#draco malfoy x hermione granger oneshot
writersblockedx · 2 years
Just Material
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Pairing - Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader Summary - When Fred finds Y/n wearing a jumper which isn't her own (and certainly isn't his), he can't help but question who it must belong to. Warnings - Bit of angst, mentions of stress Words - 1.5K
It was a jumper. It was just a jumper. A bit of material, sewed together by needle and thread with absolutely no deeper meaning than such. At least, that's how Y/n saw it. Fred, however, saw the Hufflepuff title over the jumper, the smell that still lingered and the initials which were still printed into the label. Just two letters which taunted him: C.D
Fred had made it abundantly clear from the moment the two made their title of couple official, that Y/n was his. His hand seemed very so delicately glued to her, his eyes trained on her (even when she wasn't looking) and constantly trying to be at her side. This was mostly because of the great feelings he felt for the girl; feelings of which, sometimes, he struggled to comprehend. But there was too a small part of him which did it to ensure no one else got any ideas.
The boy wanted to make it out to be as if there was no point in trying. If he was to ensure that their relationship was shown to be as concrete as it felt, then no one else would try to slip their way between them. And Fred's plan had been working; it had been working bloody brilliantly. Well, that was before now. Because, as it turns out, the Weasley boy had walked into the library, set to meet Y/n, only to find her sat at a table with friends, dressed in a jumper which wasn't her own - and certainly wasn't his.
She was sat there, a book flicked to a page Fred knew she definitely wasn't reading as she quietly giggled with her friends. Friends of which Fred knew weren't Quidditch players who he also could assume wouldn't thus own Quidditch jumpers. So, the question which came to Fred's head, was simply: Who's jumper was it?
He had been standing at a halt in the middle of the Libary, so deep in thought he didn't have it in him to get Y/n's attention. That was until she caught his sight, smiled, then lost her smile as she noted his discouraged expression.
The girl retracted from her table and wandered towards him, "Hey," She flash a grin which wasn't returned. "You okay?" She asked him, brushing her palm against his forearm in hopes to ease whatever was eating him.
"New jumper?" He sneered through a firm frown.
Y/n looked down as if she were just reminded of what she was wearing, "Oh yeah, I ended up getting some bulbadox juice on me in potions, so Cedric offered me his jumper. Quite embarrassing actually." The girl laughed the story off as just one of them silly things, but Fred had made no move to loosen his ever so stern expression.
He just nodded stiffly and said, "So it's Cedric's?"
Y/n huffed. She knew that Fred could be...protective. It was an attribute which she did adore, but there were times, more recently, when she was finding it more difficult to deal with. If she were to talk to someone else for too long, or laugh too hard at someone else's joke that wasn't his own, she'd feel Fred shift at her side. Y/n knew he never meant it in a nasty way, it was just who he was. Not to mention, with exam pressure and such, any emotion between either of them seemed to become amplified.
"It's just so I didn't look stupid for the rest of the day." She attempted to assure him, but it seemed too late; Y/n had already lost him to his sea of doubt and troublesome worries. "Fred," She said through such a soothing tone, "It's just a jumper."
He shook his head and muttered, "It's not." Before turning his back on the girl, leaving her no chance to get in another word.
She watched, empty pupils and a blank stare as he walked away. Y/n wasn't sure what more she could have said - or even if there was much more she could have. So she settled in her stance, not daring to drag her sights away from the redhead until he had completely exited the Libary. Her thoughts raced. She couldn't leave it like this. Not when it was an argument that never needed to happen.
Before her plan had fully been conducted in her head, she was already walking. Of course, she couldn't be sure where Fred had run off to, but Y/n made a guess for the dorms as she wandered the stairs towards the Gryffindor common room. She slipped through the entrance and found herself in the quiet confinements of the room.
There was a fire cracking in the corner, some vinyl playing quietly and a few students dotted around in their usual places. She scanned the room. Unlike the rest, she wasn't fitting into the tranquil atmosphere that the room created. Instead, she was pooling in worry and haste to catch Fred before this situation got worse. Her pupils found George, sitting closest to the vinyl player and having his gaze pulled to Y/n from the moment she had walked in.
The other twin pushed himself from where he was seated to meet the girl in the middle. "He's in his dorm." He informed and her eyes flickered to the stairs. "I don't know what happened, but just be kind on him, the O.W.L.s aren't have got him stressed."
Y/n nodded in understanding, "The thing is, nothing happened. Nothing really." She shrugged as she felt her gaze being pulled towards the stairs she knew led to Fred. "I just need to talk to him."
George flashed a smile that was soft and sweet, "He needs you, Y/n." He said in full confidence.
She returned the smile, already beginning to walk towards the stair way. "Thanks, George." And with that, the girl slipped away and wandered towards the dorm room she had been in too many times to count.
Her feet slowed as she reached the door, finding that the wood taunted her. Her breath ached against the air and she almost thought about avoiding this situation. She considered turning her back and running. As much as she adored Fred, this conversastion was one of which she knew they would struggle to get through. But it was one conversastion of which couldn't be silent.
So she brought her knuckles into a fist and patted them against the door. Y/n waited a moment or two before hearing an uncertain, "Yeah?" From the other side.
One last breath leapt from the comforts of lips before she swung the door open and entered the dormetory. She stood awkwardly in the doorway as she met Fred's eyes, sat with his legs flung over the bed side. Neither of them broke an expression. Their eyes were blank and empty, waiting for the other to make the next move in this chess game they found themselves in.
"What are you doing here?" Asked Fred as the girl took a step forwards, shutting the door behind her.
She shifted on her feet slightly, "Came to talk to you." Y/n answered as she dared to move further into the room. She watched as he huffed, shaking his head in dismay. So she too huffed and uttered out a, "Fine."
Fred's brows knitted as Y/n wandered to his waredrobe, reteriving one of his own hoodies, one of which the girl had stolen before. From there, she slipped from the one Cedric had loaned her and put Fred's on, his familar scent brushing against her nostrails once again. Then she turned to the boy and raised a brow, "Better?"
He dragged himself from the bed and met the girl in the middle of the room where he looked down on her, "It wasn't just about the jumper." He told her.
She reached a hand out, letting it cup the side of his face - something of which he had effortlessly eased into. "Then what is it?"
His own hand grasped the one which comforted his cheek, pressing a sweet kiss to her palm. "It's just-" The words choked his throat as he pushed them out. "It's when you wear mine, when you go around with my jumper on, my number on your back, in Griffindor colours, everyone knows it's because you're mine." He paused and Y/n waited for him to gather his words. "So when you wear someone else's, I can't help but think it's the same."
Y/n would be lying if she didn't admit to the fact that her heart was fluttering, but still she comforted the boy and flashed him a soft smile. "I am yours. But a jumper, a bit of fabric, doesn't get to decided that. We do, Fred" She assured him as their pupils seemed tangled together - just as their hearts were.
Fred leaned his forehead forward until it met the girls. And there, through the silence of Fred's dorm, he whispered, "Mine."
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cloudybarnes · 10 months
ex best friend
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Slytherin!reader
Summary: when you were younger, Draco was your best friend. some years had passed, and the two of you had found yourselves estranged. one day, after a lost quidditch game for the Slytherin team, you find yourself drawn to Draco once again, hopeful to see where things had gone wrong for you two
Word Count: 1.8k+
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“Go Harry! Go Ron!” You shouted. Hermione cheered, clapping as loudly as she could. 
The first Quidditch match of the season. Ron was doing amazing as goalkeeper, and Harry was whizzing through the stadium on the hunt for the golden snitch. 
They were playing against your house, Slytherin. Even though you were a slytherin, that didn’t mean you necessarily had to root for them. You were best friends with the Golden Trio. Even though you were Slytherin, you always stood up for them against the rest of your house which led to them becoming your best friends. 
“Look!” Hermione shouted, “Harry’s almost got it!” 
Harry and Draco were going head to head for the snitch, but Harry was just that much closer to catching it. All of the sudden, Harry fist wrapped around the snitch. The Gryffindor section exploded with cheers and applause. You and Hermione jumped out of your seats. 
“Let’s go!” Someone around you shouted. 
Hermione wildly clapped her hands as the Gryffindor team surrounded Harry in cheers and laughter. “Come on,” she urged, pulling you down the bleachers, “let’s go catch up with them.”
You chuckled, and followed her down the bleachers and out of the stadium where you would wait for Ron and Harry. 
As you walked out, you couldn’t help but notice Draco coming out as well. He seemed to be the first from the Slytherin team to leave the stadium. Almost as if sensing you stare, he looked up and made direct eye contact with you. 
You and Draco had been best friends your first two years at Hogwarts. When you were younger, everything seemed to be easier. Draco had been quite mean to Hermione, Ron, and Harry, and as a result, you grew apart from him. 
Still, you couldn’t help but care for Draco. You remembered how sweet he had always been to you, how close you guys were, and how many nights you two would sneak out to the halls to cause mischief together. Quite honestly, you miss him. While you love being friends with the Gryffindors, Draco had been your best friend, and it sucked not being close to him any longer. 
“Hermione,” you said, “I’ll catch up with you guys in a little bit. Are we still gonna study for the potions exam, later?”
Hermione glanced over your shoulder, then looked back at you with a bit of a worrisome face. “Yeah, we can meet in the library around 7. Are you, uh, gonna have a chat with Draco?”
Hermione was the only one who knew you missed your friendship with Draco. While she never really understood it, what with him being so rude to her, she never made you feel bad about missing him. 
You hadn’t really talked to Draco all that much in the past year, just some small things here and there, but not like you used to. 
“Yeah, I think I’m gonna try.” You gave her a small smile and turned back toward where you had last seen Draco. He was walking away from the stadium towards an old cherry blossom tree the two of you used to conspire under. 
Your heart swelled a little. You really did miss him, and seeing him in a place so familiar to you and to your friendship brought a wave of sadness over you. You took off in stride to catch up with him. 
Draco sat under the tree, watching you as you approached. 
A little awkwardly, you sat down next to him and leaned against the large trunk of the tree. You cleared your throat, “I saw the game. You put up a good fight.”
He shook his head, his hair falling slightly into his eyes. “Yeah, I’m sure you were just so devastated when Potter caught the snitch instead of me.” The sarcasm reeked from his lips, but he didn’t seem angry. He sounded quite the opposite. You weren’t sure if he was sad or just felt defeated. It was a strange look from him; one you hadn’t had the privy of seeing from him. 
“Just because I root for Gryffindor on occasion, doesn’t mean I enjoy seeing you lose. I’m still Slytherin, I still have house pride.” 
Draco scoffs at that. “You haven’t had house pride in a long time, (Y/N).”
Your eyebrows raised in surprise. “Ouch, Draco. Going straight for my throat, huh?”
He just shook his head and looked away, staring off into the distance. The breeze picked up, shaking the leaves of the tree, causing a few to fall at your feet. 
“Dray,” you said softly. Draco’s eyes dart to your face. His mouth hung open ever so slightly at the nickname you used to call him. “What’s going on with you? You’ve never been one to sit around and sulk.”
He shrugged. “I guess there’s a first for everything.”
“I don’t believe that. The Draco I know wouldn’t have come out here in disappointment. He would have stormed to the common room and figured out exactly where he went wrong to ensure he beat those pesky Gryffindors the next time.”
Draco chuckled. “Weird hearing you call the Gryffindors ‘pesky’. You’ve always been so kind to everyone, no matter their house.”
You shrugged with a soft smile. “You must be rubbing off on me, then.”
He shook his head. “Not sure that that’s such a good thing, (Y/N/N).” 
Your heart melted at the use of your old nickname. Draco was the only one to ever call you that, and when you stopped talking, your nickname died with your friendship. You couldn’t help but think about what used to be with Draco. 
“What happened to us, Dray? How did we grow so far from each other?”
Draco rubbed his hands down his face, like he was nervous. “You’re not like any other Slytherin I know, (Y/N). Sure, you’re cunning, you can be clever at times, and as I recall, you’re quite the prankster.” He smirked. “The rest of us, though, can be quite mean and outright nasty at times. You’re not like that at all. I guess when you started to become friends with Potter and started to stick up for them, I kind of realized how different we were.”
“So my being friends with them caused us to stop being friends?” You couldn’t believe it. You knew that by sticking up for them, it caused a drift between you and Draco, but you didn’t want to think you had been ostracized because of it. 
“It’s not just that.” Draco sighed. He looked into your eyes, and you could see something swirling within them. It looked a lot like regret and sorrow. He seemed to struggle to get his next words out. “I felt like… like I wasn’t good enough for you. Don’t get me wrong, I’m better than Potter and his group of ragdoll friends in a lot of ways. I think just not in the way that you needed.”
You didn’t know what to think. You stared at him, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Draco, you’re gonna have to explain it to me better.”
He growled in frustration. “Just forget it, (Y/N). This was stupid. I don’t even know why I came over here.”
He went to stand up, but you grabbed onto his hand and held him in place. Draco’s head whipped to gape at you. 
“Don’t do that, Draco. We were friends long enough for me to know what’s going on. Don’t shut me out, because I really just can’t do this again.” Your voice quivered slightly. “You might not realize this, but it broke my heart when we stopped being friends, Dray. You weren’t just my friend, you were my best friend. I never imagined we would end up the way we are now, barely speaking to each other, very curt, very much like acquaintances.”
“I’m not like them, (Y/N)!” Draco shouted. He raked his hands through his hair. “I’m not good like them. I don’t see things the way they do, they way you do. I was only going to bring you down, and I couldn’t let that happen. Godric knows I can be awful, but never in my life did I want to see my awfulness rub off onto you. You’re sweet, (Y/N), you���re kind, and you deserved someone kind, someone loyal, someone-”
“I just wanted you, Draco!” 
The words on Draco’s lips silenced as you let out your confession. He stared at you, dumbfounded. “What did you say?”
You huffed. “I just wanted you. If you had explained all of this to me when it went down, I would have told you that you didn’t need to be good. You didn’t need to be anything other than yourself, because I liked you. If I had to choose between you and them, I would have chosen you a thousand times over, Draco. You were always my first choice.”
“You liked me?”
Your cheeks blushed. You tried to shrug your shoulders as if to brush it off. “Yeah. You were my best friend. You were the only person that really understood me. You cared about me. How was I not supposed to like you?”
“And what about now?” Draco asked. “How do you feel about me now?”
Draco placed his hand on top of yours. He leaned in slightly like he was trying to make sure he heard every word you said. 
Your heart pounded in your chest. How did you feel about him? 
“I miss you. I know that.” You confessed. “I know I still think about you. I know I long for the nights where we snuck out of our rooms to see each other. I miss seeing you everyday. Sometimes I feel like-”
His lips were soft. 
Draco’s mouth moved slowly against yours, like he was afraid if he pressed too hard it would break the intimacy of what was happening. You kissed him back gently, slowly guiding your hand up to the blonde of his hair. 
Draco softly ran his fingers up your arm to your back where he held onto you. 
Kissing Draco felt like the easiest thing in the world. It felt like nothing you’ve ever experienced before.
When Draco pulled away, you could see the biggest grin adorning his face. His cheeks were slightly pink, and his eyes shined like no tomorrow. “I’ve wanted to do that for a long time, (Y/N/N). You don’t know how much I’ve missed you, or how much I wished something like this would happen between us.”
You giggled, your own cheeks turning shades of pink. “You know, if you hadn’t lost that Quidditch match, we probably wouldn’t have been here right now.”
Draco chuckled, and pulled you close to wrap you in his arms. Softly, he whispered, “I’d lose every Quidditch match if it meant we could always be like this.”
“You don’t have to lose any matches, Draco. I’m not going anywhere ever again.”
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hollowdeath · 5 months
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harry headcanons - pt. 1 | pt. 2 | pt. 3 (18+) | pt. 4
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[ requests are open! ]
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life of a hogwarts student
spending christmas with harry
harry james potter [2] [3]
ravenclaw fashion
hufflepuff fashion
gryffindor fashion
slytherin fashion
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225 notes · View notes
7s3ven · 6 months
BUY ME PRESENTS. harry potter
( master list )
IN WHICH… Y/N L/N’s situationship, Matteo Riddle, isn’t the best boyfriend material and when he forgets to buy her a Christmas present, she finally breaks it off. Luckily, she knows someone who’ll do everything Matteo didn’t.
“Some guys get the girl everybody wants and forget she’s still the girl everybody wants.”
Warning: Matteo and Y/N kinda swear a lot, oh well
“It's a packed holiday and I got options, babe. If you don't wanna buy me presents. Drink me like a warm glass of milk
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If you're not gonna race here from the North Pole to Beverly Hills. Just to keep my stocking filled. Well, I know somebody who will.”
Christmas and winter was a big deal at Hogwarts. Long strings of tinsel littered the stone hallways and shiny, delicate ornaments were hung up everywhere.
A H/C-haired girl rocked back and forth on her heels as she waited outside the Slytherin common room. She sighed, clicking her tongue. “What’s taking him so long?” She whispered under her breath.
Matteo was usually one to be late, but not on important days. Today was Christmas for goodness sake, Y/N’s favorite holiday.
Finally, the door to the common room slid open and Matteo walked out. His white shirt was messily tucked into his pants and the top few buttons were undone, irking Y/N who always looked perfect.
“Yo, Clarisse said you wanted to talk to me. Shoot.” Matteo shoved his hands into his pockets while Y/N lightly scoffed.
“Did you forget what day it is?” She questioned, arching an eyebrow. If the present in her hand didn’t give it away then she didn’t know what else would.
“It’s Christmas, Matteo.” Y/N uttered, “Does that jog your memory?”
“Oh, yeah. I just woke up so I’m still dazed.”
Y/N could smell the cigarette smoke in his breath. “Or stoned. Why are you still smoking? You know how I hate it.”
Matteo carelessly shrugged. “It relieves stress, babe. I am quitting. Just give me like, two more months and I’ll be done.”
Y/N bit back a snarky retort. He always said he was quitting but he never actually did. “Well, anyway, I got you a gift. Merry Christmas, Matt.” She held the box up, smiling.
Matteo slowly took it. He opened the lid, his eyebrows raising at what was inside. “You got me… something from Vivienne Westwood?” It was clear that Matteo wasn’t as rich as his Slytherin friends were. With no parents or caretaker, all he could do was leech off people.
“It’s a lighter. You never light the candles in your room, which is… weird because that’s what they’re for. But, I guess you can use it to light cigars too. I also overheard Draco complaining about how he doesn’t have that but wants it. You can fit in with your friends with it.” Y/N shrugged.
“Jeez. This must’ve cost a lot.” Matteo held the lighter in his hand, whistling at how it shined. “Fucking hell.”
“Hey, Matty, we’re gonna open presents. You joining us?” A slim blond girl peeked her head out of the common room, grinning. “I got you a real good present this time.”
“You’re too sweet, Lina. I’ll be in a minute. I think you’ll like your present too.” Matteo chuckled before he glanced back at Y/N. “What are you still doing here?”
“What? No present for me?” Y/N said it in a joking manner to hide the pit she felt in her stomach.
“Why would I get you something?”
Y/N lightly scoffed. “I don’t know, Matteo. Maybe because we’ve been seeing each other for the past year?”
“Hey. We haven’t been seeing each other. I just find you when I want a good fuck. Know your place, Y/N. It’s not like we’re dating.”
Y/N sharply clicked her tongue in annoyance. “Right.” She sarcastically smiled, “What was I thinking? My place is obviously to be at your beck and call. My apologies for the mixup. Have a good day, Matteo.”
Y/N spun around, walking away. She heard Matteo laugh in disbelief and one part of her wished he would run after her and hand her a gift. He didn’t. He strutted back into the Slytherin chamber and back to those insufferable girls.
Y/N sat on the stairs amongst the green, red, and white decorations, staring at the ground. She was clad in a short black and white fur blazer and a skirt. Fleece leggings lined her legs, keeping her warm, and she had her Ravenclaw scarf wrapped around her neck.
She lightly sniffled, playing with a silver bracelet her friend had given to her as an early present. She wasn’t too sure what she was upset about right now.
Perhaps it was because she was lonely in the Ravenclaw common room. Everybody was gone, not even her study partner had stayed behind this year. Or maybe it was because of a certain brown-haired boy who was as heartless and oblivious as always.
It was most likely the latter.
Y/N wanted to feel happy, especially since today was Christmas, a holiday she enjoyed a little too much. But with no friends to laugh with, no family to return to, and not even a boy to sit next to the fire with, she felt sad.
“Are you actually crying?”
Y/N hadn’t even noticed Matteo approach her until it was too late. At least he had thought twice before leaving her alone.
He stood in front of her, fiddling with the multiple rings that adorned his long fingers. “Seriously, Y/N? Just because I didn’t get you a Christmas gift?”
Y/N glared up at him. “Can you try being nice for one second? Who knows, you might like it.” Throughout the whole year, Matteo and Y/N had something going on. They were never in a confirmed relationship but they weren’t merely friends either.
Though, in the past few months, the two couldn’t seem to stop bantering.
“Look, I’ll get you a gift tomorrow. Happy?”
Y/N quietly scoffed as she stood up. “No. You always forget things like these, Matteo. It’s getting annoying.” Y/N turned around to walk up the stairs but she barely took two steps before Matteo grabbed her wrist.
“Where are you going? I thought we were going to spend Christmas together.”
Y/N tauntingly raised an eyebrow at Matteo. “You were giving me the silent treatment up until now. I had to bribe that girl, Clair or whatever her name was, to let me see you.”
“Her name is Clarisse.” Matteo corrected her.
Y/N stared at him, wondering how he thought it was a good time to correct her. “What? I’m trying to make a point here and you’re concerned about her name? Unbelievable. Maybe I should find some people who actually enjoy my presence.”
Matteo sneered. “So, what? You just gonna go back to that Potter boy? You’re leading him on, Y/N. We both know your heart belongs to me.”
“Belonged.” Y/N corrected him, “Past tense. This thing we have between us is done. I’m not going to be a stupid late night call for you anymore.” She forced Matteo to let go of her and walked away, ignoring his shouts that echoed around the corridors.
“I taught you everything! I taught you how to stand up for yourself! I made you popular! I practically created you from nothing!” Matteo angrily exclaimed at the bottom of the steps. “You can’t leave me!”
Y/N glanced over her shoulder at the enraged brunette. She smiled. “Watch me.”
The last thing Y/N heard Matteo say was when he furiously shouted her name, his booming voice showcasing his fiery rage.
Y/N knocked against the Gryffindor painting, sighing. The Fat Lady seemed to notice her mood.
“What happened this time?” She asked. Matteo and Y/N were no secret; they were the talk of the school with Matteo being Voldemort’s son and Y/N’s cousin being a death-eater. A year ago, it was even rumoured she was one herself.
Y/N stared up at the Fat Lady with teary eyes. “Matteo. I… broke it off with me.”
“Oh, honey, I know it may not seem like it now, but it was the right decision.”
Y/N softly smiled. “I know… I know.”
“Are you here to see the Potter boy?”
“Yes. Is he here?” Y/N wasn’t even sure if Harry was at Hogwarts. During second year, he had gone to stay with Ron.
“Of course. And the Weasley boy and the Granger girl. They’re all here.” The Fat Lady swung backwards, smiling, “Go on, dear.”
Y/N stepped into the Gryffindor common room, looking around. “Harry? Hello? Anybody here?” The room was empty. Y/N glanced over at the crackling fire and went to sit beside it, warning her cold hands.
She quietly clicked her tongue, staring at the blazing flames.
“Y/N?” Hermione questioned, walking up behind the H/C-nette, “What’s wrong?” Y/N quickly stood up, embracing her brown-haired friend into a tight hug.
“I did it.” She whispered, “I ended things with Matt- I mean, Riddle.”
“Oh… Are you feeling okay?” Hermione gently sat Y/N down on the couch, rubbing comforting circles into her back. “Do you want anything? Any water or food?”
Y/N stared at her hands. “Is… Harry here?”
“Yeah. I’ll get him.” Hermione stood up and went to fetch the boy. “She and Matteo broke things off.” She whispered in Harry’s ear, which sent a rush of excitement through the brunette. He never did like Matteo after all. He was a playboy to put it simply. Not only that, but for the longest time Harry had liked Y/N.
Matteo didn’t appreciate her but Harry did. He could treat her better than Matteo ever could.
“Hermione told me what happened. Are you okay?” Harry sat down beside Y/N, holding a neatly wrapped present. He heard Y/N heave a sigh.
“I think… I mean, obviously I’m a little sad but it feels good knowing I won’t have to deal with his annoying ass again.” Y/N uttered, eliciting a small amused chuckle out of Harry.
“Yeah… I got you something, by the way.” Harry handed the gift over to Y/N with shaking hands.
“Oh… that’s sweet. You didn’t have to.” She smiled, carefully unwrapping the present.
“I wanted to… you said that was your favorite book so I bought you the limited edition cover one… with a bit more.”
Y/N raised her eyebrows in confusion as Harry. She slowly opened the novel to a page tabbed with a (favorite color) sticker note.
Merry Christmas, Y/N. Thank you for being such a loyal fan throughout my career.
- Your favorite author
Underneath the short message was the writer’s signature as well as a polaroid picture of Harry and the author.
“Oh my gosh… how did you… what…” Y/N was at a loss for words as she turned to Harry and tightly hugged him. “I don’t have a present for you… I’m sorry.”
Harry smiled as Y/N pulled away. “It’s fine. Having you here makes up for it.”
“Are you sure?” Y/N furrowed her brows, “I can buy you something tomorrow. Or I’m sure I have a have a golden snitch lying around here somewhere.” Y/N pulled a snitch from out of her pocket, “Remember this, Harry? You almost choked to death on it in your first game.”
“What the… how did you…” Harry was as flabbergasted as Y/N now. She laughed, handing it over to him.
“Well, after you almost swallowed it, nobody really wanted to play with it anymore. So I asked Wood to get it for me. We spent a good time cleaning it.”
Harry chuckled, staring at the small golden ball in awe. “That’s… amazing. Jeez. Riddle really doesn’t deserve you.”
Y/N’s shoulders visibly shrunk at the mentioning of the brunette’s name.
“Oh…” Harry instantly noticed, “Sorry, too soon?”
Y/N silently shook her head. “No… I’m fine…” She turned her head, beaming at Harry with a smile that made him melt. “You’re right, he didn’t deserve me. Thank you for the book, Harry. It’s wonderful.”
She embraced him once again and Harry could feel his cheeks heat up at the contact. There was a small jingle and as Y/N lifted her head, she couldn’t help but laugh.
Mistletoe floated above the pair, jingling as if to remind the two it was there. Harry gazed over Y/N’s shoulder at Ron, who held his wand in one hand and was giving Harry a thumbs up with the other.
“It’d be rude to defy the rules of Christmas, especially with how much you love it.” Harry uttered.
Y/N laughed again. “I suppose so.”
“You don’t have to kiss me for real. You can kiss me on the cheek or something or”- Harry was cut off when Y/N grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulling him forward and kissing him.
Harry was the complete opposite of Matteo. The Slytherin boy was rough and uncaring while Harry was soft and gentle. The brunette with glasses carefully grasped Y/N’s hands, squeezing them tightly.
“I don’t know if this is too soon, Y/N.” Harry said as he pulled away slightly. “But, I like you. I’ve liked you for ages. Ever since first year. And the only reason I didn’t like Riddle was because I hated how he had managed to attract your attention. I think you’re wonderful and you shouldn’t be stuck with someone like Riddle. You don’t have to give me your answer now… but just consider it.”
Y/N gazed at Harry, her heart doing flips in her chest. This was a feeling she hadn’t felt in a long time. She shyly adverted her eyes. “I… I don’t know what to say Harry. I think I like you too… but I feel like it’s too soon.”
“I don’t mind waiting. I just need you to know that I’m willing to race here from the North Pole to Beverly Hills. Just to keep your stocking filled.”
Y/N giggled. “That’s cute, Harry.” She leaned forward, pressing another chaste kiss to his lips. “Merry Christmas, Harry.”
“What the fuck, asshole?!” Matteo’s loud shout caused the Great Hall to fall into silence. They all watched as he stormed towards the Gryffindor table, slamming his hands in front of Harry. “You kissed my girl!” He exclaimed.
Y/N turned her head, staring at Matteo with furrowed eyebrows.
“What’s going on?” Her friend tugged on her sleeve.
“I’m… not sure.” Y/N replied, craning to get a better look.
“What are you talking about, Riddle?” Harry asked, confused.
“You know who the fuck I’m talking about! Y/N fucking L/N! You kissed her!” Matteo was getting angrier by the second.
“Hey, dude, relax.” Lorenzo grabbed Matteo by the shoulders, forcing him out of the Great Hall. The rest of his friend group followed.
Y/N sighed, standing up. “I’m going to talk to Matteo.” She announced.
“What? Are you crazy?” Her friend tried to get Y/N to sit back down again.
“He deserves an explanation… and I also want to make it clear that we’re no longer a thing.” Y/N followed after the Slytherin gang and jogged to walk beside Pansy, who was lagging behind.
“What’s gotten into him?” Y/N questioned Pansy, who seemed to like her the best out of all the girls Matteo hooked up with.
“I don’t know.” Pansy sighed, “He just started acting mental after he found out you and Potter were going out. But, he doesn’t really deserve to be mad when it’s his fault.”
“Matt, dude, what’s gotten into you?” Theodore asked as Matteo silently seethed.
“I fucking hate Potter.” He uttered through gritted teeth. He looked up, spotting Y/N. Instantly, the fire in his eyes disappeared.
“Riddle.” Y/N greeted him calmly, nodding her head in acknowledgment. “There seems to be a misunderstanding.”
“Why did you kiss Potter?” Matteo demanded, clenching his hands into fists.
“Why can’t I? I’m free to do whatever I want. After all, it’s not like we’re dating, right? You said it yourself.”
Matteo angrily exhaled.
“Besides, what are you gonna do? Are you gonna kill me, Matteo?” Y/N taunted. “Like you said last year because you didn’t want to commit to someone? Instead of committing to a girl, you would rather kill her?”
“It was a joke!”
“Jokes are supposed to be funny! Fuck you, Matteo! You piece of shit!”
Matteo, in a surge of rage, grabbed Y/N by the collar. Lorenzo stepped forward to interrupt the situation, but Harry beat him to it.
“Don’t touch her.” Harry glowered at Matteo as he pulled Y/N away from his grasp. “You made your choice. Deal with it because it’s your fault you lost Y/N in the first place.”
Y/N sighed, brushing the wrinkles out of her blouse. “I hope we can talk again under better circumstances, Riddle. Good day.”
Y/N walked off and Harry followed close behind.
“How good did that feel?” He questioned, grinning.
“It felt amazing!” Y/N grinned, “I can’t believe I just sweared at the Matteo Riddle and got away with it.”
“So, what do you say we have some fruitcakes and figgy pudding to celebrate?” Harry slung an arm around Y/N’s shoulder while she playfully scoffed.
“It’s January, Harry.”
“Yeah? So? It’s never too early to celebrate Christmas.”
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cleake · 6 months
OMGGGGG can u do one where Draco has a crush on Gryffindor! Muggleborn!reader, but she’s a muggle born so he bullies her, so nobody finds out, and after one particular harsh insult, she breaks down and runs away and bumps into Harry (she’s besties w the golden trio) and he comforts her and they share a kiss, and the next day during breakfast, the whole school sees the pair walk in hand in hand, Hermione and Ron r teasing them and Draco is left feeling rlly guilty?
Hello, Hello
I enjoyed writing this (I’m working on other requests too, don’t worry :))
Warning: English is not my first language, please excuse any mistakes
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Draco didn’t like you, he despised you. At least he had to. How would it look, you, a muggleborn, being with him? A majestic pureblood? Absolutely no. What would his father think? What would the people think? What would The Dark Lord think? He’d be despised and disowned, that’s for sure. But he secretly wished and hoped that one day he could be lovely to you. He secretly wished and wanted to be kind to you, he secretly wanted to make you feel loved and cared for. But his job is to make you feel horrible, helpless, disgusting because of the horrendous blood that pumps in your veins. How tragic.
And this day was no different, Draco found you, cornered you with his words and that disappointed, disapproving scowl on his face. 
„There you are, you filthy mudblood. Oh, how I was not looking forward to seeing you.” Lie. He couldn’t wait to see you. His heart was aching for it for the whole day, „What’s that? A potion book? You shouldn’t even be entitled to hold that, you disgrace.” 
It hurts, doesn’t it? You could feel how your embarrassment, rage, and frustration filled your mind and heart, you could feel how your throat tightened around your neck and your lungs flattened, making it harder to breathe. You looked at him, Draco Malfoy, standing in front of you with unspeakable hatred and contempt.
„Leave me alone, Malfoy. It’s not like you don’t have other ‚mudbloods’ to tease.” You said, calmly as for someone who’s getting insulted by a spoiled brat. No, he can’t leave you, you’re not just one of the mudbloods, you’re the mudblood. 
„Oh, talking back, are we?” He exclaimed, raising his eyebrows as he tilted his head, looking at you with wider eyes, „You shouldn’t be even allowed to talk to me. You shouldn’t even be allowed in this school. Your kind is a disgrace, disgusting excuses for wizards.” His face formed into a disgusted scowl again, his eyes caressed you up and down with contempt. How a muggle is so majestic, he thought, but he couldn’t tell you, not in a million years, he had to make his disgust for you known.
You sighed, annoyed and tired of Malfoy’s words as you tried to just walk away, trying to pass through him but no, he blocked your way and stood right in front of you, his eyes sharp with all the contempt he could muster.
„Where do you think you’re going, mudblood?” He asked in a lower, more threatening tone.
„My dorm room, now if you’ll excuse me.” You answered calmly again, not looking up at his face even, just trying to walk past him again. No, he grabbed your arm, his hand launching at it with a force that only a person full of hate could hold. You looked up at him and as you did his face was coming closer to yours, that scowl still there but something in his eyes changed. It wasn’t a big change, it was almost unnoticeable but you, someone who’s seen his disgusted face so many times, can tell that something’s different. His eyes were no longer sharp, his eyebrows lightly scrunched up, as if in an expression of desperation and small sadness. His lips were still a scowl and the corners of his nose were tight, tensed up, but you didn’t notice that.
„You’re staying here.” He said, his voice suddenly and surprisingly going softer, more delicate but still threatening, demanding. You both looked at each other for a moment in silence, trying to figure out what the other was thinking, what the other’s intentions were. He stared at you, at those eyes he desired to have for himself, at those lips he wanted to caress and kiss, at your cheeks that he wished he could hold and mark as his own. How unfair is this. How tragic. But you broke the moment of magic by shaking your head, Draco’s thoughts came back to reality and he had to pretend he was disgusted with you again.
„No, I’m not.” You said and snatched your arm away from him, walking away, your footsteps echoing and bouncing off the walls of the hallway, reminding him that soon they’ll disappear, that you’ll disappear. He can’t have that, he turned towards you again and his fingers brushed against your wrist gently, lightly, ghostly almost, as he desperately tried to hold onto you, to make you stay but you slipped away, continuing to walk, unaware of his hand, unaware of his feelings. He looked at you and his desperation mixed with his hatred for you, both of his feelings for you coming together in an honest, brutal rage. 
„Come back, you! Come back, filthy mudblood! You have no right to turn your back on me! You’re nothing but a fool, a disgrace, a disappointment, a traitor! Do you think someone will accept you in the real world? Hogwarts is only protecting you for a while, afterwards you’ll be alone in this world! You’ll have no one to turn to, no one to talk to, no one to help you, just because of your filthy blood!” Just because of your filthy blood, he thought, just because you have to be disgusting, just because others see you as disgusting, he can’t admit that he sees you as beautiful, just because you’re beautiful he can’t deny your blood, „Your blood will never be forgotten! Your blood will always be a burden, and your blood will always be disgraced! You only deserve to be disgraced!” He yelled after you, your back turned towards him as if his words didn’t matter to you, as if they were just whistling of the wind. But his words did touch you in some way, you could feel how your heart started to tremble, how your face formed into a look of sadness and hurt, and how you lightly squeezed the book you shouldn’t be holding to your chest. What a horrible boy he is, can’t he give up already? No, he can’t. 
„No one will care for you, no one will love you, no one will ever treat you as you want them to, because you only deserve to be disgraced, disowned, harassed, hated. Your only meaning in life is to be destroyed.” He added and that broke you inside, how can he be so stupid and cruel? What’s the matter with him? 
You didn’t try to understand or care, you started to walk faster through the hallway, still feeling his presence behind you, wanting to get away from his judging eye. You felt how your heart trembled and beat faster with sadness and hurt, you felt alone and started to question if the words he said were true. Of course they weren’t, he wanted to tell you that, he felt ashamed and embarrassed for telling you this, not the truth, but he can’t go after you, he can’t go apologise, he can’t let you know. He just watched you, as you slowly but surely disappeared after a turn in the hallway, hearing only how a small sniff echoed through the cold walls.
You felt tears choking you, you felt how your lungs shrank and suffocated you. You felt how heavy your steps were, how fast they were getting, and how your lips twisted into a frown. Draco has always been nasty to you and you tried your best to just ignore him, let him insult you and then walk away as if it was nothing, let him have his immature fun. But this time it ached your heart more than usual to hear him say that. And that mare soft look in his eyes for just a second made you feel even worse. You sniffed and sniffed, wiping your tears as quickly as you could when they fell down your face to not let anyone who could be in the hallways see them. You kept your eyes on the floor so no one would notice how glassy they were, you didn’t look up to see where you were going, just walking ahead as you felt how much your head was a mess of emotions, guilt, and anger. Everything in you boiled and you suddenly felt a force in front of you making you stop and stumble a few steps, your heart almost stopped and jumped in your chest.
„Oh, sorry— Y/N, it’s you.” You heard a familiar voice and felt a little better. You stood on your straight feet and finally looked up at the face of Harry Potter, „You… What has happened? Are you alright?” He asked, his brow narrowing a little in concern as he saw your glassy eyes and slightly redder nose, not the most flattering look on you. You shook your head at the beginning and wiped your eyes quickly.
„I’m alright, don’t worry.” You tried to deny your tears and gave him a small, forced smile but you could tell he wasn’t buying it, he tilted his head as he looked at you intently, he knew your honest smile too well to notice it.
„No, no, something’s not alright. You’re sad, Y/N, what happened? Can I help you?” He asked again and took a few steps towards you as you sighed and glanced down, trying to figure out what to say next.
„It’s nothing, Harry, really. You don’t have to worry.”
„Well, I do worry. I am worried, I don’t see my friend usually with teary eyes. You can tell me, Y/N, I’d like to be a good friend to you and help you.” He said as he tilted his head some more to be able to see your face as you glanced down. You focused your eyes back on Harry’s face and you could see the concern and care he had for you, the one Draco said you were so undeserving of. You didn’t want to tell Harry and be a burden to him but there was no point in lying.
„Draco told me a few new insults, nothing new.” You answered quickly, shaking your head dismissively and Harry furrowed his brow some more.
„I understand but you know not to listen to him.”
„I know.” You replied softly as you nodded your head and glanced down again, Harry still looked at you with concern and a bit of confusion.
„Then why—“
„I don’t know, it’s just been… A bit more personal this time.” You shrugged and sighed again, wiping the remains of your tears on your face.
„Personal?” Harry asked with a smaller voice as he watched you wiping your face, his concern growing, „Can you please tell me what Malfoy said to you?” 
You sighed yet again, feeling bad and uncomfortable about telling Harry this but he’s your friend, he deserves to know.
„He said that I don’t deserve love or respect because I’m a muggle. That I will be alone. He said that I didn’t deserve to be in Hogwarts, that I’m only a disgrace.” Only meant to be destroyed, you recalled Draco’s words in your head, the ache from them echoed in your heart.
Harry listened to you and nodded his head after your words, trying to think of something that could make this situation better for you.
„I see… Well, you know he’s lying.” He answered softly and you nodded your head.
„Yes, of course. But I can’t help but believe it, I am only a muggle, there’s not a lot of chance for me to be a great wizard.” You sighed in resignation and Harry tilted his head again.
„Don’t say that, don’t believe him. There are so many possibilities and potentials for you. You can’t just let Draco ruin them for you.” 
You nodded again.
„Yes, I know.” You replied shortly, your eyes wandering around the hallway as Harry still looked at you, his concern didn’t go away.
„Can I do something for you?” He asked a bit awkwardly as he shrugged, not sure what to do to cheer you up and make forget about Draco’s words. You stood in silence for a moment, not sure what to do either, everything felt so heavy. 
„No, Harry. You already did enough for me.” 
„Did I?” He asked as he raised his eyebrows and looked at you expectedly, „You’re still sad. I don’t want my friend to be sad.” 
You sighed, still feeling unsure about all of this. You glanced at Harry and flashed a small smile to reassure him but that smile didn’t reassure you. 
„I am but—“
„So what can I do?” He asked again, taking a step towards you, „Do you really think that Malfoy’s right? You really believe him?”
You shook your head but you did believe in Draco’s words somehow, you still felt that they were adequate.
„I… Harry, this conversation shouldn’t be this long.”
„Well, I want it to be long, I want it to be long and make you feel better.” He answered and paused for another moment. This was a bit awkward, Harry wanted to help but he didn’t know how and you didn’t know either, you just went in circles all the time. You both stood there in silence, glancing at each other from time to time with unsure faces, everything stood still. Harry looked at you once more and an idea formed in his mind but he wasn’t sure if it was a good one, it might make everything even more awkward.
„Do you want a kiss?” He blurted out and you looked back at Harry with surprise and shock.
„What?” You asked, Harry squirmed a little from the embarrassment, his eyes wandered off for a second and he brushed his hand nervously over his nose.
„Do you want a kiss?” He mumbled through his teeth as if it was a big secret, as if he was speaking the name of you-know-who. You still were a little caught off guard and confused by Harry’s proposal, would that make you feel better? You looked at Harry with confusion on your face, it was clear from your slightly furrowed eyebrows and your parted lips. Well, this is even more awkward, both of you stood there in another moment of silence while trying to figure out what to do.
„A kiss?” You spoke up and a small chuckle escaped your lips, making Harry look at you again with a bit of concern that you were laughing at him, „I don’t know, are you sure you want to?” You asked as you raised your eyebrow at Harry and he shrugged.
„I don’t see any harm in that. I’d like to comfort my friend and if a kiss would do it then I have no problem with it.” He replied, making you smile a little in amusement which was a relief to Harry, he liked to see you smile.
„Ha? Well, friends don’t usually kiss each other.” You said with a bit of playfulness, your tone much lighter than before, which made Harry smile too.
„No?” He tilted his head, „But who cares about that? It’s just a kiss. Would it make you feel better?” He asked with care, not wanting to do anything you wouldn’t want to do. You thought for a moment, kissing your friend out of the blue is a bit weird but maybe you need a bit of affection right now? And is it really that important? You both know each other and trust each other, maybe a kiss shouldn’t be weird, maybe it’s only weird because you think so.
You shrugged after a while.
„Maybe, we could… Try?” You chuckled a bit nervously and awkwardly with a slightly sheepish smile which made Harry feel a little better that he wasn’t the only one who was nervous. 
„Sure, we can try…” he answered and looked at you for a while, making you both giggle a bit in amusement as he was taking his time, like in a romance book. Harry took a silent breath to himself to calm down and approached you, making you smile with more amusement. He got close enough to you that the tip of the shoe touched yours, he slowly lifted his hands towards your face and you let out a small snort, not laughing at him or mocking him, you just couldn’t take this too seriously as a friend. Harry smiled a bit at your reaction and shook his head.
„Shut up.” He mumbled jokingly and you felt his hands slowly and carefully embracing your cheeks, his soft skin sliding smoothly across yours with a small brush. The touch was nice, comforting, and gentle, it was just what you needed. You nodded your head at his words, trying to compose yourself but you couldn’t stop your lips from smiling. Harry looked at you for a second before he slowly started to lean into your face, tilting his head to the side slightly in a bit dramatic fashion, making you snort again.
„Oh, come on.” He sarcastically rolled his eyes behind his glasses, „I’m trying.”
„Yeah, you’re really trying.” You chuckled and he shook his head in a joking disapproval at your behaviour, the smile still present on his lips.
„Shut up.” He repeated and without a warning, his face approached yours much faster than expected, his lips pressed against yours with force but also care, making the sensation pleasant and soft. You stood there for a second, processing and taking in the feeling of Harry’s kiss, your eyes still open as his closed. The moment lingered for longer as you gave in and leaned your head a little more into the kiss, reciprocating it tenderly, making Harry smile a bit more. You both stood there for a while, linked in the most intimate affection one could share, your lips softly and carefully brushing each other as if you two weren’t friends. You finally closed your eyes, letting yourself drown in the warmth you two were sharing, the gentleness and kindness, your one hand left your book and carefully landed on Harry’s cheek, making him hum quietly in delight at your touch. The scene was tender and loving, to your luck no one was in the hallway at the time but if someone saw you two it would be clear that there were a lot of feelings between you two. Finally, Harry gently pulled away from the kiss and opened his eyes to look at your soft, peaceful face, your eyes still closed as you took a silent breath with your parted lips, the warmth of his lips still echoed against yours. Your hand still was on Harry’s cheek and his own hands were cupping your face tenderly, lovingly, his eyes taking in your features. You opened your eyes and looked at him, noticing how his cheeks got redder and how his eyes softened for you. You both looked at each other in silence before smiles starched out on both of your faces, your shared giggles and chuckles filling the cold hallway.
„Thank you, that helped a lot.” You spoke up with a lighter and happier tone than before to which Harry nodded with a smile, happy to see you smiling.
„No problem, Y/N. I’m glad it did.”
His hands still held your face carefully as if he had forgotten to let you go. But your hand stayed on his cheek too, both of you touching without a problem.
„My lips were chapped.” You remarked as you lightly pressed your lips together, feeling them a little rough after the crying. Harry raised an eyebrow.
„Were they?” He didn’t notice, he was much more focused on you and how wonderful it felt to kiss you. You nodded and felt how your face was dry after the tears soaked into your skin.
„And my face is dry.” You chuckled and Harry smiled even more, shaking his head.
„Doesn’t matter.” He replied, still holding your face in his hands, forgetting that he was your friend.
The next day everyone was filling the Great Hall as they continued their breakfast, talking and laughing together. Ron and Hermione were sitting together at your usual table, waiting for you and Harry.
„Did you see them the day before?” Asked Hermione the mouth-stuffed Ron as he ate eagerly.
„No,” he mumbled, „I haven’t. After me and Harry talked I haven’t seen him since.”
„What about Y/N?”
„Y/N?” Ron paused for a second as he tried to remember something, the girl in front of him looked at him with disappointment and disapproval, making him less willing to say, „I don’t know.”
Hermione rolled her eyes and shook her head.
„Honestly Ronald.”
At this moment you walked into the Great Hall, not alone, Harry held your hand bravely and gently brushed his thumb against yours as you approached the two sitting at your table. A few eyes turned to you, one of which belonged to your bully. A whisper here, a whisper there, and soon almost everyone in the room was looking at you two. But you and Harry didn’t pay too much attention to the others.
Hermione looked at you two as you got closer, noticing your intertwined hands and she nudged Ron in the shoulder, making him let out pretensions „Ow”. 
„Hey.” You said to them with a smile as you got close enough, Hermione raised her eyebrow slightly.
„Hey, Y/N, Harry.” She greeted you two as you still held hands, her eyes switching between you two, „You two seem… Closer than ever.” 
You glanced at Harry who gave you a small smile and a gentle squeeze of your hand.
„We do? You must be seeing things, Hermione.” You said, trying to brush her off as you sat down on the bench, Harry following closely after you, sitting next to you.
„Oh? Am I?” Hermione tilted her head and Ron chuckled as he saw you two.
„No, if anything, you two are not telling us something.” He said as he gave Harry a knowing smile at which Harry sighed silently and looked pleadingly at Ron, making him laugh out loud. As Ron and Hermione tried to squeeze out of you two more information you didn’t notice how you were being observed by a pair of eyes burning with jealousy. He was sitting far away from you to not notice him and why would you notice him? You were too busy with Harry. He observed how your hands stayed linked under the table, how Harry was leaning a little closer to you, how he was looking at you. That should be me, he thought as his face tensed up in his usual scowl but his eyes showed more sadness and hurt than he wanted them to show. He looked at you longingly, desperately wishing that you’d notice his gaze and glance at him, even just for a second. He’d be so happy. But you were turned away, not acknowledging him at all, as if his words didn’t touch you at all, as if you earned more than lost. His soul was on fire, he was boiling with jealousy, rage, and desperation. But he couldn’t do anything, you’re still a muggle, he can’t do anything.
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Your Breaking My Heart (Neville Longbottom)
Paring: Neville Longbottom X Ravenclaw!Lestrange!Reader
Summary: a secret that you've been hiding from your Boyfriend Neville is finally revealed.
Potter MasterList
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I felt my stomach turn when I saw the daily prophet. The front page showed my mother and her sinister and psychotic smile. My heart pounded against my ribs as Neville slammed the paper down. “they'll find her Nev” I mumbled.
“she'll pay for what she did” I said taking his hand. He had yet to find out Bellatrix was my mother. I regret never telling him and I truly did but after finding out she was the one behind Neville's parents demise I couldn't bring myself to tell him.
Not even my cousin Draco wanted to tell anyone. It was like a dark family secret. As far as the school was concerned I was Draco's sister when in reality my mother didn't want me and Draco's mom did.
“how did she even escape?” Dean scoffed taking the the paper away from Neville's line of site.
I gulped and pushed my plate of food towards Ron knowing my best friend would scarf it down in seconds. I looked over my shoulder towards my cousins table and saw he looked paler than ever as he stared at the daily prophet. His "girlfriend" Pansy and quite the opposite reaction. She didn't like me too much and she made it that perfectly clear many times. She looked over at me and snikered.
“flower?” Neville said softly making me turn back around. “hmm?” I asked resting my chin in the palm of my hand.
“are you alright?” he asked softly. “I'm fine” I said giving him a fake smile he saw right through. I know he did. It's getting harder and harder to keep it a secret and the pain of regrets keeps stinging my heart.
Suddenly someone came up between me and Neville slamming the daily prophet on the table. “bloody hell Malfoy, have you seen this?” it was Pansy and she had a concerned face that was obviously fake.
“what do you want Parkensons?” Harry asked bitterly. Pansy shrugged “just wanted to know how Y/n's reunion went with mummy” she snikered. Neville and our friends looked at us in confusion.
“y/n is a Malfoy” Neville Said looking at me confused. I looked down and fiddled with a loose string on my sleeve.
“y/n, what is she talking about?” Hermione asked softly. Neville gently touched my hand and is shot up from the bench. “I'm gonna be sick” I said racing out of the great hall.
Hermione quickly followed with a fuming Draco on her tail. “what in God's name did you Do!” Draco growled as he passed the Slytherin girl.
When I got to the bathroom it felt like I just spilled my breakfast and my guts in the toilet. The world felt like it was crumbling around me. I let out a sob as I slid down the wall of the bathroom. As my but hit the ground Hermione slowly opened the door with Draco behind her.
“y/n?” she asked softly. I pulled my knees to my chest and buried my face in them as I let out another sob. Hermione wrapped her arms around me and let me cry as Draco paced back and forth in front of us.
“I'm gonna rip her lungs out!” he growled. Hermione shushed him quietly. “malfoy please...”
After about ten minutes of tears and ten minutes of Draco's plans of Pansy's demise I finally had the guts to look up at the world around me.
“y/n... Is it true? Is she your mum?” Hermione asked quietly. My expression turned sour, not towards Hermione but to the person who gave birth to me. “she not my mum... She just the woman who gave birth to me... She doesn't even care about me”
“what happened? Is she after you?” Hermione asked. Draco scoffed and crossed his arms. “honestly I doubt the nut even remembers”
I looked down and spoke. “she gave birth to me and I guess she just got one glance at me and decided she did not want me... Draco's mother, my aunt did so the malfoy's raised me”
“so your cousins... Not siblings” Hermione asked. Draco snapped his fingers and pointed to the Gryffindor. “ding ding... Ten points for Gryffindor Granger cracked the case”
I rolled my eyes not wanting to hear my cousin insult my friends. “Draco stop”
“My mother also torchored Neville's parents...how am I supposed to explain to the boy I love that my mother basically killed his parents... How am i-i” I started to shake the more I thought of it tears started to form as I looked at Hermione pleaded for help.
“I-I don't know” Hermione sighed. For the first time ever the genius Gryffindor had now answers. She so desperately wanted to help but I was right, how do you explain something like that.
After a few minutes of silence Neville stormed in with concern painted over his face.
“Love, what happened back there?”
I sighed and looked over at Hermione. She nodded pulled Draco out so me and Neville were alone. As soon as they were gone tears pooled my eyes as Neville stood before me.
“I'm sorry...”
Neville not knowing how to respond asked the question everyone wanted the answer too.
“is Bellatrix Lestrange your mother?”
Neville nodded trying to keep his cool as his heart beat increased. “why didn't you tell me?”
I shrugged not wanting to meet his heartbroken expression. How could I explain any of this. My mother practically destroyed his mother.
“I don't know”
Neville shook his head. “that's not good enough” he tried to walk away but I grabbed his sleeve.
“Neville, please” I whimpered as tears flood down my red cheeks. Neville not knowing what to do or how to deal with this raging anger snatched his hand away and slammed the door shut behind him.
--------( ....... )--------
“figured I'd find you here” I mumbled as I walked into the greenhouse. Neville didn't look up and continued to silently water his plants.
I sigh and walk deeper into the muggy building. Neville avoided me all together as I tried to explain myself... Hell there is no explanation or excuses for what I hid from him. I deserved it but he needed to know I was sorry...I needed to know I wasn't gonna lose him.
I sighed. “nev you can't ignore me forever”
Neville slammed the watering can on the tabe making me jump back slightly. He finally looked up at me but his eyes held nothing but anger. “I have nothing, Nothing! To say to you... You lied to me! I shared everything with you and you didn't have the decentcy to tell me about your mother!?”
I never seen him this angry, hell I've never seen him angry period, but his rathed scared me. I gulped and slightly back up till my back hit one of the tables. “I didn't know how to tell you” I mumbled as tears pricked my eyes.
Neville scoffed and agressevelly ran his fingers through his hair as he paced. “didn't know” he mocked quietly. He then stopped and stared at me with hate and sadness.
“why are you even here?” I shrugged and looked down. “I don't know... ” I mumbled not meeting his gaze.
Neville scoffed. “I don't know either” I looked up at him as tears pooled my eyes.
“I-I needed to know if your still... If we're..” I couldn't find the right words as the weight just got hevyer and hevyer.
“together?” he asked like he was surprised I would even ask that. “I-I don't k-know... Right now I just need to process this”
I nodded staring At the grass covered floor. Without another word and walk towards the door.
I stopped and looked over my shoulder. “no matter what you'll always be the only good thing in my life... Rather you decide to stick with me or not” after that I left.
--------( ....... )--------
“hello, I'm hear to visit Mr. And Mrs. Longbottom” I said softly to the secretary. The lady looked up surprised. The only visitors the couple got was Neville and his Gran.
She stacked her papers quickly and stuttered in shock. “umm.. Relative?” she asked. I stuffed my hands in my pockets and looked down. “Frank Longbottom is my Uncle” I said trying to come up with a good lie. The secretary nodded giving me a visitor pass. I thanked her and left the front desk.
Her soft voice made me stop “umm I may warn you about your uncle” I stop as she said that. The hole situation made my stomach turn. I don't need to be remind about what my mother did to my boyfriend... ex boyfriend's family.
“I'm aware of the situation.... Thank you for the concern” I said nodding to her and walking towards the room where they were most likely in. Neville told me about it.
I silently stared at the white door with guilt. On the other side of the door was the broken family. My mother... My family and blood was responsible for it. I wasn't like her and I was scared to death to be like her... Which is probably why I was led hear. By my mind? Ravenclaws use their heads or maybe it was something sapy like my heart.
My hand reached for the door knob and slowly opened it. I was surprised about how bright it was. It was happy in a depressing sort of way. You could look at it as a sterotipical nut house, but the only way I could discribe it as this. It looked like a daycare center. It had the sun shing in the windows and some of the patents were playing board games or mindlessly watching cartoons like Tom and Jerry or loony toons.
I looked around and finally I saw them in the corner. You couldn't miss them. Not because of how they acted but you could just tell. Neville looks a lot like his mum. Dispite the emptiness in her eyes she was beautiful. She set at a small wooden table coloring. It was very child-like. She sat indian style and scribbled with crayons. Her husband... Neville's father just paced back and forth as his fingers traced the bricks that the wall was made of.
I quietly sat down in front of her and smiled. “hello Mrs. Longbottom” she didn't respond and scribbled some more. I looked at her parchment and there was dozens of sun flowers.
I sighed and fiddled with my fingers on the table. A neverus habit I've had since 1st year. Mrs. Longbottom looked up and slightly poked my hands with a yellow crayon. I slightly chuckled but at the same time I wanted to cry. If Neville saw my fidgeting with my hands he'd know I was nervous and hold my hand.
“I'm sorry this happened to you” I mumbled as tears pricked my eyes. “... I'm so sorry”
She looked up at me like a small child wood and handed me blue crayon. I smiled softly and took the crayon, Kindness definitely runs in the family. Mrs. Longbottom smiled like a child even if her child held nothing but emptiness. But Neville had her smile.
--------(Neville's pov)--------
I walked into the front entrance silently. The secretary that always sat in the front office smile at me. “hello Neville... Here to see your parents?” I smiled softly and nodded holding up the Sunflower I brought for my mother.
“oh and Neville” the secretary said making me stop. “your father's niece is visiting today.. You might see her” looked at her confused for a second. As far as I was concerned the only family members left was me and Gran. I quickly shook it off wanting to know who lied to see my parents. “thank you” I said before walking off.
I didn't know if felt angry or scared. I couldn't think of anyone who would sneak in. The only people aside from Gran who knew was Y/n and Harry. I knew Harry wouldn't visit out of respect for me because I told him not to. Y/n on the other hand well...she'd be really dumb to show up now.
To be honest I wasn't angry at her anymore. In her defense she didn't know and I hate myself for hurting her. I wanted to talk to her so badly but I couldn't bring myself to look at the girl I broke. I hate knowing I caused her tears. She was always been there for me and at her time of need I stomped on her heart.
I turned down the hallway and into the room I knew the nurses kept them. I stopped in my tracks of what I saw. My mother was mindlessly coloring while y/n sat across from her. I was about to walk off. The sight made my heart clench.
“you would be proud of your son” that made me stop. I looked at he two and leaned on the door frame so I could listen.
--------(1st pov)--------
I guess I hoped she'd perk up at the sound of her son's name, but nothing. I sighed and played with the blue crayon she gave me. “when I'm scared I don't talk either...”
I admit that not knowing Neville was listening. “you may feel like your alone and there's no one to listen but... There is” I looked up and the mother was still coloring flowers. “you don't have to speak.. I realize how difficult that is... Well you don't even have too.. Maybe you can just show me in one of your drawings or something”
She had yet to respond. I sighed. Someone then came and placed her hand on my shoulder. I looked up and it was one of the nurses. “I'm sorry but visiting hours are almost over” I sighed not realizing how much time I spent.
I looked at the couple and tears formed my eyes once again. “I'm sorry..” I said nothing eles and started to walk away.
I didn't notice quite yet but Mrs. Longbottom slowly followed me mindlessly. I turned around and she silently handed me the piece of parchment she was coloring on. I smiled when I saw the childish but beautiful sunflowers. “thank you ma'am”
I walked out of the room and I immediately bump into someone. "I'm so sorry" I looked up and saw it was Neville. He looked so tired and broken. He chocolate brown eyes didn't look alive anymore just sad. “hi Neville” I mumbled looking down.
“didn't expect to see you here”
“I'm sorry.. I promise I'm leaving” I tried to leave but Neville grabbed my hand. “please don't leave” I looked at him with sad eyes as he let go of my hand.
“I should be the one aplagizing” he mumbled looking down. “you've always been there for me and always had my back... A-and when you needed me most I-I turned my back on you”
He looked down ashamed and started to tear up. Neville had always been a sensitive guy and that never bothered me. I found it quite adorable but his tears made my heart hurt more. The whole situation did.
“it's okay Nev” I moved closer to him and placed my hand on his cheek wiping the tears. He seemed to lean into the touch but he backed away. “it's not okay... This whole situation... This fight isn't okay”
“the last thing I wanted to do was hurt you” he said locking his brown eyes with my e/c ones. “I worked too damn hard to be with you and things got tough I left”
I closed the gap between us and held him tight. I snuggled my face in to his chest and held him like I was afraid he'll disappear. I missed the way he held me. I missed the safety I felt when I was with him. He may seem shy and weak to everyone else but he was the strongest boy I knew and he never shyed away when it came to protecting me and our friends.
“I missed you” I mumbled. “I missed you too Love” I felt his head nussel my hair then kiss the top of my head.
“we'll get through this together... I promise you” Neville mumbled as he held me righter.
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escapeinmybookshelf · 2 months
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Cover art by @artofcrumbs Draco Malfoy begins his new career as the Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts. Two years after he began teaching, a newly appointed Charms Professor Hermione Granger joins the faculty. Smutty one shot.
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aislynn-wiley1999 · 1 month
Are you looking for a Hogwarts Legacy fanfiction where:
- Characters do not have plot armour?
- Angst, jealousy, and hidden feelings are all present?
- The romance is a slow burn full of fleeting glances and brushed hands?
- the MC is angry, tired, severe, and occasionally horny?
- Sebastian and Ominis are RIDDLED with flaws and deeper emotions?
- There is smut (eventually, it IS a slow burn)?
Consider reading Three Headed Serpent here on AO3!
It’s at 47k words right now and I update every 2-3 days :)
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noxmalfoy · 10 days
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maddiwrites · 2 months
The Daughter
Summary: Enemies to lovers, Weasley x Lestrange. Linked is a more descriptive summary with author's notes (:
Warnings: None
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Chapter One: Kyrie Lestrange walked into Hogwarts’s Great Hall with murder on her mind. 
She knew that this year was going to be different than her last four years at this school. But not a good different. No, this was going to be much, much worse. 
 The Dementors stalking their train ride to Hogwarts proved that almost instantly.
Her shoulder bag was heavy with the weight of the Daily Prophet. Of course the weight of the newspaper wasn’t physically holding her down, but the longer she thought about what was written for the whole wizarding world to see, it felt like an elephant was sitting on her shoulders.
 On the front page was Sirius Black, known Death Eater, and now a dangerous escaped prisoner from Azkaban as of a couple weeks ago. Oh, and he also happened to be her uncle. 
“Oi, what’s got your panties in a twist, Lestrange?” Cedrella “Ell” Copplestone, Kryie’s best friend, hip bumped her with a smile on her face. Cedrella was beautiful. Her bleach blonde hair fell in easy waves past her chest. Her brown eyes were striking against her fair skin and her lips were always gorgeously polished with sparking pink lip gloss. “Don’t tell me you’re afraid of a couple of Dementors.”
Cedrella and Kyrie met on their first day at Hogwarts when they were both sorted into Slytherin. Back then, they were only a shell of what they were now. Timid, nervous, but excited. Now, those little girls were strangers.
Kyrie snorted. “Of course not. But I’m also not stupid enough to tempt one of them with a good time, if you know what I mean.”
“A good time, huh?” Cedrella wiggled her eyebrows. 
“Have you ever heard of the Dementor’s Kiss?” Kyrie asked her in all seriousness. 
“No, we didn’t all grow up learning the ins and outs of Azkaban, you know,” Her best friend smirked. 
Cedrella meant it as a joke, and she said it with pride. However, the indirect mention of Kyrie’s mother hollowed her chest into a bottomless pit, but after fifteen years, Kyrie mastered the art of faking a smile and keeping her head high with feigned confidence. 
“Well, it’s the only kiss, even you, would never ask for, Ell,” Kyrie said. 
“What are you trying to call me?” Cedrella scoffed jokingly.
Kyrie smirked but continued. “Its soul sucking. Literally. Worse than death. And it doesn’t take much to convince them to suck it right out of you.”
“Suck what out of who?” Steven Friar, another fellow Slytherin in her year, conveniently popped his head between the two girls, smirking. 
Kyrie rolled her eyes. “Of course that is all you heard.”
Kyrie also met Steven Friar in her first year of Hogwarts when the Sorting Hat placed them all in Slytherin. Joining them at their table that day was also Ophelia Wenlock, Danny King, Selina Branstone, and Zakir Ancrum. Quickly, this was how her friend group transformed. A group of prideful, parent pleasing, pureblooded, wizards and witches. All part of the house that homed the only students who believed being the daughter of Bellatrix Lestrange was a privilege, even if the witch stroked a deep fear within all of them.  
“What can I say, Lestrange, your words put me in a trance,” Steven smiled. 
His curly brown hair brushed against Kyrie’s cheek and his breath smelled of chocolate frogs from the train. Out of all her friends, Steven was the one to make her laugh the hardest. Unlike most Slytherins, he didn’t take life too seriously. Although he always remembered to keep in mind the expectations his parents had for him, he didn’t let it control him. And Kyrie always envied that about him. 
“Oi, get a grip, Friar,” Danny and Zakir matched their pace with the others. “You know, the only thing joining you in your bed this year is your right hand.”
“Jokes on you, I’m a lefty,” Steven winked at his friend.
“What are you talking about, anyway?” Danny asked them.
Out of all of her guy friends, Kyrie was closest to Danny. The bond they shared was different than the ones she had with Steven and Zakir. This one was more serious and intimate. They shared a connection that she couldn’t relate to with any of her other friends. Maybe it was the fact that his parents were similar to Kyrie’s aunt and uncle, who she had been living with for the past thirteen years. They were highly regarded amongst all wizards in Europe. They shared powerful roles in the Ministry, which always added pressure to the ideology of showing off a picture perfect family. There were certain expectations that Danny and Kyrie were meant to meet, and Danny took that role seriously. 
“The Dementors,” Ell said.
The five of them found Selina and Ophelia waiting for them in the Great Hall, saving their friends their seats with the other fifth year students. Kyrie took her seat next to Ophelia and eyed the rest of the room. 
On the other end of the room, Hufflepuffs pushed each other around playfully.  Next to their table, Ravenclaws were catching up quietly, and behind the Slytherin tables, Gryffindors obnoxiously cackled.
“I heard that Potter kid fainted on the train when he looked at one of them,” Ophelia said with a slight snicker, catching the last of their conversation as they settled in. 
Kyrie glanced over at the Gryffindor table again. Ironically, Harry Potter was turned towards them as well, glaring at Draco Malfoy, who was no doubt teasing the kid about what happened. 
News traveled fast in Hogwarts. Rumor had it one of the Dementors locked onto Potter during the train ride into campus, and the interaction was severe enough to make Harry Potter pass out.
Steven pulled another chocolate frog out of his shoulder bag. Kyrie snatched it out of his hand.
“Hey!” He complained. 
Kyrie threw the chocolate frog at the blonde third year. It hit him in the side of the head, causing him to turn around and glare daggers at his own cousin.
“Leave him alone, Draco,” Kyrie scolded him with a smirk on her face. She glanced over at the younger kid who was scowling at her cousin. His brown hair was sticking up in the back, his glasses askew, and the scar on his forehead peeked out from behind his bangs. “At least wait until the kid looks a little less… peaky.” 
Kyrie winked at the young Gryffindor, remembering their encounter only a couple of weeks ago in Knockturn Alley. Harry flushed and was physically turned away from the Slytherin table by two red headed twins. 
The infamous Fred and George Weasley. They’ve been causing chaos at Hogwarts since they stepped onto campus five years ago. They were adrenaline junkies. The twins were well known for their pranks, always finding a way to improve their jokes and up the stakes. Whereas most of the school loved and laughed at their antics, Kyrie found the two utterly annoying and obnoxious. However, the twins’ perspective of Lestrange and her friends weren’t far off from that either. 
Maybe it was the natural feud between their two houses, or maybe it was that they just knew how to get under each other’s skin. But the Weasleys and their friends have hated Lestrange and her friends for as long as she’s known them. 
The twins narrowed their eyes at Kyrie but were smart enough to keep their mouth shut.
Kyrie smirked at their reaction to her already so early into the school year. She ignored the curious eyes of their little brother, Ron, and his best friend Hermione and turned back to her friends. 
Ell scoffed, noticing the twins’ looks as well. “I’ll tell you one thing I didn’t miss. The stupid dungbombs those idiots like to shoot off in the halls.”
“One stupid prank this year and I will make their lives bloody miserable. I don’t have time to be distracted from studying for the O.W.Ls,” Selina said. She was by far the smartest out of all Kyrie’s friends. Obsessed with her schoolwork, she was on the right path to follow in her parents’ footsteps to work for the Ministry of Magic.
“It’s day one and she’s already talking about the exams,” Zakir rolled his eyes. 
Kyrie snickered and ignored her friend’s scowl. 
“Hey,” Danny leaned in closer to Kyrie. “I like the green. It matches your eyes.”
Kyrie smiled. “I might have to dye it back to pink then. Don’t want you to get distracted from your studies this year.”
Every few weeks, Kyrie dyed streaks of her brunette hair a different color. For majority of the summer, it was a pastel pink. And Danny knew this because he spent the summer pining over Kyrie Lestrange like she was the last woman on Earth. And Kyrie let him, finding no harm in a little summer fling, even if it was with one of her closest friends. But now that the school year had begun, Kyrie had no intentions of continuing said fling. And she made that very clear to him last month. However, it was clearly going to be harder than she thought for Danny. 
“With you in the room, I’ll always be distracted.”
Ell pretended to gag. “Oh please, get a room you two.”
“Happily. Maybe we’ll use yours,” Danny smirked back at her.
“I’m about to lose my appetite and I’ve been looking forward to this food for three months.”
The Great Hall silenced as Professor Dumbledore stood up from his spot at the front table with the other professors of the school. Kyrie eyed each and every one of them, pausing on the face of a man she didn’t recognize. 
The Headmaster took his place at the podium. “Welcome! Welcome to another year at Hogwarts! I have a few things to say, before we become befuddled by our excellent feast. I myself am particularly looking forward to the flaming kiwi cups, which, while somewhat treacherous for those of us with facial hair...” He chuckled at his own joke. “Mm. Yes. First, I'm pleased to welcome Professor R.J. Lupin, who has kindly consented to fill the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts. Good luck to you, Professor.” The students applauded the new professor. At least he looked a little more…humble than last year’s DADA professor. He waved politely at the students. His sandy hair, matching the color of his facial hair surrounding his mouth, fell lazily on his forehead. He looked to be in his forties. He was dressed in a casual suit that would give the illusion that he had his life put together, but Kyrie could tell there was something…off…about him. “As some of you may know, Professor Kettleburn, our Care of Magical Creatures teacher for many years, has decided to retire in order to spend more time with his remaining limbs. Fortunately, I'm delighted to announce that his place will be filled by none other than our own Rubeus Hagrid!” Hagrid awkwardly stood up, his big body shaking the table in front of him. To this, Kyrie happily applauded the Giant. Unlike most students in her house, Kyrie really liked Hagrid. 
When Hagrid sat down, the atmosphere changed in the Great Hall. Dumbledore didn’t look as pleased as what he was about to say next was of grave importance. “Finally, on a more disquieting note, Hogwarts - at the request of the Ministry of Magic - will, until further notice, play host to the Dementors of Azkaban.” A few murmurs vibrated around her, but what caught her eye was Draco and his two idiot friends Crabbe and Goyle teasing Harry by pretending to faint. “The Dementors will be stationed at the entrances to the grounds. While they are under strict orders not to enter the castle itself, you will on occasion see them as you go about your daily activities. Under no circumstances are you to approach them. It is not in the nature of a Dementor to be forgiving.”
After dinner, with a belly full of roast chicken, pumpkin juice, and cauldron cakes, Kyrie unpacked her luggage quietly while listening to her friends discuss their summers. 
Selina spent a lot of her time in the Ministry, shadowing her father and getting a head start in making sure her name was well known amongst her father’s peers, so that when it comes time to apply in three years, she’ll be an easy hire. 
Kyrie always admired her friend’s dedication to her education, but sometimes that dedication distracted her from what was also important at Hogwarts – fun. She, Ophelia, and Ell always had to convince her to come to parties hosted in the Slytherin Common Room, talk to the girls she had admitted to holding small crushes on, and close the books early to gossip late into the night.
Ophelia spent most of her summer visiting her cousin in Berlin, spending most of her money at the local shops over there. She had a bit of a spending problem, that one. 
And Cedrella went into intricate detail of her night with a muggle she met at her family’s vacation house in Sussex. 
Kyrie covered her copy of the Daily Prophet under her school sweaters in the bottom drawer of her dresser. She didn’t want to talk about Sirius with anyone. Not even her best friends, and she hoped they wouldn’t bring him up either. 
 Her friend’s teasing voice cooed her name behind her.
“What about you, Kyrie? Have anything you’d like to share about your summer?” Ophelia smirked knowingly. She braided her golden locks back behind her head. Not a single blemish dotted her face after she removed her makeup and was freshly moisturized. Her fingers were always dazzled with rings that fascinated Kyrie. Last year, Ophelia gifted a thick gold and green ring to Kyrie for her birthday. She wore it every day on her right middle finger.
“Yeah, anything about how your green hair matches your green eyes,” Selina giggled. 
Selina’s shoulder length brown hair fell over her face as she leaned over the pillow set on her lap. Her brown skin glowed under the overhead light. Her teeth were beautifully straight and her jaw line exceptionally sharp. Kyrie always wondered why Selina chose to be single. She knew a couple of girls at Hogwarts who were secretly harboring crushes for her friend. 
Kyrie rolled her eyes. “I think you can infer what my summer was like.”
It was no secret that Danny always fancied Kyrie since their first year at Hogwarts. He always took the open seat next to her in the Great Hall, offered to be her partner in Charms and Potions when they shared the class, and was always glued to her side at social events. 
Kyrie tried convincing herself that she felt the same way towards Danny. He was the perfect match in the long run. With their highly respected families, blood purity, and money, every wizard expected them to be married following graduation. 
“Oh come on. Give us details!” Ophelia pushed. 
“Not everyone’s an open book like our dear Ell,” Kyrie said sarcastically.
“Did you at least shag? Or did you torture him with just a kiss?” Selina asked.
Kyrie rolled her eyes again and turned her back to her friends to hide her blushing cheeks as she climbed into bed. 
“Oh, she definitely had sex!” Ophelia said.
“Well, tell us about it!” Selina exclaimed. 
Kyrie glanced at her best friend but she couldn’t read her expression. Ell got uncharacteristically quiet, looking both intrigued and annoyed at the same time. 
Suddenly, Kyrie felt a little guilty that she didn’t tell her best friend first. They told each other everything first before sharing with Ophelia and Selina. But this wasn’t something she wanted to share through a letter. 
Kyrie shrugged. “It was fine.”
“Just fine?” Ophelia asked. 
Cedrella raised a brow. 
“I don’t know…it was…well the first couple of times were awkward –“
“You did it more than once?” Selina asked. 
“Do you want to hear the story or not?” Kyrie said. 
Selina raised her hands in surrender and silently urged her to go on. 
Kyrie was honest with them. She told them that the first couple of times with Danny were a little awkward. With niether of them having done it before, they were feeling a bit shy. But towards the end of the summer, they found their groove and it got better. Kyrie couldn’t deny that there was a physical attraction between her and Danny. But that’s as far as a connection she felt. There were no sparks, no tingles, no butterflies or whatever the fairy tales tell you. There was just…sweat, pants, and a short high. 
Ophelia groaned. “I’m so jealous.”
“Don’t worry, I’m sure your perfect guy is out there,” Kyrie said with a wave of her hand. “Isn’t that what they say anyway? You’ll find someone when you’re least expecting it or whatever that dumb shit is.”
“Yeah, that makes me feel better,” Ophelia rolled her eyes. 
“So, what are you going to do this year? String him along again, letting him drool at your feet?” Ell said, straightening out the comforter on her bed. Kyrie froze and tilted her head at the harshness of her words. “He’s clearly in love with you.”
Kyrie answered. “I was honest with him at the end of summer. I said whatever we were doing ends the second we get on the train to come back to Hogwarts. He’s one of my best friends and I don’t want to lose that over some hookup.”
“It wasn’t just a hook up to him, though.”
“Well, it was to me and I made that very clear to him the moment he kissed me for the first time. He knows where I stand and that’s that.” Kyrie said forcefully, growing more and more irritated by Ell’s attitude. “What’s with the third degree, Ell?”
“Nothing,” She shrugged, acting nonchalant. “Just want to make sure you know what you’ve gotten yourself into.” She turned to slide into her own bed.
Kyrie glanced at her other two friends from across the room, but both of them shrugged and awkwardly shuffled under their own covers.
“Whatever,” Kyrie said, changing the subject. “What do your schedules look like for tomorrow?”
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tippilo · 2 months
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Underrated Fanfic Friday!
Continuing our veela theme, we have I want her by janelealart and wizardlywordsmith. I read this one awhile back and loved it!
Obviously, you can see why I was attracted to the veela fics, they have a propensity to have obsessive/pining men, my favorite thing!
This contains all of that with a draco determined to resist his feelings to the degree that he moves on the other side of the world to avoid our girl! Of course, Harry and Ginny are having none of that 😉
This is a quick and light oneshot! Read it in a break during work! 😁But it will leave you wishing there was more!
Read on AO3 HERE
XOXO - Tipp
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writersblockedx · 1 year
The Muggle Mixtape
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Pairing - Mattheo Riddle x Fem!Reader Summary - In an attempt to get her friends into muggle music, Y/n makes a mixtape for Mattheo. He ends up liking it more than expected. Warnings - Slight mention of a hangover/drinking Words - 1.9K
A/n - This is my first time writing for Mattheo so I hope it’s alright <3
Mattheo didn't think much of muggle culture. He studied parts of it in muggle studies but he found such lesson dragged and he struggled to even keep his eyes open. Safe to say, he wasn't one to explore out of the confines of Wizards and their impeccable inventions. Through Y/n's eyes, he was sufficiently deprived of muggle luxuries. And maybe he wasn't all that bothered about finding out more, but Y/n knew that he had know idea what he was missing out on.
Coming from a family which was half muggle, half magical, she had dashes of muggle music and tv and film littered into her day-to-day. She was amazed by the stories and the lyrics which they constructed ever so seamlessly. The girl wanted nothing more than to spread that amazement.
"I swear if that is the same mixtape you had on all last week-" Pansy had whined as Y/n leaned over to the stereo to change the music to her own.
Y/n pushed a few buttons before There she Goes by The La's started to lull through the Slytherin common room. "No, don't worry. New mixtape, new songs." She assured Pansy, returning to her potions homework she had forgotten about until this morning.
"I don't understand it." Mattheo spoke up with a curious speck in his pupils. He leaned over and grabbed the casing of the mixtape where Y/n had handwritten each of the song titles and their respected artist. "Why muggle music?" His eyes began to scan the words, finding himself more confused than he had been prior.
"Because it's amazing. Are you listening to this right now?" The girl gestured back to the stereo which was still playing.
Mattheo shrugged and handed the cover back over, "It's alright. It's really nothing special, don't see why you get so worked up over it." He told her, honestly.
It was then, when the girl glanced to him, that an idea popped into mind. Well, more like a bet she had silently made with herself: she would make sure that by the end of the school year, Mattheo would finally admit to liking muggle music.
As it was currently October, it gave Y/n a good few months to successfully mould this plan on her's into place. She was certainly aware of his lack of knowledge when it came to anything muggle related. Any type of their media he acted completely apathetic towards. It was her challenge to try and change that.
She started by simply adjusting her mixtapes slightly to songs which she believed would suit Mattheo more. He would squirm at anything played by Blur, but seemed to ease whenever The Cure came on. She started collecting a list of what bands and artists he seemed to enjoy. By the start of Decemeber, it looked a little something like this: - The Cure - Nirvana (Lithium especially) - Sometimes Radiohead
They had been setting up for the annual Christmas Slytherin party when the boy pipped up all of a sudden and asked, "What's this song again, Y/n?" He had been in the midst of setting up lights, while the girl was pilling in several drinks. Mattheo had, in fact, never heard this song before. Though, his voiced opinion was one which helped Y/n in her data collection.
She looked to him, a cheeky glint in her eyes which she attempted to suppress, "Rock the Casbah. It's The Clash." She informed.
He nodded and went to return to what he had been doing. Though, before he was able to do so, Y/n was skipping over with a twisting smile at her lips. "Well?" She urged with raised brows.
He was looking down at her, finding her smile infectious. "Well, what?" He had chuckled.
She swayed on her feet, "Are you going to admit it?" There was a mischievous smirk written into her lips which he didn't dare break.
So Mattheo shrugged, "Admit what?"
The girl nudged his shoulder with her own, that smirk failing to ever disappear, "That maybe, you might just like my muggle music?" The cheeky glint in her pupil shimmered.
"I wouldn't say that I like it." Said the boy, "But it's tolerable." He did like it. In fact, Mattheo craved every moment when Y/n decided to play one of her many mixtapes. But he would refuse to admit it because, the second he did, Y/n would stop doing all in her power to convince him that he did. He didn't want her to stop; He just wanted every moment he could with her.
They left Hogwarts the morning after. Many were nursing headaches, trying to put on brave faces for the parents as they stepped onto the train platform. It was flooded with students, wrapped in their family's embrace and happily welcomed Christmas. Woven through all that, was Y/n, who had a badly wrapped gift tucked under her arm.
She slipped through the many crowds of witches and wizards as she tracked Mattheo. "Mattheo!" The girl had yelled over the loud noise of the station. "Mattheo!"
He looked back, brows knitted, unsure if he had heard it correctly. When his gaze found Y/n, he eased into a smile and the two met in the middle. Surrounded by chaos and screaming children, it felt like it were just the two of them. "Come to kiss me goodbye?" He tilted his head and wiggled his brows.
Y/n chose to dismiss his comment as she retrieved the gift, "Here," She passed it over to him.
"Since when were we on gift-giving status?" He questioned, his smug exterior having instantly fallen.
She shrugged and urged him on, giddy in her movements, "Just open it!" She exclaimed.
With a growing smile, he slipped his finger tips between the wrapping paper, revealing a mixtape. Just like Y/n's own ones: noted with song titles and artists, with several added doodles Mattheo secretly adored. "Oh wow," He commented, "My own muggle mixtape."
"I mean, I couldn't let you go the holidays without having anything decent to listen to." She told him. "Maybe you'll find this stuff more tolerable."
He nodded to himself, "Thanks, Y/n." He said before taking her into a hug. They said their goodbyes and like that, went opposite ways to their own families.
Mattheo hadn't listened to the mixtape until Christmas eve. He had stared at it every now and again, twisting the mix tape between his fingertips every now and again. But he never seemed to have the courage to listen to the songs that the girl had hand-picked for his ears. Had it been anyone else who had given him a gift, he was likely to have tossed it to one side and forget about its existence. But this gift had come from Y/n and it was gift of which was made by hand, not one from Hogsmeade, but one of which she had laboured at for a few days trying to get perfect.
And, as Christmas eve night drew into a close, he picked up the mix tape. He inspected it as he had done before and read through some of the titles: Back to the old house by The Smiths was the first song. His interest suddenly peaked. He clipped in a pair of headphones, pushing his hair back as they fitted over his head. Soon enough, the song started to play and all his thoughts were consumed by one person: Y/n.
Mattheo wasn't one to admit when he was wrong, but he supposed if he was admitting that Y/n was right, then maybe it wasn't too bad. The music which happened to be made by muggles, was decent at that. The mixtape made for him, even better. He just wasn't sure how he was going to tell Y/n that without making himself out to be an idiot.
By the time they had returned in January, he was still struggling to find the words to explain such to Y/n. Suddenly, he was questioning why he was finding it so difficult to talk to her - why he was overthinking this, or why he cared so much over how she might react. She was just a girl; a girl who liked muggle music and drew stupid doodles. Unless, of course-
"So?" They had only just returned to the common room when Y/n lept into the boy's gaze. She had her familiar wide eyes as she joined his side. "What did you think?"
He put on an act, thinking hard as if he wasn't sure what she was referring to. "Oh, yeah, your stupid muggle mixtape!" He joked, resulting in a playful nudge to his shoulder.
"It's not stupid!" She argued. A moment passed and Y/n watched him carefully, "Well? You liked it didn't you!"
"Tolerated it!" He corrected before she was able to get any ideas.
But she hummed as Mattheo threw himself onto one of the leather sofas. "Which was your favourite?" She inquired as her cheeky glint returned in her pupils.
Mattheo answered by pulling out the mixtape from his robe pocket. Something of which had been unexpected from Y/n. She was happy he had listened to it, but even that she hadn't been sure the boy would be so bothered to actually do. He read through the track list once again. "This one," He read. "Love will tear us apart." He looked over the mixtape as his gaze settled on Y/n. He would pretend as if he had hardly a care for it, pretend as if he hadn't listened to said song repeatedly over the course of the Christmas holidays.
A smile graced the girl's lips, "Ah," She had said. "It's very you." She commented before wandering towards him and gesturing for him to throw the mixtape over to her. Confused, Mattheo did it so and watched as she took it over to the stereo.
She switched a few buttons and said song was beginning to play through the common room. There were only a few people dotted around at this time, no one who cared enough to pay much attention to either of them. Most students were hurrying around in their dorm room to get ready for the Gryfinndor party. Y/n wandered back over to Mattheo who was unintentionally starring at her in awe. "Well come on then," She offered him her hand.
He raised a brow but didn't move a finger, "I'm sorry?"
"It's your favourite muggle song, you at least have to dance to it." She told him. He stared a little longer before he interlocked his hand with hers.
She tugged him gently from the sofa. Though, no dancing ever occurred. Rather, a long moment passed in which neither of them made a move. Then the chorus hit and Mattheo found himself leaning in so far until their lips met. It was soft and sweet; a kiss to sound of Joy Division.
It wasn't long after that shared moment, brought together by an angsty song, that they became an official couple. A relationship filled with more muggle music that Y/n shred with him and Mattheo still struggled to admit that he truly enjoyed.
They were laid in his dorm room one day, Just like Heaven by The Cure playing in the background. He was finishing some potions homework while Y/n flicked through a book that had been a gift from the muggle side of the her family: The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. A thought passed through a mind. One of which was loud enough to pull her from the pages she had been reading.
She looked to her boyfriend and simply asked, "Have you ever read muggle literature?"
And like that, Y/n had a brand new mission: get Mattheo to like muggle literature.
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recluse-moth · 8 months
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October 7th, 1998
The war was over but the scars still remained. She was but a specter of her old self, she’d walk from room to room in the manor in a completely catatonic state. She hadn’t spoken of what had happened to her during the brief period of when Voldemort had won, but her scars told me everything I needed to know.
Harry had gone to the forbidden forest as the old man had requested of him, Hermione had somehow managed to sneak past with Ron in an attempt to save Harry. Voldemort had struck him down as if he were nothing, almost immediately after that Ron and Hermione had been discovered.
However Potter hadn’t died that night, instead he’d come back and won the fight. None of that mattered to him though, not when his best friends had been tortured for hours while he had been playing dead.
It took nearly three weeks until they were both strong enough to leave St. Mungos. Hermione had gone to stay with the Weasley’s along with Potter and the Lovegoods. I had gone to visit nearly everyday watching as she sat by a window in silence. Mrs. Weasley seemed to have lost more than one son that night of the battle. Ron had spent nearly every day out in the garden, sometimes Hermione would join him and I would stand guard with Harry in case one of them had an episode setting off the other. I could see the pain in Potters eyes as he watched, but not like the glazed over look Hermione would give when she’d look at me.
A month after they’d been discharged it was decided that caring for them both in the same house was proving difficult. It seemed as if their terrors were becoming more frequent, so I offered to take Hermione to the Manor, Harry was reluctant as he had every right, but ultimately she’d come to stay.
The first day I took her to the library and it seemed to spark something that seemed dead once before. She walked around for hours picking books out, and I carried them gladly for her. She’d sit by the window and read till she fell asleep. It seemed that reading was the only bit if peace she found, but she still didn’t speak.
By week three we had found a routine between the two of us, we would meet for breakfast by the greenhouse, and we’d walk the gardens my mother watching from the manor above. After the walk we would enter the manor once again and she would bury herself with book till lunch where we would meet my mother in the dinning room. My mother tried to speak with her on several occasions but the most Hermione could manage was nod. After that we would sit in the drawing room and I’d read to her as she watched the fire I’d built for her myself to keep her warm. We would take dinner in her room and she would read as she ate, and when it was time for her to sleep I would and wait till her eyes were closed before I left her for the night.
It felt as if we were in never ending cycle of silence, but everyday I’d spent with her I took notice of every detail about her. The way her nose curved, the slightest freckles on her face, the complex shade of her eyes, even the way she’d often braid her hair because she she hated having to push back the curls when she read. It wasn’t until today that I decided that I would break our routine and take her somewhere for a change.
I bought a muggle car just so she wouldn’t have to fly or gather the strength to disapparate to where we were going. She slept most of the way there but when we arrived her eyes lit up again. It was too gloomy for a swim and I hadn’t anticipated the amount of wind that hit our sides but we walked along the shore. She collected oddly shaped seashells and handed them to me for safe keeping as she had with the books she wanted to read for the day. After an hour we sat in the sand and she watched the waves in peace, her hair flowing in the wind and I’d never seen her look as beautiful as she did then.
I took her hand in mine and she turned to look at me, and for the first time in a long time she smiled. She rested her head against my shoulder and said, “Thank you.”
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winterwells · 11 months
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Art and Fic by winterwells
The Running Club on AO3.
Dramione 8th Year One-Shot. Rated E, Aftermath of the Second Wizarding War, Trauma, Healing, ETL
"Join my club."
"What?" The question must be so absurd it’s enough to pull him out of his hatred towards her for the moment.
She turns her body so he can see her face. "It's a running club. Well, I don't know if it can be considered a club, as it's only me, but –" she babbles.
"Running," he states flatly, looking at her like she's grown a second head.
"Yes. I run. Literally, but it's… I'm running. Running from everything. The war. My pain. I run."
He narrows his eyes.
"Run with me," she asks confidently.
He looks her over, and she begins to wilt but then straightens her posture before speaking again.
"I start every morning at five. I run until I can't anymore and–"
He abruptly leaves.
She simply breathes.
Hermione returns to Hogwarts for the "Seventh Year Was a Cluster F@#$ So Let's Do It All Again Year!" The war has left its mark, and she copes in the best way she can. Running. And she might pick up some stragglers along the way...
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subdracofest · 4 days
The Price of Good Shoes - Sub!Draco
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Hermione sold her slave's pleasure for the night to the highest bidder in order to pay for her new Louboutins. One-shot, rated E.
The Price of Good Shoes by TanzaniteWrites (if anybody knows them, can you have them DM me? For... reasons)
#dramione #dramionefanfiction #dramionefanfic #draco #dracomalfoy #malfoy #hermione #hermionegranger #ao3 #ao3fanfic #spicycontent #smut #oneshot #subdraco
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asttyx · 8 months
It was Mahogany Wood and Fresh Apples (Oneshot)
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"If the two of you were the last ones to live, would you dance the waltz with him?"
It was funny, you've never even considered it.
It was the last summer before your classes would start, you would be going back to your parent's house for a nice chat and dinner, possibly getting them something in exchange for the times you were absent. They missed you, you missed them more.
You look at Hermione with her bushy hair framing her face. You always thought that she looked like a bear, all fuzzy and soft. To you, at least.
"Who's him?" You laughed jokingly. She rolled her eyes as if your question was snarky.
"Oh please, be real for a minute. It's just a lovely quote to repeat." She sighs, leaning on the tree trunk that has seen you both grow. "I suggest you stop reading that book, it's doing things to your mind." You pointed at her and she laughed like you were the crazier one.
You rolled over, looking at her, for a minute you felt dizzy but maybe it was just the mahogany wood surrounding you. You don't like the particularly strong smell.
"Who was it again? I forgot?" You looked over her, hair spiked in all directions, she couldn't help but reach over to you as she fixed it.
"Who was what?" She raised an eyebrow cheekily. You were about to wipe that smirk off her face.
"Was it Von Parsley? Oh no, I'm pretty sure it starts with an R. Ron Parsley, then? Oh wait, I think I got it. Ron Weasel?" She turned bright red at the name as she hid her face.
"How do you know him?" She hid her embarrassment with a book. It was an okay attempt but little did she know you could see the redness of her ears.
"You talk about him, like a lot." It was like chanting the bible, Harry Pottery and Ron Weasel were the names that would casually roll over her tongue. "I do not!" She claimed, but with a little smile on her face. "And it's Weasley, not Weasel, thank you very much."
You puffed at what she said but just shrugged. You slightly sat beside her, leaning over the trunk as you put your head on her shoulder, leaning slightly. "What are you reading, anyway?"
Eyebrows furrowed when she automatically closed the book to which you shot an offended look. "Nothing, just a really cool book."
You sighed, sitting slightly straighter than before. It was no use getting things out of her, she's always been persistent. It had been like that the moment she came back from her private boarding school.
"You can always come back here, Mione. The teachers miss you like crazy that they've been pumping things out of me." You sighed.
No response.
She looked away from your comment, it was clear that she wasn't happy about your suggestion.
"Or not." You added jokingly to ease what she was feeling. "You could just chase after Ron Weasel over there." This time surely, she faced you to hit you in your arm. A big smile plastered over her face.
"That prat is totally not my type! I do not have a crush on him!"
"Whoa there, Mione. You should just relax." You raised both hands and nodded, looking straight at her like her words and invalid. "Say that to his face when you get to his house, now will you?"
The girl made sure to stab you directly in the chest with a knife using only her eyes, you threw both hands up in the air. It was honestly fun messing with her. "Your words, not mine."
She rolled her eyes, opening the book once more. You leaned over as you saw the contents, none of it registered to you. Unfamiliar pages loitered with elegant black cursive that hurt your eyes, it barely made sense.
Then again, you were best friends with the weird kid. Maybe all these things are those you find endearing as you grew up with her. You put your head on her shoulder once again. The wind was growing stronger with every passing minute and it was almost perfect for you to just fall asleep.
"I just realized none of the teachers liked me." You started, she just kept quiet. A sign she was listening, and never made any comments when it came to you talking.
"I wasn't smart like you, I am also definitely not popular. I'm not appealing, my family isn't rich, I don't have many friends, I don't get invited to many events." You sighed. "Maybe because they like you, Mione, they learned to talk to me." You sighed, she took your hands and massaged your outer palm. "Don't be hard on yourself. It wasn't because of me, maybe, they generally don't like people like us."
She laughed when she saw you cling to her even further, "Maybe you would've liked it when you were in my school." She said.
"But I like it here." The neighborhood you grew up in, was chilly for a summer. Yet, the lemonade stand didn't fail to always set up across their lawn.
"Yes, that's why." She reasoned.
"Why do you keep a perfectly carved stick in your closet?" You ask, taking out the stick you saw as you helped her pack for the next school year.
Panic flashed in her eyes like she bolted up in her bed shouting, "Give me that!" and the next thing you know is that she was stuffing the stick in her pocket.
Her odd behavior matched the randomness of all the things you've been dealing with for the past four years. "You don't have to be so rough about it, it's just a stick." You sighed. But maybe it wasn't. You know, the thing about Hermione is that she holds a lot of sentimental value on random things that you might consider her hoarding most of those things in her closet, even her bathroom cabinet is not safe from those.
Of course, she didn't reply. Nothing to be mad about, never mad at you. Although, you kind of wished she was. You never know the things that would piss her off, that was because she never took her anger out of you.
"I used to have a rose I received from Sam. But it wilted." You said, like then again, she didn't say anything back. You could see her folding the clothes she would need for the next school year, it's as if she lives there.
"I used to like Sam, remember?" You smiled, lightening up and she nodded. "Yeah. I remember." Just like that, she was back to her usual self again.
"I don't want to be bothered, Mione." You looked down at the frames hanging up on Hermione's bedroom wall, a few with her parents but most of them made up of you and her growing up. How could you not? You remember the day she knocked out your teeth in the playground, that was the first time you both met. "But I'm not magic."
She stopped to look at you, her hands frozen solid and she had no intentions of stopping to fold her clothes back again. "What do you mean?"
"I don't know what's going on in your mind. I'm not a mind reader, Mione. I know that you don't want me to be but I just hate it when you disregard things that I have said. Why don't you get mad at me?"
She relaxed and looked at you. Maybe it was because of the way you said it or maybe you did not push it any further but she was relieved and you didn't have to know. You wouldn't understand why she was internally freaking out over your choice of words.
"Tell me something I didn't know." And she knew, maybe, just maybe this is the last time she'd ever get to spend a nice summer with you. It wasn't about you being ready, she never planned to tell you anything. It was her.
"Promise not to tell anyone?"
"Swear on it." She looked at you so seriously, never before did you see her shaken and confused.
"I swear." You nodded, this time, you know you are supposed to go sit in her bed. So you did.
The girl was maybe hyperventilating, you almost regret pushing her to speak up with her emotions. Almost. It was a treat, but you know you don't have to push her like that, but there was this urge telling you that maybe this might be the only chance.
She stood up to kneel in front of you, she shouldn't have, but she did anyway. She took both your hands in hers and breathed, seeking comfort and you tried to match her rhythm.
"I'm a witch." She breathed, closing both her eyes to look at your reaction. No words, you just looked at her. No questions, you believe her, and it was all there to say.
"How?" You shake your head. "Magic." Like the fairytales that were read to you ever so often that you normalize it as a bedtime story? It is much more darker and you looked at her without asking anymore. "I believe you, Mione."
You were never a fan of thrill, you didn't expect you'd go through a wall. On your second attempt at that, Hermoine had you on a pep talk about believing and all, that's what you did, and got your head badly collided on the wall. You had to bid her goodbye and her parents came as well.
There weren't that many people in the area, and Hermione was one of the few to go early. She said that it was something about Von Weasel and the Quidditch World Cup. Not that you know what that is considering you have little to no idea what was happening.
As soon as a Jacobite steam train appeared, Hermione had to bid you all goodbye. She told you it wasn't her usual route to the Weasels and had to take an alternative but she wanted you to bid her goodbye as she boarded the Hogwarts Express. She told you that it was special, you didn't want to take her moment with her parents away though. She would miss them like crazy, but she would always insist that she had a feeling this time, it was really special. You took her word for it.
You bid her goodbye and blew kisses as she waved her hands out the window. The train was almost leaving, it didn't fill up like you thought it would. Maybe Hermione was just early. It wasn't busy like you thought, but there were multiple 11-12-year-olds running around, like the first time your best friend told you that she got admitted to her 'private boarding school'. You thought it was funny how she managed to make up excuses all the time.
Now you're not too sure how you'd get by a day without thinking of all these, sadly, you aren't the few gifted ones who are born to do things like Hermione would. Surely, your parents have high hopes for you and you'll eventually need to seriously move back to your private boarding school in less than a week. With the stupidly strict uniform and teachers who only talk to you when needed.
You had to go, the train left. You looked back at Hermione's parents as they made their way back to the wall, they expected you to follow. That you would, but stopped in your tracks once a figure stopped you midway. Far across you, a boy with platinum blonde hair was wearing black formal clothes. You didn't know why but you thought he looked fine. Handsome even, it was outrageous, you never go googly-eyes for a stranger. Hermione would've laughed if she saw you.
He was alluring, you thought that maybe he was a wizard, perhaps the same age as you are? Does he know Hermione? You thought of a million reasons why you are unable to move and follow back Hermione's parents.
The guy was alone, he had a cart though. You wondered why he didn't get on the train that Hermione took, it was strange, maybe he'd take the other? How badly it is that you want to strike up a conversation, you know you weren't like this. Not with Sam at least.
And you saw him sigh, go by a distant chair, and sit. He started tapping his foot, like waiting for someone and it was like he was always annoyed. It was perplexing to see, and you knew you had to take one step closer.
He noticed you, with a frown on his face. He was about to make a snarky comment but debated whether to actually say it, instead, scooted over for you to sit down on the other side. You wanted to say something, really. But didn't dare to actually come up with words. You knew you were shy and awkward, you just hoped it wasn't for this moment that could ruin you for next years to come.
He was your type, of course he is. Formal dressed, well-kept hair, and you turn to look at him, startled to see he is looking back at you.
The way your heart jumped with dopamine.
He didn't say anything back, but the snarl in his face disappeared. He observed you, without malice no, not with judgment. He wasn't criticizing you at all and all you wanted to be in that moment was something he was looking at like a treat in his eyes.
Let that come true.
He has the clearest grey eyes you have seen. Draws you like a whirlpool but all you have to do is make a move, perhaps a simple 'Hi' would suffice. You shifted uncomfortably but you managed to throw him a small smile.
So much like Hermione, he didn't return the favor. But you saw the way his tensed shoulders dropped and eyes softened. He was about to say something when-
"It's time to go," A deep slurred voice distracts you as you look up to see someone with long platinum blond hair standing, eyeing the boy who immediately stood up. "Yes, father."
You heard him say, his voice never clearer on your ears like water, you were bewitched. At that moment, you thought of how badly you wanted to waltz with him. But he stood up and looked at you quickly before the expression of annoyance crept back to his face before walking away.
You saw the guy beside him throw you a sharp glare muttering something along the lines of 'muggles' like it was something disgusting. You sat there completely unaware of how everything in your head did not play the way you wanted.
You didn't get to ask for his name, he was about to say something too. But you remember so clearly the distinct smell of Mahogany Wood and Fresh apples. You liked it.
You jolted as you heard your name being called from the distance, you almost forgot about it. You hurriedly stood up with a smile on your face, following the voice as you said you were sorry that you got sidetracked along the way.
Maybe next year you'll see him and get to ask for his name. Maybe he thought the same. You were ecstatic. Maybe he did.
You weren't able to come. Hermione didn't invite you to send her off.
IThat next year, he waited in the same spot but you never came.
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