funkyshoes · 1 year
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When he’d been a small child, Lan Wangji had found an injured rabbit. Mother had arranged for a veterinarian to come and heal the rabbit, but they’d had to release it back into the wild once it was better. Mother had told him that rabbits want to be free. In some ways, Wei Ying was wild like the rabbit. Did Wei Ying want to be free? No, that did not make sense. Wei Ying had never been injured. Wei Ying was trusting and, like the rabbit, could not defend himself. Lan Wangji remembered when Wei Ying had worked in the coffee shop. He’d always been too friendly with the customers. He had no idea that people could hurt him, but Lan Wangji had brought Wei Ying home where he would be safe.
Courtship Rite
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mestiza003 · 2 years
henry winter and lan wangji have certain similarities
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guinevereweepy · 2 years
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Who wouldn't want to walk down the path of sunlight? It's not that he doesn't want, but it's not a question of choices, he could only go against the objection of others, gets hurt by their words, accuse, just to hold onto that promise and heart he had from the beginning deadly! Lanzhan and Shijie are his lighthouse in his darkness, the only source of light that can light this lonely bridge.
- Xiao Zhan’s letter to Wei Wuxian
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rosethornewrites · 2 years
9/28-10/5 NR, E, & M reading
The usual
Not Rated:
The song that heals the soul, by Meeana
Lots of AU, very self-indulgent.
Basically, Yiling Laozu wins a war, destroys Jin Guangshan's hopes to be the most powerful cultivator in the whole world, and vanishes in the Burial Mounds.
Lan Wangji then came there to heal his grief and broken heart, and to play That Song for Wei Wuxian's soul. And he finds something that was lost.
Time Limit, by martyr_syndrome
Jingyi questions why Wei Wuxian is always so impatient, and lives to regret it.
a life in your shape, by lanzhan (gothguk)
Lan Zhan and Wei Ying through the years.
or: 8 times you said 'I love you'.
Not Rated:
My Boy Builds Coffins, by enbysaurus_rex
Lan Zhan, Lan Xichen, Lan Qiren, and their mother flee to Yiling when the boys are children. Lan Zhan discovers a penchant for coffin making.
Based on the lyrics to the song "My Boy Builds Coffins" by Florence and the Machine
Discarded, by teawater
Children in Cloud Recesses are succubming to a dark curse. There's one person who may be able to help.
you'll find my heart on the mountainside, by lulu_kitty
After parting ways with Lan Wangji on the mountain path, Wei Wuxian takes some time to consider what it is that he wants with this new second chance at life.
The answer finds him coming back to Lan Wangji, his zhiji, but after they reunite and set forth to embark on their new life together, an unexpected surprise awaits them on their journey home.
Or, a post-canon CQL/Untamed getting together story: accidental baby acquisition addition.
I whatever you, I will stand by your side, by Lizziewriter07
Wei WuXian almost died during Jin ZiXun's trap. He would have retaliated with all his might if it weren't for A-Yuan being terrified and right behind him and Wen Ning. Instead of killing Jin ZiXuan, he was hit by a fatal arrow in the heart while trying to protect the little boy. After disappearing from the cultivation world for five years he was... "invited" in a rather peculiar way to help two great clan leaders in a problem with their sworn brother.
Lan XiChen knew his younger brother like no one else. He knew him well enough to know that seeing Wei WuXian again after all those years of not knowing anything about the young master would make WangJi do something extreme. In order to be aware of what would happen and to help, ZeWu-jun proposes a sort of alliance with Wen Qing. Together, they come up with a well-crafted excuse to leave them alone for a while.
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vvienne · 3 years
Absolute Zero by jitterati
Pathologically solitary academic Chu Wanning left behind a life of research to enlist with the Pan-Pacific Defense Corps Jaeger team when giant monsters began to emerge from the Pacific ocean, eager to leave his personal entanglements behind him and join humanity's collective battle against the threat of extinction.
His goal is to build an artificial intelligence that will allow a pilot to operate a Jaeger mech solo - eliminating the need for pilot compatibility and the mortifying ordeal of being totally known by another person, a "neurological handshake" known colloquially as the drift.
He didn't expect his former students to follow him all the way to front line of the war against the kaiju.
Featuring lots of side character interaction, pining, yearning, questions on the nature of personhood, friendship between jerks, people coping badly with loss, snarky AI, and giant robots. Illustrations by Saika & Daru
Husky and his White Kitten Disciple by JustAMoon123
Within a lonely heart, the seeds of hatred start to grow.
-A 2ha Age and Role-Reversal AU.-
NOTE: This Story is Now E Rated!
[Before meeting Chu Wanning, Mo Ran had drawn his power exclusively from the Wood side of his dual Spiritual Root, and his Qi had always glowed green.
Now, only when in battle did it do so, with Bugui’s blade encased in a tyrannical green light.
Outside of battle, like when he set barriers of warmth; or made Crystal Butterflies to tease golden flowers; or cast a small array to keep a box of food warm, his Qi manifested with a gentle red glow.
Mo Ran’s Wood was destructive, while his Fire was protective.
Ah, Mo Weiyu, Mo Weiyu. Even your power betrays you.]
Burn, Pine, and Perish by moonqueenmaia
It’s been two days since Taxian-Jun’s last visit, and Mo Ran hasn’t touched Chu Wanning at all, beyond gentle and fleeting caresses. Chu Wanning decides to take matters into his own hands by surprising Mo Ran when he comes back to their home after a trip down the mountain.
it's no coincidence (it's a kitty-incidence) by lanzhan (gothguk)
There’s a white cat lounging in the middle of Mo Ran's bed.
to touch you with bare hands (even if it burns) by moonqueenmaia
Chu Wanning is a renowned professor of mechanical engineering at Sisheng Peak University. Beautiful, lonely, and talented beyond belief, he has spent his 32 years mostly by himself, silently and secretly yearning for affection and companionship. Yet Chu Wanning has resolved to himself that he will spend the rest of his life alone, no matter his hidden fantasies.
Enter Taxian-jun, an unruly, arrogant, and struggling student, fiery and domineering, who comes in and shatters the calm of Chu Wanning's life. They enter into an agreement, both burying their feelings underneath a storm of lust and lies. Yet amidst it all, something deeper may be helplessly and slowly blooming.
It is up to them to cultivate it, or destroy it for good.
cursed by devilsoupe
Chu Wanning and his disciples are sent to investigate an abandoned village, and Chu Wanning is hit with a curse.
Mo Ran was determined to treat his shizun respectfully in this life, but what choice does he have?
liar liar cock on fire by lofikv
I (32M) walked in on my roommate (23M) masturbating in our living room. Ever since then I couldn't erase the image of his penis in my mind but I found a sex toy online that is almost as big as him, so I bought it and tried it on myself so that I can imagine how he would feel inside me. I have also been romantically attracted to him ever since we started living together. How can I cope with this?
UPDATE: He caught me in the middle of an emergency.
(Absolute) Unit 311 by devilsoupe
Chu Wanning doesn't have a soulmark.
Neither does Mo Ran.
ducks entering highway by Sectionladvivi
Mo Ran finds out his well-respected, MILF-coded, tears-of-angels-tight-ass robotics professor moonlights as an erotic novelist. He immediately leverages this knowledge for an opportunity to play tonsil hockey.
to yearn by devilsoupe
Chu Wanning starts to cough up flowers. Taxian-Jun is angry. Chu Wanning is not allowed to die pining for someone else.
When it starts happening again in his second life, Mo Ran knows enough to worry.
from blossom to blossom to impossible blossom by Wildehack (tyleet)
Taxian Jun is the victim of a flower curse.
sticky fingers by fakeplasticlily
The man tosses the towel unceremoniously back at Mo Ran’s chest, like he’s personally offended by it. And the fact that his hands had just been all over said chest barely minutes earlier, maybe. “Please pack a box of egg tarts with extra custard filling, a box of red bean paste buns with extra syrup, a rice pudding with extra candied fruit garnish, and a box of osmanthus cakes with extra sweet pear jam.” Mo Ran’s eyes grow progressively wider as he lists the items. It’s him. Not the suburban mother of four, not the elderly guy dealing with a midlife crisis, but quite possibly the hottest guy he’s ever seen. Who also happens to have the highest sugar tolerance Mo Ran has seen in a human being in his two years of running this bakery. 
Hard to Love The Lonely Night by bloodsongs
Chu Wanning glares up at him, adjusting his women’s robes. “Still, why couldn’t you have been the wife instead?”
Coughing politely, Mo Ran looks to the side, avoiding his gaze. “Shizun’s skills with the illusion barrier far surpass this humble disciple’s, and, well…”
He doesn’t need to complete his sentence—it’s infuriating, but Mo Ran is now taller than him, broader than him, larger than him. Very much so. The young sapling he raised in Sisheng Peak is now a full-fledged tree, a man built like the mountains Chu Wanning has seen in his travels.
Chu Wanning and Mo Ran pretend to be a married couple visiting a small mountain town to investigate some suspicious disappearances. Mini Canon AU casefic. Contains spoilers up to Chapter 130 or so of the novel.
Purple Ink by jeejaschocolate
Chu Wanning is a robotics engineer who lives a life of isolation and loneliness, only partially due to his chronic illness. Eventually he gets so sick that he requires the help of a full-time medical assistant.
Of course, these days, all those jobs are given to CyberLife androids.
Chu Wanning resents the android they give him. From his fiery eyes to his long black hair, to his incomparable tenderness and consideration for Wanning’s feelings.
He resents him. All the way until he falls in love with him.
Fallen Flowers in Swallows' Nests by bloodsongs
You deserve better—I refuse to disrespect you ever again. I want to be better. I must be better.
But I don’t know how. I don’t know what to do.
I don’t know where Taxian-Jun ends and Mo-Zongshi begins.
I only know now that I cannot lie to myself: I want you so fiercely that I burn with it, I am consumed with the desire to make you mine and mine alone. To become one with you, feeling your fire twine with mine.
Or, Chu Wanning finds letters from Mo-Zongshi that were never shared with him.
These hitherto undiscovered letters cover a range of emotions that weren't present in the book he gifted his Shizun: contrition, yearning, and desire.
Counterpoint by senchafloat
Five years ago, Mo Ran was just a boy who loved playing piano—there were many things he didn't know. He didn't know how capricious and unforgiving the world of classical music could be. He didn't know just how lucky he was to have Chu Wanning as his teacher.
Five years later, Chu Wanning is now a renowned concert pianist, and Mo Ran is an upstart conducting student. When Chu Wanning shows up unannounced at his alma mater, Mo Ran has plenty of questions, along with a desire to prove his worth to his old teacher. But as it turns out, Chu Wanning isn't as invincible as he once seemed. As old secrets come up to the surface, the two of them are forced to reinvent the ways they'll make music together.
impatient to adore you by riverdanceeee
At some heartbreaking point in his life, Mo Ran accepted that Chu Wanning would never reciprocate his feelings, so he dealt with it as any other person would. He'd rid himself of his affection, respect their friendship, and learn to move on. But Mo Ran's affection runs too deep, and when any opportunity to spend time with Chu Wanning knocks on his door, he goes running to answer and accept. Even if it means he has to break up a potentially dangerous dog fighting ring.
To Bow Before A Willow Vine by bloodsongs
“I…” Mo Ran hadn’t thought that far. He shakes his head, lowering his head in deference, resting his forehead against Chu Wanning’s knuckles. "I'll do anything you want of me."
The silence stretches on for a beat too long.
"Anything?" Chu Wanning says eventually, tilting his head.
Written for 2Ha Week, Day 4: Reverse AU for the 0.5 timeline. When Chu Wanning storms Sisheng Peak and crowns himself the cultivation world's new emperor, Mo Ran trades his life for Xue Meng's. Contains spoilers for up to the end of the novel.
Call me by my name by rinsled05
When the man called Taxian-Jun arrives, years later, it’s the coming of a storm.
He sweeps into a dinner appointment between Chu Wanning and a client, clad in black, a smirk tugging at his mouth. Over the spark of irritation, Chu Wanning can’t help but admire his lean frame, the way his hair, cut rebelliously short, falls over smoldering, dark eyes. The way he towers over him, even when Chu Wanning rises to full height.
Chu Wanning’s heart races as Taxian-Jun leans in close, ignoring the shouts and gasps around them.
“Sakaki of Ran,” he purrs in their native tongue. “You’re mine.”
Chu Wanning lifts his chin. “I don’t know you.”
“You will,” Taxian-Jun says, and leaves.
In which Chu Wanning is a courtesan serving Chinese merchants in Nagasaki, Japan, and Taxian-Jun decides to make him his.
荷官牌型 ♠️ The Croupier's Hand by bloodsongs
In deep financial straits after losing his job as a teacher, a desperate Chu Wanning becomes a croupier at Sisheng's new casino.
The once sleepy town of Sisheng Peak grows busier by the day as the casino draws more and more tourists to their mountains. Consumed by his lingering regrets over the worst mistake of his life that destroyed his teaching career, Chu Wanning is too distracted to worry about anything else but his next shift, his next paycheck.
Except that's when Mo Ran, the reason Chu Wanning lost everything, returns to Sisheng Peak.
As the heir to the casino.
White Rabbit Club by minkit
Desperate to rid himself of a few pesky things called virginity and desire, Chu Wanning waltzes into a world he knows little about and right into the embrace of a mysterious stranger who reminds him of the student he's been dreaming about all year. The lust fueled dreams his student stars in are the very reason Chu Wanning applied to the sex club in the first place, and now he's desperate to get rid of these filthy impulses once and for all.
Congratulations, Chu Wanning, on your acceptance into the White Rabbit Club. We hope you enjoy your stay.
Risk and Restraint by purloinedinpetrograd
There is nobody Mo Ran works with who does not love him. He’s worked hard to cultivate this image while he climbs the corporate ladder at Sisheng, and it’s paid off in dividends. He’s in every WeChat group. He can call in favors with any division of any department. He can make even the tightest of deadlines relax their stranglehold on his team.
That is, there is nobody except, of course, Chu Wanning.
A Lingering Sweetness by theherocomplex
Chu Wanning is now all too aware of what he looks like: a dry stick of a man, never handsome, angular and cold and pale. A drab, short-tempered creature, as appealing as a splinter in one's foot. But Mo Ran looks at him as if he will never get his fill, and part of Chu Wanning thinks, What if —?
At the end of the line by PearlAquaBlue 
“So … I reckon someone thought you needed to loosen up a little bit. Now that you’re here, want to try it?”
Chu Wanning hangs up. Throws her phone on her pillow with a disgusted glare after it. Stands up and paces to the kitchen in long, angry strides. Her cheeks are burning. With trembling fingers, she grabs a glass and pours herself some water, gulping it down in one go. It doesn’t help much. She grips the kitchen counter tightly, then marches back into the bedroom to glare at the phone again. Her fingertips itch, and it’s as if some kind of magnetic force draws her closer and closer to her bed until her fingertips are but an inch away from that tempting black mirror. Before she knows it, she’s unlocked it unsteadily and pressed “repeat” on the last call.
“Welcome to Sisheng Peak – ”
“And what would that entail?” she asks, a little too breathless.
Let's Fall in Love for the Night by purloinedinpetrograd
Chu Wanning could only stare in horror as a large cloud of sickeningly yellow pollen rose from the field, blanketing the place where Mo Ran stood in a heavy fog. “Um,” he said lamely.
“Fuck,” Mo Ran cursed, and Chu Wanning didn’t even have the heart to chastise him for his coarse language, because he was too preoccupied wrestling the surge of fear at seeing his disciple disappear behind the haze of that indeterminately threatening dust.
A million terrible possibilities raced through his mind, each one more dramatic and gruesome than the last. His heart hammered against his ribcage, threatening to crack the bones. “Mo Ran,” he said slowly, “I think you should tell me what that does, now.”
Xue Zhengyong sends Chu Wanning and Mo Ran on a mission to find a specific ingredient for some concoction of his wife’s. Chu Wanning is torn between rejoicing at the chance to spend time alone with Mo Ran... and grieving over the very same thing.
But, well, it’s just flowers. What could go wrong, right? (Spoiler alert: it’s sex pollen.)
the day dawns in your hues by localshabba
2ha Week 2020 Day 1 prompt - Haitang
Schoolteacher Mo Ran is having an ordinary day until he has an awkward encounter with the notoriously rigid school librarian, which leads to the start of something new.
Also features: flowers, dinosaurs and lots of tenderness and pining.
helping hands by verity
When Mo Ran was but a young, innocent, virtuous grad student—well, one of those things—she built that couch from a flatpack box with her own two hands. Over the years, the smell of polyester and cheap foam padding has given way to an equally aromatic blend of Chu Wanning's haitang blossom perfume, spilled coffee, and white lithium grease. Chu Wanning herself is always perfectly dressed without a stain in sight. Even right now, her head tucked onto one folded arm, the other loosely gripping her tablet, she looks so formal.
Mo Ran gently rests a hand on Chu Wanning's socked ankle where it peeks out of those tailored white trousers. She really should behave herself.
She really should... behave herself...
in plain sight by localshabba
Written for a prompt fill in the 2ha Kink Meme.
"I have a surprise," Mo Ran breathed, coming to stand so close behind him that his breath landed on Chu Wanning's nape. Not touching Chu Wanning any other way, because he likes to make Chu Wanning lean back just a little bit, to seek out that contact himself.
"I think Chu-laoshi will enjoy it."
Chu Wanning is sure he agreed to the whole idea; he's just unclear on when. Things got hazy around the point when Mo Ran turned him around by the shoulders, got down on his knees and...well. Apparently he'd skipped breakfast that morning.
When he returned to his senses, his clothes were all neatly tucked into place, not a stain on them, and a charmingly pink sexual aid was nestled comfortably up his--ahem, inside him.
Now available in Spanish!
casually acquainted by tagteamme
Chu Wanning knows what he is and what he isn’t. And where he lacks in pleasantries and outward appeal, he makes up for in untouchable grace and dignity.
It threatens to unravel once he meets a familiar face in an unfamiliar city.
“So quick to run away from me, Chu-laoshi,” Mo Ran says, voice gently teasing as Chu Wanning refuses to make eye contact with him. “After you came all the way from…”
He trails off, waiting for Chu Wanning to let him know, but he sees the map open on Chu Wanning’s phone and grins wider. “You want directions?”
Chu Wanning clears his throat, and shakes his head. He should say something— instead, he stays silent as he looks down at his phone and punches in the hotel name again.
Happily, his phone tells him to try again when he has signal.
The Right Hand of Light by gedsparrowhawk (FaceChanger)
Chu Wanning is asleep on the bed, clutching his hands tightly to his chest and curled in on himself. He’s still wearing the same robes he was in in the water prison. On the writing desk, a bowl of water and clean linen for bandages sit untouched, and a tub of bathwater has cooled without being used. Mo Ran sighs to himself. Wanning is truly hopeless.
He sits on the side of the bed and touches Chu Wanning’s shoulder. “Wanning,” he says. “Wanning, wake up.”
Rare 0.5 tenderness, after the water prison.
nothing can consume you by tagteamme
Mo Ran’s violent history has never had to catch up to him.
It’s already embedded itself into him as scars on his body, as a tattoo on his forearm, as the lingering taste of blood in his sleep and finally, as the searing brand pressed against his chest before he’s thrown into the sea as punishment. He knows that this is where all his chances come to an end.
But as the deep fathom of the water swallows him up, something else saves him and pulls him to a tiny cove tucked away off the coast of an overlooked port town. When he wakes up under the care of a mythical creature wearing a familiar face, an even older and more distant past finally finds him.
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plan-d-to-i · 2 years
ummm i saw your anon ask abt "dark lwj is canon" and i need to clarify a bit bc i think you guys were talking abt me. "dark lwj is canon" was not what i said. i said "mayhaps dark lanzhan fans make a point" as in lwj did nonconsensually kiss wwx at one point and frequently fantasized about r*ping wwx. the kiss scene was purposefully positioned in the story to evoke some discomfort in the readers and shows lwj's darker desires that he worked hard to suppress. Not only that, unlike many other noncon/dubcon scenes in other danmei novels where authors borrow external influence as literary device to "excuse" the main lead's actions (the cursed flower affecting mo ran in 2ha; xin mo sword corrupting lbh's sanity), mxtx wrote lwj fully conscious, sober and himself when he noncon kissed wwx. sure you may say that was just a kiss but it was still assault/violation, and lwj regretted the decision, apologizing to wwx afterwards. Out of all the men mentioned, lwj is the one dubbed the 'righteous' HGJ. Surely MXTX was trying to set up some contrast. and it goes to show that lwj actively chooses to be decent and good and not repeat his father's mistake of imprisoning his loved one. Continuously choosing to do good while having dark thoughts/desires does not negate lwj's goodness.
Also this ties nicely narratively to the sex dynamics of wangxian post canon where they feel safe and free to explore their push and pull cnc kink, and how lwj practices self-restraint to respect wwx's boundaries. i've thought that's the whole point?
Re THIS post I think
Hm I was answering this particular line in the ask: "he wants to rape wwx and imprison him in canon". In canon LWJ doesn't actually want to rape WWX. I think there's a danger of looking at a dream/fantasy as something tied to the real world/ that someone is considering doing irl. Many sexual fantasies would be nightmares if they actually happened. In addition I don't know about the wisdom of casting a moral judgement on CNC.
Maybe we have different definitions of "dark"? I also prioritize actions over thoughts. Something like the sole kiss, coupled with the the understanding LWJ gleaned from it, and his subsequent behavior going forward in the story, and his desire to protect WWX by spiriting him away to his family's clan but ultimately respecting WWX's agency even when he was at his most vulnerable post Nightless city, is not enough to get dark vibes. There's also a lot that goes into why LWJ gets the title Hanguang-Jun.
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i think the reason why word of honor compels me more than mdzs is bc the two mains are ambiguous (to an extent), ever-changing and dynamic; as in, zhou zishu is basically a retired spymaster-murderer and he goes around teaching his kid and helping people on the fly and then there’s wen kexing who is kind of cursed and does batshit stuff and who also reads bedtime stories to his kid and fucks around with zhou zishi at every chance he gets. in mdzs wei wuxian and lanzhan are kind of.....good? like, really good? like, that isn’t in any doubt in the current timeline (in his current incarnation), even with wei wuxian’s past descent in the dark arts. lanzhan has been a moral stick in the mud since his inception. but unlike the moral stasis that that gets cemented into mdzs’s plotline, the storyline with wkx and zzs is just always in flux; both characters come from a morally decrepit and at best, ambiguous, background, with both having done terrible, terrible things, and here they are butting heads over who gets to die and who doesn’t and why they should try to keep living in a hostile and greedy world all while trying to be better than they are. in some ways word of honor doesn’t necessarily try to hammer in the “evil so evil this man is badddd so so bad” because the show is constantly humanizing wen kexing as it demonizes him, constantly putting zhou zhishu in his way and beside him, always having them forgive each other and be good and kind to each other, etc etc. the moral messaging in word of honor is v nuanced this way. this enduring struggle to do right by somebody is very compelling and far more interesting, personally
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jamieemmanuelle · 3 years
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Title: Wangxian Precious Moments Edition:
A Flower for Lanzhan
- inspired from the scene on Phoenix mountain competition parade where Weiwuxian threw a flower to Lanzhan during the Gusu Lan parade
- i made 2 versions as some like pastels and some like dark gothic style 😊♥️ hope you all like it!
Artist: Jamie 黄
IG: yawna_nui
Tumblr: jamieemmanuelle
♥️Notes from artist:
My fan art creations brings happiness to me. If you like and enjoyed and also made you happy, feel free to drop me a “thank u message!” ♥️
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funkyshoes · 1 year
The lock clicked. Wei Ying shot up on the bed. His hands clenched at the blanket as the door opened. It had to be Lan Wangji. No one else had visited since the day the fists had flown and there’d been a body on the floor and Lan Wangji’s voice, so cold, saying “Leave him.” No, don’t think about that. Never think about that.
The figure in the doorway dripped blood, so much blood, clotting and dripping. Wei Ying choked back a scream. But no, that wasn’t blood, or was it? No, not blood, cloth, red cloth, the color of blood, but not blood. Red. Red with silver embroidery. Lan Wangji was wearing red. Why was Lan Wangji wearing red?
Courtship Rite
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ohmypreciousgirl · 3 years
Xicheng AU Rec List
This time I compiled my favorite AU fics for @waterandsilver! Hope everyone will enjoy this list too ♥
Just Two Lost Souls 46,978
Even if it is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife, husband, or companion, all Jiang Cheng really wants is to run his company, take care of his pets, and maybe get some sleep. Unfortunately the new job promotion to CEO comes with a loaded social calendar and a need for some sort of companion.
So clearly the most sensible answer is to start dating the man he's had a crush on since he was a teenager.
Because nothing could go wrong there. Sequels: Hold Me Like You Want Me; I Am Yours, If You Are Mine; Jiang Cheng and the Lans; You Get a Torch and a Flame and Burn The Path You Want.
i don't really care how much silence kills me 15,611 [Part 1 of all the lights couldn't put out the dark] It’s been around 2 years since Jiang Cheng has last seen to his brother, and a little over a year since the last time he spoke to him, when they locked eyes at Nie Huaisang’s art exhibition. Jiang Cheng had only come because Huaisang had explicitly promised him he wouldn’t be here. He knows Wuxian and Wangji have just moved back into the area after traveling, and he has every intention of avoiding them at all costs, just like he avoids his college-era crush Lan Xichen. 
But it would seem that the universe has other ideas.
charcoal on newsprint 2,151 [Part 1 of fine art] Xichen distantly realizes that there is no way Huaisang had actually told Jiang Cheng that this is a nude modeling session. He can already hear Jiang Cheng’s clear baritone, dripping with sarcasm, telling the entire dinner table “So, Zewu Jun wanted me naked in front of all his students.” at the next Lan-Jiang family dinner.Uncle is going to have his head. 
Madam Yu is going to skewer him alive before that. Or, Jiang Cheng models for life drawing in his spare time.
Family 2,514 [Part 1 of The Lan-Jiang Family] Jiang Cheng stops dead in the doorway as he takes in the horrendous state the apartment is in; toys and clothes everywhere, new furniture, child-furniture, all over the place, and no matter where Jiang Cheng’s gaze drops, it’s been taking over by stuff that belongs to a child.
A child that is still screaming, almost drowning out Lan Xichen’s attempts to calm it down.
“What the actual fuck is happening here?” Jiang Cheng blurts out and while it does nothing to stop the child from screaming, Lan Xichen freezes.
Worthy of a god 1,859 [Part 1 of The most faithful] Jiang Cheng knows that there is a chance Chifeng-zun will choose him; he is the god of war and rage and ever since Jiang Cheng was old enough to scowl there had been talk at Lotus Pier, how well he would fit with that.
But Jiang Cheng also knows that there is a bigger chance of no god choosing him at all.
Not just a vacation [Part 1 of The best catch] The next night Lan Xichen goes back to the beach. He keeps out of sight at first, hoping to catch the man unawares first, his mind still reeling from the research he did during the day.
It’s probably not what Lan Qiren and Lan Wangji wanted for him when they sent him on this vacation, but Lan Xichen needs to know what’s going on here. The only thing his research turned up were tales of mermaid and Lan Xichen is not ready to believe that.
Until he catches sight of a rather huge tail, flapping out of the water.
What Happens in Vegas Comes Home to Taiwan 3,120 [Part 1 of What Happens in Vegas] What do you do when your brother is getting married to someone you can’t stand?
The answer probably shouldn’t be to marry his brother, but in Lan Xichen’s defense, he didn’t know Las Vegas would allow drunk people to tie the knot at three o’clock in the damn morning.
A Lionheart 19,916 Wherein Xichen is a Crown Prince and Jiang Cheng is his bodyguard.
Emergency Help Wanted 76,819 EMERGENCY HELP WANTED I lied when I got my job. I told them I had a kid so I could leave early from work to pick him up from daycare, take him to doctor's appointments, and occasionally miss a day when he's sick. Long story short, I'm in too deep. I didn't think it through. Looking to rent a kid for bring your child to work day. Must be a boy ages four to six, longish dark hair, likes soccer. Must also be artistic as the macaroni noodle paintings I made seem a little advanced for his age. Also, I will pay extra for someone willing to play the role of husband when dropping him off. He's a prosecuting attorney who often brings his work home. Message me for further details. Serious inquiries only.
how to not fall in love in a broken elevator 2,741 [Part 1 of a guide to falling in love (for runaways and heirs)] Jiang Cheng and Lan Xichen get stuck in an elevator together.
Stream 4,494 He’s in love with Lan Xichen.
Jiang Cheng blinks once, twice and allows the feeling to fill him completely, at least once, before he ruthlessly squashes it down and locks it into the deepest parts of himself.
By the time Lan Xichen stops laughing and turns his attention back to Jiang Cheng, it’s as if nothing ever happened. Sequel: Umbrella - Savor
Jiang Cheng knows what he’s worth, after all, and it’s definitely not enough for the First Jade of Gusu.
How to get revenge on your brothers: A Guide by Jiang Cheng and Lan Xichen 8,339 “That’s it. That’s the solution.”
Jiang Cheng opened an eye confused. “What do you mean?”
There was a weird light in Lan Xichen’s eyes and for a moment Jiang Cheng thought the other had gone crazy. “We will make them understand what it feels like seeing their brothers being… intimate with each other.”
Talent Hunt Crew Finds Angry Guy Shouting On College Campus, Recruits Him For Vocal Projection Abilities 80,575 Jiang Cheng, resident Angry Guy and heir to a conglomerate empire, has never been the apple of his father’s eye. Quashed under the shadow of his brilliant brother, the music prodigy Wei Wuxian, Jiang Cheng sees his chance to turn things around when he is recruited by the All-Stars Lan Talent Hunt. One problem: he can’t sing to save his goddamn life.
do you eat pringles with or without the shell? 32,291 Wei Wuxian smiles at him, the bastard. “I’m proud of you for figuring this out. That means Xichen-ge is your gay awakening.”
“Don’t put it like that,” Jiang Cheng sighs but he isn’t wrong.
All This Could Be Yours 17,337 After transferring to the main branch of his family’s publishing business and into his newly-acquired responsibilities as its CEO and managing director, Lan Huan finds himself stressed and burnt out. His brother recommends a solution.
Jiang Cheng is too gay to deal with this shit.
how should i know what tomorrow will bring 1,630 “If they can’t accept the fact that Jin Ling will always be there, then they might as well fuck off.” Jiang Cheng points out.
“Well, sure.” Wei Wuxian concedes. “But you don’t even give them time to know if they want to be involved with you before you’re kicking them away. That’s not how first dates are supposed to go.”
“How would you know,” Jiang Cheng grumbles, annoyed that Wei Wuxian is right. This time. “You haven’t been on a date since like, 2002.”
Children's Secrets 5,225 Jiang Cheng and Lan Xichen swap nephews for a weekend. Some revelations are made.
the Magical-Realism of Awkwardness 10,168 Jiang Cheng thinks things can't get worse when he is forced to third wheel Wei Wuxian and Lanzhan's date.
Then Lan Xichen shows up and proves that things damn well can.
(Or, what shapes up to be one of the worst days of Jiang Cheng's life takes an entirely different turn.)
in the incense is tangled a cool moon 3,614 Some loves aren't meant to be, Wanyin knows. 
Pay me in love 2,770 Madame Yu watches Lan Xichen walk away, until he is out of earshot, before she turns towards Jiang Cheng.
“What are you paying him?” she wants to know and Jiang Cheng can do nothing but stare dumbly at her.
“What?” he asks when she doesn’t say anything else.
“Did you really think I would believe you’re dating Lan Xichen, CEO of Lan Enterprises? Nice try, Jiang Cheng. Now tell me what you’re paying him.”
a slight tilt of perception 5,238 It was just a dance. 
Jiang Cheng, trying to avoid the society matrons and their matchmaking-themed whispers, accepted a dance invitation from Lan Xichen, an old friend.
He forgot that his dance partner was probably the most eligible bachelor in the room.
He forgot that was all it could take: a moment, a look, hands intertwined in a dance—and everything could change.
Not at all fake 3,070 “Tomorrow,” Jiang Cheng gives back and then makes a noise as if he’s dying. “Fucking hell, I’m a dead man. If I show up tomorrow without anyone in tow—without someone in tow who can give Lan Wangji a run for his money—then I am dead.”
There’s a beat of silence and then Lan Xichen says “Take me.”
Jiang Cheng blinks a few times, processing the words, but even after a full minute they don’t make any sense.
For better, for worse 6,713 People forget marriage vows are more than pretty words. It's easy to honor them when it comes to good things but they're easily forgotten when it comes to darker times. Lan Huan, however, always keeps them in mind. To love someone like Jiang Cheng, who wears his emotions on his sleeve due his terrible parents, is to remember that love is not simple.
Glow 3,033 [Part 1 of Eldritch!Lans AU] Jiang Cheng carefully turns his head, maybe the absence of his boyfriend is what woke him up, but when he looks at Lan Xichen’s side, he’s met with something so dark it even stands out against the darkness of the night.
There’s a void next to him in bed and Jiang Cheng throws himself out of it, Zidian already crackling and sparking, illuminating the room in a faint purple.
White Lotus in Bloom 7,147 As the Crown Prince from Gusu Lan visiting YunMeng Jiang, Lan Huan was beyond excited to attend the region's famous Lotus Festival, where he meets a boy in purple and black.
Never Had I Ever 56,263 Nie Mingjue is almost certain that Jin Guangyao has an ulterior motive for dating his best friend, Lan Xichen. However despite voicing his concerns, his best friend seems unconvinced and Lan Xichen continues to date the said man. Unable to give up just yet, Nie Mingjue tries a different tactic--convincing his best friend the man is not the right person for him by setting him up. Fortunately for him, Wei Wuxian's youngest brother is very much single and seems to be just the kind of person his best friend needs. Can Jiang Cheng truly change Lan Xichen's mind, or will Nie Mingjue's plan is a disaster from the beginning?
As he struggles to develop his nascent singing abilities, Jiang Cheng finds himself sucked into the whirlwind drama of reality TV, helped along by his adoring siblings, his irritable vocal coach Wen Qing, and strangely enough, the unfairly attractive host of the All-Stars Lan Talent Hunt, Lan Xichen. Somewhere in the glare of the stage lights and an unexpected first love, Jiang Cheng stumbles upon the thing he was searching for all along: the courage to dream — and to attempt the impossible.
Comfort 1,838 Wei Wuxian always pisses him off, this is common between them. Some fights, however, make Jiang Cheng sad enough to lock himself away from people and Lan Xichen has taken on the role of always being there to comfort him.
midnight comforts 1,946 At 11:36 his phone buzzed next to his ear. Lan Huan had a strict sleeping routine, but even so he was a fairly light sleeper. He answered the call—no one he knew would call him this late without reason—and murmured a groggy greeting.
“Lan Huan?”
He sat up, already rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
“I know it’s late,” he started, voice sounding odd through the phone, “but you,” he stopped again with a gasp. Now that he was more alert, Lan Huan realized with mounting horror that the hitch in his breath, the odd thickness, was from crying. “You said I could come over whenever,” he finished, voice much shakier.
To The Beat 1,859 [Part 1 of Fever]
"The bathroom is over there you fuc--"
His words caught in his throat as he saw the person on the other side. He looked a lot like Wei Ying's boyfriend, but he was smiling and his eyes were somehow kind; comparatively, the most expression he'd ever seen on Lan Zhan's face was mild disdain.
Jiang Cheng must have been staring dumbly for a while because the man cleared his throat. There was a blush rising on his cheeks, and oh fuck, that was kind of cute.
"I apologize for interrupting your night. I was told that this room was where the people who were 'no fun' were supposed to go," the man said. His voice was deep and somehow just as smooth as his skin, which was flawless.
It Took Me So Long To Find You 6,349 [Soulmate AU]
But it didn’t take him too long to realize that he was simply not worthy of the other.
So he hoped at least that they could become friends.
Lotus Pier burned down before Jiang Cheng could think of telling Lan XiChen. And after the Sunshot Campaign, he understood, being Lan XiChen’s soulmate would not just be a burden to the other, it would be a curse.
paint my skies with your skin 15,473 [Soulmate AU] “There’s no point in this, is there?” Jiang Cheng scoffs, “We both know I am not who you want your soulmate to be.”
“Soulmate or not, you have my heart and my ribbon. Only if you want it, Wanyin.”
once upon a dream 18,438 [Part 1 of once upon a dream] An au where your dreams are small snippets of your soulmate’s day. They’d show small things like buying coffee, reading a book, or hanging out with people from their perspective.
The problem was that people always have expectations and Jiang Cheng knows he always falls short of them. Time and time again.
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justadreamforus · 4 years
Can I ask for lwj/wwx with abo pregnancy smut? Hehe thank you so much!
A/N: I wasn’t sure if you meant them having sex while Weiying is pregnant, or if you meant them having sex and Weiying becoming pregnant after, so I just went with the first one! Anyway, thank you once again for your request and I hope I did them justice~
PS: I might also post this on AO3 if you don’t mind
WC: 5, 702 words (this was longer than I thought) 
When Weiying had first woken up in Mo Xuanyu’s body, he had realised the latter was an omega instantly, the coy scent of ripe oranges and summer skies giving it away. And when he had received a shoe to his face a minute later, several inappropriate curse words that would have made even his dearest Shijie flinch had flown through his mind. It wasn’t because he hated omegas, oh no, he was very much a gentleman to them, but the glaringly obvious difference in strength was enough to have his teeth grinding as he looked around his abode, shame and anger interwoven with each other.
Because omegas were physically weaker in all aspects, their golden cores taking longer to mature as their bodies were born soft, wide hips and fragile bone structures enticing alphas to mate them, pup them full. Which would have been fine, if it weren’t for the objectification of their body, the amazing blessed fertility turning them into breeding bitches every heat. And that had been the case for Mo Xuanyu, Weiying had realised with startling clarity as he sat in the middle of a ruined shack with barely a blanket for a nest.
 It was cold, the scent of salt sharp in the air as Weiying had cautiously sniffed the material, identifying tears and the bitter tang of blood. This was the scent of depression, of an omega huddling underneath covers in stark fear every heat praying for salvation, and it had made his long gone alpha instincts snarl. His ire only grew more as he noted the treatment he had received from the Mo family, had glanced around the depilated shack with white fury as he finally understood the abuse his summoner had given him, the liberties they had taken with someone weaker, quieter, gentler.
 But Mo Xuangyu had gotten his revenge, painting the Mo estate with blood, and Weiying was proud to call the body his own, alpha or not. Experiencing his first heat had been, well, interesting, to say the least, and mating with Lanzhan had turned his entire world upside down. It was fun, invigorating, life changing, and Weiying was happy to settle down into pillowed forts and hundreds of blankets, safe and comfortable within his nest at Cloud Recesses. It only got better at night, when he could snuggle into warm arms and bury his face into the crook of Lanzhan’s neck, breathing in the euphoric scent of sandalwood and cotton, a happy pleased alpha crooning into his ear.
 He was starting to understand the joy of being an omega, why some would revel in their dynamic even with all the abuse they may have had to face. Because it was a power trip watching Lanzhan melt when he batted his eyes and pushed out his bottom lip, the alpha immediately caving and letting Weiying sleep an hour longer. It made a darker part of him crow with delight whenever he would pinch his inner thigh under a blanket, hidden from view, until his eyes began to water, and Lanzhan would drop his scrolls, rushing into their nest to thumb away his tears. Perhaps it was a tad mean, a little rude to play on the alpha’s overwhelming desire to provide, but Weiying had been dead for sixteen years, damn it he deserved attention!
 And it wasn’t as if he had to do a lot to receive it. Lanzhan was happy to indulge him, happy to be distracted whenever Weiying would climb into his lap and mouth at his scent gland, little whimpers escaping his mouth as he kneaded Lanzhan’s thigh greedily. It was just so easy, letting his robe slide down one shoulder to show off his mating bite, proud and dark against his snowy white skin that would have his alpha sharply inhaling, fangs beginning to emerge. There was a certain level of intoxication to having Lanzhan listen to his every whim if he lowered his eyes just right, the satisfaction of having stone cold perfection give into his warmth, melting under his touch.
 Don’t tell anyone, but it was also highly entertaining to watch Lanzhan’s calligraphy brush tremble, the alpha’s ears cherry red whenever he’s forced to look away, as if he could possibly ignore Weiying’s sobs as he fingers himself open, the scent of slick and an eager omega thick in the air.
 However, he was beginning to think karma was finally finding his way to him when one robust heat later had declared him pregnant and heavy with Lanzhan’s litter. Suddenly everything was too much and too little all at once, and Weiying found himself swinging between cooing at his alpha and, well, dragging his claws through all twenty of Lanzhan’s robes whenever the other irritated him. Which would have been fine if it weren’t for the fact that Lanzhan irritated him plenty, something Weiying hadn’t thought would be possible once they were mated. They were in love for crying out loud! He didn’t know why or what the alpha did wrong to warrant such visceral hate at times, and his logical brain constantly found issues with his weird responses, but Lanzhan was having none of it. And neither, unfortunately, was his omega.
 “I don’t want this blanket! I already told you I don’t like the texture! I don’t like it, don’t want it, don’t need it, don’t want anything to do with it!” Weiying snarls, fingers digging into the pillow he has in his arms like a shield as he glowers at his alpha from his cocoon, canines bared dangerously. He had been antsy since morning, pawing at the blankets and sniffing them carefully as he repositioned them throughout the day, but hadn’t been able to figure out what was wrong.
 At first, he had thought it was the pillows, but the moment he had laid them outside of his nest his inner omega had begun to cry in earnest, and Weiying had practically scrambled onto the floor for them, eyes wild and scent heavy with distress. Perhaps it’s the bottom layer, Weiying had guessed, peeling back the cotton sheet that covered their mattress, aware that it was due for a wash soon. Except he had barely handed Lanzhan the sheet before his omega had screamed, no return it mine part of nest mine mine mine, and he had almost mauled the other in an attempt to get it back, fingers shifting into claws as he spat viciously into Lanzhan’s face. But the alpha was patient, so kind and good to me, what a man, my man, Weiying had thought dazedly to himself as Lanzhan offered him blankets, soothing his omega’s rising haunches.
 And then he had offered that particular set of blankets and well.
 “I hate it! I hate it!” Weiying shouts, chest heaving as he clutches the pillow even closer, violet eyes tracking the alpha who’s standing hesitatingly in the doorway, blankets behind the line separating both rooms. “Everything’s wrong,” he growls, and oh, everything is wrong, and suddenly Weiying is gasping for breath, eyes beginning to water as he sniffles, his bottom lip wobbling as he stares at Lanzhan, at his amazing alpha who’s trying and him, stupid omega who can’t even get a nest right, a nest where we’ll be having their pups and raising them and I’m a failure of an omega-
 “Weiying is not a failure.” Lanzhan’s calm voice cuts through his thoughts, and Weiying finds himself letting out a wet gasp, choked laughter bubbling in his throat as he watches Lanzhan get on his knees, carefully placing the blankets behind him. “Weiying is trying, and that’s all that matters,” Lanzhan reminds him gently, and Weiying growls, a displeased rumble emanating from his throat even as the praise makes him preen, makes his inner omega purr.
 “How would you know that huh Hanguang-jun?” Weiying mumbles peevishly, rubbing his eyes onto the sleeve of his robes as he glares half-heartedly at the alpha. “I’ve been here all morning,” he swallows, eyes beginning to fill with tears once more as he stares dejectedly at his nest, his pathetic excuse of a nest, “been here all afternoon,” he gulps, voice rising in pitch as his omega wolf paces, lips pulled back angrily because wrong, wrong, wrong, it’s all wrong, “and I still can’t fucking figure out what’s wrong!” With a loud yell Weiying threw the pillow, the low thump as it clipped Lanzhan in the chin emphasising his point as he hissed, inner omega growling and digging its paws into the ground because stupid, everything is stupid, everything is wrong, stupid nest, stupid omega, waiting in stupid nest for stupid alpha feeling stupid and angry and empty and-
 The realisation hits Weiying like a slap to the face, and with both hands busy cradling his baby bump now that the pillow was gone, Weiying barely manages to stop himself from tumbling backwards in shock. Because now he’s aware, aware of his hole that’s steadily licking slick, wetting his robes, scent muffled by the mountain of blankets he had added to his nest once he realised he was expecting. Because now that Weiying is paying attention he can feel it, feel the way his thighs are quivering and the way his hole itches, aches for something inside. Because now that Weiying has noticed, desire is welling up in him, calling for strong arms to hold him in place as something thick and hard sinks into his fluttering hole, for big hands to grab onto his hips and hold him down, breed him silly and god am I stupid or what?
 “Lanzhan, I need sex.” Weiying says calmly, eyes wide, and is gratified to see Lanzhan choke, the alpha accidentally knocking his head against the frame of the door in surprise. It makes him want to laugh, and he can’t help the cackle that escapes him as Lanzhan hastily rights himself, back straightening even as the pink flush blossoming across his cheek bones give away his embarrassment. It’s hilarious, downright funny to Weiying because who would have thought I was angry because I wasn’t having sex and oh god I need Lanzhan to sex me up even though we already do it every day and Jiangcheng is never going to let me live this down. But those thoughts will have to wait, Weiying thinks as he licks his lips gleefully, eyes growing half-lidded as he casually runs a hand down his chest to his belt.
 His action earns him a spike in Lanzhan’s sandalwood scent, the musk turning deep as the alpha begins to pay attention, spine straightening as he takes note of Weiying’s casual posture and splayed legs. Playfully toying with the knot, Weiying smirks as he slides his calves out from underneath the blanket, revealing pale lily legs, and accidentally chokes on his own scent, mandarin orange heavy with arousal, the sharp tartness of fruit swept away by the pinpricks of heat and spice. It’s alluring, practically engulfs the entire room, and that thought has Weiying grinning, fangs on full display as Lanzhan’s hands curl into fists, the alpha’s irises blowing out as his nostrils flare, breathing in the scent of slick, fertility and lust.
 Purring softly, Weiying allows the tail end of his belt to slip through his fingers once, twice, watching indulgently as Lanzhan’s eyes follow his movements, the alpha beginning to pant even as the sound remains minimal, quiet. But it’s there, and Weiying is riding on that wave of adrenaline, on that fixated gaze as he winds the tassel around his index finger, shooting Lanzhan a coy smile. There’s a flicker of wry amusement in those honey gold eyes before they darken with desire, and Weiying doesn’t hold back as he lets out a desperate mewl, back arching prettily as he yanks away his belt with a single finger, opening his robes.
 He’s wet, literally gushing, and Weiying feels himself gasp in relief as his heated skin meets the cool air of the room, baby bump proudly on display. It’s small, the curve not quite prominent enough for him to start waddling instead of walking, but it’s enough to force Lanzhan to hyperventilate, the rapid rise and fall of the alpha’s chest making Weiying’s lips curl into a victorious snarl. Slowly, he runs his fingers through the viscous translucent liquid, scooping it up from the inner junction of his thighs and drawing patterns over his skin. He makes a show of it, lifts his fingers into the air so Lanzhan can see the thick strands that drip over his fingers and palm, and when he’s sure the alpha is watching, completely riveted by him, Weiying pushes two fingers into his mouth and sucks.
 “Weiying-!!” Lanzhan rumbles, voice tight, and Weiying smiles sweetly back at his alpha, eyes lowering demurely before he jams his fingers further into his throat, making him gag. It doesn’t taste like anything but himself, salty and a tad flowery, but it’s worth it for the way Lanzhan inhales sharply, hands reaching up to grip at his headband, the alpha vibrating with need. So needy, Weiying thinks greedily to himself as he shifts in his nest, rocking into the sheets and staining it with his slick, so desperate for me. Swallowing around his fingers and letting out a muffled moan, Weiying lets Lanzhan watch him taste his own slick, tongue chasing after the dripping liquid and sliding over his digits before he stops.
 “Weiying…” Lanzhan whispers brokenly, and Weiying sweeps a cursory gaze over his husband before his eyes find the rising bulge between Lanzhan’s thighs. It’s pushing against Lanzhan’s white robes, and Weiying finds himself puffing his chest out proudly, preening at the answer from his alpha, at how much Lanzhan wants me in his lap, wants me spread and ready for him, and that image makes his mouth water. It has him palming his cock from root to tip, grinding into the palm of his hand as he locks eyes with Lanzhan, panting from exertion. The sexual tension in the air is palpable, but Weiying has always been a little cruel, a little mean. After all, how could he not be when his darling Hanguang-jun allowed him to get away with everything?
 Which is why Weiying refuses him entry, refuses to allow Lanzhan into their nest, instead running his hands over his chest and pinching his nipples. Watching as Lanzhan’s knuckles turn white from how hard he’s gripping his knees as Weiying moans, thrashing from the tiny bolts of pleasure is riveting. It feels good, makes him whine and sob as he flicks them playfully with his fingernails, making them harden. He rubs them between his index finger and thumb too, twists and plays until they’re swollen and puffy, areolas pink and heavy, stopping only when a hysterical grunt escapes Lanzhan’s lips. Not too much Weiying, not too much, the omega reminds himself as he lets go of his nipples and heads over to his hips, pulling his thighs apart to display the part Lanzhan wants most, is salivating like an alpha in rut for.
 “Weiying!” Lanzhan’s voice is sharp and furious, and Weiying does cackle at that reaction, eyes flickering up to meet incensed golden eyes as he traces his wet rim, massaging it with the pad of his thumb. His scent blooms even more, the mandarin orange bathing Lanzhan in desperate pheromones that’s a siren call to the alpha, crooning breed me, fuck me, don’t you want me alpha? Weiying’s rim gives way easily, how can it not when we do it every day, and Weiying arches with a relieved mewl when his finger slips in with a loud squelch. Patting his walls, Weiying lets himself adjust to the intrusion, the curl of his finger, before he drags it out and plunges it back in with a loud spurt of slick. Then, with Lanzhan quivering before him from the door way, Weiying begins to talk.
 “Look at what you did to me H-Hanguang-jun,” he whispers breathlessly, biting back a smug grin as Lanzhan visibly flinches, “I wasn’t this lewd when I was here at Cloud Recesses w-was I?” Head rolling backwards in bliss, Weiying lets himself rock against his finger, hole fluttering greedily around his digit, “Was this what you wanted Lanzhan? All w-wet and desperate f-for you?”
 “Ridiculous.” Lanzhan grinds out from behind clenched teeth, and Weiying grins, fangs and all as he spots Lanzhan’s canines grow, digging into the swell of his bottom lip.
 “A-Ah you think so?” Weiying murmurs, panting as his hips begin to shake, rutting furiously against his hand, slim fingers curling in the deepest part of him and making sparks fly up his spine. “But you m-made me like this Lanzhan,” Weiying arches, ass grinding against the sheets as he spreads his legs, swollen rim clenching down greedily on his fingers in full view for the alpha, “you b-bred me, bred me every n-night,” letting out a sharp whine, the omega’s hips began to roll, thighs trembling as his head knocked against the pillows, “you knocked me up-ah!” Eyes rolling backwards from the pleasure that was steadily building in his lower half, heat swirling in his lower stomach, the omega whimpered into the blanket, latching onto a corner with his mouth as he fought through the tremors, legs twitching from his close orgasm. Now, his inner omega howled, and Weiying shuddered, head heavy on the walls of his nest as he sucked on the soft material, breathing in Lanzhan’s sandalwood scent, the scent of mate, love, protection, mine.
 “C-Come here.” Weiying whispers, eyes bleary as he pulls his fingers out with a sickening slurp, more slick pouring out of his sensitive hole that has him spasming, mind blank as he whimpers into the sheets. “L-Lanzhan,” Weiying whines, and this time he raises his head to stare at his alpha, irises blown, and cheeks flushed pink from arousal, “come here.”
 That permission, that command is all it takes for Lanzhan to snap, the alpha letting out a bloodcurdling snarl as he rips off his head band and practically throws himself into the nest. Squealing loudly, Weiying moans as a hot mouth engulfs his own, plush lips immediately prying his own apart and Lanzhan’s tongue plunging into his own. He gets a sharp nip on his lip for his troubles, for teasing, and Weiying whimpers as Lanzhan slides a hand under his neck, supporting him as he ravages his mouth. It tastes of home, of a furious desperate alpha, and Weiying finds himself pawing at Lanzhan’s robes, yanking the belt off and tossing it aside. More, more, his omega screams, and Weiying finds himself manically sobbing, canines snapping at Lanzhan’s ear as he snarls at the alpha to go faster, move, hurry up. It’s a scramble to get each other’s clothes off, and Weiying lets out a yelp as Lanzhan rips his to shreds, whimpering as the alpha snarls into his ear, angry and animalistic.
 “Lanzhan,” Weiying whispers, chokes as the other runs his nose down the side of his neck, “Lanzha-ah!” With a low growl, the alpha sank his teeth into Weiying’s scent gland, the smell of copper and blood permeating the air as Weiying wailed, head thrown back in ecstasy and pain. It’s everything he needs, everything he has been craving for since this morning when he had woken up grumbling and aching, inner omega whining that something isn’t right, need something, something’s missing. His annoyance was now all melting away under his alpha’s careful ministrations, roaring desire making his omega preen and hum, leaving him pliant as Lanzhan spreads his legs and sets a pillow beneath his hips, taking care of me like always, touch gentle even as his eyes glow, amber glinting deliriously.
 It doesn’t last though, as Lanzhan sinks two thicker fingers into him with voracious intent to drive him wild, scissoring Weiying open with rapid movements. “Hng, ngh, mmhng!” Weiying gasps at the sudden intrusion, mind turning blank with pleasure as he lets out a soundless scream, legs clamping around Lanzhan’s torso as he fights a delicious shudder that wrecks his body. It has his hands scrabbling over Lanzhan’s shoulders, eyes filling with tears as he bounces on those fingers, long and rough from hours of playing guqin, and it shouldn’t be amusing, but it earns a soft huff from Lanzhan, and Weiying laughs too, high and hysterical as he undulates, clenches tight around those fingers every time they try to pull out of his body.
 “L-Lanzhan,” Weiying whimpers, and the alpha stills as the omega tugs at his hair, lashes dotted with tears as he heaves, trembling. “R-Ready, I’m ready, Lanzhan, please, alpha,” and with an answering croon, Lanzhan twists his fingers one more time, watches greedily as Weiying arches and wails, clamping around him as he fights through another almost orgasm, hole squeezing and fluttering around the alpha’s fingers. There’s another gush of slick, thick and heavy, and Lanzhan mouths at Weiyng’s scent gland, his bite mark as he pulls the omega’s legs apart for the final main course.
 That move reveals Weiying’s core, his swollen puffy rim, and Weiying has to bite down on his fist as Lanzhan pries his hole open with his fingers, putting him on display for his mate. It doesn’t help that he’s lying on his back, that his womb is swollen from carrying Lanzhan’s pups, and shame, for the first time in his life, wells up in him as he feels his channel weakly spurt, slick dribbling out from his gaping hole. He tries to hide it, as he always does, but his face must show it all, for Lanzhan is leaning in, and Weiying sighs as the alpha rubs his nose against the other’s, rumbling reassuringly as he slides a large hand over the baby bump. Alpha is good, Weiying’s inner omega purrs, alpha will protect us, alpha has waited sixteen years for us, and with a soft sob because how lucky can I be, how lucky am I, Weiying cradles Lanzhan’s face and pulls him closer, kisses his forehead.
 “Weiying?” Lanzhan questions softly, and really this is unfair, Weiying thinks to himself as he looks up at his husband, really looks up at the man who has risked everything for him. Those sun gold eyes that peonies and all the gold of Lanling Jin could never compare to, long butterfly lashes and that gentle taciturn mouth, all of it was his. From the sweat of his brow to the tips of those long flowy locks, that strong sturdy back that bore thirty discipline whip scars and that burn on his chest that Weiying would have shared back then, was all his. Sixteen years he had waited, this beautiful gorgeous man had waited, had held a torch for him, raised his son, inquired about him, lived through seasons calling his name from spring to summer to autumn to winter. Sixteen years, and staring at the slight frown marring Lanzhan’s face, the worry hidden in golden orbs that whispered is this okay, are you okay, tell me what I can do, made Weiying feel like a carefree child running around Lotus Pier all over again, lips trembling and heart just so, so full.
 “Inside.” Weiying answers instead, voice small, and Lanzhan blinks as Weiying buries his face into the alpha’s neck, presses his lips against the shell of his alpha’s ear and says, “I need to feel you.”
 “Mm.” Lanzhan murmurs softly, and Weiying isn’t crying, he really isn’t, as Lanzhan presses a kiss to his temple, the head of his cock rubbing against Weiying’s fluttering entrance. Nodding his head in permission, Weiying gasps, eyes squeezing shut as he feels Lanzhan move, cock nudging at his inner walls and gliding even deeper. He can feel the burning heat that follows, the stretch making him writhe as he feels Lanzhan’s cock throb within him, an answering pulse as he clenches down on it, overwhelmed. They’re doing the same thing, but everything is just so much more, and Weiying finds himself sobbing as his alpha’s cock spears through his wet heat, loud and wet amidst the little worn out cries and whines that escapes his lips, those sounds kissed away by Lanzhan, the alpha crooning softly into his ear.
 “Lanzhan, Lanzhan,” Weiying babbles, tear tracks running down his face as he turns his head and latches onto the alpha’s scent gland, a desperate broken wail muffled as he laves at the raised flesh, walls trembling from where Lanzhan is sheathed in him. It feels like a million fireworks are going off, the heat of their bodies building on each other, cresting higher and higher the way drinking alcohol on a cold night always feels. It makes him dizzy, the beat of his heart echoing as he’s pressed chest to chest with his lover, the Wen sect scar a dark mark on a pure pristine canvass, a mark of ownership Weiying had placed on the alpha before he had even realised Lanzhan was his.
 Sucking harder, Weiying trills, voice garbled as he breathes in satisfaction and happiness, sandalwood flooding his senses as Lanzhan slides a hand over his baby bump. The alpha caresses the curve lovingly, and Weiying lets out a wet laugh as those fingertips dance over his stretched skin, palm hot and steady. He can feel the answering churn, of pups twisting in response to their father’s touch and these are his children, Weiying thinks dazedly as he splays his own hand over Lanzhan’s keeping the alpha’s touch there. There’s life in him, and it’s his, his and Lanzhan’s, and this time Weiying can’t help but smile, eyes filling with tears as he purrs, kneading the alpha’s forearm sweetly. It earns him a happy chuff, Lanzhan’s own rumble escaping the alpha’s throat before he decides to move.
 Grabbing Weiying’s hips, Lanzhan slides out and Weiying whimpers at the loss, nosing the base of Lanzhan’s throat as the wet sound of flesh meeting flesh meets in tandem with the slow drag of cock inside him. It’s sweet torture, feeling Lanzhan pull out, grazing his most tender spots and ignoring the way his walls clung onto the alpha’s cock, wet and leaking. It makes him weak and wanton, hips jerking upwards desperately as he mewls and paws at his alpha, screaming for attention. Inside, come back inside, his omega cajoles, hole fluttering prettily around air as Weiying looks up at the alpha through his lashes, light-headed. Lanzhan’s brows are furrowed in concentration, beads of sweat running down his temples, and beautiful, my beautiful wonderful husband, when he moves. And the sound that escapes Weiying’s mouth is visceral, unholy, as he feels Lanzhan’s cock dive right into his deepest recesses.
 “H-Hah! Hng, hn, mhn,” liquid pleasure is runs through Weiying’s veins as Lanzhan begins to move, and while the other is quiet in bed, nothing quite beats the satisfied grunts and huffs of air his alpha gives every time he pulls out only to chase the tight heat of Weiying’s hole. “G-Good, Lanzhan s-so goo-ah!” Weiying whines, head lolling backwards as he feels his lower abdomen begin to twinge, his thighs twitching as heat pooled in his lower half and slick spurted out of him. Babbling, fingers still splayed over his baby bump, Weiying moves to touch his cock only to whimper as Lanzhan slaps his hand away, growling threateningly as he slows.
 “N-No!” Weiying cries, bottom lip trembling as he rocks his hips weakly, each move punctuated with a gasp. “P-Please, alpha, a-alpha d-don-” he doesn’t get to finish his sentence as with a rumbling purr Lanzhan’s thrusts begin to pick up speed once more, a feverish light in those golden orbs as the alpha buries his head into Weiying’s neck and begins to mouth at his scent gland, tongue massaging that swollen flesh and raking his fangs across it. There’s no pain to it, only an overwhelming scent of lust, of sandalwood piqued with heavy flora, the scent after a rainstorm, and Weiying feels himself moan as Lanzhan’s grip on his hip tightens. It’s going to bruise, and a vicious sense of triumph runs through his veins as he drools, mouth gasping for air as he stares at Lanzhan, the esteemed Hanguang-jun with his eyes glowing and lips pulled back in a dangerous feral snarl, debauched, tainted.
 I did that, he thinks delightedly, fingers entwining around ebony black hair and yanking greedily, I put that expression there.
 “K-Knot m-me.” Weiying manages to utter through the rapid abuse of his body, words stuttering out as he pants, locking his ankles around Lanzhan’s torso and tugging the alpha closer. “W-Want a k-knot. W-Want Lanzh-zhan’s knot-hng!” It earns him a soft hum of delight, the light airiness of cotton making itself known as the alpha begins to move even faster, meeting his omega’s demands and oh it feels so good, Weiying thinks to himself as he keens, throwing back his head as he wails, hole wide open for his alpha to use. There’s something about this that’s finally scratching his itch, his instinctual craving that’s been gnawing at his insides all morning, and Weiying lets it be known, lets his alpha bask in the happiness that he’s satisfying his omega with every loud cry that accompanies his thrust.
 “Weiying.” Lanzhan murmurs and the omega makes a soft inquiring sound that sounds more like a ragged sob, and the alpha croons, voice a melody as he knocks his head against Weiying’s. “Weiying.” Lanzhan repeats, more breathlessly, and oh he’s close, and Weiying arches, hips shoving upwards to meet his alpha’s as he gasps out “Yes, c-come on, almost-” and is greeted with the tell-tale swell of an alpha’s knot. Moaning, Weiying grabs onto Lanzhan’s arms and moves with renewed vigour, chest heaving as he bounces on the alpha’s cock, eyes rolling backwards as his thighs begin to shake, balls pulling tight. A desperate low “Weiying” made through gritted teeth is all the warning he gets before his alpha is shoving his knot inside him, and Weiying chokes at the fullness, rim stretching tight to accommodate the cock which lodges within him.
 “Lanzhan, Lanzh-ah! A-Ah, hng, mmhng!” Weiying wails, spine bowing as he lifts off the nest, lips parted in a silent scream. It feels like he’s dying, spirit barely anchored into the mortal realm as pleasure erupts, sending his blood boiling with heat. Lanzhan’s playing dirty, grinding against his prostate and mean, alpha’s being so mean but oh how Weiying loves it. Thrashing weakly, fingers digging into Lanzhan’s biceps so hard he almost draws blood, Weiying is on the cusp of something, abdominal muscles beginning to curl as he’s fucked into his nest, the brutal abuse of his prostate by the head of his alpha’s cock making him drool and his thighs quiver. Please, please, his omega screams, wailing as it comes even closer to the high it’s desperate to reach, pup me, fill me, keep me full always, always-
 A firm hand on his cock jerks him out of his thoughts, and Weiying squeals as Lanzhan begins to stroke him, head shaking wildly as his fingers begin to morph into claws, digging into his alpha’s white soft skin. “N-No,” Weiying gasps, eyes wild as he stares at his alpha deliriously, his curved womb blocking his cock from view and wobbling with every aborted shove of Lanzhan’s hips. Pupils dilated, and lips parted in a broken wail, the omega can only shudder as his alpha rubs the head of his cock, fingers ghosting his silt and making pleasure burn through him. It’s building, the tension in his abdomen, and Weiying can’t hold back his howl of delight as the pleasure peaks, cresting magnificently as he cums, sobbing on Lanzhan’s cock, teeth bared and eyes alight.
 “Weiying, Weiying, Weiying.” Lanzhan chants, voice tight, and the omega whimpers as he feels his alpha abuse his prostate, pressure unforgiving. But this is Lanzhan, alpha, alpha who was so good, sated his omega so well, “Lanzhan,” Weiying purrs gently, fingers carding through Lanzhan’s hair as he noses at his alpha’s neck. “Lanzhan, I need you.” He whispers, voice weak as he locks eyes with glowing amber hues. And just like that the alpha is coming, breath hitching and body stilling as enlarged fangs find purchase on Weiying’s neck, the alpha shaking as he cums, spilling inside Weiying’s body in drawn out spurts.
 It’s gone now, the need to pace and to shred and to have something. Was gone the minute Lanzhan gave a low grunt and snarled, nostrils flaring as his seed flooded Weiying’s hole. Shivering from the aftershocks, body oversensitive, Weiying can only murmur soft words of endearments, breathing in the scent of sandalwood and cotton, basking in the post coitus glow. “So good, so good Lanzhan.” He murmurs, voice soft, and Lanzhan snorts, the sound muffled from where his jaws are still clamped around Weiying’s scent gland. The overwhelming scent of mandarin has faded, Weiying’s omega finally sated, and slowly, like he’s handling something infinitely precious, Lanzhan carefully dislodges his canines. It’s sore, and the wince that escapes Weiying doesn’t go unnoticed as the alpha lets out a frustrated sound, tongue soothing over the mark as he looks up at the omega worriedly.
 “It’s fine, really.” Weiying whispers, lips beginning to curl as he presses his forehead to Lanzhan’s, the headband still wound around his wrist. More than fine, his omega purrs, rubbing its head against the alpha, tail flicking lazily in happiness, alpha is perfect, perfect. Slowly moving the alpha’s hand back to his distended womb, Weiying blinks back tears as he feels the pups move, stirring slightly before nestling inside him. Mine, this is mine, he thinks, awed, and there’s no helping it as a tearful grin breaks across his face, as he rubs his nose against Lanzhan’s, heart warm and body perfectly sated. A low rumble echoes across the room, and Weiying huffs as Lanzhan pulls him closer, wrapping his arms around him and cuddling the omega close.
 He’s lucky to have his Lanzhan with him.
 “Hey, I don’t think we should let Jiangcheng name them. He sucks at names.”
 “Mm. Whatever Weiying wants.”
 So, incredibly, lucky.
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lansizhuis · 4 years
Im new to the fandom and the other day i was thinking wouldnt dark!lwj would be Fun? AND THEN I FOUND YOUR FIC and ohh man, its mooore than fuun ohgod How is wwx gonna reconcile the image of lanzhan he knew in his first life to this new "monster" nooo wwx has not suffered enough??? D: and how is lan zhan gonna react to actually having his wei ying IN THE FLESH like boy went Feral by listening to him play the flute and he wasnt even really there hahaha ohmygoddd
omg how are you guys even finding this fic when it’s so old?? i should really post the next chapter at least as a thank you hahaha and hhhhh there’s def gonna be an added layer to wangxian due to what happened to LWJ but at the very least im sure (well my old notes said so) they’re gonna have a “happy ending” (whatever that means lol)
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laiqart · 4 years
The Untamed vs MDZS Anime: Which is better?
Going to japan now. Currently in the plane. The in flight tv is broken. So... ive been watching mdzs on youtube!
Hot damn the animation is beautiful. Every frame is a work of art. How the hell. Its so beautiful. I mean they use 3D a lot for the backgrounds and boats but its still gorgeous and not too jarring. The lighting is so realistic, scenery too. All the fighting choreography is beautiful. The way the swords swing in the air looks so fluid, and when swords clash its in flashes of light the color of their sword. Such a tasteful yet stylistic choice. Everyone's, esp wwx, hair is so flowy, so detailed every strand sways in the wind. The waves reflect light and move smoothly. How the hell did they do that. How. I was thinking of doing those screencap redraw thingy with the scene when wwx whacks lwj's boat. (they also emphasised how far lwj's boat was sinking into the water, which makes it more convincing how wwx can deduce that theres something underneath vs the live action where lwj's boat looked normal..) it was damn beautiful. The thing is, the point of these redraws is that the animation looks simple, so the redraw would enhance the scene. But for mdzs, everything is already in peak quality, redrawing it will only look worse. Its like writing fanfiction of books. The original writing is so damn beautiful, fan fiction ends up being such a stark difference that the reader cant help but compare the 2.
Drama, as everyone says, shows better facial expressions due to the live actors, so emotions hit harder. But anime def LOOKs way better in all action scenes. Angles that follow the characters are used to emphasise scale between enemy and chracters, and all the movements feel so dynamic, and i love how when they use talisman spell thingies they got a circle of light in an intricate pattern thats super beautiful. In the drama, its just a piece of paper.
However, i prefer drama's lwj. Maybe cos wyb looks so young, its more believable when he freaks out over the adult book that wwx gives him in the library scene. In the anime, he looks 20+-30+. Its a bit hard to believe that he'd be worried over that. Idk theres a kind of innocence and naivety that leads to the stubborn refusal to express emotion that young lwj is plagued with that we have in the untamed (was this intentional on wyb's part or is it because the teenage lwj wig made his eyes look floaty, so he seems more like a teenager and naive, less experienced as a cultivator vs lwj 13 years later? Dk but it works!). In the anime, he looks like an adult thats calm and level headed already from the get-go. Idk maybe i just havent watched enough (only seen up til the water demons in caiyi town). In both anime and drama, everyone and i mean EVERYONE besides the fricking babies looks the same 13/16 years later. It doesn't feel like time has passed at all. I wish they would have maybe a change in costume, or hairstyle in the anime. The drama at least changes their costumes a little and neatens the hairstyle of jiang cheng and lwj to indicate maturity.
Btw i love that in the anime for the water demons section they had wwx and jc casually chatting (though its a blatant cornetto ad which is fricking weird. How can there be frozen treats back in those days), then wwx beautifully catapulting himself onto a boat and rowing away showing the unique and romantic af mode of transport in caiyi town, then smoothly transitioning to the lan bros on the bridge right above them with lwj asking why lxc decided to bring them along. Its just tying together so many scenes, quickening the plot along and yet doing it so naturally and seamlessly compared with the novel and drama.
Though i like that the drama involved wn and wq and have wwx save wn, and makes way more sense why wn would want to risk his life to help wwx recover his parents fricking corpse illegally right under the nose of wen chao and wen zhuliu.
The anime removed the entire mystery plot of a yan and the fairy goddess statue and thats honestly the best best best choice to make. In the drama, it was one of the worse sections ever cos i didnt understand who all these random ass characters were (it was one of the first mysteries in the drama) and yet it didnt go into detail like they did in the novel, so not only did i not know what was going on, i also didnt give a single shit about the characters. When i saw that they completely did away with the random passer bys who screwed around with the fairy statue, i was thoroughly impressed.
I liked that the drama let nhs have his own trouble making moments tho, like having him sneak a live bird into class. It makes it more convincing that wwx would be friends with him because they both have a mischievous side that they can both appreciate in each other. In the anime, nhs just looks like a loser nerd thats weak in swordplay and does wwx's homework for him, without a will of his own. It doesnt make sense why wwx would keep him around. Then again, maybe itll make the reveal that nhs is a conniving mastermind more impactful for the anime, oh well only time will tell.
I liked that lxc and lwj look similar in the anime. Its more convincing when people call them the twin jades of the lan clan. In the drama, they hardly looked like brothers. Lxc looks more like lwj's mentor or teacher rather than an older brother. In the anime, they look more siblingy.
I miss drama wen ning. I rmb when he looked so fierce and terrifying in his first appearance. I was legit intimidated. Oh how hes changed! Hes so fluffy now. In the anime hes equally menacing. His fight scene with the statue goddess was so beautiful. Doesnt it take a long time to animate the chains moving so fluidly yet dynamically yet somehow looks like it can disintegrate rock in an instant? The lighting on it too, how it reflected the fire of the forest around them. Have i mentioned how beautiful having that fight scene at night was? It was dark and ominous looking, yet the fire cast an epic looking light over the scene with warm orange glows. And the animators had that fiery light reflected in anything they could find: eyes, chains, swords.
Ooh but jiang cheng's whip looked prettier in the drama than in the anime, which is kind of weird given they were both cgi-ed. Somehow the lighting of the whip in the drama was brighter, looked more like real lightning vs the whip in the anime looking a little dull, like they colored it then added a gray filter. This is kinda bizarre given the laughably bad effects of the effects for everything else in the drama. Visuals for non human things is not the drama's strong suit, so it makes u wonder what happened for the anime whip. Maybe in the dark, the lightning would have to look hella bright and reflect on the surroundings (tedious to color) more so than in the day, hence why it looked worse in anime vs drama. Oh well.
As for lan sizhui, its weird that his voice is so deep in the anime (and audio drama!). Ive always seen him as a kiddo thanks to the live action, so hearing him sound mature is kinda off-putting. He sounds like a leader, and gives off lwj vibes vs in the live action where he gives a goody two shoes studious nerd vibe, whos just trying his best. Maybe this is better, he feels way more like a lwj-raised child(serious and business-like) which makes more sense. Live action lsz feels like a wwx(optimistic and intelligent) AND lwj(well-behaved and sensible)-raised child. Anime lsz looks like hes got his shit together. Jinling is fairly similar in both, maybe less prideful in the anime (in live action theres the scene where im pretty sure he indirectly kills one of his men by wishing for the fairy goddess statue to come to life. That was a hella asshole move. This was omitted in the anime.) Jingyi in the anime somehow looks snarkier. Maybe cos he straight up duels with jinling and kicks him down a dark cave. Ive been wondering why all the tumblr posts depict ljy as this sassy ass short tempered kid when he was quite tame (though sassy by lan standards) in the live action. Now i know.
The costumes for the drama is better, more detailed though thats expected i guess. I just love that they have little white gusu lan clan uniforms that wwx jc and friendos are required to wear. Its so cute and such a cool detail. In anime, theyre all in their usual garb, and they just look like random people who decided to turn up at lan qirens class. In the drama, it looks more like a school that they have to attend for half a year and it feels characteristic that gusu lan clan would require their students to have a uniform, given their incredibly strict regime type. It also serves to separate the happy carefree school days from all the other tragic af events in wwx's life. His costume starts out white showing innocence and purity of his naiive teenage years who had yet to experience hardship and still feels invincible as a youth. After school, he wears dark blue, as he goes on an adventure with lanzhan and experience how important the yin iron is (gives up the joking light hearted nature as a teenager by realizing the gravity of situation if the wen clan gets their hands on it) and maybe that hes not truly part of the jiang clan who wears purple. Then his costume eventually becomes black as he experiences his first life and death situation that he isnt sure he can handle. That child like assurance that "oh the seniors will let me off" or "im sure jiang fengmian will come to my rescue" gets demolished when he undergoes cruel indoctrination at the wen clans. This visual development may be a bit on the nose, but personally i love subtle representations.
Overall, the anime does do a better of job of explaining the world's mechanics, which is quite important. The drama is quite faithful to the book, at times even more so than the anime, so it irks me that this is the one thing they decide to skim on. The god damn premise, the first thing the audience needs: why the hell is wwx alive again and what is mo xuanyu doing?? I guess the drama thought that it explains itself but it doesnt really. It was really confusing. The anime, though somehow faster than the drama, still has the time to properly explain mxy. A technique ive noticed is that they do exposition during the fight scenes, which is so ingenius. Its visually appealing, as always, so its not boring, the viewers gets to understand whats going on AND it gives the sense that the characters are so skilled that they carry causal conversations while fighting supposedly weak enemies like zombies and water ghosts, which is accurate seeing how wwx and lwj and friends are supposed to be one of the most powerful cultivators.
TL;DR both are good lol
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The forbidden crack! Untamed prompts: 16/?
FMA AU meets “The Wind Rises” AU : “I still remember every day”
[crazy idea #1: if you are familiar with FMA: Brotherhood (superior in every way) you probably are too young or too smart to remember the original 2003 FMA clusterfuck series but i’m neither young nor smart so here is my take on one of my favorite animated movies of all times “The Conqueror of Shamballa” BUT the story doesn’t start in 1923 Germany but somewhere around 1923 Japan. If you are familiar with this movie and the 2003 series you will know Ed Elric has moved from London to Munich and started living there frequently interacting with a family of rocket scientists (sounds crazy if you are only knowledgeable with FMA: B, but… trust me). So i thought, “what if our protagonist (in this case WWX) travels from China to Japan to work on some airplanes instead?”]
[crazy idea #2: “The Wind Rises” from Ghibli is set in that historical period right? so what if we make transmigrated WWX work his engineering magic on some aircrafts before any conflict can actually take place? precisely between the end of the Taisho period (1912-1926) and the beginning of the Showa period (1926-1989), when the desire for innovation and the new technological advancements could be implemented while at peace.]
[obviously, this is just a prompt, and I don’t feel particularly comfortable with creating fantasy storylines so intertwined with actual historical events, especially if these events caused the suffering of many and belong to a culture that is not mine to describe with the potential risk of offending its values and legacy. also, fandom should be fun and if you love angst maybe this is not the prompt for you. on the other hand I thought of how much i love movies like “Porco Rosso”, set somewhat really fucking close to where I live while describing a fun and lighthearted narrative even if it’s dealing with historical and political events that are still fresh and painful in our collective memory nowadays. Maybe it is possible to write something easy and fun while, at the same time, setting it in a time of great difficulties without hurting anyone. Maybe I’m not the person for that (after all, this is just a prompt), but if you want to explore a similar plot you are encouraged to tag me bc I would really like to know your take on the matter. and if I happen to offend anyone I will properly apologize and take responsibility.]
[the title is from L’Arc-en-Ciel’s song “Lost Heaven”, which still makes me cry to this day]
When Wei WuXian wakes up after the core transplant surgery, the first thing he realizes is that he should be awake. Wen Qing insisted on the fact that he had to keep himself awake and conscious for the entirety of the procedure, otherwise he would have suffered from extreme backlash and so would have Jiang Cheng. But here he is, waking up from slumber after who know how many days. In front of a figure in white he doesn’t recognize. Everything is blurry in his periphery, as if he’s inhabiting two bodies at the same time. His every move heavy and his speech sluggish.
The person in white turns the moment Wei WuXian realizes he’s standing in the middle of nowhere, in the space between realities.
“Where am I?”, he asks, trying to make out the features of the person in front of him, their long white hair, the silver lining of their robes.
“You’re here to pay a price.”, the other answers, their voice a mere whisper. Barely louder than the crisp little noises the pins and jewelry adorning their hair and neck are making as the person approaches him slowly.
“A price for what?”
“Before losing consciousness, you wished for your brother to be saved no matter what.”
“Is… is Jiang Cheng safe?”
“He’s dying because you fell asleep.”, the other announces, sending shivers down Wei WuXian’s spine, dread sitting in the middle of his chest, “You cannot wake up, the damage is done. But if you enter this door you will be able to save him. Your body in this world will die, the core will not share two owners at once and your brother will be the only one able to use it from now on.”
Wei WuXian doesn’t have time to feel pain, determination painting him in vibrant colors in that white realm of silence and void. He turns as the person in white gestures him to do so and he finds a door so big it could rival with one of the gates of Koi Tower. Engraved on its surface are myriads of characters reminding him of something ancient and forbidden. Something so dark and dangerous not even cultivators as knowledgeable as Lan QiRen would be able to understand, let alone encourage learning about.
“What will i find on the other side?”, he wonders, watching as the gates slowly open in front of him, a warm wind spiraling upwards and messing his hair.
A kiss from the underworld.
Is this the day I die, he doesn’t ask.
“Another world.”, the woman in white and silver answers honestly.
Wei WuXian doesn’t have time to recognize her that he is dragged inside by a thousands of spirits with eyes for mouths and teeth for hands.
Mere months have passed since he woke up in a body similar to his original one, but completely different from his own at the same time. He’s still seventeen, but cannot rely on cultivation anymore. The brand scar he received in the cave of the Tortoise of Slaughter is nowhere to be seen. His mother and father welcomed him back in their arms, crying over his bedridden body thanking the heavens for saving their only son from typhoid fever. He knew deep down those were not his true parents, that Cange Sanren had a different name on top of that and that their actual son’s soul was probably the sacrificial lamb paid on the altar of Wei WuXian’s greed to save his only brother. He knew this since day one, yet he was too tired to say anything at the time. He woke up in a small village in the Hubei Province under the Republic of China, established twelve years prior. A reality almost identical to his own, but stripped of any power of the cultivation world.
However, now things have changed and his parents have died a second time, the fever and starvation taking them in their sleep one at a time. But not before his mother could send a desperate letter to an old acquaintance of hers asking them to take their son “Wei Ying” out of the country and save him from harm. After accepting her proposition, the Chinese diplomat Jiang Fenmiang has invited Wei Ying to live with him and their family in Tokyo, where he’s working in order to strengthen and acquiesce the relations between the two countries after a period of tension and grievances.
As he travels on what he understands to be called a “train”, Wei WuXian takes notes over the many technological advancements this new era has brought to humanity. Such as the ferry he has taken to travel overseas and now the locomotive taking him to Tokyo. The pain of losing his parents for the second time is still fresh, as is the memory of the past few months living alone on the streets chased by rabid dogs. His body is still weak after surviving the fever and his lungs and digestive system are forever compromised, but he wants to meet Jiang Chen and YanLi a second time in this new world. Feeling guilty for leaving them in a world ruled by the Qishan Wen clan, the only thing he can do is to atone in this new life and protect them in this reality. He takes a brief moment to himself as he looks up from his notes and sees a man approaching from the first class carriage of the train.
Initially Wei WuXian doesn’t regard the stranger with anything but a polite nod, some of his notes flying away from his journal as he adjusts himself on the platform at the end of his car. He sprints up to try to catch them... before the stranger could grab them for him and give them back.
It’s then that Wei WuXian recognizes the man, an older version of Lan Zhan from the one he remembers, dressed in modern clothing and shorter hair. He’s just another double, a copy of the original he used to know. Just like his mother and father, just like the Jiang family he’s going to meet soon. No recognition comes from the other-Lan Zhan, yet Wei WuXian lets himself stare for longer than necessary as he thanks the man.
A single tear rolls down his cheek as an earthquake shakes the train and destroys everything around them in that day of September 1923.
[details down below]
(WWX is 17)
the train stops and all the passengers survive, but they are scared and don’t know how to reach Tokyo safely by foot. Some officers guide them to the nearest road and help them walk for a while before they have to leave for the capital in an attempt to contain the flames of the many fires caused by the earthquake.
Lan Zhan’s double has the same name and features, but is now twenty-five and was supposed to arrive in Tokyo to meet with his brother, Lan Huan’s double. He’s a little more cheerful than what WWX remembers and he also decides to stick with the younger man all the way to Tokyo. After glancing at WWX’s notes earlier, in fact, double!LanZhan recognizes him as someone from his same country and reasons they should feel safer traveling together for a little while more.
given that trying to explain his situation to double!LanZhan would be useless, WWX simply agrees and shoves down any temptation to tell him all about Gusu and the cave and how much he wishes he could go back to his original world. They walk all the way to Tokyo talking quietly: they are surrounded by strangers, WWX doesn’t know much Japanese to begin with and he doesn’t want to be recognized as a foreigner.
uncle Jiang, along with some clothes to travel more comfortably, has sent him enough money to travel and direction to reach his home. The only thing WWX hopes is that nobody was injured in the earthquake and that no more waves can reach them before he can join them. What an unfortunate time to arrive. Aunt Yu would probably hate him in this reality too just because of that.
but as he trails behind double!LanZhan and enters Tokyo, WWX feels as if hell has found its way into the world, flames everywhere and nowhere to go. In the midst of chaos, however, double!LanZhan tries to keep him from fainting or shaking, talking about all the things he and his brother wish to work on as architects working for the government. Yet, WWX senses how worried he is for his twin brother and pities him as he tries to calm down, marveling at how much this version of Lan Zhan can talk. They walk towards the Jiang household as double!LanZhan chats about the university he’s supposed to work for the following month, wondering if it’s still intact after the catastrophe.
they reach the elegant house without any more troubles, relief spreading through their hearts as they notice it has endured little to no damage. Uncle Jiang scurries over them and immediately recognizes WWX bc of how much he resembles his mother and the man dotes on him from then on. He thanks double!LanZhan profusely, ignoring the resentful glances coming from his wife and the curious ones from his daughter. A kid roughly the same age as WWX approaches and takes the other’s only suitcase: a scowl on his face and hurry in his steps, telling WWX to keep up because “the world is crashing down if he hadn’t noticed”.
WWX doesn’t have time to properly thank double!LanZhan that he is urged inside by his new family.
(WWX is 21)
given the connections the Jiang family has in both countries, WWX and his step siblings are able to enjoy benefits others may only dream of, but the government is wary of foreigners and they need to act as good guests. This angers and stresses Jiang Cheng, his temper even worse than what WWX remembers, and he is even more rebellious than his new stepbrother. It’s WWX who needs to tone down the other’s snark at times, reminding him they cannot do as they please and that, even if others are jealous of their grades in university and overall position, they are still living in difficult times.
WWX knows this Jiang Cheng is a double ant that everything feels like a dream and nothing matters anymore, but if he pretends hard energy maybe he can stop feeling guilty for leaving his dear ones behind. But acknowledging this Jiang Cheng as the real one feels wrong and sometimes WWX distances himself from him, keeping his secrets for himself.
however, double!JiangCheng has seen his brother scream in his dreams, even waking him up in the middle of the night just to shake him from his horrible nightmares. Sometimes Wei Ying watches him in his sleep, when he hasn’t yet realized double!JiangCheng is awake, as checks for his breath. Other times he pressed a hand to his abdomen, as if checking for scars or injuries. He doesn’t know what it means, but he is willing to wait for the other to come around and they’ll him himself.
their sister YanLi has figured a way to be useful in a country wary of foreigners by studying to become a doctor and save lives. Their father is currently struggling at work because of the increasing tensions between the two countries and their mother keeps to herself in spite of everything.
WWX’s health deteriorates after he starts working, their supervisor suggesting him and his brother to keep a low profile just not to attract any unwanted attention on their family. Their work as engineers can convince the higher-ups to keep them close in case war were to strike again. But Jiang Cheng feels bad for working for a country constantly threatening his parent’s home country over mining rights and land ownership. He may love working on new aircrafts and test his limits, but he’s against using his energy and drive for appease someone else’s greed.
WWX, for the first time in his life, feels second to his brother, admiring his ability to distinguish from right and wrong while he himself cannot even tell dreams and reality apart. With a weakened body and a mind filled with memories of a world that doesn’t even exists, WWX convinces himself he’s in hell and this life is the punishment for being too greedy himself.
(WWX is 23, double!LWJ is 30)
tension is too strong for them to live in Tokyo, with Uncle Jiang forced to work for the government and scramble for solutions in order to keep his family safe in a secluded location in the mountains, in a hotel in the middle of nowhere. There, the elites enjoys the last days of peaceful times they will not see again for years to come.
WWX feels drained, dreaming of people he will either never see again or see every single day in the faces of strangers. Jiang Cheng convinces him to talk, even if only to ease his pain, but WWX cannot bring himself to reveal the whole truth. The only thing he feels like to share is that he has visions of another world and that maybe reincarnation is not as far fetched as it seems.
Jiang Cheng doesn’t really believe him, but he supports him and together with YanLi they try to make Wei Ying relax during their vacation on the mountains.
there, out of nowhere, WWX meets double!LanZhan and his brother: they meet on top of a hill as the wind rises and some of the two brothers’ musical scores fly away. WWX and his stepbrother catch them and bring them back as YanLi approaches the two musicians.
this time, WWX notice immediately something is wrong. Double!LanZhan is far less cheerful than what he remembers from their first encounter, while his brother seems to have lost his vision, music being his only comfort. The group exchanges pleasantries with the twins on top of the hill, until rain forces them all to seek refuge under some trees. WWX watches double!LanZhan closely and realizes these years apart must have been tough on him. He asks if double!LanHuan has lost his sight after the earthquake and the only thing double!LanZhan is able to do is nod, his eyes filled with tears.
Would it be so bad to befriend this other-LanZhan? Is it right for WWX to start a new life in hell with someone so compassionate and kind? Maybe that would be okay in the end, maybe they can be good friends and survive this world that is wary of them simply because of the greed of human kind. Then why does it feel wrong to let himself be loved by these people? Why does it feel like he’s betraying the ones he has left behind?
during their vacation, the two families get closer and they enjoy each other’s company. They talk in Japanese to not be stared by the other patrons and WWX wonders what happened in his world. If the Wens have crumbled down. If their name is synonymous with hatred and greed. If this is how any refugee would feel, isolated from the rest of the country while desperately trying to hold onto any familiar face and memory at hand.
Jiang Cheng doesn’t like to talk in another language and fear others might look down on him and seldom attracts attention by causing mayhem. But YanLi and even double!LanHuan help him come down from his stubborn antics and take him to long walks to calm down. This way, WWX and double!LanZhan are frequently left alone, because Wei Ying cannot walk for too long without feeling exhausted and so the other keeps him company.
since double!LanZhan is so under the weather and quiet, WWX takes it upon himself to entertain him and he spends their days chatting about the things he misses from home, what he would like to do if he were to live somewhere else, they airplanes he would like to make. He doesn’t talk about how much me misses flying on a sword, or how the wind fills under his clothes up in the air, or how much he would have loved to hold onto Lan Zhan among the stars at night.
WWX cries in front of double!LanZhan without noticing one day, missing the days at the Cloud Recesses when they were classmates and he used to pester the other boy. And only now, only now he understands what it was, what he wanted to convey with his antics. How much he wanted the other to notice him and pay attention to him. But the one rubbing a comforting hand up and down his spine now is not his Lan Zhan. Even if he’s just as kind and compassionate, just as quiet and brilliant, just as hurt and lonely.
they share a kiss under the trees of a meadow one afternoon and WWX feels like he’s either betraying the real Lan Zhan or this gentle young man who’s never done anything bad in his entire life. And he doesn’t know why double!LanZhan is crying as well as they kiss, but he’s too afraid to ask.
the following day Uncle Jiang calls the rest of his family back home and the Jiang siblings say their goodbyes to the twins hiding alone with their uncle on the mountain. Promising to meet each other again soon, even if WWX knows that’s most likely nothing but a well intentioned lie given the hardships they’re bound to face.
Lan Zhan:
(WWX is 24, double!LWJ is 31)
after meeting with the Jiang family, the twins try to retrieve their life as usual the moment they return in Tokyo for the winter. Their uncle notices double!LanZhan’s distress over departing from the young men he had met there, but his inquiry is fruitless since his nephew refuses to speak. The old man has noticed some changes in the younger twin over the course of a couple of years or so: his frequent migraines and tiredness, his laborious efforts to speak as if feverish and confused, his nights interrupted by nightmares more often than not.
even his brother has noticed the difference despite losing his vision in the fire at the imperial university seven years prior. His cheerful spirit is gone, his steps alternate different rhythms at times, and even his accent often doesn’t sound familiar to him. In his younger brother’s words “it’s almost as if two of me are residing in a single body”. But Lan Huan doesn’t know what to make of it, wishing he could look his brother in the eyes and see the truth for himself.
double!LanZhan, on the other hand, feels split in half ever since he has kissed Wei Ying. He remembers that day because his body has moved on its own, half of his mind lost in Wei Ying’s grey eyes while the other half (his own half) was trying to understand why the sudden urge to hold the boy tighter in his arms. He felt like someone had possessed him for those brief, stolen moments in time before leaving his body altogether the second Wei Ying has run away from him in the meadow.
unable to find an answer, feverish and tired with a migraine splitting his brain in half, double!LanZhan wanders around Tokyo trying to remember where the Jiang residence was. His feet walking him towards Wei Ying and Jiang Cheng’s room in the evening one day. Wei Ying is alone, sitting down by a table covered in drawings. Mesmerized, double!LanZhan watches from the window as Wei Ying traces the lines of faces and places, over an over again, as if he doesn’t want to forget what his imagination has shown him that night.
seeing what is depicted on the table, double!LanZhan’s migraine worsens and he collapses in the back garden, snow piling up on him. Wei Ying immediately notices and brings him inside, covering him in quilts to keep him warm. But Wei Ying is the warmest of all, his embrace like a balsam over double!LanZhan’s pulsing head as the younger tries to keep him warm by rubbing his arms over and over.
suddenly his head doesn’t hurt anymore and he can finally, finally let go. Let the other half take his place for now, just for a little while, as he takes a small nap in Wei Ying’s arms.
when he wakes up, Lan Zhan cries all of his tears.
he was finally able to reach Wei Ying, his Wei Ying, who was trapped in another world. The one Lan Zhan has been looking for ever since the end of the Sunshot Campaign, ever since Jiang Cheng himself told him of his demise. The one Lan Zhan was able to reach only after sacrificing his golden core to the immortal turned goddes BaoShan Sanren in front of a gate born from the efforts of some past demonic cultivator.
for two years he had tried to make his way through the veil between realities, his consciousness exhausted as if he had been swimming for far too long. The other-him, the man who shared his name and face, hosting his soul at the expenses of his own body for over two years. All because of Lan Zhan’s grief and greed, all because a goddess had promised him he could be reunited with the love of his life. But at what cost... at what cost indeed.
since two souls cannot reside in a single body, one of them had to die in order for Lan Zhan to meet his Wei Ying again. The moment WWX sees the other cry, he immediately recognizes him and tries to console him for the loss of his “other”. But LWJ cannot seem to feel any relief as he falls asleep once more in his arms.
Jiang Cheng:
Jiang Cheng enters the room and is baffled to find one of the twins in there, but seeing his brother crying over the man he decides to help them instead of calling the servants. Things are turning ugly in town for people like them and he doesn’t trust anyone anymore since YanLi got married and started working for the hospital, leaving the brothers alone.
in tears, Wei Ying tells him everything: of his dreams of another world, of the one he was destined to meet, of Lan Zhan finally remembering who he really was. He’s still fixated on this “past life” thing, uh? Jiang Cheng doesn’t really understand, but he knows the two man has grown fond of each other the previous summer and doesn’t really envy their fate.
he watches over them as they fall asleep in each other’s arms, having promised them to keep the servants from knowing about Lan Zhan’s presence in their house. That’s when he comes up with a plan and calls Lan Huan on the phone, briefly telling him that “his brother Lan Zhan has made a choice and that he cannot stay in Tokyo anymore”.
Lan Huan asks Jiang Cheng if his brother is there, to which the other only says “yes”. Is he with Wei Ying? Yes. Are they in love? Yes. Do they need to hide? “I can manage that for them.”
They meet the following morning at dawn, outside of Lan XiChen’s house to not attract the attention of the Jiang servants. Jiang Cheng will escort the two lovebirds to a cottage somewhere in the countryside, far away from society. When Lan Huan will succeed in convincing Lan QiRen to follow him there, they will receive them and arrange something.
Jiang Cheng May not believe his brother, but he knows things are getting dangerous in the country, especially for foreigners like them. Let alone someone like Wei Ying and his lover.
Wei WuXian:
While Lan Zhan is still feverish, Jiang Cheng and WWX take the train with the older man to the countryside. WWX feels bad for leaving, but Lan Zhan needs to rest away from the modern world for a while and he himself doesn’t feel well at all. Not with his lungs giving up on him any time he has to stiffen a cough and swallow his own blood with every breath. His weakened body may have caught something in the last few months, but he will not give up on Lan Zhan now.
They reach the cottage and Jiang Cheng immediately sends a letter to his sister, apologizing for what he’s about to do. They only have to wait a week for Lan Huan and Lan QiRen to arrive, but in the meantime Lan Zhan has regained enough energy to eat and stand up on his own. WWX asks him what is going on, and LWJ tells him that he’s currently trying to hold onto this body while simultaneously ruling over his original body in Gusu. He doesn’t want to fade away, but he fears slipping out of reach and leave WWX behind a second time.
when Lan QiRen sees them, he cannot deny what is in front of him: someone who is merely pretending to be his nephew greets him with a stoic face as he announces his intention to marry a man. Despite the initial shock, when Lan Huan has asked him to take him in the middle of nowhere in the countryside in winter, Lan QiRen has accepted to indulge him knowing Lan Zhan must have had something to do with it. But this in front of him is definitely not his nephew and this realization hurts more then knowing he is in love with a man.
Lan Huan, on the other hand, knows from his voice this is not his brother but cannot explain why. He’s filled with grief at the thought and not even his uncle can comfort him, the older man himself in pain for a loss he cannot comprehend.
WWX asks them to indulge them just this time, feeling like his life is getting closer and closer to its end, not knowing what else to do. Jiang Cheng comforts the two men as he tries to explain his reasons, that nobody will let them have even an ounce of joy in the world they’re forced to live in and that, if things will end up getting worse in the end, at least they’ll have this memory to look back to. He feels like a war is approaching, and no one can know what kind of world will greet them at the end of it.
Lan Zhan:
the day of his wedding he’s very nervous, having asked their hosts to simplify the traditional ceremony given the fact that Wei Ying and he are both men and there are no actual guest attending. They bow to the heavens and the earth, to their families, and then to each other. Their clothes are far less expensive or appropriate from the nuptial red they would have worn under different circumstances, yet Lan Zhan has never felt more adorned and rich, basking in Wei Ying’s love.
they spend their first night together whispering sweet nothings in each other’s ears, tired and happy as they have never been before.
Wei WuXian:
they stay at the cottage for months, receiving news from the outside world every now and then from Jiang Cheng and Lan Huan. He suspects his brother is keeping something to himself, ignoring his questions over the political situation altogether, but he doesn’t insist.
LWJ tells him stories of the Sunshot Campaign, of how he tried to save the weak, the women, the children and the innocent of the Wen Clan against the rest of the cultivation world. Of how he found a way to summon BaoShan Sanren through some scrolls he had found in Burial Mounds, where he thought WWX’s soul might have disappeared to. Of how he hadn’t even been able to say goodbye to his brother and the people he had saved in Yiling before signing a contract with the immortal.
WWX’s lungs are giving up on him but he tries to keep LWJ from noticing. YanLi comes to meet them one day and makes sure to cry for her brother only when they are finally alone, sensing his intention to keep his husband from knowing the truth. He knows LWJ cannot possibly keep holding onto two bodies at the same time: waking up in Yiling the moment he falls asleep in the cottage; then waking up with Wei Ying every morning the moment he falls asleep in Burial Mounds where he has decided to hide. Without a golden core, for as strong as someone like LWJ can be, he would die if he keeps crossing the veil, the gate between the two worlds.
the day after YanLi has left them alone, WWX spends his last day with his husband, making sure everything is perfect. he also sends letters to his family and thanks them for loving him. he extends his best wishes to the people who worked alongside him, helping him bring to fruition his dream to fly in the sky once more... even if he has never flown in this lifetime.
he’s very happy with his husband and wants to commit every second they spend together to heart. They make love for the last time before they both fall asleep together and dream of home.
he whispers “I wish you good luck” before falling asleep.
Lan Zhan:
he wakes up the next day and Wei Ying is gone. His body cold in his arms.
mad with grief, unable to believe a life without WWX can or should exist, he cries over his husband’s body and wishes he could die.
Lan Huan and Lan QiRen happen to visit that day and find him crestfallen and asking to be left alone to die. But they help him bury the body instead and take care of him. Lan QiRen suddenly feels terrible at the thought of leaving this boy all alone, whether he’s actually his nephew or not. Lan Huan convinces his brother to eat and rest, holding him for as long as it takes for him to calm down.
the following day, as the younger twin wakes up, he asks Lan Huan why they’re in a cottage in the countryside and what happened while he was asleep.
the actual LWJ, by falling asleep, not willing to wake up in a world where WWX doesn’t exists anymore, has allowed double!LanZhan to regain complete control over the body in the cottage. The twin wasn’t dead, just dormant, waiting for LWJ to let go of his body on his own.
waking up in the Burial Mounds, however, with no golden core and no Wei Ying is worse than anything LWJ has ever experienced. Having to survive WWX’s death not one, but two times is too much to handle... but a small kid has found his place in his arms while LWJ was sleeping. His beloved A-Yuan, one of the few Wen children he was able to save from the Lanling Jin’s clutches after the Sunshot Campaign.
as he takes in the sight of the child he considers his own, peacefully sleeping in his bed, LWJ finds the strength to say “just another day”. And then another and another and another again.
13 years later:
Mo XuanYu sacrifices his body for WWX and the first thing Wei Ying does in his new body is to ask the Lan juniors to bring him to Hanguan Jun.
but Lan Zhan is already there, following the juniors around after managing to reforming a golden core in just a little over ten years all on his own. The first thing he says to Wei Ying is “I still remember every day.”
and they begin to travel together for the rest of their life.
Now I need a fucking tissue.
[as you can see very little “conquering another world” type of quest because I didn’t like to think too hard. This is more like “what if before transmigrating WWX and LWJ lived somewhere else and got married?” But then I had to make it sad, uh? Fuck.]
[also, demonic-cultivator!LWJ anyone?]
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if weiying’s nightmares feel like drowning, feel like crashing through the air, feel like the temptation of resentful energy and forbidden promises, then lanzhan’s are of burning. the burning sun, the neverending hunt, one arrow after another into the sky, the whiplash adrenaline and thrumming heartbeat.
fire eradicates. ashes scattered to the wind, the proof of any existence only in the dust-light remnants. the yiling patriarch is all that is left: traitor to the yunmengjiang sect, the founder of diabolic cultivation, merciless and cruel.
no one ever remembers the bright-eyed prodigy weiying, weiwuxian. no one cares to remember every time the young boy shrugged off his own worries to take on the pains of those around him. no one knew of the brand on his chest, of the lack of his golden core, of the absolute loss of choice he had in the end.
no one bothered.
the righteous clans, blind to their own hypocrisy, destroyed the last of the wens. weiwuxian died alone, in vain, believing he was unloved.
it’s not the first time after weiying’s return that lanzhan sleeps fitfully. it’s the lingering fear, that desperation and regret he carried and cultivated for thirteen, sixteen years, that rears its head when he’s at his most vulnerable, when he’s asleep. but it is the first time after all those years that lanzhan wakes up and weiying is not in his arms.
he lurches upright, heart hammering painfully against his chest, his stomach clenching. so much for the beautiful, aloof light-bearing lord.
for a moment, there’s no response. for a moment, he’s bleeding as his uncle demands discipline, blood seeping through the back of his robes. for a moment, he’s withdrawn, flinching even from his older brother as lanxichen tries to clean the wounds. for a moment, he’s drunk, begging for chenqing, numb to the burning seal over his heart.
thirteen years, sixteen years. lanwangji, the light-bearing lord, the younger of the twin jades of gusulan, was without his soulmate.
i’m here, weiying answers, responds, familiar smile soft on his lips as he comes into view. lanzhan, what’s the matter?
his husband half-kneels on the bed, letting lanzhan hug his waist and press his face to weiying’s stomach. 
you were not here.
weiying runs a hand through his dark hair. i’m here. i went to get my flute. he cups lanzhan’s cheek, tilting the man’s head so they can look at each other. lan-er gongzi, do you remember when you played for me in the aftermath of the sunshot campaign? i never thanked you. he thumbs away the dampness under his husband’s amber eyes. lanzhan, thank you. you know, when i was with wenning and wenqing at the burial mounds, i played Cleansing? i really... i really missed you.
lanzhan’s throat is choked with emotion, though he’s never been good at voicing his thoughts. he takes weiying’s hand and presses a kiss to the man’s knuckles.
let me play for you this time, alright? but he doesn’t move until lanzhan is ready, letting the man hold him until he has had his fill.
as he sits up to meditate, lanzhan is distantly aware that they should both be asleep. they’ll likely get scolded in the morning by one of the elders, lanxichen’s old amused smile at the corner of his eye.
but the soothing notes of weiying’s dizi fill the air. Cleansing.
lanzhan lets his grievances swarm him, cradles each and every one in his hands, and lets them go.
there was nothing left of you, he thinks sorrowfully. you were the brightest star but the sun set at nightless city. only a-yuan...
i played Inquiry until my fingers bled. regrettably, for the first few years, it was lanhuan who raised a-yuan. there were always answers, but never you. i grew frustrated, despondent. i was desperate for penance.
forgiveness. i did not stand with you. and so you died believing you were unloved, undeserving and unworthy of love.
i wanted you to know. i wanted you to come back. but there was no answer. jiangwanyin grew restless, furious. a-yuan did not remember you, but he was my only comfort.
lanzhan opens his eyes for a moment. the song spirals into a pause of silence before weiying smiles and begins again. Wangxian.
to forget envy. to live righteously and justly.
i taught him guqin. so that he may find his father. if you would not answer me, if i had failed you, then maybe you would answer your child.
eventually, i accepted it. you were not coming back. above all, you did not want to return to a world that took the depth of your love for granted. 
i kept playing. i just wanted you to hear. rest well, weiying.
you’re here, lanzhan says out loud.
weiying brings the melody to the end of its phrase, lowering the flute from his lips. i’m here.
i’m sorry. i know i am not good at speaking when i should.
weiying sets down the instrument on the table, just beside wangji.
lanzhan, ah, lanzhan, the man chides affectionately, making his way back to the bed. so many years have passed. we can live happily now.
i’m sorry.
then i forgive you, weiying says, kissing his forehead, where the ribbon will be tied in the morning. i forgive you for everything you believe you’ve done wrong. but i don’t believe you have done anything wrong. never to me, at least.
it is hard to be honest.
oh, i know! weiying almost laughs, letting lanzhan pull them both beneath the covers again. but we are both learning. 
he sobers, expression soft with the shadows of their room. i heard you.
lanzhan hugs him a little tighter. good. rest well, weiying.
i’m here, lanzhan. rest well.
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m-o-n-i-ca · 3 years
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Today, I have extracted a few phrases from the two main characters calling each other's names in different emotions, shown in dark green and light green. The dark green is "WeiYing" (nickname of Wei WuXian), and the light green is "LanZhan" (nickname of Lan WangJi).
A little background of the drama: in the drama, people who are close to each other, could call each other by their nickname, and those not too close people could call each other by their Full name, here WeiYing and LanZhan is their nickname, Wei WuXian, and Lan WangJi is their full name. (I will use shortcuts just for convenience). At the start of the story, WY and LZ become best friends because they have the same goal: to kill all the evil spirits. However, later in the drama, LZ works in a safer and traditional way, but WY is seeking other faster but dangerous ways(controls the evil spirits and lets them kill each other). LZ could not understand the way WY chose and thought that WY had betrayal him. Then they fought. WY's sister later told LZ that WY did not betray him; he sought a faster way to kill the evil spirits. LZ then immensely regrets it. Eventually, LZ understands WY's choice and decides to help him(since controlling the evil spirits are very dangerous)
So, in the first dark and the light green track, the two characters call each other by nicknames(shows when they are best friends). Then the yellow track is extracted from another song, BuWang(Never Forget), emphasizing their radical fights when they had a dispute. The wind ensemble and the violins creating a severe atmosphere and a sense of emergence reinforce the misunderstandings and suffer of LZ and WY.
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