#doctor cecilia reyes
cloakndagger2 · 8 months
America Chavez getting stripped of her nuyorican heritage, getting deaged, and becoming not the first
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Not even the second
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But the third Afro-Latine Marvel character to get lightwashed is my Roman Empire and my villain origin story
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liam-zor-el · 9 months
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this is what happened canonically trust me
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kamamo1 · 8 months
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Cecilia Reyes
Damn it, I am a doctor, not some latex-wearing super-hero!
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hakka84 · 1 month
Lucas Pereira Marvel Universe in Feudal Japan
Collection of all the arts the artist shared on free on Instagram so far. I will keep it updated (they should have a lot of arts on Patreon that should debut, or at least they promised they would) (last updated 30/4/2024)
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Wolverine: post
Cyclops: post
Storm: art 1 , art 2
Jean Grey: post
Gambit: post
Nightcrawler: post
Rogue: post
Forge: post
Sage: post
Cable: post
Psylocke: art 1 + art 2
Kitty Pryde + Lochkeed: post
Jubilee: alone and with Shogo
Moonstar: post
Warpath: post
Cypher: post
Doop: post
Magneto: daimo version , shogun version
Sunspot: post
Blink: post
Daken: post
Cecilia Reyes: post
Pixie: post
DJ: post
Colossus: post
Monet: art + Penance version
Angel: Angel , Archangel version , influence of Apocalypse version
Magik: post
Loa: post
Beast: post
Trance: post
Juggernaut: post
Polaris: post
Sinister: post
Manifold: post
Namor: post
Warlock: post
Frenzy: post
Iceman: post
Spyral: post
Northstar: post
Domino: post
Chamber: post
Sabretooth: post
Lady Deathstrike: post
Mystique: post
Blob: post
Sunfire: post
Havok: post
Dazzler: post
Emma Frost: post
Shatterstar: post
Gabby: post
Betsy as Captain Britain: post
Avengers related
Scarlet Witch: post
Black Widow: post
Black Panther: post
Hulk: post
Spider-Man related
Venom: Eddie + Symbionte
Spider-Man: post
Doc Octopus: post
Carnage: post
Team: post
Reed: post
Susan: post
Ben: post
Johnny: post
Galactus: post
Silver Surfer: post
Terrax: post
Deadpool: post
Daredevil: post
Cloak & Dagger: post
Doctor Strange: post
Ms. Marvel: post
Nightcrawler + Sinister: post
Rogue: post
Jean & Scott: post
Wolverine & Storm: post
Kitty & Ilyana: post
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scarlet--wiccan · 2 years
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X-Men Infinity Comic #44
We’re three, almost four years into Krakoa, and I was honestly starting to wonder if we’d ever see Triage again. Mutant doctors, healers, and bodyworkers are an important part of Krakoan society, which has brought renewed attention to characters like Elixir, Cecilia Reyes, Healer, and even Masque. In the age of mutant resurrection, I found it strange that Triage, whose mutant ability allows him to heal injuries and literally raise the dead, has had virtually zero page time. 
Triage, whose given name is Christopher Muse, was among the generation of new mutants who began manifesting after Hope Summers and Wanda Maximoff dispersed the Phoenix Force in AvX. Christopher was recruited to Cyclops’ new school for mutants in Alaska, where he trained alongside Tempus, Egg, and other new, post-Phoenix mutants. Because of Triage’s long-running history with Tempus and Egg, I always wondered why he wasn’t chosen to be part of the Five. Elixir’s powers somewhat better suited to the delicate work he performs in the resurrection process, but they’re both healers, and Triage has more connections to the other characters. 
Anyways, I always thought it would be cool if the Five were made up entirely of post-Decimation new mutants. It might be a little too heavy handed, but the thematic resonance would lend itself well to the semi-spiritual tone that is often taken with the Five and their resurrection process. Triage could take Elixer’s place, but I’m not sure who fill Proteus’s position-- I can’t remember if there were any reality- or probability-warpers from that era.
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Staff Roster
*This is a tentative list and will be updated as necessary*
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Owner, operator, Headmaster, History Professor, and Ethics Professor: Me, @drcharlesfrancisxavier
Co-Headmistress, Danger Room Administrator: Miss Emma Frost, @allhailthewhitequeen
Assistant Dean: Miss Wanda Maximoff, @wandaa-maxximoff
Assistant Dean: Mister Logan Howlett, @jameshowletthere
Head Nurse: Doctor Cecilia Reyes, @dr-ceciliareyes
Assistant Nurse: Mister Joshua Foley, @callmeelixir
Counselor: Miss Sage, @themutantsage
Admissions: Miss Brit Worthington, @brit-worthy
Maintenance: Mister Sean Cassidy @seanbcassidy , Mister Warren Worthington III @iamwarrenworthington
Physical Education/Athletics Professor: Mister Alex Summers, @alexsummershere
Science/Math Professor: Doctor Henry "Hank" McCoy, @imhankmccoy
History Professor: Mister Steven Grant, @themoonknight-system
Botany Professor: Doctor Pamela Isley, @drpamelalisley
Teachers' Aides:
Miss Amara Aquilla @imamaraaquilla
Miss Celeste Cuckoo @celestecuckoohere
Mister Dallas Gibson @iamspecter
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docgold13 · 2 years
The only good part of the New Mutants movie was Dani and Rahne actually being gay. Other than that, it sucks.
They made Cecilia Reyes white AND evil. She was working for Mr. Sinister. How do you make an Afro Latina doctor into someone willing to kill children for a white supremacist? Makes no sense. I'm still mad about it.
yikes, that sounds terrible. Poor Cecilia.. her character doesn’t deserve such treatment. Fox’s X-Men movies really petered out toward the end. I’m loved Logan, but Apocalypse was rough and I didn’t even bother with Dark Phoenix and New Mutants.
hoping Disney can do better by my beloved Mutants.
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agentem · 2 years
Emily watches "New Mutants"
Everyone said this was the worst Marvel movie and I was scared by that after seeing "Dark Phoenix" so I never watched it.
But now it's on Disney+
These kids to not speak like human beings, let alone kids.
What is Maisie's accent? Shrek? I'm sorry I love her. Why couldn't they just let her do her regular accent? And why does her hair look weird?
Oh wow all the accents are weird.
How dare they make my Cecilia Reyes so obviously evil. And so white washed. (I remember shipping her and Beast when they were working on the cure to the Legacy virus.)
Illyana is racist and mean. Colossus would be sad. I mean, you want her to have an attitude and be a queen. But like... calling Dani offensive slurs?
Why is there a group shower? And if there is a group shower, wouldn't you stand far away from other people?
Why not make it a real facility for mutants that just happens to be in a creepy space, and have Dani accidentally make it scary? Why have it it ramp up more?
WHY IS THERE A POOL IN A MENTAL HOSPITAL? Is a pool scene required in teen movies or something?
Oh I see why there is a group shower. They wanted to do a bad Psycho homage. Sure that's how you should plan sets.
Oh shocker it's the Essex Corporation not the X-Men. I couldn't tell from the very beginning that there was something shady going on.
Shouldn't Dani's vision be our first hint of that?
Why don't they ever try to help Dani control the manifestations? Like shouldn't they have learned stuff at this facility even if they are being trained to be weapons?
I feel like there is a version of this that could work. Have them be told they are in a real medical facility for mutants. You'd need more than one doctor, at least a nurse too. Show more group scenes of their dynamics. Make Illyana quieter--no racist abuse--like the crazy one. Have them really be trying to get out of there, only for Dani's vision to show them they will never get out. When their past traumas mainfest have them work more as a team, since it seems like Sam and Roberto can hurt Illyana's monsters, etc. Bond. Staircase scen the first we see of Illyanna not being crazy. Then face off against the Doctor who is not Cecilia because I love her. She gets eaten by Demon Bear. They all work together. Then leave together as a group. 75% less accent work.
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dr-ceciliareyes · 11 months
Face Claim: Jasmine Tookes
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Full Name: Cecilia Reyes
Age: 34
Birth Date: June 22nd
Species: Mutant
Ability: Psioplasmic Bio-field
Cecilia generates a psioplasmic bio-field that increases her durability. It surrounds her at all times and is invisible unless activated by a threat, in which it takes on a translucent glass-like appearance. While her mutation is largely subconscious, she can consciously activate it to use it offensively, shaping it and using it to put more force behind her attacks.
Occupation: Medical Doctor, Head Nurse at Xavier's School
Family: Alejandro Reyes (father, deceased), Maria Reyes (mother, deceased), Miguel Reyes (brother)
Cecilia was born in the Bronx in New York City. She had an average childhood until she witnessed the death of her father in a drive-by shooting at the age of six. Unable to help him, Cecilia ended up dedicating her life to becoming a doctor; she wanted to help save lives and never wanted to feel that helpless again.
Cecilia pushed herself to reach her goal and eventually graduated from Columbia University with a medical degree in emergency medicine. However, shortly after landing a job at a local hospital, Cecilia's mutation manifested. She contacted Charles Xavier, who offered her a job at his school, which she initially declined.
Cecilia elected to keep her mutation a secret, and she had, for the most part, until one day a coworker witnessed it. Thinking this coworker could be trusted, Cecilia politely asked if they would keep what they saw to themselves. They didn't, and a few days later, Cecilia was attacked by a mutant hate group while on duty. She managed to subdue the attackers (with an unfortunate audience) and was let go from her position immediately.
Unsure of what to do next, Cecilia once again contacted Charles, who re-extended the invitation to work at the school. This time, Cecilia accepted, and she has been the school's head nurse since.
Cecilia is an ambitious and rather adventurous person, but her drive and focus tend to leave her lacking in the social department. She never really made lasting connections throughout her school/formative years because she was always either working or studying. She finds it hard to leave her comfort zone when it comes to being social, opting to instead wait in her office until someone needs her help.
Despite this, Cecilia is quite outgoing. She enjoys trying new things, traveling, and dancing. She even wants to go skydiving one day.
Though she lacks sociability, if she manages to form deeper connections, Cecilia is very loyal and can be somewhat protective over the people she cares for.
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highsocietyhqs · 1 year
welcome to the high society, CICI we're expecting greatness from you, maybe become the new ceo of your family's empire? marry into a bigger kingdom? lose all your money and hair in the process? you who knows, but we're about to find out. ( melissa calma is now taken )
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( melissa calma, twenty-three, she/her ) is that CECILIA "CICI" REYES at club wisteria? they're finally back from HER DOCTORS WITHOUT BORDERS LEAP YEAR and they're ready for this season, look at them with their SHIRLEY TEMPLE in their hand, listening to MEMORIES by CONAN GREY like they have their entire life solved... wait, they do! ( nine + cst + she/her )
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[Part 1.2] Random Headcanons: Dr Cecilia Reyes
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- She does have social media to keep up with "human" news
- Loves Telenovelas
- Cries to Telenovelas
- A nerd 'tho she would never admit it
- Loves reading science books, it reminds her of her childhood
- She has a sweet tooth
- Very intelligent would never flex it tho
- She journals
- A secret romantic
- Used to pull out hair when nervous
- Now she just plays with her dreads when nervous
- Actually a bit of a tomboy
- Early Bird
- Likes R&B and old ballads
- Bad at singing
- Always trying to learn how to cook
- PTSD caused by her father's death
- Has to wear glasses but doesn't do it most of the time because she isn't used to having something on her face
- Has a huge collection of accessories for her dreads
- Her favourites are a couple of yellow wooden beads she bought herself as a graduation gift
- She has a very light lavender odor
- Messy doctors handwriting
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wherethedragonends · 2 years
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Marauders.1/Steve Orlando/Eleonora Carlini/Matt Milla/Ariana Maher/Tom Muller/Kael Ngu/Lauren Amaro/Jordan D White/Marvel
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Cecilia Reyes 
On the front lines. I have always loved this character. Did she ever adopt a codname?
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elgaberino-mcoc · 3 years
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Recent Rank: Dr. Cecilia Reyes
Look back on Cecilia Reyes' journey to becoming the X-Men member you know today! #HispanicLatinxHeritageMonth [link]
- Marvel Entertainment official Twitter, Oct. 15, 2021
Cecilia Reyes is currently number 271 on the wishlist. You know wishlist editor @PastorCoco2 is always up for more mutants in @MarvelChampions and as Puerto Rican female she would bring added diversity to the contest. @elgaberino_MCOC Vote here
- MCOC Wishlist Coco
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mandarinsan · 3 years
List of interracial/interspecies Marvel comics pairings:
Luke x Jessica
Danny x Misty
Carol x Rhodey
Cloak x Dagger
Miles x Gwen
Matt x Kirsten
Gamora x Nova
Scarlet Witch x Vision
Quicksilver x Crystal
Johnny x Daken
Tony x Rumiko
Matt x Maya
Spidey x Silk
Miles x Katie
Namor x Sue
Angela x Sera
Sam x Jane
Medusa x Johnny
Crystal x Ronan
Hercules x Noh-Varr
Amazing Man x Maxima
Moondragon x Phyla-Vell
Wanda x Jericho
Star-Lord x Gamora
Silver Surfer x Dawn
Silk x Spectro
Sersi x Dane
Thor x Zephyr
Tara x Bethany
Tony x Anna Wei
Miles x Lana
Mettle x Hazmat
Black Knight x Faiza
Black Knight x Crystal
Deadpool x Shiklah
Hulk x Caiera
Tony x Doctor Su Yin
MJ x Mariko (Exiles)
Nova x Namorita
Vision x Mantis
Thanos x Death
Gamora x Adam Warlock
Amadeus Cho x Delphyne Gorgon
She-Hulk x Wyatt Wingfoot
Janice x Randy
Johnny x Namorita
Ant-Man x Beetle
Deadpool x Death
Blade x Spitfire
Tigra x Criti Noll
Amadeus Cho x Viv
Silver Surfer x Mantis
Hawkeye x H'rpra
Deadpool x Orksa
Deadpool x Satana
Peter x Aradia x Mors
Mantis x Swordsman
Peter x Lian Tang
Gwen Stacy x Darius
She-Hulk x Luke Cage
Wolverine x Storm
Angel x Psylocke
Storm x Forge
Emma x Namor
Northstar x Kyle
Rictor x Shatterstar
Beast x Cecilia Reyes
Psylocke x Fantomex
Psylocke x Sabretooth (Exiles)
Psylocke x Thunderbird (Shaara)
Wolverine x Silver Fox
Wolverine x Mariko
Wolverine x Melita
Wolverine x Itsu
Wolverine x Yukio
Wolverine x Atsuko
Wolverine x Tyger Tiger
Wolverine x Gahck
Wolverine x Amir
Sabertooth x Monet
Sunspot x Magma
Bishop x Deathbird
Daken x Miss Sinister
Daken x Johnny
Daken x Marcus
Daken x Aurora
Storm x Yukio
Iceman x Opal
Laura x Synch
Storm x Beast (Ultimate)
Storm x Quicksilver (AoA)
Storm x Doctor Doom (infatuation)
Storm x Slipstream
Storm x Cyclops (Earth-12245)
Dani Moonstar x Sam Guthrie
Nocturne x Thunderbird
Jubilee x Chamber
Iceman x Daken
Hank x Trish
Beak x Angel
Mimic x Blink
Pietro x Monet
Colossus x Neerel
Corsair x Hepzibah
Professor X and Lilandra
Bishop x Jean Grey
Jubilee x Tim Drake (crossover)
Young Justice & Runaways
Hulkling x Wiccan
Speed x Prodigy
Hawkeye x Patriot
America x Lisa
Surge x Prodigy
Hawkeye x Noh-Varr
Alex x Nico
Karolina x Nico
Karolina x Xavin
Victor x Gertrude
I also saw panels of Nico kissing Victor / Chase but I don't read Runaways comics so idk how serious it was.
note: Psylocke's relationships are kind of tricky since Psylocke herself wasn't actually an Asian woman but a white woman occupying the body of an Asian woman.
(DC version)
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dayenurose · 3 years
👋 Hello friend! I would love to hear about all of your WIPs but I'm particularly curious about "Firefly in the Romy-Verse". ♥️
Hi friend! @go-haywire Thanks for the ask. <3 If you feel so inclined, feel free to ask about other WIPs too. I’ve definitely got a few.
  And now for the question of the hour—Firefly in the Romy-verse. Despite what the name might imply, there are no Firefly characters in the story. It’s more of a Romy story in a Firefly-esque ‘verse. In my notes, I summarize the story as:
  Gambit and his crew are part bounty hunters, part thieves, part honest traders trying to survive another day in the Black.  
  At the moment this is more a collection of characters, backstories, and headcanons. (Can you headcanon your own story?)  Anyways, I’ve included my notes on the crew and a snippet after the cut.
At this point the notes are still a bit rough...
Gambit (Captain) - When Remy is banished from the Thieves Guild, he decided to head to the Black. He found an old ship, hired a crew who became family. They’ve been traveling together for a while and they’re stuck on a backwater planet. Rogue works at the spaceport picking up jobs as they come.
Storm (1st Mate) - Ororo and Remy lived on the streets together. ‘Ro got off the streets before Remy did. She wasn’t at his wedding because she was off fighting with the Rebellion. That’s where she met C and suggested she be the crew’s doctor. May or may not have a relationship with Logan (haven’t decided yet).  After the war, she joined Remy’s crew. He’s the first person he asked.
Cecilia Reyes (doc) - once upon she and Remy had a fling. It wasn’t meant to be. She served in the rebellion with Storm.
Laura (muscle) - on the run from the Project X, also, you know—the muscle. She is the ‘kid’ (technically a clone) of an old friend of his, and she was spiraling. Logan asked Remy to keep an eye on her, and the two bonded.
Etienne (computers/hacker) - not technically a thief. He didn’t pass his tilling, so it’s not technically breaking exile for him and Remy to be together. Also, offers a loophole so Remy can stay in touch with his family.
Bishop (pilot, and you know, more muscle—also, time traveler) - Bishop is from the future (further in the future than this already futuristic tale). A future where Gambit doesn’t act (makes a choice of non-involvement) until it is too late. When Gambit finally acts its to become the Witness. The Witness did adopt Bishop. Bishop has gone back in time to….something…chase criminals? Whatever. Anyways, he and Gambit have an uneasy relationship, but a relationship none the less. One of the first things he asks Gambit when he goes back in time is: “Where is she?” Gambit is clueless to what Bishop is talking about. This is before Gambit met Rogue…and Bishop is referring to Rogue. Bishop doesn’t say anything else. Until Rogue arrives….And, he is the only one (besides Remy) who is certain that Rogue is a good choice when asked to join the crew. And the only one who doesn’t feel betrayed when Rogue is revealed to be a member of the Brotherhood. (He’s always known.)
And….our last member to join the crew:
Rogue (mechanic/engineer) - Rogue is on the run. Everywhere she goes, she feels eyes on her. She’s on the run from the ‘family’ which took her in because she betrayed them. She’s on the run from the government because she was more than just a rebel—she was a terrorist. The rebels, the ones who joined the official armies and navies of rebellion were pardoned. But, those, like her who had resisted through unofficial channels, who pushed the boundaries into warcrimes, there were no pardons. (Has bounties on her head from both the government and underworld). She works in one place ‘til she gets enough money to move to the next. One day when the bounty hunters were hot on her trail and she needed to leave now (and by now she means five minutes ago), she meets Gambit who’s looking for a mechanic, and, well, it was fate….
And a snippet: 
He wasn’t one for signs and presentiments. Still, it didn’t stop him from coming up short when his eyes landed on her. The woman from his dreams. He could never forget the piercing green eyes or the distinctive white streak in her hair. The longing coursing through his body was palatable. In that instance he knew that even if they hadn’t desperately needed a engineer aboard their ship, he would have found a way to bring her aboard. Storm would have accused him of thinking with his d— instead of his head. Laura and Bishop would tell him in minute detail why hiring her was a bad decision. But, Etienne and Cecilia would understand—he hoped. No, Rogue belonged with them. Even if he didn’t feel the magnetic pull towards her, she was another lost soul looking for family.
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