#drew him as a little stickman
sirquibble · 1 month
Swiss and Sunshine!!!
Shimmies etc etc (click for better quality :) )
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It was fun trying to figure how to draw their eyes/goggles to convey the expressions properly
Bonus: I keep doing this same style of lighting, but nobody can stop me
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mizukidevlog · 16 days
Devlog 35
Making progress on Mizuki and the Crimson Moon has been difficult this week. Seems like I'm hitting a roadblock no matter what I work on.
The first roadblock is something that you guys could help with... Pixel Art If there are any pixel artists out there that see this, I could use advice ^^;
The main obstacle preventing me from working on the Yokai Hunter has been not having the sprites that I need for his attacks and movement. Other than Mizuki, the Yokai Hunter has more going on with him than any other object in the game (so far)! Not to mention that his animations are much more complex than anything in the game (so far).
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The first sprite sheet is a quick slash that he does if the player gets too close. I'm relatively happy with that one but also know that it could be improved. The second sprite sheet is still a work-in-progress and includes a stickman that I drew to help with posing throughout the animation. It's supposed to be a jump-slash directly upwards followed up by several thrown kunai and then landing. Feedback and advice on this kind of pixel art stuff would be really helpful :)
I won't spend too much time discussing my other two obstacles. I've been trying to figure out how to best use the particle system I created. The particles are great but seem a little restrictive in how I can use them. The final obstacle has been getting a spawning system working. I made a fun shaking bush/leaves that I plan on using to show when an enemy is about to pop out of the trees, but the coding behind that has been pretty tricky.
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(Anything could pop out)
Thanks for reading this far if you did and bearing with my ramblings. Just wishing that I could have made a bit more progress this week :P
Have a good evening!
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leffee · 1 month
hey you. yeah, you
if you wanna, give me the best physical description possible of your human interpretation of any of the main 7. character and personality details will help too.
am i going to draw them? maybe- :))
ok so, I wanted to answer it much sooner and I got sooo excited, but then I also got intimidated because my design for Vinnie is so fucking stupid. But, I will try to describe him now as best as I can. Why only him? Well, because the rest of the humanized pets in my head are very similar to already existing human designs of them from other people who drew them as such. In short, if you saw drawings of their humanized selves especially from older fandom days (so like 2013-2015 or so) you have seen how they look in my head. Vinnie however... well, of course as my favourite specialest little guy gets extraordinary treatment, sooo that's why I will only stick to him.
I will try my best of course, but since I can't draw his design exists solely in my head, so stick with me as I try to untangle this mess, and so my human Vinnie physical interpretation here goes:
white, but like, really really pale, like almost sickly-looking pale. So white in very literal sense. Basically what you get in google images when you type in: very pale comlexion
freckles everywhere! Like, everywhere. On his face across his cheeks and nose and a lot of them, not just a few (honestly like you draw Sunil with freckles, just more)
short, really really short, my little guy is literally little so yeah. Also skinny, really skinny
ourple eyes of course and eye bags, really visible dark eye bags (the best feature any character can have in my humble opinion <3 adding eye bags to a character makes them instantly 1000x better to me)
fangs/very sharp canines, another comparision to yours, but kinda like your Russell except that they're not like sticking out from his mouth, just when his mouth is open, you know? Basic ass idea but oh well, he's my prettiest white boy
hmmm what elseeeee, no facial hair, hmmm uhhh idk, I was going to add here other things that he doesn't have in my design but I can't think of anything else rn
short uneven nails because he bites them <3 not as a stress-thing, he does that just because yeee
and finally, the elephant in the room, the most important thing - Vinnie hair, uh oh. This is so hard to describe I'm genuinely lost but I sure will try. First, I will try to provide some visualization which is here , I know, it's just pixiv generated image but that's the best we have. Aside from that we also have my best try at drawing his hair ona stickman in paint multiple times, one of those times is here. So yeah, this in not 100% accurate, but that's the best visualization. I will try to add some stuff though to properly describe his hair: it's long, waist-long, green of course, straight but not like fully sticking to his body basically a combination of those two images of Vinnie from the first linked post. That's the best I can do to describe his hair unfortunately, all you really need to know is that it's beautiful ✨
covered in bruises too, everywhere because you know
covered in blood
Now that I described his body to the best of my abilities, I suppose I should also mention his outfit. Well, this is one of the things I said a lot, but a hoodie in peak character design to me so yeah, a hoodie, a green one of course. Not one with a zipper, but it has a hood. For whatever reason I also imagine it without pockets? It's not that important but whenever I think of him in my head his hoodie doesn't have any pockets. Welp.
I also imagine him with three helix piercing on his right ear, all three being silver
Nooow, to be completely honest I never quite estabilished how he looks from the waist down. I'm not sure why, but this part has always been kinda vague for me. I know his pants would be dark, black or dark gray or something and not baggy, just kinda sticking to the body kind? Not jeans however! Maybe something akin to leggings? Maybe even leggings with foot straps? Yeah, I'd say probably that. And I never thought of what shoes he would wear either. I guess just some sneakers? But that's all I have.
Oh oh and also those cool black, fingerless gloves
I think that's all? I'm analyzing him in my head now so much, but I think I said everything. As for how well I described him? You judge that I suppose xd.
Jesus that was long, wasn't it?
As for personality? Well, I will try to generalize it as much as possible, because to really understand the way I see him obviously we'd have to go through all of my headcanons for him which is an obvious no right now xD there's too many of them. But in short: silly goofy ass, NOT stupid because no, I mean he's not a genius like Russell either but he has common sense pls, outward chill going but inward there's more happening behind scenes, his first reaction to anyone is being friendly, very loyal to his closest friends and also very determined, he doesn't give up easily. He however can't control his anger most of the time and gets jealous easily plus has abandonment issues.
Idk, I could go on and on about his personality, but again, that would require a much much longer post and/or reading laterally all my previous Vinnie stuff so yeee, I suppose I will end here.
Ok, now that that's done I just wanted to thank you so much for giving me an opportunity to talk about my special guy. And absolutely no pressure about drawing him, really! Especially given that half-baked description xd. But if you do wanna draw him, then omg. In such case (or if you wanna just in general) feel free to ask about any more details that I might have missed if you need.
Plus as I said, the rest of the humanized pets in my interpretation pretty much already exist, so I didn't include them. But, if you'd still like to hear about them then feel free to ask. Though maybe in separate asks, you see how long Vinnie took >.>. On the other hand, Vinnie always takes the longest because I have most details about him in any given situation.
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butter-on-ghost · 1 year
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I drew Sailyn! :D
This was my first 'stickman' oc ever and now he's in color! ^v^
This is just the fullbody drawing, I wanna do a little ref sheet for him, but for now here he is :]
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j3tlagg3d · 5 months
i remember going on yahoo when i was little for this game where u were a stickman and you could u drew stuff to help him out. so hed ask for a sword and u draw him a sword and he picks it up and uses it or whatever etc.. want that shit back so bad
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upismediacenter · 2 years
LITERARY: Glimpse at a Father’s Journey
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April 16, 2022
My kids are my life. Ever since my wife– their mother, passed away, I've been working night in and night out trying to make ends meet. Helen and I had such high aspirations for the three little ones.
Our eldest, Jess, is just ten years old but she’s as bright as a high schooler. She loves going to the zoo, and she says she wants to be a veterinarian one day. She loves animals so much that if you show her a picture of a dog, cat, or horse, she’ll tell you what breed it is and what habitat it lives in in a second!
Then there’s Vance, her seven year-old little brother. I sometimes call him Vance Gogh because – guess what – he’s an amazing artist. For my thirty-eighth birthday, he drew a portrait of Helen and me that was more detailed and realistic than anything I have ever drawn, but that's not really saying much because I can’t even draw a stickman to save my life.
Lastly is our little boy Avery, who’s turning five in the spring. That little kid started throwing the little football we got him as soon as he could crawl. He also loves watching NBA games on the TV. It may be too early to say but I have an inkling that Avery’s going to be a top athlete someday.
I’m so scared.
I have very talented kids, and I know that they can make it far in life, but I'm afraid that I won’t be able to provide them the tools and opportunities that they need. Helen and I had our own little deli that paid good money and had a lot of regulars, but when Helen got diagnosed with Leukemia, we had to sell the shop for her treatment. With that plus our savings, Helen lived another two good years. We both don’t have any siblings, and we both came from nothing, so while we were able to delay her passing, her expenses left me and the kids with very little cash in our pocket.
These days, I take any job I can get. Cleaning, relieving for cooks, home improvement– anything. But it still isn’t enough. I’m stuck. If I try to save up money, we could go hungry the next day, or our lights might go out.
Jess tells me about her friend’s imported snacks, Swedish chocolates and fancy lunches. all the while I’m packing sliced apples and plain biscuits for her. Even if I go to sleep hungry, I’m afraid that my kids will become discontent, and I won’t know how to explain to them that their father isn’t like their friends' parents. Jess is smart, but she’s so innocent and pure. If Helen were here she’d know what to do, but she’s not, so I have to stay strong. My kids will continue growing, and with that comes more challenges. I’m prepared to give it my all, but what if my all isn’t enough? I work 12 hours a day. I did yesterday, I will tomorrow, and I will do so ‘til my body gives out.
It's not so often that I get time like this to write down what I feel, so I’m making sure that I don’t leave anything out. The last thing I want is for my kids to see me cry. I can’t show them any bit of weakness because I am their rock, and I have to stay strong for them. At times when I wanna crumple into a ball on the floor, all I need is a look of their precious faces, and I realize that I can and I will move mountains all for their sweet smiles.
Being a man is tough. For the longest time, men have been expected to make lots of money, or to be strong, or to never show emotion and be calm in the face of pressure. But being a father? A single father at that? It's on a whole ‘nother level.
Anyway, I should probably get to bed. Keep watching over us, Helen.
If you little guys see this, don’t laugh at Daddy, okay? Your mother wanted me to do this, and I’m glad I did. Remember that I will always be here for you and that I love you all so much. Goodnight.
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melis-writes · 2 years
i know you’ve already written about this in the fic but could you please do a prompt about victoria making michael smile or laugh and everyone being shocked, or michael being affectionate with victoria and everyone being shocked 😭 if you can’t tell, i like when people are shocked by their relationship 😭 i’m sorry if this is annoying, i love all your writing so much!!
Omg, I've honestly come to love these scenes and writing them too!! 😍 I love it, thank you! Keep them coming honestly, no prompt/request ever annoys me! 🥰💕 Thank you so, so much!! Let me just do a cute, mid-conversation between the two, on the yacht sailing with the family... 🤗
His Smile.
"Niccolo gets a lot of his mannerisms from you too, you know that?" Michael wraps a loving and protective arm around your waist. "Though you never fail to mention how alike he and I are. I see the similarities between the two of you first."
"Oh yeah?" You giggle out quietly, one hand laced with Michael's and the other holding onto the yacht railing. "Name one other thing besides that."
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"Your stubbornness." Amusement grows in Michael's eyes as he smoothens out the loose strands of his lightly gelled hair against the soft, flowing breeze. "From time to time, of course."
"I'd hardly call it that." You give Michael's hand a gentle squeeze. "Maybe I can be insistent at times and I always get what I want?"
"Always get what you want?" Michael raises both of his brows at you.
"Mhmm." You admit proudly, peeking down at the deck where Mama Corleone, Vito, Connie, Sandra and Sonny remain--gazing out at the lake and making conversation while clutching a glass of white wine in their hands.
"Now there's a thought." Michael says back, "I'd have to think on that one."
"Who do you think inspired Niccolo's last drawing?" You can hardly hold back your laughter. "Get what you always want, stay stubborn--oh he's no different than either of us."
"What? What did he do, exactly?" Michael chuckles quietly.
"He had a little disagreement with Tom but was absolutely convinced he was right, so--" In a fit of giggles, barely able to get the last part of your sentence out. "He drew himself as a little stickman on the center of the paper raising his hands up in the air and wrote 'I'm right' and put two little boxes for options that both said 'yes' on them for Tom to check off."
"He's a business man." Michael can't hold back the grin growing over his lips. "That's what he is."
You burst out laughing, hugging Michael's arm. "And it said at the bottom, 'return to Don Niccolo please' too."
Michael shakes his head, grinning back at you before he joins you in laughter.
Vito raises his eyes and both Mama Corleone and Connie peek up in surprise to hear Michael's laughter ring out over the yacht.
Michael's velvety voice, let alone his laughter is enough to drive the butterflies in your gut into a frenzy. Blush flushes through your cheeks as you laugh with him, taken back by surprise as Michael kisses your cheek sweetly, in front of his family--still smiling through the kiss.
Michael pulls back from your cheek--unbeknownst his family is just as pleasantly surprised and even overjoyed in a way to see Michael relaxing and even smiling for once.
You press your forehead up against his, both of you beaming back at each other. Just as you notice Michael's smile is beginning to fade for good, you seal another kiss over his lips.
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agape-bakery · 3 years
Hi ! I love your blog and your idea to make a bakery is just awesome ^-^ anyway how are you ? I hope you have a good day :) I'm here to request a female mc who love drawing. And i wonder if you can make brothers react to mc who draw them when they're sleeping, eating or i don't know like you want. If you can of vourse it's not an obligation :3
I wish you a good day \(^-^)/
Thank you so much! I really enjoy the location-themed blogs here like Cafes and such so I'm happy you think the same! I'm doing good! And also, YESS!! I love Artist MCs/Y/Ns because I'm an artist myself! I hope you enjoy these!
The Brothers with an F! MC who draws
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He already knew you love to draw and didn't mind that, at least that's one good hobby someone has on his list compared to gambling and parties
If there is something Lucifer appreciates about humans, it's their art and cultures, he might take you to art museums for inspiration and have a date in a cafe and talk to you about the paintings you both saw
If art museums are not your thing, he would be a little disappointed but then again, some artists like more modern artworks and some that are shown online so he understands
And frankly, having you draw him makes him immensely proud of himself for having a talented girlfriend like you, he doesn't ask that you draw him but he secretly wants to
Lucifer occasionally buys art supplies for you but only if you've been good
"So you joined Mammon on going to the casino to draw the people there?"
"Pretty much...."
"Hmm.. I guess you aren't going to get some Copics from me anytime soon."
Lucifer is also observant and knows when and who you're drawing immediately
"I can see you staring at me."
His eyes looked up at yours as you looked away, pencil in hand.
"No, I'm not."
He's seen you glance at him several times before looking down at your sketchbook.
It was breakfast and you were sat between a sleeping Belphie and a distracted Beel so you took the time to draw the eldest when no one's looking.
Lucifer hummed and told Beel not to eat so messily as you continued to draw him.
Lucifer has seen many sketches of him and the brothers and when you give him some as a gift, he keeps it well-protected somewhere that Mammon can't steal in his bedroom.
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He absolutely cherishes every drawing you have, the boy keeps a doodle of him and you as a good luck charm too <3
He might ask that you do commissions and he gets some of it (for giving the idea and managing the commissions-) but one glare and he'll shut up with a nervous chuckle and an "H-hey! It's just a joke!"
When Mammon sees you staring at some art supplies, he checks it again when he's alone and dies inside because of the price and buys it immediately, he doesn't care if he loses a lot of money only a little bit, all he wants is to see your face when he gives it to you
"You better be grateful that The Great Mammon even thought of giving this to you!... Do-don't look at me like that! It was on sale!!"
While Mammon was napping on his couch, you hastily opened your sketchbook and started sketching him and the boy never realized
By the time he woke up, you were already finished doing 5 sketches of him and taking pictures of him for reference
"Oi! What are you doing? Gimme that!"
His heart completely melts because??? you drew him so good??? his girlfriend drew him???? for free??? and out of love????
He also draws you but it's just a stickman with a messy face but you still love it all the same
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Finally...another Artist...AND HIS GIRLFRIEND NO LESS!!
He's so happy and giddy to show off his art supplies but he's hesitant when it comes to showing off his art because he thinks it's horrible compared to yours
You encourage him and usually learn together with him whenever he feels awful about his art
He's the Avatar of Envy so there are many times where he's compared himself to other artists so you had to be there to keep him grounded
Art Date, anyone??
It doesn't matter whether you buy art supplies or just take a break from school, it was always nice being around Leviathan
You took the chance to draw him while he was across from you and excitedly showed it to him
He had drawn himself (albeit, in a persona) in many games and animes but your drawing was more special than anything he's ever done
He looked away, avoiding eye contact as he gave you his own drawing which was you in your favorite video game
From now on, whenever the both of you wanted to give small gifts, you draw each other!! <3
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A demon who enjoys impressionism art, there's something about the dreamy landscapes and colors that really makes him calm aside from reading
I think he would paint for a change of pace but gets frustrated because of how difficult it is so he goes back to reading
So watching you draw makes him impressed, drawing takes so much time to master
He doesn't mind whatever art style you have, aside from the impressionism style, he would have yours as his favorite
He understands the pain of art block so he often invites you in his room, one where the others wouldn't bother you, just don't touch anything or else you'll turn into some random animal for a few hours
He also encourages that you read with him when you're uninspired! Reading helps the imagination and the mind, and he'd be happy to recommend some for you!
You trust him with your sketchbooks and he trusts you with his books! The both of you knew the other wouldn't do anything which is why he only lets you inside his room
While Satan makes a drink for you, humming an old song in his DDD, you drew him in overalls and glasses
When you were bored, you would always draw your boyfriend in random outfits and would often show it to him (which he all loves)
"Overalls and Glasses, huh? I might wear it tomorrow." Satan grins, peeking at your sketchbook as he puts down the drinks.
Don't get your hopes too high, he isn't going to wear a maid outfit........yet-
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Oh? You draw? Wellll, if you need a model, he's happy to be your own personal model, but it comes with a price ;)
He loves that you draw! And would ask you to draw him
There's many artworks he likes but yours he enjoys the most, even if you aren't his girlfriend
Might ask you if you can design outfits and draw him in certain outfits so he can try them out!
Of course, drawing is not an easy feat so he'll pay you handsomely~
If you do commissions, he gets one just so he can support you
He knows that art doesn't pay much yet it is so overlooked by others
"Everywhere is art, darling, I'm surprised some humans don't know that! Of course, I'm the most beautiful art there is but I'll have you as second~"
He might blush if you draw him without him asking, he think he's desirable enough to draw without a price! After hearing that you just love him might make him blush harder! Aww, you!
He'll give you several pecks as he laughs after seeing your drawing of him! One where he was posing in one of the photos you had of him during your dates
Anatomy is hard so if you want a nude model, he'll volunteer on the spot, sure he has thoughts but if you're fully intent on getting better, he's happy to help!
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He's not the type to focus on art so he doesn't understand it much, that doesn't mean he isn't impressed though!
He has heard of Food Art and Food Illustrations though...Based by the Arty Event, he seems to be good at drawing food! He wanted to try it more but Lucifer forbid him in case he would eat the paper and get chemical poisoning or something-
However, if you could also draw food, he would be so delighted!!! He won't eat it, he promises!
It's fine if you don't, though, he expects that you might not understand working out and sports like he doesn't understand art
Might be clueless if ever you feel bad about your drawings, he thinks it looks really good! But upon hearing how frustrated you are, he would give you hugs to comfort you!
While Beel is a oblivious sweetheart, he fully supports your hobbies and would invite you to diners and restaurants so you can draw while he eats! He might even join you while he's eating
As he eats a huge cheeseburger, you drew him, smiling at how happy he looked
When you gave it to him, he told you how spot on you drew him when he eats and keeps it around him, he avoids it getting dirty at any cost
Belphie suggested that gets a photo frame so he bought one! Now your drawing of him lays on his bedrest safely~
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He used to love art as much as Satan and Lucifer does but he doesn't anymore, not until you showed him your drawings
You rekindled a small flame in him that he never thought would come back
He doesn't draw because it's way too much work but he enjoys hearing you draw, the sound the pencil makes when it moves around the paper, and the smell of lead and paper makes him sleepy
He secretly likes those papers that have a nice smell in them so you buy some whenever you go out to get some art supplies
"That's way too many sketchbooks, MC."
"Nothing is way too much-"
Because he always sleeps around you, he doesn't entirely realize that you have a bunch of drawings of him in your sketchbook
It makes him warm when he sees your drawings of him
He wishes he could do more to support you even if you tell him he doesn't have to so like Beel, he keeps your drawings near his bed and looks at it before he sleeps
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jojoboisimagines · 4 years
Jojo’s Reaction to their Artist S/O drawing them
He frequently brings you tea while you’re drawing
Jonathan doesn’t look over your shoulder much as to not be rude, but he knows you enjoy what you do
When you tell him you’ve drawn a picture of him, he blinks
You wanted to draw him?
At that point he wouldn’t even care what it looked like, he’d love it either way
When you show it to him, he’s so happy and impressed that you drew him so beautifully and accurate
He definitely puts it somewhere it can be seen, like on the refrigerator or a frame
“I can’t believe how handsome you made me! Thank you so much (Y/N), this is the perfect little gift..”
Didn’t actually know you were into drawing seriously
When you say you’re gonna draw him he thinks its a joke
Probably because you said it right after he teased you
After you say you’re done, he walks over to see
it was a cartoony drawing, one that perfectly captured his bizarreness
“Wow you got the spiky hair right and everything! Even my perfectly chiseled jawline!”
He laughs
Joseph keeps the drawing somewhere he’ll remember it, just so he can see it again when he wants
He buys you sketchbooks as gifts occasionally
Art was something he subtly noticed you did, and made a mental note of it, but never brought it up
He’s taken aback when you say you’re drawing him
Waits until you’re done to look at it (he’s lowkey anticipating it)
When you show him, he holds the paper and stares at it for a good couple of minutes
You can tell he likes it just by looking at him, if you ask if he does he’ll simply nod
“Good job, (Y/N). This is nice.”
He doesn’t tell you, but he keeps it with him 
He loves watching you draw as soon as you say you’re an artist
If you don’t like it, he won’t argue, but will still sneak looks at it while pretending to do something else
Wants you to draw him to see how good you are, but won’t pressure you
Even if you draw a stickman with a pompadour like his he’ll still love it
“Oh man look at this little dude! He’s awesome! Is that me?”
You two laugh, and you start to draw him seriously
When you finish, he’s seriously impressed, and of course he’s gonna gloat to Rohan
“My (Y/N) is the best artist in the whole school!”
Is fully invested in your art, whether you seriously want to make a career out of it or just do it for fun
You honestly make him want to try his hand at art himself
When he’s a Don, Of course he’ll hang anything you make up for everyone to see if you wish
He walks in while you’re in the middle of making a big painting, and is curious as to what this project is
When you tell him it’s going to be him, his face flushes, but tries to make it unnoticable
Turns out you wanted to make a sophisticated painting of him to put in his office now that he’s the Don of Passione
He’ll fund any kind of supplies you need for it, or whatever you need for your art in general
After you show it to him, he’s in awe of how beautiful it is, and instantly gets it a nice fancy frame
He smiles everytime he looks at it
“Amore, do I look like this pretty all the time to you?”
He subtly glances at you drawing every now and then
He doesn’t stare because he can tell it makes you nervous
“Your art is really badass, (Y/N)”
Johnny always made that kind of comment after you show him a piece you worked on
Similar to Joseph, when you say you’re drawing him he thinks you’re joking
He wants to peek like he always does, but decides to let it be a surprise this time
After you show it to him, his eyes widen
“Woah, that’s awesome! You actually made me look cool.” 
You finally get a smile out of him
“My lips are not that blue though. Its like I got punched.” He jokes.
He never stops looking at it until you make a comment about it, then he asks if he can keep it
Its safe and sound in his bag
After he finds out you like art, whether you show it to him or you tell him, he’s intrigued
Perhaps its your creativity that has him so drawn to you
He makes room for you to have your own drawing space in the mansion
When he’s making his rounds through it, he’ll check on you to see how your progress is
He rarely makes comments, but if he does particularly like it, you’ll see him smile out the corner of your eye
He is so willing to be a muse or inspiration for your art
Yes he will pose naked
Dio loves that you capture his essence so well
You can expect him to request more art of him from you, for something in return of course
“My my, (Y/N), Your artistry is simply exquisite. You put your heart and soul into every stroke of your pen. Its poetic.”
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the-haunted-office · 2 years
(I wrote up some silly little short piece of Cyrus, Thursday, and Stanley doing a silly thing before he died - for anybody who wishes to read it. Below the cut!)
"Stanley, why are you lingering around the conference room like that? You already know where to go from here, and while I'm happy to repeat it all to you, what you are doing is- well, quite puzzling if I may be honest."
Cyrus sighed. The man in question, Stanley, appeared to be ignoring him again. There was just no reasoning with him sometimes.
"There's nothing in those filing cabinets for you - just useless corporate files that not a single person - yourself included - has any use for anymore, so I don't understand what you-.."
"Stanley," chimed in his cohort - Thursday - who was standing just over his right shoulder, "what are you looking for? It is paper? Yeah, there's lots of paper in there, isn't there?"
The man they were observing suddenly straightened and beamed, apparently pleased with himself.
"What's that you've got there?" said Cyrus.
In response, Stanley held up what appeared to be a black marker.
"A marker? What are you going to do with that? You and I both know that markers have nothing to do with the story."
Stanley rolled his eyes and went to clear off one of the white boards with the sleeve of his shirt.
"Oh, oh! I know! Stanley! Stanley! Do you want to play Hangman on the white board?" Thursday suggested, her tone clearly reflecting how excited she found this marker discovery.
"Hangman?" scoffed Cyrus. "Of course he doesn't want to play Hangman, he wants to-"
The older man's haughty response was cut off by a readily apparent smirk on Stanley's face, who then indeed began drawing up a game of Hangman.
Cyrus was shocked, to say the least.
"Are you- we are not playing a bloody game of Hangman!" he protested immediately.
"Looks like we are, old timer," laughed Thursday, who was now leaning against the back of his chair, much to his annoyance. "Stanley, can I go first?"
She cheered when the man gave a thumbs up. Stanley then went about finishing his set-up of the game, along with the empty dashes for two words - the first one with five letters, the second with six.
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_ _ _ _ _ _
Cyrus groaned when Thursday blurted out her first guess, "I choose... the letter A!"
Stanley smiled and filled in the corresponding blank.
_ A _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _
"Okay, Cyrus, your turn," said Thursday, who was still leaning against the back of his chair.
"...This is ridiculous. I'm not participating in this utter nonsense."
"Aw, come on," prompted the younger woman. "Stanley, tell Cyrus he has to take his turn."
Stanley nodded in agreement, folded his arms, and tapped one foot on the ground.
"...Fine," grumbled Cyrus. "I'll take the letter R."
Happy with this answer, Stanley filled in the letters.
_ A R R _
_ _ _ _ _ _
"My turn! Okay, ummm-... L," Thursday guessed.
At this, Stanley frowned, shook his head, and drew a circle on the board, signifying the first failure of the game.
"AH!" the younger narrator squawked, eliciting a startled jump from her partner. "Are you sure, Stanley? You're sure there's no L?!"
He sighed and nodded.
"Okay, then, I'll have S. Also, Thursday, don't you dare shriek in my ear like that again or I'll drop you over the platform faster than Stanley did."
"WHA-! Now that's rude! Stanley, Cyrus is threatening to kill me!"
Stanley shook his head and threw the most disapproving look either of the narrators had ever seen. He then tapped one fist against the palm of his other hand in a threatening gesture.
"I'd like to see you try, you little menace," growled Cyrus, who then hurriedly backtracked when both of Stanley's eyebrows shot upwards and he began to lift up his middle finger. "NO. NO. We'll be having none of that, Stanley. Back to the game, now! Since you bloody insisted on it in the first place."
This seemed to satisfy Stanley. He went back to the whiteboard and added a stick onto the stickman's body.
"Ooooh, so sad," Thursday mocked with a cheeky grin. "I'll go wiiiiiith... E."
Another smile, another nod, another filled-in letter.
_ A R R _
_ _ _ _ E _
Cyrus took his turn. "C."
_ A R R _
_ _ C _ E _
"Hmm..." mumbled Thursday, deep in thought. "X."
An arm was added to the little stick figure.
"AH! NO!"
"X!" blurted Cyrus, outraged. "X?! Out of all the letters in the English alphabet, you choose the letter X?!"
"What's wrong with my choice?! It's a letter, isn't it?!"
"Yes, but it's the worst, most obscure letter you could have possibly chosen! Hardly any words contain the letter X!"
"Maybe this word did, huh! We wouldn't know that until we tried!"
"Well, it bloody didn't!"
"It didn't contain your stupid letter S either, you big rude-"
Both stopped immediately at the sound of a loud BANG coming from the other side of the display screen. Upon looking, they couldn't help but notice that one of the office chairs was now lying a few feet away from where it had been originally positioned. And that Stanley was looking rather miffed.
"Ah, yes, quite right, Stanley," said Cyrus, now subdued.
"Sorry, Stanley," echoed Thursday, also subdued.
"Back to your silly little game, then. I'll have T."
A nod. Another blank filled.
_ A R R _
_ _ C _ E T
"Okay, okay, I think I'm starting to get the picture here," said Thursday, despite the fact that she in all likelihood did not have any picture going on anywhere. "K."
_ A R R _
_ _ C K E T
"All right, well, Stanley, your obvious is showing," sighed Cyrus, taking extreme care to ensure that the man understood perfectly well how bored he was with this trite little game.
Slowly, Stanley raised an eyebrow and looked down at himself, where nothing was out of place, and then looked back up and shrugged.
Thursday exploded with laughter. Cyrus, on the other hand, felt his face heat up.
"Not that, you dolt. It was a figure of speech. Well! I guess I shouldn't have expected someone as simple as a person who loves a BUCKET to understand something as complicated as a figure of speech. That's what the second word is, by the way - 'bucket'. That is what I was referring to when I said it was obvious."
Stanley did not appear to be offended by the older man's snide remark, no, not at all. Instead, Cyrus could clearly see that he was laughing. He was not making any sound to indicate as much, but Cyrus could tell from the way his shoulders were shaking. Not to mention the way his entire expression was lit up. Something which made Cyrus himself feel all warm inside.
But he wasn't about to admit to any of that. "Well? I'm right, aren't I? It's 'bucket'."
Nodding, Stanley went and filled in the letters.
_ A R R _
"Hey! Cyrus just got two turns, essentially! Two letters! That means I get the next two guesses!"
"No, it's not my fault you didn't guess the word sooner."
"Uh, NO, that doesn't matter. You still got two letters in a row!"
"Perhaps if you hadn't guessed the letter X, then, Thursday-"
"YOU-! Okay, you know what, I'm just gonna go." She huffed before going back to the display screen, where Stanley stood waiting, still radiant from his bout of laughter. "Okay, Stanley. Ohhhh-kay, I think I've got this. I think I know what this whole thing spells out."
"Oh, well whoop-dee-doo-"
She ignored the older man's comment and said, "'CARRY BUCKET'."
Stanley added the letter Y to the spread, but then also added another arm to the stick figure body.
"No! Nononono, I take it back! I take that back! It obviously can't be carry bucket because C has already been- RRRRGH! Was that my two guesses?!"
Stanley nodded. Cyrus smirked.
"AGH! That was so stupid of me!" she pouted, pounding her fists on the back of the chair.
"Yes, it was. Also - stop that. Anyway, Stanley, your little game is up now. It says 'marry bucket'."
A round of applause from Stanley came from the monitor and Cyrus couldn't help but smile at having won.
And then the full understanding of what the board said sank in.
"Wait, hold on. Stanley- this says 'marry bucket'. What are you-... Are you trying to say-"
"Stanley!" giggled Thursday. "Stanley, are you saying you want to marry the bucket?"
Stanley nodded.
"Oh wow! Hahaha! That's amazing, Stanley!"
"What? No! This is stupid! This is so incredibly, stupendously, stupidly stupid, I-.. Well I don't even have the words for it! Stanley, you can't marry a bucket!"
Stanley shrugged.
Thursday said, "Stanley, do you want us to write a story where you marry the bucket, then?"
A thumbs up from the man.
"ON IT!" she blurted and before Cyrus could say anything more, she began pulling out fresh paper, snatched up her pencil, and got to work.
"NO! No no no no no no NO! I do not approve of this! Nothing about this makes any sense! Stanley, giving you that bucket was by far my worst idea and I wish I had never come up with it!"
"I think it's brilliant, actually! A bucket! And Stanley wants to marry it! It's GOLD! Or, well, galvanized steel."
Cyrus could not believe his luck. This was his life now. Idiots. He was surrounded by idiots. So he only had to deal with one idiot in his physical presence, but her sheer idiocy amounted to an entire crowd of idiots and so he may as well be surrounded by them.
And to the idiot on the other side of the display screen... Well... Cyrus never thought he'd live to see the day he was jealous of a bloody bucket.
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morgsticklee · 2 years
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Drew a little fun comic about Charles from the Henry Stickman game, making a little fuzzy friend who ends up greeting him in an unexpected but nice way. 
hope you like it. ^^
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heartless--madness · 2 years
so me and my hot coworker usually leave little notes to eachother after our shifts about work or things the other should know about. i always draw a smiley face on my notes for him, he doesn't. this morning however there was an unrecognizable scribble after the last sentence 'have a beautiful day' (first time he wrote that) so i knew he drew something and changed his mind for whatever reason. my thirsty ass checked that fucking scribble under flashlight hoping i would see the drawing - IT'S A FUCKEDING SMILING STICKMAN WHY WOULD YOU CROSS THAT OUT SO AGGRESSIVELY
that's the cutest shit ever 😭 stay tuned until i get this man i swear
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henrystickminart · 4 years
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Here the Triple threat designs. I will be designing the other timelines as well. But not now cause i don't need them yet.
The other sketches our my first tries of drawing these guys. I drew henry as a stick dragon cause he a little greedy boi.
While working on a full pic. I sketched a more detailed dragon design for henry and also been thinking of a story where Henry greed makes him steal something he shouldn't being cursed into a dragon. To match the greed the stickman has. Oh Charles and Ellie get kidnnapped in the au by dragon Henry cause he thinks of his two friends as treasure. The symptoms begin with Henry hoarding stuff in his room before he shifts into a dragon his size. But will get bigger the later of times he stays as one.
Charles thinks its cool, but Ellie unsure about it. She tries to search for some cure. While Charles goofs around with Henry. Henry acts like himself for awhile. Not much change since he hardly talks. So no one sees when he starts to get a bit wild. 
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tamakisuwu · 4 years
— sketchbook. | shouto todoroki.
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Shouto Todoroki X Gender Neutral! Artist! Reader
Summary : you start seeing shouto in the park everyday and start drawing him only to have him find your sketchbook.
Content : fluff, one shot
Warnings : none :D
so this request was adorable and its not excatly high school au since-- the first draft of this didn’t really work out so I apologize. honestly, when I saw this my heart was like “tf? this is adorable.” anyways-- I hope you enjoy like always! (◍•ᴗ•◍)
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As a fellow artist, you loved exploring new places. Why? well-- whenever you explore a new place, you always drew the scenery so one day, you decided to visit the park that you used to visit when you were younger.
Walking over to the park, you could see at the distance that there wasn’t too many people. Sure, the park wasn’t the most popular place out there but you remembered it being so peaceful that you would always sketch the scenery when you were younger. You grinned to yourself as you arrived.
Everything was still the same. Trees standing tall, grass, which was still green as ever, a small fountain that stood in the middle, and your most favorite place of all, the bench that stood in front of the entrance.
You walked over to the bench, your art supplies in hand. You sat down, staring at the scenery before taking out your pencil. As you opened your sketchbook, looking at the scenery in front of you, you immediately started sketching out your work.
Smiling softly as you drew, your pencil softly gliding against the paper, you looked back up at the spants and some boots. What caught your interest the most was his hair and eyes.
cenery, immediately noticing the change of the scenery. You saw a man-- or a guy your age, he was wearing a light brown sweater, gray 
His hair had white on the right, while his left had a red color. You started sketching without even thinking, your pencil drawing the scenery as well as the man. You looked at him again, taking notice of his eyes, his eyes had a dual color- one gray and one blue but what caught your interest more was his scar. Still sketching while looking at the rather handsome man, his head turned slightly, catching your gaze.
Your eyes widened, cheeks going red as you looked down at your sketchpad ‘Great. he caught me-- he’s gonna think I’m a freak now.’ You thought before looking back at up to see him looking in another direction, making you sigh in relief, however his little action didn’t go unnoticed. He was drinking his water, looking down at his feet-- that looked so adorable. You drew again without thinking, this time on another page.
Finishing your drawing, you looked back up only to find the man-- gone. You tilted your head, wait, why were you thinking about him? You probably looked like a freak, drawing a random stranger out of nowhere. You looked down at your drawing, about to rip it off and throw it away but-- it was beautiful. It wasn’t your drawing that was beautiful, it was the man that was beautiful.
You sighed, closing your sketchbook. You wouldn’t throw your sketchbook away even though it looked creepy, drawing a random stranger out of nowhere. It just looked so beautiful. You stood up from the bench before walking away from the park, promising yourself that you would never draw a person or more specifically him. Or so you thought.
Well, you were so wrong about that, you see-- you ended up drawing that man a lot of times. He always went to that park to perhaps relax or something, basically anything he did, you would always draw him.
One day, however, you had a lot of things with you as you had just gone back from school, though going home, you immediately went to the park to relax after a stressful day. Not knowing that the man you always drew would be there.
Sitting down at your usual bench, you immediately noticed the man-- he looked more adorable than before? You shook your head, snapping out of your weird thoughts. Grabbing your sketchbook from your bag, you began to draw him and the scenery behind him. However, what you didn’t notice-- was the cat that took one of your belongings which was your ultimate weapon for your drawings. Your coloring pencil.
As you began to reach out for your colored pencil, your hand gently reaching out for the object, only to find-- nothing? you sighed rather loudly, realizing that you must’ve dropped it somewhere and that was your favorite coloring pencil! and not to mention the price. You stood up, not realizing that you’ve caught the attention of the red and white haired man. You began walking away to look for your pencil, leaving your sketchbook wide open on accident.
With you walking away, the man who was named Shouto Todoroki, observed you. It may have sounded creepy but since he was more of the observant type, he always observed you as he would always see you everyday, drawing. If he had to be honest, he was curious as to what you were drawing or what made you come back to the park to draw everyday? nobody knows except for you.
They all say curiousity kills the cat and thats excatly what happened with Shouto. Shouto found himself walking towards your sketchbook, your wide open sketchbook that showed your recent drawing of him-- wait him? picking up your sketchbook, Shouto’s eyes widened, his lips slightly parted as he flipped through the pages.
All the pages were-- beautiful. They weren’t the stickmans or some childish drawings, they were just beautiful. They all had details and color and everything blended in nicely, but what Shouto noticed the most was a man that looked like him or technically, him. Shouto gasped slightly, realizing that the man in the picture was him.
Shouto continued flipping throught the pages, not noticing you walking over to him. He was just so entranced with your drawings that everything around him just seemed to disappear. He didn’t find it creepy or anything, he was just left curious. Why did you draw him? out of all the people, why him? just the question ‘why’ was in his head until he heard a small and awkward cough.
He immediately turned his head to find the owner of the sketchbook, you, standing there with rosy cheeks and an embarrassed but awkward smile on your face. “Um.. Hey? I see you’ve um.. Seen my drawings” You say, awkwardly staring at your sketchbook, avoiding his eyes.
As for you, well, you felt like you were going to die out of embarrassment. I mean who wouldn’t? the person you draw literally was flipping through the pages to see drawings of himself. You closed your eyes tightly before bowing, making Shouto tilt his head slightly at your gesture. “I’m uh-- I’m really sorry for drawing you without your permission! If you want me to throw them away or sue me then go ahead! I-I.. I don’t mind. I’m just really sorry!” You said, still bowing while Shouto’s eyes widened at your apology.
You knew you were probably overreacting but still, the situation was just so awkward and embarrassing that you just did anything that could get you out which was apologizing. Still thinking to yourself, you felt a hand touch your shoulder, making you jump before looking up to see Shouto or the man you didn’t even know.
“Hey, its fine. You don’t need to apologize or anything, if anything, these drawings look amazing and if its alright.. I would like to be a model for you or something like that.” The man said, his cheeks going pink as he stared at you. Your brain was going in circles-- was he asking you out? no, no, no. He definitely wasn’t.
“I guess you could say I am?” The man asks, his head tilting slightly. You gasped, your cheeks going even more red. Oh god, were you saying your thoughts out loud-- “So whats your name? maybe we could catch up sometime and I can model for your drawings or so and my name’s Todoroki Shouto.” The man named Shouto says, cheeks still pink like yours. “l/n y/n and um-- sure! of course we can.” You say cheerfully, smiling widely at him.
You were still embarrassed, yeah sure but you were actually happy that a guy that you drew all the time would actually ask you out well-- sort of.
You and Shouto grew closer and closer until one day, while you were drawing him-- he asked you out! and of course, you also gained feelings for the half and half boy so you said yes. You were shocked but happy as you two were now in a official relationship and you were happy as you could be.
And all this happiness came from that small little sketchbook and you were thankful for that.
omg the ending probably sucks lmao. again I apologize if this isn’t the best-- I was busy this whole day and rushed the writing a bit, thats also the reason why its late so I apologize, I hope you can forgive your author hehe-- ANYWAYS, the next story will be a lil spicy as its nsfw so get ready ;) , also feel free to request as requests are open 💛💛💛
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jabberbeans · 4 years
Wangxian Coffeeshop AU: First encounter
I put Wangxian, coffee, urban magic, fluff and slowburn into the melting pot and crossed my fingers - read at your own risk. I’ll be updating this story in shorts before revising and posting a full length version to A03 (somewhere in the distant improbable future).
Featuring confused pining over magic tea and magic sweets, cafe shenanigans and baker/patissiere(?) WWX and LWJ. 
Tranquility turned tea from pear-green to a deep sea foam. Lan Wangji felt this was appropriate - water was the most tranquil thing he knew. His uncle disagreed - as he often did - and had attempted to shift the colour back to its original green many times. That one was a failed experiment - it reduced the efficacy of tranquility and made the tea taste like grass.
“That’s not green tea,” Lan Qiren had scowled, pointing an accusatory finger at the perfect sea foam brew. “It isn’t traditional.”
Was magic traditional? Lan Wangji had been tempted to ask, but held his tongue. Using their energy to shape the natural order of things into something else - perhaps that betrayed tradition, or at least some law of nature. But magic ran as deep as blood, and the healing teas were so much more healing when they used magic, so sea foam it was.
They still called it green tea on their menu. It was very popular. 
Gusu had been a traditional Chinese tea house, once. Lan Qiren would have been quite content to keep it that way too, but even he couldn’t shout gentrification into going away. Gusu was dying. So he turned the shop over to his nephews with the vague hope that they could reassess its business model and bring in some customers. Then he went on a long vacation.
When he returned, Gusu was transformed. Literally. Its dark wood finishings were gone, replaced with snow-bright walls. The tea was unrecognisable. There was a dessert menu. And a bar counter. 
But there were also customers. So many, in fact, that Lan Qiren was forced to don his apron and help out not five minutes after walking through the door. Lan Wangji had never seen his uncle so disturbed as he’d been that day, trapped behind the counter while teenagers pointed their phones at his hands and cooed over the quaintness, the rarity, the sheer aesthetic - of hand brewed tea.
It wasn’t that Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji had betrayed their uncle and tradition. It was more accurate to say that they took his best ideals, put them in the proverbial blender and stood by silently to receive the scrambled results. 
Floor seating and low tables remained - but there was also a large communal table and benches, and of course, the dreaded bar counter with its stools. The tea menu was largely the same, just tweaked to look and taste better. Ice blended options were now available, to their uncle’s everlasting horror. And there were traditional desserts - almond soup, sesame balls, milk pastry, cakes - all arranged artfully and minimally on little porcelain plates.
And so Gusu was preserved, albeit not quite in the shape their uncle would have preferred. But four years on, the cafe continued thrive - building a solid reputation among locals and visitors. Lan Qiren had mostly adapted to the teenagers with their phones and the cakes by now, but he still eyed the green tea with deep suspicion.
Lan Wangji was doing the very same that morning, as he regarded Lan Jingyi’s practice brews. The teen had arranged the tiny glass cups from dark amber to pale yellow. Perhaps he thought he might get points for neatness.
“Again,” Lan Wangji said with finality, eyes sweeping down the line. “When you make clarity, the oolong should lighten to parchment.”
Jingyi wilted first at again and segued quickly into bafflement at parchment. 
“Parchment?” The boy repeated, unsure if he heard right. Lan Wangji paused to think it over, then nodded.
“Like paper white, tinted with yellow or tan. Parchment.”
Jingyi looked exasperated then, eyes wide and swivelling in their sockets to catch Lan Sizhui’s, who pretended not to see. Finding himself without allies in the kitchen, Jingyi’s shoulders slumped with defeat. “Yes, Hanguang-jun.”
Lan Wangji didn’t blame him. Clarity was difficult to make. Oolong got particularly stubborn when energy was channeled into it. If one had poor magic control, the colour could turn almost violently, from amber to walnut to black.
He left Jingyi to continue his oolong studies and approached Sizhui instead, who had finished divining the difference between parchment and white the day before, and so was allowed to move on to desserts. Lan Wangji approached from behind silently, but Sizhui’s hands remained steady as they attempted to transplant a sesame ball onto a spun sugar base. It wobbled unsteadily when he drew back.
“I’ll do it again,” Sizhui said before Lan Wangji could. “The base is too brittle. It must have been the temperature.”
“Mn,” Lan Wangji approved. “Continue.”
The boys were young, only fifteen, but they were fast and eager to learn. Their progress came at no little effort however, if Jingyi’s growing army of oolong cups was any indication. But Lan Wangji was not worried. His uncle had handpicked them himself from some branch or other of their very, very extended family, and they were proving to be dedicated workers. It had been less than a month since they began training, but they would soon be ready to work the counter.
There was a loud rattling sound from Jingyi’s corner of the kitchen, a hastily bitten off curse, and then Sizhui was abandoning his station to fly over with a towel. Lan Wangji pointedly did not turn around to look. Perhaps not /too/ soon.
Jingyi’s cups were no closer to parchment by the time Lan Xichen poked his head in. “Wangji,” he called. “Would you check outside? The customers say there’s an obstruction near the entrance.”
“The deliveries?” The deliveryman occasionally left their parcels at the front, if he was busy.
“He would have called if he wasn’t coming in.” 
“I’ll check.”
It wasn’t a parcel. Lan Wangji spotted the problem the moment he stepped out - it was taking pains to make itself known, actually.
A little stickman was drawn onto the walkway in what looked like chalk. Someone had magicked it to life so that it danced about - harmless, but an annoyance regardless. It surged towards Lan Wangji’s foot, circling playfully and attempting to slide onto his shoe. If it succeeded, the chalk drawing would transfer to the leather.
Lan Wangji stepped briskly out of its path and tried to trace its spiritual source. It was strong, and he followed it easily out the gate. The little stickman raced to stay close, its arms waving about.
He was so preoccupied ensuring it didn’t touch him that he nearly tripped over the problem’s source. 
“Careful!” The man squatting on the pavement said, flinging an arm up in reflex. His hand was covered in chalk dust. Lan Wangji stepped back to look at him. Then he looked again. 
“You…” He had no words for what he was witnessing. The man was surrounded by chalk drawings that stretched all the way up the pavement, past the neighbouring lot. They were wriggling with life - little stick figures dancing, animals prowling, scribbled phrases vibrating - and food - so much of it, all moving.
It was a simple matter to implant spiritual energy in the drawings - small children could do it with enough practice. But that was precisely the problem, it was a trick for children, not adults.
“You’re blocking my sun, do you mind…?” The man said, not unkindly. He still hadn’t turned around, eyes focused on his next drawing. Lan Wangji did not move.
“This is vandalism,” he told him.
“It’s only chalk. It’ll wash away with the rain. Or a good sweep.” 
The man looked up then, and…Lan Wangji did not know what he was expecting - he had no preconceived notions. But he felt a flicker of surprise. The man’s mouth was curved like he was laughing, though no sound passed his lips. His smile was sun-bright. For a brief moment Lan Wangji allowed himself to notice the rest of him - his impish features, his haphazard ponytail, and the red ribbon that tamed it, just barely. 
He looked away.
“You’re obstructing our business,” he told the air in the middle distance. He sensed the man was staring at him but he kept his gaze averted. There was a small gasp, like the man realised something.
“Oh! You run the cafe?” Lan Wangji let the weighted silence speak for him, and the man continued to speak as if he’d received a proper reply. “I didn’t notice I was in front of your shop. I started drawing and I had so much inspiration that I forgot -“
“Please remove yourself and the drawings. You are inconveniencing the customers.”
The man pouted. “I want to save the drawings first…but I don’t have paper. That’s why I’m drawing out here. You see, I had this amazing idea for a triple tier reverse lava cupcake and I needed to sketch it out before the idea got away from me but all I had was this chalk in my pocket so -“
Lan Wangji was quite finished listening to him somewhere around paper. He said sternly, “If I give you paper will you stop?”
“And a pencil too, please!” The man said shamelessly, as if it was perfectly normal to make demands of strangers that he was inconveniencing.
Lan Wangji unfolded his wallet, and ran his fingers through it briefly. He kept some useful things inside - stationery, a first-aid kit, a spare apron - and his notebook. It was twice the size of his wallet and the man hummed with interest when he extricated it.
“Handy trick,” he commented, eyes twinkling. 
Ignoring him, Lan Wangji carefully tore three pieces of paper from the spine. Then he glanced at the chalk drawings and tore another piece. The man was gleeful as he accepted them.
“I drew a lot, didn’t I,” He sounded pleased with himself. “Thank you.”
He stood aside while the man lay the paper sheets on the ground, spreading them neatly. Then he wriggled his fingers and whistled once, sharp. The doodles froze where they were, some in the midst of sneaking onto the street. When the man tapped the paper with his finger they began to slide along the pavement very quickly, shrinking as they went, until they were paper drawings. Lan Wangji was surprised by the sheer number of doodles of cake, sweets and desserts - each one elaborately drawn and unusual. 
Unbelievably, there was a reverse three-tiered cupcake - just like the man had described. A long string of untidy handwriting accompanied it, jostling the cupcake as they both slid onto the last empty spot. Then it was over, and the pavement was clean once more.
“You forgot one.” The little chalk man was still trying to climb his foot despite the slight energy field Lan Wangji had put up to rebuff it. It hopped around the toe of his shoe, waving indignantly.
“Hm...” the man crooked a finger at it, and when that didn’t work, he whistled sharply. The little chalk man appeared to toss its head rebelliously at his efforts, marching away until it was behind Lan Wangji’s shoe. 
The man only laughed, “You should keep him, I think he likes you.” Then he winked and turned away, his ribbons flying as he did. Like they were taunting him.
“Take good care of him,” the man called back, already walking away. 
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beepsparks · 4 years
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Whoops, I drew Tony with characters I made that have something to do with him or time
The cats at the bottom are what I call “The Pop Siblings”, I’ll go in order with their names from left to right.
Sodapop, Candypop, Jellypop, and Berrypop.
Berrypop is the oldest, Sodapop is the second oldest, Jellypop is the second youngest, and Candypop is the youngest.
Now they don’t exactly have something to do with time, but the reason they exist is because I had a random thought of a little cat in a pink coat traveling dimensions, and getting stuck with a human!Tony, now the cat is in extreme danger since that Tony is a damn murderer (I joined the dhmis fandom in 2019 and yet Tony in 2014 rams down my door every 10 seconds) and the cat needs to escape.
The comic itself is called “Survival Tactics 101”, no, it’s not a webcomic, every comic I make is made with actual paper and I keep them to myself, but I don’t mind sharing canons and characters from my comics with others.
Anyway, ST101 is just a comic about the siblings getting stuck in different dimensions with all sorts of characters and having to escape.
The rest of the characters (except for obviously Tony) are from a comic idea I had in 2018 called “Thieves of Time”, this one is bulit better than ST101 because, well, it’s older and I’ve had more time to make the plot and stuff, it’s about three 12 year old stickman friends needing to save time itself from an evil force called the Shadows (very creative, I know, yaaaaaaaaayy-) who escaped their confinements after many years, who have now stolen the past, present, and future.
The “Time trio” (I call them that because theres a load of trios I’ve seen, the dhmis trio, trios in other comic ideas I’ve had, trios in video games, etc.) gets stuck in the time theif situation because the just had to be the heros in a prophecy about 3 kids saving time itself from the Shadows. Of course, Eliphas the Time Wizard tells the time trio that they’re the kids in the prophecy since they obviously don’t know, and Eliphas helps the team by sending them into the past, present, and future to take back what the shadows stole.
Btw: The Past, Present, and Future are represented by objects, stealing them (if you’re a Shadow) will cause in that part of time freezing.
Also btw: I actually forgot about the comic for about a year until Tony inspired me to go “hey what about that old comic idea I had” and now I’ve finished all the characters and the entire storyline of the comic, revival 100.
Anyways, the characters
The stickman (named from left to right)
Eli Anderson, Roger Cooper, and Zackary Morris.
Eliphas the Time Wizard: obviously the purple wizard outfit with a clock pattern darn it
The Shadows on the left: Iron (the one with the tail curving downward), who stole the future (and turned himself into a giant robot), and Spike (the one with the tail curving up), the one who stole the past (and fused himself with a T-rex despite the item was a dinosaur egg, but he ate the item anyway, but after being defeated he coughed it out).
The Shadow King: obviously the one with the crown and wings, he didn’t steal the present, but one of his minions did and gave him the item of the present, a wall clock, and the Shadow King fused himself with it, causing him to become a giant abomination made out of clock parts.
Well I guess that sums up the two comics and their characters? Anyways I hope you enjoy the art.
Ps: If Tony actually met the Shadow King and his minions and learned what they did, yeah, everyone would be dead, murdered by Tony.
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