#crystal witchery
tears-of-amber · 1 year
The Top 3 Books And A YouTube Channel I Recommend For Starting Out As A Crystal Witch!
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1. “Crystal Wisdom” By Shannon Marie
This is not technically a book on witchcraft, but it explains and explores the metaphysical properties of crystals AND gives you ideas for how to connect to your crystals. Shannon is both a gemologist AND a crystal healer. So she sees things from both perspectives (science and spirituality). It isn’t a hard read or a long read, but it is probably the most interesting and informative books on how to meditate and set intentions etc with your crystals. A must have in my opinion!
2. “The Crystal Bible Vol. 1” By Judy Hall
Now this is the sort of book you consult when you need to reference the correspondences of a large variety of crystals. What I love about it is the way Judy often explains the “why” behind the correspondences and properties. While this book doesn’t include every crystal known to man, it includes the more accessible ones that you’ll run into as you start shopping and exploring crystals as a witch.
3. “Cunningham’s Encyclopedia Of Crystal Gem & Metal Magic” By Scott Cunningham
Ok, so now we get into the witchier side of things. The past two books I recommended aren’t solely focused on witchcraft and aren’t written from a witch’s perspective. This book is great! Yes yes, some of its very Wiccan (and as a non-Wiccan practitioner the intro is a bit annoying and outdated) but once you get to the meat of the book it gives you ideas for utilizing the different crystals in spells and magic. I recommend this over “The Crystal Witch” by Shawn Robbins & Leanna Greenaway because Cunningham’s book doesn’t have the audacity to assume you must be Wiccan if you’re a witch. They both are Wiccan influenced, but The Crystal Witch is drenched in it to an unavoidable extent that’s annoying to non Wiccan witches. If you want a completely non Wiccan related book on crystal magic, I suggest Ashley Leavy’s books. But in general, I think Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic is a helpful read in addition!
THE YouTube Channel To Subscribe To:
So, this channel is a GOLDMINE of info. And it’s free to access! There are videos on crystals and their metaphysical properties, the ancient history and gemology of crystals and gemstones, and guided meditations for countless crystals that I use every day. Is it a perfect channel? No. Shannon does reference chakras occasionally (which is a bastardized and appropriated version of eastern practices). But that’s the thing about the crystal world. It’s practically impossible to find info where they don’t (on occasion) reference the 7 chakras. Shannon does it a lot less than the other channels etc out there, which I appreciate. And she’s (as I mentioned in the description of her book) a gemologist and crystal healer! She’s super smart, and very fun to listen to. Most of the other crystal channels literally copy her videos and her explanations of things, but I prefer going to the source because Shannon Marie is the best!
-Velvet Rose 🌹
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wishbonewitch · 1 year
Since putting amethyst above my bed on a shelf, I haven't had horrible nightmares. Just for anyone needing that tip. (You don't need to put it under your pillow!~)
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raining-tulips · 1 year
Master Post of Amethyst
Essentially, Amethyst takes all emotions, impulses, and urges and puts them back to neutral.
Let's learn more of the lore, physicals attributes, that gives amethyst its particular metaphysical properties.
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Physical Attributes of Amethyst
7 on the Mohs scale Hexagonal crystal system Varies from pale lilac to deep purple - with deep purple being more valuable today Is quartz colored by iron Comes in "Druzy" form in geodes or in scepter
History and Lore
The Greeks associated this stone with sobriety due to this story - Dionysus got drunk and began harassing a young Virgin named Amethyst. She called to Diana for help, who turned her into quartz. Feeling remorseful and guilty, Dionysus cried into his wine, and then spilt it on the quartz, which colored it purple.
The Greeks and Romans also believed drinking from a goblet made entirely of amethyst would prevent you from getting drunk at all
It was considered a precious stones reserved for royalty and clergy until mines in South America were discovered - it was associated with divinity and Christ, along with Chasity and celibacy.
In the Regency period, lighter "lilac" amethyst was preferred.
Was used as a protective talisman to protect against disease and wounds, and to help hunters find game
My mind is a safe home, my thoughts are peaceful visitors.
Metaphysical Associations
You may find additional or different associations based on personal experience.
Essentially, you'll find that Amethyst calms any and all emotions, impulses, and urges.
Chasity, sobriety, control over ones mind
Guards against anger, passion, lust, demons, anxiety, stress
Dispels negative energy - was even said to chase away demons and bad dreams
Bring clarity of the mind, intelligence, help in decision making, memory, motivation, dream recall
Because your mind is now so calm, can aid in meditation, astral travel, connection to the divine and higher realms, prophecy and visions, spiritual understanding and direction
In Chinese Feng Shui, it is associated with wealth, specifically material wealth.
Crown and third eye chakras
February, Pisces
Numbers 6 and sometimes 3
Healing in the Body
*Please note that crystals should not and cannot replace medicine, talking with a trusted doctor or physician, etc.*
Calms central nervous system (which is what calms all emotions and helps with anxiety, so not surprised)
Dispels headaches, distractions, and aids in focus.
Supports endocrine system and clears the blood
Treats insomnia
*ancients noted to not use this stone in cases of paranoia and/or schizophrenia
Gemstone Care
These gemstones are not sun safe. They will fade in UV light and will turn into citrine in high heats. Commonly worn as evening jewelry.
Notes on Amethyst:
"Pink" and "Green" amethyst are misnomers - they are just pink and green varieties of quartz. Still, you can use these as keywords when searching online.
Use your own judgement on weather lab-grown amethyst possess the same properties as natural.
I did not find any famous or legendary amethysts. Just famous people and royalty wearing them.
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naomixxz · 4 months
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enchanting-jewel · 1 year
Basic Incense and their uses:
Sandalwood- protection, healing and purification.
Cherry- attract and stimulate love.
Vanilla- luck, happiness, and stimulate memory.
Jasmine- luck, especially love matters.
Coconut- protection and purification.
Frankincense- spirituality and protection.
Cinnamon- wealth and success.
Myrrh- protection, healing, purification and spirituality.
Pachouli- money and attraction.
Rose- love and returning calm energies.
Strawberry- love, luck and friendship.
Dragons Blood- increases personal power, attraction, manifestations, sensuality and love.
Sage- clearing the air, cleansing negativity and promoting a more peaceful environment.
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arcane-trail · 2 years
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🔮 Witchy Goth & Pagan Shop 🔮
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foragewitch · 16 days
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How to get your energy unstuck!
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Theory time
{ Gonna say this, this is not a radfem post so if you're a radfem kindly fuck off. Because you're not in this conversation, you openly oppress and harm others just like hateful cis straight men do.}
I've noticed cis straight men HATE the zodiac, crystals, witchcraft and all that but I got a theory on WHY.
Yes you heard me I think it's likely cis straight men feel threatened And mock these forms of spirituality/beliefs because it doesn't push misogynistic values and put men at the head on things or have a divine that's a dude.
Notice how it was cis straight dudes that started the hate against crystals, witchcraft, cleansings, reiki, the evil eye, tarot, Horoscopes and all that...
These sorts of spiritualities are normally dominated by woman and LGBTQ+, both of these groups are oppressed outsiders in many cis straight dominated religions. Normally women and LGBTQ+ ppl support each other on those communities and uplift each other. I think that's another reason cis straight men see it as such a threat.
Just saying
also cis straight dudes that normally respect that stuff or are into that stuff don't hate women or LGBTQ+ ppl I've noticed...
{ when I say women on this post or on any post I ever make on this account I mean all women both cis and trans. Because trans women are women }
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tears-of-amber · 1 year
The Ultimate Duo: Malachite & Black Kyanite
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Today I’m going to give you all a quick crystal tip! Malachite absorbs negativity as a way of protecting the wearer or person who works with it. As that is the case, it is important to frequently cleanse malachite, but most of the methods are either too weak or damaging to the crystal (like soaking it in water). I highly recommend if you are using malachite often, buy a small or medium piece of black kyanite (also known on the market as “witches broom”). It is the most underrated and effective crystal for cleansing malachite! It’s very strong in its cleansing powers (selenite I find to be too mild for cleansing malachite). Just place Black Kyanite touching the malachite piece you are cleansing, and have it cleanse it overnight! I’ve even witnessed it work faster than that!
-Velvet Rose 🌹 (a crystal obsessed witch)
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witcheskeepbitchin · 2 years
you can do all the spellwork in the world but the universe may still have other plans for you.
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raining-tulips · 7 months
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wister-ia · 30 days
does anyone have any tips for starting a coven? I know some people that practice witchcraft in my area and wanted to talk with them about potentially starting a coven but i really dont know how to approach this.
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enchanting-jewel · 1 year
Witch Tip!
Write someone’s name on a piece of toilet paper and then flush it down the toilet to signify that you’re done with their shit!
You’re welcome ☺️
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