#dc x sonic x dp
bigfemboyenergy · 3 months
The Worst Crossover To Ever ‘Cross Over’ Pt.2
See, Danny isn’t terribly surprised with his predicament. And by that, he means that he is wholly unsurprised that he has to fake who he is. A fourteen year old kid working, in this day and age? Unlikely, he thinks. So he decides to pretend to be fifteen, what an easy fix. But that doesn’t help with Sonic’s side of the problem. Sure, Sonic gets confused for a kid, but..how old is he?
As soon as the thought surfaces, Danny opens his mouth to speak, turning to look at Sonic as they walk around, searching for a somewhat acceptable abandoned building or something similar to hide out in for now. “Uh, how old are you, exactly?” Danny asks, with little hesitation. Sonic shrugs; “Old enough to legally drink in some countries- why, worried about something?” Danny feels his face turn a bit white. Wow, his appearance does not match his age. With a nervous smile, Danny responds with, “Yeah, dunno if you could get a job looking like that. I’m fourteen, and even I look older than you.” Sonic coughs awkwardly. “I’m gonna have to work on that, aren’t I? What an unlucky day it is,” he says, with a yawn. Shelving that problem in order to focus on the most important one, the two continue to wander the streets, looking for something to temporarily call “home”.
It isn’t too long before they find a suitable place. Dark, dreary, just like everywhere else; but it’s far more exaggerated, and even dirtier than the rest of the city. Some old graffiti here and there, a broken window or two. Not too shabby on the inside, still has running water and an AC. It makes Danny wonder just how old this building is and just how long it’s been since it was last lived in.
Sonic inspects every nook and cranny of the building, as if checking for safety violations. It appears to be an old office building, with kitchen necessities in what might’ve been a break room, and running water in the bathrooms. He investigates alone, namely for “Danny’s safety”, he says, but it makes one think. The amount of spiders he’s killed seems to point to a different conclusion..but that’s of no matter.
After looking at every floor, Sonic finally decides which one they’ll be staying on. Something that’s just a cut above the rest, and also safe enough- the third floor, out of four. He waves Danny over to the cleanest spot in the spacious, main room, calling out, “Let’s sleep over here for now, since we kinda can’t clean anything yet. It looks a lot nicer here, away from the nasty corners.” Danny nods, agreeing in silence. It looks like they have a lot of work to do, as they both flop on the floor and try to sleep.
Danny, however, struggles to sleep. In an entirely new city, an empty building, with someone who he’s just been freshly acquainted with, trying to sleep on the cold, hard floor? That’s no easy feat, and he acknowledges this. So he comes to the most logical conclusion: why not check out the city from above, via Phantom form? In silence, he nods in agreement with his own thought, intrigued by his new possibilities. He’ll fly out and survey the town, enjoy the sunrise, if he’s awake for that long- try to make this place feel a little bit like home. Familiarize himself with it, perhaps. It sounds like a good plan, no? So he acts.
He whispers to himself, after assuring that Sonic is asleep, “Going ghost!” He transforms in silence. A little reminder of who he is, the whispers of who he was only hours ago, come to him via his reference of his beginnings. It gives him a feeling of determination, a want to explore. A desire to protect this new friend he’s found, and the strangers of a place he’s newly discovered. Slowly slipping through the floor, intangibly, he floats out of the building, making himself invisible so as not to spook anyone else who may be out at night.
In the night sky, he soars through the clouds as he takes in the layout of the city. It’s large, dark, and..full of crime, which makes a lot of sense in such a poverty-stricken area, but.. it has an air of abnormality. Suddenly, he hears some horrible sounds. Shrill, shrieking laughter booms out from a warehouse a few blocks away, his ears wishing for the silence of seconds before to return. Although he doesn’t truly want to approach, his obsession to protect those in need draws him to the source of the sound. The closer he gets, the more off everything seems. And..are those furries on the top of that building? What have I gotten myself into, he thinks, with an accompanying facepalm. Oh, boy.
Back in the cold, dreary office building, Sonic wakes up, restless. He feels terrible..he turns towards Danny, wanting to check on him, before quickly finding out that he’s not even present. What a fantastic day this has been. Sonic feels his heart pumping, ready for a run. He has to find Danny, to make sure he’s okay. Unless..he left of his own accord? Shit, what if he actually is weirded out by me..he said something about the unusualness of a guy like me showing up, didn’t he?! Sonic struggles to decide what to do. He knows Danny could be in need, he knows he’s young. And, from what he’s gathered, he’s a bit odd too, but if he needs help, of course Sonic should jump on in for him! They’re “partners in crime” now, aren’t they?
Despite his conscience screaming at him to go, he still struggles to make the choice. What if Danny really didn’t mean anything he said? But..he listens to that loud, desperate part of him. He doesn’t want to lose the only person he’s found here. If he can save or help this kid, someone who accepts him in this strange new place, that’s just what he’ll do.
So, against his “better judgement”, he rushes off, speeding around the town to find Danny. If anything, he should be where it’s quietest or where it’s loudest, since both are eeriest. As Sonic zooms off, going incredibly fast so as not to be seen clearly, he is particularly careful to check suspicious, disturbing areas.
Not long after he began his run, he finds Danny. But it’s quite the weird situation to be in.. cause Danny’s colors are inverted now? Amd there’s this weird bat guy a few buildings away, with some friends, too.. and a fucking..clown?! What is this shit, bad writing??!
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The Voice of Miles "Tails" Prower Wachowski and Jazz Fenton is at Holiday Cosplay in Tampa Tomorrow (Dec 11)
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I want her to sign a little baby man print so bad
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just-more-pr0mts · 8 months
Hello, ace here
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Now that I've reached more followers than I can count on one hand I can finally do this.
So I usually get bursts of creativity that could last for a few days and/or weeks and I know lots of people don't like inconsistent posts (myself included until recently)
As my way of saying sorry:
If I don't post in a week or two without any notices you should feel free to;
forget about my existence and carry on with your life
Send me promts to write(i love hearing them!!)
remind me that yes i do have drafts to finish
I will write for any Fandom but there is a list of the fandoms I'm currently apart of which you can find in the tags, I will add as I remember more Fandoms
No I will NOt write
Character x reader
Self insert / reader insert
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call-me-strega · 9 months
Dc x Dp Prompt #4: Ghost Selkie
Disclaimer: references and facts about Selkies are based on Selkie folklore, true facts about seals, and stuff I just made up because it works well with the story
Okay so Urban Fantasy inspired au where turns out there is some Selkie blood mixed up somewhere in the Fenton bloodline. As such Jazz and Danny exhibit a few Selkie-like traits but nothing too serious: a playful nature, a certain grace and agility, attraction to shiny things (stars and microscopes), a decent singing voice, being strong swimmers, and seeing in the dark better than the average person. After The Accident™️ and being more involved with the super natural world some of those aspects get a bit stronger for Danny but he just chalks it up to being a Halfa. That is until Skulker catches him on an off-day and manages to capture him by snagging the back of his jumpsuit. Phantom, in a moment of panic and desperation, decides to try and rip off his bodysuit to escape. The suit comes of alright but out tumbles Danny Fenton rather than a de-clothed Phantom. Skulker, in a moment of shock, drops the suit and Danny catches cradling it to his chest while every fiber of his being screams “MY COAT. MY PELT. MINE, DONT STEAL IT.” Skulked realizes what’s happened before Danny does and nopes out of there bc “ This is not what I meant when a said I would have your pelt whelp!” Danny is left sitting there feeling stunned. A quick round of experimentation leads him to figure out that he is now able to take off the suit in Phantom form, but it will de-transform him into Danny. Furthermore, the regular "going ghost" transition still works both with and without him physically holding the suit.
A quick consultation with Clockwork and Frostbite reveals the Fenton Selkie heritage and he goes back to report to Jazz and his friends. Due to Jazz’s instance the siblings get a crash course in Selkies through a community of Selkies and Part-Selkies in the Infinite Realms as well as having a younger ghost show them where to find the modern underground Selkie-Community. Which leads to them getting emotionally adopted by their (dead and alive) Selkie mentors. They learn about eating habits, behavior, culture and customs (including the in and outs of courtship and mating), and camflouge/blending into society.
Jazz learns to tap into her vocal magic/manipulation. Her voice has a deeply calming effect on others and they feel more compelled to listen to her. This comes in handy with some of her more rowdy patients at her internships and stuff. She’s also to taps into the physical aspects of her Selkie blood and gains enhanced dexterity, agility, balance and reflexes. She’s also working towards improving her strength and stamina. Needless to say her aim has definitely improved. Nothing too wild but as she gains more liminality, those aspects become stronger so she’s definitely a cut above the average human though not as crazy as Danny.
Danny on the other hand gets the ability to “shed his pelt” by being able to physically take of his suit and de-transform as well as how to disguise the suit as a jacket or something (maybe a romper or a cardigan?) so that he he can keep it on him for quick, more discreet transformations if he wants to. His ghostly form takes on more Selkie traits like fangs for a powerful bite and more muscle mass and fat in certain areas to improve his endurance and cold resistance. He also learns to manipulate his ectoplasm to be able to shapeshift into the seal version of a Selkie. He is able to practice and manipulate his Ghostly Wail and hone it into a Siren Song and Sonic Singing too.
So basically both the Fenton siblings get cool Selkie power-ups (and unbeknownst to the two, admittedly already quite attractive siblings, their looks take on an otherworldly allure too). As well as a new community eager to take them in and provide them with support. That's why when Danny decides he wants to get away from Amity for college (the ghosts have agreed to a truce as long as Danny pops in for a spar and some shenanigans every now and then. He acquiesces because playing and roughhousing is a part of building social relations for both ghosts and selkies) some of their Selkie contacts help him apply for the Wayne Scholarship at Gotham University and get him set up in Gotham.
Let’s switch gears for a moment here. Gotham has always been a weird place full of weirdos, magic, and cursed energy. Basically, overall chaotic, edgy, and somewhat rancid vibes. It also is entwined with the supernatural. Lady Gotham, the spirit of the city, has allowed many a supernatural community to remain well hidden in her realm including but not limited to fae, witches, gargoyles, vampires, and of course, selkies. There is a huge underground supernatural community in Gotham, part of which is the Selkie community. Most of the Selkies moved out of the harbor and onto land due to pollution. The luckier ones who managed to gain some quick wealth settled in the Upper East Side or Coventry while others ended up in Burnley, the Bowery, and Crime Alley. However, family is very important to Selkies, so there is little resentment between the areas. They try to help out each other and the other members of the supernatural community in Gotham whenever possible. The overall magical community is spread out over Gotham with a few hot spots like Old Gotham, Robinson Park, Crime Alley and the Bowery, and Chinatown.
Now enter: Jason Todd (or a different member of the batfam of your choosing but you’re on your own to figure out how that’ll change the story). Jason grew up around a large portion of Gotham’s supernatural community. There were plenty of fae, selkies, sirens, vamps, and various other magical beings within Crime Alley. He discovered the community early on when he found out that the abuela who used to feed him tamales was in fact a Bruja (witch). Her name was Señora Mariana Soliña and she swore him to secrecy and taught him some basic knowledge on how to recognize and avoid being screwed over by the supernatural.
When his mother died Señora Soliña revealed her surprisingly large amount of wealth to him. She chose to live in Crime Alley to be closer to magical friends and people who would seek out her services as a witch doctor (her cover bc the best lies have a hint of truth). She offered him a hot meal and some spare cash when she could but they weren’t able to run into each other as often as they liked. After getting adopted and becoming Robin Jason made periodic visits to her before his death.
Jason’s resurrection didn’t happen in a Lazarus pit but when he crawled out of his grave. It was due to the magical energy(read also high ecto-concentration) in Gotham he had been exposed to that he became a Revenant. He was able to develop a core through the latent energy and become a spirit/reanimated corpse that sought to avenge both his death and countless others at the hands of The Joker. His dip in the Pits (polluted ectoplasm) brought him out of his catatonic state but triggered his obsession and left him with Pit Rage. Yada yada yada, trains with the League of Assassins, yada yada yada, trains with All-Caste and gets the ability to wield the magical All-Blades, yada yada yada, returns to Gotham for revenge becomes a crime lord, etc., etc., you know the drill.
Fast forward to when he’s made up with the BatFam and is now an antihero. His pit rage has gotten more controllable as the natural ectoplasm and magic in Gotham is slowly filtering out the polluted ectoplasm in his system but it’s still a long process. The supernatural community, however, is happy to have him there. You see Red Hood is actually quite a popular vigilante within the supernatural community. Among his many monikers, they were the ones who gave him the nickname “Avenger of the Unavenged”, and nod to his nature as a Revenant, as well as the aura of the All-Blades (which are meant to defeat absolute evil) that most magical beings recognize.
Jason is fully aware of the presence of the supernatural community in Gotham, as well as members of it who live within his haunt. Once things reach a new “normal” for him he tracks down Señora Soliña only somewhat surprised to see her alive and kicking. He asks for her guidance in the supernatural past the basic knowledge she gave him as a kid. Señora Soliña recognizes his magical aura and status as a Revenant and agrees. (Note: Jason is aware that he has some magic in him, but he attributes it to the All-Blades. He is not fully aware of his status as a Revenant. Señora Soliña assumes he knows and thus does not inform him.) She teaches him and helps him start getting integrated into Gotham’s supernatural community. She offers to “adopt” him as her grandson "Jason “Pedro” Todd Soliña" so that he can take on a civilian identity and attend college. He agrees, eager to resume his education and take on a semi-"normal" life.
And thus we've reached the part of our story where two worlds collide. Jason and Danny first meet peripherally during orientation at Gotham U. They don't really have a direct interaction, just learning each other's names during the icebreakers and some eye contact during the tour. Danny is dorming and Jason commutes so the don't see each other much past running into each other on campus or in the dining hall. That is until they spot each other at an underground, supernatural beings-only, cafe called Xenia a few blocks away Robinson Park.
The two realize the other must have a supernatural connection and start up a conversation. The conversation is illuminating as they learn they're both fairly new to the supernatural community and mostly ghostly. Danny reveals himself as a halfa and of selkie descent and Jason uses his cover to introduce himself as the grandson of a bruja with magic, a brujo-in-training if you will. Upon being asked what a halfa is Danny realizes Jason doesn't know a ton about ghost culture and gives him a quick crash course leading them both to figure out that a) Jason is a Revenant and b) Danny could probably help the Pit Rage by giving him some ecto-supplements. Due to this newfound information Jason conveniently forgets that his new friend mentioned having Selkie blood.
The two meet up more after that, intentionally this time so that Danny can continue teaching Jason about ghost culture and just to hang out. (Note: Danny isn't teaching Jason about selkie culture as he assumes the grandson of a bruja would know that stuff already. Jason has been taught a bit about selkies but they haven't thoroughly covered the topic of courtship yet). As they hang out and develop a friendship with each other the seeds of romance are planted.
One day after they wrapped up lunch at Xenia, Danny left the cafe, accidentally leaving his pelt/jacket on his chair as he's still getting used to having to keep track of it. Jason not realizing the significance of his actions picks it up and takes it with him. Later that day Danny freaks out realizing he left it behind when he runs into Jason. Jason was actually looking for him to return the jacket. So he's like "Hey man you left this at the cafe so I took it and now you can have it back" assuming the redness on Danny's face is just embarrassment. Danny, while mortified, is also extremely flustered. Selkies typically only let close family and lovers have access to their pelts because it implies a deep and intimate bond built on trust that they'll give it back. For Jason, who should know about such Selkie customs, to not only take his pelt but then also return it so easily is some very straightforward flirting. But hey, Jason is good friend... and easy on the eyes too. He wouldn't mind if there was something more there. So Danny decides that he wouldn't mind courting/being courted by Jason.
Jason on the other hand has in fact caught feelings for his friend but hasn't realized he already initiated courting by doing this. He plans to do it the ghostly way engaging in some bonding through sparing and roughhousing and building up their feelings before asking him out. Unfortunately for him, there is a lot of overlap between Selkie courting and ghostly courting so Danny believes that Jason has been courting him for some time now. There are also some things that are specific to Selkie courting Jason unknowingly does, such as buying Danny a bracelet (shiny rocks as a courting gift), beating up a couple of guys trying to mug Danny (defending/showing off for your mate), and introducing Danny to his family/agreeing to meet Jazz (family is very important to Selkies).
That's why when they go out to dinner, and Jason embarrassedly corrects a waitress who thought they were on a date by saying "Oh we're just friends", Danny is understandably upset. He was under the impression that their courtship was getting rather serious since Jason had met Jazz and Danny had met Jason's family. When he asks Jason why he told the waitress they weren't dating he replies "Umm because we're not?" in an uncertain tone. Danny feeling hurt and upset takes his glass of water splashes it onto Jason's face and storms out of the restaurant. Jason is left there soaking, confused, and wondering what he did wrong.
That night Jason goes to visit Señora Soliña to see if he messed up some ghostly custom for Danny to get so upset. When he arrives one of the first things she asks him is how it's going with Danny. When he recounts what happened at dinner and explains his confusion, the bruja takes a deep sigh before smacking him upside the head. Jason is like “wtf abuela?!” And she just shakes her head at him and calls him an idiot. She then reminds him that Danny is part Selkie and explains all the ways Jason has been courting him during the past few months. Jason, realizing he screwed up grabs one of his leather jackets and goes off to track down Danny.
Danny has returned to his dorm to cry and eat ice cream in his pjs from the comfort of his own room. He’s about to watch some comfort tv when there is a pounding at his door. He gets to find a disheveled looking Jason standing at his door. Danny frowns and questions what he’s doing here. Jason’s like “Look I know you’re upset and understandably so but please let me in and I can explain”. Danny’s care for Jason wins out over his anger as he resigns himself to letting the other in. The first thing Jason does is apologize for hurting Danny, saying it was never his intention to do so. He then goes on to explain how he hadn't realized that he had been courting Danny in Selkie customs. Danny is understanding but still upset and voices his feelings to Jason. Jason allows the other to get his anger out and then continues to say that he was actually trying to court Danny through ghostly bonding, and he would still like to date him if he’s open to it. Jason then takes off the leather jacket that he brought with him and offers it to Danny, saying that he doesn’t have his own pelt to offer, but this is the next best thing. This gesture nearly brings Danny to tears and he throws himself to hug Jason, accepting the jacket. The pull back and look into each other's eyes before sharing a kiss and spending the rest of the night cuddling before Jason has to leave.
From then on Jason ramps up the courting to 12, determined not to mess it up again. He reasearches selkie and ghost courting customs in depth to properly woo Danny and personalizes dates to their personalities. Danny is happy to be lavished with the attention and returns the favor. The two of them also make an effort to make sure the have clear communication to avoid having misunderstandings again. A few months later Jason decides to re-introduce Danny to the batfam as his partner and brings Danny along to Wayne Family Dinner with a ring around his finger. It’s a promise ring not engagement ring, but what Bruce doesn’t know will surely give him a heart attack and Danny is happy to go along with it. Danny and Jason become the longest and most stable relationship in the batfam. Tim and Damian even come to them for advice when they try to romance their own partners.
The story kind of just finishes off with the two of them being happy with each other and leaves an open ending to add in small scenes that happened during a time skip or after the story (e.g gushing to siblings, an actual proposal, identity reaveals, batboys seeking advice, them engaging in pda, interaction with other supernatural beings, gossip surrounding their relationship, ect.)
[Edit: additional oc info now found here]
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DP x DC crack #3
Danny gets stranded in the DC universe and, after finding out that this universe doesn't have Doctor Who, decides to live out his dream of becoming the Doctor. He builds himself his own TARDIS and sonic screwdriver out of ghost tech and travels the DC universe as the Doctor.
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the-witchhunter · 1 year
DP x DC: Could Danny Beat Superman(the answer may surprise you)
Short answer? Maybe
The tricky part of this is measuring their abilities, and that’s not always easy. One of the trickiest parts is finding actual numbers, especially for Superman. Superman’s strength varies depending on both who is writing him and how much yellow sunlight he’s absorbed. 
Danny Phantom
Strength: can lift between 12-40 tons. Potentially due to gravity nullification, so unclear how physically strong he actually is. Likely weaker in that case. Speed: 112 miles per hour, potentially more. Phantom Planet throws a curveball measuring his final speed showing him flying around the entire planet, Flight/Gravity Nullification/manipulation: His flight is due to how gravity effects him. He can manipulate his own gravity to change the direction it works on him allowing him to walk up walls and on ceilings, or just nullify it entirely on himself and potentially others Invisibility Ecto blasts(officially called Ghost Rays) Ecto Constructs(shield, it’s his shield) Intangibility Cryokinesis: Ice powers Ecto Stinger: Electric attack used twice in the show Ghostly Wail: Sonic attack that rapidly depletes his energy Enhanced healing Enhanced Durability and resistance to ghost abilities Overshadowing: Possession 
Strength: Can lift 2 Billion tons Speed: Light speed or faster, is slower than the flash but comparable Flight Super Hearing Super Breath: Can freeze, put out fires, and generate hurricane level winds with his breath Enhanced Durability: It takes incredible physical force to actually damage him Heat Vision Solar Flare: A full body emission of the same energy as his heat vision. Leaves him weak for 24 hours in a yellow sun environment until he recharges X ray vision: He can see through things Super Intelect: He’s super smart Super Ventriloquism: I don’t think this one is canon anymore but I just wanted people to know this was an actual ability he had. Enhanced Healing
Okay, so they have some comparable abilities but it’s clear in sheer strength and speed, Superman has the distinct advantage, moving faster and hitting harder. Danny’s intangibility gives him an edge but it’s shown to be something he consciously controls since physical attacks have been shown to affect him. Simply put, you either need to move faster than he can react or just catch him off guard. Given Superman’s speed, it’s entirely possible
The real question is how much damage Danny can actually do with his punch. When it comes to blows, superman can take harder hits than Danny can and brush them off. The exception being magic, which bypasses his natural resistance. So, we must ask ourselves, does Danny count as magic? In his own show, We are given a more scientific explanation of his ghost powers. Ectoplasm has combined with his DNA indicating it’s potentially not magical, his abilities are physiologically based. However, various ghosts have been shown to have supernatural abilities, with Desiree able to warp reality, and magic being shown to exist in universe. This one is up for interpretation, so Superman may or may not feel Danny’s attacks.
overshadowing would be the cleanest way for Danny to stop Superman, though Danny doesn’t use the ability much. Superman has been shown to have been possessed by Deadman at one point, though that calls into question whether possessing Superman really counts as winning. It’s also shown that people can force a ghost out of them with enough willpower, so eventually Superman may be able to expel Danny.
The greatest Advantage Danny has is: Superman holds back A LOT. Watch Superman’s cardboard world speech that he gives Darksied. Everything is fragile compared to him and his strength, and he doesn’t want to break things. Danny is pretty breakable compared to Superman. His durability isn’t anywhere near the same level. Superman is going to try and not kill him, so he’s going to be holding back a lot.
Conclusion: In a straight fight Superman could likely win. Danny could pull it off if his attacks count as magic, but he’d have to catch Superman off guard and attack fast ang hard to knock him out before Superman could defend aka What Captain Marvel did to knock superman out. 
So Danny could win potentially, but it would be a lot closer of a fight than a lot of people depict in this crossover. Superman would probably win though
Is Danny stronger than Superman? Not really. He’s comparable to Captain Marvel, who is a powerhouse, but Superman is pretty OP, and this isn’t even counting his Silver age abilities 
Could the tides be turned with Kryptonite? Well, duh. Tides could also be turned by Superman having ghost hunting equipment. I’m just going off what they canonically have access to already. This also means that I had to ignore the power boost having the ring of rage and the crown of fire could give Danny if he had them, despite how popular Ghost King AU is in this crossover. He didn’t have it in canon so I couldn’t count it.
if you think I’m wrong on something let me know
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hinacu-arts · 5 months
Writing idea and au archive master-masterpost lets go
Check mark = fully updated
🦇 DC - #hinacu dc ✅
👿 Demon Slayer - #hinacu kny ✅
👑 Disney Princess - #hinacu dp ✅
👻 DP x DC - #hinacu xover #dp x dc ✅
🧙JJK - #hinacu jjk ✅
🐼 Kung Fu Panda (retired fandom) - #hinacu kfp
🦁 Lion King / Lion Guard - #hinacu tlg ✅
🐦‍⬛ Maleficent (retired fandom)
🕷️ Marvel - #hinacu mcu
🦋 Merlin (retired fandom) - #hinacu merlin
🦸 MHA - #hinacu mha ✅
🐞 Miraculous Ladybug (retired fandom) - #hinacu ml
🏴‍☠️ One Piece
🌊 Percy Jackson Universe (retired fandom) - #hinacu pjo / #hinacu tkc / #hinacu mcga / hinacu toa
⚙️ Power Rangers (retired fandom) - #hinacu pr
⚔️ RWBY - #hinacu rwby
✨ She-ra: POP (retired fandom) - #hinacu spop
🦔 Sonic the Hedgehog - #hinacu sonic
🔥 Soul Eater (retired fandom) - #hinacu soul eater
🪐 Star Trek - #hinacu st
⭐️ Star Wars - #hinacu sw / #hinacu swr
🧝‍♀️ The Hobbit/LOTR
🐢 TMNT - #hinacu tmnt
🚀 Voltron (retired fandom)
🗡️ Witcher (retired fandom) - #hinacu witcher
⛸️ Yuri on Ice (retired fandom)
Crossovers - #hinacu xover ✅
RotTMNT x SM:ITSV - Shellshocked as Fairytale Princesses (ongoing project)
Secret Tunnel Series (ongoing misc. project)
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whimizera-me · 2 years
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I posted 8,482 times in 2022
That's 8,482 more posts than 2021!
107 posts created (1%)
8,375 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,298 of my posts in 2022
#eggdad - 63 posts
#yes - 32 posts
#sonic the hedgehog - 27 posts
#sth - 24 posts
#danny phantom - 23 posts
#sonic - 16 posts
#jjba - 13 posts
#miles tails prower - 11 posts
#au - 11 posts
#dp - 11 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
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some older drawings of mine not too proud of this one but it still makes me giggle a bit
when I get the time, ill be posting newer danny shenangigans (if you have a request just ask me <3)
(reblogs are better then likes)
88 notes - Posted December 1, 2022
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a clockwork icon I made for funsies
OG under the cut
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170 notes - Posted October 20, 2022
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missed my old drawings so here ya go!
reblogs are better than likes!
219 notes - Posted November 28, 2022
my ass out here reading dp x dc crossovers without knowing a shred of dc or batfam but have been in the dp fandome for years now
270 notes - Posted July 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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(reblogs are better than likes!)
505 notes - Posted November 29, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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jkl-uwu · 1 year
Tags used (most of them, at least)
The list is in alphabetical order, also including “the”:
Ace Attorney - aa
Among us - among us
Avatar: The legend of Aang - atla
Bendy and the Ink Machine/the Dark Revival - batim
Boku no Hero Academia - bnha
Cult of the lamb - cotl
Cuphead - cuphead
Danny Phantom - dp
Deltarune - dr
Dc stuff - dc
Dead Cells - dcl
Detroit: Become Human - dbh
Doki doki literature club - ddlc
Don't Hug Me I'm Scared - dhmis
Dungeon Meshi - dm
Five nights at Freddy's - fnaf
Good Omens - gom
Hades - hades
Hollow Knight/Silksong - hk
In Stars and Time - isat
Invader Zim - iz
KinitoPET - kinito
Little nightmares - Ln
Marvel stuff - marvel
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Dp x dc (danny phantom x dc universe)
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monotype-on-phantom · 7 years
If Danny ever does come back, I DO NOT want a reboot, one, because every single cartoon reboot in memory that has come out has been terrible, and two, though the show may have been far from perfect, I couldn't imagine having things different in any other way, as it is a very special thing to me.
The Ducktales reboot seems to be doing well.
The Voltron reboot was met with a lot of success.
The ThunderCats reboot, while short lived, got a pretty positive reception from fans.
The latest, ridiculously popular My Little Pony show is a reboot.
A ton of DC and Marvel shows have been rebooted aside from just Teen Titans, and there have been plenty of hits. Heck, most of the most beloved shows from them are reboots. I personally love X-Men Evolution, an AU reboot of X-Men.
The Johnny Quest reboot improved on the original.
TMNT has had some decent reboots.
The highly acclaimed Sonic SATAM is technically a reboot, since it was the second Sonic cartoon.
Scooby-Doo has perhaps overstayed its welcome, but it’s had some clever, fun, and interesting reboots.
There was actually a He-Man reboot that wasn’t bad.
The Looney Tunes have had their ups and downs, but some of the past reboots have worked.
Winnie the Pooh’s always been top notch, and the newest Mickey Mouse shorts are creative and funny.
That’s probably way more than enough to make my point.
I know reboots have been leaving a bad taste in people’s mouths lately. PPG 2016 is garbage. Teen Titans GO is garbage. Loonatics Unleashed was garbage. There are a ton of baby/kid versions of cartoons that were garbage. I get where people are coming from when they cringe at the word “reboot,” but not all reboots are automatically doomed.
And I get where you’re coming from when you say you don’t want the original to be messed with. I honestly feel the same way sometimes. There were a lot of issues, though. There was a lot of missed potential for character development, world building, and, in some cases, decent episodes. I’d love to see Splitting Images redone. I’d love to see Valerie given more time in earlier episodes. I want an actual story.
I know these are just my desires, but if it’s put in the hands of someone who’s passionate about the show, a reboot could turn out just fine. Nickelodeon has never actually done a proper reboot of any of their shows, so there’s no way to know whether they’d do it well. Everything has to start somewhere, though.
I’d say give DP the Brotherhood treatment (referencing FullMetal Alchemist for those who might not know). Keep some of the elements of the original canon, but make a few changes here and there to improve things. Then take the show in a different direction.
The nice thing about remakes is that they’re allowed to be their own thing separate from the original. If you don’t like it, you can return to the original and it’s unchanged. If you do, then great! You have an improved version of something you already loved!
There have been a ton of remakes lately, and some might say it’s too much. Classic and/or beloved stories have been being remade since storytelling first came into being, though. Most of our favorite Disney movies are retellings of classic stories. Many of the most successful movies of all time are adaptations of pre-existing stories. There may be something you love that you never realized was a reboot or adaptation.
Whether DP comes back as a reboot or a continuation, any sort of revival has just as much potential to be good as it does bad. There are pros and cons to both, too. A continuation would require people to watch the entire first series, and it’d be shackled to the problems of the original. A reboot would lose a lot of the already well-told stories, though. And if it doesn’t know what to keep and what to change, it’ll just alienate the old fans.
I have no way of knowing if DP will get any sort of revival in the future. There are a lot of factors. If it does, though, as long as it’s made with sincere love, there will be at least something worthwhile about it.
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bigfemboyenergy · 3 months
self indulging in the sonic x dp x dc thing
tails and/or knuckles could make an appearance. also i have no idea who or what to put for like. the dc part? im not super into dc except for batjokes lore (in technicality) and fics
Danny finds himself in a strange place. He has a lot of questions. After all, it was only a second ago that he was with his family. Where am I? he thinks to himself. What happened? Sadly, he doesn’t have time to dwell on these thoughts, because he sees something awfully “funny” and even potentially dangerous only a few feet away..
Sonic opens his eyes, and blinks several times in shock. He was with Amy, Knuckles, and Tails, but now he’s..wherever this is? He’s gone through some bullshit today, enough from Egghead, and he’s completely over it. Silently, he shrugs as he thinks, well shit, stuff always wants to keep happening.
With a sigh, Sonic uses this moment of what seems to be calm to look around. He blinks repeatedly, shocked. What he sees does not cease to surprise him. Growing up and living in open, bright greenery did not get him ready for the gloomy, dreary city he’s appeared in. He murmurs, vaguely, “what the absolute fuck.” It’s only then that he notices the guy next to him.
Both him and the stranger flinch, as if only just noticing each other. This person..is a human, certainly. Or, well, he looks like one. He looks terribly shocked to be seeing an..oversized blue hedgehog cryptid? Or a 3’ furry? His face shows that he has no idea what he’s seeing.
Danny narrows his eyes, observing the thing, concern and fear melting away. After all, he’s seen worse; who hasn’t, with internet access? He speaks, questioningly, “So, what are you, and have you also been mysteriously brought here without notice?” The creature says, coolly, “Isn’t it more polite to ask for a name first? But I digress; first of all, hedgehog, and secondly, yep.” Danny nods, interested by the way this creature knows English and is oddly human, for something that is, well- a hedgehog, they said? With a small chuckle, Danny speaks once more; “Well then, what’s your name?” The hedgehog grins and proclaims, “Sonic. Sonic the Hedgehog.” It is only then that Danny realizes this bad boy is, well..recognizable? He isn’t quite sure why he’s heard of him or where. He awaits his realization with much impatience. It feels awful to be only halfway to a conclusion.
Sonic looks up at the human, no recognition in his eyes. He doesn’t know him, it seems. With a playful shrug, he begins, “I’ve told you my name, so tell me yours,” he edges closer. “Come on, don’t be shy.” He almost sees the gears turn in the human’s head, before they say, “It’s Danny.”
Sonic looks Danny up and down, taking him in. He seems like an average guy, Sonic thinks. Nothing too unusual about him, probably. “I have a quick question, Dan- can I call you that?- is it..weird for hedgehogs to be walking around this place?” Danny shrugs in response. “I mean, before being brought here, I would’ve thought so, yeah? Pretty odd, if you know what I mean,” he states. “And sure, ‘Dan’ is fine.”
Carefully, Sonic drinks in the new information. He’ll have to consider the fact that bad crap will probably go down around him. He ain’t no normal guy, not in this place, it seems. Might even have to go into hiding, he thinks. That’d suck balls. He sighs to himself, wondering how he’ll even get home.
Danny notices Sonic’s dilemma, but can’t do anything about it. After all, he’s just a halfa, what can he do? He doesn’t have illusion-related powers; at least, he’s not aware of having any, that is. But since he himself has a very good reason to be sympathetic..he makes an offer. “We both got sent here randomly, right? So, why not find a place to crash together? Not sure you could even get a job here, so you’ll definitely need someone’s help.” Sonic snickers softly and holds out his hand for Danny to shake. “That sounds good to me, if you don’t mind,” he says, a bit calmer now. Danny doesn’t hesitate to shake Sonic’s hand as he says, “Hello, new partner in crime.”
Upon noticing that two people supposedly teleported here for no reason..the batfamily was in a state of worry. Now that they have tried to research these people, get a little info on them- they, uh..are quite shocked to learn that nobody fits their descriptions and/or the names they go by. Well, except for something they aren’t sure whether to deem it a coincidence or a completely mind-boggling disaster. More on that later.
Now that Danny and Sonic have gotten fairly acquainted, all that’s left is for them to find a place to spend their time, and hopefully some work.
WELL THATS IT FOR THIS TEST THING TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT 💀 and yes i am calling it “The Worst Crossover To Ever Cross Over” it’s a good pun imo ok
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bigfemboyenergy · 3 months
ok this is stupid but
i lowkey have been thinking about sonic, mario, and dp since yesterday. my friends and i have “friendship lore” in a way, and its really dumb, but this is basically why im thinking of these things (well, im wearing dp merch, so not for dp but like). and suddenly my brain decided to spit out SONIC X DP which is absolutely insane and terrible.. and then DC X DP X SONIC, which is arguably WORSE.. but the inspiration hits and you cant argue w/ it, yeah? so i may test out some weird shit below, just for shits and giggles (god, i read someone say gits and shiggles once and it kills me). itd be more “oh no danny and sonic randomly appear in gotham oh dear me” han something actually good so maybe ignore 💀
In a snap, Danny finds himself in a new place. One second, he was home with Jazz and his parents; the next, he’s in a dark, dreary city. Of course, he takes it in stride; this is what happens when you deal with so much bullshit every day. (Or he gets intense anxiety, what fun! I personally just love chill, mischievous Danny, but yk)
Now, on the other hand, Sonic just appeared in a human city. Yes, this stuff has happened before, but get this: the people of said city (Gotham, but it’s not like it matters) don’t seem to be calling him an alien?? Like, why’s this little furry blue guy treated somewhat normally, huh? Wouldn’t normal people fear 3 foot spiky speedsters?? (I’m only saying this because he could be confused for a meta with some sort of physical quirks)
And of course the bats are confuzzled. All cams show that they just randomly teleported, so there’s no way to determine how they got here unless they overhear something or interact with the strange people themselves. Though it seems like there’s some foul play, or something not quite right… something they can’t put their fingers on.
yeah my brains kinda broken rn but whatever if you think this very weird combo sounds fun (or even if you dont, i need an outlet nonetheless) lmk!
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bigfemboyenergy · 3 months
The Worst Crossover To Ever ‘Cross Over’ Pt.3
kill me i have no idea how to write the batfamily or the joker//
Sonic breathes in deeply, trying to regain his cool. He’s seen so much bullshit in only a few seconds, so it makes sense. It almost feels like someone’s writing him into this crap, because of how bad it is.. but anyway.
About twenty or so feet away, there’s the entrance to a warehouse. In front of it, two people stand; a clownish creep, with eerily green hair, slicked back, and his lips smothered with tarnished red lipstick..and Danny, in something resembling a hero suit of sorts, with his hair and eyes now white and green, respectively. It’s quite the spectacle. So much so that there’s a few bat- and bird- themed people just a few rooftops away..watching.
After a few seconds of watching Danny interact with the freakish clown man, Sonic decides to rush in, standing between Danny and the clown, concern leaving his eyes looking wide and more unusual than normal. The clown pays little mind to him, trying to talk with Danny, intrigue lighting up his thin, sharp features. “Oho, another!” the clown starts. “I’ve never seen anything quite like you two before.” Sonic stands defensively in front of Danny, arms stretched out to protect him. “Yeah, and I’ve never seen a clown become the butt of their own joke, but here you are,” Sonic retorts, with a scowl. He’s going full defensive. Behind him, however, Danny doesn’t seem nearly as bothered as one might expect.
A while earlier, Danny had just arrived, drawn in by the noise. Only to see a clown near the source of the sound and some bat furry guy and his supposed accomplices some buildings away, just watching? He was not pleased. Flying down to the clown, he discovered that the horrible shrieking was just the laugh of this nasty clown..or a ringmaster..? Less clown-like..reminds him of that weirdo from Circus Gothica. Danny shivers, immediately uncomfortable. “So, who are you, and what are you doing?” Danny starts, ready to interrogate. The ringmaster-clown-guy shrugs, with a cruel giggle; “Oh, you know, a bit of this, a bit of that.” Danny rolls his eyes, noticing his dodging of the question. The clown dude looks Danny up and down, in a way that makes him so much creepier. “Are you, mayhaps, one of them?” Danny looks at where the clown is pointing- the bat furry and some other furries. “Uh, no way, don’t know who that furry is, never seen him before today-” Danny starts, before being rudely interrupted by the ringmaster-clown’s horrible laughter. “He isn’t quite a furry, but it’s funny you see him as such! He’s Batman, kid. And you are?” Danny looks at the clown guy, deciding that his non-hostility leaves him somewhat okay to respond to..especially if he’s gonna start building his rep back up. “Phantom. You know, usually one should say their own name first during an introduction,” Danny says, with a curious expression. “But you didn’t. Who are you, then?” The ringmaster grins wildly as he proclaims, “The Clown Prince of Crime, the Joker, one and only!” Danny’s face pales slightly; this guy is definitely not a good guy, with a name and title like that. Maybe I shouldn’t have indulged him, he thinks.
Danny takes a step back, feeling a lot less safe around this “Joker” guy. He hasn’t done anything wrong yet, but he certainly will try, won’t he?
As Sonic arrives at the scene, Batman almost takes action. These people..where have they come from? He nor any of his colleagues habe met them, that’s for sure- he’d know if they had. A boy called “Phantom”, clearly a meta, and some blue spiky meta. Unusual and sudden appearances could mean..something big. But it seems that the situation is dying down for now.. so he swoops away, bringing the rest of his team with him.
Sonic glares at the clown, not knowing what he may have done or not done to Danny. Danny steps up behind Sonic, whispering in his ear, “He’s some sort of prankster, I think? Calls himself “Joker”. He hasn’t done anything yet.” Sonic lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. Whispering back, he murmurs, “Let’s just go, for now. He gives me the heebie-jeebies.” Danny nods, and Sonic promptly grabs Danny and runs away, with incredibly speed, the Joker looking at the two of them and waving as they escape the scene.
Now back at their makeshift home, Sonic asks, “Why did you leave?” He puts Danny down and looks up at him, a bit saddened. “I thought something bad could’ve happened, or you were afraid of me…” He sighs. Danny looks at Sonic, eyes sympathetic and kind; “I woke up and was too worried to sleep. Sorry. I just..wanted to scope out the town. And, uh..I think we have some more things to talk about..” He gestures to himself, and then to Sonic. “Some abilities and backstories we need to share.”
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bigfemboyenergy · 2 months
dropping another fic??! (not sure)
just an idea but i kinda want to write a sonic x jjba fic..vento aureo but its just the 3 dead guys as sonic characters trying to navigate and maybe theyll accidentally travel to an alternate universe somehow idk sounds kinda fun,, but in all honesty i just like drawing bucciarati as sonic (im not valid at all for that but well pretend i am)
yeah bucci sonic design goes hard (no it does not do not quote me on it (he fucking looks like dora but he slays it)) so its been invading my brain because i like sonic for some reason !! also why did no one tell me theres an ihop sonic event rn cause bro i would love to try a knuckle sandwich. or like sonics item which i dont remember. yes technically it is a knuckle sandwich, that you can quote me on..
summary: i like sonic, i like bucciarati, why not?. HOLY SHIT WHAT IF I ROHAN KISHIBE’D SHADOW..sorry thats so random but im thinking as i type and as an avid lover of everything rohan i lowkey want to draw him now.. i forgor he existed but i rediscovered him and now hes like. back in the front of my brain (kinda like when i remembered reigen existed a while back..silly conman)
i will not lie my motivation likes to hate on me but if you want more lmk in an ask or comment !! this goes for any of my stories, id love to make a new chap dedicated to ya (cause yall are so inspiring 😍)
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bigfemboyenergy · 2 months
new obsession just dropped
well, sadly, i may postpone some sonic x dp x dc if anyone actually cares about that..cause oh no, i dropped into a new obsession, and it’s taken over my being, how terrible! yeah it’s helluva boss by the way. im going to draw 7 of the characters this week and its gonna take up my brain functions and writing on the side while not being inspired to do so is just not part of the plan 😃
oh and my bday is pretty soon, im getting new stuff for my new french pastry colored room, and so much shit other than that so haha. preeetty busy. but if anyone wants to see the hb art im making i wouldnt mind posting it (so far, i have moxxie and stolas drawn, though moxxie looks pretty mid)
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