#corporal ford
ex0rin · 1 year
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Wyatt Russell | Overlord (2018)
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cloned-soldier · 1 year
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A little Ford sketch :D
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odinsblog · 1 year
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“Smart Cars” + Capitalism = a very dystopian future
Ford’s patent ranges from having a “self driving” car return itself to the dealership if you miss a payment, to having the car abruptly disable itself, to “minor inconveniences” like having the air conditioner or heater stop working until you voluntarily return the car.
Don’t think for one second that all carmakers aren’t thinking about doing the same things. Especially Tesla Motors.
Carmakers are already trying to monetize even the most basic features, like charging monthly fees for the ability to use your car’s seat warmers.
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Anyway, nobody does more to radicalize people against capitalism more than greedy capitalists.
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citric-acid-rain · 2 months
law aint stoppin him 😜
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bigkatya · 8 months
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It's not an easy thing to meet your maker.
I want more life.
shoutout to the OG film…
and rutger hauer ofc
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consider: ford uses guns and crossbows because he doesn't have as much motor control in his hands/arms, so it's just easier
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letterful · 4 months
(apologies for outing myself as a fragrance enthusiast on main, but) i collected my order of niche samples today & although i haven't Experienced them properly yet, my opinion that le labo really /is/ a vastly overrated (and gimmicky. and overpriced! god.) house still stands.
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theoscarsproject · 2 months
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Working Girl (1988). When a secretary's idea is stolen by her boss, she seizes an opportunity to steal it back by pretending she has her boss' job.
Deeeelightful. This is just seriously so much fun and emboldened with great comedic performances, strong writing, and a romance that's as much about self-love as it is about falling in love. Really special little 80s romcom with a stellar cast. 7/10.
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mesho11 · 6 months
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My favorite genre in movies/shows is Wyatt in military uniform his cinematic universe is expanding
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🇺🇲 Let's explore the captivating rise and fall of Virtuality Group, a pioneering force in virtual reality gaming that made a lasting impact on the industry!
📑 Virtuality Group was originally founded in October 1987 as "W Industries", named after Dr. Jonathan D Waldern, and later rebranded as Virtuality in 1993. The company quickly became a trailblazer in VR technology, crafting immersive gaming experiences that ignited the imaginations of players worldwide. Their innovative arcade systems offered unprecedented levels of interactivity and immersion.
🚀 Virtuality's timing was impeccable, coinciding with a surge in public interest in virtual reality technology in the early 1990s, fueled in part by the film "Lawnmower Man." Recognizing gaming as the primary market for VR devices, Virtuality released the 1000CS arcade variant of the 1000SU in 1991, leveraging the "cyberspace" branding that resonated with the era's VR buzz.
💰 Virtuality's groundbreaking VR systems found diverse applications, from networked telepresence experiments at British Telecom Research Laboratories to corporate use by companies like Ford, IBM, Mitsubishi, and Olin.
🎮 The mid-1990s marked a pivotal moment for Virtuality Group with collaborations alongside gaming giants Sega and Atari, resulting in groundbreaking products such as Sega's VR-1 motion simulator and Atari's Jaguar VR headset. These partnerships underscored VR's potential for mainstream gaming audiences.
💔 Despite early success, Virtuality Group encountered significant challenges that led to their bankruptcy. Factors like high production costs, limited consumer adoption of VR technology, and fierce competition in the gaming market contributed to their decline. The shift towards home gaming systems accelerated the decline of arcade sales, and Virtuality's attempts to penetrate the home VR market fell short, ultimately leading to bankruptcy in 1997.
🌐 Virtuality Group's legacy endures as a testament to the early days of VR gaming, highlighting the risks and rewards of innovation in the tech industry. Their collaborations with Sega and Atari continue to inspire advancements in VR technology today.
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ex0rin · 1 year
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Hey Franz, I'm gonna win this one.
+ bonus:
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donnybuoy · 2 years
My favorite films of all time: BLADE RUNNER (1982), dir. Ridley Scott
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bladerunnerfanatic · 1 year
Blade Runner ID Card Upgrade Continued
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In order to make your own id card you will need need a picture of yourself and a font for the signature on the back. I used Mrs Saint Delafield but you can use whatever font you want. You can also use My Lives Signature. For the picture, I'm going to use BeFunky to show you how to put it together.
1. Open BeFunky and choose create, than select photo editor. Drag the 3rd image to the middle and then add your own picture to the image manager. Example
2. Drag your picture to the middle and cover the entire image. Make sure that it is centered. Then select flatten which is in the lower left hand corner. Select frames and choose borders. Reduce the outer and inner thickness to 0% and raise corner radius to 26%. The save the picture to your computer. Example
3. Add the 1st image to the middle and add the picture you just saved to image manager. Than drag the picture and shrink it. You will have to fidget with the picture to fit it into the space. I recommend selecting alignment and turning off snapping. Or clicking on the image, going into the options tab and lowering the opacity. Example
4. Now we add your name. I used the American Typewriter font which is included on BeFunky. Go back to alignment and turn on snapping. Go to text, select the American Typewriter font and change the size to 76px. Write your name and drag it over to the white bar. Go to graphics and select the square. Crop it and make it the same height as the white bar. This will help center the text. Finally, save the picture to your computer. Example
5. Congratulation, you now have your own blade runner id card. Hopefully you were able to understood my explanation. Feel free to message me if you have any questions.
Credit for the Tyrell corporation logo goes to Viper Aviator.
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katierosefun · 4 months
Howdy Caroline, I saw a post about Talk shop Tuesday so I thought I'd be nosy on main. I wonder, how does research factor into your fic writing, and what was the most taxing research you had to do for a fic? 🐸
oooh hi, iva!!! thank you so much for shooting the ask--god knows i always love talking about fic!
to answer your question: i think most of my fic-related research is limited to "what episode did character x do this/say that", just so that i have the timeline of events down. i know it's not the end of the world if i don't perfectly remember how a certain scene went down, but i can't help it--i like being precise when it comes to at least recalling canon events.
outside of that specific brand of research (just making sure my timeline/recitation of quotes is all set), i'll sometimes do wilder research for like ... au projects that are set in a different time. that doesn't happen often (i think the reason why i tend not to write au's that are set other than present day is specifically because i get overwhelmed by the amount of research to be done), but when it does, i'm usually stuck researching for hours. that's probably why i just never got around to posting this one period jwds au i have. the plot keeps shifting, mostly to suit the research that i've done. deep sigh. one day i swear i'll finish writing that story and post it, but right now it's just gotten a little away from me. it's marinating.
outside of that story though, i think i've been lucky enough to not need to do too much research for fics . . . maybe that'll change one day (especially if i ever fall in love with a more period-drama-esque story), but ! ! ! as of now, i think my research time really only takes up 10 - 15% of my fic writing process.
#answered#thank u for the ask iva!!! <333#i do also. write suits fic every once in a while#and sometimes i do get tempted to just like. write a funny bantery scene of mike and harvey talking about. funny corporate law stuff#because i just think it's fun to talk about.#i think one day i want to write a leverage/suits crossover#of nate ford and harvey specter pissing each other off. just so much.#of harvey going ':) if someone is upset with a corporation they can just sue us :) take us to court. sure. let's see what happens'#and nate going ':) you know full well :) that a lawsuit :) will :) never :) go :) anywhere :)'#and parker going 'so yeah why is that.'#cue everyone looking at her and parker shrugging bc 'listen i am a thief. i don't actually care about law stuff. but we're stuck in this#elevator for at least another 2 minutes.'#(because hardison would be working on it with parker.)#and then nate gives the run-down on why corporate 'litigation' really just ends in a dead-end for 98% of cases#and the system is specifically built that way#and then also cue nate and hardison and parker point-blank calling harvey out for hiring a fraudster.#nate: you should have been disbarred for at least a dozen violations of the rules of professional conduct#harvey: YOU are telling ME how to be a lawyer. YOU. the actual THIEF.#nate: yes because at least thieves don't have actual rules that they need to follow. u really want to go there.#and that really would be. the dumbest fic i'd ever write. but i just think it'd be funny
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womaneng · 1 year
Office vlog episode 2 👩🏻‍💻 Come with me to the office 🏢 #vlog 
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Is ford possessed by Bill or someone/something else
alright apparently i lied. this is the last post for tonight
i personally would prefer if it was some sort of ghost or ethereal being other than bill
one, because. bill just doesn’t seem like the type to casually live in someone’s body without bee lining straight for a goal/letting his identity be known after just a little while. there is also the metal plate which keeps him out
second reason, it would be really interesting from the niblings’ perspective. dipper pulling mabel aside one day and telling her that something’s up with ford and he thinks it’s related to bill. they try to go into ford’s mind to get rid of bill but end up somewhere very not that and are met with a being that is neither ford nor bill. and they have no idea what to do because they just didn’t account for it not being bill
something like that
anyway for people-pleasing reasons it’s bill because of course it is
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