#dnd imagine
fandomnerd9602 · 8 months
Doric: my human parents didn’t want a tiefling child
Y/N: I want a tiefling
Y/N: I-I mean I’d like to have a tiefling child. It’s not like I find you extremely attractive or anything. Youregorgeous what?
Doric: you seem awkward…and cute. I like you
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bi-bard · 1 year
Cruel Trick of Fate - Xenk Yendar Imagine [Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves]
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Title: Cruel Fate
Pairing: Xenk Yendar X Reader
Word Count: 1,508 words
Warning(s): self-image issues (i think that's a good way to describe it), mention of attack
Summary: Xenk saves the life of a person in need. (Y/n)'s time spent healing brings the duo exceptionally closer than either of them considered to be possible.
Author's Note: I don't know if I'm surprised that this is happening or not.
My story truly begins when I woke up in what I assumed was a cave.
I had no idea where I was or how I had gotten there. And once I blinked the sleep from my eyes, I realized those facts and shoved myself out of the bed.
I scrambled, doing a circle in the hopes of getting some kind of hold on my surroundings. It didn't do much.
I reached over blindly, grabbing a stick of some kind that I could use as a makeshift weapon.
"You shouldn't be moving around."
I jumped when I heard a voice. I held out my arms, trying to look more threatening to the man than I actually was.
"You hit your head," he said. "You should sit down before your head begins to hurt again."
"Who are you and where am I," I asked. "And why did you bring me here?"
"My name is Xenk Yendar, this is my home, and you were attacked," he answered simply.
I raised an eyebrow at him. "That didn't actually answer my final question."
"Your head was hurt," he repeated. "By the creature that attacked you. Do you not remember?"
"Head injuries can impact memory," I replied. "Shocking, I know."
"I do not find that shocking at all," his eyebrows furrowed for a moment.
"I was being- it wasn't- why am I explaining the concept of language to you," I scolded myself more than I truly spoke to him. "Let me go."
"I cannot do that in good conscience," he shook his head. "How are you feeling?"
"I- I'm fine," I blinked a few times when a spiking pain shot through my head, finding a place in my temple to continuously remind me of its presence. "I want to go home."
"If I allow you to do that and you end up even more hurt on the trip, then I would never be able to forgive myself."
"Then you can guide me, how's... how's that?"
I must've swayed a bit when I spoke.
Xenk stepped forward, only stopping when I shakily pointed the stick at him.
"You are threatening me with a stick and are clearly weak, please sit down," he pleaded.
I closed my eyes, my face scrunching up a bit as I did so. I felt him pull the stick from my hands before guiding me to sit back down on the bed.
"I will be right back."
I dug the heels of my hands into my eyes, not acknowledging his comment.
At the time, I decided that the entire event was decided by some cruel act of fate.
It felt like I spent ages with Xenk.
At first, I was angry. Dismissive. I made my discomfort very well known. The more that I looked back on that time, the more stunned I am that Xenk never told me to leave. He refused to give up on me until I was fully healed.
I did eventually begin to calm down. Anger and annoyance became something close to indifference. It was all much calmer. We would eat together, conversations were less awkward, and my constant need to fight or run seemed to dissipate.
When that indifference changed, I wanted to refuse that it happened.
It felt strange to think that such a change had happened. Ridiculous.
It was so much easier for me to ignore it happened at all.
And then, Xenk came back with a wound on his arm.
I furrowed my eyebrows as he walked in.
"Are you alright," I asked.
He nodded. "Just need to take care of this."
I watched him for a while as he cleaned his wound and attempted to take care of it. It didn't seem like a very intense wound, but it did seem a bit difficult for him to take care of.
It took me far too long to finally step in.
"Alright, stop," I walked over and swatted his hand away. "I may go mad watching your stubbornness."
His eyebrows furrowed for a moment. "How would my supposed stubbornness cause you to lose- you were figurative!"
"Yes," I nodded as I moved his arm. He hissed a bit. "Does that hurt?"
"Not at all," he replied, voice slightly strained.
I rolled my eyes before walking around him and sitting behind him on the mattress. He was able to lower his arm and I was still able to properly take care of his wound.
I remained quiet as I wrapped his arm. I was the youngest in my family. My experience with tending to wounds was minuscule. But I could do some of the bare minimum.
"How is that," I asked quietly after pulling my hands away.
"Better than I could have done on my own," he mumbled.
It was then that I noticed how... strange the moment felt. We were so close and it all felt so... intimate.
We fell silent again. We both seemed fixated on watching each other's eyes. As if we were attempting to read each other's minds before either one of us made a mistake.
I nodded somewhat awkwardly before going to stand from my spot. "I... I think I am going to make us both some tea. I know that it won't heal you, but it certainly couldn't hurt."
I went to walk away, but his good hand stopped me, catching my wrist before I could get too far away from him. I stopped, turning back to him.
"What is it," I asked quietly.
He blinked a few times as if suddenly realizing what he had actually done. "I... I'm afraid that I don't truly know. I'm sorry."
He let go of my wrist, still stunned by himself.
I paused for a moment. After contemplating my choices, I stepped closer to him. He looked up at me.
My eyes moved up to his forehead. I don't know why. I think holding eye contact with him was simply too intense. I heard him sigh as my eyes moved. He must have assumed that I was staring at the mark decorating his skin and not just trying to cope with my own emotions.
"That is why it has taken you so long to fully trust me," he muttered.
I furrowed my eyebrows. "What?"
"The symbol of Szass Tam," he explained, looking away from me. "Some part of me will always be lost to it. I am closer to a monster than not... it is why you were so hesitant to trust me."
"No," I shook my head. "No, no, Xenk. That is not true."
He looked at me again.
"I didn't trust you because I was hurt and found myself in a strange place with a person that I had never met before," I corrected. "It was a very understandable reaction. But once I got to know you, I trusted you more. I cannot think of a single moment that the symbol on your forehead was what determined how I felt about you.
"You are also far from any kind of monster. You are a hero. You have saved many people, you protected me when you didn't even know my name, you have vowed yourself to a life helping others. I don't know a monster that would ever do such a thing."
Xenk seemed to scan every inch of my face, waiting for some sign that I was being dishonest. I reached up, gently running my thumb over the mark on his forehead. He took a deep breath, eyes falling shut as I did.
"Silly thing, really," I muttered. "I didn't even notice it when we first met. Did you know that?"
I nodded. "I was a little too focused on other things... like figuring out what had happened."
"When did you notice it," he asked.
"We were having dinner. That first night," I said. "I was refusing to eat until you did, so I had nothing to focus on other than you. That's when I started making out the symbol. I just... I couldn't bring myself to care about it."
"Don't know," I shrugged. "Instinct... fate?"
"I do not understand why fate would prevent you from caring."
"Maybe fate didn't want me to leave," I replied. "If I cared about the mark, then I would have."
"And why would fate not want you to leave?"
I could see something cross his face. Some small, knowing look. I bit back a growing smile at the idea. There was this air of safety and comfort. Security in whatever choice I made next.
I took a deep breath before leaning down and gently pressing my lips to his. I felt the hand of his uninjured arm reach up and touch the hand not resting on his face.
It was only a few moments before I pulled away. I slowly grinned at him. He smiled back at me.
"I'm glad that fate kept you from leaving," he muttered.
I chuckled. "So am I."
I leaned forward and kissed him again.
Quite a cruel trick that fate decided to play, wasn't it?
Author's Note: I just wanna brag about the fact that I managed to guess where this movie was filmed while I was watching it with a friend. It was the coolest thing I've done in a long time.
Also, that I kept making comparisons between this movie and Ella Enchanted, but that's not really as cool.
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druidessgeek · 1 year
Doric x female Druid reader
I know it sounds silly to have Druid with another Druid but hear me out. Doric played a more martial and offensive role in combat. The way I’m imagining a Druid reader is more in the support role that you have the option to be in game. Definitely Keyleth vibes but not outright. She hangs back, preferring to use her healing and buffing spells to help the party win the fight. Anyway, I originally wrote this really angsty but didn’t want my first fanfic posted for others to possibly read to be angst. No shade on angst writers I just didn’t want that to be my start
- [ ] Takes her a bit to warm up to you. She is worried she’ll say something stupid or sound like the inexperienced Druid she is.
- [ ] You catch her staring at you a lot though, and she tries to look away from you when you catch the tiefling’s gaze so after a long fight with a warlock trying to sacrifice innocents to his god, you finally sit next to her in front of the camp fire after catching her gaze on you.
- [ ] She is internally screaming when you start inspecting her injuries and casting a quick cure wounds on her scrapes.
- [ ] She confides in you after this. “I never learned much magic. You must think me a bad Druid.”
- [ ] You tell her that it doesn’t make her any less a Druid. That everyone has a role to play. Just because you chose the path of the healer, the nurturer, the caretaker, doesn’t make her path less valid
- [ ] “Any Druid who can take out a red mage while wild shaped is doing great at her vocation, love. Trust the process. Your time on this plane is far from over.”
- [ ] This makes the tiefling blush. You then make it a goal to see her blush at least once a day
- [ ] She asks you to teach her what the rangers couldn’t. Their knowledge of magic is respectable but no formal ritual, she knows even being good with wild shaping and a quick polymorph has left her behind in her Druidic knowledge.
- [ ] Her first lesson begins that night. She learns her first healing spell, which she then uses on a black eye you hadn’t noticed on yourself, touching it tenderly as tendrils of light soothe the inflamed bruise.
- [ ] You two are as thick as thieves after that. She comes with you when you go foraging on your travels. She can already identify most plants in the woods but some of them aren’t for food.
- [ ] You show her how to turn poisonous plants and fungus into potions to coat rocks for her sling. And you teach her how to make healing potions.
- [ ] You start noticing little flowers being left upon your things. Flowers she notices you cooing at gently under the canopy. Daffodils and bee balm in the spring. Goldenrod in the summer
- [ ] You weave them into little crowns and wreaths that you wear on your head and as bracelets, much to your fellow Druid’s poorly concealed excitement. She has to keep herself from picking every flower in the woods.
- [ ] The best part are the bees and butterflies that seem to surround you in almost a halo, sampling the nectars of the flowers, landing on your nose, and Doric, staring at you like you’re the goddess of nature herself.
- [ ] She has to keep herself from kissing you when you tell off an ignorant duke for assuming Doric evil. You even shield her from his judging gaze, returning it upon him and shaming him in front of the whole court for his willful ignorance.
- [ ] “If she’s evil for having horns and a tail, what’s that make you, my lord, for having none of this? Do they not have mirrors in your kingdom?”
- [ ] No one’s ever defended her like this. And it gives her hope. Maybe not all humans are awful. At least, not her human.
- [ ] She stays up with you on watches staring up at the stars while the others rest. She gives herself so little credit in her Druidic abilities but the way she looks up at the stars captivates you. Each constellation a unique personality, each star a close friend.
- [ ] You share your first kiss beneath those stars. She just can’t help it when she looks back down to earth and sees the most beautiful woman staring back at her like nothing else on the planet matters. She cradles your face in her hands and kisses you so gently, so tenderly that the sound of moth’s wings could have been louder.
- [ ] You’re both startled from your romance when you hear Edgin, wide awake and sarcastic as always. “It’s about time.”
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hippopotamusdreamer · 28 days
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DND Night 1
genre. C, AU warnings. None w.c. 349 synopsis. Just a bunch of college students come together to play dnd for the first time.
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“Ok Steve, your turn. Character name and race with a little backstory,” you asked him from your position at the head of the dinning table. Since the others went before him, you took a moment to gather their spare character sheet for your DM file.
“Um, I’m not sure if I did it right but I tried and therefore you can’t fault me,” Steve stated before picking up his character sheet to read from.
“Alright Daniel Radcliff, spill it,” Nat joked from her spot next to you earning a chuckle from some members of the group, you included.
Steve cleared his throat in an attempt to stall before taking a centering breath. “I chose a human knight. He was a lowly stable boy in the kingdom of Brooksdale. He managed to become a squire with the help of the princess. Then he slowly made his way through the ranks until he became a Knight-Captain. Uhhh, heee, what did he do?” He questioned to himself, eyebrows furrowing as he got lost on the page.
“Oh! He and the princess had gotten close throughout his training that they even considered eloping. But word got to the king and had him banished from the kingdom. Now he’s wondering the land trying to get back to his lost princess.”
Appraisal was heard around the table as everyone enjoyed his character background.
“Good job, Stevie. Forbidden romances are always a nice touch. And you left it open-ended which could be good if we wanted to bring something from you past further along in the campaign. Now all I need is your spare character sheet and his full name.” you say reaching a hand out for the sheet you’ve asked for.
Steve became flustered in his seat as he stared at the name he’d written down.
“Uhh, it’s Knight-Captain A-m-u-r-e-k-a,” he spells out, refusing to meet anyone’s gaze.
Everyone took a moment to try to sound out what their friend had wrote.
“Am..? Amuree…?”
“Oh my god”
“Jesus Christ”
“Are you serious??”
“Did you just name you goddamn character Knight-Captain America??”
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a/n. We back??? ionno BUT I did lose my entire tag list from years ago, so here we are...
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narii696 · 11 months
It's a bit silly but let's take a witch and instead of giving her animal familiar lets give her a plant
Like full blown cat shaped cactus fighting by my side
Witch after a tough fight watering her familiar:
You caused enough chaos for one day Mr Spikes
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5ftboy · 1 year
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How is Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves different from other blockbuster action films?
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thestuffedalligator · 11 months
It's been said before, but goddammit I love the material components for spells in D&D. They're so stupid.
Detect Thoughts requires a copper to cast. Gust of Wind needs beans. Sunbeam requires a magnifying glass. Passwall uses sesame seeds.
Darkvision needs fucking. Carrots.
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yandere-writer-momo · 14 days
Yandere Imagine
Thinking about a Yandere dwarf boyfriend who works as a blacksmith with an elven reader
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Yandere dwarf who doesn’t mind the height difference between you two. What he lacks in height, he makes up in mass. He’s stocky and strong, he can easily carry you wherever you need to go.
Yandere dwarf who often makes you various daggers from the forge. Each one carefully crafted to your preferences. Wouldn’t this help your journey way better than anyone else’s weapons?
Yandere dwarf then began to craft you jewelry and armor. He doesn’t like the thought of you wearing anything from another blacksmith… it makes him a bit jealous
Yandere dwarf who does his best to make sure you’re never injured on any quests. He’s willing to take most of the hits just to ensure your pretty skin is never scarred.
Yandere dwarf who knows his life span is insignificant compared to yours, but he wants to spend the rest of it with you. He doesn’t care that you’re an elf, he wants to be with you
Yandere dwarf who makes you a matching rings so when the time comes that he’s no longer at your side, you’ll always have a part of him.
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gammija · 2 months
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idk if anyone wanted more tiefling jon stuff, but regardless, here it is
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beebeedibapbeediboop · 9 months
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Necromancer commission for @shipsngiggles :)
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yeehawpim · 3 months
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I hope you aren't lonely even though they call you The Stranger
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fandomnerd9602 · 8 months
Edgin: got the plan?
Y/N: nope.
Edgin: what?! Why not?!
Y/N: I was too focused on Doric. I just want her to wrap that beautiful tail around me
Doric walks by and kisses Y/N…
Doric: I just may have to
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annadeef · 1 month
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entire village of goliaths learns hair braiding for little adopted tiefling child
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caemidraws · 7 months
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I hope you know we had everything
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DND Night 2
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genre. C, AU
warnings. Threatening of character
w.c. 455
synopsis. Just a bunch of college students come together to play dnd
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“So Steve,” you said suddenly after a lull in the conversation at the table. He jumped in his seat as you get the blonde’s attention from his game notes.
“Yes!?” Eyes wide at suddenly being called on.
“This mystery elf, she looks at you and just stares you down hard,” you explained while staring Steve down, getting into your role from DM to rogue elf. “She’s looking at you and in a serious voice goes,” you cleared your throat as you changed your voice to suit the character you were portraying. “‘Ai shor mol o eiloli ail os maer cestal.’”
Steve looked lost and confused at the words you’ve just said to him.
“Now, before it’s translated, who here knows elvish again?” you asked the other members of your campaign party.
Instantly, Nat, Clint, Wanda, and Tony raised their hands.
“Wait, Clint, you know Elvish?” Wanda questioned.
“Yeah, with the special roll Y/N let us all do, my extra ability was an extra language. So, my dwarf fighter was able to learn Elvish,” Clint explained.
“Cool cool cool, I’m gonna make a group chat and you can save it as ‘D&D elf group’ or something. And from there, I’ll start sending elf translations so y’all can at least “know” what everyone is saying. After the session, I’ll send a link to so that next time we can use it for the Elvish speakers. Good?”
A series of acknowledgement was heard around the table.
“Perfect! Alright, so here is what the elf said to our dear beloved Knight-Captain,” you said while typing out on your cell. Hitting send you sat, happily waiting for what was about to happen.
“Oh fuck…”
“Holy shit.”
“Well, it’s not like it wasn’t warranted, Knight-Captain Amureka was being a dick to her culture,” Nat laughed out, grin on her face.
“Hey! I wasn’t trying to be,” Steve cried. “My dice are against me, made me roll a nat 1 and ended up stepping all over the druidic alter!”
“Elf…loving…fucks…heart,” Tony spoke up while saving the name of his group chat. He looked up as the room grew quiet. He was taken aback by the looks he was receiving. “What?” He then looked backed down at the phone in his hand, immediately wincing.
“Ooooh, oh wow. Yikes,” he belatedly stated while giving Steve a pitying look.
“What? What did she say?” Steve asked, practically begging to understand. An uneasy look plastered on his face.
“Can we tell him?” Clint asked.
“If you want,” you answered with a shrug.
Clasping a sturdy hand on his friend’s shoulder, Clint leaned into him. “She said that she’ll skin you alive in your sleep dude.”
Steve just frowned at Y/N as she threw him a wink.
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© hippopotamusdreamer, est 2024. all rights reserved.
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cowboythewizard726 · 2 months
beautiful orc girl leed helllOOOOO beautiful leed alert oh my GOD she's so cool WOOAHHHH beautiful siilly girl she was really pretty and awesome and so kind i think shes wonderful and there should be a statue made just for her thats really big and in the center of everything and she should get anything she wants ever smile face
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