#dustin was going to be there but nancy deserves to have fun <3
donttellunclesam · 8 months
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drunk walk home: halloween edition
(close ups under the cut)
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worth-the-chaos · 5 months
Adventures in Babysitting - Steve Harrington x female!reader - Chapter 3
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Chapter Summary: Billy is still hitting on you, Steve’s still mad, and Dustin’s still a pain in the ass to babysit. When he tells you and Steve that there’s a massive problem of upside down proportions, the two of you have no choice but to drop everything to help the boy, reprising your roles as badasses who eradicate the supernatural in Hawkins.
Content Warning: swearing, upside down shit, billy being an ass, stancy, anxiety and tense moments, fluff, protective!steve
Word Count: 7.0k
Author’s Note: Still a slow burn but Steve and the reader’s relationship is slowly starting to develop in this part! More of this chapter also represents Steve’s perspective on things, which was really fun to write. I also got to write more interaction with Dustin, which more is obviously yet to come, but I hope you guys enjoy!
Series Masterlist | Part 2 | Next Part
While your conversation last night had helped him calm down a bit about Nancy’s comments about their relationship, Steve was still trying really damn hard to keep his cool about it. After all the years of being an asshole and putting himself first, he knew he didn’t deserve for things to go his way. But it was his senior year. He had hoped at least something could go according to plan, but shit seemed like it just kept finding new ways to hit the fan.
This turned out to be especially true when he was in his P.E. class, playing basketball against the same ass who wouldn’t leave you alone at Tina’s last night. Gym was the one class he didn’t usually have to worry about, his athleticism allowing it to be a distraction from his other responsibilities. In other words, it was a piece of cake. Besides, outside of study hall, it was the only class he was taking that you were also in. He would be lying if he said that it didn’t give him a bit of an ego boost to know that you were always there to watch him show off with whatever sport they played. He happened to excel at all of them.
That was until this asshole Billy showed up. Steve was pretty sure Billy was still mad about the way he interfered in his futile attempt to seduce you last night, and it was showing on the court with the way Billy was shoving at Steve every chance he got.
“Alright, alright, King Steve everyone,” Billy taunted, laughing as he dribbled the ball, “I like it, playing tough today.”
“Do you ever stop talking, man? Come on,” Steve rolled his eyes. He was just about done with this dude’s shit.
“What? You afraid that coach is gonna bench you now that I’m here? Huh?” Billy asked, getting closer and closer to Steve. He shoved into Steve, causing the boy to take a hard fall, hitting the ground pretty hard, before Billy tossed the ball effortlessly into the hoop.
You rolled your eyes from the bleachers. Boys are so fucking stupid. You were glad coach didn’t care what the girls were doing during class, more focused on the extra practice that his team was getting in; the one time sexism paid off. Most of the time you just brought homework to work on, using the class as an additional study period.
You saw Billy grab Steve’s hand to help him up, saying something to him you couldn’t quite hear, before shoving him back down to the floor.
“Alright, let’s take five everyone! Go get water, stretch, whatever, just be back in here otherwise I’m marking you absent,” your coach yelled out the empty threat, and you hopped off the bleachers and made your way over to Steve.
“So, today doesn’t really seem like your day,” you teased, offering your hand to help Steve up. He gladly took it, happy that at least through all the (as Nancy would word it) bullshit, you were still there, something he couldn’t say for his girlfriend at the moment. He shoved the thought down.
“Evidently not. You know, that Billy Hargrove kid is a real pain in my ass,” Steve fumed, “I mean first he shows up driving like a mad man in the goddamn parking lot, and now he won’t stop fucking shoving me. Like hello? Is that not a fucking foul?! And don’t get me fucking started on him coming on to you at Tina’s last night and refusing to leave you the hell alone until I had to get involved. What if I wasn’t there? What would he have done to you? I swear if he talks to you one more—“
You cut him off, “woah, woah, woah, Steve. You need to calm down. He’s just an ass, it’s not worth your time. Plus, you know I can handle my own and he’s left me alone since then, so I’m sure it’s all going to be fine. Don’t worry about me.”
“That’s what you don’t get, y/n. I’m always worried about you,” he sounded exasperated and his tone was angry, but you knew it was misdirected. You tried not to flush at the sentiment. You knew that he cared but sometimes it still surprised you considering a year ago you were largely blissfully unaware of each other’s existence.
You decided it was best to give him a few moments to calm down. “I swear it’s all going to be fine,” you promised as you headed back to the bleachers. As you turned around, you suddenly realized that Nancy was there, gripping her purse strap as she made eye contact with you. She smiled a half smile and waved, and you wondered how much of last night she really remembered. You waved back as you took your seat.
She motioned for Steve to follow her outside and he hesitantly obliged, clearly not super excited about the conversation they were about to have. As soon as he cleared the doorway, you noticed a presence to your left turning to be met with the face of Billy Hargrove. You felt your heart stop in your chest. Even though you told Steve you could handle things on your own, it was a lot easier said than done.
“What do you want?” You demanded, facing forward to avoid giving him the satisfaction of your full attention.
“I just feel like we got off on the wrong foot is all,” he said, and you could hear the fake charm dripping from his lips like poison. You knew there were girls here that would fall for this shit, but you certainly weren’t one of them.
“I don’t know, I’m pretty partial to abiding by the first impression you set and I’m not feeling so generous as to give you a do over.”
He chuckled, “you’re feisty. I like that, you know.”
“I don’t give a rat’s ass what you do or do not like. Now if you could kindly leave me the fuck alone, I think your dumbass game is starting back up,” you nodded towards the court and the boys who had started to pass the ball again.
“You’ll see. You’re gonna give me a second chance, just wait,” he predicted as he hopped down the bleachers to join his classmates. Once he hit the court, Steve made his way back into the gym and you were thankful for the timing. The last thing you needed was these boys trying to kill each other. Steve looked a little bit defeated and you couldn’t help but wonder what Nancy had said.
Gym went on per usual for the last fifteen minutes of class: girls largely sitting in the bleachers, boys trying to show off for them, until the two groups finally parted ways to change and clean up in their respective locker rooms before the bell rang in ten minutes. You waved at Steve as you made your way out of the gym, and he offered a half-hearted one in return.
Steve’s conversation with Nancy had gone just about as bad as he thought it would. Of course she didn’t remember the shit she said last night; that would be too convenient. Steve was still hung up on the fact that she couldn’t even tell him that she loved him. Was it all just a lie?
Steve headed over to the showers and undressed, hoping that the hot water could wash away some of the anger he was feeling. He had a tendency to be hot headed at times, but he was trying to turn over a new leaf. He was trying to be better, and he wasn’t going to let his temper get the best of him.
He watched as Billy made his way over to him, picking the shower to his right as turned the water on, “don’t sweat it Harrington. Today’s just not your day, man.”
Perfect, this was just perfect. Steve ignored him, continuing to run shampoo through his hair.
“More like not your week,” Tommy H added as he stepped up beside the two boys, “you and the princess break up and she immediately runs off with the freak’s brother.”
“Bullshit. I just talked to her.”
“Oh shit, you don’t know,” Tommy smiled, happy to have found more shit to throw at Steve today. “Jonathan and the princess ran off after your little conversation. She got in his beat up old car in the parking lot and it looks like they’re ditching the rest of the day. But that must just be a coincidence, right?”
Tommy laughed as he turned the water off and walked away.
“Don’t take it too hard, man,” Billy spoke up, “a pretty boy like you has got nothing to worry about. Plenty of bitches in the sea.”

Steve continued to ignore him, not having the time or energy for his shit, when Billy reached over to turn off the shower, leaving Steve soap covered and angry. He patted Steve on the back before walking away, adding “I’ll make sure to leave you some. Not y/n though. I’ve got my eye on her.”
Steve glared at him before aggressively turning the water back on. He hadn’t known about Nancy and Jonathan running off together, and frankly right now he didn’t’ care. He had always gotten weird vibes from their relationship. Hell, if he was being honest, they were probably the same vibes that Nancy got from his relationship with you. He didn’t really have time to think about all of that though, instead fuming over Billy’s persistent obsession with you.
Billy had only been here for a few fucking days and he was already causing problems Steve didn’t need. He could put up with the snide comments and taunts, but the second he came for you again, Steve’s patience would be out the window.
What a hell of a senior year.
It was a Saturday afternoon. Normally you didn’t babysit on Saturdays because Mrs. Henderson was off work, but she had called you the night before, saying she needed you. It was kind of hard to tell what she was saying because she seemed very upset, her emotion leaking into her voice and making her extremely difficult to understand. Something about her…cat being missing? Either way, you were headed toward the Henderson household, frustrated that you’d lost one of your only free days of the week, but you needed the extra cash, so here you were.
Before you could even make it up the porch steps to knock so that Dustin could let you in, he was flying out the door, bumping into you and knocking you off balance in the process.
“Code red! I repeat this is a code red!” He yelled into his headset as he darted past you, heading to grab his bike from the front lawn. You rolled your eyes and pivoted.
“Dude, what the hell?” You were ready to yell at him, to lecture him to be more careful, but he was mounting his bike and pedaling down the street before you could even conjure up the words. “Where the fuck do you think you’re going? You can’t just leave!”
“Y/n, I’m sorry! It’s an emergency! My mom’s bike is in the garage and I’m headed to the Wheelers’, but I have to go, now! Please don’t kill me!” He yelled over his shoulder as he got farther and farther away from you.
“I don’t know how to…ride a bike,” you started off yelling before going back to a normal speaking volume as you sighed, realizing your shouting was futile. With no other options, you thanked the universe that you had worn your tennis shoes today, and took off sprinting towards the Wheelers’.
Simultaneously, Steve was headed to the same location. He’d stopped to pick up a bouquet of roses for Nancy on the way, feeling the need to sort things out with her before it was too late. He wasn’t ready to give up on them just yet and he hoped that the gift would work like a bit of a peace offering to reset the balance and make everything okay again.
He parked his BMW in front of her house, rehearsing what he would say when she answered the door as he got out of his car.
“Listen, I’ve been thinking, I love you, I’m sorry….I’m sorry? What the hell am I sorry for?” He muttered as he made his way towards the front door.
“Steve! Are those for Mr. or Mrs. Wheeler?” It was the Henderson kid. Steve didn’t have the time for this, looking at the boy in annoyance.
“No?” He replied, confused at the boy’s line of questioning.
“Good,” Dustin replied as he grabbed the flowers and made his way towards Steve’s parked car. A rose fell from the bouquet in the process and Steve leaned down to pick it up before following the child.
“Hey! What the hell?”
“Nancy isn’t home.”
“Where is she?”
“Doesn’t matter,” Dustin started, “we have bigger problems than your love life.” He opened the passenger door. “Do you still have that bat?”
“Bat? What bat?” Steve asked. Why the hell is this kid getting in my damn car?
“The one with the nails?” Dustin clarified, throwing his hands up in a way that irritated Steve. Of course that was the bat the kid was talking about. How could he possibly have not known that considering the fact that it had been sitting in the trunk of another vehicle for a full calendar year, untouched?
“I’ll explain it on the way,” Dustin replied as he sat down. Steve was a bit thrown off by how immediate this had to be, not really in the mood to chauffeur the Henderson boy around. He felt anxiety creep up in his chest as he thought back to the last time he had to use the bat in question.
“Now?” Steve clarified as he jogged towards his car.
“Now!” Dustin confirmed as he slammed the car door shut. Steve quickly slid into the driver’s seat, starting the car and putting it in gear. He was about ready to pull away when hands slammed against his window, causing him and Dustin to scream out, alarmed by the sudden noise.
There you were, huffing and puffing from your impromptu run through the neighborhood. The anger on your face was glaringly apparent, neither boy recalling a time that you’d looked that mad before. And Dustin especially had done enough to make you pretty damn mad. You yanked the car door open and collapsed in the backseat of the BMW.
“What the hell y/n? You scared the absolute shit out of me! I could’ve run you over or something! Where the hell’d you even come from? Why are you even here?” Steve turned around to yell at you. You glared up at him with fire in your eyes, continuing to pant as you aggressively pushed a strand of hair aside that had fallen out of your ponytail and into your face.
“Do you want to tell him or should I?” You growled as your gaze shifted to the Henderson boy, who was attempting to shrink into nothing in the front seat.
“I-I told you that you could take the bike?” He squeaked out, clearly afraid of your wrath. You were usually so calm all of the time, so the rage permeating through the car was borderline terrifying.
“I don’t know how to ride a goddamn bike!” You screamed as you squeezed your eyes shut. It was embarrassing, but you were too frustrated right now to focus on that.
“That….well, that was an oversight on my part,” Dustin replied.
“Wait, she’s fucking babysitting you and you took off on a bike and left her behind? What the fuck dude?” Steve interjected, angry on your behalf.
“Yeah, I could have walked you to the damn Wheelers’ house! Leaving me like that was way out of line, asshole.”
“It is an emergency!” Dustin attempted to defend himself, “I’m sorry I left you by yourself to walk—“
“Run.” You corrected.
“—to run after me. But I’m not going to apologize for leaving because some crazy ass shit is going on and I need help. Big time.”
Looking at the boy it was clear that something was very wrong. Normally he was pretty happy go lucky, but now he was pretty damn stoic. Your anger slowly faded as you thought to what the boy could possibly have meant by the code red earlier.
“It…it-it’s not…it’s not what I think it is, is it?” You whispered, unable to really get the words out.
“It’s probably exactly what you think it is,” Dustin pinched the bridge of his nose. Despite the fact that the boy had left you behind, you could understand his reasoning. This Upside Down shit was not something to be taken lightly, and you were glad you and Steve were here now to help him so he didn’t have to figure it out on his own.
Before either of you responded, Steve put the car in gear for a second time, pulling away from the Wheeler residence. You guys were already losing light and Steve’s house wasn’t super close, meaning that time was of the essence.
“So…it’s the demogorgon,” Steve finally spoke up, saying what you had been unable to earlier.
“Well, not exactly,” Dustin started, “on Halloween, I found this…thing in my trashcan, really small you know—non threatening and the like—and I did some research and thought it was a pollywog—“
“A polly-what?” Steve interjected.
“A pollywog. Kind of like a tadpole, but that’s not important. Anyway, I kept it and I named it D’Artagnan, Dart for short, because I thought I had discovered a new species. Turns out I wasn’t entirely wrong because it molted last night and it’s definitely a precursor to a full blown demogorgon.”
“Shit,” you whispered and your right hand instinctively went to grasp your upper left arm, shielding your wounds from your previous encounter with the beast.
“How big did you say this thing was again?” Steve asked, not entirely convinced that this was as large a threat as Dustin was making it out to be.
“It started out like this,” he held his hands close together, “and now it’s like this,” he added as he spaced them significantly farther apart. You shuddered; if Dustin wasn’t exaggerating, this thing was now closer to the size of a small dog. It had only been a few days since he found the thing, how long did you guys have until it was the hulking nine-foot monster that had attacked you last year?
“Dude, it’s probably just some little lizard, man,” Steve began trying to brush the boy off.
“It’s not a lizard!”
“How do you know it’s not just some lizard?” Steve shot back, annoyed at the fact that this could potentially be a false alarm. Throughout Dustin’s explanation Steve kept looking at you in the rearview mirror and he could tell you were starting to get worked up over the potential of another supernatural threat.
“How do I know it’s not some lizard? Because his face opened up and he ate my cat,” Dustin deadpanned, bothered by the fact that Steve wasn’t believing him. This answer seemed to be acceptable as Steve dropped the subject, nodding, not really sure what he could say.
“Wait, Mews is dead?” You asked, your heart dropping a bit. You loved that cat; she was such a good study buddy when you were killing time at the Henderson household. Dustin just nodded quietly from the front seat.
None of you really knew what to say, so you sat in silence as Steve drove the rest of the way to his house. You all needed time to process this; time that you didn’t have. As he pulled up, you paused to take in the sight of the Harrington household. It was huge, an elaborate display of wealth that almost made you sick to your stomach. He unlocked the trunk of another vehicle, most likely an extra one that was used on occasion, pulling out the bat that he had used to save your life last year.
“Alright. Let’s do this,” Steve sounded confident, not allowing his voice to waver in the slightest. You all went to pile back into the BMW, Dustin heading for the passenger seat again when Steve grabbed him by his collar, stopping the boy in his tracks. “Nice try, pipsqueak. You’re in back.”
You chuckled as Steve opened the door for you. You spent the ride back to Dustin’s focusing on what potential horror may lie ahead of you. At least it’s smaller this time, you kept telling yourself. If you could take on a monster several feet taller than you last year, you could kick the puppy sized equivalent easy, right?
Dustin took you around the back of his house to the cellar. Despite the fact that it was locked shut, you still approached it with caution, not entirely sure of what the monster inside of it was capable of. The three of you stared at the closed doors, not really sure what you were waiting for.
“I don’t hear shit,” Steve finally spoke up, referring to the silence coming from the cellar below. If there was one thing that you knew from your supernatural encounter last year, it was that this thing was far from quiet. Sometimes you would wake up in a cold sweat, the memory of the low growl, the chattering, the screeching, coming back to you in your most vulnerable state.
“He’s in there,” Dustin promised. Steve began to hit the metal doors with the bat, still not entirely convinced. When there was no response, Steve turned to the boy.
“Alright, listen kid, I swear if this is just some Halloween prank, you’re dead,” Steve looked him dead in the eye. He knew from Halloween night how much this still affected you and if he was being honest, the experience still took a toll on him as well, so if this punk kid thought he was going to prank the two of you by forcing you to relive the most terrifying experience of your lives, he had another thing coming.
“Woah, woah, woah, how about we calm the fuck down? I get paid to babysit this damn kid, and I’ll be damned if I let you touch a hair on his head,” you got between the two boys, glaring up at Steve. Even though he had changed, you didn’t trust that his hot headedness wouldn’t return in a momentary lapse of judgment. Steve thought you looked entirely too maternal, and it made his heart skip, but he put his hands up and rolled his eyes. You turned toward Dustin.
“That being said. If this is a prank, I’m going to be pissed the fuck off,” you shot the boy a warning glance before adding, “now, do you have a key for this thing?”
Dustin tossed you the keys, but Steve intercepted them before you could catch them. He unlocked the doors, pulling them open to reveal a very dark and uninviting looking cellar. It was the kind of darkness you would have been afraid of as a child, worrying that the shadows housed imaginary monsters. However, this time you weren’t a kid and those monsters were far from imaginary. You and Steve pointed your flashlights down there, illuminating the cellar floor to display the nothingness. It was almost more unnerving than if the monster had just been there…almost.
“He must be farther down there…I’ll stay up here in case he tries to escape,” Dustin was quick to add, being so kind as to volunteer to stay far from the potential danger. You and Steve stared at him in disbelief. The nerve of this kid.
“You’ve gotta be fucking kidding, dude. It’s your problem, and you’re gonna be an absolute wimp about it after we’ve spent our afternoons chauffeuring you around town?” Steve fumed, about done with Dustin’s shit.
“I’m still in middle school! You guys are at least a modicum closer to being adults than I am, so it only makes sense that—“
You cut him off, swiftly grabbing the nail bat from Steve’s grasp. “You both are a bunch of cowards,” you sighed as you started making your way down the stairs. Behind you, you could hear the sounds of arguing between the two of them, each one shaming the other that they had let you, a woman, go down there alone.
“What the hell man? You’re really gonna let her go down there by herself? Not cool”
“She wouldn’t have gone in the first place if you hadn’t immediately wimped out.”
“I’m in eighth grade! You’re a fucking senior! You go down there! Man up!”
Chivalry is dead, you thought as you pulled the string to turn on the overhead light.
Your heart stopped when you saw the slick pile of shedded skin sitting in the middle of the cellar. This thing was bigger now. You felt the anxiety creep up in your chest and you swallowed the lump in your throat as you readjusted your grip on the bat, struggling to grasp it as your hands trembled. That’s when you noticed the gaping hole in the side of the cellar. You cautiously approached it, realizing it was tunneled out farther than the light from your flashlight could reach. The thought of what was lurking in that hole made you shudder.
Meanwhile, the boys finished their futile argument, not realizing you had completely disappeared into the cellar, now out of view. Steve and Dustin, stared at each other, wide eyed and panicking, realizing how gravely they had messed up.
“Y/n?” Dustin yelled hesitantly down the steps.
Upon hearing no response, Steve’s heart rate picked up and he spoke up as well, “y/n, what’s going on down there?”
Suddenly, you popped around the corner without warning, causing the boys to jump. “Get down here,” your tone was serious and the boys swiftly made their way down the cellar stairs, finally joining you as they should have done in the first place. You picked up the molted skin of Dustin’s discovery, showing it to the boys.
“Oh shit,” Dustin whispered, but when you pointed out the gaping hole in the cellar, he repeated it more emphatically, “Oh shit!”
“Yeah, ‘oh shit’ is right. We need to find it,” you turned to look at the boys. You wouldn’t let it roam Hawkins again. You wouldn’t let another Will get taken or another Barb get killed.
“It’s too dark out to do anything about it tonight,” Steve reminded you. There was no safe way for you to catch this thing. You had no game plan, no supplies, nothing.
“Steve,” you begged, looking up at him through your lashes. Even though you knew he was right, it made you nauseous to think about leaving this for tomorrow. You didn’t know how you would sleep tonight knowing that that monster was unaccounted for.
“Y/n, I’m sorry, but we just can’t. You know that. Think about how awful it was last time and we knew where the damn thing was and had a whole ass warning system for when it showed up. We can’t just walk out into the woods in total darkness expecting to find it and come out unscathed. We just can’t,” Steve replied, looking at you with sympathy. He didn’t want to leave this for tomorrow either, but you were just going to have to settle for that. There wasn’t another option.
You took a deep breath and nodded. Dustin turned to head back up out of the cellar, exiting the main room, out of sight as he bounded up the stairs happy to be out of there. When you turned to follow, you felt a gentle hand on the small of your back. You turned to face Steve and he moved his hand to your upper arm, placing his other hand at the nape of your neck. You looked him in the eye and swallowed the lump in your throat. This was the most sincere you had ever seen him.
“Hey, everything is gonna be okay. I’m gonna make sure of it, I promise,” Steve said quietly. You breathed in deeply and nodded, trying to trust him even though all of this was wildly out of your control. He let go of you reaching his hand between you, pinky extended, just like it had been in the library.
You felt a pang in your chest. That was how your lives should be; just two dumb high school students studying, thinking about what colleges you were going to go to, making stupid promises about parties that were more fun in theory than they were in actuality. Not whatever this was. But nonetheless you took his pinky in yours and you hoped with all your might that he’d be able to keep his promise; that everything would be okay.
“Hello? Are you guys coming? Did the demogorgon come back and eat the two of you alive?” Dustin’s voice rang out, sounding annoyed as it echoed in the open cellar.
“Not funny!” You shouted back, the moment between you and Steve fizzling out, as you dropped each other’s pinkies, making your way out of the cellar. You shut the heavy metal doors, triple checking that they were locked before standing to draw up a game plan with the boys.
“Alright, how about I pick you both up around 10:00 tomorrow morning?” Steve asked, looking between you and Dustin.
“That works. Dustin, your mom’s home, right? Her car was in the driveway, yeah?” You asked, making sure that Dustin wasn’t alone.
“Yep, everything should be fine here. Well, other than the whole Dart-ate-my-cat thing but yeah, I’m good. Your babysitting services are no longer needed for the evening.”
You walked him to the front door and thanked Mrs. Henderson as she paid you for watching him on a weekend. You could tell the poor woman was still distraught about her cat, and you couldn’t help but feel a pang in your chest. You and Steve made your way back over to his car and he opened the passenger door for you once again. He started driving towards your subdivision when you spoke up.”
“Steve, stop.”
He was getting flashbacks to Halloween, when the discussion of Barb had been too much for you to handle. “Woah, y/n is everything okay?” He asked, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder.
“I just…I-I don’t want to be alone,” you stammered, “my parents work nights and I just have a bad feeling about all of this, and I’m not quite ready to be by myself. Can you just give me a minute to calm down a little?”
You looked up at Steve innocently, your facial features twisted with worry. It was a look that could break him. He remembered his promise to you; that everything would be okay. He decided that this is where that promise started. He didn’t say anything as he turned down a side street with a cul-de-sac, making his way back to the top of the street before turning in the opposite direction of your house.
“Steve, what are you doing?”
“You can stay at mine tonight. My parents aren’t home this weekend anyway so it’ll be fine,” he assured you.
“Are you sure? I really don’t want to intrude,” you asked quietly, hoping that he didn’t change his mind.
“‘Don’t want to intrude’ my ass. The first time you came to my house you practically almost knocked down my door!” Steve laughed.
“Hey! It was an emergency! What was I supposed to do? Clearly I had exhausted all other resources by that point. The Henderson kid is a problem, you can blame him,” you defended yourself, giggling as you recalled the first time you sought Steve out.
“Nah, I’ll just thank him instead. It turned out to be a really good thing for me, you know?” He smiled at you. He was right; Dustin being a hellish child to babysit ended up turning out pretty damn good…aside from all of the paranormal, supernatural bullshit you were both knee deep in.
But that didn’t matter right now, as Steve turned on the radio, the two of you singing out of key to the latest hits as he drove off towards his house.
Sure, it was dark out, but it wasn’t too late yet, so Steve took you out back by the pool. You couldn’t imagine living in a place like this. In theory it would be awesome, but then you thought about how often his parents were gone, not to mention how hard they were on him, and you decided that you were better off in your small but loving home.
“So, yeah, this is the pool. I would say we could go for a swim, but it’s a little too cold for that,” Steve chuckled.
“Not too cold to sit out here, though,” you smiled as you took a seat on one of the lounge chairs.
“Be careful, you might get a sunburn,” Steve joked as he took a seat in the chair next to you. He thought about how the two of you had gotten to this point. Before you had knocked on his door that fateful day last fall, he had noticed you around school, but mostly just enough to know that you were a bit of a loner and you made good grades. Hell, he had almost reached out to you once or twice when his parents were on his ass about his poor performance in his classes, but he had always scoffed and rolled his eyes. Because how could he, King Steve, ever reach out to you?
He wished he had. He wondered how different things would have been. If he would have fallen in love with Nancy or if he would’ve been spared the heartache. He’d never know but he couldn’t help but contemplate how different your relationship would have been if you hadn’t been brought together by trauma. Maybe she wouldn’t have even wanted to speak to me, he reasoned.
“You know, if you told me a year ago that I would be hanging out one on one with Steve Harrington at his house, I would’ve called you crazy,” you had gotten up, moving to sit by the side of the pool, kicking your legs back and forth in the cold water.
“I was just thinking about that actually,” Steve admitted, “do you ever wonder how different it would be if we met before all this shit happened?”
“I mean, to be honest, not really. I think we both had some growing to do before we were ever going to get along. Last year kind of forced us to grow up a little faster than we really needed to. Maybe that’s a bad thing, but right now it seems pretty good to me,” you looked at him with sincerity. You meant every word of it.
“What do you mean both of us? I was the one that was an ass, you were perfect all on your own beforehand.”
You flushed with the praise, “no, seriously, I had some growing up to do too. Back then I thought I had you all figured out. I was confident that you were just some asshole jock, and I wouldn’t have guessed you had the capacity to change. I kind of stuck to myself, and I didn’t have a lot of friends, so I guess in a way, I was a bit jealous of you. People just gravitate towards you; I blend in so much I might as well not even be there.”
“Well, if it makes you feel any better, Billy sure is noticing you,” Steve muttered, and you couldn’t contain your laughter. You wish he’d stop being so focused on that, but you knew how protective he tended to be, so it made sense that it would still be on his mind after how Billy had treated you on Halloween.
“Yeah, that definitely doesn’t make me feel better; actually quite the contrary,” you chuckled, “you know, on paper you both should get along.”
“That’s so not true.”
“Think about it! You’re both athletic, flirt too much for your own good, have pretty good hair, popular beyond my wildest imagination, and you guys are both chick magnets. Forgive me for seeing some similarities,” you smirked. You knew it would set him off, which is exactly why you said it. If you were being completely honest, his frustration was a bit amusing at times.
“Yeah, but he’s like a complete asshole! I would never have just grabbed you like he did at that party. That was not fucking cool. Like yeah, of course he’d want to talk to you, look at you, but couldn’t he have just introduced himself and struck up a damn conversation instead of immediately getting handsy and shit? Like fuck!”
“What do you mean of course he’d want to talk to me?” You asked, baffled. You hadn’t really dated at all because no one was really interested in the weird alt girl who, despite all stereotypes, was killing herself to make good grades.
“I hate to break it to you, but you’re pretty. And you’re not like every other bitch. You’re different and you stand out because of it. In a good way. Now stop being self deprecating and get inside, we’re going to have to wake up at the ass crack of dawn so we can pick up your damn kid,” he offered you a hand to help you up from the ground, which you gladly took, trying and failing not to flush at the compliment.
He led you upstairs after giving you a tour of the main level. “Here is the guest room, you can sleep in here tonight. Wait here a second,” he added as he darted across the hall, disappearing into what you assumed to be his room. You took in the sight of the guest bedroom. It was perfectly set up, and though it was pristine and tastefully decorated, something about it felt cold and lonely; impersonal.
Before you could think about it too much, Steve returned with a stack of clothes in his hands. “You can wear these. I-I assumed you didn’t want to sleep in jeans. It’s just, um, it’s just a pair of my sweatpants and a t-shirt, but I can take them back if you’d rather just you know, keep those on,” he said as he gestured to you and your outfit. You chuckled as you took the stack of clothes from him.
“Thanks, Steve. I really appreciate it,” you smiled up at him through your lashes.
She’s gonna be the death of me, Steve thought, as he felt his cheeks heat up from your gratitude. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, no problem. Um, well…I’m right across the hall if you need anything. Sleep well, y/n,” he smiled at you.
“Sleep well, Harrington,” you replied, entering the guest bedroom. Once Steve was no longer with you, you felt all of your fear and anxiety invade your consciousness again. You swiftly changed and looked at yourself in the full length mirror hung on the wall. I could get used to this, you thought, feeling butterflies in your stomach from the fact that you were in Steve’s clothes. It all felt too domestic. You were beginning to blur the line between friends and something more, and the thought made you a little nauseous. You weren’t sure you were ready for that.
But as you laid in the big bed in the very empty and lonely guest room, fear crept up in your chest, and you decided that none of that mattered as you quietly crossed the hall, knocking softly on Steve’s door. He answered almost immediately, a concerned look across his face.
“Is something wrong?” He quickly asked, his hands hovering around your frame as he scanned you up and down to make sure nothing was amiss.
“I-I just…I still think I’m not quite ready to be by myself,” your voice was small and you looked down at the floor, embarrassed. You felt weak and wished that you were strong enough to face this without needing someone to lean on. But that’s what friends were for.
“Of course! Yeah, um I can sleep on the floor and you can take my bed, I have an extra pillow in the—“
You cut him off, “Steve! You are not going to sleep on the floor.”
“Uh, yeah I am?”
“Over my dead body,” you shot back, “I’ll sleep on the floor.”
“You’re a guest!”
“Yeah, a guest that’s being difficult!”
“Y/n,” he warned.
“The way I see it we’re either both sleeping on the floor or we’re both sleeping in the bed, so take your pick Harrington,” you replied, pinching the bridge of your nose. Nothing could be easy with this boy.
“I sleep on the left side,” he sighed as he flopped onto the bed. You flopped down next to him, and you both turned to face away from each other. You felt your heart rate slow as the fear dissipated from your body, your shoulders finally being able to relax. Steve made you feel safe, and you wouldn’t trade that for anything else.
If only you knew that Steve felt the same way about you, and that you were the only one keeping his panic at bay. There was so much uncertainty in his life right now; Nancy, college, demogorgon-upside-down bullshit. Everything felt like it was going to shit, but you were the one thing that was going right.
You were the only constant he had right now.
As the two of you drifted off to sleep, it was the first time in a long time that either of you felt truly at peace. As the night went on, the distance between you began to disappear, as you slowly shifted towards each other, your legs tangled together under Steve’s soft sheets. Tomorrow would likely bring more pain, uncertainty, and problems, but right now that didn’t matter. All that mattered was the two of you, in Steve’s bedroom, sleeping so soundly that for a moment things seemed right with the world.
a/n: Thanks so much for reading! Please let me know what you think! Also, if you feel so inclined as to reblog, I would not be mad ;)
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londondziban · 8 months
No one asked but I'm bored so here are my ratings of popular Stranger Things ships! (kind of a long post).
Disclaimer: Ship who you wanna ship. This is just for fun :)
Byler: 100/10, I love my boys. No notes.
Lumax: Also a 100/10. They're just so!!!
Elmax: 9/10. I love them with my whole heart but I'm a Lumax shipper first and foremost.
Elumax: 100000/10. Literal perfection. Elmax AND Lumax (and Hopclair, depending on how you view the ship dynamic)? Literally what more could you want?
Duzie: 7/10. They're cute and I really like Suzie. I wish we could've seen more of them, maybe Suzie will come back with a bigger role next season.
Henderhop: 6/10. Typically I HC El as a lesbian but I actually like this pairing. Definitely not a ship I'd die on but I enjoy interacting with the fan content.
Henderclair: 6/10. Listen, I love their dynamic. If I didn't HC Dustin as the token straight, I'd probably rate them higher. Platonically? Literally everything to me. Romantically? I'm not opposed.
Byclair: 8/10. I also like them a lot but I'm a die-hard Byler shipper. I do enjoy interacting with the fan content though!
Wheelclair: 7/10. They're silly and I love them but this is a particular dynamic I prefer platonic. I do HC that Mike had a crush on Lucas when they were younger though.
Mileven: 1/10. I'm just not a fan. I'm giving them a one solely cuz I enjoyed them in season 1 when I first watched the show in middle school, but I'm definitely not a fan of this ship at all. Platonically though?? Amazing.
Jancy: 10/10. I love them. I'm praying every day that the Duffers didn't completely fuck them up and that they'll be endgame.
Ronance: 9/10. I like them, they're cute. I interact with a lot of their fan content. Let's go lesbians.
Rovickie/Rockie: 7/10. I just don't know enough about Vickie yet to know if them as endgame is what I'm rooting for, but from what we've seen they're cute.
Stonathan: 10/10. I love them and I'm so excited for their interactions in season 5! They're the enemies to lovers.
Jargyle: 9/10. Love me some stoner boyfriends. They've definitely kissed before at least once.
Stancy: -10000/10. BOOOOOOO 🍅🍅🍅. They are not right for each other. Steve deserves someone who loves him and Nancy deserves someone she loves.
Stoncy: 3/10. If it's in the way that Steve and Jonathan are dating and Jonathan and Nancy are dating with Nancy and Steve being platonic, then sure. But if it's all three dating, nah. Steve and Nancy just don't work imo.
Buckingham (Chrissy x Robin): 8/10. I think this is considered a rare pair but I think they're adorable and I love the fan content around them.
Hellcheer: 5/10. Not my favorite but I have no issues with this ship. I see the vision of them as best friends mainly.
Steddie: 5/10. They're not bad and I interact with some of their fan content (some of their tiktok edits go hard), but they're just kind of okay, you know?
Jopper: 10/10. I love them. Been a Jopper fan since day one. They're so endgame.
If there's any other ships you want to know my opinion on, let me know!
(All fun and games here, y'all. Ship whatever you want)
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spiritual sequel to this <3
He gulps, his adam's apple pressing against the broken bottle. For a second he is transported back to an eternity ago, when he and Nance had still been together. The weird freaky loner was suddenly imposing, a real threat that could be enacted upon at any moment. His heart is beating too fast but he knows it isn't just out of fear. First Jonathan Byers, now Eddie Munson. He clearly has a type.
And then he thinks: no. And he simply refuses.
See, Steve has learnt over the years that he is very good that. Refusing. His parents commanded him to maintain an upstanding reputation, rebellious and neglected as he was he obviously refused, and somehow they never found out about the parties he used throw in their residence. Tommy and Carol - his closest friends since kindergarden - told him again and again to drop Nancy, and he refused. Billy almost killed him because he refused to let him harm his kids. Robin told him she was a lesbian, so he refused to have romantic feelings for her and now she is the best friend he has ever had and his literal soulmate (platonic with a capital P, of course)
So he remembers how disappointed Lucas looked when he didn't see any of his friends - or even his sister - on the stands. He remembers how much fun Lucas always has playing D&D, how his eyes shone when he talked about Eddie and his awesome campaigns. He remembers how much of a jackass Jason Carver - who somehow managed to become team captain - had been back when he'd first started basketball (and from what Robin tells him, he only got worse). He hadn't even instigated this particular bout of violence by insulting Munson's little brother who had recently disappeared and been presumed dead (his insides still try to tear themselves to pieces in shame every time he thinks about that) so he doesn't need to feel guilty.
Suddenly it is much easier to focus on the ugly raw desperation in those eyes instead of their warm brown color. The strong grip on his arm is nothing but uncomfortable (and no, definitely not in that way). Eddie's self-care routine must be awful judging by the chapped state of his lips (no, the fact that Jonathan Byers did not own a single moisturizer when he'd had a crush on him does not come into play here. Neither the fact that Munson's lips are very close to his). And, most importantly, he must be an awful person because not only did he steal Steve's kids away, but he doesn't even do the bare minimum and properly take care of them. On the contrary, he had the audacity to turn Dustin and Mike against Lucas. Who had been best friends since before middle school.
(Steve doesn't even have to actively suppress any details this time. He remembers how Lucas tried to hide his disappointment when Steve and Robin had been the only ones from their little gang who came to congratulate him. The thought alone makes him angry enough that the only thing he can see is red.)
Dustin pleads for Eddie to let go and it is even easier to ignore how "weirdos who look like they haven't slept in a week and can absolutely kick his ass" seem to really do something for him while not feeling the other's warm breath against his face. They have a short discussion that ends with them leaving Eddie behind for now. Alone. Doesn't feel too good, huh?
It's not like he thinks that Eddie committed the murders. The tremor in his voice and tears in his eyes remind him of his own first few days after finding out about the upside down, and he doesn't think that Dustin and Mike would be so blinded by their adoration that they'd miss the fact that the dude they worship is a literal serial killer, nosy little shits that they are. And sure, the guy doesn't deserve to have the entire town call him a satanic serial killer and chase him like a wild dog. And sleeping in a fucking boat can't be really comfortable.
Eddie is also the reason that Lucas had to celebrate his victory with a bunch of strangers he didn't feel comfortable with. Eddie is the reason that Lucas isn't here right now, where Steve can keep an eye on him. The upside down is making their move once again and Hopper is dead and Joyce is gone and at least Mike flew away into safety (please be safe) but Max is gone and Lucas is gone and he has to take care of Robin too and also fucking Eddie Munson who is the fucking reason their group isn't complete right now and he can feel his nerves fraying and he is losing his fucking mind.
So maybe he resents Eddie for being able to befriend the kids without having to go through multiple traumatic experiences with them. Maybe he resents how obsessed Dustin and Mike are with him even though he doesn't even care for them. Maybe he resents how Lucas' disappointment reminds him so much of when he still searched for his parents after a good game: that stubborn glimmer of hope he couldn't erase even if he knew how foolish it was. Maybe he resents how Eddie never felt the need to pretend to be someone else, how he was always loud and weird and a freak and stood to it no matter what people said. Maybe he resents Eddie for being another person he has to look after even though he is the eldest (it is his responsibility to keep everybody safe but he isn't sure he can do it and why is Eddie allowed to be scared when Steve has also seen death and blood and guts and Eddie is just as close to the kids and he's even older than him and it isn't fucking fair). Maybe he is just tired and terrified and fucking mad because they don't fucking deserve this. Eddie was the one thing that made school less unbearable for the kids, and the upside down had to come and taint that, too.
Well, it doesn't matter either way. This isn't about him. This is about Robin and Nancy and the kids and now also Eddie Munson. Maybe he doesn't like him, but that doesn't matter. Because he is the protector, and it is his job to keep everybody safe, and he has already failed way too often. Protection - the right to live and not be ripped into pieces by terrifying monsters from another dimension - isn't something that has to be earned.
The door falls shut behind them. The last thing he sees are wide terrified eyes.
He can't stop thinking about Lucas and Max.
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stevie-petey · 12 days
m what a very delicious chapter four that was! also crazy to think that you're already halfway through the season so congrats!! also congrats on ur semester ending, that's awesome :D!
i loooooove the casual intimacy of stug this episode, all the actions of them just knowing that their place was by the other's side is soooo beautiful and omg bug actively thinking of how she loves steve in her head!!!! beautiful!!! and steve truly becoming a part of the henderson family with bug and dustin standing by him the way they would for each other when steve craves family the most ooooooo m don't do that to my heart!!!!! watching steve and bug grow closer and closer and more and more confident in each other and sure of each of their place in each other's lives is very sweet. the line of steve and bug feeling stable and sure whiile they are fighting is such a nice break from other parts of their lives where the disagreement IS the relationship, or it certainly feels defining of the relationship in that moment, instead of a natural course that just happens with two people. i also like the fairly reasonable side you give to both steve and bug. Bug's worries about her friends and family are entirely reasonable obviously, but omg i've been in steve's shoes countless times and i would drink mercury straight outta the bottle if it meant someone would tell me i'm doing the right thing. and i think that's a testament to your skill. it's difficult to create an argument where both sides have valid points and reasons to stand their grounds but remain respectful throughout.
dustin and bug are cute as always, very cute sibling moments! i loved seeing erica, she's a real treasure, and the sinclair siblings are low key my fave kids in the series <3 also i love that bug carries a knife because honestly at that point, why wouldn't you?
okay i really wanted to talk about this nancy and bug thing which is simply fascinating to me, particularly the difference in steve and nancy's reaction? firstly, i once again supporting val in jon being weirdo loser boy! what jon did was soooo lame!!!! WHY is he going to vent to the girl he left for nancy about his relationship problems WITH NANCY like miss girl that is not the move.......even if that girl is weirdly chill about it (which i think is fun remnant of being once boundary-less with each other which does need to change for both of them). also i would make sure there is an underwater volcano wherever val pushes him off the boat so that he is forced to become molten lava and crushed into sediment with the very boulder that was bound to him. and he does deserve that because he also hurt nancy! truly nothing more real than bug actively feeling like she's made the wrong dialogue choice in a social interaction. i felt very bad for her, it is NOT a good position to be stuck in between a couple, least of all, with THIS history. also nancy immediately getting upset at jon, frankly i really get it that is a fair thing to be mad at, especially with her well established insecurity about bug and jon's history with each other, and i think the thing that makes it hurt is that jon kind of knows it?? and still does it???? especially with nancy's context of having a fight and then not talking to her about it and then fighting in the morning.......if i were nancy's freind i'd be cheering for her to break up. and bug immediately trying to explain herself and ALSO explain jon os such a oooo tough mood to feel while nancy just feels like its a defence of jon is sooooo oooooo like yeah that is definitely a situation that johnathan has created!!! i also think its very interesting to how steve responds, very securely and calmly, and i think it speaks to not only how sure he feels about her, but also how differently jon postions in steve's life than bug does in nancy's? like i can't help but think of the terrible "she's everything i'm not" thought that nancy has had for a bit, compared to steve who yeah, is feeling low, but has never really compared himself to jon on such an intrinsic level, other than thinking bug deserves better than jon (she does!). very fun set up here and i can't wait to see how you develop it, i am soooo looking forward to the torture scene and possible revelations!!!
hi darling !!
u touched on SO MUCH
i will say that steves insecurities will shine through more in season 4. season 3 kinda sets up everyone for the next season. while steve will never necessarily be jealous of jon, there will be some tensions in regards to the mans fear of abandonment lmao. as for nancy and bug and jon: its such a mess. jon went to bug because hes exhausted and worried and knows that bug understands what he does and DOESNT say. its only something they have together due to their history. for nance: jon loves her and they have their own form of communication for their stubbornness and need to be right, but ultimately this makes them clash as well. nancy is upset BECAUSE she’s recognizing that bug has jons softer understanding while she has his harder understanding (if that makes sense). hes always weak around bug and strong around nancy and she just wants him to be soft with her too (and he wants nancy to be soft as well, show vulnerability)
theyre basically just a giant “pls be vulnerable” mess that shoves bug in between em. poor girl.
i will also point out that bug went to jon for steve advice as well. yeah they have their history together but they didnt just use each other as a crutch for free therapy sessions. she used jon to vent to as well because he will always be there for her and help her and want whats best, regardless of how they ended. im not defending jon 100%, but in that moment he wasnt thinking “i’ll vent to bug because shes always been weak for me” it was “im confused and scared and overwhelmed and need to talk to my best friend” :(
the sinclairs >>>>>> and YES FOR CASUAL STUG !!! theyre learning <3333
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schrijverr · 6 months
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ok, so rn im imagening that the Upside Down isn't the only other dimension and of course Dustin stumbles upon the first small creature that made it through.
It's a lill dragon, think terrible terrors from httyd, and Dustin is in love TM, bc holy shit he just found a DRAGON, that is nerd heaven for him. So, naturally he takes it in.
However, homie is smart enough not to pull another D'Art, but also not willing to let his new friend go. So, he claims that he saw something in the wood and it didn't look from this world, which naturally draws the whole party out.
He covertly lets his new friend out - he probably named him Smaug, the nerd <3 - and they all set chase to either catch it or see where it goes.
Smaug is both small and slippery, so it's more an undignified chase, though no one will ever admit that lmao.
Meanwhile, Smaug is chittering, trying to find his colony again and hearing their chitters back, meaning he leads all of them to this new portal. ...Aaaand that the dragons on the other side of it have become aware of its existance when they stumble upon it.
I'm mostly imagining the DnD part of the party's faces lol (especially Dustin, bc holy shit Smaug has BIGGER buddies than he thought and holy shit this might end up bad, like D'Art's buddies had).
I can't decide, who has the magic Dragon whisper powers, but im leaning Steve bc he has Disney Princess energy and can you imagine how sour Mike will be lmao.
Then they either get to dissapear into this other world and leave that fucked up world behind (aka using escapism as a coping mechanism (oehhh, you can also have only one person discovering it and going with the dragons and it being a metaphor of them escaping into their own mind and ultimately killing themselves, which is v dark and sad, but it came to me and I had to share it.))
Or they train the dragons and go terrorize the goverment, bc they deserve that <3 (and like Nancy exposes the whole Upside Down thing) and now we all live in a world with dragons bc that would be so so so cool and I want that for myself xp
This is more of an outline that anyone is free to take, bc I'm not planning on writing a whole thing, but it was a really fun excercise and got me writing again after a mental block.
Thank you @everythingsupsidedown for sending me this <333
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w3bheadz · 1 year
Byler vs. Mileven { And Other ST Ships }
Yes, I finally spelled the ship name right. Its not Milkvan, Its Mileven. I hate the fact that they say Byler shippers are always shitting on Mileven content, when in my personal experience, its the other way around. I literally got told to off myself bc I ship Byler. and yes, Mileven is cute until you realize the whole point of them being together. Istfg if I get WillEl people here, I’m gonna lose it. but honestly, don’t make fun of other ships, and dont shipshame unless its a proship. if I get told off about shipping Byler/Henclair/Elmax one more time, I may lose my mind. With Byler: It was happening before Eleven existed, please let them have their moment. Don’t come at Mike and say he’s a bad friend when he’s sacrificed himself and his entire life for his friends on multiple accounts 
Mike Slander: STOP WITH THE MIKE SLANDER. HE’S NOT A BAD FRIEND. Please remember these moments when he risked his life for people.
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Mike didnt even know El was there. he was prepared to die in order to protect Dustin. yall just like to ignore the fact that he’s a good person that doesnt know how to say I love you. Mike has been through so much and no one likes to recognize that.  And for real, we’re going to Stan Nancy, love her, and say shes your favorite when these scenes happen? (For context, I love Nancy but if Mike gets slandered, she should get it too.)
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and yes, she was drunk, but it was obviously her truth. then has the audacity to be all flirty in S4 when she has a boyfriend. Honestly they should have both left her tbh if we’re going to diss Mike and say he didn’t deserve Will OR El. 
Henclair: People seem to forget this has been a ship since S1. They act like its Billy X El or Nancy X Dustin?! Yes, they both have had girlfriends since S1, but please remember how Dustin was willing to leave the party so Lucas could be happy with max. now Henclair may be onesided, but it was there. Elmax: God the amount of shit this ship gets. Its so stupid, and for what? If we’re calling out toxic people in the early seasons, Max is added to the list. Shes a manipulative asshole, learned from the best (Her step-brother Billy) and then people stan her. Shes just like Nancy dude. I love her but if we’re going to say Mike is toxic, recognize Max and Nancy.
Look at Karen and Ted. They don’t love each other, thats obvious! Don’t come for the kids when they don’t know how to show love because of their parents! the only season I knew truly that Karen cared about her kids was S1 when she rushed everywhere to find Mike. Thats it. She flirted and almost had an affair with a 17 YEAR OLD! That is a MINOR. and people ship it. So if your gonna come for Emson (Gareth and Eddie) when the age different with emson is 3 years at most and Baren is 15-20 years. If you ship Baren, please gtfo my post. And obviously, all ships (THAT ARE LEGAL) are okay, have your own opinions, but dont hate. I beg for no hate, because it ruins peoples comfort ships. It makes you a bitch. that role is already taken for him, he doesnt like people stealing his job 
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so please, just no ship hate.
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wenclairisreal · 2 years
First we will start with Eleven, I honestly thought her character had so much potential this season and it wasn't completely wasted, I loved the scene where Nancy Robin and Steve killed Vecna, I think it's better in some ways because it ended differently, it wasn't flashing lights with eleven just killing the monster, because it was so much more.
I think Millie put so much extreme effort and emotion into season 4, she did the most amazing job and I really hope we get to see more of her in season 5.
Eddies death. Ok the duffer brothers better have pulled a hopper, Eddie is one of the most fun and loving characters in the show at this time, he is a comfort character to many including me, and killing him of was really unescessary, but not only was it unescessary, it was expected and predictable, duffer brothers always manage a way to kill off a character that everyone loves, but always keep the characters that everyone hates. And one last thing, something that made me so mad was the fact that we didn't get anybody else's reaction to his death, he died and Dustin would have left I presume. But we never got any of the characters to mourn his death, so that's really disappointing because It seemed as if nobody cared except for Dustin and Eddies uncle.
Rest in piece Edward Munson 🕊🎸
Now for Stancy, I can only say one thing.
Ok, I'm sure alot of people say this but we actually need to give Max a break, the poor kid isn't even 18 yet and has had to put up with being verbally and physically abused by Billy, then had to watch Billy get killed right in front of her, she had her stepfather leave which seemed to not bother her, but more bothered her mother which resulted in Max mostly being alone with just a few friends. And if Max is actually dead then so help me I will march up to the duffer brothers front doorstep and smash they're door down with an axe just to make them bring her back. And another thing, she got possessed multiple times and was floating around and shit twice, had a vision of Lucas turning against her, then floated the 2nd time whilst 3-4 of her bones snapped, both of her arms and one of her legs, and maybe more than we don't know of. Then now she's probably going to end up blind and have no memories, or dead.
Robin and Vickie.
I'm sorry this shit gotta be talked about, I personally think that Robin maybe deserves better than Vickie? But don't get me wrong, I think Vickie is an amazing character and I would love to see her and Robin have some kind of connection, but just hear me out, either Robin built confidence or lost feelings because in the ending scene when they were in the shelter, it was Vickie who was rambling, not Robin. Which means Robin wasn't nervous around her which can lead to her probably not having many feelings for Vickie as time had passed, and after Robin saw Vickie at warzone with her "boyfriend" she was talking to Steve and saying how it was probably time she got over it anyway.
And Vickie, I'm sorry babes but is Robin really just "someone from band"? Is she not more? Is she not your friend? And if you ain't gonna treat her right then I will 💀.
I don't have much to say but I personally liked Nancy's storyline in volume 2, it seemed similar to most, yk Nancy and her guns and her being the powerful slaying woman she is, I just wish we got more of her in vol.2 along with Robin as well. Apart from that I thought Nancy was hella badass and ate up every scene she was in. And how come nobody is talking about the fact that she was the one who killed vecna? Like he was the main villain of the whole show, he was only introduced in s4 but had really been there since s1, and "Nancy the priss wheeler" killed him without hesitation, and we support her for that.
Duffers, they had so much potential. SO MUCH, THEY EVEN HELD HANDS, still disappointed we didn't even get a hug or anything out of them instead we just got them making they're merry way out of the season not even together but more apart. I was screaming with joy by the scene we got to when Robin knelt down so Nancy could get up. And then they gave us stancy like 4 seconds later 🙄.
Like ur not helping the situation.
Will and his coming out.
I can't even say anything because HE DIDNT EVEN HAVE A COMING OUT, do you guys realise we waited around 6-7 years for will to come out and he didn't even mention the words himself. I atleast expected him to have a coming out scene to Jonathan or maybe Joyce when she came back, but nothing. Duffers, you have failed the gays once again.
Steve, don't get me wrong I love his character but.. I think there was too much wasted potential in this season for him to be a really good character, like what they should have done is sent Nancy and Robin to kill Vecna, and Steve and Eddie to play the guitar with the demo-bat thing, then sent Dustin with Max, Lucas, and Erica, I feel like him and Erica would have worked really well together. Anyway I still minorly enjoyed his screen time.
Stancy, again.
Ok so yes, I'm bringing them up again.
I think that bringing stancy back would ruin everything that Nancy and Steve have fought for.
Including the fact it would ruin both of the characters and they're development that they've both made over the 3-4 seasons. And overall I just don't like the ship. Like why would they ruin a perfectly fine jancy for Steve and Nancy. Would probably destroy me tbh.
Unpopular opinion, I don't really think Jason should have died. Yes I hated him but imagine you were in his situation, his girlfriend died out of nowhere and the last person she was with was Eddie. I personally would have wanted to get revenge, although I take that back for his last few scenes when he was alive. But if they can do character development with Steve they could have done it with Jason. And instead of killing Eddie off I think they all would have become pretty good friends. Go ahead and hate on me for that tho.
I think that's about it. Might make a part two idk
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pawnshopbleus · 2 years
GIRLLL, that robin x reader angst was amazing like the writting was it, i would love id you could write a part 2 bc now im invested 😭, no pressure bae take ur time and i hope ur doing well<3
I Was Never There - Part Two
Robin Buckley x Fem!Reader/platonic Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader 
summary - It’s been three months since you caught Robin cheating on you with Nancy. Now, she’s back and trying to beg for your forgiveness. 
warnings - angst, swearing, comfort, no second chances, fluff, Eddie Munson is GAY. 
words - 0.9k 
Part One Available Here! 
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YOU WERE lounging around your living room one late Saturday night. Your cat was snuggled up against you as you watched Rocky Horror Picture Show. You liked it for the plot, the plot being getting to watch Susan Sarandon strut around for an hour and thirty-eight minutes plus Tim Curry wasn’t too bad on the eyes. You were near the part where Dr. Scott arrived at the castle when you heard a knock at your window. 
You weren’t expecting anyone so you carefully removed yourself from the couch and walked over to the window. You slowly opened the curtain to reveal your ex-girlfriend Robin. You shook your head once you made eye contact. She put her hands together and pleaded. You rolled your eyes and opened the window to let her in. She climbed in through the window, but her foot got caught on the window sill and she slipped and fell onto the floor. You tried to bite down your laughter but it escaped. She looked back at you and gave you a dirty look which shut you up.
“What are you doing here?” your arms were crossed as you looked at her.
“I wanted to talk to you,” you couldn’t believe her.
“It’s been three months since we’ve last seen each other and might I remind you, the last time I saw you, you were quite literally cheating on me!” you recounted the moment when your heart sank to the bottom of your stomach.  
“I know and I’m sorry,” she sat on the couch, “I just wanted to come over here and figure things out. You know?”
“Figure out what? We’re done. We’ve been done since the moment you decided to cheat on me.”
“Please just let me talk,” you rolled your eyes once again, “Let me start this by saying that you don’t need to forgive me. I know I’m a total piece of shit and I deserve to fall off the face of the earth. It’s just that we were sort of drifting apart and I was getting lonely. Then Nancy started coming to Family Video like three times a week and we started talking. I realized we had a lot in common and things just sort of happened,” she explained.
“Things just sort of happened! What the fuck is that supposed to mean? She was my best friend and you knew that!” you shouted at Robin which made your cat jump off of the couch.
“Can you stop shouting please?” she pleaded.
“I need you to leave,” you said as you pointed to the door. You weren’t going to let her get a rise out of you. She wasn’t worth your time.
“No, please just let me-” she started but you interrupted her, “I said leave!”
She begrudgingly stood up and walked to the door. Before she left she said, “I love you.”
You laughed, “If you loved me you wouldn't have cheated on me,” and then you closed the door in her face.
After she left you walked to the kitchen and opened your pantry. Your mom recently went to the grocery store and brought home your favorite snack, goldfish. As you opened the bag, the purple phone that was mounted to the wall rang. You ran over to the phone and answered it.
“Hello?” you were skeptical, you weren’t expecting anyone to call.
“Can I come over?” the familiar voice of Eddie asked on the other end of the phone.
You and Eddie had become close over the last three months. He noticed that you would usually be alone during lunch and homeroom. He came up to you and asked if you wanted to sit at his table. You weren’t scared by him due to the fact that you once played D&D with Mike, Dustin, Lucas, and Will when they were 12. You were persuaded by them during one of your many sleepovers with Nancy. You found the game to be fun and you soon began to play with them every week until Will went missing.  
“Sure. I was just watching Rocky Horror when she who shall not be named came to apologize to me,” you laughed.
“How did it go?” he sounded concerned.
“Not good. I’ll tell you more once you get here,” you hung up the phone and went back into the living room. The movie was almost done so you snuggled up on the couch and watched it until you heard the familiar van pull up in your driveway.
“Munson,” you acknowledged him once he entered your house. He sat next to you on the couch.
“So, how did it go?” he kept pushing. For the third time this night, you rolled your eyes.
“It was…something else. First, she said that she was getting lonely because we weren’t spending time together. Then, she says that she and Nancy had a lot in common, and then things just sort of happened. Where does she get off? And then, before she left she told me she loved me. What a joke,” you went on.
“Are you serious?” you nodded and he laughed, “She works at Family Video, what do you expect?”
“At least we're not together anymore,” you slumped back on the couch, “Being a lesbian in a small town sucks.”
“Imagine being gay in a small town. I don’t have many options either.”
“That’s not true. I've seen the way Jeff looks at you. He seems very interested,” you wiggle your eyebrows suggestively.
“Pfffffff. Wait, really?” he leaned in and you laughed. “Messing with my feelings is not funny,” he crossed his arms.
“Yes it is Munson, yes it is.” 
tag list (all): @niya-midnight222 
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dalek-101 · 2 years
You know what screw the duffers
How s4 really went...
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Lucas and Erica weren’t brutally attacked and tokenised
Byler was beautifully built up
Wills sexuality was actually adressed rather than implied
Will’s painting is the swings
Will doesn’t give El credit for his painting
Will gives speech but about himself instead. Although he doesn’t actually confess his love it’s a coming out scene.
Mike is not homophobic at all and handled it with grace
This happens on the way back to Hawkins though because he comes out to Jonathon at the pizza place first.
El is sleeping
Mike saw Will crying and comforted him
There was a ‘crazy together’ call back
We saw them in the back and the van leaning on each other while they slept
Mike and El still did they forehead touch because they might not be in love but they do still love each other
Will wasn’t in the background for that
El and Will hugged and there was a heartfelt moment of dialogue between them were they call each other brother and sister
The scene led up to a group hug and the music swells like in series 1 with Mike, El and Dustin
Mike and El had a mature conversation where they weren’t lying to each other
They have a mutual break up
El hinted at Byler
This didn’t emotionally wreck her because she’s not in love with mike and she wants what’s best for her brother.
They practically agree that they were platonic soulmates
Mike didn’t say I love you but did still do a heartwarming speech
He doesn’t say his life started the day he found her but instead says that the day he found her started a new chapter in his life
The Russia plot still happened 
They are still interrupted by the phone call because that was really funny
More soft jopper moments
At least 3 Byers siblings hugs with all 3 of them
Someone accidentally says ‘Bylers’ because they messed up the name
Doesn’t imply Byler I just thought it was really funny
Argyle wasn’t tokenised and stereotyped
Eden reference
Eddie didn’t die
Eddie took Will under his wing the moment they met
Line about how Mike keeps talking about him
I need Mike to blush
Will told Eddie about promising Mike he wouldn’t join another party
Eddie slams mike for that
Eddie never forgets that 
The party plus Eddie and Erica teach Steve to play DnD
Bi Vickie
Her and Robin date briefly but break up
Ronance end game
Nancy opens up to Steve about how she is still grieving and feeling guilty about Barb
Because they never openly talked about the possibility of getting back together, they don’t openly admit to calling it quits
But they both decide to stop before they go further
Steve still has a family dream but the main part is about how he wants kids
Steve started crushing on Eddie
Requited steddie obviously
Jancy break up
But Jancy besties era because I love their duo
Lumax go on their cinema date
Max dying and being brought back plot because that shit had me on the edge of my seat
Max and El proper reunion with a hug
Party hug happened
Dustin accidentally called Steve and Eddie mum and dad
Lucas is still on the basketball team except he's the captain. And he has friends on the team now
His friends show up to every match and cheer the loudest
Eddie confirmed gay
Eddie and Robin did a little concert for their friends
And we found out Nancy knows how to play keyboard
They then decided to do a performance at the school for the displaced and hurt people
Steve played triangle
Cabin scene was Byler
Mike had an italicized 'oh' moment
Almost kiss was interrupted by Hopper and Joyce reunion
El and Hopper bonded over shaved heads
Byers brothers and Joyce group hug
They put on the 'don't mess around with Jim song'
Everyone danced
Paired off into jonathon&Joyce, Hopper & El and Will and Mike
Nancy & Argyle bc they deserve to bond and have fun
Will touched his neck again and they walked to the flower shot
When they get back Lucas is trying to talk to them on the walkie talkie saying max woke up and is asking for her friends
There was a Mike and Max friendship moment
Everyone gathers at the hospital
There was a big moment where they talk about what's going to happen and stuff.
Last shot was a shot of everyone looking out the window at the sky. Minus max bc she's in the bed but she's the penultimate shot
Steve brings up to Robin what she said about how she acts around her crushes and implies Nancy.
They joke about passing Nancy between them (respectfully)
Robin calls Steve out on his Eddie looks
He doesn't really deny it but he asks her to let him figure it out
There was a private movie marathon at their work with the fruity four, jonathon and argyle, and the kids.
Will doesn't come out to joyce in a typical way but talks about 'hypothetical' boy trouble
She just talks to him as if he already came out to her
No big deal because she knows her son and knows that he just wants support from his mother and not a big moment where he breaks down
Also she knows its about Mike but doesn't push it
No more sad gay Will
There was a lot of Byler scenes
Robin and Steve hugged after the vines released them
The angry mob of people were more important to the plot idk how tho
People realise that this is bigger than the hellfire club
Lie detector tests idk
Somehow hellfire got cleared and Eddie can be in public again
The police came back again
Emotional police trio moment with Hopper becauae i said so
Hopper doesn't return as chief yet but in future joint chiefs bc why not
All plot holes fixed
Will's birthday was mentioned
Byers family didn't forget they just celebrated before the airport.
Mike gives Will a playlist signed 'Love Mike' back at Hawkins with an apology for 'forgetting' his birthday
He had a gay panic moment before he left and left the present at home so didn't bring it up
Neither mention the 'Love Mike' but its a turning point
Also Will's going to get vecna'd in s5 somehow and Jonathan is going to put the playlist on and say something about him constantly listening to it
Byler, Jopper, Ronance, Steddie, Lumax endgame
Mike acceptance arc
Robin knew what music Nancy liked but Eddie has a different music taste so couldn't find any of it
Steve never told Nancy she was in his dream.
And he didn't let Robin run off on her own but instead told her to 'come here' and offered his arm for her to take so she could steady herself bc she's clumsy
She takes it
Jealous Nancy but because of Robin not Steve
Robin came out to Nancy and Dustin
And suddenly everything makes sense for Dustin
Nancy had a gay panic moment
Robin dressed Nancy up in her clothes for payback for the asylum
Also Steddie jacket swap
Murray and Joyce besties era
Enzo and Hopper besties era
Lucas and Erica bonding session
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stranger things s4 volume 2 thoughts. profanity warning lol
* i’m sick to fuckin death of yuri. when is he dying
* steve talking about having a big family is like. obviously fan service but i love it and also i’ll be using it for stoncy fuel bc fuck you
* i need nancy to break jason’s nose
* i also need el to brutally eviscerate brenner in ever horrific way she can manage
* argyle nolastname is my best fucking friend. like what IF nina was a small woman. let’s hear him out
* why the fuck wasn’t jonathan included in the byers-hopper sibs hug. i’m mad. i’m gonna fucking bite someone
* why the fuck are the duffers so against jonathan being hugged by his family. i’m gonna kill
* robin didn’t have to go out of her way to get that fruity little beret but i’m so glad that she did
* i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again. max mayfield i would kill for you
* “take your hands off me, potatohead” okay i still want him dead but that was funny as fuck of yuri
* yay hopper kiss <3 good for them :)
* robin helping nancy up the rope <33 that’s so cute
* omg omg theyre playing the score from previous seasons
* god i feel so fucking unwell. i’m so anxious and jittery what the fuck
* argyle voice: my dude is a gender neutral term of endearment
* robin rly runs like a weirdo i love her
* st@ncybaitgate: *happening ig* // my mother: “don’t” // me: “don’t” // my mother: “don’t” // me: “don’t do do it” my mother: “don’t” // me: “don’t i’m begging you” like a fucking greek chorus
* ugh my family are so fucking mean about the characters’ looks. it’s even worse when theyre making fun of the kids’ appearances
* lumax are making me so emotional i’m gonna throw up
* el being a pineapple on pizza truther. makes so much sense
* her and argyle teaming up to feed mike pizza nd chanting “try before you deny” <33
* i love el’s socks
* oh man she’s gonna have wet jeans. has she not had a bad enough day already
* max praying for bad things to happen to b*lly and him dying. so true same bestie like me too exactly
* max and el being foils particularly in regards to the abuse theyve suffered and in turn the deaths of their abusers. so fucking true
* sadie is giving an award worthy performance to a light. she is one of the greatest young actresses of our generation i mean this wholeheartedly
* omg are we finally gonna learn why max had to move to hawkins. pls i wanna know
* omg the snowball my beloved <3
* i can’t tell if theyre doing an aliens homage. if so fuck yea
* steve’s little dancing jumps 🥹 hopscotch king
* “a memory inside a memory” my guy argyle is gonna fucking love inception
* “i’m not having another funeral” yes this is a kinda funny line on surface level but also my fucking god that’s such a tragic thing to say. joyce byers you deserve the world
* the hawkins group spent like at LEAST over a hundred dollars on all of their ammo and shit and dustin nd eddie are fighting for their lives with sticks, little bitch knives and bin lids
* steve handing nancy her gun. yes bitchman that is true malewife behaviour <3
* i’m surprised by the restrained amount of swearing this season. like this is all very s2 in the way that nobody has said fuck but everybody has said asshole at least thrice
* basically i want max to call vecna a cunt
* i fucking knew eddie was gonna sacrifice himself. this fucking himbo
* oh fuck the sound design is so moody and cool i love it
* the steve and lucas parallel of getting their heads smashed with cutlery. kings
* YES this mindflayer shit is lovecraftian. this greatly appeals to the horror fanatic in me
* mike’s proclamation of love literally sounds like wedding vows this is so fuckign precious i love them so much
* murray saving hopper parallels steve saving jancy in 1x08. bc i say so
* everything is about polyamory. fuck you
* why the FUCK is there a sword. so conveniently placed next to hopper. like i know why but. i’m???
* i mean i’m not complaining bc it’s cool tbh
* nancy shooting the living fuck out of vecna is the hottest thing i’ve ever seen. i’m proposing
* the jopper hug im so fucking emotional
* omg is vecna michael myers-ing them
* the gate opening up through jason made me fucking laugh tho
* fucking elmax rights yet again
* omg the leaving hawkins sign my beloved
* none of the cali gang have changed their clothes in like a week. that van will reek
* “quaint town of hawkins” bitch how many murders have happened here over the past four years
* el’s little ET hoodie bless
* love all the little parallels of calling things miracles this season
* let’s give a hoot and a hurray for neurotic lesbian representation
* they need don’t mess around with jim playing the background of them cleaning up the cabin
* jonathan still looks at nancy with these shy lovestruck puppy eyes after all these years. someone kill me
* okay fuck its the coca cola bottle el and max played with in s3. im sad
* max better fucking be okay. i’m so fucking worried for her even now
* “what do you think?” // “bitchin” I’M GONNA KERPLODE
* argyle is still hunting for mushrooms while dimensions are colliding isn’t he
* can dustin please have a cane. please my poor guy just give him a cane to help him out please
* the fucking score RULES
* my mother after watching this episode “so the upside down is in the downside up”
* hell FUCKING yea siouxsie and the banshees to close up the season this rules
* seeing the monkey massacre logo always fills me with joy. god fucking bless and goodnight
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wiseatom · 1 year
i need you to elaborate on the danny phantom au immediately 🤲
omg ella elekinetic in my ask…the artist formerly known as nancysglock….i will give you anything and everything but i will start with the danny phantom au 🤍
i already talked about it a little bit here!
i am going to put this under a read more because i know it’s going to get long! also disclaimer i am Not a casual watcher of danny phantom i have seen every episode several times you have been warned 🫡
el would be danny’s “cousin” dani, and if you are unfamiliar — she is literally an experiment/attempted clone of danny (will, in this case) himself created by vlad, who i would probably cast as brenner or split storylines between brenner and henry, potentially brenner and owens? like i said in my first ask, it’s hard because there are more st characters than there are dp, so there’s no way to really neatly assign everything!
i hesitate on the henry/vlad casting because although vlad is essentially the Big Bad of the series (especially in season 3), there are a lot of other really cool villains — specifically pariah dark, who is The Ghost King, uses a puppet general (fight knight/mind flayer parallels), and is one of (if not the) Big Battles of the show. there’s also dark danny, and it could be flayed!will, but there’s also an opportunity to make him henry bc of Foils, Your Honor! any input on this from anyone (even other dp villains that could work) would be so fun!
so, to recap and try give Some semblance of a plot:
will is danny! he got lost in the ghost zone as an accident and ended up with half-ghost powers. lucas, dustin, and mike tried to find him and got into amateur ghost hunting/fighting as a result, and they become a little ghost-crime fighting team (they Absolutely refer to themselves as the ghostbusters in their circle and everyone just thinks they’re nerds, which is true). lucas and dustin share the tucker role and mike takes on most of the sam role (i say Most Of bc upon further reflection - i think lucas and mike might share sam too)! el is an experiment meant to replicate will’s powers, brenner/owens orchestrated that, and max comes in adopting most of what valerie’s arcs would be. i think it would be cool to have billy be a ghost or ghost-obsessed and have max’s hatred for them be because of that!
family dynamics would be the same as to how they are in st. in dp terms, there is no jack fenton, but joyce and jonathan share maddie characteristics! erica of course would just be there as an addition bc she’s the best, and jazz’s role would be repurposed for nancy, with the only difference being that she’s part of mike’s family obviously instead of will’s!
plot wise i would just. take my fave danny phantom eps and rework them to fit what i wanted (me acting like i’m going to write this). definitely would include the “movie length” episodes like reign storm and reality trip, potentially the ultimate enemy depending on who henry ends up being — and obviously just flesh everything out.
ella i am so sorry to have rambled all over you but thanks for reading and for asking!! i am accepting any and all input on this bc i just think it’s neat!
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luxshine · 1 year
Going back to Stranger Things 3 and the episode opens with my favorite squad, the Scoops ahoy team, aka. the anti-russian squad, aka. the ones with one working brain -that'd be Robin's- and the collective braincell that the other squads don't use -that'd be Dustin's.
And yep, as I said, Dustin has the working braincell. Steven must be so proud of his little adoptive son even if they are in a deep shit situation.
Meanwhile back with the not-emotionally stable adult squad, I really wish Joyce had accepted Hooper's offer for a job. At least then she'd had a gun.
Coming from RRR, the fact that I have now again a series that has a serious lack of communication due to different languages is hilarious. But at the same time, stupid russians, they should send only agents who can, and will speak english to be able to be unnoticed by the local police.
Oh, finally a russian who speaks english.
A russian who has obviously seen a lot of copaganda shows because if there's one thing that cops love to do is shoot people, armed or not (yes, I know Hooper wouldn't shoot him, but still)
Is Russian guy's name Terminator? I feel it should be Terminator.
Oh, hey, Nancy AND Jonathan have finally clued in that there's something wrong going on.
Joyce trying to communicate with the Russian is hilarious.
I KNOW that the show is trying to shove the Hooper/Joyce ship but Hooper is not doing his work for it to work with me.
I LOVE that Max is the one who cares for El when Mike is just, in Max's words, BLA BLA BLA. Count me as the lone El/Max shipper because those two make more sense than El/Mike.
Will needs better friends, and better taste in men.
Dustin is a bit too dramatic. And a bad shipper because Robin and Steve is no going to happen. They;re siblings.
UGH. Robin I agree.
I take away what I said about Erica's braincell. She is not smart if she is planning to drink a glowing green neon stuff that doesn't say Gatorade on the bottle.
Go Steve super Nanny!
I really don't think Alexei is going to survive the hiking trip. But he's far more sympathetic than Hooper right now.
Oh, the bavarian fire drill with Todd was fun.
Robin is a nerd too. I love her. Steve needs to start learning to speak his child's language.
Jonathan and Nancy are not that good as babysitters. They don't even look comfortable with the Children's squad.
I see that Will is the one with custody of the collective braincell right now.
Murray speaks Russian! Wow. And he has gone a bit more paranoid than before. Not that I blame him.
Joyce Wheeler is the BAMF. I don't think she will like to know that Murray got her baby to sleep with Nancy.
The Anti-Russian Squad is amazing. They're in deep shit, but they're amazing. Of all the groups in this season, they're the ones who had advanced their part of the campaign the most. And all they have is cute uniforms, a walkie talkie, a unicorn bagpack, and gumption.
Robin using the only words in Russian she knows was great. Steve doing his usual Super Nanny adrenaline moment was perfect. And Dustin being so happy because his adoptive dad won a fight? AWWWW.
Also, I see Russia has no awareness check, or they all botched it because man, the anti-Russian squad is NOT good at hiding.
SIgh, And Jonathan is back in the clutches of Nancy. SIGH.
Lucas is worse at romantic advice than Steve and I thought that was a record.
Fuck. The Flayed are stronger than usual, I see. And now Nancy has a VERY good reason to go postal on her coworkers.
Will is a good friend. Mike doesn't deserve his love and loyalty.
OTOH, the Mind Flayer has a good strategy. You control the media, you control the world. (Not that the media he is controlling was that good)
Yeah, Jonathan is not as good as Super Nanny Steve. Who I know I promoted to Adoptive Dad, so I need to make that official. Congratulations, Dustin, your Super Nanny evolved into Adoptive Dad.
IF Nancy and Jonathan end up flayed while Mike is making puppy eyes at Eleven, I will scream.
Hivemind problems... you don't keep a body that your heroine has NO reason to keep alive.
THAT was very cathartic.
Oh, wow, FINALLY the kids notice. And of course, it was Will, not the lovey couples.
All I have to say is YUCK at the Mind Flayer's sort of real form. It is VERY uhm... Have you seen the game Deadly Premonition? It reminds me of the red vines that appear in the other world there.
And well, now it's time to get this in gear as there are only 3 episodes left in the series before I get to Stranger Things 4
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
High School Dilemma Chapter 5: Only The Beginning
Two Weeks Later
Joyce fell face down onto her pillow. This was not the summer she had in mind.
First there was Steve's out-of-the-blue pregnancy and then Nancy's cancer diagnosis and miraculous recovery even if she was still too weak to do much.
Next, she found out that Billy and his siblings had been living on their own so Karen and Ted decided to take them all in.
Their parents had just left one night and hadn't returned. The boys believed they had just abandoned them but the two girls believed something happened.
Joyce and Karen both believe the first one is the most likely because Neil and Susan were flakes that only cared about themselves.
That was a fun fight trying to get the two older boys to drop their egos and let someone help them.
Thankfully they did when Pearl and Max ganged up on them as well as Nancy and William.
Then she found out from Heather Holloway's parents that Robin Buckley was living with them because her parents kicked her out for being gay at the end of the school year.
According to Janet Holloway, Heather's mom, Robin came over the same night that school ended with tears streaming down her face and a red mark on her face.
She told Heather her mom had slapped her when she found out she was a lesbian and kicked her out and the only thing she had was her bike.
Heather then proceeded to beg her parents to let Robin live with them which they graciously accepted.
Within a month they had become Robin's legal guardians as her parents were thrilled to sign away their parental rights.
Janet told her Robin was finally easing into life with them but she can tell the pain of her parents kicking her out is still eating at her.
And because there was no rest for the wicked Jonathan begged her and Hopper to let Steve move in with them while he was in the hospital since his mom had taken off again.
They agreed because Jonathan and Steve should be together and raise their daughter and they were going to need all the help they could get.
They made it clear though that they had a nonnegotiable rule and that was that their door was always 3” open at all times.
Eddie was now living next door to Aaron full time which didn't seem like much of an issue.
Both boys were so busy helping out where needed and of course running DnD campaigns that they didn't have much time for trouble.
William and Jason were doing great relationship wise and William's mom was a really nice lady.
William became a huge support system for Jason who had to take on extra responsibilities while Billy was staying with Nancy during her treatment.
This also helped with their decision to let the Wheelers help them.
Daryl was still with Patrick. They were meant for each other. Neither one of them stayed still for long and they both enjoyed just wandering into the forest together to see if anything was wandering around that shouldn't be.
Having a gossiper like Robin around was a good thing at times. She was able to keep up with all of Jonathan's friends in one conversation and the fact that Nancy and Heather's mom loved to talk helped as well.
She and Steve had formed a close friendship over the last several months and she was amazing with the baby which allowed Jonathan and Steve to get some well-deserved rest. She and Heather even talked about adoption after high school.
After talking with the other parents they decided to homeschool the lot of them because they had all earned it.
They stepped up for each other when things got rough and lost most of their summer so they were going to let them have a lighter sophomore year at home.
Of course, the younger kids wanted to as well especially Dustin now that Eddie was his brother and they had spent a lot of time gaming when Eddie and Aaron weren't watching Max and Pearl for Billy and Jason.
But their parents had unanimously voted that they would stay in middle school.
Plus they needed the free time to help Claudia and Wayne plan their big day even though they just wanted to go to the courthouse.
A celebration seemed like something everyone needed so a celebration they were going to have.
Joyce felt the mattress sink and knew someone had sat down.
Then she felt strong hands massaging her back.
“It will be alright Joyce. The kids are strong and we all know they have an even bigger fight ahead of them so why worry right now” Hopper said softly as he massaged her back.
“I know Hopper and I hate it but I guess that old saying is true, every ending is the beginning of something new” Joyce said as she allowed herself to relax under Hopper's strong hands.
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miwtual · 2 years
hey bestie i just wanna give you a reason to talk about edancy so ☕️
JSBHDKJSDLF yknow what i love that u saw the opportunity and ran with it (and get ready for a lot of talking bc i have so many thoughts about them)
so. idk how to start this but i'll start it by saying that im a multishipper who enjoys all kinds of different ships and all kinds of dynamics of those ships. i ship jancy, and jargyle, and steddie, and ronance, and all kinds of different ships because i just think it's fun to see how different characters would interact with each other, whether it be romantically or platonically. i do this especially when characters barely interact because i like to imagine what those characters would have done together, how they would have treated each other if they had more time to be together, what they'd talk about, etc etc.
and that's how edancy started, yknow? i wanted to think about how they'd be together, platonically at first. with their similar traumas in how they felt like they didn't or couldn't protect someone from their untimely death, i wanted them to have each other as comfort. yes, there was so much going on, and they wouldn't have had time for a heart-to-heart about it canonically, but we saw how eddie felt about not being alone when the gang found him at rick's. how COMFORTED he was by the fact that chrissy's death may have been new to him, but it wasn't to dustin, or max, or steve, or robin. and i know he eventually figured out that nancy had gotten involved, too, but i feel like if he had known how nancy got involved with it all, that would bring him more comfort, sadly enough. knowing that he wasn't alone in feeling that guilt that someone was lost and that you were the only one who knew the truth of what happened to them.
and then i started noticing the little things, things that don't mean anything i suppose but they mean something to ME and this little rarepair. like when nancy reassured eddie that they were going back to rick's, or when eddie helped her onto the boat to get to the middle of lover's lake. eddie trying to stop nancy from chasing steve into the upside down, and nancy telling him (and robin) to wait for her, and eddie diving in himself to follow her and robin. "nancy, watch out, behind you". the shock and relief in eddie's face when he finds out nancy owns guns. "does anyone know morse code?" / "wait, does S.O.S. count?". eddie's reassuring pats on nancy's shoulder when she was unsure if trying to contact dustin, erica, and lucas from the upside down would even work. eddie knowing exactly how far he lived from nancy's house. eddie frantically looking through his music to find something, anything, that nancy would listen to in order to free her from vecna. eddie wanting to buy more time for everyone, nancy included.
it overall started as me trying to find a way to get people to see, "hey, eddie and nancy deserve interaction too", but it slowly turned into its own thing. and while i know people may not agree with me on shipping them in a romantic sense, i like knowing there are people who see the potential with them in any way.
they are my special little blorbos from my show that deserved to have each other when times were so scary and they thought they were alone. <3
send me a topic + ☕️ emoji and i’ll tell my honest opinion about it!
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pop-punklouis · 2 years
ok it’s rant time !! there are SO many things which are just so ?????
1. what was the point of eleven and nina ? like why did it have to be stretched out. they could’ve been done with it in like 4-5 eps max
2. everyone was so separated…. like it’s similar to the previous seasons where there are like 3-4 different storyline’s converging to form the bigger picture but this season was just so messy…. eleven had a completely different storyline, will + mike + jonathan had a sub plot within elevens plot and so irrelevant at that ???? (like hello will deserves sm better) then what was even going on w hopper + joyce ???? like they were doing a completely different show and had a cameo appearance on stranger things in the last 5 min of vol. 2….. OH AND elevens reaction to seeing hopper ALIVE AND IN FRONT OF HER AFTER MONTHSSS??? not it. like where is the drama, the emotion, the “i can’t believe you’re here and real and alive” it was like she was Expecting to see him. no shock. no surprise. no questions. even joyce for that matter but it was still better. and why was there so much focus on jason and the dudes? eddie and argyle deserved that focus tbh. i couldn’t connect with either of them. (eddie seems overhyped to me because you don’t really see much of him, other than being the nerd who witnessed the first death) the main characters were literally steve + robin + nancy (derogatory) + max (+ lucas + dustin and maybe eddie)
3. speaking of main characters, whatever happened to the og gang ?????? the 4 guys and eleven and max????? i miss all my children being together and doing this shit together!!! this was just so not it. also, where did the fun go???? s1-2 (and 3) were just FUN. there was good humour AND logic. the kids were just so adorable and likeable (except mike but yes)
4. they tried SO HARD to make new audience favourite characters in eddie and argyle but these 2 were just so so so so so so so so pointless and useless like ughhhhhh (eddie also died for NOTHING, like he literally just wanted to be the hErO) it was just stupid af. they also tried making eddie and dustins dynamic like steve and dustins ???? the never change exchange between the two of them?? so random tbh. idk whatever it was,,,, looked very very forced fit.
5. so many characters were just THERE it was so annoying like helloooo people, add to the plot !!!!!! the stupidest plot ever but pls contribute !!!!!!!!!!!!
6. when it was revealed that henry is vecna and vecna is one and one is the dude w eleven, i was just like woah ,,,,,,,, disappointing. marks for the effort but disappointing nonetheless. also this could’ve been such a good ending for the entire show??? that it’s been vecna all along but no vecna is somehow still fucking alive
7. why tf did eleven need mike to tell her he loves her for her to gain her powers? why did mike lose ALL personality once he got together with her? like his personality was annoying but he at least had some personality.
8. lucas my man is so under appreciated. dustin and mike were so mean to him actually in the beginning w the campaign and basketball thing. lucas deserves better friends.
9. vol 2 felt like a never ending epilogue tbh. it could’ve literally been done in like a 1hr episode max but no. they could’ve really ended the season at vol 1 finale.
10. jonathan is bleh but this season he’s BLEH. erica was annoying this time ngl.
11. oh yeah, what the fuck happened to owens?
hi hello grey! finally getting around to reading this x
1) i liked getting backstory on eleven’s origin and i do think nina could’ve had one (maybe two) episodes that dug into that, but they really did drag it on and on for a plot twist that had little pay off imo also i’m tired of not knowing what powers eleven can do anymore. it’s like they add new elements every season but never explain them— and she just instinctively knows? how to do them?
2) i don’t have a real issue with everyone being separated as long as it makes sense in the end and they all come back together per seasons past during the climax, but yeah it just seems like they have bloated the cast unnecessarily and given so many different subplots that either are incredibly boring/irrelevant or are completely left behind without an explanation. and yeah hopper and eleven’s reunion was so disappointing. i felt more for dustin and eddie’s uncles dialogue than hopper and el’s and eddie is a new character lmao the last 30 minutes of ep 9 felt super rushed and clunky overall tbh.
3) i think one of the worst decisions they made was to separate the entire group of kids this season. i know they wanted to expand on eleven’s backstory etc. but they threw the rest of the hawkins kids with four of the teens to try and repair that absence but it wasn’t the same at all. it felt like a corny scooby doo episode every time that group was exploring together lmao and having will and jonathan almost completely absent was such a bizarre choice. and yeah i miss max + eleven’s friendship. it was really special, and it was just ripped away like. after el left it was like the writers forgot her and max were close lmao
4) i like eddie’s character tbh, but i do think they pushed him to the forefronts of the group too quickly which didn’t make it feel organic. i don’t have anything against argyle either, but the entire california storyline didn’t need to happen at all, and it would’ve still been the same season so yeah just wasted content tbh
6) i just want to know why it was so easy to “defeat” vecna with fire and shotgun bullets like i know he was vulnerable during that time, but it was so underwhelming. the climax of episode 9 was SO underwhelming. legitimately no one but eleven really did much besides fuck around in the upside down and almost die
7) it’s the way eleven’s entire story arc this season was that she has the power within herself and doesn’t need validation or security from outside sources to tap into her strength and purpose and to water her down to like an accessory of mikes 🤢 where she can’t do anything without his love or approval 🤢 is insanity to me and gives off the worst message.
8) lucas deserves a better storyline altogether??? like they basically ignored the opportunity to flesh out his character for three seasons only to do it very uncomfortably in S4 he deserves so much more than what they gave him
9) no forreal vol 2 was def just a money grab to keep the excitement and engagement alive for netflix and the series, as a whole, since i was surprised myself to see so much attention back on the show after being gone since 2019 there was no reason why we needed OVER 60 minute episodes for vol. 2 especially when it was drug the way it did (like ep 9? i found myself on my phone scrolling through social media so often for the TWO AND A HALF HOUR RUNTIME)
10) i always love erica but yeah jonathan has always been bleh and he literally built his entire relationship with nancy off being a creep and taking photos of her without her permission on someone else’s property (all while treating her like shit nonetheless) yet they really gave this man maybe 45 minutes of screen time the entire season and it was unbearably noticeable
11) stranger things! where everything is made up and the points don’t matter ✨
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