#erik leroux
kykiteliya · 5 months
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Lerik giving Christine few organ play lesson's because I've been thinking a lot about it
At least you need some stuff to do when you're locked in the theatre basement for a two week's with girl of your dream or with madman
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twitchydoodle · 1 year
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I guess I'll be keeping you then
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See you in 2023
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guardmesherlock-rowan · 4 months
January Prompt: 'Envelope' the final part
For @sherlockchallenge January's prompt: 'envelope'
Finally, the OCs I think would have been either fun in the game or ones I think would work in the Guard Me Sherlock Universe
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Erik Leroux, 'Irene', JD Fletcher, my take on Jekyll/Hyde, and Aggie under the cut
Erik Leroux
“Hold still.” Erik sternly whispered as his cold hand brushed over MC’s cheek, moving a stray hair back into place. They thought his lip twitched in an almost smile before they met his golden eyes, his expression softened and then he stepped out of their way and counted quietly, “three… two… go.”
MC left on their cue and entered the stage with a well rehearsed huff. “You cannot tell me you seriously believe a word out of his mouth.” They growled at the woman on the stage with them.
She gasped, sinking into the couch as if it would swallow her whole.  “You heard-?”
“I heard enough.” MC waved their hand dismissively. “He’s just a thief, he’ll use up what little money our mother left us, and then he’ll-” MC felt something softly land on their head, their hand reached up and plucked the small envelope out of their hair, “what in the world?” The actress yelped as she jumped back as paper fluttered to the ground around the two of them.
MC looked up into the rafters, but couldn’t see anything past the stage lights and the dozens of envelopes fluttering down.
“Stay calm, everyone!” The director jumped up, scrambling onto the set, but too late as MC opened the envelope and found a simple card with a red skull and a warning, ‘You heard my demands, this is your last warning.’
MC looked over to see the director, pale faced as he tried to sweep up all the cards into a pile. “Erik! Grab me a garbage bag, and you-” he looked at MC, “give me the card, it’s nothing, just a stupid prank.” He laughed nervously.
MC turned their attention back to the card and the handwriting they recognized from the notes they had been personally receiving as well.
MC had never seen the Moriarty estate this lively.  The room echoed with the sounds of laughter, music, and gossip.  But they had lost track of James at some point. Looking through the crowd they did see Jack and Sebastian at opposite ends of the room, but MC’s attention was drawn to a familiar woman that they’d been seeing a lot of. The so called Irene spoke with guests, and even at a distance MC could feel Irene’s gaze.  For a moment MC froze, but just as they started moving towards Irene she was also on the move. MC tried to follow but quickly lost track of her. They looked around and only found her again just as she slipped out.
The sounds of the party were still prevalent in the hallway as MC tried to follow Irene. It had only been a week since the strange woman who had appeared and told MC she was the real Irene, like MC’s character from Midfall Murders. The person who seemed to be appearing everywhere MC was.  Why was she in the Moriarty estate?
MC crept along the hallways, listening for anything to give Irene away. They sighed, believing they had lost her and thinking they might as well return to the party and continue looking for James. Just as they started to turn to head back they felt a puff of air on their neck, they yelped in surprise and spun around. Irene’s smirked, her eyes twinkling with mischief. “Jumpy, MC?” She purred her question.
“I think anyone would jump if someone snuck up on them, but… what are you doing out here?” MC took a step back as Irene moved closer.
“I would ask the same of you, but I believe we both know that you are more than welcomed here.” Irene reached out and gently smoothed MC’s hair back into place. “I can see why he is so enamored with you, and your portrayal of ‘Irene’ on the screen was well done.  But you should be-”
“Oh dear, looks like we have found some lost kittens.” James chuckled as he rounded the corner, he smiled at MC but his gaze quickly went to Irene, “do you two lovelies need to be escorted back to the party? Or maybe, MC, did you miss me and come to find me?” He took their hand, and led them away from Irene, placing himself between them. “And you… ah, I do believe you lost this.” He pulled out an envelope from his pocket and held it to Irene.
She gave him a similar smile, “what gave you that idea?” Ignoring the envelope James held out her.
The two of them were still as they regarded each other, only moving when a few more guests slipped out into the hallway and made their way over to James.  In that moment that MC had looked away, Irene had somehow slipped away. “Where did-?” MC stepped forward, but Jame’s arm slipped around them, holding them close.
“Seems your friend isn’t one for a party, pity, I would very much like to meet her. You should introduce us when you have a chance.  Do you see her often?”
“Irene?” MC glanced at the envelope he tucked safely into his pocket. “I see her around.”
James gave her a wider grin, “you will have to let me know the next time you see her.”
JD Fletcher
“Thank you, MC.” JD smiled at them, setting the envelopes in front of them.  She had called MC over to talk about her latest book, but when MC arrived JD was fighting with her printer, trying to get it to print labels for the envelopes in front of her.
“You could do evites instead.” MC laughed looking over the list of addresses.
JD shook her head, reaching for a pen. “There may come a day when my publisher will have me do that for my book launching parties, but right now I would rather keep it personal.  Some of these people and I have been friends for a while.  It would be weird if I didn’t send them an invitation they could hold.”
MC grabbed half of the addresses before taking a drink of their tea. “I suppose I should just be thankful that you aren’t having us stuff glitter in the envelopes too.”
“No…” she paused, smirking mischievously at MC, “but maybe next time.”
“Well, if I get one I’ll have to be careful where I open it.”
JD reached out and pressed her palm to MC’s knee, her eyebrows drawn in a serious expression, “of course you’ll get one. I wouldn’t have it any other way.” With a gentle pat she turned to her envelopes. “I would say last chance to back out of helping me with these, but I cannot keep you here.”
“I’m happy to help.” MC smiled, especially when they read the first address on their list, one they could skip since they could just bring the invitation home with them.
Charles Baskerville smirked at him, and Henry did his best to remain calm. He sat back in his chair, remaining composed. “Look, ‘Edward’,” Charles called him by his fake name, and leaned on the table, sliding an envelope across to him. Henry didn’t even need to open the envelope to know that the thickness was his cut of the winnings from the last fight. “If you want to see more of this you better get used to answering your phone and coming when you’re called.”
“And you need to remember our deal, I will fight for you when I want to.” Henry tapped his finger on the table. He knew that if he tapped just right the solid wood would give way under his fingernail and he could dig into it, and there wasn’t a small part of him that didn’t want to. Just so he could, and maybe he’d stab this damnable bastard with a sliver big enough-
“You’re anxious for another fix, aren’t ya?” Charles barked a laugh at him, causing Henry to still. “Well, that’s perfect! There’s another match tonight, and I think my ‘Hound’ would wipe the floor with the lot of them.”
“The answer is no.”
Henry was clear in his answer, but the way that Charles’s face twisted had him on the edge. “Why the fuck not?”
“I have tickets for a play tonight, and I’m not going anywhere else but that.” Henry dragged his nails along the table as he stood up, the scraping sensation gave him the headspace to breathe. His attention went to the envelope and quickly tucked it away.
“Sure Ed, sure… well… text me when you’re ready for a party tonight.” Charles was smirking again, looking at the table. Henry followed his gaze and saw the marks he left on the surface.  He glanced at his fingers and saw little bits of blood where the splinters had fought against him. He felt cold as he sought any sensation of pain that should have accompanied the injuries he saw on himself.  “See you later, Ed.” The man laughed.
Henry took a deep breath, closing his eyes and his fist. Trying to breathe, trying to shake the urge, trying to ignore the ghost of the taste of his special ‘elixir’ on the back of his tongue and the satisfaction of the cash in his pocket.
She had barely answered the video call when the elated squeals caused her computer’s speakers to complain. Agatha laughed as she recoiled from the sound, shaking it off she turned her attention to the screen. “Sweetpea, please.”
Jane giggled out her apologies, “but look!” She held up a large stack of different misshaped envelopes. “Can you believe it? And these are just the ones Diana and I have opened today! There was a lot more yesterday.”
“And what are these?” She tried to get a better look at the envelopes, presumably more fan mail, but Jane hadn’t been one to boast about how much attention she received.  Actually, she wasn’t sure if Jane realized how much fan mail she got.
“Okay, so apparently there was a letter writing campaign to try to get Midfall murders another season.”
“So they’ve been writing you?”
“They’ve been writing the studio, and the studio is asking for assistance in going through the letters.” Jane smiled as she opened another envelope.
Diana’s voice came through the speakers somewhere off camera. “And of course our Janey volunteered to help.”
“Well, you know Midfall Murders has an important place in my heart,” she huffed but there was still a smile on her face. “So, of course, I volunteered.”
“And?  Is there a verdict on another season?”
“Well, they’re looking at the attention and talking about it, and while we might not get a script, we might get a movie.” Jane was nearly exploding with excitement.
“That sounds great, hun!”  Agatha was grinning for her friend, imagining how much Jane would love to play Irene again. She almost missed the sound of her bedroom door opening and the soft knock as her brother Hunter peaked in.
“Hey, Ag?” His voice was soft, but something about it made her tense.  She glanced at him with a frown.
“Hey, Hunter!” Jane called out.
“Oh! Hey, Ms. Marple.” The boy came closer, as he started to redden. “Didn’t realize you and Ag had a call today.”
“Yeah, everything okay?”
“Yep!” The boy grinned, leaning over Aggie as if she wasn’t there. She jabbed him in the side, making him grunt. But she was relatively gentle, she knew he was lying, but they would have to talk about it later.
“Well… just wanted you to know Aggie, if they do have us do a movie there is no way I’ll do it without you.” Jane moved closer to the camera, a determination in the way she nodded, agreeing with her own statement.
“That would be a lot of fun! And with a movie, they could get away with bigger more dangerous shots!  You’ll have to tell me all the rumors later. But I need to get going.” Agatha sighed as she realized they had barely gotten to talk.
“You got it!  I’ll text you everything later!”
With goodbyes out of the way, she turned to her brother, leaning back in her chair as she regarded him and the way his shoulders slumped without Jane there to pretend for. “Alright, who did what?”
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nipuni · 1 year
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Once again I bring you some Eriks 😊
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thatsbelievable · 3 months
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584 notes · View notes
laruescribe · 2 months
men will literally build a functional torture chamber in their house beneath the Paris Opera Garnier instead of going to therapy
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from-the-dead · 4 months
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dross-the-fish · 3 days
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Erik Sketch
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do2faj · 11 months
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You alone can make my song take flight,
It's over now the Music Of The Night.
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kykiteliya · 1 year
I don't have enough patience for this technique but in any case this man needs some kisses
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twitchydoodle · 2 years
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The Small Fries
A group formed by Josefina containing a very small portion of the lost humans of Nowhere Forest (working title???). The group living in a tree house Josefina built on a large ancient tree. Why that name though? Mostly to annoy Aidan. Some humans form groups, some like to survive solo - like Josefina, once she figured out what was happening. Said forest containing some evil, some good, some just weird. Basically, one hell of a nightmare but in reality. Those who are lost in said place either die of old age or by gruesome death, old or young. For this forest do contain some wacky, messed up creatures and wacky but slightly familiar places - mimicking the outside world a bit. But, there are also chill ones like my girl Elise over there <3  
As you can see, I have a story for them in the works - finally. Though I wanna show it rather than tell, and display who the characters are as a person. That might take a bit tho lol
Commission Sheet
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willows-escape · 4 months
Symbolic - 1990!Erik x Reader - Part 1
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Pairing - Erik (1990! Charles Dance) x (Female) Reader
Summary - the topic of the mask was the last obstacle in your blossoming relationship, and you were desperate to cross the barrier and become fully intertwined with the man you loved and claimed he loved you too.
Warnings - erik’s deformity is a mix of the deformity we see erik have as a child in the 1990 version and the musical, phantom having a small breakdown, the ✨mask✨topic, poorly dealt with feelings, miscommunication, suggestive moments and reference to genitalia and arousal, descriptions of a gory facial disfigurement, intense self hatred, mentions of christine but she’s long gone in this
Word Count - 4,770
Notes - there will be a part 2 i gotchu i gotchu. should part 2 be smutty or also just suggestive? also i tried writing this in a victorian-esque tone but if you arent vibing with that let me know and i’ll switch it up for part 2. i just thought it would be a nice touch.
give me feedback !!! pleasee !!!!
01 (you're here!) / 02
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The nearby sound of trickling water gracefully blended into the ambiance of your surroundings; the towering trees above you resembled a verdant canopy. The quilt beneath you protected your body from the prickly blades of grass and artificial soil, offering a comfortable spot to recline with your hair spread out beneath you, shimmering in the artificial light.
You laid supine, hands elevated above you to cradle a book you had recently begun reading. The words captivated your attention, submerging you in a realm of fantasy and euphoria. Reading was your preferred means of escaping reality, a release you frequently yearned for when the burdens of the world weighed on your shoulders. It all faded away when you became engrossed in the pages of a book.
Regrettably, you were not the only person who was aware of your coping mechanisms. The situation was quite an affair, so you wouldn’t delve too deeply into the small details, but the love of your life had at long last informed you of his reciprocal affection for you. It felt magical and otherworldly to hear that sweet confession escape his enthralling lips, his eyes penetrating into the depths of your soul as his hands tenderly grasped your waist. You had witnessed the words that you only ever seemed to hear in your dreams.
So what had left you so apprehensive?
Well, the man you spoke so highly about, Erik, did not seem to return those high opinions for you. There was a part of himself he laboured ceaselessly to conceal from you, a mask that symbolically and literally kept up a barrier between your world and his world to prevent them from intertwining. You’d exchanged tender sentiments, cried tears of anguish and passion the night you’d finally confessed. You clung to each other as if your lives depended on it and subjected each other to a night of basking in vulnerability and fragility as your secrets long harboured tumbled past your tongue before you could restrain them. The morning after was no less exquisite and that of a fairy tale romance, but the barrier remained.
That mask he wore, pale and icy to the touch, silently spoke of his distrust for you. The final puzzle piece that he adamantly refused to fit into place, even for the sake of your love. Oh, it was a cruel predicament indeed! All you desired was to behold the appearance of the man you held dear, but he swore by the highest heavens that his visage would send you fleeing, and that was the last outcome he desired. To some extent, you understood his apprehension, having heard him recount tales of how numerous individuals he had cared for and adored had reacted abhorrently upon the unveiling of his face. But how could he expect the two of you to spend the remainder of your lives together without even a glimpse of his unadorned skin?
You weren't expecting Prince Charming, and while you weren't entirely convinced by his claims of him having a face of nightmares, you did trust that he might not be conventionally attractive. After all, you had never seen him. Besides his gentlemanly actions and his physique that seemed as if it had been crafted by a divine being, you weren't going to assume that he was the most handsome man in the world. You would love him nonetheless. But no matter how greatly you persisted and promised him you wouldn’t leave despite what he looked like, he truly did not believe a word you said. And it hurt.
“A new book, dear?”
You glanced upward, granting the subject of your grovelling a tight lipped smile as you hastily flicked your attention back to the words on the page. No anger dwelled within you, just painful disappointment, and the ache in your heart made it hard to bare the sight of him. “Of course. It’s Jane Eyre.”
He hummed in acknowledgment, his walking cane planted firmly into the ground below. You internally winced as the silence rang loud in the air. You were not seeking to upset your lover, but also somehow desiring to communicate that you weren't entirely pleased at the moment. It appeared that the message had travelled clear, but the upset was unavoidable.
A moment more passed before he spoke, “I feel a chill coming on. Seems as though it’s about to rain, don’t you think? Come, let’s retreat inside before it starts to pour.”
You arched a suspicious eyebrow, fingers still tightly clasped around the novel you held. If the plastic animals scattered around that Erik had stolen from the props department said anything, everything in this quaint woodsy area was unquestionably fake. From the dirt to the grass to the trees, the animals and the sky. It went without saying there would be no rainfall. This meant he wanted to discuss things with you without the distraction of your nose being buried within the pages of a book. And you weren’t entirely sure how to feel about it.
“And why should I do that?” you questioned, paying him no eye contact as you pretended to continue to read.
“You wouldn’t want your clothing to get wet, would you? I won’t be visiting the laundry room of the opera house for another week, hence it would be wise to avoid sullying a valuable item of clothing,” he reasoned, knowing fully well that he’d drop whatever he was currently doing to run and fulfil any request you asked of him, never mind visiting the damn laundry room.
You parted your lips, ready to jestingly remark about how there would indeed be no rainfall. Yet, in that very moment, a peculiar sensation graced your senses. A solitary droplet of water descended upon your nose, its touch cold and trailing a path of dampness as it glided down your nasal bridge. A gasp escaped your lips as more droplets descended, their frequency increasing with each passing moment. In a hastened flurry, you stood upright, clasping your cherished book to your bosom. You abandoned the forgotten quilt as you sprinted through the doors adorned with stained glass, leading you back to Erik's modest dwelling. He followed closely, not far behind your hurried steps.
You’d have to speak to him about putting up a gazebo. To block out the sun, you’d tell him.
“Guess you were right,” you half-heartedly chuckled, absentmindedly tossing the book onto a table to the side of you.
You found yourself in Erik’s room of treasures, where he stored and cherished his most esteemed items, namely his collection of masks and his grand piano. The ambiance within was of a tranquil and serene nature, causing your anger to gradually dissipate. Yet, the sorrow and anguish still lingered within you.
"Forgive me, have I down something to displease you?" Erik questioned, his steps measured and deliberate as if he were trying not to startle you, akin to approaching a timid creature. With utmost gentleness, he lightly laid his hand upon your shoulder, allowing it to glide downward, tracing the contour of your arm.
"Erik…" you whispered, tearing your eyes away from him. Your heart faltered, your breath catching in your throat as his fingertips delicately brushed against your skin. A fire simmered in your core, your veins rushing with hot blood as the touch of his hand engulfed you, overwhelming your senses with a fervour. “I… do not wish to upset you.”
“The only upset you cause me is by not being honest with your feelings,” he replied, hand reaching up to gently trace the skin of your cheek. Your eyes felt weak, gently fluttering shut as you indulged yourself in his affections. “Please, tell me what is troubling you.”
You paused for a moment, allowing yourself to succumb to his touch for a little while longer. The words settled on the tip of your tongue, ready to escape you and take a leap of faith from your mouth to his waiting ears, but you’d already approached this subject with him before and did not wish to push him to frustration or sorrow.
“I just…” you paused, “One day, Erik, do you wish for us to be husband and wife?”
His eyes widened, mouth agape in shock at your blunt statement. He stammered in surprise, removing his hand from your cheek slowly. He drew in a deep breath before answering, “There is nothing I desire more than to be wedded to you. Where is this coming from? Are you feeling as though our relationship is moving too slow? I just didn’t want to frighten you by pushing for more. Why, I’ll marry you tomorrow-”
“Erik, Erik,” you laughed, hand coming up to cup his cheek with your own hand as he was doing to you seconds ago, “I didn’t mean it like that, though I’ll marry you the second you ask it of me. Maybe not tomorrow, however.”
“Ah,” his nerves tingled, goosebumps rising on his skin at the electricity of your touch. He cleared his throat before continuing, “While that is a great relief to me, may I ask as to why you asked that, if not for the reason I previously thought?”
Taking one last final pause, you readied yourself to confess your true want. “I know you’ve said no, and told me to not bring up the subject again… but my love, how can I marry somebody when I have yet to see their face?”
Erik pursed his lips, his eyes shifting down as he began fiddling with the cuffs of his sleeves. You felt dreadful witnessing the unease that the inquiry evoked in him, understanding that it inevitably resurrected distressing memories he longed to forget. Nevertheless, no advancement could transpire between the two of you in your relationship until he allowed you to see his face. You refused to be bound to someone who concealed such an essential aspect of himself, even if you knew the intentions to be entirely pure.
“I can’t do that,” Erik shook his head, walking away from you and moving towards his basket of walking canes. He placed his current one back with the bunch, before busying himself with rearranging his mask collection. He didn’t want to stray too far from you, but also wanted you to drop the subject.
You quietly tip toed behind him, enveloping him in your arms as you wrapped them around his waist and placed your head on his broad shoulder. You audibly heard his breathing pause, feeling him shiver as he relished in your touch. But nevertheless, he pushed on with rearranging his collection, although he wasn’t moving side to side around the table as he was doing previously.
“But why?” you asked.
“You know why, my face is that of nightmares. And I’ve hurt too many by showing them what they believed they could handle. My expectations are realistic.”
“You could never hurt me!” You insisted, your emotions getting the best of you as you retreated from him. He hunched over slightly, hands resting upon the clear spot of table in front of him to steady himself. His head twitched to the side as he bit his bottom lip in thought.
“Dear, I know you think that I exaggerate when I speak of my face, but I can assure you that I do not lie out of simple insecurity. My own father hid me down here due to my appearance, that must speak volumes,” he sighed, coming up once again to stand straight. “Now please, do not ask again.”
“So when I inevitably return to wallowing in my own feelings and escaping to the woods for hours at a time again, will you tell me to not ask again when you approach the subject of my feelings once more?” you tried to reason, desperately wanting him to view the situation from your point of view.
He didn’t respond for a little while, evidently pondering your words that he knew deep down held some veracity. The matter of the mask was evidently causing you distress, and he couldn't fathom any solution that would alleviate your concerns. But alas, he simply couldn't bring himself to do so.
“I’m sorry, my answer’s no.”
Tears welled up in your eyes, shimmering with unspoken pain and longing. Your vision blurred as a single tear cascaded down your cheek, tracing a path of sorrow. Your body trembled with silent sobs, your shoulders shook as you struggled to hold back the flood of emotions that threatened to consume you. The ache in your heart grew stronger, as if each tear shed was a testament to the love and vulnerability you had offered, only to be met with rejection.
“My dear, please, don’t cry over me,” his arms swiftly enfolded you in an embrace, his own frame quivering with an inability to endure the sight of your tears. With a resolute tenderness, he pressed his chilled lips upon your forehead, bestowing a gentle kiss as he cradled your head against his chest. In a steady rhythm, he swayed, seeking to soothe your anguish and stifle the heart breaking sounds that escaped your lips.
“How can I not?” you wept, fingers shaking from how firmly you were clinging onto his white button up shirt. You were grabbing on to him so tight you feared your nails would pierce holes in the delicate fabric, but you couldn’t bring yourself to relinquish your grip no matter how much you internally fought with yourself. Nothing you were doing seemed to be venting your frustrations adequately, leaving you at a loss for how to cope. "My love, the very essence of my existence, the one who breathes life into me, steadfastly refuses to show me his face."
“You must understand- I feel for you exactly as you describe your feelings for me, if not tenfold. That’s why I can’t show you. I’m protecting you just as much I want to protect myself,” he confessed, eyes squeezing shut as his swaying slowed to a stop. His grip was becoming tighter and tighter.
“I know life has dealt you an unfair hand, Erik, I’ve heard your cries and witnessed your heartbreak. I was there for you all throughout Christine, I was there to see your regret and misery as she left you behind. I did not leave your side for a second. I know the great despair and trauma her reaction to your face cast upon you, but please believe not a hair on my head resembles Christine. I will not hurt you the same.”
Erik held you a little longer, his embrace becoming even more so impossibly tighter. He wasn’t urgent to reply, instead allowing himself to bask in your love for as long as he could manage. Your sweet love was an addiction, an ambrosia he craved every single waking hour. But even then you lived in his dreams, your angelic presence blessing him wherever he went or whatever state he was in.
“I love you, Erik,” you spoke, looking upwards towards him as he began to tilt his head to share your unwavering gaze.
“I love you too,” he said.
“So show me,” you whispered, eyes glistening with tears and lips downturned into a subtle frown.
You took one last look into his eyes, before pushing yourself forward and up. Your lips met in a fervent union, a culmination of the deepest desires and longings that had long been brewing between you both. It was a kiss imbued with a delicate tenderness and an irresistible urgency, your mouths moving in perfect harmony. Each brush of his lips sent electric waves coursing through your body, igniting a blazing fire within your soul. In that timeless moment, you and him surrendered yourselves completely, losing all sense of time and space. It was a kiss that spoke volumes, a silent pledge of profound love and unwavering devotion.
As you reluctantly broke the intimate connection, succumbing to the need for a breath of air, your gaze met his half-lidded eyes. His lips were swollen, and his tongue darted out to moisten his bottom lip as he inhaled deeply. A blush crept across your cheeks as you attempted to conceal the rapid beating of your heart, finally becoming aware of his hands that had gradually ventured downward, tenderly tracing the curves of your waist.
He silently took a moment to recover, savouring the lingering taste of your kiss. It was unlike any other you had shared before - no longer innocent and brief, but a passionate embrace that ignited a fire within you. As your lips met, it felt as if the world around you faded away, leaving only the two of you in a moment of pure bliss. The intensity of your connection was palpable, like a match being scraped against a stone, creating small sparks that danced and flickered between your bodies. It was a kiss that left you both breathless, your hearts racing with newfound desire and a longing for more.
“If you really insist on seeing my face, come with me to your room. I do not wish to make you feel cornered, but if you are to faint I wish for you to not bring yourself harm.”
You nodded eagerly, your heart pounding with a mix of excitement and anticipation. The kiss you shared made every colour appear more vibrant and the air feel lighter, filling every fibre of your being with pure bliss. As you followed him, each step felt buoyant, as if you were walking on air.
It didn’t take long for you to reach your room. Erik was very against you two sharing a bedroom, stating that he did not wish to make you uncomfortable or feel trapped next to him, when the reality couldn’t be farther from that. But you feared that he might’ve just been projecting, that he was the one who felt uncomfortable and trapped with the idea of you two sharing a room, so you’d left the topic alone for another day. That day still hasn’t arrived.
Erik took a hold of your hand, gently pulling you in and shutting the door behind you. He shook slightly, so lightly that you almost thought your eyes were deceiving you. “Are you sure about this, y/n?”
“More sure than I’ve ever been about anything, besides how much I love you,” you giggled.
“I… will not keep you down here, if you decide you never want to see me again. I’ve learnt my lessons, do not fear you reaching the same fate Christine did when she reacted negatively.”
You wanted to protest his words, state that you feeling negatively towards him was inconceivable and never going to happen. You also wanted to tell him to stop mentioning Christine, just the utterance of her name made you scowl. But you didn’t want to argue at a time like this, so you just nodded your head.
“Before I take this awful thing off… that kiss was everything I’ve ever wanted and more. If after this you no longer love me, please know that your display of love made me feel like a normal, living man, and that I’m doing this because I know I can die happy after the fact, if you were to leave.”
“I’m honoured to be able to make you feel that way, my love.”
He hesitantly extended his hand towards the strings that secured his mask to his head, skillfully undoing the knot he had carefully tied. As he prepared to remove the mask, he couldn't help but steal a final wistful glance at you, savoring the moment before gradually peeling it away from his skin, gripping the edges tightly with his other hand. The air seemed to hold its breath as the mask revealed the vulnerable visage beneath, unveiling a hidden side that had long been concealed.
His face was a grotesque sight, something that defied accurate description. The skin was cruelly stripped away, revealing the raw and twisted muscles beneath. It was a horrifying visage, and it made your heart ache. He was deformed, disfigured; the only parts of his face that were covered in flesh were swollen and bright red, contrasting the pale whiteness of his bone. You tried your best to swallow the gasp that was pushing past your throat, but you were human.
You were sure you could hear the sound of his heart shattering, but you were so shocked you could only watch as he crumbled to his knees before you. His screams and cries made you nauseous, his repeated wails of, ‘why!? why!? why!?’ as he grabbed onto the hem of your skirt, hiding his face in the fabric in his suffering. You snapped back into reality, falling to your knees in front of him.
“Erik, no, please-”
“Go, please. Leave me.”
“No, please, hear me out. I don’t hate you-”
“This is hardly a face you’d want to marry!” he protested, burying his face deeper into the fabric of your skirt, resisting as you tried to pull it away. “You may not hate me, but you’re scared! Is this the face of a man you could wake up next to, spend the rest of your love with, make love to at night before we sleep? Please just go!”
“No!” you cried, relenting on your attempts to tear his desperate self away from your skirt. You wrapped your arms around him, this time cradling him against your bosom as you rocked back and forth. You felt the tension slowly dissipate from his form. “I do not hate you and I am not scared of you! I want to do all those things with you, Erik, please I swear!”
His quiet sobs continued to echo through the air, his scared body shaking erratically. With utmost tenderness, you cradled his quivering form in your arms, holding him close and providing a safe haven for his shattered heart. Gently, you brushed your fingers through his hair, whispering words of love and reassurance into his ear. Your touch and soothing voice offered him comfort and solace, doing your best to remind him that your love extended far beyond mere physical appearances.
In that moment, as he sought refuge in your embrace, you felt an overwhelming surge of love and compassion for this broken man before you. Despite the mask he wore, both symbolically and literally, you saw the depth of his pain and the vulnerability he rarely allowed others to witness. Your heart ached for him, yearning to heal the wounds that had haunted him for far too long.
"You are more than your face, Erik," you whispered softly, your voice filled with unwavering affection. "Your heart, your soul, and the love we share transcends any physical imperfections. I love you for who you are, please believe that."
As his sobs gradually subsided, he looked up at you with tear-filled eyes, searching for a glimmer of hope and acceptance. In that moment, you saw a spark of belief flicker within him, a tiny beacon of light amidst the darkness that had consumed him for so long.
"I… I want to believe you," he choked out, his voice trembling with both fear and longing. "But all my life people have only said different. How can they when I don’t have a face, and only the resemblance of a face?”
You held his face gently in your hands, your touch conveying a tenderness that words alone could not express. "I understand. I’m sorry for reacting like that, please forgive me. I love you regardless of your face, it was just unlike anything I’d ever seen before. That’s all. I feel no differently for you than how I felt before you removed the mask.”
He hesitantly inclined towards your touch, his eyes seeking yours for reassurance and acquiescence. He quivered as a vehement cry escaped his lips once more, bedewing your bodice in his tears. Yet, you cared not the slightest, more preoccupied with consoling the poor man trembling before you.
You both sat together on the floor of your bedroom for an indeterminate span of time, but to you it felt like hours. You cradled him like a mother would her infant, tenderly caressing and comforting him with gentle touches and whispered reassurances. You hadn’t seen Erik shed tears since the evening of your confession, and you could only surmise that all the trepidation and unease had finally reached a breaking point and crumbled along with his composure. It deeply saddened you to know the man you loved so intensely hated himself and had been hated so harshly by those around him. You vowed to never cause him pain like everybody else had as long as you both lived.
Eventually, he withdrew from you, gracefully settling on his knees, his hands still shielding his face from your view, protecting his vulnerability. He wiped away the glistening tears that adorned his cheeks, his other hand instinctively seeking to conceal himself from your gaze. A pensive frown graced your mouth as you hesitantly reached upward, your fingers yearning to grasp his trembling hands, only to recoil as he instinctively recoiled in response to your advance.
“Hey, it’s okay. I’ve seen it all now, haven’t I?” you hushed, hands dropping from his hands but instead reaching up to smooth back his hair with your fingers.
He sniffled quietly, “Forgive me, I did not intend on frightening you. I am simply unused to showing my bare face around others, it’s unfamiliar.”
“Of course, I understand, love,” you smiled, gently trailing your hand down the side of his face. Goosebumps littered his skin like a trail.
You moved closer to him, your heart racing with anticipation. You kept one hand on his face, basking in the warmth of his skin that didn't have any disfigurement. Your other hand gently draped over his shoulder as you approached, your fingers delicately tracing the contours of his back. He quivered beneath your touch, his legs extending out from under him to create a space for you to come impossibly closer. As you lowered yourself onto his lap, a surge of electricity coursed through your veins. His breath, warm and intoxicating, caressed your skin, sending shivers down your spine. His hands trembled with uncertainty, itching to remove themselves from his face to come down and touch you instead. You chuckled.
“You can hold me.”
His breath caught in his throat, his mind filled with a whirlwind of desires as he absorbed the words that flowed from your enchanting lips. You couldn't help but chuckle softly, savouring the profound effect you had on the man beneath you.
“I’d like to put on my mask, dear,” Erik finally spoke, “As much as I love having you so close, I’m not ready to show myself to you so unashamedly yet.”
With a nod of your head, you stepped back, allowing him the space he needed to shroud his face from view. Though you comprehended the internal struggle he faced after years of hiding, a bittersweet pang of sadness tugged at the depths of your heart. The poignant reality that he still felt the need to shield himself wounded you deeply. But you tried to keep reminding yourself that it wasn’t personal.
He swiftly and efficiently retied the strings, maintaining his determination, as he stood up following you. You leaned in and planted a brief but meaningful kiss on his lips, savoring the moment before reluctantly breaking away. With a mix of emotions swirling inside, you diverted your attention, attempting to shift your focus away from the recent event that had transpired.
“I’ll be out dusting the statues, you haven’t kept up with them in a while and I’d noticed them on the way in and I think they could really use a clean. I’ll speak to you later.” You quickly retreated from the room without even sparing a second glance.
Erik stood there, mouth agape, unable to comprehend the suddenness of your departure. His mind was flooded with a multitude of questions, doubts, and confusion, hindering his ability to think clearly. As he glanced around the room, an overwhelming sense of awe washed over him, as he tried to process the intensity of the moment and the speed at which you had vanished from his presence. Meanwhile, his body felt an uncomfortable strain, as his arousal pressed insistently against the constricting fabric of his trousers, adding yet another layer of complexity to his already tumultuous thoughts.
You were no less aroused, the tingling sensation in your nether regions proving that you had been mutually affected by your lover. Oh lord, this was going to cause problems.
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milaeryn · 6 months
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Hold me, love me, touch me, honey Be the first who ever did
This song always make me think about Erik and Christine...
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melit0n · 5 months
Anytime I see people who say 'Erik should have gotten Chirstine!' I always let out such a loud sigh because they are completely missing the point of the book.
The tradgedy is not, and never has been, the fact that The Phantom didn't get Christine, it's the fact that he never got to be human.
Erik, as a character, is so insanely full of love and yearning and that is exactly what leads people to sympathise with him; to lead them to the point of 'if he got the girl everything would be fine'. He's poetic with his suffering and expresses his truama in a obsessive and borderline psychopathic way in order to deal with it and get what he wants. To have what he never had; real affection. To be kissed without his masked chucked at his face.
To be looked at with fondness instead of fear.
Leroux's whole point with the character of The Phantom isn't that he's another man who deserved the girl, his point was how real life literature Others are treated. Erik is both The Hunchback of Notre Dame's Quasimodo and Jane Eyre's Bertha Mason. Both, of which, despite the fact they don't conform to societal standards, still deserve to be treated as humans.
Erik deserves to be treated like a human despite his deformity, despite his otherness that has literally forced him into the basement of an Opera House he helped build; to be loved like any human wants love. Everybody in that book demonises him for such a human feeling and that is the point. That is the metaphorical kick to the chest.
Further, rounding back around to the 'if he got the girl everything would be fine'. If Erik got Christine, he wouldn't learn that the fact he murdered multiple people to get there, that he threatened to blow up half of Paris, that he tricked a young girl into believing he was her dead father, was wrong. If he got what he wanted, with no consequences, then it wouldn't teach Erik anything, because he would never learn what real affection would be like.
That's why, at the end of the book, where Christine shows him genuine love, willingly, he absolutely crumbles because he realises that is what it means to be human. To feel human; pure love given of someone's own accord.
To love is to be changed, as the poets' say, and that's exactly what it does to him.
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exhausted-undead · 11 days
so I went into a fugue state for two days and spat this out at the end (phantom decided to reach it's little claws into my brain again)
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from-the-dead · 5 months
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Red Death has come to take what is rightfully his own.
Version without wings under the cut:
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