#cw infestation
technope · 1 year
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comm for the ever awesome @reshirii - this is chiptune, the mushroom and bug loving sylveon! reshirii let me run with the idea of body horror so i tried to go with like, candy gore, except its mushroomy and buggy. i had an absolute blast working on this and i hope it shows... i think it does; i feel this is is one of the better pieces i've produced lately!
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yayleechez · 1 year
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ars3n1cc · 1 year
please wake up uhm. spider. bad. on neck. squished and it was squishy. screamed. now its carcass is just sitting there. scared im infested. its legs are so mangled. now i can see the other one. its moving. i need to kill it. cant touch it. tururhrbsvsvsvs
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iihavenomouth · 2 years
also it’s 1:30 AM time for oc development … im working on hospital staff for woe and hives’ hospital, because colorful casts of weirdos appeal to me so deeply. they’re all going to be named, not titled. at least most of them but idk their names yet
so far i’ve got
- a very monotone clay man nurse who wants so so badly to be perceived as a fun, reassuring presence but can’t quite get the tone down. tries to lighten patient moods with deadpan joke deliveries that tend not to land. has taken to carrying around a two-sided board that says ‘JOKE’ and ‘NOT JOKE’ to hold up while speaking, with mixed success. often assigned to more difficult patients too, because he’s strong enough to put them right back in bed. he always does it very sternly and kindly. no injuring anyone, just picks them up and tucks them back in and tells them to CUT THAT OUT, PLEASE, WE CANNOT HEAL YOU IF YOU KEEP TRYING TO LEAVE, SIR YOUR BONES
- a devil who’s like fully a bee about it. like she’s so a huge bee about it. living her best life. initially worked with woe out of interest in the souls of the hospital’s dead and desperate, ended up solid friends with it and the other staff and found genuine joy in the work. resident soul specialist, carries a clipboard and wears very professional glasses entirely to push them up and go “mhm” and not because she needs them. some people assume she works for hives because she’s, a bee, but she privately thinks hives is kind of a freak
- a former patient who tends one of the garden greenhouses that recovering patients can visit for a bit of false-sunlight and the chance to enjoy a bit of fucked up evil ‘nature’. they work here because the pay is good and also the fungus in their brain compels them to return here, and doctor hives can’t really get rid of it and so offered them a job! it’s great that the hospital has benefits because they can never leave! wears the typical greenhouse uniform which is like, a dark grey middle ground between plague doctor garb and medieval beekeeper garb. buddies with the clay man above, who insisted they make their uniform ‘MORE SUITABLE TO DISTRESSED PATIENTS’ as they ‘WORK AROUND MORE PEOPLE THAN MOST OF THE OTHER GARDENERS’. they decided this was probably a correct assessment and poorly sewed a bunch of brightly coloured buttons and flowers into their clothes. very haphazardly. hard to tell if it helps people feel more at ease or not ngl. publicly thinks hives is a freak but in a kind of affectionate way
- for sure a mad scientist type who’s like. the classic. the traditional. big lab coat and goggles and huge gloves and mad cackling. but he’s not actually a doctor or anything he’s in charge of the billing department. except he treats it exactly the same as like a frankenstein experiment and the rest of the staff all refuse to actually enter his office so who knows what’s up with the billing. he doesn’t seem to be very good at his job, because some bills arrive months late, or written in sticky jam, or in the correspondence, and typically if you ask for a new copy you’ll just be told you don’t owe the hospital anything actually please do not write again! he also refuses to enter any room with mirrors. all around average guy
- gossipy receptionist duo with names like maureen and helen or something. they’re the inseparable middle-aged-woman pair of a former high-class socialite and a rubbery. they know everyone’s business - and if they don’t know it, they’d love to. they’re clearly in love with each other but haven’t actually made any moves so everyone else secretly has bets on who will ask who out and when (except for mr woe, who knows they’re already married and hasn’t said anything because the staff seems to be invested in their ‘developing romance’ and therefore woe considers this ‘employee enrichment’. the ladies just aren’t into pda and have no idea this is going on)
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man-made-object · 4 months
me: my symptoms don't come up that often so i must not actually be schizophrenic
the bugs feasting on my internal organs: yeah you must be right
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pensarecool2 · 11 months
LIFE RANT (lengthyish)
bruh i fucking hate not being able to afford t rn. its like im not even horny anymore. plus im just like sad all the time. fucking hate working. fucking hate delivering fucking packages to people for fucking walmart. fuck walmart. walmart is free if you know what you’re doing. its not that hard. fuck you.
i want my fucking testosterone but its gotta fucking $60 cause i’m still on my parent’s shitty fucking healthcare cause im 19. its fucking stupid. i had to pay so much fucking $$$ for new equipment for my fucking pet snake so i can get him out of my shitty old apartment and into where i live now and the little fucker better appreciate it cause i don’t have my fucking tgel for like weeks now cause im working my ass off for him plus my fucking cats but i get them all back cause they’re my fucking cats and they belong to me because they’re my fucking babies and they’re not getting separated at no stupid goddamn shelter.
my fucking cats. June. Jellybean. Jerry. Pasta. Noodle. tiny babies. mine. no one else’s. mine. plus Mike (ball python not cat).
i hate my old apartment. lmao fucking got bought up by some company. yeah have fun with your roach infested shithole. great fucking investment. when ate you gonna make the homeless addicts in the lobby who leave garbage all over the stairs and smoke cigs + (not cigs) pay rent? or are they free with the roaches and 2 flights of stairs and no elevator and the stolen packages in the lobby??? literally fuck all of it. fuck it all.
shout out to weed. shout out to weed above it all. thank you for your service. shout out to that person who uploaded all of Bluey on tumblr. shout out to funny and/or talented bitches on the internet.
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doublegoblin · 1 year
Cavern Chronology: Log 3
[Hey boss man! May the fifth be with you! Ha ha! Did you ever see the Star Wars movies when you were younger? You know it’s pretty controversial but I really enjoyed The Phantom Menace. Jar Jar always gets a kick outta me. Anyway we cracked some more of that treasure chest open and have the booty arrrr! Ha ha. So here be yer cut! -Rico]
Description: Transcription segment of larger video recordings recovered from Site 3. Analysis of the subjects show connections to a now defunct web series. Subjects presumed to be said host of the series; who will be referred to in text as Clyde. This is a collection of smaller segments that have been spliced together in what is assumed to be a coherent and chronologically accurate order. A majority of these segments take place in what is assumed to be the residence of Clyde. 
Video and audio were captured on a mid-range handheld camcorder. Said device was recovered from Site 3. The device was found in a battered but functional state. Time of recording will be provided as needed to establish a timeline.
Note: At this point the given length of the file may suggest an alteration of the battery component by some as of now unknown means, allowing for extended if not indefinite life. Also by some unknown means the camcorder will turn itself on and begin recording, this is currently being looked into.
Date:08/07/02 Time: 9:27pm
It is unknown for how long the camcorder had actually been recording as our retrieval efforts have only allowed us so much; however it can be accurately assumed that this recording is the first after Clyde has returned home. The camcorder has been set on a bed with the lens pointing towards a slightly ajar door to a bathroom(?), it is unclear if the recording at this time has been purposeful as the slight angle of the view suggests perhaps a discarding of said device. What can be seen from this vantage point is a dimly lit bedroom. Given later segments it is confirmed that while the walls appear to be black in color it is instead a dark red. The ceiling is a beige color with texturing often referred to as “popcorn”. White blinds are fully extended down the two visible windows. The bed itself is covered in black sheets and the camcorder rests on top of a hand knitted (crochet?) comforter or quilt of many different colors. Barely visible in this shot but visible in others are the wall decorations and some kind of terrarium. The wall decorations largely consist of media related images and iconography. Among this though are several hand made diagrams and what could be considered “conspiracy” boards. The terrarium holds a small corn snake.
Through the partial openness of the bathroom door we can see the floor is covered in turquoise(Teal? Periwinkle? Aquamarine?) tiles. The door itself is white with a brass colored handle. The walls inside are the same white and the ceiling a dark blue. From the inside of the bathroom there is the clear sound of running water and abrasive scrubbing. Shadows flicker in and out of view as Clyde(?) moves inside. No mirror is visible from this angle. Along with the sound of water slight mutterings mix in with the white noise. A toilet is flushed as the light of the bathroom turns off. For several frames a faint orange glow can be seen emanating from the bathroom.
Clyde exits the bathroom, his face dimly lit by a cigarette. It is hard to make out his figure in the sparse lighting coming from behind the curtains. Despite this it is clear that he is walking with a slight limp on his right side. Making his way over to a desk he turns the light of a lava-lamp on. The amber light places his figure in better view. Still wearing most of the same clothing as was worn in the cave he groans and stretches. At least three loud snapping sounds occur during this stretch. With a sigh of relief he makes his way over to another desk and sits down in a shoddy looking kitchen chair, and turns on his computer, snuffing the embers of the cigarette in an ashtray.
While the fan of the machine struggles to keep it cool and screams, the landline in his room begins to ring. No record of the caller's part of the conversation can be found. With a disgruntled sigh he leans back in his chair to grab the receiver; before falling over. For the following section each of Clyde’s responses will be their own lines, as to maintain clarity.
Clyde: Fuck! God damnit…[he places the phone to his ear] hello?
Clyde: Oh hey man, no I’m alright the chair just gave out, wassup?
[Clyde stands and returns the chair to its original spot before setting back down and facing the computer screen. The angle of the recording does not allow a view of the software being opened but it can be inferred that it is some kind of editing software]
Clyde: Nah it went great actually! We got a lot of really cool shots, I got to go into detail about the cave, [A] made some pig noises for a little clickity-bait.
Clyde: Dude I know, but c’mon it was a milestone special…I had to give them something.
Clyde: Look I can just make an apology vi-
Clyde: Hey don’t come at me with that kind of bullshit.
Clyde: Whatever, look, I got something big though…like really big.
Clyde: Fuck off man, this isn’t like last time, seriously.
Clyde: Look lemme get the files ripped and I can send it your way, I found another door man.
Clyde: No you’re full of bullshit!
[Clyde stands and the chair falls backwards with a loud crash]
Clyde: Some kind of friend you are! I knew you’ve been talkin’ mad shit behind my back!
[The recording becomes unstable at this time and is lost momentarily]
Date: 08/07/02 Time: 09:40pm
Clyde: No I’m sorry dude, I don’t know what the hell got into me.
Clyde: It’s a’ight. Look, maybe the long trek has me drained.
Clyde: We cool?
Clyde: Hell yeah, look seriously man once you see this shit you’re gonna flip!
Clyde: Cool, later man…and sorry again.
[Clyde turns and hangs the phone up. He glances over at the camcorder and furrows his brow before his eye go wide]
Clyde: Shit how long has this thing been on!?
[He stumbles over the chair but grabs the camcorder, turning it off.]
Date: 08/08/02 Time: 1:00am
This time the camcorder is on the desk facing Clyde as he works. His face slumps with exhaustion and his eyes keep fluttering. Each time his eyes close he inhales sharply and jolts back awake. Until he is finally overtaken by his need for rest and passes out in his chair slumping forward. In the monitors glow movement around the right orbital area is noticeable. An oval shaped lump, estimated around 3cm in length and 1cm in diameter and just under the skin, rises near the tear duct and moves down his face and along the jawline towards the back of his neck. As the object moves the path it takes can be seen via discoloration and inflammation of the tissue. The discoloration is not dissimilar to a bruise, even going through the same color gradient, which does eventually dissipate to normal skin tone; inflammation also follows a similar cycle. 
As the object nears where one would find the spine, specific location unknown but assumed to be near cervical vertebrae C3, Clyde rapidly awakens and winces in pain. His right eye is severely bloodshot with signs of a burst blood vessel nearest to the lacrimal gland. 
Clyde: Shit, must have passed out. I’ll finish this tomorrow.
[He glances to a digital clock to his left]
Clyde: Later today…
[He turns the computer off and goes to turn the lava lamp off. A small black spot is visible on his neck before the room goes dark.]
Date: 08/08/02 Time: 7:23am
Nothing of note happened in the past hours of recording. Some minor movements off frame from Clyde in bed. A couple of getting up to use the restroom. Sleep talking that upon looking into was just gibberish. An aberration was observed around the bottom left corner of the frame but this was ruled as an independent incident. Most likely a Helios or Umbral caste but not related. 
As an aside I know I’m not alone in thinking their big bio-luminescent eyes are a little endearing, right?
With the light filtering through the blinds some more details hidden in the gloom were more clear. The view of the ‘conspiracy’ board is a lot more discernible. Covering the majority of it is a thin red string attached to thumb tacks and a lot of newspaper clippings related to missing peoples and caves. To give credit where credit is due we did learn some new information from this thing. Most of the supposed connections though are complete garbage. What is of note though is site 3 made several appearances among the media. Several of the hand drawn diagrams also correlate to multiple locations in site 3 and beyond. Sitting prime in the center of all the mess is a freshly drawn sketch of the door captured during his exploration. 
[After the diagram comes into focus the camcorder ceases function.]
Date: 08/14/02 Time: 10:13pm
The lens cap was left on during this recording. There are sounds of dripping water with heavy echoes. Some form of rough scraping noise. Also the sounds of something dense and wet being torn.
Date: 08/08/02 Time: 10:13am
It can be assumed that this recording was not an accident like the last couple given the framing. 
Clyde stands in the center of the frame, with the board acting as a backdrop. He is wearing an ill-fitting suit top and some khaki pants. He is shuffling some papers nervously while staring directly at the camera. The board itself is a lot more organized and the threads don’t look like a drunk spider web anymore, but a well thought out through line. The thread leads all the way to the door. In an attempt at some kind of anonymity Clyde has also dawned a masquerade mask of black and gold. Speculations around the department is that he may be linked to a secondary channel so far unknown; or perhaps this was going to be the opening video of a new channel.
Clyde: Good…no that’s stupid…hello world! Fuck, no, too on the nose. 
[He takes a breath and composes himself]
Clyde: Welcome one and all to Dark Dives. In this series I will be going over many odd and unexplained things in this world. How many times have you felt a tickle on the back of your leg? How long was that person really staring at you? What did you see at the foot of your bed? All these questions and more will, hopefully, be answered as we dive in the murky waters. In this first episode…
[He motions to the board]
Clyde: what is the government hiding down in the depth of our natural caves? Well in a recent exp-
[Much of the audio is lost or comes in as fragments. Visual distortions are rampant. In the small moments of clarity Clyde is going over his theories. Most of his points center around unexplained disappearances, strange noises in wooded areas, and other such surface level conspiracy akin material. At least this is what we can gather at the moment.]
Date:08/08/02 Time: 11:18am
We’ve been able to isolate this conversation during his long winded speech. There is a knock at the door to this room which lays just beyond the view of the camcorder. Clyde stumbles over a word in shock before removing the mask and heading to the door.
Clyde: Just a sec!
[The person whom Clyde speaks to has been designated as LL for Landlord for this section. This is merely for identification as the relationship while similar is much more informal than that of a tenant and owner.]
Clyde: Hey man what’s up?
[The door hinges squeal as Clyde opens it.]
LL: Look dude, I don’t mean to bother you but it’s been a couple weeks already and-
Clyde: Oh shit! Man, I am so sorry, gimme a sec.
[Clyde walks back into frame. He heads over to a dresser and after opening a drawer digs around in the clothes]
LL: You know, most people just keep their cash in a wallet.
Clyde: Well most people are dumb. This system ensures that even if I’m mugged I have a fall back.
LL: It also ensures your rent smells like a gym bag.
[Clyde waves a hand dismissively as he grabs some currency from the sock drawer. He then does the same for several other places in the room. With the amount needed in hand he goes back off screen.]
LL: Hey so me and the others have been talking…and well, now don’t act like I’m kicking you out, but bro it’s been like a year, was it really that bad?
Clyde: Huh? Oh the infestation…yeah, got off the phone kinda recently with the exterminators, uh, still a maaassive issue. But I mean, what does it matter how long it’ll be? You get some extra spending money and we get to hang out whenever.
LL: Dude what are you talking about? The only time we ever see you is when you are trying to pitch us some new idea…or when you clear out the fridge. Don’t you miss it?
Clyde: Hey can we talk about this another time? I’m kind of in the middle of recording…
LL: Sure. Look man I don’t mean to be a drag, but, [sigh] three weeks. Talk to whoever you need to talk to or whatever, but you have three weeks. And man, look we can help however you need us to but this isn’t healthy for you dude, you need-
Clyde: What I need is to get back to recording. We’ll talk about this later, I promise.
LL: If you say so.
[The door shuts.]
Clyde: Asshole!
[Something is thrown against the wall as Clyde comes back into frame visibly agitated. He stumbles over a few more words before becoming very flustered and turning the camcorder off. The veins of the hand that reaches out are abnormally dark and swollen.]
[End of recovered data]
[Thank you Rico. Your candor is appreciated, if unprofessional. Please continue the work that you and the others do, it is invaluable to our understanding. -T P.S.: I did quite enjoy A New Hope when it was released.]
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infestations are ableist
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sonicexelle-junkary · 6 months
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A little bit of rendering practice for future comics. Probably will use this cause I like it.
Anyways, please go read the Infested comic by @flightyalrighty because, yes, this is fanart for it. I absolutely adore the comic so far, so please go support them so they can continue making fantastic work.
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sweaterrat · 1 month
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lemlav kiss featuring Human donnie (NOT CLICKBAIT!!!!)
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ritelli-main · 2 months
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Local Druid healer found the sickest of men.
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mushtoons · 7 months
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yeaaah not gonna finish this but 😖
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ars3n1cc · 1 year
ughhhhh my throat hurts from screaming so loud and i cant stop feeling them crawling all over me
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medicalunprofessional · 6 months
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gummy-axolotl · 5 months
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kikunai · 8 months
Looking. Not pointedly, but I am looking.
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tampered with the decay so much and got himself so infested u cant see his face 👀
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