#fire djinn
vikcleonaturin · 5 months
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#creatuanary 3. Ifrit
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painthesecond · 6 months
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I put Amira in a maid dress. Why? Why not?
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siryl · 5 months
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Cover art by K. L. Turner for Cruel Stories by Donald Tyson.
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katlimeart · 1 year
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Made in 2018
If you’ve seen this anywhere else, I posted it back on my deviantArt when it was made.
Mario girls cosplaying as Ichika from Uta Kata – requested by jeanette9a
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sundemonsdiary · 8 months
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enthusiasmize · 3 months
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Words cannot express how much I absolutely adore this game. Today, I redrew the beautiful box art of the game. If you look real close, you will notice that Sonic's hands are really messed up on the box art. I tried my best to keep them the same while making them less messed up. I also tried a heck ton of things. Like the chromatic abberation, textures, making Sonic cel-shaded but the background soft shaded.
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alastair-1205 · 9 months
I'd like to say a formal RIP to all the Nadakahn theories for DR part 2. You would have been epic smh.
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horses-art · 3 months
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I'm not sure if i'll ever finish this and it's been sitting in my drafts for SO long but ermm i made a little cassette beasts team for deirdre fire emblem
(not pictured is miasmodeus, which is also on the team)
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mediamatinees · 6 months
Generation Why Not? The Kids Are Alright in "Ms. Marvel"
We're kicking off our Christmas Double Feature with Ms. Marvel!
Content Warning: Ms. Marvel contains references to Islamophobia and some violence. I won’t say viewer discretion is advised on this one because it’s pretty tame, so use your judgment. Spoilers for Ms. Marvel ahead! As the world is currently going through superhero fatigue, there is something to be said about the type of impact a local hero could have. In many ways similar to a “Neighborhood…
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View On WordPress
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ellidena · 1 year
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Colorized an entry from 2022 Inktober.
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andromedasdomain · 8 months
Element: Fire ✦════ ⋆★⋆ ════✦
✦Direction: South ✦Substance: Candle flame, Bonfire, Wildfire, Heat, Sunlight, Hearth, Spark, Fuse, Electricity, Fever, Oven, Fireworks, Chemical Reactions (some) ✦Body: Loins, Immune and Metabolic System ✦Zodiac Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius ✦Planets: Mars ✦Fire Magical Properties: passion, anger, transformation, cleansing, destruction, protection, energy, force, renewal, rebirth, banishment, purification, sex, warding, truth, hope ✦Fire Animals: snakes, lizards, bees, crickets, scorpions, fox, lion, tiger, ram, fire ant, firefly ✦Colors: Red, Orange, Yellow, Gold, Blue ✦Magical Tools: candles, athame, sword, dagger, stove and oven, incense ✦Magical Creatures with fire magical properties: dragons, phoenix, salamanders, djinn ✦Plants with Fire Magical Properties: rosemary, rue, basil, thistle, peppers, cactus, coffee beans
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silvereternitywrites · 9 months
Genies and Laws
Prompt: You are a Genie but not a malicious one. Though you are bound by the Genie Code to grant wishes with some horrible or ironic twist you make a real effort to leave an obvious loophole and strongly hint how to avoid that fate. Unfortunately the Genie Council has found out and they aren't happy. Prompt Source: user Lorix_In_Oz; subreddit “Writing Prompts”
I crossed both arms over my chest, floating in the Council's Ring of Judgement.
"You can all just fuck right off and tie your tails in a Gordian knot," I snarled at the Assembly of Judging Genies.
I saw on their faces this was not what they were expecting. Cowering, maybe, or begging was usual, as was desperate, stammering explanations.
I, however, was furious.
"Not expecting me to be upset, were you? Didn't remember I bite? What, did you think that you'd haul me in like a misbehaving child and I'd meekly accept your chastisement? I. Mother. Fucking. WARNED YOU," I finished at a full roar, now with my second set of arms manifested and my hair turned into wrathful flames. Dammit, it was going to take ages to get back into a bun now.
"You have been warned before-"
"I AM AS MUCH A GENIE AS ANY OF YOU! Did I NOT. Act within the letter of the law as you so carefully laid it down the last time I was here? Am I not as much of a contract-finagler as any Judge who hovers here? Don't fucking try me! I warned you- I TOLD you, I don't want to have to think of some new fucking twist to perfectly nice, small wishes, but YOU all said it's Genie Law, no Genie is allowed to grant a wish exactly as it was most likely intended unless the language is explicit with little to no wiggle room! You said! You made your fucking wishes known and they did not align with my aims. Don't any of you float there and think you have the gods-damned right to reprimand me for what I am when you are all the same!"
Ah. My claws were out, too. A human could mistake me for an Ifrit, I was so angry and made of sharp edges.
"Clarification could always be applied," one of the judges said, and my attempts to breathe deep and calm down went up in one abrupt puff of white-hot fire.
"If you try to put any more restrictions on me I'll go rogue," I warned, voice dropping to a hiss, and they stiffened. My kind were rare these days; nobody but us knew the true depths of power we held, only that it was only our agreements to abide by the Council that kept us from doing whatever we wanted. Only we knew that each and every one of us had made different, individual deals when we agreed to be bound to the Council. Only each individual knew what line, when crossed, would break the agreement and send them 'rogue', bound to no rule but the Rule of Possession. Unlimited wishes, tethered to a mere material object, able to break the laws of physics, time, space, and some of magic.
"I have obeyed your ridiculous law of not abiding by the logical intent of wishes. It has never been- and must never be- forbidden to make loopholes obvious to wishers or there will be a full-scale genie rebellion. We've all met that one wisher who just wants to save a cat, or fund an animal shelter forever, or help their parents stop struggling with work. Do not try to keep genies from granting the wishes they want to grant. You've already made me do twice the work with this stupid loophole business because I can't just grant the wishes I want to without it being convoluted. Stop while you're ahead."
The council's silence stretched for seven eternities.
"No actions will be taken," the head judge said, unwilling to look me in the eyes. "Council dismissed."
Good. Even if this did mean I was back in the lamp. Back to my interrupted nap...
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thesmartartslibrary · 2 years
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jajna · 2 years
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AH yes, what if. Alixon never been to hell yet but I wanna explore it~ Scary dreams means she needs to turn and lay on her partner Dragora. @murder-me-with-ink Very important.
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thetimelordbatgirl · 2 years
MCU really said, “We’ll give you Ms Marvel but we also won’t give you Ms Marvel.”
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bwillettsketches · 7 months
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Midnight Menagerie has updated! The Horror prt.2 begins on the official site while Tapas gets a new older page. Also available on Webtoon and GlobalComix with the links below
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