#could use a hug
trek-tracks · 2 years
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If Jim is the pina colada of mental health, Bones is the whiskey sour
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missscifisunshine · 2 years
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I think my dirty hair and bags under my eyes sum up my mood today…😴🌑❤️
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puppiekit · 5 months
dawg..... I need someone to like tie me in a bag and throw me in a river or soemthing omgggg
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the-togepi-man · 1 year
What a night
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Damn I just love my friends
I don't have many friends. But I love them. And I find it hard to tell them that so I'll just make a silly tumblr post about it.
I love the one who lives kinda far away and she talks waaay too loud but is always there to listen to me when I need to be listened to. She reminds me how valuable it is to try to be a better person each day.
I love the one who's leaving for college but is one of the funniest people I know. She reminds me to appreciate the small things in life, and that it's okay to take pride in your obsessions (*cough cough* Six of Crows, Young Royals, Call Me By Your Name Movie, etc) and that I'm not as crazy as I sometimes think.
I love the one who we constantly tease over having a late birthday, but she is so hardworking and puts her heart into everything she does. She has a lot going on at home but never fails to make anyone laugh or see the glass as half-full. She reminds me that you don't always have to take life seriously. Sometimes shit is just funny.
I love the one that seems quiet on the outside, but once you get to know her is so genuine and funny I'm jealous sometimes. I never fail to feel completely safe around her, a quality not many people possess. My dog also adores her so she automatically passed the vibe check.
I love the other one who is going off to college. She's pretty quiet, always under the guise of "I'm Tired," but one can still tell how much she cares from her actions. She fought to be able to induct me into this stupid theater thing at school, and her speech was one of the sweetest things someone has ever said about me. She came to the US as a young teenager and she reminds me every day that you don't have to be remarkable to be happy. I know that sounds like such a backhanded compliment and I don't mean it that way at all - but she helps remind me not to beat myself up for my failures because I owe nobody perfection. I don't know if that makes any sense, but I love her.
And my best friends.
One of them, whom I love, is the definition of a nerd. His whole family is made up of nerds, honestly, but it's one of the few places I feel completely safe. This guy puts his whole soul into things he absolutely does not need to, but he does it anyway because he enjoys devoting himself to everything he does. He caught covid last year and what did he do? He learned every single flag of every country on the planet, is what he did. He isn't perfect at it, but I have yet to find a flag he doesn't know. He learned Blender on his own, and has made really cool things with it. He creates, constantly. He is the only teenager I have ever heard of that actually enjoys shakespeare, and he is not shy about it. He could talk about any of his plays for days, and probably recite more than a couple monologues. He volunteers at the classical play theater in our area because he enjoys it. Honestly, I can't tell you the last time I gave him a proper hug, but I should, because I love him so much. So incredibly much. I hope we stay friends for many many many years.
And I love his twin sister. And calling her his twin sister really doesn't do her justice, because she's her own incredible person aside from her incredible brother. If he's the nerd of the family, she's the artist. She draws these incredible photorealistic pencil drawings, but can also paint like there's no tomorrow, but my favorite things are her sculptures. She made this house out of cardboard, painted it, gave it texture, cut out individual shingles for it, and made a dragon to go on top of it, Lord of the Rings style. The house even has a "stained glass" window and electricity. She spent hours upon hours laboring over this simply because she could. She decided her freshman year that she would begin pole vaulting, and now is damn good at it. Her buildings are always the best-looking on our collective minecraft server. She's a drummer and actually a really good actor although she's a techie at heart. And maybe I like her a little more and a little differently than I would ever admit to her, but that's okay. I value her friendship more than I do some silly feelings which will hopefully pass one day, because I love her so incredibly much, and with her, too, I hope to stay friends for many many many years.
I know not many people are actually going to read this and that's really not the point. I feel a little better just knowing my love for them is out into the world. I am trying to be a warmer, more genuine person. This is just one step closer to telling them just how much I love them. Because I love all of them very much.
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Obsessed with found family tropes because I can’t imagine someone choosing to take care of me
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tamablepumpkin · 2 years
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kindinb00 · 30 days
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introvertedghostboy · 8 months
I got a 98% on my first research paper for the semester !🎉🎉🎉 Of course it was on one of my chronic conditions since I find it interesting and lowkey therapeutic to research it but I’m so happy flappy! 😃
I text Kara about it since I just finished doing notes,some interactive modules and decided to check the assignment portal. She said she was so proud of me 🥰
I should probably go to sleep now but I’m like vibrating and tense. usually when I’m like this it takes a weighted blanket or like a very tight hug to get me to start to physically relax. 😅 My weighted dinosaur plush is in my car and I don’t want my dogs barking but that would help too since I have no clue where I stored my weighted blanket. Meow 🥺 👉🏻👈🏻💔
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schimmelspore · 1 year
Got too much into thinking about how people treated me badly because i present masculine. Now i feel like shit.
Oh yeah being trans and masc is great.
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sithapprentice · 1 year
Do you ever feel like crying yourself out on paper, like literal paper? 📝
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2-eeillustration · 5 months
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The way Megatron says Dorothy is burned into my memory so I'd like to imagine she's the only one he greets like this 😳 
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kimtaegis · 3 days
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JIN HUGS JIN HUGS! for @jinstronaut ♡
cr. namuspromised, dwellingsouls, 0613data
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theelvishfiddler · 8 months
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when you were just a little rat, small, curious, helpless, but you were shown care, love, and safety. then you witnessed the murder of the people who took you in, saw the cruelty of the world. the aftermath found you in the sewer, suddenly intelligent and mutated with four small baby turtles. so you took care of them, and tried to raise them, even though you were just learning how to be a person yourself. despite your best try to keep them all safe, the world is harsh and cruel… if you had the choice they would have never had to struggle and hurt like this….
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desinovak · 2 years
Still not over
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scalierpepper · 2 years
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something from twitter i never finished all the way
(prints available! :))
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