#crackship ask game
hphmmatthewluther · 7 months
Okay buddy, for the crackships: Marigold X Florence - that-scouse-wizard
Thanks for the ask, JD!
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endlessly-cursed · 7 months
For the crackship game, how about smth really out there like Atticus x Sara? (aka total prude x total flirt lmao) - @hphmmatthewluther
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Turn off the heat, sluts, Satticus has arrived!
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Ship bingo let’s go
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catindabag · 3 months
What happens when crazy old lady Lucy Gray and Katniss meet each other will they have some kind of singing of test like the rainbow songbird vs the mockingjay and in the zoo is there at least one rabid raccoon squirrel hybrid living there now
Oh, Panem, Horn of Plenty! Katniss “Nepo Baby” Everdeen will literally bow down before Lucy Gray and her grumpy husband, Panini Panlo when D12’s local ✨girl on fire✨ finally meets them in person.
Also, Panini Panlo will probably scold Katniss for stealing her little sister’s only opportunity to compete in Panemvision. #justice4Prim #primcansingbetterthantheswamppotato #antivolunteer #fightforbuttercuprights
At least poor Peeta can finally learn how to bake “real” bread from Peepaw Pan Pan and crazy old lady Sheaf the Chief.
As for the rabid raccoons and feral squirrels, they’re still the sacred creatures of the Capitol (and all of Panem after Felix Ravinstill became the “regent” President). So by law, it’s illegal to cage, hunt, and/or kill them no matter what they do to you or your family. Moreover, the rabid raccoons are also being protected by the Ravinstill Capitol Act 7070.
However, R.C.A 7070 does not apply to those who officially identify themselves as wannabe “werewolves” (Nero Price and Brandy) because of the ongoing controversial feud between the two groups.
Lastly, as for the Capitol Zoo, it’s now fixed and running like a real “functioning” zoo since Gaius Breen became the head of his family.
And as long as you ignore the ✨Bichon Frisé Puppy Paradise Enclosure✨, it’s totally worth your time and money.😉
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Non-canon ship/crackship ask game!
Send me an ask with two or more characters that in canon are not romantically involved, and I'll tell how I think it would be if they were dating. It doesn't even need to be characters that interact much or even are from the same universe, I still have to come up how I imagine it would be if they dated.
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thesnivy123 · 3 months
And as I breathe, so does she, we are breathing~
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aka i saw an OnI lore log that fucked me up and decided to stay up till 3 am drawing yuri about it
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sephirthoughts · 20 days
for the noncanon ship/crackship game how about vincent valentine and winter soldier bucky barnes
hoo boy that almost counts as selfcest right?
let's see...they could compare metal armor/arms, show off their scars, exchange funny stories from the years they spent locked in a small dark space and intermittently tortured and mutilated into superhuman killing machines, bitch about the blonde himbo overachievers they follow around…they have so much in common it's almost cheating. for their dates, they'd probably just sit silently in a room, brooding and wearing leather at each other.
the sex would be totally unhinged though
oh and their ship name would be vinter soldier
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teddypickerry · 7 days
12, 18, 34 ☺️
favorite literati scene?
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THEY WERE SUCH CUTE FRIENDS HERE UGH. why’d they have to go and ruin that 😔
unpopular gg opinion?
this is definitely unpopular but i think the love aspect of the show is wayyyy too focused on. i remember ASP talking about how viewers focus way too much on team dean, team jess, or team logan. i wholeheartedly agree. especially when (imo) none of them were the perfect option. there’s so many lore interesting parts of the show and characters as a whole instead of three bfs rory had during her adolescence. especially when just about everyone on this show deserved better.
gg crackship?
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serena van der woodsen & jess mariano i. need. to. see. jess. with. a. popular. sunshine. girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he’s so convinced she’s some bitchy rich blonde but gets to know her and realizes how much she’s what he’s missing!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!! and yes i am writing a jess fic based on this… :)
also also also lorelai & chandler bing, paris & dan humphrey, rory & aria montgomery. but *thoseeee* are for another time (let me know).
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orangepanic · 2 months
Specific Ship Pairing
- Tenzin/The Spider Spirit (that throws them in the Fog)
- Pema/Amon
- Bumi II/Amon’s Lieutenant
- Lin/Aiwei
- Yakone/Hahn
- Yao Li/Jhu Lin
Tenzin/The Spider Spirit
Squick / Just nope / A trainwreck you can’t look away from / Mehh but they are bloody everywhere / Not interested but no negative feelings / I need to see how I could make it work / BroTP / Cute / I love them / They rented a room in my mind and are here to stay
The spider spirit is clearly in love with the Fog. Why else is he feeding her so lovingly instead of eating his captives himself? I'll not break them up for silly Tenzin.
Squick / Just nope / A trainwreck you can’t look away from / Mehh but they are bloody everywhere / Not interested but no negative feelings / I need to see how I could make it work / BroTP / Cute / I love them / They rented a room in my mind and are here to stay
Bumi II/Amon's Lieutenant
Squick / Just nope / A trainwreck you can’t look away from / Mehh but they are bloody everywhere / Not interested but no negative feelings / I need to see how I could make it work / BroTP / Cute / I love them / They rented a room in my mind and are here to stay
There's something delightfully tragic about this pairing. I love some good non-bender angst, and Equalist!Bumi (or even sympathizer Bumi) is to me a woefully underexplored possibility. After all, who might resent benders more than the non-bending son of the Avatar? And Lieutenant, rejected by Amon, might find himself in the arms of a second choice. This has all the makings of a fuck buddy tragedy.
Squick / Just nope / A trainwreck you can’t look away from / Mehh but they are bloody everywhere / Not interested but no negative feelings / I need to see how I could make it work / BroTP / Cute / I love them / They rented a room in my mind and are here to stay
I don't really see it but I'm not sure why? I think he'd be too obsequious for her, or at least outwardly so, and if he revealed his real purpose I don't think Lin is down for scheming. But she might sleep with him to piss off Suyin.
Squick / Just nope / A trainwreck you can’t look away from / Mehh but they are bloody everywhere / Not interested but no negative feelings / I need to see how I could make it work / BroTP / Cute / I love them / They rented a room in my mind and are here to stay
Thiiiiisssss. Oh god. I can't really imagine Yakone (as you write him) really loving anyone or at least loving them normally, and Hahn is both haughty and angry (and maybe almost died? you know, it was really unclear). This is an angst x angst hatefucking power play relationship and it's now lodged in my brain.
Yao Li/Jhu Lin
Squick / Just nope / A trainwreck you can’t look away from / Mehh but they are bloody everywhere / Not interested but no negative feelings / I need to see how I could make it work / BroTP / Cute / I love them / They rented a room in my mind and are here to stay
I just want one good thing to happen to Yao Li and I think Jhu Lin might be it. But it feels more like she's adopting him and squishing him between her boobs before making sure he eats a square meal than like an equal partnership. Which maybe is okay. I think it's cute.
Crackship ranking
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hphmmatthewluther · 7 months
may i ask for jane luther & barb katz for the crack ship game?
Ooo ofc!!
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here you go! I tried to go for a dusk kind of vibe :3
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laugtherhyena · 1 year
Is there a particular reason why you ship Samarie and Oliva?
Anon you have no idea how long I've wanted to ramble on this crackship ❤️
Ok so it started as a joke between me and my friends where we were talking about Olivia doing blunt rotation and who from the termina cast should be invited for it, i said Samarie and one of them added like "for once her anxiety lessens" and i was like huh fun.
And i thought, hey with Samarie needing to be saved and brought back to the train on morning day 1 and Olivia (if she isn't the mc) not being able to leave the train area until day 2 that makes day 1 evening the prime time for them to meet because they're both in there and i doubt there's many others to talk with when the majority has left to explore the town. Which then made me realize that in this scenario Samarie gets to develop a real connection with someone that doesn't start with mind reading and stalking from her part but instead with a conversation, like a normal relationship.
This isn't to say that Samarie wouldn't mind read Olivia or become clingy, nah this is Samarie, she would absolutely still do that. Tho perhaps (emphasis on perhaps) to a lesser extent or at least trying to go about it differently? Since she saw how her ways of trying to show Marina that she cared seemed to have the opposite effect i like to think that when seing Olivia's toughts on her sister Samarie would try to stop herself from assuming that she hates her like how she assumed Marina hated her father and wanted him dead from using mind read on her.
There's also the fact that amongst the character interaction you can have after you've been tied up killing someone Olivia's is arguably the nicest one of them and she even seems conflicted about deeming the player character a monster or considering them beyond redemption after what they did, which in turn makes me think she could act in a similar manner to Samarie.
Is this accurate to canon? Most likely not, if i recal correctly Samarie tends to be less open to anyone who isn't Marina. But this is my beloved weirdgirl x weirdgirl ship and i like to imagine Samarie not ruining her relationship with a girl before it even starts
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For the ship bingo I want to give you a crack ship so what about Jason/Wally
Bless you I love crackships
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Some of the chosen options here are because I think the comedic possibilities are near endless. Can you imagine a Jason/Wally enemies to lovers speed run? Can you imagine the whiplash Dick would be going through? Bruce’s constipation? He just barely managed to keep the speedsters away from his eldest only for JASON to wind up with one? He was NOT the child he had thought he’d have to worry about dating a speedster yet here they are.
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catindabag · 3 months
How would it go if Lysistrata (the local deffo not crack dealer) met the Mayor of 9 with his ”sugar powder”?
Both of them will most likely go to jail for illegally committing “you know what” in broad daylight, but only one of them will be released/bailed out from prison/juvenile jail the next day.
Yes, of course, Felix, Coryo, Sejanus, and Festus will bail their bestie Lizzie Vickers out the next day before Mommy Anderson’s annoying ✨Capitol News Crew✨ comes in.
They’ll also leave a feral rabid raccoon as a gift for the D9 mayor in order to replace Lizzie as his new “honorary jail cell roommate” because Sheaf and Panini Panlo told them to.
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lifeofkaze · 7 months
For the crackship ask, Matthew x Lizzie? (mainly because i wonder if this one works out better than the OTHER Matthew and Lizzie relationship lmaooo) - @hphmmatthewluther
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It can't really get worse than the *other* Lizzie x Matthew thing... can it? 😅
How it happened:
Lizzie had known about Matthew but only in passing. Their worlds never quite touched that much, even though they both were on their respective house teams.
Lizzie being Lizzie, she soon began to wonder why Matthew would always rather stay to the side and make more of a quiet impression on her. She asked herself if that maybe was because he was too shy to engage with a lot of his peers - and that was his fate sealed.
Sharing her Transfiguration class with the Ravenclaws and being quite adept at it, Lizzie took it upon herself to help Matthew with his Transfiguration work, trying to engage him with talk about Quidditch, duelling and - of course - their cats. Who doesn't love a good cat chat. No, exactly.
She was able to coax Matthew out of his shell more and more and - always having had a soft spot for nicely messed up hair, and pretty cheekbones - it didn't take long for her to enjoy her meetings with Matthew one on one more and more.
Once she was aware of her crush on him, she didn't waste much time either. Dragging Inviting Matthew to one of the infamous Hufflepuff post-match parties in their common room, it took only one or two butterbeers for courage, a tap on the shoulder and a quick kiss right on the mouth for her to make her intentions clear.
She was glad that she was kissed back though, oops.
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endlessly-cursed · 7 months
how about lennox and imogen for the crack ship ask game?👀
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Whew ain't it hot here!!! It's suddenly July again or it's just Lemogen here? 🥵
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sephirthoughts · 20 days
Jenova x Lucrecia for the crack ship ask game? That's the most ridiculous ship that I know in this fandom.
three words: Lesbian. Tentacle. Moms.
lucrecia: sephi it’s time to clean up your room
sephiroth: but mommmmm i’m playing xbox with angeal
lucrecia: you get in here young man! don’t make me summon your mother
jenova: *gurgle gurgle hiss*
lecrecia: *sigh* fine. five more minutes!
sephiroth: yayyy thank you mother!!
lucrecia: you’re way too soft on him he’s never going to learn
jenova: *hiss bubble shriek gurgle*
lucrecia: *giggle* knock it off you old sweet talker. hey! keep those tentacles to yourself missy i’m cooking dinner!
what would their ship name be? jenecia? lucrova? amazing ship, terrible name-portmanteau potential
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