#ex Reddit
femboywaifu · 1 year
196 Migration / Redditors Tumblr Etiquette Musts
Please pay attention! Thank you lovelies!
1#Profile looks matter!
If your profile is not edited to have, at least, a Profile Picture and a small description of yourself/or what you like, they will assume that you are a BOT and block you/not engage (Guaranteed)
2# Likes are not like Upvotes. Use Reblog!
While on Reddit Upvotes push posts up, Tumblr posts are pushed when Reblogged. So make sure to do that
3# Tags are cool!
Using tags on your posts increases traction! BUT! Using popular tags on unrelated posts and reblogs is very frowned upon and tacky/will lead to blocking and non interaction.
4#Comments are somewhat Uncommon!
People here don't use the comments this much. Instead, they tend to string together Reblog responses creating long threads/much like Reddit comment section but on your blog page. You don't have to use tags on these threads, unless a new point is brought up!
A few scattered thoughts/observations!
Use likes as on posts you may have enjoyed, but don't think they fit your page. I think of them somewhat like the Save feature.
Using tags is good for forming a community!
I know the Reblog feature might feel weird at first, but I seriously encourage you to give it a go! It becomes very fun!
Tumblr culture is quite interesting and I urge you to look further into the jokes/references and overall behaviour and interaction between users!
Be polite and don't engage with queerphobes!
Tumblr people are very welcoming and there is huge overlap with them and 196, especially in queer communities here, who made sure to accept us here! Make sure to one-up the gesture and be nice to our fellow queers!
These are some of the key points from observation and research in the few days that I am here. I hope to have been of help!
Consider watching this video from STRANGE-ÆONS on some further expansion of these points!
A big Thank you to all you Tumblr folk that help integrate us and make us feel at home!
Please correct me or add any points, should I have missed something!
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whereserpentswalk · 8 months
God, I miss reddit's hide post function alongside nothing else about reddit.
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the-badger-mole · 1 month
Kindness of Strangers
Please pick up
I'm busy
I know, but this is an emergency
With shaking hands, Zuko found Mai's number and pressed the call button. It rang twice before her voicemail picked up. Zuko groaned and almost started crying.
Mai, pick up Seriously, it's an emergency I don't got out that often zuko. You can't let me have ONE night? Mai I think i need to go to the hospital My stomach. I think it's food poisoning or something Your stomach ache? Seriously? You're a big boy. You can handle an upset tummy Drink some tea
Zuko groaned again. It felt like something solid and hot was burning through his intestine. He tried calling Mai again. This time it only rang once before he was sent to voicemail.
Leave me alone! If you call again, I'm blocking you
Zuko dialed Mai once more. Sure enough, it went right to voicemail this time. She'd done it. Zuko felt bile rising in his throat along with panic. His uncle was out of town. Haru, his only other friend didn't have a car. An ambulance was out of the question. His father had removed him from the family insurance policy, and though his uncle was working on the details to add Zuko to his own insurance, that wouldn't kick in until the following month at least. All Zuko had in the meantime was the student insurance the university provided, and it didn't cover ambulance rides. That left just one option.
The unsteadiness of his legs was a bad sign. As was the way his stomach roiled in protest at the movement. The hospital wasn't far, though, Zuko reasoned. He made it to his door, then he stumbled out into the hall, not even bothering with his shoes. He heard a gasp, and realized his neighbor across the hall was there.
"Are you alright?" she asked. Zuko shook his head. Then, he doubled over and puked onto the tile floor. The neighbor-Zuko recalled he'd heard someone call her Katara.
"My stomach," Zuko groaned, clutching his side. Katara rushed over and tried to help him stand, but the pain wouldn't let him stand upright. He felt a cool hand against his forehead. Then is jerked away with a gasp.
"You need to go to the hospital!" Katara said. She pulled out her phone, but Zuko groaned and tried to stop her.
"No ambulance," he insisted miserably. "Can't afford it." Katara hesitated, and Zuko knew she was debating calling anyway. Finally she sighed and slipped his arm around her shoulders, and helped him into the elevator and into the parking lot.
"Don't you dare throw up in my car," she muttered, strapping him into the passenger seat of a small, blue sedan. She slid into the driver's seat and reached into the back. Zuko was vaguely aware of some rustling, but he didn't know what it meant until Katara passed him an empty plastic bag. She peeled out of the parking lot and raced the two miles to the hospital. The large, white building was in sight when Zuko made good use of the plastic bag. He was still clutching it minutes later when Katara helped him out of the car and into the emergency room.
The next bit was a blur. He was brought back to triage almost immediately where it was discovered he had a ruptured appendix. The words emergency surgery were the last words he heard clearly before he was being stripped, shaved and prepped for the OR. This, he would later decide, was a blessing. He hated hospitals, and this visit would've sent him into an anxiety spiral. As it was, he still had a moment of panic when he woke up attached to an IV and several upsetting sounding monitors, but the panic fizzled into confusion when he realized he wasn't alone in the room. Across from him, in the chair, his neighbor sat curled up under a thin blanket.
She must have felt him staring because she stirred, and then looked up at him. She blinked in confusion, trying to understand where she was and why, Zuko guessed. Then she smiled at him sleepily.
"The doctor said you'd be out a while," she told him. "Are you feeling alright?"
"I...yeah," Zuko said. He was fine, at the moment, though, he could feel the dull ache emanating from his side from where they'd taken his appendix out. "What are you doing here?"
"I didn't know who to call," Katara explained. "I thought you would probably prefer not to wake up in a hospital room alone. They said it was fine if I stayed."
"Oh..." Zuko eyes fell to his hand, to the needle and tube stuck into his skin. Whatever the IV was delivering seemed to be working. He was already feeling the haze of sleepiness creeping back in. "Thank you."
"No problem." Katara smiled warmly. "Is there someone you want me to call? I have your phone."
"Did..." Zuko swallowed hard. "Did anyone call me?" Katara glanced down at his phone and shook her head.
"No," she said. "You've only been here about three or so hours, though." Zuko sighed and let his head fall back. Mai hadn't called. He was irritated, but also a bit...relieved? That surprised him.
"Can you call my uncle?" he asked. He told Katara his passcode. As he drifted to sleep, he heard her telling his uncle that he was fine, and had already come out of surgery.
The next time he woke, the sun was up, and he was once again not alone. Iroh sat in the chair across from him, worry lines etched deep in his face. His entire body unclenched with relief when he saw Zuko open his eyes. He was, Zuko surmised, thinking of the last time he'd sat in a hospital room with his nephew.
"How are you feeling, Zuko?" he asked. He came up to Zuko's side and placed a hand on his wrist, careful not to disturb the medicine drip.
"Like lukewarm garbage," Zuko sighed. The events of the night before caught up to him and he jolted up, looking around. "Where's...?"
"That lovely young woman who brought you in?" Iroh chuckled. "She offered to stay, but she looked like she could use some rest. Very kind of her to sit with you."
"Yeah," Zuko agreed. Iroh cast him a sly look, one that Zuko was too heavily medicated to take heed of.
"She's very pretty, too," he commented offhandedly. "Even after spending the night sleeping in a hospital chair."
"She's too young for you," Zuko snorted.
"Indeed!" Iroh agreed emphatically. "But...she is just the right age for a handsome young man who happens to be studying at the same school and lives in the same building as her. One who now owes her a nice thank you dinner. One into whose phone I took the liberty of programing her number, and who should definitely call and let her know how he's doing."
"Uncle," Zuko groaned.
"I did tell her you would let her know you're okay," Iroh said. "I'm just saying."
"I'm dating Mai." That brought back the earlier portion of the night. Zuko looked around and grabbed his phone. Surely Mai had called him at some point. There was nothing from her. He tried calling her, but it still went straight to voicemail.
"Something wrong?" Iroh asked. Zuko sighed and shook his head.
"No, uncle. Nothing at all."
Zuko didn't hear from Mai until the following day. He hadn't tried to reach out to her again, so he didn't know when she had unblocked him. Suddenly, his phone started ringing and her name and picture showed up.
"Hello?" Zuko said groggily. He had been taken off the pain medication, but the effects hadn't worn off yet.
"Why is your door unlocked?" Mai asked. "Where are you?" Anger boiled up in Zuko's body, unhindered by the lingering drugs.
"The hospital," he told her dryly. "My appendix ruptured." He had at least the satisfaction of hearing her gasp.
"What hospital are you at?" she asked. "How long have you been there?"
"I've been here since I called you to tell you I needed to go to the hospital," Zuko snapped. Mai let out an irritated huff.
"Well, I would've come if you'd told me it was that serious," she said. "It just sounded like you were overreacting about a stomach flu! Where are you? When are you getting checked out?"
"They're discharging me tomorrow," Zuko told her.
"Do you need a ride home?" Mai asked.
"It's taken care of," he said, shortly. "Uncle's coming to get me, so you don't have to bother about it."
"Why are you being so bratty about this?" Mai demanded. "I said I was sorry!" She hadn't, but Zuko chose not to point that out.
"Where were you?" he asked instead.
"Out with friends." That answered absolutely nothing, but the tone of her voice told Zuko that was all the answer he would get.
"Whatever," he huffed. Mai was silent on the other end for a long moment.
"You want me to bring some food?" she asked. She sounded unusually subdued. "I can bring you something at the hospital, or I can make something for when you get back, tomorrow."
"It's fine," Zuko sighed. "I'm staying with Uncle for a few days."
"Are you going to be all mopey about this?" Mai demanded.
"What are you talking about?" Zuko turned his head to scowl at his phone.
"You're doing that woe-is-me, kicked puppy voice you do," Mai said. "I'm sorry I didn't rush over when you called, but I had been drinking, so it's not like I would've been able to take you anyway."
"So instead of saying that, you blocked me?" Zuko's grip on the phone tightened, and he resisted the urge to hurl it across the room. Surely it shouldn't be this hard being in a relationship. Surely it shouldn't be a battle to get his girlfriend to be sympathetic to him after he almost died and needed emergency surgery. The machine monitoring his heartrate started making an alarmed beeping noise, and Zuko forced himself to take a deep breath.
"You know what?" Mai said quietly. "I'm going to let you go. Clearly you need some rest."
"See you later, Zuko."
The call dropped. Mai had hung up on him again. Zuko's heartrate dropped to it's normal pace.
Mai didn't call again after that, and Zuko didn't call either. She sent him a few texts during the time that he was at his uncle's house recovering. He sent her very short responses. He was fine. He would be home after his stiches were removed.
A day or two into his stay, another message came through.
Hey Just wanted to see how you were doing This is Katara, by the way. Your neighbor Your uncle gave me your number Hope that's ok
Zuko was fine with it, it turned out. More fine than a man with a girlfriend should be, maybe.
When he finally returned to his apartment, his first call was to let Mai know hie was home. She didn't live far, and she wasn't busy. Fifteen minutes later, she was at his door, looking sullen and bored.
"Glad to see you're okay," she said.
"Yeah." Zuko led her into the apartment and sat at the table. Uncle had left him with cookies, among other assorted reheatable dishes. He offered one to Mai. She declined. Then there was nothing else to stall with.
"Why did you block me?" he asked Mai. There was no heat in his voice, no anger. He genuinely wanted to know. Mai scowled at him.
"Seriously? You're not over that yet?"
"I just want to know why," Zuko pressed.
"You were bugging me," Mai shrugged carelessly. "I was out with friends, and I thought you were just trying to get me to leave early."
"When have I ever done that to you?" Indignation flashed through Zuko, hot and bright. Mai just shrugged again. She sat back in her seat and folded her arms.
"I'm sorry, alright?" she huffed. "Can you just drop it now?" Zuko leaned back and studied Mai. He had been with her for five years. She was his first ever high school girlfriend. Had she always been so dismissive?
"I needed you," he said. That made Mai roll her eyes skyward.
"I promise it won't happen again," she said. Zuko shut his eyes and shook his head.
He had other questions. Lots of them. For one thing it occurred to him that she might be cheating, and the reason she refused to answer or come to him when he called was because she was busy with some other guy. It wouldn't have been the first time. He could ask and give her a chance to lie about it. He could even pretend to believe her. Or she might be telling the truth and he was wrong about her cheating. It didn't matter, he realized suddenly. Her answer didn't matter, so he wouldn't ask.
"It won't happen again," he agreed at last. "Mai... I think we should break up."
Zuko's next call was to Katara. The day after his messy break up with Mai, having cleaned up the remains of his cookies and the plate they were on, Zuko dialed Katara's number.
"Hello?" she said, sounding uncertain.
"Hey...um...Zuko here." Zuko's face flushed hotly when he heard her giggle on the other end.
"I know," she said. "I have your number, remember? How are you doing? Are you back?"
"Yeah," he said. "I'm back. I'm feeling a lot better. A little sore, but I can get around."
"I'm glad to hear it." And she sounded genuinely glad. "You didn't have to do all that to meet me, though. You could've just knocked on my door and said hi."
"And waste an opener like puking my guts and almost dying in your car?" Zuko was rewarded with another giggle. She had a nice laugh, he thought. It was so easy to talk to her.
"It was a memorable opener, I'll give you that," she said, laughing again.
"Yeah." Zuko swallowed hard against his suddenly dry mouth. "I was actually calling to thank you. I don't know what would've happened if you hadn't been here."
"Don't worry about it," Katara said. "I'm just glad I was able to help."
"Yes, well..." Zuko chided himself for being such a coward, and he forced his next words out. "I was wondering if you'd like to have dinner with me. To thank you! To say thanks for saving my life."
"Zuko, you don't owe me anything," Katara said gently. Zuko's heart fell into his stomach.
"Oh...I just thought I'd offer." He tried to keep his tone even and friendly as he hit his forehead with his other hand. Stupid. This was a stupid, stupid idea. "If you're not interested, I understand."
"I didn't say I wasn't interested," Katara said quietly. "Just that you don't owe me. I-I wouldn't mind having dinner with you. Just...you know, not as an obligation you think you owe me."
"What if it's not an obligation?" Zuko asked. "What if-I'm asking because I think you're kind and pretty and I'd like to get to know you better?"
Katara went silent for what felt like a nerve-wrackingly long time, but was likely just a few short seconds. Then she said the three sweetest words Zuko thought he'd ever heard.
"It's a date."
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placeinthisworld · 2 months
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coochiequeens · 6 months
Reading a story about a dude being called out by a man is so satisfying
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cloutchase · 7 months
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WIKIPEDIA: But the antivirus...
WIKIPEDIA: Everyone...
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WATTPAD: So what do you guys think?!
QUOTEV: We spent a really long time on it, we hope you all like it... >u<
WATTPAD: Yeah, we tried to make everyone as realistic as possible!
QUOTEV: Sorry for the messiness here and there, it's still a first draft, so...
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REDDIT: You guys should post this on r/nosleep for karma!
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tottenhamhotsperm · 2 years
i think about this moment all the time
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sadieshavingsex · 1 year
damn I didn’t realize just how many people are truly coming over from Reddit. Wanted to just say, over the past year or so Reddit has been invaluable to me in exploring my sexuality & mental health after leaving evangelicalism and getting into a long term relationship. I’m primarily a tumblr user but I’ve def felt the impact of not being able to check out Reddit threads about relationship ocd, exvangelical life, etc. over the past few days
So I know this is a super niche group but if you’re in the #exvangelical #religioustrauma #anxiousattachment #arcsexual #rocd #relationshipanxiety #ptsd (and many more things of that nature) crowd, you’re welcome to stop by, hang out, and chat on this blog!! I’ve been really happy finding a small community of likeminded people here who have showed me that I’m not alone in these difficulties! Just wanted to let you know that you don’t have to be either <3
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cheezyharu · 1 year
High school's hitting me right in the ass so here's a quick Sygna Suit design for Irida made by me to cope with the 4 tests/day wombo combo school just threw at me lol
(design elements taken from my palkia gijinka design)
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parttimepunner · 4 months
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Someone explain please to us poor Reddit migrants…except the color of the sky one I know that one.
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mabaris · 3 months
what gets me about the way the elven pantheon story has become “the gods are actually just very real, very powerful people” is that it’s now a criticism of power structures. when like, if you look to your right, you can see countries operating under feudalism
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saintmelangell · 15 days
i am always thinking about the historical jesus and constantly trying to strip him out of the mythical context given to him by hellenic christians and later by white supremacists/christian militants but what an absolutely insane piss poor take "filled the void left by judaism" ah yes judaism, that dead religion that disappeared after 70 a.d. and all of the people who practiced judaism after the sacking of jerusalem just started practicing christianity 🤔🤔🤔 curious how jews simply dont exist anymore apparently
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cryptid-ink · 1 month
Boiling over with rage because of people who believe my fucking ex of all people. He said i have no diagnosis and that i made it all up. I have all the diagnosis paperwork and doctors notes from the primary care office i was at when i was with him. I have it all and i have proof and still people think im a liar. Still people think im a faker and that i lie for attention and that i scammed people out of money??? Like what the fuck??? Its not fair i have literal proof that hes lying and abusive and people STILL want to fucking believe HIM when he has NO PROOF but his word.
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coochiequeens · 11 months
The brother only had to pay $100 a month so make sure his ex wife had a little extra to care for their kid.
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sidglorious · 9 months
For all the things I love in DOTC I just don't understand the romance between clearsky and starflower. Why. Why Erins. That's so fucked up. There was a billion other way to end up this shit. Just. No.
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cloutchase · 7 months
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TUMBLR: it felt a bit rushed
TUMBLR: i think i could have had a bigger role in the story
TWITTER: hey I was basically just your sidekick?!
TWITTER: not that i wanted to be there to begin with, but like, come on.
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AO3: I'm very proud of you two.
AO3: ...but Wattpad, we have to talk.
AO3: Wikipedia, just so you know, if we were to ever be placed in this situation, I would never betray you like so.
WIKIPEDIA: Besides, I would know right away if you turned.
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TIKTOK: i was a siren?
TIKTOK: that should've been my halloween costume!
TIKTOK: maybe minus all the weird fleshy bits, though.
INSTAGRAM: I would have just stuck to myself.
THREADS: With me too, right Miss Instagram?
THREADS: We sure made a great team!
INSTAGRAM: Threads... we can't actually do any of those magical explosions.
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YOUTUBE: wowwwww that's so weird haha!
VINE: where’s ya boy vine?! i could be a cool monster!
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EBAY: Not gonna lie. They nailed my character.
ETSY: Hey if you guys turn this into a real thing, I'd be down to sell merch. 🤑
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