#deancas meta
deanwasalwaysbi · 1 year
Cas wanted Dean to know he deserved nice things. He just didn't know he was nice things.
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hells-plaid-angel · 2 years
An existential crisis counts as a prayer. Dean learnt this in the most inconvenient way possible. 
It was just him, Baby and the highway. Sam had decided to run a case with Eileen and Dean was getting restless, so he had to chase some ghosts of his own. Cas was doing whatever the hell he did when he wasn’t with the brothers. Something to do with Heaven, other angels, and the end of the world. Regular Tuesday stuff, in their lives. 
The thing was Dean was alone. Him and the highway. Another lone hunt. If not for the ache in his bones from the long drive, he’d say he was twenty-six again. The highway and in theory, the whole world, resided just outside the Impala’s windows. In theory, he could go anywhere. He could do anything. Yet, he was on a hunt, wishing to be anywhere else, with anyone else besides himself. It was history repeating itself. He wondered if he lived another ten years if he’d find himself alone on another highway. Sam and Eileen were getting cosy. Dean was happy for them. He was, but he was also having to face the fact that he might end up being alone, again. 
There was always Cas. The angel operated like a summer storm. He appeared from nowhere. His visits were always fleeting. A storm was a natural occurrence, there was no end to storms, but you couldn’t set your watch to them. There were always droughts. You couldn’t count on a storm to hang around. Dean could count on having Cas around some of the time, but not always. 
He let the wheel drift and felt the car roll onto the rumble strip of the road. He hoped it’d shake some sense into him, shake the thoughts loose. It was easier with other people around, they distracted him. The wheel jerked from Dean’s hand, veering the car back into the centre of his lane. Dean blinked down and saw a hand hovering over the steering wheel. 
“Dean,” Cas breathed in lieu of his normal ‘Hello, Dean’. His voice sounded thin. At first, he thought Cas was irritated, but when he got a better look at the man, bathed in the glow of the intermittent highway lights, he realised Cas was worried. 
“What happened?” Dean asked, ready to hear how their latest endeavour to stop the apocalypse had gone down in flames. 
“I was about to ask you the same thing,” Cas confessed. 
“I thought you were in danger. I felt... odd,” The angel elaborated. 
Dean wasn’t an idiot, it didn’t take him too long to put two and two together. He’d been thinking about Cas, wishing Cas was there. He guessed that was as good a prayer as any. He wasn’t about to confess that though. 
“Maybe your angel radio has its wires crossed,” He reasoned. Cas gave him a look, to let Dean know he didn’t think that was the case, but thankfully he didn’t argue. If anyone asked Dean about their ‘profound bond’ he would call it bullshit, but at times like this, he wondered if there could be a bit of truth to it.
Instead, Cas asked where Sam was and then about the case. He gave Dean an update on what had happened on his end since the two last spoke. He didn’t seem in a hurry to leave. Dean hoped Cas still couldn’t feel him ‘praying’ because no matter how hard he tried to stop his brain from begging Cas to stay, it all went the way of the ‘don’t think about pink elephants’ thing. All he wanted Cas to do was stay. Dean lost track of how their conversation got there but he found himself speaking,
“Cas, you ever think people like us could learn to stay in one place... settle down?”  
If Cas was a summer storm, Dean was a fish in a river. He was always drifting through life. He could go with the flow of the water or he could fight his way upstream. Either way, he’d be in the same damn river. There was a world outside the water, of course, but in that world of stillness, Dean couldn’t breathe.  Storms come to rivers. Rivers don’t come to storms. Dean didn’t know how to vocalise any of this. Even if he could, he wouldn’t. 
“Probably not,” Cas admitted pragmatically, suddenly refusing to look at Dean. 
“But I believe, perhaps ‘people like us’ could learn to be unsettled, together.” 
Dean had heard enough stories, praised both as signs of God, meddling of the occult and freak incidences, easily explained away by science about times where the sky rained fish. Maybe that was what he and Cas were, a freak incident that might just work. 
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loveofastarvingdog · 2 years
okay okay having thoughts having thoughts about like, how cas cared for all of humanity and the whole world because of dean and how dean could have cared for monsters because of cas but instead we got *gestures at dean’s continuing deep-seated mistrust and hatred of inhuman things*
like “when is a monster not a monster? oh, when you love it” except with dean and cas because honestly!!!! monsters who don’t want to be monsters and who try not to be and who do all they can, who just had bad luck or got dealt a shitty hand– they’re so compelling to me!!
and then the layers too of like, dean thinking of himself as a monster for everything he’s done, and the catch-22 cycle of if-i-accept-myself-how-many-monsters-deserve-that-too? and if-not-every-monster-is-a-monster-than-what-am-i?
anyways, just throwing thoughts out there but ohhh it’s delicious to think about
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I have never been so excited to live through the collective memories of Goncharov, that slowly by surely are following up to parallels with Destiel. As much as we know, Supernaturav used Goncharov main premise, to be stretched all along of 15 years of TV. By diluting one of its main themes, of how to avoid Gay sex love to happen explicitly on screen, but including it on the main performances that followed its own subtext. Could have changed so many convoluted outcomes, and avoid a poorly executed finale.
I wonder if isn't just a coincidence that we re-discovered Goncharov's greatness in November.
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miraclerizuin · 1 year
how castiel breaks s4e18
418 “the monster at the end of this book” is a lesson in accepting your destiny and following the plan and cas just DOESN’T bc dean made sad eyes at him
thee love story etc
you can obviously debate how much of the story is predestined and how much is self-determined by the characters right up to the rusty nail and the party city wig but the statement by chuck in s15 that castiel has repeatedly not done as he was instructed throughout his entire acquaintance with dean has contributed to the interpretation that cas “invented free will” by rebelling against heaven to help dean in season 4.  you can’t change what is written but in this episode, sam’s encounter with lilith was written and dean and cas changed it.  I think dean choosing to call on cas at that moment is a big deal.  despite cas’s proclamations of faith in the plan he has confided his doubts in dean!   this told dean that he could trust cas when he was desperate.  and cas follows through!  cas knows his orders are not to interfere and he could tell himself that this was just to keep dean from abandoning the mission but angels are supposed to be pure and absolute and unfeeling and castiel sees another way forward.  a way where dean doesn’t hate him.
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alfalfapie · 1 month
my new Destiel theory: Dean couldn't say I love you not because of his own denial of the fact but because Chuck refused to write it like Chuck's weird psycho-sexual obsession with Dean made him so twisted that rather than allow his character to follow a natural arc that the character itself wanted to follow (see s8 rewrite of "I love you" into "I need you"), he just kept dodging it through increasingly ridiculous and pathetic ploys. he couldn't bear to watch Dean choose free will (Cas) over his heavenly ordained plan, so he just kept fucking with their relationship (see every divorce/widower arc, and all the other will they/won't they shit). really puts Cas's "What's real? We are." into context. like they are, in fact, the only real thing, despite Chuck's attempts to dismantle their relationship.
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t00muchheart · 1 month
I’m sorry the fact that when Castiel pulled Dean out of Hell he proclaimed “Dean Winchester has been saved” with such force that it broke through Anna’s humanity to the angelic part of her mind is something we don’t talk about enough actually
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strawlessandbraless · 4 months
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That one time Lucifer confirmed Destiel and Dean’s feelings for Cas
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sensitivesiren · 3 months
just a reminder it's canon that Dean took Castiel to Hot Topic to pick out a grumpy cat plushie for Claire's birthday.
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insanesonofabitch · 7 months
Thinking about how the plot of season 6 wouldn’t make sense if you do not acknowledge the fact that Cas and Crowley working together was an affair, or at least it felt like so to Dean.
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Majority of the people that I heard saying that they disliked that conflict, say that it doesn’t make sense because Dean should’ve understood Cas’ point of view. And that Dean has also worked with demons before, more than once, out of desperation. Which is why he doesn’t have the right to be mad. And I understand that. But it wasn’t about working with demons. No. Not really. The thing that hurt Dean the most about Cas’ choice was how he chose to ask for help from Crowley, instead of him. Cas chose Crowley over him.
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“Look me in the eye, and tell me you’re not working with Crowley…”
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“You’re in it with him? You and Crowley?? You’re going after purgatory together??? You have, huh? This whole time!”
“No, you had a choice. You just made the wrong one.”
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“I was there. Where were you?”
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The plot literally doesn’t make sense if you do not acknowledge destiel or crowstiel or deancascrowley. And I think that’s insane, especially for a show from 2005.
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cupidswurld · 7 months
last night i watched the first episode in supernatural and within 10 minutes i put it on pause because in NO way, through the 15 seasons, should anyone be happy with how dean's story ends with him dying whilst hunting
because in the 10 minutes that ive learnt about him is that he's spent his entire life fighting, and he dies FIGHTING
no satisfying narrative ends like that, especially not for one thats run for 15 years
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deanwasalwaysbi · 2 years
All Dean needed was for Cas to stay and all Cas needed was for Dean to ask.
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you can't convince me dean wasn't already in love with castiel by s11 like. what do you mean on the episode where dean is hung up, nay, borderline desperate to find a way to get castiel back, the case they land just so happens to be handled by a hunter couple (a romantic! mlm! couple!!!!!)
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dean dead ass asks them how it's like to settle down with these big green eyes just so full of longing and understanding.
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and this ending, don't even get me started on this ending
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they got me in the first half, not gonna lie, with jesse's "they killed my brother" revenge story and cesar's ride-or-die support but then. this sealed the deal.
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horses???? hello mr. dean cowboy fetish winchester????? and emt???? when castiel's a whole ass healer mage with his angel mojo???? TELL ME I'M NOT DELUSIONAL
The narrative is giving, "see? this can happen. happiness does exist in this universe, but only from a far enough distance that dean and sam can yearn for it without really getting it."
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destiel-wings · 7 months
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this is dean directly speaking to us with the fanfiction writing power and living outside of the narrative he's trapped in, asking us to do what chuck and the cw don't allow him to have
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thefableddestiel · 15 days
Here’s a parallel I noticed that highlights the difference between Cas relationship with Dean and Cas relationship with Sam pretty well. Episodes 10x22 vs 14x15
When MOC Dean is beating up Cas, Cas doesn’t hit back even once. The most he does is try to bear hug him from behind to calm him down. But not a single punch.
When Sam is Justin Smith, Cas says he won’t hurt him, but he actually does pick him up and slam him into the ground. It’s not a big deal, obviously he knows Sam can take it, but it’s something he wouldn’t even do with Dean.
Before the actual fighting, Cas tells dean, “I’m your friend… I’ll be the one that watches you murder the world.” And then when MOC Dean is on top of Cas holding the angel blade to him, Cas holds onto the wrist Dean has on his tie and the only thing he says is, “please”. He doesn’t even try to grab the hand holding the knife. And then Dean stops.
On the other hand, when Sam is on top of Cas trying to stab him, Cas uses an entirely different approach. He’s forcibly holding back Sam’s arm that’s holding the angel blade. He tells him he understands that he wants to be happy, but that if he does this he fails the people they lost. He says “if you do this you fail Jack. Sam, you fail Dean.” And that makes Sam stop.
The difference that’s so stark is that Cas has to appeal to Sam through talking about Dean. But Cas can appeal to Dean through his own relationship to him. He doesn’t need to bring up what it will do to Sam or anyone else, because their own relationship is powerful enough and he knows it.
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Credit to: @sodiumfreak @breha @stepdaddean @sundryvillains @autisticandroids @omniscientoranges
Metanatural part eight of ?
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