#everyone is playing a guitar they're NOT associated with
the-birth-of-art · 9 months
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Billy Strings' wedding reception band had a helluva front line.
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plzandspanku · 3 months
Real World AU Advice
FOR STARTERS!!! this is a no way hate. I love you all, I love your AUs, I love your storytelling, but sometimes not including real world tidbits in your story can take the reader out of the story and make it hard to continue reading. Use this if you would like if you don't, that's fine.
A band would never realistically have a full-time acoustic guitarist as part of their main set. They might do acoustic songs and switch out guitars during that time but they wouldn't be playing acoustic for every song unless that's the vibe for the whole band.
Not everyone in the band has to play guitar, bass and keys are very important roles in music making process.
If you do have multiple guitarist, the lead guitarist is never going to be the lead singer. The lead singer is going to play rhythm if they're playing the guitar at all.
There are more executive positions than CEO. CFO and COO also extremely important roles in a companies make up under them there are also department presidents and vise presidents
CEO handles everything in the company
CFO handles finances in a company
COO handles the operations internally and externally in a company
Every company has an HR department; please try to write like it exists.
Every single professional sports organization in the world has a policy for drafting. It changes sport to sport.
There is absolutely zero partying or Greek life if you're a varsity sports player. It doesn't matter the sport you're in or what school you go to. PLAYERS CAN AND WILL GET KICKED OF THE TEAM FOR NOT FOLLOWING THE RULES!!
Lawyers cannot sleep with their clients if they did not sleep with them prior to representing them. They would literally lose their license.
The Bar exam to become a lawyer only happens a couple of times a year.
For my non-American dolls!! Our school system is different from what I have seen from pretty much every other part of the world.
Kindergarten: age 5-6
First grade: age 6-7
Second grade: age 7-8
Third grade: age 8-9
Fourth grade: age 9-10
Fifth grade: age 10-11
Sixth grade: age 11-12
Seventh grade: age 12-13
Eight grade: age 13-14
Ninth grade (Freshman): age 14-15
Tenth grade (Sophomore): age 15-16
Eleventh grade (Junior): age 16-17
Twelfth grade (Senior): age 17-18
(The ages are some what flexible but only by like a year in either direction)
Typically kindergarten to sixth grade is elementary school, seventh and eighth grade is middle school, and ninth to twelfth grade is high school. However, depending on where you live sixth grade can be middle school but it's not that way for most people.
Then you have the college system:
Associates degree is two years (sometimes this is referred to as Jr college)
Bachelors degree is four years
Masters degree is two years
PhD is four years
Medical school is four years
Law school is three years
If anyone has anything they would like to add please do!!!
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deltaruminations · 15 days
incoherent rambling about Dess As Strange Someone
man like. ive always been curious about the idea of dess as the Strange Someone but it's really REALLY driving me nuts lately ever since the idea of her actually being more of the “Eldritch force” (or at least the source of it, or maybe a lure for it) than gaster is has really started sticking in my cotton. like seam never tells us what the Someone said to jevil, just that he started going mad after meeting them, and the SB’s knowledge of their nature as light world objects seems to be coming from the shadow crystals, which aren't necessarily being given out by Someone (spamton found his in the NEO body); so like. what is Someone even saying to them then. are they even saying anything to them or are they just Affecting them in some visceral way. even in spamton's case we don't really know if it was Someone giving him business advice or if it was fucking, Mike or whoever lol. honestly the “garbage noise” on the line has always stuck out to me as inconsistent because if the whole deal with the Phone Friend is that they stopped calling without warning then it doesn't make sense for them to have called one last time right before spamton went off the deep end. so yeah like Someone is maybe a completely different force from Phone Friend, and if they are, then we still have no idea what Someone is saying or doing to these guys lol
and you have the gaster-y bit in lost girl being the same as the gaster-y bit in the “freedom motif,” and spamton spontaneously channeling the UNUSED strings, and the whole thing about the puppet scarf feeling like guitar strings, and pulling strings and making them ring being evocative of someone playing a guitar. and with the latter thing – what if spamton isn't speaking entirely metaphorically there? what if he actually heard some song on a guitar – the ringing of strings – that “ripped up” his heart, or like, was so emotionally overwhelming that it just broke him?
i guess something could be said for the idea of dess being like, this powerful symbolic figure of being trapped and helpless against her fate, kind of a thrown away toy in her own right, but still having a powerful drive or desire to be free; and let's say she's playing or manifesting music from the bottom of the Dark Hole, an act that itself reflects a will to live despite the circumstances, and this is somehow being broadcast out in such a way that, if it reaches someone who's receptive enough to it (someone in a similar position, perhaps) it worms itself into their brain and short-circuits them. like it's not even Trying necessarily to reach these people in particular, or break them – her only motivation is for someone, anyone, to hear her, and in a way she's succeeding. it's just that the Vibe she's putting out is so powerfully relatable to these people and tugs so hard at their hearts that it overwhelms them with such an unmanageable amount of self-recognition and sympathy and inspiration to the point that they all end up self-destructing in their own special ways
idk I guess this all comes back to a question ive been kicking around for a long time, which is whether the SBs (and seam, and maybe rouxls) share all these gaster-y traits and associations because gaster is the one who directly or indirectly influenced all of them (that is, they take on aspects of him as a result of contact with him), or whether gaster shares these things because they're commonalities among everyone influenced by the same force (he didn't influence them so much as he's one of them). is even his leitmotif derived from lost girl, and not the other way around? that might be a stretch but i mean. who knows lol. but it does get back to the idea that gaster is SB-like himself, a character who was literally discarded from undertale (though there could be ways an unshattered wingdings deltarune could have been SB-like and susceptible to something like this too – a shy little brother with no friends, or a darkner based around a weird, maligned font, or so on). and gaster is also arguably self-destructing in his own way, like a secret boss, just on a bigger scale (like. he literally shattered into pieces and that wasn't even the end of it for him. Lol). maybe out of the affected cohort gaster is special because he’s apparently the only one who was able to keep his mind even halfway intact after being “contacted” but also even he is just steadily fucking Losing It. idk I feel like that does kind of add some layers to the general idea of gaster trying to keep himself together (literally ha ha am I right. because he exploded.) and being kind of preoccupied with self-control, seeming to like… put a lot of energy into coming off as rational and calm and collected, etc. as if he knows he's going nuts and he's trying to hide it or deny it or stave it off or something. fucking… memoryhead… anyway
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dollarbin · 23 days
Shakey Sundays #21:
Time Fades Away, Part 2
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So. I headed north as promised last night, straight into L.A., Neil's very own uptight city in the smog (city in the smog), to see my famous brother make some very grown up music.
It was amazing and upsetting. Amazing in that Prairewolf are, for our current moment, what Booker T and the MG's were for 1967.
But it was upsetting in that my famous brother and his almost as famous bandmates did not obey my directive and perform Neil Young's Yonder Stands the Sinner with a generous dollop of their own wordless cosmic white man cowboy jazz funk slathered on top. Rather they played songs from their first two records.
I made some videos but have no idea how to paste them in here. If I could figure it out, you'd hear me grooving and hollering and jostling about as everyone in the room blissfully lost their minds amidst the rowdy crowd action and psychedelic vibes.
Naw, it wasn't really that kinda show. Even though Dr. Demento himself was allegedly in the room everyone just sat and nodded with appreciative thoughtfulness while they played. My buddy Greg points out that we probably looked a lot like the studious white folks in the Booker T clip. The band made no speeches and pensively sipped at their Tecates. The projected images behind them swirled and danced in time with my brother's patient yet nimble fretwork. I was filled with intensely mellow joy. Then I drove home.
It was awesome.
And yet, because Prairiewolf didn't bust out a single Time Fades Away cover, I do need to issue the following apology: yesterday's post had nothing whatsoever to do with Neil Young's reckless live album of entirely new songs from 73. Please accept my humble apologies and send all your angry feedback to my famous brother at doomandgloomfromthetomb.
I didn't understand Time Fades Away on any level as a teenager. Neil sounded cranky throughout; the pace was frantic until it was dull; there were no noticeable guitar solos (somehow I didn't notice the fairly groovy interludes on Last Dance); and even at the tender age of 16 I wanted to find David Crosby and punch him squarely in the nose for smugly interrupting the record to announce that what followed would be "a little experimental".
For reasons that are not well-founded or clear I've always associated Crosby with my middle school woodshop teacher Mr Halferty: he would not let us touch any wood in his classroom. Rather, we made keychains and sugar scoopers (as if any of had sugar barrels at home that needed accessing a la Laura Ingall's Farmer Boy) outta plastic and he drove an El Camino. On the last day of school we surreptitiously placed all our finished projects around the wheels of his sweet ride gleefully figuring that as soon as he peeled out there'd be shattered plastic everywhere.
The plan was to hide in the bushes and watch it all go down. I don't think we followed through on that part of the plan. But I felt it then and I feel it now: neither Mr. Halferty nor Crosby have any business on a Neil Young record of any kind post Deja Vu (unless they're glowing unobtrusively in the background as in Through in My Sails).
And so I didn't dig Time Fades Away as a kid.
But it's over 30 years later and I now carry Neil's cranky frantic energy on the record around with me just about everywhere I go. I berate my 11th grade students whenever they enter the classroom more than 6 seconds late or act like their phones are their friends. I drive either way too fast or way too slow. I dream of punching Donald Trump, not David Crosby or poor old Mr. Halferty, squarely in the nose.
So, these days Time Fades Away is right up my alley.
Let me count the ways:
The title track sounds like it's played by angry, drunk monkeys. I mistakenly had my turntable turned up to 45 rpm this weekend when I first dropped the needle; aside from the fact that Neil sounds like a bubbly chipmunk at that speed the song sounds basically the same: terrifying, and good.
Neil must have issued 48 different live versions of Journey Through the Past in the last decade and a half. They're all good. But on Time Fades Away's original take Neil is more plastered than on all the other versions combined.
And you know what they say when it comes to Shakey and Freezermen concerts at Vassar College in 01: the drunker, the better.
As Neil works towards and through the last chorus I feel the room spin wildly around him. It's terrifying, drunk and bleak; it's awesome.
Yonder Stands the Sinner is one of the most unhinged tracks in Young's entire oeuvre. It does not sound experimental, David Crosby; rather it sounds wonderfully insane. At 16 years old I just scratched my head and thought about playing The Joshua Tree or something else instead. Today I feel like Neil is reading the words inscribed on my very soul:
Neil Young: he calls my name without a sound.
Up next we've got L.A. I grew up there. It was alright. But this song is way better: Neil borrows much of the hook from Come on Baby Let's Go Downtown and slows it way the hell down. He's already finding his Tonight's The Night sound and groove here with Ben Keith alongside him, the steel guitar throwing shadows on every available wall of the theater. This is probably my favorite song on the record.
Love in Mind, like The Bridge on Side 2, is just lovely. Neil could nail a ballad like no one else at this point. Everything is fragile and quavering. You want to give the poor guy a hug and recommend a good therapist.
My nearly 80 year old mother talked after the show last night about how seeing her son on stage in Prairiewolf was the opposite of all the Kris Kristofferson shows she saw around LA before Kris became a household name. Seeing her drunk, vulnerable, potentially doomed and beloved cousin play live was utterly stressful. She saw that Kris was not well but that he simply had to make earnest art anyway.
I think it would have been similarly stressful to have been an alive and well Neil Young fan in 1972/3. (I was born in 76 and encountered Young as he entered his 90's heyday.) Fans on the Time Fades Away tour must have worried about whether he was even gonna make it through the show without keeling over.
Folks my age and younger have never been properly stressed out by any of Neil's Ditch era; we encountered all that wonderful music with the knowledge that he survived it all; indeed, we knew that he spun the whole era on its head and made it the foundation for his greatness rather than the soundtrack for his demise.
When it comes to great art like this record, time doesn't fade away. It morphs, it swells and it alters perspectives. Kinda like the lights and sounds I saw on stage in LA last night... And check it out: I figured out how to put in a video of it all which captures... almost nothing. But take my word for it, it was awesome!
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fallingsunflower · 2 years
Harry Styles Body Language 
Hellooo okay here we go. This is just my educated opinion. I have minor experience in body language analysis through my studies (I'm in graduate school currently for psychology) and through work (I used to work in a behavioral school and a psychiatric hospital). None of this is meant to be a diagnosis or taken to be 100% real. Like I said, it's just an opinion.
I've done seldom analyses before. The original ask was asked A WHILE ago and they requested Olivia be included. That was before the stunt ended so I really don't want to bring her back up now lol I'll put some links down below of other analyses I've done if you're interested though x
Holivia body language
Harry's general facial expressions with/without Olivia
Another facial expression comparison
Yacht pics analysis
Olivia body language
I also did a regular Harry one a while ago but I can't for the life of me find it.
This is a general Harry analysis. I will do one about him with men soon, and Kendall since that was requested.
I suspect Harry is quite shy and probably somewhat anxious. He definitely doesn't come off like this all the time. I call it the "anxiety clause". There are certain situations in which shy people come out of their shell. I also think Harry is well trained to appear more extraverted than he actually is. He's pretty hard to read tbh but I'll tell you a little of why I think the way I do.
Harry does this thing every now and then where he covers his face with one or both of his hands when he's laughing, or in some kind of shocking/attention grabbing scenario. Could be read as someone who's hiding behind a shield. And tying into that, it could be read as someone who just needs a moment to process. It's a brief act of the body saying "whoah I need a moment to take this all in and digest what's happening". You have the wrists turned inward towards the face (a subconscious thing people do when they feel vulnerable or feel like they need to protect themselves) and you have the eyes being covered shielding off that sense. Everyone has some kind of motion they subconsciously do while protecting themselves. Some have more obvious ones than others, like this. Traditionally speaking, it exhibits traits of a protector vs a "hunter", for lack of a better word.
It's also a trait of embarrassment.
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He also does this thing with his hands where he balls them up. I think some people call it "sweater paws" depending on what he's wearing. This is usually associated with nervousness or anxiety. It's a comfort tick people do to calm down, again mostly subconsciously.
And yes I KNOW he could just be cold but I'm making my analysis based on a plethora of factors 😭
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Also speaking of hands, he plays around a lot with his. Like his hands are always fidgeting. I noticed this A LOT at the MSG show I went to when I was in Pit. It was painfully obvious. Like fidgeting with the mic, the mic wire, his ear piece, etc. I think that's partially why he likes playing the guitar while performing. Keeping your hands preoccupied helps with nervousness.
Tip: if you ever get anxious, roll a hair pin back and forth between your fingers.
He also touches his hair and lips a lot, which are typically lumped with anxiety. One doesn't equal the other btw. Just saying what they're usually related to.
And then I usually pay attention to posture and other subtle nonverbal cues. I could go on and on about it but sometimes Harry stands somewhat unsure of himself, or he subconsciously makes himself smaller. It's not always equal to anxiety or nervousness. It could also just be him being introverted, shy, or even sad. Sometimes posture is dependent on mood, rather than personality. And sometimes there are cultural differences. We all have nonverbal cues - that's universal. But keep in mine I'm from the US while Harry is from England. There might be some cultural differences.
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These ^ are things I usually look for. And there are way more examples but this is just a basic visual. Harry generally falls under the closed posture.
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These are some general examples of closed posture. You can probably find more also. I usually look for hand/arm placement.
Hands behind the back, or crossed arms/folded hands is typically a way of cutting off communication or putting a barrier between yourself and another person.
Now sometimes yes, hands behind back can mean confidence or superiority, but I look at other things to accompany it too. I look at posture, facial expressions, and if the muscles are relaxed or not. So based on my opinion, I think it's solely just Harry shielding himself. It could be read a couple different ways but again, this is my opinion.
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And the "groin blocking" is usually something people do when they're nervous or insecure. It could also be a submissive thing, or an indicator of shyness.
Also yes these aren't the best examples and it's not how Harry is 1000% of the time, but it's something I've noticed.
These are examples of open posture in regards to sitting:
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And to differentiate between a casual stance and a shy/closed stance, I usually look at a couple different variables. It's not just about the hands. It's about the posture. It's about the content being discussed. It's about the environment. There's a lot more going into it than just saying "oh look at where his hands are". You can't make a fair assumption on just one thing. Not that any of my assumptions are 100% fair - obviously they're not because I don't know Harry personally - but I try to analyze the best I can when needed.
There's also one other picture I cannot find for the life of me. It's Harry sitting down in 2020, and he's wearing a sweater vest. He just looks so shy in that picture. It's one of my main arguments and I literally can't find the pic. If someone knows what I'm talking about, please send it to me.
Anyways, these are just my thoughts. I could talk more about it too but those are my main, initial thoughts :)
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kingofthewilderwest · 5 months
Bill Monroe challenges Mcgucket to a dueling banjo session. Who wins?
XD Here goes an unnecessarily detailed answer, as one might expect from me.
Father of Bluegrass Bill Monroe (1911-1996) was a virtuosic mandolinist (also no slouch on guitar) who incorporated fiddling influences into his playing. Rather than an old-style shimmering tremelo, Bill Monroe attacked the strings in an impressive combination of rhythmic adroitness and dogged melody. His playing had rhythmic quirks bluegrass mandolinists tease on today, but I think it augments rather than detracts from his iconic sound.
Historically speaking, Monroe stepped the game up for virtuosity in American country music. Even when he was in his twenties, performing duos and trios with his brothers on the radio in a more old-time style, his technical alacrity caught attention. Monroe fashioned bluegrass with blues and even jazz influences, such as the idea of instrumentalists taking turns doing technical instrumental breaks, one after the other. Thus, not only did he have to be at a high standard, but he pushed everyone in his band to match it. This man regularly performed hundreds of songs at a whim with good ear and improv ability.
Now, Fidds, my beloved... how does he compare? We hear relatively little of Fiddleford McGucket's banjo picking in Gravity Falls. What information we could glean is contradictory due to animation and sound design inaccuracy. I apologize for upcoming jargon, but I'll explain. ;)
McGucket owns multiple banjos. All banjos he's owned lack planetary tuners, which tends to indicate a low-cost banjo beginners and non-serious players use. However, given as McGucket has dedicatedly played banjo since at least the 1970s, and is dedicated enough to own a collection, this suggests a more invested player. (Of course, you can play for years and be passionate and still suck, but there's a higher chance you're good, hah!) Looking at the meta context, the animators would have no idea they were connotating lower-end instruments, so let's go with writing intent: McGucket is the banjo guy playing with love and passion for decades.
McGucket is most often seen with open-backs, but also has had a Seeger (long-neck) banjo and a resonator. Open-back and Seeger banjos suggest McGucket plays in the old-time style, which is (often) based on repeated rhythms and chords. That we've never seen Fiddleford McGucket wear finger picks also matches old-time. Now, I love old-time, it's gorgeous. But. Old-time banjo doesn't... shred... so in a dueling session, this would be trumped by Monroe's more advanced approach.
On the other hand, McGucket has a resonator. Resonator banjos can and have been used for old-time styles, but in general: if you have a resonator, you're a three-finger style bluegrass picker. This is a very different technique than old-time and will start to put McGucket in the competition. It's also said in Journal 3 he loves listening to high-intensity bluegrass, and when we hear sound clips of McGucket playing, it's in the three-finger bluegrass style. They animate him wrong to be making those sounds, but those are the sounds they're evoking. So, given animation is always inaccurate depicting instruments and performance, bluegrass is the genre associated most directly with McGucket, the animators and maybe even composer might've had no knowledge of old-time and its sounds, and the soundtrack always evokes bluegrass-style banjo... the Gravity Falls team probably wanted to indicate McGucket played bluegrass-style banjo.
I'm not on a computer with speakers to listen to McGucket playing, but I distinctly remember A Tale of Two Stans. I can and have played that riff. I'll transcribe (more or less) it by memory rn.
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McGucket is approximately playing the first few measures of Foggy Mountain Breakdown with the barcodes pulled off. He starts with the Foggy Mountain roll on a G chord, then descends to do a forward roll on an e minor chord. Without jargon, this means he's playing two very simple right hand patterns. These patterns are ones a baby banjo picker would learn in their first month playing.
And that's exactly what happened when you know how the soundtrack developed! Gravity Falls' composer learned some banjo for GF. He's doing what I would... learn baby-baby basics so you can record an instrument live. But this means that, because he learned juuuust enough to get the banjo sound in GF (S1 banjo sounds worse than S2 because of this learning curve, too), he can't depict McGucket as a skilled picker. He does an impressive job with the above measures given his inexperience (the tone is better than I'd expect), but the material itself is rudimentary.
Contrast this with Bill Monroe in one of his beloved instrumentals, Southern Flavor (he is the mandolinist who starts the song, first soloist):
Given what Gravity Falls put in the show, McGucket wouldn't stand a chance against Monroe. McGucket wouldn't get hired by Monroe. Obviously we have to do legwork to go beyond imperfect depictions - the limited knowledge and playing ability of animators and composer - so it's very fair to say McGucket is better than anything presented. But, even then, he's got zero shot competing against a professional who expanded virtuosity of a music style and forced musicians around him to get up to his level. Bluegrass had come into its own and many, many, many amateur players were playing breathtakingly by the 1960s and 1970s. But you ain't gonna beat the master who got 'em all there.
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bugdogg · 6 months
1 7 10 24 (For Mizuki and Blanch :3)
YEAHHH i get to think about them againnnn ^.^
1. are they associated with a certain color? what color do they wear the most?
Mizuki is associated w indigo or purplish-blues and Blanch is associated w dark maroons or brownish reds. Mizuki likes blues and purples but sometimes just sticks w black when they can't handle making a fit, Blanch wears mostly red but only sticks to dark colors, she hates flashy shit or coming off that she wants attention (idk how to explain it cause im thinking "doesn't she and kara dress alike" NO THEY DONTTT but its funny to think about)
7. favorite animal? why?
Mizuki loves all animals a whole lot, mammals and bugs especially (i explain it better here). Blanch loves badgers and boars, she likes bears too but believes they're overated a bit. to summarize: she loves the animals w brute strength and claws, (also she likes dogs but isn't as crazy as Zuki is about em)
10. if they wear jewelry, what kind? do they prefer silver or gold? do they have a favorite gem?
Mizuki wears small ear rings but sometimes would wear silly, fun ones but i actually forgot about those kinds so for now they're just small ones😭. Blanch has 2 helix piercings (idk if you can do that but don't think about it too hard) a earlobe piecing on both ears, she also has piercings we can't see but idk if i'll ever get to drawing them (again) but yeahhh.
Zuki likes silver or rose-gold jewelry and Blanch sticks to titanium for everything, both don't care for what's "expensive" they just wear for aesthetic reasons.
Both of them know nothing about gems but Zuki likes any rainbow-y gems like opal and Blanch sorta just sticks w rubys because they're red.
24. do they have any creative hobbies? (art, writing, music, etc)
Mizuki draws and doodles thingss when they're bored, they occasionally play games while home but they're not very serious about most their hobbies (sometimes they get intense about art stuff when they go to galleries and stuff but their words get really garbled when they get excited so it gets confusing to everyone else). i've also thought of times when Zuki would experiment a bit w art and sometimes try diff medias, things wouldn't stick though but it's somewhat of a hobby, trying to find new hobbies
Blanch is in a band (which i never talk about btw "grins") but she isn't really a song writer or at least doesn't consider it like a hobby, sometimes she'll play guitar on her own and vibe but she's very busy, doesn't have much time for hobbies. She is sorta artsy though, and sometimes, after she got friendly w Zuki again, would try the things Zuki would be experimenting with. I think she'd enjoy doing collages a lot, she gets magazines often from her bandmates or would get some her band was featured in so she's got a bunch of material for it.
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vykodlak · 1 year
orchid, tagging off the sage ask— is there a song you feel like perfectly encapsulates a certain feeling (or pairs really well with a certain media?)
Oh yeah pretty much half the time I make a playlist (that isn't just a compilation of a genre) I make it based around songs that very closely match a specific feeling or theme.
The guitar (especially at the 1:44-1:58 minute mark) in the bones of baby dolls by acid bath is one of the bleakest things I've ever heard. Combined with the vocals, the entire song radiates lethargy.
Preacher Man by Fields of the Nephilim always makes me think of neo-western vampires like in Near Dark or (4give me) From Dusk Till Dawn, I'd love to see it in a similar type of flick.
This is obvious given that we're talking about, well, italian doom but A lot of the cheesy, keyboard-loving italodoom like Rituale by L'impero Delle Ombre or Ignis Fatuus by Abysmal Grief goes great with I think argento-esque or old haunted house flicks, cult-related horror, any type of older movie where there's A Tall Guy that Lurks. In a similar vein both Litourgiya and Panihida by Batushka would go well with religious horror of the move medieval variety - I listened to Litourgiya while reading Between Two Fires. Actually now that I think about it that Arachnoid album does have a kinda groovy but creepy atmosphere I'd associate more with rollin-esque movies & some giallo, despite the band being french.
This might just make sense in my brain but music like Cynic's... pretty much anything, The Cube by Supuration ♥, Danse de Noir by Lord Vigo, Warning's s/t are good non-synthwave cyberpunk tunes, I listened to some of them (well, everything except that lord vigo album 'cause that came out in 2020) while playing the shadowrun games. I also strongly associate them with that giger aesthetic ala Dark Seed even if they're not the usual cold industrial sound that's reminiscent of the style.
A lot of the songs in the s/t by pretentious moi (living dead and undecided or one last wish) feel like an encapsulation of that feeling of being in a packed bar or club or out in the park at 2 am drunk off your ass with your friends and a countless of strangers and suddenly getting hit by a flash of clarity, that feeling like you're somehow miles away from everyone else in the room – like you're looking in from the future. I think it's very dancey but has that undercurrent of melancholy.
I could go on forever. Sorry this is mostly albums as opposed to songs, I always have trouble picking just one thing.
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mxry-kat · 8 months
my full thoughts on the new versions of the original 1989tv songs for anyone who cares:
wtny: mostly similar, no complaints i like the updated sound
blank space: so much more CRISP omg and the seagulls fighting in the lyric vid lmao
style: the guitar riff is DIFFERENT but style is always a slay
ootw: jack and taylor know wtf they're doing, always have and this song has always been such a masterpiece in production. amazing
ayhtdws: if there are no ayhtdws fans, that means i have died. anyway again it's more crisp and i literally had to get up and dance along, i couldn't sit still it's PERFECT
shake it off: super good, 10/10 would play it at my wedding to get people out of their seats, love the "bah bah bah baaaah"s at the end as always
iwyw: love how clear her voice is, no complaints but what's that background sound at the end? was that there before?
bad blood: takes me back to 2014 immediately, sad there's no version with a kendrick feature (edit--it's back!! love that there's a deluxe). the music/production never gets talked about enough, it's super good i'm hoping tv fixes this
wildest dreams: obviously we've already heard it but omg her voice is so good i love taylor i loved this song in the original era and loved getting it again in 2021 when i was first becoming a proper swiftie
hygtg: loving the overall clarity and snappiness with the snare. the background vocals are more noticeable in the chorus, i love that. and the squeak in the second verse!! oh my god??
this love: will never get over the little lyric change (in a good way). this will probably never be among my top ts songs, but much respect for its lovers
i know places: love it, super true to the original but elevated, which is what i hoped for
clean: this SONG. everyone loves it for a reason. quite different from the original (backup vocals mostly, but some other stuff too), but i like it as its own entity. i'll miss the original but i will learn to love this one lol
wonderland: love love love the clearer/more mature vocals and love that the little squeaks (is there a term for these?) are still there, they give the song such character. 10/10
yail: super good, loving the clearer music, i've never really listened for it beneath the vocals (other than the main bits) in the original, so i like that it's amplified. the end of bridge/start of the last chorus "YOOOOU are in love!" is a little lackluster though :/
new romantics: pop perfection. what more can i say? there's a reason this song is so heavily associated with this album/era as a whole. the vocals are a little quiet for my liking in the chorus (at least on yt and w/ my headphones, idk) but still 10/10
overall obviously i'm not used to it yet and it will take time to get used to it instead of the original because i've listened to this album so much (esp compared to fearless tv and red tv and their originals, since i was just becoming a swiftie in 2021) but it's REALLY good, excited to keep listening on repeat. thank you taylor x
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No More Scrubbing Crabs Graham Diss unknown publication c. October 1985 Transcription: PulpWiki
Pulp have been about to 'break' for years. The big build-up's happening again and it's probably their last chance. Things look, promising this time, provided they don't fall out first ...
Forming at school, Pulp played their first gig at the Leadmill over five years ago. Only Singer/Guitarist Jarvis Cocker remains from that era. Russell Senior (occasional vocals, guitar and violin) gave us a potted history:
"There have been three basic incarnations. One did a John Peel session which was repeated. That was the first swell of success. That group split. Second, was the album line-up, which didn't sell many, but got a certain amount of critical acclaim and was heading in the right direction. Then that split. This line-up's been going for two years."
Jarvis: "So we're just about ready to split up now."
Russell: "We're on just about the same stage of teetering on the edge of independent success."
All the group are unemployed (the others being Peter Mansell, Candida Doyle and Magnus Doyle), but they have become "Damn near full-time. With the current work, there's no way we could get a job." (Russell).
This activity includes a 'mini-tour', including an anti-apartheid gig at the University on October 25th (which isn't in Machst Du — Prod' Ed.), also featuring local band Mr. Morality and London band, Popular Front. Also, a single is imminent, recorded at Sheffield's Input Studio.
But don't expect to hear these tracks live! Jarvis — "We've stopped playing the songs on it. Some people think we're being awkward, but it's there on record; we're fed up of hearing them. If people see us live and like us, I'd have thought they'd go and buy our record, anyway."
Their new label signed them on the strength of the L.P., released two and a half years ago, which Jarvis says is "very polite and relaxed", while Russell says "We're now rude and intense."
Their disagreements with their label seem to typify the band — "We don't hang around with each other; we don't like each other very much. There is a certain tension — I don't like it when everyone gets comfortable." (Jarvis). "Most people have fights with the audience, we have fights with each other." (Russell).
Jarvis is responsible for much of the songwriting, and the band now has a large repertoire. "Which we swap around, like crop-rotation". (Russell). "We've got one coming up soon; a winder [sic, winter?] song, which we've not played since last year." (Jarvis). "The really dedicated Pulp fan will know they can come and hear the song if it's been snowing". (Russell).
Jarvis: "If things are bad, you can either get depressed about them, or you can think — they're so bad it's almost funny. That's how I feel most of the time. There isn't anything humorous about us — well, not intentionally. We're not wacky!" "Although we have tongue in cheek, every word's meant!" (Russell).
Russell believes in "A theatrical element in our performances," which (apparently) used to be aided by toilet rolls draped around the stage ("Which looked quite effective with the lights" — Jarvis). "I really like being in a band. To do something good, you really have to be self-obsessed and fight for it," explained Jarvis. Russell talked of an ultimate objective to make "The best music in the world. Of necessity, you think what others are trying to do, is not so good, so you have to hate them, in a way."
So what of other bands in Sheffield?
Russell: "Best it's been for years — very healthy. What it lacks is a fanzine — you normally get one associated with a 'movement'."
Does that mean there's actually a movement?
"That supposed 'Sheffield Scene' is based around Caberet Voltaire and their minions. But now, there's a hell of a lot of 'clean cut young men' doing passionate songs about love and things, in various ways... But quite good, not wimpy. The best bands in Sheffield from that past wave never got anywhere. It was the worst ends of it — those that compromised round the edges, that got anywhere. I think some of the bands in the current Sheffield upsurge are going to break. My tips would be: Tree Bound Story, Dig Vs Drill, and us, in that order.
So where can we expect to find Pulp in another five years?
Jarvis: "I don't really like old bands. In five year's time, I'll either be in the 'Hole in the Road' with a cider bottle and a brown paper bag, or I'll be quite well off somewhere. Either very happy or very depressed, I won't be in the middle."
Russell: "There's only two options; you're either a pop star or you're scrubbing crabs."
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ghostbustersreborn · 1 year
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the next day. the boys and tara were off to take a look at dana's baby.
tara hadn't seen dana in almost four years. she really hoped her and her dad would get back together. but, she knew that dana deserved better than her father. she just hoped she was doing well.
the door opened, revealing dana on the other side.
"hi, dana." ray greeted her with a grin.
"hi, ray." dana smiled. "how good to see you, thanks for coming." she hugged him.
"hey, no problem. always glad to help and hug." ray said.
tara came in after him.
"oh, tara." dana rejoiced. "oh, it's so good to see you." she pulled her into a hug.
"yeah, it's good to see you too." tara agreed, returning the hug.
egon came in afterwards. he greeted dana after the two girls were done their hug.
dana went to go close the door until peter stopped her by making his way inside.
dana turned to ray and egon, confusion plastered on her face.
"well, i know i'm just asking for the big hurt, but i thought i'd give us one more chance." peter asserted.
"he-he tortured me. pulled my ears." ray relayed to dana.
"you know him, he's stubborn." tara sighed.
"oh, i know." dana remembered.
dana made her way over to venkman.
"hello, peter."
he dramatically turned around.
"hello, dana." he said, adding to the dramatics.
dana sighed, she turned to egon. "so, what would you like to do first?"
tara examined the place.
it was quite different compared to dana's last apartment.
well, for starters it wasn't torn apart or made into gozer's temple.
but, it was bigger than the other one and very pink.
with instruments scattered about, books as well as some things that retained to the baby.
she couldn't wait to meet the baby.
"we'd like to examine the baby first." egon settled.
"yeah." ray agreed.
dana lead them to where the baby was.
she took him from who tara could assume was the nanny/babysitter.
"and anything associated with the baby, especially stuffed toys, things with fabrics and stuffing." stantz included.
"then we'd like to see the buggy." egon included.
"alright. can i put him over here?" she asked the guys, taking them into the dinning room.
"and uh, wherever he sleeps." ray added.
"this would be fine." egon nodded.
ray laid out the blue mat onto the table.
"we'll have to lay him down flat." ray then said as he took off his jacket.
tara took a closer look at the baby once he was laid down.
he had blonde hair and blue eyes.
very standard baby.
very cute.
she smiled.
peter took off his coat as well, his eyes being on dana the whole time.
"okay, sweetheart, they're gonna take a look at you." dana told the baby.
"we'll do a cursory medical examination." spengler addressed.
peter looked around. scanning the bookshelf.
"what do you say? gammil and pross infant acuity test?" ray suggested to egon.
"huh?" tara furrowed her brows in confusion.
"it's a set of tests that are run on infants. you had it done before." ray explained to tara.
"oh. i'm still confused but oh." tara nodded.
"sounds good. we'll finish with an apgar score." egon concluded.
"it's nothing that's gonna hurt him, right?" dana questioned.
"oh, no, no." both egon and ray denied.
"i don't think so." he assumed.
ray handed him a stethoscope.
"dad. what are you doing?" tara groaned, watching him pick up dana's cello.
he started playing the cello like a guitar.
"that's not how you play a cello, you moron." she said, going over to him to get him to stop.
he continued on playing, ignoring tara's comments and pleas for him to stop.
dana glanced up at him. even she was annoyed by him.
i mean, everyone was.
peter was the king of being annoying.
"have you ever done this before? well besides on tara." ray asked egon.
"besides tara, i did do it on a chimp." egon confessed.
"so, uh, whatever happened to mr. right, anyway?" peter questioned.
"dad." tara smacked him in the arm.
"what? can't i ask questions?" peter asked.
"no, you can't. you have no filter and are blatantly rude and you know that." she informed him.
peter fake laughed. he put down the cello before grabbing a hold of tara and giving her a noogie.
"i heard he ditched you and ran off to europe." he continued.
"he didn't ditch me." dana picked up the cello, putting it back in it's proper placement. "we had some problems, and he got a very good job offer from an orchestra in london, (tara eventually pulled herself from out of his grip as he trailed lazily behind dana.) and he took it."
"so he ditched you?" peter repeated.
he turned the snow globe he grabbed from off of the shelf upside down, watching the fake snow inside fall.
tara turned back over to the boys who were examining the baby.
ray had his recorder out. while egon was examining the infant with a ruler.
"the subject is a.. male caucasian. um, approximately" "twenty-four inches." egon read off the marker. "twenty-four inches in uh length." ray spoke into the recorder.
egon made a clicking sound with his mouth to get the baby's attention.
tara couldn't help but 'aww' at the sight before her.
she loved seeing the boys interact with babies.
she had two favorite things. egon and the boys interacting with babies.
those were just the main two.
"uh, subject weighs approximately 18 pounds and is about eight months old."
she went over to the table.
"oh, to be young again." she sighed.
she stuck her tongue out at the baby, making it laugh. he went to grab her piercing before she closed her mouth.
"sorry, little dude. you can't put your grubby little germs on my piercing." she laughed.
egon eyed her.
"tara." he said in a warning tone.
she grinned. "sorry." she said before stepping away.
egon kneeled down to be more at the baby's height. he had a small flash light in hand.
"uh, okay. ocular?"
he moved the flash light back and forth, having the baby follow it.
"uh, pupillary response normal." egon confirmed.
he turned off the flash light, placing it into his coat pocket as he stood back up.
"auditory." ray snapped in the infant's face, having it turn his head to the source of the noise.
ray and egon both snapped their fingers. getting the baby to look in both of their directions.
"seems normal."
"ampullary reflex?"
they both lifted his arms, tickling his side.
"uh, appears to be ticklish."
"yep, baby ticklish."
"you know, you'd have been better off marrying me?" peter let her know.
tara went into the other room where dana and peter were.
dana had every right to leave him. he wasn't giving her what she wanted or an answer or an explanation as to why he didn't want what she did. so, she had every right to leave the way she did.
dana approached him.
"you never asked me." she reminded him. "and whenever i brought it up, you'd get drowsy and fall asleep."
"and you didn't have the balls to ask her either." tara mumbled.
peter eyed her, having obviously heard what she said.
he set the snow globe back onto the shelf. he turned away from barrett.
"you never got it, dana." he expressed.
tara rose a brow at him.
"i'm a man, i'm sensitive. i need to feel loved, i need to feel desired!" peter proclaimed.
"it was when you started introducing me as the old ball and chain." dana wrapped his arms around him, teasing him for his mistakes with their relationship. "that's when i left." she finished.
peter cursed himself. he really regretted being such an ass.
dana left peter's side. having enough with him and this conversation.
tara went up to him. "you never learn dad, you never learn." she left the room.
"dammit." he huffed.
he ran after her, following dana and tara into the room where the other boys were.
"well, i may have a lot of personal problems, but i'm a total professional when it comes to my job." he expressed.
he examined the baby before turning to egon who was wearing a very unique headpiece on his head.
"egon." peter said.
egon looked up, almost hitting peter with the stethoscope.
"what are we doing?" peter spoke into the stethoscope.
egon flinched.
"he seems to be fine, dana." egon informed her as he took off the headpiece.
"he's very healthy." dana stated.
"he's okay." egon said as he put the headpiece away.
"when he does sleep, where do you put him?" asked ray.
"uh, right around here. i'll show you." dana told him.
right as tara went to go follow dana and ray, she overheard egon ask her dad to get a stool sample from the baby.
"business or personal?" asked peter.
the nursery was basically like any other nursery.
very colorful. very cheery. loads of toys strewn about.
"it's a little messy." dana said as she picked up toys.
"well, we don't want to play with anything." ray assured her. "we just want to sweep for valences." he started scanning various toys with the PKE meter.
"hmm, very cheerful." egon commented on the room's interior.
"what did my nursery look like?" tara wondered.
"your nursery consisted of my lab." he reported.
tara frowned. "oh."
"my parents didn't believe in toys." egon changed the subject.
"what? how does one not believe in toys?" tara queried.
"they thought it was a waste of time." egon explained. "and that it dumbed down children."
"well, that's some bullshit." tara swore.
"help! he's gone completely berserk! help me!" peter yelled.
tara huffed.
"what a child." she grumbled.
ray and egon exchanged looks just as dana and tara went to go inspect what was going on out there.
"uh-oh." both ray and egon said in unison.
egon picked up a rattle, held it to his ear and shook it.
"you mean, you never even had a slinky?" ray asked him.
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Despite making up 1/13th of the classes you can choose in D&D 5E, Bards are responsible for 75% of my hatred of modern D&D players who are all weird quirky they-them girls who listen to pop punk and used to be tumblr kinnies, now Fire Emblem and Final Fantasy 14 players, who love TAZ and Critical Role and other "totally not scripted" series, and think the height of comedy is derailing everything to hit on everything with a pulse and singing MCR songs because they are just that witty and charming, thinking they're somewhere between Jack Sparrow and Frank Sinatra, and not realizing that outside of the rare socialization they get at anime cons, their behavior is so annoying that any sane player would slit their throat in their sleep.
There's at least a small element of wish fulfilment and escapism to any tabletop game, but whereas the average player is thinking "well, in real life I'm not a sword-swinging, spell-slinging badass with no responsibilities who gets to roam the world with my friends, having adventures, saving the helpless, and getting famous and filthy rich doing it", the average bard player is thinking "well, in real life I'm not constantly at all fucking times the center of attention who gets the fuck whoever I want and 'seduce' my way out of ever facing consequences for anything ". Granted, there's also the element that so many new players learned what a game should look like from watching some scripted live play run by washout thespians, meaning that instead of trying to have fun and help everyone else at the table have fun, they're playing to entertain an audience that isn't there.
It's almost a shame about bards, because while yes a dickhead who prances around casting magic by playing a lute (or a dwarven electric guitar, if the player is both incredibly funny and original) is lame and annoying even before contrasting it with the rest of the party of pulp fantasy action heroes whose other casters are holy zealots and mystical scholars, there is a shred of potential in like, Tolkien-style songs of power or speaking the primal language of creation to produce magical effects, or like a sage, dignified Athenian philosopher type whose "inspiration" mechanic is him weaving his illusion magic into the words of calm, reassuring wisdom he gives his party members, the whole class is so tainted by nonsense both mechanically and by association that I want nothing to do with it
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hi hi hii sorry ive been a bit busy but i love talking to you <33
ooh gift giving day is coming closerrr i lowkey hope you like yours ajsjfjdjc
fun fact: i listened to story of us for the first time today?!??? i know im crazy ajdjejsjd such a fan i am
alsoo while we are on the topic of my little pony ajdjrjs whats your favourite character?
herbal tea is soo good and chamomile tea after a hard dayy soo reall unfortunately i cant function properly without coffee so i prefer coffee ajdjfjsjf but tea is definitely more calming and probably more healthy for me lmao
see, i would pick master any instrument bc im not a sporty person andjdjs im more into music been learning it since i was 6 and i own an acoustic guitar which i would love to be able to play barre chords on but tbf the main instrument id like to master is ELECTRIC GUITARSSSS omg im obsessed w electric guitars theyre absolutely loml any character that plays them will forever be my favourite character electric guitars are SO HOT sorry im very passionate abt them i would love to be able to play some sick riffs on an electric guitar (also they just overall look so cool omg akdkejsjd) ive always wanted to learn electric guitar since i was a kid or like a bass 😍😍
anywayss amdjeksjd what would you pick? and my question for you: if you could pursue 3 careers what would they be? (if you dont mind sharing) alsoo cats or dogs? and sky blue or baby pink?
-swiftie spring exchange anon
Hello again! Is ok, no need to apologise! I'm enjoying talking to you as well! (Also low key shocked you only just heard that song the other day?? I swear it was everywhere at one point XD)
I'm sure I will like mine!! I am stressing over if my person will like theirs tho XD
My favourite MLP character is Rainbow Dash, but I'm a fan of Applejack too. I like the dynamics Applejack has with everyone, whilst with Rainbow Dash I think she's just super cool. How can I not love a rainbow pegasus??
Pfft sometimes coffee confuses me because everyone I know who drinks it seems to drink it for the caffeine...do people actually like coffee itself, or is it the caffeine? I'm mostly joking but also very confused XD And ooh...honestly electric guitars are very cool. I don't know why but they're just always associated with cool for whatever reason?? Electric instruments fascinate me however. Like what we make electric vs what we don't...imagine an electric violin. Or a flute. A recorder XD Idk but basically I can see why you'd pick that!! It's really cool you can do the guitar! I am terrible with music (I tried to learn the violin as a kid...I broke part of it on the very first day, panicked, and tried to fix it with superglue. It...sorta worked, enough so that I managed to just keep quiet about it until I turned 18 and was well away from consequences regarding breaking it lol.)
I think personally I'd like to go sports, but opportunities are low where I am, so it feels a bit wasted :( So maybe music? Ideally sports, especially anything that lets me go super fast. ALSO I want to be able to swim. And currently I uh cannot. And keep failing at trying to learn. Oh well.
Okay so 3 careers...I feel like I'm gonna be a bit vague here. First is my ideal career of "something that helps children with special educational needs". Whether that's like, support in schools, or making sure schools provide the right support, idk. Second...probably something medical? When I was younger I had wanted to study medicine at uni. I did not in the end but yeah! Helping out in the medical industry would be fun. And third...an animator! I've not got the patience for it tho XD What about you??
And cats!! I have two, one of which is sleeping beside the computer and the other is currently climbing over the keyboard and trying to sit on my arms. She is very helpful (sarcasm) but I love her so she gets away with everything XD You? And unsure on the pink vs blue...probably blue? In general I prefer warm colours to cool colours, but if I look around I have more blue things than pink things so maybe blue is the exception?
And last but not least, my question to you: of the four elements, air, water, fire and earth, which would you most like to be able to control?
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miraclepatty · 1 year
Ooo! 8, 16, 25, 34, and 43 for Vesper for the OC F/O asks! ( @gible-love-nibles )
Omg Gibble thank you for this you made me day 🥹🥹🥹 Also I read some of Clare Carder Act One and I love ur writing style! 
8.  "The world is your oyster." What are your OC F/O's favorite hobbies? Do you share their hobbies? Have they taught you anything new? 
Vesper plays guitar! Both electric and acoustic, she likes to sing too. There’s not a time where she’s not singing, playing the guitar, or writing song lyrics. She keeps a little notebook with her at all times to write down lyrics. She’s also into very fast paced and tricky video games while I prefer to like the calm things. She attempted to teach me guitar but I prefer to sing the songs she writes 
16. "Wild at heart." What animal(s) do you associate with your OC F/O? What's your reasonings? Do they like or agree with your answers? 
I associate her with big cats such as lions, tigers, pumas, etc. She’s very catlike but not like a shy cat, like a “I am going to reign chaos on you” sort of cat. Also she sits in front of where the sun shines through the window like a cat but don’t tell her I said that.
25. "All we need is each other." Does your OC F/O have anyone else besides you that they're close to? If so, tell us about them and their relationship with your OC F/O and yourself! 
Vesper considers everyone her friend until proven otherwise. She loves socializing with people and her laid back and humorous nature cause a lot of people to like her. At the moment it’s us against the world but she definitely helps me meet more people! Though as easy as she makes friends she makes enemies 
34. "May every wish be yours." How old is your OC F/O, and when is their birthday? How do they like to celebrate it (if at all)? 
Well she’s the same age as me which is [REDACTED] and her birthday is June 8th (making her a gemini if you’re into that stuff) which is less than a month! Which is quite exciting!
43. "I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere." How does your OC F/O feel about the horror genre? If they like it, what kind of horror do they like? If they don't like horror, what's their reasonings? Does they scare easily? Is there anything they're afraid of?
Vesper absolutely loves horror! As much as she loves stories and symbolism she likes the games that has whole purpose is to scare someone as much as possible. It actually doesn’t make her scream, she laughs. She has nerves of steel, I don’t think I’ve ever seen her scared of anything. She laughs in the face of danger. 
Little bonus! A moodboard I made because hyperfixation brain works hard:
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goxinsane · 1 year
➹ jasmin savoy brown
{ @ghostsxagain }
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Janelle “Jazzy” Jenkins, 23-26, asexual, pronouns: she/her. Currently resides in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Song Association: Jane by the Barenaked Ladies and I'm Like A Bird by Nelly Furtado.
In the middle of their content lives, Atticus and Felix Jenkins asked their best friend-- Josephina to be a surrogate and provide them with children. Without a doubt, she agreed and a two years later, Janelle and Jordyn were finally born. The two were inseparable forces, and their siblinghood was the epitome of a pinky promise. They told one another EVERYTHING and were the other's confidant when they didn't feel like their fathers would understand. Janelle joined her high school's band and enjoyed but didn't exactly love playing the guitar. She instead, switched over to bass playing as the tone was more 'melodic' and gave songs more 'structure', in her eyes. When applying to Univerisites involving a musical scholarship, she doubted herself and hoped the other option of finding a band to be apart of would be better luck.
Although located outside of the USA, she quickly became friends with Lorelai Bajwa Kapoor and Paisley Addams over Instagram, sent in some audition tapes, and was able to join a band. As they decided to begin touring, Janelle received the nickname "Jazzy" and was known as the forgotten bass player as most people fled to getting pictures or autographs from the others. Partly, she blamed it on being the youngest, but it didn't feel like fun. So, around this time she got diagnosed and takes anti-depressants and anti-anxiety pills, putting the blame on separation anxiety and being non-sociable outside her small circle of people, included even in Facetiming her sibling. They never lost touch, even though some days, it was difficult to pick up a phone or her bass. With new medication, she also turns to her favourite music to help upon the long travels away from home.
Muse association? Yes, bandmate to Lorelai Bajwa Kapoor, currently a secondary muse.
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Jordyn Jenkins, 23-26, pansexual, pronouns: they/them. Currently resides in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Song Association: Don’t Be so Hard on Yourself by Jess Glynne and Glorious by Macklemore ft. Skylar Grey.
Ever since the twins were born, Jordyn and Janelle were always close siblings-- and although they didn't like to admit it, Jordyn knew they were dependent on the other. This was evident in recalling an early memory when begging for bunk beds at the age of five, and being adamant on sleeping alone though, Jordyn STILL managed to sneak into Janelle's bed from time to time. As they grew up, being siblings still continued to be great-- they never fought over the same crushes or moved away from their group of friends, and when Jordyn was eighteen, they turned to Jazzy for confidence into telling both their fathers and Josephina that they used different pronouns and didn't fit in with the girls nor with guys perspective in life. Often sporting short-hair didn't exactly help, but they're determined to find happiness even if it takes awhile, and not having gathered everyone's support. Speaking of, this took some time to adjust as they joined their high school's soccer team and eventually entered University on a full scholarship, but their coaches have always attempted to understand and be great support on a team level and personal level.
When Jazzy decided to join a band and leave, Jordyn broke out into tears, but they were happy tears. They were going to miss them, but more importantly, even in texts these days, are incredibly supportive in return as Jazzy has been, even with struggles. Even when Jazzy couldn't make their soccer games (which was often), Atticus or Felix would be there to support in honour of the Jenkins name and loving their kids. There has never been a day where there wasn't one word said between the siblings, their love is that strong. And lastly, thanks to Jazzy's great taste in music, when they practice or train for tryouts or on their freetime-- they're always provided with a great motivational playlist to list to through their airpods.
Muse association? None currently.
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neon-star-kjrp · 1 year
Name: Alice McLain
Alias: Neon Star
Age: 16
Affiliation: killjoys
Pronouns: they/them
Looks: natural blonde hair dyed bright green, pale skin, thin, 5’5, brown eyes
Most often seen wearing: fishnet tights under bright pink denim shorts, lime green t-shirt with the monster high logo on it, black doc. martens painted with pink and green stars, black leather jacket painted the same as the boots
Languages: English, German, Italian
Ethnicity: German, Italian, Irish, Scottish, Greek, maybe a bit French?
Associates: Mad Gear, Missile Kid, Glitter Rocket, Sand Dog, Show Pony
Interests: bass guitar, musicals, baking, cats, history (especially the Tudors because they found the book Fatal Throne at Tommy's)
travels/tours with Mad Gear and the Missile Kid (kinda like their stage manager I guess) along with their cousin, Glitter Rocket
Has escaped from re-education at least once (nobody knows how many times but it has happened)
If allowed, they’ll go on stage and play bass during concerts
They’re not very good with a gun, but they do know swordplay pretty well, and they usually have a knife on them at all times
They can also be seen wielding a set of throwing knives sometimes as well
Keep in mind:
They are practically a gremlin, they enjoy collecting shiny things
They are very overly excited about violence
They're either too happy or too angry, no real in between, although the latter is more rare
They try to be everyone's friend, if you're not okay with that, block this account
They have ADHD
they're aro-ace and a minor, so please nothing sexual
Note: if Glitter Rocket is speaking, their text will be in blue
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