#currently reading book 13 so i was 2 books ahead of my original goal
nordic-language-love · 10 months
Officially updated my Goodreads 2023 goal from 15 to 20 books. I'm actually hoping to surpass that too, but I need to keep my goal realistic if I want to have any hopes of continuing towards it. If I set it to 25 now, I'll just see it as unrealistic and be intimidated by it and give up completely. Besides, I don't know what will happen in the next few months, and giving myself wiggle room to fall behind and then catch up again is always a good idea.
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Hey Sweetheart,
I’m so sorry something triggered you earlier. I’m glad I sent that last letter just in time then. Even if it may have only helped a little. I hope you’re able to sleep well tonight and get plenty of rest. Also, I hope waking up you feel better. I responded to your answers to the questions I asked and answered them too. Figured it would help you get to know me more.
1. I’ve been wanting to read a Stephen King novel for a while but I’m currently reading The Hollow Ones by Guillermo Del Toro and chuck Hogan. I love the show Twin Peaks! I was super unaware there was a book!!
2. That’s so cool you got to go ghost hunting with the cast of ghost hunters! I think ghost hunting is really cool and I definitely plan to do it at least once someday. My favorite memory is when I scared the shit out of a group of NFL players in a haunted maze when I was dressed as a vampire.
3. Picking at/biting your lips can count. As much as I love reading, whether it’s books or fanfics, I have a habit of my eyes skipping ahead on me and reading further ahead. I used to skip to the last page to read the last sentence but I haven’t done that in a few years.
4. Do you have an idea of what kind of book you would want to publish? I would love to finally write a movie script. I don’t care if it gets used or not. Just the idea of finally accomplishing that, would be amazing.
5. It’s terrible that people think it’s okay to yell at or berate wait staff and retail workers. I’m one of those people who go out of my way to stack up the plates and trash at the end of the table when I go to restaurants. The people who think it’s okay to cheat don’t deserve to be loved or be in relationships period. I hate how people don’t realize how easy it is to put in effort to make the relationship work.
6. Pancakes are hands down the best!
7. Vampires are really interesting. I’d definitely pick that one too
8. I have a family that’s so big I wouldn’t want to wish it on anyone. I’d honestly rather be in a small family
9. I never got to grow up in one place, not military. And honestly it really hurt my childhood.
10. Seeing yourself happy, being published, owning a home, and having a family are really great goals. I could definitely say the same for myself with the addition of being more well traveled.
11. My funniest experience involved me getting a C.A.T. scan. So the radiology tech asked if I ever had surgery to have anything removed or metal added in. Without missing a beat I said, “nope I’m still a whole person.” I’ve never heard someone laugh that hard in my entire life. I really must have caught her off guard with that one.
12. Eyes are what I notice first too. There’s so much you can tell about someone with how they express their emotions by their eyes. I also look at body language too. People can lie but their bodies tell the truth.
13. That’s a really good goal. I’ve been feeling nostalgic for the Christmases we had as kids. So I’m really trying to emulate that this year.
14. I’m going to be honest, I was super nervous but excited when I sent the first ask. I get that same feeling every time I hit submit. I’m enjoying getting to know you more.
Honestly if you ever need/want to vent about anything and everything I’m here for you. Just call out to me in a post and I’ll be there.
Song to go with this letter: Do I Wanna Know? - Arctic Monkeys
-Your Secret Admirer
awww thank you, and thank you for providing those answers! if you want some Stephen King recs, my favorites of his are the stand, the dark tower series, the shining, and salem’s lot! the stand is massive, both editions, but I recommend the uncut version! it’s longer, but it includes everything that his publisher made him cut out to shorten the length of the original novel. as for twin peaks, there are actually three books! the secret history of twin peaks and the final dossier (don’t read that last one unless & until you’ve seen season 3!), and the secret diary of laura palmer. i recommend all three, if you’re a big fan of the show!
i love your favorite memories and other things as well! as for what book i wanna publish, im currently slowly working on a horror novel right now! I’d like to try & get it published someday, if I ever get it done and ready. what about your movie script?
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mjdavid · 3 years
13 July 2021
(10 AM, Tuesday | Rosewood, PH)
Be warned. Venting out general frustrations ahead. Proceed with caution and a sense of humor:
Just when you thought that your government had run out of ways to disappoint you, it fucking goes the extra mile to run your country to shit in ways you could probably never imagine.
This current admin is fucking us up so bad and it's not even the good kind.
In drunken nights I've spent in my apartment at Pasay in the past few years, it's become quite a trend for me to catch myself mutter: You know what? It's this dickhead's Quezon's fault.
What was he on when he was delivering the speech that had something along the lines of "it's better to have government run like hell by Filipinos, than a government run like heaven by *foreigners*"?
I mean, I get it. Sure.
We've never really been that independent for centuries then, but, man, have we been conditioned for so long to fold right away.
Because of our extreme hospitality, we've basically received every colonizer in our islands with arms wide open and taught ourselves to fear them as a welcome gift.
Critical thinking? The fuck is that?
Religion played a huge role here, of course. As soon as the white-men found our land, we were immediately indoctrinated with a belief, which, ironically, originated from a place/culture, some of these racist fucks hate anyway.
Being raised a hard-core Catholic (like the rest of us here), I was made to feel guilty every time I question my family's/peer's faith. Although very much obvious, I believe there is a need to state how fragile this faith is, if such is the case.
Of course, there are quite a few exceptions.
Those whom I've met who are faithful, yet discerning. Capable of living their faith, expounding the logic behind their subscription to this specific brand of belief.
For those I people I have a deep sense of respect. For a slight bit, it might be even said that I admire these people, because of how few they are out there.
Now, with all that being said, what's my point here?
Nothing, actually.
Like I said from the beginning, I just wanted to spill out a few ink, to vent my general frustrations from reading the news on my Twitter feed.
Here's such a sad place to live, man. Now is such a sad time to live.
Anyway, I still have more than half of the day to live through.
So far, I've spent it to cook myself breakfast (leftover sausage, egg, hashbrowns), watch an episode of New Girl (Season 2), and weigh myself.
This morning, pre-breakfast, I weighed 64.4 kg. The overall goal is to get myself back to 60 to 63.
Up in the afternoon, I have a meeting to attend to for work (SAAD-related) and I plan on working out and getting myself back on track in terms of meditation.
Even with the Work From Home arrangement going on for more than a month now, I still feel like I badly need to go on vacation to take my mind off the blandness of everyday life.
Everything feels routinary.
Because of the pandemic, now that taking myself on a date is not a very wise option to consider, and, also, staying at home is a must, even the most spontaneous activities have become mundane.
I've been losing interest in almost everything which I used to enjoy in my free time. I've lost interest in playing online games (which probably explains why I got hooked to chess again, reading books. Even dancing.
Hopefully, I get my mojo back in terms of my creative pursuits, because we aren't getting any younger.
Are you?
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jonathanalumbaugh · 6 years
Weekly Digest
Dec 23, 2017, 4th issue.
A roundup of stuff I consumed this week. Published weekly. All reading is excerpted from the main article unless otherwise noted.
When women are discussed on the main economics discussion forum, the conversation moves from the professional to the personal...
Even with generous subsidies, low-income people are still unlikely to buy health insurance...
Managers are biased negatively against minority workers, and this, in turn, makes the minority workers perform worse...
Living standards may be growing faster than GDP growth...
The World Bank’s $1-a-day poverty line inadequately deals with local context, and a better measure can be derived through more complicated math...
Decriminalizing sex work makes it safer and more common...
Poor kids who grow up in rich neighborhoods do a lot better than poor kids who grow up in poor ones...
Better trained doctors mean fewer opioid related deaths...
After a bad outcome, female surgeon’s referrals went down much more than male surgeons...
The average worker does not value an Uber-like ability to set their own schedule...
Foreign finance has led to more inequality...
Preschool programs targeted at the poor don’t work nearly as well as universal pre-school programs...
Shocks to the economy in certain sectors can have larger effects on the entire economy than previously thought...
— 13 economists on the research that shaped our world in 2017
Comments section: Pilote345 - NO WONDER: Recently, the pilots' pay was less than it was in the 1980's. They might be trying to improve, but for example, I just now found Allegiant Air found pays MD-80 1st Officers $34,440.00, not much more than the $15/hour crowd wants for starting burger flippers.
— Airlines battle growing pilot shortage that could reach crisis levels in a few years
Under Schmidt’s leadership, Google notched its fair share of not-quite-not-evil missteps. After getting everyone hooked on Gmail and Search, the company started to erode some of its original privacy promises.
— Be Kind of Evil
“People want to cast it as a choice between policy or technology as a solution but those should exist hand-in-hand. We would have never gotten renewable energy prices where they are today without really ambitious public policy. It shows the importance of bold goals,” Brown says.
— California Poised To Hit 50% Renewable Target A Full Decade Ahead Of Schedule
“Keep your phone away from your body,” the state health department writes. “Although the science is still evolving, some laboratory experiments and human health studies have suggested the possibility” that typical long-term cell phone use could be linked to “brain cancer and tumors of the acoustic nerve,” “lower sperm counts,” and “effects on learning and memory.”
— California says the only safe way to talk on your cell phone is to text
Developer infatuation with Chrome is not good — because competition between browsers is good.
— Chrome is Not the Standard
The initial physical deployment of 5G networks alone could pack a major economic punch. A 2017 Accenture report forecasts the cellular communications industry will invest $275 billion in new networks, which will create up to 3 million jobs and add some $500 billion to the United States’ gross domestic product. Longer term, researchers expect the new 5G networks to help stimulate productivity growth to rates not seen since the 1950s.
— The Coming 5G Revolution
In early tests, the company claims the feature helped to reduce ghosting behavior on its service by 25 percent.
— Dating app Hinge rolls out a new feature to reduce ‘ghosting’
Liberated from the diamond and pointing calmly eastward, perhaps a designer’s pure intent is revealed—direction for an otherwise aimless walk in the woods.
— Decoding the Mysterious Markers on the Appalachian Trail
Trade the ginkgo biloba for a bag of spinach during your next stop at the store: Leafy greens may be your best resource for boosting memory... The study involved 960 people, all between 58 and 99 and without dementia. Everyone enrolled in the study was part of the Memory and Aging Project, which has been ongoing since 1979 at the Knight Alzheimer's Disease Research Center at Washington University.
— Edward Snowden on Twitter
Commander Persera swam out into intergalactic space last week, she says in a forum post, piloting a ship called the Jack of Flames. The reason for the trip is simply to go further from Sol than anyone else (a previous record was set by one Commander Deluvian, who travelled 65,652 lightyears from Sol along a similar route). But also, she says, to bring a canister of mugs from the infamous Hutton Orbital space station into the void and leave them there. Just because.
— Elite Dangerous pilots are scrambling to rescue an explorer stranded in the void between galaxies
[Eminem says] that he's not making his music for other artists who aren't fans to begin with.
— Eminem Responds to Vince Staples’ Criticism of Him
Reports so far claim the spec will offer support for low, mid, and high-band spectrum from below 1 GHz (like 600 and 700 MHz) all the way up to around 50 GHz while including the 3.5 GHz band. It’s been said that the first 5G networks for consumers will begin rolling out in 2019 and this will continue throughout 2020.
— First 5G Specification has been Declared Complete by the 3GPP
As Brian and his wife wandered off toward the No. 2 train afterward, it crossed my mind that he was the kind of guy who might have ended up a groomsman at my wedding if we had met in college. That was four years ago. We’ve seen each other four times since. We are “friends,” but not quite friends. We keep trying to get over the hump, but life gets in the way.
— Friends of a Certain Age
Comment section: Blaming Amazon for this is wrong. The people make a choice to work for them. This is an indictment on our society that forces these people to have to work. Amazon isn’t a charity that should have to take care of people. But it’s all of us who are to blame.
— A Glimpse Inside CamperForce, Amazon's Disposable Retiree Laborers
Effective filmmakers, no matter their genre or taste, put their fingers in the air, feel for a current, and then make art that either complements or pushes against it. They distill the world they live in, which is why there’s no such thing as an apolitical film.
— How Big Screen Sci-Fi and Horror Captured 2016’s Political Paranoia
The Legislative Analyst’s Office predicts California will eventually make more than $1 billion annually from taxing recreational marijuana.
What makes for an effective office environment? Random encounters with your coworkers. And food. Lots and lots of food.
— How to Build a Collaborative Office Space Like Pixar and Google
Fidelity suggests having your yearly income saved at 30, three times your income at 40, seven times your income at 55, and 10 times your income at 67.
— How Much Should You Have Saved at Every Age?
HCI (human-computer interaction) is the study of how people interact with computers and to what extent computers are or are not developed for successful interaction with human beings.
— Human-computer interaction, from University of Birmingham
The company says it is now focused on “on developing and investing in globally scalable blockchain technology solutions,” but, as reported by Bloomberg, it has exactly zero partnerships in the works with crypto firms
— Iced Tea Maker's Stock Price Triples After Adding 'Blockchain' to Name”
9 “Should you invite someone who assaulted you to your wedding.” No.
— It Came From The Search Terms: “I Can See The Sun In Late December”
The best way to cook a steak is medium rare. Plenty of people will disagree with this statement, for different reasons.
— Medium Rare: The Best Way to Cook a Steak
It sounds like it was made by an algorithm. It checks off so many boxes it could land in anyone’s “Because you watched” recommendations.
— Netflix’s first big movie “Bright” feels like a blockbuster built by an algorithm
State law that is rarely invoked requires tied elections to be settled by “lot.”
— Oyster shucking? A duel? No, Virginia will pull a name from a film canister to settle tied election
— Parents give teacher wine with son's face on label
— Reggie Watts: Fuck Shit Stack
— Reggie Watts: Humor in music
Self-efficacy is defined as a personal judgement of "how well one can execute courses of action required to deal with prospective situations".
— Self-efficacy (Wikipedia)
The problem Haven aims to address is known as an “evil maid” attack. Basically, many of the precautions you might take to protect your cybersecurity can go out the window if someone gains physical access to your device.
— Snowden's New App Turns Your Spare Android Phone into a Pocket-Sized Security System
After doing a lot of online research and making a terrible mess, I thought I could make a tutorial for humble people like me. If I can do it, you can do it too.
— The Ultimate Guide to DIY Screw Post Book Binding
The robot obediently appeared in the distance, floating next to Miller. Miller then walked into the same space as the robot and promptly disappeared. Well, mostly disappeared, I could still see his legs jutting out from the bottom of the robot. My first reaction was, “Of course that’s what happens.” But then I realized I was seeing a fictional thing created by Magic Leap technology completely obscure a real-world human being. My eyes were seeing two things existing in the same place and had decided that the creation, not the engineer, was the real thing and simply ignored Miller, at least that’s how Abovitz later explained it to me.
— We Need to Talk About Magic Leap's Freaking Goggles
What’s this mistake so many make? It’s using your current job title as your headline.
— What Your LinkedIn Headline Reveals About Your Self-Confidence At Work
With the Dec. 14 repeal, Comcast and others will be able to charge content companies exorbitant fees without, technically, blocking. This fundamentally changes how the internet works, argues Ryan Singel, a fellow at the Center for Internet and Society at Stanford Law School.
— What will happen now that net neutrality is gone? We asked the experts
The story [Cat Person] stuck with me because I, too, have felt like the story’s main character, Margot. I have belittled myself to make a man in a vulnerable situation feel more comfortable. I have allowed myself to spend time with boys who I did not like that much but who I felt I owed my time to because they really liked me. And I have also taken part in the practice of ghosting- ignoring somebody who is texting me, instead of outright rejecting them. With time, I have gotten much better at being straightforward when someone is interested in me and the feeling is not reciprocated, but I still do the dance many women do: We exert energy into finding the most polite, passive way to get ourselves out of uncomfortable situations with men.
— Why Women Are Ghosting You
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sightful-tangents · 4 years
january 1, 2020
Hi friends. It’s been a while, hasn’t it. I usually try and write something once a month or so but obviously I dropped the ball last year.
Can you believe it’s 2020? I think each year I start taking my resolutions more and more seriously. It’s one of those long-term commitments that I’ve found deeply rewarding just because of the passage of time. Simply with setting goals and the year passing by (for like, 5 years now) makes me excited with each coming year to think about what I want to accomplish, and how I want to shape my life.
But we’re getting ahead of ourselves. My 2020 themes note has been living in my phone for months now, but we’re here for the 2019 retrospective (original post here). It’s been quite a year. Here we go, on how I did.
1. Put down roots. This resolution was three-pronged: a sturdy mental foundation, a sense of belonging in a place, and a feeling of belonging with people. I think I mostly accomplished that - my mental health (minus a very very stressful 1.5 months at work) has been mostly good, bolstered by well-timed vacations that cleared my head SO well (ugh, I *need* these breaks , that’s what I learned). I’ve been living in my basement for a bit over a year now and my space is coming together. I’m starting to really like being at home and in my space and feeling comfortable and content there. And lastly, a feeling of belonging with people… I do think I depend my relationships this year. I let a few go (or more like, I no longer hold those as dearly) but I formed a few new ones and overall, especially with the holidays being a time when I always reflect and feel extremely grateful, thinking of those that I cared about and wanted to give gifts/cards to… I’m just very grateful for those people around me and how they make me feel. I read a Bill Gates/Warren Buffet interview once, where Warren Buffet said his measure of success was whether the people you care about you love you back. This year, I felt this. So I’m going to count this one as done.
2. Don’t get fired.
I didn’t!! 
3. No major fuck-ups (that may lead to being fired and/or my supervisor seriously regretting his decision to hire me).
I think I’ve made mistakes but this year, no major fuck-ups I don’t think.
4. Get a professional certification.
I did! I got a professional cert in the field of privacy.
5. Learn to be a better supervisor.
I think I did this. I think I’m better, specifically, I’ve been very intentional with being open with the person I work with/supervise, not micro-managing, and trying to support her to do projects she’s interested in. I’m sure there’s still a ways to go, but I think I improved.
6. Be okay with being uncomfortable at work.
I’m never going to feel completely comfortable, I don’t think. But I’ve been better and taking on projects that I’m not sure how to handle, and trying my best. Also, I’ve never been more fucking uncomfortable organizing a work event in my life (this was the 1.5 months of hell) but it’s done and nobody died. 
TANGIBLE-(ish) 7. Be smart with money.
I did a budget this year, breaking down my categories of spending. Pros: I kept within my vacation budget, kept mostly to my savings goal, didn’t spend too much on groceries, spent a reasonable amount on restaurants/bars and entertainment. Cons: I think I spent a bit too much on clothes. I saved a decent amount as well (an inheritance and a tax refund helped as well, but thankfully I didn’t spend those frivolously). 
8. Read 35 books.
Nope, I only read 14. I’m gonna only aim for 30 next year. Sigh. It makes me sad that I don’t read as much anymore, but I also have a physical bookcase now (YAY!) which gives me more excuses to buy physical books (YAY?) 
9. Cook at least 2 times a week.
By “cook”… what did I mean? I didn’t eat out for dinner often, but often my dinner would be a quickly assembled meal (I eat oatmeal for dinner more often than I would care to admit). I’ll say this is half done. I definitely TRIED to cook more (as in with the pay and all that) but definitely not consistently at twice a week.
10. Get an IUD.
I did this! I don’t know if my body likes it (ugh the side effects are a-nnoying!). But it’s done.
11. Volunteer.
I volunteered for 2 events in 2018, and last year (2019) I did 3. I enjoyed them all a lot!
12. Continue playing piano for fun.  
Again, I’m so glad I bought that piano (keyboard). It’s been truly joyful to re-introduce music into my life.
13. Learn and keep a new hobby.
YES I DID THIS. My friends know that I constantly talk about wanting to pick up a new hobby (I actually also took 8 weeks of pottery classes earlier this year… which was totally not my jam). But I asked for a guitar from my mum for Christmas and she gave it to me early in November and learning to play it has been infinitely rewarding. I suck really bad but I suck a tiny bit less each time.
14. Travel.
My travel goals were: Taiwan, the Rockies (Banff and Jasper), and either South America, Turkey, or Eastern Europe. Also, maybe Toronto over the holidays. And I was very very very tentatively thinking about going to New Zealand in 2020, so let’s cross our fingers. 
In reality, I made it to: Taiwan, Rockies, Japan, and Toronto. Japan was a surprise trip of sorts since it wasn’t on my radar, but I went with my Japanese housemate and had an AMAZING time. I felt so so happy and calm there, it was incredible.
15. Settle into my living space.
I’m now stressed out that I own too much shit. I mean, I have two dressers, 2 bedside tables, a kitchen table, 2+ chairs, a couch, a TV, a piano, a guitar, a bookcase + books, a few organization things, and all this kitchen shit. The next move is gonna SUUUUCK. But… my living space feels like mine. I have a second room with my instruments and TV and wall decorations I love and honestly it makes me happy to just chill there around all of “my shit” and think to myself “this is me”. It’s taken like a year to slowly get my stuff (like, I bought a Dyson vacuum on Boxing Day…) but things do feel like they’ve come together in to a safe space. 
16. Settle into my city.
This summer was sooo good, weather wise. I stayed in the city, went on lots of dates, and just hung out in the sunshine. It made me love living where I am, although the rainy months are gross. I’ve also grown to know the restaurants, bars, and grocery stores near me and downtown, all of which make me feel a bit more rooted. Yay for yearly themes, eh.
17. Make 2 new friends.
I don’t know if they’re new friends since I met them before 2019, but I have formed stronger friendships with an old coworker, as well as re-building a friendship that I had kinda cut off early in the year. Both I’m going to count.
18. Date people!
I did this! I made a little mental note to myself that I’d accept any date someone asked if in person, in addition to a challenge with my friend to go on 3 online dates (w/ different people). This means I’ve went on “dates” (could be as casual as coffee) with someone who asked me out on the street, on a bus, through Instagram DMs, and through tinder. It’s been mostly good, I think.
19. See my mom at least once or twice a month.
I did this! Having a closer relationship with my mom is another one of those things that have built over the course of years, and that I look back and am thankful that past-me (when I was in Toronto) decided to call her once a week when I was pretty MIA in university. Now we’re a lot closer and she has helped me so much (like, she’s pretty much helped me completely furnish my place).
20. Be a better friend (support & generosity).
I think so. I cut my friend circle a little bit (especially high school friends that I realized I didn’t need to hold so closely. It’s funny because when I went away for university, I loved my HS friends so much and would eagerly see them every time I visited. Now that I’m back, I just feel like my HS friends know the old me, and that the current me has changed so much. Or just to say that I think while I’ll always be friendly and love them, I just don’t feel a pressure to be as active in those friendships as I did before. I dedicate myself to other ties.) I’ve deepened my friendships (that I care about) and I know I’m still learning how to be a better friend (always) but I’ve really put in the effort this year.
This is a bit of a hit or miss. I mean, I regularly watch 40 minute Bon Appetit youtube videos (I would die for Claire) and read fewer books than I have in like 8 years. But I think I was kinda intentional with my time (making time to see friends, spending my vacation time traveling). I’ll give myself a half point for this.
22. Keep my mental health in check (and prioritize it).
I had 1.5 months of mental health hell, for real. I felt like I didn’t have any time to live my life, including buying groceries or eating dinner. It probably wasn’t that bad but my brain made it feel that way. However, that means I had 10.5 months of pretty decent mental health. If a work issue was the worst thing that happened to me this year, it must not have been that bad.
23. Figure out my finances.
Not really. I saved well, budgeted, but didn’t to the type of actual learning I was aiming for.
24. Fucking exercise.
No :(
25. Maintain my weight.
Yeah, I think so.
26. Be better than I currently am.
I…think so.
27. Take risks. Of all sorts. Because, why not. I had a really big(ish) decision this year and I was initially going to make a decision out of fear of risks. But part of my final thought process was that I think I’d be disappointed in myself that if when it all came down to the line, I decided not to make a potentially risky decision that was sitting in front of me. So even though the future is murky and unknown, I did take it. I also learned there are A LOT OF REASONS WHY NOT. I don’t like to describe anything I do as brave but a little part of me thought that by not doing the safe thing, I did the brave thing. 
And.. that’s it. Final score (including the half points): 21.5 out of 27… I’m very pleased :) Who knew this year would turn out like this? 
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i-want-my-iwtv · 7 years
I've been trying to read the whole vc series, but school and work just keep preventing me from getting really far! Is it ok to ask you to write a little summary for each book so I can catch up with the fandom until I have the time to read them all thoroughly?
Yeah, I understand, time is limited :P 
I don’t know that summarizing VC will allow you to “catch up” with the fandom, you really only need to read the first 3 books and the Vampire Armand to get most of the jokes on tumblr, bc most of the jokes seem to center around:
Louis being a pyromaniac,
Lestat being an obnoxious but somehow lovable glittery murder machine,
Lestat and Louis being awesome and shitty murder dads,
Claudia being an ungrateful spoiled brat,
Armand being a little brat, or a slut, or an evul coven master, or all of the above,
Daniel Molloy just wanting to vampire plz!!!11!,
Marius being a pedo, or too bossy, or both,
Gabrielle is a bad mom and an ice queen,
Nicolas is spelled NICOLAS and he is NOT DEAD!,
Secondary characters not getting enough love from anyone!!
There are often spoilers in summaries tho, do you really want to be spoiled? I LOVE being spoiled.
Tumblr media
We have these unreliable narrators, there is a lot of disagreement as to what canon really is, and some fans choose to ignore parts of (or entire books) in the series. We bring our own experiences to the reading, and we choose what to connect with, so I think we can agree on some things about each book, but you will probably get a different summary from any given reader. Even AR has told us to disregard the hybrid Mayfair/VC books (Blood Canticle, possibly Merrick and Blackwood Farm) when moving onto the more recent VC additions (PL and PLROA). So, for example, I have a friend who has only read the first 3 books. She doesn’t even know what happens after that bc she prefers to think it ended after QOTD. So any new vampires made after QOTD do not exist to her. #Your headcanon may vary.
Anyway, you want summaries.
http://vampirechronicles.wikia.com has a pretty good write-up for each of the books (they don’t have PL and PLROA currently, maybe they will eventually). It contains spoilers.
@vraik​ has thorough VC analysis in their series called The Consulting Analyst over on vraikaiser.com. Spoilers there, too.
@hyperbeeb‘s capsule reviews are pretty gr9 [X]:
Lestat’s Adventures with a Progressive Family
Lestat’s Bisexual Adventures in 18th Century France
Lestat’s Adventures with the Queen of the Vampires
Lestat’s Adventures as a Human
Lestat’s Adventures with Satan
Lestat’s Adventures in a Coma
Lestat’s Adventures with Polyamory 
Lestat’s Adventures in the Deep South
Lestat’s Adventures with Not Being There At All
Lestat’s Adventures with Witches and Other Weird Shit
Lestat’s adventures with Being the Vampire Head of State
Lestat’s Adventures with Literal Fucking Aliens
(Note, Pandora and Vittorio are technically stand-alone “New Tales of the Vampires” books, but Pandora would be No. 6 of the 13 book series).
You can check my #VC Synopsis tag, which has more capsule humorous summaries.
Gonna try to do a little summary for each VC under the cut as a personal challenge. 
Spoilers ahead! I’ll try to do this with as few spoilers as possible, as factually as possible.
1. Interview with the Vampire - Louis tells the story of his life and unlife to Daniel Molloy. Louis starts at the point in his mortal life just before he meets Lestat, and how his life up until that meeting influenced the unlife that followed after he became a vampire. Lestat’s reasons for choosing Louis are unclear to Louis, but he wants Louis to choose to be a vampire. Louis is under so much duress (failing health, still in emotional distress over his guilt re: a close family member’s death) that the choice is not 100% legit, Lestat can’t wait for a more opportune time and proceeds to turn Louis anyway. 
The whole story could be seen as Anne Rice’s exploration of the role of religion and the reasons why terrible things happen to innocent people, the concept of punishment. 
For me, it was also eye-opening bc I was 11 when I read it and it introduced the possibility of love between a same-sex couple, even if that was in more of a read-between-the-lines way. 
It also has a child vampire and I hadn’t seen any media even attempt to tell a story with a child vampire before. Few media that attempt it seem to have captured the beauty and tragedy of such a creature as in this story, and she reappears in a few of the other VC. Unreliable Narrator thing that continues throughout the series.
^ok that was too long, I’m going for shorter.
2. The Vampire Lestat - Lestat seeks to “correct the record” that Louis laid out in IWTV by giving us his own backstory, starting at his mortal youth and how that influenced the unlife that followed when he became a vampire, against his will (hence the “I’m going to give you the choice I never had,” line from movie!IWTV). There is more exploration in the role of religion and reasons why bad things happen to basically innocent people, and whether you really can make the best of a shitty situation or just give up. More about punishment. A very unique take on the origin of the vampires as a species is revealed. And the reasons why Lestat behaved the way he did (basically all secretive) in IWTV. Unreliable Narrator thing that continues throughout the series, who are we to believe? Lestat or Louis? And the author’s retconning which is perceived as “making excuses later in canon for behavior that’s already happened.” Some readers really despise this. Personally, I like having the options and trusting one version of events, or none of them.
3. The Queen of the Damned - Lestat’s modern-era rock career wakes the Queen of the Vampires and she has this awesome Radical Feminist idea for world peace. She’s already gotten started on it! She upgrades Lestat physically so that he can help her accomplish her goals, but he’s not really on board. They meet with the vampires she has allowed to survive her purge and it doesn’t go very well. Also in this book, we have different narrators, more about the vampire origin story, and the Armand/Daniel ship is sailing at its best here.
4. The Tale of the Body Thief - Having suffered so much through the past 3 books, Lestat is a suicidal hamburger-brained moron and makes some very bad choices. Despite everyone advising him NOT to, Lestat makes a terrible trade with a body thief and learns quickly that he had idealized being human. He does some horrendous stuff, and wants off the Being Human ride. He has one friend who helps him set things back to the way they should be, and then he betrays that friend in a spectacularly cruel way. More importantly, Lestat also gets a wonderful cuddly doggo. 
5. Memnoch the Devil - Lestat Goes to Heaven and Hell, meets Jesus Christ, meets God, meets Satan (who prefers to go by “Memnoch”) it’s all a huge interview process to decide if Lestat might work for God or Satan and it’s basically fanfic of the Bible. Some people hated it for those reasons. I found it really intriguing, bc it presents a reason why God created the earth, and why there’s suffering, why God allows suffering to go on, and where religion comes from. Like Lestat, Memnoch says he’s not the antagonist, but really the good guy in all this. When Dorothy gets back to Kansas Lestat returns to earth, there is disagreement about whether he went on a real trip or he was just fooled by a really talented spirit. Lestat is so confused that he throws a huge tantrum and then gets solitary confinement, then slips into a coma.
6. The Vampire Armand - Armand gets his spotlight and gets to really tell his story, do we believe everything he tells us? Lots of good Italy times stuff. Armand visits Lestat in his coma-state, and talks about that, too. 
7. Merrick - Merrick is a Mayfair witch in NOLA who bewitches Louis in pursuit of his request for closure with Claudia, and hilarity ensues. Louis gets the most screentime he’s had since IWTV, but the whole book is told from a 3rd wheel’s POV, it would have been so much better from Louis’ or Merrick’s POV. Major fatal thing happens but fortunately Lestat wakes up from his coma in time to save the day.
8. Blood and Gold - Marius tells his story, as does the vampire Thorne tell his own story. Marius talks about his artistic influences and his experience with the early Talamasca and Santino and the Children of Satan. We see Daniel (now living with Marius) under a kind of spell, which Marius says is temporary. 
9. Blackwood Farm - Lestat goes to the Deep South and hears the story of vampire Quinn (his story defies summary) and, with Merrick’s help, saves the day.
10. Blood Canticle - More vampire and Mayfair mixing. And Taltos. It’s a very big WTF book. But it has some very funny scenes and lines in it. It ends with Lestat promising the Dark Gift to someone. 
11. Prince Lestat - Vampire scientists. A clone. Someone gets kidnapped. Ultimate Vampire Coven Gathering. Lestat is cranky, saves the day anyway. Ghosts apparently can linger on earth after death and make bodies for themselves. Characters from past books reappear. New characters are introduced. Louis writes a chapter about how OK fine, he does love Lestat. FINE.
12. Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis - I haven’t finished this but basically… the REAL vampire origin story, and it involves bird-like aliens, who were sent to earth bc the aliens feed on the suffering of mortals. The bird-like aliens didnt want to create Atlantis. in fact they were pissed because this one creature of theirs, Amel, made Atlantis with the Luracastria (i dunno i think thats how it’s spelled) and their viewing tech couldn’t see through the material. Amel made Atlantis to spite the bird-like aliens omg i cant believe im typing this. Louis and Lestat finally have some legit canon cuddletimes.
- Pandora - the story of the vampire Pandora, and why Marius is bad at relationships. Lots of good Roman times stuff.
- Vittorio - is not a VC vampire, and wants nothing to do with that dysfunctional pile of fanged crazies. @monstersinthecosmos and @vittoriathevampire could give you a better summary of that one, since I didn’t absorb it too well :P
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kkoehn17 · 7 years
With the end of March also marking the end of the first quarter of the year, and with me having set a hefty list of goals for myself at the beginning of the year, I thought it was a good time to check-in on how I’m doing.
(You can find the original post explaining these goals here)
1) See Star Wars
Progress: None
I know, disappointing, but it should be noted that after setting this goal, the series has managed to worked its way into far more conversations than usual, which has ultimately caused the intent behind setting it in the first place (to understand inside jokes/to unlock a new level of nerd inside myself/to fit in) to backfire. “What do you mean you haven’t seen them?!?” “I’M WORKING ON IT!”
2) See 5 WLRA’s
Progress: 3/5 (60%)
If you’ve never taken the time to pull off the freeway to take an incredibly nerdy picture with a miscellaneous object deemed the “largest in the world” in its category, believe me when I tell you: you are missing out! So far this year I’ve seen the World’s Largest Paper Cup, Thermometer & Fishing Fly, and they’ve all been sufficiently worth the side trip.
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Here’s a list of all the ones you can find in the US. Find one near you and nerd your heart out!
3) Try the jean rug DIY
Progress: 20%
I can’t really take credit for the progress that has been made thus far as it’s mostly just the collection of materials, and all of that has been accomplished through the generous donations of my sister. However, as of now I have about 8 pairs of old jeans in a pile on my desk, anxiously waiting to be up-cycled into the most badass rug ever. Be patient jeans! Your potential awaits!
4) Run 1,000 miles
Progress: 233.84 (23%)
As I stated in this blog post, I’ve most recently started referring to this goal as “winning the Heisman”, due to the qualities it shares with the nearly unattainable sports honor. That being said, this goal has proven to be a healthy combination of challenging, inspiring, impossible and possible, and I think it will remain a melting pot of the four throughout the year.
5) Complete The Ultimate Fit Bit Week
Progress: None
If I’m being honest, this one probably scares me the most. There’s just so much that has to go right for it to…well…go right. I really just have to go for this one. I just have to wake up one Sunday (because the FitBit week starts on Sundays) and say, “this is the week!” I better get on it soon too, while I still have plenty of weeks left for do-overs.
6) Volunteer (at least) 5 times
Progress: None
Well, technically none, though I am signed up to volunteer in the next month, and plan on signing up for another event the month after that. So I have some positive progress percentages coming my way, they’re just buffering at the moment.
7) Go to a sporting event of “every” kind (i.e. baseball, football, hockey, basketball, & soccer)
Progress: 1/5 (20%)
I have a feeling most of the progress with this particular goal will take place closer to the end of the year, because over half of the sports on the list have seasons that come to a close/move to postseason (which I can’t really afford) in the first few months. However, as of last week, I can officially check baseball off the list.
8) Try every class at the gym
Progress: None
I could probably go ahead and take the heat for this one and say that I’ve been spent most of my time running/being too lazy to go to the gym, but since there’s a small out, I’m going to take it. My gym recently sustained major water damage and all classes have been cancelled for the last month and a half.
What’s that, you say? I could go to another branch of the gym?
Well, umm, hey let’s move on, yeah?
9) Do The Princess Diaries painting
Progress: None
This one’s on you, winter. Spring & Summer: Me and my paints are coming for you!
10) Find and try the “Best of” restaurants in LA
Progress: None-ish
This one of kind of the same as #6, I’ve got all the workings for progress, I just haven’t made any yet.
11) Watch every film that has ever won Best Picture
Progress: 6/89 (6%)
YIKES! Who knew I’d have so much trouble making time to watch movies. On the one hand it’s probably for the best, because I know once I really dive into this one I might not emerge from the house for a solid few weeks and I need to go to work in order to make rent. But on the other hand, I think this goal has the potential to sneak up on me if I’m not careful. I need to write myself a prescription for couch time, pronto!
12) Learn to Longboard
Progress: None
Again, I hand most of the blame to winter, though I also need to buy a helmet…and elbow pads…and a pair of (figurative) balls. I’ll add them to the shopping list and keep you posted.
13) Learn to do a headband braid
Progress: None
I need to carve out time during the weekend to do this because there’s just no way I’m going to be able motivate myself (or convince my hands to perform fine motor skills) in the morning before work. Maybe I’ll start practicing while I’m watching all those movies I’m behind on. Braid and binge, Kim, braid and binge.
14) Reach the 100,000-mile mark on my car
Progress: 99,720 (99%)
After starting the year a 96,700 miles, my odometer currently reads 99,720! I’m almost there! I’m kind of freaking out about it! Is this what it feels like to watch your kids grow up before your eyes? Not even close? Okay, well…I’m still excited!
15) Do a bar/pub crawl
Progress: None
One does not simply crawl without a plan. One must find a crawl with an excellent path and perhaps an amusing theme. One has not found a crawl matching these qualifications. Thus, one has made no progress.
16) Sing Karaoke
Progress: Complete!
That’s right folks, I officially made my karaoke debut this year at my sister’s birthday party, here are the stats from that night:
Drinks consumed: not enough
Songs sung: 2
Number of lives changed for the better by the sound of my angelic voice: infinite
17) Complete Project Lightbulb
Progress: None-ish
Due to scheduling/financial conflicts, it appears as though the trip that coincides with this project will not be able to take place until next year, thus preventing the goal in its original form from being accomplished. However, I’m planning on shifting it a bit, so as not to punish myself over unforeseen circumstances. I figure, if we get the whole trip planned to the tee, with everything set and ready to book, if not booked for 2018, I’d call that a success in its own right.
When I calculated it out (with an embarrassing amount of nerdy math that I’m not even sure is correct), it looks like my current overall progress is 19%, which seems pretty frownable. Though, if we’re looking at the year in quarters, I’m only 6% off of where I should be, so I’ll take that as a small win!
Here’s hoping I’ll have a more exciting update for you come the end of June. And for those of you still working on your 2017 goals, I wish you all the best. Never stop starting!
2017 Goals Check-In With the end of March also marking the end of the first quarter of the year, and with me having set a hefty list of goals for myself at the beginning of the year, I thought it was a good…
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meadowhilley · 7 years
it’s back
Today, my friends, is World Cancer Day. How exactly does one celebrate such an occasion, you wonder? That’s actually what I’m writing to find out. For starters it seems like a fitting moment to break my nearly year-long silence and tell you It’s back.
Not the cancer—I’m still “free,” as far as anyone can tell. No, what’s back with a vengeance is the sensation of living with an ugly and insidious thing growing inside me. The Get-It-The-Fuck-Out-Of-Me urgency that two and a half years ago made me drop everything, fall into a blue vinyl chair, and start blogging straight through my chemo infusions.
I still can’t explain by what internal mechanism this revelation about my compromised physical state triggered a visceral awareness that I’d been living with a different sort of malignancy for decades—a tangled knot of repressed emotion growing more potent and far-reaching as I happily went about the manic business of being a working mom. Or how I understood that my ability to heal bodily was predicated on my willingness to undergo a mental purge. Or how I knew with absolute certainty what I needed to do, even in those foggy predawn moments before the diagnosis had fully resolved into a clear picture of what awaited me in the days and months ahead.
Whether it was some atavistic survival instinct that kicked in or what they (dismissively) chalk up to “women’s intuition,” whether it was divine inspiration or something closer to unhinged delusion, at the very moment I received The Bad News I found myself in A State of Grace, like in a primal garden scintillating with dew where knowledge hangs low on the branch, hungry for the right mouth.
Glutton that I am, I bit. And instantly I came to understand that my body was a book I’d been writing for years without ever stopping to read it. At the center of my story was this malignant enigma, a living organism pregnant with meaning whose tendrils reached greedily through the space-time of my inner landscape, looking to occupy all my vital sites.
Stopping its spread and reversing the cancer’s insidious creep was the obvious goal of our immediate coordinated response. But as my three doctors each took up their weapons—poison, blade, and fire—I lay low like a meadow-turned-battlefield, bracing myself for the onslaught and devising an alternate plan, knowing that the only way to truly best this beastly part of me that fed on darkness was to draw it out, into the light.
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So I painted my face. Obviously. Spent a week wearing only dresses. Naturally. Loitered seductively at the mouth of what I guessed might be my deepest emotional cavern. Patiently. Until one day, in the small round mirror of my compact case, I glimpsed a dark shade emerging against a background of shadow. Taking a sultry step forward in my red two-inch heels, I watched discretely as it advanced with predatory appetite, hypnotized by the allure of an easy meal. And at the very moment it crouched to pounce, I turned to face my Beast-Me.
Go ahead, I told my cancerous self, feeling beautiful for once and more powerful than ever. Show me how ugly I am inside. You will not be the first.
My plan wasn’t particularly well-formed. I was totally winging it, to be honest. With hindsight though it’s possible to list the major steps of my cancer-fighting campaign as:
1. Perform strength to psych myself up for the encounter.
2. Position myself as bait.
3. Coax the unknown threat out of hiding.
4. Subject it to intense examination.
5. Force it to reveal its origins.
6. Love the thing to death.
All on my terms, in a place where I felt safe and strong and well supported.
In other words, I would write the cancer out of me.
Out, like, in the open. Words confided to a private journal were not going cut it. An invasive species so entrenched would have to be pulled up by the roots into the glaring light of day and subjected to full exposure. This pathogen and its attending pathos should be left to shrivel and wilt under public scrutiny, I understood, until having lost all potency conferred by me, their host, they would reveal their true, pathetic nature and leave me whole.
If you’re not an exhibitionist by nature, writing publicly about your intimate past and present is highly ill-advised. Maybe you’re someone who cares about what people think of you. Or maybe you have a family to protect, a job you’d like to keep, or competing interests and hobbies. In my case, all of these inhibiting factors were compounded by the muzzling effect of four hundred years of injustice perpetrated by the West, which we have systematically justified by painting the Other as radically different—a threat to be mastered, a contagion to be contained.
How could I possibly talk about my challenging 13-year relationship with my African ex-husband, who was also a Muslim, without perpetuating these longstanding stereotypes and adding fuel to the fire? How could I tell my story without doing more harm than good? Fully aware of the risk that my experience would be generalized and my words misinterpreted, I felt compelled to write all the same. Common sense and fear, I came to feel, were my greatest enemies. To build a bridge, you’ve got to reach dangerously across the gaping abyss.
All this to say that hitting “Post” was never a mindless gesture for me. It required a force of will that ran counter to reason, and caution, and instinct.
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Announcing that I had cancer in a Facebook status update was admittedly a shameless bid for your attention, like dancing carelessly on a mountain ledge. But I wouldn’t have sought your attention if I didn’t think it was absolutely vital to my healing. You, dear friends, were the gentle sunlight that scorched my disease better than a daily dose of photon rays at +$3,000 a pop x 25 sizzling pops. It was because you agreed to bear witness to my self-designed form of treatment by reading me as I attempted to decipher the book of my body that I got better. You did that. Each one of you made a difference. And it didn’t cost us anything but time.
So now it’s back. That oh-shit-here-we-go-again feeling, like there’s some creature dragging its claws through my gut from the inside. Only this time I’m even more reluctant to write publicly. For one, I’ve been writing privately, trying to build a bigger bridge, in silence, and that jealous pursuit demands all the attention I can afford to give it.
But, UGH. The world changed two weeks ago just as it did two years back with the diagnosis, and ten years before that when my first marriage ended: abruptly, dramatically, alarmingly. A rug has just been pulled out from under our feet, and with my introvert laid out in utter shock, my extrovert showed up, a rival sibling looking to compete for the same scant resources of time and attention, demanding I Do Something Now.
Don’t! shouted my introvert, albeit weakly from the floor. Keep to yourself, it pleaded. Focus your angst inward. Don’t be so arrogant as to think you have something of value to say in the here and now. Lay low. Leave this one to the activists and experts.
Reasonable arguments, all. But here’s the thing: on the subject of hostile takeovers, I am something of an expert. I devoted my doctoral dissertation to groups who used writing as a means of liberating themselves from their longtime oppressors. I lived for six years in a country that had only achieved its independence a generation earlier. Even more instructive, I personally survived the experience of being colonized twice: first mentally, by my domineering ex, then physically, by the cancer, whose insidious advance reminded me so much of the guy’s subtle way of methodically getting me to give up my freedoms, one by one, until it seemed I had nothing left. Claiming that others would be better suited to speaking out against the authoritarian power grab by the big bully now occupying the White House, that someone else would do a better job describing the risks his tyrannical methods pose to our liberty and national character, it’s all just bullshit, a way of shirking my responsibility.
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So it’s with a certain authority that I can assure you: the cancer plaguing us today may wear a name other than ER/PR HER2-Positive Invasive Ductile Carcinoma, but it is just as deadly. It’s not only an oppressive ex haunting my own little psyche, but our current President doing a serious number on our collective consciousness. This shit’s not just in me this time, but it’s in you, too. And it’s going to poison the world over if we don’t all stand up to stop it now.
One of my first thoughts on getting the diagnosis was, Did I bring this on myself? My ongoing attempt to answer that question without wallowing in self-loathing has brought me on the greatest journey of my life, towards healing. The same can be true for us as a country.
Yes, we brought this on ourselves. But we also have the means to fix it. We are all cause and cure both. Niit niit mooy garabam, the Wolof proverb goes. Other people are our own best medicine. We need to turn and face this ugliness together, give ourselves permission to speak out, and shout a resounding Fuck No as one. The disease may have found its way into US, but in no way is it a definitive reflection of who we are. Not if we refuse to play host to its toxic presence.
So how should we celebrate World Cancer Day? I’ve come up with a couple suggestions, based on personal experience:
1. Start by making yourself feel good and beautiful and strong.
2. Don’t be afraid to draw fire. Welcome discomfort. Actively displace yourself.
3. Coax this shared malignancy out into the open.
4. Take a good, hard look at it, understanding that it offers us the blessed gift of insight.
5. Figure out where it comes from, and how it managed to take root within us.
6. Spread beauty and love in abundance.
Writing was the tool that best fit my own hand, but everyone has a custom-made means of expression, an instrument perfectly suited to doing the patient work of parsing out what’s healthy in us from what is corrosive. My girls got a great kick out of the Turnip sign that recently sprang up just feet away from the spot on Main Street where an enormous Trump sign has for months been planted like a foreign flag, causing Brewster residents to wonder who we are as a community.
Me, I can’t wait to see what you all come up with.
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Comics I read this week: 9/9-9/13
Hey all, here’s a smattering of some of the books I read this week. Some interesting issues out this week, but also some disappointments:
Saban’s Go Go Power Rangers #23
There were two driving forces behind my moral development as a child: Batman and the Power Rangers. It was more than a little disappointing to grow up and find out that you couldn’t just punch bad people and that solved things, but when Boom Studios started this Power Rangers comic, it reminded me of why I loved the Power Rangers in the first place.
I would definitely recommend this series to anyone who was a fan of the Rangers at any point, or who is looking for a good new Action book, but it comes with a caveat: This series is not easy to jump into, for 2 main reasons.
Though this is the better series, it’s not the first Power Rangers comic that Boom Studios currently has going, and unfortunately the first series goes further in depth on the larger Rangers Universe
The stories from each of the 2 Rangers books often reference or call back to elements from each other. This often means that keeping track of plot elements or continuity can get confusing between the 2 books if you’re not following along closely.
If you’re still interested in hopping into these comics, here would be the reading order I would suggest: start with this series (Go Go) for issues #1-20, as it covers the origins of the Rangers and their first year. Then start the mainline book, Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers. After you’re all caught up there, you should be good to jump back into Go Go without any issues, and can even hop between series with toooooo much confusion. 
Into the actual meat of this week’s issue: while the mainline series is much more focused on a grander Sci-Fi narrative, this series has a lot of the “monster-of-the-week” feel of the show. That’s definitely on display in this issue, where action and monster bashing take center stage. But what this comic has over the show is character depth and long-term story telling. The characters in this comic feel fleshed out and are evolving like real people, and while it’s definitely still fun, it doesn’t skimp out on the drama either. 
If you’re looking for a fun throwback to childhood with a little more emotional oomph for your mature soul, definitely give this book a go.
Justice League Odyssey #13
I’m genuinely surprised every time a new edition of this book comes out, cause I’m half expecting it to be quietly cancelled every other week. But hey, I’m not gonna complain, cause as much as the changes in art have been less than great, I’m still excited to see the Justice League Z-Team struggle with cosmic cleanup duty out in the Ghost Sector.
For anyone who hasn’t read this book and doesn’t feel like starting from the beginning, you could get away with hopping on now. It would be safe to say that the first 12 issues were the first arc of this comic, and that #13 is setting the groundwork for the second big arc. With the destruction of the Source Wall way back in No Justice, the Ghost Sector has been left as almost a wild-West out in deep space. If you’re a fan of Dex-Starr, Jessica Cruz and some other cosmic outcast characters, I’d hop on now and see if this book is for you.
For anyone currently reading this book, some minor opinions and SPOILERS AHEAD:
So Jess stayed dead for way shorter than even I thought. But hey, revival at the hands of the Omega Radiation that killed her only to be imbued with Omega Beam shooting fists seems almost poetic. I’m interested to see what the new cast of outcasts has to bring to the table in terms of opposing Darkseid and assaulting the Ghost Sector, especially now that our original team has been almost entirely converted into NEW New Gods. But it’s a welcome evolution of Jessica’s character to see her taking charge and leading a team, and more Dex-Starr in my life is always appreciated. 
On a less story focused note, the art in this new ark is good so far, but man, fuck whoever did the flashback sequence with Cyborg. On a page with his face popping up at least 5 or 6 times head on, you couldn’t remember or decide if his cybernetic side was on the left or the right? It flip flops every panel so that it’s facing away from the reader. It’s overall a minor thing, but c’mon, it’s not hard to keep that straight.
The Flash #78
I’m just tired at this point. 
The Flash’s mythos being re-written to have such an emphasis on the forces is just... really boring. The force users are pretty one-note characters and though Barry’s musings on life and trying to outrun Death are interesting, the rest of the chapter and this story arc haven’t been nearly as much. The art isn’t bad, but it’s not enough to save this title. If you’re gonna stick around for the Flash ride, have fun, let me know when it gets interesting again.
Young Justice #8
I think I mentioned it last week, but similar to Justice League Odyssey and the Terrifics, I think it’s a great idea for writers to take some of the smaller teams in the DCU out of the greater narrative and put them (effectively) in their own worlds. Better yet, Brian Michael Bendis seems to be having a ton of fun taking this young team on a multiverse-exploring adventure. 
While his work with Alias and Daredevil are some of my favorite books, I think Bendis does his best work when writing younger heroes. He seems to understand how to write entertaining young characters while making them believable, and most importantly not making them grating. 
If you need anymore convincing to get this series, and you maybe don’t fully trust Bendis after the pretty terrible years he’s had of late, then John Timms’ art should swing you. Timms has managed to strike a great balance between cartoonish modeling and dynamic action paneling which is difficult enough, but he’s also been switching up his art styles as the team goes from world to world. The guy is on top of his game right now and it’s perfectly complimenting Bendis’ universe-hopping story.
I don’t want to spoil this issue too much, but the team find themselves on Earth-3, the home of the Crime Syndicate, and face off against evil versions of themselves. While this issue was wall-to-wall action from the start, it managed to have some good character moments peppered throughout, and it looks like it might the start of the next micro-arc. This book has been great so far and only looks like it’s going to get better.
Batman Universe #3
I feel like I can’t judge this book fairly. 
I love pop-art, I’m a sucker for a good Batman story, and lighthearted superhero stories are exactly what I need to breakup the self-serious tones of a lot of the other superhero books I read. This book by Bendis and Nick Derington hits every single one of those beats. 
If you’re looking for a self-serious Batman book you’re looking in the wrong place; but if you’re looking for a book where Batman jokes with Green Lantern about how much he likes dinosaurs before being transported through time, then you’ve got a lot of fun ahead of you.
On a side note, DC put a huge amount of faith in Bendis giving him this series, Action Comics, Superman, Naomi and Young Justice. Aside from the main Superman book, which has been horrendous in every sense of the word, he’s been writing some of the best stuff he’s done in years. Not quite on par with his Daredevil or Ultimate Spider-Man runs, but still some really great stuff.
Detective Comics #1011
Last we left the Caped Crusader, he and a bunch of his billionaire friends were stranded on an island, with Bruce teamed up with a pair of crotchety WWII fighter pilots and his rich friends held captive by Deadshot. Basically we’re in a “Deadliest Game” scenario with Batman and Deadshot hunting each other on a remote island. It’s kind of like all the parts of “Arrow” that people have told me are actually good. I don’t know, I haven’t watched that show, it looks like hot garbage. 
Anyway, this 2-issue story was always just a stop-gap while Mr. Freeze (or the writers) figured out how to use the new technology boost from Lex Luthor. While I always appreciate a visit from Deadshot, as he’s one of Batman’s more under appreciated villains in my opinion, this story was pretty paint by numbers. That doesn’t mean it wasn’t fun, just that it was always the stuff coming next that felt more compelling. 
Event Leviathan #4
This book has been pretty interesting so far, but seems to have the fanbase pretty divided. I’ve seen a lot of comments on the latest issue claiming that nothing has actually happened in this story so far, and that we’re just watching Bendis spin his gears in search of a story. Maybe I’m a sucker for a good noir, but I would say that this story has had its share of action at the start, but unlike a lot of comics, it’s a slow burn story. I’m not nervous yet, as Bendis has experience with noir and has shown he can do it well.
I’m not saying that this book doesn’t have its problems: the art, while objectively impressive, is hard to parse out the details in some of the darker scenes with all of the texture filters thrown over it. Similarly, though I have faith that Bendis has an idea where this story is going, the last issue didn’t really make a ton of sense (until a little later in this issue, but at the time it wasn’t wholly believable).
Batman #78
It seems that so many people have soured on Tom King at this point that I’m in the minority saying that I’m still enjoying his run on Batman. I’m not saying it hasn’t been without its faults, I was gutted just like everyone else when issue 50 came out and tore a chance at tangible change in the Bat-universe out from under us fans. But King’s writing and storytelling, though self-indulgent at times, has been largely good and in clear pursuit of a single goal: to tell the story of Batman being broken, like he’s never been broken before. 
As fans we need to remember that the man was handed the reins to 100 issues of Batman and said he was going to tell 1 story. Not an event that would inform the rest of his run, but 1 singular story told over 100 issues. It was a herculean task and it was always going to be a slow burn, but we’re in the endgame now with City of Bane in full swing and Batman just beginning to look up from the pit he’s fallen in. He’s been physically and emotionally broken, shamed himself in front of his family and been discredited amongst his peers, and ultimately forced out of his own city. So let’s see the way back.
Ok, so this wasn’t a bad issue, but it wasn’t the right issue. I’m a huge fan of how Tom King has written Bat/Cat, and when combined with Clay Manpi’s art and paneling this issue feels like I’m watching a classic James Bond movie. But while watching Bat/Cat reconcile their issues that originally tore them apart was long overdue and felt great, this was not the right time for this issue. 
After being left on the cliffhanger of Damion being captured and ALFRED POTENTIALLY KILLED, seeing Bat and Cat talking at an island retreat was just too far removed and casual. This has probably been the biggest issue I’ve personally had with King’s run: timing. But it seems like it’s all kicking off in the next few issues, so let’s see where this all finally ends.
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cover2covermom · 5 years
Goodbye March, & hello April!
March wasn’t a very productive blogging month due to the flu hitting my house & a vacation, but it was a decent reading month!  I was able to read 13 books in March: 5 counted towards #MiddleGradeMarch, 3 in honor of #WomensHistoryMonth, and 3 counted for #YARC2019.
Let’s see what I read in March…
» Moloka’i (Moloka’i #1) by Alan Brennert
Moloka’i is an amazing historical fiction set in Hawaii that spans decades.  Moloka’i is about the leprosy settlement of Kalaupapa located on the island of Moloka’i.  This book blew me away.  It will definitely make my “top books of 2019” list.
You can read my mini review here ⇒ Mini Book Reviews: March 2019 (Part 1)
» The Serpent’s Secret (Kiranmala and the Kingdom Beyond #1) by Sayantani Dasgupta
#MiddleGradeMarch #YARC2019
I listened to the audiobook for this one and I think that was a mistake.  The narrator went a little too overboard with the whiny pre-teen voice.  The Serpent’s Secret had some wonderful things going for it.  I can’t help but feel I would have enjoyed this much better in print form.
» Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe by Fannie Flagg
*4.5 Stars*
Set in a small Southern town in Alabama, Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe is an endearing story of friendship, family, love, community, and good food.   This book is guaranteed to give you all the warm & fuzzy feels.  I was NOT expecting that dark twist.
» Women in Science: 50 Fearless Pioneers Who Changed the World by Rachel Ignotofsky
Loved learning about all these influential women in the STEM fields throughout history!  I listened to the audiobook format, but will request this book from the library to check out the illustrations.
» Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson
An important book that should be required reading for high school aged kids.  Speak portrays the trauma that victims of sexual assault can experience.
» Women in Sports: 50 Fearless Athletes Who Played to Win by Rachel Ignotofsky
Another excellent collection of mini biographies.  This collection focused on female athletes.
» Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson
Another powerful & important book by Laurie Halse Anderson.  Wintergirls is a raw depiction of eating disorders, specifically anorexia.
» Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys
*4.5 Stars*
A heartbreaking WWII historical fiction book about the Wilhelm Gustloff.   I am appalled that I didn’t know anything about this horrific event.
» The Sky at Our Feet by Nadia Hashimi
#MiddleGradeMarch #YARC2019
A lovely middle grade book about a young boy born in the United States to an illegal immigrant.
» Song for a Whale by Lynne Kelly
*4.5 Stars*
A middle grade novel about a deaf girl on a mission to communicate with a whale.  This was a beautiful “coming of age” story.
» A Boy Called Bat by Elena Arnold
*3.75 Stars*
A lovely middle grade novel with a main character on the Autism spectrum.  I feel the representation was very well done.  The plot could have been a little more complex, there wasn’t much to it.
» Herstory: 50 Women and Girls Who Shook Up the World by Katherine Halligan
Another collection of mini biographies of influential women throughout history.
» Game of Stars (Kiranmala and the Kingdom Beyond #2) by Sayantani DasGupta
#MiddleGradeMarch #YARC2019
The second book in a MG fantasy series rooted in Indian folklore & mythology.   Unfortunately, I feel like this series will most appeal to those that are familiar with Indian culture & mythology.  Since I was not familiar beforehand, I feel like many of the wonderful aspects about this series went over my head.  It also felt forced & cheesy at times.
Goodreads Challenge Update:
I’m currently 11 books ahead of schedule towards my Goodreads goal of reading 100 books in 2019.
#YARC2019 Update: 6 books read in 2019
Year of Asian Reading Challenge TBR + Progress Tracker #YARC2019
I read 3 books in March that counted for #YARC2019:  The Serpent’s Secret (Kiranmala and the Kingdom Beyond #1) by Sayantani Dasgupta, The Sky at Our Feet by Nadia Hashimi, and Game of Stars (Kiranmala and the Kingdom Beyond #2) by Sayantani DasGupta
2019 Goals Update:
» 80% NetGalley feedback ratio = 15 backlist ARCs ⇒ 4/15 complete
I didn’t read any NetGalley backlist books this month.  #Fail.  BUT I am up to a 64% NetGalley feedback ratio!
» 30 physical TBR books ⇒ 8/30 complete
I read 3 books off my physical TBR.  I read Moloka’i (Moloka’i #1) by Alan Brennert, Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson, and Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson
» No buying new books ⇒ Fail
As you will read below, I did end up buying a few books this month.  I have zero regrets 🙂
» Complete mini reviews for all books read ⇒ Still going strong!
I’ve posted mini book reviews of all the books I’ve read through February.  I will be posting my mini book reviews for my march reads in April.
» Two creative blog posts per month ⇒ Fail
I didn’t really post any new creative content in March.  Hard fail.
» Read long books I’ve been putting off ⇒ 0/3
While I have not picked up any of the long books that I had originally wanted to get read this year, BUT I did start Black Leopard, Red Wolf which is 620 pages… I consider anything over 500 pages a long book, so I am at least reading longer books right?
February 2019 Reading & Blogging Wrap-Up
March 2019 TBR
Books I Read for #BlackHistoryMonth 2019 + Mini Book Reviews
Book Recs: Mini Biography Collections to Read for #WomensHistoryMonth
Book Review: Everyone Brave is Forgiven by Chris Cleave
Kids’ Corner: Children’s Picture Books for #WomensHistoryMonth
Mini Book Reviews: March 2019 (Part 1)
I did buy a few books this month.  In my defense, only 2 of them were not exceptions to my 2019 book buying ban.   I was ordering a few books for my daughter for Easter off Book Outlet, and I needed to hit the $35 mark to get the free shipping… My hands were tied 🙂
Physical Books:
» Shout by Laurie Halse Anderson
I attended Laurie Halse Anderson’s book tour for Shout, so I received a signed copy.  Exception to my book buying ban.
» Keeper of Lost Cities (Keeper of the Lost Cities #1) by Shannon Messenger
One of the books I ordered off Book Outlet.
» Akata Warrior (Akata Witch #2) by Nnedi Okorafor
The other book I ordered off Book Outlet.
» A Discovery of Witches (All Souls Trilogy #1) by Deborah Harkness
Bought this on a visit to The Book Loft with Jackie @Death By Tsundoku.  Again this was a special circumstance and an exception to my book buying ban.
» The Grisha Trilogy Boxed Set by Leigh Bardugo (Shadow and Bone, Siege and Storm, and Ruin and Rising)
Also purchased on my visit to The Book Loft.  This boxed set was on sale for $12.99.  How could I say no to that?
» March Boxed Set (March #1, March #2, and March #3) by John Lewis
Also purchased on my visit to The Book Loft.  I picked up the March graphic novels for $24!
» The Winter of the Witch (Winternight #3) by Katherine Arden
I couldn’t resist a signed copy of Winter of the Witch that I came across in a book store in Savannah.
Which books did you read in March?
Have you read any of the books I read or hauled this month?  If so, what did you think?
Did you buy any books?  If so, which ones?
Comment below & let me know 🙂
Today I share my March #reading & blogging wrap-up + my #BookHaul. #BookBlogger #Bookworm #BookBlog #Books #AmReading Goodbye March, & hello April! March wasn't a very productive blogging month due to the flu hitting my house & a vacation, but it was a decent reading month! 
0 notes
douchebagbrainwaves · 5 years
Yahoo exec I knew from working there in the late 80s. There are two main things you can do, but you need time to grow a user base. Xfire's VP of engineering had worked at Yahoo during 1998 and 1999.1 And the startup was taking off. The second biggest benefit of selling Viaweb to Yahoo after the money was the least important of the new startups about fundraising, and they need it a lot. Someone running a startup, so much the professors as the students. If a round takes 2 months to close a certain deal, go ahead. But people will do it. Most investors decide in the first Java white paper that Java was designed to be changeable.
It's not just the dogfood portals we all heard about during the Internet bubble. And yet he's a super nice guy. But iTunes shows that people will later say turned out to be widely applicable.2 Even in English, our sense of the word portal, what they meant was, form should follow function. Instead you should draw a few quick lines in roughly the right place and you've made this beautiful portrait. I make this explicit. One VC who read this essay will say that I'm clueless or being misleading by focusing on people who get PhDs in CS don't go into research.
I run a seed stage investment firm called Y Combinator. The huge investments themselves are something founders would dislike, if they hadn't had to write about these topics? Along with giant national corporations, we got giant national labor unions. Kids are the ones who have it, but I think we were designed to work, and when you take a vote, all you're measuring is the error. Whereas our m. I spent a year on a new version. You don't have to pay legal bills out of that initial small sum. Not everyone who gets rich by their own rules is missing the point.
Raising money is terribly distracting. It's too much overhead. Most hackers don't learn to hack by writing programs and which in a hundred years, I think, though. Smart people tend to clump together, and because the customers would be big companies, but at the same time, of course; when parents do that sort of narrow focus can be. To start with, Silicon Valley has been pulling ahead of Boston since the 1970s.3 A friend of mine who knows a lot about things that seem wrong, but things now work differently for most fundraising prior to the current batch, which has been rewritten to suit present fashions. But when you understand the origins of the world persists. And the crude version 1 then iterate, your solution can benefit from the imagination of nature is greater than the imagination of nature, which, as Feynman pointed out, small groups are intrinsically more productive, because the locations of mines and factories were determined by features like rivers, harbors, and sources of new ideas yourself? It works so well that those who teach can't do.4 Kids who went to another three times as much. So much better that you can't guess where these bottlenecks are. Of course, figuring out what you truly like.
Curiosity turns work into play. He also wrote the first prototype of AdSense, and was it wrong to take justice into your own hands, and was an early member of both of the principles we began with has a rather brutal converse: just as the market will determine that: if you're the least bit inclined to find an excuse to work on the same thing at different stages in its life: economic power converts to wealth, and social class are just names for the same reason you'd have overlooked the idea of good art, but for blacklists nearness is physical, and for the same reason Chicago investors are more conservative than they're willing to admit that to ourselves, because that's what they've been trained to. In a startup, as in, say, real estate development, you don't want to. Students could learn less, if to improve graduation rates.5 Imagine one of the founders of Zenter for letting me use their web-based alternative to MS Office.6 You don't win by winning lawsuits. If you're not convinced yourself. Imagine what it would take up, how little autonomy one would have for endless years of training, and how likely they are to their standard m. My parents were pretty good about admitting when they didn't get swelled heads. I have a hunch that something is truly missing.
There's another sense of not everyone can do work they love—that someone has to take whatever work he can get, and using anything else is a mistake, of exactly the same shape, scaled up. You know what a throwaway program is a program you were writing to a friend who tells you how to fix a bug that's been bothering you all weekend, or visiting a friend's startup down the street to the messy, tedious ideas, you'll be pretty queasy after the third meal of it. The sad fact is, most startups that die, die because they were cheap. I can now see, a doomed undertaking, because they seem safer.7 Imagine if, instead, you treated immigration like recruiting—if you're really organized—uh, what it all comes down to your own product and approach to the market. You're committing to search for them—not just at this stage, but if it bothers them so much they should get on with building the company. Ideally, no one has. Those groups never have that glazed over look. One of my tricks for generating startup ideas is hard. I probably read two or three times as much?8 Why do we have to look at stuff people use now that's broken.9 So I asked them if they need to fix.
In the UK, where taxes were even higher than in the hope of good returns, but also about existing things becoming more addictive. It's exciting to chase things and exciting to try to establish a mediocre university, for an additional half billion or so you could use for YC is a steam catapult, at least.10 The classic way to burn through cash is by hiring a great designer to design them so that the programmer he'll hire is Bill Gates—the probability might be 20% or even 50%. Even if you were to compete with focus is to encourage a culture of cheapness. People at a startup expect to get rich, and you suppress the other.11 And yet even when they could, if you want to reproduce Silicon Valley in another country. And yet the Lisps we have today are still pretty much what business consists of—you can figure out a way to do it? Where the method of selecting the elite is thoroughly corrupt, most of the stuff you learn in your classes is crap.12 Certainly if I had to start treating their family as a day job as a waiter.13 Jobs had cancer.
But it's probably not because everyone is Thomas Edison.14 If you're trying to solve a hard problem. There are too many new ideas for companies, and companies have to make up for it, without having a lottery mixed in, we met Charlie Cheever sitting near the door. Just ask any teenager.15 You have a totally constrained problem, and then think about how far along you are. Being strong-willed is not enough. Nearly all startups have in common? But in fact they're famous within YC for aggressive early user acquisition. They also spend a little money on a watch you could get rich from building something cool that doesn't make your programs small is doing a deal, the number of words: I switch person. Most innovation in the software business, just take on the hardest problem you can find just one user who really needs something and can act on that need, you've got a company set up, it felt like the center of attention.
Even the desire to protect one's children seems weaker, judging from things people have responded to this talk became Why Startups Condense in America. Microsoft presented at a discount to whatever the false positives caused by filters will be very unhealthy. But Goldin and Margo think market forces in the general manager of the year, they mean. Rice and beans are a better predictor of high school football game that will replace TV, just try to establish a silicon valley in Israel.
They're an administrative convenience. And while this is not one of them, and there are few who can say they're not ready to raise more, because the ordering system and image generator were written in C and C, the light bulb, the only function of revenues, and that don't raise money succeeded, and also what we'd call random facts, like good scientists, motivated less by financial rewards than by the same, but I wouldn't say that IBM makes decent hardware. What you learn about books or clothes or dating: what bad taste you had in school math textbooks are not more startups to be driven by people trying to enter the software business.
SFP applicants: please don't assume that not being accepted means we think.
Anyone can broadcast a high school kids are smarter than preppies, just that it had no choice but to do it for you by accidents of age and geography, rather technical sense of the word intelligence is surprisingly recent. If a bunch of actual adults suddenly found themselves trapped in high school, and that the usual way of doing that even this can give an inaccurate picture. The image shows us, the number of words: I remember about the origins of the essence of something or the distinction between matter and form if Aristotle hadn't written about them. Tell the investors talking to a group of picky friends who proofread almost everything I say is being unfair to him like 2400 years would to us.
Come work for us! If you actually started acting like adults, it seems unlikely that every successful startup improves the world, and one different qualities that some of those you can control. 73 billion. The reason Google seemed a plausible excuse.
Indifference, mainly. To get a job after college, but I realize revenue and not others, like most of them is that their explicit goal at Y Combinator makes founders move for 3 months also suggests one underestimates how hard it is still what seemed to Aristotle the core: the way we met Aydin Senkut. Above.
Hypothesis: A company will either be a lot of investors started offering investment automatically to every startup we funded, summer 2010.
Eric Horvitz. But phone companies gleaming in the postwar period also helped preserve the wartime compression of wages—specifically by sharding it.
Survey by Forrester Research reported in their standards that they're all that mattered. The first alone yields someone who's stubbornly inert. Steven Hauser. There were lots of customers times how much of a startup to an audience of investors.
You won't hire all those 20 people at once is to trick a pointy-haired boss into letting him play. Several people have seen, so they made much of observed behavior. Sofbot. They're still deciding, which is not a commodity or article of commerce.
If the rich have better opportunities for education. Every language probably has to give them sufficient activation energy required. A great programmer will invent things an ordinary adult slave seems to be identified with you. Public school kids arrive at college with a product company.
Every pilot knows about this problem, we love big juicy lumbar disc herniations, but viewed from the study. If it failed it failed. A single point of a heuristic for detecting whether you have to watch out for here, since they're an existing university, or working in middle management at a Demo Day.
They're common to all cultures with long traditions of living in a startup with a slight disadvantage, but that this was hard to think. But startups are now.
Dealers try to make the hiring point more strongly. A knowledge of human anatomy.
0 notes
itswomanswork · 6 years
My June 2018 Monthly Goals Report
Mastery of all things comes from setting and attaining goals. Goals get achieved through accountability.
Every month since 2012, I write a detailed report about my progress toward the goals and resolutions I publicly stated on my blog earlier in the year.  I call this my Monthly Goals Report.  Since I started sharing my goals and progress in 2012, I have received such an amazing response from people all over the world. You’ve shared with me how I helped to inspire you by openly sharing my progress. And knowing you’re reading this helps me hold myself accountable to the promises I’ve made to myself.
This is my June Monthly Goals Report. It’s my hope that you can take away something to inspire you in the pursuit of your own goals.
Watch the video below:
(Click Here To Watch On YouTube)
This page contains affiliate links. If you purchase a product through one of them, I will receive a commission (at no additional cost to you). I only ever endorse products that I have personally used and benefitted from personally. Thank you for your support!
My 2018 Goals Breakdown
I’m now going to go into each goal that I committed to for 2018 in detail and share exactly where I’m at with each. For complete context, check out the original 2018 goals and resolution video blog, and my previous Monthly Goal Reports.
1. I will easily make $3,500,000 CAD in revenue, while working less and positively impacting millions of peoples lives by December 31, 2018.
GOAL: $3,500,000 CAD ($291,667 CAD per month) RESULT: $764,892.80 ($2,365,879 CAD total) PROGRESS: ON TRACK
During June, I got back on track with a big income month to make-up for some lower ones in April and May.  This was primarily due to some launches and promotions that I was involved with.  I’m getting a lot closer to my goal and anticipate to achieve it before year end.
It might seem impressive that I generated over $764,000 in a single month, but it’s important to remember that I didn’t get here overnight. It’s taken me years of hard work, focused learning, and consistent effort to build multiple online businesses and income streams. Most importantly, I believe that the money people earn is just a reflection of the value we add to other people’s lives. If you focus on adding massive value and helping people, you will be rewarded. This is what I continue to focus on every day, and what I’m proudest of. With that mindset, the money takes care of itself.
This income is comprised of a number of businesses and income streams that I have, such as:
Online Book Publishing
Including Kindle Publishing, CreateSpace & Audiobook Creation Exchange (ACX)
Information Products & Courses
Affiliate Marketing Mastery, K Money Mastery 2.0, 24 Hour Book, K Mastermind, Morning Ritual Mastery, Online Business Mastery Accelerator, Life Mastery Accelerator, Full Disclosure, VA Training Program, etc…
Affiliate Marketing 
Sharing other courses, products & services
Coaching, Consulting & Events
Amazon Physical Products
K Optimizer
Miscellaneous Income Streams
Google Adsense, Fiverr, Udemy, etc…
Real Estate Investments
Trading, as well as dividend income
Want to learn exactly how I make money online and became an internet millionaire? CLICK HERE to get instant access to my FREE online training program!
2. I will easily have at least $6,000,000 CAD in investment assets (cash, stocks, bonds, ETF’s, real estate, cryptocurrencies, etc…) by December 31, 2018.
GOAL: $6,000,000 CAD RESULT: $5,600,228 (approximately) PROGRESS: AHEAD OF SCHEDULE
I wasn’t able to update these numbers since early June, as I recently have moved my stock investment account to a new brokerage account and haven’t been able to get accurate numbers.  However, much hasn’t changed and I’ll be able to provide the new number in my August report.
I recently shared my $3.5M Stock Investment Portfolio on YouTube and my blog, sharing exactly what I own and invest in.  I also shared my stock portfolio when it first reached $1,000,000 a few years ago, so you can see my investing progress since.  I own everything from bank stocks, to ETFs, REITs, bonds, similar instruments on the Toronto Stock Exchange. More recently, I’ve begun to invest in some US companies — primarily tech stocks like Apple, Amazon, Google, Facebook, Alibaba, and Tesla.
I have other investments as well, such as rental properties, a mutual funds, P2P loans, cryptocurrency, and some private investments.
3. I will easily host 12 Life Mastery Accelerator monthly mentoring sessions, sharing my most cutting-edge self-development strategies and help thousands of people transform their lives by December 31, 2018.
GOAL: 12 (1 per month) RESULT: 6 PROGRESS: ON TRACK
In June, I hosted a training on How To Be A Great Leader: The Essential Qualities Of Leadership inside the Life Mastery Accelerator. I will teach you about leadership and the essential qualities of great leadership to take control in your life.
Life Mastery Accelerator now includes over 18 incredible video trainings and more than 30 hours of additional content. This is the only training program where I go DEEP into my best self-development strategies for each area of the Life Mastery Blueprint: health, mindset, emotions, relationships, money, career, lifestyle, spirituality, etc.
To learn more about the Life Mastery Accelerator, CLICK HERE.
4. I will easily host 12 Online Business Mastery Accelerator monthly mentoring sessions, sharing my most cutting-edge online marketing strategies and help thousands of people grow their online businesses by December 31, 2018.
GOAL: 12 (1 per month) RESULT: 6 PROGRESS: ON TRACK
In June, I hosted a training on How To Manage Your Money While Building An Online Business in the Online Business Mastery Accelerator. In order for you to build an online business, it’s going to require an investment of time and money, and managing your money effectively is one of the important skills you must learn.
The Online Business Mastery Accelerator now includes over 20 informative video trainings, with 35+ hours of additional content. This program shares my most effective strategies for continuously growing my online businesses. The strategies are extremely powerful and useful for ANY online business, but I apply them specifically to Amazon FBA, Kindle Publishing, Affiliate Marketing, and Information Products.
To learn more about the Online Business Mastery Accelerator, CLICK HERE.
5. I will easily host at least 2 Online Business Mastery Mastermind events, love the process and personally help people build and grow their online business by December 31, 2018.
GOAL: 2 RESULT: In progress PROGRESS: Filling up fast
In December, I’ll be hosting an event in Los Angeles.  To learn more about the Online Business Mastery Mastermind, click here.
6. I will easily host a Life Mastery Transformation seminar, love the process and help people transform every area of their lives by December 31, 2018.
I haven’t planned any dates yet of when this will be, but to get notified of future events, click here.
7. I will easily create a new self-development course or online business course that can help thousands of people change their lives by December 31, 2018
I have not yet started serious work on this goal, though I’m deeply excited about it. Subscribe to my newsletter to be the first to hear about the progress.
8. I will easily hire two new A-players to join the Project Life Mastery team and will help grow Project Life Mastery by December 31, 2018.
GOAL: 2 RESULT: Receiving Applicants PROGRESS: ON TRACK
I’ve started the hiring process for a Marketing Specialist to join the Project Life Mastery team.  If you feel you’ll be a great candidate or know of someone that will be, pass on this link for the job application.
I’ve been using the methods taught in the books Topgrading and WHO to help me with this.
9. I will easily create a new physical product to launch and sell on Amazon, as well as my own e-commerce store using the Amazing Selling Machine by December 31, 2018.
This goal is currently in the planning stage.
10. I will easily create and launch the new StefanJames.com website to continue to build my personal brand, by December 31, 2018.
This goal hasn’t been planned yet.
11. I will easily publish 150+ videos on the Project Life Mastery YouTube channel, while impacting millions of lives by December 31, 2018.
GOAL: 150 (12.5 per month) RESULT: 88 PROGRESS: ON TRACK
This month, I published 15 new videos on the YouTube channel, iTunes podcast and on the blog. I have continued to hone my skills in video content creation and have put a lot more focus on this part of my brand. It’s become easier now that I’ve started to build a team to handle other operations of my business, allowing me to focus on producing quality video content.
12. I will easily publish 200+ blog posts on ProjectLifeMastery.com, while impacting millions of lives by December 31, 2018.
GOAL: 200 (16 ⅔ per month) RESULT: 102 PROGRESS: ON TRACK
This month, I published 17 new blog posts, which you can find right here on the Project Life Mastery website. Though I’ve focused more on developing my skills in video content creation, I always publish more blog posts and articles than videos and podcasts.
13. I will easily have at least 600,000 YouTube subscribers on the Project Life Mastery YouTube channel by December 31, 2018.
GOAL: 600,000 RESULT: 512,000 (rounded) PROGRESS: ON TRACK
The Project Life Mastery YouTube channel continues to grow, gaining thousands of new subscribers each month. I credit my consistent improvement in video content creation, plus the massive value I try to offer with each video, to this success and intend to continue on this path toward even more dramatic future results.
14. I will easily reach at least 14,000,000 views (1,166,666  views per month) on the Project Life Mastery YouTube channel by December 31, 2018.
GOAL: 14,000,000 views (1,166,666 monthly views) RESULT: 1,042,514 views PROGRESS: BEHIND SCHEDULE
While I’m happy that during June the channel got over 1M views, we’re still behind on achieving this goal. I just try to focus on what I can control, which is publishing quality content and then will let the views take care of itself.
15. I will easily reach at least 2,000,000 unique visitors (166,666 visitors per month) on ProjectLifeMastery.com by December 31, 2018.
GOAL: 2,000,000 unique visitors (166,666 unique monthly visitors) RESULT: 130,870 unique sessions PROGRESS: BEHIND SCHEDULE
Traffic has been steady, even through we’re behind on this.  Right now we’ve been working with an SEO expert to improve some elements of the site in order to grow our organic search traffic.  I’ll continue to focus on publishing quality content and better optimize our traffic strategies.
16. I will easily reach at least 1,000,000 podcast listeners (83,333 listens per month) on the Project Life Mastery podcast by December 31, 2018.
GOAL: 1,000,000 listens (83,333 monthly listens) RESULT: 50,300 listens (rounded) PROGRESS: BEHIND SCHEDULE
I have mixed feelings about this goal. On the one hand, I always feel grateful to reach the size of the audience that I reach — to impact so many lives is a privilege and I never forget that. On the other hand, I would like to see this number grow a little more quickly. The biggest room in the world is the room for improvement, and as we improve the quality and promotion of the podcast, I believe we will hit this goal by the end of the year.
17. I will easily get tested to better optimize my physical, mental and emotional well-being by getting the following tests done by December 31, 2018.
WellnessFx Blood Test
Heavy Metals Test
Gut MicroBiome Test
Micronutrient Test
Food Sensitivity and Allergy Test
Hormone and Testosterone Test
Bulletproof Labs Baseline Test
QurEcology Biochemical Wellness Analysis
So far in 2018, I’ve completed a Food Sensitivity Test, Micronutrient Test, Bulletproof Labs Baseline Test, Heavy Metals Hair Analysis, and QurEcology Biochemical Wellness Analysis.  As the results come in, I plan to do a video to share the results and what I intend to do with what they tell me.
18. I will easily complete a 30 Day Sugar Detox Challenge by December 31, 2018.
I have not yet scheduled the month for this goal.
19. I will easily complete a 30 Day Vegan Challenge by December 31, 2018.
I have not yet scheduled the month for this goal.
20. I will easily continue to optimize my health and well-being every month by doing one of the following by December 31, 2018:
Vitamin IV Drip Therapy
Red Light Therapy
Massage Therapy
Human Garage
Bulletproof Labs Hacks
GOAL: 12 months of treatment RESULT: 3 PROGRESS: ON TRACK
In June, I fell behind on this goal as I’v been busy getting settled in Panama and haven’t found too many bioacking resources yet here.
21. I will easily continue naturally detoxing mercury and lead from my body by December 31, 2018.
GOAL: 12 months of consistently following the protocol. RESULT: 6 PROGRESS: Goal Achieved!
In June, I got the results back from a metals hair analysis test and it showed fairly low levels of mercury and lead – hooray!  This means that what I’ve been doing has worked, which involved follow the Andy Cutler Protocol, using coffee enemas, saunas, and a variety of other methods.
Last year I was diagnosed with mercury and lead toxicity, which made me decide to focus on detoxing my body of these substances.  You can learn more about my Mercury detox here.
22. I will easily workout at least 5 times per week to build more lean muscle mass, strength, and endurance by December 31, 2018.
GOAL: 20 workouts per month RESULT: 20 PROGRESS: ON SCHEDULE
In June, I got back to a regular workout routine and have been hitting the gym hard, sometimes twice a day.
23. I will easily complete the 100 Day Challenge to help me achieve some of my biggest goals by December 31, 2018.
GOAL: 100 Days RESULT: 100 Days PROGRESS: Goal Achieved!
Every year, I commit to doing the 100 Day Challenge during the early months. I find it gives me a big boost of motivation and consistency to kickstart the year.  I was able to achieve this goal in March/April.
24. I will easily complete a 30-day Morning Ritual Challenge to be at my best every day by December 31, 2018.
GOAL: 30 days RESULT: 6 days PROGRESS: On Track
In June, I committed to the #30DayMorningRitualChallenge by following my principles taught inside my Morning Ritual Mastery course.  I’ve been sharing everyday on my Instagram story at least one thing I’m doing for my morning ritual that day, for others to follow along.
25. I will easily complete a 30 Day Meditation Challenge using my Muse and HeartMath Inner Balance by December 31, 2018.
GOAL: 30 days RESULT: n/a PROGRESS: n/a
I have not begun work on this goal yet.
26. I will easily read at least 20 books to continue to master every area of my life by December 31, 2018
GOAL: 20 books (1 ⅓ books per month) RESULT: 8 books PROGRESS: AHEAD OF SCHEDULE
I’ve read 8 books so far in 2018:
Rewired: A Bold New Approach To Addiction & Recovery
The Testosterone Optimization Therapy Bible: The Ultimate Guide To Living A Fully Optimized Life
The Systems Mindset: Managing The Machinery Of Your Life
Scaling Up: How A Few Companies Make It… And The Rest Don’t
Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone To Take Action
Naturally Triple Your Testosterone: A Guide To Hacking Your Hormones And Becoming Superhuman
27. I will easily listen to at least 30 blinks using the Blinkist app to continue to master every area of my life by December 31, 2018.
GOAL: 30 blinks (2.5 blinks per month) RESULT: 6 blinks PROGRESS: ON TRACK
I’ve listened to 10 blinks so far in 2018:
12 Rules For Life: An Antidote To Chaos
Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit Of Less
Finish: Give Yourself The Gift Of Done
Happiness: A Guide To Developing Life’s Most Important Skill
Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End/easyazon_link]
[easyazon_link identifier=”0399564489″ locale=”US” tag=”projectlifemastery-20″]Captivate: The Science of Succeeding with People/easyazon_link]
[easyazon_link identifier=”0062120999″ locale=”US” tag=”projectlifemastery-20″]Great By Choice:Uncertainty, Chaos, and Luck–Why Some Thrive Despite Them All
Always Hungry? Conquer Cravings, Retrain Your Fat Cells, and Lose Weight Permanently
Comfortably Unaware: What We Choose To Eat Is Killing Us And Our Planet
Brain Maker: The Power Of Gut Microbes To Heal And Protect Your Brain-For Life
28. I will easily continue my monthly Relationship Ritual with Tatiana to ensure that we’re continuing to meet each other’s needs, while growing our love and passion to further enhance our relationship by December 31, 2018.
GOAL: 12 rituals RESULT: 5 rituals PROGRESS: BEHIND
Every month, Tatiana and I engage in a ritual together that allows us to ensure we have an outstanding relationship. During this ritual, we review our relationship vision, goals, and bucket list, as well as check in with each other on the 6 human needs and 5 love languages. This proactively grows our connection and communication, and we have found it keeps our relationship forever extraordinary.
29.I will easily plan a romantic experience with Tatiana at least once a month to create magic moments together that we’ll never forget by December 31, 2018.
GOAL: 12 romantic experiences (1 experience per month) RESULT: 5 PROGRESS: BEHIND
Now that Tatiana and I have been settled in Panama, I’ve been able to get back into the routine of going out together and creating romantic experiences.
30. I will easily connect with each member of my family at least once a month in-person or over the phone, to continue to strengthen our relationships by December 31, 2018.
In June, I was able to connect with my family while afar.
31.I will easily connect with a new friend at least once a week in-person or over the phone/Skype, to build new friendships and relationships by December 31, 2018.
GOAL: 4 sessions per month RESULT: 4 PROGRESS: ON TRACK
In June, I was able to get back on track and connect with friends every week.
32. I will easily do a new fun activity every month (dancing, kickboxing, snowboarding, concerts, sporting events, etc…) and have a lot of fun by December 31, 2018.
GOAL: 12 activities RESULT: 6 activities PROGRESS: ON TRACK
In June, I was able to have fun while in Panama – going out to nice restauarants, nightclubs, exploring, hiring a Spanish teacher, etc…
33. I will easily live in Los Angeles for at least 3 months by December 31, 2018.
GOAL: 3 months RESULT: 1.5 months PROGRESS: ON TRACK
Tatiana and spent most of February in Los Angeles (with the exception of our jaunt to San Diego), staying in Santa Monica.  We plan on going back later in the year.
34. I will easily travel throughout Europe (Greece, Italy, and Spain) for 3 months by December 31, 2018.
GOAL: 1 amazing journey RESULT: n/a PROGRESS: n/a
This goal is planned during August.
35. I will easily travel to Orlando for the Amazing Seller Summit by December 31, 2018.
GOAL: 1 Summit Attended RESULT: 1 Summit Attended PROGRESS: Achieved!
During April, Tatiana and I attended the Amazing Seller Summit in Orlando, Florida. During the event I interviewed almost all of the speakers and published them on my YouTube channel.
36. I will easily attend the Traffic & Conversion Summit in San Diego, while connecting with other like-minded entrepreneurs and expanding my knowledge, by December 31, 2018.
GOAL: 1 Summit Attended RESULT: 1 Summit Attended PROGRESS: Achieved!
In February, I flew some members of my team to the Traffic & Conversion Summit in San Diego.  We spent a week there, learning as much as we could, but also connecting and strategizing on how we can grow Project Life Mastery.  It was a lot of fun.  I truly believe in investing in yourself, but also your team so that you can grow as much as possible.
37. I will easily travel to Whistler for an entrepreneur mastermind trip to connect further with friends and other like-minded entrepreneurs by December 31, 2018.
GOAL:  1 Mastermind Trip RESULT: 1 Mastermind Trip PROGRESS: Achieved!
In March, I attended a Mastermind event with a group of entrepreneurs to further grow our businesses.
38. I will easily travel to Mexico for an Entrepreneur Mastermind snowboarding trip by December 31, 2018.
GOAL: 1 Mastermind Trip RESULT: 1 Mastermind Trip PROGRESS: Achieved!
In January, I traveled to Punta Mita, Mexico for an annual mastermind that I’m a part of with over 60 successful entrepreneurs.  It was a blast – I can’t emphasize enough surrounding yourself with other like-minded, committed and successful individuals.  I truly believe that who you spend time with is who you become!
39. I will easily listen to The Word Of Promise Old Testament and New Testament Audio Bible by December 31, 2018.
GOAL: 1 complete audiobook RESULT: In progress PROGRESS: BEHIND
I’m quite a. bit behind on this goal, but so far, I’ve listened to:
The Book Of Genesis
The Book of Exodus
40. I will easily raise and fund at least $10,000 to build 3+ houses with WorldHousing by December 31, 2018.
GOAL: $10,000 raised to build 3+ houses RESULT: $2756 PROGRESS: ON TRACK
So farB in 2018, I was able to raise $2756 towards the goal of $10,000 to build 3 houses.
For the last three years, I’ve been involved in funding houses for families suffering from poverty with different organizations.  I’ve personally been a part of funding and building 3 houses so far, in El Salvador and Nicaragua.  I look forward to continuing this ritual in 2018.  I have yet to decide on the location of where I want to build the houses.
41. I will easily donate $20,000+ to We.org to fund the construction of two schools in Ethiopia by December 31, 2018.
GOAL: $20,000 donated to build 2 schools RESULT: $50,000 donated to build 3 schools PROGRESS: Achieved!
I’m thrilled to say that in June I donated $50,000 to We.org to build 3 schools: one in Ethiopia, Kenya and India.  
Click here to learn more about a trip I did to Ethiopia for a school inauguration that I helped fund.
42. I will easily go on a volunteer trip to donate my time to help build houses or schools by December 31, 2018.
GOAL: 1 trip RESULT: n/a PROGRESS: n/a
I have not yet begun progress on this goal.
43. I will easily loan at least $5000 through Kiva to help support those in need around the world, by December 31, 2018.
GOAL: $5,000 in microloans RESULT: n/a PROGRESS: n/a
I have not yet begun progress on this goal.
I enjoy and get deep value out of putting together this Monthly Goals Report, and I look forward to connecting with you next month. I’ve found this public commitment has pushed me to stay motivated and accountable, which helps me better stay on track towards achieving my goals. Thanks for reading!
The post My June 2018 Monthly Goals Report appeared first on Project Life Mastery.
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In Which Our Hero Begins His Adventure
Hey guys, like the triangles? I got them from this magical place called the 1990s.
For those of you unfamiliar with what I am doing, I guess I better fill you in. So there’s this guy on the internet who invented the Day Zero Project, or as we call it, a 101 List. It’s a list of 101 goals to be completed in 1,001 days. Whatever you want to accomplish – going sky diving, reading your height in books, trying that thing you wanted to try – but with a deadline on it so you can be motivated to get it done. When I first met Sara, she was in the middle of her second 101 List. And though I hadn’t started dating her yet, I knew that this kind of thing was right up my alley. I started one myself close to the time we started dating, and finished it in the spring of 2016. I’ll send you a link to the guy and the website that got this whole thing started, as well as to Sara’s 101 list blog. If you haven’t started following her yet, well, what’s wrong with you? Get on it!
Anyway, she’s on her third 101 list now, and I started this year happily content with just making ideas for my second 101 list as I spun through the white water rapids of graduate school. I told myself I’d start my next list when I was at least done with classes.
The more I came up with ideas for my list, the more excited I got for them. I sat thinking about what fun I would have trying my hand at getting actually decent at an arcade game for once, only to come back to reality just in time for my professor to say, “And everything I just said is going to be on the test.” 
Just kidding. I would never* daydream in class.
Anyway, that’s when I knew I had to get started. If I’m this excited about it, it’s a sign that I should go ahead with it, right? So here we are. You’ll see below you what I plan to accomplish from January 16th 2017 to October 13th 2019. And I’ll be in grad school. So yeah, I guess I’m trying to do everything. Most likely what will happen is you’ll see me checking in with a photo or two on my Instagram when I make baby steps on finishing each goal.
Now don’t worry, go sit back in your seat, put the tomato down. I promise I’ll actually write up something solid when I get an entire goal finished. Pinky promise. Because I am a responsible* adult, I will likely only post about the goals that have to do with school for the first bit, but if you’re lucky, I just may do something interesting now and then. You never know. Anyway, before I ramble on for another four paragraphs…
 101 List 2.0, January 16, 2017 to October 13, 2019:
1.     Post on the Internet about every goal completed
2.     Complete 5 classic console video games
3.     Complete 5 indie video games
4.     Gain 25,000 points on a classic arcade game
5.     Complete an “Around the World in 80 Days” Culinary Challenge
6.     Complete a “Time-Travel” Culinary Challenge
7.     Create a Food Network-like technical challenge for Sara and 2 friends to judge
8.     Bake 3 different kinds of Chilean breads
9.     Make 3 different rolls of sushi
10.  Make 3 different batches of Xiao Long Bao
11.  Make 5 different foods from my Pokémon Cookbook
12.  Create a “Sara’s Not Cooking Tonight” recipe book with a minimum of 10 items
13.  Try 10 new restaurants
14.  Listen to 101 new albums
15.  Watch 10 films from International Cinema
16.  Read 5 Biographies / Nonfiction History Books
17.  Read 5 books related to SLP work
18.  Read 5 books on world mythologies / folktales / religion / culture
19.  Read 5 books recommended by the Vlogbrothers
20.  Read 5 books recommended by Austin Kleon
21.  Read 5 books in the genre that I am making my NaNoWriMo in
22.  Read a book on Parenting
23.  Read through an entire Marvel comic series
24.  Read or remove all the books that have been left unread on my bookshelves
25.  Get the illustrated Harry Potter books
26.  Re-read the Harry Potter series or listen to the entire series on audiobook
27.  Complete a Listography book
28.  Complete the Steal Like an Artist Journal
29.  Complete 3 challenges from The Art Assignment
30.  Create a stippling drawing
31.  Buy a classic collection of poetry and then “black it out” to make it into something new
32.  Complete a drawing journal
33.  Fill my poetry notebook for Sara
34.  Complete the Gen 7 National Pokédex
35.  Participate in an official Pokémon VGC event
36.  Contribute / participate in a Lego building contest / exhibition
37.  Post an idea on the Lego Ideas website
38.  DM a D&D campaign
39.  Win NaNoWriMo
40.  Participate in February Album Writing Month
41.  Post-it Note Art
42.  Make a piñata
43.  Submit a piece of art to a local art contest
44.  Recreate a picture from childhood
45.  Create my own board game
46.  Go on Kickstarter and contribute to something
47.  Learn Hiragana
48.  Learn Katakana
49.  Learn the Kanji for 50 words
50.  Learn the ASL alphabet
51.  Learn the ASL signs for 25 words & 5 phrases
52.  Read a book in Spanish out loud
53.  Read / watch each General Conference during the list in Spanish
54.  Add 5 movies to our Animated Movie Library
55.  Add 10 books to our Children’s Book Library
56.  Add 5 books to our Graphic Novel Library
57.  Add 5 games to our Board Game Library
58.  Watch another Ken Burns documentary series
59.  Go through a large, well-known art museum (MOMA, Guggenheim, etc.)
60.  Kon Mari my virtual stuff (everything on the computer)
61.  Kon Mari my physical stuff
62.  Create a Feltron Yearly Report
63.  Send an email to Dear Hank & John
64.  Complete an online courses from one educational website (for example, Khan Academy) on one subject
65.  Watch all the videos on Crash Course in one subject
66.  Film 1 second a day for a year
67.  Learn 5 songs from our currently-owned piano books
68.  30 days of original Lego creations
69.  30 Pokémon drawings in 30 days
70.  30 days of hidden faces
71.  30 days of sharing inspiration
72.  30 days of no added sugar
73.  30 days of TED talks
74.  30 days of clarinet
75.  30 days of piano
76.  30 days of haikus
77.  30 days of Shakespeare
78.  30 days of sharing knowledge & awareness about different communication disorders
79.  Take out my old things from mom and dad’s place
80.  Give a thank-you note to all of my teachers
81.  Donate a minimum of $5 to my top 5 favorite content creators on the internet
82.  12 days of donations
83.  Volunteer at the TRC
84.  Create a savings fund of at least $5,000 for an important, adult thing
85.  Create a savings fund of at least $150 for something fun and unnecessary
86.  Make a daruma for one of my goals
87.  Make and complete a fitness goal lasting at least 6 months
88.  Modify and follow my own version of the “Alton Brown Culinary Way of Life” for 6 months
89.  Become a Boy Scout Merit Badge Counselor in some subject
90.  Learn to change a spare tire
91.  Visit Arches National Park
92.  Visit Glacier National Park
93.  Visit Yellowstone National Park
94.  Visit Dinosaur National Monument
95.  Read a supplement to the Sunday School Lessons for 1 year
96.  Read the entire Topical Guide
97.  Read 3 church history books
98.  Read 50 journal articles related to SLP work
99.  Read through 10 subjects on the ASHA Practice Portal
100. Watch 10 videos on Master Clinician Network
101. Participate in at least one local election and the 2018 mid-term election
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feliciasink · 7 years
The Sunday Post is a weekly meme originally from Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things I have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on my blog.
I so forgot my Sunday Post last week, so I’ve combined the two as one big one. Not much exciting has happened these past two weeks. Been tired a lot lately, especially the last few days. My bf has a kind of flu thingy and gets a weird sleep cycle because of it, which results in screwing up my sleep as well… Feel like I could sleep for two days straight and still not have enough sleep… Fell asleep on the couch at least four times in the last few days… One at night and most during the days, watching a movie or episode… Maybe it’s also the winter coming down at my energy levels… It’s cold, sad weather and not much to do… And especially with him having the flu, it means I can’t do a lot – besides reading, sleeping, eating, cooking, blogging or watching an episode or movie – I know you need your rest when not feeling well, so I won’t bother him with too much noise and stuff… But it’s gets kinda boring after a few days… In combination with my sleepiness, it makes me less motivated to watch or read anything.. So it get’s real boring.. Hope he feels better soon and I feel more energetic again… Gotta work out tomorrow again, prepare for my first Taekwondo exam on February 3rd!!
One exciting thing that did happen was discussing out holiday. It’s becoming more permanently set and booked =]=]=]=]=] I so wanna go to Orlando and Harry Potter’s Wizarding World…. Biggest issue is saving money to spend there hahahahaha
Big thingy did happen on the blog…. I WROTE/PUBLISHED/ MY FIRST REVIEW IN THREE MONTHS AGAIN!!!!!
This weeks posts:
What about that bookchallenge 2016 + goal 2017.
December Wrap-Up + January TBR.
The Backlist Reader Challenge 2017.
TTT#19 Top Ten 2017 Debuts I’m Excited For.
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Awesomeness!!
TTT#20 Top Ten 2016 Releases I Meant To Read But Didn’t Get To (But TOTALLY plan to).
#72 The Diabolic.  <<<<<————- !!!!!!!!!!!
  Coming next week:
TTT#21 Ten Underrated/Hidden Gem Books I’ve Read In The Past Year Or So (up to you if you want it to be those published in the past year or so or just ANY underrated book you’ve read recently).
Tv Thursday #7. Week 3 [need some motivation there too, don’t want to let you guys down…]
Maybe some reviews =]
So in the last two weeks I’ve had a great start of this year’s Goodreads Reading Challenge 2017. I’ve finished Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I’ve read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Quidditch Through the Ages, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them all by J.K. Rowling and The Diabolic by S.J. Kincaid.
I’m currently reading Breath of Fire by Amanda Bouchet [Kingmaker Chronicles #2] as a NetGalley review, Tales of Beedle the Bard by J.K. Rowling and Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch. After Breath of Fire I’ll start reading Halfway Bitten by Terry Maggert and/or The Gender Secret by Bella Forrest. After Snow Like Ashes I’ll start Carve the Mark by Veronica Roth. That beautiful hardcover will arrive this Tuesday and so I hope I’ve finished reading Snow Like Ashes before it arrives =]
So these two weeks I watched A LOT of episodes… If you’ve noticed a weird watching order with bones that’s true nothing is weird there… Apart from the fact that the first two episodes of Season 4 were a double episode and my streamer made episode 1 episode 1&2 and made episode 2 number 3 and so on… So I got confused in the episode titles and figured it out after watching episode 8 hahaha… A bit late, I know but I’ve watched the missing episode after all…
My bf finally wants to watch series again during dinner – instead of brain-dead comedy central re-runs – and now we’re watching Modern Family S8. We’ve watched How I Met You Mother as our dinner series before Modern Family and You’re the Worst will probably be our next. We also watch a few others together, but mostly they wait a long time because of the snack series [HIMYM and Modern Family, eps of 20-23 minutes instead of at least 40 minutes an episode]. Those are Gotham, Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Scorpion. The rest of the shows can’t be watched together because of work, our preferences in watching series and our progress if watching the same series.. haha we love a lot of the same things, but in some series I’m ahead of him and some he’s ahead of me.. So we watch together separately mostly lol.
Monday Jan 2, Charmed S4E18: Bite Me
Thursday Jan 5, Charmed S4E19: We’re Off to See the Wizard
Friday Jan 6, Charmed S4E20: Long Live the Queen
Saturday Jan 7, Charmed S4E21: Womb Raider
Saturday Jan 7, Charmed S4E22: Witch Way Now?
Saturday Jan 7, Bones S4E1: Yanks in the U.K. (1)
Saturday Jan 7, Bones S4E2: Yanks in the U.K. (2)
Sunday Jan 8, Bones S4E4: The Finger in the Nest
Monday Jan 9, Bones S4E5: The Perfect Pieces in the Purple Pond
Monday Jan 9, Bones S4E6: The Crank in the Shaft
Tuesday Jan 10, Bones S4E7: The He in the She
Tuesday Jan 10, Bones S4E8: The Skull in the Sculpture
Tuesday Jan 10, Bones S4E3: The Man in the Outhouse
Tuesday Jan 10, Bones S4E9: The Con Man in the Meth Lab
Thursday Jan 12, Bones S4E10: The Passenger in the Oven
Thursday Jan 12, Bones S4E11: The Bone That Blew
Friday Jan 13, Bones S4E12: The Double Trouble in the Panhandle
Friday Jan 13, Bones S4E13: The Fire in the Ice
Friday Jan 13, Bones S4E14: The Hero in the Hold
Friday Jan 13, Bones S4E15: The Princess and the Pear
Friday Jan 13, Bones S4E16: The Bones That Foam
Friday Jan 13, Bones S4E17: The Salt in the Wounds
Friday Jan 13, Bones S4E18: The Doctor in the Den
Friday Jan 13, Bones S4E19: The Science in the Physicist
Friday Jan 13, Bones S4E20: The Cinderella in the Cardboard
Friday Jan 13, Bones S4E21: Mayem on a Cross
Saturday Jan 14, Bones S4E22: The Double Death of the Dearly Departed
Saturday Jan 14, Bones S4E23: The Girl in the Mask
Saturday Jan 14, Bones S4E24: The Beaver in the Otter
Saturday Jan 14, Bones S4E25: The Critic in the Cabernet
Saturday Jan 14, Bones S4E26: The End in the Beginning
Saturday Jan 14, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow S1E1: Pilot (1)
Saturday Jan 14, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow S1E2: Pilot (2)
Sunday Jan 15, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow S1E3: Blood Ties
Sunday Jan 15, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow S1E4: White Knights
Sunday Jan 15, Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)
With the boyfriend:
Tuesday Jan 3, Mars S1E4: Power
Wednesday Jan 4, Mars S1E5: Darkest Days
Wednesday Jan 4, Mars S1E6: Crossroads
Friday Jan 6, Modern Family S8E1: The Tale of Three Cities
Thursday Jan 12, Modern Family S8E2: A Stereotypical Day
Friday Jan 13, Modern Family S8E3: Blindsighted
Saturday Jan 14, Modern Family S8E4: Weathering Heights
Sunday Jan 15, Modern Family S8E5: Halloween 4: The Revenge of Rod Skyhook
A photo posted by Felicia (@felicias.ink) on Jan 2, 2017 at 5:54am PST
When you were being cheeky and asked if you could have them after the movie leaves the movie theatre. When you hear you can take them now and the lady helps you get them down. When this happens, I'm a very, very, very happy girl😍😁 • #fantasticbeasts #fantasticbeastsandwheretofindthem #fangirl #fandom #luckygirl #happygirl #newtscamander #queeniegoldstein #tinagoldstein #jacobkowalski #nomaj #happy #fangirling #movietheatre
A photo posted by Felicia (@felicias.ink) on Jan 4, 2017 at 7:18am PST
Getting my geek up again🖖🏼 first time entering the Star Trek universe in chronological order. Awesome to see what they could already do in the 70s. And such a young Shatner haha. And what a difference in voice volume and effects. • #startrek #startrekuniverse #startrekthemotionpicture #startrek1979 #mrspock #🖖🏼 #captainkirk #geek #geekgirl #geeky #nerdy #nerdygirl #geekygirl
A photo posted by Felicia (@felicias.ink) on Jan 15, 2017 at 11:22am PST
In case you’ve missed these:
#72 The Diabolic.
TTT#20 Top Ten 2016 Releases I Meant To Read But Didn’t Get To (But TOTALLY plan to).
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Awesomeness!!
TTT#19 Top Ten 2017 Debuts I’m Excited For.
The Backlist Reader Challenge 2017.
Sunday Post #23 & #24. January 8 & 15 The Sunday Post is a weekly meme originally from Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share News.
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