#fairytale detective
darkparablesthorst · 5 months
Inspired by the previous reblog, the idea of the fairytale detective being non-human would be fun to dive into since we don't have much of a backstory on her. The possibilities are endless.
She could be a cryptid.
Perhaps an eldritch construct sent by higher beings to restore the balance of magic.
She may even reveal herself to be a forgotten deity, far more ancient than the gods and goddesses she has helped in the past decades, awakened by the increasing irregularities of magic.
Maybe she's already dead and was replaced by a superhuman android built by the detective agency she worked at to keep a better hold on the volatile world of fairytales, because, I swear, the detective was not the same since Eipix took over lmao.
Perhaps she's the incarnation of humanity's collective yearning for the magical and fantastic, which is why she has such an affinity for the supernatural when those fantasies turn out to be real.
Maybe she's a changeling, an infant swapped at birth and grew up drawn to the songs of the brook, the whispers of the wind, and the calls of the forest in the middle of the night, all of which easily fly past the attention of others.
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iolite-moodboards · 1 year
Do you do moodboards for games by any chance?
If so, can you please do a moodboard of the fairytale detective from dark parables?
Have a nice day :)))
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fairytale detective board for anon
Hi! i based this on the briar rose case so i hope thats okay :)
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lioriel · 10 months
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goggles-mcgee · 1 year
Hello there Goggles! I was wondering do you still write for Dark Parables and Cursery?
Yes I do! I just get more asks about what I don't like about the games and such but I do still write for them and would like to actually flesh out a whole story for the Fairytale Detective and whatnot!
Like I def (because me as a player) have the Detective having a crush on Jack but knows it won't ever happen which is such fun angst. Because from like their small interactions you can take some of Jack's lines as wee bit flirtatious and I would heavily lean into that like both have feelings for one another but like Jack is still in love with Emma and the Detective knows that. So much fun angst to play around with! Especially when they reunite in Goldilocks and the flirtatious just come so easily but like again, Jack is on a mission for Emma so the Detective knows it'll never go anywhere and is always ready to help no matter how they feel.
I like thinking of happy endings for some games, even cases we never see in the games! I have a lot of ideas for Dark Parables/Cursory XD
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theboost · 3 months
I think if Rust Cohle and Fox Mulder met they’d both come away from it with the classic “wow that guy is a freak. thank god I’m so normal” response. I think if Marty Hart and Dana Scully met she would be well within her rights to shoot him
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annanymous69 · 4 months
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just a scene I thought of that I had to make a quick doodle of a tired girl after researching endlessly for a new magical case and a troublesome fairy boy trying to play it cool🙈🙈👑⚔️
u can tell they’re my favorite characters lol 🤺
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anna-undaunted · 2 months
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The fairytale detectives!!
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nightmaretales · 23 days
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Red Riding Hood Page 19
[First] - [Last] -[Next]
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enchantedxhearts · 3 months
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❝ - So… what now?
- Now? Now we get to see what's next.
Believing in even the possibility of a happy ending is a powerful thing, but living with that kind of belief… that's the most powerful thing of all.
That's hope.
So you asked, "What now?"
Now we get to keep going on. We get to keep doing what we love… with the people we love.
An ending isn't happiness.
Being together is. ❞
Independent, Semi-Selective, Heavily Headcanon-Influenced, Multiship and Multiverse multimuse for
the Charming-Mills-Swan-Gold-(Jones) clan & their friends & enemies
from ABC's Once Upon A Time
RECORDED by Di / Spades
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paranormal-potatoes · 10 months
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some updated memes :p
bonus meme
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darkparablesthorst · 1 year
Working on fairytale detective hcs and now I'm wondering how the hell the she writes her reports without sounding like, well, a fairytale. There must be some pressure about being the so-calles "fairytale detective", which would sound juvenile and an invalid, if not novel, area to some. I can imagine her supplying a ton of evidence that is comprised of several paraphernalia from her cases just because of how far fetched it all sounds. Despite her stellar reputation, some of her coworkers, especially the jealous ones, still wouldn't be convinced of her niche, even mocking the epithet "fairytale detective" behind her back. Of course if a magical golem follows the detective back to her agency in an attempt at her life, the detective's fairytale know-how and experience will make them eat their words as she proves just what "fairlytale detective" deals with.
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dealmxkerofgold · 1 year
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❝- How do you do it? Live with yourself. Knowing all the bad things you've done.
- You tell yourself you did the right thing. And if you say it often enough, one day you might actually believe it.❞
Independent, Semi-Selective, Heavily Headcanon-Influenced, Multiship and Multiverse Ask / RP blog for
from ABC's Once Upon A Time
DEALT by Di / Spades
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lioriel · 11 months
Day Sixteen: Love at First Sight
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goggles-mcgee · 1 year
Hi Goggles! Uh I was wondering if you could/how would you re-rwrite dark parables 8: the little mermaid and the purple tide? As someone who played the Beta and the game... the plot just seemed off to me for some reason. I would love to see how you would write it.
Owe the game I dislike the most???? Hoooooooooooo boy. Okay.
First I recommend reading my rant about it because I don't really want to make a post about it again: -> UwU Rant
I'm glad others agree with me that the game felt off!!! Especially someone who beta tested!
It just never felt like it tied in with the other games despite Pinocchio making a guest appearance 👀😭
I don't mind Pinocchio there but the fact they made him revert to wooden puppet after the fact it wasn't due to the stupid orb it was because both his parents sacrificed their souls to give Pinocchio his own and turn him into a real boy. I will not question that magic. So instead of the stupid orb, the reason why Pinocchio is there when the temple appeared and everything is because he is also tracking down that last Elemental Orb and he had heard about it in some of his father's old journals.
He's searching for it in hopes it will bring back his parents or Katherine is in trouble and Pinocchio thinks the only way to help her is to track down this Elemental Orb.
Anyways, that's why he's there, because his father's journals spoke of this Wood Orb from before he became corrupted by the Forbbiden Grove. He had originally thought to find this Wood Orb and use it in Pinocchio, and after Pinocchio was successful, he tried to track it down once more to use it in the Beast he made to protect his son. He failed each time, but came so so close.
Princess Althea and her father had no idea the Orb was hidden in the temple and could only be retrieved by a being who has overcome many obstacles and grown from them. (i.e Pinocchio) It was a failsafe the Goddess put in in case she was ever in danger or man became to greedy.
Pinocchio is still swallowed by the eel but the Princess is tasked with getting him out because she overheard he and the Detective talking about the Orb that he believes is close by them. Thus he would be kept prisoner unless he showed the princess and king where the Orb was and how to get it. The Detective secretly saves him and they both go to find the Orb. Pinocchio is able to retrieve it but is once more grabbed by the eel who was following the two on the orders of the princess and king. Though he is not swallowed just trapped in the mouth maybe even trapped literally between a couple of teeth that are threatening to stab him.
The Detective is unable to get to him and the Orb is given to Althea by a desperate Pinocchio. She runs again to give her father the Orb but alas, when the eel drops Pinocchio, it's teeth do scrape him and surprise surprise, the bite (or scrape) from this monster is poisonous. Pinocchio is wounded and the Detective is on a time crunch.
Final battle can go about the same. Sea goddess free, she mad, she tries to flood the basically empty palace anyway. Detective frees her.
Now, the goddess could heal Pinocchio or this can go with Althea and the King vowing to heal him as it was their pet that caused this.
I want a happy ending and I don't want Pinocchio hurt, nor do I trust this shady ass people with his health so I vote Sea Goddess heals him as payment to the Detective for freeing her and boom! End story.
Cute scene to temple where yes, you had explored with Pinocchio but while exploring you saw many connections to past games but also something unfamiliar a dusty hourglass, the cut scene cuts back to this hourglass after all the destruction the eel and the goddess brought to the temple and it is now broken and leaking purple sand. Maybe even onto a parchment with a map Montafleur on it catching the sand or a smudged picture of sandman catching the sand. Idk something please!
Or maybe the cutscene can even be Pinocchio talking another Montafleur being mentioned in his mother's journal. Something about a cursed prince after they see the hourglass, maybe they go into the temple to see of anything is salvageable. Idk.
But yeah! That's how I would have played it!
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forget-mad-not · 2 years
"You know the story now, and it knows you. You'll find each other. So will we."
Again, the amazing @zulzinho (and I) present:
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(ch.II: The Ring / VI)
Care to hear a stranger's tales? There are stories aplenty — so long as you pay the price.
Available on AO3!
fandom: Markiplier - Who Killed Markiplier? / fairytale!AU
chapter wordcount: 3533
In the crossfire of the townspeople’s concerned glances stood the palace, with glass domes that sparkled in the sunlight. 
When will our victory be seized by our prophesied champion queen? they asked, thinking in whole of their loved ones still caught within the snares of war. 
Their champion queen…
The little girl sat alone in the heart of the palace. Perched upon the throne, her feet could not yet even reach the floor. Closed eyes and a chin lifted back — heavy was the head that bore the crown. 
notes: Here we are again, alive and moving forward! I'm quite proud of us.
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Detective what has to be your favorite place that you've been to on your cases and what was the worst place also what was your favorite case to slove? ((OOC- what has to be your favorite dark parables game?))
Oh goodness, I don’t know if I could pick a least favourite out of all the places I’ve been to. As for my favourite, there’s so many, but if I had to pick only one, I suppose that would go to the Kingdom of Floralia. It was so gorgeous there. I think I’d also have to pick the pollen case as one of my favourites, again if I had to pick only one
[OOC: This is really fucking late, nonny, I’m really sorry. I haven’t played past game nine -- dishonour on me, dishonour on my cow -- so of the ones I’ve played, my favourites are games 1, 4, and 7]
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