushing through him and makes his cock ache. He ruts against the mattress to try and find some relief, but nothing can compare to your velvety walls sucking him inside you. 
He hears the soft, wet sounds of Michael touching himself on the other side of the wall, and it adds another sinful layer to the melody of breathy moans that escape your lips.
“Ahh–!” your voice trembles as you moan loudly when a second finger stretches you even more.
Simeon hushes you and he crooks his fingers inside you. “Be careful, my love. You don’t want Michael to hear, do you?” he murmurs. He doesn’t mean to ask that question out loud, but your reaction is so visceral that he doesn’t regret it either.
Your whole body jolts as if you’ve been shocked, and you groan deep in your chest like you’re having some sort of revelation. Your body clenches around Simeon’s fingers and he feels delightfully wicked as he basks in your depravity.
“Or perhaps you want him to hear us?” he teases you. Your eyes are clenched shut and you’re shaking your head back and forth against the pillow, but he knows you’re only afraid to admit the truth. He thrusts his fingers deeper inside you so he can brush against that sensitive spot inside that finally sets your hidden desires free.
“Y-yes–!” you cry out as you try desperately to fuck yourself on his fingers. No matter how deep or how fast he moves, it’s not enough—it’s never enough.
There’s a soft thump on the wall—like someone smacked it with their palm, or their fist—and Simeon suddenly withdraws his hand from your body and kneels between your legs. He adds more lube to his palm and pumps his cock until it’s slick. He presses the tip against you while he grabs your hips to hold you steady.
You hook your legs around his waist, but you look at him in confusion when he doesn’t move. You can feel the pressure of his cock pressing against your entrance. There’s something feral in his gaze, a dark hunger and possessiveness better suited to creatures of the Devildom more than any angel. His overwhelming need makes you tremble, but he doesn’t scare you.
You place one of your hands overtop of his and squeeze. “Please,” you whimper pathetically, because you feel so empty without him inside you and he knows it.
He clenches his jaw and utters a deep groan as he slowly sheathes himself inside you. He looks down and watches your body stretch obscenely around his cock.
Don’t hold back for me now, he thinks.
“Don’t hold back for us now,” he grits out, pulling back until the fat tip of his cock is all that’s left inside you. “Let him hear you,” he snarls when he snaps his hips forward and pulls your body down onto his cock to meet his thrust. The overwhelming sense of fullness leaves you breathless, and he begins fucking you with single-minded determination.
Simeon’s pace is faster and rougher than how he usually fucks you, but the intensity makes it so much better, and you can’t be quiet now even if you tried. There’s no chance that Michael can’t hear what you’re doing, not when Simeon growls at you to take his cock and feel how hard he is for you. You’re gasping for breath between moans and cries of Simeon’s name, and the headboard bangs against the wall in time with his thrusts. 
The heat of your impending release burns deep inside you and you know neither of you will last much longer. Despite the loud noises you and Simeon make, you think you can hear a third voice from somewhere close by—deep grunts and curses and choked moans that sound suspiciously like your name.
Is that—?
You glance over at the wall that separates your room from Michael’s, and when you look back at Simeon, his burning gaze stares into yours. He leans over you and reaches his hand between your bodies. His fingers are electric as he strokes at your slick, sensitized skin that coaxes you even closer to your release. You can almost taste it, it’s so close.
“Let him hear you,” he whispers, repeating his command from earlier. You could’ve ignored it the first time as something dirty he said in the heat of the moment, but you can’t deny it now. His hand and cock move so purposefully to drive you over the edge like he wants you to scream for him—for both of them. He moves his hand faster between your legs and you close your eyes and arch your back so your chest presses against his.
“Please, right there, fuck I’m gonna—mmm—!” your moan breaks off into a high-pitched cry when you come, and Simeon’s own brutal pace starts to falter when your walls clench around his cock. He tries to keep going but he can’t hold off his own pleasure any longer. He grunts as his hips stutter, and his rhythm is slow and sloppy while he finishes pumping his cum deep inside you.
You think you hear a muffled shout through the wall, but you’re not sure if it’s your imagination or wishful thinking.
Simeon’s panting breaths are laced with tired, contented sighs. He huffs in amusement when a bead of sweat trickles down his brow and over the tip of his nose. His skin is as hot and clammy as yours is, and you brush the sweat off his face and wipe your hand on the bed sheets.
Simeon braces himself on his forearm so he can lean down and brush a kiss against your cheek. You both stare into each other’s eyes and you know he sees the same things you do: satisfaction, an undercurrent of lust that always exists between you, and uncertainty. It feels like something monumental happened tonight between the two of you in this room and Michael in his. Your throat feels hoarse, and you’re not sure how to ask the question burning in your mind.
Someone knocks on the bedroom door, and you realize you might not have to ask at all. Simeon glances over his shoulder quickly, but you both know who it is. When he peers down at you again, you know the silent question he’s asking you: Do you want to let him in? 
Simeon’s lips curl into a smirk when you nod your head, yes.
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james-is-here · 8 days
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Babes, Okay, Cheat fic idea and guess what....I use my ex's actual name cause he was honestly a jerk on the brink of being a dick.
The plot twist is that this cheat fic is more like a revenge fic in a way cause- Well, just read it, it's better than explaining it 😅 the member I used is also a mystery and I gave Mn arm tats cause it's a weakness of mine.
Specifically for @succubus-hansol because filth. This smut is filthy and messy.
Blogs: @belladonna6-6-6 @heartbinn @leezanetheofficial @yongbokkk @michelle4eve @dontwannaexsist (Imk if I forgot you or you want to be added.
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You were none the wiser about what your boyfriend was doing. You loved Shawn and he loved you, you trusted him and never saw him badly, he was the sweetest.
You didn't suspect the new cologne on him, the new hoodie, bruises, new necklaces, hiding his phone, elated attitude when he visited you, giving you vague answers when you ask where he's going....
You didn't give him those things and his recent hiding from you is suspicious. How have you not looked into it sooner? Especially when he use to shrug when you took his phone, now he makes up excuses as to getting it out of your hand.
"Hey, where you going?" "Um...my mom needs my to help in her garden. I'll be back later." Okay, that's suspicious. "Isn't your car with your brother?" "Oh, I'm taking an uber." "Oh, okay. Love you!" You yell but he's already out the door. That's what tipped you off, first he was wearing an unbuttoned dress shirt and loose fitting slacks and boots. Second, he hates getting dirty, he doesn't do anything that gets him or his hands dirty.
When he came home hours later, he was tipsy, swaying everywhere and tripping over his feet before collapsing onto the couch and you watched from the dining table.
His phone ends up on the floor and you take the chance to check it. You two shouldn't hide things from each other but he does and you can't help but to listen to the devil on your shoulder, while your angel is trying to get you to trust Shawn but all you do is block it out.
You pick up his phone and unlock it, surprisingly it's the same passcode as always and yet he keeps it from you. Opening his app history, you see his messages and see that he's texting someone with the cliche contact name of "Doordash". Did he really think that you'd think the app itself was texting him?
Doordash: You just left and I already miss you 🥺
Doordash: When can we meet up again?
Doordash: I'm free tomorrow, wanna meet up at the convenience store next to my place?
Is he...seeing someone behind your back? Clearly this person doesn't know about you like you didn't know about him.
Scrolling through other messages, your chest tightens when you check a chat and realize that's it's yours and he fucking named you "Grubhub".
There's other contacts and fake names that haven't had any interactions in years, you and "Doordash" are the only ones minus his family members.
You pull out your phone and open your uber that you shared with him. Last ride on your account was surprisingly thirty minutes away. Closing out of the app and opening your contacts, you make a new one and save the "Doordash" number before going back to the other persons number.
After forever of texting Shawn, you know how to play the part.
You: Of course ❤️ I'm free as well, what time?
Doordash: Five okay with you? Wanna take you out before taking you to my bed. 😏
Damn, whoever this was is one smooth motherfucker.
You: Oh I can't wait 😩 See you then 😘
You delete the messages on your end then put the phone back with Shawn and leave yourself a reminder of what you just committed to.
What's shocking is you don't really feel hurt that he's been lying to you. Maybe a little but honestly you think you'll survive without Shawn.
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When your reminder went off, Shawn was passed out in bed still. He woke up on the couch, hungover and in pain, so he was sleeping the previous night off.
"Mn, where you going?" He mumbled when he heard you digging through your closet. "Boss called me in for a little bit for a staff meeting and I need to pick up my paycheck. Won't be gone long." "Mmm okay." He hums as he stretches before settling and promptly passing out.
Leaving the bedroom with jeans and a grey t-shirt hoodie with the sleeves rolled up, showing the black ink chinese dragon wrapped around your right forearm and ivy vines wrapped around your left.
You grab a white cap and your keys, slipping on your shoes then heading out the door. The drive is short and you have to park across the street but looking around, you don't see anyone possibly looking for someone else until ten minutes after the set time.
A guy wearing all black walked to the door of the convenience store and leaned against the wall next to it, checking his phone and then turning his head back and forth, this has to be him.
Turning off your car, you get out quickly then cross the street, leaning on the other side of the door. You wait a couple minutes, glancing at him a couple times before the bell of the store rings. "Excuse me, you both are loitering. Either come in and get something or leave." The store owner scolds and you went to speak but the other spoke first. "Sorry, Ma'am, I'm just waiting for my boyfriend-" You quickly jump in, knowing she won't take that as an excuse. "No problem, Ma'am, we'll get out of your hair."
You give the other a tight lipped smile and walk over to him. "Sorry, come on." He surprisingly follows you to the side of the shop and you both find a bench. "Um, so why'd you do that? I was actually waiting for someone." "Sorry, again. Who were you waiting for?" "My boyfriend. His name is Shawn. I really should at least go back, at least nearby so he can find me."
He goes to stand but you stop him. "So you're Doordash?" "I- Excuse me?" Sighing, you rub your eyes and lean back. "Uh, okay...Shawn wasn't the one that messaged you to meet him here. It was me. He's also my boyfriend..." "What? No, Shawn wouldn't do that to me." "I thought the same thing. He told me last night he was going to help his mom in the garden." He sat up and looked at you almost in realization. "When he left my place he said he needed to get home to take care of his mom cause she was sick." "He came home tipsy last night." "We...We drank last night, how the fuck didn't I make that connection?" He berates himself and slouches back against the bench.
You both stare at the road ahead of you before you speak up. "Well...I'm Mn. What's your actually name Mister Doordash?" "Doordash?" You snicker at his confused face, thinking about it he is really cute. "Shawn named you Doordash in his phone. I was Grubhub." "That's so dumb." "That's what I said!" You laughed and a small smile graces his face. "I'm Chris or Chan. Guess it's...nice to meet you? I don't know." "I don't know either."
You both stare at the road again but you turn to look at Chan. He really did look cute, you guess Shawn can choose good men. He has a good looking face, fluffy hair peaking out of the beanie he wore, and you couldn't help but take in every detail, including how soft his lips looked, then you realized they were moving.
"Your ink looks cool." "Huh?" You blink, spaced out for a moment. "Your tats, they look really cool." "Oh, thanks." "So...Since we're both currently ghosting Shawn, wanna go get something to eat? It's better than sitting here and honestly I don't want to go home yet." You notice he's looking down at his fidgeting hands and glancing at your arms.
"Yeah, beats failing to try and get back at him and not coming up with anything." Honestly, since looking through his phone, the devil on your shoulder has taken the reins and you honestly wouldn't mind getting back at Shawn by using Chan.
"Can I be straight with you?" "Um, I think that'd still make you gay." You shake your head with a smirk as you laugh, throwing your head back. "Oh, you got jokes, huh?" He lets out a laugh and it's clear that the awkwardness is gone.
"I meant, smartass, can I be honest with you?" He giggles and nods. "Yeah." "We go get food, I pay, and then we get back at Shawn." "We?" You hum and stand up. "Food first, honestly I'm really hungry. I'll tell you then, yeah?" He sits up, looking up at you and then sighing and standing. "Yeah, okay. You will pay, right? Shawn makes me pay." "I always pay." "Okay then."
He actually takes you to Changbin's restaurant, his best friend. A homey bistro Chan helped him make a reality. "Who's this?" Changbin asked when Chan brought you to the bar in front of the open kitchen. "Funny story, actually. Mn, this is Changbin. Changbin, this is Mn, Shawn's boyfriend." Changbin choked on the water he was sipping and almost dropped his cup.
"You're joking." Chan sighs and sits down, you sitting next to him. "Nope. Apparently we were secrets, even in his phone." "Ooh, what were your names?" Changbin has heard of fast food contact names but has never heard it in person so he was eager to hear as he leaned on the bar in front of him. "Doordash." Chan answered and you followed with, "Grubhub."
Changbin grimaces and whistles lowly. "That's sucks. Anyways, whatcha want to eat?" Chan orders his and you get the same thing, not really sure what to get since his friend's menu looked really good.
When he delivered your food, Chan immediately started eating but you messed with your fries. "Hey, daydreamer, you okay?" Changbin teases when he returned from another customer. "Oh, yeah." "Thought you were super stunned by your food but you haven't even eaten anything." "Sorry, just never been cheated on and I feel like I should be upset. I mean I am but I also don't care." "People react differently. Honestly, if I was you I'd get revenge sex." Chan choked on his soda, couching and gasping and you reach over and pat his back.
"Ch-Changbin!" "What? That's just me." He holds his hands up in surrender. "I like you...funnily enough, I've actually been thinking the same thing." "Seriously?" Chan cleans up the soda he spilled and Changbin lowers his hands. "Yeah."
Chan didn't know how to answer, he just looked away and this time it was him staring at his fries. "Well, sleeping with other people wouldn't really be revenge but I guess-" "Dude, of course it's not revenge. I meant you and Mn. I-I mean if you want, y'know." Then he glances at you. "He's not bad looking, if you don't take him I will." You chuckle shyly while finally eating your fries. "Plus, you do have a thing for tat-" "Changbin! Please...I love you, mate, but shut up." "Dude, don't yell at me, you literally look like you brought him on a date."
He suddenly looks around, an older couple in a booth, a younger couple a couple seats down from you at the bar, and a teen on a laptop with headphones on at a table near the window. Looking at you, he smiles sheepishly. "Sorry." "It's okay. Also wouldn't mind getting revenge with you." "Really?" "Yeah." You smile, looking down at the counter, glancing at Chan's friend then back to Chan. "Shawn is good a picking the cute ones."
He sighs, a shy grin on his face as he rests his elbows on the counter and covers his face. "He flusters easily, doesn't he?" "He's usually confident and flirty, this is a first." "Oh really?" Changbin snickers when you lean over to Chan and he doesn't notice. "Chan?" He uncovers his face to look at Changbin but jumps when he sees your smirking face, dropping his hands onto the counter with a small slap as he leans away, hiding his smile in his shoulder as he completely blocks the two of you out.
"You both are jerks." You lean back to your seat with a soft chuckle and watch Chan straighten back up. "Are you serious though?" "I'm not usually one to sleep with people I just met but yeah, I am." Suddenly Changbin is harshly setting down his towel on the counter and leaving from behind the bar and coming over to Chan, pushing him out of his chair then pushing you out of yours.
"For two people who just met, there's a lot of tension so go take care of it, lunch is on me, go, go, go." "Wait, I said I'd pay though." "Don't fight with Changbin, if he says it's on him, it's on him, I've tried." Chan answers you as his friend shoves you out.
"Go, forget Shawn, have fun, I don't know." He pushes you out the door and then shrugs at the end of his sentence. "I swear, why am I friends with him?" "I heard that!" He yelled from the other side of the door.
Standing there awkwardly, you put your hands in your pockets and look down at the sidewalk. "Um, we don't have to at this moment...we could just watch a movie if that's okay." Maybe a movie could relax your nerves a little. "Yeah, that's okay." He smiles and steps away with you following, taking you to his place which is surprisingly a block away.
His apartment was cozy, not too many decorations but enough to show his personality and what he likes. "It not much but it's mine." is what he said when the both of you entered. "It's nice." You replied.
Now you sat on his couch, he sat cross legged on one side and you were stretched out on the other, arms crossed lazily on your stomach. It was a bit awkward, just sitting there in silence but it was okay.
Chan suddenly moved to sit closer to you and you glance at him from your peripheral. "How long had you been with Shawn?" "Mmm a year?" "Damn..." "What?" "He was with you before me. Six months." You shake your head, honestly astonished with this information.
Bringing up his knees, you saw his hand reach out to your leg before it stopped and his arm wrapped around his legs. Bringing a knee up, your thigh moved closer to him and you readjust, an arm going over the back of the couch, and he moved slowly to mess with the threads of your ripped jeans, turning his head only slightly but mostly hiding his face in his knees.
He slowly moves from the threads to the edge of the rip and then his fingers slip into the rips, fingers soft on the small exposure of your thigh.
Hesitantly, you take his hand into yours, just holding it but he tightens the hold slightly and pulls it towards him while crossing his legs and holding it in his lap, not even realizing he's practically encased himself with your arms in front of him and behind him.
His fingers are light while tracing over the head of your tattooed dragon, tracing its body and turning your arm to trace the lightning around its body. You stare at the side of his head, watching his eyes take in the details of the ink.
For a moment, you get lost in his beautiful features. You suddenly act on impulse, his hands moving from your arm when you raise your hand to his chin and turned him towards you. "You trapped yourself." You said softly and his eyes move around rapidly and suddenly realize where he is. "O-Oh, sorry." "You really do like people with ink, don't you?" "Yeah. I-I don't know why...just looks cool."
Tilting your head, you move forward and kiss his cheek, then his jaw, and when he doesn't pull away you move under his jaw, your kisses were soft and were barely there.
He inhaled sharply when you pressed your lips under his jaw, specifically under his ear, and you graze your teeth over the spot to get his reaction, a barely audible whine, before biting and sucking. Biting his lip, he lets out a soft moan and automatically tilts his head to give you more room and you move your hand from holding his chin to under the other side of his jaw and hold him where he was.
Attacking more of his neck, his noises were soft and held back as he kept his mouth shut, his hand moving to your knee, nails digging into your knees and causing a dull pain but your jeans lessen it.
Your hand moves to his thigh as you move back on the couch, getting closer and pulling his thigh towards you which makes the male move, uncrossing his legs and moving just as close.
Without thinking, your left hand still on the back of the couch moves to the back of his head, tangling your fingers into his hair then pull him back. That finally got a noise out of him, his lips parting and letting out a soft moan as he turns his head slightly towards you, lips still parted as his chest heaves out the soft pants he's panting out. His eyes wide and glancing at your lips, shining with spit from your recent attack.
You lean forward slowly, tilting your head and your lips barely touch before one of your phones is ringing. Pulling away, you look towards the sound and find your phone on the coffee table, Shawn's contact on the screen.
Looking back to Chan, he nods his head and you let go of his hair, leaning forward and picking your phone up before answering it bringing it to your ear at the same time Chan sits up, pushing you against the back of the couch and you watch as he throws his leg over your spread legs and sits on your lap.
"Oh-" "Mn? You okay, you've been gone for ages." You put the phone on speaker and hold it away from yourself as Chan places his left hand on your neck and his right on your bicep then leans into your neck, returning the marks that you gave him. "Ah~ Yeah, I'm okay, did you need something?" "No, just miss you. Thought it was just a staff meeting and getting your check?" "I-It was, boss kept me longer. He promoted me." "That's amazing!" That promotion was two weeks ago. "So you'll be home soon?" "Yeah, I should be. M-Mom asked me to stop and pick up dog food for Brexit." "Okay...Well, hurt back, yeah?" "I will." "Okay. See you soon, Mn." "You too, bye Shawn."
You hang up, tossing your phone onto the floor softly before placing your hands on Chan's thighs and turning to the left, laying him down and hovering above him between his legs. "You are braver than you look." "Thank you?" He asks with a laugh which made you smile.
"Now, can I continue what I was doing before I was interrupted?" "Yes. Please." Smiling, you lean down, barely touching his lips before you change your mind and lean up slightly, lifting your hand and thumbing his bottom lip, parting his lips further apart, his eyes locked on yours that are on his lips. "So obedient even though you just met me." His eyes flutter as he whines. You gently push his bottom lip back up so he closes mouth around your thumb and it's like automatic as he start sucking it. "How did Shawn get a hold of you? He hates being dominate."
He moans around your thumb when you push into his tongue then slip your thumb from his lips. "I-I'm m-more of a switch...but I haven't really, um, switched...guess I could only find subs so I never was one." "Well, now you can be."
Finally, you lean down and connect your lips, firm and absolutely certain that this is what you want cause when your lips connected with his full, soft ones and they parted easily for you, you didn't want to stop as you slipped your tongue in and swipe it along his, pulling a proper moan out of him and he sounds so good you can't help but groan in return.
His arms drape around your neck and pull you closer. In return, you act on impulse and lower yourself onto him and he moans again when your pelvis meets his, grinding your clothed growing hard-on into his.
Breaking apart for air, you move to his neck again and his back arches closer to you. "H-Hyung- Fuck, sorry." His hand flys to his mouth as you pick your head up. "So you have a thing for tatted older men?" "Am I wrong? I'm sorry." "I'm two years older than Shawn." "Same age as him..." Smiling, you kiss the corner of his mouth. "Then no, you're not wrong."
You lean back down, pressing your lips firmly to his before a ring tone goes off again. "Are you fucking serious?" You groan as you look up and grab Chan's phone, he takes it and answers but his hips still jolt up to meet yours. "Hey." "Chan! I'm bored~ Can we hang out?" "Um, one sec, can you call me back in a few minutes, I'm busy at the current moment." "Oh, yeah, sure." Chan hangs up, putting his phone on the table and pushing you off him to switch spots with him straddling your lap.
He pushes your shirt out of the way and drags his nails down your toned stomach before he comes to your belt, fingers fiddling with your buckle in fake struggle, fingers nudging into your bulge below the accessory as he pulls it apart, the buckle clinking against itself while he unbuttons your pants then slowly dragging down the zipper.
"Chan...Baby, go faster." You pant out before throwing your head back against the cushion when his hand palms you and opens your pants wider to fully hold you. Hissing at the sensation before huff out a moan and look back down at Chan's movements. "Fuck." "Baby make Hyung feel good?" He asked, his eyes wide and wanting as he bit his lip, humping into his own hand. "Yeah, baby. Shit, making hyung feel so good." His hand squeezes your bulge slightly before he lets go and pulls down your boxers.
Hissing at the cold air, you grip his thighs, attempting to pull him closer. "Hyung so...big...and heavy..." He purposefully lets some of his spit drip onto your tip as he begins to stroke you. "Baby, remember, Shawn's calling you back soon." "I know. You answer when he does and switch it to video call." "You crazy?" "For you? I am now. You think I'd let a guy and dick like you go?"
You chuckle as he scoots back on the couch, pulling your jeans further down to your knees and only pulls your boxers down to mid-thigh. "Gonna suck me off, Baby?"
His answer is taking your tip between his lips, tongue lapping at your pre-cum and swirling around your tip. "Fuck, so good." He takes more of you into his mouth, tongue moving rapidly on the underside of your cock, he moans as he pulls off of you with a 'pop' and exhales heavily as he strokes you, licking the underside of your cock. His actions all messy and sticky with saliva and pre.
His phone goes off again and you look over, grabbing it then looking back down to Chan who nods with a dazed smile and blown pupils. Answering it, you change it to video chat and point it at the ceiling before switching the camera to face the floor. "Chan? Why are you showing your floor, silly?"
He taps your thigh as he takes your cock down his throat and you groan as your head falls back, temporarily distracted as his warm, wet mouth takes you all the way in. "Ooh, you jerking off babe? Why didn't you call me sooner?"
You sigh out a moan, lifting your head then facing the phone towards Chan. "Wha- What the fuck, Chan?! You're cheating on me?!" You groan as he pulls up, his tongue sticking out as he reaches your tip and lets it rest on the pink muscle, his eyes blown wide and crossed slightly as he looks up at you. Your hand brushing through his hair, tangling in the strands and scratching his scalp, his eyes close as he moans. "Wait, Mn?! I recognize that tattoo, what the actual fuck?!"
"You cheated on us first..." Chan closes his mouth and starts bobbing his head, slurping and sucking, completely focused on your cock that he's become drunk on. "So don't go yelling at us." "This isn't fair." "What i-isn't fair is y-you cheating on me s-six months after we got together...a-and ch-cheating on Chan with me after that..." You get out through stuttery breaths as Chan's mouth felt so fucking good.
"W-We also know you were hiding us from each other. Doordash and G-Grubhub, really?" Chan gags on your length and gasps as he pulls back, jerking you off quickly as he rests your tip on his tongue again. "Fuck, Baby, go faster...gonna cum, baby, I'm so close." With your words, a moan, and a quick "Oh fuck!" You cum on his tongue as he keeps stroking you, humming at your release shooting into his mouth and when you finish, panting heavily, he licks your tip with the tip of his tongue before pulling back and shows his tongue mainly to you but Shawn was still yelling at the both of you.
He closes his mouth, swallowing your cum then sticking his tongue out to show you it's gone. You push yourself up, flipping the camera around before kissing Chan messily, tongues tangling together and you taste yourself on his tongue.
"We're done Shawn." You lean away from Chan and look at the phone, the younger male moving to leave marks on your neck as well. "Fuck both of you. This isn't fair." He hangs up and you laugh, tossing the phone away gently.
"Isn't fair, is he for real?" You think aloud before Chan is turning your head and kissing you again, moaning into your mouth as he moves back onto your lap and your hands hold his hips. "Hyung, please fuck me, I need you so bad." "Here or your room?" "Fuck me right here, please." "You can beg better, can't you?" "Hyung, please stuff me full. I-I need your cock, need it so bad, please Hyung, please." His his rut into yours, grinding his clothed erection onto yours, moaning freely.
"Baby so needy for his cunt to be full, huh? Only needy for me, right? You'll be mine from now on, right? Always want my cock stuffing you, keeping you full?" "Fuck, Hyung, please~" His moan morphs into a whine as his hips move faster.
You lay him down, sliding off your pants and boxers before pulling of Chan's sweats, finding him wearing only the sweats as his cock slips from the sweats and lays on his stomach, hard and leaking. "Commando, huh?" "I-I always was when I met up with him...now only for you." "Shit, you're so fucking cute." You toss his sweats next to your jeans before taking off your shirt.
"So hot..." His hands find your body as you hover over him and lick into his mouth. Your hand slips under his hoodie, hands smoothing over his skin and pushing up his hoodie. "W-Wait, I want to k-keep this on." "Okay." Your hand squeezes his peck before you move your fingers to pinch his nipple. "Ah~ Shi- S-Sensitive." He moans, arching his back and throwing his head back.
"I'm not removing it, just lifting it up." You say as you push the hoodie out of the way before leaning down and biting his tit. His hands, now covered by the sleeves of the hoodie, find your hair, gripping it when you move to bite and suck his nipple. His moans were music to your ears as you let go of his nipple and kiss up to his neck, biting and sucking under his ear.
"Hyung, please." He takes your cock into his hand, stroking you lazily. "I need to prep you though." "No, please." "Have you bottomed before?" He nods. "Please, I-I want...I need it, Please. I want the stretch...please, Hyung." He begs and you kiss him, your cock still covered in spit as you prop yourself up next to his hip, his legs folding next to your waist and spreading wider.
"Fuck." He wanted to watch but you are way bigger than he anticipated as you pushed yourself in, moving your hand to the side of his other hip. "Hngh~ Ah fuck~" His voice became higher, whinier as he lets out choked moans. "S'good, S'big. Hyungie s'big, ah~" He whines softly as he brings his hands up, clad with sweater paws as he hides his face.
"Yeah? Baby feel good? I haven't started fucking you and you're cock drunk. Has it been that long since you've been fucked?" "Y-Yes." "Then I will give you all I have." "Please, Hyung." "Don't worry, baby, I will."
You push yourself up, sitting back with your hands on his knees, holding him open. "Fuuuck Channie Baby...." Your left hand slides down his thighs and splayed itself on his toned stomach. "You look so fucking good. Such a good looking body, how did I not find you sooner?" Leaning back more only slightly, you gather quite a bit of saliva and let it fall off your tongue, landing on his hole and your length before you push in more.
Your right hand joins your left before holding his waist tightly and pushing forward at the same time you pull him towards you until you're finally all the way inside him. "Fuck~ S-S'full...S'big, fu-hgnh~" He squirms, body restless as he adjusts and his chest heaving heavily as it felt like the air was punched out of his lungs, his hands wanting to push him up to see but they let him go and his back arches.
You move your hands next to his head, mouth attaching to his and you swallow his moans, licking along his tongue, his teeth, the roof of his mouth. You claimed his mouth feverishly as you pull your hips back, leaning on your arm without pulling away to bring his leg up to his chest and hook it over your shoulder, leaning onto the other arm and bringing his other leg up and pushing it out.
"Hyung! Fuck, Fuck, right th-there!" "Already?" "Y-Yes, Yes, please move. Please fuck me, fuck...fuck me a-as if w-we d-didn't just meet each other, please." "Shit, you're gonna be the death of me now."
You push back in hard and he yelps, back arching the furthest so far as the moan he lets out is practically pornagrahic, you immediately thrust into him quick and hard, hitting his prostate dead on and drawing a moan with every harsh thrust into him.
"Fuck, you're so tight, Baby. So warm, so good. Such a good boy, practically letting a stranger fuck you." As he looks at you, his mouth is wide open, moans falling past his lips, and his eyes are blown wide and glassy with want, need, and lust. "M-Mn, F-Fu-uck, Hyung-" He gasps at the harsh thrust, your tip punching into his prostate. "I-I..." He whines, closing his eyes and looking away, covering his face with his right hand.
"You what, baby?" "I-I...I-I can't s-say it...just met you..." "We're w-well past that, Baby, just say it." "Fuck, I'm sorry...I-I l-love you, Hyung...I'm sorry." Leaning down, you give him a kiss, biting his bottom lip before letting it go and returning to hover over him. "It's okay, Baby. It's okay. I love you, too. Gonna take you out after this, screw Shawn, your mine n-now. G-Gonna treat you s-so well, g-gonna spoil my baby."
"Hyung, Fuck!" He arches into your chest, head thrown back. "Shit, don't stop, don't stop, faster, faster, AH FUCK!" Your hand wraps around his length, helping him closer to his high before he's cumming hard, shooting up to where his hoodie is bunched up on his chest and he squeezes hard around your length.
He whines in overstimulation as you keep thrusting into him. "Just a little longer, s'close, gonna fill you up, fuck it deep into your cunt." He clenches around you, making you moan softly at the feeling. "You like that? Wanna be bred? Want my cum deep inside you, have my babies?" He moans as his dick twitches slightly. "Fuck, gonna cum, fill you full, Shit~" You cum with a moan, groaning a moment later as you thrust into him deeply, barely moving your hips as he moans at the feeling of your warm seed fills him up.
"Don't...Don't pull out..." You chuckle tiredly, collapsing onto him with your face in his neck. "U-Unless you c-can carry me t-to m-my room, we're laying here." You gently let his legs go, moving your own legs in order to sit up and take him with you. He yelps in shock as your dick shifts but still stays inside him.
"Think you can lean back and grab your pants?" "No, I sleep naked." "Okay then." You grab his thighs and stand up, he wraps his arms around your neck, burying his face in the side of your neck and leaving small kisses before he nuzzles his nose into your neck, cuddling into your arms.
"Do you have a plug?" "I'm hugging it." He mutters and you physically have to stop and laugh. "That's not...Really?" He giggles as you enter his room, closing the door behind you then moving to sit on his bed. "No, hold on." He detaches himself from you and leans to his right slightly to the drawer of his nightstand and pulls out a plug.
"Want me to put it in?" "Obviously." You take the object from him and he places his hand on your shoulder as yours move to his ass, squeezing the soft skin and spread him before lifting him up, you slip out of him with a slight squelch noise then replace yourself with the toy. "Fuck..." "You okay?" He whines, shifting on your lap as your hands stay on his ass. "S'empty..." You chuckle, kissing his temple. "I'll get you a bigger toy so you'll always be full."
He pulls back, meeting your eyes. "Really? Y-You don't h-have to, I-I was just saying that stuff to...get off." "Were you really? I was serious, going to take you out tomorrow and spoil the hell out of you. Sounded like you were serious too, remember? Can't let a good guy and dick like me go." "I-I did...Shit..."
"Do you want to be something with me?" "I do. You're so much better than everyone else." "Then from now on you're my baby, my sweet baby boy, okay?" He nods shyly, leaning forward to hide his blushing face in your neck. "I'm your baby boy, Hyung. I..." He hesitates and you kiss his shoulder. "I love you, baby." He whines, tightening his hold around your neck. "Mmm...I love you too, Hyung."
Taking him with you, you lay down under his covers before covering you both up, he snuggles under his blankets and closer to you, wrapping his arms around your middle as he tucks himself under your chin, nose nuzzling at your neck and taking in your scent as your arms wrap around his shoulders and hug him close.
"Good night, Channie Baby."
"Good night, Mn-Hyung."
76 notes · View notes
anton-luvr · 7 months
wonbin sfw alphabet plz.
love your work 🤍
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⚝ bf!wonbin x gn!reader | fluff | bf au ⚝ note ; thank you anon! hope you like it <3 also this was so requested like ?? to the other 4 anons who requested for this too, enjoy :)
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Wonbin is very affectionate. But not in a kiss-you-till-your-face-falls-off kinda way, but by holding your hand whenever and whenever he can and pressing kisses all over your face while he calls you his pretty angel <3
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
He would be the calmest best friend ever. You could be furious, ranting to him about the beef you have with a classmate and he would be like "Oh. That's crazy :|" He's not ignoring you, he's just chill like that. The friendship would start from being assigned as partners in a class project, because Wonbin doesn't like making new friends on his own.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He loves cuddling! He wants to be as close as possible with you, and his favorite way to cuddle is to have his entire body wrapped against yours.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Wonbin definitely wants to settle down, but only after your relationship becomes more serious. He's not the best at cooking, but he tries! (keyword: tries) Trust that he'll always keep your place spick and span.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He would be so cold... he'll even seem emotionless as he tells you that he thinks it's for the best if you both break up, calmly giving you his reasons why and walking away on good terms.
F = Fiancé (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Wonbin's a bit hesitant when it comes to commitment. He'll give you his all while you're dating of course, but he's not sure where he stands on marriage- he's only 21 after all.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He's so so so so gentle :( he's always gentle with you, because the last thing he'd ever want to do is to accidentally hurt the love of his life. And whenever you need someone to talk to, Wonbin is already waiting with open arms.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it?)
He loves hugs!! He does it whenever he can, and he loves back hugs the most. It's just so convenient, because he can hug you that way even while you're cooking or when you're getting ready for classes in the morning.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Wonbin's love language is more on acts of service and quality time, so he'll be quite slow to tell you he loves you. Instead, he prefers to show you his love through cleaning your apartment for you, doing the laundry, and planning a vacation for the both of you <3
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Compared to the rest of the members, I think Wonbin gets easily jealous. He'll get all sulky and petty, making sure you know how upset he is by replying sarcastically to you. If you need help opening a jar, he'd go "Oh, why don't you go ask that guy you were talking to instead?" and fold his arms with a pout. But once you reassure him that he's the only boy that matters to you, he'll be immediately happy again.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
His kisses are so... deep. He takes it slow, love radiating off of each move of his soft lips against yours. Even if he's running late for work, he'll kiss you for a minimum of five minutes first. He likes to kiss your lips, and he likes it when you kiss his lips too <3
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Wonbin is great with children. He automatically becomes their new best friend, squeezing himself behind the sofa to play hide and seek and gasping dramatically when they find him. His energy levels are high too, so he can go on running around and playing with them for hours on end.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Lots of cuddling and sleepy mumbles of 'I love you's. He'll rest his head in the crook of your neck, pressing soft kisses there for as long as he can till he has to get out of bed.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Lots of cuddling too, but with him as the little spoon this time. Wonbin's scared of the dark, so he needs to be in your safe and secure embrace to fall asleep :(
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Wonbin would take his time. He's quite closed up because of his fears and personal worries, so he needs to make sure you're someone he can fully put his trust in first. Once you gain his trust, he'll open up to you bit by bit.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He doesn't get angrily easily, but he gets annoyed more often instead. If someone cut his line at the grocery store or he gets served by a rude waiter, he'll roll his eyes and glare at them for a while.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Wonbin remembers everything about you and everything you tell him. He's very attentive, so he remembers everything you tell him - even if it's something insignificant, like complaining about the pothole you bumped over on the way home. He'll surprise you when he texts you 'be careful of the pothole! see you later <3' the next day when you're on your way home.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Wonbin's favorite memory was when he first opened up about his fears to you. He's quite embarrassed by them, but to see you accept him and support him with zero judgment made him feel so loved and so relieved.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you?)
Wonbin is very protective. If you're going out somewhere, he makes you promise to update him time to time on where you are, just for safety reasons. If you have to work overtime, Wonbin will drive up to your workplace to bring you home. It's a scary world out there, and he doesn't want anything to happen to you.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He always puts in his 100%. He doesn't hesitate to splurge on these things too, personalizing each date, anniversary, and gift so it'll all be something for you to remember fondly on and love for years to come. In terms of everyday tasks, he might slack sometimes, but he gets them done by the end of the day.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Somedays, Wonbin just wants to lie in bed and watch YouTube for the whole day. You understand he's tired and he definitely deserves the rest, but sometimes he goes to the extent of not wanting to eat. You have to drag him from the bed and force him to eat. It's a bad habit he's had for years, so he'll need some time to break it.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Wonbin's not really concerned with his looks - he's already naturally drop-dead gorgeous. He just keeps his basic hygiene, does a sheet mask once in two weeks, and works out twice a week to stay presentable.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Very much. Wonbin's a very clingy lover, so when he's without you, he'll feel so empty and sad.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Wonbin plans the cutest dates ever. He spends a lot of time on his phone, so he often comes across posts about cute parks or interesting museums that he's sure you'll love. He does a lot of research too, making sure there are things that you'll be interested in and cafes nearby to bring you to.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Wonbin hates it when people push his boundaries, especially when it's related to his fears. He'll instantly shut down and end the relationship, regardless if it was a family member or a friend.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Wonbin sleeps like a koala bear. He has to be in contact with you somehow, be it his arms wrapped around your neck or his longs legs tangled with yours or his head resting on your arm.
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© anton-luvr, 2023.
taglist: @wonbons @mxlly143 @keehobaldboy @shawyle @yenart
251 notes · View notes
beca-mitchell · 11 months
the system's breaking down (i think there’s been a glitch) (1/1)
Summary: PP2, but an AU where Beca already knows Chloe has experimented plenty and Chloe is shocked by this revelation. Basically a rewrite of the retreat scene. from @bobby-lynnes-bra: i always thought it would be funny if beca responded to the experimentation comment with "chloe what are you talking about, you've slept with multiple women in college already"
Word Count: 2578
It’s not Chloe’s brightest idea but it’s…convenient that she and Beca are quite literally being forced to speak to each other in this cramped, confined space. And besides, Chloe is surrounded by the people she loves most (and the woman she’s most in love with) in the world. What could go wrong?
After Beca’s hasty refusal of Chloe’s generous backrub, Chloe changes tactics. She can hear Aubrey’s voice in her head already, calling her desperate, but she kind of is. She feels, simultaneously, that Beca is drifting away in more ways than one and with the end of the semester looming in a mildly horrific proximity, Chloe has run out of options.
She will make sure Beca knows, at least at a very base level, that Chloe wants to kiss her so very badly. She hasn’t thought of much else past this.
“You know Beca, we’re very close, but I think that this retreat is really gonna let us discover everything about each other.” 
“Is that right?”
“You know…one of my biggest regrets is that I didn’t do enough experimenting in college.”
Beca’s nose crinkles. “You’re so weird. What are you talking about? What about all those girls you slept with in my sophomore year? And that one hookup that kept coming back last year.” 
The air whooshes out of Chloe’s lungs at that revelation. “Wait, you know about all that?” 
She forgets momentarily that they aren’t alone because she is absolutely tunnel-visioning on Beca. Suddenly, her chest feels tight, but not in a good way—not in the way it had felt when she had first heard that Beca and Jesse broke up a few weeks ago before he left early for Los Angeles without her. 
Suddenly, Chloe feels very small. She hadn’t known Beca was aware of that. She assumed that Beca had just thought she was only into men this whole time, which was part of the reason Beca never picked up on any kind of signal Chloe sent her during that first year.
She barely hears Beca’s non-commital mumble about Chloe’s lack of subtlety.
If Beca had known all this time that Chloe liked girls, it was never an issue of thinking Chloe was too celibate or too straight to be interested in Beca.
It had been years.
Beca is in the middle of turning around to face away from her, hair ruffled from shifting around. Chloe can’t even bask in how cute Beca looks because she is distraught. She doesn’t even process at that second that Beca, despite being petulant, is still concerned about her lack of quippy comeback and lack of quippy response. 
On autopilot, Chloe turns to stare up at the tent’s fabric. She imagines what the stars are doing beyond the thin barrier. Surely, they must be laughing at her misfortune. 
When Chloe stumbles out of the tent the next morning, following closely behind Beca, she decides to put it behind her. Mostly. It proves difficult because to distract herself from Aubrey’s drill sergeant voice, she drifts and finds herself just looking at Beca, mostly with mild disbelief. 
Had that been what Beca had been hiding the whole year? That she knew Chloe had a big gay crush on her? Had she told Jesse? Had they both laughed about it? Did that even matter considering Jesse was a couple thousand miles away?
Her mind whirls at a speed she previously had never been able to access. She creates a million and one scenarios, each worse than before. By the time she lands on a scenario where Beca is quite literally homophobic, she decides that she needs to calm down and tries to focus on her breathing so she can at least belt when Aubrey points to her. 
Chloe notes that at least Beca is participating, though she seems less enthused than everybody else. It’s a familiar-enough sight at this point that Chloe just tries to let it go. It is frustrating that she has no idea whatsoever what Beca is thinking, or even why Beca’s mind appears to be elsewhere. 
It had been easy to ignore when they were back at Barden and occupied with classes, performance prep, and just generally trying to slam the lid closed on their overfilling anxiety pots. It’s less easy now, at a remote location and surrounded by only each other. Beca’s distance is more apparent than ever and it all just hurts so much that it makes Chloe want to claw out her eyeballs with her sweaty hands. 
Finally, exhausted, Chloe thinks that she gets a reprieve, but then she hears Beca’s voice cut across the group, clear as day. 
“Sorry, what are we doing?” 
Chloe forces herself to be patient. “We’re rediscovering our sound.” She finally makes eye contact with Beca after hours and she tries not to be hurt by the sheer annoyance she sees written across Beca’s face; she tries not to let it bother her that she has no idea why Beca is even reacting like this to something they both love. 
“Really?” The derision in Beca’s voice makes Chloe want to recoil so very badly. “Because it all sounds like songs that would never go in our set.” 
Chloe’s ears are ringing. She thinks Aubrey says something, so she tries to refocus, but she catches the tail end of Beca exclaiming that she has more important things to do. 
“What could be more important than this?” What could be more important than me? Is what Chloe desperately wants to scream, but she can’t – she knows she can’t. Not here, in front of everybody. 
She swallows her pride when Beca brushes her off. She isn’t letting this go, not this time. “Where do you think you’re going?” 
“Getting out of here. We all have to leave eventually, Chloe. Some of us aren’t scared of that.”
“And what’s wrong with being scared?” Chloe asks, ignoring how high her voice goes. That stops Beca in her tracks. “What’s wrong with being afraid of losing the people I care about?” 
“So you’re acknowledging that there’s something that happens after graduation? After worlds?” There’s a mocking edge to Beca’s voice, but the franticness in her eyes as Chloe nears closer to her is more evident than ever before. 
“Of course I am! It’s all I think about. It’s all I can think about, thinking about not being able to see you—all of you,” she adds hastily. “Not being able to see all of you every day.” 
Aubrey touches Chloe’s elbow. “Chloe, maybe—”
Chloe shrugs her off. “And what about you?” she asks, finally feeling some of the blazing heat in her chest begin to power up her ability to speak. “What about how you’ve been lying to us this whole time. Keeping things from us?”
“What are you talking about?” 
“Everybody’s noticed you’ve been a little checked out lately.” Chloe gestures around. “Don’t you care about any of this?” 
“Of course I care! I’m just trying to think about my future. Which is more than what everybody else seems to be doing.” 
“And what about me?” Chloe asks, forgetting momentarily that they’re surrounded by their friends. 
“What about you?” Beca doesn’t ask the question with a hint of derision or viciousness, but it still hurts nonetheless seeing the plain confusion on Beca’s face. 
“Don’t you care about me?” Chloe thumps her hand on her chest. “I have been there for you for years and you can’t even—you can’t even pick up on a few. Simple. Hints!”
“What hints?” Beca looks around at their friends for help and as Chloe glances around, everybody is pointedly looking away. Emily’s face is turning red. Jessica and Ashley are glancing at each other knowingly. And Aubrey—Aubrey has the worst expression of all of them: pity. Beca apparently still isn’t able to find an answer or assistance from any of that, so she turns back to Chloe, arms crossed.
“Are you being dense on purpose?” 
“I’m not, I swear.” 
“So you’re just going to act like you haven’t seen anything the past few years. Nothing at all.”
“Chloe, what the fuck are you talking about.” 
“I think Chloe is just concerned you’re maybe focused on relationships right now when you should be focused on the Bellas,” Aubrey says, from out of nowhere. 
It isn’t what Chloe is thinking at all, but she lets the brief silence serve as a reset. She gathers herself as Beca turns on Aubrey. 
“I broke up with Jesse a while ago,” she says plainly. 
“Aubrey, don’t.” 
“—In fact, I’m not thinking of any relationships right now. I’m focused on me and moving to Los Angeles after we graduate.” 
Chloe deflates. “Forget it. Forget I said anything.” 
Beca faces her again. They’re standing closer than before, Chloe having closed the distance between them, but the emotional distance between them couldn’t be larger. “Chloe. Wait.” 
Chloe waits, expectant eyebrow raised. 
“I have an internship. That’s where I’ve been disappearing off to. I swear, that’s it. I’m not…like sneaking around or anything,” she adds in a lower tone. “Not with Jesse or anybody else. That was over months ago.” 
Chloe, unfortunately, fixates on the first part only, filing her disappointment away for later. “An internship? Why didn’t you tell me?” 
“You were just…” Beca shrugs, gesturing vaguely with her hands. “I didn’t know if you wanted to hear that I had my mind elsewhere.” 
“Well, I did,” Chloe replies, stung. “Why wouldn’t I? You’re…” she inhales. “You’re my best friend, Beca. I want to know these things and of course, I’m so happy for you.” 
“Oh ouch,” Amy murmurs, nudging Aubrey. 
Beca stares at her for a moment longer. “That’s it then?”
Chloe nods slowly. “I—”
“I’m just going to take an hour for myself,” Beca announces. She walks away from Chloe. The sight of Beca’s back stings more than Chloe expects. She reaches out half-heartedly, her throat dry. She can’t even call out to Beca, not until Beca screams, swept up by a bear trap none of them had seen.
A few hours later, they sit huddled around a campfire. Chloe has hardly been able to leave Beca’s side, finding ways to touch Beca, whether it’s making sure she isn’t cold (on a warm early summer night) or making sure Beca has had her fill of snacks (Beca has consumed several smores, growing paler with each one Chloe forces into her hands). 
They still haven’t really resolved anything, even as they figure out just how to save their sound. Chloe doesn’t feel particularly resolved as far as things between her and Beca stand. 
Beca appears aware of it too, if the furtive glances she keeps shooting Chloe are any indication. There’s a fidgety-ness to Beca, the way she shuffles as if she isn’t sure if she wants to sit closer or further from Chloe. 
“Let’s leave them to talk,” Aubrey says hastily. She snaps at the rest of the Bellas to get their things before she grabs Fat Amy’s wrist and tugs her, despite her protests of wanting to stay near the fire. Amy is eventually lured away by the promise of access to the minibar and a room for the night. 
Once Beca and Chloe are finally alone, Chloe finds that her mind slows to nothing. She cannot remember a single thing that she wants to say to Beca–everything except, “I’m sorry.” 
Beca prods at a rock with her toe. “What are you sorry for?” she asks quietly. “I should be apologizing.” 
“I was just…mad at you. And mad at myself. Mostly myself.” 
“You should be mad at me. I’m incredibly dense,” Beca offers. 
Chloe huffs. “I didn’t mean that.” 
“You did. It’s okay. I am and I’ve been trying to work on it.” 
“I shouldn’t have just…yelled at you. Especially not in front of everybody. I’m sorry. I just…was so embarrassed about what happened in the tent and then thinking about you hiding things from me.” Chloe groans, covering her eyes with the heels of her hand. “Which you’re totally allowed to do. I just felt so…” 
“Left out?” Beca suggests, her voice quiet and gentle.
Chloe peeks at her with one eye. “Yeah. Let’s start there.” 
“I’m not good with that kind of stuff. You know that.” Beca’s smile is sheepish in the flickering light from the fire. It makes Chloe want to kiss her even more, but she has no idea if that’s appropriate. “And I didn’t mean to leave you out. Trust me. I want to tell you stuff, but it’s just… It’s like how I push everyone away. I just keep doing that whenever I feel scared that I’m going to lose people.” 
“You quite literally can’t lose me,” Chloe says, trying to go for levity. “I’m here,” she murmurs, only slightly horrified when her voice cracks. “I’m here even if…”
“I know. I know. I’m so bad at this.” 
“I promise, I’m worse.” Chloe sighs. “I haven’t been honest with you either. I thought I was being super obvious about it, but you seriously are really hard to get through to.” 
Instead of a quip or sarcastic response, Beca, for her part, takes Chloe’s hand and slowly tangles their fingers together. 
“I…” Chloe takes a deep breath, letting her eyes adjust and focus on their intertwined fingers. “I like you. I’ve been trying to tell you for years.” 
Beca says nothing for the moment, but both of them are content to let the crackle of the fire and ambient noise from the trees around them fill the space.
“Please say something.” 
Beca’s initial response is to laugh. She laughs and squeezes Chloe’s hand.
Chloe stares at her in bewilderment but waits nonetheless. She hates her traitorous heart for doing so, but it all but thuds out of her chest as she takes in how beautiful Beca looks then. 
“I’m sorry,” Beca apologizes once her giggles subside. Still not letting go of Chloe’s hand, she shifts her body so their legs touch more fully. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to laugh, but this is what I mean when I say I’m so bad at all of this.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“Just that…God. Chloe. I like you too. I’m just really terrible at showing it and I was so scared you wouldn’t like me back. I broke up with Jesse because he moved, yes, but also…” Her eyes drift away, first to the ground, then back up to somewhere around the center of Chloe’s face. It takes Chloe two seconds to realize that Beca is very obviously staring at her mouth. 
“Oh,” Chloe murmurs. “But you…always knew I liked girls and you never…”
“I never thought you liked me,” Beca explains.
“Why not?” Chloe asks, genuinely stunned.
Beca adopts a look of surprise at the question. “Well, I guess. I don’t know. I just—”
Neither Beca nor Chloe will ever know why Beca had been so surprised at the thought of Chloe liking her in a more-than-platonic way because Chloe decides then that what she really wants to know is what Beca’s lips feel like on hers. So she does just that, finally fulfilling years of curiosity. Beca doesn’t hesitate, lifting a hand to curl into Chloe’s hair to hold her in place.
Chloe never has to wonder again.
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derww · 17 days
hi, 4 am wings headcanons.
tldr: members with wings are using them. members without them usually are using elytras from the end, which they make work with all sorts of tricks, including mechanics that violate the laws of physics, manipulation of reality, and magic. anything, as long as it works.
subz has wings, but not his wings. he killed eldrich-like chthonic beatle, tore its wings off, and attached it to himself with a very old magic. and he can't even properly use them on the lifesteal, so he cheeses the system using tridents while he can. he never lives long enough to catch elytras unban.
mape has giant ass demonic wings, which he usually hides and ignores for all 4 seasons since he can't fly anyway bc of the rules. he starts using them again after elytra unban and they hurt as fuck after years of neglect, but it's not like he cares. at some point, zam caught him, and carefully kneaded and treated his wings, and after that, they gradually began to hurt less and less. wow! paying attention to the problem can solve it!
planet is a literal cosmic god, but he likes to play by the server rules, and he limits almost all of his abilities, which is reflected in the fact that he does not glow, and instead of multiple halos and eyes and stars around, there is only a faintly illuminated circle behind them. his godmod version doesn't have wings, but rejects all rules of physics, so they can walk on the air and fly just by will and roll the continuum, manipulating reality and walking from a selected point to any place in the world. he can do nothing of it in his human-like form, and somehow have no problems with being so much weaker.
s4!vitalasy loves flying so much because it reminds him of their scaffolding trick from s3 and he can't just deprive himself of it because he clings to this memory as the most fun and cool moment between him and subz. its like a dream come true, but at the same time, it's a bitter reminder that something is definitely wrong in their relationship now. he really doesn't like to fly in s5 because of it.
squiddo is a beetle themself, and she is actively horrified by the fact that half of the server carries the remains of her relatives on their backs. at some point, she becomes incredibly paranoid, believing that mapicc wants to rip off her own wings. It's a lie, but not because mapicc wouldn't do it, but because it never occurred to him.
in his overseer godmod ash just has a creative flight and he (or god inside of him) really likes to use it to demonstrate dominance. without it, he surprisingly still can, in some extent and connotation, fly, much slower and more sluggish, followed by a trail of glitches and bugs. spoke can do it too, but with the voidfog trail, but never actually does it. he only flies having an op.
roshambo can't really fly, but he can sit on the air, not too high from the ground. its kinda convenient, but not actually useful.
parrot, of course, has his disproportionately huge bird wings, which he constantly forgets to preen, which is why it always falls on his teammates to take care of them. 
poafa has quite angelic wings, fluffy and soft, and no one understands where they came from the guy who was part of the devils trio in the first season. so far, no one has decided to ask. he doesn't fly very well, but he can stay in the air for a long time. 
pair of minutech's black wings are fully mechanized and additionally armored. he separately monitors and cares for them, and he even has a prepared set for this. he spent most of s5 cleaning the clown's and leo's elytras too.
jaron can just create a pair of wings of any form and kind on him, but he really doesn't want to do it. instead, he steals any modified version from his teammates. or, less often but much more funny, enemies.
zam's elytra always breaks, and he fixes it in the middle of nowhere with the help of the first junk, faith and luck constantly flowing through his body. he never tries to bring the elytras to a really adequate state and just lives in anticipation of the moment when they will break again.
jumper wings look like a bublegum. they are bright pink, non-sticky, very bouncy, and look like she is putting a lot of effort into waving them. they turn out to be surprisingly functional when she needs to run away.
wemmbu isn't flying, rather, he clings to the fabric of reality and stretches in the right direction. his wings, constantly disappearing and appearing, are a tight coil of thick wires and strings that completely obey his will. they are also really easy to cut off...
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dira333 · 6 months
Bitter coffee - sweet words
Shinsou x reader, for my follower Celebration - @alienaiver
this is only a little thing, but I hope you still love it.
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“Sweet, sweet nectar of the gods!” Shinsou sighs and watches as thirst drops of coffee trickle down into his cup. The smell is intoxicating and if his head hadn’t been spinning before, it would surely do so now.
Someone giggles behind him and he turns, a little too slow for Hero that’s technically on patrol right now.
“Tough night?” You ask, mop in hand. 
“Uh, yeah.” He blinks owlishly. Did he die? Are you an angel?
He blinks again and the neon sign behind you flickers, crashing the illusion of a halo around your head. 
“Not a lot of customers this time of the night.” You tell him with the air of someone who wouldn’t mind a conversation. “And our coffee isn’t the best, I’m afraid.”
He takes a sip and silently agrees. It’s way too bitter and he knows his stomach is going to make him regret this in a few hours.
“It’s fine.” He huffs over his slightly burnt tongue. “I like it strong.”
You smile as if he’d complimented you instead of the coffee. You’ve got a cute smile. It lights up your face in a way that makes his knee wobbly - but that could also stem from the fact that he hasn’t slept more than half an hour in the last two days.
“Have you eaten?” You ask. “We’re not famous for the coffee but we do sell some fresh snacks. The summer rolls are my favorite.”
He’s not hungry, but he follows you over to the snack bar. You explain every item in great detail, so obviously happy that someone’s got the time to talk to you. It’s cute.
His head rests heavy on his palm as he watches you talk, his eyelids growing heavier and heavier…
When he wakes up, you’re nowhere to be seen. His face is mushed against the countertop. Directly in front of him is the paper cup of coffee, the beverage cold.
He blinks himself awake and stretches awkwardly, checks his phone anxiously but no one seems to have needed him in the almost two hours he’d slept.
“Hello?” He calls out. There’s the shuffling of feet followed by your face appearing between the isle of cold drinks and the isle of cleaning products.
“I’m… I didn’t want to fall asleep during your explanation.”
“Oh, it’s fine.” Your smile is timid now. “I know I talk a lot. You were probably very tired anyway.”
“No, no… I…” He blinks down at the snacks in front of him. “Could you explain again? I promise I will stay awake this time. I remember that you said the summer rolls were your favorite.”
You’re still a little shy as you come closer, but you start talking again. This time, he’s able to listen, to snort at the right moments, roll his eyes when you make an overly smart comment… If he didn’t know better he’d say you’re flirting with him.
“Here.” You hand him the summer roll he’d picked. “This one is on the house since you didn’t get to drink your coffee.”
“Yeah, but I didn’t have to pay for my coffee.” He points out. You shrug.
“It’s fine. We don’t get customers at night anyway. I have to eat most of the rolls myself anyway. Do you want some for later?”
His phone vibrates, automatically switching on the patrol radio. 
“Oh…” He curses quietly when he understands. “I have to go now.”
Your face falls and, as if possessed by Kaminari’s ghost of self-confidence, he leans forward and squeezes your hand that’s on the counter.
“I’ll be back! I promise!”
It takes him three more days to get back into this part of town.
It’s a Thursday night, as slow going as the last night patrol. He’s a little more awake this time around 
When he pushes the door to the convenience store open, you spin around behind the till, your face alight with eagerness. Your eyes light up at his sight only for you to fail at trying to hide your excitement.
“Ah…” You say with the air of someone who sells diamonds, not bitter coffee. “You’ve come back for the coffee, I suppose?”
He smiles, his lips a little unused to the movement. “No, actually, I came back for you.”
When you smile, it lights up the room, no neon sign needed.
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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mcntsee · 4 months
— ★ works in progress!
↳ these are not in any specific order!
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— my wife
↳ (Kaz Brekker x reader)
Summary: This marriage was not an act of love, just pure convenience. Kaz thirsting for revenge, and her itching for a way out.
Snippet: Perhaps, in this alternate life, they might have fallen in love. In that scenario, Kaz speculated he would have invested genuine effort into getting to know her. Truly know her. And just maybe, their wedding would have been a celebration of love, not a calculated ruse.
— crimson smoke - 3.1K words
↳ (Kaz Brekker x sister! reader)
Summary: Stealing the Neshyenyer
Snippet: Her eyes widened in fear as she tried to step away from him. Her father's grip was relentless. She managed to break free but found herself unable to step back further. She whispered, "Da..."
— routine
↳ (Kaz Brekker x reader)
Snippet: But maybe routine was meant to be broken every now and then.
Still, he waited and waited, but she never came.
— what’s your name?
↳ (Kaz Brekker x civilian! reader)
Snippet: Initially, a person’s name holds little to no significance to us. However, as we build a relationship with them and feelings arise, their name acquires a new meaning. Someone's name signifies the feelings it evokes in you.
— breaking my heart
↳ (from jesper’s pov + slight platonic!crows)
Summary: Jesper’s heart breaks at the sight of Kaz Brekker, his boss and the coldest person in Katterdam, on his knees.
Snippet: His breath caught in his throat as he watched Kaz’s usually steady form falter. He watched as his knees gave way, and sank to the ground, pressing his forehead against the cold earth.
— the problem
↳ (Kaz Brekker x reader)
Snippet: “I fell in love with you.”
“Say it again.”
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— my angel
↳ (Kaz Brekker x reader)
Summary: Epilogue for Fires of passion, ashes of hate from Kaz’s point of view. (Can also be read as a standalone or first part to my devil)
Snippet: She remained the sole divine thing he believed in— the one enduring belief he still clung to.
— my devil
↳ (Kaz Brekker x reader)
Summary: Epilogue for Fires of passion, ashes of hate from reader’s point of view. (Can also be read as a standalone or second part to my angel)
Snippet: He was the forbidden fruit she couldn’t resist—the captivating rebel who stole and kept her heart.
— my dearly detested
↳ (Kaz Brekker x reader)
Summary: Enemies to lovers
Snippet: "I've known you for a while now, Rietveld. Although my family wasn't much into Lij festivities, I remember you and Jordie being part of it, just like me."
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— old friend (request by: lottle-is-little)
↳ (Kaz Brekker x civilian! reader)
Request: I was wondering if you could write Kaz x reader (female) where the girl is from Lij and was best friends with Kaz (like Alina and Mal) and Kaz finds photos of them and Jordie together before they moved to Ketterdam (she stayed behind when they went and lost contact) and he misses her a bunch and him and the Crows go to Lij and meet her and super fluffy and happy
— the waves (request by: @lottle-is-little)
↳ (Kaz Brekker x grisha! reader)
Request: Reader is a part of the Counsel of Tides and Kaz doesn't know and something happens where the Counsel threatens the city because of something that happened and the reader comes back to the Slat exhausted from using their power too much at once and passes out and Kaz takes care of them.
— stalker (request by: @tayrae515)
↳ (Kaz Brekker x reader)
Request: Reader having a stalker. Maybe it starts out as creepy notes the reader hides but ends up with the stalker approaching her (kidnapping or not.) and Kaz saving the reader by dealing with the stalker. Maybe it even ends with Kaz's attempt at admitting he cares about the reader.
— my head, my heart (request by: @nicole198205)
↳ (Kaz Brekker x reader)
Request: kaz brekker x reader where the reader has been struggling with like migraines or something and attempting to hide it from kaz but he eventually finds out?
— pull me closer (anon request)
↳ (Kaz Brekker x reader)
Request: maybe they are sleeping together for the first time, but not in a sexual way. like, they are cuddling for the first time after working on his touch aversion for so long?
— stay with me (anon request)
↳ (Kaz Brekker x reader)
Request: reader is from The Menagerie, and Kaz is paying her in debts, as well as Inej's, and she's one of the crows, she's in love with Kaz, he's in love with her, but the something happens and she's afraid that Tante is gonna take her back to The Menagerie, and she decides to run away but then Kaz says the famous "Stay. Stay in Ketterdam. Stay with me." to her.
— my demons, your fears (anon request)
↳ (Kaz Brekker x grisha! reader)
Request: kaz brekker x reader oneshot where they grew up together as neighbors but then the reader's parents died and Kaz'a family took her in and she went with him the Jordie to Ketterdam and was with Kaz helped Kaz swim out of the Reaper's Barge because she's a tidemaker. Anyway, her and Kaz used to be together but they broke up and then the reader had a nightmare about Jordie and woke up screaming and crying and Kaz comforted her and brought her to his bed to sleep for the night and in the morning she was confused why he helped her and they get back together or something, you can choose the ending.
— those eyes (request by: @yhaywhwvsh)
↳ (Kaz Brekker x reader + slight platonic! crows)
Request: Reader finishes what she wanted to do in Ketterdam (her goal) and she only stayed because of Kaz, but after that argument "You would be nothing without me, Brekker", "I saved you. Don't forget that." she leaves. She comes back to Ketterdam after the Ice court heist and all that shit and the new Crows met her?
— don’t panic, love (anon request)
↳ (Kaz Brekker x gn! reader)
Request: i was wondering if you could do a fic where Kaz or Freddy can tell the reader(gn if that's okay) is going to have a panic attack before they knew due to Kaz/Freddy seeing the signs and provides the reader with comfort and helps them calm down
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— long live (anon request)
↳ (slight Kaz Brekker x reader + platonic! crows)
Request: six of crows x reader (platonic)/slight Kaz x reader based on the song "Long Live" by Taylor Swift?
— you shot me! (anon request)
↳ (platonic! crows x reader)
Request: 31. "You shot me!" "Oh, don't pretend to be surprised. It's unbecoming." So maybe some sort of just heist gone wrong but with comedic elements. Of course someone got shot but its funny right
— I’ll take care of you (anon request)
↳ (freddy carter x reader)
Request: fluffy one shot of Freddy Carter taking care of the reader when she’s sick, Thank you so much ILYSM!!!
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— the aftermath (trojan horse pt.2)
↳ (ghost x reader + platonic TF141)
Summary: Zero is dealing with the aftermath of their London mission. Luckily she has Simon by her side. And of course, the rest of her team.
Snippet: He grappled with disbelief. A lifetime of enduring pushbacks, hits, and abuse had etched a belief of being unlovable. Yet, here she was, loving him effortlessly, as if it were as natural as breathing.”
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— bygone (series!)
↳ (human! alastor x fem! reader)
Summary: it’s fascinating how different people can be in hell from how they were back when they were alive, which is exactly why charlie decided to visit the hotel guests in their heydays.
— angelic prey (anon request)
↳ (alastor x angel! reader)
Request: We can have a yandere Alastor with an angel reader... After Charlie went to heaven, the angel reader was moved by his proposal to save the demons... So to help Charlie the reader went to the hazbin hotel... What no one counted on is that Alastor fell in love with the angel reader... Now what would happen?
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— come back to me (anon request)
↳ (spencer x reader)
Request: spencer reid x reader (preferably non bau reader) where reader goes missing and they are gone so long that they are presumed dead. And they are never found (at least not found alive)???
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q18au8lt2op3idl · 4 months
A short fic
"Angel Dust &"
Episode 4 was great. I wrote this story with respect and with passion…! (Forgive my poor English translation.)
—Oh, it should have been the call I've been waiting for, but I'm not happy at all.
Angel Dust thought vaguely.
The males above him got up and moved away. The too bright lights dimmed a little, and Valentino approached Angel, saying good job to the actors. Likewise, don't expect him to say, "Good job.”
"'Hmph, I'd say today's shoot was just about up to par, bitch rad actor. I hope you haven't forgotten that you still have some work to do."
"...... of course, Val."
The voice was scratchy and the speech was a little slurred. He's still on meds, but he thought 'I'll be more comfortable with that.'
"Then open up those loose crotches quickly."
Red eyes peeked out from behind those badass heart sunglasses. There is no way there is a bright red burning affection there, I know, but I can't look away, so Angel opens her legs as she is told, and out of the corner of her eye she sees his fluffy collar coat being tossed away.
The end of hours of work would be capped off in the arms of his master.
—I realize there is no love, no salvation, and yet I cannot escape its poison. I know that there is only my death by your poison.
"...... you're mine, you haven't forgotten, have you, scumbag?"
"...... yes, Valentino ......"
The days clinging to Angel are still the same. The only difference is that the bar, which used to be a convenient bed accessory where he only went for a strong drink, has become a much more comfortable place than before.
"...... I don't know whether I want to be bored and discarded earlier or not,...... whether I hate it or love it, which is it really... ..."
 It is late at night in the Hasbin Hotel with the lights dimmed. Only the bar counter still glimmered with a warm light that enveloped Angel. Angel muttered as he plopped down on the counter.
"......hey, aren't you getting drunk too fast? You're worn out again today, good job."
The owner of the low, eardrum-shaking voice quickly replaced the glass in front of Angel with a pointed nail. A moment ago, it would have contained Angel's favorite pink vodka. Now it must have been replaced with pink peach juice.
Angel opened one eye and saw Husk's fake-looking wings. Husk turned away and wiped his glass as if nothing had happened.
"Every day really sucks."
Then he pressed his cheek against the counter and mumbled.
"But when I see you, I'll probably think you're a little better."
"........... you drunken bastard."
Husk mutters after a pause.
—I'm not drunk, it's just an act you don't like, I'm fooling you.
Angel whispered to himself, covering his face with his arms to hide the smile on his lips.
He hasn't forgotten that night of drinking.
"We're BOTH losers."
"That's fine by me."
"A loser, but just maybe if we
Eat shit together, things will end up differently."
He wasn't even on drugs, but it was a time when he could genuinely say that he was a little high and having fun, not with false emotions.
After a few moments of reverie, Angel lifted his head with a start.
"Do you like me, by any chance? Hey, I'm drunk......Hey, here's your chance, you can do whatever you want ......."
The reply was a cluck of the tongue.
Angel bowed his head again and got down on the counter.
ーI knew it, let's call this drunken nonsense.
"...... Yeah, you're still a drunk. You wake up and you don't remember anything. ...... You're still drunk enough to say that here. You're still not good enough."
Husk's loud sigh reaches Angel's ears.
"...... but well, you're doing your best. I don't hate that about you."
Husk stroked Angel's hair, enjoying the feel of it, and Angel almost jumped out of his skin, forgetting to pretend to be asleep.
-What is this mushy warmth in my chest, not because I hate that, but because I want to fuck, which is also different.
The party, Husk, gently draped a blanket over Angel's shoulders and began putting the glass away as if nothing had happened.
As he contemplated what to do next, Angel became really sleepy.
He thinks idly that it is not so bad, even though he will probably only be able to sleep for a little while anyway.
-Will there be a happy ending to the dream I am about to see? Surely there will be a happy ending? I don't think it's a waste of time to hope for that now.
Hey, Husk, I wonder if you will come to me in a dream with a happy ending.
That would be nice.
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the-owl-house-takes · 4 months
If the demons in TOH were replaced by a human ethnicity, their treatment by the show would be considered incredibly racist.
They're not human, of course. They're not real. But they can still reflect the creator's biases, especially since, on paper, they're as much "people" as witches, and aren't supposed to just be enemies or monsters (not that that isn't also often used to slide racism into fantasy stories, by depicting the "others" as a compact, unthinking evil).
Yet, even though demons fill crowd scenes and even give the world its name (DEMON realm not Witch realm), they're never important to the plot. The one demon in the main cast is framed as annoying comic relief, and at the end revealed to be some sort of... Parasite? Such a great and not at all dehumanizing detail to ascribe to a character! The other "important" demon character (Vee) can conveniently shift into human form at will, so she can "pass" as humanoid without issue. King, whose identity is important to the plot, is explicitly revealed to NOT be a demon.
Any other demon who speaks more than one line is just a secondary comedic villain or sidekick (NOT a main villain ofc, because that's an important role that should go to a humanoid).
TOH is considered by fans super diverse™ and inclusive™, but as many have noticed almost the whole crew is white. The way they treat the POC characters feels like an afterthought, with them being overshadowed by white characters all the time, and never getting a chance to show their culture (especially the supposedly Black-Dominican Luz and Camila).
It's like the (white) crew decided, "Let's make this show and let's 'add diversity' to it!", without them actually putting in the effort to have diversity behind the scenes. Just a POC coat of paint, so they can pat themselves in the back for how diverse and progressive they (supposedly) are.
And here we go back to the start. They might have added a few POC characters, but their white bias still shows through the cracks. They just created a new "acceptable" cathegory of fake people that it's ok to dehumanize, as a way to put POCs in the "in group" (but not "too much" as to overshadow the white characters obviously). But it still borrows the same racist tropes that were used to otherize and dehumanize people in media for decades. They don't just disappear because you wrote "demon" over the labels.
In any case, it's telling how the "daring" and "diverse" show that screams from the rooftops that "weirdos have to stick together" will actively push aside any character that doesn't conform to the (humanoid) norm outside of the most inoffensive and watered down features.
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: I know some people will think this ask is racist because it's comparing POC to demons (I'm a POC myself btw). But. "Demon" is just the word the show uses to otherize the group of people that doesn't fall in line with the accepted "norm" of human likeness.
It has nothing to do with intellect or morality, demons in this context could be called angels or smurfs or elves or whatevs, let's remember they're supposedly "equal" to the witches. It doesn't change the fact that they're just used as a way to add a weird 'n' spooky vibe to the setting but are never, EVER meant to be actual characters, outside of the one that can hide her nature at will.
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bep1erfics · 10 months
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walking home from your night shift job as a convenience store worker, the dark alleyways and shadows were quite the opposite of what you presumed this city would be. graduating highschool with flying colours, you decided it would be best to move out of your small town and to settle at zerobase, where you would continue your studies to become a doctor at one of the best ivy league schools in the country.
it wasn’t until after you moved to zerobase that you found out there were a few gangs that often got rid of people they didn’t like. the most terrifying group were the ones that called themselves “darkness”. they were a gang that had been around for some time and were composed of 8 men and their leader, the mastermind of all their attacks. although you weren’t scared of them at all and thought that gangs were childish, rumours have been going around that they strike their victims at midnight.
to keep your income stable, you had to work hard or else you would have to get sent back home and spend your youth in deep disparity. your family never treated you well despite you getting perfect exam scores. everytime, they would always tell you to do better. one of the reasons why you decided to become a doctor was to cure that aching pain in your heart, even though you knew it was incurable. a broken heart could never be replaced.
getting lost in your tracks, you realised you were completely lost. as you’ve only started living at zerobase for a few weeks, your sense of direction was still off.
a dark silhouette creeps up behind your figure as you panicked. where on earth were you supposed to run? you weren’t familiar with the the city at all. instead, you trusted that your instincts would lead you to somewhere safe. hearing the footsteps behind, you decided to run towards the left of the street, praying that the broken lights would keep you masked from the person following you.
running towards the dark alleyways, you held your breath so that the person following you wouldn’t realise that you were hiding behind the car. little did you know, you fell right into his trap.
a pair of arms tied a black cloth over your mouth that seemed to be laced with a drug that instantly made you drowsy. your heart raced, wondering if this was the last bit of oxygen you were gonna gonna breathe. was your life really gonna end this way? there were many things you wanted to accomplish before vanishing away. suddenly, your eyes shut due to the immense pressure on your body.
welcome. you’ve just entered the devil’s lair.
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want to be on the taglist? comment and i’ll add you! have a great day
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sushistyless · 1 year
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Rain can be a hassle to Harry especially because he’s always late. But when dark and stormy nights lead to finding someone a bit special, he has to admit, he’s forever grateful for the dark clouds.
(writer harry, fluffy & rainy stuff, 6k+)
my masterlist.
Harry always had a bit of a problem with being on time.
Usually, it was his day dreaming tendencies that conveniently forced the clock to tick out of his head, drowning the noise of the outside world and opting for the vivid, lively & observant fashion he lived with in books. The entirety of each minute spent in those worlds, being in some way or another -- a moment he would dream about later.
Most of his life was filled within his own thoughts & feelings, a curiosity stemming in the depths of his mind. And ever since he could remember, he'd been this way.
Much of his teenage life and childhood was spent in the city, the daily ways of hustle bustle following each moment. He loved staying there and is grateful for the opportunities he got — don't get him wrong! — but... he craved to have a life where things weren't as overwhelming. He wouldn't say he's shy, but he liked being in his own company, an affinity to observe the intricacies of the world and the different realms of literature rather than soaking up the role of the main character on centre stage.
He always preferred the quiet, and leaned towards the introverted, solitary life. And his job as a writer suited him pretty well, he'd say. Working from home, he didn't really have any events he could formally be late to, which is why it wasn't the biggest concern to him. With a ton of pent up creativity, he found writing (and painting too, sometimes) to be a wonderful medium for him to pour out all that jazz.
His first 'inspiration' for a lifestyle that 'called out' to him was when he was quite young. He remembers his mum taking him to a small village near the hills, and how his seven year old self was utterly enthralled by the beauty and charm of the place.
"Mum! Look!" he had said, scampering around in the fields while running behind a yellow butterfly, committing each curve of its wings to his memory, with pure ecstasy fluttering through the soreness of his cheeks as a result of a smile grown so wide. His mum was amused to see the joy that radiated off him– an amount she'd never seen before.
Later that night, after he'd finally (and very reluctantly) agreed to leave the fields, she'd tucked him into bed, warmth coursing through his veins under the cuddly comforter. She whispered, telling him to never lose that spark in him. He merely responded in a soft, dreamy tone, giving her a lazy smile when met with a kiss on his forehead, "I-it's just, everything's so pretty here! Don't y'think? Jus' wanna stay here forever.''
"Yes, Harry," she laughed, in awe of her son with a gleaming sparkle in his eyes, "And maybe one day you can live some place like this, alright? But for now, sleep, sweetheart."
And he had eagerly nodded his head.
Now, it was only fitting that Harry had bought a cottage in the countryside near the foothills of a little town a few miles away from the city. And suffice to say, he lived a happy life, with inspiration seeping into each flower that grew out in the garden in front of his little cottage, blooming with vibrantly coloured flowers, and in the sunset that came each evening. Dusk, in-fact, was the most pretty sight he'd seen in his entire life he thinks. No complaints, he said when having literal cumulus clouds floating around with rays of sunshine peeking through them, almost making the scene seem scrapped right out of a renaissance painting — the only lost elements being the angels hiding behind them (and, yes, he had actually painted that too).
Love also manifested from his creative side often resulting in tons of hand drawn pictures of different varieties of butterflies and plants pinned to the walls inside his home.
Harry's life was his muse, so each time he sat to write, the words just spilled right out his heart onto the parchment, staining it in perfect handwriting.
(—Or, in a less 'aesthetic' way, mostly his hands typing away rather fast on the keys of his laptop, periodically pushing his glasses from sliding down his nose, but hey, same effect!—.)
He eventually did start writing books and many collections of poetry, so he did struggle with deadlines from time to time, but it wasn't that bad. It wasn't very bad because it didn't require his presence, he thinks, but it still required some time management. And he promises he's getting better at it.
But... we can still say that Harry had a bit of a problem with being on time.
He'd been standing in a little library located farther down the trail from his house (he still grins like an idiot at the thought of having his very own house), that stood on a street lined with shops and cafés. The scent of old books swilled in the air, vintage posters and dark rows of shelves matching the aesthetic of wooden floors and rustic trinkets hung up on the dusky-coloured walls. His fingers picked at the edges of the pages of the book, his third time reading magic through the eyes of The Little Prince.
He'd gotten only a little bit lost in it, his ring clad hand absently lifting the cup of matcha he had previously ordered on-the-go, bringing it to his lips and titling it forward, only to taste just a single drop of flavoured residue and realise that it was empty from the periodic sips he had taken with each flick and turn of a page.
Oh, he thought to himself and frowned. He hadn't realised that he finished it that fast. With a finger wedged between the closed book so as to not lose the page and cup squashed in the same arm, he fiddled to reach out to the vintage field bag slinging over his shoulder.
Finally, through the dishevelled strands of hair obstructing his vision, he managed to open the bag and get a hold of his phone from inside it. Switching it on, he pondered. It couldn't have been that long. Alas, when the screen lit up showing highlighted numbers of 7:28 pm, well, he was shocked (and glad there wasn't any matcha in his mouth, for he would have most definitely spit it out).
And, it hit him that he was late.
It wasn't much of a surprise that he would overstay past his intended time here in the library. But today was an important day.
He had ordered a record player a few months back and he was fluttering on the inside with a little spark. He'd counted down the days until it would arrive, smiling wide as he crossed down each day approaching it, and promised himself early this morning that he'd come and read only for a little bit, then easily go home before 7 pm so he would be there when the precious package was delivered.
Music was a big part of his life, of course. It helped him write, helped him imagine. Helped to dream a little more. And maybe he could even go as far as to say it was like fuel to him. The idea of his suited songs played on the vinyl was enough to excite him.
With widened eyes, he quickly shoved the phone back in, then flustered, taking steps towards the door. He was excited– sure, but he couldn't help and felt a little more doubtful and wary of the delicate player being properly delivered than gently held in his safe arms. It was expensive to say the least (top of the line and yada yada) and although it wasn't his yet, he already deemed it to be his precious possession.
On a normal day, warm, slanted rays of the sun would reflect on his face through the glass windows as he stepped from behind the cover of the thick shelves– but today was gloomy. A thick, dark blanket of clouds was spread across the sky, leaving no place for sunlight to pass through.
With having completed the satisfaction of saying a goodbye! to the store owner — Miss Akane, a kind and eccentric old woman who Harry had gotten quite close to after tasting a lot of her homemade sweets — he strode towards the door, skillfully pushing it open against the windy, mildly chilly air.
And that was when Harry realised that he really needed to hurry.
It was true when he thought today was going to be a rainy day. It'd be only a matter of a few seconds before the scent of wet mud would linger in the air. He walked quickly on the trail towards the mountain side, relaying one last glance to the line of shops. Harry usually caught sight of a few people walking down the street but it seems as though everyone knows that the weather is going to be stormy. He'd grown accustomed to the view by now, having moved to the countryside just a few years prior.
The fitted burgundy coloured chequered pants covering his legs, flared and shifted tightly against his calves, while his torso carried a very lovely sage-green vest, all bundled along with his bookbag tucked underneath his overcoat, effectively shielding him and his possessions from the heavy breeze and potential rain.
As he saw the soil being gradually dotted with raindrops and the plants around him weighing down with the trickling water, he knew it was even more important to reach home fast.
Harry's footsteps become more sunken, the trail having become mucky and threateningly prone to little puddles as he nears his cottage. The rain races with increased velocity, the sound of it hitting the ground and rumbles of thunder providing a soundtrack to the activities and errands of his current life.
Harry reaches close to home, and he had initially thought he would rush in and worry himself, examining the much awaited wet box, because the past few deliveries he had got weren't very considerately delivered. He thought it would be sitting out, left in the harsh rain.
But really, he's confused.
He brings up his hand, the tip of his finger swiping out a drop of rain that clung to his eyelash, already squinted eyes straining even more as if to make sure what he saw through the rain was reality.
Instead of seeing a drenched parcel, he finds someone sitting on his partially covered porch, her hazy gaze fixed on the entwined hands in her lap. The light, pastel amethyst coloured shirt she's wearing grows the slightest bit transparent — not entirely soaking through, but sleeves wet enough to loosely cling onto her body — the expanse covering her torso accentuating her collarbone region. Her hair sticks to the side of her forehead, cheekbones glistening under the influence of the rain. Eyelashes frame her profile from the view he's provided with, cheeks seeming hollow like she bites down on them. A coat is draped over some large box on the right, evidently wanting to keep whatever it was dry.
She certainly doesn't seem like a delivery person, the lack of a uniform making it clear that a courier was not what she was, only adding to Harry's confusion.
The little shade up front does little to barricade the rain as it slants towards her, the entire scene looking like her mere presence was magnetic to the forces of nature.
The ideas of why she was here and what his reply would be start noting through his head like pieces of paper being crumpled with each possibility that came up, clearly hesitant in the conversation that he already started in his head. Licking his lips, he readies himself to speak. What should he say?— the lack of socialising with new people peeking through the flurry of jumbled words projecting in his mind.
He gulps, moving closer until he's at a good distance from her, pace slowing down distinctively as his heels dig into the soft ground below. Finally, he musters up the courage to speak, inhaling and exhaling before flicking off a chocolate coloured curl that weighed onto his face, curtaining his vision. "H-hi."
The girl's figure immediately perks up, a sharp intake of breath drawn past her lips, clearly taken by surprise as her face snaps up to him. Her irises have a wild essence in them, widening as they meet his own & flickering around, taking in his features before spewing words of her own, "Oh! Hi."
She clears her throat, posture now becoming straighter, her right hand comes up to toy with a crystal pendant adorning her neck. "Uh," she flustered innocently, confused while forming her question, "Do you live here?" Her body turns completely towards her right, eyes effectively focused on the door of the cottage, giving Harry an obvious reference. Her voice is low & fragile, with woven delicacy as if she's afraid that if she gets louder, it might break glass. Harry's sure that if it was any softer, it would've been completely muted out by the echoing roars of the colliding clouds.
Harry's eyes follow her line of sight, nodding his head at her questioning, "I... I do, yes. Can I help y'with something?" He adds on in the end with sincerity & curiosity edging his tone, still comprehending her sweet voice and sudden presence. He hardly got guests, and if he did, they were mostly his family flying out on occasions to see him. But they too dropped in once in a blue moon. He was, let's just say, deep within an area of solitude. So he was more than shocked when he found someone he'd never known quite literally sitting at his doorstep.
There's a moment of silence in their conversation, giving Harry's gaze enough time to wander off & examine the object placed beside her. The jacket had ridden up at the side, a tiny sliver of the picture plastered over the box making his eyebrows knit the slightest bit.
The girl, whose eyes are mostly just fixated on Harry, immediately notices and clicks out of the dazed dream as she fumbles through the blurry rain, "Oh, right!"
Harry observes as she peeps out, standing to her height, hands already beginning to unveil the surprise under the full of her jacket, which's outer surface is glistening with the water, while the inner remains dry.
"I think... this is yours?" Her voice tilts in pitch nearing the end of her sentence, questioning him with unknown facts once Harry's eyes land on a package with a familiar picture stamped on.
He remembers the same photograph that was displayed on the online site he ordered his turntable from, a light beige colour coating the artistic marvel. With the stickered details of his address pinned up top, the edges of the box had become a little moist and worn out, but overall in good condition.
His features contort to realisation, "Oh— oh, yeah! Thank you s'much." He says with a heart full of gratitude & sudden confusion, stepping closer to finally land on the wooden shaft of the porch and scurry beside her.
She sheepishly nods at the acknowledgement, busying herself to pick it up, the box seeming entirely too large for her arms to hold. Harry quickly swoops in while giving her a soft, grateful look, enough to not evade her personal bubble, but assist her as he quickly supports it from the other side. Her lips tug slightly at the edges, the moment giving her time to take in the ringlets of hair that stick to his forehead and making her smile subconsciously grow the tiniest bit wider as he retrieves it completely.
"I was actually just passing by here when the delivery guy happened to catch me, and assumed that I lived here. I tried to tell him— really — but he was in a rush and he... just kept it and left," she rambles, managing to sneak a quiet smile in there, the cold shaft of wind making her shudder for a moment.
There's a moment of hesitancy, the slightest second of silence wallowing in the air as she collects her words and gathers to deliver him information that might ease his apparent confusion.
"I didn't want to leave it like that 'cause it seemed pretty important. I knocked again but nobody answered, so I only stayed to make sure it was alright until someone came by." Her voice decreases in amplitude as her sentence progresses, speaking shyly as her irises stutter on Harry's frame for a second too long. Explaining the entire situation to the best of her abilities while still tripping over her sentences, Harry offers no response because, well...
What the fuck?
Harry is... at a loss for words, to put it simply.
She did all that? For a simple parcel? For him?
Initially, he'd thought she was waiting there for some help she might need. Then again, everything that had happened was all a jumbled mess in his head — the thoughts in his mind unclear to himself. He didn't know what he was expecting when he arrived and saw her in the first place.
But, she was just so sweet. The entire thought was so incredibly kind, and— it just swelled his heart with so much joy and gratitude. A lot of people have helped him throughout his life, but nobody has ever been this sweet or innocently considerate. He's just on cloud nine with the idea of being worthy of all that, with no part of his brain telling him how to react.
He thinks that among the pouring rain and rumbling chaos, he had the honour of encountering a literal angel.
When he doesn't respond immediately, worry quickly fills her eyes, "I-I'm sorry if it's not what I should've done, I just thought..."
"No, no! Not at all! I jus—" He takes a moment to gather his thoughts, dissipating her worries as she visibly releases a breath. Adoration swimming through his irises, a butterfly induced feeling fills his tummy when he catches her wistful gaze drifting into the window of his soul.
The rain danced like spray, buzzing off the wooden roof & echoing through his ears, the sound of some drops sharper than the other- growing clearer and heavier by the second like the rhythm of his heart. The wind murmured to the trees, a whirring accompanying the puddles that began to plink with the hammering intensity of the rain, almost pleading him to say something— anything.
"That's just s'sweet of you. Thank you so much. You didn't have to do that, but y'did. And 'm so, so sorry I made y'wait out here..."
He is filled with gratitude but he also feels terribly guilty. It was because of him that she had to wait out for so long. It was chilly out and to be sitting out for that long under the icy weather, a sniffle would surely rift into a full blown cold. It's now that he notices the goosebumps trailed along her skin as she crosses both her arms in front of her chest in an effort to keep warm.
"No, don't worry! It's– it's okay. Really." She spares maybe a second of full eye contact with him, giving him a soft smile on catching the praises before casting off her gaze, focusing on the mucky shoes covering her feet as the droplets trickling off it caught the light. "The rain's quite pretty anyway."
Harry offers her an easy (but still regretful) smile at that. It was nice of her to try and console him even through small sentences.
"And... you like vinyls?" she converses curiously once her hands are free again, standing still with her fingers intertwined in her front once again. Harry can't help but wonder if it's a nervous tick she has, and he also can't help but smile a little at the thought, cherishing how he does the same sometimes.
"Yeah, jus' have some kind of charm, y'know?" The words just slip through his mouth like he's talking to himself, stifling his beam as his face drops to face the ground for a second, the faintest dimples indenting the apple of his cheeks and a simmer of warmth reaching them as he gives it his best to not crack into a fit of smiles. "Do y'like 'em?" He looks back at her.
The attempt at making his excitement subdued instils a kind of joy across her face, a honey swept tone coating her words as she replies, "Oh, yeah! Been wanting to get one for myself actually, but they're pretty expensive. Promise I wasn't stealing yours though." She chuckles a little easier now, knuckling at her eyes as a drop of water seems to latch onto her eyelid.
"I believe you. And trus' me, I've been saving up for it for months now, so y'not alone." He reciprocates her laugh, keeping it casual, but his mind internally goes through a shot of excitement.
"It's no–" she starts, a loud streak of thunder rumbling much too loud, cutting off the conversation as her widened eyes flit off to wander in the distance. Harry mimics her actions, the noise enough to demand anyone's attention. Her lips part at the loud sound, teeth digging into the plushy lower one, while the thinnest crease of worry lines her forehead. "But, um, I think I should probably head back now. The rain is only getting worse..."
It's now Harry's turn to worry, concerned because the last thing he could ever want for anyone is to walk back during a growling, full-blown thunderstorm. "Are y'sure? You're most welcome to come in..." he trails off, feet trudging against the cold floorboard as he shuffles towards the door, "It looks pretty bad out there. Y'can wait here until it calms down— only if you're comfortable, of course." He adds the last part quickly, speaks with sincerity- a genuine request on his part. And honestly, it's the least he can do. He knows that it was after all, her choice to wait here, but he still feels shitty knowing that he could have reached earlier and avoided her from all this trouble.
Her gaze is still downcast, an expression emulating the ghost of a smile, seeming like she's mulling over the options in her head, while her hands work to wriggle the coat back on her shoulders. "Oh no, it's fine! I love looking at the interior of houses —" she looks back at him with a breathy smile and a bit of hope arises in Harry, wishing she'd say yes so he would have some company- even if it was only for some time. She continues, "— But I really don't mean to intrude. Thank you though," she continues with a soft gaze, an apologetic undertone lacing her words.
His heart deflates when she declines his offer, the slight tug of his lips dulling only the slightest bit, yet understanding that it was her choice based on what she felt would be safe for her, but he hates to think that she'd feel like a burden if she were to stay.
"Please, you won't be intruding in the slightest. Honestly, s'the least I can do. Please feel free to come in, it's no trouble at all. Again, I'm so, so sorry." All he really hoped was that he could spend even a little time with her because he knew there was a possibility that he would likely never meet her again. But, if she felt it was safer to go her own way, he would respect that, of course, and just continue to think back to the small conversation they once had.
She laughs a little louder now, surprisingly to Harry as if enthralled by the amount of gratefulness and (un)necessary apologies he smothers her with, "Hey," she whispers, "I waited here voluntarily, so you really don't need to apologise."
His internal sorrow evades a bit when she makes an effort to lighten his mood, the tiniest blush threatening to creep up his cheeks.
"I know, 'm sorry—"
"Oops, there you go again."
"—Shit. I promise, I didn't mean to. I'm so so—"
"Sorry?" She completes for him, grinning like Harry's done the cutest thing and in fact– giggles. Proper giggles.
Can you believe that?
And if Harry couldn't take his mind off her presence, he surely can't now, wondering what he's done to have the honour of hearing the sound bless his ears. It's pouring, raining like cats and dogs, but this conversation takes him to a place of happiness where he imagines the sun would shine with the warmest, most yellow & buttery orange tinged glow. He just met her for stars' sake— he doesn't even know her name! But... he knows that he likes being the reason she laughs. He likes making people laugh in general, some kind of satisfaction hiding deep in his own smile when they break into laughter, but he reckons she was just much sweeter to witness.
Agh. He's such a sap, he knows... but he still means every word. Besides, it's in the safety of his mind, it's okay.
"Yeah... that." He bites his lip, hoping she wouldn't catch him avoiding her gaze. "Y'sure you'll be okay?"
"I'll be okay," she hums low, words drowning in the sound of the thunder as it penetrates through the grey clouds once again. Buttoning up the most part of her coat and descending down the porch, she shoots him a smile, a small 'bye!' accompanying her actions of waving at him.
"Bye! Please be careful!" he adds on. It felt strange. He didn't want to say goodbye. The conversation hadn't for a minute felt forced and it's... something he hasn't experienced in a long time. He wished it would last longer.
"I will, thank you! It was really nice meeting you!" He watches as her figure teeters down the clearing that led to his house, looking back at him from over her shoulders.
"You too," Harry mutters, a smile taunting his lips at the sight of her doing the same all while prancing about in the rain. But as she leaves his line of sight, he wonders. Would they ever even meet again? A sigh escapes through his mouth, the slopes of his shoulders softening with a pout that stretches across his face. And oh, he even forgot to ask her her name. It was too late to do that now. It'd just be plain weird if he ran out in the rain and startled her for a silly question.
So he's a bit bummed. Still, he's glad that he even had the chance to encounter her.
Turning around with bitten lips after successfully manoeuvring the package so he could hold it comfortably in one arm, he shuffled to reach for his key, pulling it out and swiftly unlocking the door. As soon as he steps in, his senses are waded through by the pillowy warmth of his house, lofting with the homely smell of cinnamon and vanilla. It's nice to be able to come to such a lovely home everyday, and he's so grateful for that. Water drops drip down his clothes, pit-pattering against the wooden floors. A thud noise resonates through the room as he shuts the door, the cold ruffles of wind effectively shut out while keeping the toasty atmosphere inside undisturbed. A little fireplace decorates the corner of the generously sized living room, green plants sitting across the window panes that are curated with occasional flowers here and there. The sheer curtains don't do much to cover the view of the rustic French windows, earthly tears trickling down the glass as he gazes through the fluid stillness upon the field outside– the one that's usually bright and green but now runs dark & deep with water, the attire of raindrops looking like serrations of lines cutting through the wind.
He's quick to discard his drenched coat, opting to hang it on the hook beside the dark ocher coloured console that stands in the foyer-like entryway, carefully placing the box on the cabinet. Littered throughout the pastel coloured walls were various delicately framed paintings– most of which he had made, and some being his versions of the works of Van Gogh (big fan he was)-- all very special, having given him some kind of inspiration to write in the past.
Running a heavy hand through his hair, he shook his head, the rebellious drops of water splattering into the air. Stumbling to the middle of the room, he all but threw himself on the feathery hold of his couch. Melting into the softness instantly, his posture relaxes, as the brown of his bag- a stark contrast to the beige of the couch lands with a splat beside him. Eyes closing ceremoniously once his head rests on the top of the couch, the pad of his fingers rub the inner corners of his eyelids. Realising he has contacts on, he frowns and stops, also thanking his past self for wearing contacts– the rain would've just fogged up his glasses and he preferred to know where he was walking. Plus, he would've not seen her very properly and that indeed would've been a pity.
Deciding that the itchiness was probably a sign for him to remove his contacts, he lifts himself off the couch and makes his way towards the bathroom.
It's just as Harry's removed his first lens that he jolts at the sound of the doorbell. With half blurry vision, all the more confusion sparkling through his veins and messier-than-ever-hair, his lips part. A second later he scurries to the front door. Opening it up the slightest, he swears his heart drops to his stomach. He can't see all that well but when the familiar voice calls out to him again, he can't help but smile at the knowledge of who it is.
"Is that offer of yours still up?"
Harry's never been happier for having a problem with time, and greeting a kind girl at his front door through blurry vision and unruly hair.
"Have you really made all of these paintings? They're... beautiful." It makes Harry's heart hurt at the enthusiasm Y/N shows for something he does. That's another he's learned, the sweet girl's name is Y/N. It suits her really well, he realises.
"Yeah, s'all me," he shyly smiles, setting the mug of chamomile tea down on the centre table in front of her. She's sat on his couch, a blanket wrapped around her form to keep extra toasty although she'd declined the offer in favour of the room already being warm enough. But Harry had insisted and pulled out his favourite, fluffiest blanket.
"More than beautiful actually, they're just— you're really talented." She gushes, shifting her gaze from the acrylic pieces hung on the wall to the tea now placed in front of her, accompanied with a soft whisper of an oh, thank you.
"'M glad you think so." His stifled smile stretches wider on his cheeks, little indents beginning to form a dip in them, "I think, art is just so fun to do. Being able to express yourself in paintings, music, film, and of course, writing. Words are so incredible." His voice considerably lowers as he progresses, realising how he's started to rant a bit.
"Oh," Y/N gazed at him fondly, amusement tinting her eyes, "So, I've somehow managed to stumble in the home of a young, mysterious artist - in the middle of the fields - while there's a beautiful storm raging outside, then?"
"You make me sound way cooler than I am," he  laughs silently, fiddling with his rings, "that is a cute idea for a novel though."
"It is cool. Maybe I'll become a writer one day just to write about this."
"I'll join you. Co-writers we'll be," he gleamed at her, the hidden knowledge that he could very well begin plotting a novel at this very moment shucked to the back of his head.
"That would be perfect."
The storm brewed the entire night but eased off by early morning, the night spent with soft words exchanged, and conversations that flowed like the streams of rivers outside. Harry swears he felt genuinely the happiest he had felt in a while.
He also would admit that he quite enjoyed when just before Y/N left, he revealed he was a writer himself. She blushed, jaw dropped because she had been prattling on and expanding on the 'Mysterious Artist in The Mountains' arc, in a pretty... amateur way she had said.
"Well," she giggled, trying to hold a serious face, "Mr. Styles, I shall take your leave. Now that I am presented with the information that you are a wonderful writer by profession, I expect thy to write some poetry about me the next time we meet."
"You should certainly expect it," he played along, bowing to her slightly.
"God, no, I'm joking," she laughed back, "but it really was nice to meet you, Harry. Thank you for everything." Gathering her belongings in one arm, she moved to stand at the threshold of the front door, Harry's presence following behind her.
She was just so sweet, Harry thought. Her smile bought with it something so honey like, a warm ray of light engulfing the room— and the sparkle in her eyes, kindness. She was beautiful too. The kind of beauty that wasn’t so conventional, more so the beauty that came with love that you simply had to have grown in with each second spent together.
"T'was a pleasure meeting you too, m'lady." He continued, a sweet smile still coating his face as he guided her out. (And although she was joking about the poetry, Harry had begun thinking of the same idea before she even proposed it.) Y/N simply reciprocated his expression, silence between them while the birds chirped in the back now that the rain had cleared out.
"Hope to meet you again… soon." She added quickly in the end and looked up to him with a glee in her eyes, speaking softly, “Bye, Harry."
A sense of déjà vu took over as he remembered the scene similar to the one he experienced a few hours back.
"Take care, love," he said, beaming when he saw her walk down the porch and look over her shoulder, excited for when they’d plan to spend more time together.
Except this time, he would happily declare that he knew her name too.
SOO, here is writer harry!! honestly, I started out with this piece like months ago and only finished it recently lmsiehdsjhs and I wasn’t sure if I should post it, but here we gooo :(( very soft vibes, I think. writer h is just like that.
thank you ever so much for reading :(( I really really hope you enjoyed!! <333
read more of my work on my masterlist! see you on the other side ;)
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rainisawriter · 9 months
Sick for You (Ryu) {Sicktember 2023}
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Genre: Fluff, slice of life, angst, comfort, domestic, comedy, romance
Word Count: 8,564
Pairing: First Person x Ryu
World: The Rampage
A/N: Okay, let me say that this is 100 million percent self-indulgent because I am a certified Ryu simp. I would die for this man, okay. This also took like a week to write lmao and it was written for @sicktember 2023. I wasn’t originally gonna do anything for this because of Flufftober but then this idea hit me like a freight train c: Also shout out to Kels (@babyboybinbin), Dia (@sieunkinnie) and Sweet (@xsweetelegantdisasterx) for letting me abuse them in this fic~ I regret nothing ò.ó)
Prompts (in order): #11 -Beginner’s Guide to Faking Sick / #18 – “Wear your coat, you’ll catch a cold.” / #4 – Hiding An Illness / Alt #3 – Pounding Headache / #23 – Coughing Fit / #16 – Consulting the Internet/Web MD / #19 – Curled Up With A Pet / #8 – Persistent Fever / Alt #4 – Forehead Kisses / #12 – Home Remedy/Old Wives Tale / #21 – “But if you stay, you’ll get sick too.” / #24 – “Did you just sneeze?” / #3 – “What happened to your phenomenal immune system?” / Alt #1 – “I could really use a hug right about now.”
Light streamed through the curtains, landing conveniently across my eyes and bringing me from my sleep. I looked at the clock through blurry eyes, realizing that I needed to get up soon for work but I really didn’t want to. My bed was so comfy and the body wrapped around my own was warm. Why would I ever want to –
Wait a damn minute… I blinked dumbly at the wall for a moment. Why is there a body in my bed? I turned slowly so as not to disturb them, a smile instantly coming to my face when I realized who it was.
Ryu was sleeping peacefully behind me, strands of hair falling across his face. He was already a gorgeous man but he looked like a damn angel when he was sleeping so peacefully. I slowly reached forward, tucking the hair behind his ear. He stirred, gorgeous brown eyes meeting mine.
“Morning,” he mumbled, stretching out his long body.
“When did you get here?” I wondered, propping my cheek up against my hand. “I thought you were on tour for another three days.”
“We had to end it early because of the bad weather.”
“You shoulda woke me up.”
He hummed, fingers curling around the hem of my shirt. “You looked too cute. I didn’t want to bother you.”
I ignore the fluttering of my heart and the warming of my cheeks, leaning down to claim his lips. “Babe, you could never bother me.”
He gave me a goofy grin, eyes lighting up. “You have to be at work soon, right?”
All thoughts of work had gone out the window when I realized he was in bed with me. I rarely got to see him because of his hectic schedule and there was no way I was going to work. 
I forced myself up, grabbing my phone off the bedside table and bringing up Google. Ryu propped himself up on his elbow, looking curiously at my phone screen.
His brow furrowed as he read the words of the article I had clicked on. “‘A beginners guide to faking sick.’ You’re gonna lie to your boss?”
“No… I’m just gonna bend the truth a little,” I defended, trying to ignore the stern look he sent me. “Is it so wrong to want to spend time with my beautiful boyfriend, hm?”
He fought back against the smile trying to overtake his lips, still trying to appear stern but I knew I had broken him. It was my special ability at this point. “Fine, but you have to make it up to him later, okay?”
“I’ll bring him donuts or something.”
Ryu laughed, shaking his head before climbing over me to get off the bed. He started to leave the room but paused as if unsure. “Do you want me to make you breakfast?”
I wasn’t sure why, but he was always cautious when it came to cooking. It’s like he wants to, but he just doesn’t have the confidence in himself which breaks my heart. I offered him a playful grin. “Well, the last time I cooked something that wasn’t instant ramen, I set the kitchen on fire, so…”
He paled as the memory came flooding back to him. “Ah… I’ll cook, then.”
“Sounds like a good idea.” I followed him into the tiny kitchen, settling down at the table with my phone. “I love your cooking. Your food always tastes so good.”
“Really?” He glanced at me with a shy smile and I nodded.
“Yes, really. If I could cook like you, I wouldn’t be a Fire hazard.”
He laughed, pulling the eggs out of the fridge. “Just don’t attempt it when I’m not here, okay?”
“Okay~” I promised, pulling up my boss’s contact. I took a deep breath, clearing my throat as I pressed it to my ear. I hoped it would go to his voice-mail, but no such luck. 
“Hello? Takanori speaking.“
“Hey, boss.” I tried to lower my voice and sound as if I was dying, but judging from the look Ryu was giving me, it wasn’t working as intended. “I, uh… I can’t come in… today…”
“Oh? Are you okay? You sound terrible.“
“Yeah, I -” I faked a few coughs and Ryu sent me another stern look, clearly not approving of the lie. “- I’m not feeling too hot.”
“I’m sorry to hear that. Get some rest and –“
There was a sudden loud clang from the kitchen. Ryu had dropped the metal spatula on the floor. ‘Sorry,’ he mouthed, sending me an apologetic and guilty look.
My boss called out my name, sounding worried. “What was that noise? Is everything okay?“
“Yeah!” I replied quickly, forgetting my tone change which I quickly fixed. “Yeah, sorry. I… I dropped my cup…”
“You should be in bed,” he scolded softly. “Don’t worry about anything. I can get Dia to cover your shift.“
“Thanks, boss.”
“Take care.”
I hung up the phone, releasing a relieved sigh as I sat back in my chair. “Man, acting is hard. I don’t know how you do it.”
“A lot of practice,” he hummed, breaking the eggs into a bowl. 
I watched him for a moment, admiring how careful he was with each action. “What should we do today? A new store opened up a few blocks away. Looks interesting from the outside.”
“Is that a smart idea? What if your boss sees you?”
“He works in an office building on the other side of town and he’s a workaholic so he stays way later than everyone else. The chance of him seeing me is,” I formed a circle with my hand. “Zero percent.”
“Famous last words,” he teased.
“For you,” I came up behind him, arms around his waist and face buried in the back of his shirt. “It’s worth the risk.”
His hand found mine, giving it a gentle squeeze. It was something he did to show thanks when words failed him.
After breakfast, we started to get ready to head out.
Ryu checked his phone before glancing at me. “It’s supposed to rain and the temperature is going to drop. Wear your coat, you’ll catch a cold.”
“Don’t worry so much, you know I love the cold,” I replied, shoving my feet into my boots.
“Loving the cold doesn’t make you immune to it.”
“I’ll be fine, I promise.” I held my hand out to him with a reassuring smile and he reluctantly took it, his hand easily dwarfing my own. “Besides, I’ve got you to keep me warm.”
He quickly turned his head but not before I noticed his blush, bringing a grin to my lips. He tugged me out of the apartment, the chilly autumn air nipping at my exposed skin. The sky was covered with gray clouds,  thunder rolling softly in the distance. 
He glanced up and hummed thoughtfully. “We should buy an umbrella first.”
“The convenience store on the corner sells them, I think.” I tugged him in that direction, feeling in high spirits. How could I not be? The love of my life was home, it was nearly October, it was cold out and it was probably going to rain. It was a recipe for pure joy.
The store had an entire rack of umbrellas for sale, including a blue one with lamas printed on it and a teal one with cats printed on it. It took me an embarrassingly long time to choose one while Ryu waited patiently, standing behind me with his arms around my waist and chin on top of my head. It was an easy feat given our height difference.
“If you want, you can buy both,” suggested Ryu softly.
I considered it for a moment. “They’re overpriced already and I don’t need two.”
Ryu chuckled, picking them both up and heading to the front despite my protests. He didn’t hesitate to pay for them both, again, ignoring my protests. I sent him a disapproving look when he held them out to me.
“Don’t be mad,” he pouted. “I like buying things for you. It makes me happy.”
Well, I can’t argue with that. His happiness is my happiness. I clicked my tongue, taking the umbrellas from him. “Thank you, I really do appreciate it.”
“Of course. Should we check out that new store now?”
“Yes, let’s go~!” I grabbed his hand and dragged him from the store, prompting a laugh from him.
I stifled a yawn, rubbing the back of my neck. We had been out for hours, mostly just walking around and enjoying each other’s company. The shop hadn’t been anything special, though Ryu did find a jacket that he liked.
He threw his arm around my shoulders, rubbing up and down my arm. “Should we head home?”
“Yeah. We can watch a movie if you want.”
“I’d like that. You can choose.”
“Oh?” I sent him a grin and he frowned.
“Am I going to regret that decision?”
“We are so watching The Worst.”
A faint tint came to his cheeks. “We’ve already seen it a hundred times.”
“And I wanna see it a hundred more because my baby is in it and he’s incredibly talented.” I smiled warmly, reaching up to cup his face. He leaned down to make it easier, his warm hand covering my own. “You’re an amazing actor, you know? And an amazing dancer. And a genuinely amazing person in general.”
He shifted nervously, glancing away. 
I knew complimenting him made him feel shy and nervous, but it felt important to me. I needed him to know how important he is, how special. Maybe that makes me selfish, I don’t know. 
I pulled back, releasing my grip on him. “Come on, let’s get home before -“
As if sensing my thoughts, the sky opened up with a loud roar of thunder. Sheets of rain fell on top of us, causing the others on the street to cry out and rush for cover. Ryu grabbed my hand, pulling me under the cover of a nearby Cafe. As badly as I wanted to enjoy the rain, I was more concerned about him. It would be bad if he got sick and couldn’t rejoin the other Rampage members.
“We should get home so you can change,” I murmured, frowning at the water that clung to his hair. I opened the cat umbrella, making sure to hold it high enough so it wasn’t resting against the top of his head.
“You need to change, too,” he pointed out, putting his arm around my shoulder and tugging me against his side to ensure that the umbrella covered us both. The wind picked up, sending a chill down my spine. It took everything I had not to shiver simply because I didn’t want to worry him.
The apartment was chilly, providing little warmth.
“Hurry and get changed,” said Ryu as he shrugged off his jacket.
“You first.”
He sent me a pointed look which I returned. 
“Don’t look at me like that, Ryutaro. Think about the other members if you get sick.” I folded my arms over my chest, watching as he bit his lip. “Go on, I’ll be fine.”
“I’ll be quick.” He pecked my cheek before rushing into the bedroom. Kazu came rushing out when he opened the door, easily slipping through his legs before rushing over to me.
I clicked my tongue, kneeling in front of him. “Sorry, I didn’t realize you were in the room.”
He stared at me with his large blue eyes, tail swishing back and forth in annoyance.
“Will a treat make it up to you?”
I chuckled, patting the feline on the head before standing up to enter the kitchen, him hot on my heels. He hopped up onto the chair, waiting patiently as I searched for the treats. Where the hell are they? I tugged open the cabinet, spying them on the top shelf.
Well, shit. I stood on my tiptoes, reaching up but only the tips of my fingers brushed against the plastic container. I tried pushing it closer to the edge but I think I just pushed it farther away.
A chest pressed against my back, his hand appearing beside my own and easily reaching the container. “I’ll feed Kazu. Go get changed.” He pressed another kiss to my cheek before approaching the annoyed feline.
I smiled at him before doing as I was told, changing into a t-shirt, a rampage hoodie, and some pajama pants with little ghosts printed on them. I felt much warmer now, but there was a tickle at the back of my brain. I couldn’t describe it, I just knew I didn’t feel quite as energetic as I had this morning. Then again, it was a long day.
Ryu was sitting on the couch waiting for me, Kazu curled up beside him as he gently brushed his fingers over the feline’s white fur. I settled down on his other side, seeing the movie already pulled up and ready to play. He pulled me against his body, arms wrapped protectively around me.
With a smile, I pressed play on the remote before letting myself melt against him, chest filled with warmth and love.
Over the next couple of days, I started to feel worse and worse. My body felt heavy as if it were made of lead, someone seemed to be endlessly pounding on my skull with a hammer and I barely had the energy to live. Even so, I knew I had to hide it from Ryu because he’s the type who would drop everything for his loved ones.
I refuse to be the reason behind him getting into trouble or, worse, getting fired and losing his dreams. It was hard as hell to pretend to be okay, but I managed by pretending it was a video game. Besides, he leaves tomorrow morning so I can die in peace without disturbing him so long as I make it through the night.
The smell of paella filled the apartment and I swallowed hard, hit by a wave of nausea. Not that it smelled bad or anything, but in my weakened state, I simply wasn’t hungry and I couldn’t trust myself not to throw up if I actually ate something. If that were to happen, Ryu would blame himself for messing it up and I didn’t want that.
On the other hand, telling him I didn’t want to eat would probably make him feel self-conscious and sad. He put in the effort to cook for us despite not having a lot of confidence in doing so, I couldn’t just crush him like that.
I brought my knees to my chest, groaning softly into my knees. Kazu was staring at me from the recliner. I don’t know if he understood my predicament but it felt as if he was judging me for my choices, the little shit. He reminds me of someone else who just so happens to share the same name.
Ryu’s feet padded softly across the wooden floor as he appeared beside the couch. “Dinner’s ready. Do you want me to make you a plate?”
I took a slow, deep breath. ‘Come on, get your shit together. Do it for him.’ Lifting my head, I gave him an apologetic smile. “Actually… I think I might skip dinner tonight.”
He sat beside me with a frown, brow furrowed in worry. “Why? What’s wrong?”
My stomach lurched, a sharp pain shooting through my skull simultaneously and I nearly cursed aloud at my body for conspiring against me. I wrapped my arms tightly around my stomach to try and ease some of the pain I felt. “I’m about to start my period so my stomach is a bit… wonky at the moment.”
“Already? You’re not due to start for another week.”
I shouldn’t have been surprised that he knew that because he was always on top of things like that, always trying to ensure I was comfortable and prepared each month, even when he was away. “Uh… better early than late?”
His face burned at the comment and he brought the back of his hand up to cover it. “Go get some rest.”
“I’m sorry, Ryu.”
“For what?”
“You cooked for nothing… I should have said something sooner.”
“It’s okay,” he replied softly, pressing a kiss to my forehead. “You can eat it when you’re feeling better.”
I wanted to kiss him so badly for being such a sweetheart but I didn’t want him to get sick so I settled for a thankful smile. “Thank you, baby.”
“Of course.”
I waited for him to disappear back into the kitchen before standing up and hobbling my way back to the bedroom, holding onto the wall for support. The room was spinning by the time I made it to bed and I was all too happy to fall face-first onto it, the pillow muffling my groan.
Despite feeling exhausted, I just couldn’t fall asleep. My head was hurting too bad, the painkillers not even touching it. For two hours, I lay there staring at the wall, trying to will myself to succumb to the darkness of sleep but my body refused to obey. When Ryu finally joined me, I pretended I was asleep, urging myself not to move as he slid in behind me, arms wrapped protectively around my body.
I guess that was the missing link because the last thing I remember was him kissing me on the cheek and whispering, I love you, something that he rarely said out loud. 
I startled awake as a coughing fit grasped me tightly, forcing me to sit up. The room was bright with Ryu nowhere to be found. I glanced at the clock and cursed, realizing that he had already left. I was already late for work, too.
As badly as I wanted to just bail and call in sick again, I knew I couldn’t. This was my karma for lying about being sick in the first place, I knew. With a groan, I threw the covers off of me and immediately started to shiver as the cool air wrapped around me. My head still hurt, my nose stuffy and the room spun when I tried to stand up.
“Shit,” I muttered, sitting back down and squeezing my eyes shut. I waited for my head to stop swimming before standing up again, walking slowly so I didn’t fall. Kazu followed close behind, his big eyes not leaving me once. At least he didn’t seem to be judging me this time. If anything, he looked worried. 
“I’m fine,” I told him, though my voice was hoarse and my throat scratchy. He flicked his ear, eyes narrowing. “Don’t give me that look. I’ll never give you treats again, you little -” My threat was interrupted by a coughing fit, my throat burning.
It took longer than I’d like to admit to get ready for work and, if I’m being completely honest, I don’t remember how I got to work. It felt like I blacked out and when I came to, I was sitting at my desk with a sheet of paper in one hand and a pen in the other.
I felt a familiar tickle at my nose and I scrunched it up on instinct, only making it worse. I tried to hold it back but a loud sneeze ripped from my body, sending the stack of papers flying off the desk. I groaned at the throbbing in my skull, eyes half-lidded. 
“Are you okay?” A hand rested on my shoulder and I slowly lifted my head, seeing my boss frown. “Geez, you look like death.”
“Am okay, boss,” I mumbled, rubbing my eyes. I started to get up to retrieve the papers when the world started to spin violently around me.
“Woah!” He threw his arm out to steady me, slowly lowering me back into my seat. The back of his hand rested against my forehead, his frown deepening. “You’re burning up… wait here a minute, okay?”
I didn’t have the energy to reply, my body slumping forward onto the desk with a groan. Why does everything hurt so bad? Am I dying right now?
“As you can see, she’s not doing so well,” stated my boss as he adjusted his glasses, returning to my side. “Can you take her home? I’ll pay for the Uber.”
“Of course, boss,” replied Dia. “Leave it to me.”
“I’ll call them, then.”
As soon as the car arrived, Dia helped me down to the first floor, allowing me to lean against her even at the risk of catching my cold. At least, I think it’s a cold. Maybe it’s the flu, I don’t know. Either way, she was selfless and I loved her for it.
There was a car parked in front of the building, tinted windows making it impossible to see. I could hear K-pop music blaring from within and I dreaded getting inside with my head hurting as badly as it was.
Dia knocked on the passenger window and it slowly slid down, the driver leaning toward it. She was wearing a strange pink thing on her head, the fabric secured beneath her chin with velcro. On the top was something resembling a tentacle, though it was different. I felt as if I knew what it was, but my feverish brain couldn’t quite place it.
She tilted her head down to peer at us over her sunglasses, yelling to be heard over the loud music pumping through the car. “You Dia?”
“I can’t hear you!” She yelled back.
Shaking her head, the driver flicked the volume dial and repeated the question. 
“Yes, that’s me.”
“Cool, I’m Kelso. Hop in and let’s go for a ride,” she grinned, rubbing her hands together like some kind of anime villain.
Dia sent me a concerned look as she helped me into the backseat, though I wasn’t sure if it was because of my illness or because our driver might be certifiably insane. The cold air of the ac felt good against my heated skin and I sighed softly, resting my head against the glass.
The car was quiet at first, broken only by the soft music playing in the background.
“Hey, you know sharks don’t have any bones?”
“I – huh?” Dia looked at the woman, startled. 
“Yeah and don’t say their teeth, either, because that shit is calcium, not bone.”
The song changed and Dia gasped. “Oh my god, I love Pentagon!”
“Really? Me too!” She grinned, turning in her seat so that she was half-facing us while still driving down the road. “Who’s your favorite member?”
Dia didn’t seem to notice that our driver was no longer looking at the road despite driving at such a high speed. “I love Jinho.”
“My bias is Wooseok.”
My wide eyes stared forward as cars and buildings zoomed past us. My heart was racing in my chest, and my head seeming to throb in tandem with it. I looked at Dia in horror, trying to get her attention but my voice seemed to have left me. When I turned back to the front, there was a woman relaxing on the hood, not seeming the least bit bothered by the high speed at which we were traveling.
She slowly turned her head, smiling warmly at me when our eyes met, but it quickly fell into a worried frown. “You don’t look so good, hun.” Despite being on the outside of the vehicle, it sounded as if she was talking from right in front of me.
“I…” My voice was scratchy and I ended up coughing a few times before I could speak again. “I think I’m dying…”
She chuckled softly, amusement dancing in her eyes. “You’re not dying. Not yet, anyway.”
“How are you on the hood of the car? How haven’t we crashed yet?” I glanced at Dia to find her still chatting animatedly with Kelso, but they weren’t making a sound. It was as if someone had pressed the mute button on them. “I’m so confused,” I groaned, resting my face in my hands. All I wanted was to be back in Ryu’s arms, but he would be gone for a while.
My heart clenched painfully at the thought, tears stinging at my eyes.
“Don’t cry,” said the woman, her voice soft and comforting. “Everything will be alright, I promise.”
Maybe she was right, but at that moment, it felt like everything was collapsing in on me. 
“Rest,” she ordered.
Warmth spread throughout my body, my eyes growing heavy. I shook my head, trying to keep them open but I wasn’t strong enough. Before I knew it, darkness had claimed me.
I tugged the comforter tighter around my body, feeling as if I was freezing. It wasn’t even cold outside and the AC certainly wasn’t on, yet my body refused to warm up. What in the world is happening to me? I rarely get sick and it usually knocks me on my ass when I finally do but shit. It feels as if I’ve been sick for weeks, though I know it’s only been a few days.
I wasn’t feeling quite as bad as I had been yesterday, so that’s an improvement, I guess. I felt exhausted and barely got two hours of sleep last night, yet sleep seemed to be running away from me.
With a sigh, I rolled over so I could grab my phone off the bedside table. I was hoping to have a message from Ryu to lift my spirits, but he still hadn’t replied to my last message. I knew he was busy but, already feeling so shitty, it hit me harder than it should have.
I pulled up Google, contemplating my next action for a moment before deciding to search for my symptoms. If I knew exactly what I had whether that be the cold, the flu, or something else entirely, then I could take the proper medication and finally recover from this shit. Regular cold meds and painkillers don’t seem to be cutting it.
After inputting all of my symptoms and the time frame into Google, I skimmed through most of the results because my head was still hurting and my vision slightly blurry, but most of the links I clicked all said the same shit – you’re probably going to die.
No fucking shit. Were all gonna die eventually. I groaned in frustration, throwing my phone onto the bedside table. As if disturbed by the sudden noise, Kazu came running into the room, tail straight up in alert.
“I’m still alive,” I grunted. “Barely.”
“Mrow~” He jumped up onto the bed, looking at me expectantly. 
“I don’t speak cat.”
He blinked at me and I blinked back. After staring at each other for several minutes, he hopped up onto the bed, flopping down against my side. I slowly turned, throwing my arms around him in an attempt to cuddle. I figured he was going to run away because Ryu was the only one who could get away with cuddling him.
He didn’t, though, allowing me to hold him against my chest. I buried my face in his soft fur, wishing that I would stop feeling like the damn walking dead. More than anything, I wished Ryu was here. Maybe I was being clingy but I missed him something terrible, my heart aching.
I heard the front door open, Kazu’s ear flicking to indicate that he heard it, too. Dia appeared at the door of my bedroom a minute later. “Morning. Feeling any better?”
“If by better you mean death then yes.”
She frowned, touching my forehead with her hand. “That fever is being really persistent… I think you should go to the doctor.”
“Doctors are expensive,” I muttered. 
“You’re dating a celebrity, I think you can afford to see a doctor when you’re sick.”
I shook my head, frowning at her. “It’s his money, not mine.”
“You’re supposed to share things in a relationship.”
“Don’t care. I refuse to use his money. Besides, if I ignore it long enough, it’ll give up and go away.”
She sighed deeply, bringing her hand to her face. “Are you hungry?”
My stomach twisted painfully at the thought of food, my nose wrinkling. “No.”
“You have to eat if you want to get better, you know.”
“I ate last night.”
“Half a slice of bed is hardly nutritious.”
“I’m fine, mom.”
“I’m just worried about you,” she frowned. “Have you even told Ryu-san?”
“Of course not!” I replied quickly, scowling at her. “And I’m not going to. As far as he’s concerned, this never happened.”
“Don’t you think he’d want to know?” 
“Of course, he would, but I know him. He’ll obsess over it and worry himself into the ground. He needs to focus on his group, not me. There’s nothing he can do for me so there’s no point telling him.”
She clearly didn’t agree, making me narrow my eyes at her.
“If you tell him, I will steal all your K-pop albums and sell them for one penny outside of Seiyu!”
She gasped dramatically, hands coming up to cover her mouth. “You wouldn’t dare…”
“Try me.”
“Fine,” Dia huffed, putting her hand on her hip. “Do you need anything before I head to work?”
“Can you get me a Dr. Pepper from the fridge?”
Without a word, she left the room, returning a minute later with a bottle of water.
“That’s not Dr. Pepper,” I scowled.
“You shouldn’t be drinking soda while you’re sick. Drink water so you hydrate, not diedrate.”
I scoffed in annoyance, knowing she was right but refusing to admit it.
She set the bottle on the nightstand, giving me a smile. “I’m off, then. Call me if you need me and get some rest. Don’t do anything stupid.”
I watched as she disappeared from the room, listening to the sound of her footsteps fading as she headed for the door. The hinges squeaked when she opened it, squeaking again when she closed it.
I don’t want to rest, I’ve been doing nothing but resting for ages and I’m starting to go stir crazy. I pressed a kiss to the top of Kazu’s head before slowly crawling out of bed, taking a moment to regain my sense of balance. “Kazu, don’t tell Dia.”
He tilted his head back, staring at me with narrowed eyes. I couldn’t tell if he was trying to say he disapproved of my actions or if he just didn’t give enough fucks to tell her even if he could talk.
After making sure Kazu had food in his bowl, I grabbed a Dr. Pepper from the fridge and curled up on the couch to watch some Netflix. I hoped it would distract me from everything or ease my stir craziness, at the very least. Kazu hopped up into the recliner, crossing one paw over the other before resting his head atop them, large blue eyes staring straight at me.
It was only slightly unnerving.
“I’m not just gonna, like, keel over and die ya know,” I scowled at him, earning just a blink in reply. I really wanted to watch The Worst again, but I knew it would only make me long for Ryu more so I chose a funny movie instead. Thank god Deadpool is available in Japan. It’s easily one of my comfort movies and I love Ryan Reynolds so much.
Man, I’d kill to be able to eat some popcorn right now, but the thought of it had my stomach doing painful flips. I scowled, patting my belly. “Relax, ho. I’m not gonna feed you so chill out.”
About halfway through the movie, I felt my eyelids growing heavier but I fought to stay awake. I was tired of sleeping, I just wanted to watch Deadpool and laugh my troubles away! I slapped my cheeks, shaking my head to try and wake myself up and it worked… for about twenty minutes.
Maybe if I just rest my eyes for a few minutes, it’ll help. Yeah, that’s right. I’m just… resting my eyes…
The feeling of being lifted startled me awake, my eyes snapping open and my limbs flailing in panic.
“Calm down, it’s just me.”
I blinked dumbly, slowly lifting my gaze to meet Ryu’s. “You’re not supposed to be here… am I hallucinating again?”
“Again?” He frowned at me, his jaw tense. He didn’t say another word as he carried me to the bedroom, setting me gently down on the bed. “Do not get out of this bed.”
I frowned at him, not used to hearing him sound or look so annoyed. My eyes followed him until he was out of sight and I heard the front door open and close loudly, making me wince. Ryu was always so patient and kind, even when someone was trying to rile him up. He playfully gets mad with his members, but it’s nothing serious.
Seeing him act this way now… I knew I had fucked up royally. Tears stung at my eyes but I blinked them back, sniffling loudly as I reached for a tissue to blow my nose. God, I bet I look like an absolute mess.
I’ve always been self-conscious around him because he’s just so beautiful and I know I don’t deserve him, but my insecurities have, for the most part, stayed hidden in a dark corner of my mind. He made me feel loved and accepted, seeming to crush those negative thoughts every time they tried to crawl out into the light.
Now, though, I was completely overwhelmed. My body was at its limit and it was affecting my mind, as well. I felt weak and pathetic, like a burden on Ryu who had raced home to help me because I couldn’t help myself. Was he going to get into trouble for this? Would he lose his spot on The Rampage? 
He leaned against the doorframe, arms folded over his chest and jaw clenched. “Why didn’t you call me?”
“I didn’t want to bother you -“
“Bother me?” He echoed in disbelief. “Do you even consider me your boyfriend?”
“What? Of course, I -“
“You never tell me anything. You’re always hiding your feelings, hiding when you’re sick. Don’t you trust me?” He shook his head, brow furrowed in frustration. “Do you not want to be with me?”
The question was enough to finally break me and send tears rolling down my cheeks. He looked at me with a startled expression, body tense as he pushed away from the doorframe.
I quickly rolled over to face the wall, biting my lip to try and muffle my sobs. I tried so hard to stop crying but, as always, my body refused to obey.
The side of the bed dipped, his warm hand on my back. “Please don’t cry… I’m sorry.”
I was the one who fucked up but he is apologizing? Goddamn it.
“Hey,” he called softly, trying to roll me over to face him but I refused, shaking my head. Instead of forcing me, he slid in behind me until his warm chest was against my back, arms wrapped protectively around me. “It’s okay, darling. I’m right here.”
His words only made me cry harder, fists clenching around the sheets. I was a fucking mess and I hated showing this side of myself to him. He was patient with me, though, whispering comforting words to me and rubbing my arm to try and calm me down. It took a while, but I guess I finally ran out of tears.
“I’m sorry,” I whispered, my voice hoarse and throat sore. My eyes felt puffy and there was a wet spot on my pillow from all the tears I had shed. “I… I should have told you, I just… I don’t want to, to ruin your career…”
“That won’t happen,” he assured me, trying to roll me toward him again. This time, I allowed it, not having the strength to fight back. His brown eyes met mine, swimming with love and warmth. He cupped my cheek, thumb brushing away the remnants of my tears. “I thought my heart stopped when Dia called me.”
“I told her not to,” I muttered, focusing my eyes on his necklace, unable to hold his gaze.
“I’m glad she did. You’ve been suffering alone for days,” he frowned, reaching down to press a kiss to my forehead. “You still have a fever.”
I pushed at his chest while simultaneously trying to sink into the mattress. “You’re going to get sick!”
He chuckled, taking my hand and pressing it over his heart. The steady beat was comforting. “I’m not leaving your side until you’re better.”
“But The Rampage -“
“Sends there get well soon wishes. I can’t promise Likiya-san and Zin-san won’t scold you when they see you next,” he smiled, pressing another kiss to my forehead before standing up. He started to leave the room but paused, sending me a stern look. “Don’t you dare move.”
While he was gone, I sat up to grab some tissues to wipe away my tears and blow my nose in an attempt to look a little less like a bog witch. I doubt it helped much, but he didn’t seem to care as he returned with my favorite Halloween mug, steam rising from it.
Ryu sat on the side of the bed, careful not to spill it. “Drink this, it’ll help.”
I tried to sniff the air but I couldn’t smell anything. I eyed it wearily. “What is it?”
“Ginger tea. My lola used to make it for me every time I got sick. She swears by it so she made sure to teach me how to make it.”
I was a picky eater, so trying new things always made me feel weary.  I trust Ryu, though, so I took the mug from him and gave it a careful sip. It filled my body with warmth, tasting slightly spicy. Not like chili pepper spicy but more like… herbal spicy.
“It’s good,” I murmured, closing my eyes as I drank more of it. My throat was already beginning to feel less scratchy and sore.
“I’m guessing you haven’t eaten, either?”
“Define eaten.”
He held back a sigh, running a hand through his hair to compose himself. “I’ll make you some Lugaw.”
“Lu what now?”
“Lugaw,” he repeated with a chuckle. “My lola always told me that it has healing properties and it always made me feel better as a kid. I… don’t know if I can make it correctly, but I’m going to try.”
“I bet it’s going to taste amazing,” I assured him, reaching out for his hand. “You’ll put Gordon Ramsay to shame.”
His cheeks tinted, a goofy smile on his lips, and his eyes lighting up. “Thank you. I’ll do my best.”
When he stood up, I tried to follow only for him to click his tongue.
“No, you need to rest.”
“I’ve done nothing but rest,” I scowled. “I want to watch you cook. It calms me.”
He seemed to consider it for a moment before nodding and holding out his hand to help me up. His arm remained around my body as we headed to the kitchen and he didn’t leave my side until I was safely on the chair. Watching him truly did make me feel calm, along with the beverage that I was drinking. 
I felt a tiny bit better already. Maybe his grandma is really onto something with these home remedies. “How long are you staying?”
He hummed as he cut up more ginger. “I told you, I’m not leaving until you get better.”
“And I told you, the longer you’re around me, the higher the risk of you getting sick. You’re already missing work because of me. If you get sick, you’ll miss even more. What if they fire you?”
“I promise you, that’s not going to happen.” Ryu sent me a reassuring smile but I didn’t feel very reassured at all. “Our managers were very understanding when I told them.”
I slid down in my chair, setting the empty cup on the table. “You could still get sick and spread it to the other members.”
“I won’t get sick.”
“How can you be sure of that?”
“Because I have a phenomenal immune system,” he grinned, making me scoff. 
“What was that you said to me? ‘Famous last words,’ was it?”
“Except I’m not going outside in the winter without a coat only to be caught in the rain.”
I opened my mouth to reply only to scowl, realizing he was right. “Wipe that grin off your face, Ata Ryutaro.”
“Yes, darling,” he chuckled, returning to the task at hand. 
I tried to ignore the fluttering in my chest and the warmth at the tips of my ears when he called me that. I adored it when he called me darling, but it wasn’t something he said often, especially not in public. 
I couldn’t find the smile that came to my lips. I truly was the luckiest human on earth. “Hey, Ryu?”
“Yes?” He paused what he was doing to look at me. “Do you want some more tea?”
I shook my head. “I just wanted to thank you. You really are an amazing boyfriend.”
“You don’t have to thank me,” he mumbled, hiding his face from me.
“I love you.”
His eyes met mine, filled with love and warmth. “I love you, too.”
I stretched my arms over my head, smiling as I breathed in the fresh air of the morning. After a couple of days under Ryu’s care, I was nearly back to my old self, though my body was still a bit achy. At least I could breathe properly now and the room didn’t spin when I got up too quickly. 
The time spent with him was a nice bonus, too. I never wanted this to end, but I knew he had to be getting back to work. With one last look at the cloudy sky, I headed back inside to wake up Ryu. Just as I reached the door, I heard a sneeze from the other side followed by a soft groan. 
I pushed the door open with a frown, taking in the appearance of my boyfriend. He still looked tired, his brown eyes lacking their usual luster. He seemed pale, too. “Babe, you okay?”
He smiled at me but it was obviously forced. “I’m fine.”
“You just sneezed.”
He seemed embarrassed that I had heard him. Before he could reply, though, another sneeze ripped from him, followed by a groan as he clutched his head. Rather than deny the obvious, he just pouted at me.
I hummed, approaching the bed so I could take his face between my hands. I could feel how warm he was before my forehead even met his. “You’ve got a fever.”
His fingers curled around my wrist, lips brushing against my own when he spoke. “I think I caught your flu…”
“Yeah? What happened to that phenomenal immune system of yours, hm?” I teased softly, brushing the hair from his face.
“You’re really going to tease me when I feel this bad?”
“Sorry, baby,” I chuckled, pressing a kiss to his lips. When I tried to pull away, he chased me with a whine. I chuckled, knowing how clingy and whiny he could get when he was sick. “Well, on the bright side, I get to return the favor and nurse you back to health.”
“‘M sorry,” he mumbled as he laid back down. “Will you stay with me?”
“You don’t even have to ask.” I slid in next to him and he slotted his body against mine, face buried in my neck as his limbs wrapped around me. I hummed softly, running my hands through his hair until his breathing evened out.
Maybe this makes me a bad person, but… I’m kind of happy that he caught my flu. God, I sound like such a bitch thinking that way, especially since I knew he was going to be feeling miserable, but I do love being able to take care of him. Despite being younger than me, he’s always been the caretaker in the relationship, going out of his way to accommodate me and my needs. It feels nice to be able to take care of him for a change, to have him rely on me.
His phone vibrated on the bedside table and I cursed softly, reaching my arm behind me to try and grab it. It was not comfortable at all but his limbs were like chains around my body, holding me in place so I couldn’t really move. I’m not entirely sure how I did it, but I managed to grab a hold of his phone, answering it without much thought so it wouldn’t wake him up.
“Hello?” I spoke softly, not wanting to disturb his sleep.
Zin said my name in surprise. “Hey, how are you feeling?”
“I’m feeling great, actually. Ryu is a really good nurse.”
“That’s good to hear. Why are you whispering, though?”
“He’s asleep and I don’t want to wake him up.”
There was a moment of silence and then a deep sigh on the other end of the line. “He’s sick, isn’t he?”
“Um… kind of?” I replied sheepishly. “I’m really sorry, Zin-san. I tried to get him to leave but you know how stubborn he is…”
Zin chuckled. “Yeah, I know. No need to apologize.”
There was muffled talking in the background before the phone shifted to Likiya. “Hey, little one. You feeling better?”
“I’m doing great, Likiya-chan, but Ryu caught my flu, I think.”
“I figured he would,” he replied with a laugh. “Listen, we’ll be there soon but don’t tell Ryu.”
“Eh?” I replied louder than intended, making Ryu mumble and squeeze himself closer to me. “You’re coming here? What for?”
“We wanted to check on you and cheer you up, but I suppose we’ll be doing that for Ryu now.”
“But all of you are going to get sick, too,” I frowned.
“Don’t worry about us, little one, just worry about taking care of our Ryu. See you soon.”
I blinked dumbly as the sound of the dial tone filled my ear. Do these boys have no self-preservation at all? They’re skipping work to come here and risking getting sick in the process, thus keeping them out of work even longer. I sighed deeply, setting the phone down on the bed.
Something tells me this isn’t going to end well. The Rampage is known for having only one brain cell combined and stuffing them all into our small apartment with a sick Ryu and an introverted Kazu? What the hell could possibly go wrong?
I stepped outside, hands stuffed into the pocket of Ryu’s hoodie as I glanced around. Likiya had messaged me a few minutes ago saying that they were about ten minutes away from the apartment so I figured I’d come out and meet them. A few of my neighbors aren’t very fond of strangers in the building and these guys would no doubt be loud on their way up. I also didn’t have much faith that they wouldn’t go to the wrong apartment despite knowing where we lived.
A familiar-looking black car pulled up to the curb and Dia stepped out of the back, looking annoyed. The driver was Kelso again and she, too, looked annoyed as she jumped out of the car, eyes narrowed at Dia. She was still wearing that ridiculous hat which I now realized was Buu from the Dragonball series.
“Go away!” Dia scowled, folding her arms over her chest. “I already told you, I’m not buying your fake CDs!”
“How dare you! They’re not fake, they’re economic,” defended Kelso with a huff.
“They’re fake and you should be in jail!”
“Jokes on you, I was just released from jail!”
I watched the two of them argue back and forth, unsure of how to proceed. Do I try to break it up? That sounded like more effort than I was willing to spare, especially since I needed to be at full battery to deal with the storm that is the Rampage.
Speak of the devil…
Two tan vans pulled up to the curb behind the black car. The sliding door on the first van opened up before it even came to a stop, Shohei jumped out of the vehicle with a grin as he cried out my name. I had no time to prepare myself before his body barreled into my own, arms so tight around me that it knocked the air from my lungs.
“Nee-chan~” he sang with a grin. “I missed you~”
Likiya rushed over with a scowl. “Put her down, Shohei! She just recovered from being really sick!”
He pouted at being scolded before doing as he was told, putting me back on the ground.
I sucked in some air, resisting the urge to cough as I patted his shoulder. “Good to see you, too, Sho-chan.”
“How are you?” asked Likiya softly, holding out his arms for a hug. It was much softer than the one Shohei had given.
“I’m doing well. Wish I could say the same for Ryu.”
“Don’t worry, he’ll be better in no time,” he reassured me, giving me a gentle squeeze before pulling away.
I realized the arguing had stopped and I glanced over at the two women, both of whom were staring at the men with wide eyes. Dia’s eyes were trained on Makoto while Kelso’s were trained on Takuma. The scene behind them changed to pink, sparkles and roses appearing around their heads as hearts appeared in their eyes.
Shit, am I hallucinating again? I quickly shook my head, rubbing at my eyes before looking at them again. They were just standing there staring at the men, no sparkles in sight.
“You okay?” Kazuma patted my arm, tilting his head to the side. Hokuto was beside him, sending me a concerned look.
“Yeah… yeah, I’m fine.”
“Are you sure?” frowned Hokuto, reaching forward to feel my forehead. “You’re not warm, that’s good.”
“Sorry, I just zoned out, that’s all. Why don’t we all go inside? It’s getting colder out here.”
Shohei and Kenta didn’t need to be told twice as they darted into the building, followed by Zin who was trying to wrangle them in. The rest slowly filtered inside and I noticed the two girls following as if being pulled by an invisible stream tied to their bias.
Rui was the last one outside, getting a bag from the van. As he turned toward me, I noticed the woman from the car sitting on top of the van. Just like the other two, there were sparkles and roses around her head as she stared at Rui, hearts in her eyes.
“So dreamy~” she sighed, grinning like a fool.
Rui blinked, looking at me. “Did you say something, nee-san?”
“You heard that, too?”
My eyes widened at the woman. Was she not a hallucination, after all? I quickly waved at him. “Come on, Rui, let’s get inside! I think the cold is getting to our brains.”
The woman looked up, winking at me before disappearing before my eyes.
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