#dreamnotfound fanfiction recommendations
dnf-fic-recs · 2 years
Hello! You are doing god's work, and I wanted to ask how you do it? As in, how do you go about finding the fics that people are asking about, is it down to memory and what you yourself (selves) are reading? Is there a team of people discussing an ask together, or a group chat to hash it out? And how much fanfiction do you need to read to keep up to date for the blog?
Sorry, I've just always been so curious as to how these blogs work! I was thinking about starting up one myself years ago for a different fandom but never did because I just didn't know how to start, so I'd be super stoked if you shed some light on it all! (you obviously don't have to answer though if you don't want to lmao)
So we are a group of 3 mods that run this account.
For finding books, I (mod sparkle) search through tags or if I recognise the books will search my history/bookmarks. I think a lot does come down to memory and help from our followers and each other of course! We don’t have a group chat but when a person asks for a certain type of fanfic, we leave it in our drafts for a while so the other mods can add any other fics that come to mind. I used to read fan fiction very often but have had to stop recently due to irl stuff with school but if I ever have time I will!
heyy its mod holiday here! i read a LOT of fanfic and kept a massive google docs of the ones i really like from mcyt and other stuff. i have VERY specific fanfiction standards so i generally recommend only stuff i think is genuinely good. i'll go through random troupes and search through the whole tag and click whatever looks interesting. i'd say my biggest downfall tho is that i only read completed works haha. same as sparkle, sometimes i recognize a fic and sometimes i run through tags that i think would be associated with it (ex. somebody wanted a dom gnf fic so i went thru the WHOLE gnf dom tag) and if not from there i pray one of y'all know it.
i (mod star) don’t read a lot of dnf fics anymore but am pretty familiar with ao3’s search system so the only things i can help with atm is searching for lost fics and if someone sends in a request for an older fic i might remember it! unfortunately it doesn’t seem like i’m super active only because most people are searching for 18+ fics and i, alas, am not 18 yet.
the #1 thing id recommend is getting an organization system for tagging and a set of tags you repeat for your own posts (like we do #dnf #dreamnotfound #dnf fics etc.) the organized tags for fics (fluff fics, smut fics, etc) makes it super user friendly too :)
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ukiyokki · 3 years
mars reads too much dreamnotfound fanfiction for their own good
a dreamnotfound fanfic recommendation list by your resident dumbass (me)
this took way to fucking long... i’m tired
below is a (very extensive) list dedicated to all my favorite dnf fics, ranging from quick one shots to 100k+ word monstrosities that devour the storage on my computer, forever incomplete masterpieces to ongoing works of art, you get the idea. i provided links for each fic/series for your reading pleasure. there will be no smutty/nsfw fics on this list, that’s just not my vibe lmao. this list goes in no particular order, and i’ll update it from time to time when i feel like it. now, without further ado, let us begin.
Heat Waves (complete) by tbhyourelame
(wtf else did you expect, looking at a dnf rec list?) amazingly well written, and while it’s not my favorite dnf fic it’s damn near close. in the midst of a brutal heatwave, a suffering dream comes to terms with the fact that he is desperately in love with his best friend. everything i could say about this fic has already been said by nearly everyone who’s read it, so if you haven’t yet caved into the hype, just go for it. you won’t be disappointed.
Gonna be around (completed) by georgescatcafe
(mc irl) my favorite dnf oneshot to date. just read it, i don’t wanna spoil for you :)
Inferno in the Sky (ongoing)by zairielon
(star wars au) an ongoing star wars au currently clocking in at almost 200k words. need I say more? everything about it absolutely slaps, each chapter is amazingly written, and it’s just good. also, can we just appreciate dream and tubbos dynamic in here? 10/10, amazing, must protecc. oh right, a summary: george, an exiled padawan turned engineer, must return to the jedi temple after attacks on it from an unknown assailant threaten the safety of himself and the other jedi.
Like Magic (ongoing) by KangarooKen, NotGra55 (Gra55)
(harry potter au) the unofficial official dnf harry potter au. we watch the young unlikely wizard pair grow up together throughout their years at hogwarts as they battle good old fashioned wizard racism. beautifully written, incredibly fun and suspenseful, and just an overall blast and a half.
GeorgeNotFound, Son of Poseidon, and the League of Minor Gods (ongoing) by Clichewho_69, Cygnvs, Trash_Kinggg
(percy jackson au) percy jackson au? check. “road trip” (technically quest but u get what i mean)? check. enemies to friends to lovers? check. this fic follows the plot of the lightning theif (albeit loosely), but everything is explained enough where you don’t have to read percy jackson to understand what’s going on. basically after moving to the usa, george gets taken to camp halfblood where he learns that a) gods exist. b) he’s the son of poseidon and c) he needs to prove that he didn’t steal zeus’s master bolt.
Protected (completed) by aenqua
(royalty/camelot au) my favorite piece of dnf media of all time. dubbed the official dnf camelot au, where dream is the heir to the throne and george is a servants son with a secret that couldp get him killed. these childhood friends grow up together and learn trust, love, and acceptance. (that summary did not justice to the masterpiece that is this fic) here’s the directors cut
The Hunter (completed) by HederEgo
(mc irl) a choose your own adventure fic with 13 different endings, where dream the hunter must kill george and stop him from beater the ender dragon. enough said.
The official dream team cowboy AU (series)(ongoing) by antsu_in_my_pantsu
(cowboy au) cowboys and outlaws horses and shit. and the big gay. it’s a cowboy au, what else did you expect? fucking yee haw (all seriousness this is a great read, i loved it so so so so much and i can’t wait for the final chapter to release).
This is a Drista moment, let's just accept it (completed) by Qekyo
dnf fic from drista pov. considering its unique perspective, it’s perfectly done. beautifully showcases a sibling relationship through drista and her memories/moments with dream, and it just works, y’a know? also drista supremacy.
Dear Dream (completed) by Qekyo
(wwii au) i don’t cry when watching/reading anything sad. translation: i’m a heartless bitch. however, this fic is the only exception. it caused me to cry so hard my mom walked in my room and asked if i was ok. ‘nuff said.
TECHNOlogical Wingman (completed) by Closeted_Bookworm
techno is the autocorrect ai on dreams phone, and he gains sentience. interesting concept, and the author fucking nailed it. great fic.
It Was Only a Fic (ongoing) by imagineitdear
dream starts reading a dnf fanfic (we’ve all been there buddy).
Teacher’s Pet (ongoing) by niyuha
(teacher au) in which dream is a high school english teacher and george is the new comp sci teacher in room 297.
Saltwater Secrets (ongoing) by earlgay_milktea
(mermaid/high school au) a great example of the shear amount of variety in fics this fandom has to offer. when i started reading dnf fics i would have never thought i’d find one about a mermaid george hopelessly crushing on his human friend, who happens to be his schools star swimmer. yet here i am, and i am far from disappointed.
Smash My Heart (incomplete) by dontrollthedice
george and sapnap are commentators for duper smash brothers tournaments, and george develops a crush on an up and coming smash streamer named dream.
roleplaying in the dark is harder than it seems (completed) by Alienu
laser tag. 10/10
solar system (completed) by quartzfia
(mc irl) george vists dream in pandora’s vault.
Ramblings of a Lunatic (completed) by jungkooksfic
ahh communicating through a notebook left on a shelf in a bookstore- what a perfect way to start a relationship.
Paint me like your French Girls (It's Charcoal, Actually) (completed) by Turtle_ier
(artist au) george is an art student, and dream is a model.
00:00:00 (completed) by isleofdreams
(soulmate au) 00:00:00 is the moment you meet your soulmate, as indicated but the clock ticking down on your wrist until the moment you meet. i’m not a fan of soulmate aus; this fic is the exception.
Blue Skies Smilin' At Me (completed) by kivy
(artist au) i don’t usually cry while reading stuff, but this brought me damn near close. george is a painting conservator and chats it is with the ghost of the artist if the painting he is working on. they fall in a love.
Current Location (incomplete) by hendollana
(influencer au) george simps for a hot american instagram model. who knew he’d actually follow back?
The Withering (series) (series ongoing, 1 work completed) by App1e_Juice
(mc irl) lore and world building and fight scenes and everything i crave. what’s not to love? something starts making the plants and crops around dreams village wither, and must team up with new friends to find the cause of the mysterious disease plaguing the land.
Minecraft, But You Can't Leave (complete) by facadecake
(mc irl) dream and george are sucked into their own private minecraft world together and must beat the game to escape.
Free The Game, Beat the End (incomplete) by goatgoatwasfound
(mc irl) a glitch in minecraft causes thousands of players from around the world to be trapped inside minecraft, with only one way of escape- beating the ender dragon. first dnf fic i ever read, and it’s still 10/10 for me.
Why don't you come a little closer? (completed) by lifeofandoms
george gets stood up by a date, and Dream pretends he’s the date to save george from the embarrassment. simply adorable.
lightning bug (completed) by saintachesP
(band au) while on tour, dream realizes his feeling for george.
Hold me closer (completed) by Treesofmyheart
(mc irl/dsmp) i just,, really like this trope.
Dizzy on caffeine (completed) by GleamingGreenGoggles
(coffee shop au) best dnf coffeeshop au i’ve read. periodt.
living a life of crime isn’t always easy (series) (completed) by itisjosh
(mafia/assassin au) stockholm syndrome except it’s not weird.
Inhibitions Make Interesting Situations (completed) by Ship_On_The_Sea
i pissed myself laughing. it’s just a dream and george being hilariously dense, flustered idiots. serotonin central.
thy eternal summer shall not fade (completed) by gracequills
(high school au) that moment when you recite shakespeare to your crush in your ap lit class instead of confessing (hate it when that happens).
All is Fair in love and Football (ongoing) by graciegirl2001
(college au) #1 favorite college au. in which george is a cheerleader, and dream is the football teams rising star player. this one gets extra points because of the amazing karlnap moments sprinkled throughout. *chefs kisses air*
online love (completed) by andbutso
(high school au) online classes go zoooooooom
Can’t help falling (completed) by isleofdreams
dream re-learns the guitar to sing to george on his birthday. beautiful. fluffy. amazing
dance in the rain and my arms (completed) by lazy_kitkat
george is a rain god, and dream is a wind god
Weather Boy (completed) by DaintyDiizzle
wouldn't you like to know, weather boy? (where dream can control the rain)
The color orange (completed) by anon
(mc irl) dream describes the colors of a sunset
Family Mode (completed)by Strawberry_flavoured_tears
they’re dads :,)
Breathing Room (incomplete) by papercranes
(band an) an amazing band au. the mad lad author wrote original songs for each chapter. above and beyond, mad props :). unfortunately, it’s incomplete
Piece of Clay (completed) by carbonbrine
(artist au) george is a sculptor and his sculpture comes to life- but oh no he’s hot.
Try (completed) by Not4typicalwriter
(royalty au) george must choose a suitor, but none of them are up to dream, his head knights, standards. or dream is hella jelly. also protective dream is perfect
When the Roses Bloom (completed) by HederEgo
(royalty au) close second for my favorite fic. go to royalty au for a quick serotonin bost. it’s all fluff and flowers and crushes, and i love it. criminally underrated.
Heavenstruck (ongoing) by dontrollthedice
george is dreams guardian angel, and dream want to find out more about him and his past life. bittersweet :,)
Bang and Burn (completed) by App1e_Juice
(spy au) george accidentally falls for target number 1 on sapnap’s secret agency’s hit list. this ones great, i love me a spy au :)
Can I get a uhh… (completed) by lemonskies
dream keeps pulling up to the drive through mcdonald’s that george works at drunk.
Pretty Stranger (completed) by anon
when looking for dream in the terminal, george sees a cute guy and decides to flirt.
Take my Hand (completed) by latinbias
(royalty au) another royalty au? poggers. surprise twists? double poggers. love this a lot.
seconds, minutes, hours, lifetimes (complete) by meridies
ROAD TRIP ROAD TRIP ROAD TRIP ROAD TRIP *inhales to compose herself* roadtrip au. unrequited love, ignored feelings, longing, pining, you know the drill. absolutely love this one, its the best roadtrip au i have ever read, in any fandom. (maybe cause i identify with it a little too much, but thats not important. whats important is that you read this fic. right now. im waiting).
Message redacted (complete) by justyouraverageloser
(text fic) dream asks for a girls number and realises hes been given the wrong number. however, an unexpected relationship starts to form between him and the stranger on the other end of the line.
the waves (completed) by anon
(mc irl) this fic was written by the same anon who wrote the color orange, which is up there on my fav dnf oneshot list. dream and george know they have a higher purpose. they don’t know where they came from, or why they are seemingly the only humans in the world, or how they feel about eachother, or even where the skeletons come from, but they are sure of one thing: they have to beat a dragon.
The Dream Doll (completed) by PeppDream (Pep_Pizza)
(voodoo i guess) i’m a real big fan of fics with really out there or unique concepts, so naturally this one makes the cut! i really liked it, it’s really sweet and made me think a lot about what matters to me in the world. george finds a strange doll in an antique shop, and would really like to just stuff it in a drawer and forget about it. sadly (?), the doll has other plans.
last updated February 6th, 2021
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galaxy-lilies · 3 years
MCYT FanFic Recommendations Part 1
Part 1 (you are here) | Part 2 | Part 3
Here are the fics I have saved in my bookmark bar that I have read through and enjoyed more or less and I wanted to create a comprehensive list of these fics so here we are! All of these are on Archive of Our Own and they’re all about different ships and friend groups, but I will try my best to categorize everything. Now without further ado here are the fics:
east of eden: (series) by subwaywalls
An SBI fanfic series where each of the boys have powers and Philza is a deity of sorts. However, the boys assume that Philza is just a normal human who decided to take them in. They try to hide their powers around Philza which creates a somewhat lighthearted and angsty feel to the whole series. Most of the fics in the series are completed. There is a bit of violence, blood, and the mention of death. Heed the tags and warnings as needed.
You Need To Let Go by ExistentialFish
Tommy didn’t make it after the bow fight with Dream. He’s been dead for months yet Wilbur refused to accept it to the point he began to envision Tommy as alive again. Tommy follows him, jokes with him, makes his typical jabs and tangents. Why can’t anyone else see him though? An interesting SBI, “what-if” fanfic retelling the events of the Festival Arc. This fanfic was 11 chapters of p a i n and absolute a n g s t. There’s a lot of major character deaths and violence. Heed the warnings.
lucky charm by sleepytime_cal and persona_kath
George was a simple man who lived a simple life. Nothing really changed in his routine: wake up, eat, feed the chickens, go to town, go back to his home, eat, and sleep. Simple enough. However, his routine changes when he hears a knock on the door right as he is about to go to bed. When he opened the door he expected his routine to remain the same. Little did he know his life was going to change forever. For the better? For the worst? It was up to him to find out. A DNF Royal!George and Knight!Dream fanfic that is incomplete at the moment but g o s h it is so well written. I love the plot and the characterization of the characters, not to mention there’s art to go with it as well! Lots of angst, fluff, drama, etc. It’s a wonderful read I would definitely reccommend.
Flowers by Shock_Value
When you turn 18, you are given a pot and some seeds to go with it. These seeds will grow into plants connected to your soulmates. Sapnap was given a pot and some seeds on his 18th birthday. What he didn’t expect were two other seeds to go with his own plant. A sweet n fluffy Poly!DreamTeam fanfic where Sapnap learns who the other two plants represent. No real warnings here, just a minor hand injury.
Spiderinnit and Into the Innitverse-404 by diapason
Do you like Spiderman? Do you like villain!DreamTeam? Do you like SBI? Well this fanfic is right for you! Join Tommy in his adventures of fighting with the new villainous team dubbed the DreamTeam as he tries to keep his identity a secret from his friends and enemies. Lot’s of fluff, lot’s of angst, lot’s of fun and fighting. This also seems to be a part of a series! Their other fanfic is incomplete at the moment but it focuses on George’s story and motives. Definitely check it out! Once again, heed the warnings and tags!
Protected by Aenqua
Dream is the Prince of Camelot, the one next in line to rule after his father. He has sworn to protect the kingdom from any danger, including any form of magic. George is Dream’s friend as well as his servant...The thing is he has a secret. Another DNF royal fanfic but with Royal!Dream and Servant!George. It’s wonderfully written, the plot is absolutely amazing. There’s a lot of things that happen including violence, character death, and injuries so heed the warnings!
Damn I did not expect to have so many fanfics saved so I will most likely make a part two to this list. This list mainly consists of SBI, Poly!DreamTeam, and Dreamnotfound but the next list will feature more Karlnap and Karlnapity. Hope you enjoy!
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muffixx · 3 years
dreamnotfound fanficiton favs
-> everything here are stuff I highly recommend ! Ranging from fluff to angst all this stuff is really good!im also up or recommendations and you may have noticed I love fantasy au with magic lmao! this will be updated overtime
✩ heatwaves. does this need a explanation? You either read it or you haven’t. If you haven’t take this as the heads up to read and fall in love ! The writing is sooo good!
Dream has always held a gentle admiration for George, but when their nuanced friendship trickles into his sleeping mind, he awakens to a new world of conflicting emotions and longing. Lost in the midst of a heat wave, he continuously listens to a song that works itself in to the very core of his heartache. Floridian nights, unsent messages, spiraling infatuation, and terrible, terrible weather.
A breath of frustration escapes George’s lips. “I don’t do that.”
“You do. It’s okay,” Dream says. He feels pinpricks of warmth building in his chest. The words rise up faster than he can temper, laced with soft honey, “you’re so cute.”
The call falls silent.
They heard it. The affection in the tone of his voice, different than usual, no trace of humor. The way it came from the hearth below his heart, glowing with secrecy and shame—for George, and George only. They had to have heard it.
Aether’s Legacy
(for more info check out this , also check out the amazing account that made this masterpiece! @lightns881 )
✩power au
❤︎ george and his new found unstable ability work with dream and sapnap as they start a journey to find their missing friend.
“You’re… not afraid?” His voice was barely a peep, shy gaze half-turning away but still watching him out of the corner of his eye. His hand instinctively reached for the pendant at his chest, tips of his finger grazing the crystal and ready to grasp it, somewhat afraid of the answer that would come next.
“Why would I be afraid? You’re like the coolest person I’ve met so far! Plus-” He poked his side, and George squeaked, jumping back from the ticklish sensation. “You’re so scrawny and small. I’d never be afraid of you!”
* * *
George never wanted to be one of them. But at eight years old, he discovered he was a Psychic and he was committed into a faraway island academy for Extramundanes. Despite the difficulty of making friends when even other super-powered classmates are afraid of you, George finds a tight-knit group of best friends who aren't afraid to stand up for him.
Yet with age comes his developing abilities, and as he grapples for control, the disappearance of one of his best friends leads George and his friends on a runaway road trip to rescue him. However, they fail to realize their true adversary is the threatening power searing inside one of their own.
Like Magic
✩Harry Potter au
❤︎ childhood friends dream and George attend hogwarts and deal with wizard racism. Yes , wizard racism. Plot is really good and notice that there is a slow burn in romance
“Don’t you get it?” Dream said to him in an excited whisper, eyes alight with joyous realization. “You—you’re magical, George!”
“What does that mean?”
“It means you’re like me!”
When George first met the tall, freckled child who called himself Dream, he thought the other boy was bonkers. Strange clothes, a foreign accent, a closely-guarded secret — what was George supposed to make of his new next-door neighbor?
Despite the newcomer’s strangeness, the two boys quickly forge a friendship. George soon realizes that he and Dream have a lot more in common than he first thought.
Wits, Fire, and Sea
✩ Percy Jackson A
❤︎ George finds out he’s the son of Poseidon in the worst way possible. A Percy Jackson AU with Son of Poseidon!George Son of Athena!Dream
Coming to America should've been an amazing experience for George. Sure, he'd be moving an entire ocean away but there'd be no crummy teachers, no exploding toilets, and another chance to get his life together. He'd meet new people, make new friends, maybe even get a boyfriend?
That was the plan, until he suddenly gets kidnapped by a group of teenagers informing him that Greek gods, monsters, and prophecies are real and somehow all out to get him.
The cherry on top? He’s the son of Poseidon, God of the Sea, and a deadbeat dad.
There's no way this summer could get any worse, right? I mean, that is until he starts to notice his kidnapper, the neon-cloaked, headache-inducing, son of Athena, is... incredibly hot.
I’ll meet you in the common room
✩ Hogwarts au
❤︎ two boyfriends cuddling while the whole school is confused on where the fuck they are. wholesome kissing and cuddling makes me weak 😩
it's the final quidditch match of the season, and with everything to play for, neither of the team captains are anywhere to be found. Instead, whilst the whole school are waiting upon their arrival, Dream and George are a little 'occupied', in a secret room behind a 3rd floor tapestry.
days under my moon
✩God AU / Moon! George Sun! Dream
❤︎ wholesome sun simping for his moon
“George,” Gold eyes dip into a familiar fondness, one built over centuries of knowing each other, “Hi.”
“Dream,” He nods, looking away when his heart starts to hurt for a reason he doesn’t want to understand, “Hello.”
“Ready for a new day?” The other gestures to the light sky above them.
“Here comes the sun,” George murmurs, vowels dripping with slight teasing, “So warm and bright. Make the sky green for me today.”
“Green?” Dream looks at him curiously, “You can’t see green. That’s why I make the sky blue.”
(In which George is the moon and Dream is the sun.)
twilight moonbeams.
✩ Harry Potter au!
❤︎ can be read in order or not. my fav chapters are 5, 6, and 11 (in that order)
a series of interconnected one-shots in a harry potter universe.
✩ Royalty au! King!Dream Magic!George
❤︎ this one is pretty popular but still super good! I love royalty au so this was inevitable <3
Dream is the Crown Prince and the future king. His sworn duty is to protect his kingdom from outside threats, especially from the scourge of magic.
George is his best friend and, technically, his servant. And he has a secret.
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brain-reads · 3 years
dnf fics that make me scream into my pillow at 2 am
disclaimer: i do not wish to cross the ccs boundaries in any way possible. if they ever say or indicate that shipping makes them uncomfortable, this post will be immediately deleted. 
i will keep updating this list as i read more
note: all of these fics are on ao3
complete, multichapter fics:
heat waves: classic angst with fluff, such a good fic tho the descriptions are so well written
inkling: THE WAY I SCREAM FOR THIS FIC PLEASE ITS INCREDIBLE AND I REALLY DONT READ A LOT OF AUS GDSFUIJHSD anyway- this is basically about a soulmate au where anything you write on your skin is shown on your soulmate’s skin on/after both of your 18th birthdays and oml it was adorable (bonus karlnap! sgfhbd) this is one of my all time fav fics and i would HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT !!!
chasing snowflakes: mutual pining, fake dating au because george has been telling his family that he has a bf but he doesnt, angst and christmas fluff
12 days of DNF-mas: sequel to chasing snowflakes and honestly the loml i would marry this fic if i could it is so cute with the right amount of angst and asghfhdsvbfhhsdn
lovesick (the beat inside my head): the only au i am probably going to read for dnf ever, highschool au, dream and george havent seen each other and dk where they live, gnf is moving to florida, meets clay at his new highschool, and well ;)
seconds, minutes, hours, lifetimes: highschool roadtrip au! oh i loved this one so much, it was amazing i would highly recommend it <3
stick with me: angst. so much angst. but it is so worth it the feels are insane!!! dream and george trapped in an airport together because of a hurricane, chaos ensues
heavenstruck: guardian angel au !! cw for major character death (i cried a lot in this one but it is so worth it)
hold me close: ahhh the yearning the angst the fluff this fic is just *chefs kiss* i would highly recommend it (also!! a tiny bit of bonus karlnap again :D)
it was only a fic: sfgdhn dream accidentally gets invested in a dnf fanfic. that cant end badly can it 
moment’s silence: smut and sexual tension. thats all i have to say for this fic (the students really be actin like us dnf stans-)
incomplete, multichapter fics:
tidal pools and stars:  it’s an amazing read, quite a lot of angst but mixed with some softer moments (i cried in this fic like thrice-)
helium: sequel to heat waves, hopefully with a happy ending? it’s genuinely so good there’s an incredible balance of angst and fluff
an interstate paved with memories: another roadtrip au ! updates every friday
early age: im so sorry this is so much angst theres a lot of tws in this fic too so please go through that before you read it
bedroom walls: oh boy are y’all in for a wild ride on this one. college/uni au, frat boy dream, internalised homophobia, SMUT, this fic has it all 
this is a drista moment, lets just accept it: drista content my beloved, i’ve only ever read one more dnf fic that’s been from drista’s pov (and sadly that was only the last chapter) and i loved it! this is such a sweet oneshot there’s just something so domestic about these fics and i am so asgdfhjshf /pos AGAIN THIS IS ONE OF MY ALL TIME FAVOURITES AND I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT
they say love is contagious: sickfic!!! all fluff no angst, absolutely adorable, dream, sapnap, bbh, and big q are all visiting george and dream is just taking care of him because he gets sick sdfhdsbvjfdn
“i thought i lost you”: the PAIN OH MY GOD I CRIED its so beautiful the yearning the love the everything and the way i can picture this so vividly- i would highly recommend giving it a read
3 am showers: ahhh such a cute domestic oneshot, honestly i love sickfics so much they’re adorable
paper rings: read it. trust me. it will not let you down i swear
hold what’s close to your heart: dream and george are dating in this one and they finally meet and oh its just so cute
you are home: this is so super cute, another feel good domestic fluff fic that just warms my heart :’) george reminisces over some special moments in his and dream’s relationship 
like real people do: tooth rotting fluff. its another oneshot and just,,, yes. i read an incredibly angsty and frustrating fic before this that i will neither name nor recommend but this just fixed my mood completely
chasing rays of sunlight: red string soulmate au 10/10 would recommend
stella by starlight: god domestic fics just make me so happy, george is in florida, but he’s here to stay! and just in time for new years too!
tawny, marigold, caramel and somewhere in between we fall in love: another fic centered around george’s colourblindness! i swear these are just too cute to handle-
stumbling into place: sdgyufjhbn i laughed so hard this is so cute and funny the way sap think george got a cat is so gdsfhbv
heart and throat, lined with it: im gay and touchstarved so i read about gay cuddles help
strawberry blond: roommate au!! college au !!! ahhh i love it 
stay on the phone just to hear me breathe: a 5+1 of dream watching george sleep (it sounds creepy when i say it like that but i promise its good)
dream’s dollar donations: established relationship, dream and george have a fight and now dream’s trying to make it up to him <3 super cute and fluffy
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bluegoesbloop · 3 years
The Dream Doll [dnf]
read it on ao3
@/PeppDream - ao3 - 26,103 words - 10/10 chapter(s)
When George bought that creepy doll from that creepy antique shop, he had planned on stuffing it into a drawer and never having to look at it again.
The last thing he expected was for the doll to become a blonde boy wearing a piss-colored hoodie.
[ADDITIONAL INFORMATION]: Dream is cursed to turn into a doll each day
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halcyonyy · 3 years
someone please recommend me some mcyt fics. from wattpad to ao3, i don’t care. and for ships, not only dreamnotfound, but also georgebur, fundywastaken, fundywasfound, etc... idc if it’s romantic or platonic, just as long as it isn’t an “x reader” fic or someone shipping minors together, or some sort of incest, i’m good.
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sleepylaughytaffy · 3 years
Story written by effywastakenwastaken on wattpad! (NOT MY STORY) recommend this to anyone that likes Dnf and roommate stories (includes Bad and Sapnap)
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roxytonic · 3 years
what is the mangoball "cheater cheater" fanfiction? (a personal overview)
hi everyone,
lately a very specific social media AU DreamNotFound fanfiction on Twitter has been making the rounds. i'd like to make an introduction to the work based on my observations--i don't think we've seen anything like it so far, barring highly textual chatfics and the like.
at the time of this writing, i've caught up to entry #108. the author is prolific!
so what is this fanfiction?
the fanfiction is called "Cheater, Cheater" and is written by the ostensibly single author, mangoball (mangobaii in typing). it revolves around George as he breaks up with Sapnap and hits a rebound and potential relationship with Dream. it includes plenty of side characters, including but not limited to, Karl Jacobs, Quackity, Corpse, Wilbur Soot, and Tommyinnit.
you can find it on twitter here, but i highly recommend using the ThreadReaderApp page instead for full-size images:
what works about the fanfiction?
unofficially categorized, the story itself is a comedy-satire slice of life with a few blips of absurdity. off the top of my head, mangoball writes in references to DreamSMP and surrounding MCYT, and there are some fourth wall breaks, which are all framed in an absurd way.
in the story, the side plots corresponding to the side characters are just as vibrant as the one around George's fallout with Sapnap and his later rebound to Dream. not spoiling them, but they're fun. the story events themselves are moderately simple--the bulk of the work is made up of character interactions, which, as we find, range from globally yassified characters to complete divergence from individual personalities.
i think the reason why the mangoball fic works is because it's a nice convergence of comfy things under a very thin, easy-to-read format. if we actually go to the thread, we see that it's 100% composed of phone-sized screenshots of messages. there's not much text with each tweet in the thread, so it's short and digestible.
therefore, both the form and the function of the story work together to create a double-whammy of a very light read.
what does it's potential categorization as a light read pose for it as a work?
i don't think there is any problem with light reads in the fandom. it's optional reading, and if you do wind up reading it, you'll blitz through it easily. stan twitter will obviously take well to it since the characters are yassified, though budding readers might find it accessible too.
however, there are a few flaws i want to point out:
1. it's vaguely formulaic and/or familiar to me. i mean, given enough time and effort, i could deconstruct the humor (absurd claim to another person + agreement from the other person? further OOC-ness?) but generally speaking it's content and tropes don't "feel" new. i don't know what specifically i've read that would cause this familiarity, though. (on the other hand, this means that it's going to be a safe read.)
2. i feel like i have to suspend my disbelief a bit higher. this is more of a personal issue, so you might fare better than i have, but generally i feel like i'm a fly on the wall looking in. i haven't felt that in a while so it took me a few minutes to settle into the groove of it and start rolling.
3. this somewhat ties into point #2: the author needs to be very judicious about how they use the fourth wall break and self-references to absurdity. off-hand jokes are super obvious, because there is such limited text/narrative bandwidth to the individual screenshots. fourth wall jokes can tire out quickly, and at worst, fail to suspend the reader's disbelief.
i remember seeing one character call attention to their collective habit of narrating what they're doing ATM (because there's no italicized text or stage text in the work, it's all dialogue). it's funny for sure, but it drags me out of the story because it's too true. suddenly i'm thinking, "wait. why isn't there flavor text and italicized descriptions and videos of things happening IRL?" (there is some audio and a few pictures but that is not the bulk of the work.) if the characters know their narratological limitations, it becomes uncanny.
4. you're probably not going to find powerful themes and motifs. we have no idea what's intended or not. on the other hand, if you're going by "Death of the Author", then all bets are off.
note that i said "themes and motifs"--things we can extract and synthesize from the text. the wonderful @bothersome-edgar has made some great strides on identifying and categorizing key aspects of the characters, and i highly commend him for doing so. check out his work here: https://bothersome-edgar.tumblr.com/post/669498983742324736/putting-this-here-so-i-know-what-to-write-tomorrow
what other thoughts do i have?
i really love BadBoyHalo and Quackity in this story. i totally relate to BadBoyHalo's awkwardness when interacting with people online (i don't sound like i'm 50 years old though!!!) and his latent craziness, though i'm not violent. Quackity is the anchor that keeps the story and character interactions from flying apart from the absurdity of it. he's realistic, and reacts to the craziness in the story realistically.
Karl is growing on me and George is just really fluttering around. like a moth. and Dream is a lit Ruben's tube matched to dubstep. love is in the air, i suppose :]
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habeascorpseus · 3 years
what is the dnf council /gen
it's the people who got the fanfiction Heat Waves popular. basically, they're a self appointed "council" of popular mcyttwt users who look at dreamnotfound fics and then recommend them to their many many followers. I despise them. :)
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ramurice · 3 years
I've never been so goddamn emotional in my life about a fanfiction. Any Dreamnotfound fans that are looking for a rollercoaster of emotions and a well-written book check out Flowers from 1970, trust me it is worth the read. I've seen stuff for it everywhere, the main quotes, the significant things, everything, and I finally read it, 100/100 would recommend it. Even if you're not a fan of Dream SMP read it!
Here's another link for it:
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lightns881 · 4 years
Recommended DreamNotFound Fic of the Day (Spoiler-Free)
He is half my soul, as the poets say by Qeyko Rating: General Tags: One-shot, Several Shorts in One, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Happy Ending, Historical Fiction, Soulmates AU Warnings: I cried like three times...
Review: Oh. My. God. I rushed to my computer to write this just a few minutes after finishing reading it because... WOW. I’m speechless! You know those fanfictions that just leave you absolutely breathless and wondering how some of these authors aren’t publishing originals? Yeah, that’s what this story is. 
A historical fiction exploring the Greek myth portrayed in the Symposium about soulmates being ripped apart, this story absolutely blew me away. I’m not a generally avid reader of historical fiction, but Greek myths are always the most interesting to me. This is certainly an interesting spin on the concept of the myth of soulmates, and I found it absolutely captivating--written in such a way that you physically can’t put it down!
Essentially, the story starts in Ancient Greece where Dream is a prince born to a man and a Goddess. The interesting bit about this story lies heavily on the fact that Dream and George become an established couple fairly early--except George dies. Dream’s mother, thus, makes the promise that they will meet each other in their future lifetimes if they really are soulmates. The rest of the story explores this concept of different lifetimes during different times with different meetings and tragic endings, some where they don’t “meet” at all. It’s such a well-told story described in such a poetic way the title is the probably the most accurate I’ve ever read for a fanfiction.
However, the story isn’t even the best part, imo. It’s so beautifully written with such attention to recurring details that mirror themselves as their lifetimes continue, I couldn’t help but burst into tears several times just by how beautiful it was! And I am NOT overexaggerating here. It uses such beautiful metaphorical language, straight out of poetry, but simple enough that you’re able to understand. It also so cleverly highlights the important details. I wish I could point them all out without spoiling, but I can’t! (I’ll just say my favorite is the third line from the bottom of the fourth lifetime/short).
Regardless, this is a MUST-READ DreamNotFound story! Even if you’re not interested in myths or historical fiction, the sheer beauty of this written work of art requires more attention! Go show the author some love! They really do deserve it for this wonderful read! For now, that’s my time. If you want to read more reviews, search dnfreviews over at my page or click the numbers below! Sending lots of kisses and hugs!
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(If you want me to review your completed story, or you have a story you want to recommend, feel free to msg me!)
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bluegoesbloop · 3 years
Polaroid angel [dnf]
read it on ao3
@/gothxclaudia - ao3 - 46,332 words - 40/40 chapter(s)
george is a sought-after model with his pale skin and dainty figure. dream is a wealthy upcoming photographer with a special eye for details.
major content warning; includes smut and other sexual themes
[ADDITIONAL INFORMATION]: model!George, photographer!dream, drug addiction, alcohol addiction, mental health issues, smut
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lightns881 · 4 years
Recommended DreamNotFound Fic of the Day (Spoiler-Free)
Spoiler Alert by mini_puffs (AO3) Rating: Teen & Up Tags: Soulmates AU, Fluff, Humor, Two-Shot Warnings: It’s Drowning in Fluff!
Review: So I’ve mentioned in another post that this is one of my favorite dnf stories. I have to confess I lied a little. This isn’t just my favorite dnf story, it’s one of my favorite fanfictions overall!
Now, I’ve never been into soulmate stories. They just never caught my attention. The only reason I read this one was because, as I’ve mentioned before, I can’t be picky when there’s a limited amount of stories for this fandom. This story, however, blew my expectations away! The premise is entirely humorous and just absolutely adorable! It’s so fitting with a first meeting in a soulmate universe for these two, and it gets me smiling and dying of laughter every time I read it. It just never gets old to me!
Seeing George as a Potterhead feels fitting, and it’s especially funny how exactly he becomes a Potterhead. Not to mention the way his thoughts and obsession are portrayed through the writing makes you feel like you’re entirely in his head and experiencing this journey of frustration with him. I love it when an author can immerse you in a character’s thoughts without the use of first person! Something else I really enjoy is the pacing of the story. We see every stage of George’s life from childhood to adulthood and how he handles his knowledge of his soulmate’s first words, and the way the time skips are set up makes you feel what George feels every step of the way — from confusion to excitement to hope to disappointment to awe. It just reads so smoothly, and when the moment finally happens, it feels entirely earned and fills your stomach with butterflies! It’s just so funny and fluffy! What more could you ask from a soulmates dnf story!
Additionally, the second story to the series which is told in Dream’s perspective manages to add a bit more sweetness, and it reveals more about Dream’s own perspective on soulmates. It builds on what happens after the first, and it’s equally as adorable. We also see a little bit more of Bad and SapNap, and I really appreciate the few snarky comments and lines they have (the shoutout to SkepHalo I also really like!)
So that’s it for this review! If you haven’t read the story, make sure to give it a shot! If you’re into fluff and humor, I promise you won’t regret it! If you want to check out more of my reviews, use the numbers below or the tag #dnfreviews or #lightreviews for more! See ya!
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(If you want me to review your completed story, or you have a story you want to recommend, feel free to msg me!)
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lightns881 · 4 years
Recommended DreamNotFound Fic of the Day (Spoiler-Free)
7 Minutes in Heaven, But it's 7 Days in Florida by  Ship_On_The_Sea Rating: Teen & Up Tags: Friends to Lovers, Humor, Fluff, Mutual Pining Warnings: None
Review: Let’s see, out of my previous reviews, I’d say this is probably the most normal. Seeing as it’s plain ol’ canon-based fiction, there’s nothing special going on with the plot. It’s the kind of story I came in looking for when I first hopped on this ship, and it does not disappoint!
If you’re looking for a wholesome non-AU dnf story with good writing, great characterization, and funny lines, I’d say this is the gem you’re looking for! With nearly 40k words, this is the kind of story that swears by the friends to lovers and mutual pining tags! There’s a lot of conflicting feelings experienced, cuteness overload moments, lots of humor and snarky dialogue! It’s practically a perfectly balanced story that’s a must read for everyone who ships these two!
While other stories might involve a little bit of acquired taste or put these two in unexpected scenarios (refer to my post on the AUs of this fandom), this is a simple story that still satisfies all your needs without making you feel guilty about reading romantic dnf fanfiction if you’re still at that stage (it certainly was this to me haha). There is a sprinkle of angst that naturally comes with the tropes involved that progresses through at a healthy pace. The build-up to their relationship feels neither too quick nor too slow, and it’s something I really appreciated!
Finally, another one of my favorites in this story is certainly SapNap. Even though he’s a bit of a third wheel (which is kind of true sometimes in canon if we’re being honest with ourselves), he perfects the role of #1 DreamNotFound shipper perfectly and the goofiness in his lines makes him as lovable as he is in real life! Overall, I’d say side characters are treated very well in this story!
Anyhow, this is by far the safest story I’ve reviewed thus far, and it’s one I would recommend to everyone who likes dnf, even the people who are still hesitant about reading rpf. It’s sweet and wholesome and you won’t regret it! That’s my time for today. If you want to read my previous reviews, search by the tags #dnfreviews or #lightreviews or click the numbers at the bottom of this post! Keep on shipping! Aloha!
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(If you want me to review your completed story, or you have a story you want to recommend, feel free to msg me!)
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lightns881 · 4 years
Recommended DreamNotFound Fic of the Day (Spoiler-Free)
no mercy by Anonymous Rating: Teen & Up Tags: Hunger Games AU, Forbidden Love Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Blood & Gore
Review: I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve never been a huge fan of the Hunger Games series. It’s an interesting concept, for sure, but I personally never got into the books because the characters never drew me in. And now, here I am, thoroughly enjoying a DnF Hunger Games AU story. Oh! The irony of life!
Let’s see. The story starts of with George being chosen as a tribute for the Hunger Games, and, well, we all know where this is headed! Now, the author does a great job of immersing you into this world, probably with their extensive knowledge of the original series. But also, the imagery is just incredibly done! The setting is well-described and the details focused on are chosen intentionally. Every character’s description feels important. It’s not just mindless description.
And the characters, oh, the characters! I think this is one of my favorite uses of Techno by far in this fandom. I wouldn’t say his persona is on point, but he is very satisfying to read! George is a very interesting character--lovable as usual. I swear, the author was purposefully paralleling real life in the description of the crowd wooing for George. He has as many simps in this world as the next. Then there’s Clay. Wow, I can’t help but think this is one of the most in-character Dream’s I’ve read. Though Dream is often described as a little more serious and closed-off in many fanfictions, you really see his sentimental and goofball side in this story, ironically. Both George and Dream feel so much in-character, with George being somewhat cautious, suspicious and introverted around new people and Dream feeling like an instantly overtly friendly dude despite the situation they’re stuck in. This only manages to incorporate so much tension! It’s spicy and lovable and pure goodness!
In all, I’d say this is a wonderful Hunger Games AU even if you’re not a Hunger Games fan (like me). It’s very sweet, and it did bring some tears to my eyes at one point, but all the emotions are entirely earned, and it does get a happy ending! It’s very focused on DreamNotFound and their dynamic, so you won’t find yourself being distracted by the overall plot of the Hunger Games if you don’t enjoy that part of it. I really recommend it for you AU fans out there! It’s a wonderfully written story!
Anyhow, that’s my time. I apologize for taking so long in posting one of these. College started two weeks ago, so I’ve been out and about, and I’ve had less time than I’d like to read fanfictions and write reviews for them, but I assure you I do plan on continuing these if you enjoy them. Thank you guys for reading! If you want to check out more of my reviews, use the numbers below or the tag #dnfreviews or #lightreviews for more! Au revoir!
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(If you want me to review your completed story, or you have a story you want to recommend, feel free to msg me!)
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