#detroit become human blogs
shhtickerbook · 4 months
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decided to make a lil ref for my little! Connor from my super old dbh agere fic “honest comfort” on ao3
(have not updated in a while soz)
I was defo inspired by @cutiecorner to do a ref like this :)
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codename-adler · 28 days
Sumo passes away half a decade after the Android Revolution.
it’s the greatest grief Connor has ever known. it’s only the second for Hank, because Cole, but Connor’s pain hits him hard. he’s barely into his fifties when they bury Sumo, but Hank’s been thinking about it for a long while. how he’s got less time than Connor. so much less.
Connor has outright admitted, in the past, that his deviancy was brought on by Hank. that if not for Hank, he would not have broken through. it scares Hank, how much meaning he has given to Connor’s life, without even trying. it scares Hank, how deep and dark the android’s grief is. he can’t help but think back to what Kara told Connor a long time ago, before he’d released her and Alice; that there was nothing worth going on for in a world without Alice, and that she would simply cease to exist should she lose the girl.
Hank won’t have that for Connor. as much as he tries to rationalize that he can’t possibly be Connor’s whole world, he’s not an idiot. there’s a reason Connor’s never brought up his fear of losing Hank: that’s because the day Hank passes, there won’t be a next one for Connor either. Hank knows Connor. Connor knows that Hank knows. it’s so simple, really, in Connor’s mind. it’s logical.
it’s stupid, is what it is, in Hank’s opinion. but he gets it. if it hadn’t been for Sumo, after Cole, Hank wouldn’t even be there. and how many times, even, had he come close to ending it all despite his good boy? Hank gets it. he really does. he just won’t have it.
so he gets another dog. a pup, tiny little thing, barely a month old. she was from a litter picked up by another squad of the DPD, after closing down an illegal puppy mill near the city limits. Hank thought it was almost too soon, a year after Sumo, but he also felt a sense of urgency, as if it were already too late.
he brings the little thing back to his desk, hidden in his coat, the baby shivering. he sits down and kept the pup there until Connor comes back to his own desk, back from one of his solo cases. he was just that good, now. flying on his own, respected by all. still he preferred to have Hank by his side. partners through and through.
Connor clocks Hank’s strange posture immediately, as well as an odd heat signature on his chest. alarm bells ring in his head for a millisecond before Hank opens up his coat and motions for Connor to come closer. there it is, the little thing, little dog, small and warm, burrowed into Hank’s chest. it brings Connor to his knees. the sight of it all… the pride in Hank’s eyes, the joy in his smile, his face regaining some youth and losing lines, just because of the small creature, just because he was doing it all for Connor.
Connor rests his forehead on Hank’s knee, trying to hide his tears of both grief and happiness. Hank transfers the little dog into one hand only and uses the other one to card through Connor’s hair. Connor is too curious and overjoyed to hide too long; he lifts his head to look closer at the puppy, in awe. he delicately holds out a finger and brushes it between the baby’s eyes. he loves her instantly. when he looks up at Hank and nods, eyes still watery, Hank holds out the dog to him, insistent, until the little thing lays in Connor’s arms, snug as a bug, for the rest of the work day, then in their car as well, and into their home.
there would only ever be one Hank Anderson, Connor’s Hank; there will never be another Sumo; and this little thing there, she’ll be the only of her kind. but there will always be dogs for Connor to take care of; always another one to move forward for, another one to save, to raise, to love. and technology’s progressed so much more still, no one knows the limits of human and android lives anymore. it’s hard to count the time.
it’s not hard to be in the now, when you’ve got a dog full of life eating at your socks and sofa. and Connor really does like dogs.
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detroitbecomeonline · 5 months
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I COLOURED HIM!!!!!!!! @autiacorart your line art slaps. It was a privilege to stare at while I picked out various shades of brown.
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rking200 · 1 month
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Ralph in the camp. Some of these I made in other sizes. Check those out the Ralph Page of my Gif Archive
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crabs-brencil · 3 months
older art dump bc this is literally my only true storage of my art rn and it hurts my hand too much to scroll all the way through my posts lol huzzah
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ew there's a 10 photo limit i guess i have to start picking favourites now
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kissoflightning · 4 months
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Meme Caption: [That Feeling When] You Accidentally Reply As The Wrong Blog
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can-they-do-a-rko · 21 days
How successful would Markus…
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peeptheaesthetic · 10 months
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I was able to deviate Connor on my first play-through!
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smallfortune · 1 year
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Wonders of technology... They can even program assholes these days...
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qrjung · 9 months
NORTH — common fandom misconceptions¹
Instead of doing other stuff I had planned (like touching grass, for instance) I did a little character analysis thing specifically for my favorite characters; Kara, Markus and North. these characters are my babies and they deserve love. I'm posting each separately (because I haven't completed Kara's and Markus yet 👩🏾‍🦯)
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North is a WR400 android that used to be stationed at the Eden Club. She's only been at Jericho since October 7th, and on October 4th she followed a human customer home and killed him to allow herself escape. It takes her four days to reach Jericho and she never says how she finds the freighter or what she did during those four days.
She's Markus' main companion and the only character that can reach Lover status with him. She's also the only one of his lieutenants that can lead the revolution in his place.
But there's a huge difference between how fanon sees North (and how she is characterized) and how she actually is.
O1. "BLOOD THIRSTY": Comparing North with the multiple characters who are bloodthirsty, and fanon perception of these characters, you start to notice that North herself isn't even "blood thirsty" and that the fandom has no problems with violent characters.
In terms of kill count, Connor has the highest in the game (not counting the millions that probably died in the nuclear bomb ending) rather than North.
You could argue that North wants to "kill all humans" but even that has no basis in canon because North's entire argument is that humans are not going to just hand them freedom and they have to be prepared to fight rather than try to compromise or find a middle ground where they will probably end up losing more.
Her argument does not extend to unnecessary acts of violence such as killing humans just for the fun of it. If it was, I'm sure she'd lead a charge down the street and start shooting innocents but the people who end up being killed by North are law enforcement/military—people standing in the way of Jericho's safety.
I mean, c'mon, she has the opportunity to let the android with the cobalt bomb do what he wants. After all, it would greatly benefit the androids if they'd used the bomb from the beginning; it wouldn't have harmed the androids in Jericho but it would drive all the humans out of Detroit—victory!
But instead she takes the time to talk the android down and take the detonator away from him.
She gives the bomb to Markus as a last resort.
"If the humans overcome us, our people will disappear forever. This may be our only chance to survive if things go wrong."
O2. "SHE DOESN'T CARE ABOUT MARKUS": Thank you @konami-code-ao3 for reminding this take existed because I genuinely forgot about it. This is typically used to compare North to Simon and the quality of either one's relationship with Markus. Usually, people will call Simon compassionate, loving, kind, willing to die for Markus, etc to contrast to North while stating she's the exact opposite and therefore, "not good for him".
Shipping a non canon couple doesn't mean automatically hating the canon partner. I mean, you don't see me raving about how much I hate North because, I think Markus/Connor would have been a cool canon option, do you?
Typically, the North hate from Simarkus shippers (before anyone goes "not all of us", I know it's not all, but you get the implication of what I'm saying) is justified by "oh, they should have been canon boo!!" Which is strange because North has nothing to do with what writer of the game decides is canon. And David Cage does a piss poor job at everything in the game; from the racial allegory to demonizing a black man's anger. You seriously think he's going to do a good job of portraying a gay couple? An interracial one at that? I can already see the image of how terribly that's going to go.
And the worst part is, I've seen this happening in many fandoms. Unnecessary hate directed at a female character because she's "getting in the way of a mlm ship" as if canon ever stopped anyone, least of all the DBH fandom.
It should also be noted that I'm not here to deny or confirm whether Simon actually has any of those qualities I listed earlier and I try to ignore shipping discourse but it's strange that people are willing to overlook the multiple times North can help and defend Markus just because they want make Markus and Simon kiss.
She's the one we see defend Markus the most. She's his closet companion and whether they're romantic or not it doesn't take away from the fact the North cares about Markus and his wellbeing. She's always looking out for him and picking up the broken pieces of whatever mistakes he makes, sometimes even when she shouldn't.
O3. "DISLOYAL": Like most of the things in this list, this does a great disservice to North. It ignores the countless times North is willing to put herself on the line for the safety of Jericho and the androids within it. Because at her core, North is very loyal. She's the type of ally perfect for a cause like Jericho's because you know she'll defend it till her last breath.
See, North's top priority is Jericho. It's very important to her. Jericho is a sanctuary; she found it during the four days between her escape and her arrival. You can assume that she had been wandering before someone (another android) gave her the key and told her to find Jericho.
She finds a place cut off from the rest of humanity. Where she's surrounded by androids who are just like her. Androids who escaped from different lives, for whatever reason and are seeking refuge. Of course she's not going to want to lose them. Jericho is a representation of the state of the android race. The continuation of their species depends on at least a few of them surviving to see another day.
In fact, I'm 110% sure if North was in Simon's place during the Stratford Mission, she would have made the choice to end her life on the spot rather than leave Markus to decide. Because Jericho is at stake and Jericho is important to North. Besides, she can go out knowing she died for a case she believed in.
North is usually willing to put Jericho above all else and make decisions other people might find difficult. She suggests that Simon be killed after he is compromised because once he's found, Jericho's location could be acquired.
She risks her life multiple times for the revolution. She gives Markus her heart so he can continue the revolution when it seems like all else has failed. She tells him to leave her behind and run if she gets shot by Warren's soldiers.
North also doesn't see any important reason why Jericho should ever be compromised by one of their own. In her eyes, the worst thing you can do is sell out to the humans (case in point if you accept Perkins deal).
I find her dedication to her people admirable.
O4. "ANGER ISSUES/IMPULSE CONTROL": Another fandom interpretation that came from... nowhere. The times we ever see North angry is when one of the others compromises the mission by being inefficient or if they cross her boundaries. The GIF I used in this post is one example. If you fail to hide and the drone spots you and then you miss your QTEs while trying to dismantle the drone, she gets pissed. In the same Chapter if Markus kisses her without her consent, she gets angry.
In terms of being erratic, Todd and Leo are the main characters we see with this problem. Hank also displays a lot of anger issues throughout the game. He's one of the first humans to harass Connor—he grabs him by his collar and threatens him multiple times (at Jimmy's bar, the precinct), he shoots him in the head and kills him. He pulls a gun on his coworker Gavin Reed (another aggressive human) while in the precinct .²
There's an entire list of people with anger issues to burn through before we even start considering North—and this includes androids.
This characterization may also be because a lot of people see disagreeing with someone as being angry with them because North and the other Jericho leaders do disagree with each other a lot. But quite frankly, the fact that they disagree means a higher possibility of reaching a compromise that benefits Jericho instead of them all pretending they agree with each other.
This take also ignores the fact that she respects whatever Markus (i.e the player) chooses as his final decision.
For instance, In the Stratford Tower, Markus can choose to Ruse the guards rather than kill them. North doesn't like this option but she lets him go with it. But if Markus fails at the ruse, North steps in and knocks the guards out for him. She doesn't kill them, even if she suggests this at first.
She understands that Markus wants a revolution without human casualties and as much as she disagrees, she still respects that.
That's right, people can disagree with someone and still respect that they have different opinions.
O5. "HEARTLESS": North isn't the nicest, sweetest, most flowery person in the game but a character could be the harshest person to exist and it would never stop anyone from liking them. So why North?
But first, North isn't even as heartless as the fandom says she is. She's just not docile and folks don't like that. Because god forbid a woman ever have a personality that isn't the cardboard cut out "nice girl". I mean, on a normal day, not liking someone because they're a little mean is understandable but it's clearly not a problem of being "a little mean" when there's characters (all male, by the way) who are worse but still get applauded for it.
Like I mentioned earlier, North isn't even what you would call "mean". The most she does is state her opinion and stand by her beliefs but she gets labelled as "heartless" and "bitchy". Meanwhile, Gavin Reed is pointing guns at people and suggesting to "rough up" a suspect but he's the relatable character.
O1. She trusts Connor the moment he deviates. Unlike Markus, she never has to choose between killing Connor or trusting him. She easily welcomes him within Jericho's ranks even though he's been a threat to Jericho's safety from the beginning.
I suppose she sees Connor as a pawn in Cyberlife's hands and there's no use in punishing one of their own for that.
And sure, this can be rationalized as "It doesn't mean anything. Markus is dead the game has to continue so North doesn't actually have to choose to trust Connor", I ask you this question; "If she's so bloodthirsty, why didn't the game have her kill Connor with no questions asked?"
Seems like an effective way to punish players who got Markus killed. A nice reminder to not lose your playable characters or there will be major consequences.
O2. North isn't an outlier. This is in terms of her opinions on the direction the revolution should head. I usually see a lot of people characterize her opinion on the revolution as though it is unique and she's the only person who has a stance like that.
A lot of androids agree with her, evidenced by the background conversations you can listen in on during the crossroads chapter.
"They're going to kill us all! Well I'm willing to fight. We can't just let them slaughter us!"
"We were just there. We didn't do anything wrong!… We just wanted to tell them "We want freedom!"… Then they opened fire!.. It was carnage. Carnage…"
"They opened fire on us even though we were unarmed… Hundreds of us died there, the place was covered with blue blood!.. We cannot just sit here and watch them murder us, we've gotta defend ourselves! We've gotta fight back, we have no choice!"
I believe North represents most of Jericho. Somewhere in David Cabbage's mind, she also represents Markus' "android side" or something similar to that — the side the game pushes you to resist— but she's not the outlier, Josh is the outlier.
O3. Markus' arrival reignites her hope that androids can one day be free. She tells him this over and over but I don't think people really comprehend what that means. I imagine North before the revolution had the hope of a better life slowly sucked out of her with each new bad thing and the longer Jericho's situation got worse. It's a beautiful thing that she gets that hope back.
North is a really interesting character with many aspects to her, even speaking in-universe terms. I would have talked about those other aspects but I'm trying to stay on theme. I also didn't touch on all the misconceptions because some of them we're honestly too absurd for me to even bother (like the one comparing her to Todd, what the fuck?)
²sure you could argue that Hank was trying to protect Connor from Gavin but Hank is Gavin's superior officer. He has authority over him. There's no need for a gun.
¹funny little thing I did while writing this was that I went looking for fandom opinions on North since a lot of people hated her. But I was unable to find concrete stances. Most of them were usually "she's annoying" "she's too flat" and "she's too violent" without ever actually explaining why. Nobody ever gave a genuine explanation. And it was impossible to come up with anything against groundless arguments so, I circled back to Tumblr to see what I could find but it was a similar problem. It's like people don't know why they hate North. Just that they do.
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natsuki-bakery · 1 month
⁎˚ ఎ Markus care giver headcanons ໒ ˚⁎
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hello!! could i request some headcanons for caregiver!markus for dbh? im unsure if you write for him so if u dont its ok!! thank you, and have a good timezone <3
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•Markus tends to care for littles who are around 6 to 10 years old. He finds that age range particularly endearing and enjoys nurturing their innocence !
•Markus likes to be called : Dada Markie or Papa
•He takes care mainly of North, Josh and Simon, and maybe, Leo ?
•Markus has a naturally calming presence, which helps his littles feel safe and secure. He often uses gentle words and gestures to reassure them during moments of distress or anxiety
•Markus enjoys engaging his littles in creative activities like drawing, painting, or crafting. He finds that these activities not only stimulate their imagination !
•One of Markus's favorite activities is reading bedtime stories to his littles. He enjoys selecting a variety of books that cater to their interests and encourages them to explore new worlds through literature
•Markus creates a safe and welcoming environment for his Littles, where they feel free to express them without judgement !
•Music Therapy: He incorporates music into his caregiving routine, using it as a therapeutic tool to soothe his littles. He often plays gentle melodies on the piano or sings lullabies to help them relax and unwind
•Dada Markie enjoys involving his Littles in the cooking process, teaching them simple recipes and culinary skills along the way !
•Markus loves to cook homemade meals for his littles, filling the house with the aroma of freshly prepared dishes
•He believes in the importance of routine and structure for his Littles. He establishes consistent daily routines that provide a sense of stability and predictability, helping them feel secure and grounded.
•Would call them : sweetheart, sunshine, champion, treasure and little one
•Above all, Markus's love for his littles is unconditional. He cares for them deeply and is always there to offer comfort, guidance, and support whenever they need it !!
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shhtickerbook · 4 months
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tiny android very sleeby from solving crimes all day
💙 my first fandom agere art pls be nice
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auyuyu006 · 2 months
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Drew a cutie pie
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wrylu · 4 months
hank no
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gavin-reed-is-gay · 2 months
Every day I am more tempted to watch Detroit: Evolution
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honey-beann · 1 year
Ruiner, Ruination (RK900 x Reader)
Chapter One: Naming Nines
Series Masterlist
Series Synopsis:
After Gavin Reed, the biggest asshat in the DPD refuses to work with the newest android detective, the only RK900 in existence, you find yourself being offered the opportunity in his stead. Post successful android revolution, with a very recently deviated android partner at your side, will the two of you gain the same level of success as Hank and Connor, or will your different manifestations of humanity, and all of the feelings that come along with it, get in the way?
AKA: Reader and Nines get partnered up and grow closer over a series of one-shots and random cases.
Will you become RK900's ruination?
Chapter Content Warnings: None
Word Count: 2,579
"Absolutely not!"
The sounds of shouting nearly made you groan as you slumped down further in your desk, trying to ignore the grown man throwing a temper tantrum clearly visible through the glass just a few yards in front of you.
"Sounds like Gavin found out about his new android partner, huh?"
Muttered one of your coworkers from behind you, and you lamented internally at all of the bitching you were going to be subjected to as a result of this mess. Having your desk situated just a few feet across from Detective Reed's meant having to hear all about his newest complaints and disagreements, even if you had absolutely no interest in them at all. Back when you were still considered a rookie just a year prior, you had hoped this had all been a test, and that you would soon be moved to a less bothersome location, but as time went on with no complaints from you, Fowler appeared to have decided that the arrangement worked just fine as a permanent fixture.
You were less than pleased.
Trying not to be as obvious in your staring as your coworkers, you placed your tablet in your lap, looking up from the blank screen every few seconds to watch Gavin push at some other expensive looking object, his eyes wild with an anger you had grown all too familiar with throughout your somewhat brief time here at the station. Needless to say, you were not a fan of Detective Reed and his childishness, and this extreme act of crazed rage only made you all the more aware of how ridiculous and dramatic he could be.
"All this over some android partner?"
You muttered under your breath, rolling your eyes before returning them down to the tablet in front of you, still blank as you tried to look as busy as possible despite your light work load.
Working in the android crimes unit alongside Lieutenant Anderson, Connor, and Detective Reed had been no walk in the park so far, especially not when the first two made such an incredible team. You and Gavin, on the other hand, had been urged to try your best for a few months, before it was ultimately decided that you both worked best on your own. Or, at least, that's what the amicable write up said. In reality, Reed had made it impossible to work with him over the course of just three months, and after that, you had outright refused a partnership. If you were supposed to receive any form of repercussions for this, they never came, and now, watching Gavin rant and rave through the glass of Fowler's office, you were pretty sure that you knew why.
How could anyone truly expect someone to work well with one of the biggest assholes in the entire city of Detroit?
Yourself and the rest of your coworkers watched on for a while, as Gavin continued to argue his case against a potential asset to his one man show of a team, rolling your eyes jointly at his dramatics until finally, Fowler put his head in his hands and exasperatedly motioned for your desk neighbor to leave. Begrudgingly, you watched as Reed did just that, grumbling something under his breath that had your boss glaring at his back as he exited the room.
Everything was quiet as Gavin approached the desk across from yours once more, and everyone tried to look as busy as possible despite the obvious lack of commotion within the usually busy police department.
You relished in that near silence for a few minutes, before suddenly, Fowler's angry voice sounded from just outside of his office door, his glare fixated on Gavin despite you being the only person he was talking to.
Damn, Gavin really had pissed him off, huh?
"Detective L/n!"
He shouted, and you swallowed thickly before standing at once, nodding in his direction to show that you were listening, At the sight of an actually obedient employee, Fowler seemed to calm a bit, although you noted that his hands were still clenched into fists as he spoke,
"How would you like your very own android partner?"
Shocked, you stared at your boss as if he had lost his mind, fighting the urge to ask him if he was sure he had the right person. You were just barely out of rookie status, nowhere near important enough to have earned an android of your own. But, then again, Gavin had blown it, and the unit needed more hands on experts, whether Gavin wanted to work with one them or not, so in the end, you were pretty much the only other option if they didn't want an android going about solving crimes alone.
Swallowing back your various questions and concerns in favor of simply answering the question at hand, you nodded once at your superior,
"It would be crazy of me to say no to an opportunity like that, sir."
You replied as cooly as possible, taking note of the way that Gavin sneered from his seat across from your own as he rolled his eyes at your words. He had called you a kiss ass since your arrival, but truthfully, you just knew when to use the right kind of language with the right kind of person, unlike the incredibly annoying detective you had been forced to call your partner just a few months back.
"Good. Glad to hear there's at least one sane person in the damn Android Crimes Unit."
He grumbled that last part before clearing his throat and speaking up once more,
"Your assigned model is an RK900, the only one in existence. It was originally created as a prototype advanced deviant hunter, but ever since it's... deviance a few months prior, along with the results of the android revolution, employment in a separate area started being considered. You will guide this android in your field work, and maintain a professional relationship with him regardless of your differences, do I make myself clear?"
Shocked to have heard Fowler address this in front of everyone rather than in a private meeting, you nodded quickly and eagerly in response to his words, watching as your boss signed in relief and ran his hand across his face.
"Good. The model was brought by for tuning and integration this morning. He should be by your desk promptly."
Shocked, you opened your mouth to reply, maybe even ask a few questions, but before you could Fowler had returned to his glass enclosure, picking his desk phone up and dialing a number quickly, his shoulders tense and eyebrows drawn together.
Maybe right now wasn't the best time for questions regarding your new android partner.
Sighing, you sat back down once more, trying not to look nervous as you stared back down at the blank tablet on your desk once again.
That is, until a voice, slightly familiar, and somehow also incredibly foreign to you spoke up from your right.
You yelped in response to the sudden sound, jumping in your chair and twisting around to all but gawk at the intimidating man who stood before you.
He looked incredibly similar to Connor, but somehow the slight differences made him seem like a completely different person, and you could tell by the cold expression on his face that they would in no way be sharing similar personalities. Where Connor Anderson, the RK800 model who had deviated nine months ago, was warm and friendly, always ready to ask about your day, this RK900 model was clearly cool and calculated, his gaze consistently disapproving no matter where or who it happened to fall upon.
And to be the subject of said disapproval? It made you shiver before you could even speak up, giving the android in front of you the opportunity to do so first.
"Hello Detective L/n. I am an RK900 prototype built for the purpose of tracking down and dismantling deviants such as my predecessor. That being said, my previous function has been rendered inconsequential due to my status as deviant, and therefore, I have gained employment here, alongside the RK800 model known to you as Connor, in order to support the DPD in the development of android crimes. I understand that you are to be my partner in this task, is this correct?"
You blinked, shocked at the robotic tone of the supposed deviant who stood before you. You stared for a moment, taking in the crisp white jacket that adorned the android's shoulders, and the blinking model number that could be seen on his chest. He was incredibly intimidating, several inches taller than Connor, and far less friendly. It was as if this android felt no reason at all to utilize it's social interaction protocols, and you couldn't help but wonder if that was yet another unexplored area of deviancy.
Slowly, as if unsure of your own actions, you reached your hand out to the android in front of you, clearing your throat as you did so, trying to shake your nerves and muster up the courage to speak.
"I look forward to working with you..."
You trailed off hesitantly, your heartbeat quickening as you felt the unfamiliar chill of the RK900's hand against your own, that gaze never leaving you as your hands interlocked, shaking in greeting slowly,
"Is there something wrong?"
The RK900 model in front of you asked slowly, his words clearly enunciated and incredibly probing as they passed the artificial pink skin of his lips.
"I, uh, I guess I don't know what to call you."
The android quirked it's head in curiosity before it seemed to understand your words, and nodded,
"Ah, yes, your RK800 model-"
You corrected immediately, knowing how much the android in question disliked being called by his model number, your nerves leaving you for the briefest of moments as you stood up for your friend.
"Right, your... Connor"
The RK900 spoke slowly this time, as if testing the way that the sentence sounded in his ears, and you almost smiled at how much it reminded you of his predecessor.
Suddenly, as if he had been enlightened with the correct words to say, the RK900 model cleared his throat, and spoke up again,
"My predecessor, Connor as you call him, goes by a name. This name was given to him upon his distribution, in order to make him more relatable and easy to trust. I was not built to be trusted, nor related to. To put it simply, Detective, I was built for the purpose of destruction, ruination if you will, and that of my own kind in particular. Therefore, I was not given a name as Connor was upon the start of his mission."
You nodded softly, gazed upward at the oh so familiar stranger that stood above you,
"Right, I guess that does make sense... In that case, can we give you a name?"
You asked, tilting your head in question as the android before you stiffened a bit, quirking a brow in response,
"You wish to name me?"
He asked, and you shrugged softly, trying to ignore the heat that was building in your cheeks,
"Well, not exactly. You can pick it if you want to, I just want something to call you that isn't as long as your model number."
Nodding in understanding, the RK900 thought for a moment, before finally reaching what to him was the most logical conclusion.
"I will allow you to choose, since you are so keen on my having a new name to go by as your partner."
You could have sworn you saw the android smirk a bit as he spoke these words, but you shook it off and started thinking hard about potential names for the man in front of you.
This train of thought lasted far longer than you had ever initially anticipated, and eventually, you found yourself groaning out of frustration, hunched over a notepad at your desk two hours after your initial meeting with your new partner.
You offered hopefully, and the man in front of you shook his head for what had to be the one hundredth time that day, that shadow of a smug grin forming on his lips as he met your gaze again from the desk attached to your own, which he had made himself comfortable at shortly after his arrival.
"It just doesn't suit me."
He explained wryly, and you fought to roll your eyes in exasperation as he utilized the same excuse he had been using for the past twenty names. He had a reason to hate everything.
Sighing heavily, you moved to bury your head in your hands, rubbing at your cheeks before you let out an annoyed huff, glaring over at your new partner.
"Two hours in and you're already impossible."
"Oh, on the contrary, Detective."
The android's response was immediate, long and drawn out as he leaned forward so his elbow was on your desk rather than his own, his smirk predatory in a way that made you almost feel frightened as you swallowed thickly while desperately trying to come up with a new name.
"I think I am being quite cooperative. I mean, I've hardly said a thing about that untouched work load of yours."
He finished teasing, and you shot him another glare, as you stood to pace before your shared desk space.
"Well fine then, if a regular name doesn't work, how about something different?"
You asked exasperatedly, and the RK900 leaned forward towards you in what appeared to be mock anticipation,
"Different you say? Go on then Detective, what do you have in mind?"
You thought for a moment, struggling to think of anything, before finally, your eyes fell on that glowing model number upon his jacket, and finally it hit you.
You breathed out the name as if it were a prayer, and the android in front of you seemed to hum in response, watching you intently as your gaze moved to meet his own once more, challenging and unwavering.
Just what he was hoping to see.
"I like it."
He said after what had felt like an entire minute of deliberation, and you whooped victoriously and jumped excitedly about the small office in response to those three short words, your grin wide and splitting your face in two.
He watched, annoyed by your strange actions, yet somehow also entertained by how improvised and sudden all of your reactions felt to him.
Were all humans like this? If so, this job would get exhausting very fast.
Eventually, you slowed back down and had the sense to look a bit bashful as you sat across from the RK900 - 'Nines' once more, clearing your throat awkwardly as you started to look at your completely empty tablet for what felt like the one millionth time that day.
"I do hope you know that tablet has been depleted of battery life, Detective."
Nines' voice was laced with a bit of humor and cruelty as he spoke, and you groaned internally upon being caught.
You couldn't find the correct words to respond with, so instead you turned your face away from the man sitting on the other side of your desk, trying to focus on anything else but this near stranger who was supposed to be your partner sometime in the near future.
How were you ever going to make it through this with your sanity?
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