ellieanimations113 · 9 days
I lorvbe Linen from LSD dream emulator
they’re like my favorite character
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tarysu · 5 months
Hi hi hi hIIIII I have a request! If you could write headcanons? Like what would Tachihara do when his stubborn s/o (reader) is sick. Thank you in advance!
<OMG OMG?! I love to write tachi headcanons and this request is so GRAHHHHHHH /pos (I love you anon) I'll feed you sm shit I swear. I hope you enjoy these headcanons!! I'm trying to work fast on my other requests so this is a quick one for you sugar booger ;3333> yes....there maybe a small nsfw (hey bae i tried my best) Tw: vomiting, cussing, getting bathed, slight nsfw, fingering 𝐍𝐄𝐄𝐃𝐘 𝐁𝐔𝐓 𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐁𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐍 || 𝐓𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐱 𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐊 𝐠𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 !! (𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬)
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✦ ─ ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ ─ ✦ ✦ Surprise, surprise! you caught a mild flu!! and you refuse to let a minor sickness (well that's what you considered..) get in your daily activities! ✦ You lasted only a few minutes in your workplace, you had a mild fever and you could barely function normally. Your boss even had to call your boyfriend over, Tachihara. You insisted you were fine, but those feeble words didn't persuade your boss otherwise. When Tachihara came over to pick you up from your work district, he was in a hurry and you were in terrible shape. ✦ You were stupid to test your durability, he was livid. You didn't want to tire him out more since it was his day off. He didn't care whether it was his day off or not, he had to prioritise getting you home and treated. ✦ Sweaty and disorientated, your boyfriend took care of you. Since you barely mustered the strength to take a piece off of your garments. Tachihara was there to do it for you, of course, while chastising you. ✦ He grabbed new clothes from his drawers, something to your comfort. His palm against your forehead, your temperature was beyond regular body temperature. He had prepared a cold bath for you, at least to regulate your temperature. ✦ You resisted to his attempts in bathing you, it was childish. You were really stubborn, you were already embarrassed the fact your boyfriend has to to scrub your ass down. ✦ Eventually, you had given in. It was relaxing actually, Michizou rubbed your temples while your muscles eased up. Though, he resumed to rant about how much of a complete dumbass you were to go off to work. ✦ There you lay cozily on bed, a cold, wet cloth placed on your forehead. You had previously thrown up in the bathroom, Michizou's right hand rubbing circles on your back while his left (if not long hair , then he's bent down rubbing your back) held your hair up in case you get some retch on your hair. ✦ He'd run his hand through your hair, stroke your cheek and give small kisses on your knuckles. He tried to cook something to fill you up (he's a shit cooker LOL) but he fucked up on a simple porridge dish. ✦ ..You still ate it! Even if the taste wasn't so pleasing, it did fill you up for sure. ✦ He was rarely home, given his job (he's pretty much at work for months and occasionally comes home). But you were just so fucking needy, every time he walks off to do something. It only takes a few steps out of the bedroom and you'd be whining his name and attention. ✦ Sure you'd whine his name during bed sessions, but even when you were sick. You have a desire to pull him into bed and let yourself savour his body. However, no way in hell he'd fuck you in this state. Chances of him getting sick is a 50/50, he's avoiding that. ✦ Could he really leave you unsatisfied on his free days? He does come home once in a blue moon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ✦ ─ ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ ─ ✦ Your hips moved with a subtle rhythm, your hands gripping his thighs. Seated on his lap, your soft whimpers and moans were like a melody to his ears. You felt the sensation of two fingers exploring your cunt, your inner walls stretching with pleasure. His thrusts were just right, matching the perfect pace. You poor thing. Suffering from a mild flu, they say the cure of it is plenty of rest. But the cure to yours was him fucking you. His lips trailed along your neck, planting hungry kisses. The sensations were heightened, every touch sending shivers down your spine, intensifying the throbbing pleasure. He played with your edge, withdrawing his two digits from your core of your cunt. His fingers, moist from your warmth, slowly traced a path from your cunt to your abdomen, playing with the fire of desire. You were heaving, exhaling hot breaths. The sensations left you feeling lightheaded, intoxicated by his touch, and impatience began to take over. "M..Michi! Come ..on!"
 Your hips bucked, craving the return of his touch. Nails dug into the fabric of his trousers. You were on the verge of begging and crying, but he was already taking it slow, giving you what you wanted—small marks on your neck, bite marks trailing down to your chest.
"You're so fuckin' selfish," he whispered
Tears welled at the edges of your eyes, just as you were about to plead. A moan escaped when he thrusted back into your spasming cunt. He was pushing your limits, being the good boyfriend he was, intent on hitting every sweet spot. That night certainly brought a cure for you, but the next day marked a sick start for Michizou, all because of you.
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aero-filters · 3 months
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cmm460 · 8 months
David and Ethan
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Pictured David
Part 4: An Exciting Vacation (II)
The night came to a close, with David, Ethan, and Jeff farting loudly in front of one another. Jeff had just taken a selfie of himself and farted in his undies. “Oops, that one slipped” commented Jeff. Ethan and David chuckled at the fart, getting hard in the process. “I’m going to call it a night boys” said David. “I need to get some rest for work tomorrow.” “Night dad!” yelled Ethan. David got up from his seat on the chair and began to walk towards the bathroom. He was getting turned on by the situation, farting in front of the boys and hearing them fart as well. Ethan and Jeff watched him intently as he walked into the bathroom and closed the door. “Your dad farted a lot tonight Ethan”.“He always does”, Ethan replied. “We were all pretty gassy tonight. Speaking of which…” and with that Ethan got up, stuck out his butt, and ripped a huge one. It was a big ripper, one of the biggest of the night. “Ahh!!!”, Ethan muttered. David heard the conversation and chuckled to himself “That’s my boy.” David stood in front of the toilet and started pissing. Towards the end of the piss he felt a big rumble in his gut. He squatted a bit, and let the biggest fart of the night echo throughout the bathroom. It went on for 15 seconds then petered out into a second, shorter fart. Both boys heard the farts and instantly grinned at each other. David came out momentarily. “That was a big one sir” Jeff commented. David laughed. “Hey David, pull my finger” exclaimed Jeff, who was still sitting in his seat on the couch. David went over and pulled Jeff’s finger. A five second ripper came out of Jeff. “Nice one” said David. He proceeded to pat him on the back. “Goodnight boys”.
David went to his bedroom to relax. The boys continued to watch TV until 1 in the morning, farting every now and then. They commented on each other’s gas and recalled the various farts ripped throughout the night. They eventually called it a night and went to their room to sleep. Ethan nodded off almost immediately, but Jeff was still awake. He hadn’t taken a dump in the last few days, and his dinner was weighing heavy in his bowels. After ripping a few more farts in his bed he eventually went to the bathroom. As he headed towards the bathroom, he could hear David rip one into the mattress, which got him hard. He didn’t know that David was still awake. He stood in front of the toilet to piss and let out three beefy farts, sighing in relief. He didn’t close the bathroom door. He then sat on the toilet to take his dump. David was in his room replaying the events of the night. He was immensely turned on by it all. He always liked to fart, and sharing that moment with his son and Jeff turned him on even more. He couldn’t sleep because of his lingering heartburn and gas. He heard Jeff go the bathroom and fart during his piss. David too began to feel the need to take a dump, conveniently, so he got out of bed, put on his sweatpants, and headed to the bathroom.
At that moment Jeff started to relax. He looked up and saw David stumble into the bathroom. “Oh… didn’t realize you were in here Jeff. Sorry, thought I left the bathroom light on” said David, acting dumb. Jeff was slightly embarrassed, yet happy to see David at that moment.  “No worries sir,” Jeff replied, “just need to take a dump. Haven’t gone in a couple of days.” “No problem at all Jeff. Mind if I give you some company?” asked David, closing the door. “I’ve got a killer heartburn and am needing to go too.” “I don’t see why not” responded Jeff. Jeff let go at the point. He grunted loudly, his first thick log making a big splash into the water. Jeff sighed in relief. He sat on the toilet for 10 minutes, grunting, farting, and sighing shamelessly on the toilet. During these 10 minutes, David started asking Jeff some questions. “So, Jeff… Do you like farts?” Jeff was caught off guard and started blushing. “Yeah”, he responded, a bit embarrassed. “It’s ok Jeff. As you know, I love farts myself. Started during my pubescent years, going over to friends’ houses and hearing them rip. I see you are in a similar situation with my son?” “Um, yeah” responded Jeff. He’d never been in this position before. “I remember Ethan and I were pissing at the urinals at school. Was holding in my farts all day until one slipped out in front of Ethan. We’ve been farting in front of each other ever since.” “Ha ha, it happens” laughed David. David cut a deep fart at that moment. “Oops, excuse me Jeff.” “Big fart”, exclaimed Jeff. “That’s the hundredth time you’ve farted tonight!”
Jeff finished and started wiping, his big ass off the seat. He flushed the toilet, pulled up his undies, and went to the sink to wash his hands. David then sat on the toilet and took another antacid. “Those antacids make you fart a lot David.” “Yeah, they do. Helps my heartburn, but gives me lots of gas. I remember when I first took these in high school. My father was driving me home from school. My guts were rumbling 30 minutes after taking it. I farted so loud in the car that my father looked at me and grimaced at the smell. It provided me with much relief that day so I decided to keep taking them as needed” David exclaimed. Jeff laughed, “that’s awesome." You can keep taking them in front of me and rip ass.” “Oh I will Jeff.” David took his dump like Jeff had done before him. Several big farts followed by thick logs that almost clogged the toilet. David felt better after his dump as did Jeff. David cleaned up and thanked Jeff for keeping him company. Both went back to their rooms, jacked off, and drifted off to sleep for the night.
To be continued…
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growsagain · 11 months
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Ever wanted to be my partner, squeezing the gas out of my gurgly, gassy tum? I posted an old partner RP nude farting/belly noise video today! Lay your head on my gassy belly and listen to the farts rolling around inside me before I push them out!
♥️ https://www.patreon.com/gurglegoddess ♥️
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garionnocontent · 11 months
I aint paying tumblr SHIT until they let me turn off this Tumblr Live bullshit permanently.
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Currently searching for will to finish/start writing whatever is saved in my drafts:
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But suddenly I farted mentally
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I will rise from the dead sooner or later
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ka4erga · 1 year
Це мій кіт спит
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lemonandpemon · 1 year
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Imagine if elephants was like this and made the ckckcccckck ckcccckck noise
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reuballs · 1 year
Bruh I just woke up and let out the biggest fart in the entire universe, I’m pretty sure there was a shockwave 🧍‍♂️
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aero-filters · 11 months
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cmm460 · 3 months
David and Ethan
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Pictured Ethan
Part 5: An Exciting Vacation (III)
David and Jeff had finally drifted off to sleep. They had jacked off at each others’ bodily functions and had a good nights rest. The two decided not to tell Ethan about that night’s event. The next few days sent David off to work at the local office in the city. It was an 8-5 timeframe for the next few days, which left Ethan and Jeff to their own vices. The two friends awoke late the next morning after David had gone to work. Both were in need of the bathroom. Ethan needed to take a dump. They wished each other a good morning. Ethan was the first to get out of bed. He stood up, let out a loud burp, then hiked his left leg up to let out an enormous fart that lasted 15 seconds. Jeff chuckled at his friend’s fart, “Ethan you stink”. Ethan had passed a smelly fart. “Excuse me” replied Ethan. “I need to take a dump. Haven’t gone in a couple of days. Care to join me?” Jeff replied with, “sure thing! I have to pee”. Both have had buddy dumps in the past and have seen each other naked so this wasn’t out of the ordinary. Jeff was the first to use the toilet. Jeff had a lot of urine stored up. He farted twice during the middle of his piss, which both boys laughed at. Once Jeff finshed, Ethan took a seat on the toilet. Jeff proped himself on to the vanity to watch Ethan take a dump. Ethan was a bit consitpated. He started his piss as he sat on the toilet, then let two big farts echo into the room. Both had chuckled at the farts. Ethan was grunting a bit as he sat on the toilet, until his turd hit the water with a loud splash. “You ok” asked Jeff. “Yeah” replied Ethan. “I’m really constipated.” “You didn’t take any of your dad’s alka seltzer for heartburn did you?”  asked Jeff. Ethan laughed and replied with a resounding no. Ethan was able to pass three more turds into the toilet. He finished 15 minutes later, with Jeff commenting on how huge his dump was. Like his father the night before, Ethan’s dump had almost clogged the toilet. “Phew… that was a close one” muttered Ethan. Jeff laughed in response.
There was a bit of fart talk after Ethan’s dump. They again reminisced about their farts from the night before. Jeff had commented on David’s, how big they were. This led Ethan to ask Jeff about his father and his fart habits. This was the first time during their friendship that Ethan had asked this question. Jeff, while caught off guard, felt the need to reciprocate since he got to experience Ethan’s dad fart around him. “My dad farts quite often” explained Jeff. “You know I have two older brother’s as well. Our dad encouraged us to fart when we had too. We never held back in front of one another with our farts. The bigger the better. There was one time we had a wedding rehersal to attend. The four of us were at a hotel one night and had a huge dinner after rehersal. We were very gassy by the time we got back to our room. Still in our suits, we just started farting shamelessly. I remember hearing muffled rumbles come from my dad as he sat on the hotel’s leather chair watching the news.” That’s awesome,” replied Ethan. “Maybe your dad could get with the three of us and we can have a fart-a-thon.” Jeff laughed and pondered on the idea to himself.
The rest of the trip followed a similar routine. Ethan and Jeff went siteseeing in the city while David tended to his work. The three would have the same ritual every evening as far as their farts were concerned. Ethan and Jeff slept in the same bed for the remainder of the trip, spooning each other while blasting their farts on each other in the bed. Eventually the day came for the men to pack up and head home. They had a big breakfast at the airport. Ethan was experiencing heartburn due to the hot sauce he had with his burrito. He asked his father for an alka seltzer tablet, which he took right away. “Be careful son,” replied David. “Those might give you some major gas” “Not like you,” replied Ethan. Both David and Jeff laughed. They eventually checked-in at their designated gate. There was an hour’s wait before their scheduled flight. Ethan started nodding off in one of the terminal chair’s as he did not get much sleep the night before. David and Jeff were on both sides of him. They both felt a vibration come from Ethan as he was sitting there, dozing off. David and Jeff grinned at each other after they felt the vibration. “Oh Ethan,” David told Jeff. “He’s always farted in his sleep. And now he’s full of gas. Hope he doesn’t cut a huge one here and embarrass himself.” Jeff laughed. Both went back to doing what they were doing. Ethan was full of gas, farting into his seat every couple of minutes. Jeff and David could feel the vibrations of his farts. Some were even audible. Others who were seated nearby could feel the vibrations as well, but decided to be polite and not embarrass Ethan. They politely moved to another area of the terminal, which David and Jeff noticed. The plane finally arrived so David woke up Ethan to tell him that they’d be boarding soon. Ethan needed to use the bathroom so he and his father went before boarding the flight. The bathroom was quiet, but there were other men coming in an out. David took a urinal with Ethan taking a urinal two spots away from his dad. Both men starting pissing. Ethan felt pressure build in his gut at that moment. Thinking he could silence his fart, he let it rip, but it was much louder than expected. David chuckled at his son’s fart. The other men at the sinks also chuckled to themselves. Ethan was embarrassed, but let go the rest of his farts at that point. As they walked out of the restrooms, David complimented his son on his restroom farts and told him he knew how gassy he was, to which Ethan responded “big time.”
They eventually got on the flight home, with Ethan ripping a few poots into his seat. He told Jeff about his incident in the airport bathroom which his father confirmed. They  arrived back home safely. As Jeff was about to head home, David had mentioned that he had a few more trips like these in the coming months and that he was welcome to join them again. Ethan had brought up Jeff’s father joining them as well, which David welcomed. Jeff said he’d let his dad know about the next trip, thinking about the implications of it all.
To be continued…
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fart-box1 · 1 year
Singular morning fart from this morning ~~~~
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bits-of-wit · 1 year
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moonfairy2008 · 1 year
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ajkiel89 · 1 year
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Peter griffin farted on sml logan
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