#do eeet
akumanoken · 1 year
Me @ all of you
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asksinisterstrange · 2 years
*hugs Sinister* I technically need a hug since I've been down recently and you are my comfort don't be mad
And since when I offer hugs? And how does one "technically" needs a hug? People came up with a score now? UGH!!- You....you little...
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*taps your forehead* You stole a hug. How dare you. *SIGHS* .... Cheer up, Rath. If you have the guts to surprise hug me, you have the guts to solve your problems. I might be...huh...cheering for you. I confess you got courage.
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an-s-sedai · 2 years
Coming Soon to a WoT Blog Near You
a gifset titled “classic meet-cute.”
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dad-for-one · 2 years
@knifelizard​ started following you
     “Ah, my boy. You have come to me at last.” The ancient smiled from his throne, a grin ominous on a maimed face as he opened his arms wide to the young man before him.
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“Have you come to a decision? Will you lead our armies? Your army~”
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cursivebloodlines · 7 months
feeling semi-inspired but my brain wants to work on memes rather than my actual drafts lmao! i have loads to get through, i know, but please feel free to send more. the more, the merrier. just pls specify which muse it's for!! i'm constantly flickering between whatever my brain wants to write. so feel free hehehe
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skellymom · 3 months
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YES! I'm teasing you!!! Especially @haybellewrites
Warning: Slight smutty McSmutterson action. Nothing too graphic, but definite Crosshair smut! NO MINORS!
Word Count: 185
The grief was too much for you both. 
Lying in bed at night...the uncertainty and rising arousal making sleep elusive. Two people alone in the vastness of space, on a dark, silent ship. The distance between you palpable. 
“Are...you awake?” he furtively asked with hushed tones in the dark. 
“Umhmm.” Intrigued as to why he asked. 
You lay there in the dark waiting for an answer. 
More silence... 
...then Crosshairs hand gently smoothing away the hair from your temple. 
You immediately embrace him tightly. 
He falters for just a beat. Body frozen for what seems like an eternity. Would this scare him away? 
Then you feel his arms encircle you, lips upon your cheek...kissing down to your lips. 
Unable to hold back any further, you turn your head to meet his lips to yours. 
Mouths opening to breathe into the well of one another. Sliding upon each other passionately. Breaths furiously taken in between long heated kisses. 
Then parting quickly to pull the clothing from each other's body. Almost ripping the cloth away from bare skin. Occasional moans of longing for skin-to-skin contact....
PLEASE like, comment, and/or REBLOG!
@genericficerblog @thecoffeelorian @crosshairs-right-nut @fionajames @arctrooper69 @littlefeatherr @askyourfox @freesia-writes @spacemagicandlaserswords @marymunchkiin @loveinglymessedup @sverdgeir @dreamingthroughlifetonight @idoubleswearimawriter @iz-cause @itsyellow @lokigirlszendaya
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maestroignitex · 1 month
Do eeet. I need to hear the actual full complete song without the moans lol.
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crabbunch · 8 months
For the ficlet thingy, 15. Dearest ache
15- dearest // ache
There is a ravager behind him. There's also a ravager in front of him- Etho sucks in a quick breath and sprints a little faster. The hallway is too small to squeeze past either ravager, but he does have a rusty repair kit, and the ladder to the library is in sight. He can wait down there for the ravagers to forget about him and then sneak back out once they've wandered off.
Etho jumps onto the ladder, but just as he's about to start descending, the ravager who was chasing him manages to clip his arm with a tusk. He yelps, and tumbles the rest of the way down the ladder- his com falls out of his hand and bounces onto the floor beside the ladder.
He lands hard, knocking the air out of himself and probably breaking some ribs, if the shooting pain running through them every time he breathes in is any indication. Etho just lays there for a while, listening to his cards run out and his stumbles build up until his clank and hazard are both at max.
The artifact wasn't that good, anyways; it was just 30 embers. He still has three keys left. He's not terribly disappointed by the failure. He lays on the ground and tries to breathe as shallowly as he can and waits for a ravager or a vex to find him and finish him off so that he can respawn.
...except they can't get in here. The library is a safe place. Etho turns his head slightly to look at Rusty. He can't die in here. If he wants to die, he's going to need to get out.
He's not sure he can do that.
He can't just message Tango, either, because Tango's not even online, and he doesn't have his com.
Etho only has one berry left- no where close to enough to heal with. He sits up, gritting his teeth and ignoring the ache that only deepens in his ribs. He just needs to climb up the ladder and let something maul him and then he can go home, or maybe just run the dungeon again.
He can barely sit up, though. Etho breathes in shallow gasps, but it doesn't do much to lessen the pain.
He's stuck. He's stuck in a safe place, and that means that nothing can kill him, and he's stuck. None of the other hermits were even online, last time he checked- they won't know to come looking for him.
Etho keeps his breathing even, and listens to the distant rumbling of ravagers. His ribs ache so badly.
He can do this, though. He just has to get to his feet and then take a step and then maybe another step and then one more step and he'll be at the ladder and then he only has to climb up 25 rungs until he'll be at the top where he can lie down again and wait for some ravager to hear his pathetic gasping and finally finish him off.
So it's basically impossible.
S-stumble! the dungeon stutters. Etho didn't know it could do that. He pats the floor next to him reassuringly, and then slumps back to the ground, trying not to inhale too sharply when the movement jostles him.
Ssssstumble! the dungeon says, sooner than it should, probably. Etho blinks at the ceiling. Either the dungeon is broken or he's spacing out- he sort of hopes it the second. If it is, he might just die of like, a punctured lung or something. That'd be nice.
S-sss-sss-sss- the dungeon says again. Darn. Just broken, then. He'll be waiting here for ages until someone notices he's missing.
Eeet-ho? the dungeon says. Maybe. He might just actually be hallucinating. That's a little worrying.
Etho? the dungeon says again. Concerning. Etho blinks at the ceiling. His ribs ache.
Etho! the dungeon says.
"Huuhhh," Etho says. "Weird. Is this actually happening?"
Yes! says the dungeon. Yes!
"Cool," Etho slurs. "Hey... why?"
Worried... the dungeon says.
"Yeah, I get... wait, no I don't. Aren't you supposed to kill people? For fun?" Etho blinks.
Kill. the dungeon says. Not this.
"Oh yeah," says Etho. "Cool. Could you- get something down here to do that?"
Can't, the dungeon says with a distinctly mournful note.
"Oh, that's okay," Etho says. "Thanks anyways."
Okay? the dungeon asks. Be okay?
"I'll get there," Etho says. "Just... gotta respawn. Someone will notice I'm in here eventually."
Help? the dungeon asks.
"I don't know how," Etho admits. "I'm just- waiting. Wait with me?"
Yesss, the dungeon agrees. Wait with you.
"Thanks," Etho says. "Yeah... let Tango know I'm here when he gets online? I'm gonna... nap..."
Okay, says the dungeon. Wait with you. Bring Tango.
"Great," Etho says, blinking his eyes shut. Man, but his ribs ache. Maybe he'll be dead by the time he wakes up. Hopefully.
Sleep, dearest champion, the dungeon says, almost tenderly.
"Whazzat?" Etho asks, squinting his eyes open to stare at the ceiling, but the dungeon has gone silent again accept for the occasional distant jingle of treasure and screech of vex. "Okay. Whatever." He passes out.
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little-tyrant-gortash · 4 months
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No but when there's a quake when you talk to Gortash and Loke and Gortash nearly fall into each other's arms. 🥴 Literally all four of the party falls his direction while he leans towards Loke. I'm. Hhhhhngngn yes you can certainly enter my Loke's personal space Enver, do it. DO EEET. 😂
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theboyandthepeach · 3 months
This is for the mod:
50% of the asks: SAVE KERIAN YOU CAN DO EEET power of love and talking
49% of asks: we love the pechapest
Then there's marx: imma blend a bitch!!!
//LMAO it is really like that here. I enjoy receiving asks from yall
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igotsnothing · 1 year
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(Ginko, the brooding but compassionate protagonist from the manga/anime Mushishi, is probably one of my favorite fictional characters. If you have a chance to read or watch it, do eeet. )
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galdurr · 1 month
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Continue for the WIP for this one~
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Alright, alright, alright! I can't just draw normal people anymore and I am just gonna embrace the weirdness. Who's complaining, anyway? No one🤷🏼‍♀️ Just gotta do eeet!
My commissions are 🪐OPEN💫 Slots: 1/3
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craft-quests · 3 months
What are you doing?
Trying out a new craft every month for the rest of 2024.
Why are you doing it?
Fun! Also, I have a huge list of crafts I've been saying I want to try for years, and I'm trying to motivate myself to actually do it.
Why didn't you start this in January, wouldn't that have made more sense?
*shrug emoji*
You're doing {insert craft here} wrong!
Probably! These are all things that I'm more or less new to! Feel free to tell me what I'm doing wrong in the spirit of being kind and helpful to a beginner.
Can I suggest a craft you should try?
Nothing would delight me more than to have an even longer list. No, really. Do eeet!
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imeverywoman420 · 10 months
One of my irl catchphrases that doesnt translate on text at all is saying I wouldn’t know what to do with it/you wouldn’t know what to do with it. But like in a larry the cable guy king of the hill EYE WOODNT KNOOOOWW HWAT TEW DEWWW WEEETH EEET.
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absolutebl · 2 years
Hello ABL,
After looking at your spreadsheet of doom, can you tell us how many shows have been released this year 2022 (including the shows that ended in 2022 like bad buddy) compared to the last 2 years by country. It will provide some perspective.
Thank you ❤️
I can but I usually do exactly that at the end of the year since the number announced is different from the number that actually air, so I have to wait until forth quarter closes.
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So can you wait until the end of the year for the true stats in proper analysis?
Here's last year:
BL 2021 STATS & TRENDS BY COUNTRY (I reposted for ya) 
Here’s some rough numbers on the major producers that I track (includes microfilms and added new discoveries to previous years):
2020 = 22 
2021 = 42 
2022 = 108 so far
flipping heck, I genuinely thought their exponential growth would start to plateau at this point, no wonder I am struggling to keep up 
2020 = 4
2021 = 11
2022 = 5 so far 
I don’t think we are due many more this year, maybe 2 if we are lucky 
2020 = 7 
2021 = 17
2022 = 16 so far 
I thought they’d get over 20 this year and I think they still might make it. 
2020 = 8 (but 3 of those are pinks)
2021 = 6
2022 = 17 so far 
This was the biggest trend I did not see coming. I had no idea Japan, of all places, would respond to market pressure like this. Honestly I think it’s mostly a “HAY, we started this, what is Korea doing? Oh, I don’t think so. Let’s show em how its done.” AKA they aren’t taking this like they did Jpop, subconscious attitude. 
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My 2022 BL Trend & Growth Expectations from 2021 were:
THAILAND will produce the same kind of thing as they did in 2021 with perhaps a few darker offerings, better queer rep, and a fall off in the pulps as money dries up. I don’t see how they can possibly keep up this level of exponential growth, their overall quality is seriously suffering. If we’re lucky, we will get at least 6 experimental pieces with stronger story and atypical setting (like KinnPorsche). ANNOUNCED? 73 BLs for 2022 (many of these are seed project fundraisers, I expect about half to die in pre-production or move to 2023.)
TAIWAN has increased steadily over years but I think they’ll go down from 2021, and 6 is the max we can expect in 2022. I want them to do a gay spoof on Boys Over Flowers but they don’t have the funds. *sad sigh* (This is assuming China doesn’t carry out its political threats, in which case the world’s got more serious problems to worry about.) ANNOUNCED? 5 BLs for 2022 
KOREA. I expect them to double their BL output next year (from 11 to 20+), perhaps including something a little longer after the success of Light On Me. Of course, imma pipe dream Yuri on Ice staring Enhyphen’s Park Sung Hoon and you can’t stop me (but Japan probably will). ANNOUNCED? 15 BLs for 2022
JAPAN, look I have cried out for years for ninja/yakuza yaoi adaptations and something more adult domestic like Our Dinging Table, and Japan has announced both. BOTH I tell you. I am SO EXCITED for Japanese BL in 2022. Come on Japan, you can do eeet! ANNOUNCED? 4 BLs for 2022
VIETNAM should continue to improve steadily, and give us as many as it can, I’m just hoping it doesn't fall down the Pinoy rabbit hole of no story. They are evolving quickly, if Mr Cinderella is any indication, good things are coming. ANNOUNCED? 2 BLs for 2022
CHINA nothing but a few heavily censored bromances. ANNOUNCED? 1 bromance co-project with Thailand for 2022
2022 BL line up (announced projects, trailers, etc) as of the end of 2021 is here.
2021 audience analysis and thoughts here. I discuss growth in terms of audience, investment, and international market penetration. How I think pandemic viewing #s figured into it. Possible new production models. And changes in BL actors and their pairs. (Pure speculation since I don’t have access to these numbers.)
2021 BL Wrap Up - Top Trends analyzed & discussed
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grimweaver · 1 year
My 7yo when she sees a yautja for the first time: "He looks like an echidna!" Then suddenly I remember why I was drawn to them in the first place. Well, that's part of the reason. I was about ten years old-- at the age when I was really into dragons and Sonic the Hedgehog. I was at my friends' house, checking out their toy collection. Caught sight of a predator action figure (glow-in-the-dark, I think) and I'm like "Dude, he looks like Enerjak (an echidna character in the Sonic-Archie Comics, in case you didn't know), but also a dragon, but he also looks very human. What is he? Who is he?" "Predator," he says. I hadn't seen that movie yet, so I didn't think to ask a five-year-old how he knows about Predator movies. Maybe he didn't-- possibly got it from his grandparents, who like to search for toys at garage sales (I do too, btw). I really liked playing with that predator figure every time I got to go over to their house (and putting his sisters' barbie clothes on him lol). Naturally, it made me want to see the movies. Mom said I had to wait until I was maybe fourteen because of the gore. So fastforward to mid-90s, I watch the first film, and for the first time since Darth Vader I fell in love with the movie's villain. <3
Yautja obsession follows. I feed my brain that hungers for lore. Now I'm like "AHAB MOVIE! DO EEET! DO EEET NOW! (and do it right!) CAMAAAAAHN!"
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