#everything about Rachel
Season four, especially the return of derek at prom, really hammers home just how awful Sc*wahn to the women.
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mrgaretcarter · 1 year
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andthendk · 1 year
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D: "I don't see why this is so important to you, but fine" (enjoys it anyway)
R: 🥰
😘😘Long time no post fam🥰🥰 (winter lags fr!)
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svpergirly · 25 days
canon friendship dynamic because chloe gets SO serious about games and mikey is always laughing his head off while steph keeps adding fuel to the fire
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gooboogy · 10 months
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The blorbos meet (the crossover nobody asked for!)
(image ID: Jonathan Sims meets Taylor Hebert.
Jon: So you... Control worms?
Taylor: And other bugs.
Jon: You're not... In love with them, right?
Taylor: no?
Jon: Oh thank god.
Another image where Taylor shows off her homemade suit.
Jon: Your costume is made of spider silk? /End ID)
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potato-on-your-head · 6 months
hunger games ballad of songbirds and snakes was SO DELIGHTFULLY FUCKED UP FROM START TO FINISH. absolutely loved it. it was the exactly appropriate amount of horrifying. this is a movie about the villains and how truly fucked up their minds and motivations are and how that directly led to the Panem and hunger games we see by Katniss’s time. the few good people are quashed by the evil ones NOT BECAUSE OF INDIVIDUAL VILLAINY but because the SYSTEM is so horribly corrupt and oppressive and individually they can’t change those systems and it’ll take until the massive collective efforts in the second rebellion for that to happen. Snow is humanized without ever being redeemed; it shows he was not born evil but went from this traumatized little kid to a conniving calculating bastard man willing to cast off said humanity for the sake of his ambitions of power and control. CONTROL - the books hit this home, but a sense of control is what makes him feel powerful, as someone who grew up under the shadow of war watching people starve in the Capitol streets and he himself going hungry for most of his life. and then the movie takes all that into account and shows what he becomes and says “cool motive still murder.” it was so well done I’m losing my mind
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shmothman · 1 year
hands (put your empty hands in mine)
vash x reader drabble (rated g, 550 words)
Scarred from wrist to fingertip—just like the rest of him—Vash’s hands are never anything but gentle and careful when they wrap around yours. All of him is careful with you, often borderline treating you as if you’re fragile, but can you blame him when human life so often is? It’s only out of love for you; out of fear that you’ll be ripped away from him. Still, he can’t bear to hold on too tight. The guilt (of putting you in danger just by keeping you close) is something he’ll never fully be able to escape, but it’s something you can help lessen, with patience and love and the constant reminder that he is deserving.
At first, even just holding your hand is nearly enough to make him cry. He’s denied himself a great many things over the past hundred and thirty years—affection chief among them—and accepting it now is difficult, even when it’s something he wants more than anything else. Give him some time to get used to it; he’ll be seeking it out constantly before long. Your hand in his becomes an anchor, a comfort, a reminder that you’re here and you’re real and he isn’t alone anymore. You’re nothing short of a miracle, to him.
Though, of course, he gets nervous, especially in the beginning—his hand sweaty and trembling as he gives you a wobbly grin; he might even give you his prosthetic hand to hold (although any other time he favors the other) to keep you from seeing just how nervous he is. Not that you can’t tell. You know him too well for that. He’ll be even more awestruck when you take his right hand anyway, interlacing your fingers with his and giving him a squeeze of reassurance. You don’t mind if his palm is a little bit sweaty. Yours is too.
Not to say that you shy away from his left hand: though the metal gets far too hot to hold beneath the desert suns, it cools in the evening like everything else, and you can sit with him, tracing the nicks and scuffs of it. He doesn’t have much feeling in it, but watching you draw mindless patterns against it makes his heart sing. Still, the fact that it’s a weapon makes him hesitant to touch you with it; he wishes he could keep that part of himself away from you entirely. You coax him out of that melancholy every time, though—especially when you take it and press it to your cheek, swearing the coolness of it feels like heaven.
One surefire way to get him to melt is to brush your lips over his knuckles, or even better, press a kiss to his open palm when he goes to cup your cheek. He’s always red-faced around you, but when you give him such open adoration, your lips against the calluses he’s acquired in all his years as a gunslinger, he lights up like a roman candle, pink to the tips of his ears. (And if you compliment his hands? If you tell him how safe and loved they make you feel? How you love that he chooses to use them for good? For love and peace? Vash has long since decided that he’s yours forever, but this only cements that fact tenfold.)
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fictionadventurer · 21 days
I found a book on First Ladies by President's Daughter Margaret Truman and paged through it a bit, and I'm already obsessed with this story about Herbert Hoover.
Herbert Hoover had a tender heart, and his First Lady had an even more tender one--but they were loath to reveal their private feelings to the American voter and were appalled at the thought of publicizing them for political gain. A perfect example was the story of three children from Detroit, the oldest thirteen, who showed up at the White House gates to ask the President to help get their father out of jail. The man had stolen a car to keep his family from starving. President Hoover ordered a meal for the children from the White House kitchen, sat them in chairs around his desk, and talked to them about their father. He told them he was sure he was a good man, if he had children who loved him enough to travel all the way from Detroit to Washington for his sake. After the children left, Hoover called in his secretary, who saw tears on the President's face. "Get that man out of jail," Hoover said. "I don't care how you do it." The secretary succeeded in quashing the conviction--and asked the President if he could release the story to the press. "Of course not!" Hoover said.
And also with this related story further down the page.
Both Lou and the President gave thousands of dollars of their own money to strangers who wrote to the White House begging for help. Always, the gifts were anonymous, delivered through friends who were asked to investigate the pleas to make sure the money was needed.
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halcyon-autumn · 1 month
what do you guys think the vibe was like when the Mysterious Robed Figure™ dropped a resurrected Buddy Dawn off with the Rat Grinders? he thought they were his friends. he's trained and studied and joked with them all year. does he know they were always going to kill him? do you think they convinced him it was an accident or maybe the Bad Kids' fault? does he resent them for forcing him into this? does he feel chosen since they handpicked him to die and live again? does he have any idea what they've done? what he's going to do?
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stereotypical-jew · 1 month
i want dan and phil on um, actually SO BAD. i just know theyd thrive getting to talk about nerd shit and i wanna see them interact with other people. put grant on there so they can talk about being tall and gay.
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robstarsupremacy · 2 months
im so normal about her
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violinist-rachel · 10 months
Hi Rachel! I noticed you haven't been performing much these days. What have you been up to lately?
"Well.... These days, I've been frequenting my local university. I work with the library staff and offer various types of services, such as tutoring or notetaking, for the students there."
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"When I decided to take a break from music, I didn't know what to do with myself. I realized that outside of it, I really don't know how to do anything else. Music was such a large part of my identity for my entire life, so when I took that out of the equation... I felt so lost."
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"So nowadays, I help others build their own careers through school!"
"Sometimes, we hold free resume building sessions at the library. It feels nice to help others start their careers in spite of feeling so lost about your own."
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patchodraws · 4 months
all of rachel amber’s graffiti is going to outlast her…
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hahahax30 · 10 months
Rachel zegler has me wanting to bang my head repeatedly against a wall until I start bleeding to death
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0-sunstranger-0 · 8 months
to the pjo fans, is this a safe space for criticisms and stuff cuz im new and I have 'em...
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munamania · 1 year
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ayo edebiri and havana rose liu. and ruby cruz and rachel sennott as love interests. and havana and ruby probably playing hot dykey cheerleaders. is this thing on
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