#cut to now and that creepy ass music is playing in my head
Dude. Why is that scene in Sleeping Beauty so fucking CREEPY
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slytherinslut0 · 6 months
jealousy. | slytherin boy headcanons
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author’s note: im completely unhinged, as always. no surprise there. love me some angry snake men🥵 please enjoy.
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-your boyfriend sees another guy flirting with you in the hall.
Draco Malfoy.
Sees you from down the hall as he’s walking with his friends.
“You know what, guys, I’ll catch up with you after.”
Would literally ditch his friends to make his way over, collecting himself as saunters up to you and mystery man.
Would instantly grab your ass, no hesitation, grip firm enough to bruise. When you gasp, caught off guard, he’d shift his arm up and around your shoulder, pulling you against him.
“What’re we talking about?” He’d sneer.
His voice would be laced with feign interest, smirking down at you with blaring eyes before shooting daggers at the boy.
He’d simply chuckle at you when you tell him nothing, just school stuff, leaning down to place a possessive kiss on your cheek as he grabbed your hand.
“Wonderful. let’s head to class, yeah?”
He’d pull you away from that dude, shooting him another look meant to kill, a silent warning not to fuck with him.
Finally gets you alone in an empty corridor or bathroom; would waste literally no time at all before pushing you against the wall and grabbing your neck/jaw.
“Who the fuck was that, hm?”, “he was practically eye-fucking you…give me five good reasons why i shouldn’t have him expelled or hexed into bloody Azkaban.”
He’d be furious, but he’d also know that you’d never choose some other guy over him, so he’d soften once he hears the innocence in your tone.
“You’re mine, princess,” he’d loosen his grip, kissing you softly. “Say it.”
Blaise Zabini.
Was listening to music while walking down the hall, instantly rips out his headphones the second he sees you laughing a little too hard with some dude he doesn’t know.
He doesn’t necessarily stop walking, but he’d definitely slow his pace, kind of just watching, not wanting to interfere but also not wanting to look creepy stalking you from a distance.
When the guy doesn’t leave, he’d tired of waiting, saying “fuck it”, before marching over naturally.
This man is so fucking cool calm and collected he’d just saunter right up and join in, making himself at home.
He’d practically take over the conversation because he’s literally just that chill in every situation, seamlessly fitting right in, so fucking charming and loved by everyone.
You’d kind of just end up staring at him, smiling in silent awe, knowing that this was his way of asserting his place, letting the guy know what the fuck was up.
After the dude leaves he’d just causally look at you, smirking that charming smirk, wetting his lips as he hooked an arm around your shoulder and pulled you close, leaning down for a kiss.
“Ain’t no one getting you without getting me too, babygirl.” He’d murmur against your lips. “let that be known, right now, forever, always.”
Lorenzo Berkshire.
Would literally stop everything. The second he’d see you laughing and smiling he’d be completely unable to focus on anything else and would completely zone out of any conversations with his friends.
Would get like super anxious and flustered pretty much immediately.
Wouldn’t want to intrude so he’d just kind of hang back, wait for you against the wall and try not to stare too much.
His adorable little cheeks would flush, and he’d know he seemed utterly ridiculous so he’d try to busy himself with his shoelace or something while he waits.
You’d quickly cut off the conversation and move over to him, instantly being able to tell that he’s overthinking.
He’d smile at you, though you could still see the concern on his features.
“Who was that guy, darling?”
You’d tell him he was just a friend from class, no one special at all, pulling him in for a hug and giving him a quick smoochie on the cheek.
“Don’t worry enz, no one could ever take your place.”
He’d blush, trying to play it off. “Sorry love, I know you’re my girl.”
You’d take his hand, squeezing him hard, never wanting him to doubt that for a second. “Only yours baby, forever.”
Mattheo Riddle.
“Who the fuck-“
Would literally whip his bag at Theo, hastily shoving through the crowded hallway with blazing eyes, tunnel visioned as he tried to figure out where the fuck this dude found the audacity.
You wouldn’t even have to turn around to know he’s there, you’d be able to literally feel the anger radiating off of him.
You’d already know exactly where this was heading, but you’d also know there was no attempting to stop him because it’s pointless. Everyone in the school knows that.
Matty does what Matty wants, and right now, he wants to fuck up this guys face for even thinking about flirting with you.
You’d simply look up at him, noting his tensed jaw and his dark eyes as he glances between you and the dude, before fixing back on you, wetting his lips before he says,
“Is this fucker bothering you?”
Unable to help it, you’d smirk, shaking your head as you calmly attempted to talk him down.
“No Matty, he just asked if he could borrow my study notes-“
He’d heard more than enough.
“Study notes? Yeah, I don’t fucking think so,”
Without giving the guy a chance to react, he’d reach for his collar, shoving his back against the wall, teeth barred and face contorted in a snarl as he’d hiss:
“Bother my fucking girlfriend again and the only study notes you’ll need are the ones on how to drink out of a fucking straw, understand?”
Not interested in the response, he’d shove the guy away, eyes softening instantly as he moved back over to you, thrusting a hand through your hair as he kissed you like it’d been a hundred years, right in the middle of the hall for everyone to see.
And judging by the intensity in his grip, you’d already know, later that night, he’d be extra fucking sure to ask you who the fuck you belong to while he’s fucking you.
When he finally pulled back, he’d smirk at you. “Some bloody nerve on that guy, huh?”
You’d just shake your head and laugh, taking his hand as the two of you headed for class.
Theodore Nott.
He’d spot you from down the hall, his eyes instantly narrowing, gaze darting around as though he was missing something, as though this was some sort of sick joke.
Surely, this dude is mentally unwell, right? There’s no fucking way that he’s-
Doesn’t bother to think about it for even another fucking second, instantly shoving through the crowd to make his way over.
Proceeds to wrap his arm around your waist, other hand finding your jaw and pulling your lips to his before you could even process it.
Would proceed to full-on make out with you in front of the dude, and I mean tongue and all, his grip on your jaw so tight you’d know exactly what he was trying to do.
His hand around your waist might even slip lower, grazing over your ass, and then that’s when you’d attempt to gather yourself and push him back, completely embarrassed.
He’d just shrug, smirking down at you before he’d finally acknowledge the guys’ presence with literally nothing more than a glare meant to kill.
“Move along,” he’d say to the guy while pulling you away, grip tighter than ever. “This one’s fucking taken.”
As soon as he got you alone he’d be damn sure to remind you that you’re his, and only his, making you beg and whine his name before he fucked you like you deserved the pain.
Tom Riddle.
Lowkey kidding but not really.
No one would even dare because that man would make it clear as fucking day what would happen if they tried.
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nilolol30 · 5 months
Cigarette lips
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(TW: smoking, mention of alcohol and a kiss)
MK and Mei hosted a get together this week it was a annual thing they did to have a fun time with everyone, slowly more people got invited after events well more like MK befriended them or got in good enough terms.
You weren't a social person but you decided to try and step out of your comfort zone for a bit who knows maybe you'll have a good time!
It was an hour into the night.
And you weren't having a good time.
Not that you wasn't enjoying the company of your friends but it was crowded the music was loud and it was getting really hot, the food and drinks were okay though.
Mei ran off to make a list of karaoke requests and ran around the bar to ask everyone if they had a song request, not wanting to get caught up in that you taped MKs shoulder "Hey I'm gonna head out for a breather okay?" Mk nodded in understanding.
"Want someone to go with you?" You shook your head and got up, grabbing your bag you headed outside of the bar for a bit surprisingly the smoking area was empty you can guess everyone is enjoying the night inside.
Finding a seat away from the doors you sat down and digged through your bag, you made a small promise to Pigsy to try and cut back on smoking but right now you felt like you needed it.
After a bit you fell into a comfortable silence at least it wasn't so cold tonight, but you nearly dropped the lit cigarette after you jumped seeing a silhouette on the chair next to you.
"Woah careful you might fall of your chair" The silhouette chuckled, Macaque.
"Well can't blame me you creepy ass, I didn't think you'd come" Macaque smiled and lazily leaned back into the chair "Eh had some free time and thought I'd be a super cool mentor and accept the kids invite, but what about you?" He made a small gesture to the doors before adding "Aren't you gonna party? Heard the dragon got everyone up and singing."
You shrugged "Just needed some fresh air" Macaque let out a small hum "Well this is the opposite of fresh air don't you think?" He pointed to the cigarette between your fingers "I thought you quit."
"I didn't 'quit' I said I'd cut down on it" He only raised an eyebrow at your attempt of a defense but he let the topic drop "So you not gonna go on stage?" You couldn't see inside of the bar but you can hear Tangs attempt at singing a duet with Pigsy no doubt Mei will record it.
"Hm nah I'd rather the only thing to hear me sing is my isolated kitchen and shower" Macaque snickered a bit "Aw you wouldn't make an acception for lil ol' me?" He poked his own cheek giving a small wink.
"Aren't you the most theatrical person here? Why don't you get on stage?" You take a quick hit of your smoke turning away to blow so the smoke wouldn't get in Macaque's face "Hey I'm a story teller not a singer and even if I was I doubt I'd last long on that stage" he pointed to his ears.
"Ah right but isn't singing a form of storytelling?" Now it's your turn to smirk and you lean towards Macaque.
"Ah but it can often leave out many details and I am all about details" you both laugh for a bit "Hey want a drink?" Macaque offered but you shook your head and leaned back to your seat "No thanks had my fill tonight" He nodded and pulled out his own drink from whatever portal he made.
You both sat in silence Macaque occasionally sipping his drink while you took a huff while turning away from him to let out the excess smoke "Hey I'm going to be having another shadow play again wanna watch my brilliant show?" Macaque smiled and confidently puffed out his chest.
"Really? They still let you perform shows after your whole stunt with Mk?" From what you remember so much property was destroyed even the stage, you would have thought he got banned "Pf of course! I fixed the place...after I got back and I'm the best they got, they're lucky to have me 'work' there" in his laugher Macaque almost spilled his drink thankfully he only spilled some over his hand.
Shrugging you agreed "Sure I'm curious on what you'll come up with" you glanced at Macaque as he was licking the liquor off his hand.
He smiled, whipping his hand on his clothes and leaned towards you moving his chair closer to yours "Then I'll make sure to reserve a special seat just for you~" you put out your cigarette in the ashtray with a smile "Oh? I'm special now~"
Macaque winked again "Of course, and since you're so special I'll start preparing the show for an earlier day for such a special person!" he jumped out of his chair abandoning his half finished drink on the table and turned to you "But how about a gift for the road huh?"
Macaque points to his lips with a smirk, you let out a laugh you signal him to come closer to which he did and pulled him into a kiss.
It was short but to the point both of you pulling away he smiled letting his finger trace your lips "That was great...'cept next time I don't think tobacco suits those lips" standing back up straight Macaque fell through the portal underneath his feet.
You continued to sit outside for a bit with a smile before deciding to join the party again, standing up you took the pack of cigarettes form your bag and placed it onto the table for whatever lucky person to find them, you take the drink Macaque previously abandoned and walked back inside.
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androgynousblackbox · 3 months
Welcome to Hazbin Vale. 12 [Radioapple, Appleradio]
"Alie! Alie, I missed you!"
"Charlie. I missed you too, dear. Have you actually grown taller since the last time I saw you? In no time you are going to be even taller than your dad. Although that is not a hard goal already."
"Daddy said we weren't going to see you again!"
"I said he wasn't going to visit us again at home, sweetie, and he hasn't. I never said you couldn't see him around town. Officer Husk. Can I ask you to keep watch on Charlie on the break room, please? I need to speak with Alastor alone for a moment."
"Eh, do I look like a babysitter? I don't really know anything about children…"
"No, but I do. Come on, kiddo. Let's see if there is anything strong somewhere on this place. No way I am handling this sober."
"It's okay, Charlie, dear. Your dad will be right here for anything you need. We are not going anywhere. Go."
"Thank you, eh…"
"Anthony, short stuff. Nice to meet ya. I told you in the car, but maybe the speed made it difficult to hear."
"I still don't know how we made it up to here with what is happening outside. Are you sure?"
"It's alright, don't worry. I practically raised my sister so I know what I am doing."
"Ah, one thing. If Niffty offers her a cupcake, don't let her take it. You two can have it if you want."
"I am not planning to eat anything that woman offers me."
"Come on, grumpypants."
"We are not having this conversation on air. Take a break and turn it off. And cut that corny music already."
"I can't. Take a break I mean."
"Why not."
"It's difficult to explain."
"Oh, well, then that is all espectacular by me! I will let you get back to your job, which is clearly more important than explain to me why you had the fucking police search for me and my daughter at my home after weeks of radio silence! Don't let me distract you any longer from your one true passion!
You are unbelievable, you know that? First it was that cryptic as fuck letter you left as a break up and now this! Who even breaks up with people through letters!?"
"Lucifer, wait. I can show you. That will be easier."
"Don't fucking touch me. I am still mad at you."
"I won't. Just come with me.
This is the room where all the energy of all the building come from. You can turn it all off by pressing that button there.
I want you to press it, but when you do, you have to press it again almost as quickly. Don't let it be for more than a couple of seconds."
"Seriously? This is easier than just tell me why you are being an ass right now?"
"Yes. But you have to promise me that you will press it again immediately. Then at least some of this will make sense."
"You know what? Sure, whatever, I will play. Hey, radio listeners, if you can hear me, blame your main guy because your show is about to have a sudden interruption. That button you said? This is so stu…"
"ALASTOR! Oh thank god you woke up! You scared me to death! The hell was that?"
"How long was I out?"
"I-I don't know, a few seconds? I turned it on again like you said, but jeez, that was creepy. Your eyes turned white and just fell face first to the ground like nothing! What happened? Did you rehearsed that?"
"Rehearse… falling to the floor face first?"
"I don't know what you do when I am not watching! That really scared me. You looked dead for a moment there. As in actually dead. I am pretty sure you weren't breathing."
"So that is why you had to put my head on your lap?"
"Well, you can get off it now and tell me what the fuck was that."
"I think I like it here. The view is nice."
"I am standing up. Fuck you."
"Ouch. Is that any way to treat a man coming back from the dead?"
"If he is going to refuse to just say something useful then yes. What part of I don't have a clue of what happened is not getting to you? That didn't explain anything to me."
"That… is what happens if I cut the broadcast now. I didn't just looked dead, I actually died. The broadcast has to keep going until all the energy rans out. Me and the radio tower are connected now. In a way, that button that you just pressed was part of my heart.
"I… wow. That is some good bullshit if I ever heard it. You sound so convinced of it too. Are you sure your true calling wasn't acting? That is some Oscar worthy effort right there."
"You said I wasn't breathing. You saw exactly what cutting the energy entails. We can get back to the main studio and turn off the main mic if you want to see it again."
"You are not bullshitting me?"
"No. I am actually trying to be honest here.
You are upset."
"No shit, Sherlock. Wonder who could be responsible of that."
"I am sorry."
"What was that? I didn't hear you."
"I said that I am sorry.
I thought that I was doing something that would make things easier for the both of us in the long run. I was wrong. I am sorry.
I missed you. You and your tiny hands that fit so well with mine."
"Oh shut up. You realize that means nothing, don't you?
Do you have any idea how much it hurt when I tried to call here, because it was the only place I knew I could reach you, and realize the line was gone? You didn't just pushed me out. You kicked me out the entire way to the door and… what? I am supposed to just forget that because you have some bullshit curse now to keep broadcasting or you die?
If you have told me that you were bored, met someone else or I did anything to hurt you that would be one thing. I could live with that. But you gave me nothing. And then you kept giving me nothing for weeks.
What the fuck was I suppose to think, Alastor?"
"I thought… it would be easier than to tell you the truth."
"Was it then? Is this any easier for you?"
So why don't you start talking now? Since the whole town now has to know about us, might as well go the whole way in.
I am not forgiving you. I just want to know what was so important that you couldn't just tell me."
"About that… we have now a lot less listeners than you think."
"What do you mean?"
"Mmm. It's a long story. That I plan to tell you. How about you sit down?
Before I begin, you have to promise me that you will try to listen before jumping to conclusions."
"Literally the least comforting set of words ever created. Congratulations.
Fine. There will be an attempt. I don't promise more than that."
"An attempt is all I ask. Thank you.
It's actually more difficult than I thought. I am so used to ambiguity when it comes to this topic. I am not used to being direct on air.
First time for everything, I guess.
Well, let me see.
I made a deal with a eldrich being of another dimension to give me power and extradimensional immortality in exchange for souls. They want entertainment and as long I get to provide them with new food they will keep me alive through radio waves, which they also use to transmit the screams of the dammned that happen to be on my vecinity. Many people knew about it too and either helped me out to cover it up or participated gleefully so they could have their own fun. This tower is the only safe point left in the entire town and while we are here right now, that same being is devouring the rest of the town right as we speak.
So now we are all stuck here until the energy runs out and then we will all have a immediate end. Once the tower is finished, we will too. That reaction that you just saw will happen to all of us as well, so at the very least it will be quick and my consciousness will be taken out to another Alastor in order to keep the cycle alive and feed it once again.
Also I killed a lot of people. Happily. Volunteraly. Sometimes just on a whim or because they annoyed me. For fun.
But I could never hurt you or Charlie, you don't have to worry about that.
I tried to stab you once, but I literally could not to do it. That never happened to me before so it did freaked me out for a bit. Which prompted that letter that I do truly regret writing.
Huh. Is that it? Somehow I thought there was more to that story. Anyway, that would be all, essentially.
My goodness, it kinda feels good being honest for a change. Is this what you normally feel? I can see the appeal now.
Do you have any particular question, darling?
"I… I am sorry, I think I blacked out for a second there.
Let me just process all of this.
If this a joke, Alastor, I swear to fucking god…"
"It is not."
"I will kill you myself if it is."
"That would be ironic. But no. I am the only killer here, honey. Left alive at least."
"Can you… please shut the fuck up. I-I mean it, I really need to think. Go watch Charlie or something."
Do you see why I didn't want to tell you?"
"Please get the fuck out of my sight now."
"Fair enough. If you need me…"
"So I tell the guy, I tell him, just because you have a PHD does not mean that you have a big D! And the whole class just went fucking nuts."
"You are really proud of that one, kid, don't you?"
"Of course I am! That was the first time that any mention of that guy's D brought anyone some kind of joy."
"What D?"
"Defibralator, Charlie dear. It's a thing that only adult humans have and good little girls such as yourself shouldn't worry about.
I see that you all found my stash of chocolate brandy."
"Oh, yeah. Good stuff, man. Husky found your actual liquor when I already ate some. I am not a very sweet guy myself, but I can make an exception for this."
"Did Lucifer kick you out?"
"He just needs a little bit of time for himself. It's fine.
I told him everything now."
"You did, huh?"
"Including the fact that you are a crazy psycho son of a bitch?"
"What is syko?"
"Oh, nothing, sweet cheeks. Is just the official diagnosis for whatever your dear friend Alie has wrong on the head. And the reason why we are all stuck here."
"Ehem. What are you doing, dear?"
"I am painting this eye I saw on the car. Papa said that I must have confused a balloon or something, but it blinked at me and I blinked back."
What… lovely artistic rendition, dear.
The red tentacles are a creative touch."
"So! How long do we get before we kick the bucket? Any estimates, mister smiles? Because I have this big fat bag of… especial sugar! Yeah, let's go with that. That I want to try on at the very end.
I had this shit on a fratboy's party one time and it was so good that I had to get it for myself. I have been saving it up for a especial time.
I swear, the only good thing colledge did for me was presenting me with the good shit and that alone made it worth it."
"I don't know. When the last listener stops listening the energy is going to start to fail. It could take a few more hours at least, depending on the mood they are in."
"But you are gonna tell us before, right? Because it would really suck let my especial sugar go to waste like that. Me and Husky are the only ones having so don't ask for it."
"Officer Husker?"
"Fuck off. You don't get to judge me in how I spend my last hours."
"I wasn't going to. I was just remembering all the teens you lock up for having similar recreational activities like that."
"We did that only if they were causing a ruckus already. We let them go when they sobered up."
"Hey, I wasn't saying anything. You do what you gotta do, babe. If it were for me, you would have joined me on my ruckus from the start."
"Oh yeah."
Look at the hour, it's lunch time already!
Charlie, my dear, would you maybe like some pizza rolls? I am not the biggest fan, but Niffty keeps putting them on the grocery list. I don't think she eats them, but I don't want to ask what she does with them either."
"Is papa not going to eat?"
"Your dad is… busy right now. He will come join us when he gets hungry."
"Oh. Then I will eat later."
"Sweetie, I know I said you can't have this chocolate, but if you are hungry you can still have something to eat."
"I am not hungry. I will wait for papa. Papa likes it more when we eat together."
"Awww, that is the cutest shit I ever heard. Husky, we could have had a cute kid like that."
"Oh my god, you should see your face right now! Oh, that was priceless."
"I mean, if I it were with you I wouldn't mind that much."
"Hah, you are right, that is a funny expression. I am just kidding, kiddo.
But our kids would have been the best though."
"Okay, slow down, cowboy. Maybe we could have adopted a cat together before that."
"I didn't take you for the cat type."
"With that purring they do and those cute paws? Who can resist? And if they get tired of your bullshit they just cut you. What is there not to love?"
"I am sure that your dad will understand, dear."
"No, thank you. I will wait for papa."
"Charlie. Where are you going?"
"I don't have more yellow so I will look the job crayons!"
"The what now?"
"I have a stash of crayons for her on the studio. She only used them one time, I didn't think she would remember.
Charlie, I don't think…"
"H-hi, duckling. How are you?"
"Are you having allergies again? Your eyes are all puffy."
"Y-yeah. Yeah. A lot of allergies, baby."
"Okay. Alie is making pizza rolls for lunch. Do you want some?"
"Baby, you don't need to worry about me, alright? Just… come with me for a second, okay? I just really need to hug you.
You know papa loves you more than anything, don't you?"
"Yeah. I love you too, papa!"
"I… I am sorry I brought you here. I am so sorry. I made a huge mistake. You deserved so much better than this.
We should have stayed at home where mom was."
"But I like it here."
"Y-you do?"
"Yeah! Everyone is nice and the food is good and Alie is here! And I like papa here. We get go out and see the dogs at the park and play! Everyday is fun with papa here!"
"Knock, knock. If I may interrupt…
I couldn't help but listen.
You didn't do anything wrong. Even if you had tried to leave you couldn't have. This place has a certain grasp on it's residents. I am afraid that once you signed the papers, there was no turning back. And before that you had no way of knowing what was going to happen.
It was all just a horrible coincidence that you end up here. You are fully innocent in all of this."
"Are you telling the truth?"
"I swear on my life."
"Oh, the job crayons!"
"Just… let me ask you a question, Alastor. If we have known each other before and I still haven't signed the papers, would you have told me any of this?"
"Darling. If I had known you before any of this, I would have never let you come one step closer to this place. I would have locked you up on your mansion myself so I never risk it and thrown the key to the bottom of the ocean, until all of this was over and you could read all about it on my will.
But I am not going to deny that I am glad you are here now. If that makes me a monster, then guilty of charge."
"It does actually.
But kinda late to complain about that, I guess."
"You are not wrong."
What now?"
"We wait. For as long someone is listening the radio tower will keep transmitting. Then we wait until the power rans out. Then it's over.
You can spend the time here however way you like."
"Will it hurt?"
"No, not at all. It didn't hurt to me. It was just like… a very long blinking. You won't even realize that your heart stopped."
"Oh god.
You are a fucking idiot and I hate you, you know that?"
"You hugging me while saying that is sending mixed signals, darling."
"Fuck you and hug me already."
"Always, dear."
"Papa, are we going to eat soon?"
"Y-yes. Yes, baby, in a moment."
"Breath, darling."
"Shut up.
Just let me get to the bathroom to wash my face and then I will prepare something for all of us. Pizza rolls you say you wanted?"
"Pizza rolls it is. Alastor."
"Yes, darling?"
"You look like shit. Wash yourself too."
"That is what happen when you sleep under a desk."
"Why…? You know what, I don't care. Too many questions for a lifetime already. Just clean yourself. You don't have a shower here?"
"One. But it's small."
"Use it.
I am not doing this shit looking like a mess."
"You could never, darling."
"Just go.
Charlie, baby, can you stay with Anthony and the police man until we are back?"
"I am going to finish my drawing! The big eye on the sky that watches all the channels at once!"
"Sounds very cool, sweetie. Show it to me later, okay?
Wait. Just one more hug. I love you so, so much, baby. You are the best kid any papa could want."
"You are the best papa, daddy!"
"Come on now.
Where is the bathroom?"
"Ah, I didn't get to tell you. We only have one bathroom here. The one with the shower. There is no separation between that and the washer. It's all concetrated in a small space.
Now you know we spend most of the money on the equipment.
I can wait outside for you if you like."
"Why? Did you grew something I haven't seen before since the last time I saw you?"
"No, but…"
"Listen, if you want to wait outside, be my guest. I am not the one kicking you out.
That was you.
Where the hell is that static noise coming from?
Oh, you actually came in."
"I got the sense you were expecting that."
"If you don't mind then…
You are taking an awful lot of time just washing your face, darling."
"I am looking.
Does it bother you?"
"No. But I don't know what I should do about it."
"Do you want to do something?"
"Like what?"
"You don't mind about being constantly on air now? Someone is still hearing."
"I am not doing anything. You are the one who wanted to do something while you are naked in front of me and then stopped before explaining yourself.
Besides… who the hell knows how long we have now. I don't know about you, but I would much prefer to have something to not remember what is happening outside than not. You are about the most interesting thing in this cramped and surprisingly clean bathroom of yours.
Even if you are still a piece of shit. And part of me just wants to punch you until I get tired.
But I don't wanna be angry right now. I just want to feel good again.
So indulge me.
What did you want to do?"
"Take care of you."
"Then do."
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bmodiwrites · 2 years
58 & 87 for Steddie!
Nonnie, this is a good one. I think I've got an idea that I'm pretty psyched for! #58 is accidental eavesdropping & #87 is aroused by his voice. Like most of my work, it's gonna get explicit, so keep that in mind. Here we go -
Steve is on his last leg of his drop off rounds when he hears it - the smooth, sultry voice that makes his insides melt. He's confused for a second, because the trailer park is usually eerily quiet when Max gets out of the car and he waits for her to get inside. Those moments are slightly haunting, even. Tonight, however, Steve's drawn to the soft notes he can hear from his open windows. When Max looks back over her shoulder to wave at him, Steve returns the gesture distractedly. He usually backs up and starts the trek home at this point, but Steve's stuck, instead. Most especially at the moment he realizes where the sound is coming from.
He spots Eddie Munson in his rearview mirror. It's the middle of the summer, so it's not all that odd that his window is open. It's probably not even weird of him to be sitting on the bed by it, playing his guitar like Steve knows he does. What's weird is the strange jolt Steve feels in his core - there's heat simmering there, sure, but the surge is something else. Whatever it may be, Steve is transfixed and absolutely glued to the spot. So, he cuts his the cars power to stop Max from investigating his further presence there, and leans back into his seat. All around him is quiet - except for Eddie's voice.
Steve's certain that Eddie wouldn't be singing so vulnerably if he knew of his slightly creepy audience. He knows the guy enough now to understand that the bigness of his personality is primarily a mechanism to hide behind. There are moments when Steve learns something new and soft about Eddie and it always confuses him. He's used to the dungeon master, the metal head, the hard ass. Evidence of anything else causes that same surge in Steve's stomach that he's afraid to put a name to. It's true, Steve has a type - complex brunettes with big eyes are his weakness. It just wasn't until Eddie Munson swept into his life that Steve thought to include boys with that same look on the list, too. He's had enough time to be fine with it. Even Robin is privy to his delightful new discovery. Eddie, however, is not.
Despite the rational part of his brain telling him to back out and drive home, Steve slumps down in the drive's seat, content to listen to the runs Eddie makes with his voice as he works through a part of the music on his guitar. The scales are sporadic yet sure, like Eddie's trying to nail down a sequence for a song, or something. He plays and hums and goes quiet in a rhythmic nature, calm and steady like Steve's come to understand of the softer, more approachable side of Eddie Munson.
Sure he's heard the most of it, Steve's seconds away from turning his car back on when Eddie starts to really sing. Now there's lyrics and verses that are still earlier in their writing stage, yet good all the same. Steve is struck by how gravely Eddie's voice is, how it carries on the summer breeze of the evening. He's not all that sure why, but his skin is prickling and itchy, like it usually gets before arousal starts to set in.
It's funny, realizing the raw words of Eddie's mediocre song are driving him wild. It should be embarrassing, too, being turned on in his car outside of Max's house, eavesdropping on a friend that's still so new to the group that he's not used to how up in each other's business they all are. That's no excuse, of course, doing what he's doing, but Steve doesn't always think straight and he's certainly not now. Definitely not when he presses down against the bulge threatening to tear his jeans apart at the seams.
There are boundaries and Steve realizes that, so he forces himself to breath deep and calm the fuck down. Touching himself outside of Max's house is hard limit. Though, he wouldn't be opposed to making some noise in Eddie's trailer. At that point, he figures the boundary is already crossed. It's wishful thinking, but he goes there nonetheless.
By the time he's better able to handle his shit, Eddie's no longer at the window. Figuring it's the best possible time to get the fuck out of there, Steve does his best to retreat as normal as possible. He keeps his headlights off until he's far enough down the road that they don't blast into people's homes. His foot is like lead on the pedal, getting him home much faster than usual. The usual lallygagging time was better spent eavesdropping outside of Eddie's window.
After parking his car and making a hasty move through the house, Steve's barely behind his closed door before he's got his pants open and his hand fisted around his cock. Slamming his eyes shut, Steve draws up the memory of Eddie's tone, imagines him using it to whisper things in Steve's ear as he's brought to the edge within a few strokes. The desire to have Eddie simply say his name is burning him up from the inside out. He's harshly stroking himself to orgasm within minutes, panting out his release with a loud groan he adamantly refuses to recognize as Eddie's name.
For just a second, Steve wants to feel shame wash over him - if he was a better person, he'd be wallowing in the guilt of using a friend so explicitly. It doesn't exist, though, and he's content in the fact that no one will ever know.
Except, that's not exactly the case. He sees Eddie the next day after Hellfire Club - the boys demanded they continue into the summer. Steve's taken to going inside to watch the tail end of Eddie's latest campaign because waiting in the car sucks and he refuses to feel like the taxi driver he actually is. The ending is epic as per usual and Steve is feeling good when the kids start to pack up. All of the boys are back together and it's a great thing to see. He's happy to have all of his kids in one place. So much so that he's distracted and doesn't see Eddie coming. Though, when he does, Steve recognizes the shit eating grin almost immediately.
Within seconds, Eddie is pressed up against him, his hand on the hip far away enough from the rest of the group to go unnoticed. His voice is low when he whispers against the shell of Steve's ear. "Don't sit in your car next time, Stevie. Just come in." There's a small nip that leaves Steve reeling - Eddie pulls back like nothing strange is happening. Steve'e only evidence that anything actually went down is the gleam in Eddie's eyes.
He sees that same look when he shows up on Eddie's doorstep later that night and is pulled inside.
Fanfic Mashup Prompts
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sapphire-mage · 2 months
Another Really Fucked Up Dream I Had
cw: Unreality (This isn't a fic, this is a legit dream I had)
I just woke up from a really fucked up nightmare. If you know me, I never just have 'scary nightmares'. I gotta have creepy ass experiences that make me question reality.
I had a dream I was playing a horror video game. The dream created this vision that a lot of streamers that I enjoy had played and recommended this game to everyone. It started off almost like a Tomb Raider game in someone's mansion, but you're playing a detective played by Drew Barrymore (even though the graphics are VERY choppy). After some platforming and puzzles, you discover the body of the mansion's owner, with little knowledge of how she died.
The scene cuts to a segway, in which you find that the mansion owner's grandaughter has killed her mother, is implied to have killed her grandmother, and now kills Drew Barrymore's character, ending with her shrieking.
Game cuts to static.
Game suddenly returns, everything is greyscale, and you're now playing in the slums of an area, working with other men and women in hazmat-like suits. There are only two characters not wearing these suits: A creepy old guy dressed like a stuff animal, and a vertically challenged man who kinda functions as 'your boss'. Despite being your boss, the latter was incredibly kind to you, but it never shows me what became of him. But a lot of your co-workers are missing after going deeper down into the facility where you all work at. So you, the player, have to go down further.
The game functioned like most FP indie horror. It's a bit static-y like Signalis, but all the characters look like those jank 2D models that continuously face you as you rotate around them. Apparently, that's by design, as the game reveals that the co-workers you're looking for have become 'corrupt' by something they witnessed, and now they stalk you until they eventually decide to try and kill you.
I remember wandering the empty floors of the game for a while. Greyscale, no music, static and buzzing like sounds. Eventually, the game led to a final segment: The only survivors are yourself, your closest co-worker, and a woman. Although you can't see anyone's face (since they're all in hazmat suits), somehow you can sense the woman's eyes. And she really, REALLY likes looking at you, and you know it's because she wants to kill you.
Meanwhile, you're closest co-worker (a guy) is eyeing her, because he has the hots for her. And you're stucked in this panicked situation, because you just know, she's ready to kill you or him at any second. So, I drew first blood, and took her out before she could take me. My closest co-worker lost his shit and came after me, causing me to put him down as well. The game concludes implying that because I made these choices to end them, I was already corrupted and too far gone. All of us already were. The game ends...
And then the game starts again. I completely get the same vivid visuals of playing the opening segment of the game all over again, with the segments of playing as Drew Barrymore and her character dying and everything. After clearing it, it sends me back into the hazmat suit character again, and I mentally took a notice that I was repeating the game again. And I verbally thought to myself, "Yeah, this was a cool game. But I'm kinda done."
And then I woke up. I was sleeping upside down on my bed (feet at my pillows, head towards the bottom of the bed). I got up slowly, questioning the fact that that was just a dream. I was like, "No... That was a real game! Penny Parker recommended it, and everyone was talking about Jackscepticeye playing it. And it's name was..... GOD, what was the name of that game..."
I could never remember the name. I don't think my dream DID give it a name. It just made it feel so real.
I couldn't find my glasses around my bed, cause I left them in the bathroom. I sat around, looking around to make sure none of that was real. And that I wasn't going crazy from a similar horror plotline happening in real life.
And then, I came here to type this.
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Gif credit @discoelitist.
Requested by @mypridefulsoul27. Hope you like it. Thanks for the request.
Taglist: @nocturnalherb16. @jesseswartzwelder. @mypridefulsoul27.
"So what are these pills called again"? Antonio asked about this new drug on the street. It already had forty overdoses under its belt and growing.
"Pez". You replied, handing him a sample of the product that you got off a dead guy.
"Like the pez candy"?
"Yeah, it even comes with it's own pez dispenser and everything. Makes it popular with the kids". You tell him as you went to put the last two overdoses on the board. They were thirteen and sixteen that had a bright future before them.
"That's Eva's and Diegos age". Antonio sighed.
"From what we know, the dealer is a strip club owner named Marco Stewart. He has connections to strip clubs, porn studios and apparently schools as well. He has a record longer than my arm. Mostly drug charges and a few DUI's, assault with a deadly weapon and a breaking and entering". You tell Antonio and the others as they started to come in.
"A model citizen". Jay chuckled.
"Yeah, his club has been shut down for redecorating and looking for new talent. So if it's alright with Voight. I was thinking I could go apply and someone else". You looked at Voight who was noddling his in approval.
"I'll go. I can go be a bartender or something". Antonio volunteered.
"They're looking for dancers and a bouncer". You tell Antonio. He lifted a eyebrow.
"Alright set it up. You sure you're cool with this, Y/N"? Voight asked.
"Yeah. I want this guy off the streets. Parents will sleep better at night". You smiled and went to get your coat.
"A stripper? Of all undercover missions I have to miss is, Y/N being a stripper. That hurts". Adam held his chest dramatically.
"Eat your heart out". You laughed as you walked past him. Antonio snickered as he followed.
Adam playfully dropped on his desk dead. Kevin and the other laughed. You were taking this serious.
"So what's your name"? Marco Stewart asked, looking you up and down. A toothpick sticking from his mouth.
"Heaven. I'm a little piece of Heaven". You batted your eyes and flirted with him.
"More like a big piece of Heaven". Marco chuckled, his eyes went to your breast.
"Oh you're so funny". You playfully hit his arm.
"You're hired. So what about your boyfriend"? Marco watched Antonio out of the corner of his eye. Antonio was looking at the stage in the club.
"His names Johnny. Just got out of the pen. Had five years but did three for good behavior". You smiled.
"What was he in for"?
"Possession of a controlled substance". Antonio turned to talk to Marco. "That's what the asshole cop said once he planted it on me". Antonio looked between you and Marco than laughed. Marco laughed as well.
"You use to deal"? Marco asked intrigued.
"Yeah back in Brooklyn. I dealed for nine years and nothing but they catch me picking up a ounce of weed for my moms and I'm in prison before I can bat my eyes. It was bullshit". Antonio put on a thick Brooklyn accent.
"Alright. You're hired too. Both you be here Friday night, six o'clock. I got something for you two do before you go on".
"Wow, thanks. I cant wait to show you my moves. I promise it'll be amazing". You gushed, hugging Antonio and planting a kiss to his cheek. "We got the job, baby".
"Let's go home and celebrate". Antonio growled and picked you up carrying you out of the club.
Antonio put you down and headed to the car. "That was easy".
"Yeah. Now we have to figure out what he wants us to do". You say as you and Antonio drove to the station.
"Heaven? You chose Heaven as a stage name"? Adam scoffed.
"Yes, I'm a little piece of Heaven". You seductively purred.
"Yes, yes, you are". Adam smiled like a fool. Antonio rolled his eyes.
"Do you think he wants us selling drugs for him"? Antonio asked.
"Maybe. We could get a few undercovers in there as customers. Give us a better chance at catching him with the drugs". You suggested.
"We can do that. But we dont want to spook him. Since theres two new faces in the club and then add more. He'll know somethings up". Voight replied.
"Yeah. You're right. We go in tomorrow at six".
"Alright. Make sure you two are ready and prepared for this. I dont want it going bad and someone getting hurt. No dealer will go down nicely". Voight reassured.
"Yes, sir". You say. Antonio and you had a rough night sleeping. Your minds raced.  Tomorrow was a big job, a lot was depending on you two. You couldn't screw it up.
"My little piece of Heaven". Marco greeted you as you came into the club his arms open for a hug.
"Good even, sir". You purred in his ear.
"Oh, sir. I like that". Marco laughed. "Come on, I got something for you guys". He waved you and Antonio into the back room.
"So tonight is going to be big. Huge! We have Heaven here making her debut and everyones coming. Everyone. So I need you two to be selling some of our delicious product. It taste just like candy". Marco chuckled as he opened a box that had about five hundred pills inside. Enough to kill a whole school of kids.
"I've heard about this drug. It's supposed to make sex even more amazing". You wrapped your arms around Antonio's waist and started kissing his neck. Antonio went along and grabbed your face deepening the kiss to your lips.
"Fuck yes"! Marco cheered.
Antonio pulled away panting, you licked your lips. This was the first time you two let your sexual tension free on each other. It was there but you two kept it bottled up.
"I like you two. This is going to be a great partnership". Marco grinned.
Around seven, people started arriving. Each person got a pez and a pat down from Johnny the bouncer. Antonio was taking his job seriously. You were going around getting drinks for the customers until you were called to the stage.
"Baby, why dont you take this fifty and we go back to the back and play"? A creepy older guy slapped your ass as you sat his drink down on the table.
"No thanks". You smiled and went on your way. You had to breath cause if you didnt you would have taken the drink tray and popped him up side the head with it.
"Heaven, baby. It's almost time". Marco pointed to his wrist and you nodded. You went back to the dressing room and changed into a diamond bralette that didnt hide anything and a pair of black cut up booty shorts. It wasnt your taste but Marco wanted you to wear it. You splashed on some glitter and perfume before you heard your song come on.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a new comer here that has blessed us with her beauty. Please give it up for a little piece of Heaven". Marco introduced you to the cheering crowd. You walked on stage and put your hand on his shoulder.
"We also have a special guest to share the stage with her, our own bouncer Johnny Boy". Marco put the spot light on Antonio which caught both you and him off guard. You didnt know his was in your performance.
Marco waved Johnny on stage, Antonio gulped and went up. Marco had a chair for Antonio to sit in as you danced.
"Show em what you got baby doll". Marco slapped your ass.
You smiled at Antonio, he looked nervous. The combination of spot light, the men sitting around watching and the part where he liked you this was a bit to much for him to stand.
The music was flowing through your veins. You swayed your hips to the music in between Antonio's legs. Your hands on his knees, your ass on his lap. Antonio licked his lips, he got the courage to put his hands on your hips and guide you along.
You smirked, rolling your hips. This was all work but you could throw in some play as well. The crowd of cheering men disappeared when you turned around and straddled Antonio's lap. Your hand wrapped around Antonio's neck as you grinded on him. He looked into your eyes as he helped you move your body.
Your eyes wondered over his face, his eyes sparked in the lights, he had a slight smirk on his face and you could see Marco deal out a baggy of Pez.
"Now". You said and Voight and the team busted in. You got off of Antonio and went after Marco, Antonio followed your lead.
Marco didnt run, he had his hands up and ready for cuffs.
"For a dealer, you went easily". You told Marco as you handed him off to Jay.
"I'm just the bottom of the food chain, baby. I'll get a slap on the wrist". Marco laughed as he was taken away.
"Great job, you two". Voight nodded and walked away.
"You look absolutely beautiful". Adam smiled like a bigger fool as he came over. You looked down and covered yourself up.
"I'm going to go change". You hurried to the back.
Antonio slapped Adam on the back of his head. "Watch it". He pointed at Adam. Adam stood there confused. 
You got dressed quickly and headed out front. Suddenly all eyes were on you.
"What"? You looked down at your outfit. You had tight red pants on with a red jacket and a black see through corset. You may have taken it from Marcos wardrobe.
"You look good, Y/L/N". Jay chuckled along with Adam and Kevin.
"Thank you". You giggled.
Antonio came by your side. "You do. You look really good. Um, you wanna get coffee"? Antonio rubbed the back of his neck.
"Are you asking me on a date"?
"A coffee date".
"Oh". You were kinda sad that that was it.
"Just for now. I'm kinda tired so coffee will hold you over until Friday night". Antonio sent you a wink.
"Yeah. I'd like that".
"Great". Antonio held out his arm for you and you wrapped yours around his. "Where did you learn to dance like that"?
You laughed. "Believe it or not there was a time I wasnt a detective. But that's for another time".
Antonio smirked as he lead you to his car and you were off on your first date.
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taco-bell-mitchy · 3 years
Crush Rindou x f!reader
-A little crush is formed when you see people get beat the living shit out of them
Warning: mild language, soft rin, mentions of violence, some pet names are used,
In the city of roppangi, two infamous brothers roam the streets. Others shivering at their names and bowing in their presence. With a baton in one hand and fist full of hair in the other the other brother, Ran, continued to punch the stranger. Rindou, the younger brother, crouched down staring him in the face tauntingly. This became as daily thing between the two brothers. A past time, a hobby, a cute bonding activity for the two.
While a high-school student like me has a more calming hobby. I enjoy riding my bike after school doing whatever I feel like that day. Some days my friends accompany me but days like today they sadly couldn’t. I’ve heard a lot about the two brothers. How fast they took over the city. I found it stupid. They’re only a year older than me, like how are they not in school doing their work. It’s irritating to know that they’re out here being bad ass kids and beating up innocent people. I sound like an old lady but I believe it’s better than them.
I did fear to see them to be honest though. I jokingly say things about them with my friends and classmates as one does. I mean, they’re only a year older than us so most of us are amazed at their reputation. How scary could they possibly be? Right. As I hold my scraped knees and sit behind a tree, I then realized how scary they can be.
Today during my bike ride alone, I noticed the quiet streets. It felt more peaceful than most days. So when I decided to take a different route, and it was even quieter I became wary. An uneasy feeling pits in my stomach but I do get distracted at the peaceful scenery. The sky a deep shade of blue as clouds float in the air. The train can be heard from afar and small convenience stores rest with little to no customers. Along with the stray cats pondering about. It’s hard to feel so scared when everything is so lovely.
I slow my bike down, which wouldn’t hurt anyone right. Wrong. As soon as my heartbeat settled down I hear a loud screech. My peaceful moment came to a halt and at that moment I didn’t know what to feel. As I saw a group of men, some big some small but definitely not smaller than me, beating up another group of guys. I knew there was no other path so before anything I scurry into the side of the park. Ditching my bike as getting secure behind a tree.
I didn’t want to think that they’d hurt me just because I walked by but I’m not taking any chances. As the fight progressed more guys started spacing from each other’s, and unconscious bodies layed around. Each getting closer to you as more men are thrown around. It seems like 30 minutes go by until finally a silence can be heard.
“Roppangi prevails as they beat you guys once more!" A man shouts loudly. He’s quite bulky and is filled with small bruises, presumably from the fight. I notice the crowd looking one way. It wasn't at the bulky man, but rather two boys, presumably my age, standing next to the bulky man. They looked similar. With dark smiles and glaring dead eyes. The gang speach went on for a few more minutes. Until many started to clear out after loud cheers.
I stay still not waiting until no one is around. I see them carrying each other by the shoulders and others trying to wake their knocked out gang members. A few more minutes pass. Everyone seems to be gone, but two. The two boys stay sitting conversating with the bulky man. I was definitely more scared of the man rather than the two boys. So I waited and waited until he was released. The night was coming in already, I definitely underestimated how long fights can be. So as the bulky man leaves I give it a minute and run to my bike.
With a beating heart and fear in my viens I look down and walk as fast as I can past the boys. Until a slim body slams a baton on it my bike.
"Well well, what do we have here?" a sultry voice spoke, I can almost here the way he smiled. Not a kind one, but a way you'd see in a horror movie.
“I’m on my way home.” I spoke quietly still looking down. The one with blue streaks grabbed my bike shaking it a bit, “hmm? A pretty little thing like you shouldn’t be our so late yeah?” His gloved hand slowly slid over my bike reach my wrist. He slowly tapped it rubbing the finger pads of his glove across the skin. Then he grabbed it pulling me forward.
“Why’d you got dirt on your hands doll?” He raised a brow and the man with braids peeped in, “And some scrapes on your knees hmm?” I tried pulling my wrist away but it he held tighter.
“I fell off my bike earlier, no big deal.” I tried to act calm despite how I felt on the inside. The braided man touched my waist to grab it but I was pulled away from him by the other one.
“I’ll deal with her, can’t leave this pretty thing all alone.” Ran stared at his brothers out of character acting. “Whatever you say.” He let’s go walking away and waving to us bye. The blue streaked man stared at me with his round glasses, “shall we go?”
“Go where?”
“Your house of course.”
So here you were. Walking. With this random boy you didn’t know. It was awkward as you both had a hand on the bike trialing along silently. He hummed quietly.
“You know,” he began to speak, “we knew you were there the whole time.”
“WHAT.” I widened my eyes at his words. He laughed at my expression, “We’re not idiots. We can see you head peeking out the tree. It was quite amusing. Cute almost.” He smiled to me and I laughed.
“You’re quite scary you know.” His eyes opened a little more at my boldness, “Is that so?” I nodded saying a quiet ‘yup.’ He silently laughed.
“Do you know who I am.” I picked up my head a bit and shook my head, “should I?” I look into his eyes and at that my moment realize just who he is. Messy hair, the two boys look alike, delinquents, a baton, and the malicious violet eyes that said it all.
It was a Haitani. Assuming the younger one as the other man looked older.
“Oh my god.” I tightened my grip on the bike trying to pull it away from him, but he didn’t relent. “Rindou Haitani sweetheart.” I stayed looking down once more, so he spoke again, “I was surprised to see you today. You usually take a different route right.” This made my head jerk towards him.
“Im not a stalker or anything but I happen to see you a lot by chance, when I’m doing business.” I knew exactly what he meant by “business.” He looked down swinging his hand, “Believe it or not…I have wanted to talk to you but I’ve been to scared.” I felt a bit embarrassed and laughed a little too. A gangster who’s to embarrassed to talk to a pretty girl.
“Oh, I see.” We stayed silent as I looked up to finally see my house. “Well, we’re here. Thanks for walking bye.” I pursed my lips and awkwardly waved goodbye. But he stopped me by grabbing my bike tightly once more. “W-wait. I know I may come off as creepy or scary but I really do want a chance. So please,” he went into the bowing position and let go of the bike, “give me a chance!” I smiled warmly at this. A delinquent bowing down to me? And especially with the tips of his ears a tint of red.
He looked up at me as I pat his head softly, “I guess I could give you a chance. There’s definitely a lot to work out but I don’t mind being friends for now, yeah?” He cleared his throat, “yeah, that’d be great.” We stood smiling at each other for a second then finally waging goodbye.
I threw myself into my bed and kicked my legs into the air. I guess I have a crush.
A crush on Rindou Haitani.
As Rindou walked he was greeted to an empty house. He finally put off his cool demeanor and played a loud song. He then looked around once more and pressed play. He jumped up and down silently yelling “yes” as he felt the victory inside him. He was so proud of himself and was truly a nerd at heart as you can see. But it was to embarrassing for his brother or you to know. He kept doing a small celebration dance until Ran walked in.
Unfortunately for him he didn’t hear Ran walk in as he was just so excited. Ran, who’d just woken up from a nap, stared at his brother in disgust and discomfort. In the heat of the moment he took out his phone and recorded when he started sadly enough, Rindou had already seen him.
Rindou awkwardly tumbled over his feet to stop the music. And stood in an odd position staring at his brother with embarrassment. They stare at each other for a good minute before ran spoke.
“You like her?” He asked
Rindou nodded
“Then never do that again.”
Rindou nodded again and stared at the ground in shame and embarrassment.
“I was just-“ ran cut him off, “nope, let’s end it here. No more.” Rindou nodded….again.
The two couldn’t look at each other for a week without remembering it.
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nightowlfandom · 3 years
Yandere! Hawks (Keigo Takami) - Scratches and Bruises
Alright I’ll do it...I’LL WRITE HAWKS SMUT....but I won’t like it.
Okay people so This is gonna have talks of death, abuse, yandere shit.
“What’s a pretty girl like you do sad for?”
You looked up from your phone to find a man practically leaning over the restaurant table. You could smell the alcohol from miles away and the way he was moving wasn’t helping his case either. You were instantly put off by him. Correction: You were disgusted by him.
“What’s a ugly man like you so bold for?” you smiled sweetly as the venom dripped off your words. “I’m really not interested.” you looked back down at your phone. You were just about to get a new high score on your favorite phone game and this asshole was ruining your chances. Your character almost died twice since he began bothering you. It was really starting to get on your nerves. If you didn’t unlock that new skin, you might kill someone.
“Oh come on.” he slurred. “Can a guy just compliment such a pretty lady?”
“Not when he looks like fucking Voldemort.” you replied just as quickly as he ended his sentence. “You’re kind of bothering me right now.” you pressed pause on your game and looked up again. “I’ll ask again. What do you want, seriously?”
Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed a guy at one of the booths, staring over at you. It didn’t feel creepy, but it was enough to capture your attention. 
“I wanted to-”
“What do you want?” you cut him off again. “We’re wasting time here.” you threw your phone on the table. “Save me the headache and save your ego...” you crossed your arms. you faked a smile. “Goodbye.”
“You bit-”
“Is there a problem?” 
A new person walked up to you two. The same guy who you had noticed before stopped in front of your table. He had sandy brown hair, and very sharp looking eyes. You swore you’ve seen him somewhere. You weren’t too sure.
“Nothing buddy, just about to show this bitch who she’s talking to-”
You crossed your arms and shifted around in your seat. “I mean I don’t need to be shown anything.” you shrugged.
“Oh are you?” he laughed. “Well I hate to break it to you but I’ll have to intervene” the stranger laughed out loud. 
“What do you mean-”
The drunk was instantly floored as this stranger grabbed his by the neck and slammed his face against the table not even an inch away from your phone. The drunk landed on the floor with a thud, moaning in pain. You weren’t even sure if he was registering the pain he was in or the fact that he had gotten his ass handed to him in the first place. All that you knew was that he was being peeled off the floor and escorted (more like thrown out.).
“You’re welcome, lady.” the guy didn’t take another look at you before be took a step forward. 
“I didn’t need your help.” you snatched your phone off the desk. “I can take care of myself.” you rolled your eyes. “And I wasn’t gonna thank you, either.” you stood up. “I’m definitely not going to now.”
The man slowly turned around, revealing his face clearly. “Oh really?” 
He was attractive, no doubt about it. His tight black muscle tee with baggy jeans and boots...damn he was a looker. Yet you weren’t like most MC’s...it would take a bit more than that for him to have any impact on you.
“Really.” you repeated. You put a hand on your hip. “Now if you’ll excuse me...I’m off to find another table to sit at.”
The man who ‘saved’ you didn’t take his eyes off you all night. Even when your friends came and joined you. 
“Hey Y/N, is that Keigo Takami looking at you?”
“I think it is!” another friend piped.
“Who?” you stared at her as you lowered your drink. “Who is Keigo Takami?”
“Y’know...Hawks.” she whispered. “I heard they call him that when he served time...” 
“He’s a literally crazy person. He’s an absolute menace! He’s a former hero...”
“Can imagine why...he beat the shit out of this guy who tried to hit on me.”
“Him?! I haven’t heard of him ever doing that for anyone before.” your other friend widened her eyes. “Y/N, I’ve heard of his past relationships...they didn’t end well. They all ended up missing...or in therapy.”
“I can take care of myself.” you shrugged. “I’m sure whatever Hawks has for me, I can take.”
“Don’t say that so freely, Girl. I heard he has a lot of screws loose.” your friend put a hand on your shoulder. “Like a lot.”
“Well whatever Mr. Man has in store for me, I’ll be prepared. It can’t be that bad, right?” your confidence dispersed a little bit. You looked behind you back at Keigo who had been cracking open a can of beer. He looked a little to interested in his own world to see you staring. 
“Y/N...Y/N!” your friend snapped her fingers in your face. “You okay?”
“Y-yeah!” You focused back on your friends, feeling your emotions sort of switch. 
From the corner of the room, Keigo’s eyes followed you. He took his bottom lip between his teeth as he studied you. Never in his life had he ever seen a girl like you before. He had never been so...fascinated either. Something inside him snapped, he had to get to know you.
He had to.
“Is there a reason  you’re following me?”
On a trip to the supermarket, you couldn’t help but voice your opinions. Keigo was hiding in behind a display of cans whilst you stared at the cheese. Hmmm Cheddar or American? Maybe Havarti! Hmm Pepperjack? Why were there too many types of cheeses?! Too many options!
“You have a very keen eye.” he revealed himself. “I like that.” he began walking along side down down the aisle. “Try this one, it’s the best on burgers.” he grabbed a package of Pepperjack cheese and tossed it in the cart.
“I’m just very aware.” you replied boredly. “It comes with the territory.” you opted to ignore him trying to shop for you. 
“Of being a hero?” 
His words made you freeze. You hadn’t been a hero in years, let along thought about it. It had been so long...
“I hung up my cape years ago.” you rebutted. Your tried to keep your voice steady, but he could tell his words affected you. It made you wonder how he even knew that.
“I can say the same.” he winked. “Only I traded the cape for...other things.”
“I can tell...Hawks.” you grumbled in reply. “That’s what they used to call you right?”
Keigo knew you were challenging him. Part of him was angry, others not so much. He was interested to say the least. No one dared call him that anymore. Hell, no one lived long enough to even finish such a sentence. What made you so different? You had guts...he liked that.
“Yeah...that part of my life is over now.” he began following you down the aisle. “What about you? Why’d you give up hero work?”
“That’s not something I want to discuss with a stranger in the middle of the store.” 
“I get it...how’s 7:00 sound?”
“Pardon me?” You and your cart skid to a stop. “What did you just say to me?”
“I’ll meet you at the bar we met around 7! Don’t be late, and tell the bartender Takami Keigo is gonna be waitin’ for ya.” he winked. “Don’t leave me waiting princess...”
“I don’t even know you!” you were taken aback. “You don’t even know my name...”
Keigo’s face twisted into a smirk. He took a step towards you. You flattened yourself against the aisle wall as he trapped you against the cereal. “So tell me...What’s your name?”
“For a hero...you’re pretty dense.” he chuckled, nearing his face closer. “I asked your name, Hun.” he winked. “Won’t you tell me?”
“Y/N.” you replied breathlessly. “My name is Y/N.” Why did you tell him that, you had no clue. Idiot!
“Okay then Y/N.” he neared his face towards yours. “7:00 tonight...okay?”
“Uh huh.” you nodded. 
“Wonderful, I’ll see you tonight, princess.”
You sat at the bar stool, spinning around lazily. You called all of your friends, your parents, hell even your grandparents. You didn’t tell them the details, but you told them if you didn’t message them back by 9:00 AM the next morning, call you just in case.
“What can I get you?” the barkeep walked up, wearing a kind smile on his face. You suddenly remembered that Keigo had told you, and you didn’t trust it one bit. “Can I get a water please?” 
“Coming right up, young lady.” the older man kindly looked at you. “Anything for the former Number 1 hero!”
You giggled bashfully. “Please, that was years ago.” you shook your head. “I appreciate it though.” you smiled. Hero work, the bane of your existence. Your past buddies and partners had all begged you not to leave, but with the amount of scars and suffering you endured, you had no choice.
You wouldn’t put yourself through that again, not for anyone. 
“Here you are miss.” the glass was set in front of you. 
“Thanks.” you put your hand over the top of the glass. Now that it was in yoru hand, you could move accordingly. “I was also supposed to meet someone here?...Told me to tell you to expect me...Keigo Takami?”
The barkeep’s face fell, fear striking his features. “O-oh! You’re Mr. Takami’s company for the night! I’m supposed to escort you to his special booth.”
“Special booth?” you repeated.
“Y-yes, please follow me!” he urged. “Only VIPs are allowed back here, but he rented out the entire back area just for you!”
You felt your senses go off, fight or flight mode. Now or never. You reached in your purse. Knife, check. Mace, check....Gun...check.
The kind barkeep took you to a back area. It looked like the main dining area, only a lot more high end. Slow jazz music was playing in the background and the lights were low. He was right, there was no one here...except one person.
He dawned a brown leather jacket, black skinny jeans and those all to familiar boots. He tapped his fingers against the table as he stared down at his phone.
“Mr. Takami. She’s here.”
Keigo looked up with that shit-eating smirk. “Thank you Hideo, leave us.”
The barkeep stalked off leaving you alone. You suddenly felt out of place. You looked around, taking note of the city beaming outside the windows. 
“Beautiful isn’t it?” 
You looked back over at Keigo again, almost surprised. “Yeah, it is.” you nodded.
He motioned next to him. “You wanna sit down or are you gonna stand there staring at me? I don’t bite.” he winked.
Silently, you sat down, still keeping your distance from the man. You were about a good two feet away from him. You weren’t too keen on getting any closer.
“I’m surprised you came. I thought you’d find a way to get out of this.”
“I am too, but I figured I’d entertain this idea...just for tonight.” you shrugged. “Don’t try anything, got it?”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
Keigo cracked a genuine smile. You looked stunning and he wanted to tell you that. He wouldn’t admit it, but he knew about you when you were going by your hero alias. He recognized the way you walked, the way you spoke. You could have killed that freak who hit on you if you wanted to. However you didn’t. He was curious about that.
“Why did you ask me out?” you raised an eyebrow before he could get a word out.
“I’ll let you know in a minute.” he winked. “I’m more interested in you.”
“Like what?” you raised an eyebrow. “How interesting can I be?”
Keigo didn’t want to say he did extensive research on you and couldn’t find shit. It drove him crazy. It was making him go quite literally insane. He was more that interested. He was invested. When he didn’t answer, you sighed.
“You tell me first.” you crossed your arms. “I know your reputation proceeds you.” you raised a brow.
“Princess, that’s not how this works.” he tried to sound as if he was joking. “I ask the questions here.”
“Well it is today.” you shrugged. “Either we have an even exchange or you’re out of luck.” you shrugged. “You decide.”
Keigo stared blankly at you. You were a tough nut, that was for sure. Plus you sure as hell weren’t afraid of death. That must have meant you had no idea what he was capable of. Then again, it must have been your Hero Side taking a stance.
After what felt like a minute, he sighed in defeat. “...A friend of mine was killed by a hero.” he confessed. “You ever hear of someone called The Bronze Monk?”
“That name sounds familiar?” you raised an eyebrow. “He’s another hero, right? He can turn his fists into bronze.” You tried to recall.
“Mhm...He killed my friend.” Keigo clenched his fist. “I did 6 years because of him....”
“I don’t understand.” you raised an eyebrow. “What does that have to do with you?”
“This was while you were dominating the game I guess, so I don’t blame you for not knowing.” he shrugged and he slapped a hand on the table. “HIDEO! TWO BEERS.”
“So I’m confused. I heard The Bronze Monk died mysteriously...he fell from over 500 stories...”you paused. You took to time to noticed that Keigo has aired out his wings this time around. You didn’t even noticed he HAD wings. “It was all over the-...wait a second...You never said who your friend was.”
“She was a- she was a villain.” Keigo sighed. “She was like a sister to me and I was tryna get her to stop being so dumb...turn over a new leave and she was doing so well! Shit, but...one day she dumbly got into a fight with that asshole and I watched my friend die right there.” Keigo hitched his words slightly.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked.” you said sadly, regretting opening your big mouth. “I didn’t mean to-”
“No...it’s fine. I guess in order to move on I gotta talk about it right?” he sat up straight as the barkeep came back with two mugs and quickly stalked back off. “I was so blinded by my own anger. What type of hero would go out of their way to punish someone trying to make amends....” he seethed. “I flew him up to the tallest building in the city and dropped him...I only got off on good behavior...”
It finally all made sense, to you at least. You let what he said marinate and sit well...it felt surreal.
“So.” Keigo grabbed his glass and took a huge gulp. “I’ve said my peace. You’re turn.”
You stared at this guy for what felt like ages. Something told you that this guy couldn’t be trusted. All the alarms were going off at the same time...but for some reason-
“My parents wanted me to be a hero.” you said. “My quirk is hereditary, so it’s passed from person to person.” you shrugged. “I loved saving people, helping people...then-” you paused. “I saw how corrupt, and hateful, and disgusting these so-called heroes were...I lost someone important to me too.”
Keigo raised an eyebrow, suddenly interested. You took a swig of beer, trying to gather your thoughts. 
Keigo took note of the way you were fiddling with your left hand. Your thumb grazed over your ringer finger as if something was missing...something important.
“Who was the guy?” Keigo asked, snapping you out of your trance. He had a gut feeling he already knew, but he wanted to hear it from your mouth.
“...H-he was um...we dated since high school.” you shrugged. “We were a team, him and I.” you smiled at the memory. “When he turned his back on the hero world, they turned their back on him too.”
“They sold him out.” you choked. “They left him for dead and told me he would be okay. I should have gone back for him but they held me back, they told me there were other people that needed my help.”
“What happened when you learned the truth?” Keigo asked. He only knew that a poor hero lost his life, he didn’t know that the only other survivor just so happened to be his future wife.
“I had to choose...my friends and my morals or being a hero. If anyone knows just how two faced and conniving these people are, it’s me.” you shuddered. “I’ve met traitors, and killers disguised as good guys. At one point I couldn’t take it anymore and I gave up! Forget being number 1, forget status, forget everything...Being a hero...lost me everything.”
“Hm. Thank you for sharing that with me, Princess.” he replied. “It must have been hard to do...it’s nice to know you trust me so much.”
“It was only fair, I guess.” you boredly drank. “It not that big a deal.” you stared down at your fingers. “It was years ago, I’ve moved on.”
Keigo took note of how your mood faltered. He couldn’t have that.
“Hey, look at me?”
“Hm?” you looked up from your glass.
“I’m sure where ever your fiancé is, whatever he’s up to. He doesn’t blame you.” he put a hand over yours. “He wouldn’t hate you for moving on either.”
“He wouldn’t?” you narrowed your eyes. “How do you know?”
Keigo couldn’t answer, he just wanted to say something, anything, to put a smile on your face. It was like a second nature in such a short time. He wanted to be your hero. “It’s just a hunch...you shouldn’t be afraid to move on...sometimes all you need is a push out the nest.” he winked as his wings twitched behind his back.
“Bird humor? Really?” you scoffed.
“It’s what I do, princess.”
After the heavy and depressing, you don’t think you laughed that hard in years. 
“Wait hold on.” you stopped laughing. “Pause for a minute! You, with those big ass wings got your ass handed to you by some chump named ‘The weather man?’” you were crying from laughing so hard.
“He could control the wind!” he defended, also laughing. “You shoulda seen it!”
“Well maybe you need to exercise your quirk more.” you crossed your arms.
“As if you’re the master of your own.” he playfully rolled his eyes.
“As a matter of fact, I am!” you raised an eyebrow. “Shall I demonstrate?” you scooted out the booth and stood up. “Don’t blink or you might miss it.”
Keigo leaned back in his seat, now very interested in what you were about to display for him. He watched your eyes narrow in focus as you held your hands out in front of your face. Slowly, a very tiny tornado formed in your hands, small and handheld. This mini tornado was soon replaced by a tree sprouting out of the top. You waved your hand around and miraculously summoned rain out of your palm. 
“Okay Y/N, focus.” you mumbled. Suddenly, out of everything, a flame erupted from the center of your hand. 
He watched in awe, he had never heard of anyone with a quirk like this one before. With another flick of the hand, everything you had summoned disappeared. “Ta-da!”
“That was amazing.” he commented as your sat down. “What was that??”
“I come from a long line of ‘benders’. Funny name, I know.” you giggled. “I can bend another element...spirit. I can only do it when I’m really happy though.”
“Why didn’t you try that one?”
“...I said I can only do it when I’m happy.” you smiled sadly. It didn’t take long for Keigo to catch on. 
“Oh.” he raised a brow. “Sorry, I-”
“It’s alright.” you shook your head. “Ever since...he died...I’ve never been able to do it.” you shrugged. “Maybe one day I’ll be able to.”
“I’d love to witness that.” Keigo laced his fingers within yours, making your face heat up. “I bet it’s beautiful.”
“...S-shush.” you scoffed, looking away bashfully.
Suddenly the song changed, a slow jazz song began playing. A slow beat, with soft drums and what you could describe as a romantic saxophone.
“Dance with me.” he held out his hand. 
You smiled, rolling your eyes playfully as you took his hand and stood up. He guided you to the middle of the floor. he pulled you flush against his chest. The slow music seemed to drown out the hustle of the city noise outside. He hummed thoughtfully, singing to the tune for you. 
“You never told me.” you mused as you two moved in sync.
“Told you what, princess?”
“Why did you ask me out?”
“Truth be told, something drew me to you.”
“Like what?” you innocently stared. “What about me could possibly interest you?”
“Out of everything you’ve told me, everything really.” he bit his lip. “You’re amazing, everything about you.”
“You aren’t so bad yourself, Keigo.” you shyly replied. You turned around and rested your back against his chest. He rested his head in the divot of your shoulder. He wrapped his arms around your waist, guiding you along to the music. 
He was right, he wouldn’t leave you, not now. Not ever. 
“Can I ask you a question?”
“Go for it, princess.”
“If I admitted I was wrong about you, would you hold it against me?”
Keigo nearly froze. A shock was sent up his spine as the words left your lips. “You shouldn’t say things like that, princess.”
“How come?” you turned around to face him. 
“I want to-” he bit his lip. A gentle hand rested on the base of your neck, his thumb caressing your throat. He laid a kiss on your lips, passion dripping off of every peck. His tongue slipped through the small gap as he moaned against your mouth. You whimpered and shivered feeling his tongue dominate your mouth. He responded with sounds of his own. Shaky breathes and low groans.
You responded to his touch, allowing his hands to travel under your shirt. “Keigo.” you whimpered. Your feverishly ran your hands through his hair, practically gluing your bodies together. You felt his fingertips creep under shirt, dancing across your skin. “W-we can’t do this here.”
“You’re totally right.” he didn’t cease, instead opting to kiss down your neck. “So...my place or yours.”
You felt yourself lose all sense of direction. “Y-yours.”
“You’ve just opened up Pandora’s Box, princess.”
You fell back on his bed, crawling backwards. He rid himself of that jacket and his shirt, leaving him to flex his muscles, his wings, and everything. You stared up, trembling in anticipation. 
Your friends would probably kill you, but you didn’t particularly care. You hugged yourself, suddenly feeling very vulnerable. 
Keigo loved it. It meant you still had innocence flowing in your veins, not for long. He would toy with your brain. He would bend you to his will and drive you insane with lust. You would be the perfect sidekick for him. He stalked over to you, biting his lip. 
“Look at you.” he mused. “You’re so cute.” he giggled. He rested a knee at the edge of the bed, beginning to crawl towards you. 
You noticed his wings were spread wide, covering over you two like a shield.
“C-can I?”
“Go ahead Princess.” he smiled knowingly. He had the look as if he knew something you didn’t. You reached a trembling hand to gently brush his beautiful feathers. A low groan erupted from his throat.
“Oh my gosh! Am I hurting you?” you almost withdrew your hand back.
“Don’t stop...please.” he growled lowly. 
It was only then you realized, this was turning him on. You ran your hands through his feathers. They were soft, shiny even. 
“Enough!” he grabbed your hand and pinned it above your head. “Look at you, princess. All ready for me.” he laughed. “I wonder how wet I can make that pussy for me.” he used his other hand to fumble with the button of your jeans.
You trembled under his touch, feeling your pants slide down your legs. You were completely drowned in your own lust. A fire was prominent in your chest. You were shaking under his fingertips. 
“Enjoy this, princess.” he winked before crawling down. He lifted your shirt up and planted little kisses along your stomach. He grabbed the hem of your panties with his teeth and pulled them down. 
You were squirming in anticipation, waiting. 
“You smell so...so-” he didn’t finish his sentence because he had drove his tongue up your slit. A gasp escaped your lungs. Absentmindedly, you had grabbed a fist full of his hair. 
“Fuuuh~” you couldn’t speak. You weren’t even sure he’d be able to hear your over the sound of your wetness. You could feel your water dribble down your thighs. 
“Wrapped your legs around my head.” he growled, digging his nails into your thighs. “Grind that pussy against my tongue, princess.” 
You thrashed against his mouth, feeling warmth gather in the pit of your stomach. “Keigo!”
He wrapped his lips around your clit and sucked harshly, making you cry out even louder. 
Keigo felt himself lose touch with everything, he was only focused on you in the moment. Fuck, was he hard too. Hearing your moans. Shit, he couldn’t wait to bury himself into you. 
“Baby, do you hear that?” he looked up at you as he promptly replaced his tongue with his fingers. “Listen.” he pumped his fingers into you. “You sound so fucking cute” he groaned, mimicking your soft whimpers. “It feels good, yeah?”
You couldn’t speak, so you just nodded. 
Suddenly, he yanked his fingers out of you. His head fell forward to rest on your pubic bone. He sounded as if he came just now even if it was you getting all the pleasure. 
Like a predator stalking after it’s prey he meet your eyes. He wore a sadistic grin with his bottom lip taken between his teeth. He sat up, fumbling with his belt buckle. 
“You ready for me, princess?”
“Yes, p-please?” you whimpered. 
Fuck, you couldn’t do that to him. He had a mind to tear you apart where you lay. Your jaw went slack as his cock was released from its restraints. Would that even- Inside you?! 
You felt it brush against you, slightly. You met his eyes and froze there. He was staring down at you. He looked absolutely feral. You could barely look away as he slid himself inside your throbbing hole. He painfully slowly rolled his hips into you. He twitched inside as he bucked his hips into you. 
“Look at how good we fit together. That’s right.” he managed through clenched teeth. “My cock was meant to be here. I was meant to fuck you.” he snarled. 
You tightened around his length as he thrust harder. “You’re so fucking beautiful, princess.” His jaw dropped again. “Say my name, please?”
“K-keigo.” you obeyed. You felt a warmth in your chest as well as your core. It was like a fire was being ignited in the pit of your soul. “I’m gonna-”
“Fuck! Don’t finish that sentence.” he snarled. “You don’t wanna know what I’m gonna do as a result.”
In a swift motion, you were suddenly staring down at Keigo. He had a death grip on your legs as he was now thrusting upwards. You had your hands on his chest in an attempt to support yourself.
“I think I like you more when you’re riding me.” he bit his lip. “You look so fucking sexy. Those moans, that body, your pretty fucking pussy-”
“Keigo, please! I can’t it anymore.”
“Oh yeah, you gonna cum? You wanna cum for me, baby?” he spoke in a babyish voice. “You wanna cum all over Papa Bird’s cock? Do it, do it for me...ARGH FUCK!”
You felt his warmth inside you at the exact same time you had came. He was shaking under you, rolling his hips upwards to relieve the friction he had caused. 
Keigo stared in amazement at a bright light erupted from your chest, a small bird in the shape of smoke began flying around the room.
“That would be spirit.” you laughed tiredly, watching the quirk you had thought died reactivate out of nowhere. 
“I hope you know...you can never leave me now.” Keigo sat up to lay kisses on your neck. “You’re mine now.”
(AND DONE! This was Hawks debut on the blog so lets all give hem a huge hello!)
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ebony-witch · 3 years
Grunge Michael Headcanons
One of my personal favorite stage of Michael, I tried to make this gender neutral
I'm not really a writer and I'm not sure if this is good but I really love Michael's "teen" stage and I hope you like it!
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You lived in Ms.Mead’s neighborhood a few houses down from hers
You were one of the few neighbors that actually liked her
You found her a little strange but you weren’t very judgmental
When you were walking home from school you couldn’t help but notice someone new who looked around your age
A beautiful boy with blonde hair dressed head to toe in black
He caught your stare and gave you a shy smile
In that moment, nothing else was important to you
You were so in awe that you tripped and fell into a nearby rose bush
You wanted to be swallowed whole and disappear..
'I just embarrassed myself in front of the most gorgeous person I've ever seen' you thought
He jogged over to you to see if you were alright
Up close, you discovered that he had the most alluring pair of piercing blue eyes you’ve ever seen
If you could die right now you'd do so happily
You had a few cuts on your leg due to the thorns but you decided that it was worth it
You didn't know this at the time but he was equally as enticed with you
He thought you were the was stunning person on the face of the planet
He told you his name was Michael and that he was now living with Ms.Mead
‘How angelic, it really suits him’ you thought
You thought it was a little unusual that she'd adopt a kid, especially at his age, but you knew she was a rather lonely woman and you definitely weren't complaining
After that encounter, you two started to see more of each other but neither of you would make a move
After school when you'd walk home Michael would wait out on the porch and find something random to do just to see you walk by and wave
And occasionally you would pretend that your cat had gone missing just to show up at his door and exchange a few words
Which is a little creepy on both your ends but it was honestly so adorable
Other than that, you two would nervously pass adoring glances to each other
So Ms.Mead thought she'd settle this
Ms.Mead didn't approve of this "friendship" at first
She thought he should use his time to focus on world domination instead of staring at his cute neighbor
But she had to consider how much love he has been deprived of in his short life
He was still part human after all and humans need love of some sort to thrive
So she decided to give it a shot at setting you and Michael up, after all he was growing on her
Neither of you would make move even though anyone with half a brain could spot the attraction between you and Michael from a mile away
She invited you to run errands with her and Michael and even invited you to come over for dinner
While she wanted to get you both close she also was testing you seeing if you could even really handle Michael
She believed Michael needed someone dark and strong willed to be at Michael's side when he fulfills his destiny, and for all the years she has known you she thinks you definitely have potential and trusts you
After that, you and Michael would hang out every chance you got
Y'all would do everything together
Stay up and watch scary movies
Play video games
Sneak over each other's house to talk all night
Lisen to some punk ass music all day in his room
Paint each other's nails black
Pretty soon he’d be following you around like a lost puppy
He'd want to be around you all the time
Sometimes you'd skip school to spend the whole day together
Even though you thought your life was pretty boring, he found it intriguing
He liked the simplicity in your normal life and loved the way you would talk about it
When you asked him about his life before Ms. Mead he just told you his parents and other relatives had died and she found him
You could tell he skipped over a lot of details but you didn't want to pry
you had a strange suspicion about the nature of his darkness but he had such an innocent appearance so you just ignored it
Untill one day at the store
You went with Michael and Ms. Mead to purchase a goat head for her incantation
The butcher was being an asshole to Ms. Mead
After Micheal stood up for her, the lights flickered and various knives flew through the butchers chest
Right away you knew it was Micheal
You knew then that he wasn't just some edgy kid...
This has been in my drafts for months, hopefully you like it! 😭
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imthatchishiyasimp · 3 years
Loses and promises
hi!!! I'm back hehe
It took me a long time to wrap my head around this idea, but I think I like how it turned out. I've been busy with work and I didn't get to post anything this week, I'm sorry.
Also: BIG THANK YOU FOR THE SUPPORT, THE LIKES AND REBLOGS AND FOLLOWS!!! I didn't, in a million times, thought you would like this THAT much. I really appreciate it, love you so much.
Without further ado, enjoy the read!!
TW: Blood, death and injuries are both mentioned and described
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I knock on his door, hard and fast. Jumping in one foot, I try to keep my balance while I tie my trainer. I rest my back on the door to prevent the obvious fall, and I finish tying the shoe. Except the door suddenly opens and I fall backwards pretty fast with a little scream.
“What the fuck?” He says, catching me by the shoulders and stepping back. “What do you want?” The question rolls with scepticism as he turns me around to face me.
I arch my eyebrows and point my finger to my wrist, simulating the time in a wristwatch.
“Already?” Chishiya hums and crosses his arms. “I must have lost track of time. Have they already made the teams?”
“Yup, and guess who’s going to annoy you for the rest of the night…”
He makes a face that’s supposed to look bothered. And he sure is bothered, he hates having to deal with me during games. But I can see through that. He’s not the only one that hates pairing in games; I do too. Not only because he’s annoying and always acts like he’s the only one worthy of winning, but because I would hate to be involved in a heart’s game with him. I know he would do anything to survive, anything, even if it kills him. And I would too. And he knows it.
“We are leaving in a few minutes. Get ready, you lazy ass” I turn around and head to my room to finish getting ready. I hear his breathy laugh just as he starts closing the door of his room. I might need something to protect myself, or something to get rid of people. Who knows what we will be facing tonight.
The car is full of people and smells like alcohol, drugs and sweat. It’s disgusting and I try to get my face as far as it can go through the window.
“Will you stop moving? It’s pretty uncomfortable and I hate the smell as much as you, so either you make me a place in that window or I throw you off my lap” Chishiya says, calmly and quietly near my ear. My hair blows as his breath leaves his lips and chills run through my body, keeping me so still that it seems as if I turned into rock.
Indeed I am in his lap, and indeed I have been moving. But just because I want to breathe fresh air. Just because of that. Sure. No reason behind.
I laugh, in silence, but I laugh. There were too many people in need of refilling their visas, so we had to pair in greater groups. And I was so not gonna sit in the laps of the horny people overbooking the Beach. So , after a huge fight, I made Chishiya sit under me, in exchange of looking for white hair dye.
I move just a bit more to play with him and I feel him tense under me, his hands coming to my hips. “Okay, okay, I’ll stop” So I move to the edge and get comfortable on his knees, leaving him a small place on the window to put his face.
We watch as the city moves in darkness, leaving behind flashes of light holding game’s arenas. I can hear distant music and screams, gunshots and creepy sounds. Maybe it’s real, maybe it’s my imagination, but I would swear on my visa that they won’t stop when the sun comes up. It’s been so long that even when I close my eyes I can still listen to the people dying in their games. I try to silence them with other things, and sometimes it works, but I’m getting tired of it.
The doors of a forest garden awaits us as we arrive. It’s a closed part of the outskirts of the city, enclosing a private area huge enough to get lost wandering around.
The tables at both sides of the door have the phones and some weapons. There’s no limit entry and it looks like there might be enough phones for the lot of us. There are five other people alongside Chishiya and I. I only know two of them: Hiro, the cook at the Beach, and Ume, a bookish girl that’s always lounging in the silent rooms. The rest look kind of familiar but I don’t remember talking to them.
I get off Chishiya’s lap with a hop and take a phone off the table. It beeps with the facial recognition and just says to wait ten minutes to close the entry.
“Want to bet on the game?” Chishiya asks, nodding to the doors.
“Probably a physical, given that we are so far from the city. So I would say a spade one” I guess. It looks like we will have a big arena, and probably something to run from, if we take into account the weapons.
“Looks like your brain hasn’t died yet” He moves before I can get him with a punch.
All of us gather at the entrance, some of us already with weapons in our hands. I’ve chosen a blade big enough to protect me and some small knives hidden in my top and trainers. I don’t like guns and they run out of ammo quite quickly.
The doors open and we enter the maze. There are several “starts” written on the floor at the entrance of different passages. The walls are so high that I can’t even try to guess what’s at the top. It’s too dark to see more than a few meters from your hands, and the cold is starting to get annoying.
The seven of us position ourselves one next to each other on the central passages and we wait. No sound can be heard, no light can be seen. It’s creepy as hell. I look sideways and I spot Chishiya lowering his hood and lifting his sleeves. He totally hates running, but you can bet he’s gonna give it all.
Without hesitation, I sprint into my passage.
I’ve been running non stop since the beginning, and this maze is big as hell itself. People always tell you to stick to the left or right and you will get to the end, and that I’ve been doing. But just when I could. There are so many traps around, it’s like they didn’t think we could survive this, so they threw everything they got.
From knife floors, poison ponds, holes… My feet are done for the day, my legs are bathed in blood from the knives and spikes, and I feel kinda dizzy because of the poison gas. But I keep running. The time is halfway gone, and I don’t think I’m even close to the exit.
I haven’t heard any of the other players since the start. I’m a bit worried, and I keep going back to their faces at the car, at the entrance and the moment I lost sight of them when I started running. Will I see them again? How many of them? Will someone make it?
I turn to the left and get thrown to the floor with a nudge on the nose.
“Holy fuck!” I scream in agony, holding my bleeding nose. I would bet my visa on it, it’s broken for sure. Oh God it hurts too much. My face feels heavy and it stings deep inside.
“Jesus, where the hell are you going without looking? Are you stupid? You could have met some kind of trap, idiot”
I look up and catch a glimpse of white hair. But just a glimpse, because the whole rest of Chishiya is covered in ashes. The bastard just stays there, looking down at me without offering a hand. Totally expected that, to be honest.
I get up and punch him straight in the chest. He howls and gets away looking angry. “You deserved that, you totally smashed your elbow on my face on purpose. You were just waiting there to punch me”
“What the fuck? Why would I?”
I study the situation and try to look for lies, but it’s a lost cause with him. “Shut up and start running, we have a long way to go”
So both of us pair up and keep on running together, helping each other in a few traps to minimize the damage. We still get burned and sliced, but we manage to stay together for a good twenty minutes.
Until we don’t.
We are on an empty corridor surrounded by bindweed. What I thought was going to be a calm and peaceful section turns into a nightmare. From nowhere, ropes start to come out and try to catch our feet, arms and trunk.
Both of us jump and get down to escape from the ropes, sometimes getting too close to the bushes and winning new bruises everywhere. The strength that these things have is incredible and intolerable. It feels as if my bones are breaking under the knots. I grasp Chishiya’s hand to keep from getting sucked into the wall, and he takes me out of it. His hand grips mine with a strength I didn’t know he possessed, and I dwell on the feeling of his cold and soft fingers around mine, enjoying the safety his presence gives anywhere he is.
Lost in his eyes, which are making sure I’m not caught into any ropes anymore, we get pulled away in an instant and Chishiya disappears from my sight into the wall, his eyes not leaving mine.
“No! You bastard! You don’t get to abandon me here! Come back!” I scream into the bushes. I slice the ropes with my knives and get away from that corridor as fast as I can.
My face still hurts from the nudge, and my arm feels funny. Both my legs are covered in bruises and cuts from the ropes and the falls. I’m a mess. Everything hurts. Everything is a mess.
I go back to the feeling of finding him. Maybe I didn’t dwell on it, but I felt safer, I felt relieved to have some company; I felt happy to have him there with me, to back me up and get me through difficult things. Will I see him again? Is he okay? Will he be there?
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. You better be there when I get off this fucking maze, or I will search for you to cut you into pieces” I whisper to the night, running again, looking behind me from time to time to check if he’s behind me, stoping just before a turn to prevent another hit. He totally did that on purpose.
I step into a two paths corridor. Both of them are covered in darkness and I can’t say which one looks better. Not wanting to lose any more time, I take the right one, although it doesn’t take me long to return. The blood covers the floor and gets sticky when I step into it. I bend over to see what’s in front of me and gulp down seeing the body of Hiro full of insects eating him alive.
He’s whimpering in pain and coughing blood, moving just a bit, probably paralyzed. I don’t know when he catches me, but his eyes get full of tears and he mouths a silent plea, tears streaming down his face and mixing with the blood. I remember when I met him, asking for a bite of something after a run through the city and hungry enough to eat whatever. He made me a simple sandwich, but I swear it was the best one I have ever had. He stayed in the kitchen with me, talking about his life and asking too many questions. Ever since then, he’s always been there when I needed to disconnect from the games, from the people, from the world. Always with a smile and a new recipe to try.
Now all that is left is pain and suffering.
Getting as close as I dare, I whisper a silent sorry and goodbye before ending his suffering. I run away and don’t look back at all, his face and pain engraved in my mind.
When I get to the exit I almost scream in relief. It’s a big door made of small bars with a big “EXIT” written in red above it. The time is almost up and I can’t see anyone here. The place where I came from is not the only way of getting here, there are three more corridors ending in this place.
The thing is, the doors are closed, and they have a huge key hole in the middle. I look around and I spot a key shining on the top of the door. It’s hanging by a thread, laughing at me from up there.
I scoff, tired as I can be, and I stop in front of the door. Guessing from the place where it is, I must need to climb through the door and it doesn’t seem dangerous at all, but I still don’t trust it. Checking the time I decide that I can’t risk it on trying to search for another way of getting the key, so I grasp the bars.
The heat burns through me and paralyzes me in the spot. I feel as if my hand is going to come off right now. I let go of the door and caress the palm of my hand, blowing air as kindly as I can, tears streaming down my face of the pain.
“I hate this. I hate it so much” Curses leave my lips as I get higher and higher, once again at the door and burning my hands and feet in the process. I can’t feel it anymore, I just know it’s painful and it’s going to leave ugly scars. I grip the key and rip it from the thread and throw myself to the floor, not caring to limb down properly.
The floor meets my back and I roll over. I would have stayed there, I swear. I was done with everything. My whole body was hurting, my mind was going blank and kept screaming.
“Tsk” I hear some rustling near me and then a foot nudges me on the back of my head. “Are you alive there?” I moan in response and turn over, glaring at the clever smirk of Chishiya. “Do you mind handing over the key? I’m in desperate need of a shower”.
“I don’t know, would you mind stopping hitting me on purpose?” I mumble through moans of pain.
He sighs and bends next to me, placing his face just above mine, our noses almost touching. I can feel his breath, the quick rhythm it still has, the cold and the smell of sweat and toxic reaching me.
“For the last time, I did not hit you on purpose” He whispers looking straight at me.
“How do I know you’re telling the truth?” I question. You won't ever know with him.
“Trust me, if I had hit you on purpose, I would have done it a lot harder”. His eyes hold that smart look, the condescending vibes all around him, but I think I can see worry and relief and…
“Oh fucking hell, yes! You guys made it! We are saved and alive and… Oh God, two minutes left, tell me you know how to open that door or I will kill myself right here” One of the guys we came with sprouts from a passage, holding Ume’s limping form and followed by another guy who’s gripping a tourniquet around his arm. I’m glad to see most of us are alive after that hell.
Chishiya takes the fey from my hand with caution to not touch the burnt parts of my palms and fingers. He quickly pushes the key into the lock and pushes the door hard.
I don’t know why, but I was scared of it not opening. Silly, I know, but after so many games with tricks at the end, I didn’t know what to expect. The phones beep immediately, and I struggle to get up to a sitting position.
Relief flows inside all of us, dropping to the floor and crying happy tears. Is it really a win? It doesn't feel like that anymore. I think I've lost some things inside those walls and darkness.
I thought I was hurting, but in just a second, all the injuries I have, start to really hurt and the pain makes me close my eyes and shake like crazy. I might need a whole week of rest after this.
Arms come from behind me and take me up. I’m lost in the sudden change of position and it takes me a while to realize Chishiya is holding me in a bridal style. He quickly gets ahead of the rest, not caring to check if they are following us, and heads to the place we left the car.
It’s a long way until we get there and I nod off a few times, resting my head and hiding in his soft tingling hair, taking his scent apart from all the other ones. I don’t dream at all, it’s all blank, but I wake up startled looking for Hiro or Chishiya, afraid they’re not here anymore. I get sad and I cry silently when I remember Hiro’s body and scared face, pleading for mercy; and I sigh with relief when I feel Chishiya holding me tighter after I wake up shaking, crossing our eyes and making me feel safe with just a look.
“Don’t ever disappear like that again. Don’t even dare. Promise me” I angrily say after one of my nightmares. He doesn’t say anything, and I don’t need him to. He just needs to know. I pretend I don’t see the almost imperceptible nod he does once I return to put my head on his chest.
The ride back is a blur. We have more space now that two of us are missing, but it’s heavy inside. I keep next to Chishiya, him holding me while I rest and sleep in between nightmares. None of us has said anything since we left the forest. We are all relieving our paths along the maze, the things we saw and the hopelessness we felt, the fear of being left there forever.
The sunrise marks our arrival at the Beach. People there are waiting for the cars still gone and they welcome us with joy and worry. We are rushed to the medical room to get checked up on, and although I try to walk there, pathetically I must say, I can feel Chishiya is ready to ame me in case I fall. He leaves once An puts me on a bed and starts treating my wounds.
But I know he will be back. He always comes back. He promised.
Hope you liked it!! Give me some feedback and love if you might, I would love to hear from you.
As always, I'm still open to requests and comments. If you want me to tag you on the next post, do tell me!
Be safe and take care!!
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natbarzal · 3 years
Matthew Tkachuk - Knight in shining armour
ayyy my first Matty fic is finally here! tbh I think this turned out quite well😁tho I didn't know what to write in the end, so sorry if that sucks! 😂also, I don't know the flames that well, so sorry if something that one of the boys says doesn't fit his personality
short summary: Matty gets protective while you're out in a bar
warnings: a few swear words, some sexual implying
word count: 1.2k
'y/f/d' = your favorite drink
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Y/n's pov:
"I think I'm going to get another drink babe." I told Matthew as I grabbed my empty glass off the table and went to slide out of the booth that me, Matthew and some of his team mates were currently sitting in. Matthew whined and back pulled me back by my free hand, causing me to fall into his lap. I whined back at him, mocking him before I took his face into my hands and gave him a kiss.
"Don't be such a baby. I'll be right back." I said after I pulled away, giving him one more peck on the lips and standing up again.
"You want me to go with you?" Matthew asked, being well aware of how many creepy guys can be in a bar.
"Nope, I'm good. The bar is right there, if anything happens, you can come and save me, like a knight in shining armour." I smiled and winked at him. He smiled back at me and nodded his head.
"Does anyone want anything from the bar?" I asked our friends and looked around the booth.
"Could you get me one beer, please?" Elias asked. I nodded my head and turned around, finally walking into the direction of the bar.
"Hey, could I please get some beer and y/f/d?" I asked the bartender as I leaned on the counter. She nodded and went to get the drinks. While I was waiting, I looked around the club. Some people were just sitting and drinking, having fun with their friends like we were. Other people were out on the dance floor, having the times of their lives. Then there were those people making out with a stranger in the corner - honestly, I'll never understand those people. I get that they wanna have fun and be free or reckless or whatever, but making out with someone you just met in a place like this? No thanks.
As I was looking around, I felt a hand being placed on my lower back, dangerously near my ass.
"Hey babe." The words were slurred into my ear by a voice that definitely did not belong to Matthew. I sighed, cursing myself for not letting Matthew go with me and turned around. A strong scent of alcohol immediately hit my nose, making me cringe.
"What do you want?" I asked the guy and tried to move his hand away, but he put it right back.
"Do you think I could buy you a drink baby?" he asked, drunkenly leaning closer to me.
"I don't think my boyfriend-" I started, but I was cut off by another voice, this time a familiar one.
"Keep your fucking hands to yourself." Matthew said through gritted teeth, angrily taking the guy's hand off my back and standing in front of me. I put my hand on his shoulder, trying to keep him from doing anything that he would regret later.
"And you are?" I heard the guy ask Matthew and closed my eyes, knowing this isn't going to end well.
"I'm her fucking boyfriend and I would really appreciate if you stopped bothering my girlfriend." Matthew said and stepped closer to him. I'm telling you, if looks could kill, the guy would already be six feet under by now.
"Whatever." The guy finally mumbled and went to walk away but not before looking at me over Matthew's shoulder and winking. Before I could even do or say anything, Matthew took the guy by his collar and pressed him against the bar. I immediately stepped closer to them, trying to pry Matthew off the guy, not wanting him to do anything stupid.
"For the last time." Matthew growled into the guy's face. "You are going to leave, right now, and you're never going to bother women when they're clearly not interested again. Got it?" he looked the guy dead in the eye.
"Yeah yeah okay. Jeez let me go." the guy answered and tried to get Matthew to let go of him.
"Matthew, let him go. He's not worth it." I told him calmly, putting my hand on his forearm. Matthew finally let go of the guy and scoffed as he saw him quickly scurrying away, trying to get as far from Matthew as he could.
He then turned to look at me, putting one hand on my hip and the other on my cheek.
"Are you okay?" he asked gently, talking leaning in closer so I could hear him over the music playing in the background.
"I'm okay Matty, don't worry. Thank you for saving me." I smiled up at him and wrapped my arms around his neck.
"I had to come and save my princess now, didn't I?" he smirked and leaned down to connect our lips.
"Thank you." I told him as we pulled away. I then smirked slightly at him and leaned in closer to talk directly into his ear.
"You know.. it was kind of.. hot. The way you were so.. angry and protective." I said seductively and kissed the spot right below his ear, playing gently with his curls.
"Oh really?" he asked and looked at me with smirk after I pulled away to look at him. I nodded and leaned in again, giving him a passionate kiss. Both of his hands were now on my hips and gave them a squeeze. After we pulled away, Matthew looked over to where our group was sitting, parting his lips and sticking his tongue out a little, looking like he was thinking about something before he turned back to me.
"Well what do you think about ditching them and spending some quality time together for the rest of the night?" he asked, licking his lips and looking at me with hungry eyes.
"Does the quality time involve our bedroom?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Maybe." he said simply, still looking directly at me. I laughed a little, throwing my head back in laughter before looking back at him and nodding my head yes.
"Sounds like a plan to me. Let me bring Elias his beer and collect my things and we can go." I gave him a wink, turning around and taking the beer that was placed on the counter while I was talking to Matthew. We walked together into the direction of the booth.
"Here you go my friend." I told Elias, placing the beer on the table in front of him.
"Thanks Y/n." he smiled and went back to the conversation he was having with Jacob.
"So guys.. um we're gonna go. Y/n is not feeling too good." Matthew tried to make up and excuse while I was collecting my things.
"Oh really?" Johnny asked and raised one of his eyebrows, looking at Matthew then at me, a smirk dancing on his lips.
"Yeah, really." Matthew said, glaring at Johnny. Johnny and Sean looked at each other knowingly, trying not to break out into laughter.
"Alright babe, let's go." I said, throwing my jean jacket on and taking Matthew's hand in mine. We said goodbye to our friends and started making our way out of the club when we heard Sean's voice.
"Use protection kids!"
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feral-dumbass · 4 years
Speak of the Devil
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James “Bucky” Barnes/ Female Reader
Summary: You tag along with Bucky to a undercover reconnaissance mission at a goth club. Smut ensues. 
Includes: Degradation, Choking, little bit of slut shaming, unprotected semi-public sex, hint of cockwarming, dirty talk, oral
Words: 4,307
A/N: This is my first fic I have ever posted on here. I hope I included all the warnings correctly. Not sure if I need to include fingers in mouth, but that happens. Title credit goes to the Misfits. Tagging @gagmebucky​ and @babybluestan​. Thanks for giving me the guts to post this! I am so thankful for you guys. 
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The bass of Molchat Doma vibrates the walls as you search for Bucky. When you stepped into the goth club on 66th street, you were more nervous than you liked to admit. The club had recently gone under new management and is rumored to be a place for arms trafficking. It is ingenious, actually. Under all the makeup and leather, anyone could hide their identity. Take Bucky for instance. Tight jeans, a black t-shirt, some eyeliner, and a leather jacket down to his calves, Bucky is unnoticeable. Also, helps that the most identifiable thing about him is covered under gloves. Don’t even get started on the leather band and silver chain wrapped around his neck. You need to fan yourself just thinking about it. 
You also look quite different from your usual lab coat and safety goggles and Bucky has certainly noticed. He could not keep his hand off your thick fishnet covered thighs the whole way here. 
With a kiss to your cheek, Bucky had left you at the bar to check out the area. That had been twenty minutes ago and sadly, people were starting to notice you too. 
You felt eyes on you as you mindlessly scrolled through the meme group chat. Peter and Shuri were having an entertaining fight on who sent the best memes. You couldn’t handle the creepy feeling anymore. You were ready to show this creep the pretty switchblade Bucky got you for your birthday. Chin raised, your eyes met with green ones across the bar. You tried to give your best resting bitch face with dead eyes, but he only smirked and took that as his cue to swoop in. You slammed cash on the table for your blood red drink and slipped into the crowd before he could make two steps in your direction. You went down a hallway in the back which led you to your latest predicament. Where the fuck is your thick ass boyfriend? 
You have enough PHDs under your belt to know not to yell out Bucky’s name. Searching for his wide frame under the neon lights is the only option you have left as you pass the restrooms. You think finding a 6’2” man would be easy, but apparently, every alternative person wears 5 inch platforms. Not like you can really blame them. If they weren’t so expensive, you’d be Bucky’s height too right now. 
As you fill with envy for people that can fit into knee high platforms, an arm wraps around you and yanks you into a unisex bathroom. “It’s me.” Bucky’s deep voice assures before you can even start going through the defense attacks he taught you. You slip out of his hold and turn around to face him. Ignoring the fact Bucky has taken off his jacket and his muscles are now stressing the seams of his long sleeve shirt, you cross your arms. 
“Where have you been?”
Bucky blinks confused before finding his answer. “Bugging this two floor building. Why? What’s wrong?” You will tell him sooner or later. Might as well do it now. 
“Nothing. It’s just, uh, a skeevy man was staring at me far too long. We made eye contact and he tried coming over.” 
“Did he hurt you because I will-” Bucky’s already heading for the door before you squeeze his arm. 
“Bucky,” you laugh astounded that he’s so ready to fight for you. You didn’t even give him a description. Bucky lets you pull him back to the center of the room. “I slipped through the crowd before he could try anything. I’m fine.” 
“I promise. I’m fine.” You stand on the tip of your toes to kiss Bucky’s cheek but he turns his head to kiss you instead. He kisses you deeply just long enough to leave you wanting more.
“You still have your knife right?” 
“Yes, you dork.” He visibly relaxes at the confirmation. You take a hold of his chin and turn his face towards you. “You do realize you have cut on your cheek right?” It’s not too bad. A medium cut surrounded by bruising. Super serum is probably at work already healing it, but it doesn’t hurt to be careful. It’s not like you’re left with the best of first aid in the bathroom. You head to the sink to wet a paper towel with soap and water. 
“I was hoping you wouldn’t notice.” You glare at Bucky through the mirror. “I don’t suggest going three doors down. A couple of guards are sleeping on the clock.” He walks over and cozies up to you, wrapping his arms around your waist as he kisses your shoulder. “Is that really necessary. I think there’s more pressing matters to attend to.” He rolls his hard on into your ass as he kisses across your shoulder and up your neck. 
“Really?” You pry as you wring out the paper towel.
“I have been hard since you walked out in the commons.” Your face gets warmer at his confession. “I mean-” Bucky groans as he looks down at your fishnet covered legs. 
“While we’re on the subject, the eyeliner is working for me.” You’ve piqued Bucky’s interest. He meets your eyes through the mirror again. “You should wear it more often. You look so much like-”
“If you say Chase from the Covenant, I’m leaving.” Life drains from his eyes as he speaks.
“Like a man who can get into my pants.” 
“Nice save.” 
“Anyways, I say fuck it. Let’s do it.” Bucky’s eyes light up with excitement. “But clean the blood off your face first.” Bucky takes the paper towel out of your hands, scrubs the line of dried blood off his cheek, and throws it in the trash can before you can blink. Bucky turns your face to meet his lips not even a second later. He kisses you even deeper than before slipping his tongue in your mouth. You lift your hand to thread through Bucky’s hair. At the feel of your hand in his hair, he breaks away. 
“No. No. Keep your hands on the sink. I think this could be fun.” He grabs both of your wrists and places your hands on the edge of the sink. He’s moving your hair off your neck before his lips connect with it. “So pretty, baby. Is this all for me?” He mumbles before placing a hickey on your neck. His hands squeeze your thighs before snaking up your torso and kneading your breasts through your top. Lost in the pleasure only Bucky can give, you assume his question is rhetorical. You learn it wasn’t as he stops his ministrations. “Is this mine?”
You scramble to find your words. “Yeah.” Your voice cracks. “Yes.”
“Good girl.” He looks directly into your eyes through the stickered mirror as he unzips the front of your top. Bucky brings his gloved hand up to your mouth. “Bite,” He mumbles before planting multiple kisses on your neck. 
You bite down on his index finger and he pulls his hand away, leaving the glove in your mouth. He quickly takes the glove, stuffing it in his back pocket, before his right hand is kneading one of your bare breasts. You sigh at the feel of his calloused hand on your soft skin. You get a moment to enjoy the feeling until Bucky is lifting his other gloved hand toward your mouth. You get the memo without having to be told. You help tear off his glove for his metal hand and he’s stuffing it in his back pocket again. Instead of going for your other breast, two of Bucky’s metal fingers tap on your bottom lip. 
It is not like you to deny him. You take his fingers in his mouth and suck on them, giving them the same attention you’d give his dick. Bucky leaves the growing patch of hickies on your neck to growl at the sight. “Such a fucking tease.” His metal fingers press down on your tongue making you take his fingers deeper. He let’s up when he knows you are about to choke. “Can’t wait to get inside you, but first I want to see you cum on my fingers. Would you like that, honey?” His right hand leaves your chest and plays with the hem of your short skirt. 
With his fingers still in your mouth,  you nod, widen your stance, and back your ass up into his crotch. He chuckles lowly right next to your ear before his right hand is yanking up your skirt. Your skin tight skirt barely budges with one hand. 
“You gotta be kidding me?” Bucky takes his metal hand out of your mouth and uses it to yank up your skirt. You pray to whoever’s listening that your horny boyfriend doesn’t rip your bottoms off. It’d make getting out of the club a lot more messier. “This skirt is annoying me. You’ll just have to be naked for a week to make it up to me.” Thankfully, your skirt moves up your body to bunch at your waist. You don’t have time for a witty retort or to even think about how you were airborne for a second before Bucky is digging his metal fingers into your sex. At the feel of fishnet over wet folds, he pauses. “Wait, are you-”
“Not wearing panties? Yep.” 
He lets out the longest groan to date. “You’re gonna kill me.” Bucky tears open a hole in your stockings at the apex of your thighs before massaging and digging into your sex with vengence. “That’s what you’re gonna do. Forget all the highrisks missions. The stupid fucking guards. I’m gonna die because my girlfriend can’t wear a fucking decent pair of underwear.” Bucky groans and he’s… he’s being unfair as two of his thick metal fingers slip into you. He knows how much you love it when he uses his metal hand. Bucky is using it against you to sear his touch into your brain. You throw your head back onto his shoulder as he reaches sensitive depths inside you. His right hand goes back to kneading your chest.
“Wearing panties makes it harder f-for… for you to fuck me. Need to be prepared for your horny ass 24/7.” You pant in between words. Bucky raises an unimpressed eyebrow. The speed of his pumping fingers quicken to the point where the both of you can hear how wet you are over the distant music. “W-when are you not… horny?”
“I’m not even going to entertain you with an answer when I have this wet pussy to play with. ‘Sides, I’m not the one who sounds horny right now. “ Bucky’s metal thumb rubs your clit. “I’m not the one desperate enough for my boyfriend’s cock that I'll spread my legs in a public bathroom. Honestly, you just went with it? No second thoughts?” You’re too overwhelmed with pleasure to even bother a response. Bucky clicks his tongue. “That’s not good girl behavior. More like slutty behavior.” Bucky’s eyes light up with an idea. “Be a good slut and cum for me.”
“Bucky,” you gasp pleadingly. 
“C’mon, you heard me. Cum for me. It’s the least you can do.” He’s sucking on a pulse point on your neck when you go rigid underneath him. You cry out as you reach your euphoric high. 
“God damnit, you’re so gorgeous when you cum.” Bucky makes you feel the full effect of your orgasm as he continues to pump his fingers and rub your clit. You have to practically tear his metal arm off you to get peace. Both of his hands leave you and you can hear the tell tale sound of his pants being undone. 
You get a small amount of reprieve before Bucky is rubbing his dick through your drenched folds. His thick cock stimulating your sensitive nerves. Bucky’s steel toed boot nudges your stance wider and he’s dipping into your entrance just enough for you to start to feel the intoxicating stretch of him. You’re arching your back at the burn when he pulls out suddenly. You sputter as you try to find your words. 
“I don’t think you really want my cock.” He goes back to spreading your folds over his cock. The tip runs across your sensitive, overworked clit every once in a while.
“I’m literally on display for your fucking dick right now.” 
“Then say it.” Bucky nuzzles your neck and blows cool air on the patch of hickies. 
“Bucky, please fuck me. I’ve been wet since you mentioned you had to wear a leather jacket. Let me have it.” 
Bucky snorts at that. “My sweet slut. Always so ready and willing for my cock.” 
“Only a s-slut-” Bucky slides into you slowly making you feel every massive inch of him  “- f-for you.” You whimper at the feel of him as your back arches. You're trapped in between Bucky and the sink. No choice but to feel all of him. 
Bucky rumbles right against your back. “My own little whore. I like the sound of that.” He tests the waters by thrusting shallow. You’re convulsing around his cock. It always takes a few to get used to the initial stretch. He groans. “Always so fucking tight. My own personal heaven.” He hasn’t been able to stop his little thrusts, addicted to the feel of you. 
“B-Bucky,” you gasp strained. “P-please, move. Do something.” 
“Look at you so desperate for my cock. I love it. Such a good whore.” He pulls out and you could cry until he’s thrusting back in, knocking the wind out of you. You gasp, collecting enough air for him to knock it out of you again. Again. And again. It’s not before long, Bucky is setting a brutal pace and all you can do is take it. You are going lax as the pleasure makes your extremities tingly. Bucky is pretty much the only thing holding you up as he brings three of his right fingers towards your mouth. He doesn’t even have to tap on your lips. You open your mouth for him to slip his fingers inside and suck on them. Bucky’s eyes zero in on your pretty lips wrapped around his fingers. 
“What a good slut. Such a good girl. I love you so much.” His metal hand gently wraps around the base of your neck. His index finger and thumb stroke the skin right underneath your choker causing goosebumps to break out. “This looks so pretty on you, baby.” He kisses the spot your jawline and neck connect before continuing. “I think we both know how much better my hand is wrapped around your neck though.” He gives a light squeeze, slightly cutting off your blood flow, and grins at you. A broken moan leaves you as drool pools around his fingers starting to drip down his hand and your chin. “So fucking stunning. Should have got out my phone before we started.”
A light, airy feeling starts to creep into your head, kind of like your floating. Bucky’s pace never lets up and you’re close. So, so close.  A few more thrusts and Bucky is reaching new depths. You’re knuckles strain as you grip the sink hard. 
“Shit.” He grunts. His fingers press down on your tongue not give a fuck if you gag. Your eyes widen as his warmth floods you. Bucky’s pace slows and he’s pumping his hips shallowly while he cums.
 As much as you love the bare feel of him, you’re pissed. You were so close to an orgasm and he stopped. It was without clittoral stimulation too. It was gonna be groundbreaking. You actually gag on the pressure of his fingers down your throat and smack his wet wrist. He quickly takes his fingers out of your mouth and apologizes. You can’t believe you're stomping your foot while still on your boyfriend’s dick, but there’s a first for everything. You’re actually pouting as you cross your arms over your bare chest and jut out your lower lip. 
“Bucky!” You wait for him to take his eyes off your ass and meet yours through the mirror. 
He smacks your ass, squeezes it, and hums, mildly distracted. “Yeah?” He glances up and does a double take. “You’re pissed?”
“Uh yeah. Do you know how close I was before you ruined it? I-” Bucky takes his hand off your throat and uses both to dig his thumbs in the dip of your back as he shushes you.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart. I’ll make it up to you.” You’re frustrated and slightly on edge when Bucky slowly pulls out. “Don’t get more upset, but that was literally the hottest thing we’ve done. You have never looked hotter.” 
“Why would I get upset when I feel the same.” You begrudgingly agree. 
“Oh my god, you’re gonna hold not letting you come against me. You’re such a baby.” You open your mouth to defend yourself, but Bucky turns you around and lifts you on to the edge of the sink before you can start. Butterflies erupt in your stomach at that manhandling and you ignore it. While you avoid his eyes and glare at the wall over his shoulder, he wipes some of the drool off your chin. You melt on the inside and try not to show it. If you look in his eyes, you’re going to forgive him. If you look into his eyes, you’re going to forgive him. “This is ridiculous. When have I ever left you hanging? Don’t you think maybe I had a plan?” Your eyes slowly slide over to his. His eyes, still darkened by lust, bore into you. “I don’t want to see you cum on my cock through the mirror. I want you to face me, eyes rolled back, mouth gaping as I repeatedly reach all the sensitive spots inside you.” 
“You’re the one that’s the fucking tease.” You smack his broad chest. He takes your hand and kisses each knuckle. His hand then goes to knead your thighs dangling off the edge. 
“So, what do you say? Second round?” 
“I can’t believe I am saying this, but I’m sexually frustrated and still slightly mad. Fuck me before someone comes in.” He wedges himself between your thick thighs. Bucky leans down to kiss you and you thread your fingers through his hair at the nape of his neck, happy to get to touch him.  He eventually stops kneading your thighs, just feeling the texture of the mesh stretched across your skin. 
Bucky groans as you nip at his lips when he pulls away. His head drops down and shakes it in disbelief.  “You need to wear these more often.” He looks very serious at you and you would snicker if you weren’t about to fuck. You do smirk at him though and swirl his hair between your fingers. 
“You gonna fuck me in public more often if I do?” You wipe some of your burgundy lipstick off the edge of his bottom lip as you ask. 
Bucky’s Adam’s apple bobs as he gulps. “I-is that what you want?” He’s grabbing your ass and pulling you closer to the edge. You can feel his hardening cock against your hip. You’re so close to Bucky, you lean in just a few inches to press your chest against his and whisper sultry in his ear.
“I am constantly ready for your cock. Twenty four seven. Name a place and I’ll spread my legs. So fucking big. Feels so damn good.” You kiss right underneath his ear and then move a few inches down to suck hickey on a soft spot of his neck. With super soldier recovery rate, it won’t last long, but it sure does rile him up. He moans and it echoes off the linoleum poster covered walls. You love the vibrations underneath your lips as he tilts his head to the other side. You know his eyes are fluttering as you can’t help but to give him a few others hickies next to it. 
You lean back to admire your handiwork. Purple blotches litter his neck in between smudges of burgundy lipstick. You’re pretty sure you’ve wiped off all your lipstick on Bucky. His blown out pupils watch you like a hawk, hands digging into your ass. He’s rubbing his hard on into the crease of your stomach and thighs and he doesn’t even know it. “C’mon, I want to feel the ache of you tomorrow. Fuck me like the whore that I am.” You feel a chill run down his spine before he finally takes action. 
He rolls up his sleeves and of course, because your chest is now facing him, he needs to leave a few hickies on them. As he guides his dick to your entrance, you wrap your legs around his waist. Bucky momentarily ceases the hickies to watch your puffy folds easily accept his wide cock. Both of you are groaning at the feeling. 
“Your pussy’s so wet for me. Fuck.” Bucky’s too turned for a filter. You keep your edging comment to yourself and kiss his sweaty temple. The edging thoughts stewing inside are knocked out of you as Bucky fingers trace the place you two are joined. He uses the excess of your combined wetness to rub your clit. Pleasure makes your toes curl. 
“Not what I meant when I said fuck me, Bastard.” You can’t get Bucky to move his hips without falling on your ass. He seems perfectly fine to have you warm his hard dick as he kisses and leaves hickies along your collar bones. Your free hand grabs his bicep and you’re close to coming already. 
“Yeah. Your bastard.” You can feel him grin against your skin. You’d comment if you weren’t about to cum. 
“C-close. Please don’t stop.” You gasp out, begging as the rise of your orgasm hits. You’re squeezing Bucky while in your peak. He almost groans as loud as you’re moaning.
“You’re so gorgeous. Love when you convulse around my cock, honey.” He kisses your cheek momentarily before going back down to your chest. He starts pumping his cock in and out of you. This time literally knocking the wind out of you. You’re oversensitive from your orgasm and he never truly let you come down from it. Bucky is certainly making his promise. You’ll feel him in your guts for the next few days. Your hands run through his hair and pull on the ends. His mouth finally detaches from your chest as he moves with your hand. He lets out a full blown out moan that makes your heart pound. Bucky always lets out the filthiest moans when you pull his hair. You fucking love it. His metal hand leaves your ass. He grabs a hold of the edge of the sink as he pace picks up. 
As much as you love filling all your wet dreams with the hottest audio ever, you don’t have the strength to keep your arm up for long. Your hand drops to his back. His muscles ripple underneath your fingertips as you dig your nails into his back. Both of you panting into each other's ear. Your legs shake at the approaching orgasm. 
“I know you’re close. Be a good whore. Cum on my cock. I’ll wait for you.” He rubs your clit even faster. 
“FUCK.” You’ve never been happier for loud music blasting through the club’s speakers. An intense orgasm takes over you. White dots fill your vision as tears collect at your waterline. With how hard your gripping his cock, Bucky isn’t far behind. He can only get in a few more thrusts before he’s cumming again. He bites into your shoulder and groans. Shivers wreck down your spine as his warmth fills you for the second time tonight. Bucky lets the sink carry his weight as he grips it hard. 
There’s a groaning protest before a chunk of the sink falls off. You’re there to block him from falling. He pulls out and moves you closer to the other edge, away from the crime scene. You look over your shoulder. Thankfully, he didn’t break off any of the major plumbing parts. Water spraying everywhere would make looking yourself presentable a lot more harder, but maybe that could have been your excuse. Oh well. 
You turn back to Bucky. He’s still holding on to the broken piece of sink. Both of you break out into giggles as he throws it in the trash. 
“I can’t believe you did that.” You’re grinning ear to ear as he tucks himself back into his boxers. 
“I can.” Bucky shrugs. “I don’t think you get how tight you get when you cum. Me breaking things during sex is not new.” 
“My back. Our nice bed frame. The ottoman in the commons… Can’t forget the multiple tables. Shout out to Tony’s dented Acura hood.” You pull Bucky’s shirt to get him closer to you. You kiss him before he speaks. “Are you trying to seduce me?” 
“If you fuck me again, there won’t be a sink left.” 
He hums and rubs your thighs. He’s definitely addicted to the feel of the fishnets stockings. Good luck trying to get his hands off you for the rest of the day. “You have a point.” He drops to his knees. 
“What are you doing?” He’s spreading your thighs wide in front of his face.
“I can’t let my cum drip down your legs out there. That would be irresponsible of me.” That's all the explanation you get before he’s burying his face in between your legs, stubble scratching your inner thighs. You gasp as he licks a stripe from your entrance to your clit. Fuck what he said. You’re the one that’s gonna die. Bucky is truly your horny bastard. 
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elliestormfound · 3 years
Witcher Secret Santa
Dear @linx1457
this is your secret Santa! I wish you merry christmas and hope you enjoy your gift!
Geralt/Jaskier modern au, roommates, mutual pining, 1854 words
CW: none, just fluff and pinging with a happy end
read on ao3
--------- “I told you not to go in my room and I told you not to touch my stuff,” Geralt said, looking at his new roommate.
Geralt worked as a tour guide for the local national park. During the colder months less tourists visited and his wage hardly covered his rent. His brother Lambert had suggested he take on a roommate and posted an ad for him in the local newspaper. 
But most of the people that had answered the ad had been weird or downright creepy and he had lost all hope till a musician called. Jaskier - that was his name - was new in town and wanted to gain a foothold in the big city. He needed to stay somewhere cheap for a couple of months till he could afford his own apartment. 
Geralt had invited him over and even though he had not been sure if someone so outgoing would clash with his more reserved nature, he had somehow been convinced that it would work out.
But now he wasn’t so sure anymore.
“Who even has real steel swords?” Jaskier asked, “I thought they were cheap imitations from the ren faire…” They were standing in Geralt’s room where his two heavy swords had crashed down from where they were supposed to hang on the wall.
“They are from an actual blacksmith,” Geralt said through gritted teeth, and more quietly, “from the ren faire.”
Jaskier laughed, “so I was right!”
“That is not the point!” Geralt growled and bent down to pick them up.
It had been the 18th ad he had called for a room and when the man with the gravelly voice answered, Jaskier had been instantly smitten. And when the man with the deep voice turned out to be illegally handsome and accepted him as a roommate the musician was in heaven.
And at the same time he knew that it was a bad idea to pine after someone you lived with. He had experience with that. Bad experience.
So he tried his best to keep his yearning under control. But on some days it was particularly hard. Like today with the swords. 
Jaskier knew he shouldn’t go into Geralt’s room, but he had lost the charger of his phone. So he snuck in when Geralt was at work. His eyes had been caught by the reflection on the blades of the swords on Geralt’s wall. 
When he had first saw them after he moved in he had been a bit concerned - who the fuck had swords??? But Geralt had told him that he used to work as a stunt choreographer for sword fighting.
Jaskier had walked over and brushed along the blade with his index finger. And the fucking swords had fallen to the ground with a loud crash. In the exact moment Geralt had returned from work.
After Geralt chided him, Jaskier grabbed one of the swords to occupy his shaking hands and the adonis that was his roommate had the audacity to stand very close behind him and take his hand in the most tender way and fucking breathe on his neck. 
He knew that he couldn’t have stopped himself from kissing the bastard and pushing him on the bed if he had stayed a moment longer, so he made some shady excuse and practically ran into his room to play some music to calm down. 
Over the last few weeks Geralt got used to living with Jaskier. He would never admit it out loud but it was actually very nice that someone was there when he came home from work. He especially loved the days when Jaskier cooked. Opening the door to their apartment and being greeted by the delicious smell of lasagna was something he could get used to.
“I’m home,” he called down the hallway and suppressed a smile when Jaskier answered, “then get in the kitchen, darling, dinner is almost ready.”
After he had put away his jacket and boots he walked over and stopped in the doorframe to take in the kitchen. Jaskier was a great cook - his food always tasted fucking amazing. But the utter chaos he left in his wake was honestly impressive. Dirty pots and pans were stacked in the sink, little red spots of (hopefully) tomato sauce decorated the tiles behind the stove and at least five different packages of spices stood open on the counter. 
Geralt sighed quietly but knew that the lasagna would be worth the clean up later.
Jaskier’s mother had told him that the way to a man’s heart was through his stomach. So he occasionally cooked for Geralt. 
Of course he didn’t cook FOR Geralt. He cooked for himself and made too much so Geralt could eat with him. At least that is what he told his roommate. Today it was lasagna. 
He smiled when he heard the key turn in the lock and Geralt calling out that he was home. He yelled, “then get in the kitchen, darling.” It had been funny to watch Geralt’s reactions to his frequent use of pet names. Jaskier had reassured him that he did that with every one of his friends, but to be honest, at least to himself - darling was reserved only for Geralt. 
“How was your day?” he asked, as his roommate stood in the doorway of the kitchen. Jaskier had just put the parmesan on the lasagna and made sure to angle his ass in the perfect line of sight for Geralt as he bent forward to put the lasagna in the oven. 
He smirked as he stood back up and turned around to find Geralt blushing. He cleared his throat before he said, “good, not many tourists in the park today. I gave a tour to a family and cleaned some garbage that campers had left behind.”
Jaskier smiled and said, “and then you come home to this?” He turned around and looked at the mess he had created.
“At least I get dinner here,” Geralt replied and walked over to the cupboard to get out plates. He set the table and sat down to watch Jaskier pour two glasses of red wine. 
Jaskier’s cheeks were flushed from the cooking and his brown hair was tousled. On the apron he was wearing ‘KISS THE COOK’ stood in bold letters. Geralt had to shake his head because his roommate looked very kissable right now. 
“Fuck,” Geralt said as he hit the TV. There was only a static noise and a corresponding image that was not unlike the view of the snowstorm outside. No matter to which channel he switched, the results were the same. 
“What are you ranting about, darling?” Jaskier asked as he walked into their living room. He was wearing one of Geralt’s hoodies and his own ridiculous pyjama bottoms. At least he had told Geralt they were pyjama bottoms, but they actually were illegally tight fitting booty shorts that had “flower twink” written on the ass.
“There will be no movie night today,” Geralt said, hitting the offending electrical device for one more time, “the fucking snowstorm has cut off the tv.”
Jaskier moaned sadly and pouted expertly. It was not only pursed lips. It was a full body pout with furrowed brows, round puppy eyes first looking down and then slowly up through his lashes, shoulders hunched forward, arms hanging limply down by his sides and one foot drawing circles with his toes in the soft carpet. 
Geralt believed that his roommate secretly practised this and he had to admit in the privacy of his own mind that it worked every damn time on him. But sadly this time he couldn’t do anything about it. 
But then Jaskier’s face lit up with a smile and he said, “Geralt, I have an idea -” Geralt groaned quietly because Jaskier’s ‘ideas’ rarely ended well, but his roommate ignored his nonverbal protests, “- do you remember when I went to the flea market the other day? I bought an old VHS recorder and a video cassette.”
“Why the fuck did you buy that?” Geralt asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Be thankful, Geralt, it will save movie night!” Jaskier called as he turned on his heel in search of the old recorder.
It did not save movie night. The video recorder did in fact work, which wasn’t short of a miracle for that old thing, but the video cassette Jaskier had bought with it was not a movie. 
“How could I have known that ‘fireplace romance’ is not a movie?” Jaskier said, eyeing the case.
“You could have read the description,” Geralt grumbled as he looked at the tv screen that showed a fireplace with a delightfully burning fire and nothing more. For four hours. 
Jaskier sat down on the couch that was facing the tv and patted the space next to him.
“Come on, it’s better than nothing!”
Before putting the tape in the recorder they had set up everything for movie night: popcorn, hot chocolates with the tiny marshmallows swimming in them and a bowl of gummy bears. 
They had sat like this for a while, talking about work and Jaskier’s next gig in a coffee shop around the corner. Somehow, without Geralt noticing him moving, Jaskier had come closer to him and was now pressed to his side. It felt good.
Jaskier took a sip of his hot chocolate and turned to his roommate.
“Geralt, what do you think about…” but he stopped as he saw Geralt smirking and looking at his lips.
“What?” he asked with raised eyebrows.
Geralt cocked his head and said quietly in his deep voice, “you have something on your lip.”
Jaskier frowned and asked, “where?”
Geralt gestured for his own lip and Jaskier tried to imitate him, but he missed the spot of chocolate. 
“Can you help me?” he asked, leaning a bit closer to him.
Geralt’s mouth was suddenly dry and he swallowed. Jaskier’s face was so close to his now that he could see all the tiny freckles that had faded during winter, but were still visible up close. He blinked and finally reached over. 
Gently he placed his palm on Jaskier’s hot cheek and felt him leaning slightly into the touch. Slowly he stroked his thumb over Jaskier’s lower lip to remove the chocolate that clung to it.
He could feel Jaskier breathing in deeper right before he opened his mouth just a bit and Geralt could feel his warm breath on his thumb. 
A heartbeat later Geralt threw all restraint and explanations why he shouldn’t do it overboard, and said in a hoarse whisper, “I really...i really want to kiss you right now.”
Jaskier’s eyes widened before a soft smile played over his lips.
Jaskier leaned forward to close the gap between them and kissed him. In that moment Geralt couldn’t remember why he had been convinced that kissing Jaskier was a bad idea because it was the best thing he had ever felt.
The kiss started slow and soft, almost chaste but when Geralt wanted to lean back he felt Jaskier’s hand in his hair, pulling him back into the kiss.
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thedeathdeelers · 3 years
“Luke, honey, you’re not going to get a date ever if you don’t at least attempt to be nice to girls.”
“I’m nice!” Luke said as he turned from his mom, rummaging through his closet for the box of guitar picks he kept when he’d chewed his latest one beyond its ability to play. The silence from his mom should’ve made him feel indignant but instead he sighed as he grabbed the box hidden behind the leather jacket Reggie forgot in his room ages ago. “I’m nice enough, mom. Besides I don’t date, I’ve got the boys and the band and -“
“I’m just saying, Cassie’s mom has been hinting to be heavily during our weekly cooking lessons that Cassie wants to ask you to the Sadie Hawkins dance. I think it could be good for you,” Emily shrugged attempting to seem nonchalant which was hilarious to Luke because his bouncy energy definitely didn’t come from his dad. “It’s girls’ choice, you should feel honored she wants to ask you.”
Luke tried not to make a face. Cassie Singh was nice. He remembered them sharing a piece of pie in elementary school once. She was also really pretty, he knew, long straight black hair and curved nose that had a diamond nose piercing in it. She was just…not his type. Cassie listened to Phil Collins and Tim McGraw which fine they were good lyricists but where was the adventure in that? She thought The Cranberries sounded creepy for God’s sake! And when he’d mentioned Soundgarden she’d just looked confused. Besides he hadn’t even talked to Cassie, like full on had an in-depth conversation, in years just locker talk that lasted maybe twenty/thirty seconds.
“Just promise me you’ll think about it?” Emily cut in, “smile and be polite.”
“Mhmm,” Luke kept rummaging around his room desperate to think of a way out of this conversation, “ok but what if I want to yknow go against the status quo. What if I want to ask a girl?” No, why had he said that? Now she was never going to let this go. He tried to think of someone he could lie about liking and found himself coming up blank. Fuck.
“Oh?” And there it was, the dreaded sound of intrigue only a mother could make. “And who is this mystery girl I’ve never heard of before?”
“Uh,” Luke found himself looking down at his guitar case on his bed when he figured he should stick as close to the truth as possible. “You don’t know her.” Well that wasn’t a lie, he didn’t know her too.
“She doesn’t go to your school?” He could feel her eyes on him so he dropped to look under his bed moving shoes around as if he were searching for something.
“No,” that wasn’t a lie either.
“How did you meet her?”
For fuck’s sake. “At Bobby’s garage. She heard us playing and wanted to see what the noise was all about.” Okay that sounded possible, he had to give it to himself he was rocking this bullshit so well.
“And? What’s her name? What does she look like? How old is she?” So much for sticking close to the truth, he kept throwing his shoes around when he heard the clattering of a VHS getting hit. He grabbed at it hoping it wasn’t anything too important when lo and behold The Sound of Music drifted into view.
“Julie,” he hadn’t been thinking when he said the name. He was just beginning to read the description about Julie Andrews when he’d pronounced the word out loud to his waiting mother’s ears.
“That’s a nice name, what else can you tell me about her?” Oh about the imaginary girl I’ve made up as an excuse not to go to some dance with a girl who doesn’t like good music and probably doesn’t even know who Tom Waits is? Sure mom let me just pull some other shit out of my ass.
“Uh,” he kept staring at the VHS cover wondering what he could say when he remembered his dream about the girl with brown eyes. “She’s got curly hair like really curly and it puffs out and coils back and bounces,” technically that wasn’t a lie the girl in his dreams really did have aerodynamic hair. “And she’s got brown eyes.” Please please let that be enough.
“Hmm,” and with that Luke slouched onto the floor. Fuck. He knew he was going to be there a while. - 🌙 (I saw your response to one of the anons and got this idea in my head oops sorry!)
this IS SO GOOD I kept cackling the whole way through WHY ARE YOU STILL ON ANON AAAH
the julie part? GENUIS
also the way you included the dream bit? from my lil stargazing series? 🥺 ily
stop apologising this is literal gold just sat in my inbox
everyone go read this
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sunset-curve-fantom · 4 years
Hollywood Ghost Club- Ghost!Luke and Ghost!Reader
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You and Luke were one of the greatest love stories, you were his muse in everything he did. In life and in death, you were the focus of his love. He died in the most comical way, from a tainted hot dog, while you died in a car wreck the same night. You were so distraught that you ran off the road, dying on impact.
But Luke never knew you faced the same fate he had- death.
For 25 years, you had wandered looking for Luke. Only to conclude that he had already crossed over and was enjoying a ton of pizza and his music. But you were wrong- he had been trapped in a different dimension almost until Julie released them by playing their demo.
When Willie told you about this ghost band he found- you didn’t think much of it. People die every day so of course new ghosts appear. That was until he mentioned the cute guy- Alex… and you knew exactly what band he had run into.
Sunset Curve had finally made it to the ghost scene, or more so to the Hollywood Ghost Club.
“Willie do not tell me you invited them here- you know what Caleb is going to do” You stressed, anger beginning to drip on your words.
“I-I-I-I I didn’t know what to do… Caleb owns my soul, he would destroy me if I didn’t do as he said” Willie said, afraid of your anger. He knew you loved Luke more than anything and now- Luke could be in danger.
“Okay- I need you to find Alex and tell him to act like they don’t know me. I cannot… I will not let them get hurt because I am here. Go Now” You said, fear in your voice. You knew what Caleb would do to them if they acted like they knew you or even came close to you.
You were his main attraction, and he wasn’t going to let anyone get near you- especially if they convinced you to leave the club.
You began pacing back and forth before you were set to go on- you almost became nauseous at the thought of seeing Luke again. He was your great love story, and death came too soon for the both of you.
Caleb appeared down the dark hallway as you paced, “Nervous?” He said, the creepy tone griping his words.
You could barely catch his gaze- you knew he would be able to read you like a book, just like he had been able to for 25 years. He knew every little thing about everyone, and that is how he was able to control everyone in the long run.
“Always… I have a need to be perfect” You said, sarcasm dripping your voice. You wanted him to just drop it and go do his opening act. It was the same every night, he opened, and you closed. Same music, same routines.
He sent you his signature glare- before stepping onto the stage. “Hello, Hollywood Ghost Club! I hope you are having a wonderful evening- well a wonderful afterlife!”
As the curtains opened and closed behind him- You could spot Alex in the audience, meaning that Reggie and Luke were out there too. Running your hand through your hair, you cursed under your breath. They shouldn’t be here- a horrible feeling running down your spine.
You gripped your mic a little tighter as Caleb’s music was coming to an end. You knew you had to go out there and smash this performance- Luke hadn’t seen you in 25 years.
The beginning music to your song started- after Luke and you met the same fate, the music was flowing out of you. You thought he had moved on into the light and left you here alone but truly he never left you. But the aloneness made lyrics and melodies fall out of you, and that is how Caleb found you. You were the missing piece in his ghost club, and he knew he needed you.
So here you were- trapped in a world that made you miserable. A world without Luke, and without the life you both deserved.
As you were zoned out, the beginning notes on the piano began to dwell and the beat began to rise-
Don’t blink
No, I don’t want to miss it
One thing
And it’s back to the beginning
Cause everything is rushing in fast
Keep going on, never look back
As the words came out of your mouth- you couldn’t help but make eye contact with Luke. He looked startled to see you- he had no idea that you had died too. He thought you had lived on, started a family and a career, but no- you died the same night as him.
As the song ended, a smile creeped onto your face. For the first night in a long time, you felt proud of yourself- for your music, for your performance, for everything. You had Luke to thank for the extra bout of confidence. He gave you wings when you felt like you were going to fall, in life and in death he gave you the world.
The final bow was something so magical, watching the boys and Willie cheer for you in the audience. Watching Caleb’s creepy ass smile as he watched your every move. It was a night full of happiness, yet the fear of something happening to Luke because of Caleb.
You smiled, walking off stage. You made your way to your dressing room to take off this ostentatious outfit that Caleb had picked. You wanted nothing more to be in your comfy clothes, and just enjoy your evening. But the outfit you chose was something symbolic- it was Luke’s Sunset Curve t-shirt, it had rips and holes, but you couldn’t part with it.
A sharp knock at the door pulled you from your thoughts- God you prayed it wasn’t Caleb.
As you swung the door open- you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. It was Willie, who happened to be eyeing your outfit with a smirk on his face.
“Hey Y/N. You good?” Willie said, trying to refrain from smirking even more.
“Yeah I’m good. If you are gonna make fun of my outfit- leave me alone William” You said crossing your arms over your chest. Clearly irritated with him just showing up at the door.
“I-I-I um… Luke is waiting for you in the alley, he wanted me to tell you. I think it’s kind of important” He said, trying to avoid my eyesight. You couldn’t even find the words before he spoke again, “And don’t worry- I’m going to keep Caleb busy”
You laughed as he winked at you before heading off down the hallway. You could feel the smile growing on your face as you slipped on your slippers, heading to the alley door. For being dead- the air was sure cold in LA right now. It was incredible you could still feel things like this.
Your hair whipped in the wind, as you turned to look down the dark alley. You could see a shadow walking towards you, and you knew by the walk it was Luke. A smile erupted on your face as you ran towards him, you could hear his chuckle as your got closer to him. You jumped into his outstretched arms, wrapping your legs around his waist. Silent tears ran down your face as he gripped you tightly, he couldn’t let you go, and you didn’t want him too.
“Baby… oh my god” He said, running his hand through your hair as he held you up. You gripped onto him for dear life, and you couldn’t bare being in this world without him any longer.
You could barely squeak out a “Hi” as sobs racked your chest. Your feet quickly hit the pavement as you looked into his eyes. His beautiful eyes, that always seemed to change colors. He was trying to take your appearance in- like it was the last time he was going to see you.
“What-what- what happened to you? How are you here?” He said, cupping your face with his large hands, pressing feverous kisses all over your face.
“I died when-” He cut you off, “I know you died stupid- but how did you die? Clearly I was the idiot who ate a bad street hotdog”
“Oh, shut up- I died that night too. I heard what had happened, that you… you all died, and I was driving to the hospital to try and make some sense of it. But I was so upset and distraught that I got in a crash and died on impact. I thought you guys had crossed over because I never saw you… I thought you had left me” You said, silent tears still pouring down your cheeks, as you caught his eyes a small smile formed on your cheeks.
“I could never ever leave you- not intentionally. I love you more than music can express. You are the one my heart loves” He said, tears forming in his eyes. You slid your hands into his as you leaned in.
Your lips touched and it was like fireworks coursing through you, he untangled your hands and gripped your waist tightly. He pulled you flush against him as he deepened the kiss, his tongue slipping past your lips. A silent moan escaped your mouth as you felt the first amount of pleasure in a long 25 years.
You pulled away from him, searching his face for the love you so deeply missed. You winked before poofing the both of you out of the dark alley. You took him to the one place you deeply loved before your untimely demise. It was the treehouse Luke had built you in the Patterson’s backyard.
You spent many of nights here alone, praying for a sign from Luke. The fairy lights always stayed on; I think it gave his parents comfort in his absence- well in both of your absences. They didn’t just lose a son; They also lost a daughter that night. His parents always knew that you and Luke were endgame, the full life of marriage and kids, growing old.
But that night- everything changed. The future they envisioned for the both of you had disappeared by a series of unfortunate events. This was the one place that Luke and you could have some time to yourself, away from the guys, your parents, and the world.
Luke was in awe at the place as he looked around. It was like he had forgotten how beautiful and full of memories this place was filled with. Your first kiss, your first date, your first sexual encounter, your first promise. Every bit of firsts had happened in this place, and now a new memory was going to be made. A restart to your relationship- 25 years down the line.
You couldn’t help but look at Luke in awe, he was the most handsome man. Even after all this time, it was like nothing had changed between you.
You walked over to him, running a hand down his chest. Catching his lips in yours, taking him by surprise. He was so in awe of you, and the relationship he cherished. You smiled as he gripped your hips, pulling you towards him. It was like you were falling into your old ways again, full of lust and pleasure.
 You reached up, gripping his longer hair in your fingers and pulling gently, earning a moan from his lips. His grip on your hips tighten, knowing good and well he would leave bruises, you know if ghosts could bruise.
He chuckled as he moved a hand to your cheek, gently rubbing your cheek causing a blush to erupt on your cheeks. The kiss was soft yet animalistic, as you pushed him back onto the bed.
Discarding your shirt, well Luke’s shirt you hijacked as well as your bra as you caught Luke’s lips back in yours. As you straddled his lap, he was gripping your thighs tightly, slowly the kisses began to travel down your neck and to your breasts. Taking your hard nipple in his mouth, causing a slur of moans erupt from you.
You began shifted your hips, rubbing slowly against his sensitive crotch- making his hips buck from under you. He wasn’t going to be able to last much longer if you continued that motion, so he quickly flipped you over, so he was hovering. He quickly stripped out of his shirt, before moving to your pants. Your leggings quickly flew off your legs, and he took no time diving between your thighs.
You could feel his hot breath on your sensitive heat, as he licked up your slit before hitting your bundle of nerves. It sent a jolt through your body as he continued to explore your heat. Your hands flew down to his hair, pulling tightly as your orgasm began quickly approaching.
“Uh-Uh- Luke… I-uh- I’m cloooseee” You moaned as you pulled his hair even tighter, he continued to lick at your heat as your orgasm graced his tongue for the first time in 25 years. You could barely catch a breath as you caught Luke’s gaze from between your thighs. You took in his appearance, his face glazed with your orgasm as a smile graced his face.
“So, mind telling me why you are still half dressed?” You said, eyeing his jeans that were constricting his crotch. The smirk he gave you as he unbuttoned his jeans was something you so deeply missed. As his jeans slid down his legs, his cock sprung free.
He laughed as the look on your face, you were practically drooling at the moment you were about to have. An encounter of the century.
Luke began hovering over you before pressing his cock past your slit. He was watching your face as your eyes rolled back into your head. The pleasure was overwhelming as you adjusted to his size.
You met his slow thrusts with your hips, moving against him. His brows began to furrow as you continued the motion. He growled under his breath, “Stop that- I am not going to last”
You couldn’t help but smirk up at him, catching his lips in yours once again as your hands roamed his body and tugged on his hair.
Your orgasm began to overtake your senses, as Luke’s thrusts began to fall out of rhythm. His grip began to tighten on your hips as your orgasm washed over you. Your walls spasmed around his cock as he began to unload inside of you, filling you up.
“Holy god” Luke said as he collapsed on top of you, it was like you both forgot how much you enjoyed this time together.
“That’s all I get? It has been some time, I am sure I can do it all again” You said, flipping the both of you, so you were on top of him. You just giggled at Luke’s expression as he brushed your hair out of his face.
“Oh, I am always been down for a round two” He said winking as he began nibbling at your sensitive spot, causing a moan to erupt from you.
For the first time in 25 years- you felt more complete than ever before. Luke was back into your world full of life, and love. The Hollywood Ghost Club was the last thing in your mind as you spent every last moment with the man of your dreams.
@notasofti​ @julies-molina​ @parkeret​ @calamitykaty​ @kcd15​ @crybabyddl​ @all-in-fangirl​ @gia-kerks​ @morganayennefertyrell​
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