#currently on the love is an open door part and wow it’s so fucked up that these two grown adults are just playing like kids
soullessjack · 7 months
watching frozen w my little brother and like it is actually really fucked up now that im older. like imagine ur like some nine year old girl with cool ice powers that your little sister loves to see and you’re playing with her and suddenly you accidentally hurt you so then your parents take you out to a bunch of trolls that remove all your sister’s memories of you having powers or hurting her and then give you, a nine year old who’s extremely traumatized in the current moment, a prophecy about how you’ll become stronger and the world will turn against you completely if you can’t gain control . so your parents decide to completely lock you and your sister up in the castle during your formative years without any outside contact for years and you’re not only taught but encouraged to be emotionally repressed and distant so you don’t hurt anyone after what you did to your sister. and then your parents. your source of guidance and self control. fucking drown overseas, and you can’t even support your sister in her grieving because of what they taught you and she has to grieve alone because, again, she doesn’t even remember because her memories were tampered with as a child so she doesn’t even understand why you’re closed off to her or that it’s for her presumed safety. now because of the years of isolation your parents put you through she’s an emotionally socially stunted incredibly naive 18yo princess and you’re an equally emotionally stunted 23yo queen and neither of you even know what a party looks like because you both grew up in so much isolation and your sister is so resentful of you for shutting her out and you know you deserve it but it still hurts and you still can’t even tell her why so you just have to keep hurting her and hating yourself for it
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daydreaming-nerd · 22 days
The Prophecy (Lucien Vanserra x Rhys! Sister)/(Azriel x Rhys! Sister) Part 2
Part 1
AN: Wow I just want to say I have been so overwhelmed by the love part one got. Thank you for all the comments! I truly cherish each one!This part is a little short, because if I end up doing two different versions (a Lucien version and an Az version) this is where they will probably split off.
If you're new here check out my masterlist!
Summary: The only thing worse than having Azriel not know about the bond is watching him and Elain carry on like she doesn’t have a mate as well. Lucien and you have been long time friends but things change after one fateful starfall celebration. It’s not wrong if both of your mates don’t want you right? 
Warnings: so much fluff, Angst, they be fightin'
Word count: 3485
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“Are you sure you want to do this?  We can fully elope if you want to.” I whisper to Lucien as we stand in front of the double oak doors to my brother's office. 
At first I was confident that we had nothing to worry about. But now that I stood here, with only an ornate piece of wood separating us from the High Lord? The nerves had started settling in.
“I’m sure, an honorable male would ask your brother's permission before wedding you, and you deserve nothing but an honorable male.” he smiled, squeezing my left hand, the one his family ring currently found its home on. 
“But what if he says-” 
“Are you seriously doubting my silver tongue right now?” he smirked, cocking an eyebrow at me. “There’s a reason I was cursed to wear a fox mask for 50 years my darling.” 
“Believe me I know all about that silver tongue,” I laughed, nudging him with my shoulder as I recalled what that silver tongue did to me last night.  
“Shall we?” he asked, donning an unbothered face. 
“We shall,” I smiled before pushing open the doors. 
Inside the ostentatious study sat my brother, with his mate perched on his desk beside him with her back facing us. He broke his love sick gaze on her to see Lucien and I standing at the end of his desk. 
“Sister…Lucien, this is a surprise,” Rhys said, fixing some papers on his desk, as if to collect the thoughts swirling inside his head as well. 
“I’m sorry we didn’t knock, that was an oversight on our part,” I laughed thinking about the thousands of compromising positions we might’ve found them in. I silently thanked the cauldron for keeping that reality at bay. 
“I was hoping I could discuss something with you,” Lucien said regally. I was so taken back by his tone I couldn’t help but look up to him, his face was nothing short of the son of a High Lord. 
The air in the room stiffened as Feyre turned around to sit on the arm of Rhys chair, I suddenly felt like I was in a fishbowl. My brother and I had always been very close, I had shared everything in my life with him, there wasn’t a story of mine he didn’t know. But he didn’t know about Lucien, and I wasn’t sure how he would react to that. 
“Of course Lucien you can speak to us about anything,” Feyre smiled warmly,  placing her hand over Rhys’ as if to calm him down.
“With all due respect Feyre this is just between Rhysand and myself,” Lucien stated with the utmost respect, yet I still nudged his foot in warning. 
Rhys shifted in his seat a bit, placing his hand on Feyre’s hip, “Anything you have to say to me you can also say to my mate Vanserra.” 
This was not going according to plan. 
“Well, you see,” Lucien looked at me and I gave him a subtle nod to continue. “Y/n and I have been seeing each other for quite sometime now-” 
“And by seeing each other you mean?” Rhys interjected. 
Lucien cleared his throat, “We’re all adults here Rhysand I-” 
“You mean to tell me you’ve been fucking my sister?!” Rhys growled and I swear the mountains stirred in the distance. 
“Rhys calm down!” I shout but Feyre speaks up first. 
“How long has this been going on for?” Feyre asks, calmly. Her voice seemingly caused Rhys to lower his hackles. 
“Since Starfall,” Lucien answered truthfully. 
“Dammit I owe Cassian money,” she cursed looking at the door of the adjacent room. 
Rhys turned to look at his mate bewildered, “you had suspicions and you didn’t tell me?” he gasped. 
“Well Cassian thought they were going to hookup that starfall but I said there was no way,” Feyre said seemingly disappointed she lost a bet. 
“Guys?” I probe, turning both of their attentions back to us.
“What I’m trying to say is I admire your sister very much Rhysand, and I would like to ask for your permission for her hand in marriage,” Lucien said, giving my hand a squeeze. 
Feyre looked to Lucien, “But Elain is your mate?” she asks, confused. 
“And Azriel is yours y/n,” Rhys reminded me. 
“Come on Rhys, it’s been 400 years. If the bond was going to snap it would’ve happened by now. Azriel doesn’t want me.” I say honestly, and for the first time, the words don’t sting as much as they normally do. 
Lucien picks up my train of thought, “And Elain has made it perfectly clear that she wants nothing to do with me.” he says to Feyre, who gives him an apologetic glance.
I look over to see Lu smiling down at me, “We’ve been spending a lot of time together, and we get along well. I’m at my happiest when I’m with him,” I smile back at him before turning to my brother and Feyre once more. “Lucien is a good male, he’s kind and he takes care of me. I think we could make eachother really happy.” 
Lucien tugs on my hand to bring my attention back to him, “And y/n is a beautiful, smart, and charming woman. Any male would be lucky to call her his wife, including me.” his lips curl upward, and I can’t tear my gaze away from him. 
I had begged the Cauldron all my life to bring someone into my life who would choose me. I used to think that person was Azriel, but after all my years of flirting with him and trying to get the bond to snap I was only ever met with nothing. Yet here Lucien was, standing in my brother's office, saying I choose you. 
Feyre’s voice broke my train of thought and pulled both of our attentions, “Aww, Rhys they're so sweet,” she beamed grasping onto my brother's arm. 
Just like I had prophesied, I saw my brother's hard exterior melting under the ‘ooos’ and ‘ahhhs’ of his beloved High Lady. He stood from his desk and I felt Lu tense beside me as we both waited with bated breath for what the High Lord was going to say next. 
“Lucien Vanserra,” he said, holding out his hand. “Welcome to the family.” 
The tension in the air dissipated as everyone in the room smiled, Feyre was practically jumping for joy. Lucien gave Rhys a firm handshake over his desk and I could see that while the proposal was unexpected for my brother, he wasn’t unhappy. He knew just as well as I did that Lucien was a good male, that he would be good to me. 
“Oh we need to start shopping for dresses right now! I’ll grab Mor and Nesta and we can go out! We’re going to need a cake too!” Feyre squealed, hugging me tightly. 
“Uhh that’s the other thing,” I said hesitantly, not wanting to step on my sister-in-law's happiness. “We didn’t want a big wedding.” 
“We actually wanted to elope, and we want you two to be our witnesses.” Lucien picked up my sentence.
“Oh of course we will,” Feyre smiled looking at both of us before wrapping her arm around Rhys. 
Rhys looked more troubled than he did moments ago, like the idea of an elopement didn’t sit right with him. However if he did feel that way, he didn’t voice it. Not when the idea seemed to excite Feyre so. 
“When is the date?” Feyre inquired. 
I looked to Lucien who was already looking to me for an answer. We had never given the date a thought. I shrugged my shoulders at him, hoping he might take the lead. His eyes twinkled with mischief, it was that same look he gave me before he did something like wipe whipped cream on my nose or use his flames to singe my bum as he slapped it.
“The day after tomorrow,” he said with certainty. 
“The day after tomorrow?” the whole room gawked. 
Lu turned back to me, “Yes. We’ve never been conventional, why start now,” he gushed giddy with infectious excitement. 
I couldn’t stop the smile that spread across my face, “Okay,” I giggled. “the day after tomorrow.”
He leaned down to scoop me up in his arms spinning me around the room, Feyre’s laughter and my own bouncing off the ornate wood paneled walls. 
“But what will you wear?” Feyre asked, seemingly trying to figure out something in her head already. 
I pondered the idea myself before it hit me like a ton of bricks, “Oh I can wear mothers dress!” I exclaimed looking at Rhys.
“I’m sure that’s what she would’ve wanted,” Rhys smiled, tossing his arm around his excited wife. 
We parted ways with the promise of seeing them later this evening at family dinner. An event I typically despised, but now? Things didn’t seem so dull. I was walking in with my fiance, instead of alone. 
Lucien and I ran down the hallways hand in hand, laughing like teenagers getting away with sneaking out. 
“I can’t believe I just did that,” he laughed, backing me against a wall. 
“Did what?” I ask, out of breath from running. 
He leaned in close to my ear, “Told your brother how thoroughly I’ve been fucking you,” he smirks pressing a kiss beneath my ear. 
“Well you didn’t use language that graphic,” I snicker while playing with the ends of his hair. 
He pulls his head back from my neck to give me that mischievous look again, “I can always go back in there and tell him,” he teases. 
“Or…” I say low in his ear, “you could just show me.” I say suggestively. 
Lu’s lips curl upward brushing against the shell of my ear, “You little minx!” he growls hoisting me up, earning a squeal from me. 
“You are beautiful and amazing and charming and you are going to be my wife,” he gushes, placing a kiss on my lips for every tender word. 
Lu smiles at me before titling my chin up to meet his lips, the kiss warm and sweet. His hands pull my waist closer to him, and I bring my own from his chest to loop around his neck. He presses his forehead. 
This was the start of a new chapter, one where I was somebody’s first choice. One where I was chosen and loved. One where I didn’t come home to an empty home, or show up to solstice parties without a date. One where I had someone to kill the spiders in the house for me, one where I was chosen. 
As Lucien held me close to him, I could sense he felt all the same things too. It was a new start for both of us. A chance to be happy. 
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That evening after much celebration from Lucien and I that involved some time between the sheets…and the shower… and the living room floor…we finally dressed for dinner. 
Dinner with the family was typically a laid back affair, it was the one time a week we could all see one another. Rhys would even make sure no one had any assignments during that time so that there were no interferences. My dress was nice yet laid back, nothing like what I would wear for starfall or a ball. 
Lucien came up behind me as I put on my earrings in the stand up mirror.
“You look lovely, my wife looks lovely,” he said, taking the earring back from my hand to place it on himself. Kissing my bare shoulder in the process. 
“I’m not your wife yet,” I smile, turning in his arms. 
“Maybe so but you’re going to be,” he reminds me, kissing my nose. 
“The day after tomorrow,” I say 
“The day after tomorrow,” he repeats back. “Now let’s go before our tardiness causes your brother to call off the wedding.” 
I laugh taking his hand and walking down the townhouse steps into the brisk night air. I checked to see that I had moved my impromptu engagement ring to my right hand before we got too far away. While I was excited about marrying Lu it was important to me that the wedding stay an elopement.  I wasn’t sure how the rest of the family would react. Despite our good humor and book swapping, Nesta may choose to rip off my head for taking her sister’s mate and who knew how Cassian might feel about me marrying a Vanserra, even if it was Lucien. 
As Lu held open the gate to the townhouse for me, the same way he did on starfall a year ago. I was sure that I had made the right choice. Not just in my future life partner, but in keeping the engagement secret for just a few days more. 
The family gathered around the table, each one of them placing a dish in the center to be shared. During dinners we didn’t like to have the maids do all the work, per the request of the Archeron sisters. They said it felt more homey if we all pitched in on the work and they were right. Lu and I parted ways and I gave Feyre and Nesta a warm hug before continuing to set the table. It seemed everyone was in high spirits as even when I passed by Rhys to lay down the potatoes he gave me a kiss on the forehead. 
Maybe everyone was in a good mood for once, or maybe things just seemed lighter because I didn’t walk in here by myself tonight. 
Dinner moved quickly, and Lucien sat next to me as he normally did, both of us thick as thieves kicking each other's feet all night. It was impossible to keep such a happy secret from the family, but it was also insanely fun. Every now and then I caught a knowing glance from Rhys or Feyre. But whenever Rhys looked at me his next glance was always to Azriel, who didn’t seem to suspect a thing.
When the meal was over we all took our goblets of wine and moved to the living room to drink, laugh and tell war stories, as we always did. Normally this was when I would make some half-assed excuse as to why I had to leave. The last thing I wanted to see was a bunch of mated couples all over each other. My heart still panged as Elain chose to sit on the arm of Azriel’s chair, but it was lightened by the brush of Lucien’s fingers against the back of my head as he went to sit across the room next to Rhys and Feyre. 
It wasn’t until Cassian started talking about going to war with the Valkyries for the one millionth time that I decided that I definitely needed more wine for this story. So I stood and marched my way into the kitchen with the promise of bringing back a couple bottles for everyone. 
The walk-in wine cellar in the kitchen was cold, so when I turned around with two bottles in hand and bumped into a very warm chest I nearly yelped. 
“Shhh it’s just me,” Lucien grinned, taking the two bottles from my hand to place on the counter beside us. 
“Lu you scared the shit out of me,” I say in a hushed tone as he hoists me onto the countertop. 
“I’m tired of watching them all cuddle up to one another in there, I want to cuddle up to you as well,” he smirked, placing kisses all over my neck. 
“Down boy,” I giggle, acting like I don’t feel the exact same way. I feel his lips curl against my skin as I run my hands through his hair.
“This is only going to get worse once you’re my wife,” he smiles, placing a slow kiss on my lips. 
I whip my head around from where I’m sitting on the counter to see Azriel standing in the doorway, a look of pure betrayal written all over his face. Lucien’s hands found my waist pulling me off the counter so that my feet were firmly on the floor. 
“You’re marrying him?!” Azriel shouts again and suddenly a smaller figure appears behind him, swathed in light pink and roses. 
“He’s my mate you can’t just take him,” Elain exclaims, seemingly coming into her own. 
I immediately see red at her words, completely disregarding Azriel in the room. Elain who wouldn’t give Lucien the time of day. Elain who knowingly entered an unethical relationship with Azriel and flaunted it. Elain who barely glanced at the pearl earrings Lucien had bought her for solstice. She had the gall to claim him, after the way she treated him. �� 
“Take him?” I scoff. “You don’t even want him.” I shout back, the words coming off a little harsher than expected. 
“She’s right y/n, Lucien is her mate,” Azriel interjected looking down at me, as if this situation didn’t benefit him in every way. Gods he would just do anything to make that girl happy. 
“That’s deft coming from you shadowsinger,”  Lucien snickered disdainfully, cocking his head at the spymaster. 
Azriel bristled, “What's that supposed to mean?” he snarled. 
I put a hand on Lucien’s chest to get him to back down, “It doesn’t matter, we’re happy. Is it really your mission to make everyone in this court miserable but yourself Elain?”
“HEY!” Azriel barked, taking a step towards me, his shadows rising behind him. 
Before he can get a step closer Lucien grabs his arm, “Easy,” he hissed, but Azriel’s eyes didn’t leave my scared form. 
Never in my life had Azriel raised his voice at me in such a manner. While I wanted to say I was unphased, the outburst had scared me.  As soon as he noticed my reaction to his behavior, a realization seemed to dawn on him, and he quickly stepped back.
“You’re taking my mate, was there a way I was supposed to react?” Elain sneered just as snarky as ever, as if this was just a cat fight among the females. 
The red I saw turned to crimson as I realized once more what she was doing. She didn’t want Lucien because she loved him. She wanted him because she felt entitled to him, she wanted both of them. My mate and hers. 
“You take my mate, I’ll take yours!” I seethed the words spilling out of me like venom, unstoppable and poisonous to those in the room. 
Elain’s eyes widened and I realized that the secret that I had kept for 400 years had finally come out. My stomach dropped and my blood ran cold, the world around me fading away as I discerned what I had done.  
“What did you just say?” Azriel said in disbelief, my eyes flitted over to his. 
Anger and hurt flashed in his golden eyes. I didn’t know what to say. Couldn’t know what to say. I had never prepared for this. 
“Azriel I-” 
“I’m your mate?!” he sneered, his voice tinged with malice.
 I felt a scarred hand grip my upper arm as if to winnow me away but Lucien was on Azriel in an instant gripping his arm right back. 
“Get your hands off my wife,” he growled, raising his own metaphorical hackles. 
“By the looks of it she’s not your wife yet. But apparently she’s my mate so I will handle her however I please,” Azriel said, getting up in Lu’s face, but to Lucien’s credit he didn’t back down.
It was as if after 400 years the bond snapped for Az. And every urge that came with that bond had snapped in place with it. The worst part of it all was that I didn’t know how to feel.   
“That may be true but I won’t allow you to touch her in anger,” Lucien stated glowering at the shadowsinger. 
Elain and I remained speechless and unmoving as Rhysand slid into the kitchen eyes ablaze at the scene before him. 
“What the fuck is going on?” he bellowed as he saw Azriel gripping me and Lucien gripping him. 
“It seems that Lucien has decided to wed my mate,” Azriel said with a smooth calm that sounded more like a warning shot. 
“You treat her as if she was-” Lucien snarled back before Rhys cut him off. 
“That’s enough!” he shouted and it was enough for both males to let go. “All of you get out of my sight and simmer down. We can talk about this when you can behave like adults!”
I think to protest my brother's orders, but he shoots me a glare so cold, so unyielding that I find myself sinking into Lucien’s embrace. I look to Azriel who wears his disappointment in me unnervingly well before winnowing both Lucien and I back home. 
to be continued...
Part 3
Permanent Taglist: @fides25, @dissociated-always @crystalferret202, @batboyrhyrhy 
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readychilledwine · 4 months
hi, i’ve recently found your blog + wow, you’re writing is amazing! i have an idea for i would like to request, i hope that’s okay.
reader has just came home from book club w nesta, gwen and emerie at the house of wind. reader is mated to az - they’re been mated for about a few years. still reader has met nesta, reader almost always has her nose in a book - smutty book to be exact. reader is kinda embarrassed by this bc she wasn’t one to read smutty books before meeting nesta. az is starting to question why reader is always so invested in a book or why he has hardly seen reader for the last couple of weeks. az picks up the book reader is currently reading behind reader’s back & starts to get a little jealous maybe? az may confront reader about the book? i’m not to sure about the ending, but i do know az would do something like asking reader what their favorite scene & they could reenact it or something of that nature. i could totally see az teasing reader just a little bit as well.
i love for you to put your own spin on this. thank you 🩷🩷🩷
Book Boyfriend
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Summary - Azriel has gotten a little tired of your reading habits.
Warnings - Az is a kind of a dick
A/n - I went the spicy mad Az route, and don't worry. Per Liz tradition, it's open for another part.
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Azriel could have burned the damn book in your hands. You hadn't set it down in 3 days.
3 fucking days of you and Nesta curled into each other, drinking Rhysand's expensive wine, reading that stupid thick book.
He knew you loved to read. Books and book related gifts had been his go-to gifts for you since the mating bond snapped 100 years ago. But the obsession since Ness was made was unbearable.
He never had to fight for your attention until now. He felt a shoulder brush his. "Ah, they're in the "We don't want Cassian to know we're reading smut," pose."
Azriel froze, feeling down the bond and trying to get to your end. You had it locked down, but there was a soft blush on your and Nesta's cheeks. "How do you know its smut?"
Cassian sighed. "It's all they read, Azzy. Have you not noticed?"
His shadows darkened. You had hardly kissed or touched him in 3 days in favor of a smut novel? He could show you things, do things, most authors would only think of in their sick dreams.
He felt himself paling under Cassian's gaze. Was he not pleasing you anymore? Was he not performing to your expectations? You always seemed content, spent, and overjoyed when you two had sex.
"I need a fucking drink." Azriel stormed away. Slamming the door to your shared chambers shut. He took on look at the crystal whiskey decanter and decided to drink until you came to the room.
Azriel woke up to soft footsteps and the feeling of a blanket getting laid across him. He heard you sigh, falling into bed, then that faint creak of an unbroken in book spine opening.
Meaning you had a new book. A new smut novel to ignore him with. A new fake boyfriend to imagine between your thighs.
Azriel stood on shaking legs, and he went to bed. Watching as you snapped to book shut and set it on your nightstand title down. "Did I wake you?"
"Yup." He curled into the bed facing away from you. It was childish, but if you weren't happy, you could have just told him instead of replacing him.
When he woke up, raging headache and all, you were gone. But the book wasn't. He reached over and grabbed it, cracking the spine out of spite. 55 chapters in, and Azriel was bored. If he tried to fuck you on a table covered in paint, you'd glare at him about the mess. About getting paint 1000 places you shouldn't.
So why the hell were you reading a book about it?
It was late into the evening when you returned. Azriel had finished the book, marking specific things he wanted to confront you about. He didn't stand as the door opened, didn't greet you as you came in with a few bags. You were all smiles, dolled up in a pretty dress. Your hair was loosely curled, and makeup was done.
"Where the fuck have you been?" It came out as harsh as he expected it to. "I take a week off and you have hardly spent time with me."
He watched you jump, eyes going wide as you took a few steps back. "Nesta wanted to go into town. We lost track of time. I-"
"Lost track of time? Aren't you the female who taught Rhysand how to properly track the stars and sun?" He stalked toward you, book in hand. "Did you two go to find more vitriol like this?" He held it up, watching as your cheeks flushed and you went to reach for it.
He lifted it above his head. "You haven't touched me in weeks. You've kissed me maybe once. Hell, yesterday you were content to leave me on the damn couch. I can see why though, you're sitting here getting your needs met by some fictional fae lord instead of me. If you aren't happy anymore just tell me."
Shock hit your face slowly, mind whirling and emotions pouring into him from the bond. "Azriel, it's a book. Not another male."
That wasn't enough for him. "And how many times have you pleasured yourself to this book? Thinking about the main character between your thighs?"
You sighed. "To that one? Not a single time. I haven't gotten to read it and you already damaged the spine." The sadness in your voice made him pause, lowering the book until you could grab it.
You were always so gentle with your books, caring for them and placing them somewhere safe. Bookmarks never sat in them for too long out of fear of damage. He watched you stroke the spine, going to the bookshelf and placing it in the spot it would belong in to match your color based organization.
"Is this really about a book, or is something else going on?" You wouldn't look at him, wouldn't say his name. He could hear the soft tremble. "I'm sorry I made a friend. I'm sorry I've been spending time with Nesta instead of you. But she gets it. She gets how feeling like you don't belong in this family feels," a stab to his chest. "She gets how feeling out of place among you all feels," the stab turning into a gapping wound that had him leaning against the couch. "She gets what it's like to have a mate that is busy and expects you to be here waiting."
You had ripped his heart out. In 100 years, this had never come up. There had never been signs. "Y/n-"
He watched in silence as you held a hand up, moving to grab some clothes and a hair brush. "I'm going to sleep in a guest room tonight. This could have been turned into something beautiful, Az. We could have used these books to inspire fun in our bedroom," your hand ran along that damaged book. "Instead, you disrespected my belongings, accused me of an unthinkable act, and made this about your fragile ego."
You left the room, silence falling in the wake. Azriel stared at the book he had damaged. It was a first edition. A soft shade of blue with swirls of darkness. He walked to it, head hung in shame.
It was an escape. A way for you to cope with your feelings. No different than him training, and he had ruined it.
And now, he checked his calendar, he had 4 days to make it up to you before he, Cassian, and Nesta were gone for a month.
Leaving you alone all over again with nothing but an empty house and a book boyfriend.
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@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanager @bloodicka @starsinyourseyes @the-sweet-psycho
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Azriel Taglist:
💕 As always, comment or message me if you'd like to be added to a taglist💕
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kittyhui · 5 months
ur sk drabble wow 😵‍💫😵‍💫 if it’s okay could i please req a hard dom!kwan drabble or fic where ur at a restaurant with him and get needy when he innocently puts his hand on ur thigh under the table?
when he realises ur wet and needy from being teased in public he takes u home and fills u up in front of a big open window. making sure everyone can see and hear u moaning and being stuffed with his cum. he’s so possessive he loves keeping u stuffed with his cum and watching it leak out slowly, pushing it back in when it does….
god 😵‍💫😵‍💫 just thinking about that makes me dizzy. seungkwan would be such a mean dom idc what people say.
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meandom!seungkwan x fem!reader
(a/n seungkwan has an big ass oppa kink LOL)
“as i was saying before Kwon Soonyoung rudely interrupted, he just didnt have the……..” you couldn’t even hear the rest what your boyfriend had to say; you were too distracted. his big hand had found his way onto your thigh as he got wrapped up in the conversation he was currently having with his members. the touch was 100% innocent on his side: just supposed to be a confirmation that he remembered you were there, but it wasn’t to you.
you’d been needing him since you saw him getting ready for the dinner. seungkwan in a suit was definitely a sight that made you hot and bothered, you just couldn’t look away. you wanted to ask him to just stay home and fuck you but you knew its been a while since his members hung out and you didnt want to ruin that. but his hand on you right now… it was making this hard. it was moving up and down your thigh, not even getting close to your clothed heat but you felt yourself getting wetter by the minute. you rest your head on his shoulder trying to get a hold of your emotions. he looks down at you with a look asking ‘are you okay?’, patting your thigh again causing you to press them together.
“can we go home?” you whisper into his ear with desperation. he raises an eyebrow at you.
“just one more hour. okay, baby?” he rubs your thigh in comfort, a whine bubbling in your throat. “rest on my shoulder if you’re tired.”
you can’t hold it in anymore, letting out a quiet whine that only the two of you could hear, “oppa, please. wanna go home.” you can feel his hand tightening around your thigh and his eyes darkening at the name you had called him. months into your relationship you found out about seungkwan’s not so subtle oppa kink and of course, you used that against him at any chance. but tonight, it was unintentional; you just needed him so badly….
you gasp at his sudden action, standing up abruptly announcing that the two of you had to go home, putting cash on the table for your part of the bill and dragging you out of the restaurant and into his car.
it’s quiet the rest of the way back to your shared apartment; your lover’s jaw clenched and his knuckles turning white from gripping the steering wheel too hard. the moment you close the door to your apartment, he’s on you.
“can’t even last a three hour dinner? you’re that much of needy baby?” you moan at his words, wrapping a leg around his hip and letting him bring you to the bedroom.
“do you even deserve to be fucked like a good girl? you haven’t been very good today?” he scoffs as you whine for him, bringing you over to the huge window at the edge of your bedroom, “gonna fuck you right here” he mutter into your ear, “gonna let everyone know how fucking slutty you are, baby.” he kisses you hard, making you back up into the glass, his hand stabilizing you movements.
“oppa, please.. need you- need your cock.” you moan into his mouth, his hand digging into your hip. not wanting to waste anymore time, he flips the skirt you’re wearing up and practically tears your panties off, inducing a choked moan from you. his own pants and boxers are soon off aswell as he slowly plays with your sopping cunt, cries coming from your whiny mouth.
“wan’ you to turn around for me, baby. want you to see the people walk by and see you. see your slutty body. that’s what you need right? need a audience? i bet you do.” he groans into your neck, turning you to face the window. you can see the street and sidewalk underneath you; wondering if anyone could see your tear streaked face from all the way down there. you could barely even think before your oppa’s cock was inside you.
“fuck- kwannie-“ you try to find purchase on the glass to no avail, seungkwan pushing you up harder against it as he pulls out and pushes in deeper
“not my name, baby” he groans, kissing your nape, sucking on the skin before thrusting in again. “so. fucking. good. your desperate little hole was made for me, huh?”
“fuck- yes, yes, oppa! it was made for you! only for you!” you clench around him, sobs falling from your mouth at the intensity. you thought about being seen by somebody; what they would think; what they would do. the thoughts of being watched turn you on even more, clenching around kwan even more, feeling your release coming just moments away. “gonna… cum”
“not yet baby.” he moans at your tightness, feeling himself about the burst aswell, “gonna cum in you, okay? gonna fill you up, nice and good. does that sound good, baby?” you moan incoherently at him telling him you were out of it. kwan thrust into you hard and deep with a high moan, releasing his load into you. “cum for me, baby” he sighs, feeling your on command release on his cock moments later.
“kwannie..” you mutter, legs buckling at the intensity. he pulls out of you and lifts you onto your shared bed, kissing you softly.
“so good for me, my love.” he looks at your ruined cunt again, humming in pride, before stuffing you full of him again. you whine at the overstimulation, hand pawing at his chest and shoulders. “sorry, baby. didnt want it to go to waste. wan’ you to be nice and full.” he smiles at you, and you know in that moment, that you’re his. only his.
that was lowkey bad imo, but i hope you like it! tysm for the love hehe <3
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Hey, I saw your requests open, and I had a thought. What would the bachelors/Bachelorettes do if they saw Farmer trying to sneak in a love potion/powder (not drugs, just something from the wizard) into their drinks? I don't know much about all of them so I can't really imagine what they would do. Also, if they would punish the Farmer (not nsfw), what punishment would it be?
Oooo, drama :D Sure thing, dear anon! Enjoy some headcanons 🫰💕
(PS: My requests are currently closed for now. I'll open it again soon!)
SDV bachelors/ettes react to the Farmer trying to sneak in a love potion/powder
Hey, what's that Farmer doing there- What the heck!? Sam's kind of a prankster himself, but this is out of line, and putting some stuff in his Joja Coke wasn't cool on Farmer's part. It's not "love powder," it's clearly some kind of laxative or something. Not cool at all, man. The young guitarist will stop hanging out with them for a while and honestly announce to the others why he and Farmer are avoiding each other. But if they apologise and don't do that again, Sammy will forgive them. Probably.
Shane with a distinct "are you fucking for real?" emotion on his face sizzled Farmer with his stare. He may have understood their weirdness before, but this is one he doesn't understand and doesn't want to. So the chicken man just takes them by the collar and kicks them the heck out of Marnie's Ranch. No, he ain't gonna listen to their excuses and their 'mad love' for him or whatever other bullshit they got going on. Farmer is forbidden to be around him or Marnie and Jas, or else physical violence will be involved.
Outrageous! This is just... unacceptable! Such disrespect and disregard for his persona! Elliott considered them a decent friend, but Farmer decided to stab him in the back by putting an unknown substance in his wine! And these excuses... Love powder? It's- were they trying to slip him an aphrodisiac?! No, Elliott won't stand for that. Out of his house, now! Begone, he said! Before he starts shouting at them more! The written is definitely gonna have to rethink his opinion of Farmer.
"I hope it was cinnamon in my coffee." Harvey already knows it's far from cinnamon, but he was curious as to what excuse the Farmer would come up with. Actually, no need to bother, the doctor doesn't want to hear anything. What he does want now is for Farmer to leave the clinic and to close the door behind them. At their pleading words that they love him, Harvey raised an eyebrow sceptically. Love is built on mutual understanding and trust, not this. From now on, they would only have a patient-doctor relationship, nothing more.
What kind of sick joke is this? What the hell did the farmer slip Alex? What... energy tonic? Pfffff, yeah! Stop lying to him. He saw them pour the strange liquid into the bottle. And now the athlete is demanding an explanation. Really, "love potion"? Very funny. Alex isn't three years old enough to believe in magic and stuff. He tells the Farmer to get out of his face, cos with his muscles he's sure to win the fight. He doesn't even want to look in their direction.
And the day was starting out so well for Sebastian.... Just when he thought he was going to have a good time and play videogames with his friend, Farmer, they slip some kind of drug into his mug. He's not even angry, just... disappointed. Sebby will just stare at them in silence until Farmer finally leave his basement. Then he'll shut the door (so he doesn't have to explain to his mum and the others) and text Sam and Abby that hanging out with Farmer won't happen and they also should be careful. Wow, what a day, huh...
Leah would be in a pure rage, and Farmer could count themself lucky if the artist hit them in the face with just her fist. Because if she had sculpting tools or anything else sharp or heavy around her, Farmer would be in a hospital for a long time. Leah genuinely thought they were her friend, but they ended up being another creep, and the ginger girl would stay away from them as much as possible. There can be no talk of any love. Moreover, she is unlikely to ever consider them a friend again. The trust is broken.
A cold shoulder from Maru. Why the heck did the Farmer decide that this behaviour was ok!? Slipping her some psychotropic substance (she believes in science, so the phrase "magic powder" is tantamount to naming a drug or poison to her) in her coffee cup while she was busy with her flasks in the lab? Maru advises them to leave, for if she calls her mom and dad now, things will get much worse. She may accept their sincere apology in the future, but for now Maru wants to be alone, away from all this drama.
Abigail will be shouting at them at the top of her voice about what the heck and what the fuck! Are the passing residents now looking at them? That's right! Let everyone know what Farmer just wants to do. And she's not going to stop at Pelican Town alone, oh no. So if Farmer is active in social media, the amethyst lover will soon mention them in her post-calling about them and that they can't be trusted. It's not very mature response from Abby, but she's too angry to think twice. Love??? Fuck you, Farmer!
L- love powder? Emily can't believe her own ears. Friendship and love are supposed to be pure and true feelings, trust and respect for each other. Was their friendship not enough? Couldn't they understand the joy in sharing and not just taking everything for themselves? Emily is very disappointed in the Farmer. She will just start ignoring them and seek spiritual healing in meditation. She hopes the Farmer will apologise sincerely and realise their mistakes, but she will be very careful with them for now.
Now Penny is afraid of Farmer, because... what if this isn't the first time? Maybe they've slipped her something before, since Farmer was so sure of what they're doing, thinking the young teacher wouldn't notice them. But the spirits were not on Farmer's side and Penny saw it all. Now the poor girl is tormented by paranoia and fear of them. No need to try to chase her and apologise or she'll panic and call her mum. And Farmer certainly won't want to deal with Pam.
Farmer couldn't imagine Haley being capable of so morally destroying someone, but here we are. "Love potion", huh? So they want to "speed up" the lovemaking process? Now she'd show them the consequences of their stupid action. In addition to scratches from her fresh manicure, Farmer will get a huge public condemnation from all the bachelors and bachelorettes. So that inadvertently no one (especially her sister) falls into this trap. Oh, and she'll pour that potion over Farmer's head. Loser...
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As Intimate As Chocolate Cake
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Pairing: Sweet Pea x female!reader [2nd-person pov]
Word Count: 3.3k
Rating: T for swears; no warnings
Description: When Toni is put in charge of the new menu for the Whyte Wyrm, she decides to use the opportunity to set up two of her friends
A/N: Loosely based off a scene from Hart of Dixie season 4, episode 5: Bar-Be-Q Burritos, where George and Annabeth are set up on a date by their friend Lemon
Disclaimer: I’ve only seen up to parts of season 3 of Riverdale, therefore I know nothing about the current seasons and what has transpired, so there will be no spoilers. Also, this was written with minimal editing, so any errors are accidental. Gif credit to the owner, as it is not mine.
- - -
Cheryl Blossom walked into Pop’s, looking for Toni, but instead she found someone else.
Two someones, actually.
You’d been enjoying your strawberry malt and fries all by yourself when Sweet Pea had decided to join you without warning.
“Careful now - rumor has it if you drink too many strawberry milkshakes in one sitting, you’ll wake up as a strawberry.”
You couldn’t resist the urge to roll your eyes, dunking a pair of fries in the malt before bringing them to your lips. “Thank god this is a strawberry malt then, or I’d be fucked.”
He sat down in the booth across from you without asking, grabbing a fry before you could pull them away. “Milkshake, malt - same thing.”
“Nope,” you replied, popping the p. “Malts have malted milk powder; milkshakes do not.”
Sweet Pea pulled a face at that. “And why would you want that?!”
You shrugged. “Personal preference.”
You looked up to give Sweet Pea a piece of your mind at that, but found him smiling instead. It was rare to see a smile from the Serpent, and seeing it made something that felt awfully like desire pool in your stomach. You ignored it, taking a sip of your malt while you gathered your thoughts. “Wow, a compliment? If I didn’t know any better, I’d think the world was ending.”
Sweet Pea snagged another fry, popping it into his mouth, the smile turning into a smirk. “Who knows? It might be.”
“Guess we’ll find out.”
Before you could respond to that, Cheryl interrupted. “Well, well, well. Fancy seeing the two of you here. And looking chummy, no doubt. What’s so funny?”
“The end of the world,” you quipped, causing Sweet Pea to snicker and you couldn’t help joining him. 
“Haven’t you looked outside, Cheryl? Pigs are flying!”
Cheryl let out a huff, shaking her head. “Ignoring all that,” she said with a dismissive wave of her hand, “have either of you seen Toni? She said she would meet me here, but I can’t seem to find her.”
“Whyte Wyrm?” Sweet Pea supplied. “You know she’s been spending all her free time there ever since she became part owner.”
“I just didn’t think she’d get so caught up in it that she’d forget about date night!”
“Have you tried calling her?” You suggested, regretting it when Cheryl fixed you with a glare.
“Of course I’ve tried calling! She didn’t pick up and I-”
Just then, the door to the Chock’lit Shoppe opened, the bell signaling a new customer. The three of you turned to see Toni Topaz making her way over, pulling Cheryl in for a hug and a kiss. “Sorry I’m late,” she murmured. “Got a bit caught up reviewing the new menu for the Whyte Wyrm’s grand reopening.”
“You’re here now and that’s all that matters,” Cheryl said, her smile returning. “Ta-ta, you two. Don’t get too cozy over there.”
You and Sweet Pea burst into laughter once Cheryl and Toni were seated at the opposite end of Pop’s. “God, she can be so eccentric at times,” you giggled, shaking your head. 
“I don’t know what Toni sees in her, but I’m glad the two of them have each other.”
“She sees in Cheryl what I have since elementary school: a girl with a lot of love to give who just needs someone to see her potential.”
Sweet Pea shot you a look as he grabbed another fry. “If you say so.”
“Hey, if I said the same thing about Toni, you’d be defending her, too. Cheryl’s my friend like Toni is yours - we go way back.”
“True.” You were almost taken aback when the Serpent agreed with you. He slid out of the booth before you could process what had just happened, but not before stealing a handful of fries off your plate. “Let me know when you’re here again - I can always get behind free fries.”
“In your dreams, Serpent!” You shouted at his retreating back, no malice in your voice at all. 
- - -
“See what I mean?” Cheryl whispered to Toni, the two of them tucked away in their usual corner booth that surveyed the whole of Pop’s, splitting a milkshake. “There’s definitely something there.”
“Maybe,” Toni drawled, narrowing her eyes as she watched Sweet Pea duck his head and smile to himself when his back was turned from you. “I haven’t seen Sweet Pea look this smitten in a while.”
“Do you think they’d have a chance if we worked our matchmaking magic?”
“What is it you’re always saying? Sometimes the craziest ideas are the most brilliant ones?”
Cheryl smiled, leaning in to kiss Toni. “You’re absolutely right, Tonikins! Shall we start plotting now?”
- - - 
“What’s up, Toni?” Sweet Pea growled into his phone, his frustration bleeding over from one phone call into the next. Fangs had been giving him shit for something and while he was glad to have Toni’s phone call as an excuse to hang up on his friend, he was still pissed.
“What’s up, Sweet Pea, is that I have the perfect solution to your dilemma.”
“What kind of solution?” He paused. “Wait. What’s my dilemma?”
“Nevermind that. Meet me for breakfast tomorrow morning so we can discuss.”
“Discuss what? I’m gonna need more details than that, T.”
Toni couldn’t help but let out a giggle. “All will be revealed tomorrow morning, Sweets. Riverdale Cafetorium at seven sharp - don’t be late!”
She hung up a moment later, leaving a stunned but obedient Sweet Pea in her wake.
- - -
“Cheryl? Is everything okay?” You asked when you answered Cheryl’s phone call. Before she’d met Toni, you and Cheryl spoke on the phone almost nightly; now she rarely called so you figured something had to be up.
“It will be. Meet me in the cafetorium tomorrow at seven?”
“Uh, sure? Why the phone call, though? You could’ve just texted.”
“Just wanted to hear your voice, YN. See you then!”
Nothing was said after that, the line going dead as Cheryl presumably hung up. “See you then,” you said into the void before going back to your nightly routine.
- - -
Toni and Cheryl were already seated at a table when you arrived, the two of them sharing a pastry as Sweet Pea looked on across from them.
“What’s he doing here?” You asked, unable to keep the harshness out of your voice. It was way too fucking early for this and you didn’t even have time for coffee.
“Calm down, dearie. Take a seat.” Cheryl was unusually perky but the tinge of obey me in her voice had you doing just that.
“Yeah, dearie. Take a seat,” Sweet Pea mimicked, and you couldn’t help shooting a glare in his direction. “But really, you two. What is it that was so urgent you couldn’t tell me over the phone last night?”
Toni sat up a little straighter, glancing at Cheryl briefly before she spoke, “Well, because Cheryl and I have a favor to ask. As you know, I’ve been stressing over the reopening of the Whyte Wyrm - particularly the menu - and I was hoping that as my friend,” she looked at Sweet Pea, “and my girlfriend’s best friend,” she looked at you, “that both of you would be willing to come over this weekend for a sample meal.”
“I knew she wanted something,” Sweet Pea leaned back, crossing his arms and muttering under his breath, and you couldn’t help but agree with that statement.
“Of course she did,” you said in the same tone before turning your attention back to Toni and Cheryl. “All you had to do was ask! Of course I will!”
“Me, too. But YN is right - next time just ask us. Not everything has to be a big scheme.” 
His statement shocked you. The two of you hadn’t ever really agreed on much since Toni and Cheryl’s relationship had started, and now you were both agreeing with each other more than once in twenty-four hours? It was almost too much for you to handle. Sure, the two of you were polite and cordial with each other - for the most part - but lately it seemed to be getting out of hand. 
“That’s really good advice, thank you,” Cheryl said, cutting in. “So, we’ll see you Saturday at eight? Oh, and dress real nice. Tonikins and I wanna see what the vibe could be like if we manage to bring in some fancier customers.”
And just like that, Cheryl and Toni stood up in unison just as the bell signaling first period rung, leaving both you and Sweet Pea stunned for the second time.
“Why do I feel like the scheming isn’t over yet?” Sweet Pea asked, turning to look at you.
Your eyes narrowed towards the doors where Cheryl and Toni had just exited. “Probably because it’s not…” Your voice trailed off as your gaze met his and you finally got a glimpse of his face up close and in broad daylight. A flash of his face from last night illuminated by the neon lights of Pop’s crossed your mind, specifically of him grinning as he popped a fry into his mouth. That same desire came flooding back and you knew you had to leave before you did something stupid and make a fool of yourself in front of the Serpent.
“See you Saturday at eight!” Sweet Pea called after you as he watched you walk away, wondering what the weekend had in store.
- - -
You sat in your car, putting the finishing touches on your lipstick and tugging at your dress one more time before taking a deep breath and getting out. After the ambush in the cafetorium by Cheryl and Toni, you’d spent more time than you cared to admit agonizing over your outfit, but in the end it was a no-brainer. You’d worn the dress you felt most confident in, pairing it with strappy heels and light makeup that accentuated your favorite facial features.
Seeing Sweet Pea all dressed up made you stop in your tracks. His version of ‘fancy’ was nice jeans and a button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to expose his forearms. His Serpent neck tattoo was on full display, standing out against the stark white of his shirt.
“Hey,” he said, crossing his arms and drawing your attention back to them. “You ready for this?”
“I guess so. There was never really an opportunity to back out now, was there?”
“Those two make it very hard to say no, don’t they?”
You huffed out a laugh, shaking your head. “Don’t I know it.”
Before either of you could say any more, the door swung open and out stepped Cheryl, clad in her signature red. “There you two are! Come on in! Welcome to the new and improved Whyte Wyrm!”
“You look…nice, by the way,” Sweet Pea murmured as he held the door for you, letting you in first.
A shiver of need raced through you at the feeling of his eyes on your body. You paused, looking back at him and meeting his gaze. “Thanks. You, too.”
Your mouth was practically watering as Cheryl set down a filet mignon in front of you. “And this is our bourbon-maple glaze filet mignon.”
“This looks delicious,” you said, smiling at Cheryl. “Give my compliments to the chef.” Toni stood off to the side, the first time you’d ever really seen her look nervous about anything.
“I gotta say, everything has looked fantastic tonight, Toni, and I’m sure the Whyte Wyrm’s reopening is going to be a huge success,” Sweet Pea chimed in, surprising you. You hadn’t really ever heard him give anyone a compliment, but you figured if anyone deserved a compliment from Sweet Pea, it was Toni.
“Thank you,” Toni murmured, nodding stoically. 
“Well, you both have exquisite taste buds and despite how much you both have grown and changed over the years, I knew I could count on you-”
“Okay, what is going on with you?” Sweet Pea asked, the two of you exchanging a suspicious look.
Toni laughed awkwardly, trying to drag Cheryl away.
“Yeah, what’s so funny?” 
“It’s just that we’ve all known each other for so long…” Cheryl trailed off, realizing her mistake.
“I knew it!” Sweet Pea clapped his hands, more excited than you’d seen him while he was stealing your fries at Pop’s. “I knew it!”
“Knew what?” Toni asked, her turn to look suspicious.
“You and Cheryl are out here trying to get YN and I closer so we can be some weird, messed-up version of the Breakfast Club.”
You let out a groan, shaking your head. “Seriously? Cheryl, you know how I feel about you trying to set me up with people! I thought we agreed you were going to stop doing that after eighth grade.”
Sweet Pea crossed his arms and your attention diverted to his delicious forearms once again. “And that’s why we’re here…this is a scheme within a scheme,” he tutted, giving both Toni and Cheryl a reproachful look.
“Excuse us for wanting to try to get the two of you to see in each other what Cheryl and I see in both of you!”
“This is just like that time Toni and Cheryl left us in the woods for some fucked up bonding experience over our hatred of Weatherbee.”
“Or when they sent us on that futile mission to the abandoned Southside High and we had to hide in the janitor’s closet until they were able to get us out.” Sweet Pea glared at them. “The two of you can be so annoying.”
“So fucking annoying,” you agreed, seething as more memories popped up where you and Sweet Pea had been thrown into situations thanks to Toni and Cheryl’s scheming.
“Do either of you want dessert or not? Cuz if you keep whining, Cheryl and I will just eat it ourselves.”
That shut the two of you up and Toni nodded, satisfied. “Enjoy your filet mignon.”
“We’ll be here,” Sweet Pea said, finally getting a chance to cut into his steak.
“Oh, fuck this is good,” you couldn’t help groaning at the first bite. “I had my doubts about a bourbon maple glaze on steak but this is…wow.”
“Mm-hmm.” Sweet Pea’s hum of approval sent another foreign feeling racing through you. 
You tried to think of another conversation topic, but all you could think of was yet another time you and Sweet Pea had been forced together by either Toni’s or Cheryl’s schemes.
Conversation flowed pretty easily after that, and neither of you paid any attention when Toni slipped in and cleared your plates while Cheryl served a single slice of chocolate cake between the two of you.
The cake was delicious, maple syrup infused into the icing, of course.
“Fuck, this chocolate cake…Wow. You’d think Toni would’ve splurged and given us two pieces,” Sweet Pea shook his head as he brought his fork in for another bite.
“I know,” you agreed, nodding. “It’s like you’re stealing my fries all over again.”
“Ha ha,” Sweet Pea deadpanned, making you giggle. “Doesn’t Cheryl have some weird, fucked up saying for this?”
His question took you by surprise, but you knew exactly what he was talking about, rattling off the phrase as if Cheryl herself was saying it. “It’s the most intimate thing two people can do other than…” You stopped short, your eyes widening as you realized the final word.
Your eyes met Sweet Pea’s, his expression mirroring yours as you both finished the word in unison. 
The sounds of your forks hitting the fancy china were the only sounds in the room as the two of you processed what had just happened. 
“Are they…?” You started.
Sweet Pea finished. “Trying to set us up?” You nodded and he pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. “They better not be.”
“They’re really outdone themselves this time. It’s a goddamn scheme within a scheme within a scheme.”
“I mean, I just don’t understand why they think we would make a good couple. It’s so random and strange - no offense.”
You shrugged, truly unoffended even though you’d have been lying if you said you hadn’t been entertaining the idea all night. “None taken.”
“I’m still not convinced there isn’t more to this scheme.”
“God, I hope not,” you said, resisting the urge to run your hands over your face but you didn’t want to ruin your makeup. “There’s only so many schemes I can participate in during a year and I think I’ve already hit my limit.”
Sweet Pea looked around before leaning in, a smirk on his face. “What do you say we get out of here? We’re not technically dining and dashing because this was free, but I could definitely go for some fries and a chocolate milkshake.”
You didn’t have to be asked twice, dabbing your mouth with your napkin before pushing your chair back and heading out, Sweet Pea instinctively taking your hand in his as the two of you made a mad dash for Pop’s.
“Thanks,” the two of you said in unison as Pop Tate set your malt and Sweet Pea’s milkshake down in front of you, placing a large order of fries in the center of the table. 
“I don’t know how I’m gonna be able to finish all these fries after the meal we’ve just had,” you said, eyeing the basket as you took a sip of your malt.
“I’m sure we’ll find a way if we sit here long enough.”
Your phone vibrated with an incoming text from Cheryl but you ignored it, turning your phone facedown on the table. Sweet Pea did the same and you couldn’t help feeling secretly thrilled that all his attention was now focused on you.
“So,” you started, picking up a fry, “Fancy a trip down memory lane?”
You didn’t think you’d ever seen the Serpent smile as much as he did tonight, and it was starting to affect you. Before tonight, you never would have thought twice about considering someone like Sweet Pea as boyfriend potential, but there was something about both Toni and Cheryl butting into your dating life to bring Sweet Pea in that was making you reconsider. 
You reached for the last fry at the same time he did, your fingers brushing his. You recoiled as butterflies fluttered in your stomach, but it didn’t seem to affect him. “It’s all yours,” Sweet Pea said, gesturing to the solitary fry.
“You sure?” You hesitated. “We could split it.”
Sweet Pea shook his head. “Like I said, it’s yours.”
You couldn’t help the smile that bloomed on your lips as you dunked the last fry into the dregs of your malt. “Maybe there’s more to you than just a Southside Serpent.”
That made him chuckle and duck his head - and in that moment, he had never looked more attractive. “Well, maybe there’s more to you than just Cheryl’s sidekick.”
It was well past midnight when the two of you exited Pop’s, making your way to your separate vehicles.
You stalled at the door to your car, part of you not wanting the night to end. “I…had a lot of fun tonight.”
“Me, too.” Sweet Pea stepped closer and you sucked in a breath. “Maybe, we could do this again without Cheryl and Toni’s interference?”
“I’d like that. Are we counting this as a date?”
“I don’t know. Would you like it to count as a date?”
Not one to shy away from getting what you want, you decided to go for it. “Well, if you were planning to kiss me goodnight if this was a date, then yes, I would like tonight to count as a date.”
Sweet Pea towered over you, his eyes flickering between your eyes and mouth. You could hear your heartbeat in your ears as you stared up at him, waiting for him to make the first move. “I’d never turn down an opportunity to kiss a pretty girl goodnight.”
With that, your lips met in a tender kiss, the promise of something more lingering in the air when you finally pulled away. “Goodnight, YN,” Sweet Pea murmured, his thumb brushing over your cheek as he stepped back. “Get home safe.”
“Goodnight, Sweet Pea.”
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I could teach you things
I just wanna say thanks so much for you guys love on this series, I'm glad everyone loves mommy!Wanda
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Part 1
Part 2
Summary: Will your mom ruin yours and Wanda's time together? Obviously not and Wanda doesn't give her much chance to do so, all she wants is to spend time with her little girl, why are people trying to ruin it?
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI just adult themes and mommy kink everywhere and Nat
Words: 1,500
"Well hello Jenny what do I owe you the pleasure of bursting into my home unannounced?" Her hard stare at your mother made the woman fault slightly but she still pressed on "where's my daughter you bitch"
"Oooh someones in a mood, you should know that Y/n wants to be with me and is currently lay in bed sleeping after the long day she had-
Jenny didn't let her finish the sentence before running past her and up to her room to find you "Y/n!" She slammed the door open and you jumped up from the bed "honey come on we're gonna go" she went to grab your hand but you moved away, unbeknownst to your mom Wanda was glaring at you to make sure you didn't say yes by shaking her head
"Sweetheart?" She tried again and you just sighed "it's okay mom I-I want to stay, Wanda is great" you retreated under the covers and Wanda smiled "see Jenny, now if you would please leave my house before you start scaring my boys"
Your mom left without another word promising to get you back even if it killed her, a bit dramatic it’s not like you were in much danger, she was a few doors down, god this was fucked up
You felt the bed dip and Wanda brought your surprised body into her own “oh my sweet princess did she scare you? It’s okay go back to sleep, she wont get in again”
You listened, curling into her body and closing your eyes again "okay" you didn't give another thought about your poor mother going out of her mind instead kissing Wanda's shoulder, the only place you could reach in the woman's tight grasp and you couldn't help the smile when Wanda kissed your head in response
"thank you for being with me my love" she whispered to you "go to sleep"
Your eyes fell heavy drifting back off into sleep and Wanda watched you 'your mom won't bother you anymore my love, I'm the only one you need now'
She repeated that to you over and over again softly in your ear making sure you knew you were hers
"Good morning princess" Wanda's smooth voice filled your ears making you smile in your sleep, her voice was so soothing and was definitely something you could get used too
"my love I have to take the boys to school, do you want to come with me?" She started to get up but you gripped her tighter keeping her in place "no you stay" you mumbled, not knowing where that came from actually
"The boys need to go honey, you stay here and I'll pick up some breakfast for us" she reluctantly slinked away from you placing a last kiss to your lips "be good printsessa" you just nuzzled back into the pillow grumbling a little in response.
Wanda left you promising to return soon with the boys in tow "does Y/n live with us now mom?" Tommy questioned and Wanda ruffled his hair smiling " she does honey, are you happy about that boys?"
They both nodded their heads "yeah! She's so cool, can she come and pick us up later?" Billy asked
"Sure boys I'm sure she'll love that, now come on your teacher won't be happy if you're late again"
When Wanda left, you eventually got up showering and putting on some of Wanda's clothes, they were a little long because she was taller than you but you didn't mind, everything was still stressful and you still didn't want to fully accept the position you were in but for now you sat downstairs watching TV waiting for Wanda's return.
You jumped slightly when the door opened and Wanda entered, she saw you in her clothes and gasped "wow, wearing mommy's clothes detka? You know how to impress me" she walked to the kitchen putting the breakfast she promised to get on the table "come see what mommy got you"
You stood and moved into the kitchen wondering why she was calling herself mommy "what did you get Wanda?"
The woman ignored you shuffling around the kitchen doing other things
"Wanda?" You tried again but still no response
"Why are you ignoring me?" You were getting annoyed until it clicked, you sighed knowing full well what she wanted "what did you get..."
Wanda raised an eyebrow at you waiting for you to finish "what did you get mommy?"
Wanda was pleased, finally "I got us some breakfast sandwiches and I got a coffee and you some orange juice" handing you the drink you thanked her
"Come on pretty girl let's eat" she sat down at the counter but when you sat down on the other side of the counter Wanda stopped you "ah ah princess, you need to sit on my lap so I can feed you"
Your mouth dropped "what the fuck are you talking about?" Theres the small amount of fighting spirit you had left in you, well Wanda would make sure that was broken too.
"Well that's no way to talk to your mommy is it? Why don't you try speaking again hm?" You couldn't place her voice and didn't know if she was angry or disappointed, so you didn't push instead responding
"I'm sorry I was just confused...I think I'd be heavy on your lap maybe and it-
"Stop rambling honey and come sit on mommy's lap, the sandwiches are getting cold"
You nodded moving towards her chair but you were still unsure on sitting on her lap which Wanda noticed and accepted it "okay my love you don't have to sit on my lap but sit up on the counter so I can still feed you"
The relief came over you and you nodded pulling yourself up onto the counter and letting her spread your legs so she could sit between them "there we go baby, are you okay?" She rubbed her hands on your legs in a comforting way "yeah I'm okay, kinda hungry though" you teased making the woman laugh, maybe this....whatever it is would be more fun than what you thought, even if the voice in the back of your head screamed at you to stop
Wanda opened the sandwich bag pulling an egg and bacon sandwich out that had already been cut up and fed you a piece which you happily took "is it good?" She asked giving you another piece that you greedily took "yeah" you finally said "it's really good"
"I'm glad honey" Wanda wiped some missed food from around your mouth with her thumb, she rested her thumb on your lips stroking softly "are you mommy's girl?" You felt a shaky breath leave your lips "I-I don't know" you whispered and Wanda hummed, instead of responding she pushed her thumb into your mouth and onto your tongue surprising you and you remained still, unsure of what to do
"You look so cute like this honey, go on and clean my thumb, suck" that single word made your whole body blush and although hesitantly, you used your tongue to clean her thumb swirling it around the limb but refusing to look at her until Wanda pressed her thumb down hard on your tongue stopping you "look at me when you do it"
You were forced to look into her darkened irises and the smirk on her face made you want to subconsciously rub your thighs together which was obviously difficult with the position you were in.
"Aww are you feeling tingly honey? Want me to help?" Wanda used her other hand to stroke your face which you leaned into "do you want me to-
"Knock knock!" Wanda's friend Nat interrupted the tension filled interaction causing you to bite down on Wanda's thumb making her hiss "shit" she pulled her thumb out of your mouth "you've got some sharp teeth there honey" she laughed it off and turned to Nat "do you want to tell me why you ruined our moment?"
Nat shrugged "I just think you should know that theres some police on their way over looking for Y/n, I told them no one was in so you've got about an hour before they knock the door down anyway knowing I lied"
Wanda groaned "fucking fantastic" she turned to you "your mom is pretty persistent isn't she detka?"
You shrugged "sorry"
"Dont apologise my love, why don't you go with Nat for some ice cream while mommy deals with this problem"
Nat snuck up next to you making you jump "yeah princess, let daddy take you for some ice cream"
You cringed at the moniker "Daddy? Seriously? Why would I do that?"
Nat rolled her eyes "you will one day don't worry, now come on, let your pretty mommy handle it" she kissed Wanda softly and the redhead smiled "it sounds hot when you say mommy too"
"I know, you're so easy to fluster"
You watched the interaction with a little jealousy which they both noticed "don't be jealous my love, mommy will treat you so well later"
You were a mess, on one hand you liked Wanda giving you attention and you guessed she was okay even if she didn't like your mom but on the other hand this was completely fucked up and wrong and you were an adult so calling someone mommy felt wrong, what a mess.
"Get out of that head of yours little one, let's go" you felt Nat grip your hand dragging you off the counter away from Wanda out the back entrance of the house, the last thing you heard before the door closed was Wanda opening her front door
"Good morning officer, what seems to be the problem?"
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Show Me Yours | Matty Healy [44]
chapter forty-four, act five: the ballad of me and my brain
-this is the final chapter of this part, I'm slolwy writing the next part but I am alos doing my midterms right now so there may be a wait until it's out.
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December 25th 2017
It’s Tommie’s first Christmas alone in five years.
She doesn’t really know what to do with herself, she’s currently sitting on the floor of her kitchen, staring at the TV that’s playing some shitty hallmark film in her living room.
She’s waiting for her pizza to finish cooking, she doesn’t want to eat a cooked dinner alone.
Adam invited her to go along to Christmas with him, but he’s going with Carly’s family, who she doesn’t know that well. So she lied and said she’s going back to LA to spend it with Phoebe in the studio. 
She’s not entirely alone, she has Allen who is currently curled up beside her on the floor, and Button who she’s been tossing a ball for every now and then the last few minutes.
There’s a letter in her hands.
Printed on the front is that familiar messy writing with her address spelled wrong and scribbled out.
Ross dropped it off three weeks ago now, she still hasn’t opened it.
Allen nudges the letter closer to her with his nose, as if he can smell the scent of his owner on it.
She sighs and nods, patting his head gently, “I know, Als.” Allen looks up, “I miss him too.”
Then despite her better judgement she finds herself tearing into the envelope. 
Dear Baby,
I don’t know how to start. I’ve written fourteen letters to you and every single one has ended up being crumpled up at the bottom of my bin. I know the reason that I can’t write is because deep down I don’t deserve for you to hear me out. I fucked up. I fucked up way too many times. And he was right. About you giving me too many chances, letting me walk all over you because that’s what I did, what I do. I took advantage because I knew you’d always be there. I knew I could fall back on you and you’d pick me up because that’s what you do. You’re so good. I don’t deserve that.
One of the therapists I’ve been working with here told me to write letters to the people most important to me. To the ones who I feel that I’ve wronged with my addiction. Apparently it’s a part of my healing journey. I think it’s just to make me feel like a dickhead.  I wrote to my mother first, for falling down the hole she worked so hard to steer me away from, the hole she herself fell down.  Then to Louis for being a shit older brother. To the guys for what happened in San Jose. And now to you. For everything I’ve ever done to you.
I’m not going to list all my mistakes. I’m sure you already have your own list highlighted and neatly stashed away somewhere. I’ve had a lot of time to think while being here (And I already know what you’re thinking, ‘wow, didn’ know you could do that’). I’ve had to think about what to do when I get out of here. I’m not sure if you’ll want to see me. But in my head the first thing I’ll do is come and see you. I’ll get on my knees before you, lit up by those fairy lights we spent three hours trying to hang on your front porch. You’ll open the door and you’ll probably be wearing that old AM concert shirt and your stupid rugby zip-up I keep telling you to replace but you won’t because you’re too sentimental (it’s one of the things I love the most about you). I’ll beg you to just say that you forgive me. Even if you don’t really mean it. And I know you will. I know you would forgive me in an instant because I know you. Then we’ll have everything we’ve wanted, our own studio, we’ll be back on the road, never having to settle, just us the guys and the open road up ahead of us. Endless music, endless time, whatever we want. But I’m going to stay away. Or at least I’m going to try to. I want you to move on and have a better life without me. You’ll do great things. And I can’t be a part of them as much as I want to be. It’ll be hard, for both of us, but in the end you’ll come out on top. You’re the smarter one, with the talents, you have the voice, the skills, the lyrics, the heart. I just have the confidence. I’m nothing without you. Matty Healy is simply nothing without Tommie McDuff, it’s always been that way. But Tommie McDuff is everything. You are everything.  I’ll watch from afar as you keep doing amazing things, with Phoebe, alone, whatever it is you’re doing. I’ll be your biggest supporter, I want you to know that. But I’ll do it from afar. I’ll try to do it from afar.  I say try because you’re my strongest addiction. It’ll take everything in me to stay away. I’ve always been addicted to you. More than any drugs I’ve ever taken. I’m addicted to the way you touch me, a hand on my arm as you laugh, the way you smile at me, those little sarcastic ones you do when I annoy you are my favourite because I know you’re trying your hardest not to break into the biggest grin. I’m addicted to the sound of your voice. And the way your mind works, from your lyrics to your solos, I want to see inside your mind. To study you like an old Victorian sculpture. I’m addicted to your laugh, even when it’s directed at me. To the way you love and the feel of your lips. Ever since your lips first touched mine I’ve searched for others who may make me feel some sliver of the way you did. None have ever compared. Not one. They’re not soft enough, not gentle enough, not exciting enough, they’re not you. They’re never you. I hate myself for doing that to them, to myself, to you. Most of all to you. I hate myself more and more everyday as I sober up, because as each day goes by I’m forced to sit with the knowledge of how I treated you for longer. 
One of the questions I’ve been told to answer is what would I do if I saw you again? What would I do for you? I’m not sure if you’ll want to see me again. But if you did, if you gave me that gift of blessing my eyes with you one last time, I’d hold you. For as long as you let me, hours, days, weeks, months, years, until we both grew old and grey. I’d love you until the moment I died, and even longer if you let me. I’d wait as long as you wanted me to, until the earth ends or just the first sign of spring. I’d collect the stars and bottle them up because I know how much you love them. I’d create a whole new religion just to worship you. I’ve realised now that I’ve rambled. (I’ve run out of paper and only have three lines left) But I have so much more to say. I’ll sum it up in a few words for you. ‘I would give you the moon.’
Yours, Matt.
She puts the letter down. 
One tear escapes her eyes.
There’s a knock on the door.
@thereisaplaceintheheart, @indierockgirrl, @sofaritsalrightt, @julezs-bl0g, @eaglestar31, @sophinthealpss, @noacfemcel, @if-my-heart-bleeds, @befrwime, @fallingforel, @sexorchocolateorpillowsorclouds, @3terna15unshin3, @1975sophie1975, @thesocraticjunkiewannabe, @littlesoldierelleora, @procrastinatinglikeapro, @beatr2x, @byyourside28
-let me know if you want to be added :)
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late-to-the-party-81 · 2 months
For the very first time - Chapter 3
[or 5 times the Cap Quartet slept with each other and 1 time they slept all together]
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AN: Sorry for the delay - Easter Holidays and life were getting in the way, so today, you get a 241 deal - I will be posting Chapter 4 straight after this one. Set the same day that Sam meets Steve (and Nat) in CA:TWS @catws-anniversary. Catch up on Chapter 2!
Much love to my beta @kingofsorrow20
Likes are loved, reblogs are golden
Mood board by me and dividers by @firefly-graphics
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Chapter Summary: Sam’s day started off weird when he found himself being lapped by Captain America when out for his morning run, but now Steve's extremely hot friend has appeared at his door. What’s a guy to do?
Chapter Relationship: Sam x Nat
Chapter Word count: 1.2k
CW: Strangers to Lovers, Flirting, Vaginal Sex, Nat going after what she wants.
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Nat and Sam - May 2014
Sam was not expecting the knock at the door. He was only wearing a pair of sweats low on his hips, his skin still damp from his post run shower, but he went to open it anyway. Somehow he was not entirely surprised when he saw Steve Rogers' red-headed friend standing there, a small, knowing smile playing on her lips. 
Sam raised his eyebrow at her and she responded in kind, the unspoken communication understood by both of them. He took a step back, gesturing for her to enter, grinning as he did so and as soon as he shut the front door she was on him, pushing him firmly against his hallway wall, her blood red lips pressed to his. 
“Nat,” she mumbled against him, and it took Sam a second to understand what she was saying, as all of his brain power was currently diverted to his dick. His hands gripped her waist as he stuttered out his own reply. 
“Sam. Sam Wilson.”
“I know,” she replied, and he felt her smile into their shared kiss.
There was no real conversation after that, just the blazing heat of lust as her delicate, but no doubt lethal, fingers trailed over his exposed skin before ducking under the waistband at the back of his sweats to take hold of his ass, pulling him flush against her.
Sam started to think he might be a little in love, because, god, did he have a thing for people who knew exactly what they wanted and weren't afraid to go after it. However, part of him also thought it was a shame he didn’t get to spend more time with Steve. Oh well, he wasn’t going to complain about this turn of events and, to be honest, all thoughts of Steve departed as soon as Nat’s hand shifted and wrapped around his cock.
The action did, however, wake him up and he started to reciprocate, pushing her leather jacket from her shoulders and trying to steer them to a more comfortable place. He was more than capable of playing this out in the hallway if need be, but he’d prefer a comfortable bed where Nat could do anything she wanted to him - Sam was in no way disillusioned enough to think he was in charge here, and he was perfectly okay with that. 
He got them to his bedroom, though, and couldn’t help the grin that took over his entire face as Nat shoved him back onto his mattress and began to strip out of her remaining clothes, revealing pale skin encased in lingerie as red as her hair, lips and nails. Okay, Sam was now a lot in love, because ‘Wow!’. He wriggled out of his sweats with more enthusiasm than grace and saw Nat smile enigmatically before she climbed onto the bed, moving her body over his, her lace covered core scratching gently over his rock hard cock. 
He shuddered slightly and Nat cocked her head to the side.
“You like that, Samuel?”
He bit his lip as his head tilted back, and he nodded.
“Yeah.” At his admission Nat curled her nails into his pecs and raked them down his chest, raising welts in their wake. Sam bucked his hips up in response. 
“Oh fuck!” he shouted. “You’re gonna kill me, aren’t you?” He wasn’t even sure if he was joking or not, but if she really was gonna kill him, this was the way he’d want to go. However, Nat just leant forward, her warm breath ghosting over his lips, as she undid her bra and discarded it across the room.
“Only le petit mort.”
“My kinda gal.”
He raised his hands to cup her breasts, absolutely struck by how pale her skin was. He could see some fading bruises along her ribs and on her forearms, and part of him wanted to kiss every blemish in the hope they would then disappear. However, her breasts were more tempting. He rolled each peak between his fingers, watching as Nat shuddered atop him.
“Please. Can I?” His words weren’t working, but somehow Nat understood him. She moved a bit more and then Sam was in heaven as his lips latched around one pink nipple, suckling on it greedily, while continuing to play with the other. Nat let out a pleasured sigh and Sam felt pride well within him. He wanted to make her feel good and was happy he was achieving his goal. He was generally a giver in bed, getting pleasure from his partner’s pleasure, although he wasn’t above being a pillow princess every so often when the mood took him. 
His free hand skimmed down Nat’s side, and he felt the firm muscles under her soft skin. He had the feeling that he could be rough if he wanted and she would welcome it, especially given how she’d already marked his skin. However, now wasn’t the time. Maybe there would be other chances in the future.
Nat shifted above him once more and Sam got the hint, switching to her other breast, but the air was driven from his lungs the moment he felt her take hold of his cock before it was then enveloped in her warm, wet heat. He still felt the scratch of her panties against his hip - she must have just moved them to the side - but then his brain was gone as Nat rode him, just taking what she wanted from him as he continued to lavish attention to her breasts in turn. 
It was instinctual to thrust his hips up to meet her movements, and Nat didn’t complain. Her hands were on his headboard as she moved, her cunt clutching and pulling at his cock, and Sam had no idea how he hadn't already come - this was by far the most erotic encounter he’d had in a long time. ‘Sexy assassin coming to hit him up for a booty call’ had not been on his bingo card for this year, but he was definitely not mad about it. Far from it.
Nat began to let out louder noises, a series of guttural moans and grunts, and Sam sucked harder on the tit he had in his mouth, flicking the engorged nipple with his tongue. His spare hand rested on the small of her back, helping to guide her movements that had got more erratic. It was only a few moments later when she threw her head back, looking like a goddess above him, and her cunt clenched hard. Sam felt the strength of her orgasm, the way his cock was almost strangled by her body and he fucking loved it. He couldn’t hold back any longer and spilled into Nat, his own cries muffled into the soft flesh of her chest.
She collapsed on to him, both of their bodies covered in a sheen of sweat. Sam was certain that he’s breathing harder out of the two of them, despite not doing the majority of the work. This didn’t surprise him in the slightest. 
However, when Nat finally climbed off him to flop onto his mattress, her skin flushed pink, Sam was surprised when the first thing she said was “So, do you think Steve’s cute?”
Chapter 4
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Tag list: @km-ffluv, @wheezy-stucky, @kmc1989, @kombatfather1796, @christywrites, @doasyoudesireandlive, @sonatabee-blog, @endlesstwanted
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sushywritez · 1 year
Stranger Danger | Older!Eddie M. X Fem!Reader | Three
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PLOT: Eddie is a loving single father and a busy man, he hires you on occasion to watch his child. Sometimes he wish he had the courage to ask you out, but one terrible weekend will prove to him he hasn't got much time.
WARNINGS: TW 18+ Guns, and gun violence mentioned, blood, slight gore, language, suggestiveness, angst, fluff, thriller, slasher, divorce, and adult humor.
Three Days.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday were all Eddie needed. The event from this Thursday still held a deep impact over you, but since Eddie gave the news it had became less pertinent. Having the assaulter locked up was definitely a relief. Especially since you'd be alone with Violet for these days.
Early that morning Eddie hit the road, making sure to leave behind his special care instructions for Violet. Who of which, at the moment was still sleeping in.
You'd let her have her rest. The poor thing was up most of the night with a couple of bad dreams. Her night–terrors usually started up on weekends like this when her father had to go out of town. Being separated from the only parent was tough on such a kind hearted kid.
As she slept in you got some cleaning done around the house, even started a batch of her laundry. Eddie insisted you didn't have to, but you always just did it anyway. As the first load was washing you started to prepare a small breakfast knowing that Violet would wake any second now.
Three days, turned into more, and later rolled into a year. At this point he'd convinced you to become a permanent resident, from babysitter to nanny. Violet sure loved having you around more and she began to even open up more towards you. That was something you always loved, learning more about the energetic bundle that was Violet Munson. Now being a part of their daily lives was all part of your job.
Working for Eddie Munson was the best job one could possibly have. He was generous, forgiving, and all around fun.
So far things were going well on the cloudy afternoon. A nice start off to a Monday and an even better week. Currently you were seated in the living-room and scrolling through one of the many media services in attempt to find a movie. Violet had promised to sit and watch it with you.
"Wow, who woulda thought it'd be so hard to pick a movie." You comment, lancing over at the small toddler curled up beside you.
"Maybe a princess one." Violet suggests, pointing to the first movie with a princess that appeared in your list. The movie in question was Tangled, which had ironically been your favorite tale. Rapunzel was willing to risk everything just to have the one thing she desired most. Freedom and longing to belong.
"Yeah, sounds good." You ultimately agree with her, "Rapunzel is such a cool princess." Violet turns to look at you giggling as the screen loaded in the content.
Eddie had been deep into his workload when he received a call ushering him away from work. Said caller was Chief Hopper and he had mentioned something about an emergency. Eddie had rushed through traffic, nearly causing an accident twice. An emergency couldn't be good.
Were you okay? Did something happen to Violet?
So when he arrived at the station and stomped through the door he looked this way and that before spotting an officer chatting it up with another. He approached them until the chief rounded the corner and spotted him. Eddie froze, "Sorry to bother you, Mr. Munson. Come with me?" Despite not knowing what was going on he followed him down the hall, glancing back at the laughing pair of officers.
Deep down it bothered him. If there was an emergency why were they just standing around? What the fuck was going on around here?
The chief stops abruptly and holds open the door for him, Eddie glances at the man and rolls his eyes before walking in. Hopper follows and walks right past him and plops down into the leather rolling chair seated behind the desk. Eddie sits up in his own seat and shakes his head, "Just get to the point. I haven't got all day. I got a kid and-"
Hopper gets comfortable, before he interrupts him. Folding his hands over one another and placing them on the desk. "Steve Harrington, escaped prison early this morning." Eddie's eyes widen, but then his gaze narrows brows furrowing.
"Who?" The artist is merely confused by the name, but then it clicks suddenly. His face contorts to anger, "You mean that creep? The one who harassed my Nanny?" Eddie is throwing his hands this way and that as he speaks, anger and adrenaline coursing through him. At this point Eddie kicks his chair back as he stands. Slamming one hand down on the desk, reaching forward with his left to grab the chief's tie and yanking him forward. "How do you let someone escape a prison?!" His vocal range was extremely shocking, but then again he was one of the best.
Hopper was shocked, but having dealt with Eddie in the past he knew his anger was only temporary. "Eddie." His voice was stern and commanding. "Let go of my tie." He recognized the situation and slowly let go, lucky one of the many rings he adored, didn't tear the fabric. Eddie backs off the desk. Hopper goes to straighten his tie and sighs, "Sit." His eyes gesture to the chair and Eddie takes a seat.
"I know you're mad. Which is why I wasn't letting the situation go by unnoticed, so I called you." He reaches for his hat and places it over his head. "Because, it's not jus Harrington who got away. He took Hargrove with him."
Eddie's eyes widened, "Billy Hargrove, the one who killed those women back in the summer of 1985?"
Hopper nodded slowly, "Yeah uh, apparently they're the best of fucking buds."
"Shit." Eddie muttered. From what he remembered, Billy hadn't really liked him and Eddie hadn't exactly wronged him. Well, maybe for the fact he screwed him over on a drug deal and he got caught and arrested that night. One way to harbor a grudge. "What's your plan?"
"I'm issuing a man-hunt. I've already sent two officers over to yours, so the girls will be safe. You got my word." Hopper reached for his gun and clicked the safety on, before holstering his weapon and standing. "We'll get them."
Munson Residence 12:45 P.M.
"Okay, so do you want some macaroni and cheese or some ramen? Your choice." You turn to the wide eyed girl who's all smiles as the two items are presented to her.
"Uhm, can you make it all fancy? The noodles?" She asked you.
"Like in the cartoons!" She exclaims throwing her arms up in the air. "They got eggs, meat, and some other stuff, it always looks so yummy!" Oh. So that's what she meant.
"Yeah, of course. So the noodles then?"
"Noodles." She confirms. You tell her to run off and play while you prepare the meal for her. With her father out of the house you could offer her something better than frozen meals and Asian cuisine happened to be your specialty. Which Eddie adored about you, cause those noodles were always so, 'Yummy'. He would always declare.
As you turned the stove on and placed the pan of water over the fire the doorbell rang. It shocked both you and little Violet since there was no way her dad could be home so early. She runs up to you as you exit the kitchen. Violet reaches out to you and you oblige in scooping her into your arms, slowly making it over to the door.
When you open it the intruders are revealed, two officers bearing their full uniform are standing patiently at the porch. "Miss (L/N)?"
"Yes?" You answer cautiously and they nod.
The officer to the left speaks first, Violet hiding her face in your neck. "I'm Officer Polinski and this Hank. We've been sent by our chief to keep guard of the home."
You bounce Violet on your hip and frown, "Well, may I ask why?" "Yes. Your statement led us to capture Steve Harrington a year ago, but he has escaped and our chief along with Mr. Munson think it best for us to stay and keep watch." Polinski explained and you nodded.
Your heart was going to fall out of your chest. That horrible moment coming crashing over you again. His eyes, his voice, and everything was all so clear to you and now it could happen again. "Please." You urge them inside. "Come inside. I'll prepare lunch."
"Thank you."
In the next town over
"You ready?"
"Ready as ever, Harrington."
Steve scoffs and rolls his eyes clicking the safety of the Sig Sauer he was carrying. He gives a nod towards Billy, who smirks and kicks the door open to the small off road gas station. Shocking the old couple to death and in hail marry of bullets and shouting they took what they needed and dove underground.
@yaspillz @dahliamae @capricornrisingsstuff @aysheashea @e0509 @off-phelia @strangerthingsstories5255 @fujiihime @puppy-coded @damon-loves-pie @seratoninsickness @k0urti @thatlonelypieceoftoast @phantomxoxo @wittlewowa @rollergirlworldwide @allithewriter @gothguitargal @eddiemunsons-missingnipple @ali-r3n @harrys-tittie @yearwalker96 @lipglossanon @thepastdied @jessevans @dullsocietyy @littlelimb @ghosttownwherenoonegoes @3rriberri @corroded-hellfire @munson-blurbs
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steddie-thirst · 2 years
Strange Obsession | Eddie Munson x Harrington!Reader | Stranger Things x Spree (Crossover) ONE
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((Notes: this is a crossover series that will be taking place between two universes and for it to work Stranger Things is in a more modern era.))
Thank you @rollergirlworld for inspiring part of this fic as well, she's amazing please go give her some love.
SUMMARY: Kurt is on the run from the cops after his little murder spree. He comes across Steve Harrington and his group of friends and Kurt takes a liking to Eddie's girl. A little to much.
We are now live from the scene of the series of brutal murders, A former comedian, Jesse was in downtown when she was shot and killed. The police and other agencies recommend the cancellation and use of ride-share apps, if you need a ride to ask friends or family members. I'm Kennedy Fox and you're watching Channel 6.
"Wow, I can't believe all of this is going on just a town away."
"Well, sis." Steve carefully stirs the pot of mea not missing a beat to take a jab at the guitarist, "People go psycho everyday - you just so happen to be dating one." He teases not even sparing the metalhead, who was currently lounged at the bar, a glance and Eddie scoffed. 
Eddie shakes his head, fingers tapping idly at the cup in his hands, he lets out a quiet chuckle sparing you a glance and he smiles. "Is that really how you see me, Harrington?"
Steve shrugs looking over his shoulder and spots the rather unamused look on his face, "I don't know, Eds. It might be all those crazy tattoos and crazy hair." The man argues, turning his eye back to the stove to keep an eye on the vegetables that were currently being sautéed. Rolling up his sleeves he reaches for a spatula to stir them around the pan, careful not to burn them as Eddie watches.
You pass Steve in the kitchen delivering a small slap to his arm in which he lets out a huff much to Eddie’s chagrin. "Leave him alone, Steve. Eddie is probably the only guy in town that wasn't trying to get into my pants." You demand not appreciating the lashing towards him.
"That's on facts, babe." Eddie agrees, sending a sly wink your way, making you blush and burst into a fit of bubbly giggles. He lifts the cup to his lips and down's the rest of the liquid.
"Eww, if you guys plan to flirt, do it in Eddie's trailer." Steve groans, eyes practically rolling all the way into his head. You and the brunette share a loving gaze as he works the stove - The sweet scent of onions and peppers filling the room. Tonight was like every other Friday. Dinner and a movie.
Steve, Eddie, Robin, and you wound up making these nights a weekly thing. From cooking and picking a movie and just spending time together. Robin, had unfortunately been unable to make it, with her car not working, and being stuck with Nancy on babysitting duty so it was just the three amigos.
As the meal prep comes to an end, you're left to set up the table, placing salsa, guacamole, and queso out on the table. Tonight’s dinner was fajitas and all Eddie’s idea, the man loved a good taco, as any other person would. In the process of setting up the table a harsh rapping brings you from your duties. Looking back into the kitchen hoping the boys wouldn't mind grabbing the door, but  were too busy conversing with one another.
With a roll of your eyes you set the chips down and with a huff turn to walk towards the door, "Ugh, boys." Flattening out your dress skirt and going to open the door.
Steve and Eddie were sharing a good laugh in the kitchen over a couple of glasses when they heard you scream. They ran into the living room and found you standing over an unconscious body, Eddie hurried over to you.
Steve checks the body for a pulse, and sighs out of relief, "He's not dead. But judging from all this blood, I am surprised he isn’t." He checks the face and his flips drop into a frown, "What the fuck?"
Eddie finished comforting you, his hands slowly rubbing at your tensed shoulders, you deciding to head into the kitchen. Eddie sighs before turning to Steve and kneeling down next to the body. The guitarist noticed the horrified look on his face. "What's up, man?"
Steve's lips curl into a thin smile and shakes his head, "See for yourself." The man gestures to the body's face and Eddie leans over to examine him.
"Holy Shit!" Eddie is aghast. It was like Steve had a clone, same facial structure - poor sense of fashion and overly greasy hair - but the same as their beloved 'lover boy' himself.
"Right?" Steve is just as taken back as the metalhead. Eddie chews on his cheek as he looks him over. He pulls his hand back and leans away, looking back at his friend. Suddenly the unconscious body sat up and the two jumped back.
"Shit! Shit -Jesus!" Eddie cried out.
"Who the fuck are you?!" The man on the ground was quick to ask the other two, throwing his hands up in defense. Eddie chuckled and Steve huffed.
"We were just about to ask the same question. So, can you tell us your name, dude?" Eddie asked wanting to know exactly if the guy posed a threat especially with his girl in the other room.
He gulps, "K-Kurt. I'm Kurt Kunkle.. I was running from that guy."
"What guy?" Steve asked, arms crossing over his chest. Let's say that he wasn't a fan of some look-alike asshole, with shitty hair, scaring off his sister and pulling some undead shit in his living-room.
Kurt looked between the two men above him. One looked like he dove straight out of some 80's rom-com, whilst the other looked like he belonged on stage with Metallica. "T-That uhm ride-share freak." Kurt lied, "The guy came at me and I decided I wasn't ready to die so I reached up to the front and crashed the car."
Eddie could see how that would explain the blood and the cuts.
"Okay, and did he follow you?" Eddie asked.
"No, cops were on his tail and I wasn't g-gonna stay to find out, man." Kurt drops his hands in defeat. "Look I have no idea what town I'm in and I almost died tonight, I was just looking for somewhere to stay." He explained and Steve huffed. The information checked out considering the injuries, his house was also the first one off the main road, but he was skeptical.  You had overheard the whole conversation and while he had scared you initially it wouldn't be fair to throw him back out to the wolves.
Steve and Eddie turned to converse amongst themselves whilst Kurt sat there practically the odd man out. When they turned back he jumped still pretty nervous considering, "Alright you can stay for a week. You will sleep in the guest room and if I swear you act out or pull some shit I'm calling the cops, got it?" Steve wasn't fucking around.
"Yeah-" He swallows. "I-I got it." Steve offered his hand and helped Kurt up off the ground. "Good, my sister will help you get settled and no funny business." Steve warned him.
"(Y/N), will you help Kurt find the guest room? I need to talk to Eddie." The look-a-like Steve turned his head and caught a glimpse of you.
"Follow me?" He eagerly nodded.
"I'm fucking confused Steve. Why does he look like you?" Eddie whispered, arm thrown out gesturing off towards Kurt.
"Fuck- Eddie- I don't know, man. Okay?" He shrugs, tensing muscles as his shoulders rise. He sighed and relaxed, "Listen. Just stay here for a week with (Y/N). I can't leave her here by herself and because we work opposite shifts one of us can keep an eye on her and one on him." Eddie and Steve agreed.
"So, are you a nurse?" He asks as you search for the med-kit. Having already removed his shirt so you could tend to the cuts.
"Ha, no. I just always end up patching up the boys." You grabbed the kit and let out a small hum of approval and turned to him. "So, I taught myself. My boyfriend especially likes to fist fight." Kurt would have been surprised if you were single. An angel like you was a once and a lifetime kind of girl.
"You have a boyfriend? What's he like?" Kurt asks, the question teetered on the edge of being rather blunt but it really came off as curiosity. He couldn’t believe that he had a chance, but a man could only dream.
"Oh- He's uhmm - You've met him and my brother. Guys downstairs." You rummage through the kit for the gauze and alcohol before turning back to him. Kneeling down on the floor between his legs to first clean the long cut on his arm.
"Which is which?" Kurt asks a blush creeping across his cheeks as he watches you work on the cut, nimble fingers accompanied by gentle touches. Your current position, between his legs like that drove the man crazy and no girl had ever gotten to him the way you did. To you it was harmless, but to him - Fucking Hell - you were sexy.
"Well-" You start with a tilt of your head, Kurt nearly moans - you were just so irresistible and cute like a little puppy - dabbing the alcohol on his arm and he winces, a sharp hiss escaping him, "Sorry, Kurt." You pause and when the pain subsides he gave a nod which urges you to continue.
He just really enjoyed how you doted on him, kind and caring, "As I was saying, my brother is the one with the fluffy hair, and insane amount of polo shirts." You joked making Kurt chuckle, even more than that comedian he'd offed, you were much better. With the gentle touches he only wondered what it’s be like to have those hands all over him, touching and caressing as they went. "My boyfriend is the tall guy with fluffy curls and leather."
Kurt should've known such a thing the dark-haired boy was much more protective of you and practically gave him the look of death. "What's his name?"
"Eddie." You replied and he nodded. Once you finish wrapping up his arm and stand up he’s almost saddened by the loss of contact. "And my brother is, Steve." You explain. He looked down at his arm and smiled, you were actually a good little nurse. Not to mention a pretty one at that.
"Thanks." You smiled and packed up the med-kit.
"The rest are small enough to close up on their own, just make sure to clean them. Bathroom is just down the hall." Kurt nodded and watched you leave the room. He let out a sigh he was holding and he couldn't believe what he just got away with. His massive murder spree and no one had any clue. Especially you - This was going to be fun.
When you returned downstairs Eddie was pacing at the thresh-hold of the stairs, you stopped halfway. "Eddie?" He whipped his head up to look at you and he smiled. You'd never seen him so worried and Steve was sitting on the couch dazed off, probably thinking. Eddie helped you down the rest of the way, "You seem worried, Eds."
"I was. You were gone for a while.." He pouted lips pulled into a thin frown and you giggled.
"Aww, poor baby." You coo reaching up to place your hands over his cheeks. Physical touch was definitely his love language. "Lemme kiss it better." Your lips lock with his and he moans. Steve groans from his spot on the couch. Kurt had finished cleaning up and headed down the steps.
For some reason seeing you with Eddie - his lips on yours - a rage boiled inside him. He didn't deserve you. Kurt could take care of you better than him and definitely better than your brother. Things were going to have to change.
@st-ls @munsonloverblog @off-phelia @strangerthingsstories5255 @fujiihime @shyposttree @damon-loves-pie @fanficfanatic204 @positivevibesnlif3 @beebslebobs @seratoninsickness @k0urti @thatlonelypieceoftoast @marianita195 @b-barnes04 @phantomxoxo @buchanansbaby
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bratshaws · 1 year
through the hourglass 102. brb
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a/n: HAH yeah, wow im melting it's so HOT here
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: personal issues that Rooster chooses to ignore, Bea being a good wife again, <3
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @shrimping-for-all @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @kulicny @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @dhwanishah09 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva
His skin felt amazing, he couldn’t help rubbing his face over and over during the night, it was smooth as Nicole’s little hands and that was saying a lot. Speaking of Nicole, she was currently sitting on his lap as he lies on one of the stretchers they had on the patio, staring at the pool wide eyed and mouth parted.
Beatrice’s footsteps came from the door, he turned around just in time to see her approaching, smiling bright and wide. He just opens his arm to show she should sit down next to them, which she does, scooting over to his side and pressing her cheek on his shoulder, all the while holding out her hand for Nikki to hold. When he sighs deeply, Beatrice’s eyes turn upwards, “Everything okay?”
“Everything great.” he replies quietly, “My face feels so soft.”
“And it smells really good.” she adds, “But you always do.”
The brought another smile out of him, followed by a kiss to the top of her head, “Ah…gorgeous. I love you.” 
“I love you too.”
With his lips still on her scalp he just murmured, “Thank you for being here for me.” he says, his breathing tickling her head and making the strands move a bit “You don’t have to worry so much but you still do.”
“I’m your wife.”
“But still.”
Beatrice pulls back to look at him, furrowing her brows and gently brushing her thumb on his smooth cheekbone, “I love you a lot,Brad.” she whispers, “And I want you to be okay…” her lower lip disappears into her mouth for a few seconds “Can…can I ask you something?”
“Always, gorgeous.”
“Did you…ever go to therapy? I mean I-I- you never um, told me if you did…”
Bradley inhales softly, giving her an almost guilty smile, “Last time I went I was thirteen…then I just stopped going.”
“Oh…can I ask why?”
His eyes dropped to Nicole’s light ones, kissing his daughter’s forehead, “I guess I couldn’t handle some of the stuff the therapist wanted to talk about. I figured that holding it in made more sense, didn’t hurt so much…plus I…I had a fucked up mindset about mental health back then, I didn’t want my friends to know that I had a therapist.”
Beatrice frowns but understands completely, there was this weird stigma back then about taking care of your mental health and understanding you needed to, “I understand.” she says, “Do you think you’d ever…go to one again?”
“Therapy?” she nods, propping her chin on his shoulder and Rooster has to think about it before responding. He never…really thought about going back to therapy in his adult years, then again he did think everything was fine as long as you pushed it further and further away from the main area of your mind.
And it was obvious it wasn’t working.
At all.
Or else they wouldn’t be having this conversation.
Part of him felt like he should go ahead and think about it, because he wanted to get better and he wanted to feel like he progressed mentally. But the stubborn part of him refused to admit that it’d help, that it’d be easier to let things go if he talked about it with someone else, someone whom he has no familiarity with…but again, would he want to keep venting to Beatrice?
She was a good person and she cared about him, of course she’d always be there, but it wasn’t healthy to let that sort of info on her so often. Just as it wasn’t healthy to hold it in…he groans, rubbing his eyes with the tips of his fingers because he was giving himself a bad headache, “I’m okay,gorgeous.” he says before she even asks because he can feel her head lifting from his shoulder to give him a better look.
“You sure?”
He laughs humorlessly, “I think so.” he groans one last time before dropping his hand to Nicole’s small back, smiling at his daughter’s relaxed pose against his stomach, her tiny fists under her body - just like Beatrice did - and her eyes blinking closed, “I don’t know…honestly. I…I don’t know if therapy would help me.” lies, his own voice answer, all lies and you know it.
“Why not?”
“Didn’t help me back then.”
“Maybe you didn’t have a good therapist.”
True, she was the school’s therapist who’d much rather be out chain smoking than taking care of any child that wandered into her office, “...maybe.” he mutters, “I don’t know, there are some cans of worms I’d rather keep closed.”
“Roos,” she frowns, “That’s not healthy.”
“...yeah,I know.”
She tsked a bit, “You are the sweetest guy I know…you don’t hide your emotions when it comes to me…why are you doing it to yourself?”
Damn. She was good.
He just blinked at Beatrice in pure shock, because those words felt like a punch to the throat and he lost all ability to speak. His wife was so smart and she could read him so well he wondered why he hid stuff from her. “I…I don’t…know.” he frowns, “Maybe a therapist could answer that, huh?” she smiles as she nods, placing her cheek on his shoulder as both look towards the pool, the gentle rippling of waves made by the night breeze.
The silence wasn’t uncomfortable, it never was, thankfully the two could handle the quietness without fidgeting and wanting to fill it with words that wouldn’t add to anything. She hugs his arm, sighing softly as they hear the crickets chirping in the night, their daughter napping peacefully on Rooster’s stomach, “I’m scared.” she blinks when his voice breaks the silence, turning her head towards him, “I’m scared of talking about it.”
“I’m scared…of coming to terms with certain things.” he frowns, still looking ahead, “About Mav, my mom, my life…I fear they’ll overweight my progress. My professional progress I mean…I didn’t needed it before and needing it now seems weird. I know it’ll help me but I’m also nervous of what it’ll bring to the surface.”
Beatrice furrows her brows over his explanation, flicking her gaze away briefly to think before looking back at him, “You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, but it’d really help Brad.”
“I know.”
“And I know it’s scary…it was scary for me too,sometimes still is. Dr.Varma is an intense yet wonderful professional. Therapists can be like that.”
“Yeah…I guess.” he chuckles again, but immediately furrows his brows, “I don’t know Bea.I like…I can talk to you because I trust you and I love you so much, but I don’t want to overwhelm you with what I have.”
“You don’t overwhelm me.”
“You are my wife, not my therapist.” he says gently, cupping her chin between his thumb and forefinger, rubbing alongside her jawline until he reached her plump lips, smiling when she kissed the pad of his thumb, “Ugh,I’m still hesitating.” he drops his hand to Nicole’s back again, adjusting her on his torso so she’d be even more comfortable, “I shouldn’t be.”
“...I have an idea.” he arches his brow in question, “You can have one session with a therapist, doesn’t have to be Dr.Varma if you don’t want to. See how it feels and then…if it works, you continue with it. Does that sound good?”
He thinks about it for a few seconds, licking his lips as he ponders the pros and cons of that suggestion…honestly there were more pros than cons. If it goes well he can continue, maybe he can schedule days when he’s not deployed, he doesn’t want to miss anything with Beatrice and Nikki after all.
“How about this.” Bea speaks again, smiling at him, “Why don’t we wait after the Holidays and after we get back from Virginia?” he blinked at her in surprise, “We’ll be relaxed enough and hopefully you won’t be deployed then,”
“Huh…” he licks his lips, “I like that idea.”
“I thought you might.” she smiles, “I don’t want you to feel pressured,Brad, that’s not what I want,ever, for you…you need to think about it and when you do think about it, you’ll figure out what to do…and I’ll support you no matter what your choice is.” she grins and his heart flutters.
She’s so understanding, she’s so sweet and he’s the luckiest man around.
Both of them however look up when they hear a rumble of thunder, “Again?” He quickly stands to his feet with Nicole clutched to his chest, offering his hand to Beatrice, “It was clear skies minutes ago.”
“Well the weatherman said it’d be rainy this week.” She smiles as she pushes the door open, stepping inside first and Rooster following just behind. Nicole made a noise of complaint in his hold, burying her chubby face into his shirt and only making both of her parents look down at her, “It’s about her bedtime, we better tuck her in.”
Rooster tsked in disappointment, but he agreed with her, closing the door before Beatrice could and then holding her hand as they walked up the stairs. She looked down at their joined palms with her cheeks a soft red, turning her eyes up to see the back of his head and knowing that this meant a lot to him.
This hand holding meant a lot to him, more than he wanted to show.
Beatrice just sighs softly, their soft steps up the stairs mixing with the sound of rain that hit the roof repeatedly signaling that they left their patio just in time for the rain to arrive. Beatrice turns on the light so Rooster can place Nikki in her crib, the little girl stretching her arms and then relaxing once she’s on top of her mattress, breathing in deeply as relaxation took over her tiny body.
Rooster had his arms folded on top of the crib’s railing, chin propped on top and his eyes soft as he looked down at Nicole, his wife silently making her way over to him to peek over his shoulder, “I’ve never seen something more perfect.” he says as Beatrice hugs his torso and places her cheek on his shoulder, the two of them admiring their sleeping infant, “Have you?”
“And she’s ours.”
“She is.”
He inhales again, rubbing his eyes with the tips of his fingers, feeling Beatrice gently rubbing his bicep to comfort his already stormy thoughts, kissing his cheek quickly, “Come on.” she whispers, “We better go too, we both have to wake up early tomorrow.” she holds his hand again and Rooster lets her guide him away from there, kissing the back of her head as they leave the room, “Rooster!” 
He wraps his arms around her waist and walks along with her to their bedroom,well, more like they waddle towards their room. They laugh, muffledly to not wake Nicole up - Eleanor even peeked out of the nursery to give them an ugly look because to the dog, that was more noise than she’d like - with Beatrice leaning against his chest and brushing her hand on his face, “I love you.” he whispered, kissing her cheek, “I love you so much.”
“I love you too Roos.” she whispered, turning on the lights and finally breaking free from her husband’s hold to walk deeper into the room and sit down on the bed. Rooster follows the same steps and plops down next to her and both of them fell back on the mattress in unison, his hand immediately reaching out for hers, brushing his thumb over her knuckles.
“You know.” she turns her head towards him when he speaks, “Maybe the trip to Virginia will be good to ease my mind.” he mutters, “I can think better that way…hopefully I won’t be too worried about it anymore.”
Beatrice turns to lie on her shoulder, bringing their joined hands so she could prop her cheek on top, “As long you are okay.”
“I am okay.” he says softly, “I am much better than before…” and his eyes stop to look at her, those big green eyes with thick lashes that made him weak in the knees, the plump pink lips that always looked ready to be bitten and kissed, the button nose that crinkled whenever he tapped it, “You helped. A lot.”
She gave him a small smile, kissing his knuckles, “I’m glad…sometimes all we need is a skin care routine with your family.” they laugh again, a bit louder this time since they were far from Nicole’s room.
“Yeah.” he touches his extremely soft face again, arching his brows, “My face smells nice, like pomegranates.”
“Those are the best face masks.” she says, adjusting herself so she’s lying on the pillow instead of the mattress, watching as Rooster did the same, sighing softly as the softness surrounded him…and it was hard to keep his eyes open after that, but Beatrice didn’t mind.
She just watches as his chest moves evenly and his eyes finally slip shut, smiling and leaning closer to kiss his forehead, “Good night,Roos.” she whispers on his skin, “Sleep well.”
Luckily, he fell asleep quite quickly after their conversation, in fact he fell asleep too quickly, mid conversation with Beatrice. He had no nightmares, but instead he had a dream…a dream of a house, maybe a ranch? He saw horses, lots of trees, bushes filled with fruits and even a large lake in the distance.
And he saw Nikki,albeit a bit older, maybe around three or five, with a straw hat on her head eating fresh strawberries as she overlooked something on a hill. It didn’t look like it was anywhere he knew though, the mountains in the distance looked different, more…European. 
Like the ones he’d see in Italy during their honeymoon. 
He groans a bit in his sleep, stretching his body while still in bed only to feel the presence next to him move closer, that delicious smell of lavender entering his nose and making a smile spread over his lips, “Mornin’ gorgeous.” his thick with sleep voice murmured, nuzzling her hair and kissing her scalp, “Did I wake you?”
“Hmhm…” she says sweetly, blinking her eyes open towards him, “But it’s fine. How did you sleep?”
He drops the hand currently moving through the sandy brown strands with a happy sigh, “Honestly? Pretty good.” he smiles, turning to face her and gently rubbing his thumb on the corner of her eyes, seeing there were tiny pieces of hair clinging to them, “I had a dream that we were in a ranch of some sort.”
“Yeah, but not here,” he clears his throat to wake it up from the disuse, “It was…maybe Italy, I saw those mountains from Palermo…and Nikki was there too, but older, like three years old. She looked beautiful, she looked a lot like you.” he blinks his eyes a bit, “It was really nice.”
Beatrice smiles as she props her chin on his shoulder, “Well, my great grandparents had a ranch in Italy when my nonna was younger…did I tell you that?” 
“I think you did.”
“Maybe you were remembering things and joining them because you liked Italy that much.” she grins, pecking his lips twice before sitting on her knees, “I’m going to take a quick shower and then-” she pulls her hair up in a bun, “I’ll prepare breakfast, sounds good?”
“I can do it.”
“You have work today,Roos.” she says as soon as she’s out of the bed, adjusting the shirt on her body and shuffling to the bathroom after grabbing her clothes from the closet, “You don’t have to worry about that,handsome.”
Bradley huffs a soft laugh, sitting on the bed to watch her move around, “Bea.” he calls before she disappears into their bathroom, “Want some company?”
And her hesitation was the best thing because he could see she was turning the cogs in her head, because of time and because of what they could do…she was considering it, “Well…it is five in the morning.” he’s climbing out of the bed like a big cat ready to pounce, “And…Nikki is still asleep.” he ‘hum’ positively, getting even closer, “And…breakfast won’t take that long.”
“Nope,it won’t.”
“Although,” she presses a hand on his chest when he’s close enough, “We can’t spend too long here, so…um, you know. And-” she squeaks in surprise when he just picks her up and carries her to the bathroom, “Roos!”
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kaysters247 · 6 months
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Deadly Inferno {A Patrick Hockstetter Fic}
Word Count: 1056
Part 5 - Hate The Way
Warning: Mature Themes
I awoke the next morning laying face down on my pillow, my naked body covered with a thin sheet. The sun shown brightly through my bedroom window and I just felt..... alive. I rose my head up trying to adjust my sleepy eyes to the light, noting my camera was sitting firmly on my bed next to me with a photo next to it. I softly grabbed it from its spot and chuckled a little when I saw what it was. A picture of Patrick standing in the middle of my room with a shit eating grin on his face, me in the background knocked out, completely naked. That was a photo I'd have to hide for sure.
"Get your lazy ass up Les!" I jumped a little from the sudden sound of Henry from outside my room, thankful it was summer and not a school morning. I just plopped back down, smiling a little into the abyss I call my room. Last night jump started what I knew was going to be an eventful summer, one full of Patrick. Literally, since he knows every single inch of my body now. Speaking of, once I sat up, my body screamed to lay back down from how sore i truly was. My wrists were raw from how tightly he bound them above my head, little trails of fire marks lined my right arm because I wouldn't stop squirming during him eating me out. He punished me with fire, just like he said he would. And nearly tore me apart during sex.
"Les! You up??" Vic's hushed tone had me in a hurry to throw some clothes on, an Aerosmith shirt and skull pants doing the trick for the day. I threw my hair up into a bun, then swung my door open to greet Vic with a little smile. And he knew immediately that something had changed with me. He wasn't stupid. He always knew if something was up. Sometimes it was a curse to be honest.
"No.... Holy shit no.... Did you and Patrick.....?" I practically yanked him into my room, just as I saw Patrick himself coming out of Henry's room from across the hall before I could shut my door, his eyes lingering on me longer than they should have. But Henry wasn't around. So it didn't matter. He seemed..... humored. But simply walked away as if nothing happened.
"Don't announce it to the whole house Vic! I don't want to end up six feet under in the backyard today okay?" I slammed my door shut upon my words, hoping my dad was gone for the day. He usually was by now since it isn't a weekend. He walked around my room with such a smile on his face like he could burst at any given second, noting the photo still laying on my bed, now on my pillow where I left it last. His eyes grew wide, before handing it to me with a blush on his cheeks.
"Wow Les.... that's more of you than I've ever seen. Not that I'm complaining...." I slapped his arm a little with a blush of my own showing, not used to so much sexual attention. Patrick was my very first sexual encounter. He literally screwed my brains out for me to have left that photo laying around. If only I knew what trouble I was currently in.
{At The Quarry}
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“God this water feels fucking fantastic!" I practically glowed within the sunlight as I swam in the water that I could only guess was technically filth water. Yet, I didn't seem to care. It was summer, and i was having fun. Bev was grinning from ear to ear, seeing I was wearing the bathing suit we snuck out of a store together because my dad sure as hell would never approve of me owning this. Let alone wearing it.
"And your love marks look fantastic! Where do you get those?! I would love to have my own...." She winked at me in playfulness, knowing exactly where they came from but giving me a hard time. She loved doing that. She was like the little sister I never had. Only dreamed of.
"Her dark Prince. That's where." I jumped a little from Patrick's sudden voice in my ear, so caught up in my own thoughts that I never heard him sneak into the water behind me. His arms looped around my waist, never once moving his lips from my ear.
"So, did you enjoy your little alone time with Criss in your room? Did he like the photo? Because from what I heard he really enjoyed it....." His whispered words sent a shock of fear through me. He never left the hall. He must have came back when he heard the door slam. Shit.....
"It's not like that Pat...." His grip on me tightened, his fingers suddenly digging into my skin so harshly I had to hold back a yell from escaping my lips.
"Better not be princess. You won't like what happens if it is. I told you, you can't sleep with anyone else." During this whole exchange, Bev kept looking over at us because she could see the fear on my face. Yet, I didn't want to be away from him. I'm fucking crazy. Psycho.
"I'm not a slut Patrick." I muttered the words with such hatred, I was fuming now. Everyone thinks I'm the town slut. Amusing. His low chuckle in my ear only caused goosebumps to form on my skin, his grip finally easing a bit. Jealousy. He was jealous? He slowly kissed my neck, leaving a bite here and there, sucking on my skin before anyone else could see. Thankfully, Henry, Belch and Vic weren't around. That means Patrick followed us. Followed me. As usual.
"You're mine Leslie. Don't forget it." I closed my eyes with the sudden urge to attack him in the water about to outdo me, yet I held my own. He drove me absolutely insane in the best way. And I absolutely hate the way he makes me truly feel. I can't ever love this guy. Because it's not in our nature. But fuck, if he doesn't make me feel everything all at once. This summer was shaping up to be eventful. If only I knew how eventful.
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mhaynoot · 7 months
finished tgcf book 1 and here are some random thoughts i had through the book and certain passages that i kept rereading:
xie lian with sincerity: "if you pray to me for good luck, i think you might actually get cursed instead"
he actually ascended after 800 years of collecting scraps??? what. it took me until like the end of the novel to realise that wasn't joke and actually real what. what.
he's so pathetic meow meow i cant wait to see him cry and break my heart into itty bitty goey pieces (currently reading book 3 and im in hell now)
mu qing: passive aggressively bitching at xie lian
xie lian with sincerity: who are you?
he's really just murphy's law on embarrassment but at least everyone else is getting dragged into the pit he made (too bad he's right there next to them, falling flat on his cute face)
first arc flash review:
nan feng and fu yao are instantly obvious like i'd be more shocked if its revealed theyre actually not feng xin and mu qing but it's really really funny seeing them fall into pits one after another
wow that bridal sedan scene is so heart fluttering i think i reread each paragraph like 3 times
goddamn what a fucking ml introduction 👏👏
holy shit people actually die in this??? i was expecting the cannon fodder because he was just so fucking annoying but that woman too? damn that's just so sad
pei xiu meeting xie lian here is just retrospectively as embarassing as the second time
also very nice foreshadowing and setting up of themes
second arc flash review:
they just meet like that????
the donghua made it so obvious but even in the book, you can tell hua cheng was just desperately restraining himself whenever xie lian did some freaky flirty shit
he's such a sweet ml, i'm already foreseeing so much fucking suffering to counteract this blissfulness
dni curtain
i can't believe hua cheng just upped and left to get a tattoo AND make a brand new door after seeing the dni curtain
xie lian is so lax about things, its almost concerning like i get why feng xin and mu qing- i mean nan feng and fu yao are "?!?!?!?!" at him sksksk
i gasped at the venom sucking part, like audible breath and everything, holy fuck
also cute detail about how hua cheng disinfected his blade with nan feng's fire and how both of them did that with implicit understanding
honestly i did not foresee the general being xie lian and had to reread that passage again after finding out. so embarassing for him. i close my eyes. but also hua cheng making everyone kowtow to the grave is just that much sweeter
xie lian does not restrain himself with the skinship at all. he immediately becomes embarrassed afterwards yeah but he always instinctively wants to touch hua cheng sooo badly. like how tf is hua cheng still alive - no wait i guess it's because he's dead that's why.
"does it matter if you're human or not?" XIE LIAN YOU CAN'T JUST DO THAT TO HUA CHENG (AND ME)
LMAO nan feng running away when he heard xie lian offer to cook and then running back in to give hua cheng the stink eye and xie lian a warning only to leave again is just so funny, i was soo sad to not see that part in the donghua ver
last part and ending thoughts:
"your highness" ugngnnghhhngnn
the whole conversation between them and their upfrontness with each other is just so refreshing
im suprised they resolved this mystery so quickly, like i was expecting another arc or even a whole more book to dance around this but nope. xie lian says one "hua cheng" and then bam it's in the open.
donghua made xie lian full grab xie lian's face while it was a poke in the book but i approve of both versions, all very cute, all very likely to make hua cheng fall in love even more
awww he has to leave? ohmygod ringringring
and yep thats my thoughts so far
i read the whole book and then watched the donghua btw!! i'm not an "anime first" girlie, im a "the manga was better" loser tryhard always
also i just read all of book 3 by the time i finished writting this so lmao
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ladylooch · 9 months
Letters in Your Last Name - Chapter 29
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A/N: Another fun, sweet chapter. When they're having the moment before the part. Ugh... That sweetness! Also, the last 7 chapter have pretty big time skips between them. It was a slow, slow build story 🤣
Word Count: 4.2k
Warnings: Mature-ish themes, but not full blown smut.
“Buh!” Luca Fiala squeals to me, pointing his small finger at the punch I’m stirring around. It’s blue, his favorite color, causing his brown eyes to dance excitedly. He looks up at me, cheeks pinched from his large smile. I can’t help it; I smile back then smother his cute face with kisses.
“Juice!” I exclaim to him. “Only for the older kids though. Let’s get them hopped up on sugar and send them home.”
Renata, who is configuring the fruit tray, laughs at us both.
“Good idea. Luca is full of smiles today.” She murmurs, arranging the grapes on their vine so they stay on the platter.
“Well yeah! He’s a big, one year old!” I bounce Luca on my hip. He nods as if he understands, then points to a strawberry. He brings his fingers to his mouth and looks at his babička expectantly. I glance back at the clock, realizing he probably is hungry. “Renata, would you mind cutting up some of that fruit for him? There is also bananas on the counter.”
“I would love to!” She eagerly swoops the baby from my arms, murmuring to him in Czech as she walks him to his high chair. It’s so nice to have her and Jan here for Luca’s birthday. Every time we see them, they dive right in to support the household. Unfortunately, Laura could not get away from work as it’s currently their busy season.
“Where is daddy with those balloons?” I wonder, walking to the garage door and tugging it open. Kevin’s new Porsche is there, stuffed with balloons, but no Kevin.
“Babe?” I call, stepping one foot out the door.
“Ya?” He responds from somewhere I can’t see.
“You working hard or hardly working?”
His head pops up from the other side of the car and he glares at me.
“I’m trying to figure out how to get this… fucking… thing… out.” He huffs at me. I laugh and step further into the garage. My feet tingle in protest to the cold cement. March in Minnesota has yet to transition to warmer weather. The residual chill of winter clings fiercely to the ground. This morning, there were even a few snowflakes falling into our yard.
“Well you got it in okay?” I question, coming to stand next to him. His nose is wrinkled in distaste.
“What is this even for? He’s one.” His tone implies I’ve forgotten our son won’t remember today at all.
“Hush.” I silence him with an equal snip in my voice. He rolls his eyes and gestures for me to try pulling them out. I reach in, grabbing the end and tugging. After maneuvering two stubborn balloons around the seatbelt in the back, the entire thing comes out with ease. “Wow. Good thing you’re pretty.” I grin at my husband who throws his hands up in annoyance.
“I didn’t realize it was caught on something.” He grumbles, grabbing the other end and following me into the house.
When Kevin walks in behind me, Luca’s entire being lights up. He throws down his strawberry and squeaks for his dad. He bounces in the highchair, trying to get loose and reaches his arms up for Kevin. We walk the balloon arch to where Luca’s is, draping it so his chair is in the center. Renata helps us make a few more adjustments, then we tape it to the wall. I grin at the finished product, satisfied with my purchase.
“This is what it’s for.” I give my husband a pointed stare. He steps back and nods his head.
“Looks great.” His grin is extra cheesy before he bites his lip at my warning look. Kevin snickers as he leans down, rubbing Luca’s brown locks. Luca holds up a piece of banana to his dad. It has started to turn pink from mixing with the berries on the tray. Kevin shakes his head no.
“Nein danke, Kumpel.” Kevin responds to him. No thank you, buddy.
Luca turns, offering it to me.
“No, thank you.” Luca frowns then pops the fruit into his mouth.
“Did he sleep while I was gone?”
“No. He just cried, so we are going into the party with no nap.” Kevin widens his eyes and I nod my head in understanding.
“Should be interesting.”
“Fialas!” A bellow comes from the front door. Kevin and I turn, seeing Al, Felicia and the kids walking in. Sawyer and Serena immediately head into the living room, bypassing both of us and clicking on the TV. “Hey, rude.” Alex snaps his fingers at the kids, motioning for them to come back to greet us. “And tell your cousin happy birthday.” Alex insists after hugs have been received.
“Happy birthday, Luca!!!” Serena yells at him. Luca bops excitedly to her tone, reaching out for her to have a strawberry too. I laugh, shaking my head at his insistence on sharing. I don’t envision that sticking around in the toddler phase.
“How’s my cute nephew?” Alex wonders, taking Luca out of his highchair after removing his bib.
“He’s covered in food. Probably a little sticky too.” Kevin warns Alex.
“At this stage of parenthood, it doesn’t bother me.” He shrugs. “Let’s just say I’ve touched worse.” We all laugh with the knowledge of experiencing much worse than strawberry juice.
“He’s only going to get stickier as the day goes on.” I tell Kev, looking at his Alexander McQueen sweatshirt. He waves his hand at my questioning.
“Yeah, Kev, you better get that million dollar sweatshirt off.” Matt Boldy’s voice rings out from behind me.
“Matty!” I exclaim, wrapping him into a tight hug.
“Hi mama.” He says with his boyish grin. He’s grown up since we first met, but his charming smile has stayed the same. He keeps an arm wrapped around my shoulders as he teases my husband. “Dude what the fuck are you wearing?” He motions to Kevin’s sweatshirt. It’s definitely one of the more out there designs from McQueen- with tan skeletons patterned along the black fabric. “Like this is your one year old’s birthday party. Why are we channeling the grim reaper? Al, look at fucking daddy doom over here.” Matt’s eyes twinkle smugly. Alex chokes on a laugh and gives Matt a fist bump.
“You two fucks can walk out that door you just came in.” Kevin points to the open front door.
“It’s fashion. You two wouldn’t understand.” I insist with a deadpan expression. It doesn’t last long because we all start to laugh at Kevin’s obvious exasperation, including Luca.
“Hey.” Kevin whines, gesturing to our kid. “Give me my baby.” He huffs, taking him from Al’s arms. Luca doesn’t even rest against Kevin’s chest before Matt has his hands on him. Luca grins excitedly at Matt and reaches for him, wiggling against Kevin’s grip. Kevin begrudgingly releases the baby to his favorite Wild player. Luca grabs at Matt’s nose so Matt honks at him, causing infectious, squeaky giggles to break out of our son. I wrap my arms around Kevin’s hips, squeezing myself to him.
“Never change.” I whisper, tilting my lips up towards his face. My black lashes bat lightly together, doe eyes present to take the tension from Kevin. It works. His jaw relaxes and he presses me in tighter to his chest. Our lips meet gently together. My eyes close in pleasure as his hands dip into the back pockets of my jeans. Even with all these people around, his hands feel comfortable exploring his favorite places.
“I can’t wait to have you later.” He whispers against my lips.
“You had me this morning.” I reminded him as I lay my cheek against his chest. My hands run up this back, resting as far up as they can go then pressing my palms in to hold me to him. His fingers weave together at the small of my back. We sway slightly as people move around us, continuing to prepare for our guests.
“Wasn’t enough. It never is.” His lips sweep the top of my head as he speaks. I smile in full agreement.
More guests arrive and the party begins to fill. Luca is instantly showered with attention. Our little ham of a boy is eating it up- for the most part. There was only one hiccup when his tears had to be soothed after being told by his dědeček Jan that he couldn’t have a cupcake yet.
Soon enough, after being stuffed full of tacos, Luca’s inherited sweet tooth is finally cured.
I watch expectantly from my seat next to him as Kevin sets Luca’s ombre blue smash cake in front of him with the big, number 1 placed in the center.
“Happy birthday, Luca!” Kevin exclaims, running his hand over our son’s brown hair.
Luca stares intently at the cake, then pulls his brown eyes away to look at all of us. His eyes are wide, taking in all the adults staring at him. We are all leaned down, wild expressions filled with excitement, hoping he will make a mess shoving his small hands into his cake.
“Ya gotta eat it.” Serena encourages him from where she has wiggled in next to Renata.
Luca’s brown eyes slide to Kevin, then to me and his lips begins to tremble.
“You’re okay, baby.” I comfort him, getting down to his level and smooching at his cheek. Kevin goes to the other side and we both kiss at his puffed cheeks, causing his tremble to turn into an infectious giggle. The crowd awes and snaps pictures. Luca reaches for the cake with a newfound confidence and grabs a handful of the frosting. Instead of bringing it to his mouth, he puts it against Kevin’s mouth. The crowd dissolves into laughter as Kevin nods his head, licking his lips.
“Probably should have saw that coming. Tastes great though. Good job, babe.” He gives a thumbs up, then grabs the napkin from my mom to wipe the rest off. Our eyes meet over our baby causing my heart to flutter. My goodness, he still gets to me.
Luca begins to smash his hands in the cake forcefully causing more gleeful yells from the crowd. Soon, he’s back to putting on a show and covered from head to toe in blue frosting.
“What a messy boy.” Renata murmurs, eyes twinkling with pure joy at being here.
“I’ll take this kind of mess over his newborn stage any day.” I joke with her, watching as he grabs a fist full of the darkest blue frosting and shoves it into his already matted hair. “I’m glad it’s daddy’s turn for bath time too.”
“I think it’s going to have to be a shower.” Kevin laughs, tilting his head and taking in our beaming son.
“Kevin’s first birthday was just like this. Except he dove face first into the real cake.” She shakes her head with a far off look. “Took days to get the frosting out of his baby rolls.”
“And thus began his love affair with cake.” I thread my fingers through the side of Kevin’s hair, resting my hand against his neck.
“I was a really fat baby.” He tells me with widened eyes. “Luca missed that stage.”
“Maybe our next baby will be chunky.” I say to Kevin casually. Luca reaches out with his hand to us filled with cake. The sugary goodness oozes out from between his fingers as he squeezes. He squeals in delight at the feeling in his hand. Kevin stares dreamily at me, leaning forward and kissing the side of my mouth, begging for my lips. I turn, placing them together. “Not yet.” I whisper to him. Kevin knows this. Luca’s birth was traumatic. I needed to heal more than just physically after it.
“I know. But…” And he trails off, not even knowing how to express his deep, yearning desire to fill this house with our babies. “Thank you.” He finally says to me instead. “For giving us the greatest gift.”
“You helped.”
“I did nothing.” He shakes his head with a scrunched look. “And that’s why I will wait patiently and quietly until you’re ready.” He turns away from me to look back at our son. I watch his features, noting the way his strong cheeks tighten with a smile as Luca smashes some more cake on his tray. Kevin leans his head slightly back to laugh causing a lump of overwhelming appreciation to lodge in my throat.
“Damn it.” The words drop from my lips breathlessly. Looking at his face, knowing what kind of a dad and husband he has been to our family. I know we can do anything together. I’m about ready to go right here in front of all our guests.
“Hmm?” He asks, a questioning look pulling his eyebrows down.
“I want this with you again. You know that.”
“Yes, mama.” He smiles, eyes soft and adoring. “In the meantime, I’m going to go clean up the birthday boy. He’s looking about five minutes away from lights out.” Kevin stands, setting his can of Coke Zero down. He places a gentle hand under my chin, tilting my lips up so he can place his on mine. When they touch, small, vibrating tingles trail down my face and lodge in my chest. Kevin’s smile against my lips tells me he feels them too. “I’ll never get sick of this.” His nose nudges mine briefly as he pulls away.
Kevin walks to Luca’s highchair as the crowd begins to disperse to other areas. The birthday boy squeaks in protest at Kevin’s murmurs about cleaning up. Kevin pulls off his designer sweatshirt to expose a plain white T beneath. He picks Luca up and our baby wiggles against him in protest, instantly smearing blue across the blank shirt.
“Let’s go give mama kisses. It’s kinda her day too.” Kevin says as I stand to meet them. Luca’s eyes are already drooping. He reaches up to rub at his face, blinking rapidly against the frosting getting in his eyelashes. I pucker my lips to him as he leans in, thrusting his sticky, wet lips against mine.
“Oh! You taste as sweet as you look.” I lean forward and smooch both of his cheeks loudly. Despite his tiredness, a little smirk comes through on his face. Everything about him reminds me of his daddy. I shake my head, meeting my husband’s gaze. “He’s too much like you.”
“Yeah, we are in trouble.” Kevin confirms, giving Luca’s belly a quick poke. “To the shower.”
Later that night, I’m in Luca’s room, rocking him in the chair next to his bed. As I brush his baby hairs away from his forehead, my mind begins to wander a year in the past. I can remember vividly how terrifying it was to hold him here, just days after giving birth, while Kevin was packing for his first road trip.
“Babe, have you seen my suit bag?” Kevin asks, coming into the nursery to find me quietly sobbing. “Are you okay?” His voice comes out dripping with concern as he rushes to me. His eyes scan both Luca and I, not seeing any obvious signs of distress.
“Are you in pain?” He asks, kneeling down next to the chair. “I know you don’t want to take the meds, but if you need them, the doctor said-“
“I’m not in pain.” I insist even though I am, but that’s not what is wrong. “I don’t want you to leave us.”
Kevin’s hand rubbing my back stills. His eyes slide away from mine and look down at our sleeping newborn being supported by a pillow under my arms. When he speaks, his words are carefully chosen and quiet.
“You know I have to go. I would rather stay here with you.” I nod, more tears dashing down my cheeks. I look away from him as my chest starts to heave with heavier sobs. My abdomen tightens and pain throbs along my incision site. This is really, really hard. I couldn’t have imagined how difficult this would be even a week ago. But right now, I’m still healing. There is so much I am relying on Kevin to do. Also, don’t even get me started on how difficult and painful breastfeeding has been. The newborn life I imagined for us had a lot more glow than the reality so far.
“I don’t know how I can do this by myself.” I finally say to him, voice shaking with each word.
“Tell me what to say, babe… I don’t know…” Kevin struggles, reaching for my arm. “I’m here.”
“But in an hour you won’t be. And it will just be me and him.” I turn back to look at my husband. I can see the distress in Kevin’s features. The silence blankets the room. What more is there left to say? He can’t stay. I’ll have to do this on my own. Knowing this, I gather the courage to wipe away my tears. “Your suit bag is in the front closet.”
“Sam.” My name sounds painful as it falls from his lips. I shake my head at him as Luca begins to whine in my arms.
“Go finish packing. I have to feed Luca anyway.” After a pause of hesitation, Kevin silently rises and leaves the room.
The Wild wives warned me about this. The sadness, resentment and ache of loneliness that comes from co-parenting with an NHL player. I didn’t expect to feel it so soon. I slowly maneuver my aching body to undress enough for Luca to eat. He latches immediately, which is good, but my nipples are sore and chapped, so it’s painful. Kevin returns minutes later.
“I called your mom and she’s going to come stay with you two while I’m gone.” I open my mouth to respond but he holds a hand up to silence me. “I’ll never actually know what this has been like for you. But I hope you don’t think that I’m getting off easy here. I don’t think I’ll ever get over how helpless I felt watching what you went through to have him. It kills me watching how much pain you are in knowing that I can’t take any of this from you. I’ve been dreading this road trip every other minute since Luca was born. I don’t want to leave you. I don’t want your mom to come over and take care of you. It should be me. That’s what I signed up for. But I can’t. All I can do is get on that plane and work my ass off, so I can make this worth something to us.” Sadness is obvious in his eyes as he gets on his knees in front of me. “I love you so much, Sam. More than anything else in this world.”
His hands are shaking from trying to control his emotions. He places one hand against Luca’s head where he is still nursing. Kevin takes in the sight of him suckling, thumb brushing across the thick, dark hair he was born with. Soon, Luca is asleep again, releasing his vice like grip on me. Kevin reaches for him, pulling him up to his shoulder and gently patting his back. Our baby whines at being awaken, but Kevin soothes him gently in Czech. I slide my clothing into place again and lean back, watching my boys.
“This will get easier.” I finally say to my husband. “It’s hard right now because everything is so new.” Kevin nods in response as he paces the room with Luca. “I love you.” I say gingerly, causing him to turn to look at me. “How could I not when you look that good with our baby on your chest?”
In a few more weeks, things did get easier. We found a new routine that worked for the three of us. Kevin showed up every way I asked him to and more. When he couldn’t be here, the village of NHL Wives arrived at our door with reinforcements like dinner and an extra set of arms. My lips lift into a smile, thinking of how far we have come since that first week, including our son.
At a year old, Luca Fiala has changed significantly. Gone is the new baby smell and fresh skin. In their place is rolls of perfect pudge and the smell of lavender soap. His limbs are sprawled out every which way instead of being neatly tucked into a swaddle. His eyes are closed and I find myself counting every one of his long lashes he inherited from his dad. His mouth has ceased sucking on his nook. One day soon, we will need to start breaking him from that, but for now, we let him. It’s one more sign that he’s still our baby even as every day he looks and acts more like an actual person.
I look up at motion in the doorway, seeing my husband leaning against the door jam. The hallway light casts his shadow into the room. The darkness of it hides his face, but even from there I can feel his desire reaching out for me.
“He fell asleep awhile ago.” Kevin points out. He’s growing impatient at having to wait for me to join him in bed.
“I can’t put him down.” I confess.
“Maybe this will entice you.” He murmurs, pulling his shirt over his shoulders to expose his toned body. He’s in late season form. My body begins to tingle, thinking of my tongue sliding along every groove of his abdomen.
“That’ll do.” I nod, standing and walking to Luca’s crib. I set him in, re-positioning his pajamas that had slid awkwardly off his shoulder. He’s in between sizes right now and nothing fits him quite right.
“Works every time.” Kevin chuckles, taking my hand and leading me from the room.
Unexpectedly, after closing the door to Luca’s room, I burst into tears.
“Whoa, babe.” Kevin murmurs, pulling me into his chest and walking us further down the hall, away from our sleeping son.
“He’s growing up so fast.” I sob. “I’m not ready for this. It’s like.. first birthday, then going to school then driving and boom, he moves out!”
“There are thousands of days before most of those things happen.” Kevin soothes me. “And don’t think I didn’t notice you not talking about a first date in there.”
“Stop. I am already emotional enough without that discussion.” I throw my hands around his strong shoulders and he picks me up.
“I better take your mind off all that growing up.”
“Yeah.” I encourage him as his lips find my neck. “Fuck me until I can’t think.” I insist as he lays me on my back. He pulls my t-shirt up from my stomach, then begins to place light kisses along the surface. It’s not a surprise to me that his lips go over my c-section scar. It’s been a regular occurrence since Luca. Tonight, his lips stay there longer, pressing deep into my skin until his nose is smushed there as well. He caresses my body like he’s thanking it for all that it’s done. My fingers slide through his brown locks as he sighs against me. Goosebumps break out across my stomach when he pulls away to look at me.
“Earlier, when you were carrying Luca around the kitchen, putting the chips in a bowl…” He trails off as he slowly crawls up the bed to me. “I wanted to grab you.” I bite my lip and let out a heavy sigh as his thumbs come to my nipples. “And fuck you against the counter until you couldn’t hold yourself up anymore.”
“That would have been quite the show for your mom.” I joke to him, watching as he leans down to connect our lips in a soft press. Kevin laughs against my mouth.
“Yeah.. I guess it’s a good thing I have some self control.” He tugs my lip into his mouth, nibbling gently.
“You’re pretty obsessed with me these days.” I point out to him, appreciating the feeling of his hands unbuttoning my jeans.
“I always am.”
“No. This is different.” I insist to him, threading my hands through his hair. He pauses his movements, tilting his head to look at me. He waits, looking at my features, wondering if he should say what’s on his mind. “Kev.” I murmur, not giving him longer to decide.
“Luca is getting older and… I just… I love watching you as a mom to our kid. I loved watching you grow our kid too. I want to watch you do both. Like right now.”
“First of all, how dare you say Luca is getting older. He is going to be our baby forever.” Kevin snorts at me. “Second of all, I was thinking…” I trail off, looking at the dark stubble lining his jaw line. “Maybe this is the last month I’ll take my birth control.”
“You know I’m 100% okay with that. But, I want you to know you’re ready for that. Today was the first time you even considered the idea with me”
“I know.” I insist, shaking my head. “But, I do feel ready to try.”
“Okay. Promise me that if we get to next month and you feel differently, you’ll do what you feel is best.” I nod my head in agreement.
We seal our deal with a kiss.
After, I watch the father of my child kiss down my abdomen and take my sensitive flesh into his mouth.
I moan, Kevin hums, and all other thoughts disappear.
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shipping-all-ships · 2 years
Akatsuki Roommates AU
The front door banged up open while Deidara was on the leather couch scrolling through twitter, slamming hard against the wall from the kick it had received.
“We’re back, fuckers!” Hidan announced as he sauntered in, a mannequin under one arm and an ice-cream cone in his other hand.
“Kakuzu is going to kill you for putting a hole in the wall, hm.” Deidara said, glancing up from his phone in time to see Sasori enter, two mannequin’s in his arms, and kick the door closed with his foot. “Welcome back, Danna.”
Sasori gave no acknowledgement, throwing his mannequin’s down onto the foyer floor and kneeling, starting to strip them and asses their limbs. Hidan tossed his own onto the pile before turning to glare at Deidara.
“What bullshit, I don’t get a welcome back?” Hidan gripped, slinking over to the couch and leaning against the back, one arm slinging around Deidara’s shoulder and a wide grin stretching across his face. “You know, blondie, I really like hanging out with your man. He’s cool and he even brought me ice-cream. I think I might be in love. He’s our man now.”
Deidara rolled his eyes, irritation and possession crawling under his skin. “Get off, your heavy.”
“Rude. Our man didn’t say that when I leaned on him,” Hidan said, brining the cone to his mouth for a lick, only for Deidara to lean in and bite off the pile of ice-cream on top. Hidan stared at the cone in shock. “My ice-cream.”
“Our ice-cream.” Deidara managed to say around his mouthful, trying not to grimace at the feel of the cold food on his teeth.
“You dick! Give me that back!” Hidan yelled, quickly shoving himself over the back of the couch and onto Deidara, resulting in both of them ending up on the floor, barely missing the coffee table.
They wrestled for a few moments before Hidan got Deidara pinned and squished his cheeks with one hand, leaning down to lick into Deidara’s mouth. Deidara shrieked, which just opened his mouth more, which let more of Hidan’s tongue into his mouth. 
Deidara managed to throw him off, skittering away and wailing in agony, wiping at his tongue. “You licked my mouth! Danna, he frenched me!” 
“You shouldn’t have stole my ice-cream, bitch!” Hidan said around his now mouthful of ice-cream, looking around at the carpet. “Fuck, where did the rest go?”
“Kakuzu is going to kill you for getting ice-cream on his couch and carpet.” Sasori said, finally looking up from his work. There was a pile of clothes in his arms, as well as two seperate piles of mannequin parts. “The couch is easy to wipe off but that carpet is an antique and will likely stain.”
“Fuck me!” Hidan groaned, flopping back onto the floor and glancing under the couch. “Oh, there it is.”
Sasori watched him pick up the cone and start eating it before turning to Deidara. “Here, you can have these. There kids sizes but you never wear real shirts that fit anyway.”
Deidara immediately stopped his wailing, brightening up as he hurried over to Sasori. “Really? Thank you, Danna! I’ve been meaning to go shopping for new shirts, hm!”
His current shirt was a hot pink crop top that read Baby Slut in glittering purple letters, so Sasori agreed with that assessment, even if the shirt was true.
“Wow, you got over that shit fast,” Hidan commented, watching as Sasori gathered up his mannequin parts and Deidara was assessing each shirt. He was still on the floor and munching on his cone.
Both men began to make their way upstairs, leaving Hidan alone until a dark shadow appeared from the kitchen doorway.
“Hidan, what the fuck did you do to my carpet?!”
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