#except that i think i want to do some sort of memorial in nyc to have space to grieve
lwcina · 6 months
i feel like im having a lot of delayed realizations on account of being suicidal for the majority of my life and now not being suicidal like. idk thinking about what life is now that im actively choosing to be alive. i used to be like scared of everyone i love dying but its like. death and grief are a part of life... and grief is like hard but also to even have something to grieve is worth something.
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isabeljkim · 2 years
y write tho: an essay that nobody asked for
(i wrote most of this a month ago when i was complaining a lot about writing and whining a lot about it, and picked it back up because a lot of my cousins have copies of my book draft and asked about the writing at a wedding i was at, and because i’ve just been thinking about it more. it’s not high art, but it’s you know, something i was thinking about.) 
I guess I am writing this essay because my friends and family who are not in the sff writing scene have reacted to all my constant complaining about writing with general bemusement ie: “why do you write, if you don’t enjoy it?” and “you can…stop?” and “do you like doing this? you don’t seem like you like doing this” and “why did you want to write a book?” and the general broader question of “Isabel/Iz, why do you write science fiction and also why did this happen?” Which is sort of the question that a lot of my family members had, because writing wasn’t something I really picked up until my late adolescence. I thought I was going to be an oil painter for a long time. Longer than was appropriate.
I think it’s a fair question, because I don’t know why I write either. I work NYC biglaw hours, I don’t really have time to write, and every time I write I think about all the other things I could be doing with my scant free time. But I end up back at the desk. I don’t really know if I enjoy it. I think I enjoy it? I know that the world where I don’t write is a worse world. I cannot quite articulate how.
Why does anyone write? Writing objectively sucks. Writing is staring at a page or a screen and hallucinating vividly or maybe not even getting to do that and you are mostly sitting lonely in your apartment and typing out words on a screen. Original fiction doesn’t even have the delight that fanfiction has of getting to spend time with your favorite little guys that someone else has made for you and now you get to push them around in the sandbox. Original fiction, you have to first make the universe to bake the pie.
I guess I write because one of my earliest memories is not really being able to explain myself. You might have noticed that this essay has a lot of hedging. A lot of “I guesses” and “I feel” and a lot of sentence fragments. I usually edit those out, but here I’m not, because this is a piece about the uncertainty I feel. The hedges are honesty. Talking about myself is always excruciating in that sense. I don’t really like explaining myself.
My friends call me pretty articulate. I have to be articulate for my job. I never feel very articulate. I usually feel like I don’t make any sense. One of my earliest memories is of standing in a convenience store with my mom in Korea and feeling very frustrated about the fact that she didn’t understand that I wanted a specific piece of candy that they didn’t sell, and I wanted her to find it for me but I didn’t have the words in two languages to explain. Most of my life feels like that.
I really don’t think I communicate all that well. There’s a wall somewhere inside me that prevents me from being honest about my feelings and thoughts when I speak. I say all my words out of order. If you talk to me in real life you might notice that I speak in strings of canned responses a lot of the time, memetic phrases that are the first thing that come to mind rather than anything original—the current statements of choice are “thats rough buddy” and “fucked up if true.”
I feel like I can only explain myself by writing a story that will more articulately but deeply obliquely explain what I’m thinking about. Writing isn’t meditation because I fucking hate meditation. but I think writing is a way to help myself figure out what I am actually thinking about. What I have some thoughts on. A thesis statement for a question that I didn’t know I was asking. Except sometimes it’s not. Sometimes its about other stuff. I don’t know. I guess I mostly am trying to entertain people on the surface level but also what I am trying to do with my writing is like…
I was twelve and someone had left a scanned copy of Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut in an empty classroom after somebody’s english class, and I picked it up and read it and at first I thought there was more story and then I realized that was all there was, and then I thought about the story for the rest of my life and it still really bugs me that theres not more of it, honestly. ive read a lot of stuff like that. things i picked up and think about years later, i mean. 
I guess fundamentally I want some twelve year old to read a story I wrote by accident and then to think about it for the rest of their life. In some ways I am writing specifically for twelve year old me. I am writing for weird twelve year olds who read things that are completely fucking outside of their age level but also they read it anyway (me with the reams of dystopian fiction and cyberpunk stuff) and also for nineteen year olds who are learning about gender for the first time in a meaningful way and also i am writing for specifically the guy who really liked homestuck when they were 15, like, thats the guy im really writing for. i want the story that lights teen iz’s brain on fire.
I don’t know why this matters to me, but it does.
I grew up split between Korea and the states in a particularly bastardous fashion that breaks a lot of the rules of what people think immigration/immigrant families are like—my parents had lived in the states for twenty years before having me, and then I was born in NJ, and then we moved to Korea fucking immediately, and then to California, and then back to Korea, and then back to NJ, and this is actually oversimplifying the actual situation. I never feel represented in anything. i’m a half-closeted korean-american woman, and i kind of feel like i never see a protag who looks like me that i really relate to, or i never did growing up. I’m not super interested in feeling represented in anything anymore - I think this would have mattered to me more as a kid. I always thought the point of a book was to show you a world and mindset outside your own. I hope to create that mindset for other people.
also to contradict all my other points, honestly, i like wizards and lasers a lot and i think they’re cool. genuinely. i am here for the love of the game. god. i fucking love science fiction. fucking love fantasy. magic? thats the good shit. i can use my BRAIN to make wizards DO THINGS?? ?? ?? ? ? ohh h m my god oh my jesus fuck. i think writers should admit that half the reason they’re here is bc ideas make the brain go brrr. if you’re not in this for the love of the game it’s going to burn you out. genre fiction kicks ass. fiction kicks ass. the only thing that ever matters is the story. 
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wild-aloof-rebel · 3 years
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amazingly, we ended 2020 with triple the number of words of fic in this fandom that we had at the end of 2019. thank you to everyone who contributed to that and to all the readers who motivate fic writers to keep publishing!!
1 - 3k words
Getting Out There by Januarium (rated G) Twenty-nine minutes after the agreed start time for the date, Patrick is aimlessly scrolling twitter—because isn’t it better to be annoyed at strangers instead of the woman who stood you up?—when a voice says, “Excuse me, are you Patrick Brewer?” [...]
grand gesture... by startswithhope (rated T) It had been David’s idea to host this little pre-holiday get together for their vendors and after Heather had offered up her farm for the venue, Patrick had been shooed out of the planning altogether. But of course, everything is perfect.
in the path of a possibility... by startswithhope (rated T) Sometimes you just have to ask the boy you like to dance and maybe he'll say yes.
Last Christmas by HolmesApothecary (rated T) Three Christmas Walks
On our way back home by upbeat (rated G) During their week-long separation, David gets drunk at a bar one night and calls Patrick for a ride home.
3 - 5k words
finding you at christmas by dinnfameron (rated G) Patrick helps out at his parents' Christmas tree lot in the city every year. One night, a lost kid and a handsome stranger come along needing his help.
I Put A Spell On You by houdini74 (rated G) David is a witch who spends his days baking cupcakes and uses his magic to to help people find happiness until his life is turned upside down by the arrival of a very cute and very unhappy Patrick Brewer.
Mind if I Move in Closer? by JustWaiting23 (rated T) David and Patrick get hit by a spell from a well-meaning stranger, now David can only be warm when touching Patrick. Will this be the final push they need to admit their feelings to each other?
you’re here (where you should be) by singsongsung *Alexis/Ted* (rated M) Alexis takes a holiday trip to the Galapagos Islands.
5 - 10k words
along for the ride by the_hodag (rated T) Unraveling someone else's grief can be complicated when they refuse to engage in anything more than idle road trip banter.
Drink a toast to innocence, Drink a toast to now by DesignatedGrape (rated T) David and Patrick meet one Christmas Eve in Toronto, and run into each other again three years later.
Hurt for the Holidays by missgeevious (rated T) David and Patrick meet by accident on Christmas Eve.
Pining For You by High-Seas-Swan (rated T) A new Christmas Tree stand arrives across from Rose Apothecary, and with it, pine needles. Everywhere. It's driving David crazy. As is the cute-but-rude lumberjack running the lot.
traveled down a road and back again by sonlali *Rachel-centric* (rated G) Five Christmases throughout Rachel's past that she spent with Patrick, plus one she spends together with Alexis at Patrick and David's cottage.
Where Every Stay Feels Like Home by MoreHuman (rated G) The Brewer family holiday wishlist: 1. Surprises 2. Escape rooms 3. Surprise escape rooms The Rose family holiday wishlist: 1. Getting the hell out of here
10k+ words
All I Want, aka O Christmas Trope by Januarium (rated E) A festive fake dating!AU.
The Big Chill by swat117 (rated T) David Rose learns to thaw while being chilled. ❄️ A modern-day Ice Age AU. ❄️
A Cardamom Christmas by Lisamc21 (rated T) David is stressed about work and decides to check out the nearby Christmas market. He expects to find lunch and maybe a Christmas gift or two. He doesn't expect to meet a charming baker who dishes teasing quips as much as sweet treats. David returns to the market each day to get another taste of Patrick the baker.
Every Breath That Comes Before [series] by nameless_bliss (rated T & E) [Three fics where David thinks about Patrick eventually leaving him]
Good Winter by Distractivate (rated M) Patrick spends a week in January at his parents' fishing cabin, sorting through memories and trying to figure out if enough of his past remains to rebuild relationships with his family and Rachel, while not losing who he's become with David. David, of course, helps. A story about making peace with all the versions of yourself, inspired by Bon Iver's album For Emma, Forever Ago.
happy golden days of yore by blueink3 (rated E) “What are you doing here?” Patrick blinks beneath the toque shoved onto his head, steadily dripping melting snow from his coat onto the mat they once purchased together. “Um… it’s my weekend.” [...]
 A Holiday Escape by Lisamc21 (rated E) David needs to escape the stress of NYC and can't stomach another Rose family Christmas party, so he books an AirBNB for two weeks in Schitt's Creek. The town his family visited when he was a kid. The one true family vacation they'd had. He plans to spend two weeks drinking wine and soaking in a jacuzzi tub, but the cute guy renting the AirBNB derailed his relaxing plans.
If you’re looking for an ass to kiss by grapehyasynth (rated T) Everything's the same, except Patrick is already in town - and he's the mayor.
i’m your moonlight, you’re my star by doingthemost & singsongsung *Alexis/Twyla* (rated M) Twyla and Alexis spend the holidays together.
It’s My (Christmas) Party and I’ll Panic if I Want To by DelilahMcMuffin (rated T) It’s Christmas Eve and David wants nothing more than to spend the evening in Patrick’s room at Ray’s engaging in the kinds of activities that will get them on Santa’s Naughty List. But his dad has decided that he wants to throw a last minute Christmas party. And to top it all off, Patrick’s parents have shown up unexpectedly to surprise their son for the holidays. Oh, and in case that wasn’t enough, David discovers that Patrick has been keeping a pretty big secret. [...]
Just to Hold the Hands I Love by DesignatedGrape (rated T) As David peered out the window at the snow-covered neighborhood, his gaze landed on his own front lawn, which he shared with the townhouse next door. Oh. Oh, no. Sitting in the middle of the small yard, facing the street, was an honest-to-god snowman, complete with stick arms, red scarf, and plaid trapper hat, and holding some sort of sign. David rolled his eyes. His neighbor thought he was so funny.
Meet me out at the end of my rope by yourbuttervoicedbeau (rated E) What if more than one bombshell was dropped the day of Patrick's birthday — one they couldn't come back from?
Termites of Endearment by unfolded73 & vivianblakesunrisebay (rated E) After discovering the cottage has to be fumigated for termites, David and Patrick suffer a stressful day and an onslaught of memories when they have to spend the night at the motel.
there it is, beating away by blueink3 (rated T) David and Patrick befriend a single mom and her son. Well, Patrick does. David is still feeling things out.
Your Guide to Winter Trail Etiquette by middyblue (rated E) It’s not exactly a promising beginning to his New Year’s Eve ski trip weekend when David drops his bags on the couch of their little rented condo and Alexis’s new boyfriend, who’s wearing an ugly Christmas sweater almost a week after Christmas and crashing David’s plans, says in confusion, “Wait, but where’s Patrick going to sleep?” A story about things ending and things beginning, even if they come from somewhere unexpected.
and finally, just in case you missed it and are interested, i put together a list of some of my fave fics of 2020 and a little recap of my own fics from the year. happy new year and happy reading, friends!! 💗
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captaindodson · 3 years
Being High-School Sweethearts with Officer Slater would include...
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A/N: I’ve been on a Bill Hader deep dive and I have fallen for our guy Officer Slater from Superbad. I will credit @fangirl-imagines​​ with most of the inspiration for this and future works involving our favourite officer. I got a bit carried away with this one so I hope you enjoy!
Paring: Officer Slater x F! Reader
Warnings: Fluffy and a bit of angst
Being High-School Sweet Hearts with Officer Slater would include...
- Now this is a little bit different then what you might think so just hold onto your hats.
- I feel you you guys would have met in your senior year through a group project in second period history. Your class wasn’t always so well behaved so your teacher ended up splitting everyone up into groups.
- You and Slater never directly interacted before but you have mutuals friends between each other. So when the teacher told everyone to stand up and meet in their groups it was still a bit awkward. You shuffled across the classroom to your partners who decided to sit in the back corner of the class sitting in silence while the rest of the class got organized.
-  The teacher comes around to hand out the instructions for the assignment, sliding a double sided piece of paper onto the desks in front of everyone. You, of course wanting to elevate the awkwardness goes ahead and introduces yourself to everyone and starts reading out the instructions on the paper. 
- While you read aloud Slater was sneaking glances at you out of the corner of his eye. What you do not realize is that Slater has been meaning to make any sort of move since he saw you in freshman year. 
- On the first day of school you were wearing beautiful baby blue jeans, a white, slight worn out MTV t-shirt, some tennis shoes, and maroon bag, and Slater thought he had seen heaven as he watched you get off the bus and towards the high school. He proceeded to see you everywhere in school (not that he would complain) whether it be in the library, school cafeteria, sitting on the bleachers as he walked by with his friends. Everyday for three years he would always look for you, even just for a second because it brightened his day. 
- He never approached you because he felt that you were out of his league. You were in the popular crowd but, you didn’t partake in sports or cheerleading or anything sterotypical popular kids would do. You were a floater,  a confident, kind, (did I say beautiful yet) floater that everyone wanted to be around. You had friends in just about every cliche there could be except his. 
- His friends always gave him shit (but also support) and tried to embarrass Slater in front of you knowing of his major crush. One time, during a school football game his friends spotted some empty seats on the far end of the bleachers but, also noticed you sitting in-between their walk to their seats. So, when they squeezed past you they jabbed Slater’s side to make him squirm to drop some of his popcorn on your lap. 
- His face became red with embarrassment but you just laugh lightly and say thank you for the snack. Slater just smiles nervously and pushes his friends to hurry up as they laughed loudly. 
- Or another time during the year when the schools drama club was doing their last performance before heading out of state for NYC for a competition, and Slater and his friends were going to go to shit on the drama kids. When they got to the theatre, you were siting by yourself next to the only empty seat, so they came up with a new plan. They told Slater to go find them some seats and when he spotted the only empty seat next to you and he panicked. He turned around to confront his friends but they all left smiling and laughing silently.
- He pondered whether he should leave or stay until he thought this was going to be the opportunity to finally introduce himself to you and have you fall in love with him. Except, as he walked closer, his throat starting closing up and he felt at a loss of words. So when he had to squeeze past you he squeaked out a quick, “excuse me” and sat down. The lights of the theatre dimmed and he proceeded to sit through 90 minutes of Hamlet and didn’t say a word to you. He basked in the scent of your perfume as the play continued on and after the final bows you left unaware of Slater next to you. 
- So after reading the assignment aloud the bell rings almost instantly causing everyone to collect their things and rush out the door. Slater watched you collect your bag and wave goodbye to the group to head off to your next class. Slater sat there for a minute deciding what to do, make his move or continue to admire you painfully from afar until you disappear from his life forever?
- He sighed in defeat and was willing to live in this hell for the rest of the school year. He sluggishly gets up, head hung in defeat, and heads out the door. What he didn’t expect was you leaning on some lockers outside the door and greeting him with with a shy smile before asking him if he wanted to eat lunch with you later to go over the assignment. (at first he didn’t say yes due to shyness, but then quickly changed his answer because he would have been kicking himself if he didn't). 
- You had noticed him staring, and to be quite frankly you’ve been watching him too. You had seen him in the library reading comic books in the farthest row, pushing up his glasses when he read, looking out the window in French class and seeing him and his friends messing around on the football field during free period. For a guy that most girls that you knew considered him scrawny and ‘unattractive’ you could not disagree any faster. You loved his floppy, shaggy hair, his blue eyes, his dimples, and most importantly his laugh. You saw how he was with his friends and you just wanted him to look at you. 
- So after that moment you two started spending more and more time together. You would stop hanging out with most of your friends to eat lunch with Slater in a stairwell or out of the bleachers. You two would read StarWars comic’s in the library while trying to prank his friends, you also had dates at the local theatre, and you were Slater’s first kiss. You both couldn’t be happier. Everything so pure, so innocent about young love, nothing could take that away. Except one thing, insecurity. 
- As graduation came closer Slater suddenly became more distant and cold. You tried to ask why but he just shut down and then out of the blue he broke up with you. You cried for days, wondering what you could’ve done different, what you did wrong,  but you were never given an answer. You left LA shortly after for NYC and Slater had to sit with his choice but eventually got over it.  
- It isn’t until 2007 rolls around when your back in LA working as a waitress in a bar called Baileys which so happens one night to have a special visitor. 
- When Slater was sitting at the bar where he met his ex-wife with Micheal’s and McLovin, having fun watching the security tape from earlier, a woman comes up next to him and leans up against the bar. 
- A much older women whose beauty from high school has not wavered is asking the bartender for the time and if it is okay for you to clock out of your shift and go home for the night. 
- Slater stares, almost frozen in time and watches your lips move in slow motion. Just like when he was staring at you all those years ago in that history class, the love he felt for you makes his heart beat a little bit faster and cheeks become a little bit warmer.
- You don’t even notice the staring as you’ve grown to ignore the stares of guys. You smile at your boss when he tells you can leave. You rip off your small apron and run around the bar into the backroom to get your stuff. When you leave the backroom with a thin coat over your shoulders and your purse in hand, out of the corner of your eye you catch a glimpse of a familiar pair of ocean eyes hidden behind sliver glasses and a police uniform.
- Your breath hitches for a moment but you keep walking. You walk through the messy kitchen to leave out the back door which leads to the street where your car is parked. 
- Slater just stares at the kitchen door blankly, watching as his heart continued to beat faster as the memories of being told how he grabbed your heart and ran it over with his shitty car resurface. He knows he doesn’t deserve a second chance, but he can’t live knowing that you don’t know he’s sorry, so he dashes after you to the surprise of Micheal’s and Mclovin.  
- You just make it to the drivers side of your car when you hear a stern, “wait”. You pause and think for a minute. You haven’t done anything wrong so it is not like he can force you to stay here. You stab your key into your car door and just as your ready to turn it and open up your door this voice lets out a more masculine “hold it right there”.
- You halt your movements and slowly turn around the face the man you haven't seen since he broke your heart. Under the streetlight he is much taller than he was all those years ago and his boyish charms still haven't wavered even though he attempts to make himself look taller and more ‘manly’. 
- You speak before he can open his mouth to say anything else, ‘I don't know who you are, but can you please leave me alone.”
- Slater cringes slightly at your tone. He lets his body rest in a more comfortable posture and he puts his hands up in a defensive pose. 
- “ Okay, I deserve that. But before you leave let me say this, I left you because I got scared and I’m sorry. I thought you’d be better off without some loser attached to your arm when there are a millions of guys much better looking and more manly”. Your eyes soften at his claim as you approach him slowly and his arms drop to his side. 
- “Slater, You were the best thing in that shitty high school. I only left because I could not live in a place where you existed because I would be reminded of the pain of you not being in my life. I loved you ever since I met you, and I never stopped. Why didn’t you talk to me Slater?” You say with pleading eyes. 
“I didn't know how to. Ever since my first wife turned out to be a whore I realized that I could never love anyone again because I didn’t deserve to be loved. When I spotted you inside, it felt like my heart was about the burst. When you left for NYC I thought I got over you, but I never did”. 
- Slater’s breath slows as you get closer, he can start to feel the heat radiating off your body. He looks at you with the same awe, admiration, and love he did all those years ago. Blue eyes twinkling under the shine of the streetlight through his sliver glasses. 
- Slater breaks the silence with, “You can hate me for the rest of your life, just know that I’m sorry-”.
- But before Slater can get your name through his lips you lean up without warning to plant a soft kiss on his which he gladly returns.
- “Take notes Mclovin, Slater is showing you how to kiss a lady.” you both break apart and see Micheal’s, smirk on his face and Mclovin standing along side him looking confused. 
- Slater straightens up with his shoulders with a deep cough trying to appear composed, but the pink tint on his cheeks say otherwise. You ignore the new presence and you drag your hand over his uniformed shoulder to the back of his soft hair where you gentle push his head to meet your lips once more. 
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squishneedsahero · 3 years
Oh Yeah, I Remember Now
It’s Who I Am Part 4
Word Count: 2555
Warning: I didn’t go into much detail but there is mentions of abuse and other things which the reader went through during their time with HYDRA
How would The Falcon and The Winter Soldier have played out if you, the younger daughter of Howard Stark got involved? You had been kidnapped by HYDRA at a young age, your mind taken from you as they forced you to work towards creating new weapons for them and when HYDRA had fallen you had gotten free with your scattered memories for you to slowly piece together.
You'd had a relatively good childhood, sure your father was a dirtbag to both you and Tony but your mom was good. She tried to protect the both of you, Tony had done his best to protect you as well. But you'd always lived in their shadow. It was always, "oh you're Howard's daughter? I didn't know he had a daughter," or "aww what a cutie, you must help your mom take such god care of your father and brother." All of this made you sick. None of it was Tony's fault it was all misogyny and your father's sexism.
The next thing you remember is a science fair. It's third grade and you've made a tiny drone, which you can fly around and take pictures with. You were so excited to show everyone, to show your dad that you could be an engineer as well, but only your mother and Tony came. They tried to encourage you but you didn't say anything, it isn't until you get home and you're lying in bed that you cry. You're good at keeping your crying quiet, quiet enough that no one would know you had spent the night crying and when you got up in the morning the tears were gone.
Then you're at boarding school, somewhere they could teach you to be a proper 13 year old girl. One night sticks out above the rest, the dorms caught fire everyone was getting out. You tripped as you tried to get out of bed and then when you tried to get up a cold metal hand covered your mouth and someone picked you up, throwing you over their shoulder, you feel something prick your arm as you begin to kick and scream, and then things go dark.
You're in a small cell with grey walls and grey floors. You're 15 as you're sitting there, refusing to cooperate with HYDRA's current plan, the door slams open and in walks one of the nameless agents. They show you a newspaper, the headline announcing that your parents had died in a car crash, they then show you other photos, and tell you how they had had them killed by the Winter Soldier. From there they go into great detail on the fact that if you didn't begin cooperating they would bring your brother to be the next one they make you torture.
From there things get especially messy in your mind. Some days remembering your past and other days not. Some days you're the one doing the torturing and other days the one being tortured. HYDRA had forced you to commit many atrocities in their name, so many you couldn't begin to count. There were the times where you were the one who was in charge of resetting Bucky's mind, wiping it and preparing him for a mission. There were other times when you were difficult and they had the winter soldier beat you into submission.
There was one day, one day during which nearly all of HYDRA's agents disappeared and never came back. You were locked in your tiny cell, you don't know how long you were there on your own, hunger clawing at your stomach and dehydration quickly becoming an issue. You don't remember how but you got out and escaped.
It's who knows how many months later that you become aware of anything again. You're lying in some alleyway somewhere and have none of your memories. You find your way to a library, feeling safe there, from there you begin to figure out how exactly the world works and how you can survive.
It's another few years after that, having short term memory loss and being slow to pick up on anything. It is at this point where you've some how ended up in NYC and as you're walking down the street that you bump into Tony. You don't recognize him but he recognizes you. It happens quickly, he gets a DNA test to be sure but soon you're living with him and have some of your life together but still no memories. It's during this time that you meet a few other people, but thanks to Tony they keep the fact that you're still alive quiet, not wanting to overwhelm you with his life when you barely have yours together.
After that you're sitting in the Avenger's compound with Rhodey when something happens and people you haven't meet before show up. First it's just one guy named Bruce, then a group of people Steve, Natasha, Wanda, Vision and Sam. That was the first time you had met Sam, though you hadn't spoken to him. From there you all go to Wakanda, try to save Vision, apparently cross paths with Bucky, fail to save Vision, fight some aliens in one of Tony's suits, punch a giant purple dude in the face a few times then ultimately get turned to dust with a few billion other people on the planet.
Then you find yourself lying on the ground in the jungle of Wakanda with half of the people you'd been fighting Thanos with. Some sort of portals open up in front of all of you and you fight even more aliens. You pass by Tony at some point and give him a quick hug in the middle of all of it, despite not having memories you still knew you cared deeply for him and was one of the few people you felt safe when you were with. Then as soon as your world had come together, it falls apart again, Tony had sacrificed himself to save the rest of you.It is when you're at his funeral that things begin to set in for you, your brother is gone, you're once again alone in the world... except you weren't. Tony had a wife and a daughter, Pepper and Morgan, it didn't take much for them to take you in and act as though you had always been part of their family.
It's in the six months following that when you create your own suit, and somewhat get yourself together. At least you have it together enough that your memory of that time is pretty solid even if your mind felt scattered. It is after those six months of relative peace and calm that brings you to the present. Where you had met up with Sam and Bucky on accident and teamed up with them to figure out this problem.
There is a knock on the door you have your back too, and it shakes out of the state you are in. "Hey, y/n," it's Sam, "are you alright in there?"
"Uh- yeah- yeah- I'm fine." You stand up and quickly wipe the tears which had formed in your eyes before opening the door. "Hey," you can see the concern in Sam's eyes, "I'm fine, just needed a minute," you pause before changing the subject, "so what's the plan?"
"Sharon is going to be hosting some people here and will ask around to see if anyone knows where we can find Naegele," Sam explains, "so we can join the party and just have to blend in with the crowd."
"Sounds good," you look down at your dress that has some blood splattered on it then look back at Sam, "you think she has a different dress I can wear?"
"Probably, we can go ask her."
You let Sam lead the way back to the other room, where you give Zemo a death glare before asking Sharon, "hey, you have a dress I could borrow? I don't think blood will blend well."
"Sure," she goes over to a closet and gets out a dress which she hands to you, "here, put this on, I'm going to get headed down to begin letting the guests in."
You nod and take the dress, going to change quickly before coming back out, where you're greeted by Sam and Bucky telling you Zemo had gone with Sharon. "Can I help you?" you ask with more than a hint of sarcasm in your voice.
Bucky doesn't hesitate, "what happened?"
You raise an eyebrow at him and pause for a moment before say, "shit. Shit happened, and I... remembered." You shake your head a bit, "before you ask, no I don't want to talk about it. It's a lot, it's fucked up and it's a lot but like, I can get drunk so I'm going to go do that downstairs right now then drunk cry it out so I'm good to go tomorrow."
You admitting that you remembered has Bucky feeling uncomfortable because you were right it was fucked up and he had been involved in it.
"Y/n, getting drunk it's going to help," Sam says.
You sigh and look at Sam, "I know that but I'm going to do it anyways because at the moment I don't want to deal with it. Plus I don't think I've ever gotten drunk before so it won't take much to do so I'll be good to go in the morning."
"It's still a bad idea," Sam says but isn't going to argue further since you're obviously set on this plan.
You go through with your plan, and you were right about it not taking much for you to get drunk, but its enough that you don't have to think about life for a few hours. Then in the morning you wake up hungover, but with enough time to mostly recover by the time it's time to go find Naegele. You get dressed in in your 'suit' of leggings and a shirt before heading out with the other four to find Naegele.
You go with them down to the docks, where they keep all the shipping containers. Sharon leads all of you right up to the one he is supposed to be in. You let the boys go in and you stay out with Sharon, mostly to make sure Naegele doesn't make a run for it but it ends up being pretty convenient for fighting some of the guys the power broker sent to stop all of you from getting to Naegele.
It is with ease that you take them down, discovering that the reason you hadn't been great at fighting before was because of HYDRA wiping your mind. They took the methods you picked up over time from your mind, making it nearly impossible to improve even if you instinctively knew what to do. There is a lull in the fighting, during which you and Sharon slip into the shipping container and go to the back and into the secret are to find the others.
The two of you barely make it into the room when a gunshot goes off, Zemo killing Naegele right there. You only have a chance to shout, "what the hell?!" Before the box around you explodes.
You tuck and roll, escaping the flames and second rocket fired at the shipping crates. You don't know if anyone else made it out but for now you just need to make sure all of you will survive past this point. Your suit had protected you well, and you were thankful since you'd learned the evening before that you weren't at all enhanced but just had an unusually high pain tolerance. It doesn't take you long to spot one of the people who were after you and you focus in on them, one thing you could control. You could control that they were kept busy fighting you and you could control where they were so the others could get out.
As you throw yourself at the man in front of you, you hear gunshots and you're thankful. That means the others made it out of that explosion. You don't want to kill anyone, you had come close when Zemo had activated whatever it was HYDRA had put in your head, but you'd done enough killing in your life. You just needed to incapacitate them, and you do. It's just a matter of hitting a few pressure points and he should stay down for a few hours at least.
From there you move onto the one other person you can see but you are beat to them by Sam. You jog up to him now that things had calmed down a little and see Sharon and Bucky, leaving Zemo as the only one unaccounted for. "Hey, did we get them all?"
"Seems like it," Sharon responds.
Sam looks at her, "come with us."
Sharon shakes her head, "just get me that pardon you promised."
Sam nods once then looks at Bucky, about to say something only to be interrupted by Zemo pulling up in a car. "Shall we?"
You get in the car without hesitating, taking the seat behind Zemo so you can keep an eye on him. Bucky claims the front seat and Sam gets in behind him, saying something about him not moving the seat up. Then you're off, leaving to get back on Zemo's plane and head to the location they had gotten from Naegele.
When all of you are on the plane there is a short conversation as you go over the plan. Then silence falls over all of you, not a nice silence but an awkward silence and you can feel their eyes on you. You finally decide to break the silence and look at Bucky, "hey, I should apologize for all the shit HYDRA made me do to you, so... sorry," you frown and shrug a bit in an attempt to play it off like no big deal as it's always awkward to experience emotions with other people around.
Bucky just shrugs a bit, "it's alright, not exactly your fault. Sorry for kidnapping you."
You don't know why but you laugh. Maybe because it's so ridiculous but you shut up as quickly as you can and shake your head, "it's alright, not exactly your fault either."
"Having less of a memory problem I see," Zemo cuts in on the slight moment the two of you are having.
Your head snaps around to look at him, "you're on thin ice, so tread lightly, or I'll make you wish you'd died in that explosion back there."
Zemo laughs, "ah, there is the Stark attitude that HYDRA had so much trouble controlling." He presses his fingertips together and relaxes in his seat before continuing, "HYDRA was only able to get Lemonade to stick in your mind. It was in case you needed to protect one of the agents from a monster you had created. They had to manually mess with your memory thanks to you being so stubborn, as they couldn't seem to break you."
You can't help but feel a little nauseous as he speaks but you know he's telling the truth. "Yeah, and you better not use it again though I'm pretty sure I broke it last night." Then you look at Sam, "in the case that I didn't break the programming I have weak knees if you hit them from behind and a peanut allergy, knock me out if needed I shouldn't die."
You don't get a response to that but you felt better knowing they could easily stop you if Zemo pulled anything. But that was it and with that you were able relax for the rest of the flight.
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qiankunfics · 3 years
JohnKun Masterlist Part 2
1.  Morning Warmth by nininuggetFandoms:NCT (Band)  
Summary: Waking up besides both of his favorite persons is Johnny's best part of his day. Rating: General Status: One-Shot
2.  lucky by 10vesick
Summary: How did Kun ever get so lucky to find someone who loves him to the same extent that he loves them? Rating: General Status: One-shot
3. little red by madcity (johnshuaa)
Summary: All Kun wants to do is bring his cookies to his grandmother, but he keeps getting intercepted by a peculiar man with a dreadful smirk and honey eyes. Rating: Explicit Status: One-shot
4.  baby, we're the new romantics by nonamebut
Summary: In conclusion: Johnny and Kun like each other. Rating: Teen Status: One-shot
5. Distant Strangers by Sakunade
Summary: Johnny recently hired a new assistant at his office, and he can't help how irresistible he is, and finds himself falling into the deep-set dimples faster than he realizes. Rating: Mature Status: On-going
6.  Poco a Poco a Poquito by taeyongsan
Summary: Johnny has never been interested in a student's parent but Kun Qian proved to be an attraction that Johnny couldn't shake. Rating: General Status: One-shot
7. Sunrise, Sunset by Tinywriterfairy
Summary: Johnny and Kun are perfectly normal neighbors, except one's a vampire and the other's a god. And neither wants the other to know. What could possibly go wrong? Rating: Teen Status: One-shot
8.  take me anywhere by wentz
Summary: Johnny and Kun meet at a New Year’s Party.  Rating: Explicit Status: One-Shot
9.  Moonflower by almostkun
Summary:  In the darkest hours of the night, his feelings have bloomed. His love for Johnny hides in the shadows, atop of every tree and deep under the river. Rating: General Status: One-shot
10.  home by seonho
Summary: Single Dad Kun meets his son’s new best friend’s dad, Johnny.  Rating: Teen Status: One-shot
 11.  like clarity (you came to me) by andthencoffee (yawawoo)
Summary: Galaxy war veterans Kun and Johnny spend a day at the beach of a faraway planet and find that they may like each other more than the waves. Rating: Teen Status: One-shot
12. ignite me by gabilliam (vvhymack)
Summary: Co-workers Kun and Johnny where Kun is in love with Johnny and enters into a FWB situation with him.  Rating: Explicit Status: Completed 
13. the not so lonely star by miraclegarden 
Summary: Kun was just another star in the sky, who fell in love with a human named Johnny. Rating: General Status: One-shot
14. Premonition by 10vesick
Summary: It's overwhelming, how he can't explain at all how it makes him feel. It’s overwhelming, and quite honestly, a little scary. Rating: Explicit Status: One-shot
15. give me one good honest kiss (and i'll be alright) by nctyou
Summary: Kun is King and Johnny is his secret not-so-secret.  Rating: General Status: One-shot
16.  A Night To Remember by tronnorwolfstar
Summary: Where Kun and Johnny meet, but not under the most ideal circumstances. Rating: Teen  Status: On-going
17. Making the Most of the Night by cobalamincosel
Summary: It's NYE in NYC, and Johnny just wants to welcome it with Kun. Rating: Teen Status: One-shot
18. Starry Night by lunalius
Summary: Kun is definitely trying too hard, but Johnny doesn't mind. Rating: General Status: One-shot
19. There Are Stars by taeyongsan
Summary: Stars were always there. One just had to know how to find them. Johnny was lucky enough to have found them. Rating: General Status: One-shot
20.  Big Boys Like Butt Stuff Too by bunnykingdy
Summary: Professor Qian Kun is Johnny's mandarin teacher, a confident, well liked gentleman who is coincidentally but not really, Johnny's crush. And for some reason, Kun seems to return his feelings?? Rating: Explicit Status: One-shot
21. Of I Love You's and Promises by jiwrites
Summary: The five times Johnny says "I love you" and the one time Kun says it back. Rating: Teen Status: One-Shot
22.  hum hallelujah by wentz
Summary: “Father.” Johnny's hands rest on the priest’s thighs. “Let me suck you off.” Rating: Explicit Status: One-shot
23. used to it by junxiao
Summary: kun, johnny and their band mates end up having to all sleep in the same room. nobody can get any sleep because johnny’s snoring incredibly loud... except for kun, who's completely used to it. Rating: General Status: One-Shot
24. dealing with you / i do with caution by milkywei
Summary: Johnny is finally back in his hometown but his heart's home is still miles away from him. Rating: General Status: One-shot
25. I can't take my eyes off of you because my fond looks are always for you by cherrycitrus_blossom
Summary: JohnKun get together. Rating: Teen Status: One-Shot
26. Tea Talk by CryptidLuna
Summary: Johnny is on cleaning duty while Kun takes the boys out for a play date. Rating:General Status: One-Shot
27. malamente by gashinas
Summary: Kun helps Johnny with stress relief (of sorts). Rating: Explicit Status: One-shot
28.  spoiled sweetheart by cheapdreams
Summary: Kun had missed Korea. Rating: Explciit  Status: One-Shot
29. Ink by lamarina
Summary: Vampire Kun with Human Johnny Rating: Explicit Status: One-Shot
30. Genesis by dojaegay
Summary: Doctor Johnny with Unit KN010196l Rating: Explicit Status: On-going
31. the most beautiful moment in my life by awhalenamedblue
Summary: Johnny and Kun in Fujian Rating: Mature Status: One-Shot
32. Obvious by lunalius
Summary: Exam season is dumb decisions extravaganza. Rating: Explicit Status: One-Shot
33. From the Ground Up by cobalamincosel
Summary: Kun and Johnny are two lonely strangers who meet at a beach. They don’t believe in fate but maybe they should. Rating: Explicit Status: One-Shot
34. as the days go by by saelium
Summary: johnny thinks spring will always be beautiful, because of him. Rating: General Status: One-Shot
35. it may be love. by RedamancyEffect
Summary: johnny loses his ways seeing kun in his sweater. Rating: General Status: One-Shot
36. Counting Sheep (And The Days Until You're Mine Again) by kiwiiChan
Summary: Johnny’s a single dad and has to go buy diapers for his son at 3AM so he wakes up his neighbor to take care of the baby. Rating: General Status: One-Shot
37.  A Matter of Patience by cobalamincosel
Summary: Kun is happy. People come through with coughs and colds and a sprain here or there, all simple— until Johnny. Rating: Teen Status: One-Shot Trigger: Injuries
38. Secret Rendezvous. by softyjseo
Summary: Seo Johnny. Everyone knows him as the lead guitarist of the band The Hour Is Ours. Touring the world and sharing everything with fans, no one suspects him of having secrets, Rating: General Status: One-shot
39. callin' by gashinas
Summary: The first time Kun makes Johnny come with only words is innocent enough. The second time it happens, Johnny’s really not expecting it. Rating: Explicit Status: One-shot
40. little by little, soaked into my veins by aeroplaneseok
Summary: PWP of Kun giving his puppy a treat, or to be more precise, multiple orgasms. Rating: Explicit  Status: One-Shot
41.  Hands by criesmom
Summary: Johnny and Kun have been on two dates, (three, if you count going to the club with their friends). The alcohol gives them some ideas. Rating: Explicit Status: One-shot
42. Aubade by makbaes (gentlemindedlostgirl)
Summary: Kun, meanwhile, is a young man with a big heart, good intentions, and a toddler who needs him. Rating: Teen Status: Completed 
43. Points of Contact by lunalius
Summary: Kun is very tactile, and Johnny suffers for it. Rating: Mature Status: One-Shot
44. The First Day by violetpeche
Summary: Johnny's proposal to Kun on New Year's Eve doesn't go exactly as planned, but it all works out in the end. Rating: Mature Status: One-Shot
45. Our Old Story by sunlariums
Summary: After years of being away, Kun returns home to memories he thought forgotten, and a voice that reminds him of the past. Rating: Teen Status: One-Shot
46. Flowers In Your Chest by sunlariums
Summary: The one where Johnny has a crush on his unattainable roommate, and hanahaki disease isn't helping at all. Rating: Teen Status: One-Shot
47. you’re the one (for me) by stilinscry
Summary: kun doesn’t plan on falling in love a second time, the universe has other plans Rating: General Status: One-Shot
48. Parenting 101 by makbaes (gentlemindedlostgirl)
Summary: Chenle is normally a good kid. But his woodshop teacher, Mr. Seo, has been sending Kun emails about how his son has been acting out lately. So it's time for a parent-teacher conference. Rating: Teen Status: One-Shot
49. All I Want For Christmas Is For My Best Friends To Be Boyfriends by eggboyksoo
Summary: Doyoung’s well-intentioned mistletoe may have led to the one thing he actually wanted: the Rise of Johnkun. Rating: General Status: One-Shot
50. under the night sky by softsuna
Summary: Johnny was set to marry Princess Jieqiong, but falling for her brother wasn't part of the equation Rating: General Status: One-Shot
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itsagutthing · 4 years
Places Carrie Mathison Has Lived: New York City Edition
this installment of my carrie’s apartments series is close to my heart because i also live in brooklyn, though not close to carrie. the show actually filmed a scene just a block from my apartment, but for obvious reasons i’m not going to specify which scene. i know, season six is overall meh with the exception of carrie’s blazers, but my lizard brain still goes, “that’s where i live!” so i give it more leeway than i probably should. 
carrie lives in the bedford-stuyvesant neighborhood of brooklyn, which was once primarily home to black and latino families but unfortunately is in the process of gentrifying. some light googling tells me they filmed the interior apartment scenes on a soundstage in another brooklyn neighborhood called greenpoint, which begs the question: why didn’t they just make carrie live there? greenpoint has also been gentrified but is mostly home to eastern european immigrants, so the writers could have avoided the questionable racial implications of carrie living in bed-stuy, particularly when she’s working at a non-profit that promotes racial justice. and greenpoint is also more convenient to her office in williamsburg! i know the answer to this question is probably just “brownstones look pretty,” and there are lots of brownstones in bed-stuy but not in greenpoint, but i’ll still bitch about it.
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anyway, we know from quinn’s escape to the bodega in 6.02 that carrie lives close to the intersection of throop avenue and halsey street, which means she lives off of the kingston-throop A and C trains and a sort-of far walk from the bedford-nostrand G. she probably takes the G to work in williamsburg. this is information that’s only important to me, but i love public transit. 
the bike lane sign in the screenshot above reminds me how much i loved seeing carrie biking around berlin. even though nyc isn’t nearly as bike-friendly, i hope she does the same in brooklyn. 
carrie appears to have free reign of the entire brownstone, which must have been two separate units at some point — both where she and franny live and the ~garden apartment~ on the basement level that has both a full bath and kitchen. she obviously can’t afford to rent out an entire brownstone in new york city, even in bed-stuy, so my headcanon is that otto bought it as an investment property and is letting carrie and franny stay in it at a heavily discounted rate.
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brownstones are typically long and skinny, as we see here. there are really only two rooms on the first floor: the living room and the kitchen.
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i love seeing all of franny’s drawings strung up on the living room wall and her chalkboard/easel in the corner. this fixes an issue i had with carrie’s berlin apartment, which was that there was a weird lack of kid stuff. i don’t think that means anything on its own — we see in 5.01 how devoted carrie was to her seemingly normal life as a mother — but it’s nice to see more little touches in her brooklyn apartment. 
i assume the fireplace in the left-hand corner isn’t actually usable, but it does make the living room look homier. i’m surprised there isn’t more carpeting, since carrie loves a patterned rug. the living room looks a little cold without it. maybe she isn’t done decorating yet, though i think we’re supposed to believe they’ve been in nyc for a few months.
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there’s a tv next to the fireplace in 6.05 that isn’t there in 6.01, which is very strange placement. the only furniture opposite the tv is a desk and chair, so there’s nowhere to sit comfortably while watching. i don’t think carrie spends a lot of time watching tv, but that’s still a confusing choice. i do like franny’s fuzzy chair with bunny ears, though. carrie probably ordered it on amazon but i like to imagine her schlepping it in and out of a cab.
now for the kitchen:
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one nice thing the show did to convince us that this is an apartment carrie could maybe afford is that it’s not newly renovated: all the kitchen appliances are basic and/or old, and the countertops look like plastic laminate and are chipped along the edges. and there’s no room for the nice cutting boards or espresso machine she had in germany! i always find barstools charming even if they’re just a cheat to make an efficient use of counter space.
my favorite detail in the kitchen is the trio of framed drawings done by franny. again, i love all the “carrie’s a mom, remember?” touches.
the curtains are a gold color and match the curtains in the living room! carrie learned some design lessons in berlin.
even in the daytime the whole first floor feels really dark, which makes me miss the floor-to-ceiling windows in berlin. i brightened the screenshots a lot to see the details, but especially in the living room, the sunlight just doesn’t reach all the way across the house. the lack of natural light (and the fact that they filmed during the late fall) does a lot of quick work to set the dreary tone that persists for the entire season. i can’t help but compare it to the americans, which also filmed in brooklyn in the fall/winter, but at least the indoor scenes in that show were well-lit and generally warmer in both color and tone. 
i associate the early seasons of homeland with warm yellows, probably because they filmed either in the desert or in charlotte in the summertime. the shift to gray winter skies and heavy coats is a little jarring, even with berlin in the middle as a transitional urban, cooler season. 
that door behind carrie goes out to a set of stairs and their little backyard/patio:
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it’s common, if a little depressing, to have bars on first-floor windows as shown in the second shot above, both to child-proof an apartment from the inside and to prevent break-ins. our first view of franny for the season is through those bars, but i’m not entirely sure what the symbolism is supposed to be. carrie already feels a separation from franny, maybe? this shot especially feels super foreboding.
carrie continues her trend of killer outdoor lounge furniture (remember the multiple chaises on her DC patio?) with the wooden chair with blue cushions right outside the back door. there are also more potted plants than i believe carrie would purchase/remember to water, especially in the winter, but maybe she figures if they’re outside they’ll get enough rain to survive.
i don’t have a lot to say about the patio itself other than i’m jealous that carrie has outdoor space.
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inside by the stairs/front entryway is a framed berlin jazz poster which makes me inexplicably happy, and follows the same trend with the jazz posters she had in her DC apartment. it’s hard to tell what’s in the photos, so i’m choosing to believe they’re pictures of places she and franny loved in berlin, including some of the two of them taken by jonas. there is absolutely a photo of franny and carrie at the birthday party we saw in 5.01 where carrie’s wearing that balloon hat.
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we don’t get to see a lot of the second floor, but i’m going to assume it’s just franny’s room, carrie’s room, carrie’s weird conspiracy closet, and a bathroom.
franny’s room is very colorful, with the rainbow sheets and rainbow polka dot curtains. it makes up for the dreariness of the first floor. behind carrie in that second shot is franny’s star lamp, which i love but have many questions about. it’s obviously an allusion to brody, of which there are many in season 6, probably because they’re in new york city and brody would have never served/been captured/turned/bonded with carrie if not for 9/11. assuming that carrie purchased this lamp for franny with brody’s memory in mind, does franny have anything else that’s star themed? if not, why this lamp? did carrie explain to franny that stars make her think of franny’s father, or is it just a secret nod for carrie alone? how often does carrie talk to franny about brody, if at all?
now we move to carrie’s conspiracy closet:
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i’ve been in enough brownstones to know that sometimes there are strange inexplicable tiny rooms, which is what we have here. i’m sure this would be advertised as an office space on streeteasy but it really looks like a glorified closet with a confusing number of doors leading off of it. i count three total including the one saul came in — what are all these doors? i think the one on saul’s right goes to franny’s room but i don’t have a great spatial brain and i’m not confident about that assessment.
this conspiracy board reveal was kinda anticlimactic since very little happens with it, but i still felt like i needed to include it as a separate room since carrie clearly spends a lot of time here. 
i wish we got to see carrie’s bedroom because i love to scrutinize the art she has, but sadly we’re limited to franny’s room. i’m going to assume there’s a full bath up here somewhere, and a half bath downstairs that we don’t see. 
finally, we have the basement apartment that carrie allegedly rents out on airbnb. in real life it likely would be marketed as an entire unit separate from the two floors above, but since otto owns the entire brownstone / is in love with carrie he’s just letting her do whatever she wants with it.
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the full kitchen is what convinces me it was supposed to be an independent unit — no one has a stove and sink and lots of cabinets in their basement. like we saw in carrie’s kitchen, none of the appliances are fancy and the countertops are nothing special, which makes the room look kinda drab but does help sell the idea that carrie could actually live here. there’s also some water damage in the corner by the fridge. i’m not sure why they decided to be realistic in season 6 — can we all recall carrie’s unnecessary two-bedroom townhouse in DC? — and it’s not particularly fun to watch, but i’m not mad about it.
the living room area of this basement actually looks cozier than carrie’s living room, with all the pillows and the exposed brick wall. i have a weakness for exposed brick walls, as we know from carrie’s DC apartment, and here it goes pretty far to make the space look homey. the couch looks like it matches the chair on her patio (with the wood frame + blue cushions), so does that mean the patio chair is meant for normal indoor use? why is it outside?? 
as we know from her berlin apartment, carrie really loves a two-curtain combo with a sheer under layer. these are dark green, similar to the navy ones she loved in berlin but not the same. i do like the thought of carrie taking her navy curtains with her from germany and relegating them to the basement to avoid the constant reminder of her past life, but i also have no desire to think about what it would mean that quinn ends up living in the basement with her jonas curtains. so those must be new! 
in summary: musings about carrie’s role in gentrification, the color palette of the show, berlin jazz poster + photos, franny’s art on the walls, star lamp, a basement living room that’s cozier than carrie’s actual living room!
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homosociallyyours · 4 years
@velvet-impala tagged me to answer this long set of questions, and bc I love this sort of thing I’m DOING IT! I’ll tag folks here just in case you don’t want to read thru this whole dang thing. But I wanna say: if you want to do this, PLEASE DO IT and tag me so I can see-- I *love* reading responses to stuff like this. But @la-paritalienne @disgruntledkittenface @and-id-marry-larry @calmrry @crinkle-eyed-boo @lightwoodsmagic -- y’all are tagged :) 
1. Do you prefer writing with a black pen or blue pen? black, but what matters most is how smoothly it writes.
2. Would you prefer to live in the country or city? walkable neighborhood in a city. 3. If you could learn a new skill what would it be? would love to learn how to hack into billionaire bank accounts without getting caught so i could redistribute their wealth to a variety of mutual aid funds. :)  4. Do you drink your tea/coffee with sugar? no, just milk! unless it’s really shitty/bitter coffee, and then i will take it with a couple sugars or sweetened creamer. 
5. What was your favourite book as a child? probably the Anne of Green Gables books  6. Do you prefer baths or showers? showers! i wanna love a bath, but i get bored too fast and i never feel comfortable (where do i put my head? my feet? what do i do when my belly isn’t covered by the water and it gets cold?) so they’re meh. 
7. If you could be a mythical creature, which one would it be? dryad! i wanna be a tree spirit!
8. Paper or electronic books? paper, i guess. but i do love reading fic electronically, so..
9. What is your favourite item of clothing? used to be my work hoodie. but now i would say this blue striped button down i have OR this one black dress i have with 3/4 sleeves that’s really soft and comfy. 
10. Do you like your name or would you like to change it? i always meant to start going by Dottie when I got older, but it hasn’t happened yet so it probably won’t by now? but i would never change my name generally speaking. 
more after the cut! 
  11. Who is a mentor to you? i had a co-worker who was really a mentor for me since i got into being a cheesemonger in 2008. he’s been in the industry for a long time and basically recruited me to the job i have/had here. but when i got sick he basically dropped me/hasn’t spoken to me in a long time. let me tell you: it fucking sucks. bc a mentor is a cross between a friend and a colleague and a relative; we jokingly called him my lesbian uncle. and so losing him from my life so completely over something like this is deeply shitty. 
12. Would you like to be famous and if so, what for?  not now, but before i was sick i would’ve said yes. BUT only bc i think i would be a great Saturday Night Live host (not a cast member! just a one time host with a monologue/skits). So whatever level of fame i needed to get that..
13. Are you a restless sleeper? I have really bad insomnia that means i take at least an hour to fall asleep most nights. Once I’m out, I usually sleep ok, but i do have intense dreams/nightmares that wake me up sometimes. 
14. Do you consider yourself a romantic person? yeah :/
15. Which element best represents you? earth: the wet dirt and leaves in a forest after rain in particular
16. Who do you want to be closer to? emotionally i’m pretty good i think. physically i wish i could be closer to friends and family in NYC, Seattle area, TN/Atlanta, and Germany
17. Do you miss someone at the moment? the people referenced above. also missing my Grandmomma a lot lately and my mom. 
18. Tell us about an early childhood memory. art lessons with my grandmomma. her set of pastels that were all worn down and the heavy paper (black) that she pulled out to work on. she drew a quick portrait of a man, showing me how to create depth in skin tones with blue and green against the softer flesh tones. she didn’t blend it out, the marks all painterly and strong-- her style. i was 10, maybe? 12? so not *early* but it feels like forever ago. 
19. What is the strangest thing you have eaten? i have no idea? i’ve eaten a lot of weirdish cheeses. i’ve had geoduck? 
20. What are you most thankful for? the amazing friends i’ve gathered into my life along the way, my dad, and my baby dog. 
21. Do you like spicy food? yes, within reason (i don’t get stuff that’s spicy just for the heck of it, like ghost pepper chips or whatever? but when spice is integrated in with other flavors i love it)
22. Have you ever met someone famous? i used to make up stories about meeting famous people that were based on partial truths. i’ve hung out with or met a lot of gay famous people. but the biggest person who comes to mind is Sandra Bernhard. I sold her cheese.  23. Do you do you keep a diary or journal? i have over the years. now i sometimes write things down in a paper journal, but mostly go to a really old blogging site where i basically put all my big feelings down in a public but sorta private spot.  
24. Do you prefer to use a pen or a pencil? depends on my mood.
25. What is your star sign? taurus sun and moon, gemini rising
26. Do you like your cereal soggy or crunchy? in between...not HARD crunchy, but not soft soggy. 
27. What would you want your legacy to be? would like people to remember that i loved them well and made them feel good/happy when i was around them. and hopefully that it made them feel like being good to others too. 
28. Do you like reading, what was the last book you read? i do, but i’m mostly reading fic these days. i think the thing i read last was Pink Like the Paradise Found, which was FANTASTIC!
29. How do you show someone you love them? i tell them, shower them with physical affection, and do little things for them. also try to remember small details about what they enjoy and then do stuff to make them feel good when they’re down
30. Do you like ice in your drinks? yes, but not too much
31. What are you afraid of? sometimes being along but only when it’s very dark out and i’m in the sads. honestly-- this is some deep internalized ableism but here it is --i’m very afraid of never getting better and not being able to take care of myself or anyone else. 
32. What is your favourite scent? jasmine flowers, pu-er tea, the specific scents of people i love
33. Do you address older people by their name or surname? however they’re introduced i guess. maybe because i’m an older person lol
34. If money was not a factor, how would you live your life? i would live in the apartment i had alone (with a guest room). i would hire someone from my community to come help me out sometimes. i would get a weekly grocery delivery from the good quality place. i would have a dog walker. and i would fly home to see my family more than once a year and fly my family out for a visit sometimes. so like. probably the way a lot of ppl live? idk. 
35. Do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean? ocean
36. What would you do if you found £50 on the ground? get dinner at the thai restaurant down the street a couple times. 
37. Have you ever seen a shooting star? yes, lots! 
38. What is the one thing you would want to teach your children? i’m not having kids BUT for the kids in my life, i try to teach them/model the importance of consent and respect for their own bodies as well as other people’s. and i know it said one thing, but alongside that is that i respect and love them for who they are, and that’s something they get to decide. 
39. If you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it? i want a lot of tattoos, but if i could get one tomorrow it would be a cheese themed tattoo with a variety of cheese knives (parm tools, dutch style knife) and a small cheese assortment. or a portrait of my dog
40. What can you hear now? this kinda dumb netflix show that i decided to binge today even tho it’s only kinda meh and my dog snoring just a little. 
41. Where do you feel the safest? when i’m surrounded by friends. 
42. What is the one thing you want to overcome/conquer? my stupid money issues prolly
43. Of you could travel back to any era, what would it be? wanna go back to 1977 and live in the girl direction AU i wrote last year, lol.
44. What is your most used emoji? laugh crying emoji or sobbing maybe
45. Describe yourself using one word. colorful
46. What do you regret the most? not sure if this is a thing but i regret not realizing when i got bitten by a tick/got lyme disease the first time, bc maybe i could’ve just taken antibiotics and killed it, and then maybe i wouldn’t be sick? 
47. Last movie you saw? watched the new charlie’s angels the other night
48. Last tv show you watched? this dumb show is called sweet magnolias, and it’s. honestly not terrible! it’s just not my style of show. OH WAIT i take it back, they left it on a really shitty cliffhanger without warning, and that is the one way to make me drop your show/fic HARD unless i like. genuinely love you. so byeeee dumb show, hope you get cancelled
49. Invent a word and it’s meaning. saungry: sadness brought on by being hungry, like hangry except oops you’re crying now! example: “fuck i knew i should’ve eaten before calling my best friend, now i miss them and i’m too saungry to figure out what to eat! Guess I’ll have tears for dinner” (almost called it sungry, but the internet thinks that might just mean ‘so hungry’)
did you make it to the end? WOW! devotion. thank you. 
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Austin’s spoiler free  ND Rankings from best to worst (with reasons why)
PLS NOTE: There is only one game I actually HATE. Every other game there is something I like about it except my last spot. Keep that in mind.
1) Ghost of Thornton Hall. This game is an absolute masterpiece. It is the best game HeR has made since CUR. It is also the best game I think HeR has put out in recent years. These are characters that you actually FEEL for. Not one of them are unlikeable. The closest you get is Clara, who you wind up feeling for in the end. An absolute work of art (it is also the first game I pre-ordered because from the very beginning I was invested.)
2) Labyrinth Of Lies- Hear me out. I absolutely adore this game. It has Greece, Theatre, and Xenia Doukas. Three things I cannot live without. While I absolutely agree that the whole idea of a rotating set system underground is impossible, this game was a dream come true for theatre kids everywhere. I will never not play this game without listening to Mamma Mia. It’s probably my biggest unpopular opinion of this fandom.
3) Last Train To Blue Moon Canyon- This game breaks my literal heart. Camille and Jake Hurly has always been up there in my eyes with Frances and Dirk from SHA. I have always loved the environment of this game. (This is probably due to the fact that Murder On The Orient Express is one of my favorite books) and this is one game that I always go to when I’m feeling nostalgic. It is also the first time you see the Hardy Boys so that’s a sign.
4) Sea Of Darkness- This is the game that I think has the best graphics HeR has offered. We have a lesbian character which was highly requested as well as a cute dog. The aurora borealis is never not STUNNING to look at and it one of the best games that actually feels like Nancy is “there”. The mystery is also one that I think can be misleading. I always assumed it was Ghost Ship TM but boy was I wrong. Elisabet also has my whole heart.
5) The Final Scene- OH MY GOD THIS IS AN ABSOLUTE SASS FILLED GAME AND I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN HERE FOR IT. I constantly say “I propose you back off!” at every opportune moment. It is the best dialogue Nancy has ever had. Again, it is a Stan for theatre kids everywhere. I have also always thought magic was the coolest thing even though I can't perform it. Solid dialogue and very easy puzzles, which is always a relief.
6) Curse Of Blackmoor Manor- This is not in my top 3 as it is going to be for almost everyone else due to the fact that I think it is a very difficult game. I first played it when I was 12, and it was the only game I could not beat up until that shit show SAW which we will discuss later. Now that I've grown older and wiser, I have really grown to appreciate it more and it is a CLASSIC when looking into this game series. I appreciate the nostalgia value it has and the soundtrack and the characters. Ethel Bossiny FTW. This game also has the best soundtrack of the series.
7) Treasure In The Royal Tower- Another one that will be in everyone else’s top 3 but is not for me, but is still solid. I ADORE this game’s setting and character development- but for me, I never really felt pulled in to the mystery. My time was spent fan grilling over Hotchkiss that the person who broke into the library was on my back burner. HOWEVER, it is still very nostalgic and iconic it is in my top 10.
8) The Phantom Of Venice- Simply put, this game is why I want to go to Italy. I was ALMOST THERE but corona. I absolutely adore the way this game transports you. They included everything they could, even real photos of Venice, which I appreciated as someone who wants to go.
9) Alibi in Ashes- You have to understand how important it is that we finally got a game in River Heights. It was always on the TOP of my list in terms of places I wanted Nancy to go. It did not disappoint. The fact that everyone turned on Nancy so quickly always sends chills down my spine.
10) Legend Of The Crystal Skull- ALRIGHT so another unpopular opinion. This was the FIRST game I every played AND BEAT and so it will always be in my top 10. This is the game that truly got me invested in the series. If it wasn't this, it would not be this high, but it is my number 10 for that reason. Other things I like: Henry, Renee, the setting and music.
11) Warnings At Waverly Academy- WAC’s setting is so amazing. I don’t really know how to explain it, but I have always been intrigued about boarding school mysteries (@ house of Anubis )and this is a solid one. It contains probably one of the best plot twists of the series that blew my mind the first time I played it, and Mel Corbalis is god’s gift to humanity.
12) The Silent Spy- A real tearjerker if there ever was one. This games takes a storyline that has been changed many times (Nancy’s mom) and turns it into something so extremely badass you really wish she wasn't actually dead. Zoe Wolfe is the absolute reason I exist. You also play a cookies mini game which is just about as addicting as crack.
13) Secret Of The Old Clock- Okay, so I feel like this game gets a lot of hate because everyone talks about how weird the time travel is, but this has always been a game I liked. I think personally, that it is the easiest game in the series (if you exclude the dress, which I have never had a problem with) and it is based on the absolute most classic ND story of all. I also highly enjoy this period of time, even though the characters in this game aren't great. Emily Crandall is probably the best one, and even she yells at Nancy.
14) Secret Of Shadow Ranch- Okay. So I’m going to get anon h8 for this. But SHA is... not the best in my opinion. I have talked about this before, but SHA is very tedious in terms of chores and I just do not like that. I wouldn't necessarily mind the chores if they weren't repetitive, but it is the same chores over and over again. With that said, I LOVE the music, the Humber storyline, and the setting, so it is #14
15) Message In A Haunted Mansion- This is probably the only game I have ever pissed my pants over. CUR and GTH didn’t even do that. I think it is bc MHM is one of the first games I played. The hauntings in this game are so AMAZING and when you find out their explanation it totally changes things.
16) The Deadly Device- I love when ND does a Murder Mystery right. This is the time it was done right. The culprit came out of absolutely no where and I loved it. It is ranked this low for me b/c I think some of the puzzles are tedious and hard. Ryan Kilpatrick is an amazing human being and so is Ellie thx.
17) Tomb Of The Lost Queen- Another game which I think gets a lot of undeserved hate. Mummies are badass, especially when the mummy sighting is real and unexplained. Dylan Carter is probably the biggest example of stud you will ever see, and Jamila El-Dine is a bad b****. I am ranking it this high for Jamila alone. 
18) Danger On Deception Island- I absolutely adore this game’s music. But I hate Holt Scotto with all the fire within me. He is why this game is not in my top 10. I love everything about this game except Holt F****** Scotto. I want to put it in my top 10. I do. But Holt Scotto sucks.
19) The Haunted Carousel- This was a game which I vividly remember being bullied in daycare over. I took it to daycare one day and we kept getting our eyeballs poked out by the lathe. Daycare memories suck. Also it is the first game by which we get a literal sexual strut by the culprit at the end, which I have never liked. Pluses of the game? An amusement park. Miles.
20) Ransom Of The Seven Ships- SAY IT OUT LOUD. RAN. IS. NOT. THE. WORST. GAME. The puzzles, although always thrown at your face, are actually sort of fun. I would rank it higher but there is way too few characters in a way that makes the culprit very obvious, but it also isn't at the same time. 
21) The Captive Curse- This is a game by which I thought had so much potential but I think the monster looks very dumb? It’s like? The inbred cousin of Frankenstien’s monster? However, I LOVE THE SONG “girls”from this game and have a huge love for Lukas, so it isn't bottom 10
22) Stay Tuned For Danger- This game is one that would be so much higher up for me, If you didn’t have to look at EVERYTHING to complete it. If you miss ONE LETTER in a magazine, you cannot beat this game. I get stuck on it every time  I play it, but the mystery is amazing and who doesn’t love a good old NYC game.
23) The White Wolf Of Icicle Creek- To begin my bottom 10, ICE. I LOVE ICE as a concept. But, Fox and Geese holds me back from a replay. I absolutely love the idea of a lodge that people are in danger at. The snow atmosphere is amazing and so is Isis. But, Fox and Geese is an abomination.
24) Ghost Dogs Of Moon Lake- I really, really want to like this game because I am a dog lover. However, the insect challenge is such a CHORE to do. I cannot stand to do it. It is so difficult to do in my humble opinion, it requires such a retrace of step that makes it insufferable. Pros? cute doges.
25) The Haunting Of Castle Malloy- YOU ARE LITERALLY THIS LOW BC OF THE END PUZZLE AND YOU KNOW IT. However, not the worst for me because I love Ireland and this game has some of the best music in the series. It is on my top 5 for soundtracks. I love everything about this game except THE END. Fiona is so misunderstood.
26) Secret of The Scarlet Hand- I really like this game, I do, but I am very not interested in the constant phone calls you do in this game. You are on the phone for about 75% of this game and I really didn’t like that about it. LOVE the history behind it though.
27) SCK/SCK2- I really do not like SCK as a concept. School murders are a topic which really turns me off. Not to mention, there is barely a difference between these games but a single character and a puzzle. 
28) Danger By Design- Paris? Yes. Fashion? Heck yeah. But I never have really enjoyed DAN because the mystery can literally be solved by pulling a Phantom of The Opera and dropkicking the mask off. I also HATE the cookie puzzle. The edges never curl upwards for me.
29) Creature Of Kapu Cave- Ugh. Shells and fishing make this game untouchable for me. I LOVE HAWAII CONCEPT and supernatural volcanoes and phenomena. But I cannot stand the big island buck system or the man himself. Sorry, big island homies. Also be proud of me because it took me this long to bring up STUPID FRASS
30) Midnight In Salem- I was so excited for this game. We all were. I really enjoy MID’s mystery and as a concept. But, the new format is not good and neither is the constant talking and only being able to complete the game in one order. I was so excited for nothing (which is my own fault)
31) Shadow At The Waters Edge- GOD. The massive nonogram and sudoko have NO place in this game. I refuse to play it because of these 2 puzzles. However, I do love the scares in it. They are top notch scares. I have beat this game in it’s entirety maybe once?
32) Trail Of The Twister- Internship simulator forever. Chores galore, what a bore. Uncompelling mystery and hateful characters. The only thing I liked was the country music, a sentence you don’t hear often.
33) The Shattered Medallion- I literally played the beta of this game and it was ions better than the actual released product. That’s reason enough.
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rottmntrulesall · 4 years
A Serving of Tea With a Side of Feelings
Hiroki always loved the pretend tea ceremonies she and Yosh- Splinter used to do back in their childhood. It was one of the very few good memories they had. And introducing her nephew to this practice was even more exciting.
Mikey was rocking slightly as he sat on the floor, clearly excited. Splinter, meanwhile was gathering the supplies and items needed for the ceremony.
"Back in historical times, Michelangelo, tea ceremonies were a ceremonial way of preparing and drinking green tea typically in a traditional tearoom with tatami floor." Hiroki chirped happily, "Beyond just serving and receiving tea, one of the main purposes of the tea ceremony is for the guests to enjoy the hospitality of the host in an atmosphere distinct from the fast pace of everyday life. The ceremony itself was called (茶道, sadō or chadō, "the way of tea" or 茶の湯, chanoyu),' she stated writing out the symbol so her reptilian nephew would have a better grasp of what she meant. "Nowadays, the tea ceremony is practiced as a hobby, and there are places where tourists can experience it, as well."
"That all sounds so nice," Mikey smiled, nodding a bit at her explanation. If tea ceremonies were just as much about relaxing and being social as they were about making and drinking tea, it was no wonder so many people enjoyed them. Watching his aunt carefully as she wrote out the symbol, he tried to study her brush strokes so he could try and write it out himself later. "I'm really gonna have to learn more Japanese," he told her, "the way you guys write is just so pretty-" he stopped, wincing a bit at how childish he probably sounded, hoping it didn't sound like he was mocking his aunt's native language. 
"Aw, Thank you! It takes practice but it's very much worth it in the end! You're an artist, so I know you'll catch on to it fast!" Hiroki smiled. It was so nice to see the younger generation get in touch with their roots. Mikey smiled again, beaming at the compliment. He then heard his father chuckle as he set a plate down in front of them. "Another good thing about tea ceremonies? The tasty cakes you get to eat with them!" Splinter grinned, "Unfortunately, we don't have traditional tea cakes, but I figured cut up snack cakes would work just as well." 
"It's still lovely. Reminds me of the many ceremonies we had as children." Hiroki sighed. Yosh-Splinter was the only one who was willing to participate in them with her. Saki thought her ceremonies were "Stupid, pointless nonsense' and she should be more focused on training. Nori was too much of a tomboy for it. Kenji just found them kind of boring, but he was nice about it at least. Mei would rather talk about summoning dead things. *shudder*
Splinter's smile softened. "I remember those as well... They were always pretty fun, I'm not sure why no one else enjoyed them. Who could say no to a good cup of tea and some cake? Though, spending time with my little sister was always nice too."
"Well, it's their loss. They probably would've spoiled the fun anyway. You were always the fun one, Yosh-Splinter. Hikari...he tried. But, it just wasn't his cup of tea....pun sort of intended." Mikey chuckled at his aunt's joke. "Well, I'm sure it'll be my cup of tea!" he told them, lifting up his empty cup, "What do we do first?" 
"Well, a full, formal tea ceremony is a multi-hour event that starts with a kaiseki course meal, is followed by a bowl of thick tea and ends with a bowl of thin tea." Mikey blinked. "...Cool. So, we should start with preparing the meal then?" Hiroki smiled sheepishly, "Well, Kaiseki meals have a prescribed order to their dishes, most of which are prepared by using one of the common techniques of Japanese cooking. However, kaiseki chefs have considerable freedom to add, omit or substitute courses in order to highlight regional and seasonal delicacies and personal style. I don't think we have the ingredients for it here. Unless I could get it now if you wish." 
"Mm, nah." Mikey wouldn't want her running errands when they were supposed to be having tea. "Maybe we could use substitutions? Like, have a NYC version of a kaiseki meal so you don't have to go all over the city for ingredients?" "OOH, that would quite unique! Let's see what we can whip up in the kitchen! I'll tell you ALL the traditional dishes we would have while your father finishes setting up!” Mikey grinned. "Sounds good to me!" Splinter chuckled again, patting his boy's shell as he got up and followed his aunt towards the kitchen.
"You three seem to be having a good time..."
"Hm?" Splinter's ear twitched a bit as he turned towards the voice. Hikari slowly stepped out of the shadows of one of the sewer tunnels. “Mikey is really getting into Hiroki’s tea parties.” Splinter's face lit up. "Oh, Hikari, it is you! Would you like to join us? I'm sure Mikey would not mind the extra company, nor would we." Hikari shook his head. “No thank you. You know I could never really get into the flow of these ceremonies. Besides this was more of a you and Hiroki thing. I always preferred just exploring the forest or pranking Saki with you instead.” Hikari said softly. 
"Oh... Well, uh, there's a forest just outside the city. We could go there after the ceremony if you'd like," Splinter told him, "We actually have a friend who lives there. He is a bit strange but he makes really great lemonade." 
"Oh uh...is he a mutant by any chance?", Hikari asked nervously. They've been to New York a few times now but Hikari still hasn't gotten over the fact that mutants and yokai were real.
"...Yessss," Splinter replied slowly, "But he's a capybara so, super chill. And uh, he has a bunch of normal, non-mutant puppies too, so..." 
Hikari shrunk back a little at that, "Perhaps another time then. I probably would be a nuisance to you....like I always was." The last part he muttered to himself. Splinter blinked, his rat hearing still picking up on that last bit. "What do you mean?" Hikari glanced at his older brother, "I was a pest, a total pain that drove you away. That's...that's why you left us...left me." 
"What?" Splinter's ears folded down, his eyes sad now. "No- No, Hikari, that is- I never considered you a pest, and you had nothing to do with me leaving." 
Hikari's eyes widened, "I wasn't? but...Saki said...you hated us...and that I was one of the main reasons you ran away. I was always clinging to you and following you, like a second shadow. And that life in America was better than hanging around me for a second longer." Remembering those horrible words their eldest spewed at him when Hikari had asked for the umpteenth time where Yoshi was and when was he coming back.
Splinter scowled. Damn it Saki... it was bad enough his oldest brother was a bully and a pain, only caring about honor and tradition, but did he have to drag Splinter's name through the mud too?
 "Hikari... It broke my heart to leave all of you behind. ...Well, all except Saki. But I had to leave - not because I was tired of you or annoyed by you but... because I couldn't be the Hamato Clan Warrior that Father wanted me to be." He scowled to himself. "I couldn't take the training, or the discipline... I could not take the pressure, or the pain of continuing to hide my true self."
Hikari's lip trembled as tears slowly formed in his eyes. "I had no idea, I didn't. I didn't know you were suffering so much. But why didn't you take me with you? You know I would follow you anywhere. We could've started over here together." Hikari lowered his head, "Instead we didn't hear from you in years until recently. Nori tried telling me you were off doing something important, but I had my doubts."
"Otōto..." Splinter stood up, walking towards his younger brother to hug him. As much as he had tried to ignore it, he had always known how much his leaving had hurt his siblings, but he hadn't known by how much until now. "I'm so sorry, Hikari... I would have taken you if I could have."
Wiping his tears away, Hikari hesitantly placed his arms around his Aniki. "Then why didn't you? Did someone stop you, was it too dangerous?"
"Heh..." He smiled sadly. "...Did Kenji ever tell you about the night I left?"
The second-youngest Hamato shook his head, "No, every time I asked him about your whereabouts. He just changed the subject."
"...The night I left... it was Kenji who helped me escape," Splinter told him, motioning for Hikari to sit down, "I had been locked in my room for a while at that point, barely been given anything to eat or drink. Father was trying to get me to break and submit to the Hamato way, to 'stop my foolishness' as it were... It was the middle of the night when Kenji woke me up, practically dragging me out of my room and off to the train station." Splinter blinked away a couple tears as he smiled softly at that memory. "If not for him... I do not know how long I would have been able to hold on. It was Kenji that told me to leave, while I still could. I did not want to abandon you all... but I also understood that it was my only shot - that it would not be as easy to escape a second time, and that Father would only be harsher as the years went on. So, I followed Kenji's advice. and I left."
Hikari didn't know how to react to that. He knew their father was an intense man, he himself had some rather scarring memories he would rather not bring up. But was Spli-Yoshi really put through such hell? And Ken Nii-San actually disobeyed their father to set him free?? His second older brother was always the keep the peace guy.
"Aniki...I'm sorry...I know how harsh Father could be...but I didn't know he would go THAT far. Nor did I think KENJI would do something so daring. He really saved you." 
Splinter nodded. “He did... and as much as I missed you, my little brother, I could not afford having Father finding out where I was and sending Saki or one of the clan members after me. ...and, for what it is worth, while I would have loved to have you with me, it was probably better that you weren’t. I was in a new country, a new language, people who didn’t look or speak like me. Also, you don’t just become a big movie star overnight, after all. I had a couple of rough years trying to find roles and only getting bit parts.” It was a wonder he didn’t starve during that time, honestly.
"We probably would've been separated...or worse.” Hikari said. Everything finally made sense but that didn't mean the pain was gone.
Knowing this, Splinter hugged him again. “I am still sorry that I wasn’t able to see you grow up... or that I wasn’t able to properly say goodbye.”
Hikari hugged him back tight. "Aniki...I wish I was able to help you, I didn't realize you were in so much pain. I'm just happy that we're together again now."
"I am too, my brother, and please believe me that I want to spend as much time with you and our siblings as possible while you are all here with me. Both I and my sons do." 
Wiping the remaining tears and snot (ew) from his face, Hikari started to smile. 
"Is that offer to visit your capybara friend still open?"
"Of course," Splinter smiled, "We can do whatever you want."
"GET READY FOR THE FINEST CUISINE NEW YORK HAS TO OFF-" Hiroki sang as she and Mikey left the kitchen. Immediately noticing her twin and their older brother practically bear-hugging each other. And the slightly red eyes Hikari had. Hiroki immediately passed the platter of food to her nephew and rushed to her brothers' side.
"Hikari!? What's wrong? Why are you crying?? What happened, Nii-san?" Splinter took his sister's hand, patting it to try and calm her. "Hey, hey. It is alright, Hiroki. Everything's fine! We were just, ah, having a bit of an emotional moment." ‘More like a conversation that was long overdue.’ 
"Yes Hiro Nee-chan, nothing to worry about now.” Hikari sniffed, a relaxed smile appearing on his face. "Nothing at all." For the first in a long time, he finally felt at peace. 'I was actually wondering if I could join your little tea ceremony. I hear you're quite the chef, Michelangelo."
Splinter's smile grew at that, his own eyes getting a bit teary. "Wait, really? Well of course you can join us!" Setting his own plates down, Mikey joined in on the group hug. "And heh, yeah, I am sorta the family cook. Auntie Hikori was just teaching me how to make a traditional tea ceremony meal, and I was showing her how to add a bit of razz-ma-tazz to it." 
"Razz...Tazz? That sounds...unique. Let me try this tazz." Hikari said letting go of his family and reaching for a piece on the platter.
Hiroki beamed and squealed, "I never thought you'd want to take part in my tea ceremonies, Hikari! What a pleasant surprise! But I still want to know what the tears were for from the two of you." She said giving Splinter a look.
Mikey giggled. "Help yourself!" he told his uncle, hoping he'd enjoy it. "I will tell you later," Splinter assured Hiroki. If Saki had told his little brother such things, who knows what he told his sister. Hiroki finally looked reassured and started to set everything out. "Now! Traditionally, we start off with bite-sized appetizers and a small glass of alcohol." She pulled out some apple juice instead.
“Since Michelangelo is underage, we'll stick to juice." 
"Will you please present the appetizers, dear nephew?"
Mikey saluted before getting the plate, bowing slightly as he presented it to his father and uncle. Splinter sniffed it. "Mmm, smells yummy!"
"This is absolutely wonderful, Michelangelo. You really are gifted!" Hikari smiled. He wished for more moments like this. Just relaxing, chatting, and bonding with his family. They may not have had a great beginning, but he hopes that in later times they'll create happier memories to look back on. As the group of four dined and talked, Hikari sat closer to his beloved older brother.
Mikey beamed. If not for the plate he would have hugged his uncle again. "Thanks Uncle Hikari, and there's more where that came from! There's still a whole lot more where that came from!" They had a whole meal to enjoy, after all. Taking a sip of his apple juice, Mikey hummed and leaned a bit towards his pop. "You knowww, I am a mutant turtle, which means I don't HAVE to follow the law since I can't really get arrested, given that human cops don't even know I exist. So, if I WERE to have a bit of alcohol-"
 "Mikeyyyy," Splinter said, giving his son a bit of a look, making his answer to the unasked question quite clear. The box turtle sighed. "Worth a shot." 
 "Why are you so interested in drinking anyway?" 
 "Rupert Swaggart uses alcohol in his cooking all the time! Plus I'm curious about the taste. I mean, it has to be pretty good if people drink it all the time.”
The twins stared at Mikey in confusion. “Rupert Swaggart? Isn't he that gross fat pig thing you boys were fighting the other day?" Hikari asked. "I bet he tastes delicious." Hiroki chimed.
This was an RP I did with @fanfic-inator795. Big Thanks for the help, friend!
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fortheheavenssake · 5 years
PG MM Anon Interpretation Collection- 8
MM Anon
This was very tough!! My best on zero sleep!!
MM ANON … “ I just hope they don’t take the children”… the return of the Valkyrie … HOPE springs eternal …another future PR hiatus …… fashion fluff……… “grapple them to your soul with hoops of steal”. …… “separate tables”…decisions, decisions…… “ justice, what bloody justice”……it’s the only solution. 🎼” who are we to disagree “🎼
“ I just hope they don’t take the children”…
I think this is regarding the Asian tour that the D and DOC are going to be undertaking to Asia. Security must be a nightmare and there was previously mention by MM ANON of a family tour, but l truly hope they don’t take them along on this particular tour.From the Express…
Prince William and Kate under armed guard for high risk tour - terror police on alert
FIREARMS OFFICERS will shadow Prince William and Kate on their tour of Pakistan in the autumn because of “a potential flashpoint”.
the return of the Valkyrie
In Norse mythology, a valkyrie is one of a host of female figures who choose those who may die in battle and those who may live. Selecting among half of those who die in battle, the valkyries take their chosen to the afterlife hall of the slain, Valhalla, ruled over by the god Odin. So our girl is in the toughest part of her battle as she returns to the U.K. SS has let loose horrific rumours about numerous royal family members. Boorish, foul, vulgarity, she makes me physically ill! Frankly she doesn’t care who lives or dies metaphorically of course, she intends to inflict as much damage as she can!
HOPE springs eternal
“Hope springs eternal in the human breast; Man never Is, but always To be blest. The soul, uneasy, and confin’d from home, Rests and expatiates in a life to come” is a quote by Alexander Pope. We must keep our spirits up, keep on fighting this battle however devious and grotty it gets. We need to keep our royal family in prayer🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 where there is life, there is hope.
another future PR hiatus
PR hiatus where? Future? What are we expecting? Will she refuse to go to SA and hide out?? Interesting, l am very intrigued by this.
fashion fluff
The capsule collection or whatever she calls it with Smart Works are fluff. Cheap quality, foreign made, means lots of $$$££££€€€€ for our girl, and Bumble app is aligned with a Smart works which means these women will get poor quality cheap clothes, then pay to register to find a mate!
“grapple them to your soul with hoops of steal”
MM ANON has used this before from Shakespeare’s Hamlet. The essence meaning is once you’ve tested out your friends and found them trustworthy, hold onto them! Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, l can’t recall who said that. The BRF are united, they are clear on the goal, their eyes are on the prize. With the exception of the issues with PA, a big worry, they are united. The one question l have, MM ANON, you wrote steal, not steel, was that a typo?? Or the financial thievery and merching is being dealt with! Oh please!
“separate tables”
Whose separate tables, will this be PH and mm whilst on the SA tour?? Or are PC and PA dining at separate tables. MM ANON this riddle is hard!!
decisions, decisions
Many decisions and choices are imminent, PA cooperation, the SA and Africa tour. What to do, when to do it. I do think they have enough on her to end this but they are looking at connections and getting all the pieces of this corrupt puzzle. For her what other lies will she leak online or wherever she does what she does.
“ justice, what bloody justice”
Justice in terms of PA being requested to be interviewed by the FBI. PA appears extreme edge, with the incident l wrote about elsewhere. Also, mm, at what point will there be justice. PP must be so angry that HMTQ his beloved, is burdened so at this point. GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦
it’s the only solution.
PA submit to an interview, talk with investigators. It has to be done and dealt with.
🎼” who are we to disagree “🎼
Sweet Dreams, Eurythmics, Annie Lennox from Aberdeen😁😁😁😁
Sweet dreams are made of these, some of them want to hurt you etc you know the song. Lots of dreams put on hold, some shattered. It must be devastating for both HMTQ and PP to be dealing with all the issues with mm, now with PA and the big bust-up he had with a top aide requiring PC to step in.
Thank you so much dear PG! We really do appreciate this!😊❤️❤️❤️❤️
Ask Skippy submission
51 notes
Sep 9th, 2019
MM Anon
MM ANON ……an embellished De-generate … a PR mired ……the phantom infant …… an exposure of confinement … Andy-panned-y…… “six of one……”……… “ that dammed elusive pimp…… “sympathy for the Devil “…… and the winner is……not today thank you!!……” pretend it never happened “ …… Charlotte is at Uni
an embellished De-generate
AN embellished DE-generate.
ED has a U.S. talk show. Told slew of lies about meeting visiting feeding amw. Now that may be embellished!
PA , as the Duke of York presented in his dress military uniform at the ceremony marking 75th anniversary of liberation of Bruges. The Duke of York was present in his role as Colonel of the Grenadier Guards and laid a wreath at the Charles II memorial in the Belgian city on Saturday morning.He was a guest of Prince Laurent of Belgium, the brother of King Phillipe, and the pair later inspected a guard of honour in the market square. His public reputation has very much soured with his connections with JE and GM. I hesitate to use the word degenerate but others haven’t. All sorts of negative press culminating yesterday in that hilarious stupid blind item A meets B , Z knows D etc etc garbage. Now who do you suppose spewed that ?Hmmm, who would have a motive??? No need for any crystal balls. The medals are the embellishment.
a PR mired
PR mired, let’s refresh ourselves on what mired means. Mired can be cause to become stuck in mud, lies or slime, cover or spatter with mud or lies or slime, or involve someone or something in a difficult situation. Who has been mired in slime? Who has been filthy like that. You know! Who throwing mud or worse, everything in the media in hopes that something’s sticks to hurt the other side as much as possible!! You know, l hVe no need for names.
the phantom infant
Well this is amw, Darren, Dolly whatever your frame of reference is. This supposed infant has yet to actually clearly be seen, and be seen alive and moving, and PH interacting with it. Phantom….unseen shadow….the shadow knows…remember that old show/radio show? Yes l love old radio shows esp Johnny Dollar, but l digress!
an exposure of confinement
Confinement was the old fashioned word for being in the family way which is the lesser old fashioned way of saying pregnany🤣🤣. OH PLEASE MM ANON!! PLEASE LET HER FAKENANCY BE EXPOSED !!! Pretty please with sugar on top!
PA is being panned in the media. Numerous negative, critical, accusatory articles. The big one also was the alleged argument with a ‘top aide’ which very nearly came to blows, necessitating PC to intervene. The Palace is trying to downplay the seriousness of it.
“six of one……”
Six of one, half a dozen of the other, basically meaning that one has two options of choices to make are equivalent or indifferent. In either case it’s a bad outcome, usually. So who is this relating to? PA. Cooperating with interviews with the F.B.I. or remaining angry, on edge, uncooperative. At some point, an international subpoena could be issued, involving the international court or the star chamber which MM ANON has referenced several times in previous riddles. I studied up on the star chamber, it goes back to 1486 when the King Charles, l think Charles ll was named head of the COE. Anyhow , it’s fascinating and may become relevant as this court deals with wealthy, political or aristocratic people that the regular courts are hesitant to deal with.
“ that dammed elusive pimp
Where is MA??? No sightings in NYC. Is he in custody??? Is he in witness protection??? WHERE IS HE? I bet he has made a deal and has been singing his lungs out!
“sympathy for the Devil “
This classic song by TRS? Interestingly this song refers to Russian connection, U.S.President Kennedy……?JE referral, as an aside! This is most definitely our girl SS PR in overdrive seeking her to be out for sympathy because the big bad British press are all meanies and are unnecessarily picking on little innocent madam. CANT YOU HEAR MY SARCASM??😜😗😉😗😆. Nope not buying it, no sympathy!
and the winner is
Voila, they love me! They really love me! I am aging myself, remember when Sally Field won the Oscar and she said that? Wellour special one won Tatlers prestigious, coveted, rare Social Climber of the year 🥇 award!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
not today thank you!!
Prince Andrew’s relationship with JE has caused several public engagements to be cancelled.The Duke of York’s upcoming appointments in Northern Ireland have been called off amid media scrutiny surrounding his links to the disgraced financier. Organizers withdrew invitations to the prince, with one worrying his attendance would ‘change the narrative’ about the event in question. A ceremony at Portrush railway station to mark its £5million upgrade are among the engagements to be cancelled.
” pretend it never happened “
Carry on,,nothing to see here, weekend in NYC was fabulous, besties and even on the jumbo trot as HRH with her shy non-royal wave. Or alternative may be PA pretending the row with the ‘ top aide’ never happened.
Charlotte is at Uni.
Our dear Princess Charlotte is madly truly deeply in love with 🦄 unicorns. She had one on her backpack/rucksack, first day of school. I think she was also seen with a unicorn purse all glittery during the summer.
Thank you so much! Looks great!😊💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
17 notes
Sep 10th, 2019
56. Sept. 11
I apologize for the lateness, l had a good friend drive in and spend the day, was very lovely💜🙏🏻☺️
MM Anon
MM ANON …… the hot zone …… “ were all getting older,old thing”…… Together?????……… a caring cabal …… double bluff…… “ such a caring person”…… “gather thee rosebuds”…… like a Biohazard ☣️ …… “ she’s a bloody virus”…… suddenly ‘ last summer …… Sharon Stone Cold…🎼 “ She’s just a Devil woman “🎼 …… “they made their beds” ……… “just read the bloody comments”.… sword of Damocles
The Hot zone
Tv show in America based on the Ebola virus appearing in chimpanzees in a research lab in the suburbs of Washington, D.C., and there is no known cure; a U.S. Army scientist puts her life on the line to head off an outbreak before it spreads to the human population. Unfortunately, in reality West Africa had an outbreak on Ebola that was the largest in history. It started with cases of EVD in the forested rural region of southeastern Guinea, reported by WHO (World Health Organization) in 2014. Soon, cases were discovered in Liberia,Sierra Leone, which border Guinea. It eventually through international travel spread to the U.S. Africa still has many diseases and often travellers are vaccinated or given anti-malarial drugs and sleep under netting to protect from insect born infections.
“ were all getting older,old thing”
PP and HMTQ musing to one another how the world has changed in their lifetimes, what is currently happening. Supporting and upholding one another, the combined have survived numerous wars, deaths, terrorism in many forms, family break-ups, PR nightmares of unimaginable proportions. Yet, they are still standing firm, one with the other. This brings tears to my eyes. GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦
D and DOS going to SA together? It seems by this to be of great question of whether they will both be going, given the number of question marks and given the itinerary. Time will tell what is to come.
a caring cabal
Dare l say this is Skippy’s blog and everyone here! I truly believe it is! God bless you 🐼 for your unwavering faith and devotion to HMTQ and bless all who are here!💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
double bluff
A double bluff is an action or statement that is intended to appear as a bluff but is in fact genuine. Whose double bluffing here? There are many possibilities here. There is the heir and a spare. Is she thinking somehow she will end up Queen if there is enough malicious gossip as been spread a few days ago which l won’t speak of. I personally think this is LG playing games with her, cat and mouse. She is playing so many games with so many people simultaneously, with so many lies, it’s mind boggling and then add substances to the mix! It’s maybe a quadruple bluff of a happy life. If you read her two twitter accounts, the two l know of, life is grand, and simply couldn’t be better. I especially love American English with British terms thrown in, both usually spelled wrong and used in the wrong meaning!!
“ such a caring person”
Our beloved Peoples’ Princess! No one outshone her wonderfully innate caring and the manner in which she expressed it. We see it living on, instilled in both her boys, yes l said boys! They’re our boys, out Wills and our Harry. We will never stop loving them, praying for them wanting them healthy, happy and carrying out their duties and displaying their mother’s caring manner.
“gather thee rosebuds”
It’s so beautiful, l had to share it. There is an old hymn similar line, give me the roses while l live, trying to carry on, useless the flowers that he give, after the soul has gone. I LOVE that hymn🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻.
To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time
Robert Herrick - 1591-1674
Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,
Old Time is still a-flying;
And this same flower that smiles today
Tomorrow will be dying.
The glorious lamp of heaven, the sun,
The higher he’s a-getting,
The sooner will his race be run,
And nearer he’s to setting.
That age is best which is the first,
When youth and blood are warmer;
But being spent, the worse, and worst
Times still succeed the former.
Then be not coy, but use your time,
And while ye may, go marry;
For having lost but once your prime,
You may forever tarry.
Basically live life well, to it’s fullest, kindness, lovingly, and meaningfully. I don’t need to explain further, l thought in sharing the poem, all would be blessed by it and take to heart it’s meaning.💜🙏🏻💜
like a Biohazard ☣️
Let’s review the definition of a biohazard. A biological hazard, or biohazard, is a biological substance that poses a threat to the health of living organisms, primarily humans. This could include a sample of a microorganism, virus or toxin (from a biological source) that can affect human health and could also be a substance harmful to other animals. The way life has been lived, in terms of extreme sexual behaviours, there are very real possibilities of HIV, HEP(hepatitis/ various types of liver disease). or other STD’s.( sexually transmitted diseases)
“ she’s a bloody virus”
Again PP, infecting anything and everything negatively, jinx at tennis matches. Just pure evil machinations, selfish intentions and from some of the photos the way Catherine is glared at and the children, especially the one photo where Catherine is pregnant, my mind shudders with what possible thoughts might be going through someone’s head.
suddenly ‘ last summer
1959 film of Tennessee Williams’ play, a young woman is traumatized and committed after witnessing her cousin’s violent death on a trip to Europe. Her aunt, wants to hide the events of her son’s death and attempts to bribe young surgeon to perform a lobotomy on the girl. But he vows to find out the truth about what caused her condition before taking any action. By the way a lobotomy is a surgical operation involving incision into the prefrontal lobe of the brain, formerly used to treat mental illness.
Also song, by the Motels, love that song, about being stuck in memories of a summer fling.
Wonder if institutionalization is the route of dealing with a person is the lesser of two evils as per yesterday’s riddle clue??
Sharon Stone Cold
Sharon Stone, that scene from Basic Instinct keg crossing, that photo from the tennis on Saturday with madams sitting position was sooo familiar. Stone cold, hard, no emotion, self-focused on meeting one’s own needs, wishes goals desires etc. Yeah, again, just going to put that there, you’re all smart!! You know!!
🎼 “ She’s just a Devil woman “🎼
She’s a devil woman with evil on her mind by the great Sir Cliff Richard, who by The by has had his own legal troubles which l will not go into. If you desire and are not aware, there is a plethora of information online, not all true! Friday, is Friday the 13th and full moon, to those on the dark side an especially EVIL day. This song, the lyrics is description of a narcissistic evil woman, l will just leave it there for you to think if that sounds like anyone that is in the media. Extra prayers for everyone this friday🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
“they made their beds”
The saying, you made your bed, lie in it. The public is nearing the breaking point with PH and beyond with mm. That’s the attitude, let them rescind their titles, over to America and be celebrities!! No more public £££££££££! PH we ARE WITH YOU! You remain in our prayers! WE ARE VERY MUCH AWARE YOU ARE SERVING HMTQ!
“just read the bloody comments”
Again that word, PP, angry, comments by the millions regarding the conduct of the Sussexes, her by choice, him by assignment. Just utter frustration and anger at this horrendous situation and the entire conglomeration of issues that are going along with it.
Sword of Damocles.
This will require a bit of story telling/ explaining.According to the story, Damocles was pandering to his king, exclaiming to him that he was truly fortunate man of great power and authority, surrounded by magnificence. In response, the king offered to switch places with Damocles for one day so that Damocles could taste that very fortune firsthand. Damocles quickly and eagerly accepted the king’s proposal. Damocles sat down in the king’s throne surrounded by every luxury, but the king, who had made many enemies during his reign, arranged that a huge sword should hang above the throne, held by only by a single hair of a horse’s tail to evoke the sense of what it is like to be king: though having much fortune, always having to watch in fear and anxiety against dangers that might try to overtake him. Damocles finally begged the king that he be allowed to depart because he no longer wanted to be so fortunate, realizing that with great fortune and power comes also great danger. The long and the short of this
is, perhaps madam is slowly becoming “woke” to the fact that her life choices have led her to a very very dangerous intersect, prison, institutionalizations, or worse by her enemies who were formerly her “friends”/backers.
Wow! Fascinating! Very impressive dear MM Anon and dear PG! Thank you!🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
42 notes
Sep 11th, 2019
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
MM ANON … 🎼 “ blackbird singing in dead of night”🎼…… not a problem …… anything and everything …… more porn……there’s not a hole black enough …… redacted ………… me myself and I… … 🎼 you either got or you haven’t …………”🎼………… on your own AGAIN!!!……… give a DOG a bone ……… a Belgrave secret …… not really a secret, whooops!
🎼 “ blackbird singing in dead of night”🎼
This song, from 1968 by The Beatles is not really about a blackbird. The term bird, in England is a slang term for a female. The black African American struggle in the southern United States, was used metaphorically.Along with McCartney’s “Helter Skelter”, “Blackbird” was one of several White Album songs that Charles Manson interpreted as the Beatles’ prophecy of an apocalyptic race war that would lead to him and his “Family”of followers ruling the US on countercultural principles. Manson interpreted the lyrics’ repetition of the word “rise” as a call to black Americans to wage war on their white counterparts, and instructed his followers to commit a series of murders in Los Angeles in August 1969 to trigger such a conflict’.
For our context, there has been an intentional multi-media goal to draw in and play the race card on behalf of madam. We have seen it repeatedly and many people ie “sugars” have been drawn in and are being used to further an agenda. This continues to grow, worldwide and is , l believe one of the most difficult issues that LG and his team have in dealing with madam.
I also am wondering if this draws on DR. Where is she??! The term singing, other than sits obvious meaning, is term term when one is in legal trouble being interviewed and tells about whatever the criminal plan is, who is involved, what has been done, and what is the ultimate goal. Has DR began to sing?? I wonder.
not a problem
Anything and everything Madam, has done anything and everything for fame, power, $$$$$$£££££€€€€. I am 100% certain she is capable of anything. She is narcissistic and thinks only of what benefits her, has no moral compass. I also am 100% certain she has done things that myself for example, as an educated woman, she has done things l have never heard of, in this regard l am referencing sexual context.
more porn
As l just stated, it would not surprise me if more evidence of past vulgarities have arisen. I pray for those in LG team who have to actually view and deal with such content. This has to take a toll on a person.🙏🏻🙏🏻
there’s not a hole black enough
A black hole is a region of space/tike exhibiting an acceleration of gravity so strong that nothing can escape from. The litany of information gathered about madam is so incredibly large, the people she has been involved with, the conduct, is so enormous that using the metaphor of a black hole is to help us to understand the difficulty and enormity of what they have been dealing with. Trying to unwind all the threads, than aligning them so they connect and can be used in legal proceedings.In terms of just making this garbage disappear, it’s not possible, literally meaning the black hole could not contain it and prevent it from escaping out into the ether.
Redacted, we hAve seen this gem many, many times, especially in high profile cases or agents working undercover. The paperwork submitted in legal proceedings at times are made public. In the U.S., the Freedom of Information Act, often news agencies file in court, to publicly display what the proceedings are about. However, if information is critically sensitive, to national security, to those still working covertly, some information is held back from the public, or the term is called redacted. When you read the information eventually made public, you will see black lines covering some of the information. This can be very frustrating for journalists or those who just want or those who need to know. So, in this context, this is a multi-national situation, different laws, different countries. I think this is telling us, that we should prepare ourselves that we may not be given a lot of information that we want eventually. We need to understand the reasons, as l explained above.
me myself and I
Me and shadow, popped into my head. This is the best description of madam now. NYC was crickets 🦗, no paparazzi, nothing like the baby shower weekend. I thought today was interesting, all the police officers with their motorbikes, no crowds, they were not needed. She looks more and more alone each time we see her, which makes it important that we continue to see her. Quite pathetic attempt by SW in the media today saying how great full she was that madam came to tennis 🎾, but not so great full that madam was invited to the Italian restaurant that SW and her family went after the tennis!
🎼 you either got or you haven’t
This is interesting MM ANON, you clever lady, l ask again was this a typo that the scale was separated from the word havent? Old blue eyes sang this, and the crew he ran with, Dean Martin, oooo remember Peter Lawford, how handsome. But l digressed yet again
This song is all about style , class, elegance. You can wear a quarter of a million dollar wedding dress and look awful. Style, the way one carries oneself, interacts with others, treats people and just generally lives. You cannot buy it!!! Madam does NOT!!! Have it!!
Refer above!
on your own AGAIN!!!
Well her big speech was done, an hour of “work” on her first day back from “surrogamegnancy” leave! She has to rush home for FEED TIME😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄! Unbelievable! Yet, with madam, of course it’s believable!!
give a DOG a bone
Obvious meaning, give doggy a bone for a treat! However, our dear MM ANON doing the uppercase. DOG, the obvious meaning to me is Delusions of Grandeur! This we know is madams prime reason for existing. She is the most important person to ever exist, is perfect and everyone loves her, they should, she’s perfection. Got a bit of news for you madam, YOU ARE NONE OF THOSE THINGS!!!!
a Belgrave secret
Sherlock and John discover that a case of blackmail is more than just a threat to topple the monarchy. Sherlock: Season 2, Episode 1.“A Scandal in Belgravia” Love Benedict Cumberbath! Fabulous series!
The episode depicts Sherlock Holmes confrontation with a dominatrix who has compromising photos taken with a female member of the royal family. The photos along with other valuable information which makes a target for various political factions. Belgravia is a district on London adjacent to the grounds of Buckingham Palace.
Not really a secret whooops!
Not really a secret any longer that she really is not a member of the BRF.Rarely have l seen HRH used in the media, now DOS, until today. It’s mostly been mm. Oh l felt sick for that lovely lady who curtsied her, sickening.
Thank you so much dear PG! We are honoured….as sick as you feel…you still think of us all, we love you PG!😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Sep 13th, 2019
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
MM Anon
MM ANON … a stream of unconsciousness … “feed the hungry”…… “AND THE CROWD WENT …home”…… “when is she auooooof to Africa”?…… shares drop at M&S. …… 🎼 “ all in all it’s just another”🎼……… “matter of fact, it’s all dark”……… “not Christmas, not bloody ever”!!…… “Little Lottie, a lovable rebel that one”…… “the monarchy is secured”. … “an adventure playground, no your highness’ no! an adventure PARK”
a stream of unconsciousness
The capsule collection was the goddesses contribution to solving all the women’s seeking employment problem if you’re a person in very limited size range, enjoy black clothes, mostly, England is not New York where everyone wears black all the time. A bag that costs more than any item, and if truth be told she was determined to have that bag in the collection because a similar one she herself had donated, was rejected by a woman that she was attempting to ‘style’ for her job interview. Yes folks, that’s how vindictive things are, instead of a reasonably priced non-leather, thought she was vegan, but l digress, handbag not a weekend bag, would have been a much better and certainly more affordable option to purchase. She just has no consciousness , sense of awareness if you will, beyond herself, she really doesn’t. The greatest evidence beyond many things we observe about her, was the ‘speech’ she gave yesterday, in between constantly playing with her hair/wig, so unprofessional and gross, she mentioned herself ALOT, l read 38 times in a five or six minute verbal ramble. This is madness, umpire narcissistic madness!
“feed the hungry”
Well, this could be about charity and assisting or donating time, money or food. This is reference madam’s quick escape from the no crowd show up yesterday, except those invited. Must have been a humiliation but l don’t know if she has that level of self awareness or emotion. But her quick getaway excuse was feeding time. Not my baby, my precious or for goodness sake even little Archie or a pet name as most mums have. Every single thing about this woman is strange, not normal, bizarre and selfish.
😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣MM ANON, you’re so cheeky. Yes the massive, enormous invisible crowd that waited to see madam yesterday, which necessitated a slew of policemen on motorbikes standing by lest the invisible crowd got out of hand. She stayed about and hour and left for”feeding time at the old corral “. If it weren’t so pathetically wasteful, reverse racism, it is actually quite hilarious.
“when is she auooooof to Africa”?
I am laughing because auooooof sounds like a howl when you say it and since it’s not only Friday the 13 th but full moon as well, l think MM ANON is , along with asking a legitimate question, she is giving us a good belly laugh. THANK YOU MM ANON AUOOOOF! 🐺 🐺 🐺 🐺😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
shares drop at M&S.
Marks & Spencer, for those who don’t is a major British multinational retailer that specialises in selling high quality clothing, home products and food products. It is listed on the London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index. M&S has been in financial difficulties awhile now and is to be demoted from the FTSE 100, Financial Times Stock Exchange for the first time in the latest sign of the declining fortunes of the retailer, which was a founding member of the leading City share index.
🎼 “ all in all it’s just another”🎼
Brick in the wall…..l remember this intensely from Pink Floyd album, The Wall! Grade ten l think, we were so scandalous😂😂😂, the line we don’t need no education we don’t need no thought control, we changed that line to birth control😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂oh we were rebels🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🙃😁. Pink Floyd, by the way ,fantastic album, Dark Side of the Moon, another moon reference MM ANON! 🌕
Each and every time we see madam, it’s another piece of craziness, self aggrandizement, selfishness and all the while looking a mess. Her hair, which could have been in a high ponytail or braid or a hair and for goodness sakes, on a windy, the amount of time she spent fussing her hair was distracting, unprofessional and quite gross. Designer or off the rack, nothing ever fits right. She look exceptionally square shaped yesterday, l do believe SpongeMeg is her stylist! At least for yesterday!! Everything she does, is another brick in the wall of information gathering, and in building legal cases(cases).
“matter of fact, it’s all dark”
MM ANON, you must love Pink Floyd! MM ANON you have done your research to tie in the riddle with the full moon tonight 🌕. Dark side of the moon, lots of existential and scientific talk about this, it’s all dark, no only one side faces earth and the other the sun etc etc. However, we are referencing madam not Pink Floyd now. Everything she does, most of the things she has ever done are dark, selfish, a lot of vile, vulgar things and who knows what else. She present with an aura of “be wary”. Reading or listening to her “speeches” always self-focused. Nothing dude for humanitarian reasons, fauxmanitarian.
“not Christmas, not bloody ever”!
PP raging at the idea this charade will continue and they will have to have madam with them for Christmas
I can only imagine his anger and frustration!!
“Little Lottie, a lovable rebel that one”
This is referencing our beloved Princess Charlotte. Her nickname was Lottie in preschool, l think that is ever so sweet. She definitely has a mind of her own. One of my favourite memories is the day of Prince Louis’ Christening, as they walked out of the Chapel, she told the photographers assembled there for the photos for the press “YOU’RE NOT COMING!” I still chuckle at that. I look so forward to watching her grow up.
“the monarchy is secured”
With D AND D Cornwall, but ESPECIALLY long term the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge who are such sound individuals will be excellent when times comes for William to be King and Catherine Queen. They have a beautiful family, the children are being so well raised as well rounded individuals. The Monarchy is safely secured, God willing, for several generations.
“an adventure playground, no your highness’ no! an adventure PARK”
Catherine and the team did a superb garden for the Chelsea flower show. It was beautiful and lovely watching the Cambridge children playing there. The Duchess of Cambridge surprised guests as she joined Mary Berry, of The Great British Baking Show and her books fame, at the Back to Nature festival at RHS Wisley in Woking on Tuesday morning, September 10, 2019. Kate, 37, returned to work as she opened the new site, which has been inspired by the original design she created with Adam White and Andree Davies for the Chelsea Flower Show in May. The Back to Nature Garden includes features from the original garden at RHS Chelsea, including the hollow log and boulders from the waterfall, as well as the wildflower meadow, hidden burrow and rolling hill from RHS Hampton.
Both Kate and Mary joined children on a ride in a trailer pulled by a tractor through the grounds to the site of a Back to Nature Garden Festival taking place at Wisley until September 15. New elements include a “bouncing forest”, where visitors can jump on trampolines surrounded by trees, two treehouses, linked via a walkway with slides, and a living willow pod. The garden at RHS Wisley will be a permanent feature for children and families to enjoy. The project for Kate has been part of her work on early years and how spending time outdoors can benefit young children. The Duchess even brought along her own children to play in the Back To Nature Garden before its grand opening this summer. The Cambridges released rare footage of Prince George, six, Princess Charlotte, four, and one-year-old Prince Louis helping their mum to collect moss, leaves and twigs to decorate the garden.
The DOC is marvellous, anything she puts herself into , succeeds, what a blessing she is to us all. She and William, have given us so willingly entry into their family life, appropriately. We love them for it because we absolutely love each of their children uniquely!💜💜💜
Wonderful! I am always in awe of you both! Fantastic! Much appreciated PG, especially when you are feeling poorly! Prayers for you our dear PG! God Bless you!🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Sep 13th, 2019
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jxst-saying · 5 years
pt 4!! pls pls pls! need our bbs to be HAPPY and TOGETHER
A/N: Last part in this four part mini–series! Parts One, Two, and Three can be found here, here, and here, respectively! Don’t forget that requests are still open for anything you want, and my masterlist is right here: [+masterlist]. Enjoy!
Luke was sitting outside the apartment on the hardwood floor of the alley. Apartment 805. The sun had long since set in Los Angeles, and he was now left with the few scattered stars here and there through the congested city smog. His heart was beating fast and mercilessly as his fingers tapped each second away. One. Two. Three. Four. Five.
Two hours and five seconds. You were late. But maybe that wasn’t all that surprising with the way Los Angeles traffic seemed to run.
Except then you were rounding the corner and he could see you again. Your keys rattled between your fingertips and, somehow, with the mere sight of you, the rattling heartbeat pitter–pattering in his chest came to a halt, and everything was calm. Everything was okay. Luke stood up and leaned against the wall of the corridor as you unlocked your new apartment.
“My furniture is still being sent. It’s kind of empty for right now.”
Luke didn’t care. That apartment wasn’t empty if you were in it.
You shut the door and locked it. “You know you aren’t really supposed to be here.”
He knew that.
“This could get me in a lot of trouble.”
But that, he didn’t know.
“How?” He asked.
“People will post that they saw you here. That they saw you going into my office building and my apartment and the rumors will start all over again. I’m going to get in trouble for that.”
“For the rumors? Why? They aren’t your fault.”
“No, but I have this job because of them. Those rumors stopped because I moved and got this job, and people didn’t see me around you anymore.”
“Why would you do that? They were just rumors, Y/N. They weren’t that big of a deal.”
You nodded your head. “Yeah, I know. But the executives didn’t think that. So, in order to keep this job––or any job, really––and to keep you at that firm, I had to take this job. But you coming around here? All that does is start the rumors up all over again, and the execs are gonna hear about it, and I’m going to be in even deeper water than I was back in the city.”
Luke walked to you, then, with his arms extended as he gripped your biceps and looked straight into your eyes like he could see all the way through. (And you knew he could.) “I don’t care what those suits think about me being here, Y/N. And you shouldn’t either. It’s just us, you know. It’s always been just us. For years. That’s the most important thing, right?”
His eyes were all the oceans of the world, and you were drowning in them. But if that was how it all went down, if that was how this was all going to end: drowning in his eyes? Well, you’d be damned––that wasn’t the worst way to go. “Just us?”
He smiled, and it was better than any sort of Californian sun that has ever kissed your sun and even better than the sunlight that would melt against the spire of the Empire State Building. It was Luke. “Just us,” he repeated.
It didn’t matter that there was no furniture in the new apartment besides a pristine mattress in the bedroom and a beanbag in the living room and a couple books on the hardwood. It didn’t matter that there was only a box of pizza (unfortunately, gluten–free; nothing like the pizza back in the Empire State) in the refrigerator. It didn’t matter that you were essentially living in a ghost town of an apartment. Not with Luke standing there with you with that look in his eyes––the same one from the airport.
And with him that close to you (close enough for you smell the spearmint coming off his breath in waves) you wondered if you really hated Los Angeles as much as you thought you did or missed NYC as much as you believed you did. Maybe you just hated Los Angeles because it had no memories with you and Luke and maybe you didn’t really miss NYC in whatever way you thought you did; maybe you just missed that you were having to leave the memories of you and him behind. Maybe you didn’t really miss the city at all. You just missed him. And the biggest what if of them all: What if you missed him more than a best friend would? What if you were wondering what his lips would taste like with all that spearmint? What if, this whole time, it was always him?
“You know,” he started tentatively. “I don’t think the rumors were all that bad. Maybe––just maybe––they kind of had a point.”
You smiled, and it was a beam of sunshine––one the sun itself was jealous of.
“What if they did? What are you gonna do about it?”
His arms brought you in closer. Two magnets, that was what you were. You were the north pole; he was the south. That was how it had always been. That was how it would always be. Always. You breathed in, and you could smell the New York on him, the very essence of the home that you had left behind for the man holding you. (Wasn’t he a man?) His lips parted. His face moved towards your own. You were frozen in his arms, like ice and like Jell–O, ready for the taking. Ready for him. You had always been ready for him. For those swimming pool eyes and gangly legs and messy blonde hair and arms that held you just like this. Just like Home.
Then, his lips were on your own and he was drinking you in like a fine glass of scotch. Drinking you and tasting you and savoring you and remembering every single detail of every single swallow. From the way your lips tasted like strawberries and were as soft as silk to the way your equally silk hands wrapped around his neck, pulling him in and in and in and in and in. He could smell you––all expensive perfume that reminded him of roses and vanilla. Anywhere you touched, sharp electric voltages trailed across his skin, shocking him every which way. You could feel his breath fanning out against your cheeks and the faint little puffs of breath against your lips. You weren’t quite sure what this right here was or where it even came from or if it was just Something that was a long time in the making, but you might have just been falling in some sort of love with this moment right here. (Not that you would ever admit that.)
So, you weren’t entirely surprised when you woke up on that new pristine mattress in that strange and new apartment of yours with a pair of long arms around you that you knew all too well. The Los Angeles sunlight filtered through the large windows of the bedroom and onto the hardwood floor of the room and the mattress itself. Luke’s skin was illuminated like diamonds with the Californian sun, all gold and holy and religious. This might have just been the only time that you remotely tolerated the change of locale. The New York sun could never do this man justice, not like this. Never like this.
His lips were open just a little, hot breaths falling past the pink flesh and fanning out across your own skin. Goosebumps rippled along its path. Hair that was more tousled than usual fell into his eyes, and you brushed the tendrils back behind his ear. Your fingertips probably (read: most definitely; obviously; of course) lingered a moment longer than necessary. But touching him felt like finding the Holy Grail; he felt like some sort of earthly Messiah. And that thought might have been entirely sacrilegious, and you were most definitely risking being smited by some supernatural cosmic force or entity. But for the man lying next to you on that mattress (the one that was now a little less than pristine), you didn’t mind all that much. For him, you would risk Everything.
But neither of you knew what to do after this. What was the next step? Where did the two of you go from here? When Luke’s blue eyes opened at 10:47 in the morning, though, to find you already awake and staring at him while in his arms, you realized that those questions didn’t matter. Not right now, anyways. What did matter was him and you and the fact that this was some sort of Always. The two of were always some sort of Always, weren’t you? And when he kissed your temple and pulled you into his chest where you could hear his heartbeat, you knew without a shadow of a doubt that nothing else but this mattered.
Luke and Y/N.
It had a nice ring to it.
requests are open!! 
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dramatispcrsonae · 5 years
I’ve seen posts going around the rpc with people giving tips about their cities as a resource to folks who write characters from those places. Here is my small contribution for Washington, DC. This is particularly relevant for people who write political characters or fic in fandoms such as The West Wing, Scandal, Bones, The Blacklist, House of Cards, etc. It’s too long and in no particular order but HERE GOES:
The Mall/Monuments. No one goes here unless your parents are visiting. End of story. There are some exceptions to this, of course: the occasional free concert or protest or an inauguration, etc. but generally it’s avoided. It’s rife with tourists, capitol police, and there’s not a lot to do if you’ve already seen it. TV shows so often have their characters hanging out together on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial or sitting on benches along the Mall…. No. Maybe your character will go jogging there but that’s about it.
Here’s a big one. If your character works in DC, odds are they don’t live in DC. They live somewhere in the DMV (District of Columbia/Maryland/Virgina). There are DC suburbs in VA and MD that are accessible on the metro that are often more affordable than living in the District. Montgomery and Prince George’s counties in MD and Arlington and Fairfax counties in VA are heavily populated by people who work in DC. If you live in the District, you’re probably a) a college student, b) a twenty-something living with about 3 other people, or c) extremely wealthy. As always, there are exceptions to this, particularly in regards to certain neighborhoods, but more on that later. Also, if your character lives in, say, Rosslyn and works in DC, they will tell people not from around here that they live in DC. It’s not technically true, but it’s kinda true...
DC is a reputation-conscious city. The first things you find out when you meet someone are where they went to school, where they work, and what they do. You sort develop a sense of what the Important Person Hierarchy is very quickly. It’s squicky but it’s real.
It’s a company town and that company is the government. It’s not a capital city like London or Paris or Berlin that grew organically and has a larger identity. It’s a tiny place that was designed specifically to be the capital (see “The Room Where it Happens” from Hamilton). Certainly not everyone works for the government, but most people’s lives are touched by it in some way. This could be anything from when a non-profit’s office closes (many follow the federal government’s schedule), to dealing with traffic from protests or motorcades. There’s so much more to the city, but it would be silly to pretend that’s not The Biggest Thing here. 
People are ferociously career-oriented, there is an absurdly high concentration of people with law degrees, and other graduate degrees. Most people are thinking about what their next thing is or how X or Y will look on their resume. Basically it’s a city of Type A over-achievers. And yes that can be as unbearable as it sounds.  
It’s a small c conservative city. People dress conservatively, behave conservatively. Especially if your character does anything related to the government. Do not have your OC show up to their first day as Chief of Staff to Congressman Whoever with pink hair or a nose ring. Not gonna happen. Like I knew an intern who was once sent home for wearing khakis to the office….
If you work in politics or the non-profit world, it’s genuinely surprising to meet someone who is a DC native. Most people are transplants from elsewhere in the country who came for school or a specific career-related reason. 
Sports teams! The Redskins are (well were) beloved but suck. The Nationals are the new kids on the block who everyone now pays attention to (for obvious reasons). Like, if your character is a Hill staffer they probably love going to Nats games. And then there are the Capitals. I think everyone likes the Caps???
Quadrants. The city is broken up into four quadrants with the Capitol Building as the center point. These are NW, SW, NE, SE. These are a part of every address in DC and they all have reputations. NW is the biggest quadrant and probably where your character will work/spend a lot of time. SW is the Waterfront area and has recently become more of a hotspot. It used to be very sketchy. SE is still a pretty iffy place -- i.e. people don’t walk home alone after dark, etc. I have a co-worker who lives there and once came home to find a bullet hole in her living room. It’s that kind of place. BUT it is a big residential area and a lot more affordable than other places in the District. Your character totally might live there. NE is recently becoming quite gentrified.
Related to this are the streets. Downtown DC has a numbered grid-system like NYC, but… then you have the avenues (all named after states) that cut across the grid diagonally. It’s confusing and stupid but at least semi-reliable. Outside of Downtown though? Lol good luck. 
DC is a diverse city. It’s nearly half African-American, and something like 60% of the population is under 35. That said, though there is diversity, it’s not evenly distributed. You will definitely see a difference based on neighborhood. Ex: If your character lives in Georgetown, they’re surrounded by rich white people. If they live in Anacostia, it’s likely the opposite. 
Public transit! Driving in DC sucks! Most people avoid it! There is the metro (the subway but don’t call it that) and then there are buses. Metro lines are coded by color and the final stop in whichever direction you’re going. Metro… sucks. It’s not as frustrating as other cities, but it’s over-priced, and constantly on fire/broken. Complaining about metro is basically hobby here.
Know your neighborhoods. Downtown (where you’ve got the federal buildings and monuments) is nothing like, say, Adams Morgan or Anacostia. You could easily think it’s a different city. That’s actually one of my favorite things about this place...
There are so many fucking police forces: Capitol police, DC Metro police, park police, secret service, uniformed secret service, uniformed FBI, and that’s not even half it. Basically it’s small area FILLED with cops. 
It is an EXPENSIVE city. Sure, every major metropolitan area is like this, but it’s worth noting that if your character is a 20 something Hill staffer, they will 100% have roommates (or live in a roach-filled matchbox of an apartment), and they will totally know every good cheap happy hour menu within walking distance. Food trucks are also a big thing here -- like they line up downtown and sell anything from pizza and burgers, to Greek and Ethiopian. Food trucks are a CULTURE. 
Hill staff culture. This could be its own post honestly Most people are crazy young (like a 28 year old chief of staff is not even a little bit unusual) and are there to get to their next thing. Often people on the hill end up in lobbying or consulting before too long. The money is garbage, the hours are garbage and the turnover is high. A Hill internship sounds fancy to people outside of DC, but you’re basically the lowest of the low and you should know that everyone hates you lol. There’s a hierarchy here too, of course: House isn’t as cool as Senate, committees are more prestigious than members offices, unless your member is famous and on TV a lot, etc, etc. On the other hand, there are also Hill staffers who are ‘Hill Rats.’ In other words, they stay forever and never move to the private sector. These people are weird, and of the decidedly Josh Lyman type personality...
People who work in federal agencies tend to stay much longer in their jobs -- the money is better, the hours are better, and the benefits are better. But these are much harder jobs to get and it takes much longer to rise the ranks. 
The colleges. Georgetown is the fanciest and most prestigious. Also the most expensive. It’s the one that has the most caché. After that would probably be George Washington University and to a lesser degree American University. There’s also Catholic University, Howard University (an HBCU with a great law school), and Gallaudet University which is a school for the deaf and hard of hearing. But if your character is here to be a politics person, they probably went to Georgetown or GW. 
Going out. The hotspot areas are Adams Morgan, U Street, H Street, and to a lesser extent Dupont. The Waterfront area is becoming more popular too. The Kennedy Center is where fancy touring companies and operas perform (i.e. your rich socialite might have season tickets there). But there are other theaters in town and lots and lots of concert venues. The most iconic rock venue is the 9:30 Club, but Black Cat and U Street Music Hall are pretty good too.
Anyway, this is already way too long and by no means everything, but it’s a place to start! Also,I really need to add that this is from the perspective of a comfortable straight white girl who works in a government-adjacent job. This is by no means representative of what it’s like for everyone in DC or the surrounding area, particularly lower income folks or people of color. It’s a city with very wide and noticeable divisions on those fronts and I don’t want to presume to know things that I don’t. So if others want to add to this post, please do!!!!
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Archetype — The Ruler Birthday — October 25th, 1993 Zodiac Sign — Scorpio Sun, Pisces Moon, Leo Rising  MBTI — ESTJ Enneagram — 8; The Challenger Temperament — Choleric Hogwarts House — Slytherin Moral Alignment — Chaotic Neutral Primary Vice — Wrath Primary Virtue — Diligence Element — Water
Mother — Addison Midler nee Windham Father — William Midler  Mother’s Occupation — Stay at home wife. Ex ruler of all things pageantry. Hails from old money.   Father’s Occupation — Highly famous News Anchor in the east coast USA. Also, hails from old money Family Finances — Very rich. They upscale. They have a lot of money. Birth Order — Only child. Addison wasn’t going to go through the ordeal of pregnancy more than once. She had her kid for the ideal appearance sake of a family and that was that.  Brothers — None Sisters — None Other Close Family — None. Georgette never grew up knowing much about her extended family, except that they were spread about all rich too.   Best Friend —  Before she really didn’t have any best-friend, except Perdita. She then messed that up. Now, she considers Melody and Rory to be her best friends. Other Friends — She doesn’t really have any other friends. All of her past friends weren’t true friends. They were just friends with Georgette because of her wealth and status.  Enemies — Her ex-boyfriend, Ryan Warren. He was the one that planned her rape and got it all rolling. If he can, he would make her life a continual misery.  Pets — Peaches!!! She is a Maltese and Toy Poodle mix. Georgette is absolutely in love with her!!  Home Life During Childhood — Georgette was very spoiled!!! If anyone would look at her from the outside they would believe she had the golden childhood. Anything she asked for she was given. The thing was, Addison wasn’t the best of mothers. She was cold and only cared about what she was able to gain. That being said, Georgette grew up with many nannies so there really wasn’t much of intimacy in her childhood. She was placed into pageantry the minute she was able to compete and that was all Addison cared about. The older she grew the more intense and strict her training became. It was basically what her world turned into much without her choice.  What Did His or Her Bedroom Look Like — BEAUTIFUL!!! There was definitely a lot of pink!!!! Georgette enjoyed pink and white so her room was those colors. Very organized because Georgette is herself. Everything in her room was definitely named brand. She had an enormous walk-in closet, practically the size of a whole other room and she also had an en-suite bathroom. She really had the dream room. Any Sports or Clubs — SInce Addison was very adamant about her daughter’s pageant career (more for her sake than anyone else) Georgette really didn’t have time for extra-curricular in school anyways. She is, however, AHMAZING in Gymnastics. Addison placed in her such because it was perfect for the talent section of the pageantry competition, plus Georgette has been double jointed since young.   Favorite Toy or Game — When Georgette was very little, like toddler age, there was a unicorn plushie she absolutely ADORED, but once she grew older there was no time really for toys and games so that was it.  Schooling — Georgette graduated from Elementary, Middle and High school in NYC as well as college. She went to Columbia University in NYC and graduated with a bachelors in Business (again on her mother’s insistence) and a masters in Chemistry (this was the degree she actually loved).  Favorite Subject — Science more so Chemistry and that is because she loved learning about the components found in what she eats and what she puts on her skin xD Popular or Loner — Popular of course!!!! There wasn’t a soul who didn’t know who Georgette Midler was in school pfft  Important Experiences or Events — All of her graduations because she is educated!! All of her pageants wins because she has never really lost any so of course, she has to have them as important experiences. She was raped, not an experience she would want to be mentioned but an important one that has changed her life. She entered quite a tragic low after the rape turning to alcohol for her remedy to the pain. Thenn she has DIED and is now UNDEAD so she is navigating those waters.  Nationality — American Culture — British now but was born into American culture Religion and beliefs — Georgette’s family are practicing Catholics, so she has grown up knowing their religious rituals and the classic Bible stories. However, she sure as hell doesn’t practice any of it currently in her life.
Physical Appearance:
Face Claim —  Candice Accola/King Complexion — Georgette has clear and clean skin, currently without acne or any blemishes. She’s very into skin care and keeping on top of her own skin. Now though she really doesn’t have to do much with it because of the regenerative power of the Fountain Youth. It keeps her skin and complexion flawless.  Hair Colour — Blonde Eye Colour — A beautiful gorgeous oceanic blueeee <3 Ughh I LOVE her eyyess Height — 5ft. 7 inches Build — Slim to average build Tattoos — Georgette originally did have tattoos. She had three. She had a large beautiful dream catcher that basically covered her entire right torso. That one was done to cover a scar she had received from her rape. She then had a star on her left foot and cherry blossom on her right wrist. She doesn’t have any of them now though because the Fountain of Youth washed them all away, including her scar. We are still figuring out if she’ll get a new one again, but it’s complicated since the magic of the fountain changed her skin. Piercings — Yes, just the standard two ear piercings. Common Hairstyle — Georgette lovess doing her hair so it can normally be found in some sort of up-do, or an half-half do. She also though, leaves it down and loose frequently especially now since she’s still figuring out her newfound strength. Clothing Style — Good thing I did the closet task on Georgette so here you go this is her closet!!  Mannerisms — Georgette is very expressive with her hands and talks with them a lot especially when angry. She’s very horrible with having patience (we are working on that haha) and you can tell when she’s reaching her limits because she starts tapping her fingers on the nearest counter. If she’s very nervous, aside from the normal body tensing, Georgette tends to incessantly turn whatever bracelet or hair tie she has on her wrist.
Overall (do they get sick easily)? — Nope. Georgette has always been a health nut and always took care to pay attention to what was going in her body, which definitely helped. Now though, it’s even harder for her to get sick if at all because of the magic of the Fountain.  Physical Ailments — None.   Neurological Conditions — She has to have some undiagnosed PTSD from the rape. Her therapist needs to get on that!!  Allergies — None Grooming Habits — Georgette never steps out of her place without looking completely immaculate from head to toe. She is hugely into make-up. In fact, she does her own make-up, rarely did/does she like when make-up artist had/have to do it for her during photo shoots and/or commercials. There is never a hair out of place or a nail undone. Her clothes are pristine and Georgette showers a lot!!!! Ever since the trauma, she can’t find herself clean enough. Sometimes are worse than others like when she’s triggered it gets bad.  Sleeping Habits — Complicated lol!! Her body isn’t in need of sleep because of the regenerative magic of the Fountain. She can sleep but it will be more out of a force of habit than anything. Some night she just isn’t able to it all because her body says “screw it” and doesn’t let her sleep.  Eating Habits — Georgette was always a health freak. Can’t look amazing eating crappy!! She was very into organic and local sourcing. Gluten free too. Now, however, Georgette doesn’t have the need for eating and her body never really feels hunger so, she forgets that she should eat. She will always indulge in chocolate though!!!   Exercise Habits — It was on point!!!! Look she always had to look fabulous so she was a firm believer of working out!! She was faithful to hitting that gym!!! Now, you guessed it, not needed!!! At the same time, with her new strength, a gym probably wouldn’t even cut it.  Emotional Stability — Hahaha I don’t think Georgette has ever been emotionally stable xDD. Georgette is one that feels all of her emotions. She’s not that best at holding them in and when she has to it often times blows up in her face and flares out stronger than before.  Body Temperature — Warm. I know she’s undead, but she’s not a cold corpse!! Sociability — It swings. Normally, Georgette is a social butterfly. She LOVES talking to people, being the center of attention and having everyone devoted on her, but if she’s triggered that all dies. She will keep more to herself and not really speak with anyone. This happens at times when she’s in the company of men she knows nothing about. They make her uncomfortable because of her trauma.  Addictions — None. Drug Use — Nope. Alcohol Use — Literally none. She intentionally chooses not to drink because of the fact that she had once leaned on alcohol to help heal her trauma wounds and that left her with choices she completely regrets now. 
Your Character’s Character:
Bad Qualities — Tapping on surfaces when angry, she can definitely have an attitude, not very good at swallowing emotions, impatient, can have a temper problem lmao Good Qualities — Always determined, loyal, bold, intelligent, feisty, she can be nice but it’s not a like very strong quality of her lol  Best Characteristic — Her determination  Worst Characteristic — Probably her temper Worst Memory — When she was raped. She has also DIED and it was a pretty traumatic death too, so she can’t honestly tell you which one was worse lmao Best Memory — Her happiest memory was her very first pageant win because after that very first win Georgette practically took the pageant world by storm and even broke the record for the most wins to date. Her first kiss with Hercules. She won’t admit to that out loud though Proud of — The fact that she is somehow still relatively sane enough to live life after all of her previous trauma loool. Also, her very successful and continually rising make-up industry back in the states. The fact that she was able to face and go through the trial that placed her rapist away in jail.  Embarrassed by — Her past, more so at the fact that she leaned on alcohol so heavily as a healing mechanism. While drunk, Georgette made many, many, many regrettable mistakes. A lot of those mistakes have been videotaped and aired by social media and paparazzi, was even shown in her trial.  Driving Style — Georgette doesn’t really drive. No need for it in Swynlake and everywhere else she just gets driven to soo haha Weakness — I would say it’s her view of her herself. Georgette has a very low and sad view of herself. Even though she has a strong determination and on the outside, she exudes confidence, on the inside, it’s a totally different story.  Fears — That she could get raped again it’s her biggest fear.   Phobias — None Secrets — Georgette doesn’t really have a lot of secrets because social media and paparazzi have basically placed her entire life out for the world to see. However, she hasn’t publically released her current condition: that’s she’s undead and now has crazy super strength.  Regrets — Gawwwd a lot. They all stem from when she was depending on alcohol. She made stupid choices while drunk including hookups and one night stands. Wild acting and everything. She regrets all of that and how low she allowed herself to drop.  Feels Vulnerable When — Triggered. She’s still learning through therapy what are specific triggers for her, but they bring her back to the rape and then she’ll get serious flashbacks. She’ll legitimately forget that she has super strength, so getting harmed would be a very low possibility. She’s very fragile when triggered.  Pet Peeves — Gahhh I’m sure Georgette does have some pet peeves but I can’t think of them right now xD Conflicts — There is the situation with her ex-boyfriend Ryan. He’s out to make her life miserable and is like wealthy rich in both money and influence so like Georgette feels like he’s someone that can’t really be touched. Her undiagnosed PTSD. Then there is her gaining control of her new strength and living with the fact that she’s not technically alive but neither is she technically dead too.   Motivation — It’s kind of sad, but Georgette doesn’t really have anyone or anything that she can hold onto for motivation. Besides, like self-preservation and her own will, there is nothing tremendously great that she holds onto. I mean she does love her make-up industry but it’s not like that’s what keeps her waking up the next morning.  Short Term Goals and Hopes — To keep excelling in her make-up industry, and maybe have it go international although she’s very happy with where it is now.  Long Term Goals and Hopes — Georgette really wants to fix her reputation publically. It has gotten so tarnished after the rape and she had made it worse by fixating in alcohol. Right now, it has gotten better and people are aware of the true story, but still, she has shot a lot of her own creditability by her drinking. She hopes that one day she’ll be able to settle down to have a family, but like wayyy in the future. She knows she needs to fix herself first.  Sexuality — Heterosexual butt that’s more because she really hasn’t experienced a bi-wakening moment. I can see her being attracted to females too but with all the shit that has happened to her life, sexuality hasn’t really become a priority with her. Exercise Routine  — Georgette used to have a very rigorous exercise routine, even during the downward spiral she was still very faithful to her exercise routine. She used to work out daily and focus on a different aspect each day ie. cardio, abs, thighs, arms etc. Now she’s in the works of trying to figure that out with her strength haha Day or Night Person — Both Introvert or Extrovert — Primarily extrovert, but if she’s triggered then that switches drastically  Optimist or Pessimist — Neither. Georgette is more of a realist but if I have to choose she probably leans more toward the pessimist side
Likes and Styles:
Music — Georgette is very 80′s trash!!! She loves all the 80′s songs except for the heavy metal ones. Her absolute favorite is I Wanna Dance with Somebody by Whitney Houston  Books — She is a romance novel fan lol. The typical girl answer but for Georgette it’s more because she’s never had the love she would read about like she never even had love from her parents. She also loves reading about Myths. It’s a past time favorite of her, particularly about the Heroes of Greek Mythology.  Her favorite book though is on neither category it’s The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne Magazines — She practically reads all the American ones to see what they have written about her, and she’ll also receive copies of the ones where she’s featured in the front cover and/or featured in a spread. She’s been in a lot more lately since the trial and the rising of her make-up industry Foods — Georgette doesn’t exactly each much at all nowadays but her absolute favorite is CHOCOLATE!!! No surprise there xD  Drinks — She was definitely into those healthy protein shakes and smoothies but her favorite drink has always been water!!! She still drinks water frequently. Alcohol though is Tequila.  Animals — Peaches!!! She loves dogs and absolutely hates cats. Georgette does have a thing now for horses too.  Sports — Gymnastics that’s it.  Social Issues — Now that things are heading on the upside for her publicity-wise, Georgette is getting more involved with Women’s rights and rights and protections for rape victims. She doesn’t want anyone to have to go through all that she did with her own.  Favorite Saying — “If you want something done perfectly, you have to do it yourself.” Color — Pink!!!! Jewelry — Yeaass! Georgette loves jewelry!!! But she isn’t gaudy about it. Her favorite piece of jewelry would be bracelets. She always needs something around her wrist and she never leaves her place without one, so they easily became her favorite.  Games — Georgette really isn’t much of a game person. Websites — Very social media savy. Before, while in her downward spiral, Georgette was avidly avoiding social media and had even de-activated almost all of hers. Now, she back in the world, not so full-fledged like before, but back to where she knows what’s going on and bringing back her Instagram.   TV Shows — Georgette doesn’t really watch a lot of TV. She does enjoy Gilmore Girls and Friends but that’s about it. Movies — Georgette’s favorite movie used to be Mean Girls, but she’s over that now. She’s currently in the process of rediscovering her favorite. She does like rom-coms.  A favorite right now has been The Time-Traveler’s Wife.  Greatest Want — For the trauma of her rape to finally be all left behind her and still not torment her present day. Greatest Need — To work on her mental health.
Where and How Does Your Character Live Now:
Home — Georgette currently lives in the Castle Suites. She’s only one person so she didn’t want anything huge. Plus, her revenue wasn’t the best when she was first dropped into Swynlake. Now it’s amazing, but even still she doesn’t want anything big.  Household furnishings — It’s constantly changing because Georgette needs to replace something every time it gets broken because of her strength, but know that she’s very organized and her furnishings are definitely up their price wise.   Neighborhood — The NorthEast side of Swynlake Town or City Name — Swynlake, England Details of Town or City — We all know how Swynlake issss Married Before — Nope. Significant Other Before — There was Ryan Warren and Hercules for a brief time lmao. Children — Nope. Relationship with Family — Shunned. When Georgette went to NYC for the rape trial, she had stopped by home before coming to Swynlake and literally told her mother OFF. I mean she cursed this woman out lmao, so yeah she’s shunned xD Car — Nope. Career — An American media personality, socialite, model and a businesswoman as she is currently running her make-up industry.  Dream Career — In a past-life, she would have loved remaining in the Pageant world, now not at all. She currently has her dream career with her make-up line. It was something she always wanted and why she majored in Chemistry. Her make-up industry is her BABY Dream Life — Oh gawwd, one where she hadn’t been raped, and like DIED. She would have been Miss America and more continuing through the pageant world. She would be married with kids, but now she needs to change that dream lmao Love Life — Complicated. Going to just leave it at that  Talents or Skills — Georgette is awesome at Gymnastics, she’s super flexible, she has a beautiful singing voice, very business savvy, AHMAZING with doing make-up!!!,  Intelligence Level — Quite intelligent. She did go through all the educational levels.   Finances — She has a wonderful flow of revenue that constantly runs her way lmao
Your Character’s Life Before Your Story:
Past Careers — Pagentry   Past Lovers — Some as above. Biggest Mistakes — Turning to alcohol to help heal her from her rape trauma as well as never initially reporting her rape Biggest Achievements — The fact that she’s still managing to keep her head up after everything that has happened to her.
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wrongfullythinking · 5 years
And then there were five...
The numbers say 20.  Or maybe 21.  It’s hard to tell.  But in reality, I think we’re down to five.  Five’s a good number, the same amount you can fit on a basketball floor and really know who is out there.  Let’s face it, nobody but the most die-hard fan knows who bats 8th and plays left.  Five?  Five’s a number we can deal with.  And looking at the state of things, we’re down to five realistic candidates.  Maybe some of the other 15 or 16 will get a nice mike-drop moment, and maybe they’ll get a chance to advocate for a cause they believe in.  But if your party is so oddly out that you need to use the presidential nomination as a way to get your ideas across... well, it worked for the Bern, but rarely do imitators have the same success as the original.
In this piece, I’m going to give brief thoughts on the five candidates, and then assign my own completely arbitrary “chance-of-winning-the-nomination” percentages.
The Frontrunner: Biden (50%) At this point, [5/2/2019], preliminary voters are presented with a choice: Joe Biden, or somebody else?  It is very much Biden vs. the Pack, and if Biden is the nominee, he’ll make it very clear that it is actually TheObamaLegacy vs. EverythingNotObama.  Without an Obama endorsement, that’s a tough one to pull off.  Frankly, I don’t think Joe Biden is the strongest candidate, and I don’t think he will make a great president.  But he’s also not going to go away until the very end of this, and if he loses, it will be because everybody else decides to unite behind another candidate.
There’s this fiction that Biden is the most “electable” candidate.  He’s not, he’s the third-most electable.  The second-most electable is Michelle Obama.  She is a sure-fire nominee and general election winner, pulling southern states, the female vote, Florida and Michigan away from Republicans and guaranteeing there is no red path to 270.  Does Biden do any of that?  Probably not.  He’s not Bill Clinton, with charisma to go with midwestern history.  He’s not Obama himself, with a genuine melancholy and a realist outlook.  He’s a meme more than a politician since 2008.
But let’s get straight what matters about Biden and what doesn’t.  Nobody really cares about what he said to Anita Hill or his tough-on-crimes stance in the 90s.  The media will keep dredging up these issues, and the fact that they’re having to dig this deep to find some pretty thin soil tells you a lot about Biden.  He’s pretty hard to object to, and Trump is very easy to object to.  There is no doubt that Biden will garner the vote of everybody who hates Trump.  But can you win an election with just “Not-Trump?”  Apparently not, if I remember the 2016 final tally.  [But let’s not get started into how Democrats can bungle this thing, if they don’t learn from their “ignore the whites and the heartland, whine incessantly about the other guy, and then say that we should thank them for raising taxes” plan from 2016, they’re hopeless anyways.]
How can Biden win the nomination? The longer everybody else stays in, the more likely Biden wins.  Let’s be clear: Biden is going to be the “least objectionable” candidate in both the Primary and the General.  Biden’s chances also go up every time somebody else goes low, but his years of experience as Washington and his long, long list of friends, combined with strong association with Obama, make him the most resilient and easily-forgiven of the candidates.
How does Biden lose the nomination? The rest of the field unites behind one or two other candidates who pound Biden with policy expertise, passionate speeches, and a presidential air.  Or, frankly, Biden himself disengages.  The more time Biden has to prepare (and hire the best speech-writers), the more Biden is likely to be president.  The more time the media spends showing his off-the-cuff gaffes (and there will be plenty), and we could see a Howard Dean scenario emerge, provided there is another strong candidate.  The other danger to Biden is that the young vote deserts him in favor of another candidate, and the older generation stays apathetic for the days of Obama.
What to expect from a Biden presidency: First, a lot less headlines.  Wouldn’t it be nice to open CNN on any day and see that the webpage’s headline was not about the President?  That’s not a ringing endorsement of Biden, nor will it excite the often-raving-horde of young politicos.  But let’s be honest... young politicos have always been a bit of a raving horde, and this generation really isn’t different.  They just tweet instead of march and browse webpages instead of newspapers. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Biden establish a legacy as the “infrastructure President.”  And that’d be fine with most Americans.  I certainly would love to see some high-speed rails, because **** the airline companies.  They’re terrible.  The American Highway System is a wonder of the modern world, and improving it with a series of electrical refueling stations and solar-powered rest stops couldn’t hurt.  Infrastructure is an easy win, and Biden’s going to take easy wins.  As he should.
The Rabble Rouser: Bernie Sanders, 15% The Bern seems to be a better candidate on paper than he actually is; right now, he’s benefitting from the same early-momentum wave that carried Hillary to the Chair of the Anointed One at the Democratic Convention.  Bernie’s always had bad timing though, and I’m not convinced this is any different.  Had Biden stayed out of the race, I’d put Bernie’s chances at 30 or 40%.  But with Biden in, I’m not sure there are enough Obama-era democrats who actually prefer the Bern.  Sure, the young/gay/urban/unemployed/coastal [pick two] crowd who wants to reshape the country into a Scandinavian one loves him.  But how many of us want to weigh our trash and be charged 6$ for each pound of it the garbage guy has to pick up?  How many of us want to be told by a bank that they can’t offer us a loan, because we didn’t attend a prestigious enough university [coastal degrees only for investment bankers]?  Let’s not even start on 55% tax rates for the middle class or subsidizing a 29-year-old’s NYC apartment as he trucks through a medieval literature degree one-course-at-a-time.  This is obvious hyperbole, but “democratic socialism” starts with “democratic,” and that means “the beliefs of the people” are synonyms with “the will of the people.”  Could some of the Bern’s policies work in America.  Sure.  But there’s no evidence that he can convince any except his already die-hard advocates that they all can, and a policy doesn’t make a system.  I’m not convinced Americans, be they blue or red or the purple-murky-middle, are really excited about this sort of sea change.
How to Sanders win/lose the nomination? If the “woke” wing of the party fails to find a demographic-win in Harris or Buttigieg, and decides to yell loud enough to keep the Obama-era democrats from crowning Biden, or if Biden drops out as well as Harris/Buttigieg, Sanders could end up engaged in a rhetorical battle with Warren that neither of them want, but the country might need.  At that point, it’s a coin-flip and a nasty convention, and lines in the sand may become tracks on the ground, separating the haves-and-have-nots in the Democratic party.  Still, Sanders could emerge in such a scenario with a win, though I’d tip my hand towards Warren.
What to expect from a Sanders presidency: There’s a small chance we get a lot of everything, and a large chance we get absolutely nothing, depending on how Congress plays out.  It is always amusing to me to watch candidates at this stage talk policy, because, you know... the President doesn’t write policy.  Okay, he [or soon-to-be “she”] does, but not really.  You’ve got to go back to the 70s/80s to find Presidents who were really able to institutionalize their policies in statute, and unless Sanders picks up a majority in both Houses, and even then, it is tough to see most of his ideas actually making it into law.  I’ve critiqued Obama before as being “the Toothless President,” because his “signature accomplishment” of the AHCA is already mostly dust-in-the-wind, and it wasn’t even much of a victory to start with [he didn’t even get a government-based option!].  Sanders’ ideas are likely too big for any political reality, and remember, he’s been in the Senate for a LONG time.  How much of his work do you see in your daily life?
The Best: Elizabeth Warren, 30% One of the strangest (and most chilling) realities of this election cycle is how dismal Warren is polling.  What we’re seeing here is what I call “The Hillary Effect,” where an unlikable-older-white-woman is conjuring up all our memories of nasty assistant principals and that mean piano teacher who kept whacking our fingers.  Warren is neither of those things, but her image is not, at this point, helping her.  Warren needs the rest of the electorate to come to Warren-land, where what matters is your policy chops, and it remains to be seen if the Democratic party (no racism, no slander, no ableism!) allows itself to move past her white-and-rich appearance.
So, let’s have that experiment.  Let’s get past the appearance and the fact that she listed herself as 25% Native American in order to get a law school scholarship.  What do you have left?  What you have left is a woman who can be President.  She’s been a far more successful politician than either Sanders or Biden, and she’s the candidate with the best touch to the realities of the parties from coast-to-coast.  Warren’s policies, although a bit left-of-center, are clearly centered around the groups she wants to elevate: small businesses, Americans with children, and all of us who are willing to work for a living but want to be able to live like we want if we do.  Warren’s the president who believes in exchange: you put in your time with her, and you feel like she’ll give you something back.  That’s a big difference from the Hillary Clinton campaign.  Look at the Clinton slogan: “I’m with her.”  Compare that to Trump’s slogan (Make America Great Again), and we know which one won.  On a slogan level, the second one SHOULD win.  You want a president who is about making the country great.  Warren’s the politician who gets that, and understands how Trump is appealing to people’s needs, rather than setting out for a list of “the world should be like this.”  The fact that her policies are so well-defined and solidly based in the needs of Americans is what sets her so far apart from the rest of the crowd.  I have no qualms in saying that of the current pack, I would much rather have Warren as my president than any other candidate, and it isn’t close.
How does Warren win/lose the nomination? Warren’s path to victory starts by convincing Obama-era democrats that she is more Obama than Biden is.  That’s a tough sell, because she looks more like Hillary... who, let’s not forget, lost a nomination to Obama before she lost to Trump.  Warren needs to separate herself from Hillary and align herself with Obama.  Frankly, an Obama endorsement might be the thing that lands the race in her lap.  Warren also needs the conversation to revolve around policy.  She’s the best at that, and she needs to convince people that she can get her policies not just in front of Congress, but through it.  The less talk is about policy, and the more it is about nebulous ideas or demographics or social media or broad philosophical stances, the worse Warren will do.
What to expect from a Warren presidency. We might get some high-speed rails, but we’ll likely see taxes go up on the rich, stay stagnant on the middle class, and see some supplement for popular welfare-type programs (college aid, family aid, etc.).  I’m not convinced Warren can make a difference in healthcare, and I’m fine if she doesn’t; we’ve wasted 12 years on the topic now and it just may not be the window.  But there are so many other issues that Warren can tackle that would make a difference to Americans.  I’d love a tax credit for putting solar power on a roof, and Warren’s the one I see making that happen, not Sanders.  I’d like to see university students get some more support federally [good job on Summer Pell!] and that is most likely to come from Warren.  Generally, I think we’ll see the “B” versions of her stump-speech policies become realities.  The middle-50% of Americans will pay 20-30% in taxes, not 15, and the highest-1% will pay 40%, not 50 or 70.  Small businesses will get their health care burden for employees subsidized, but won’t be able to write off all debts for a decade.  Farmers may again be able to make a profit off a cow, though we may all pay an extra 25c per gallon for milk and an extra 30c per pound of beef.
((My wish list for Warren: rein in credit card companies and payday loans.  Nobody but a bank should be able to give you a credit card, let’s stop all this “Sears Card, Best Buy Card, Kohls Card” nonsense that keeps American families in debt from their late-teens to retirement.  And banks need transparent policies about awarding credit cards and loans, and be forced to stick with them, not making nebulous decisions about eligibility based on who-the-lending-officer-is and the skin color of their applicant.  /rant end))
Bernie 2.0 or Trump 2.0???: Buttigieg, 3% Buttigieg may have the most energy, but the primary process may be the most damaging to him.  I mean, it let him get into the race in first place, and he does look a bit like a Kennedy, doesn’t he?  And his charisma is first-rate, his qualifications trump Trump’s at this point in the last election cycle [low bar, right?] and he’s just non-white enough [because he has sex with men, so that counts] to keep some of the Democrat’s own bloodhounds off his back.  The weaknesses are also glaring: he doesn’t have the policy of Warren, the political capital of Biden, or the funds and the rabid fans of Bernie.  But he is from a Midwestern state, and the Democrats could do worse than considering that.  The trouble here is that no one really sees the energy lasting for another year.  But hey, it worked for Trump, right?
The trouble is that Buttigieg needs a Trump-like groundswell of support to carry him to the nomination, and right now, that base is going Sanders, and may squash any non-Sanders candidate who should appeal to them simply by virtue of them already having Sanders bumper stickers.  To get it, Buttigeig may have to be the one who starts to go low, and he’s shown a reticience to do so.  At some point, Buttigieg will need to argue that he’s the Midwestern candidate, and the Democrats need the Midwest.  How he makes that argument, who he convinces, and if anybody can be convinced, will all dictate how long Buttigieg stays relevant.
How does Buttigieg win/lose the nomination? Frankly, I don’t see this happening without Sanders dropping out the race, and that likely means a Sanders health problem.  That’s not an exciting prospect for anybody, but if Sanders drops out and then endorses Buttigieg, we could see a late-term surge for him past the other remaining candidates.  He has to raise enough money to be in it for that long, and he’s got to continue to have great town halls and debates, which are two areas where he shines.  I think Buttigieg is going to be a player in the democratic party for years to come, but I don’t think this is his race.
The Californian: Harris, 10% Harris is not likable.  She wants to be Michelle, and she’s not.  Oh yeah, earlier, when I said that Michelle Obama was the second-most electable person in America?  That’s because she’s behind Beyonce.  And let’s be clear, Harris is NOT Beyonce.  That’s not a dig against either of them, it is a reality of the situation: there are a number of high-powered black women easily in the public eye (in addition to the above two, let’s not forget Oprah, Whoopi, and Stacy Abrams), and Harris is less-likeable than all of them.  She comes across brusque, aggressive, and well... a little bit like Trump.  That’s not what we want, right?  Right?  The point is, the Democratic party vilifies unlikeable women, and if Warren is struggling with this, Harris is absolutely going to drown in it.  We can talk about feminism and compare waves all we want, but people are going to pay lip-service to that in public, and in private, quietly mark ballots for Biden.  That’s always a concern of the Democratic party, and I’m not sure Harris is the one that cures it.  I am sure that Harris does not carry the female vote away from Biden, Sanders, or Warren.  She’s not a woman’s candidate.
What’s really difficult for Harris is that she’s not anyone’s candidate.  California?  Sure, why not, but any democrat carries California against Trump.  Who cares?  The black vote?  Last I checked, it was what, roughly 8% of America and not enough to carry Pennsylvania or Michigan?  Nor any of the Deep South (that Obama won) against a Trump campaign.  The nice part of this is that Harris has the potential to make in-roads with a lot of groups.  She’s a professional, she has a presidential air, and she has a prosecutor’s wit.  She’s unashamedly intelligent and not afraid of a big moment, like we saw with the 13,500-to-teachers announcement or the recent Barr hearings.  She’s less good in-the-moment, where she comes across as a lawyer and not a politician, appealing to the paper rather than the audience.  And there’s not a good sound-byte here yet.  But Harris could be all those things.  Maybe.
How does Harris win/lose the nomination? Harris gets 10% here because she may be the one with the most obvious route past Biden, if Sanders and Warren get out of her way.  She needs to improve her on-stage performances (that Town Hall was dismal) and she needs to make sure her focus is where it needs to be, and not get caught talking about things like medical care or Yang’s tech-policies that are clearly not her wheelhouse.  It is a matter of sticking to her lane, and then including as many people as possible in her car.  She wants to pull people towards her, and the better she can do that, and avoid her lawyer’s instinct of defining boundaries of “Yes” and “No,” the better she’ll do.  Harris has the real potential to use this race to grow up from prosecutor to politician, and if she does that, she could be a force.  I don’t see her as a serious challenge to Warren or Sanders if it comes down to them as the final two, but I do see her challenging Biden if it ends up with the two of them.  Harris needs to stay in the race, keep practicing her presence, and start avoiding troublesome questions like a politician, while maintaining a few key clear policies that people can tie to her name.  The bump-for-teachers was a great start, and if she could become “the education candidate,” we might really have something here.
The Rest: 2% I feel like the rest of the field isn’t trying to be President, they’re trying to use the nomination process to make money/crusade-a-cause or just stir up feelings.  I’m disappointed this is happening to democrats, because it keeps the five real potential candidates from offering powerful distinctions.  Does the party want to move towards Bernie-socialism?  Can we believe in Farmers?  Do Democrats actually value the MIdwest (according to Hillary, no... does Biden change that narrative)?  What is the role of the US internationally, specifically with regards to China and a post-Brexit UK?  Was is the reasonable path towards renewable energy, and how does it help me lower my energy bill next January?  Will I be able to claim Social Security, and if the system is poor, how do we fix it [or incentivize workers and companies to start doing a better job with retirement plans]?  What does a rising interest mean for American home-buyers, and do we want Americans to buy homes?  There are so many questions that the candidates differ on, and I worry that we won’t be able to hear from the important candidates on them, because we’ll be hearing somebody’s own hot take on Putin or how Universal Basic Income is something we should pretend to care about for the next 12 minutes.  That’s a disservice to the party and the voters, and I hope the debate moderators, pundits, and press over the next 12 months give us a clear view of where the candidates stand and the differences between then.
The afterthought: AOC. Well, we’ve got to talk about her, right?  The thing is, we don’t.  She’s not a political force, she’s a social one.  So, let’s get the obvious out of the way: she’s not eligible to run for President now, though she might be in four years (I’m actually not clear on where her birthday lines up with inauguration day, and I don’t think she’s important enough to check).  The very real flaw here is that AOC is not representative.  No person is.  Yes, I get that she’s non-white and female.  Guess what, our country is about 50% male and somewhere around 50% white.  So by virtue of being not, it is impossible to argue that someone is.  However, the real problem with “representative” is that AOC is coastal and urban, and her perspectives are entirely based on those realities.  This is a shame, because for all that people can tout her LatinX heritage, she is very much out-of-tune with high-LatinX states like New Mexico, Texas, and even the non-coastal parts of California.  Does that matter in an electoral college world?  Maybe not... no Democrat is expected to carry Texas, and no Democrat will fail to carry California.  But she’s not a candidate (like Harris, or Obama) who can expect to pull a huge amount of votes simply based on her demographic information.  That math has never worked out as well as pundits want it to... remember the Palin experiment?  That certainly didn’t persuade the female vote to go Red.  And this is one place where I think the American electorate is sadly underestimated; it is assumed we vote for people who look like us, and I find American voters quite a bit more savvy than that.  AOC doesn’t pull the LatinX vote as a block, and she certainly doesn’t carry Texas.  Alongside the coastal-based policies and city-only mentality she carries, there is no reason to nominate AOC in four years.
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torestoreamends · 6 years
Initial reactions to HPCC NYC Part One
Today was finally the day! We made it to New York and this evening I got to walk through the doors of the Lyric Theatre, which is such a beautiful space and a playground for Harry Potter nerds.
It’s difficult to have a lot of thoughts about the show, because I’m sitting in the balcony so losing a lot of the detail that I’d usually use to talk about the show, however I want to talk about some of my favourite bits from the evening.
Jamie Parker is every bit as wonderful as I remember him being. He’s such a phenomenal actor that everything with him feels completely natural. He makes every line work as if that’s the way it’s meant to be said (and he remains the only Harry to pronounce ‘contrary’ correctly).
I loved how the new lines in the script flowed with this cast, and you could tell they were the ones who’s workshopped them into the show. Especially of note (as always) is the Hospital Wing Scene, which I absolutely adore with cast three in London and was worried I might like less over here. Not a bit of it. It’s such a gorgeous scene, and this rendering of it with Jamie’s reactionary, overwhelmed Harry and James Romney’s Albus (more on that later) worked so well. The whole second timeline really took off for me, and that’s in large part to it being prefaced by this scene and containing Jamie’s Harry.
I think I could probably write about Jamie Parker forever. He’s such a perfect fit for Harry. I love his spikiness, the depth of his emotions, how he sinks into himself and is guided by fire and passion. He’s a Harry on the run from his past, skittish and hiding and fighting. He has the anger that boils over, the fear after his nightmares, and the introspective worry where he withdraws and broods, away from even those he loves most dearly.
A final note on Jamie is that I just can’t move on from him without mentioning his rendition of Scorpius. He has more of Anthony’s character and mannerisms than Anthony does. He came alive in that moment and it was so much fun to watch.
Another of my highlights was a nice surprise from Noma. I’d never really connected with her Hermione before, but tonight she went shooting up my rankings of favourite Hermiones. She has the perfect blend of authority and humanity, her humour perfectly matches her husband’s, and I truly enjoyed the initial scene with her and Harry in Harry’s office. She also had just the right wicked, over-the-edge tone in the defence against the dark arts scene. I can’t wait for more from her in Part Two, especially that Voldemort timeline. If I had to put money on it in advance I’d say that she and Paul will be my favourite things about that bit of the show.
A big shout out is deserved for tonight’s Baby or a Holiday scene, which brought back memories of the good old days of corpsing and idiocy. There’s something unrestrained and lovely about her and Paul’s interactions in this scene. You can feel their chemistry and rapport, and they really do work so beautifully together. They fit perfectly, and it was lovely to see that familiar, snappy relationship between them.
Edward James Hyland is my stand out from the American additions to the ensemble and other roles. I took an instant liking to his Amos — so much more frail than either of the ones we’ve had in London — and I loved how he sat in the wheelchair with the implication that it was more than just old age and tiredness that had put him there. You truly felt that this was a man approaching the end of his days.
As Dumbledore too, he was wonderful. There’s something incredibly Richard Harris about the way he speaks especially at the start of the Hospital Wing Scene. He has a similarity in his tone of voice, and there’s a certain twinkle there. He is a brilliant, believable Dumbledore who didn’t put a foot wrong in his portrayal. Nothing jarred at all. I’d happily see him again if it was an option.
And finally, perhaps my biggest surprise and delight of the night, was James Romney as Albus Severus. Some Albuses take me a while to warm to and understand, others I fall for in an instant, and he was absolutely in the latter group. I thought of him at one point as a sort of middle ground between Joe and Mackley. He has such openness in the way he plays the character — not vulnerability in the Theo vein but a warmth and kindness. He’s not shutting himself off at all. He’s not standoffish or angry. In the blanket scene he shrank into himself at the end, and throwing the blanket didn’t feel like an act of anger but an act of sadness. (I should point out that my favourite thing in the blanket scene came courtesy of Jamie — at the end of the initial part of the speech he got up to leave, like Harry wanted to deliver the blanket and then run away with something positive having been achieved, except he didn’t get very far before Albus called him back.)
I’ve already mentioned the Hospital Wing scene, but that was the gateway to a second timeline that is rapidly becoming my favourite section of the play from every cast. James was a perfect lost Albus: bewildered in the DADA scene, desperately reaching out in the staircase ballet, lashing out at the start of the library scene. His library scene apology was perfectly paced, his hands illustrating every point he was trying to make about how sorry he was, the different sections split apart in a way I’ve never seen before but which brought so much impact towards each bit. And then a mention has to go to his humour in the Myrtle scene too. I’m going to miss him greatly at the beginning of Part Two — he and Jamie are making the show for me.
I only wish that I could see James a. from close up, b. again, multiple times, and c. with the sort of Scorpius his warm, bold, sweet Albus deserves. He is what I’m most looking forward to about tomorrow. I can’t wait to see what he does with some of my favourite moments in the show.
Other things I liked:
-The Dementors interacting with the audience. When the auditorium Dementor flew up to the balcony it reached out with its hands and sort of jumped at the audience, which was very creepy and really fun.
-The beautiful columns decorated for the forest. The branches in the broadway version are so much more delicate and beautifully lit than the ones in London, architectural but natural, with flowing lines. They added to how aesthetically pleasing the show is.
-Seeing the show from above, which I haven’t done for a long time. Although the blocking and lighting is a little bit different from London at times, it’s lovely to see the patterns on the stage again.
-The theatre as a whole. It’s not my Hogwarts in the way the Palace is, but it’s a gorgeous, immersive space. I don’t think I’ve ever been to a theatre so closely tailored for the show it’s holding. It truly adds to the experience of coming to the theatre for the play. It makes it feel very special, and I had fun exploring the sweet shop and the Patronus room in particular.
-Did I mention before that I really loved James Romney? Because I did...
It’s super late here now so that’s all for tonight, but tomorrow after the show I’ll write some more thoughts. Let’s be honest, most of them will be about James and Jamie, but I’ll do my best to mention the others too.
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