#for reference i don't mean the 'help i've been kidnapped' one
grey-lark · 2 years
I cannot tell you what emotion exactly I am feeling after spending way too long researching when in cabin trunk release pulls became common only to rework the scene so that that factoid isn’t even fucking relevant anymore but it is A Lot.
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murder-cookie-dust393 · 2 months
Shadow Milk Cookie. Chloroform. Yandere. Do what you will with this information.
I'm gonna put you as the anon listed above since- That's what I assume you mean?
I unintentionally put shitpost aha
Disclaimer: MC is still gender neutral, they are just referred to as queen for chess role purposes.
Tw: Eyestrain for the art that goes along with this piece, chloroform-like magic, kidnapping to a different dimension, implied future murder
You find yourself in a dark void. So black, you can't see anything through the shadows that swirl in your vision. You're not sure what it feels like. Is it threatening? Or is it a sense of peace? You aren't sure. This sense of the unknown makes you anxious.
Suddenly, a big blue eye opens in front of you, the colour glowing within the dimmed surroundings. The shade of blue reminded you of Lapis. A very bright one. But the eye itself, it was terrifying. You nearly wanted to break into pieces right then and there.
"Oh, my queen! You're finally here!" A voice eagerly chirps, a slightly maniacal tone to it. It seemed ecstatic to see you, too much so. You couldn't form an answer, still processing your odd environment.
"I've missed you~ It's been ages since I've seen your face! You don't look any different- oh, maybe you're just a little prettier, you silly thing!" The voice giggled as the eye blinked. The eye squinted upwards as if it was smiling. But wait, why did it act like it's seen you before? You don't know who this entity is. Not even what it is. Is it a cookie? A beast? Confusion swelled within you as the seconds passed.
"My sweet...What is that face?" The voice slowly faded away, as your world suddenly blackened once more.
"MC, are you okay?" You wake up to the face of Strawberry. She seems concerned, her big brown eyes down-turned. How cute. "You were shaking in your sleep."
"Um yeah, I'm okay. I just had a weird dream." You respond, still lying on the grass where you and the group are camped. You clutch onto your blanket a little tighter.
"Like a nightmare?" She tilts her head to the side.
"Not exactly. I can't put it to words..." You mumble off, trying to recall the eye that spoke to you.
"Oh okay." She glanced at the blue and violet sky, commenting, "It's almost sunrise. Do you wanna prepare jellies with me? I'm sure the others will wake up soon."
You nod and sit up before flailing your blanket to the side.
You and your friends are going through the forests of Beast Yeast, cautious of all the creatures and evil beings lurking by. That is until your group stumbles upon a random chessboard on a glass table. In the middle of the fucking path, in the middle of fucking Beast Yeast. Instead of black and white, the board is in different shades of blue.
"What in tarnation is this?" Wizard leans closer, staring at it intensely. Fidgeting with his fake beard, or in other words, his scarf.
Chili Pepper butted in, "The fuck you mean bro, this is obviously a dumb chessboard-"
"LANGUAGE!" Gingerbrave suddenly turned out to stare at Chili Pepper uncannily, before smiling again. "I'm sure it's something dangerous! Let's not touch it."
"Or it could be a chessboard and table someone decided to randomly leave here."
"Shush- I'm always right." Gingerbrave did an imaginary hair toss.
Wizard raised his hand, just like a nerd, "No? I am, thank you. By the almighty power of magic I-"
"You're an ice cream. Also, you're the one who's screaming for help half the time." Chili Pepper chuckled, poking at Wizard.
Strawberry took a breath and sharply, albeit quickly spoke, "Guys!"
The whole group turned to look at her, which made her flush with embarrassment. She pointed at the chessboard. "The pieces are moving on their own." When the gang looked back at the gameboard, they were met with a surprising sight.
The chess pieces moved by their own accord. Which revealed that the darker blue side was winning compared to the lighter blue. It was a competitive fight, with both sides making quick moves. It was mesmerizing, you aren't sure why.
You reached out your hand and touched one of the pieces in curiosity. Only to feel a sudden freezing cold gust fly at you. Your surroundings become dark, just like your dream as the yelps of your friends sound out around you. A sinister chuckle joins along, as your body is thrown into a blackened world once more.
"Honey! Honey, honey, honey, my honey."
You stand before a jester cookie, covered in eyes. He grins, his clothes like the blues of the chessboard. He swiftly goes over to you, cradling you in his arms. You can't move, overcome with a freezing cold that leaves you immobile.
"I've waited much too long on your reincarnation. We could have had a wonderful marriage by now if it weren't for that bastard Elder Faerie." He spoke softer than before but had a spit of venom for the name Elder Faerie. He leans closer, uncomfortably so. He makes a minuscule hum before pecking your mouth.
"I'll just keep you here for a bit until I have everything ready." Out of nowhere, a shadow comes for you, binding you in it. You start to feel drowsy. "We'll be so happy once more, I promise." Your vision starts to swirl into darkness, to the point you can't make him out anymore.
You fall asleep, unable to fight off the dreadful binds.
"My Queen~! Wake up! I have everything ready for you." You're nudged awake, as the binds come off you. You find yourself on a throne: cold and metal. As look forward, you are shocked to see a glowing chessboard just like the one you saw on the path. But also freaked out to see Strawberry and Gingerbrave tied up in the same binds, floating in the air.
"Wha- What is this?" You stammer, overwhelmed with all that has happened in the last few moments. Was this a joke? A jester terrorizing you and your friends, what a lovely day.
"Why, it is the moment you get to see your idiots crumble right before you by the hands of your rightful husband, me: Shadow Milk Cookie!" He comes over to you, putting a crown on your head. It was plain, just a metal crown with no jewels or anything else.
"And you're the queen! The most powerful one on the board!" He giggles, patting your hand. You tense at his touch, wanting to get away from this glorified position you were in. But time and time again, you can't move away from your spot. It's as if you were hardened glue stuck to a label that no one can seem to pry off.
"I don't know what reincarnation you talked about before, but whatever it is, stop it! My friends have done nothing! I don't even know who you are!" You plead, wanting his weird reincarnation thing to stop. You felt guilty for thinking of touching a moving chess piece in Beast Yeast. Gingerbrave was right: everything is dangerous.
"Honey..." Shadow Milk frowned, holding your face in his hands. He looked disappointed rather than enraged. "I know your memories are somewhat faded, but those cookies are distracting you. Distracting you from me, your beloved." He lightly bumps his face against yours, staring into your eyes.
"What do they have to do anything with your dead lover?" You ask, a little too harshly, but needing to get the message across.
He gasps. "They aren't dead! They're right before me!" He puts his jester hat on his head, going over to Gingerbrave and Strawberry. He glares at them briefly with his dual-chromed eyes before returning to you.
"Just let me. Just let me kill them." He hisses with a grin. His eyes scare you, the way they're wide open with insanity. "I need some desperate alone time with you and also get our marriage decided once more." Shadows started to succumb to the world, except for the light from the board.
"No! Don't you dare!" You shake your head, unwilling to let him get away with this. Your poor friends. Just what kind of madness did you pull them into?
"My Queen! When will you let me kill them? They are insignificant to our love!" He exclaims, reaching a hand out to you.
Oh, what a devoted lover isn't he? Waiting for eons for you only for you to be so disgusted with him.
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This was really fun to write. Now, I’m not quite caught up on the lore yet. I just read his profile and said fuck yeah so…mhm.
I will say, I didn’t go exactly chloroform, but the same aspect of it with his magic.
I used honey cuz I was like “Old. But also insane. Equals honey.”
Alright I’m gonna go do homework now because I’ve neglected other work (APRIL AND MAY IS HELL FOR MEEE)
- Celina
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brights-place · 5 months
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Barb X POP! Troll S/O
Pairings: Barb X Reader
Warnings: Fluff, mild cursing
A/N: Okay but that’s like so cuteee! I’m happy I get to write some fluff stuff after writing so much nsfw OMLLLL I mean I love writing it but damn you all are wild! (I’m also referring to myself) Anyways hope you enjoy!
- Barb was an rock troll and you were an pop troll. barb hated pop trolls but you... you were different to her you stood out your f/c skins and f/c hair made her light up for an moment before noticing the glare you shot at her as she imprisoned you with the other trolls
- "You won't get away with this you asshole!" You shouted beingd held back by other rock trolls as she walked over smugly grinning "Oh but I already did"
- Told the rock trolls to get you an spot right in front of the stage where she would preform to get you to see her rock out
- Even though you were impressed by the new genre you were mad at how she would make you all into rock zombies
- After the event she started on getting help from poppy so when poppy introduced you to her she looked away sadly when seeing you step back quickly and judge her since she well was an Hegemonic Supremacist
- When she tried to speak to you since poppy said you offered to help an fellow troll out but you didn't know it was barb!
- "Hi Im-" Barb put her hand out giving an awkward smile "barb I know the Hegemonic Supremacist that tried to take over all trolls" You said as poppy quickly dragged you away apologizing to barb about your behaiour "(Name) She's trying to change" "and you want me to excuse the crimes she has comitted?" You said back with furrowed brows and crossing your arms - "(name) come on" Poppy said looking at barb and back towards you "Don't (Name) come on me you think I should trust her you wanna hear me listing all her crimes! I'll spit them all out!" "(name) she's trying" "You think I can forgive her with all she has done! Attempted world domination, Attempted cultural genocide, Hate crimes, Terrorism, Malefic, War crimes, Crimes against trollkind, Mass invasion, Mass kidnapping, Serial grand larceny, Mass brainwashing, Unlawful imprisonment, Abuse of power, Conspiracy, Psychological abuse, Extortion, Minor arson, Assault and battery, Mass property destruction, Attempted mass slavery, Corruption, and Public endangerment" You shouted pointing towards barb who hanged her head in shame
- You would glare at her whenever she came by pop village to talk to poppy or when it's an troll meeting for all of the genre of trolls
- Everyone forgave her except for you so she wanted to show you she became an better person
- She would come by and try conversations with you and would fail as you would snap at her
- When she noticed you trying to learn how to play electric guitar due to Val buying you one
- She noticed how you were struggling and walked over biting her lip thinking that you might tell her to go away again"Hey uhm do you need some help?" she questioned as you stared at her before looking away sighing - "I dislike you but I don't know what I've been doing for the past 30 minutes I dot even understand the guide" You groaned turning to her as she quickly lit up and walked over to re-position you holding the guitar and showed you how to play some chords
- She taught you how to play fade to black by metallica as an first starting so and praised you on succeeding as you cheered hugging her and asked her to each you more songs another time - You would do practice and she'd teach you songs which mainly were rock but you asked her to show you how to play pop songs which she cringed at but did her best with an smile that you learned how to play your favorite Pop song
- You slowly started to bond after awhile of hanging out - You two would do duet songs of rock songs but if you could convince her to sing pop songs with you she would try... then it becomes an pop rock song - You two would make pop-rock songs and have your own album unaware you made an new genre of music together as you smiled together singing softly as she sang loudly strumming her guitar as you did the same -  It's known pop Troll is extremely happy, strives happiness and seeks fun above all things which is so like you but its also true that they are prone to absolute panic when things go wrong, often overreacting in a comical way and that what was going on right now you panicking for the fact that you messed up playing an song - The Pop Trolls have a holiday for every day of the year, meaning they are constantly having one party or another. - So you would always invite her to ones that you know she'd be comfortable in. - When you started to get too close almost seeing around each other with you smiling around her and clinging to her arm as you blabbered away as she listened - it's like an Princess Bubblegum and Marceline relationship without them starting to date...
- she even asked to dress you up as an rock troll and you asked to dress her as an pop troll it was... eventful you two where laughing while hanging out
- She loves how you kissed her face and kissed her ear that was cut off telling her she was beautiful when she was crying - You would be with her or would visit which became normal with all rock trolls knowing who you were and wouldn't talk bad about you since one rock troll was heard talking bad about you as an joke and had barb close to using her chainsaw on him - She introduces Debbie to you and it's so CUTE! how you cry instantly and hug Debbie saying how adorable she is unlike the pop trolls who first saw Debbie
- She loves how her dad became best friends with you so fast and ends up with you painting her fathers nails black as you ranted to him about the dumbest things and she could feel her heart throb
- You would be coming over to volcano rock city and riff would high five you and do an rock n roll handshake that they all taught you to do - Barb would smirk on how poppy and other pop trolls saw you greet all the rock trolls who came for all of trolldom meeting at pop village this time - Poppys mouth would be agape as she see you do handshakes with every rock troll who came with barb - Would realize she likes you when you hugged her goodbye after you coming to volcano rock city for your daily hangouts - "My place next time right?" you said grinning as barb nodded "yup" the fact you kissed her on the cheek goodbye and left made her turn red so fast that she melts into an puddle - Riff would point out barb was crushing on you once you left and she would try to deny it but she'd turn around and be like "Holy shit I like an pop troll" - You two would be doing your daily jam session with playing your guitars back to back as you sang your songs before you turn face to face both of you soon singing softly in your pod leaning forward heads touching before you end up kissing - Her hands on your waist as you put your guitar on the side and have an hand in her hair making out before pulling away the two of you pausing staring at eachother before laughing as you went back to kissing her with an big smile as she giggled abit
- You two became official after the kiss and went on dates together you two would now be seen with barb having an hand on your waist or holding your hand mostly on your waist while she glares down trolls who would try to speak up about it
- You two would be jamming out together once more at volcano rock city as she told her dad about you two now dating as he smiles nodding telling her she did amazing and would have an good partner which was you
- You would hug him crying "Thank you king Thrash" as he hugs you back "Call me dad..." as you turn to barb who looked away sniffling trying not to cry
- You and barb would be having an picnic in an empty flower field as you played your guitars together as she smirked turning towards you "(Name)" You would giggle "Barb"
- You put your guitar to the side as she did the same before tackling you to the picnic blanket pinning you against it and peppering your face to kisses as you blush before returning the small kisses as you cuddle and laugh together
- Somewhere in the bushes there stood Poppy and val high fiving that there planned work on getting you and barb together the two flinching when hearing an light moan come from you before the two ran off quickly as then hear barb push you against an tree
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2024 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact
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heartthrobin · 10 months
making merry, oh my little fairy (2)
sam winchester x fairy!reader
wc: 5.3k
warnings: soulmate!au (partners share scars), fem!reader, implied age gap (reader is early 20's), hella pining, tooth-rotting fluff, destiel is canon, town being mean to reader, some shaky police jargon, references to thick reader (everyone cheered) but can be ignored, dean being dean, canon-typical warnings (child kidnapping, violence ect.)
an: part 2 of my little fairy series! it's been sitting in my drafts for weeks and part 1 was pretty unpopular so i've been hesitant to post it but then i realized i write for myself and not for recognition! so enjoyyyyy. remember to comment and repost to support your favourite writers :)
summary: you flew around Sam's mind with your pretty little wings all night and all day, it doesn't help that you're popping up around every corner of this case. he's trying not to think about it.
part one part three part four
They'd sat in the car parked out front maybe longer than they should have. Sam noticed you peak through the curtain at the twenty minute mark, he only noticed because he could feel your curious gaze.
It disturbed him enough to allow Dean to fly down the neighbourhood road noisily at too many miles an hour.
Naturally, sleep became a stranger.
Dean was long passed out on the questionably lumpy motel bed and Sam was still at the desk. The white light off his laptop made his eyes itch.
A dryad is a tree nymph, commonly inhabiting oak trees, and generally born into the form of beautiful women. Many dryads were considered to be originally human or children of the nature Gods and it is widely believed that they take on the physical characteristics of the trees they protect.
Your eyes returned to him again, if not for the hundredth time that day. The way the greenery reflected off of them at him. The strength of your legs, how they were wide and grounding like the tree that engulfed your house. Your movements, your walk, how you floated like how the leaves shivered in the forest beyond your garden walls.
Sam had given considerable thought to his soulmate, as most people did.
He was turning thirty-one in a few months time and it had occurred to him that maybe you were on the other side of the world. Maybe you were dead. But people had warned him that he'd know if that were true. He'd feel it, like a gaping wound in his soul.
Castiel had appeared to Dean in a flash of light. In a heroic swoop of love, and Sam thought maybe that could happen to him too.
His thumb was warm where it ran over the scar down his arm.
He wondered if you thought the same.
If you dreamed of his arrival the way he'd dreamed of yours.
It was a silly thing, to dream of meeting your true love. Far too trivial in the life of someone like Sam Winchester when the fate of the world, of good versus evil and heaven versus hell was always in the palm of his hand.
But your figure was burned into his corneas like a blinding torch.
It scared him. Not an easy feat for the man who'd seen it all.
Sam had asked Dean a few years back.
Can someone live without their soulmate?
Dean had shrugged. "Sure, plenty of people do."
Sam had sunk back another sip of his beer at the time, they were somewhere in Florida.
"What if they'd already met them? Can they decide that they don't want to be with them?"
Dean chuckled at that. "I doubt that works out very often."
It was already long after Dean had met Castiel. Long after he'd survived his "my soulmate is an angel and a man what the fuck--" stage.
"What makes you say that? I'm sure some people have a strong enough willpower."
Dean had answered him by referencing some movie, one that Sam knew he loved and it took a bit of pestering for Dean to admit he knew the quote by heart.
He'd blushed nearly red and shrugged, accompanying it by another long slug of his beer.
"It's like at the end of the movie--" When Harry Met Sally, specifically, "When they're at that New Years party and Billy Crystal goes up to Meg Ryan and gives that whole speech, and he says that line."
Sam was grinning by then. "What line?"
Like he hadn't seen the movie enough times to know.
"You know, he when says ... when you realise you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible."
Sam had long made peace with the fact that even if you did ever come around, that it would be better to leave you be. To leave you in the safety of a life different to his own.
At least he had.
In the slim hours since leaving your doorstep he'd found himself choking over the thought of never seeing you again. Of his eyes never laying again on your face that gazed so happily up into his own, like you felt his warmth in a cold winter.
He was plagued, possessed, by the thought of never knowing more.
Never knowing the way you liked your tea, how you looked first thing in the morning, or worse, how your lips would feel slow and warm against his own.
He wanted to know your favourite song, and your worst fear. He wanted to know where you came from, how you found Fernglade, Washington. What's your favourite book, do you like to read? Would you like it if he read to you instead? Maybe you would, you'd be tucked against his side in bed and he'd tell you about his favourites. His favourite movies and the way he drinks his coffee and the shampoo he used. Maybe you'd play with his hair, braiding little flowers into the ends--
Sam groaned. His face fell into his hands.
This wasn't supposed to be happening. Not now.
But he supposed there would never be an adequate time for your arrival.
And god, you weren't even human.
Cross species soulmates weren't impossible - improbable, sure (about as much as being hit by lightening) - but not impossible.
It was only Sam's luck, the Winchester's luck, that they'd both been struck.
Castiel was an angel, but the concept seemed to fade off Dean quickly at the time.
Dean himself had been little help on the matter during the blurry drive back to the motel. "Hey. I mean, all things considered, fairy sex must be crazy."
Sam closed the tab on Dryads: A Modern Day Delve into Greek Mythology. Another page blinked up at him.
When the sun was still setting and Dean was still seated across from him, he had managed to do some work.
It distracted him, barely, but he managed to somewhat narrow the list of potential suspects.
The filters helped. Creatures that steal children. Creatures that live in the woods.
In all the webpages and in some text from John's journal he'd found a common thread. A thinly veiled one, but a lead regardless.
Goblins are generally found living in communities in burrows of forests across Western America. They are known to be mischievous and malignant spirits which often feed on small animals or easy prey and hunt during the warmer months before hibernating in Winter.
Children are easy prey, Sam thought.
Some subspecies were believed to be able to shift into the form of naughty children and sneak into nearby villages to prey on young humans.
It was the last thing his eyes ran over before he slipped the laptop shut. He crawled to the bed, wishing more than anything that his mind would cut him a break, before sliding under the sheets: seeking respite from the crisp autumn Washington
"Rise and shine, Sammy."
The hangers reeled noisily against the rod where Dean had ripped open the curtains and the stark light brought Sam to gasping consciousness.
Sam pulled the pillow up over his face, grumbling into it.
He made out the sound of Dean setting a coffee mug on the side table.
"What time did you get to sleep?"
Answered by another indiscernible whine, Dean sunk into the chair at the tiny table in the room. "Fine, fine ... but did you find anything helpful? Besides fairy porn probably."
It earned him a well-aimed smack in the face with a pillow.
Dean laughed jovially, "Okay, okay."
Sam rose up into a sitting position with a moan. He ran a hand over his face, the other grappling for the already cooling coffee mug on the table.
"Goblins." He muttered around the rim.
Dean paused his own sip, face falling into incredulity.
"Did you just say "goblins"?"
Sam nodded. He didn't elaborate.
"Listen, I know it's a conversation you probably don't wanna have ... but are you sure we're ruling out your little garden fairy from this equation? I mean, it really doesn't look good for her--"
"You're right. I don't want to have this conversation."
Dean shrugged. He fiddled with the coffee mug against his hand.
"It's not her." Sam added quietly.
Nodding slowly, Dean watched his brother with tentative eyes. "Have you thought about that? What you're gonna do?"
Sam rose from the bed, stripping off his shirt. "I don't know man. I don't even think she knows."
It had been a thought that occurred to him at some point in the previous night, that you didn't know. That it was probably selfish to keep it to himself.
"Right, well anyway," Dean reached into the tupperware you'd gifted them the previous afternoon. He'd already cleared out his own and was starting on a pastry from Sam's box. "I was thinking we should go speak to the third vic's mom. Kelly Williams. We haven't spoken to them yet and maybe they can tell us more."
Sam nodded. "Sure. You got an address?"
"No, but she's working a stall at..." Dean picked up a leaflet from the table that Sam assumed he'd found on his coffee run before he was up, "The Fernglade Sunday Market. We can find her there."
He disappeared into the bathroom, Dean heard the shower turn on.
"And you can tell me about this goblins story on the way there!" He called after him.
The door slammed shut.
"So you think goblins are coming into town and stealing kids out their back yards?"
The morning was warm and the market made it more so. It was out on a farm a couple roads down from the boys' motel.
There were little set-up stalls as far as he could see over lush green grass, selling cakes and jewellery and home-made soaps. Couples strolled hand-in-hand and children chased their parent's ankles.
Sam shrugged. "I mean yeah, it makes sense. Dad mentioned about the trees, Y/n mentioned about the forest too."
Dean nodded, his eyes rolling over the scenery. "Sure, but goblins? I've never heard of that anywhere, I mean, how do you even kill it?"
"Them." Sam corrected. "They live in groups."
Dean sighed. "Well that's gonna be fun."
Somewhere down the row, a man was singing behind a set up microphone with a guitar in his lap. A small crowd had formed to watch him.
Sam's stomach had begun churning with that feeling that made his organs feel like jelly again. He shrugged against the collar of his shirt.
"Right, well, there's Kelly Williams' stall." Dean glanced again down at the pamphlet, "Rings and Things ... how creative--"
But Sam's eyes had found on another stall. One further down from Kelly Williams', a little set-up of vases and stain glass sculptures. Rather ... they found the woman standing in front of it.
Of course it was you.
Standing against the breeze in another, unsurprisingly, light green dress. It was ruffled and shimmering and glittery and short. It made Sam's airways tighten to a shut.
You seemed intent on avoiding wearing anything that draped any further than just over the curve of your ass, and Sam prayed to anyone listening that it would stay that way.
Dean's face shrunk in confusion, he followed his brother's line of sight. He began to laugh, clearly finding you, and jostled Sam with a hand on his shoulder. "Well, isn't this just your luck."
Sam was sucking in deep breaths again. Dean shoved him in the side.
"Go talk to her, I'll speak to Mrs Williams."
Jumping back into semi-consciousness, Sam shook his head, "No, no, it's fine. We'll go--"
"Stop being a baby, Sam." Dean shrugged him off. "You're gonna have to talk to her eventually. And I hope you do a better job than you did yesterday, because that was a train-wreck."
But Dean's figure was already retreating.
"Asshole." Sam muttered under his breath.
Eyes found you again, they strained against the sunlight. He could make out your face from where he stood: it was twisting, falling into a creased brow that Sam didn't like the look of.
His legs began moving before he had chance to instruct them and it only took a couple paces of his long structure to find your side, heart thumping violently in his ears.
Your eyes lifted from the table, there was an elderly lady sitting in the shade of the cover and looking unimpressed.
"Sam." You smiled up at him and he swore in that second he could listen to you saying his name forever on repeat and never grow bored. "What a pleasant surprise."
"Hey." He sighed, it was louder than he anticipated and he could feel his cheeks growing warmer. "W-What are you doing here?"
You stuttered, "Well, I was just looking at this cute little crocodile--"
His eyes found where your hand was motioning over the woman's table. He was unsurprised to find it littered with stained-glass sculptures of animals. Lions and fish and elephants among others.
But the woman interrupted before you could find the end of your sentence.
"I don't sell to kidnappers."
Her elderly face was curled up in disgust. Sam was taken aback by her directness.
He was more taken aback by your polite smile at her.
"That's fine. I'll be on my way." You nodded kindly, looking back up to Sam. "Wanna take a walk?"
Sam's bones had begun aching with fury in the small seconds since he'd arrived. His brow-bone was heavy set against his eyes.
He glanced over at the crocodile you'd referenced. It was about the size of a shoebox, glassy in bottle green tones and grinning a mouthful of sharp teeth up at him. He could already see it sitting happily on a spot between your books and photo frames, maybe up on the mantle above your fireplace.
Brushing softly against your elbow with his hand, a movement that sent a stone cold shiver up his whole body, he shook his head. "Just one sec--"
He turned to the woman, sticking his finger in the direction of the lifeless creature.
"I'd like to buy that crocodile please."
"Oh, Sam, you don't have to--"
But the woman was unmoved, "No. I'm not selling anything to anyone associated with her."
She stuck a shaking finger in your direction and Sam suddenly wanted to rip the stall to pieces.
"We should just go..." Your voice was small and he fought hard against pulling your frame into his side.
Instead, he reached into his jacket pocket for his FBI identification: flipping it out into the daylight for the woman to see. Her eyes widened behind thinly framed spectacles.
"I said I'd like to buy that crocodile." His voice was stern, heavy laden with his trembling aggravation. "How much is it?"
The woman's face flickered between emotions, before settling on vexation. "Forty dollars." She mumbled.
"I'm sorry?"
"Forty dollars." She replied more clearly, face turning red in embarrassment.
Sam slipped away his badge and dug for his wallet in his pocket, he flipped between the notes and handed her two twenty dollar bills. The woman was quiet while she wrapped the creature, avoiding your and Sam's eyes in the process.
She handed it over with a scathing, "Get away from my stall."
"With pleasure." He turned to you, your face was a cherry red shade. "I'll take you up on that walk."
You stepped away, offering a small sheepish "thanks" to the woman scowling at your and Sam's retreating figures.
"Here." He handed you the crocodile gently, and you took it with tentative hands. "Get a lot of that?"
But you shrugged off his question, grabbing for your purse. "You really didn't need to do this, Sam. Let me just pay you--"
Sam stopped, taking your forearm into his hand - the tingle it sent up his body again didn't go amiss - and he huffed. "Please, please. Don't. It's a gift."
The sun was shining off your dress and it made your face seem lighter. "Sam, really, I can't ask you to--"
You paused, lashes blinking carefully up at him and god he could really kiss you right there--
"Are you sure?"
"I'm sure."
Smiling again, easing the tightness in Sam's chest, you nodded. "Fine."
You held the crocodile up to your face, "What are we gonna name him?"
"We?" Sam laughed and you laughed back at him.
"Sure, he's ours now." You tucked it under your arm again.
Ours. He was fragmentally taken away with the thought of something belonging to them, to us. A house, a couch, a dog (or a fox if that's what you wanted)--
"Anyways, where's the other one?"
Sam was brought back to the conversation.
"Oh, uh, Dean?" his eyes grazed over the stalls, pointing over to where Dean was talking with the tall Kelly Williams behind a tray of seashell necklaces. "Talking to one of the victims."
"Right, I almost forgot." You fiddled with your bag over your shoulder. "He decided whether he's killing me yet?"
His mouth tilted teasingly. "What makes you think that I've decided I'm not here to kill you?"
You shrugged, teeth flashing in a gut-wrenchingly beautiful smile. "Well, you bought me this, and ... you don't seem the type."
"The type?"
"Nah, you're too sweet on me already."
Sam's stomach did a somersault in his chest. "I--"
"Besides, you couldn't do it here. Too much blood, too many witnesses ..."
Sam's hair flicked over his shoulder where he tossed his head back to laugh. "Right. You've thought about the logistics already."
"Sure have." You nodded. "Any headway on the kids?"
"Some." He shrugged. "There's this fairy--"
"--living in this petting zoo in this cottage on the outskirts of town..."
"Fine." You conceded. "I won't ask."
"No, but we have--"
"Ah, look at you two. Getting along like a house on fire."
Sam hadn't noticed his brother's approaching footsteps. Dean clapped a jolly hand over his brother's arm.
You smiled in greeting. "Good morning Dean."
He nodded. "'Morning Tinkerbell."
Chuckling you nodded. "Good one. Haven't heard that before."
The sun was hot on Sam's shoulders, Dean was making it hotter with his conspicuous side eye.
"What's that you got there?" He motioned over the figure under your arm.
You lifted it up proudly, "It's my crocodile. Sam got it for me. The lady wouldn't sell it to me."
"Oh, Sam got it for you, huh?" Dean smirked, relishing in the admission.
The glitter in your eye was making Sam's knees buckle.
"W-We should get going ..." He shifted from his one leg to the other. "Work to do ... and stuff."
"Right," you agreed, fixing the strap over your shoulder again. "I should also head home, not very welcome 'round here anyways."
Confusion glazed briefly over Dean's face but he said nothing on it.
"Yeah, stuff to do." He nodded.
You began your walk past them, finding Sam's gaze. "Thanks again, Sam. I'll see you boys around."
His eyes followed you where your crystals were clinking around your neck. "Yeah. No problem."
Barely out of your earshot, Dean turned to Sam. "A crocodile, huh?"
"Shut up."
It wasn't another two days before Sam saw you again.
The boys dove head first back into research, Mrs Kelly Washington hadn't much more to add beyond the fact that she heard another child's voice in the moments before her daughter's disappearance.
"I mean, there was some mention in the lore about goblins being able to turn into kids. Naughty ones at that."
Dean sighed over his bar-top lunch. He took another swig of beer.
"Okay, so what, these ... goblins are coming into town as children and grabbing the kids from their yards? Maybe they'd met somewhere before then, at school or the park?"
Sam shifted the salad around his plate, bored. "Yeah, maybe."
There was a depressingly thin amount of information in John's journal on goblins and the website lore was too broad to even begin sifting through it before another child was taken.
"Well we know that eight kids are taken each time, right?"
Nodding, Sam took an unenthusiastic bite of tomato.
"That means there's still two kids to be taken. I mean, there's only been six victims and autumn is two weeks away from ending, if the story is true that they hunt before winter."
The boy's didn't have to wait long. They were less than an hour clear of the dilapidated bar they'd stopped in for lunch when the call came over the police monitor in the car.
"Units, this is dispatch. We have a suspected 134 at 98 Calvary, requesting assistance."
Code 134. Kidnapping.
Dean found Sam's eye across the front seat before taking a screeching turn into the next street.
Cavalry road was just a few streets down and the scene was as they'd expected. Burning red and blue cop cars littered the street and Dean pulled the Impala into a space between them.
There was a scuffle of officers, in the corner of the driveway a man holding a sobbing woman to his chest. The parents.
Dean and Sam flashed their badges at the nearest deputy.
"What's the situation?"
The officer huffed, tightening his grip on either side of his belt. "We think the kid was taken, Frankie Moore. Disappeared about two hours ago, the parents only called in the last twenty minutes. They thought he'd just run off."
Dean nodded and Sam watched over the scene around him.
"Any witnesses?"
The cop shook his head, Taylor, his badge read. "None. Right out the backyard, just like the others."
"Did the parents see anything, hear anything?" Sam pressed.
"Not from what we can gather from them right now, they're pretty out of shape." Taylor motioned back to where the Mrs Moore was desperately pushing out sentencing between racking sobs. "But we've got a suspect, they're out fetching them right now."
Dean glanced over the officer, "A suspect?"
Sam's hands were starting to itch. He twisted them against his the cuffs of his sleeve.
"Yeah, neighbour saw them out in the forest about an hour ago. Called it into dispatch. They never took it seriously until this call came in."
Somewhere behind them a short siren yelped from one of the cars.
"Did they have the kid or what?" Dean's face was laden with confusion, the story twisting around his brain.
"No, but they've been taken in on suspicion. Talk of the town and such." Taylor responded and Sam's heart sunk to his knees.
There was a click over the officer's radio. "Suspect is in custody."
He pulled it closer to his mouth, "Copy that."
Sam tugged up on the end of his sleeve, revealing his wrists in the afternoon light. They were turning a pinkish red. Handcuffs.
Dean's back stiffened at his brother's tone, eyes finding his wrists. He sighed. "You've got to be kidding me."
Sam's brain was turning muddy. "The suspect, is she a woman?"
Taylor nodded. "As far as I know, yes."
There was nothing else said.
Sam fled the scene as if the perpetrator himself. He flew into the passenger's seat with the force of an attacking bear.
Dean chased after him, slotting the key into the ignition: setting the car alight.
"Sam, I know what you're thinking--"
Houses flew past the car, streets and pedestrians, but Sam had no space to consider them.
"You don't know what I'm thinking."
But Dean was persistent, knuckles white around the wheel. "She's your ... your soulmate, I get that, but our leads are thin. Have you considered that she could really be doing this?"
The station came into view at the end of the road. Lights from the cars were flashing in Sam's eyes. His head spun.
"She's not a monster, Dean."
"But she is, Sam! She is! She's not a human."
Dean pushed down on the brake in front of the sheriff's station and Sam was out the car before it had fully pulled to a stop.
He threw the doors open. Officers were flocking around like seagulls over an abandoned hot dog.
Sam grabbed the arm of the nearest one, firm in his grip.
"The suspect, where is she?"
"Uh, they've just moved her to--"
The doors swung open again behind him and the rumbling of the station was overpowered by a loud low whine. It was followed by an equally distressed yelp.
Sam turned to find a row of officers, leading one after the other like ducks, each with a rattling metal cage of a different animal. Your animals.
Goose was yipping wildly in the confines of the box. A woman holding Lydia followed him. They come in procession: the rabbits, the ferrets, the ducks, the budgies.
"What the fuck!" An officer close to the door jumped out the way where Lydia hissed angrily at him from between the bars.
"No, please!"
Sam spun on his heel. His hands felt heavy with helplessness. It was your voice, echoing across the station and reverberating in his brain.
"Please, just leave them! They're not gonna hurt anyone. I haven't done anything--"
His feet chased after the sound. Sam found a long corridor near the back of the room, there were two officers tugging on either of your arms. Your eyes were bouncing wildly between each of the officers where they disappeared into the evidence room with your pets.
Your gaze found his own. "Sam!"
"Y/n." He was bounding down the corridor, long stretches of leg, but the officers were adamant in their grip.
"Sam, I promise I didn't-- it wasn't me. I swear--"
There was a loud huff and a heave and you stumbled backwards into a closed holding cell. Your hands wrapped between the bars.
"I know," Sam was breathless. "I know you didn't--"
Suddenly there was hands on his chest. "Sir, you need to get out of here."
"I need to speak with her--"
"Sir you can't do that. You need to speak to the sheriff."
Sam's chest was rumbling with a frenzied desperation. He couldn't pull his eyes off the fragments of your figure behind the bars.
The officers shoved him again. "Sir--"
He ripped himself off their grip, hair flushed back against his reddening face and he turned back down the corridor.
Dean was already at the sheriff's desk.
"--suspicious behaviour--"
"What the hell is going on?" Sam's voice rumbled across the room. "On what basis are you holding her?"
The sheriff was a small man and he looked smaller under Sam's furious stature.
"It's like I was telling your partner here, agent," He was patting a handkerchief over his balding head. "Y/n Y/l/n is being held on the basis of suspicious activity."
"What exactly is your definition of suspicious activity?"
The sheriff shrugged, "Well we got a call in of her roaming around the forest--"
Sam could feel his fists tightening at his sides, "What are people not allowed to go into the forest in this town or does that make them all kidnappers? You have no evidence--"
"Sammy, calm down." Dean's hand found Sam's chest but he shrugged him off.
"Release her. Right now."
But the sheriff shook his head. "Unfortunately, not even FBI have the power to do that. State's laws say she can be detained for 12 hours pending investigative procedures."
"Investigative procedures--?"
By then, Dean had him by the arm. "Okay, okay. Let's go cool off--"
He tugged Sam towards the door, surprising both himself and Dean by allowing him to do so successfully.
The cool dusk air rushed over his face. Sam took a deep breath.
"They have no evidence, Dean--"
"I get that, but you need to calm down. You're not helping the situation by threatening the sheriff."
An officer passed them with another cage. Three hedgehogs.
Sam ran a hand over his face. He took a deep breath.
"You don't even believe she's innocent, Dean."
There was quiet for a long moment.
Sam fell into a bench bolted against the side of the building. His hands found his face again. After a moment, Dean crouched into the spot beside him.
"Look." He sighed. "If you believe her, I believe you. Alright?"
Sam's eyes were watching his shoes. He nodded, only half believing his brother's claim.
They sat like that for nearly an hour with evening settling over Fernglade around them and the autumn crisp seeping into their suits.
After a long resounding silence, one that had stretched on past Dean's wide yawn, Dean rose to his feet.
"Sammy, we should go home. Get some headway on this goblins angle."
At that, Sam shook his head. "I'm gonna stay."
"What, until she's out?"
Dean's eyes were dripping in pity and it made Sam's blood boil.
"That's--" he raised his watch into his eyeline, "She's still got another ten hours. It's only six o' clock now."
Sam nodded. "Yeah."
Another cold silence.
Sam pressed his hair back with a wide hand, conceding. "Look, I'm sorry. But I'm gonna stay. You head back to the motel, do some work and get some sleep. I'll be fine."
Dean considered him, but he made no further argument and Sam thought momentarily it was maybe because he knew he couldn't budge him in the same argument with Cas.
"Alright. Fine." Dean nodded, tugging his jacket closer against the cold. "I'll see you in the morning."
Sam watched his brother's retreating figure all the way until the Impala had disappeared down the next street before going to stand.
The doors swung open with a whine, the station had cooled to a quieter buzz than when he'd first burst in. The sheriff had disappeared into an office off in the corner of the room.
Finding the nearest officer, Johnson, behind a short wooden desk, Sam approached him.
Officer Johnson glanced warily up at him from the papers he'd been filling out. He'd probably been witness to his first outburst.
"Uhm," Sam cooled his voice to a deferential timber. "The animals at the back, what's gonna happen to them?"
The officer set his pen down, "Well I'm doing the paperwork on them now. They'll be released if and when she does."
He shrugged, "Yeah, if they don't find anything they'll let her go. Only got twelve hours."
Sam shifted his weight, running his eyes over the station. Somehow it was colder inside than the bench he'd just abandoned.
The image returned to him again of your tiny green dress, the satin sleeves that reached down over your arms - he wondered for a moment if you wore them to cover all his scars - and the shiny ends that left your legs a prize for the bite of the freezing air that nipped at him even through all his layers.
He dug his hands into his coat pocket, pulling out his badge and his wallet and his phone to slip them into his pant pockets. Then he shrugged out the jacket.
Sam held it out to the officer. "Would you mind giving this to her?"
The officer took it with tentative hands, he gave it a glance over but made no move to stand.
"There's nothing in it." Sam huffed. "It's freezing in here, and unless you want her to die of hypothermia before morning, I suggest you do what I've asked."
He was considering it, Sam could tell by how his eyes flickered over the office door behind which the sheriff was hiding, but eventually elected to stand.
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pleasedonteatmedemon · 8 months
Jotaro part 4 yandere nsfw pls 🙏🏼🙏🏼
Sure, although for future reference please be more specific for what you're wanting.
ALSO sorry for the long wait!! I've been busy.
Constructive criticism is always appreciated!!
Cw: Very little manipulation involved, a kidnapped y/n, name calling,
" Good grief. I don't understand why you try so hard just to anger me. What good does it do to you? " Jotaro says, his single hand holding both of your wrists together. You look up at Jotaro with fear, he loomed over you, very tall compared to you. You had tried to escape through the window but had gotten caught while in the process.
You have been forced to be in this house for about four months; You originally came over to his house for a friendly dinner. Big mistake.
You couldn't bare looking into his eyes; They held such a cold look. Jotaro tilts his head, "Now now, not so bold anymore, huh?" He spoke. You bite your lip, hoping even if slightly-it would calm your nerves. You were oh so very fucked.
"Why would you even want to leave? I have plenty money, a nice house, and I know just as much as you do-" He stops, his face getting very close to your own; Too close for comfort. He moves his free hand and caresses your cheek. You close your eyes tightly, tensing up.
Jotaro chuckles lightly, "I'm a very attractive man...so why do you bother fighting back? I can give you everything you've ever wanted and more. But you're a smart girl, I'm sure you already know that." He says, finishing his sentence with a small chuckle.
You slowly look up at him, You couldn't help but feel scared at the moment. He wasn't wrong, you did find him very attractive but you were engaged to someone that you have a deep connection with, unlike Jotaro.
Jotaro sighs, his hand tracing your chin and then grabbing your jaw. You gasp. He looks into your eyes. "It's him..isn't it? What could he have that I don't?" Jotaro says. "Hm?" He adds, awaiting some sort of response.
Jotaro didn't seem too mad about the situation at hand anymore. He was pissed at first.
"Does he please you well? Make you feel good? Eh? Do you think that I can't?" He asks, you could smell the nicotine on his breath. "I-uh..." You choke out, your eyes widen at his boldness.
You actually had never had sex with your fiance. You were waiting for your wedding night. But you can forget about all that now.
"I'm right aren't I?" Jotaro says, a small smile presenting itself on his face. His voice stops your train of thought. You blink. "That's not- I-ugh..." You try to speak, you could feel yourself getting flustered. You huff in agitation and face away from Jotaro, his grasp on your jaw releasing.
"Just let me go, I don't understand why you like me so much! There are so many other chicks that would love to be forced to stay with you. let me go!" You whine, trying to break your wrists off Jotaro's grasp.
Jotaro lets out a small hum and watches your futile struggle. "Stop your whining, it's annoying." His grip on your wrists tightens, and you wince, then looking at him.
He looks up and then back at you "Why do I like you?" He says, then smiles, chuckling. "What's there not to like?" He says, tilting his head slightly, still smiling. "You're everything I've wanted, although, there is one thing..." He looks to the side, his smile fading. "You keep playing hard to get, it's so... agitating! Why can't you just love me?? " he looks back at you. He looked more annoyed than mad though.
'What a baby... I bet he's only upset because he's never been denied like this. God I wish I had his ego so I could tell him how selfish he is. He probably had everything handed to him since birth. '
This was probably the only time you heard him yell at you with actual meaning to it.
He grits his teeth before sighing. His eyes soften and he softly frowns. "Why can't you just love me? That jackass can't give you even a fraction of what I could. You're breaking my heart, you know that? I'm hurt. You're hurting me. You are such a selfish bitch." He states, his eyebrows furrowing.
You blink. 'What is this? Is this jackass seriously trying to make me feel bad?' You frown, looking away from him, slightly squinting your eyes in slight disgust. "I'm selfish..? You kidnapped me! You expect me to be okay staying in a house all day with a man I barely know claiming that he loves me?" You look back at Jotaro, your eyebrows furrowed.
Jotaro slightly widens his eyes at your small outburst. "Well-" You cut him off. " Jotaro, you may be attractive but that means absolutely nothing to me, you could give me all the money in the world and I wouldn't love you! You are not who I love Jotaro. I hate to break it to you but some people look beyond those things." You state, then biting your lip. You couldn't help but feel a little scared of how he might respond.
He gives you a wide toothy grin, then started laughing "Why-...Ha..." He takes a deep breath, his laughing stopped but is now replaced with a smile on his face. He uses his free hand to squish your face, you try to break his grasp by moving your head around but he manages to hold you still.
"That." Was all he said. "Wh-What?" You blink, feeling yourself start to burn up. Why was he laughing? Did you say something weird? "You don't care about those things, that's one of the many reasons I want you Y/n. I know you won't use me for money, and you won't want me solely for my looks. " He states, still smiling.
"What?" You say, your eyes were wide. He lets go of you, your wrists, and your face. You hold your wrists, looking down at them, then back up at Jotaro who was still smiling. "You never answered my question." He says, closing his eyes and sighing, his face going back to a poker one.
"What does that short bitch have that I don't?" He says, raising an eyebrow. You blink. "I-uh well..." You swallow, you could feel yourself getting red again. 'Why do I have to think about this? Oh god, he's smiling again that cocky bastard!'
You face away from Jotaro and cross your arms. "Well, he doesn't guilt trip me! And...And uhm... " You bite your lip, you knew that dick was smiling at you, you didn't have to look. "I-I actually know him!" You say. "Neither of those are an actual answer sweetie. Also, when did I ever guilt trip you?" He says, chuckling. "Also, you do know me.." He says, you look over at him. You noticed him starting to take a step towards you, you quickly back away from him, but after a few steps your back is sadly met with the window that you were trying to escape out of.
You look behind you then back at him. "Get away from me! I don't uh...I don't wanna be near you right now!" You say, avoiding eye contact with the bastard and balling your fists. You squeeze your eyes shut. You could feel him getting closer to you. "Oh...There is also another thing that I don't really like about you... you have horrible taste in men. " He chuckles.
You lowly open your eyes, looking up at him. 'This is so embarrassing... I mean... I guess when I really think about it... my boyfriend is a little boring, there's not really much about him- no...I shouldn't think that way...' "Well, He doesn't try to force me to love him!" You let out, your voice slightly cracking. "Still not exactly an answer. " He says, he put his hand under your jaw, pushing up, causing you to look at him. You only frown in defeat, looking up at him.
That look on his face, his stupid smirk...why did you feel so flustered??
"Just accept it, you're mine now. You can forget all about that basic bastard." He says. 'Wait... is his face getting closer to yours or are you just tweaking?? No...is he... he would never!'
Your eyes widen, his lips meet yours, his hands pin against the wall on each side of you. You freeze, tensing up, not moving a muscle. 'Why..why can't I move? What...what is this feeling? I need to push him away- but...' You close your eyes, setting your hands on Jotaro's chest, gripping his black sweater.
'what if...I just...'
You feel his tongue slide against your lips, you open your mouth slightly. You feel his wet muscle enter your mouth. You let out a small squeak. You feel his tongue explore your mouth.
You start kissing him back, your tongues intertwining. You feel him chuckle into the kiss. You could taste the nicotine in his mouth. You can't believe you're actually letting him do this. You feel so hot. His hands find themselves on your waist, squeezing you slightly.
You let out a small squeak. You find your hands trailing his chest... 'He's so...muscled...' Then your hands go higher, finding themselves around Jotaro's neck. His tongue just feels so nice against yours, he's such a rough kisser.
'Why am I letting him do this? Why am I...oh god...it just...it feels so right...It's..it's making me feel...oh god I'm so horny.'
Your hands go up to his head, your hands grip his hair. It's probably been years since you've had sex. But you're not sure if that's exactly where you want things to go to right now. You could feel your eyes get slightly teary, you felt so flustered and nervous.
Jotaro's hands go lower, oh god he's grabbing your ass. His hands go lower; to your thighs. 'What is he doi-'
He breaks the kiss, a trail of saliva connecting your mouths. You feel him grabbing your thighs pushing you up. In one swift motion you find yourself in Jotaro's arms, your hands now around his neck. "Ah," You let out, looking down, then at Jotaro.
You both just look at each other for a moment, your expression very different from his. You blink. "I didn't know you liked me so much..." He says, smiling again. "I-...." You didn't know what to say, you look away from him, you couldn't bear to look him in the eyes. "You're so red Y/n." He says chuckling. "Do I make you nervous?"
'Why does he have to be so bold...'
You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. He turns around, walking towards his bed. Conveniently you were in his bedroom. "W-wait wh-what are you-" You start but getting cut off. "Shhh, shut up." He says. For some reason you complied. He finally makes it to the white sheet-ed king sized bed, pushing you off of him and onto the mattress. You sit up, blinking at him.
This was just moving all too fast.
He gets on the bed, sitting on his knees in front of you, looking at you. He takes off his sweater and tossing it to the floor. 'Oh god he's even hotter without it- wait what the hell am I thinking I need to get out of here...But...I just kinda...don't...want to? What is wrong with me!'
Your heart was beating so fast. If you could get any more red and nervous you would, his toned abs and muscular form as well as his happy trail was almost too much for you. "I knew you'd finally come around princess..." He says only above a whisper. You slightly shook your head, your eyes wide as you watched him. He started crawling closer to you, you quickly closed your legs. "W-Wait, I-uh, Jotaro I don't really know if I-"
"Oh c'mon, you seriously don't want this?" He says raising his eyebrows, a hand landing on your knee. "It'll feel good I promise. You won't be leaving this room till your cum is all over my cock.." He says, his eyes narrowing at your form, looking you up and down. Your eyes widen at his choice of words, he's so vulgar sometimes.
You bite your lip, then looking away from Jotaro. You slowly open your legs. "That's my girl, now look at me, don't look away from me, I wanna see your face when I fuck you like the stupid little bitch you are. Oh, and don't even think I forgot about you trying to leave." He says, pointing a finger at you before getting in between your legs.
You look to the side then back at Jotaro. "S-Sorry..." You say in a whisper. You can't believe you're actually apologizing to him for that. He smiles, grabbing your tights, pulling them down. "Hm? What'd you say?" He says. 'That cocky bastard!' "N-Nothing...Never mind..."
He slides your pants all the way off, throwing them to the side. "God your panties are so soaked. You're that wet just from me kissing you, tsk, such a slut." He says as if he wasn't rock hard right now. You look to the side. "No no, keep your eyes on me, princess. Stop making me repeat myself." He says. You look back at him.
Your eyes widen once more, feeling his thumb on your pussy, rubbing your clothed clit. Your breath hitched. You then adjusted yourself, laying down. You start to wonder if your boyfriend would have been able to make you feel this good.
'No... it'd be much different...'
You were finally calming down, you didn't feel as embarrassed as you were before, and those feelings were replaced with new ones. You felt so vulnerable under Jotaro's touch, but.. it wasn't enough, you wanted more, you wanted him.
"J-Jotaro..." Oh god there it was again, you felt yourself get hot. "What?" His voice made you break out of the small trance you were in for a moment. "I- ah...I uhm, could you well, I...oh my god..." You wanted to tell him that you wanted him right now, but oh god were you in bliss.
"Hm?" That sound, his voice, was almost hypnotizing. You shook your head slightly, "Jotaro...Ah...Please, I-I want you..." You manage to say. His thumb stopped and he just looked at you for a moment before smiling. "You'll have to be a little more specific.." He says lightly chuckling. You furrow your eyebrows frowning but then sighing. You gulp.
"P-Please...uhm" You bite your lip, looking to the wall then back at him. "Could y-you... you... you really are a prick you know that? J-Just fuck me already.." You whine. Jotaro only chuckles in response. "Okay." He says.
You couldn't help but feel a little excited when you saw him start to undo his belt. You could see his bulge. Even though you haven't seen his cock yet, you could tell he was big from the size of the tent in his pants. Jotaro tosses his belt to the side, then focuses his attention on you.
He grabs a hold of your panties, pulling them off and tossing them to the side as well. He lets out a whistle. "God you're dripping." He says. He pulls his pants down, taking them off. He then pulls his cock out of his fly. Your eyes widen at the sight before you.
Calling Jotaro big would be an understatement. You swallow, watching as Jotaro slowly stroked himself. It seemed the carpet did match the drapes, you always thought his hair was dyed. Your eyes kept going back and fourth from his dick to face.
Jotaro takes off his boxers and set them aside. "Like what you see?"
You only looked at him with wide eyes.
His hands move to your body, caressing your clothed waist before moving upwards and squeezing your tits.
You were only wearing a tan top.
"No bra?" Jotaro says, his fingers circling your now hardened nipples.
He moves his hands down t the hem of your shirt. "Here, sit up for a sec."
You oblige.
He then lifts up your shirt, taking it off and tossing it away.
You go to lay back but you freeze for a sec, feeling his hands on your ass. "I want you on my lap." He states bluntly.
You blink. "O-Oh...Ok.." You say. Hesitantly moving yourself to his lap. You tried not to be squished against him but he pulled you in. Your hands moved to his chest. You could feel his dick against your pelvis. You only look up at Jotaro with wide eyes and a flushed face, he looked like he was in some sorta trance. His hands slide up and down your back, soothingly.
He closes his eyes and brings you in for a kiss; You reciprocate and your lips meet his. You squeeze your eyes tight shut. You wrap your arms around his neck. He was being much more passionate then before.
'His lips are so soft...'
You turn your head, deepening the kiss and sliding your tongue into Jotaro's mouth. Jotaro lets out a small groan, his tongue entangling with yours.
You were so wet. You were pretty sure you got your arousal fluid on his dick.
(You did, and he was loving it more than a kid at mcdonalds)
You feel him quickly jerk his hips up. You gasp through your nose, and your eyes open for a second. You continue kissing Jotaro, whining at him.
Jotaro breaks the kiss, a string of saliva connected your mouths.
You both look at each other with half lidded eyes.
"Lay down..." He says only above a whisper.
You oblige him and scoot off his lap, then laying down and spreading out your legs for him.
He then, in a swift motion, moves himself on top of you. His hands on either side of you. You gasped at the sudden action. He put his head on the crook of your neck, kissing and licking the area. You couldn't believe this was actually about to happen.
You feel him guide his tip to your entrance, sliding his dick across your slit.
"Look at you...I love you so much.." Jotaro mutters. You could only make some of what he had said out.
You felt him slowly ease into your entrance, going slow in hopes of not making you too uncomfortable.
Jotaro lets out a shaky breath, pushing himself fully inside you.
Neither of you had done anything that exhausting yet, but you were both panting like dogs.
He stayed there in that spot, heavily breathing against your neck and taking in this moment.
It was so quiet, but so loud at the same time.
You could hear his and your heartbeat.
You felt so warm and hot inside.
You shakily move your hands to around his neck, lightly petting the ends of his hair. You could feel him shiver against you.
Jotaro pulls his head back, just enough to look at you.
"You ready?"
You slowly nod letting out a "Mhm"
He pulls out, then quickly shoving himself back in. Your eyes widen and you let out a short gasp. You wrap your legs around him as he continued thrusting himself in and out of you at a rapid pace.
"J-Jotaro...I ah..J- hgnnnn..." You whine. His dick filled you so perfectly, it hit all the right spots. You couldn't help but arch your back, the way he hit your g-spot; it just felt to good.
Your eyes grow teary, you felt this buzz-y like feeling all over your body. You only look up at Jotaro. Even though everything was moving quickly you could still make out Jotaro's expression. His eyebrows furrowed and mouth agape. His eyes held such an infatuated look.
How embarrassing, you felt yourself already start to reach your limit. It really had been a long time huh?
You let let out short moans as Jotaro continued.
Just when you thought it wouldn't be possible, he started going even quicker.
His thrusts started to seem more desperate as he got quicker.
The only sounds that could be heard were both of your moans and groans, his balls slapping against you, and the creaking of the bed.
Was...was he also getting close?
You hoped so; you weren't sure how much more of this you could take before you'd burst.
"Y-Y/n-! I love you...!" He groaned out.
He puts his head in the crook of you neck, continuing his godly speed of fucking you.
You were twitching everywhere, you felt a very hot wave flow over you. Your eyes were getting teary. You could feel where your pelvis area tighten up. What is this feeling?
'Am I about to...!'
You twist your head away from Jotaro, Pushing down on Jotaro, pulling him in closer to you. "A-Ahh...I-... Jot-a...hgnnn ~ ..." You couldn't make out words. Your legs wrap around him even tighter. You felt your whole body tense up. Your whole body was tingling with pleasure.
You notice Jotaro had stopped, He was gripping the sheets, his dick still very much deep inside you. If you had to guess why, you'd say he had just came.
You finally come down from your high. Your legs drop and so do your hands.
He relaxes himself, laying down on you. Damn that motherfucker weighs a lot.
"Hm..?" He grunts.
"I can't breathe."
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bloody-cupcakes · 3 months
Yandere/dark Whittaker! Master x reader; you get caught trying to escape
Tw: yandere/dark content, gender neutral reader, implied kidnapping/Stockholm syndrome, soft femdom, the Master refers to the reader as pet in an affectionately degrading manner, the Master has a dacryphilia kink, implied smut at the end
You'd been caught trying to escape from the Master after she'd overthrown the monarchy of the alien planet you'd been visiting together recently. In all honesty, you had no idea why you'd ran away from her; she was the only family you'd ever known, the only home you'd ever had.
The guards held onto your arms tightly as they marched you to the throne room, preventing you from trying to run away again. The large marble doors opened to reveal none other than the Master herself seated on the ornate throne.
She look displeased as usual, though her face lit up the moment she saw you. "My pet," she cooed out sweetly, leaning forward so she could get a better look at you. "Where have you been, dear? We've been looking for you for ages. I've been so worried."
You kept your head down, glancing up at her with guilt filled eyes. "I'm sorry, Master. I- I didn't mean to," you insisted remorsefully. Your face heated up with shame as you looked down, clearly regretting your actions.
"Oi, look up at your majesty when she speaks to you!" One of the guards demanded gruffly, yanking your arm some in an effort to get you to listen. You let out a soft whimper in fear, something that caused the Master's blood to boil.
"That's enough," she snapped harshly at the guard. "Let them go." If looks could kill, they'd both be dead on the floor for daring to touch her beloved pet like that and speak to them that way.
They both obliged, letting go of you. You dropped to the floor almost immediately, kneeling as a sign of respect. The Master smirked in satisfaction at your action, pleased to know that she'd taught you well.
"Leave us." She dismissively waved the guards away, her attention focused fully on you. They both bowed before exiting the throne room, shutting the doors behind them. "Come here, pet. Come to your Master."
The good pet you were, you instantly obeyed. Knowing better than to get back up again without her permission, you crawled over to where she sat on the throne, resting your cheek against her knee.
"What a good little pet you are." She reached a gloved hand out and patted the top of your head affectionately. "Tell me, why did you run away, hm? You know better than that."
You whimpered at her words, for although her tone was gentle and kind you knew you'd misbehaved and were going to be punished because of it. "I- I don't know, Master. I got separated from you, and I was scared and confused."
The Master moved her hand down to the side of your face, lovingly stroking your cheek with her thumb. Your breathing became ragged as you spoke, and your eyes welled with tears, as though you might cry.
Her hearts broke for you; she could tell you felt guilty still and didn't mean to disobey her. "Oh, don't cry, sweetheart. I won't punish you this time. I can tell you feel bad enough as it is."
Her soft words of reassurance didn't do much to help calm you, tears spilling from your eyes and down your cheeks mere seconds later. "I- I'm sorry, Master... I really didn't mean to run away from you..." You sobbed quietly as you pressed your face into her lap.
As much as she felt bad for you, she couldn't deny just how much it turned her on to see you crying like this. She shifted some in her seat as her panties grew damp from her arousal, something you didn't notice due to how hard you were still crying.
"Now, now. There's really no need for all of this," she scolded in a light tone. "I'll tell you what, pet. If you behave for me by making me feel good, we can call it even and forget all about your transgressions. How does that sound?"
The Master grabbed your face gently with your hand, tilting your head upwards so you'd be forced to look at her. Your eyes were glossy still with tears, your bottom lip quivering with emotion as you watched her.
"Yes, Master. I- I can behave for you." Your voice was uneven and full of emotion due to your recent outburst, but she smiled nonetheless, glad she could get something productive out of your tears.
"Good pet. Now-" she moved the gloved hand that wasn't still holding your face down to the top of her pants and began to undo the buttons "-get to work."
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bookwormlover10 · 11 days
So remember that au/ fanfic idea I had were the Wayne family adventures Bruce Wayne adopted old Dcau Bruce and I mention that I had a similar idea of wfa Damien Wayne adopting thba/Dcau Tim Drake ( a.ka Timmy todd).....
You with me on this.... Yea... Maybe.....so here my idea of how it would go..
It is also worth noting that for Damien characterization I'm going for wfa Damien and from Dcamu ( the two I've seen at least) I also really tiny bit of the super sons comic. so if I get his characterization you can correct me .
So the super sons somehow some way get teleported in to the Dcau ( sometime around tnba and justice league.) The boys are obviously freaking out and confused. They eventually did fine out that there were in an other dimension. They were wondering the street of metropolis until they were found Dcau version on Lois Lane. When seeing a boy that looks like Superman and just so happen to have similar powers as him and a one dress as Robin she logically took the boys with her and fead them. Once the boys explain her what happened, Lois tells the boys that she'll bring them to one of her ex's to help. Turned out that the ex's she was taking about was Bruce Wayne AKA Batman. ( Yes the boys were quite Shell shock at the news. Jon is surprised this version on his mom known batman identity before his dad's.)
While there in the bat cave Damien gets to meet Dcau version dick and Tim. Damien gets to see Dick's glorious mullet. Tim took there being a potential Robin after him why better then Damian had thought. When asked about this Tim said " well I figured I'll change my hero name when I'm older. Like dick said ' you can't be boy wonder forever '." While Damien is there tim teaches Damien some Robin tricks and shows him around Gotham. Even though this version of tim Drake isn't quite like his Tim Drake has, Damien starts to like this Tim...And he reminds Damien of Jason for some reason.....
Speaking of Jason. When Damien asks were the second Robin was Tim gave him a confused smile and said " um I am the second Robin." Damien was like " what..." Then tim then went to explain his backstory and how he became Robin. Which was sounding huntedly similar to Damien...Damien mind then went to panic mode. Damien is now thinking what ever the joker did to Jason is going to do something similar to this.. Jason like Tim Drake
When it is time for the boys to go home. ( Through a portal or something You can figure out how they go home.) Tim gives Damien a hug and smile at him. Damien this thinks ' so joyful..was Jason like this before the joker got him ?' Damien then decides that he doesn't want, Tim to end up like Jason so he then grabs Tim by the arm and dragged him with him. What Damien didn't count on is Dcau dick Grayson to grab his brothers others arm and end up getting Bird-napped. (I mean.. surprise adoption ) With them
( this is the point were I started calling tnba Tim Drake Timmy and tnba dick Grayson...... idk Dcau dick... I'm also calling them Bird brothers when referring to both. To not be confused with the other bats )
When they get to the wfa universe the bird brothers are more than mad, they are royally pissed ! They then proceeded to Chase Damien ( with the help of Jon) around the place, yelling" Why the fuck did you do that ?!" And other stuff. The bird brothers chase Damien for a good hour until wfa batman ask Damien why decide to kidnap a Robin from an other dimension. ( Now let's cut to the image of Timmy todd having Damien in a choke hold.) " he's a Todd !!!" He chokes out leaving everyone in the room confused
After explain stuff like explaining Jason's and Tim's backstorys and vice versa ( except maybe Dick. His backstory is universal consistency.) " how do you know that the joker is gonna get to him. I mean the little guy stole the Robin suit like I did." Tim argues and Jason added " yea and just because he's a punk from crime Ally and the second Robin likes me don't been he's going to get killed by the joker !" " He may not die but he could get a fate worst then death!" Damien yells ( " yea and how do you know that ?" Tim asked " cause kid w.b !" ) so they take a DNA test to see who Timmy is a variant of and the test results are.......
Bruce: well congrats. He's both
Tim and Jason: what !
Bruce: well if were going technical he's both of yours half brother
Tim, and Jason: huh!
Turned out Timmy half of Tim's dads DNA ( or the universe were his name is Steve cause Timmy mentioned that his dads name was Steve instead of jack) and the other half Jason's bio mom's DNA. Making Timmy biology both Tim and Jason half brother. Tim and Jason are distraught by the news that Timmy's from the universe that both their parents fucked. They then made a pact that they'll both make sure that nothing bad is going to happen to their new little brother. ( To translate they both now agree with Damien to the surprise adoption)
Dcau dick couldn't really Care if Timmy had to two new half brothers from an other dimension at the end of the day Timmy was dicks brother not theirs ( it's not like he was jealous or anything) That did bring up that Dcau dick didn't know what happened to Timmy's mother when he asked him this Timmy response " she left pops and me when I was a baby. " He said like it was no big deal ( this bit is my personal headCanon that might make its own post about it. You can just skip this part if you don't like it.)
the bird brothers are surprised when they meet the rest of the wfa Batfamily. For one it's God damn huge. They never thought it was possible that Bruce might have a cousin. (Which is something they need to ask their Bruce if they ever see him again.) let alone having other people to help protect Gotham. This batman has an entire army and the bird brothers are wondering why he hasn't retire. That's what their Bruce would of done. ( Or at least they hoped their stubborn bat does.) they are very disturbed with wfa Bruce Wayne with how much he smiles.
Alfred is a conciict in every universe so they chill with him
As some Time goes by the wfa Batfamily notice that the bird brothers are literally from the 90s or 40s they can't really tell..that is to say that the bird brothers amazed by the technology. Like the TV's is flat and that now a phone can conveniently fit in your pocket and no longer attached to a Cord. Heck Dcau dick can still remember when color TVs weren't widely available, back in his Robin days. Timmy is amazed that not only the Internet in widely available it has also gone better too! They are also amazed with the advancements of video games
When the wfa Batfamily get to know Dcau dick Grayson they notice that he is quite different than their Dick. For one their shocked to learned that he quit being Robin and not only that he punched his Bruce while doing it and that he became Robin when he was around Tommy's age ( around 13) much older then their dick became Robin at 8 ( I also have a fun headCanon about that if you want to hear it) Dcau dick was pissed when he heard about this. His Bruce is a lot of things but at least he wasn't allowing an 8 year old fight crime! ( Except when he snuck out as a kid. But that's neither here or nor there)
he has no problem taking about his Robin days in quite detail. That or he mentioned something about doesn't e elaborate At ALL.
Dcau dick: this is worse than the time the poison ivy was going to feed me and and Bruce to carnivorous plants
The rest of the wfa Batfamily: huh !
Timmy on the other hand is not getting use to having more then one eleder brother... expechly ones that like to fight over him ... hes also geting really sick with every one tretting him like glass..... They even got his brother worried that something is going to happen to him. The worst part every time he makes a quip or dumb joke or even when he says or do something that any person who grew up in crime Ally would do. Wfa Bruce,dick and Alfred would give him a sad smile like their look at a memory from the past.
One night he sneaks out in his Robin costume ( yes the bird brothers are still fighting crimes. I just think that it would be really funny if everyone in Gotham just think that Robin and Nightwing are just constantly switching costumes... Or that their androids. ) anyways Timmy is just chilling on a roof thinking about home and stuff then out of nowhere Jason finds him. They started talking. Then Jason bring up how he was killed by the joker ( and other Jason angst stuff. ) worning the little dude about his potential future. then Timmy( who is starting to get tired of this joker bull shit. To be honest) gives Jason a very serious look and asked him "if you could would you do it all over again?" " What?" A confuse Jason response " I'm asking if you could go back in time would you die a hero or live." Timmy gradually raise his voice" it's not a hard question ! Would you do it all over again?!" Timmy gets so frustrated and leave. Leaving a very puzzled Jason.
That is all I can think up at this time or more likely putting my ideas into words. That makes sense cause there's much. Heck I might add more on and make it into an au if enough people like it or people are free to use it as a fanfic prompt I don't mind. I just really wanted to get this idea out into the world.
Also let me know if I mischaracterize someone cause my experience with Batfamily characters are mostly from animation and the webtoon ( duh) and have read little of Batman comics.( To be honest I read more flash comics then batman) Thought I have read some Dcau tie in comics
*Here so drawing that I did*
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alagaesia-headcanons · 8 months
I'll never get enough of the AUs where Murtagh in some way, at some point ends up in Carvahall instead of Uru'baen. There are so many potential variations of how he gets there and who he stays with and even the little differences have some really fun effects. I'm especially intrigued by the idea of Murtagh growing up there while still clearly remembering Morzan and his dragon and where he came from. I think it makes for an interesting counterpoint to canon where Murtagh can't escape his past and his father's legacy because that's what everyone sees in him. Instead, in Carvahall, his past becomes such a dangerous taboo that it can't even be acknowledged, much less focused on. Rather than his past restricting him in its grasp, it keeps sliding out of his own grasp, defying all his efforts to understand what it means for him and what everyone else might feel about it. Black and blue eyes and gleaming red scales haunt his dreams, but he has to swallow those memories down every time.
Assuming Murtagh grows up with Garrow and Marian, when he first arrives with all his fear, he's determined to never breath a word about any of that. But he gets older and starts to second guess that resolve- Eragon aches to know who his father is and Murtagh hates lying to him. He deserves to eventually know the truth (what Murtagh thinks is true, that is), even if it's painful. And it gnaws at Murtagh's own heart to wonder if his family would accept him if they knew, or if the only thing perpetuating his acceptance is their ignorance. At night, he tosses and turns wondering if he's turning out just like his father, a question he can never answer because he has no reference of Morzan beyond his own dim, scattered memories.
One of my favorite AUs like this that exist inside my brain follows that track and actually stays very close to canon. Murtagh grows up alongside Eragon, and plans to tell him about his past when he turns 16, but before that, the Ra'zac arrive and he's tortured as well as Garrow. He pulls through only to discover Eragon vanished with Brom and he goes to track them down, eventually saving them when they're the ones at the Ra'zac's mercy. Then when he's kidnapped and enslaved, there's so much more heartbreak and guilt because he's pitted against everyone he grew up with and cares for. And maybe Brom gets to live so there can be a reckoning when Murtagh does tell Eragon what he believes about their parentage, following him as he struggles for the courage to face his son and tries to find any way to help his step son, before it's all too late.
For something that goes quite differently, I've been thinking through an AU where both Selena and Morzan live. Selena fakes Murtagh's death to disguise her stealing him away and she and Brom raise him and Eragon in Carvahall. They love and protect them fiercely and the boys grow up safe and happy, but whenever Murtagh tries to ask about the things that happened before, they swiftly shut him down and dissuade him from ever mentioning it out of their own fear of the past. It leaves him feeling out of place and fragmentary. And that comes at a cost when Morzan appears, under orders to search for the egg. Murtagh has to hurriedly figure out what he was never able to, now with so much danger hanging in the balance, because no matter how Morzan could want to treat him, that might not matter against the king's orders. And Selena and Brom have to confront their own snarled relationships with Morzan that were never truly laid to rest. (It also caters to my desire to jerry rig the three of them into a very messy and emotionally charged polycule.)
In that one, I build something more redeemable into Morzan's character (soon I definitely plan to elaborate on why I find that a fascinating angle to take with him). I don't know if anyone would want it, but I wrote a drabble for that AU when Murtagh first sees Morzan again, and I could brush it up and post it. [EDIT: here's the fic] I just love the idea of small town farm boy Murtagh who's peaceful and amiable and also just a little bit off. Like maybe sending the guy who dreams each night about blood red swords and dragon's snapping fangs to go plow fields won't last forever.
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gauloiseblue · 23 days
Ok so, you don't have to do this if you're not accepting requests. But I am way too insane about IOFAB and idk why. It has been in my head since the beginning of May. I couldn't focus for weeks, that's how good it is (it didn't really help that the Kendrick v Drizzy beatdown happened).
Can we have more stuff in the IOFAB verse? Maybe something from König's POV (this guy has to be aware that he's just making her hate him even more)? Maybe life after the last escape/shooting incident can't believe the guy actually did multiple rounds with a bullet in his shoulder that's gotta hurt, pregnancy, or kids? Or maybe domestic horror fluff (if that's actually a thing)? Or something about how he managed to keep reader as his lawfully kidnapped wife (this guy definitely put trackers in her ring)? I just realized that I keep referring to reader/darling as his wife even though they ain't married yet Or maybe even an alternate timeline in which deals with what would happen if they did meet but those guys had to actually disclose that they found those survivors which would mean König would not be able to have her?
IOFAB König is so different from the other yandere Königs because he actually shows his hand right in the beginning. Like he's not just some oWo shy guy that is a yandere that goes “maybe I should keep you here with me so that you wouldn't leave me, schatz haha jk... unless 🙂”. He just straight up “You're with me now. Sooner you accept it, the better it will be for you”. He wouldn't hurt reader but he definitely wouldn't hesitate to drop kick a kitten or even his children if they would somehow aid her in her escape.
Something something he would put the world at her feet but wouldn't ever let her see her family ever again. Something something you could put the world through eternal winter and starvation but he won't ever let his goddess go, not even for 6 months. Something something he would hunt her down in their next life. Something something God never blessed him so he's taking one of His blessed angels for himself. Something something he's worshipping the ground her chained feet walk on. Ok now this is getting too long. In short, this guy warrants the “Why are you like this” microscope and “You're not a human nor a dog but a secret third thing” and you don't have to but if you want to, please please please please please can we have more IOFAB?
Zero, you're now officially the number one fans of IOFAB XD idk if I should be glad or concerned about it.
I mean, if you wanna theorize about their future and stuff, I'll gladly answer it. But for me, the story already ended here. I don't really plan to write a continuation of it. Maybe I'll write a lil bit of it in other people's POVs but that's it.
As for König's POV, I think we've covered a lot about his psychology. Like, of course he knew she hated him, but it wouldn't last. If he keeps on giving her what she needs (tolerance, space, care, etc), she'll eventually come to love him, or at least tolerate his presence. It's like a 'trust the process' situation.
I won't really write about pregnancy and kids, because it's more fun when I let the reader decide what's best for her. My actual HC is she'll only have 1 kid, and it's a boy. That's it.
There are 3 endings that I've thought about, it's either; (1) she manages to escape with the help of the maid (The Handmaiden storyline, wlw), (2) she's staying with him until the end (Göth's dream), (3) she's rescued by the third party, there's a possibility that he or the reader dies in this scenario (the realistic ending). But I won't make either of them canon, bc where's the fun in that?
As for the AUs, I haven't got the right idea for it. I think yours is good, but I honestly don't know where to start 😅
Personally, in my humblest opinion, I think shy yandere shouldn't exist in fiction. I fucking hate it, because it's very manipulative in the cheapest way. Like, they'd appear "harmless" like a weirdo, but would go 180° at any given chance. And what makes me hate them the most is that they'd go back to their shy shell when they're being cornered. They can't and won't take any responsibility for their actions. Oh, he kissed you without your consent? Well, that's your fault bc you seduced him (even if you didn't). Every time I read about a shy yandere man, I just wanna bash his head with a bat. Like, you're not fooling anyone with that attitude. Just take what you want and admit it, even if it means you have to be ruthless.
I must admit, IOFAB König does hold a "secret third thing" vibe, because I don't think he exists irl in terms of personality. He's like, if patience is taken too far, and if patience is the source of horror. He doesn't really worship her, but he views her as the rarest and the most exotic thing. If you ever read about the exotic animal keeper, or the curator of the rarest arts, then you'll understand why he behaves that way. They're very patient, and they're very possessive of their treasure. If the tiger that they keep bites their arm, they won't put it down. They'll find a way to tame it—they'll try to win its affection instead. If one particular art requires so much maintenance, and so much cost to keep it in good condition, the curator would pay for it. They won't abandon the art piece, because they know how much it's worth. That's how König views his wife.
I know it sounds like he's objectifying his wife, but sometimes humans love their things more than other humans. I'm just using that feeling as the base for IOFAB König.
Maybe I'll write about the domestic horror stuff, but I still don't know how, so no promise 🤔
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katyspersonal · 2 months
i saw your post about your predictions for messmer and they're all interesting, so do you think Messmer would be one of those fromsoft "irredeemably villains" or he would have shades of grey like Martin's main characters ? if i am not mistaken Myazaki said something about Messmer being one of the characters GRRM wrote for the game.
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Thank you for the compliment @ first anon! And yeah, I assume that Messmer counts as one of the characters that Martin wrote, referring to the bit of interview @val-of-the-north helped me to find just yesterday!
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( x )
Miyazaki and Martin really write their 'villains' differently, huh? My observation is, Fromsoft style is more along the lines of "Yeah this character done shit beyond the very scope of how us simple humans can even define a sin or crime, but also allow us to present it all in such a confusing, existential, grand scheme manner that you'll doubt whether character is truly in the wrong. Heck, is ANYONE in the wrong? In fact, what if the worst people are the best? What if no one has the real choice anyways but to pick their own poison? What if the most atrocious decisions are actually the most heroic? What if-
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YEAH YEAH whatever shuddup. Martin really feels more common "This character having been a victim doesn't excuse their crimes but also this character's crimes don't make bad things that happen with them right". And so far I've noticed that Elden Ring's writing of the 'bads' falls MORE on Martin's side, even if some previously familiar tropes are there!
I'll use Mohg as volunteer! Mohg is presumably a sex offender, towards his half-sibling too, but you can't help but feel bad for him being raised in the severs and alienated from his family as abomination save for his twin brother that expresses results of such oppression differently, but you can't really excuse anything! If Elden Ring was a pure Miyazaki's creation, no Martin's involvement, execution of his "morality" would go more like: when Mohg was trapped in the severs he saw a dream that actually revealed the true meaning of this world to him and now he knew only one way to end the pain like he and Morgott experienced and fix the world to the better existed, which was to get into a system Greater Will set up and become a consort for the only available Empyrean, was he REALLY in the wrong to choose one crime to end many ooooo something something train dilemma maybe he'd be a way worse person if he learned of the one way to fix the world and still did nothing clinging to a morality that doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things OR MAYBE DOES IT OOOOOOHHHH
Basically the latter vibe is not something I am seeing in the big bads of Elden Ring as much! They ARE morally grey, justified or not justified not by some transcendental existential matters but by combination or their very close, very realistic circumstances and how they've reacted to them! The debate on whether character is redeemable boils down to how much agency one can have in this or that situation more than the "horror of knowing your choices"! So, I expect Messmer to be "morally grey"! Maybe whatever he did, under assumption that he DID do something bad, came from his own flaws but he'd have a point in his own way. Or maybe he was done dirty in his life and:
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As for whether he'd be worse than Mohg? I think he COULD be! Mohg kidnapped Miquella in his stasis and is now worshipping his "dead" flesh in his madness. The only worse thing to do would be to like, annihilate Miquella, which I CAN see Messmer potentially doing! He spoke with a disdain towards being devoid of Grace from how I've interpreted it, which Miquella did do:
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Okay, okay, maybe we will NOT get a dramatic scene of him obliterating Miquella just before we got a chance to do anything, that might be a stretch! Let's HOPE that won't happen! But there could be an attempt, or he could be holding him hostage like @alma-amentet said. AND there could be a general sentiment by Messmer having a very...... awkward position regarding existence of those he deems less worthy or unequal (by being devoid of Grace in this case) that passes beyond the level of simple oppression, let's JUST call it that fsdhfhsd
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And, again, there of course would be some "reasoning" behind that attitude that'll leave space for debates! Like maybe Marika herself hardcore trained him to be this way before leaving, and he had no real means to reconsider being in isolation from the 'real' world! Whatever made him this or that way, as a bad/worse person is not a result of Eldrich madness or sense of the world ending anyway, but something very understandable and human. Sympathetic, even! I can already imagine the "he had no chance for a perspective change or more information, but it is still what it is, so he is still terrible even if not willfully" sentiment! Or something close!
Okay thank you for the asks, but I must admit, it's been 8 years since I touched Martin's writing and my memory might be failing me with some specifics! And, of course, the difference between Miyazaki-only writing and Martin being involved is not that drastic, I've just tried to maximise it to actually make a point! It is still a collab, and I am betting more on Martin-style approach with Messmer; this is just my version of what his critical flaw could be if it WILL happen!
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echowithpain · 4 months
So Season 7 Episode 6, (the episode that'll be after the two week break) is apparently titled,
"There Goes The Groom"
Dumbass glasses going on in 3,
Alright! Let's see what we're working with here. *nods at title* Mhm, I understand:
✨Chimney is gonna get kidnapped and the entire episode is gonna revolve around finding him and getting him back in time for the wedding✨
Okay let me explain a bit. "There Goes the Groom" is basically the opposite of "Here Comes the Bride" and obviously we don't even want to consider Chim running out of the wedding so scratch that off your lists.
Another way that can be taken is like the other play on words "There Goes the Neighborhood" where something/one moves in and it's so bad that it's making everything worse just by being there, so I guess that could be interpreted by either Chim's dad being there and stressing him out so much he wants to leave for some space, or it could be the Buckley parents being horrible people and Chim wants to leave for some air (also when I say leave I mean like step outside or go for a quick walk, not leaving Maddie). While on the walk he notices someone is hurt in a car accident and goes to help only for them to come to and drive off all crazy like that one scene in season I can't remember where Buck had to chase them down on a bike-
I literally JUST remembered there was a movie in the 90's called There Goes The Neighborhood and I think that's actually what it's referring to!!!
In the movie there's a shit ton of money buried in the basement of this house that was stolen from a mafia casino or something like that (it's been a bit since I've watched it lol) and a bunch of people are trying to get to it! You know what made me think of this???
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Why is this picture important??? CAUSE IT REMINDED ME OF THIS PICTURE!!!!
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And then because it's in police custody, there could be a race to break into the police station to see who can unlock the box and see what's inside first without getting caught! I don't know about y'all but those lights and that ceiling in the first pic make me think of the evidence room in a police station lmao. This could be a super fun episode guys omg!!!!
Oh my fucking god it's actually starting to make sense (or maybe the dumbass glasses are still halfway on) because in this pic (moreso the second one but they came together so you get both):
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It looks like they were moving stuff out of the destroyed house, hence why the chair is out on the front lawn, and as they get to the basement, destroyed from the jet, that's when they find the random locked box that goes into police custody because the officers don't know what's in it. Drugs? Weapons? A bomb? Nuke launch codes?? ... Money? 👀✨
And because there's paperwork that needs to be done and phone calls that need to be made before they can even look inside the box, that's when people start to guess about what's inside
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This pic could be Ravi pitching the idea to Buck and Eddie for the three of them to go see what's in the box for themselves which could lead to Buddie leading him away and definitely asking him in private, "Are you saying you want to break into the police station and snoop around in their evidence just to see what's in a random box we found?"
And Ravi goes, "Yeah, don't you?"
And Buck goes, "You do realize how dangerous that is right? Breaking into a police station with officers everywhere?"
And Eddie goes, "Not to mention the box should still be locked. What's your plan then?"
And it goes back and forth and Ravi slowly convinces them to join him and help him out. Insert shenanigans and a lot of distractions and close calls before they finally get to the now unlocked box that's!!!...
Completely empty.
(inserting pic again for reference, if that's not a WTF?! face on Ravi then idk what is. They're even wearing gloves so they don't get caught 😂)
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But how could it be empty? They heard stuff rustling around in it when they found it and moved it out of the basement. That's when the show can do the fun thing they do where they go back and tell the story!!!
But where does the groom part come in? Idk maybe it was Chim's bachelor party but because of the jet crashing it was an all hands on deck where firefighters who didn't have a shift had to come in to help? Or maybe they were planning the bachelor party but plans keep getting interrupted with calls. Who knows? We certainly won't until May 2nd lol
Maybe the whole breaking into the police station was Chim just joking around about how it could be money and they could use it to help pay for the wedding, and then Ravi took the idea and actually did it with Buck and Eddie. I have no idea! But I do know, this has the potential to be a really fun episode. The first on the new network!
And by fun episodes I mean like Oceans 9-1-1, Jinx, Treasure Hunt, Brawl in Cell Block 9-1-1, Cursed. Episodes you're watching and can feel yourself getting invested or just having a good time (I wanna say the full moon episode and Karma's a bitch from season 1 but I didn't like the cheating Hen storyline or Abby's character. Why start off the show with one of your married lesbians cheating on the other? Also I just didn't like Abby's character lmao)
The cruise ship disaster is gonna take 3 episodes and while I'm sure there's gonna be fun moments, it's mostly gonna be drama focused with trying to make sure Bobby and Athena are safe. Then we got episode 100 the Buck musical extravaganza 🤡 but because it's the 100th episode I won't count it cause people expect it to be fun (or full of pain, who knows with this show) and then there's "You Don't Know Me"... I doubt we're gonna be having fun.
Anyway those are my thoughts! Dumbass glasses are being safely stored away until next time✨ (along with my clown makeup 🤡) And again, if Episode 6 isn't exactly like how I said, word for word, then literally unwatchable 😤
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yawnderu · 6 months
Hi, your posts always come up when I’m searching for fanfiction for this one specific character I like. When I’m browsing the search of this character, the majority of your work that pops up are the “darker” themed stories, and I’m not sure if that’s exclusively what you write or if that’s just what’s popping up, but I was hoping to ask you a question. It comes from a place of genuine curiosity, so I hope it doesn’t come across as rude, although it might, and that’s definitely not my intention. I’m genuinely curious as to why you write explicit sexual assault fanfiction? You tag your stories with “noncon,” referring to nonconsensual sex which is obviously rape. I’ve also seen stories tagged with “drugging” and I’m genuinely so confused about the psychology of “dark” writing. I’ve seen some people say it’s a coping mechanism so maybe that’s it? I’m 20 years old, but I cannot imagine being a 13 old girl (which tumblr is FULL of) and seeing stories which have the premises of “hot guy character” and “sex,” and it’s just literal rape or drugging or manipulation (or as you tag, “gaslighting”). I really don’t mean to be harsh, it’s just astounding how you feel comfortable writing that stuff, because it’s not like these “dark” topics are being condemned, it’s very clear that’s it written on the premise of being “forbiddingly sexy”. Because all of these posts are full of supportive comments, it’s so obvious that this normalizes sexual assault and why? All because the guy character doing it is “hot”? My opinion is that it’s so dangerous and I cannot imagine how I would have felt if I had seen these stories and the reactions to them when I was younger as a sexual assault victim myself. I’d really like to hear the perspective of an author of these type of works. This message does not come from a place of judgement.
cw: talks of sexual assault, rape and violence.
As a CSA and SA victim, it's mainly used as a way to cope. It doesn't normalize sexual assault in the slightest, it's simply a kink many victims develop after being abused— everyone has their own ways to cope. NONE of my content including the fluff is ever written for minors, and it is not my responsibility if a minor reads it despite having a huge MDNI in my profile and actively encouraging any minors to get off of my blog.
I believe the time you spent writing something that very clearly comes from a place of judgement could have easily been spent googling your questions, but I'll gladly answer.
Sometimes people develop certain kinks out of fear and trauma— coming from someone living in a very small country where women get raped, kidnapped, and brutally murdered daily and spent years being a shut-in to avoid these things, it definitely comes from the factor of being able to have a controlled environment to write the things I'm scared of. I obviously don't want to be raped or be SAd again in real life, so this is all very clearly a fetish.
The reason why it's not written as condemned is because it's very obviously a kink? I'm not really sure what you expect when you see the warnings and continue reading. Since you mention the "gaslighting" thing I'm going to assume the character you're initially talking about is Simon Riley— and it would have taken you exactly 2 seconds to go to my profile and look at the masterlist with over 20 works to realize that's not all I write in the slightest— actually, I haven't put any of my works of the past 2 weeks in the masterlist because I've gotten lazy, so you'd only see 1 darkfic compared to everything else.
You mention multiple times how you'd feel if you saw my works as a child and that's the thing love, not a single one of my fanfics is ever meant for children or teenagers to read. These are grown men I'm writing about, I don't even want minors reading my fluffy things or even interacting with me at all— but if it helps, as a teenager I used to read works like these and it helped me process A LOT of my trauma later on in life lmfao.
I've been molested as early as I was 6 years old, and this went on most of my life growing up until I was in my late teens, so it's pretty fucking weird to say my fics normalize sexual assault because that's far from what it is, it's simply a FANTASY with FICTIONAL characters, none of it is real and I don't want it to be real, I don't want any of my readers to go through any of these things in real life, so I'm not really sure what the point of even accusing me of that was.
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ryin-silverfish · 3 months
Chapter 27-28: Spooky Scary Skellington
(Finally getting back to the book club after a few busy months...)
Chapter 27:
-The White Bone Spirit is one of the most iconic demoness of JTTW, and, as JTTW Research's post on her origin suggests, is likely inspired by the White Tiger Spirit + the giant skeleton nearby in 大唐三藏取经诗话.
-However, when Tripitaka asked about the origin of said giant skeleton at the bottom of a fiery pit, the Monkey Pilgrim gave the strange answer that "This is the place where the Heir Apparent, Ming Huang, changed his bones."(此是明皇太子换骨之处)
-What does that even mean?
-Well, at first, I thought it was just referring to "Corpse Release"(尸解), where Daoists attain immortality by leaving behind a fake corpse——usually a transformed object such as cane, clothes or shoes——to literally trick death.
-Then I finally got to read "Birth of JTTW"(西游记的诞生) by Cai Tieying, in which he traces the "changing of bones" to a legend in the Song dynasty record, 默记.
-Summary: an assassin was sent to kill Tang Minghuang (after he basically abdicated due to the An Shi Rebellion), hit him with a hammer in his sleep, and the hammer just bounced off his head with a clang.
-Minghuang woke up and was like "Yep, I've been expecting this"; ever since he had consumed jade and a golden elixir of immortality under the advice of the famous Daoist Ye Fashan, his bones were transformed into literal jade.
-So if the assassin wanted to kill him for good, he gotta split open Minghuang's skull and take out the elixir——an advice the assassin promptly followed.
-That peculiar little trivia aside, there is a theory about SWK's ability to see through demonic disguises in the Chinese JTTW booksphere, which might explain why Tripitaka never seems to trust him on that regard.
-Unlike in TV adaptations, the "Fiery Eyes and Golden Vision" doesn't work like an X-Ray; rather, it's more like an infrared thermal camera.
-This means SWK can't literally see through a demon or immortal's disguise and perceive their true form, just the general "aura" around them in the form of demonic or auspicious Qi.
-Thus, when this aura is hidden by ambience Qi, altered to fit one's general appearance or less on-the-nose(as later chapters would show), SWK's magical vision also takes a dive in accuracy.
-Furthermore, prior to WBS, none of the demons they encountered had used a human disguise in order to capture Tripitaka.
-So even if SWK said "Hey master, I can totally see through demonic disguises" after he killed the demoness(which he didn't), without precedents, it's gonna sound like he pulled the ability right out of his ass, as a shoddy excuse to justify murdering humans——something Tripitaka did witness before.
Chapter 28:
-Fun fact: during the Qing dynasty, there's a big-budget opera adaptation of JTTW called 升平宝筏, exclusively performed in the royal palace. In this version, the White Bone Spirit and Yellow-robed Demon are actually sworn siblings!
-After Yellow-robed Demon kidnapped the princess, she was the one who helped talk her into accepting the marriage. So when she was killed by SWK, Yellow-robed Demon was furious, and, as revenge, kidnapped Tripitaka + turned him into a tiger later.
-Combining different arcs, much like adding unnecessary romantic subplots, is actually quite common in Qing opera adaptations of JTTW. This change, however, makes more sense than the others.
-First, it explains the "family" that WBS offhandedly mentioned, secondly, the two arcs are already sequential, so making the two demons related doesn't seem like that far of a stretch.
-The burning of FFM is heartwenchingly described, and arguably where most villainous characterizations of Erlang come from. However, hear me out——I don't think he actually did it.
-At the end of Chapter 6, after Erlang caught SWK, his brothers was like "Enough talk, let's take him to the celestial realm." To which Erlang replied that sorry, they were not recognized as part of the celestial bureaucracy and literally not allowed to meet the Jade Emperor.
"But don't worry, I'll go report to the Jade Emperor together with the devarajas, you six stay behind on FFM to do a thorough search of the mountain(搜山). Once you are done, return to Guankou, and right after I get the rewards, I'm heading straight back to share it with y'all."
-Indeed, in the next chapter, after the Jade Emperor gave him a lot of gifts, he said his thanks and returned to Guanjiangkou, where his temple was at.
-My theory is, Erlang did not lead the burning personally, or give a direct order to——he was still in the Celestial Realm, making reports while FFM burned.
-And his six sworn brothers, being hunters and martial men, interpreted "search the mountain" rather liberally in his absence and left out the details once he returned with their reward.
-Just as usual, another job well done, let's get the victory party started.
-Of course, whether Erlang was personally there, leading the burning, makes little difference to the monkeys of FFM; it wasn't him, but he sure as hell wasn't NOT involved either.
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raayllum · 11 months
I don't know if you've already posted about this, but why do you think Claudia seems to have a strong hatred towards Rayla that she refuses to acknowledge her and refers to her as "their elf" in her reflection short story. Could it stem from Rayla being the catalyst that essentially turns Claudia's world upside-down, or does it stem from a sort of jealousy somehow?
Oh bless, as I was just thinking about Claudia's end of her and Rayla's dynamic (given that she also has more of one, tbh)
I've written metas about Rayla and Claudia's dynamic previously (X, X, X, X) but most of that has been from a Foils perspective rather than an interpersonal one. For that, I'd recommend the fic I co-wrote, "if heaven and hell decide," a S2 divergence where Claudia and Soren don't betray the trio right away at the Moon Nexus, and thereby spend the bulk of the season actually travelling together as a group.
As to your actual point of Claudia's view on Rayla, well, first and foremost:
Rayla is an elf, and that means she's not a Person.
“So are you two… Did I interrupt something? Between you and… your elf?” Claudia asked, lifting her eyebrows slightly. (—Book Two: Sky novelization)
Where Terry and Aaravos are exceptions, likely precisely because they are willing to help Claudia with her goals, Rayla is never anything more than an obstacle, and there is never ever given even a shred of conceivable 'humanity'. This is best seen in her response of her smiling at the prospect of Soren murdering Rayla, citing not even that the girl is an assassin, but that she's an elf (although, with Moonshadow elves, that could easily be one in the same):
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It is also most likely, given that Claudia is the one (1) other character we see refer to elves as bloodthirsty (whereas Viren reassures Runaan that his drink is berry juice) that Claudia learned stories about elves from Amaya and then told Callum and/or reaffirmed stories that Callum heard from his aunt.
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Never mind in the one (1) interaction they've had, it was Rayla arguing that the dragon egg was a baby who deserved to go back to its mother. Claudia didn't even see or know for sure that Rayla had threatened the boys, and saw that Rayla was speaking with them and only (visibly) drew her swords once Claudia showed up.
Claudia's malleable stakes of what constitutes a person reinforced that while despite definitely knowing Rayla's name (Callum introduces her and says it a few times around Claudia) and knowing Rayla's features well enough to pick up that Lain and Tiadrin are her parents (also makes sense, given that being a dark mage means being able to differentiate and identify a lot of very similar looking components), Claudia never uses Rayla's name. Not once.
Zym, with thoughts and feelings and a name and a mother, is not a person. Magical creatures with lives and cultures and languages and families, families she knows Rayla gives a shit about because that's precisely what she weaponizes against her (comparing it to her love for Terry), are not People to her.
And this all loops back into Claudia's big cognitive dissonance, which is that even when she and Rayla are doing or want the exact same thing, Rayla deserves to suffer and/or be punished for it, because Claudia (in her mind) is a Person with Understandable Good Motivations, and Rayla is not.
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Keep in mind that Claudia saw Ezran and then Callum consciously choose to go with Rayla. She saw Callum hesitate and then chain her to a wall, stealing her primal stone without Rayla saying a word. Hell, Ezran is even the one Claudia sees take the lead ("Follow me") that Rayla follows. That kidnapping the princes is literally exactly what Claudia is going to do an episode from now, and while she apologizes, she cites, "I have to do what's right" and when she and Soren are punished upon their homecoming (much like Rayla in S3) with being seen as traitors, Claudia insists, "We didn't do anything wrong!"
Aaravos whispering in her ear takes this up a notch, to the degree that Claudia claims that intergenerational trauma is a uniquely human trait that the elves and dragons couldn't possibly understand:
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Which like, dehumanization and being willing to cause suffering generally go hand in hand, both IRL and in the show, so that absolutely tracks. But despite literally being an assassin that she knows killed the king, Claudia never shows the same vitriol towards Runaan. If anything, she seems almost sympathetic in the one scene we see of her with him, even if she also took him for "practical" (dark magic "uses".
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So why does she seemingly hate Rayla, then, so specifically? Well...
In season one, losing the egg can't be the boys' fault (they're spelled, they're innocent, they're—) and it can't be Claudia's fault (she's going to get it back, really, just like her dad asked), so it must be Rayla's. She invaded Claudia's home. She stole the boys away. She's the one literally stepping in between her and Zym, between her and her goal, between her and her dad's approval. Absolutely not. This evil elf's braid (however cute) will be her undoing. (The fact that the braid is a symbol of someone who loved Rayla is just the icing on the cake, tbh, symbolically.)
Then in season two, Claudia actually meets Rayla and realizes very quickly that Callum is inordinately Close to her. She's seen them interact twice — Callum, noticing that Rayla is missing in the middle of the night, running to her aid, and being in defensive stance for her, not Claudia and Soren; Callum and Rayla sitting closely on a bed, Rayla looking like she's about to nervously confess something while Callum listens patiently, regrouping for their own convo the same way Claudia and Soren did — before she assumes there Might be something between them. Not just that Rayla might've caught feelings for the boy Claudia's always been gently teasing, but that Callum — whose knowingly liked Claudia forever, and whose feelings Claudia has always been very confident in — might've fallen for her, too, in only a week or so's time. Which says a lot, I think.
Then, even after not knowingly doing anything wrong to Callum - and to Claudia, all she's trying to do is safely bring the boys home and keep a weapon from falling into Xadia's hands - he still lies to and betrays her in his own way. With a moon illusion magic spell that Rayla was blatantly, clearly, in on (even if Claudia may not know it was literally Rayla's idea). And that, of course, Callum ultimately trusted this elf over her; it was Callum setting his own Test of Love for Claudia in a lot of ways, and she failed just about as poorly as she possibly could.
She and her brother take down a dragon, and there's the elf, again, getting in their way and wasting their time. But she does present an opportunity: she can lead them to Callum and Ezran. Only Callum shows up - and Claudia doesn't know whether this was the plan or not - willing to do dark magic - which he wasn't before when he offered it - with an angry, vengeful look on his face. Him breaking the chains, and Rayla freeing the dragon (as Soren says) is what leads to her brother becoming paralyzed. And although Claudia doesn't want to think of the lingering ramifications, that is still the moment she knows on a certain level that she Loses her family, because the second Soren tells her that their dad tried to kill the princes, she can't actually come back from that unscathed. From this until the end of S3, she's in damage control trying to hold onto both her father and her brother at any cost.
And I'm not gonna summarize further (after all, it doesn't seem that Claudia knows Rayla was the one who killed Viren, otherwise I don't think she ever would've given back the coins come hell or high water or a massive character arc) but I think it's a few things:
Rayla is an elf, and a Moonshadow elf, and all that comes with it in regards to dehumanization and demonization. A process that Rayla never returns (admitting the pancakes are good, looking happy for Callum when things seem to be okay / Claudia understands why their mission is important)
Rayla's presence and influence being the consistent through line that ruined Claudia's life, culminating in the literal (unknown) death of her father.
Rayla is an enemy by default and because she creates instability / disruption. The boys trust her over Claudia, which would've been unthinkable a week or perhaps a day ago; Soren is on her side and is the primary elf that he presumably knows; Rayla has Callum's loyalty/devotion, not Claudia - not anymore (which, I will be interested to see if they ever give us a moment where Claudia puts it together that they're a thing, but I'd be fine without one, lol).
Claudia already has a smug streak (see plenty of her interactions with Soren and Callum, and even Terry and Viren) and enjoys feeling more secure / in control. Claudia being able to lord something (the coins) over someone has magic ("We were born with nothing") and who just threatened someone she loves... Claudia being able to get Rayla back for tricking her all those years ago?
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TLDR; I think there's jealousy for the life Claudia perceives Rayla has having / having 'stolen' from her (for all she knows, Rayla has been living a cushy life in Katolis with the boys the past two years) and for having earned Callum's trust so decidedly and drastically. I think Rayla, subconsciously, is where Claudia has levelled a lot of blame in how her life turned out (because it can't be her own fault; she can't Be Wrong; the dragons leaving the Storm Spire is a "Sign" she's on the Right path, isn't it?), partially grounded in reality, but mostly not. Rayla is just the easier person to blame, and well... Rayla also has a habit of destroying / fucking things up, mostly unintentionally. Claudia's life might as well be one of them, at this point.
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bruh-myguy-what · 1 year
If Not Him, Perhaps Me
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Hellooooooo frens! It has been a long, overdue update, but here we are! I've had so much going on but you guys consistently reminding me of how much you love the story has really helped me refresh my desire to continue the series! So I am so thankful! I really hope you all enjoy chapter 3! Also I apologize that it isn’t the best chapter I’ve written, but I promise to continue to make each chapter better for you guys :3
If you want to join the tag list, just let me know below in the comments!
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Pairing- Thrawn x f!reader x Luke Skywalker
Summary- Luke finds out about you being taken by the Empire, and you have another encounter with the Grand Admiral.
Word Count- 2K+
Warnings- Mentions of kidnapping and imprisonment
"What do you mean they took her?!" Luke's fearful tone echoed off the walls of the commissary area of the Flacon where Lando assisted Chewie in cleaning up the mess made by the intruders.
Han raised his voice over his brother's, "hey now! Don't speak to her that way, it wasn't her fault and you know it!" The older man appeared by his wife's side, arms encircling her protectively. "Besides, what did you expect her to do? She's pregnant!" Han quipped harshly, the blue of his eyes darkening as he narrowed them.
The young Jedi was silent for a long moment, eyes darting from his sister's face to her irate husband. "Well-I…" finally huffing indignantly, Luke growled to himself as his hands found his hips. "No…no, I know it isn't your fault, Leia." There was a loud roar from the other side of the ship where Chewbacca shouted his own defense. "No, it's not your fault either Chewie. I'm just…" The younger man moved one of his hands from his hip to rub the irritation away from his eyes, "this is my fault." Luke choked, placing his hand back on his hip. "I…I should've been here to protect her instead of leaving. They're only after her because of me."
Leia started forward and touched her brother's arm, "no, Luke, don't blame yourself," she insisted, "you can't blame yourself. How could you possibly know she would be in danger?"
"Leia's right, Luke," Lando piped up as he waltzed up to join the group, "none of us could've ever guessed that the Empire would've come to get her specifically. Though," he sent a glance toward the young mother, "I think we can all agree that it was better that they didn't take Leia. Who knows what they could've done to her and the kiddos." The grave tone in his voice matched Han's expression, Luke noticed, as he watched the slight movement in his wife's stomach.
A moment of silence passed between them all before Chewbacca growled softly. "Yeah, Chewie's got a point too. Blaming isn't going to get (y/n) back any sooner." Han huffed as he crossed his arms over his chest, leveling his stern gaze at Luke. "So, Jedi knight, how're you going to get your girl back?"
Ignoring the term he used to refer to you, Luke closed his eyes in thought. Maybe he could reach you through the force…? Maybe you weren't that far away yet and he could somehow reach out to you so he could tell you that he was going to save you. Surely you knew he'd come for you, right? Or had he really placed such a serious wedge between the two of you that you'd even begin to believe that he'd leave you in the hands of the Imperials? What with all of his stupid beliefs of 'Jedi having no attachments' and everything. He accepted that idea, he really did, but…the more he weighed it and considered the look on your face when you smiled at him, how could he ignore the feeling so deeply set in his heart. The way your eyes sparkled at him in the starlight…it just…
Resolutely, Luke opened his eyes and headed to the front of the Falcon.
"I'm going to find her."
The dim lights of the Grand Admiral's office were an inviting change to the glaring white lights that consistently welcomed you wherever you were led- though, the silence that plagued the room was hardly comforting.
"So," you spoke up as you crossed one leg over the other casually, the linen dress you still wore draping easily back down your legs, "are we meeting because you expect me to give you more information?" As flattering as it was to be so 'important' to someone so high in rank, the narrowed glare given to you from the other side of the desk was equally as irritating.
A soft smile appeared on the admiral's face, he thought your bitterness was humorous, did he? "Perhaps," he replied curtly, glancing away momentarily to grab his datapad, then returned his glowing eyes back to you. "Though I do marvel at your tenacity just as considerably as any useful piece of knowledge you could offer me." He sure knew how to use his genius to annoy people, huh? Before you knew it, the man behind the desk was now standing and making his way around to you. "I must also admit that I find your eagerness to face a Grand Admiral of the Imperial Navy with such fearlessness very…" he seemed to ponder to word for a second before continuing, "compelling."
Thrawn's full height was accentuated by the way he stood over you in what felt like the galaxy's shortest chair (now with him towering over you). "Well…" you choked out nervously, "I suppose since there is no empire, that means no imperial navy to be a Grand Admiral of, therefore the title has no real significance to me." He could be as intimidating as he'd like but you weren't going to back down now. You'd been here for what felt like a week and, with no real evidence of how long you'd actually been aboard the Chimera, you assumed it must've been as long as it felt- or close enough to it. You’d been sat in this specific seat multiple times during different segments of the day, the fear was starting to lose its luster. Looking up at him once again you were struck by his expression.
He was stoic. He was just gazing down at you.
"Indeed, I suppose you are correct," Thrawn covered his mouth with one of his hands- deep in thought as he removed himself from beside your seat, finding his new position beside one of the large structures holding the ysalamiri- or at least that's what he'd told you they were at another point in a different conversation. "I seem to be continually amazed by your astute wit, (y/n)." He was petting the ysalamiri before him, his broad back facing you so he was unable to see your confounded expression. Was he getting enjoyment from your responses? "I also find it amusing how you consider that I see you as a source of amusement when in fact," Thrawn twisted around to face you, his hands positioned firmly behind his back now, "you are a prisoner of mine, and whatever I desire to know you will tell me."
The red of his eyes darkened significantly enough to drive a cold chill to straight down your spine. Perhaps the Empire was no longer a danger, but this man, this alien, he sure was. Taking a beat to regain your composure, you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. "A-Alright," of course, your voice would fail you now, "I understand that you are my enemy and the things I know might be crucial to you, but-"
"Tell me, (y/n)," Thrawn interrupted as if you weren't even speaking, "why are you traveling with Skywalker and his crew if you are as useless as you say?" Thrawn truly seemed curious about the answer as he made his way back in front of his desk, towering before you, awaiting your response. "What was your profession before you were a 'freedom fighter'?"
Cocking your eyebrow in challenge, you wondered where your sudden boldness came from after he was so forward about where you stood in his eyes. "Why ask if you already know?" You hated talking about the life you had before you joined the rebels. The Empire wasn't all bad, the idea anyway. You actually preferred the organized structure of the government over the scattered nightmare of the rebel cause, or even the Republic you'd learned about prior to the Empire. The current ‘New Republic’ wasn’t doing much better either. But, after meeting Luke- after he saved you- it was more of a loyalty to him than to the cause. Upon seeing that Thrawn was still silently waiting for your reply, you huffed. "Fine. I was an artist. A painter. I sketched or painted nobles, moffs," your voice trailed off and the admiral hummed in understanding.
"Admirals as well, I assume," it was less of a question and more of a statement. Of course, he knew and, rolling your eyes, you nodded.
"Yes, admirals as well. Though I suppose I wasn't in the Empire whenever you rose to command because I've never met you before now." You knew you hadn't, his warm red eyes would have been burned into your memory.
Thrawn nodded in agreement, "indeed, I myself would have remembered you." He rounded the desk to return to his seat. "Though I have seen your art before," the man commented as a hologram of a painting you'd made years prior to your disappearance materialized between you. "It is quite astounding. I enjoy art, myself. I believe it can give insight into a person, or people." He clarified coolly and you noted how intently he was studying your art. The scrutiny of one of your pieces made your cheeks warm in embarrassment, you'd not had anyone ever really stare at it the way Thrawn seemed to.
Curiosity struck you, "w-what do you see in my art?"
Thrawn seemed unfazed by your question, but took his time before replying to it all the same, "you despised your subject." The honesty struck you to the core. How could he even know that? He was completely correct, but…how? The dumbfounded look on your face caused Thrawn to continue, "but, while you hated the subject you were instructed to paint, you treasured the creation itself. Which I admire. Your talent is," the pause in his voice again made your cheeks burn as you awaited more of his surprising critique, "unmatched."
Too stunned to immediately thank him for his honesty, you blinked dumbly. Eventually, you nodded at his comments, "well…thank you," you whispered softly, hands suddenly more interesting than anything else.
"Have you made very many paintings since your disappearance from the Empire?" His question startled you slightly. Why was he so curious about your art? What was he trying to gain? Thrawn hadn't asked about it any of the other times you'd spoken recently. So why now?
Shaking your head in response, you figured it was useless to lie to him anyway. "No, unfortunately, I haven't had the time…or the funds to be able to continue." You sounded more distressed than you would've thought if asked about it. Though now that you thought about it, the topic never really came up between anyone on the Falcon.
The hologram disappeared, leaving Thrawn gazing directly at you now, scrutinizing you as if you were now the artwork. "No, I would presume not," was all that was said, simply.
Again, the silence retrieved its choking grasp on the atmosphere and you glanced up at the exact moment the Grand Admiral waved his hand in his normal dismissal, "you are free to go for the evening." His tone was casual yet as stern and stoic as usual, but not having the white-clad troopers come in to grab you and lead you out was…new. So, awkwardly, you stood from your seat and waited a moment, quizzically looking at Thrawn. After a few seconds of no argument from the admiral, you slowly made your way to the door, jumping only a little as it whooshed open revealing Rhuk.
"Come now, Rhuk," you heard Thrawn chide stoically from his desk, "do not scare my informant. She is," he caught your eye with a small smile, "essential." The look in his eye seemed mischievous but you weren't certain if that was something you should be worried about.
As you returned to your cell, you settled down for the night on the solid structure they called a bed on this ship. "Alright, before you get all cozy," you heard a familiar trooper voice and sighed when you had to sit back up. You weren't as annoyed with the troopers anymore, they'd actually kept decent company and most of them were kind enough.
Once fully sat up, a trooper reached through the bars and held out a larger notebook full of paper. Curiously, you reached out and took it, along with the set of pencils given to you. "W-What is this?"
The trooper shrugged, the plastoid tapping against itself with the movement. "Beats me," he replied, "the admiral asked one of us to bring it to you. He said you deserved to continue what you love, even as a prisoner." Then the trooper was gone.
Gaping at the notebook in awe, you were awestruck, silent. Thrawn gave you this notebook? Out of…generosity? 'There's no way,' you thought to yourself as you set back against the wall connected to your cot, opening the notebook. Upon the first page was a beautifully written script, reading; 'I thoroughly acknowledge that you will see this as a means to acquire additional information from you, however; I would find it regrettable if you were incapable to resume such excellent work due to confinement. I, myself, am not an artist, though I can speculate how it must feel to be suffocated by the inability to do what one loves. So please, sketch. Thrawn.'
@blueberry-thrawn @myevilmouse @agenteliix @blackmonitor @coffeeorsomething-irl @torchbearerkyle @rebelmarylou @danger-xylophones
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inkher0 · 9 months
I’ve pretty much been here since day one, but I’m always feeling so lost when I see what you guys are talking about, like Toby having godlike powers. I even go and check if there’s an update, I’m just so confused! 😳 I mean, I know the thing with Brian, but still.
For you anon, I'll walk you through Toby's journey so far. I think some other people are confused as well, as most of Toby's story goes right over Tim's head (for a reason). I also need to add more, because I am just kind of bad about certain details...
Thinking about it, this is exactly why I didn't want to refer to Slenderman as a God. He isn't really, and Toby doesn't actually have godlike powers.
Anyways! Possible Spoilers below. I've spent three hours making sure I'm not spoiling anything you don't already know from existing text, so whatever you're still confused about, you're probably supposed to be.
Ticci Toby's story so far in Origin: The Man Who Wasn't There:
Kills his dad and set his house on fire (See his og story). As he's setting his house on fire, he comes across a mask. Not knowing what it was, he left it to burn.
Has what he believes is a dream where he's invited to join some sort of creature with great power. He agrees, half-believing it's God and half-believing it's the Devil.
Joins Slenderman's cult without realizing they were very serious about the Religion Part. As an atheist, he cannot abide
Repeatedly criticizes Slenderman to the one person who is literally Possessed By Slenderman. He knows this, and does it seemingly for that reason. This creates a contemptuous relationship between Tim and Toby that is only civil when they're allowed to hurt someone else.
Shortly after meeting, Toby and Tim are kidnapped and tortured by Jeff The Killer in order to harvest their blood, which is revealed to be where The Operator's spores are residing. The two boys grow closer due to their trauma, as Toby realizes Tim is similar to him in a lot of ways (like that he's into dudes).
After being rescued by Clockwork, Kate the Chaser, and Ben Drowned, Toby is taken to The Ark to mentally and physically recover. There, he finally experiences a sense of stability. There's always food, and nobody beats him for trying to take it. He's allowed to play games, make friends, and play music. For the first time ever, he is allowed to exist.
At the same time, Toby is denied access to about 95% of The Ark's perks because he burned his mask and "rejected" The Operator. He doesn't just not have a Gift, he's demoted to being the lowest ranked Proxy. He isn't allowed to learn certain things, and every mistake he makes is used as an example to others. He is, quite literally, turned into the Scapegoat. This is the source of his first name, "The Hangman". While he's cared for more than on Earth, he is still abused by those around him for the benefit of the group.
This is despite the fact that Toby, objectively, is a model Proxy. He has an IQ equal to Eyeless Jack's; where he's allowed to succeed, he does so with flying colors. He is so talented that the other Proxies clamor to be near him out of sheer awe of his raw power, quick thinking, and merciless brutality.
His only perk on The Ark is what he asked The Operator for in exchange for his initial servitude- his a mom and his a sister. With Rogue being the main caretaker for the Proxies, he was basically doted on as much as he wanted.
He forms a kindred spirits friendship with Clockwork, entrusting her with his every true, honest emotion after she helped him recover from Jeff's abuse. Otherwise, however, Toby is withdrawn from everyone but his Collective. Every attempt to make friends outside his circle is met with frustration and disaster, and he chooses to intentionally isolate himself rather than deal with it. He deliberately misleads his Collective into thinking he has other friends and partners, but only Clockwork knows that he's lying.
Naturally, Toby rejects the title of Hangman. Under the noses of his superiors, he gains access to the Underrealm through Runes taught by Tim and Ben Drowned. He becomes particularly fond of using Severance, as it gives him the ability to unlock doors and find secret rooms.
(Gifts and Runes are the "Godlike Powers" everyone is talking about. Someone who is from two different realities can manipulate the chaos between them to their benefit, which is where Gifts come from. It's things Slenderman can do, and because of the Spore, Proxies can too.
Runes are needed to summon The Operator's power directly to them, giving them access to abilities they normally don't have. When Tim draws The Operator's Rune, for example, he's using the ability Manifest to invite his Master into a space. Severance is another, which can do basically anything if you're creative enough- it's considered both a Lock and a Key, if that makes sense. A third example would be Clockwork, who uses several Runes etched into her hand to perform her time manipulation.)
Toby should NOT be able to learn Severance, as that's in direct defiance of his punishment. Plus, there's an actual "equation" that has to be solved in order to perform a Rune's action correctly. Normally, The Operator does that math for them, as it's far too complicated for a human mind to understand. The Operator won't do it for Toby, as punishment for, y'know, thinking he's an asshole.
In the span of 200 years, Toby was able to learn that math and solve it himself.
In his efforts to learn how to do this, he uncovers many Secrets The Operator was hiding, both in plain sight and far in the dark: namely, a lot of plans that seem to be based around an unnamed End-Of-The-World catastrophe, and a lot of them revolving around Tim specifically. Investigation of any of these secrets only leads to more secrets, and those secrets lead to terrible implications. Then, Toby realizes everything is feeding into one, central conspiracy to do... something. It's yet another secret.
The boy wants answers. Against the strict rules of his superiors, Toby approaches The Shadow People, who are all from different points in time- past, present, and future. In exchange for information about The Kaninchenbau, Tim, and The Operator, The Observer (Tribetwelve) tells Toby that there is a certain point in the future where he can't see anything. Not that there's nothing there- there is. However, he can't see it. The Observer then tells him that Tim is lying and hiding things from him, just like The Operator is. He also reminds Toby that the two are symbiotic- meaning that, if he wants to win favor with one, he has to win it with the other.
Toby is discovered to be fraternizing with The Shadow People and trying to snoop. However, that time, he pleads to Tim to spare him, claiming that he wants to recommit to their cause. Tim's affection for him causes The Operator to give him a second chance to prove himself.
Together, Toby and Tim return to Jeff's house and dig up the corpses of their siblings that they left behind. While there, Korbyn, one of Eyeless Jack's servants, gives them a dire warning about the future, confirming everything Toby had been secretly researching.
Once Korbyn leaves and Tim and Toby retrieve the corpses, they perform a Conversion- one of the most, if not the most powerful formulas in The Underrealm. This act requires three things- Minds, Bodies, and Souls. With it, a piece of The Operator's soul is translated into physical form to exist in the human world.
(Keep in mind, the tall, lanky apparition we see is only a chosen projection- it's the form The Operator wants to take, if he were able to exist in the human world in the same way we do. His real form is so incomprehensibly massive that only tiny pieces of him are able to exist at a time. He's constantly looking for ways to get more of his soul into our world, as the more of him exists, the more immortal and powerful he is.)
In Toby's instance, The Conversion was done using the spore-filled bodies of his fallen siblings, The minds of The Operator's worst victims, and- most importantly- a piece of The Operator's own soul. This piece is named HABIT, and it's the collection of every negative, vile emotion that exists within The Operator. All of his hatred for humanity, all his roiling desire to consume everything- including, at times, his own children. It's all condensed into a literal Seed of Evil, and Toby swallows it to become a Vessel Proxy, which is the same kind of Proxy that Tim is.
The first Gift Habit teaches is how to convert humans into Beasts, transforming them in monsters that obey The Operator and, by consequence, Toby. So far, Toby is the only Proxy that is capable of doing this.
Toby gains access to everything Tim has in terms of abilities, privilege, and prestige. As far as the rankings go, he took Kate's #2 spot. He's no longer regarded as a scapegoat, and he's now involved as much as Tim is in official business.
Toby realizes that, somehow, HABIT has a mind of its own independent from The Operator- perhaps as a consequence of the minds that birthed it. It talks to Toby, encouraging him to commit horrible acts. He gives into it, initially, but once he realizes it doesn't care about his relationships, he fights against its influence.
The final consequence of his insubordination, however, is that Toby has to share the answers he learned with his friends. He knows everything: he knows what The Operator and the other creatures like him are so afraid of, why they're afraid of it, what they want to do about it, and how Tim plays into all of it. He knows what his role is going to be, and he knows both the "winning" scenario and the "losing" scenario.
While he's allowed to show them both winning and losing, he's only required to show them what happens when they lose.
He does not want to show them the vision of when they win.
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