#erik hauls
hugheses · 4 months
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NJDevils: The fellas absolutely have the makings of a varsity athlete.
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slaughter-books · 1 year
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My beautiful April, 2023 book haul! 💞
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jones7thavenue · 1 year
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This is today's hugely savage book haul, as follows:
The Devil in the White City by Erik Larsen
The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson
The Anna Dressed in Blood Duology by Kendare Blake
A Day of Fallen NIght by Samantha Shannon
The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon
Bullet Train (Movie Tie-in Edition) by Kotaro Isaka
A Court of Thorns & Roses by Sarah J. Maas
I'm so excited to read these!
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argisthebulwark · 1 year
d’you think any of our faves (bryn, teldryn, miraak, Erik, honestly whoever you wanna talk abt because I just like seeing your thoughts) would trek up high hroth if the LDB got injured after the main quest. like ‘cannot get down this shitfuck mountain’ injured. i am a sucker for the ‘person taking care of their injured partner’ trope I will admit.
OOOH this is interesting. i like this. Sorry if i write too much, gonna put it under a cut just in case.
it's sfw, just long. the fellas included are: Erik, Vilkas, Brynjolf & Teldryn. if there's anyone you think i missed pls let me know i actually really liked writing this!
edit: the last two fellas aren't showing up for a lot of people because tumblr is a good website. i added them here!
Erik would absolutely trek his ass up that mountain. He'd probably try to take on one too many frost trolls and end up with a minor injury himself but hey, he made it in one piece. If his timing was bad enough he might even have Klimmek's pack slung over one shoulder. "Hi honey." He'd kneel before the bed the Greybeards had lent you, hand running through your hair. His heart would twist at the state of you - blood staining the armor he'd helped buckle you into, bruises of all shades covering your arms. But he'd keep the smile on his face because that glimmer in your eye makes it all worth it. "You're here." You'd get choked up at the state of him - cheeks bright red from the chilly air, every inch of him wrapped in mismatched layers, that familiar smile on his face. "You came all the way here." "Anything for you." He'd kiss your hand, noting the swollen state of your wrist. "You know that." He'd try to not treat you any differently. He knew what it felt like to be coddled and didn't want you to feel like that. Instead he walked you through the stretches and helped you regain your health bit by bit, filling you in on what had happened in your absence. He'd still be in awe that he was allowed to love the Dragonborn, that you'd helped him fulfill what he felt was his destiny. He would absolutely carry you back down the mountain without a second thought. As soon as the Greybeards assured him that you were well enough to move he'd swaddle you into every layer of clothing he'd hauled up, lift you onto his back and remind you to hold on tight.
Vilkas would roll his eyes when someone informed him that you'd gone after the World Eater alone. He couldn't count the amount of times he'd told you to take help - you were a Companion after all, you needed backup. But no, you'd gone off alone to get yourself killed. Despite all his grumbling he'd find himself stomping up that god damned mountain. He consoled himself by counting each stair he found, intent on learning whether or not there truly were seven thousand blasted steps. He'd ignore the growing worry gnawing at his chest until he found himself face to face with the ancient stone doors grinding open just for him. When he stepped inside the frigid building he'd maintain the façade - allowing the Greybeards to lead him to where you rested, leg propped up and covered in bandages. The urge to tell them how poorly they'd taken care of you gave way when he heard the shock in your voice as you said his name. "You're surprised?" He'd snort, edging into the bed beside you. He told himself that it was merely to check on the state of you, nothing to do with the relief he felt when you curled closer to him. "This isn't the first time I've had to collect you." During the nights when sleep evaded you he would remind you what awaited back at Jorrvaskr; the crackling fire that would keep you warm, the comfortable bed, the friendly faces, the good food. He would find himself dozing off with your head on his chest while he talked of home. He'd stay with you until he was sure you were well enough to make it down, reminding you to keep an arm around his shoulder. When you flashed him one of those looks that drove him mad, the one that left his heart fluttering in the most obnoxious way, he'd remind you to mind the icy stairs.
Brynjolf would be out of the Cistern in an instant. He'd already grieved you once and wasn't willing to do it again. As soon as the courier arrived with an explanation of your situation he'd be shouting instructions at Delvin and Vex and throwing everything he owned into a backpack. He'd arrive in the dead of night. Moonlight guided him up the mountain and allowed him to stay out of the way of most beasts. Terror would be with him every step of the way - the snow, the hike, the fear of losing you, it was all too familiar. The fear would be choking him every step of the way, refusing to stop or rest until he could see you once again. He'd arrive a shivering mess, barely hearing Arngeir's explanation of what had transpired. He didn't care where you'd gone, all that mattered was that you were still breathing. "Bryn." He'd hate the shock in your voice as if you hadn't expected him to show up. He couldn't respond, merely falling into bed beside you. He would be mindful of your injuries when his fingers trailed along your body over and over, reassuring himself that you were whole, you were safe. "I don't think I've ever seen you this far from home before." "Anywhere for you, lass." He'd breathe into your scratchy blanket, pulling you in close to his chest. "To the ends of the world." He wouldn't take a single chance with your health. Even after the Greybeards insisted that you were well enough to walk he'd insist on doing most of the work, allowing you to walk only once the snow and ice thinned and he could see the grass again. Even when you stood on your own two feet his hands would never be far away.
Teldryn would grumble about the snow reminding him too much of Windhelm but he would do it. He'd have to layer extra clothes under his armor to fight off that god awful wind chill but he'd do it. He'd gotten the feeling that something was wrong when he didn't hear from you - you always checked in with him. That old panic from his last patron would nag at him. He couldn't bear the thought of losing you too, not after all you'd been through together, the feelings you'd blurted out for him one night after one too many drinks or that smile you saved just for him. "Couldn't help yourself, could you?" He'd tease, kicking the pack full of your clothes toward your bed. He would relish in the shock written across your bruised face for just a moment. "I've followed you across continents and you're surprised I show up here? Give me a little more credit, sera." "I'm so glad to see you, Tel." His heart would ache at the teary tone of your voice. He'd give up the teasing and sit down on the edge of your bed, carefully checking over the battered state of your body. Finally that anxiety would lessen when he knew you were safe, he wasn't going to lose you. He would joke about making you carry him down the mountain when you were finally stable enough to leave. When you rolled your eyes at him and hobbled toward the steps he would remove the heaviest pieces of his armor and allow you to clamber onto his back. He'd relish in the press of your lips to his throat and the way you squeezed around him through every complaint about the snow and ice. "Let's retire to Solstheim." He'd smile at the words you speak against his shoulder, fingers clutching the front of his sweater. "I'll buy that empty house in Raven Rock and we'll never do anything or go anywhere ever again." "Sounds good to me, love."
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othervee · 4 months
Musing out loud on the long-haul timelines in YR:
How old do we think Kristina is? I know Pernilla August is 64, but I doubt Kristina is supposed to be quite that old because that would mean having Wille at 48 (not impossible, but less likely).
I do think she was in her forties when she had both sons, though. Did she start later, because she wanted to get established as Queen first, or were there possible fertility issues which led to her only having two? And in s2 it's implied that she and Ludvig knew each other (or he knew of her) as teenagers at Hillerska. Surely it didn't take them 10-plus years to get together?
But wait; Erik was given the frog prince snowglobe by his grandfather (given, not bequeathed). Presumably the giver was Kristina's father? It seems a bit less meaningful if it was a non-royal who gifted it, and also one gets the impression it's a bit of an heirloom beyond just being meaningful to Wille. So that would mean Erik, at least, was old enough to remember his grandfather, which means Kristina had to be into her forties before becoming queen.
So if we assume a birthdate for Wille of mid-2000s, and Kristina's in her mid-forties when she had him, that would make her born around 1960. At which time her father was presumably King. Do we assign her father a birth sometime in the 1920s? Or a bit later?
Please weigh in if you have Opinions on this!
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sarcasticgaypotato · 6 months
tell me about chell, that potato hauling criminal
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Chell is such a fascinating character to talk about because she, even more so than Caroline, isn't a character... but she absolutely is, at the same time.
On the surface, Chell is simply a player stand-in. She's silent, her actions are decided by the player, and we never get the game telling us outright how she feels or what she thinks. The closest we get to a backstory comes from an Easter Egg (which I've already said I don't necessarily consider canon) and insults made at the player's expense. Insults that, for all we know, are completely baseless.
Chell can reasonably be whatever the player decides she is. (If she's like me, she's actually terrible at tests and fails at puzzles repeatedly before giving up and googling the answers.) Your Chell could be compassionate towards the robots— trusting Wheatley right off the bat and being torn up by his betrayal, forgiving PotaDOS and working together easily— or your Chell could be a silent, bitter, furious killing machine, craving robotic blood and hating every second she's stuck in this hellhole. Neither Chell is technically wrong, but neither is right either.
There's a lot that could be said about the personal projecting that people often do to their favorite characters in fandom, especially with characters as open-ended as Chell, but that's an entirely different can of worms. TL;DR If it makes you happy to picture a character as being like you, go for it. It might not be my cup of tea, but you're not asking me to drink it, so who cares?
All that rambling out of the way, who do I think Chell is?
I think Chell has more character than first glance would give her credit for. We can learn a lot from what actions the game's story forces her to complete and how other characters react to her, ultimately giving us a lot more to work with than Caroline.
Chell is intelligent. If you complete the games (even if you're terrible like I am), you've completed complicated tests and outsmarted a robot that nobody else has survived before. She has a logical brain for solving puzzles as well as a quick wit for thinking on her feet and getting through life or death situations. Chell might have some internal damage from her time in stasis, but she's not slow.
Chell is tenacious and stubborn as all hell. Canon material tells us this outright, I don't need to elaborate much. Chell refuses to be kept in Aperture against her will, she refuses to stay down, and she was willing to risk dying in space just to beat Wheatley. Our girl can hold a grudge if she wants to.
Chell is a little bit of a shit. There's an achievement for breaking all of Wheatley's monitors. Chell doesn't have to do that... but she can, and I think she does. Her jumping when told to say certain words? She's playing dumb knowing Wheatley's not going to get that she's making fun of him.
Chell is fair. She held up her end of the deal with Wheatley, he didn't hold up his, so he learned his lesson. GLaDOS saves her life, even when she didn't have to, and held up her end of the deal? Chell leaves Aperture without a fuss. She doesn't try to kill GLaDOS again or wreck shit on her way out. I believe that Chell's respect is hard to win back once you've lost it, but with the events of Portal 2, GLaDOS succeeded. Chell is perfectly willing to work alongside a partner, and in fact she does so quite well as we've seen, but only if they give her the respect she deserves. If you cheat her you are going to regret it.
Finally, concerning the 'mute' part of our favorite dangerous mute lunatic; I personally am in the camp of 'Chell can speak, she just doesn't want to give the robots the satisfaction.'
There are out-of-universe reasons for Chell not talking. Erik Wolpaw actually talks about the decision to keep her silent in the Kotaku article "Why Chell Doesn't Speak" and I'd recommend hearing what he had to say on the matter. However, that explanation doesn't necessarily need to dictate in-universe ones. I think Chell can speak because frankly, it checks out with the other observations I've made here.
She's a bit of a shit, so yeah, if she noticed it bothers the robots that she's not talking, of course she'd keep it up to annoy them, and she's stubborn enough to keep at it even when she's allied with one of them. Further, she's smart, so she would know that she has very little control in a place like Aperture. This is one thing she has complete control over, this is one card she can hold over everyone else, and she's going to keep it.
All that combines to become my Chell. She's probably different from your Chell, and that's okay, but I think I've made a pretty good case for why I see her the way I do.
I could spin potential backstories for her, but they'd all be very headcanon and speculative, so I'll save that for another time.
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starlitangels · 6 months
Talk Nerdy
Listen, Erik said Link would be Vincent's main in Smash Bros because Vincent has a fondness for the character and fell in love with Breath of the Wild like the rest of us did. That is enough for me to decide Vincent is at least kinda a Legend of Zelda fan. And as a Zelda fan, this was just an excuse to be a Big Nerd. 1.2k words
"C'mon, c'mon, c'mon! I just need one more hit..." Vincent muttered under his breath. So focused on his game that he didn't realize I was standing in the archway behind him. He didn't hear me, smell me, see me—nothing. I smiled and watched Colgera fly around the screen while Link and Tulin furiously flew around in the swirling wind.
Biting my lip, I crept out of the archway and behind the couch. Vincent swore as he took a shot with his bow and it shattered. I smirked, leaned down until I was right behind his ear, and raised a hand.
I dropped it onto his shoulder. "Whatcha doin'?" I asked loudly.
Vincent swore and nearly threw his controller into the TV. Instead managing to only arc it over the coffee table. "Lovely!" he exclaimed. "Don't do that to me!" In a blur of movement, he had his controller back and the game paused. He spun to look at me. "What was that for?"
I laughed. "I'm sorry," I said around my laughter. "I couldn't help it. You were so focused you didn't—you didn't even notice I was right there. I had to see how close I could get!"
He sighed, giving me an affectionate—but exasperated—shake of his head with a little grin. "You're a menace," he said.
I shrugged. "Just for you, and just when we're alone. Because you love me."
"I do. I do love you." I leaned across the back of the couch and met his lips in a kiss. He reached and grabbed at my hips, hauling me over the back of the sofa while I shrieked as I flopped down onto the cushions. He cackled. "There we go. We're even now. And you get to sit with me and watch me play."
"Fine with me."
He kissed the top of my head and unpaused the game. Quickly equipping a new bow to try and shoot Colgera again.
"Rare for a Zelda boss' weak spot to not be their eye," I joked.
"Mmhmm," Vincent agreed, barely paying me any heed.
We sat in relative silence, broken only by Tulin's encouragement and the boss music and various sound effects like the cyclones and Vincent's controller clacking, for a few minutes.
"You're running out of cold resistance," I said.
He cursed under his breath and paused, searching his menus for another dish of food for cold resistance.
"Didn't you get a portable pot in one of the Zonai capsules?"
"They don't work in boss fights," he replied. Right as he found another meal he'd made to fight the cold and had Link eat it. He unpaused and went right back to it.
"Damn, this track slaps," I said quietly.
"It really does. I barely noticed it my first time playing through this game since I was so focused on the fight. Now, every time I restart, I always fight Colgera first. It's the best boss fight."
I smiled. "How many times have you played through Tears of the Kingdom in the last six months?"
Vincent shrugged. "Like five or six. But I don't search for all the Koroks every time. Just as many as I need to get all the spaces in my inventory. I still haven't found all of them on my main Switch profile's save. They added more. It was already a pain in the ass finding nine-hundred in Breath of the Wild. Now there's a thousand. They managed to shove a hundred more into almost the exact same map."
I smiled. "These are your favorite Zelda games, aren't they?"
He didn't even break his concentration from the boss fight. "Maybe. Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, and Ocarina of Time are pretty high on the list too." He moved around with his motion controls to aim his bow. "Twilight Princess is high on that list," he added. "I'd only been turned for six years when it came out and I was in the perfect moody, dark headspace to vibe hard with the game's aesthetic. Maybe the nostalgia helps keep it that high on my favorites. It's also just a good game to boot. And, if I may say, the most iconic appearance for Princess Zelda. She was barely in the game and yet when I hear the name 'Princess Zelda', I always think of her Twilight Princess look before even her Breath of the Wild one."
I smiled. Mmm... talk nerdy to me, you lovable dork, I thought fondly. "I never finished the Forest Temple in that game. Much to my best friend's chagrin. Twilight Princess was their favorite Zelda game while we were growing up."
Vincent shot me a quick look. "We'll fix that. I'll break out the Wii or the Wii-U and we'll get you through it."
"If we ever have time," I muttered sarcastically.
"Fair point. We'll find time. The fact that we don't really need to sleep as much has helped me get through this game multiple times."
I snickered and continued watching him.
The Rito Village/Dragon Roost Island theme hit and washed over our living room in a wave of nostalgia. Vincent sighed in rapture at it.
"This music is so good," I whispered.
"Uh-huh," he agreed. "Nintendo really went off with all the Tears of the Kingdom music. Remember that trailer's saxophone?"
"Mmhmm." I grinned. "Remember the first trailer to feature Ganondorf's voice and the entire internet blew up like 'Matthew Mercer'?"
Vincent started laughing. "That was hilarious. So many memes."
"Yeah. It was great." I gasped. "You're on your last shot, Vin!"
"I know. I'm so close."
"You know, if you did this with a Multi-Shot bow, you could do this a lot faster."
"Yeah, yeah. But I like doing this fight first. It's a challenge." He let go of the button on his controller. Link loosed the arrow.
It arced toward Colgera. Vincent and I both held our breath.
It struck, breaking the final bit of cracked ice.
"Yes!" Vincent cheered, pumping his fist into the air. I whooped and let him give me a kiss.
"Good job, lover boy," I said.
"Thanks, lovely." He gave me a soft look. "I forgive you for scaring me to death."
I burst out laughing. "Thanks. And you're welcome."
He kissed my hairline. "Were you wanting a turn on the Switch or were you just coming in to watch me play?"
"I was actually coming in to ask if you wanted a hot cocoa or something but I saw an opportunity that I couldn't pass up."
"Menace," he accused affectionately.
"Playboy," I retorted. He grinned.
"I would actually love a hot chocolate though," he added in a cheeky little whisper, curling his shoulders up and smiling like a mischievous kid.
I smiled. "I'll get some made for us. You're cute." Kissing his curly, glossy blue-black hair, I got up from the sofa and went toward the kitchen while the cutscene kept playing on the TV.
Tag list: @pinksparkl @zozo-01 @thegoldenlittlerose
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cipheramnesia · 2 years
If I was gonna follow up a character from the original Star Wars, it would be one of the storm troopers that got knocked off his bike on Endor, not the one that got eaten by Erik's, but the other guy who limps away and quits the storm troopers in abject disgust after getting his ass handed to him by a combination of teddy bears and inanimate objects followed up by watching the second indestructible superweapon of the empire explode into a million piece again.
So he hides all his gear and bluffs his way off Endor because at that point no one's looking too hard for bad guys, pawns his armor and speeder bike chunks for a ticket into the ass end of nowhere onto one of those planets where it's 90% swamp and humidity, hires on as a ranch hand in some bumfuck cattle farm a thousand kilometers from any spaceport, spends the next four years jabbing the weird hippo-catfish like beasts they raise to supply the greater galaxy with extra tender meat products. He's got a careworn leather poncho and widebrim hat and rides on these heron lookin stilt legged motherfuckers to keep the herds in line.
He keeps his shit secure and himself to himself and far as everyone is concerned he's just a quiet dude, reliable and good with a rifle during the seasonal rush of giant wasps, and doesn't bother anyone. He makes a nice little home and has a little nest egg to maybe start his own ranch one day, someday til one of his old buddies comes spinning out of the sky into the lake outside down in a new order transport ship full of several million bucks worth of high octane space cocaine or whatever, he's been dealing on the side in his unit but almost got caught and had to bug out fast with the latest payload. Only problem is the suppliers and the cartel bosses all think he split with the product to make a quick dollar on his own enterprise.
But neither he nor his deserter buddy know about that he's just some old friend who needs to crash out and lay low while his leg heals up and they haul his little skip out the muck. And honestly no one around there is the type to pry about who skipped out on what draft, everyone has their problems. All up until the cartel and a hundred of their finest killers cruise into town.
They want their product, they want the army buddy's head on a plate, and they want interest paid on their time. It's been years and years since he got pulled into shit like this but in a that time this long past storm trooper has grown a backbone and got tolerably well acquainted with a blaster. There's a hundred killers in town but he's done with running. It's time to start counting.
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vavandeveresfan · 4 months
Sometimes I really hate that I enjoy POTO because Erik's abusive, and if I saw him treat Christine the way he does I'd punch him, hard, then grab Christine by the arm and haul her away, saying, "Girl, lemme talk to you about self-respect . . . ."
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keanuquotes · 27 days
Kirsten Dunst and Daniel Brühl will join a now-confirmed Keanu Reeves to power the A-list cast of double Palme d’Or-winning filmmaker Ruben Östlund’s next feature The Entertainment System Is Down.
The film is set on a long-haul flight where the entertainment system fails and passengers are forced to face the horror of being bored. Filming is scheduled to kick off in early 2025.
The film, Östlund’s seventh and his second in the English language following Triangle Of Sadness. It reteams the director with Erik Hemmendorff of Plattform Produktion and Philippe Bober at Coproduction Office. The latter is also handling international sales.
Östlund said his inspiration for the film was a Virginia University study that found participants did not enjoy spending time in a room by themselves with nothing to do but think and many preferred a painful electric shock to boredom.
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sourw0lfs · 2 months
STWG Daily Drabble: April 20
Prompt: Accidentally kidnapping a mafia boss Tags/Warnings: Modern AU, Mafia AU (implied only) Pairing: Jargyle Words: 502
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The room is still bathed orange when a loud pounding wakes Jonathan. He squints through sleep-crusted eyes as he tries to place where the sound is coming from and why. It takes a moment, at the ass crack of dawn, for his brain to catch on to the fact that the banging is coming from the front door.
With a groan, he hauls himself out of bed, leaving Argyle to shuffle into the warm space he leaves behind, still snoring softly. His footsteps feel like lead as he walks down the short hallway to the front of the apartment. Opening the door, Jonathan leans heavily on the frame and stares at the burly man on the other side. “Who the fuck are you?” he asks, voice fill with gravel.
Instead of answering, the man pushes past Jonathan, leaving him stumbling as their shoulders collide, making his way through the apartment like it’s his own. “Dude!” Jonathan calls after him, final dredges of sleep rushing away in a flood of adrenaline as he hurries back inside.
He makes it back to the bedroom just in time to see Argyle fall in a pile on the floor as the guy pulls him out of the bed. A shot of panic floods through Jonathan’s veins, but Argyle, through his sleepy blinks, seems unfazed by whatever is happening.
“Erik!” Argyle exclaims once he’s slightly more awake, leaving Jonathan more confused than ever. “Everything is a-okay, man. My bad for forgetting to call, yeah?”
The burly man, Erik apparently, looks unimpressed by the blasé way he’s being dismissed, but he also doesn’t argue with it. Instead he just heaves a long-suffering sigh, crouching and slapping a hand down on Argyle’s shoulder. The two of them have a silent conversation as Jonathan watches from the doorway, forehead creased in blatant confusion.
“I’ll cover for you this time,” Erik says after a prolonged silence, standing again. “But never again.”
“Thank, man!” Argyle replies with a lazy smile. “Knew I could count on you!”
Erik only grunts in response as he turns to leave, eying Jonathan in a way that makes him want to phase through the wall as he goes. Once the sound of the front door echoes into the bedroom, Jonathan finally dares to look at Argyle. “What the fuck was that?” he asks as he sinks to the floor, spent from the rush of early morning adrenaline.
“Oh, that was Erik. My mom sends him when I forget to call to make sure I’m not dead or kidnapped,” Argyle explains with a shrug as he clambers back on the bed.
The explanation leaves Jonathan with so many more questions than answers, but part of him isn’t actually sure he wants to know. For now, he just pulls himself back into the bed as well, nerves finally settling as Argyle octopuses his way back into Jonathan’s space, eyes already closed.
More sleep sounds like a great idea, actually. Everything else can wait until the sun is actually up.
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hugheses · 4 months
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stadium series arrival videos
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jhilsara · 2 months
Tie Me to You/ Chapter 9
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Chapter Summary: Mika's exhausted and Sam forces her to take a nap.
Word Count: 3.1k
<Last | Next>
Chapter Warnings: Heavy making out
This fanfic will explore heavier emotions and will have eventual smut. Minors DNI
Can also be found on AO3 X
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Just close your eyes, the sun is going down
You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now
Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound
Safe and Sound - Taylor Swift
Mika’s spent the better part of the last two weeks being on a rotation with the incubi. She called it a custody drop off, but no one found that funny besides her. If she couldn’t find some humor in her situation, she’d go insane. Regardless, they refuse to leave her alone without any protection since Malix showed up, so she’s being chauffeured everywhere. She hates that she essentially needs a babysitter, but it’s better than having some hell born devil attacking her in public.  
Her schedule has been nothing short of classes, work, home. Rinse and repeat. She was lucky enough that her job was on campus, so it made her life a little easier. Working in the university library was one of her smarter life choices. It worked to keep Mika away from her parents' house and provide her with time to study.  She cut back on her working hours this month, trying to focus on graduation.  
At home Mika disappears into her room to study for her exams. It keeps her mind off the impending doom of devils targeting her. Which is what she needs. So, she buries herself in her studies to block out her fear and anxiety. She focuses heavily on the goal of graduation, even though her grades are stellar, and she doesn’t need to worry. She didn’t need to study as much as she was. Damien and Erik had tried to persuade her out of her room to eat but were met with refusal. 
“I’ll eat after I’m done studying.” was the excuse. Every night she forgot to eat. Her exhaustion and anxiety were catching up with her body, almost visibly so. Her under eyes were dark and her cheeks appeared sallow. Mika dismisses their worries.  
“She isn’t coming down...again.” Erik tells them in concern. He sits at the dining table, brow furrowed in worry.  
“That’s three times this week and she’s lying to herself. She never eats.” Damien adds distressed over their friend.   
Sam slams his hands on the table and bolts up, fists curled and heavy footsteps pounding up the stairs. He doesn’t say a word. Damien almost snorts with the laughter bubbling out of him. Sam was just so aggressive with how he shows care, it’s ridiculous. Who knew it would take Sam’s brute force to make her eat dinner. 
Sam pounds his fist on her door, “C’mon you’re eating with us.” he says sternly. His voice is gruff as he continues to knock. 
Mika almost jumps out of her chair from the sound that comes from the force of Sam’s fist. She can feel the headache starting. His attitude is the last thing she wants to deal with right now.  
“Not hungry!” She shouts back at him. Continuing to look over her notes.  
“Don’t care.” 
 He slams open her door and easily stalks over to her. Before Mika can even try to stand up or shout at him, Sam bends over, grabbing her legs. He slings her over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes and turns to haul her downstairs.  
Mika’s face is red from embarrassment as she slams her hands against Sam’s back.  
“Put me down! What is wrong with you?!” she shrieks trying to wiggle out of his grasp. Her small hands pound against his back, not doing much at all except reaffirm to her how firm and muscular Sam is.  
She can’t move, his biceps locking her in place. “You haven’t eaten a real meal in days! Do you want to get sick? Stop being an idiot.” He growls out at her.  
Mika stops hitting him and freezes, growing quiet. “...That’s not-” she tries to retaliate but he cuts her off.  
“Just take a break. It won’t kill you.”  
She stops fighting back and lets him take her downstairs. She only tries to stop him outside the dining room, demanding she is fully capable of walking herself to her chair.  
Graduation is around the corner, and Mika is exhausted. If it wasn’t for the normal amount of stress that comes with graduating university, she also has to worry about devils.  
Mika is spent on her last thread of patience and exhaustion. She’s been getting little sleep and she passed out upon entering the car the last time James picked her up. Safe to say Mika is barely functioning.  
Sam’s driving her to campus this morning, which how he got a license is still debatable considering he’s quite possibly the worst driver she’s even seen. He notices the dark circles under her eyes and how she has the car mirror pulled down looking at them. She tries to cover them with some concealer, to not worry her friends. There are enough people who she’s burdening already. She didn’t need to add her friends to the mix. 
Sam looks over to her out of the corner of his eye, “How much sleep did you get?” Sam asks her bluntly. It sounds harsher than intended, but Sam never tried to be soft.  
She sighs and slaps the mirror back up, “Between studying for finals, work, and you know, stressing over my life possibly ending because of some devils... like, three hours?”  
He rolls his eyes at her answer, “Do you work tonight?”  
Mika turns to face him as she grabs her bag, “No, I took the day off. My last class ends around one.”  
“Why are you asking? I thought Matthew was picking me up today?” It would be her luck that she’s forgetting who is supposed to be driving her too. 
“He was, but I’m taking over. I’m gonna pick you up and you’re taking a god damn nap today.” Sam tells her in a tone that isn’t debatable.  
It’s never stopped her before though. She huffs in frustration, “Sam I have chores and studying and a million other things to do. I don’t have the time besides...” she pauses looking down at her lap.  
“I can’t.” she stresses out.  
“What are you talking about? Of course you can-” She cuts him off.  
“No, Sam, I mean... like I physically can’t sleep. If I could, I would but, it’s like my brain just won't turn off at night.” her grip on her bag is tight.  
She wasn’t planning on telling any of them about her sleeping problems. She had managed not to even set off Damien who couldn’t tune out her brain if he wanted to. So, why was Sam peeling away her carefully composed layer? 
He lays off for a moment, reaches over and places his hand on her head and ruffles her hair. “Don’t worry about it.”  
“Sam!” her hand flies up to smack his away and pulls down the mirror. “I just fixed that.” she pouts.  
He rolls his eyes playfully, “I’ll see you later doofus.”  
“Bye Sam.”  
He doesn’t push her. Doesn’t pry for more information or offer unwarranted advice she didn’t care to hear, he just listens. It eases her unsettling nerves, if only for a moment. 
Mika doesn’t believe that she will be napping. Like she told Sam, she just... can’t. She wishes she could, but the nightmares she’s been having are eating her from the inside out. All she can see and hear are red devils and gunshots. 
 It’s easier to not dream.  
Sam wasn’t joking with her though. He picks her up like he said he would and just like with dinner, he lifts her up effortlessly. Throwing her over his shoulder and tossing her into her bedroom.  
Mika sighs, not enjoying how much Sam’s already man handled her the past few weeks. She does take her time and bask in the hot water of her shower. She stands there long after she’s done washing and doesn’t move until the water almost runs cold.  
She pulls on her comfiest hoodie and shorts after drying her hair. She throws the door open and Sam’s leaning against the wall, waiting. He raises a brow at her.  
“Sam,” she sighs crossing her arm, “I’m not sleepy. I really do feel so much better after that shower though. So, I’ll just study until dinner.”  
Mika feels content with her argument. She still felt awful but not like a living corpse anymore, it was progress. She waves him off but Sam steps forward placing his hands on her shoulders. With a firm grip he pushes her back into the bedroom.  
“Nuh uh, no way. Get in that bed.”  
Mika rolls her eyes but dramatically falls onto her bed. She moves to sit up, crossing her legs and looking at Sam with a pointed look. “I’m on it.” She smacks her hands on her knees dramatically, trying to be irritating. She just wants to study, alone. 
Sam’s had enough of her attitude, he shakes his head and toes off his shoes. “Get under the covers doofus.”  
“Is the plan that you take a nap with me?” She jokes and shuffles herself comfortably under the blankets.  
Sam moves to sit next to her head, “No, just lay down and close your eyes alright?” He rolls his eyes. 
Mika shoots him a questioning look but does as she’s told. More than positive, she won’t be falling asleep anytime soon. She settles in hoping that, at the very least, she can relax for twenty minutes.  
She isn’t prepared for Sam’s hands to start lightly brushing through her hair and massaging her scalp. A soft gasp escapes Mika’s lips as she presses herself deeper into the pillow. Sam’s hands are rough and calloused, but he cards them through her hair so delicately. She doesn’t realize that the sensation and comfort of it put her to sleep.  
Mika stirs awake and it only mildly confused. She remembers Sam forcing her to take a nap but that was it. She had a dreamless sleep and it’s the most refreshed she’s felt in weeks.  
She’s wrapped around something on her bed, and it’s not a soft pillow. It’s firm. Or rather, Sam’s firm. Mika is pressed against Sam’s chest, one of his arms comfortably laying behind her. Her own arms are wrapped around Sam, hugging him close to her. She can hear his faint snores, as she notices he also fell asleep. 
Mika’s face burns in embarrassment and she tries to untangle herself from him. She slowly pulls her arms back toward herself and flips her body over so her back faces him. She moves to try and get off the bed, but Sam’s body follows her movements. He groans as she moves away, his arms immediately moving to wrap around her waist and pull her back against his chest.  
Mika turns to look over her shoulder and sees that he is still very much deeply asleep. She relaxes in his hold, knowing she isn’t going to be leaving the bed until he wakes up. The discomfort leaves her body as she focuses on his breathing and the slow, rhythmic movement of his chest. She sighs and grabs her phone that’s next to her pillow and mindlessly scrolls on it to pass the time.  
A solid twenty minutes pass before she feels him stirring awake behind her.  
“Whattimeisit?” he slurs out groggily.   
Mika softly giggles to herself, “It’s about seven at night.”  
“Five more minutes...” he clutches onto her tighter shoving his face into the crook of her neck.  
The motion sends a shiver of pleasure down her back. Sam immediately feels it and his hands fly off her like he’s been burned from a hot iron. Sam sits up completely straight his face blushing furiously as he looks mortified.  
Once he releases her, Mika finally sits up. She moves her arms up in a stretch.  
“Oh my fucking god. I’m so sorry.” He rushes out, avoiding her eyes.  
“Sam it’s fine. You just fell asleep, and we’ve been exhausted for over a week...” she offers him an olive branch to end his own inner turmoil. 
Sam looks up and reads her face. He finds she is being sincere, and his shoulders release the tension they were holding. He flops back into the bed, rubbing his face in irritation. “I’m more than exhausted.” he mutters to himself. 
“It’s nothing.” Sam swings his body back up, trying to shake off his admission.  
Mika moves before she can stop herself, grabbing his wrist. “Sam...I-”  
She’s nervous. Mika chews on her lip anxiously, looking down to avoid his intense gaze.  
“Do you need energy?” she finally asks him. Her voice is quiet, but her question screams at them both.  
She feels Sam’s body go rigid, “I’m fine.” He bites out in a hard tone. His actions defy his words as Sam doesn’t pull himself out of her light grip. 
She looks up at Sam for the first time, and really notices how tired he looks. He’s carrying his own undereye bags and he’s been training his brothers almost every day. Sam is more than at the end of his power supply. Mika didn’t know how often they needed energy, but it looked like Sam was desperately clinging onto whatever was left.  
“Sam, you look like a dead man walking.” She tells him bluntly. “Take my energy, I’m telling you it’s okay.” Mika reassures with a squeeze of his wrist.  
Sam’s losing his internal battle with his will. He scoffs at her statement and turns to look away from her.  
“I promise, it’s okay.”  
Sam’s tense shoulders finally seem to relax, and he begrudgingly looks at her. Mika sees his eyes are no longer green but rimmed in a beautiful gold. Almost dancing around his iris. She smiles in triumph.  
“Don’t look so smug,” he says moving his hand out of her grip to grab her waist and lay her down on the bed. He touches her like she’s something fragile. “You’re gonna be tired after this.”  
“Only if you do it right.” She teases him. 
“Oh? Now you’re pushing your luck.” Sam says in a low voice but before she can respond his lips have found hers, shutting her up.  
Mika feels the enthrallment working its way in her body, making her feel flushed from the inside out. She feels the warmth in the pit of her stomach. Sam’s hands leave a burning trail as they slide down to her hips. He presses her into the mattress, it’s a consistent firm pressure, almost like he’s forcing his hands to not roam her body. Mika wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her. Their mouths slot together easily.  
Unlike before, Mika is acutely aware of being enthralled. Mika craves more, she only wants more of Sam. She wants him all over, kissing her neck, caressing her, marking up her body with evidence of only him. She involuntarily thrusts her hips up, trying to chase any friction, a small whimper escapes her lips. She feels his grip on her hips tighten in response, keeping her still in place. A low growl registers in his chest.  
Heat flushes down her body, as a wave of desire floods her senses. Mika’s head is swimming in thoughts of Sam. Everything feels too much, too hot, just too intense. She can’t decipher if she has real feelings or if it’s just enthrallment. Her head is spinning as she realizes maybe she should have asked about how enthrallment works before just diving right into it. 
Sam shifts and leans his weight onto one arm as he props himself up. His mouth moves to sprinkle kisses along her jaw and down her neck. She doesn’t suppress the moan that comes from her, craning her neck back to expose more to him. Sam chuckles into her neck and places one more soft kiss on the hollow of her neck. 
 He pulls away to sit up, “Thanks, I’m good now.” His voice is low, like he’s the one out of breath and not her.  
She looks up at him, eyes heavy as she feels the enthrallment drop. She’s taking deep shallow breaths, feeling completely blissed out. Her head was still fuzzy from it all. 
“Uh, yeah, anytime.” She says in a daze moving to sit up.  
Sam snorts and places his hand on her head, ruffling her hair. His eyes are soft as he looks at her, “Don’t offer up something like that. I might make good on it.” He teases. 
After Sam leaves the room Mika falls back on her bed. Hands covering her burning red face as her heart beats astronomically fast. She has no idea what she’s doing.  
‘Fuck me.’ 
She should have asked how their powers work. Enthrallment is... confusing for Mika. They just seemed so human, she forgot they were demon's half the time. If it wasn’t for Damien’s never-ending mind reading, she would forget entirely.  
Which is why she shouldn’t be thinking about it at all right now. She grips the steering wheel a little tighter and tries to focus on the music playing from the radio. Mika’s driving to class, it’s Damien’s turn to escort, and she’s still replaying last night with Sam. She’s trying not to while Damien’s literally sitting next to her. There’s no privacy in her own head, and while usually that wouldn’t bug her with Damien, this is different. Mostly because she doesn’t know if she has feelings for Sam or if she just liked the lustful feeling from the enthrallment.  
Mika’s mind wanders to Sam’s firm hands pressing her into the mattress and his large body hovering over her frame. Sam was built and it wasn’t fair, he easy threw her over his shoulders, and she thinks about him manhandling her in other ways. She shakes her head trying to push the thought from her head. 
There’s a heavy sigh from Damien and she looks at him briefly, seeing him quirking a brow at her.  
“I’ve heard literally everything in your head, and it is not only overstimulating, but it feels like mind whiplash.” he says with a frown.  
She clutches the steering wheel, white knuckles, as she focuses heavily on the road. Shame flushes through her body.  
“How, how does enthrallment work?” Mika asks quickly trying to push past her embarrassment.  
Damien chuckles, and tries to cover it with a cough, “Well, it gives us your energy. Which you knew that much. As incubi we feed on sexual energy, but enthrallment doesn’t magically give you deep emotions for someone. It just lets us bend your will to ours in that moment. It also enhances the pleasure of your experience as a human. Nothing more and nothing less.”  
Mika grows quiet at Damien’s respond and mulls it over in her head.  
“So, my very confusing feelings aren’t the enthrallment?”  
“Nope. That’s all you.” Damien looks over at Mika with an amused smile. 
“You’re not being very helpful here Damien...” Mika says with a pout as she gives him an annoyed glance.  
All Damien responds with is a genuine laugh. 
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Can you do a story where Erik and his girlfriend just move in and have a sexy nosy neighbor.Also hey I hope you’re having a wonderful day or night whenever you get this
Sugar Neighbors
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Though "Pretty Boy" Amor was accustomed to working long and exhausting hours as a full-time hospital nurse, he was burning out.
"I'm too pretty to be in this hospital. I need an OnlyFans." He'd tell himself this every day but still show up to work. "Yes, yes, I'm here," is what he'd mutter when they called on him first thing to do something. He was grumpy and snappy, but they couldn't say he didn't show up and handle his responsibilities. He had a crush on one person... a girl named Dasia. Every day, she'd keep him sane and convince him not to quit.
In the meantime, he'd hassle the agency nurses to pass the time. They were coming in, so he wanted to know their pay, other jobs, side hustles, and what they be doing on shift. Who do you like? Who here do you not like? Who are you dating? Are you married? Where do you live? Do you have kids?
Sometimes, it came off as obnoxious and sometimes flirting. Amor was just nosey, and he liked to gossip even if it was small.
"I got something," Dasia teased, leaning against him. He was 5'11 and she was a flat 5'5. He put an arm around her. "You know the rules," she looked up. She wanted to trade tea.
"My neighbor got evicted," Amor blurted. "A few weeks ago."
"And you're just telling me?"
"Pay up."
"Okay well, Dr. Garrett is sleeping with his nurse."
"I'd be more surprised if he wasn't. That's all?"
"Wait, I do have one more.. Olivia's pregnant."
"Damn, that fetus getting deleted illegal or not."
"What you got?"
"My new neighbors just moved in yesterday. Both of them are fine as hell. I went outside when I saw that U-Haul and baby, their stuff ain't cheap. Shorty had that human hair, too?"
"What you know about human hair?"
"You'd be surprised what I know. She was bad and the nigga's chain was real."
"Make you wanna pull em both... Have some sugar parents."
Amor's eyes went large as he considered it. "I think you might have done something... I could work them a bit. What I got to lose? The rent is too high."
"You are not really gonna do this..."
"Watch me."
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Erik was surrounded by boxes that he had to unpack. His camcorder was on, and Gianna was out visiting her granny when there was a knock on the door. He paused the camera, thinking it could be the landlord, but when he checked the peephole, it was a different nigga. He walked away and resumed, but before he could get recording, the nigga knocked again. So, Erik decided to put the nigga on camera.
"What you want? Talk fast."
"Hey," Amor greeted, a store bought sweet potato pie in hand. "Just a lil welcome. I'm right here," he nodded toward his own door. "Name's Amor."
"Thanks.. I'm Erik." He took the pie quickly but carefully.
"Let me know if you need anything."
"Good looking out."
Something told Erik something funny was going on, but Erik closed the door and got back to it.
Moving to a North Carolina was a temporary thing. Both Erik and his live-in girlfriend, Gianna, would only be there for a year or two until her estranged and dying grandmother bit the dust. Since her aunts and mother went no-contact, Gianna's granny had no one. Gianna didn't know the old bitty, so she wasn't emotionally attached. She was just nice and a saint to use her money to pay for memory care. In the meantime, both she and Erik were full-time YouTubers.
This was how Erik first realized Amor was a flirt. Gianna saw the neighbor in their video. All their followers saw Amor in the video. Amor was trade realness, but anyone with eyes could see that he was looking at Erik like a piece of meat. They warned Gianna to keep an eye out for Selener. They warned Erik to pay closer attention. But all in all... they ran up the views.
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Amor found his neighbors socials easily. He figured if the nigga was talking to a camera, he had to be a YouTuber, and he was absolutely right. He did his digging and saw what was being said about the encounter. He was a hot topic in their video comment section, so he had an idea. After work, he knocked on their door.
This time, when Erik opened the door, there was no camera.
"Ay come in. I wanna talk to you."
Amor was hesitant, but he could handle himself.
"This my girlfriend, Gianna."
"Hey Gianna," Amor centered in on her. Her brow rose.
"What are you... gay, straight..." Erik asked.
Amor smirked, stepping close and closing the gap between him and Erik. They were about the same height. "Want me to show you," Amor teased. Erik's arm came up to keep him back.
"Chill. I wanna talk to you about an opportunity. We make videos on YouTube, and we wondered if you wanna be a regular cameo?"
"You want me on your channel?" Amor pretended to be oblivious, but it was the idea he also wanted to bring up. He'd planned to come clean about his attempts at seducing them, but now, he figured it would be more interesting if he didn't.
"We'll cut you in."
"Aight. Yeah, I'm in. What should I do?"
"Just... Be yourself," Gianna pointed.
Amor almost laughed. He considered himself a straight man, he definitely wasn't being himself.
So it went on. Amor knocked on their door and continued to flirt with both Gianna and Erik with a camera in his face. He even participated in harmless pranks they planned and played on each other. They paid him his cut and he reported to Dasia everything that occurred in trade for more secrets and gossip. He still worked at the hospital, just less hours. He still noticed who was early and who was late, who lied on what they did, and which nurses were secretly having sex. He and Dasia were the eyes and ears of the hospital and suddenly he was spending less time with her. It was the only drawback. He didn't miss the hospital, he missed Dasia.
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"He's a little weird, but he's harmless."
Erik was trying to comfort Gianna.
She was hesitating about the continued involvement of Amor in their videos. She felt like he was getting a lot of the attention because he was very attractive and charming. Too charming. Aside from that, he was bordering on aggressive. The flirting was funny when he hit on Erik, but at the same time, something didn't seem so innocent. He was blatantly serious. He was really saying these crude and sensual things, really casually touching them. She didn't typically let other men touch her in the way Amor was touching her. Erik didn't typically let it happen even after she expressed being weirded out. He'd even smacked her ass in the cheating prank and kissed her cheek. The viewers ate it up, but she felt weird!
Erik understood it all, but again, "He is harmless... and look at the dollar. It's worth it. If you could get through a slight discomfort, we'll be good."
Gianna went to visit her grandma a couple days later. She ran into Amor on her way back. He was holding the elevator for her.
"Neighbor," he nodded.
She was cordial, but she could feel the energy of lust surrounding her. He didn't look at her, but he oozed sex. He struck her as a glorified perverted playboy. Her skin began to tingle from that point whenever he was near. She couldn't quite put her finger on the discomfort.
They continued making videos and paying him. Then something different happened. He came to her privately and proposed a video idea. A prank on Erik where he's lying in their bed instead of Gianna.
"He might hurt you," Gianna warned. That was the LEAST that would happen.
Amor waved it off, seeming unconcerned. "I'm tougher than I look and the views would be good."
Gianna considered it. Amor was right about the views and part of Gianna wanted to call Erik's bluff since he seemed to be so damn fine with everything that she'd been saying was an issue. He wouldn't get it until a line was crossed with him.
So, she agreed and put Amor in their bed in her bonnet and robe one evening. He looked just like her as a lump laying there. The camera was hidden, and so was she. She watched from the closet as Erik entered the bedroom, talking to what he assumed was her.
He sat on the bed and kept talking. She'd have to edit out a good 10 minutes of footage from that alone. Finally, he uncovered the lump and jumped, slamming Amor with a pillow.
Amor didn't break character.
"Erik, I knew you'd be back. Gianna went out. She should be back in the next fifteen minutes, but until then," he stroked Erik's forearm seductively.
Erik was frozen trying to determine what he was going to do. Gianna was ready to jump out of the closet should he throw a punch. But something interesting and unexpected happened. Erik sat back down on the bed. Gianna was surprised and suddenly watching much more closely.
"Why are you in our bed?"
"She said I could."
"But why are you here?"
"Why do you think? She mentioned you wanted a threesome. She said you might get mad at first and wonder why me and not another woman. I assured her that I could do anything a woman could do and more for you both." Amor chuckled evilly. "You don't even know the shit I could do to y'all."
Gianna was blown away that Erik was even listening to this bullshit. She'd never!
"Shit like what," Erik questioned.
"You got a couple minutes? I could give you a glimpse of the feeling."
Gianna's eyes went wide.
"Hurry up," Erik gestured to his own lap, watching Amor lean over and touch his stomach.
Gianna couldn't take it anymore. She burst from the closet and called Erik every foul name she could think of in that moment.
Both he and Amor began to laugh. That's when Erik pointed to a separate camera that had been set up in the room way before.
"Got ya."
So Gianna had been genuinely pranked by Erik and Amor was part of it. She was even more frustrated now. She knew what she had to do. She let things cool down and waited for the opportune moment to enlist Amor like she thought she'd done before. This time, she was initiating. Her idea was for Erik to catch the two of them fooling around in bed. She was a little anxious considering Amor already couldn't keep his hands to himself, but they went through with it.
As she expected, even with the cameras on, he was trying to feel her up under the covers. She had to keep stopping his wandering arms. Maybe watching this footage back would show Erik what she saw. Maybe he'd be a little more wary about this man who made her feel uneasy in her body. Again, he was very attractive and aggressive about his interest. He kept touching her, and it didn't feel bad at all. Erik had to hurry.
"Where is he," she worried aloud.
"He'll be here," Amor smirked, sliding a hand between her thighs. She was wearing leggings, but still. "Why do I make you so nervous," he asked. "Relax. It's your world."
Gianna sighed, waiting for the scene to start. Amor held her chin.
"Don't be nervous. I don't bite, unless you want me to." He leaned in and nibbled her finger. "What? You want me to, you just don't know it yet."
She was seconds from jumping up when Erik walked in, instant confusion on his face. This time, he didn't stop. He jumped across the room onto the bed in his shoes and almost hit her trying to beat the hell out of Amor.
Amor wasn't lying about defending himself. He held Erik off long enough to say it was a prank and to watch the footage back. He left instantly and after reviewing the footage, Erik was even more pissed.
That was the straw that made him say "No more Amor. Amor is done!"
Gianna, of course, had to say, "I told you."
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"So that's my gossip," Amor finally finished recounting to Dasia all that had occurred. "I'm back to being full-time." He sighed, upset that his side gig had tanked.
"I still can't believe you tried to seduce them both. You knew that wouldn't end well."
"Yeah, yeah. Well. At least I'm here before your very eyes as I was before. You're welcome."
"You missed me," Dasia grinned.
Amor shook his head no, pride not allowing those words to come forward. "You owe me something juicy. Make it good, or I'm a be pissed because I gave you a damn good one."
"Ok, how about we do it like this since you're so stubborn. I have some tea that you know, you just don't think you know."
"Something else," Amor frowned, uninterested. Dasia chuckled.
"You're gonna wanna hear this one. Tea is, you've been so busy flirting with your neighbors and playing sitcom that you forgot to do what you've been working up the courage to for the last few months. You need to ask me out before Allen from Maternity asks me."
"The fuck, who said I wanted to ask you out?" Amor smiled, bumping her gently.
The cat had long been out of the bag. Dasia had been waiting and sticking to him, but Amor was taking entirely too long to say something about his feelings.
Lunch was coming up in a few minutes. He pointed his head toward the cafeteria direction, and Dasia bit the inside of her lip, nodding with a roll of her eyes. He was so shy when it really mattered.
"You owe me a cut of that YouTube money," she teased as they walked down the hall together.
"Did you flirt with another man for weeks to earn this money? No."
"I gave you the idea," she bickered back, playfully.
"You have no evidence."
"I don't have to eat lunch with an extortionist," she turned.
He quickly stopped her and guided her back forward. "I'll buy your lunch."
"A start," she smirked. "Maybe if I flirt with YOU hard enough. I'll get it all."
The End
@dashhoney25 @lettidarawest @soufcakmistress @ljstraightnochaser @princessstevens-blog @eye-raq @thiccdaddy-mbaku @destinio1 @iamrheaspeaks @hidden-treasures21 @bidibidibombaclaat @forbeautyandlife @blowmymbackout @misspooh @thotyana-in-this-hoe @purplehairgawdess @thegucciwaffle @goddessofthundathighs @theegoldenchild @thadelightfulone @sultanabby @mysticalblackhottie @baekhyunbabybunni @fd-writes @richonne4life @goldieccentric @thehomierobbstark @capswife @blackpinup22 @harleycativy @lishabaybeee-blog @playgurlxoxo
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runawaymarbles · 9 months
personal top 5 ships
This hurts me because what are we DEFINING this by. Best ones?? Ones I read the most?? Most formative???
Dean/Cas. I've gone most of the summer without thinking about them much but im sure I'll relapse soon enough. You all know. This is the destiel website.
Silver/Flint (Black Sails) look. Look. Look look look. A story is true a story is untrue I will stand here with you for an hour a day a year he's my friend too I reached back into the past I don't know if this is a warning or a welcome you know all of me I can bear to be known you chose now live with it you gave it all up here in this moment I don't care. Okay???? Okay???????
Charles/Erik (X-Men). It's like. Love isn't everything and love isn't enough and yet. And yet!!!! You know that line from the Hamilton Mixtape when Angelica is like "what have we done with our lives, and what did it get us?" This is DOFP old!cherik and I'm fucked up over it. Love doesn't conquer all but it does keep you company in jail a couple times a month.
Spike/Buffy. I'm sorry, this was fucking formative for me. Toxic ship of my heart. How to hate yourself into a relationship that makes your life worse and you can't let go of and also can be good eventually if you let it. When I tell you that I love you it's not because I want you. I've seen the best and the worst of you. No you don't but thanks for saying it. Deceased.
Max/Anne (Black Sails). You ever decide the best solution to a woman wanting to kill you is to seduce her and then accidentally set off her gay crisis then immediately U-Haul while telling yourself she's going to leave you creating a self-fulfilling prophecy and planning for this eventuality while telling yourself that it's for the best anyway because you have career goals while never getting over her and then at the end of the day realizing half that shit doesn't matter??? Yeah me either these two are crazy. I love them.
Honorable mention: the version of Buck and Eddie that the 911 fanfic writers see. It's the BECAUSE, EVAN of it all.
Other honorable mention: the version of Clarke and Lexa in @entirelytookeen 's brain
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gerec · 10 months
AU-gust 2023
Pairing(s): Cherik Warnings: N/A
3. Writer
He doesn’t know what he means to do or say when he finally sees Erik, all the hurt and anger from their breakup now tangled up with feelings of betrayal and indignation. Perhaps he shouldn’t be too surprised that it results in Charles punching Erik in the face, having tracked him down to their favorite pub where his ex is celebrating the success of his latest release.
“Charles! How nice to see you,” Erik says, rubbing his jaw gingerly as Azazel sighs and reaches down to help him to his feet. Emma doesn’t even flinch over the interruption, merely waving to Logan at the bar to replenish their spilled drinks. “What an unexpected surprise.”
“How dare you,” he seethes, and proceeds to drag Erik outside by the arm, willing himself to calm so he doesn’t haul off and punch that smug bastard again for ruining his life. He can feel his telepathy pushing outwards, straining to lash out, his finely honed control slipping with every second he’s forced to be in the same room again with this frustrating, arrogant prick. “How dare you use our relationship as fodder for your stupid book! Exposing the intimate details of our lives, and things I told you in confidence just to spite me because I broke up with you.”
The satisfied smirk on Erik’s face slowly morphs into a frown. “I’m a writer. It’s only natural that I find inspiration from my own life.”
Charles jabs him in the chest and snarls, “You’re a political analyst, Erik. You write about mutant history and legislation and mutant rights. You expect me to believe that you’ve what? Decided out of the blue to give that up and start writing cheesy Harlequin romances?”
“Harlequin romances! It’s not—”
“Shut up.” It hurts, like there’s a steel band around his heart and Erik is the one squeezing it until it’s close to bursting. “Don’t try and deny it! My god, you named the characters ‘Francis’ and ‘Max’! They have our mutations! Everyone I know, knows it’s about us! My family, my friends and all of my students! I can’t believe you would do this just to humiliate me after everything—”
“Did you actually read it?” Erik asks, his voice barely above a whisper. On closer inspection, Charles can see the dark bags under his eyes, as though he hasn’t had a good night sleep in months. It doesn’t make Charles less angry with what he’s done; only vindictively pleased that he might be suffering as much as Charles has been over their break.  
Snorting derisively, he snaps, “I read enough. Enough to know you made me the villain in your story, and blamed me for everything that went wrong in our relationship.”
“That’s not—” Erik stops, shaking his head. “You didn’t read to the end.”
“I didn’t need to—”
“Because if you did, you’d know that ‘Max’ comes to realize just how much he messed up, that he shouldn’t have pushed ‘Francis’ away, and that he shouldn’t have been such a stubborn asshole,” Erik blurts, which…is not at all what Charles expected him to say. Admit. Ever. “You would know how sorry he is, and how much he wishes he could take it all back.”
Charles laughs, wry and mirthless; it’s so like Erik to make a sweeping grand gesture to get his attention, when he could have simply talked to Charles if he wanted to make things right. He doesn’t want a reconciliation plotted in the pages of a best-selling novel; he wants a man who doesn’t walk out on him time and again and break his heart.   
“You’re right, I didn’t read it, so I shouldn’t have called it a romance,” he says, doing his best to ignore the hopeful expression on his ex-lover’s face. “You wrote a fairy tale, Erik, because in real life, there's no happy ending.”
He turns away, walking briskly down the sidewalk, and doesn’t stop until he feels Erik’s mind heading back through the pub’s front door.
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