#don't look too closely or you will see the Mistakes
k0juki · 20 hours
Wolf in sheep's clothing
Joost Klein x fem!reader
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Warnings: (Joost is not famous in this!) stalking, bad behaviour, maybe paranoia? mentions of killing and mentions of dead people... NOT EDITED!
English is not my first language, so feel free to point out any mistakes or errors!
Wc. over 1500
You always thought that you met Joost by accident. But was it really? With him you never know, and now you were pretty sure that it wasn't by accident. He is a man with charm, that's a very dangerous thing.
His blue eyes held more darkness than you had ever seen in anyone else. But there still was something in them, you just hoped it wasn't too late for him.
And even now that you aren't together, you still hoped there was some way to save him.
"By safe on your way home." Said your mother through the phone you had between your ear and shoulder.
"Yeah mom, I will. Don't worry, okay? I love you, bye." You ended the call and made your way home on the busy streets of Amsterdam. It was getting colder this time of year and you feared it would start snowing in a few weeks.
It was a short trip home from the grocery store. Just around the corner, by the book store, where you always walk by. But you tried to walk here only during the day, not night. You saw in the news many times before how some doubtful people robbed other people near your apartment. This wasn't the best street to live on, but it was still your home after all.
You hated that you had to lie to your mother, but it was for the best. She knew about your and Joost break up and she worried about you. And she would definitely get crazy if you told her the truth about your real parting.
The place you loved no matter what. Yes, it has some advantages and disadvantages, but what hasn't. And after you and Joost broke up, you tried to avoid this this shortcut as much as possible. You always thought that someone was watching you going through here, and now that you and Joost weren't together, you felt this feeling growth.
You speed up a little and adjust your jacket around you with bag full of food in one hand and the other in your pocket. "It's alright Y/n, no-one is here, there's nothing to be scared of." You kept telling yourself, you were ready for everything.
But it wasn't this unfamiliar gaze that scared you. No, you knew it very well who exactly it was. He is the one you should avoid, to hide from and to fear. Maybe you didn't know where he was, but you knew he was close.
It was so quiet, you almost didn't hear it. You stopped in your tracks and slowly turned around. It was him, in all his glory. You didn't say anything. You couldn't, it was like he took all the oxygen and you just couldn't breathe.
"Y/n" he repeated and took a step towards you. But you couldn't move, it was like you were glued to the floor. Looking closer at him, you saw behind his glasses how his right eye was a bit swollen and purple around the corner. He didn't look good, in fact he scared you.
He stopped a few centimeters before you, practically breathing right in your face and you were sure, you were breathing just as hard.
"Wha..." you couldn't bring yourself to even speak properly, but you had to for your sake. "What are you doing here?" It was a simple question, but you didn't expect him to answer truthfully.
"I'm here to see you."
"No," Stepping back, you took your other hand out of your pocket, keeping distance between you and him. "You can't be here."
"Why not." This dull look in his ocean eyes wasn't the one you fell in love with, he wasn't your Joost. The one that cared for everyone so much all the time, even though he didn't have to. This wasn't your Joost that told you how much he loves you right when you woke up in the morning and before you fell asleep in his hold.
This wasn't him. This was someone else.
"You know why." Came out as a whisper. "We are done." You turned back around and continued your way home, you didn't stop even when you heard his voice calling after you.
"You can't keep doing this Y/n!"
He wasn't coming after you and you were glad, you just hoped you won't have to see him again.
As soon as you saw your apartment, you sighed and walked inside the building. He was gone.
Opening the door, you were greeted by loud meowing. It was like your cat brought you out of the trance. He was hungry and rubbed his head against your leg.
Kefir. He was a present from Joost and the name was an idea from him too. He knew how much you liked milk, so you immediately agreed. Your little nonstop meowing little Kefir.
You put the full bag on the counter after you made sure you locked the door. That night you couldn't sleep, how could you, and all because you saw something you shouldn't. It didn't had to end this way, but he had made his choice.
How can you hurt someone, let alone kill. This was twisted. Beyond disguising. And what was worse, you didn't told that to anyone, too scared to say something to someone. But you made your choice to break up with him. It didn't make you feel any less guilty, but you had to do something, anything at this point.
And you knew that if you looked out of the window, behind curtains, you would see him here standing with a cigarette in his mouth. How he was watching you every night for the past month since you broke up.
He scared you. Joost scared you.
You woke up later than usual, but there was no wonder. When you went to sleep, the sun was already up. When you looked out of the window, he was no longer here.
"Are you hungry?" You asked the cat and he just meowed as you made your way to the kitchen. You put kefir granules and got ready for the day.
Then you made your way to work and after the whole day, you had to say, you had enough. All those rude people and their bizarre ideas how you could do your job better.
When you went home you couldn't help but notice certain things. He wasn't here. Normally he was right there waiting in some dark corner watching over you or going behind you in crowded streets.
You didn't think much of it, thinking he finally stopped following you around like a lost puppy. You took a deep breath and stepped inside the building and made your way to the fourth floor.  As you opened the door, you knew he was there, in your home that used to be your both.
You immediately noticed, but it wasn't for your cat, because he came to greet you as soon as you opened.
You knew he was here because he didn't follow you home. It was a strange thing for him to do, but you got used to it.
"How did you get in?"
You heard his chuckle and saw him step to the light of your living room.
"I don't want you here Joost. I made that clear." You said to him feeling confident, but that didn't mean you feared him any less.
"I didn't mean to scare you that night, you know?" He admitted and made his way slowly to you.
"Do you..." You began "Do you want me dead?"
He didn't answer that, you didn't expect him to. He looked at you and after so long, you finally saw something in his eyes other than emptiness. It was like he recognised you.
"Dead?" Joost asked and tilted his head to the side. "Y/n, I don't want you dead."
"Then why do you keep doing this? Why are you scaring me? Why did you kill that guy?"
"I love you, can't you see that?"
He looked desperate and ashamed of himself. Like he didn't recognise himself too. Looking down he pulled you closer by your waist and put his head on top of yours. He squeeze your waist and then whispered.
"You don't get it, I had to do it."
"Because of you. For you."
Now it was your turn to be quiet. Too scared to say something. You didn't return the hug he was holding you in and he noticed. You closed your eyes as you felt them fill with tears of psychical pain and regret for someone's life they couldn't live.
"No, it was always going to end this way."
This only made him hold you closer and harder. You took a deep breath and whispered.
"It doesn't have to end this way."
Don't copy or translate my work. Also the picture is not mine, credit goes to owner.
A/n: idk how I should feel about this... it's not edited so... :))
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thatdammchickennugget · 22 hours
Twists Of Fate
pairing -james potter x fem!reader
summary - a chance reunion at a wedding leads to unexpected sparks between you and james
warnings - shitty ex, james is a danger to everyone around him, fluff
wordcount - 2.2k
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You're standing near the edge of the dance floor, nursing a glass of champagne and pretending to be deeply interested in the intricacies of your friend's wedding decor. The fairy lights twinkle overhead, casting a warm glow on the happy couples swirling around you. You try to focus on the joy of the occasion, but your mind keeps drifting back to the events of the past few weeks.
Your ex-boyfriend, the one who decided that your relationship wasn't worth more than a passing fling, is here. And not only is he here, but he's here with a new girl, draped on his arm like the latest fashion accessory. Every time you catch sight of them, your heart twists painfully in your chest.
"Hey, you look great," he says after walking up to you, a smug smile playing on his lips as his new girlfriend giggles beside him. "Too bad things didn't work out between us, huh?"
Before you can formulate a response that doesn't involve throwing your drink in his face, he leans in closer, his voice dripping with faux sympathy. "Listen, I just wanted to say that I hope we can still be friends, you know? It's not like we ended things on bad terms or anything."
You bite back a bitter laugh, nodding along as if his words actually mean something to you. In your opinion, him cheating on you and then blaming his mistake on you left you far from ‘on good terms’. Inside, you're seething with anger and frustration. How dare he waltz in here with his new conquest, acting like he's the picture of decency?
But just as you're about to excuse yourself and find someplace else to drown your sorrows, a voice interrupts.
"Sweetheart, there you are! I've been looking everywhere for you."
You blink in surprise as James Potter, of all people, strides up to you, an easy grin on his face. He slips an arm around your waist, drawing you close. His touch is warm and reassuring, a stark contrast to the icy dread pooling in your stomach.
"James?" you murmur, more to yourself than to him.
Of course you remember him from school. Everyone knew of him. You had talked to him once in a while during your time at school, mostly when he found himself interrupting your study sessions with Remus in the library, but since graduating two years ago your paths hadn’t crossed again until right now.
He doesn't miss a beat, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "Sorry I'm late, love. Got caught up trying to find a decent tie. Do you have any idea how hard it is to find one that matches your eyes?"
Your eyes fall down to his broad chest on their own accord, and to your surprise, his tie actually happens to match almost perfectly.
Your ex is staring, slack-jawed, clearly not expecting this turn of events. James turns to him, raising an eyebrow. "Oh, I don't think we've met. I'm James, her date."
"Date?" your ex echoes, the smugness evaporating from his expression.
"Yes, date," James repeats cheerfully, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "You know, the person you bring to events like this to remind you what it's like to have someone who actually appreciates your company. But hey, I get it, it can be confusing for some people."
You can't help but stifle a laugh at the way he says it, his tone so breezy and unbothered. You decide to play along, slipping your arm around his in return.
"Thanks for coming to find me," you say, trying to sound as natural as possible. "I was just about to head back to the dance floor."
James winks at you, his grin widening. "Anything for you, darling."
As he leads you away, you glance back to see your ex still standing there, looking utterly flabbergasted. It's a small victory, but it feels monumental.
"You didn't have to do that," you murmur once you're out of earshot.
James shrugs, his expression softening. "Seemed like you could use a hand. Plus, it’s always fun to mess with someone who clearly deserves it."
You laugh, the tension in your shoulders easing a bit. "Thanks. I owe you one."
"Oh, I plan to collect," he says with a teasing glint in his eye. "But for now, how about a dance? You know, to really sell the whole 'date' thing."
You roll your eyes but can’t suppress the smile tugging at your lips. "Alright, Potter. One dance."
As you follow James onto the dance floor, the music envelops you, its lively beat washing away the lingering discomfort from the encounter. James wastes no time in taking the lead, his movements smooth and confident as he guides you through the crowd.
"So," he says, his voice close to your ear as he spins you effortlessly, "how's life been treating you since Hogwarts?"
You can't help but chuckle at his casual demeanor, the tension of the evening melting away with every step. "Oh, you know, the usual. Trying to navigate the treacherous waters of adulting and all that."
James grins, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Ah, yes, the dreaded adulting. I hear it's a real beast but I wouldn’t know anything about that."
You nod in agreement, your laughter mingling with the music. "Tell me about it. Sometimes I wish I could just go back to worrying about O.W.L.s and Quidditch matches."
"Hey, at least in the wizarding world, adulting comes with the added bonus of using magic without getting into trouble," James quips, twirling you expertly before pulling you back into his arms. "Although, I suppose dealing with an ex at a wedding could be considered a form of dark magic."
You playfully swat at his arm, unable to suppress a grin. "You're terrible, you know that?"
He grins back, his eyes alight with mischief. "Guilty as charged. But hey, at least I'm charmingly terrible."
As the song shifts to a more upbeat tempo, James takes advantage of the moment to unleash his dance moves. Except, instead of smooth and confident, his movements are more like a cross between a flailing Hippogriff and a clumsy first-year attempting a Transfiguration spell.
You can't help but burst into laughter at the sight of him, his arms flapping wildly and his feet stumbling over each other. "Merlin's beard, James! Are you trying to hex the dance floor or something?"
He shoots you a mock offended look, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Oi, watch it! I'll have you know, I'm a dance prodigy in the making."
You raise an eyebrow, unable to contain your grin. "Prodigy? More like a disaster waiting to happen."
Undeterred, James continues to dance with reckless abandon, his movements becoming increasingly exaggerated with each passing moment. He spins and twirls, his limbs flying in all directions as if controlled by an unseen force.
"Alright, alright, I admit it," he says between gasps for breath, his cheeks flushed with exertion. "Maybe I'm not the next Fred Astaire, but at least I'm having fun. And getting to see that pretty smile of yours is worth making a fool of myself."
You can't help but feel a warmth spread through you at James's words, his sincerity cutting through the playful banter. Despite his less-than-graceful moves, there's an endearing charm to his earnestness that you can't help but admire.
"Well, in that case," you say with a teasing grin, "I suppose I can forgive your questionable dancing skills."
James grins back, his eyes shining with amusement. "Gee, thanks. I'll try not to let it go to my head."
As the music continues to pulse around you, you find yourself caught up in the moment, dancing with James in a whirlwind of laughter and joy. Together, you move in sync, your steps perfectly imperfect as you twirl and sway to the rhythm of the music.
Just as you're both getting into the swing of things, James's exuberant movements nearly send him crashing into an elderly witch who's been watching the dance floor with a bemused expression. You gasp, reaching out instinctively to steady her, but James, ever the smooth talker, beats you to it.
"Whoa there, almost lost my footing!" James exclaims, flashing the woman his most charming smile. "But don't worry, I'm as steady as a Hippogriff on a broomstick."
The elderly witch chuckles, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Well, steady or not, you certainly know how to liven up a party, young man."
James grins, his charm dial turned up to maximum. "Why, thank you, ma'am. It's all in a day's work for a dashing wizard like myself."
You can't help but roll your eyes at his shameless flattery, but the elderly witch seems thoroughly charmed, her laughter filling the air as James regales her with tales of his misadventures on the dance floor.
After a few minutes of chatting, you gently suggest that perhaps it's best to continue the conversation off the dance floor to avoid any more accidents. The elderly witch nods in agreement, bidding James farewell with a fond pat on the arm.
As you lead James away, the two of you share a knowing grin. "Smooth move, Potter," you tease, nudging him playfully.
James chuckles as he throws an arm over your shoulders. "What can I say? Charming old witches is just one of my many talents."
You shake your head in mock exasperation, but there's a warmth spreading through you at the easy camaraderie between you. Despite the chaos of the evening, being with James feels surprisingly natural, as if you were hanging out with an old friend rather than just an aquaintance.
At the bar, James orders a couple of drinks, and you find a quiet corner to settle into. The soft glow of the fairy lights creates an intimate atmosphere, and as you sip your drink, you find yourself relaxing in his company.
"So," James begins, leaning back in his chair with a playful glint in his eyes, "tell me something interesting about yourself that I wouldn't know from our Hogwarts days."
You ponder for a moment, swirling the liquid in your glass thoughtfully. "Well, I've developed quite the talent for baking since leaving school. There's something therapeutic about kneading dough and watching it rise."
James raises an eyebrow, his interest piqued. "Is that so? I'll have to enlist you as my personal pastry chef sometime."
You laugh, nudging him playfully. "Don't get your hopes up. My baking skills might be up to par with your dancing."
James chuckles. "Well, I guess that means we'll have to stick to takeout for our first date then."
You raise an eyebrow, a playful smile tugging at your lips. "Are you asking me out on a date, Potter?"
James leans in, his grin widening. "Consider it a formal invitation. How about dinner at that new Italian place in Diagon Alley tomorrow? I hear they have the best tiramisu."
You pretend to mull it over, though your heart is already racing with excitement. "Hmm, Italian food and dessert? Sounds tempting. I suppose I could pencil you into my busy schedule."
James feigns offense, placing a hand over his heart dramatically. "Penciled in? I demand top priority, thank you very much."
You laugh, the warmth of his playful banter melting away any lingering reservations. "Alright, you win. Dinner it is."
"Excellent," James says with a satisfied grin. "I'll pick you up at seven, then?"
You nod, feeling a rush of anticipation at the prospect of spending more time with him. "Seven it is. I'll be ready."
As you both finish your drinks, James suddenly feels a tap on his shoulder. He turns to see the elderly witch from earlier, a twinkle in her eye.
"Excuse me, young man," she says with a smile, "but would you care to dance with an old lady like me?"
James's grin widens at the unexpected invitation. "Of course, I'd be honored!"
He shoots you an apologetic look before following the woman onto the dance floor, leaving you chuckling at his eagerness. Watching James twirl the elderly witch with surprising grace, you can't help but feel a fondness for him grow.
As you observe them dance, you realize just how lucky you are to have him by your side tonight. Despite the chaos of the wedding and the presence of your ex, James has managed to turn what could have been a disastrous evening into one filled with laughter and joy.
After a few minutes, James returns to your side with a sheepish grin. "Sorry about that. Couldn't resist the opportunity to show off my moves to a new audience."
You laugh, shaking your head in amusement. "No need to apologize. You’re quite the hit out there."
James beams at the compliment, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Well, I aim to please."
As you both make your way towards the exit and he bids you farewell with a cheesy kiss on your hand, you can't help but feel a sense of anticipation building within you. Tomorrow's date with James suddenly feels like the highlight of your week, and you can't wait to see where this newfound connection will take you.
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eternity-111 · 20 hours
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The best punishment for you.
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅It's always you who makes his life a little bit more harder. always on his room and disturb him while practicing a spell. Now he will make you hard to even walk. (AFAB x Dom Solomon)
NSFW! minors scroll down ⊹
rough sex, bruises mentioned, beg/whine/tears
reblogs, likes are appreciated! If you see any grammar mistakes, feel free to tell me <3
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Mc is such a brat! Always nagging on Solomon, she would simply take one or two herbs that Solomon needs to make a curse or potions. And sometimes she would even hide it somewhere just to see his reaction. Ugh! a bad girl needs to be put in her place.
Today, just like always she would come around to visit Solomon and he knew for sure that she would tease him. sometimes he wonders why he doesn't just fuck her so she learn her lesson.
"I bought some apples for a curse I want to try, please don't eat them," Solomon warned you because he knew for sure that you would do something to those apples.
"yeah alright, I won't!" you replied to Solomon while rolling your eyes to the side, even snickering at him.
"I can make you a meal if you want, just don't eat them okay?" offering with a smile at you.
yeah no... you would rather be dead than eat his food. although he is kind enough to offer you just can't risk it.
He had left the room before you could even reply to him, how is he so fast?..and isn't that sort of rude?... While observing the room to see what kind of prank you can pull off, you can't stop but look at the apples he specifically told you not to eat. But.. it looks so delicious! It's like.. those apples want you to eat them, are they challenging you?.. Whatever, a few won't hurt right?
You ate 2 of them now and were about to grab another one but suddenly, at a rapid speed, a hand appeared! Holding you tight. The action was so quick too! how could somebody possibly do that?
"What did I say? you really need a punishment." it's Solomon! what are you gonna do now? he definitely saw you eating his apples but I'm sure his punishment is not that bad right? maybe a little lecture or something?
And before you knew it, you are now on his bed. Your back was facing his stomach, Both of your hands was pinned against his bed by his hand, and the other was holding your cheeks. You knew you were in big trouble, breathing heavily because you are nervous and he could sense that.
He keeps asking you questions and sometimes you can't help but lie. And every time you lie, he slaps your ass. it's like he knew it. And every time he did it, you can't help but let a soft moan. how did you get turned on by this..?
"Alright. You really need a punishment."
And the punishment..? Well. He fucked you relentlessly. Gosh, his dick was so huge for a human you wonder if he is really a human. oh! your whining because you can't take it anymore? He fucked you faster and faster until you cry out loud, even stuttering his name but.. too bad he could care less. Tears and mascara were running down your face and you are a total mess.
Every time you are close, he would simply stop doing anything. Watching you beg him to fuck you again but he wouldn't.. aw :( how sad. And if you try to take matters into your own hands by pleasure yourself, he would simply pin your hands above you, leaving some little bruises on your hand because of how strong he is. So you can't do anything but beg and whine at him.
He flipped you over and now you are facing face to face but of course, he's on top of you. The view is really hot so you can't complain. His white hair was messy and his shirt was nowhere to be found. You wish you could touch him, feeling his hot body and maybe kiss him all over but he is still, pinning you down to the bed. that's unfortunate.
"Be a good girl and I'll let you go." He was taunting you. Looking directly into your eyes.
"i-i am a good girl! please! just fuck me!"This is torture! But he likes seeing this state of you.
"Good." saying that before kissing you. Fuck his lips are so soft! So soft that you don't want to let go. And while he was kissing you, he push his cock inside. As a response, your cunt tightens. That was not on purpose! he did that so suddenly :(
"so tight.. you really want me hm?" whispering next to your ear. It sends chills down your spine. His breath was sort of warm and his voice.. Really soft but good enough to turn you on. Are you really that easy to get turned on or is it because he's just hot?
A few minutes later, You go back begging him to go slower but he won't. Instead of slowing down, he Sucked on your nipple and gently plays with the other one, making your back arch and your eyes rolled.
"i-im close.. please let m-me this time! I'll be a g-good I promise..!"
"do it for me, darling," he demanded. and the next thing you knew, you were making a mess on his bed. Moaning his name while you came as your legs shake from the pleasure. His eyes widened by the view, you look so fucking cute when you moan his name while coming! He gently brushed your hair from your face and then proceeded to kiss your lips and your cheeks.
"Good girl, but be ready because this is just the start." kissing your stomach as he told you that. Gosh, why didn't he say it earlier?! You could at least be prepared..I wonder if you can even walk tomorrow! I mean...a bad girl needs to learn her lessons anyway.
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maidragoste · 11 hours
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Aegon II Targaryen x Reader
Warning: +18, NSFW, unprotected sex.
A/N: It was supposed to publish Jacaery drabble first but I woke up thinking of Aegon and I could not avoid it 🤭
If you enjoy reading please do not hesitate to leave a comment or reblog 🥰💖💖
Disclaimer: English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes. Also, I don't usually write smut so I apologize if this is a mess, have mercy on me lol
Thank you for reading!
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When you put on that pretty new skirt, a little shorter than you were used to using, to go to the Helaena house it had been with the intention of attracting Aegon's attention. But you never imagined that when he offered to take you back to your home you would end up being fucked by his fingers in the passenger seat of his car.
Your skirt was lifted, your panties to one side and two Aegon fingers didn't stop moving quickly inside you while with his thumb rubbed your clitoris seeking to give you another orgasm.
You had already cummed before and made a mess on the seat but Aegon instead of worrying about it he continued fucking you and telling you how pretty you looked making you fall in love with him even more.
“Come on babe, I know you can give me another one” Aegon said increasing the intensity of his movements making your moans increase “Come on, be a good girl for me and let me see again how pretty you look while you cum” his words were like a switch because you began to move your hips desperately trying to reach your orgasm faster.
You cried his name as you felt the knot in your stomach unravel, wetting his fingers and part of the seat again. You felt empty as Aegon's fingers left your insides. You thought disappointedly that it was over, that you would just be best friends with his sister again, but then Aegon put his fingers in his mouth and the image of him sucking his fingers to taste your juices made your pussy throb. You are greedy and want more so you went to sit on his lap. You looked at the bulge in his pants before looking into his eyes.
“I want your cock, can I have it?” you asked directly, forgetting about any modesty you may have had before. If this was going to be the only time you could have Aegon then you wanted to have the whole experience. “Please,” the smile on his face made your desire for him increase.
“Come on, take me” as soon as you had his permission your hands went to his belt but you were too anxious so you were having a hard time unbuckling it making him laugh “Look at you, so desperate to have me” he mocked before helping you.
Maybe at another time you would have been embarrassed but the only thing you were thinking now is that you want him. So once him got rid of the belt you hurriedly pulled down his pants and boxers revealing his erection. Aegon watched enthralled as you lowered your hand to your wet pussy and then spread your juices over his cock, moving your hand up and down making him sigh. Seeing that he was starting to get impatient, you directed his cock towards your entrance and slowly began to put him inside you. Aegon gasped as he felt your walls tighten around him and you dug your nails into his chest as you began to ride his cock. Then he lunged at your mouth, giving you messy kisses because in the middle of them he couldn't help but moan at how good your pussy felt. Hearing it only made your lust increase. You love hearing him needy for you, feeling the warmth of his hands on your waist, his tongue and teeth on your neck. You're so caught up in your haze of lust that you can't help but let out a surprised scream when he begins to ride you on and off his cock at a more intense pace. Now it's you who seems needy, whining to Aegon not to stop, that you love the way his cock feels, that you're close to cumming and you want to cum along with him.
The volume of your moans increase as you get closer to reaching your climax, Aegon should put his hand over your pretty little mouth and try to shut you up because the last thing he wanted was for someone passing by on the street to hear you and interrupt but he doesn't because he loves to listen to them. Now the next time you come home the only thing he will think about when he sees you will be this image, you cumming on his cock, looking at him with eyes clouded with ecstasy and moaning his name.
Aegon cums inside you and you feel his heavy breathing against your neck. You wonder if now is the time to go back to normal but he surprises you by giving you kisses on your neck and gently caressing your waist making you melt in his arms.
“Are you coming home next Saturday?” he asks, looking at you without stopping his caresses.
“Helaena is busy on Saturday,” you respond, knowing that your best friend had planned to meet up with her college classmates that day.
“I'm not asking you if you're going to see Helaena, I'm telling you to come see me” he smiled when he saw the surprise in your eyes. “I want to fuck you in front of the mirror in my room, what do you think?”
Your response comes with a hungry kiss.
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fletchingbrilliant · 3 days
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already feeling lots of feelings and had to do some kind of sketch to encapsulate my ABSOLUTE ANGST AND DESPAIR so here it is
I also want to take this opportunity to say that if you are looking at the events of this scene and focusing on who is to blame for how things went, you are missing the point
I've been in this kind of situation before. I made mistakes. The other person made mistakes. We were both SUPREMELY wrong in so many different ways and we hurt the everliving FUCK out of each other. And not only that, but it was very clear in retrospect that we had allowed the situation to GET that bad in the first place, that we had no choice but to have to have this really, really shitty encounter. It sucked, and we both had to learn where we went wrong in order to start healing.
This is not to say that neither Stolas nor Blitzø is thereby absolved of any blame. Obviously. And what each did wrong is worth addressing in the conversation about this stage of their lives. But the overall point, I think, is that this is where their paths and choices led them. And they had opportunities to handle things better in the moment, and they didn't. Neither of them listened to the other at crucial moments, and both got swallowed up in their own despair and self-loathing.
In my opinion, this was a MASTERCLASS at showing how... okay, to use the trite as hell expression... 'hurt people hurt people.' But to put it more plainly and less like a Lifetime movie, we have trouble seeing past our own hurt when we've lived that deep in it for so long, and often hurt the ones we care the most about because of it. Blitzø took this in the direction of not letting himself get too close to people... or rather, not letting others get too close to him, because then -- he rationalizes -- he can't hurt them anymore. He's only had one opportunity to have this proven 'wrong,' and that was with the conversation he had with Fizz where they finally both got over their dumb asses and communicated honestly with each other.
But these characters are being handled in a way that is remarkably real, for all the delightful fantasy, hellish humor, and completely badass insanity. Which means that the problem isn't magically healed with one cathartic conversation.
Long story short, obviously don't then shovel all the 'BLAME' onto Stolas, but STOP blaming Blitzø unilaterally. People are way, way, WAY more complicated than that.
Also if you've ever felt emotionally ambushed before, you'll know EXACTLY how Blitzø felt. (Stolas didn't mean to emotionally ambush him, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen)
And a huge huge HUGE thank you to my own personal Blitzø, @zaebeecee, for helping me parse so much of this. <3
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thalialunacy · 3 days
[for the @calaisreno May Prompts Squad; in which there are many Holmeses and parenting is a contact sport]
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) 20: do-over
It's a new week, and John declares on Monday he's certain it's going to be easier than the last one.
What an idiot.
By the time they reach Wednesday, they've not been back from hospital twenty-four hours when Sherlock's dear mama orders them onto a train. 
'Mother,' Sherlock hisses into his mobile, glancing across the room to where John is firmly planted on the sofa with his daughter tight in his arms, watching Peppa Pig. 'Rosamund just got out of A&E. We don't want to go down the street, let alone out to a place so far from an adequate hospital that--' 
'Oh, poppycock' 
'I'm sorry?' 
'Now, don't be angry at me, darling. I know you must be frightened to bits for your little girl--' 
Sherlock turns away from the sofa again, chest clenching for the approximately thousandth time in the past two days. 'She's not my little girl,' he says between his teeth, trying to keep his voice steady and quiet.
'--but I'm only trying to help.'
Sherlock knows it's one of those times John would be a much better fit for the task at hand. Unfortunately, she's stuck with her son instead. 'Mummy. Clearly, that would not help.'
'You're not planning on feeding her peanuts again, are you?'
Sherlock closes his eyes. 'I won't dignify that with an answer.'
'Then pack an epipen and come see your mother. I want to kiss that baby.'
John is doing his best, Sherlock observes once they're gathered round his parents' kitchen table, but he's clearly still feeling scads of parental guilt. He refuses to let Rosamund out of his sight, and his jaw keeps doing that jumpy bit that means he's repressing something. Several somethings, obviously, because he is John Watson.
And Sherlock almost abhors how much he cares for John Watson.
His mother, naturally, can't hold back for long. 
'Oh, John, I do hate to see you like this.'
John freezes like the proverbial deer in headlights, then carefully puts down his fork, stiff upper lip firmly in place. 'Thanks, Mrs Holmes, but I'm all right.' 
Sherlock, who knows better, shares a Look with Rosamund, who blurps his name(ish) then happily stuffs more pickle into her mouth. John's face softens momentarily, and she notices. 'Want some, Daddy?'
It's not a question; John is immediately handed a chubby fistful of globby green.
'She not a fan of spoons, then?' Sherlock's father says with a chuckle.
'Only as a weapon,' Sherlock replies without thinking, but luckily it's the correct audience, because beyond an eye roll, the reaction is mostly laughter.
Except for John, Sherlock notices immediately. Oh, dear.
His mother notices, too, and her lips purse. 'John, I know we're all very English, but I'm old enough that I can speak plainly.'
'As if you hadn't already,' Sherlock mutters.
She ignores him, instead reaching out to touch John's right hand where it rests on the table. 'You mustn't punish yourself. You've done nothing wrong.'
John's extreme discomfort would be crystal clear to anyone in a ten mile radius. 'Mrs Holmes…'
'I mean it.'
He puts down his fork, and Sherlock sees him inhale purposefully. 'All due respect, ma'am, but my daughter nearly died. She nearly died because I insisted she eat something she clearly and repeatedly did not want to eat.'
John's mouth opens, then shuts, before he speaks again. 'Are you joking?'
'Everyone makes mistakes with their children, dear.'
'Not that sort of mistake.'
She makes a noise close to a ladylike snort, if such a thing existed. 'We almost drowned Sherlock when he was her age.'
Sherlock's front chair legs drop back to the floor with a thunk. 'Beg pardon?'
'Yes, you came frightfully close to dying, it was very unpleasant.'
John's facade breaks enough to give Sherlock a slight smirk. 'And you didn't recognise my facetiousness on that train?'
'Yes, yes, thank you, now what is this about me drowning, Mother?'
'We left you with another child, a girl of maybe twelve.' She shakes her head. 'That poor girl. She's never forgiven herself.'
'But I didn't die!'
'Sherlock,' his mother chides. 'Don't be unkind.'
'Wait. Why didn't I die?'
A curious silence falls over the group. 
Sherlock's chin drops, and he sighs. 'Mycroft.'
His mother nods. 'He was in the deeper end, and you were in the shallow end. Where you were meant to stay.'
John huffs a laugh. 'Right, good luck with that.'
She tuts. 'He's lucky his brother was watching.'
'You don't remember any of it?' John asks, clearly curious.
Sherlock thinks. 'I remember a pool, several pools, from childhood. Various ponds. I remember-- Yes, I think the first time I ventured into the deep end, I blinked and I was at the ladder.'
'Indeed,' his mother says.
'Right,' John says, bemused. 'So you've always hated pools, even before we nearly got blown up in one.'
His mother blinks. 'Beg pardon?'
'Oh don't fret, Mummy.' Sherlock waves a hand. 'It was ages ago.'
And worse things have happened since then, no one needs say.
Except his mother says it, sort of. 'She's going to have such unusual stories to tell,' she says, turning to Rosamund and touching her tiny nose briefly. 'Aren't you, darling?'
'Any hope of a normal childhood was gone long ago, I'm afraid,' John says, his voice only a little strained.
Sherlock's father, unexpectedly, speaks up. 'Perhaps, but what she's got is better.'
'I agree,' his mother says. 'John's normal enough for the three of you, anyway.'
Sherlock smirks privately. Yes, absolutely normal, building-jumping, gun-toting, life-saving John Watson.
As if he'd ever fall in love with "normal."
That's the end of the discussion, apparently, because his mother turns back to Rosamund with a smile. 'Now, precious girl, let's see if you can say "grandmama" yet.' 
John, still feeling slightly sour, pulls out his phone once he's put Rosie down. 'Mycroft.' His tone borders on Captainy, but he's too bloody tired to be polite. 'What are you playing at?'
'Couldn't possibly have any idea what you mean, Dr Watson.'
'First my daughter is calling you her uncle, and now your mum is teaching her "grandmama"?'
'I fail to see the problem. She's very intelligent.'
John pinches the bridge of his nose. He can't shout, because Rosie is asleep in her cot next to him, and though Sherlock is outside smoking, Sherlock's parents are somewhere on the other side of the guest room door.
'Your brother,' he finally says lowly, 'cares for Rosie a great deal, but has most definitely not voiced an interest in being her father, nor should he feel obligated to.'
'With all due respect, John, I must disagree.'
'How.' It's not a question.
Mycroft's voice isn't hard, but he enunciates every word very, very clearly. 'She is my niece. If you can't see it, then God help you... Although I am aware my brother has inherited more than his fair share of the Holmes reticence. But,' he concludes, implacable, 'lest you forget: He said it himself. You are family. And therein lies the obligation.' 
John's heart does a little twitch in his chest. 'Yeah, but--'
'Not to sound too much like my dear brother, but John?'
John exhales. 'Can't wait to hear this.'
'Don't be an idiot.'
But the call is already over. Of course it is. Because Mycroft Holmes is a bastard.
He might also, maybe, just this once… be right.
[ <3 ]
[pool story lifted from my childhood: I literally remember nothing bad about nearly drowning; my five-years-elder brother saved me and I have loved swimming ever since]
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moviecritc · 2 hours
fearless ⋆ alex albon
pairing: alex albon x driver!reader
summary: your boyfriend and you disguise your relationship as friendship a little too well
warnings: none, just pure fluff
a/n: this is short and maybe a little bit messy, sorry i'm not effortlestly funny
english is not my first language, sorry for the mistakes
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yourusername just posted!
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liked by flavy.barla, alexalbon and 75,194 others
yourusername P3 IN MIAMI RAAAAHHH 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅 I LOVE AMERICA SO MUCH 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 TF IS A KM I ONLY KNOW MILESSSSSS 🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠
ps. goodbye goodbye goodbye meme of nowins you were bigger than the whole skyyy
tagged; flavy.barla, alexalbon
yourusername btw that's my new gf flavy, sorry ocon she's mine now 👰👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
flavy.barla 💋👭 estebanocon wait what did i miss yourusername nothing you can leave actually
user2 best driver in the grid fr user3 nah she's talentless user4 she literally made a podium yesterday you prick
yourusername shh you look wonderful albono alexalbon i look like a minion yourusername AHAHAHA IT'S TRUE YOU'RE KEVIN alexalbon who's kevin yourusername ... a minion alexalbon why d'you know the names of the minions? user5 nah alex you left her speechless
charlesleclerc congrats on your podium, y/n!
landonorris i appreciate the effort 😅
yourusername ANYWAYS IT'S TECNICALLY NOWIN(S) SO IT'S STILL UPPPP landonorris oh lord
user6 i'm actually so jealous of the friendship of alex and y/n
user7 i'm new here someone explain me the lore plss user8 so y/n and alex have known each other since literally always? they started karting at the same age and were teammates in f2, then they got into f1 in the same year. they've always been super super close, they even shared an apartment in london a few years ago. and basically when they're around each other is a complete chaos, that's why they don't do media days together so often user9 their gossip sessions in media days back then >>>> user10 omg yes i'll never forget when alex almost choke on water after y/n told him she wished he was bald bc she didn't like his bleached hair LMAOOO
scuderiaferrari Let's go!!
user11 anyone else noticing the flowers
user12 not this again, they're probably from her mother, she always receives flowers when she's in the points 🙄 user13 the audacity of these people user12 i swear they try to link her to any guy she interacts for 0.5 secs
alexalbon just posted a story!
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[caption: i might be a minion but she's a freaking gremlin @yourusername]
yourusername you're dead. you're so dead
alexalbon i love you babyyy 😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰
yourusername i don't. i'm going to make you eat all the flowers
alexalbon y/n you're so mental for your height. like, so many anger inside of you
yourusername yeah it's true 😞 i'll get even with your minion face
alexalbon ok from now on we're just seeing each other in public spaces. i love youuu byeeeee 😇😇😘😘
yourusername just posted a story!
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user1 someone get this girl a pr manager 😂😂
alexalbon Y/N L/N-ALBON.
yourusername lol what. if that's your way of asking me to marry you... dude you can do it better
yourusername aww. but you're not, and i don't want to marry you you're like my getaway car
alexalbon YOUR GETAWAY CAR FROM WHO?? you barely interact with men
yourusername YEAH BC INTERACTING WITH MEN IS ANNOYING, like look at this. just shut up already
yourusername wait albono come back. let's get married or something
yourusername just posted!
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liked by alexalbon, georgerussell63 and 52,512 others
yourusername anyone knows this man?? he's been staring at me the whole flight and asking me if i have bananas
tagged; alexalbon
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user1 no bc if alex looked at my like this i would probably fall in love
liked by yourusername
user2 Y/N LIKED??
georgerussell63 oh blimey so here he is!
yourusername george pls take him, he's annoying me with photo of his 275423 cats alexalbon Y/N YOU LOVE MY CATS yourusername yeah ig i have to user3 i'm starting to think that these two have more than a friendship going on
alexalbon just posted a story!
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[caption: came threatened but this is actually a blast]
yourusername alex i'm going to post something don't panic
alexalbon y/n i'm literally by your side tf are you texting
yourusername just posted!
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liked by alexalbon, logansargeant and 93,512 others
yourusername woke up today and choose to be fearless. anyways, eras tour with my biiitch <3333 🤩🤩
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georgerussell63 everybody act surprised now!!
user2 this was sOOO UNEXPECTED LIKE WHAT???
alexalbon OMG WHAAAT
yourusername not you idiot you should comment something cute about me alexalbon but you're not cute. actually, at all. you're a fucking menace yourusername minion.
landonorris FINALLY
maxverstappen1 thank god i was getting tired of thirdwheeling
charlesleclerc we all were yourusername oh shut up go kiss or something user4 THIS GIRL-
carlossainz55 congrats, mates
yourusername why are you congratulations us like alex is pregnant or something alexalbon y/n stop
logansargeant you should join us in the podcast the next episode 😊
yourusername OMG YESS I HAVE SO MANY SHIT TO TALK ABOUT ALEX alexalbon pls don't yourusername dw babe i won't!! (logan dm and we record it without him)
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brightlilith · 2 days
Just add Truth
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Masterlist | Supernatural - Masterlist | Jensen Ackles | Navigation
In Another Universe - Masterlist
Jensen Ackles x Reader, Dean Winchester x Reader
Friends to lovers, Enemies to lovers
Series sumarry: In a witch hunt that went horribly wrong, the reader goes to another universe, where her life is just an act, (and where the handsome green-eyed hunter she has a crush on doesn't hate her), desperate, she tries to return home, but does she really want to?
1. Teas & Potions ➝ 3. Poisons served for breakfast
Warning: Bad English.
A/N:I know it took me a while to post, I'm sorry about that... The good news is that my exams are over and I'm free... for now. I haven't proofread the chapter yet so I apologize for any mistakes! I have some surprises that are coming 🫣
A/N²:I'm still getting used to writing again, writer's block isn't easy. English ins't my fist language, bad English, sorry. If you have an idea and want me to add it to the story, send me a message with your idea and I will be happy to make it happen.😊 Constructive criticism and supportive messages are always welcome, it motivates me to keep writing.
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My mind was completely silent, my body was paralyzed and I started to break out in a cold sweat.
"What?" – I laughed nervously as she closed the door and went into the living room, without maintaining eye contact with him. "I'm your y/n, is supernatural messing with you, jensen?" – I gathered my courage and looked at him, but not before remembering his name.
He laughed...
He was laughing...
Why was he laughing?
"I'm teasing you, sweetheart." – He was laughing. – "I'm going up, see you at dinner." – He headed upstairs and headed towards one of the guest bedrooms.
I let out the breath I was holding, and Eclipsa looked at me and meowed as if to say he knew.
I look at the couch where the laptop was, it was still open to the music tab, a reminder that this was the only thing that connected me to my true home.
What do I do, God?
A few minutes had passed when the fake Dean came down, he came over to where I was and sat next to me on the couch, I had ordered a pizza and put on some movie, where the fake y/n was the main one.
It was strange to "see" myself on TV, her acting was impeccable compared to mine when we had to disguise ourselves when hunting.
She is beautiful, no scars, perfect face, perfect body. Something I could never be. Something the my real Dean would like.
"Hey, what's wrong?" – The fake Dean said when he noticed a frown on my face.
"Nothing, why?" – I disguised
"Nothing, but you have that frown..." – He gestured with his hand.
I laughed and said nothing was wrong, he still seemed worried, something the real Dean wouldn't care about. That was the difference.
"How did you know?" – I sighed, saying something after a few minutes of internally fighting whether I should say it or not.
"Knew what?"
"You know..." – I said reluctantly. – "I know you know..."
He fell silent and sighed before speaking.
"Hm, I don't know if you remember, but when they came here, and stayed in our bodies, I went there, to your reality... and I recognize my real Y/N, and you also has this scar on the cheek." He seemed afraid. "hm... that's it..."
I do not remember this.
"Oh, I see, I don't remember that..." – She said confused. "But why do boys remember?"
"I don't know." – He laughed nervously. "You should know."
I just smiled and went back to the movie, but my mind was racing, maybe they erased our memory? But why not theirs, and why didn't they delete mine again after they told me?
Hang on.
Scar on the cheek?
I touched my cheek and realized that it really was one, and I realized that not only did I come into this reality, but my body too?!
"I'm not going to tell anyone, if that's what I was thinking." – He looked at me again. – "Jared is the only one who knows besides us, but he will keep quiet."
"I wasn't worried about it..." – I laughed nervously.
It was very late, we were already in our respective rooms, and from what I heard, there would be no recordings at least for a while, so I would have some time to see how I could get back.
Jensen, from what I would have to get used to saying, is actually really cool, unlike Dean.
I need to stop comparing them...
But it doesn't work.
I wanted him to be like that.
He and I introduced ourselves and we can say that we would be great friends for a while.
He told me everything about here and about her and how I could pretend to be the Fake Y/N, it was weird I admit, but I needed to do it.
"Morning" – I said yawning when I entered the kitchen.
Jensen was already drinking his coffee, he just murmured good morning and continued drinking his coffee, he's not a morning person from what I saw.
I got a cup of coffee and sat opposite him at the counter, the silence was comfortable, he was still sleepy and I can't judge why I was too, we stayed up late watching movies and talking, the pizza had long been forgotten and was probably in the fridge.
I needed to start researching even more, and I remembered that on set there were the books I needed, even if they are fake, they can still be of great help, but since we entered a vacation period, there was no way for me to get them.
Maybe, just maybe I could enjoy a little bit of this world, and when we got back to recording, I could start researching.
"Sooo, I'm not going to start looking for a way to go back because I need the books that are on the film set..." – I looked at him hopefully before speaking. "What cool can we do today?"
He looked at me and smiled.
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It's getting interesting in my opinion...
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© morganaah/brightlilith ─ all rights reserved. do not copy, translate or share my work on other platforms.
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loustat-0 · 23 hours
Iwtv 2x4 spoiler / beautiful imagery/metaphor / symbol
-Something is fragile about this man - oh if you knew the man you knew he was anything but fragile. - a happy mistake then ! - you caught the soul he's hiding .
- he has the eyes . - Are you saying I don't have the eye ? - no you have the eye like I have the eye you know it when you see it . - but do you see it in yours ???
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2x4 : I loved how the writers mind worked about the pictures . As a photography student there are many things they teach us and one of them is to try to capture something each different views and do it our way . In that moment we realize how our biases and feelings can effect the pictures . There's also a discussion about how we see a specific picture from one student to another student our takes might be the same or completely different . And I love that the show did that . The way people sense someone even if they know them closely can be different from how other people's see them . It can be true about the objects too . But with this difference that the way we take pictures from people we know probably is different from the people we don't . Even the way we look at that picture before or after something matters .
This photographer tried to open Louis's eyes to other people's soul and not just care about his own . But Louis is focusing on himself right now . His own happiness . Doesn't matter the consequences . ( At least that's how I feel about him in Paris )
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Hey! So now you've put scenes and idea's in my brain, like da brain worms. So I thought to share.
And now I'm thinking of the darling who gets bullied and picked on by the yandere troopers, and they bite and snark and push back, but eventually they're reputation is ruined, their friendship with the yandere's Perfect Beloved is severed, they lose their job and home and possibly their money/savings (slicers are terrifying and don't get enough credit). So they move away, to a whole other system/planet and start a new life. Cut all ties, close any accounts, remove any real way to contact them and go off to somewhere no one would think to look for them (not that anyone would, they believe). Nobody knows them, they don't know anybody, and it's pretty off-the-grid but quiet and peaceful. They rebuild their life, their confidence, and find peace and joy in this simple existence.
Meanwhile, the troopers are... conflicted. They have their Perfect Darling all to themselves, removed the problem, but... they're disappointed when there's no snarky greeting when they visit their Beloved at work and spend the entire shift just hanging around. There's no back-and-forth while they wait for their shift to end and they can take their Perfect Love out on the town or to the barracks or back to their place.
They... well, they miss the other person. What a shocking revelation it is! To miss their rival, the threat, the person they hated. Or, well, thought they hated. The group is confused, until one of them learns the phrase 'puppy love'.
Yes. That's what it was. Just puppy love. They didn't know better, and seeing someone so new and nice and kind and perfect blinded them. Sure, puppy love can bloom into genuine love, but as they watch their Perfect One, they find themselves... disappointed. Uninterested. Their responses are rote, behaviour predictable, there's no fire or spark in their eyes, no flare of emotion beyond kindness and understanding. They're nice, yes, but now that the initial feeling have settled and faded, they find they preferred the more stimulating company of their friend.
The friend they chased off.
What had started out as dislike, hostility, anger, jealousy and even hatred, had morphed into something else without any of their notice. Their cranky, clumsy, funny, earnest little rival that had matched them word for word and insult for insult, and yet had turned around and defended them against bigots and idiots in the same breath.
Their darling little rival, their lovely antagonist, the one they thought was the villain... but was really the victim in all this. They had been too hasty, too cruel, and did not give their daring darling the chance to show that they were the better match. Not their perfect friend.
They tried to find them. Desperate to make amends, to beg forgiveness, to show their wayward darling that they had learned their mistake and wanted, needed, to make up for it. And oh, they would gladly spend the rest of their lives making up for their foolishness, their cruelty, for being so blind as not to see their perfect match in the imperfect one.
But they couldn't find them. They had erased themselves digitally, and whenever they had left they had done so (unknowingly, luckily) when camera's had been down or things deleted or lost or files corrupted. No records, no trace or trail to follow and find them. The troopers despaired, but would not give up. Once the war ended, they would set out and find their beloved.
Perhaps this was a test...? Yes, a test. To show their devotion, and their dedication to righting this wrong. The first step in their atonement, to prove that they were serious. To prove they were worthy of their Darling. The moment the war ended and their brothers had settled, they would set out.
They would hate to keep their darling waiting.
God you're a genius! I love this scenario, I hope you don't mind me using it!
Tw! for: yandere themes, stalking, slight infantilization, past cruelty and bullying, unreliable narrator
Vay's face dropped once more as he watched you from his place across from your apartment window.
"Oh, cyar’ika..."
You had thrown out another one of their notes, looking terrified, tears welling in your eyes as you checked the locks on your door once more.
You never wrote back, no matter how many gifts, heartfelt apologies, and professions of their love he left on your rickety desk.
What? Did you want him to beg? He would! Gladly.
God, he would love being on his knees for you, in any way.
At one time, the thought would have disgusted him. Him? Bowing to scum like you? A gross little whelp who was trying to take his sweetheart from him? But now, he saw you for what you really were. Not blinded by that bitch who had tried to take their attention away from you.
He needed you. They needed you.
Looking back on your snarky remarks had become a fond pastime of theirs. Instead of infuriating, they had shifted into something adorable. Like and angry tooka kitten hissing and spitting when you approached.
Since they had finally found you again, watching you had come to make him anxious every time he was on shift. (Not that he didn't enjoy seeing you, your time together was the highlight of his week!) He just couldn't stand to see what your life had become without them! You went to your little job, then came home, occasionally went out with your idiotic friends (who were in no way fit to be anywhere around you), sometimes even going out by yourself (which gave Vay a heat attack, what would you do without them there to keep you safe?), but that was about it.
You had no real connection, as happy as you made yourself out to be. No one to take care of you, protect you in the way you obviously needed.
It broke the trooper's heart.
Luckily, it wouldn't be long now. They would place themselves back in your life soon enough. They only hadn't sooner to give you time to get used to the idea. They knew their behavior before had been unacceptable and cruel.
Poor thing, they had stung you so badly you felt the need to run away! To test their devotion to you by hiding away on the outer rim. Luckily, they were expert trackers thanks to their search and rescue training.
But honestly, what did you expect? You couldn't ask anyone to let a cute, fiery little thing like you go. No, this had to have been a test, silly girl.
Don't worry, once they get you settled in their new base and off of this dump of a planet, once they deal with your new "friends", you'll never want for anything. Surrounded by the protection and love you so desperately need.
Don't worry, love, they'll take care of all of it.
They'll take care of you 💙
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madsenlover · 2 days
under a star - filled sky☆ | creloise.
pairing: cressida cowper x eloise bridgerton.
cressida dreams about kissing eloise, and now she wants to make it happen.
warnings: headcanons? (basically both cressida and eloise ONLY GIRL kissers = lesbians.)
a/n: holis!!, sorry if there's any mistakes and the use of translator is too obvious, english is not my native language. hope you enjoy :))
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to this day, cressida has no idea how she let herself be overcome by her intrusive thoughts. but there she was, in front of the bridgertons' house, looking for a way to sneak into the backyard and bribe a maid so she could be alone with eloise.
the more she thought about it, the less she could believe it. in the last few months, her friendship with eloise had become more than intense, and she was surprised, in a good way, at how trusting they were at this point.
at first, something inside her told her that it wouldn't last. perhaps because she knew that the bridgerton girl's approach to her was only due to a mysterious estrangement with penelope featherington, or maybe because she was certain that when her parents found out how close they were, they would try to force her to cut ties with el.
the slightest thought of not being able to continue seeing eloise, on walks or at a ball, tormented her. especially after having dreamed about her. she needed to tell el, to find "a solution" to those thoughts before her parents, especially her mother, realized that she was acting strange and forced the truth out of her with a fearful interrogation.
"cressida?", she heard a cold whisper coming from inside the house. "have you gone mad?, it's the middle of the night."
eloise was dressed in her nightclothes, in her left hand lay her priceless cigarette, which she took the opportunity to smoke outside the house, so that no one in her family would be attracted by the smell.
"pardon me, el.", she said evidently nervous. "i paid your maid to leave us alone, i hope you won't be upset."
"i don't think that was necessary, she would have left us alone if I simply asked her to." she said, as she watched her maid re-enter the house. "but I guess you can still afford to lose some money," eloise took a puff on her cigarette and laughed at the look on cressida's face.
cressida smiled, but remained silent. she was still trying to gather her thoughts so that she could express herself to her.
her now serious look alarmed eloise a little. she usually only saw her preoccupied on evenings when no suitor offered to dance with her. it was unusual for the blonde to have that kind of expression on her face, she thought.
"did something happen to you?", she asked. "you look…paler than usual. it's concerning."
oh, she noticed. cressida was quick to respond:
"indeed, something happened", she began to play vaguely with her hands, avoiding direct contact with eloise's eyes.
she had once heard, she couldn't remember from whom, that looking into eloise bridgerton's eyes was a trap; it would only take a few minutes for her to discover whatever it was you were trying to hide.
after another puff on her cigarette, eloise looked steadily for her friend's gaze. would she tell her what had happened or was she just there to babble?
as soon as cressida's shy eyes met hers, something in eloise softened.
"cressida, you…can tell me anything." she said in a whisper, leaning closer to her. "trust me, I will not judge you…, even when you have come to my house in the scandalous hours of the night."
that made lady cowper giggle. cressida knew she could trust eloise, that the woman in front of her would not judge what she had to say, but the thing was…. serious? unusual? scandalous, indeed.
"eloise…" she took a deep breath, "some time ago, while we were having tea in my garden, you confessed to me that you consider yourself an open-minded woman."
she nodded, finishing her cigarette and stepping on the remains of it.
"as an open-minded woman…", she continued. "have you ever occupied your deepest thoughts with a friend?", with every word, cressida's voice trembled a little more.
eloise blinked several times, confused. "occupy my thoughts with a friend, you mean …. think of a particular friend very often?, write them a letter? well, of course."
"have you never dreamt of a friend?", after analysing what she had just asked, cressida looked at her with wild eyes. had that question really come out of her mouth?.
eloise looked petrified. "i need you to be more specific", she asked.
she wasn't stupid, she had an idea what kind of dreams the girl in front of her was referring to, but for some strange reason she needed to hear her suspicions confirmed.
cressida snorted nervously, she felt there was no need to be more explicit, but anxiety was killing her inside.
"please, tell me again that you're an open-minded woman" she pleaded with her eyes closed, placing her hands on her friend's shoulders.
she could feel eloise's tense body trembling; maybe it was the nerves of the situation or maybe it was a cold night and she hadn't noticed.
"cressida, I…" something in cressida's troubled but angelic face calmed her, and she thought how she had not realised before how beautiful lady cowper was. she shook her head, she had never had difficulty or shame in admitting when a woman was beautiful, but perhaps the moment called for another intervention.
"i am a very open-minded woman", she confirmed.
cressida released her grip slightly, but did not take her hands off eloise's arms. she opened her eyes and sighed.
"I dreamt about you last night," she finally confessed. "i have heard other young ladies say that we should have this kind of dream about any suitor who catches our eye or even any man we find interesting, as inappropriate and scandalous as that may sound."
silence. "say something."
eloise, still petrified, stared directly into cressida's eyes. "I…I don't consider myself a very interesting person, but I'm glad to know that I've caught your attention… "
"eloise!", cressida shouted.
she took her hand and quickly led cressida to the back of the courtyard. eloise couldn't let anyone hear them.
"all right, I apologise.", she laughed a bit. "but do not shout."
"el, this is serious. i'm very ashamed, i'm not in the mood for jokes."
"ashamed?", she knew it was unusual to dream that kind of thing about a woman, but was it so wrong to have dreamt about her precisely?, weren't they friends?.
"i'm already considered an spinster, imagine what could happen to me if people find out that I have these…thoughts."
eloise knew what it was like to be in the public eye, and "fame" had not exactly treated her well. she understood, at least a little, her friend's concern.
she let out a breath of air looking at a specific spot, her mother's little flower garden, she had so many memories there. she looked down and confessed:
"you know, i've dreamt about a female friend before too.", cressida stared at her. "i know how weird it feels, and even though I've never told anyone, i've never been ashamed of it."
"how did you manage to stop it from happening again?", eloise finally looked at her, cressida no longer cared if eloise discovered her ton of secrets, she couldn't, she didn't want to, look away from her beautiful eyes.
"I didn't.", her pale face was decorated with a melancholy smile. "I mean, I haven't had one of those dreams in a while," she clarified. "but it wasn't just one, and they all ended the same way…"
"a kiss." they both said at the same time.
eloise noticed cressida slightly shivering so she took her hand to lead her into the kitchen to the fireplace to warm her up. but she refused to move, she insisted but cressida was stronger.
from the look on her friend's face, eloise knew that lady cowper had an idea and that she would not move from that backyard without making that idea a reality.
"please don't think I've gone mad," she took both of eloise's hands, which made her back tingle, "but I think I understand how we can find out if this thing that's happened to us is something to worry about."
"cressida, i don't think…"
"kiss me." she asked, or perhaps begged. eloise's lips were trembling, she wanted to say something but her friend's request had left her colder than the cold air that night. "just think about it, these dreams torment us because we fear wanting something like that in real life, when we know that these situations are merely our imagination."
eloise was in a state of deep doubt, but she was sure of one thing: the reality that her context offered her - marriage, lots of children and just hosting balls - was not what she wanted for her life.
she remembered her older sister daphne, who indeed spent much of her time doing that and was so happy, she wanted to achieve the same happiness but doing what she was truly passionate about. and to the disgrace of her mother, siblings and above all, society, men were not worthy of her passion.
"if you kiss me," cressida continued, "i will have the real experience and these thoughts will simply disappear."
"cressida these feelings do not 'simply disappear', believe me I've tried".
"just because you have failed doesn't mean I will", there was the cressida that eloise had known for years, her tone disrupting all peace.
she wanted to shut her up, she wanted to show her that those feelings that tormented her so much were not easy to retract.
in fact, eloise wanted cressida not to limit those feelings or what they invited her to do. she thought it would convince her to stop fighting and acknowledge her feelings. maybe she would feel less alone knowing that another woman was going through the same thing she was.
"you're supposed to be my friend, I need you to help..."
"all right, i'll kiss you", she said in a raised voice, higher than she would've allowed herself if she had a maid nearby. "just keep still".
"do you know how to do this?, cressida's gaze betrayed her curiosity, and her impatience to experience the act for the first time in her life.
"I guess all those dreams will come to something", she giggled.
and just like that, under a star-filled sky, eloise bridgerton kissed cressida cowper.
it didn't last more than five seconds, but those were enough for both of them to feel sparks coming out of their chests.
they looked at each other as their lips stopped touching, undecided; they didn't know what to say, or if they should say anything at all.
cressida felt exquisite, the thought of having to push aside those cravings for kissing women kept wandering through her mind, but honestly she couldn't care less at that moment.
shocked, eloise said: "do you mind if I do it again?".
that was the confirmation cressida needed, so this time, it was her who initiated the kiss, at first a little desperate for contact.
a shiver ran down her spine as eloise gently placed her hand behind her neck to intensify the kiss.
kissing her felt so good, it felt right.
cressida had no experience in the art of kissing, nor had she dreamed enough to learn from the resource that eloise was using perfectly.
but she wanted to show her that she was not so naïve when it came to kissing, which was true; her mother instructed her very well when it came to kissing her husband.
so she placed her hands on eloise's cheeks, a gesture she had never seen up close but had heard of at home.
"hands on cheeks are an act of affection, of protection..."
surprised by the contact, eloise broke the kiss for a moment; she stepped back and placed one of her hands on cressida's waist.
"is everything all right?", eloise nodded for reassurance.
"I could get used to this", she said as she played with a strand of blonde hair that fell over her shoulder.
cressida shivered again, god! next time she should bring a better coat.
"it will be an honour to bribe your maid again", she responded with a proud smile.
"you're so lucky to be rich", eloise giggled and kissed her again.
two weeks in the making, this is (hopefully) my first creloise one shot!!. i'm so nervous bc of the language ajdjfs hope it's not that bad 🙏🏼.
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ronearoundblindly · 8 hours
1, 11 and 23 for the bedrock and bluebrint babes please
I’m trying to figure out what I want to ask for Steve and the mermaid
Questions from this ask game and for the Bedrock & Blueprints series with Ari Levinson and best friend!reader.
*These drabble-answers are fine for all ages of reader. However, not all the linked stories within are. Your media consumption is your own responsibility!
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1. Describe their first date.
Oh boy, oh boy, who would think this would be so difficult to answer???
You had a fake date on Valentine's Day years ago, you've gone out just the two of you many times, and you 'get together' ::cough:: for the first time when Ari confesses his feelings...
That wasn't "a date" though.
Immediately after that is a bunch of trips back and forth from your apartment to your house, using his truck to move your furniture and boxes. He's hurriedly fixing up bits of your new property. He's spending the night when he works there late (almost every night after he finishes work-work). You two go to a pool party at one of your new neighbor's houses and continue to see José and Dimitri at the bar maybe once a week or so, but you and Ari are still secretive--or at least guarded--about such a huge shift in your relationship.
Honestly, I don't know which thing you two would pinpoint as the first date. I think the fact there's no exact end to your friendship or beginning to your romance is kinda perfect actually.
11. How do they feel about nicknames/pet names? If they like them, what pet names do they use? If they hate them, why do they feel that way?
'Old Man' and 'Kid,' obviously, and those names started as playfully derogatory but evolved into loving jokes. Both of you use them now to (gently) point out behavior you each know the other would like to outgrow: Ari doesn't want to be a stick in the mud or close-minded, and you don't want to be naïve.
There are...occasions where you and Ari are half-speaking to your daughter Rachel and referring to each other as 'mommy' and 'daddy.' Look, it bleeds into the bedroom sometimes, and I won't go so far as to say it's a kink, but y'all don't hate it. They're cheeky names in those situations, still loving jokes.
23. What are the defining characteristics of their relationship?
longterm support, consistency, respect
You know that feeling where you have a concept in mind, you know there's a word for it, but you can't find a way to search for it? That's what finding your person has been like. You had an idea of the pieces, you tried to search with a checklist, but the right person never manifested. You made adjustments to how exactly what you wanted could exist together in one love--perhaps he didn't have to be so perfect, perhaps he could have flaws, too--but after a while, you had to spend energy of thinking of other things.
In the background, things click in your brain. In the background of your daily life, Ari manifested.
He wasn't that person you were looking for to start. He had a concept for his own life that wasn't fully formed. He kinda lived like a nomad, and that made him very comfortable in the military, but later, that definition didn't quite fit him anymore.
You two grew differently, not apart.
I'm going to stress here that consistency does not exclude evolving. You are not good for each other right now and then change into something else. That happens to people, yes, but not when you consistently see and listen to your partner. You know things about Ari which make life difficult for him. He knows things about you that turn you off to change. He can be flippant and you can be judgmental. You both are not without your shortcomings.
You two consistently want to see each other happy, you consistently want to be the cause of each other's happiness, and you consistently forgive each other and yourselves for mistakes along the way.
This goes hand in hand with respect. You are different people, with different backgrounds, who want different things sometimes, but you never diminish the other as being silly or wrong for those differences.
Except folding the laundry.
Ari does it wrong. That's not disrespect, thems just the facts.
Thank you for asking!
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[Main Masterlist; Light Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
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fayzday · 5 months
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Battle couple
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mintjeru · 7 months
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my take on The orv webtoon panel 💥
open for better quality | no reposts
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sodidumb · 3 months
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Vivids rule the world happy early halloween!!! (i say in *squints*.... march 10th (๑´ڡ`๑))
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juniperika · 4 months
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Inspired by The Truth That Once Was Spoken by @goddammitjim
*drops this and runs away*
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