#dewey x rosalie
mastersprogram · 5 months
She’s Everything, He’s Just Ken.
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bjfinn · 5 months
Thank you for answering my question ages ago about Dewey and Rosalie! I think it’s such a shame that their relationship is such a short snippet in the musical… it could have really been expanded on! On that note… What do you think happened immediately after the show finished? Both with the kids and the adults, especially as Rosalie just kissed Dewey and practically lied to the police to help him! Thank you, and I’m so glad there’s someone who loves School of Rock as much as I do around 😅
Great questions!
First, I'm sorry I took so long to answer your previous ask -- I really wanted to give it the consideration it deserved, and prepare a well-thought-out reply.
Well, I imagine that the kids were both too hyped about having competed in the BoB and too disappointed at not having won for any of them to have really noticed the kiss -- at first. Later on, once the adrenaline wore off, that's when they would've started wondering if Dewey and Rosalie's relationship was more than just professional -- and kids are very observant. That's why I have them sort of teasing Dewey about it. They've definitely figured out the truth, even if Dewey denies it!
The adults would have noticed the kiss, but most adults are very good at rationalising -- they probably would have put it down to the heat of the moment and thought nothing more about it. After all, what could an uptown girl like Rosalie see in a downtown boy like Dewey?
I also think that, as far as Rosalie lying to the police, the adults would have assumed it was because she thought Dewey was too great an asset to the school -- and the scandal that would have resulted if anyone were to contradict her ... well, that would be completely unacceptable! So they went along with her.
And I definitely agree that Dewey and Rosalie's relationship deserves expanding upon -- something I'm planning on doing this year.
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rosemarycovet · 10 months
characters I write for
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Edward Cullen
Alice Cullen
emmet Cullen
Jasper Hale
Rosalie Hale
Bella Swan
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(Mostly billy and Stu)
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Randy Meeks
Sidney Prescott
Tatum Riley
Dewey Riley
Mickey Altieri
Roman Bridger
Jill Robert
Ethan landry
Tara carpenter
Sam Carpenter
Chad meeks
Amber Freeman
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gilmore girls
(chilton) Rory Gilmore
Dean Forester
Jess Mariano
Tristin Dugray
Dave Rygalski
Lane Kim
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Finn Wolfhard characters
Mike wheeler
Boris pavlikovsky
Miles Fairchild
Richie Toizer
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Harry potter/wizarding world
Theodore Nott
Mattheo Riddle
Tom Riddle
Draco Malfoy
Cedric Diggory
Harry potter
Ron Weasley
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American Horror Story
Tate Langdon
Violet Harmon
kit walker
Zoe Benson
Kyle Spencer
Madison Montgomery
Jimmy darling
James march
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rue bennett
Jules vaughn
maddy perez
cassie howard
lexi howard
kat hernandez
Nate Jacobs
chris mckay
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Scott pilgrim VS. The world
Scott pilgrim
Ramona Flower
wallace wells (x male reader)
Envy Adams
Knives Chau
Kim Pine
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Rodrick Heffely-Diary of a wimpy kid
Patrick bateman-American Pyscho
Jesse Pinkman-Breaking bad
Peeta Mellark-hunger games
Finnick Odair-hunger games
Nanno-Girl from no where
Danny Jenner-Jeepers Creepers
Kat Stratford-10tihay
Patrick Verona-10tihay
Cameron James-10tihay
Dave Lizewski-Kick ass
Charlie-the perks of being a wallflower
jennifer check- jennifer’s body
Tim LaFlour-senseless
Robin Buckley-stranger things
glen glantz-nightmare on elm street
Request are open
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musical-shit-show · 1 year
hi, I love the way you write dewey finn so much!! may I request #18 from prompt list 2 and/or “you are terrible at this.” from prompt list 3 for him please?
close enough to touch
Pairing: Dewey Finn x Reader
Inspiration: #18 (“it’s okay, i couldn’t sleep anyways.”) from Prompt List 2 and #36 (“you are terrible at this.”) from Prompt List 3, requested by anon
Warnings: Awkward flirting, fluff
Word Count: 2,370
Author’s Note: Sorry this took so long, anon! I was really struggling with this one but I hope you like it! I’ve been meaning to write some post-School of Rock Dewey, and if people like this I wouldn’t mind doing another teacher!Reader one shot. So please let me know if this is something y’all like in the comments and reblogs! Also, check out my Masterlist, Prompt Lists, and About Me page, and submit an ask! It might take me a little bit longer with some requests but I promise to always make those my priority. I’m also working on my Beetlejuice series (to fill the void of course) so hopefully there will be more chapters of that coming soon. Thanks to everyone who’s supported my writing so far and enjoy!
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“Don’t look now, but he’s staring at you again.”
“The music tutor.”
You decided to not look up from your coffee mug, the creamer you had just poured swirling slowly. It was the end of your second week at Horace Green, and Mrs. White had quickly taken you under her wing.
The teacher’s lounge was buzzing with activity, since the second Friday of every month meant free pastries from the local artisanal bakery. Apparently incentivizing the molders of young minds with sugar and fat never failed.
You placed an almond croissant on your plate, trying your best to stay discreet, “What’s his name again? Danny?”
Mrs. White laughed lightly, “Dewey,” she said with the smallest hint of disdain, “He’s the one I was telling you about last week. The one who impersonated a substitute last semester.”
Your jaw fell open slightly, and you decided to get another look of this guy. Turning from the spread of baked goods, your eyes wandered over to the other side of the room, where you saw the culprit averting his gaze from your direction.
He was, in a word, unkempt. His clothes were mismatched and ill-fitting; the button-down shirt hiding under his loud sweater vest was about half a size too large, and his dark jeans looked half a size too small. Most of the male teachers at Horace Green typically wore sport jackets and khakis, or at least a tie. Clearly Dewey didn’t get the memo.
His hair was also rumpled, dark brown and wavy and spurting in all different directions. You guessed he had rolled out of bed without running a brush through that mess, let alone even looked in the mirror.
You also noticed a significant amount of stubble growing on his round face, finishing off the whole scruffy vibe he had clearly committed to. He was almost…cute. His eyes were the same color as your coffee, deep brown with a touch of lightness.
“Not to state the obvious, but isn’t that a crime?” you murmured, trying to be discreet as you gossiped with your co-worker.
She answered with an eyeroll. “Of course it is,” she said, taking a sip of her coffee. She took it black, two sugars. “But Rosalie—Ms. Mullins—decided to not press charges and hired him instead. Caused quite an uproar, but the students love him, so…”
You peered at him again curiously. Dewey was had just finished scribbling something in his notebook, breathing a heavy sigh as he slouched back into the plastic chair.
“I wouldn’t get involved if I were you,” Mrs. White warned, clearly noticing your interest in him, “From what I’ve heard, he’s nothing but trouble.”
You nodded. “Believe me,” you lied, “I know when to stay away.”
A sigh of relief left your chest the second the final bell rang at 3:15 that day. Teaching 10 and 11-year-olds how to structure essays all day really drained you, no matter how polite and well-behaved they were.
You gathered your belongings quickly and were walking briskly to your car when you heard your name being called behind you. You turned to see Dewey, and you couldn’t help but raise your eyebrows. He was carrying what looked like stacks of sheet music.
One misstep and he’d be picking up papers until sundown. 
“Uh, hi,” he said as he caught up to you, the cold January air making his breath visible. He attempted to extend his arm for a handshake, but retracted when the heaps of music in his one arm began to falter. “I’m uh, I’m Dewey. Or ‘Mr. Finn’ as the kids say, but you can call me Dewey.”
Looking at him more closely, you decided he was even cuter than you first thought. With Mrs. White’s warning ringing in your ear, a part of you wanted to turn the other way, tell him you were in a hurry to get home, make up some excuse to not get involved.
But it was clear he was interested in you, and you’d be lying if you weren’t at least a little intrigued. And besides, it’d be rude to not at least introduce yourself, right?
“Hi, Dewey,” you parroted, giving him another once over. “I see you already know my name.” He was already flushed from the cold, but his cheeks turned a darker shade of pink.
He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “Right, well, I got it from the staff directory. Just…wanted to introduce myself. I teach the kids music after school most days.”
“I know who you are,” the statement came out colder than you intended, “I did see you this morning, do you make a habit of hanging out in the teacher’s lounge?”
He gulped. “No,” he answered, “No, I just…I had a meeting with Rosalie this morning about the spring concert.”
Pure enough excuse. However, Mrs. White had also let it slip that he and Ms. Mullins apparently had a fling a few months prior, which only intrigued you more. What was so special about this guy that he could avoid a criminal trial for identity theft and date his boss in one fell swoop?
“I see,” you said coyly, trying to scrutinize him without being too obvious, “And are you and Rosalie…close?” If Dewey’s face was pink before, it had now turned to an embarrassing shade of scarlet.
“Oh, um, no,” he said, clearly flustered. “Nope. She’s a great…lady. And really cares about the kids. But…no. Not very close.” You nodded, completely unconvinced. You didn’t want to believe the gossip, but with a response like that, how could you not at least consider that it could be true?
Dewey shifted his weight from one foot to the other, his grip tightening on the sheet music. “We kissed,” he blurted, exhaling heavily, “Like, twice. She’s great but…I’m single. Very single.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle at his honesty. It was oddly refreshing. “Should I be taking that as some kind of hint?” you flirted, smiling softly. You couldn’t care less that your nose and fingertips were growing red from the cold.
“Only if you want,” he said, a shy smile dancing on his lips. Panic overtook his features only seconds later. “I mean, shit, not to be too forward or anything—”
“You know, you are terrible at this,” you said, cutting him off. Dewey flashed an embarrassed grin, letting out another breathy laugh, “How about I just give you my number and we just go from there?”
The two of you quickly exchanged digits and walked to your respective cars separately, unknowingly sharing excited smiles that lasted all the way home.
A few weeks later, you found yourself sticking up flyers for the School of Rock’s annual midwinter concert after the final bell had rung. Dewey had somehow roped you into posting the brightly colored papers on every corkboard, chalkboard, and section of blank wall space in the school.
“I thought you’d be headed home by now,” you heard Mrs. White call from down the hall. You jumped slightly, the haughty timbre in her voice surprising you.
Plastering on your most innocent smile, you turned to face your colleague. “I will be soon,” your voice was dripping with saccharine sweetness, “Just hanging these flyers and then I’m home free.”
She quirked an eyebrow, “Any big weekend plans?” You shook your head, turning back to the wall where you stuck up another flyer. You hoped she would just walk past and be none the wiser.
Mrs. White approached you, skeptical. You were friends, sure, but she was old enough and smart enough to know when someone was hiding something.
And unfortunately for you, as soon as she caught a glimpse of exactly which flyers you were hanging up, it all clicked.
“I thought I made it very clear that Mr. Finn was nothing but trouble,” she said, sounding eerily like a disapproving mother. Despite your heartrate increasing rapidly, you remained calm.
An incredulous scoff left your lips as you placed your free hand on your chest, “Mrs. White,” she rolled her eyes at you using her surname, “I was simply assisting another educator in promoting a fundraiser for this school that seeks to promote the arts and enrich our students’ lives.”
“Did you rehearse that?”
“A little. But I mean it, Mr. Finn has been nothing but professional. We’ve barely even spoken outside of planning the concert.”
That was a lie, of course. The truth was, ever since you and Dewey had exchanged information, you had texted and called and even met up a few times outside of school. Of course, they couldn’t exactly be called dates—at least that’s what you told yourself.
He seemed nervous around you at first, sure, but as soon as you got to know him, that faded away and you were left with a carefree, albeit scatterbrained work buddy. And despite the occasional flirt, it was clear that he wasn’t as interested in you as you first thought.
Which only crushed you the tiniest bit.
Mrs. White glanced at the colorful flyer again, her eyes narrowing suspiciously, “Well, of course I’ll be there to support our students’ artistic endeavors,” she said, a small smirk on her lips, “But don’t think I still don’t have my eye on you.”
You could tell she wasn’t being completely serious, but a small shiver of fear still wracked your spine as she walked towards the exit, the click clack of her pumps echoing on the linoleum tile.
You called goodbye sweetly, playing your role as nothing more than a helpful new teacher who was just excited about music education. Stapling up the last piece of paper onto a mostly bare bulletin board, you couldn’t help but overhear the noise of excited chatter coming from the music room down the hall.
The door was closed, but you managed to sneak a peek through the tiny window to see Dewey chatting with the bassist, who was about the same size as her as instrument. You felt a grin creeping onto your face.
Dewey’s passion for music came out the most when teaching the kids; even after watching him play a gig at the Roadhouse, you never saw his eyes light up more than when he was in that practice room.
You turned away and took a few steps toward the exit when you heard the door creak open, the chatter growing louder before muffling again. “Are you spying on me or something? You’re already getting into the concert for free, ya know.”
Dewey’s voice was more hoarse than usual, the gruffness making your stomach flip. “Not spying,” you teased, glancing over at the bulletin board, “Just doing your job for you.”
He clutched his heart dramatically, “You wound me,” he smirked, “But seriously, thanks for doing this. Hopefully we can drum up some more buzz.” You waved off his praise.
“No trouble. Consider us even since you had to suffer through listening to me babble on for way too long last night.” You two had made a habit of call each other late at night, which only confused your feelings even further. Your brain couldn’t decide if you were just co-workers, friends, or something more.
Apparently, Dewey couldn’t decide either.
“It’s okay,” he replied, running a hand through his messy waves, “I couldn’t sleep anyways.” He bared a toothy smile, wiping his palms on his dark jeans. His casual remark was innocent enough but still found a way to make your heart ache.
You decided the best course of action was to turn the attention away from yourself. “Well, I’m sure you won’t have any trouble with attendance,” you said, referencing the brightly colored flyer again, “From what I hear your kids are incredible.”
He beamed like a proud parent. “Yeah, yeah they are,” he said, “And thank you for spreading the word. Some teachers around here still aren’t too keen on me, after, well…everything.”
You felt yourself frown, your mind flashing to Mrs. White’s warnings. From what you could see, everyone had misjudged Dewey. He was kind, passionate, albeit far less put together than the other Horace Green staff, but he loved teaching and he loved those kids.
Wasn’t that enough to take a chance on?
“Hey,” you said, breaking the silence, “What are you doing tonight?”
“Well, I did have big plans with my couch and a shitty movie, but—”
“You and me. Tonight. Roadhouse.”
“Okay?” he laughed, taken aback by your abruptness.
“And this is a real date, Finn,” you added. “No take backs.” A look of panic flashed across his face, and for a split second you wondered if you had made a terrible miscalculation. But how could you not take matters into your own hands after his weeks of mixed signals?
Before you could open your mouth to apologize profusely for stepping way over that friendship line, Dewey grabbed your arm lightly, pulling the two of you around the corner and away from the only occupied classroom on a Friday afternoon.
And he kissed you.
Softly at first, so gently that you felt yourself melting into the cold painted cinderblock wall as he grabbed your waist. Prep schools weren’t designed to be the most romantic of places, but perhaps that was for the best.
Nevertheless, you let your eyes flutter shut as your lips molded to Dewey’s, your breath hitching in your throat.  After a few seconds he pulled away, a shocked look on his face that surely mirrored yours.
“Sorry,” he muttered, a smirk creeping its way onto his mouth, “Surprised myself with that little stunt, huh?” You nodded as he peeled himself away from you. You instinctively checked your surroundings, but you were alone.
“Dewey, are you insane—”
You wanted to be angry with him for risking both of your jobs, but the fluttering in your heart was overwhelming. One thing was for certain, there was no mistaking that signal.
“I just, I couldn’t wait until tonight,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously, “But yes. I’ll see you tonight. No take backs.”
You smiled as he gave you a quick kiss on the cheek, and watched as he happily sprinted back to his students.
thanks for reading! please like/comment/reblog if you enjoyed!
read part 2 here!
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youngsamanda · 3 months
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not to be a silly goose but i have the itch to write and below are a bunch of things i'd love to write ! i am open to writing on tumblr or jcink but heavily prefer discord ! please be eighteen or over if you are giving this post a like or messaging me ! if you have any questions please let a girl know i love to yap about headcanons , characters , and swap pinterest boards i will be annoying abt it ! but yea give this a like or dm me if interested !
plots : slasher multimuse / messy 2000s socialites / yellowjackets style where we play older and younger versions of plane crash survivors / mermaid x pirate romance / not actually the characters but the vibes of red white and royal blue gay royals and all that / just want random period pieces like characters in the 70s or something / rich girl x country boy / proper enemies to lovers / the bitches from the mummy / mob lackey and mob boss daughter / something based on beth x rip from yellowstone / literally just a drama college friend group bc it’s fun / gimme real old gay vampires that are just messy and awful for each other but keep falling back together / literally on my knees begging for any kind of beauty and the beast plot / gay cowboys / next gen marvel or dc / scooby doo style friend group and ships / 70s rockers / literally anything where we can cast older and younger versions and do next gen stuff eventually bc that's so fun / co-stars on a fantasy television show
wanted opposite : nick robinson / archie renaux / emilio sakraya / jena malone / ryan graves / adrian kempe / sza / lily gladstone / yahya abdul mateen ii / alperen duymaz / drew starkey / fka twigs / aubrey plaza / peter gadiot / renee rapp / paul mescal / havana liu rose / milo manheim / taylor zakhar perez / riley keogh / anna diop / melissa barrera / ben barnes / ayo edibiri / fabien frankel / dev patel / oliver jackson cohen / danny ramirez / aubin wise / cillian murphy / amber midthunder / daniel sharman / auli'l cravalho / logan lerman / phoebe tonkin / rege jean page / winona ryder / dua lipa / elodie yung / joseph quinn / simone ashley / camila mendes / jensen ackles / henry golding / blu hunt / aaron taylor johnson / calum hood / gabriel luna / savannah lee smith / may calamawy / ruby cruz / chay suede / brady skjei / zazie beetz / donald glover / emilio sakraya / evan peters / lola tung / anyone really
ships : wanda x vision (recasting required) / (recasted prefered) sam x bucky / bucky x steve / natasha x bucky / gale x dewey / buffy x spike / buffy x angel / keyleth x vax / older annabeth x percy / anakin x padme / tom blythe x rachel zegler / mason gooding x jenna ortega / peter x gwen but not tom holland peter / bloom x sky from winx club / danielle galligan x calahan skogman / nesta x cassian / taylor zakhar perez x madelyn cline / mickey x ian from shameless but recasted / rhaenyra x harwin / taylor zakhar perez x amita suman / haley x nathan from oth / haymitch x effie from the hunger games / anna diop x brenton thwaites / lydia x stiles (recasted) / scott x allison (recasted) / older sean x emma from degrassi (recasted) / rosalie x emmett from twilight (recasted) / odessa a'zion x drew starkey / courtney eaton x sophie thatcher / lorna dane x marcos diaz (lorna recasted) / kaz x inej / nina x mattias / jason todd x rose wilson (not titans tv version) / clark kent x lois lane / hal jordan x barry allen / klaus x caroline (recasted caroline at least) / hayley x klaus / mackenzie davis x gugu mbatha-raw
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little-brass-bunny · 1 year
IDK If I Have The Fanbase For This, But ...
Okay, super weird and niche, but I recently found the School of Rock musical by ALW and I am OBSESSED with my two favorite characters in the whole world, and specifically the lil romance they got in the show that was barely even touched, so gd damn it, I'll write my own shit!
So here we are, a collection of Dewey Finn x Rosalie Mullins one-shots that I will be updating as I have time! I hope this reaches the right audience lol.
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beetles-and-rock · 3 years
I did one on one training with Alex Brightman today!!!
He is awesome! I was so nervous to be singing in front of him, but once he got on, he was so supportive. After a few minutes it felt like talking to a friend. Even when there were parts I wasn't sure I did so well on, he was so encouraging.
He give amazing advice that have definitely helped me think about the way I sing a little differently. Things I definitely plan on using, and working in the near future.
I went in hoping to learn how to improve with my singing while acting. That is exactly what I got. His direction was well given, and simple to follow.
I was able to ask a few questions at the end, even though we went a little over time, and he was just as open to hearing the fun ones as the serious ones.
He told me about how the skull and crossbones bacon and eggs shirt came to be in School of Rock since I happened to be wearing a close knock off version.
I asked if I could adopt Beetlejuice since in didn't have a mother anymore and no idea what a happy childhood was like. He laughed and said yes. "He'd be happy to be adopted by anyone that wanted to."
I also ask how long it was Before Beetlejuice came back to beg to be a part of the family, and in short his answer was "Immediately."
I had so much fun with the training this afternoon. Alex was a joy! And I hope the rumors are true and he can return to the role of Beetlejuice soon!
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geronimomo-spd · 4 years
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ahem Are you a fan of School of Rock, either the movie, musical, or both? Are you sad that there aren't many public servers dedicated to it? Well then, look no further than Horace Green, the public School of Rock server! We've got everything for all your School of Rock needs! Come be a part of the band and stick it to the man!
if you want an invite dm me!
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upperstories · 4 years
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A Dewey Finn doodle dump!
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rallsa · 4 years
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They’re finally done!! Took a little while, but these two Dewey pics are based off of @go-commander-kim‘s Dewey fics! (More specifically, Merry Christmas, I Missed You which is AMAZING and a must read if you like Dewey Finn.) Click to view in higher quality!
I just love their fics so much QwQ I can’t stop thinking about them. They write Dewey SO well, and I’d be lying if I said they weren’t one of the things keeping me sane rn.
((Little reminder!- My commissions are open, and if you want me do draw something for you, hmu and we can talk prices and stuff! Thanks!))
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cassidysanne · 4 years
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All those feelings that I learned to ignore? If you flip the record and start over, does it sound the way it did before? Where did the rock go?
happy birthday @nimarasnetherworld pt.2! ♥
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bjfinn · 3 months
What I think of you in the language of colors? Lavender! Saffron! Crimson! Teal! Maroon! Periwinkle! Blush!
And I'm adding Cerise: I wish we lived closer so we could hang out in person!
Seeing this in my messages this morning was so wonderful -- and so many colours! I had to check the list to find out what they all meant lol. I agree -- we do have a lot in common, and I would love love LOVE to collaborate with you on something! You're my best friend on this hellsite -- no question.
I was amazed to find out that I taught you something new -- what did I teach you? I mean, you definitely taught me to explore the "spicier" side of my writing (more of that to come in the Dewey x Rosalie stories, but not full-on smut -- I'll leave that to you!)
I wish we lived closer, too -- someday soon I'll visit! (You've been warned lol) And if you ever come to Montreal, let me know!
Thank you so much for making my weekend!
Tá grá agam duit, a chara -- I love you, my friend. 🥹🫶♥️
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deweyfinnn · 4 years
thirteen firsts.
title :    thirteen firsts. fandom :     school of rock (2015) ,   primarily musical - based. pairing :     dewey finn x rosalie mullins. rating :     t genre :     romance. links :     ao3   /   ffn. summary :     the thirteen firsts of dewey finn and rosalie mullins.
i. their first meeting is on irresponsible terms. dewey was living a lie,  and rosalie was none the wiser to it. she mistakes him for a delivery boy, he mistakes her for an uptight snob — his own school experiences have tainted his bias. it’s a sloppy handshake, and flat jokes. nothing more.
ii. their first date is fake. dewey lies to rosalie’s face, pretends to be interested in her, not just in her looks and her status, but in all that makes up rosalie mullins herself. their first date is a manipulative ploy by  dewey to get what he wants, regardless of whether it hurts her in the end. in the end, he sees her in a new light. 
iii. their first kiss is not romantic. it’s impulse, it’s dewey, unable to contain his emotions, surging forward, unwelcome. it’s shock, it’s rosalie left speechless by the whirlwind substitute teacher. it’s wide eyes, and stammered words, and awkward goodnights, and it’s what did i just do? 
iv. their second first kiss is a reversal of the first. it’s excitement, it’s rosalie getting swept up in the thrill of the moment, and grabbing the lapels of dewey’s uniforms, pulling him close. it’s dewey going weak in the knees, and his hands flying to rosalie’s shoulders to steady himself. it’s the school of rock covering their eyes, and gagging at their older brother and principal. it’s not romantic, but there’s a spark there, and she leaves her lipstick as a stain on his lips. 
v. their first hug is the first day dewey shows up to horace green. rosalie checks in on dewey and the music room before the kids get there, and dewey is wrought with excitement and gratitude. it’s dewey scooping rosalie up in a rare bear hug, lifting her, twirling her. it’s impulsive, but it’s real, and it’s raw emotions. 
vi. their first sleepover is the first in a long series. dewey has no heat, and a broken window, and it’s the middle of december in new york, snowy and frozen. rosalie has an empty couch, and an almost afraid to impose dewey is unspeakably grateful for the offer. they watch movies, and certainly do not cuddle on the couch. they’re just friends, nothing more, and they’re just enjoying each other’s company. it’s the first time both of them get a truly good night’s sleep.
vii. their first thanksgiving together leaves dewey feeling nauseous. he’s meeting her parents, so they’ll leave her alone about having a boyfriend. or,  y’know, not having a boyfriend. it’s not the first time he’s played this role, but it’s the first time he’s actually wanted to play it well. why does he care so much about what her parents think of him? 
viii. their first birthday together is dewey’s. he doesn’t know how she found out. he’s never told anyone but — ned must have told her. he sees a present on his desk in the music room, and he runs to rip off the bow on it before anyone else can see, or get the wrong idea. it’s a small, flat package, and inside it’s a hard disc. it’s dewey trying to hold back tears, grinning like an absolute idiot as he holds the school of rock’s very first vinyl record. it’s the first birthday he didn’t mind celebrating. 
ix. their first holiday season is unintentionally one of dewey’s most treasured memories. always a grouch, dewey’s never liked the holidays. he hasn’t celebrated hanukkah since he was a child, and ned usually spent christmas with patty. yet somehow, dewey’s found himself covered in tinsel, standing in the center of the music room with rosalie, setting up a surprise tree in the corner, behind the piano, for the kids. sure, the string of lights rosalie wraps around the tree are twinkling with a warm glow, but nothing shines brighter than the smile on his face or warmer than the heart in his chest. 
x. their first kiss is in the rain. it hits him, when they’re walking out of the school one day, both having stayed late, dewey for lessons, rosalie for work. he lets his hand slowly find its place alongside hers, fingers interlocked, a calloused mitt against hers. it’s the first time he’s ever allowed himself to play into a cliche. it just feels right with her.
xi. their first time is unexpected. it’s early in the morning, with sunlight streaming in through the window of his apartment, and the coffee machine brewing a pot elsewhere. it’s gentle and leisurely, full of giggles and gasps and smiles. it’s the first time in his life that dewey is glad to be awake before 8  am.
xii. their first dance is at the senior prom neither of them got to have. while rosalie, as the principal, was expected to appear as a chaperone, one other teacher dropped out last second, and she couldn’t think to call anyone else at the last minute. standing in a corner, giving all the excited students the floor to themselves, dewey holds out his hand to rosalie with a goofy grin on his face. it’s the first slow dance dewey’s ever done — and it’s very obviously so, clumsy and not as confident as rosalie’s moves, but it’s still sweet and measured and he has fun. 
xiii. the first time dewey finn falls in love, he’s been dating rosalie mullins for half a year. his heart feels lighter when he’s around her, and her voice feels like home. he doesn’t need to be around her all the time, but he’s so, so happy when he is. it’s rosalie keeping him grounded, and dewey lifting her up. it’s the first time dewey’s felt love, true romantic love. it’s the first time he’s ever felt loved before, in a romantic sense. and he loves it. 
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allywolf45 · 4 years
Remebering The Roadhouse Part 1
*First fanfiction I'm posting to tumblr. I thought a Dewey Finn X Rosalie Mullins fanfiction would be appropriate because they are pretty rare. Hope you like it! 😊"
At this time of day year ago, the Halls of Horace Green would have been completely clear of all students and most teachers. Principal Mullins and some of her closer co-workers would be the only one's remaining, and aside from the scratching of a pen on a desk, the shifting of papers, the clicking of computer mouse, and the occasional clacking of heeled shoes, the school would be very quiet. But that was almost a year ago.
Now, an entire class remained, and Rock music blared from the classroom now used for music coaching. Dewey Finn was cheering and excliaiming excitedly, the way he always did when his students impressed him. They were pretty good at picking up on newly written songs, and his pride in them was evergrowing.
Then the clock struck six. The students packed up their things, while Dewey caught his breath.
"Water, Mr. Finn." Summer reminded him.
"Thank you, Summer." He replied
grabbing his water bottle off of the desk next to him, and taking a few good swigs from it.
"Alright guys! Keep up the good work! You're doing amazing! They're gonna choose us first this year, I know it! We're gonna show em' that we're even better than last year!" He announced happily.
"I still don't understand how you got Miss Mullins to move parent's night this year." Freddie said. "It's been the same night for years."
"I actually didn't get her to." Dewey responded. "She was willing to move it for you guys to be able to compete in Battle of the Bands again this year."
"That reminds me," Summer cut in. "You never did tell us what strings you did manage to pull last year, before everybody untimately found out what we were doing. How did you get permission to take us?"
Dewey's eyes widened at the memory of him convincing Rosalie Mullins to meet him at the Roadhouse. He'd intended to trick her into drunkenly giving him permission to take the children on a 'fieldtrip,' but what he did not intend was to fall for her.
After getting through the initial awkwardness of him impersonating a substitute teacher, and having no actual qualifications to be teaching children, he'd eventually mustered up the courage to ask her out, for real. But, it all had started on that night. Watching her sing along to Stevie Nicks, and listening to her open up about the more calm and layed back girl she once was. He found himself listening to the song again the morning everything went downhill.
"Mr. Finn!" The sound of Summer's voice brought him back to the present. "Are you okay?" Dewey shook his head to clear it.
"Huh? Yeah! I just remembered there's something I need to do. Um... Goodbye guys! We're gonna do great!" He waved to the students as they left the room.
He let a sigh escape him when everyone had cleared out, and leaned against the desk going back to the memory of that night. He wondered if Rosalie remembered, and whether or not he should bring it up. There was a sinking feeling in his stomach when he thought of how it must have hurt her when she found out he'd been lying. Still he felt that it was special. He and Rosalie wouldn't be together now if it had never happened.
This time the clacking of heels nearing the classroom snapped him back to reality. He turned to see Rosalie waiting for him at the door, the corners of her lips turned up into a smile upon seeing his face. He sighed happily upon seeing hers.
"They sound amazing as always." Rosalie said stepping into the classroom.
"They're amazing kids." Dewey replied. Rosalie straightened the sleeves of his sweater vest. "They have a pretty amazing music coach too."
Dewey couldn't help but blush even as he put on his cocky air. Even though they had been dating a few months now, he wasn't used to being complimented, especially not by a woman. It was definitely a confidence boost for him, and a nice replacement for the insults Patti constantly hurled at him.
"Yeah, I guess I am pretty awesome."
Rosalie rolled her eyes before kissing him. He grinned as he kissed her back.
In short, she made him feel good, the best he'd felt in a long time. And, in turn, he hoped he was doing the same. He knew how to calm her when she was stressed, and though this time it was a week away, parent's night was already starting to drive her crazy.
She pulled away from the kiss. "Are you ready to head home?“
"Mm-mm...“ Dewey whined.
"Is Patti in a bad mood?"
He scratched the back of his neck. "Yeah..."
Rosalie took his hand and smiled. "Come on." She said. “We'll go get coffee, and go back to my place. I have some things to finish up, but we can talk a while.“
“Coffee." He thought, The memory once again played in his mind. He nodded.
"Yeah... sounds good.“
"Are you alright, Dewey?" Rosalie asked. Dewey blinked, once again coming out of the flashback.
"Hm? Yeah! That sounds great!" He grinned at her.
"Alright then!" Rosalie returned the grin, though a bit of worry was still prominent on her face. She led him out of the room.
"Are you sure you should be driving?" Rosalie asked once they got outside.
"I'm alright, Rosalie. I promise." Dewey said giving her a reassuring smile. She nodded.
"Sorry, sorry, I'm just..." Dewey wrapped an arm around her waist.
"Hey, it's alright. I know.“ He moved his thumb up and down gently against her side. "What if tonight we skip the coffee, and just relax a while."
“Oh Dewey, I can't. I have so much to do, and you have your battle to prepare for." Rosalie replied.
"True, but there's nothing wrong with taking a break every once in a while."
"I'm sorry, Dewey. But I just can't tonight."
Dewey sighed. "Yeah... I understand.“ He tightened his hold on her waist. "Let's go get that coffee."
The drive had been a quiet one aside from the growling of the van, and ordering the coffees at a drive in. They arrived at Rolsalie's apartment around six forty-five. Dewey sat on the love seat in her office while Rosalie sat at her desk going through the plans for parent's night and other documents for the school.
Dewey lay back, and strummed his guitar as he usually would on nights like this, when Rosalie was working on stuff that stressed her out. He turned his head in hopes of seeing the usual smirk that would come across her face. After a few minutes he almost gave up. It seemed to him like she wasn't listening at all. So, when she looked up at him and smiled, it took him pleasantly by surprise.
A couple hours passed. They hadn't talked much, and a growling from Dewey's stomach had reminded him that neither of them had eaten. He looked over at Rosalie who was still hard at work, but he could tell the caffeine from the coffee was wearing off. He got up, walked behind her chair, and put both hands on either of her arms, rubbing them gently.
"Rosalie, you need to eat something. Let's take a break for now, okay?" She looked up at him, and after a moment, she nodded. She stood from her chair practically exhausted.
"There's some leftover spaghetti in the fridge.“ She said going to heat it up. Dewey pulled her into his arms from behind and nuzzled her cheek.
"I got it." He said. "You go rest on the couch.“ For a second, she looked like she might protest, but she kissed his cheek, and went into the living room.
Dewey went to the kitchen, found the spaghetti in the fridge, and heated it in the microwave. He put some in a bowl for Rosalie, and decided he was hungry enough the eat what was left. He brought the bowl and the container into the living room, and sat next to Rosalie on the couch.
They ate while watching a sitcom on TV. Rosalie leaned against Dewey finally beginning to relax, and wind down. She ate fairly quickly not seeming to realize how hungry she was.
Dewey finished off the spaghetti, feeling full and very relaxed. He lay back and allowed Rosalie to rest on top of his belly and chest as they continued to watch TV. As he cuddled her he kept thinking of how he might try and do something special in honor of the night he'd first started really getting to know her.
He wasn't lost in thought long before he realized Rosalie had fallen asleep. He smiled and rubbed her shoulder before yawning.
"We should really get to bed." He thought before falling asleep himself.
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anawfullotofrunning · 5 years
I’d love seeing more centering around Dewey and Rosalie- there’s not enough of that ANYWHERE! Anything about their relationship- dates, moving in, a wedding? A baby?
Okay so I have so much for this!
I’m writing a proper little fic about Dewey x Rosalie getting matching tattoos because I think that’s cute!
This is a bit of a mess because I have a lot to say so...
- in the first stage of their relationship Rosalie didn’t open up much
- they went on all sorts of dates but Rosalie’s favourite date was the roadhouse
- Dewey likes to buy stupid things for Rosalie and she pretends she’s annoyed but she really likes everything and has a box full of all the random crap he buys her
- Rosalie would check in on Dewey’s music classes after school just to hear him play and sing
- when they move in together, Dewey doesn’t cope well with not having Ned around so Ned comes over a lot much to Patti’s disgust
- Patti changed the locks the moment Dewey left the house which made Ned sad :(
- Dewey loves being away from Patti though
- Dewey and Rosalie living together is interesting because although Rosalie has lightened up a bit she can still be a neat freak and we all know Dewey doesn’t keep things tidy
- they take it in turns to bring each other breakfast in bed
- also if one of them got sick they’d both be really good at taking care of each other
- Dewey proposed in the most cheesy way possible
- Rosalie comes to all Dewey’s gigs and all of the school of rock shows with the band shirt and her leather jacket and she’s always at the front cheering for them
- they don’t have plans for a baby just yet
- but if they did you know damn well they’d be the best parents EVER
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beebleboosuwu · 2 years
Hey everyone!
Okay, I know have been absent for the past… oh jeez four months, but I have recently been back at school that occupied my time! Updates for my fics have been slow and when I did work on them during school hours, I ended up falling asleep on my desk.
So my bad! An update will be coming… don’t know when that will be but The Ballad of Dewey Finn will be coming out with its next update soon!
In the meantime, here’s a (poor, I still gotta edit it)preview of what’s to come!
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