#for some reason i always thought that style was called the *directors* hat
freebooter4ever · 1 year
Are the lines on your drawings stylistic choices or are they measurement/guiding lines? Either way, they are cool, but just wondered. I dont understand drawing at all, might as well be a magic spell to me. I was looking at the pencil (?) sketch of Malkin with the cheesecutter hat on.
i, uh, definitely did not google 'cheesecutter hat' until after i saved out these images. :/ sorry about that. if you'd like the other one broken down, i can do that too lol. my reading comprehension when im tired is kinda lazy i just saw 'cheese' and imediately thought 'omelette'. SO here's the 1) initial sketch, 2) 'clean' sketch, and 3) final lines for the omelette boy drawing instead:
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also i have had a cumulative of about 9 ish hrs of sleep total for the past two days so keep that in mind for if this explanation makes no sense, its not my fault. :( anyway! the way i draw definitely has changed over the years but currently im really trying to focus on the line i "see" rather than the one that is actually "there". i've been applying this to my writing for years (story vs happening truth) and you know it never occurred to me that i could do it in my drawings too till like...a few years ago. in general these lines seem to form the planes of the subject. if you google 'stanford bunny' you can find an easy example of a 3D surface turned into triangles. I do this too - see things in relative triangle proportions, except i've been doing it long before i knew how computers worked. i cant begin to tell you how long d*sney and cartooning's obsession with round building blocks of anatomical structure fucked with my brain until i finally decided i could cast that teaching aside completely.
ANYWAY sorry off subject again. so we have these sketchy under lines, and usually as im trying to find the proportions and form of the subject these lines end up being where the light/shadow hits. here i saved out the 1) 'flat colors', 2) the 'light', and 3) the 'shadow' parts on their own (i lightened the background for the 'shadow' so its easier to see):
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the light is like four or five 'overlay' layers of pale yellow/orange. you can see how each of these layers follow one of those sketchy lines i did initially. and the same with the shadow but instead its a dark red color set to 'multiply' for each layer. and when you combine everything together you get:
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some bullshit :). anyway you know that anniversary edition of beauty and the beast that featured the version previewed to nyc audiences in 1990 with the glen ke*ne sketchy keyframe animation of the beast's transformation? i watched that - must have been sometime after i graduated college - and i felt robbed that THAT version was never presented as a final piece. the 'unclean' drawings had so much more life and movement and intensity to them. tldr i like the messy lines, i hate 'inking' with a passion (HATE. IT.), and when i finally allowed myself to stop giving a fuck drawing became way more interesting. but my art is shit and i will never be glen k*ane so i dont really feel like the best advocate for this "style". alas. there was this one artist on tumblr who i fucking loved whose sketches were SPECTACULAR but the asshole racists in the m*c*ha*nz*o fandom bullied her off tumblr and ive never been able to find her art anywhere else since. she was also very negative about her 'unclean' sketches and it made me so sad. there was also this other artist whose sketches were awe inspiring but all she drew was p*rn and well...we all know what happened on tumblr in december 2018.
also i 100% stole the lighting scheme from The Bear which is currently one of the most gorgeous shows on television right now in my opinion
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im really really sorry if this makes no sense, if im feeling motivated maybe i'll try again when my brain is fully functioning but with the actual 'cheesecutter hat' doodle ^_^
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yellowocaballero · 3 years
Jon & Sasha Arson fic
Little fragment of an idea that never went anywhere. No reason for it. Just thought it would be funny. I was right. Rest under the cut. 
Most people who were unlucky enough to meet Jonathan Sims assumed he had no friends.
This was true, up to a point two weeks after Jon became a researcher at the Magnus Institute: afterwards Jon had no friends, except for Sasha James.
Sasha James was attributable to arson.
Most people who were unlucky enough to meet Jonathan Sims assumed he had no friends. 
This was true, up to a point two weeks after Jon became a researcher at the Magnus Institute: afterwards Jon had no friends, except for Sasha James. 
Sasha James was attributable to arson.
Arson was attributable to a bookshelf of Leitners, humming strange songs and spewing toxic energy into the air in rhythmic hissing motions. The Leitners were attributable to Artifact Storage, a testament to mankind’s hubris and a modern-day tower of Babel where a group of underpaid academics found themselves stress testing kevlar and fire suppression systems each day. Artifact Storage was attributable to the Magnus Institute, where Jon had managed to land a job after three months of desolate post-graduate unemployment. And the Magnus Institute was attributable to - well, probably Jonah Magnus, but Jon found that it was likely a bit of a reach to blame a long dead Regency gentleman for all of his problems. 
Jon needed this job. London was expensive and so were funerals, and he couldn’t keep living on life insurance forever. It was even a good job, with decent pay and the exact kind of limp, half-hearted academia that the private sector promised disillusioned English mastery holders. His coworkers were nice - well, Tim was nice, everybody else seemed to hate him for the same reason that everybody else hated him, likely intimidated by how smart he was - and the commute was short. He couldn’t afford to lose this job. Spiritually, metaphysically, and literally. 
Which was why he should stop staring at this piece of paper. The follow-up research to a statement given by some idiot unlucky enough to cross paths with what was certainly a Leitner. 
‘ORIGINATION OF PHENOMENA ISOLATED’, the page read out professionally, yet chipperly, like a young woman in a new office job. ‘ITEM QUARANTINED WITHIN ARTIFACT STORAGE (46B.1)’. 
Jon pushed down on the floor, rolling himself a meter to the left.
“Say, er, Mr. Stoker.”
Tim “I’m only four years older than you, please call me Tim” Stoker, who had been thumping away on his cheap plastic keyboard either writing up a report or messaging someone on one of those infernal casual sex websites, pulled down his headphones and blinked at Jon owlishly, before splitting his face into a grin. Jon could practically hear the David Attenborough-style narration within his mind: ‘After long weeks leaving out food for the wild Simothan, the feral yet gentle animal approaches the researcher of his own volition. A win for scientists everywhere.’
“Yes, Jon?” Tim asked, in an uncanny yet hopefully unintentional RP drawl. 
“What’s Artifact Storage?”
“God, I wish I was you,” Tim said feelingly. But he nodded sagely anyway, milking his ‘wise senpai’ thing for all it was worth. Jon could practically feel Tim calling himself a senpai. It was kind of embarrassing. “You know the shady room locked deep within the basement that exudes a terrible aura of malice and hatred towards you specifically?”
“The gender neutral bathroom?” Jon asked, confused. 
“No, the one that always smells somewhat of blood. You hear screams sometimes?”
“The Archives!”
“Yes, but no! It’s Artifact Storage. If the researchers dig up any creepy shit from a statement, or if a statement giver brings in something that melts the metal detector, then we dump it in Artifact Storage and let those miserable fucks take care of it.”
“Is it more of a containment facility, or would you say that they conduct experiments?”
But Tim just shrugged. “My source down there tells me that they do some experiments to justify their budget, but it’s mostly unscientific. Poke this and I’ll give you twenty quid, that kind of thing. They say that if you really want a sick day, all you have to do is touch a mysterious rock and whisper your mother’s name -”
“Fantastic, thank you for your help, must go back to filling now,” Jon said quickly, skittering back to his own desk. He tried to distract himself from the terrifying thought of the basement full of supernatural nuclear bombs underneath his feet by trying to remember his mother’s name, but he was stuck on if it was Marjorie or Margaret. Mary Anne?
Maybe Tim’s personal Meerkat Manor series of Jon’s life had paid off - Sims Shack? - more than Jon would like, because Tim squinted at Jon in an unsettlingly familiar way. As if he knew exactly what Jon was thinking about the literature of mass destruction, and he really wanted Jon to be thinking literally anything else. 
“I wouldn’t go down there if I were you, Jon,” Tim warned, sounding a little like a horror movie trailer. “Bushy tailed college grads who go down there don’t come out the same as they went in.”
“I’ll take that under advisement, Mr. Stoker.”
“For the love of christ call me Tim!”
It really was a pity - Jon had actually liked this job. 
It was remarkably easy to commit arson in central London.
Jon had done it once or twice. Three times, actually, although when you think about it arson was a criminal charge and only truly existed so long as someone was charged with it, so technically you could say that Jon had done arson zero times. In his defense, you try making it through Oxford without doing anything embarrassing. 90% of your time was in class or schoolwork and 10% of it was being hazed. At least Jon hadn’t fucked any pigs. 
Jon hit up the usual stores, and stashed the usual implements in his rucksack. It was a careful week after his conversation with Tim, as he couldn’t afford for the older man to connect the dots. He made a show of going home at a timely five pm, startling everybody around him, and paced in a tight circle around his flat until he gave up and watched mindless telly until the clock struck midnight. 
He took a cab to the park a few blocks down from the Institute, and walked the rest of the way. It was a cool, dim night in London, and the foot-traffic had slowed down to a steady trickle of young people in tight clothing. Jon pulled down his baseball cap on his head, fished a key out from his pocket given to him by a helpful and friendly janitor, and took a back entrance into the Institute. 
Said helpful and friendly janitor, whose allegiance had been won because Jon was a “nice young lad” and “I always wanted to burn down the place myself, I’m happy to see the next generation give it a go” had helpfully told Jon that there were no security cameras inside the Institute. A grievous oversight, but good luck for Jon tonight. He took the stairs down to the basement, zipping his jacket up tight against the inescapable chill, and pushed his hat further down his head as he navigated his way towards Artifact Storage.
He unlocked the door with the janitor’s key, hands shaking, and slipped inside into the dusky and unlit room. 
It was pitch-black, and Jon quickly fished a torch out of his backpack. He flipped it on, letting it slowly scan the room. It was the lobby into Artifact Storage, familiar from his stake-out missions: you walked in, met the bored woman behind the desk, checked in or checked out what you wanted, and if you needed to go inside she would press the button that unlocked the heavy climate-controlled door and let you into the hallway inside. The only other door in the lobby was to the office of the Director of Artifact Storage, a terrifying short and squat woman with silver hair pulled into a bun. 
Jon leaned over the counter and jammed the button, holding his breath until he heard the door click open. He quickly twisted the handle, swung the heavy door out, and slipped inside, taking care to grab one of the chairs in the lobby and prop it open. Quick escapes were necessary. 
He was in. 
The torch lit up a map taped up to the wall, and Jon squinted at it. Section A, Section B, Section C...he remembered the classification from the document he read a week ago, and slowly walked down the hallway until he found the heavy climate controlled door marked ‘SECTION B’. He carefully wrenched it open, taking care to grab a rolling cart and using it to prop the door open, before stepping inside. He fished the canister of gasoline and the lighter out of his backpack, giving the gasoline a good shake. 
It was a library. Small, and instead of shelves there were long metal racks with filing boxes stretching long into the darkness, but Jon knew a library when he saw one. Each box had a clipboard attached to it, and most boxes had very large and terrifying stickers on them painted sickly yellow or dangerous red. 
The only thing in the library that wasn’t a filing rack was a battered and beat couch. And the only person in the room besides Jon was a woman, blinking up at Jon blearily from where she had been passed out on the couch. 
“Er,” Jon said. 
The woman sat up, squinting at Jon’s torchlight until he guiltily aimed it just to her left. She had a wild mane of curly brown hair, and was wearing a pencil skirt and ruffled burgundy blouse. A blazer was folded at one end of the couch, clearly being used as a pillow, and she looked strongly as if Jon had just woken her up from a very nice nap. 
“Whuh,” the sleepy woman said. 
“My mistake,” Jon said, “this isn’t the loo. Go back to bed, this is - er, a very bad dream, goodnight.”
“Whutuhiseet,” the woman slurred. 
“It’s - very late, go back to bed.”
“Alright,” the woman said, falling back on the couch. After a second, her snores echoed through the room again. 
Jon very slowly crept backwards. Actually, on second thought, his mission could wait for tomorrow. Bit of a cock block, this, but that was alright - 
“Hey! Who are you!”
Jon, hand on the handle of the door, squeaked and turned around. 
The woman was back up again, and this time she seemed actually awake. She was frowning mightily at Jon, and was already sliding off the couch in stocking feet to glare at him. Jon was aware that he did not look like an innocent person in these events. The gasoline did not help.
The woman’s eyes trailed to the gasoline, then widened. Jon ineffectually tried to hide it behind his back. 
“You’re trying to burn down Artifact Storage!” the woman accused, somewhat fairly.
“Not all of Artifact Storage,” Jon said guiltily, “just the Leitners.”
The woman stared at him further, as if she was a special guest on Tim’s Sims Shack nature documentary. 
“Why,” the woman said slowly, “would you want to do that?”
Despite himself, Jon found himself puffing up in indignation. “They’re evil, nasty little books that shouldn’t exist. Forget studying and - and containing them, we should be making sure no more of them ever disgrace the world again. We should be burning every one we see. They’re pure evil given literary form, they are a disgrace to books and libraries, and if I ever met Leitner myself I would beat him to death with a rusty pipe for subjecting me to his fucked up books.”
The woman stared at him. 
Finally, she said, “I’m Sasha James. Want some help?”
“I - er, wouldn’t that get you in trouble, Ms. James?” 
“I like this job but I hate Leitner and his fucked up books more,” Sasha said gravely. 
Jon, having found a kindred spirit, held out the lighter. 
Sasha James took it, a wide grin splitting her face. 
Jon didn’t remember much else of that night. 
There was definitely arson involved - or, seeing as they hadn’t gotten caught, just some good old-fashioned fire starting. He had the sense that they had both been so giddy with adrenaline that they had immediately joined the raging uni students in the late night bars, toasting their success in toasting. There had probably been quite a bit of alcohol.
When he woke up the next morning, it was in his narrow and uncomfortable bed, face to face with an unfamiliar snoring woman. For a second, two, Jon was briefly convinced that he had done something so drastically out of character it meant that a fucked up book had body swapped him with Tim. Bodyswapping was more likely than him having casual sex. 
Then Jon remembered the arson, and he exhaled in relief as his life made sense again. 
“Ms. James,” Jon whispered, poking her in the arm. She snuffled and muttered something. Jon poked her harder. “Ms. James, we have work.”
Sasha turned around, turning her back to him and pulling up the blankets. “Go back to bed, Tim.”
Ti - oh god. Jon felt like he was in a CW drama. This was why he didn’t interact with people, far too much likelihood that he would accidentally end up interacting with somebody who had sex.
“Ms. James,” Jon hissed, extremely embarrassed, “you have to get up!”
“Mergh mergh fuck off,” Sasha James said. 
Jon, like a true gentleman and hero, got up and made them both strong tea. He squinted at Sasha, recalling everything he knew about her (slept a lot, liked arson, hated Jurgen Leitner) before digging out some instant coffee and making some of that too. Finally, after shoving a hot cup of sludgey black liquid at the woman, she grabbed the cup and chugged it until she was able to sit up and open her eyes. 
She blinked at Jon, who was already picking his hair in an attempt to get ready for work. He could clearly see the thoughts ‘you aren’t Tim’ run through her brain. Hah! He could be the narrator of the nature documentary for once!
“Uh,” Sasha James said, “I’m sorry, did we…?”
“Commit arson? Yes.” Jon paused a beat. “But as I don’t believe we were caught, call it an indoor campfire.”
Sasha James drank more of her coffee. Jon grabbed his clothing and disappeared into the loo to get changed. 
When he re-entered his bedroom, she snapped her fingers at him. “Right! We got pissed after! Good times, mate!”
“I have to assume,” Jon said politely. He was doing his very best to be very polite, because Jon knew he was rude and didn’t want his new coworkers to know that until his probation period was over. Maybe he should have waited until after his probation period for the arson? Would it look bad on his annual review? “Do you need to borrow some clothing? I think we’re about the same size.” Oh, no, was that rude to say to a woman?
Sasha James squinted at him. “It’s like you’re not hungover at all. How old are you?”
“Twenty five?” Be polite, Jon! “And you’re...thirty seven?”
“I’m thirty one, asshole!”
Oh no. Women hated it when you called them old. “You don’t look a day over twenty seven!” Jon cried, panicked. 
“Have you met a woman?”
“I had a grandmother?”
“I’m going back to bed,” Sasha James said. 
Unfortunately, Jon knew that it would be very suspicious if they both skipped, so he forced Sasha into one of his suits that...looked much nicer on her than him, but whatever, and hustled them both to work. Now that the adrenaline had worn away and the sense of purpose in his holy mission had burned up with the cleansing flames, Jon found himself biting his nails in agony in the Underground. 
They had to know. Someone must have caught them. Maybe there were secret CCTVs in the Institute. Maybe Sasha was going to rat him out - but she had helped, so wouldn’t she just be ratting out herself? Was she a double agent? Mr. Bouchard was never going to forgive him, no matter how nice he was and how much he seemed to like Jon to the point where he rather wished someone had given him the ‘Stranger Danger’ speech as a child so he would know what to do. Jon was going to go to jail, or worse - get fired. 
Sasha, cooly sipping her coffee and looking somewhat fly in sunglasses and his suit, did not seem disturbed by any of this. Jon’s rapidly spiralling panic attack must have been obvious, because she casually flicked a finger on his forehead. Jon yelped with pain. 
“Take it easy, mate. If they catch us, I’ll just say that the books made us do it.”
Jon scowled at her, rubbing his smarting forehead. “The books?”
“Sure.” She waved her fingers spookily as the Underground rattled forward into the heart of London. “Brainwashed us to do their evil bidding of -”
“Destroying them?”
“There’s a lot of arson Leitners,” Sasha James said sagely. “Trust me, this is just a normal day in Artifact Storage.” She clapped him reassuringly on the shoulder, and Jon fought a blush. “Don’t worry. We performed a public service, kiddo. St. Peter’s gonna give us a medal when we get to the pearly gates.”
“I’m an adult,” Jon said, scandalized. He had gray hair!
“Well, I guess, but I don’t know your name, so…”
 Jon squinted at her. She squinted at him back. 
“You’re thinking that if you don’t give me your name I can’t rat you out to the feds,” Sasha said flatly. 
Jon pursed his lips. 
Finally, he settled on, “You don’t rat me out to the feds and I won’t tell them that you’re in an illicit relationship with Mr. Stoker.”
“Mr. - how did - what!”
“It’s Jonathan Sims,” Jon said gruffly, crossing his arms. He was slightly hungover and his nerve were jittery and he had set fire to his workplace the previous night, but somehow Jon thought that his heart was jackrabbiting in his chest for a different reason. Somehow Jon felt as if his heart couldn’t stop thumping behind his sternum because Sasha James was staring at him, head cocked, as if he was a mystery she was interested in finding out. “That’s my name.”
Sasha James stared at him, as if surprised, before her face broke into a wide and happy smile. Jon hunched his shoulders up, embarrassed, faintly aware he was blushing. “It’s nice to meet you, Jonathan!” Then she grabbed him by the collar, shaking him slightly. “And there is nothing illicit about me and Tim, and there is nothing between me and Tim at all, we are just friends, so get that out of your little head -”
The train rattled on towards the Magnus Institute, and towards the slight smell of smoke in the air. 
Sasha: are you coming 2 the pub w/us 2nite?
Sasha: come onnn you should comeee don’t feel awkwardddd 
Sasha: I know you hate a) group settings b) drunk people c) Tim in a group d) drunk Tim and e) Tim drunk in a group but that’s no reason not to come!
Sasha: Tim is physiologically incapable of not adopting men 3-5 years younger than him it’s in his blood you can’t escape his affection
Sasha: or at least I find it funny so I’m not letting you
Sasha: Jonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
Jon: Yes I’ll come, I need to talk to both of you.
Sasha: WAHOO
Sasha: wait
Sasha: really?
Sasha: did you commit ars*on again
Sasha: wait if you did don’t tell me the courts can request text transcripts
Jon: No, I just need your advice on an urgent matter.
Sasha: do you need to be drunk to do it
Jon: ...maybe.
Jon: ....Mr. Bouchard offered me the Head Archivist Job?
Jon: Which is stupid because I’ve worked here for barely four years and you’ve worked here for about ten years I think. And you’ve published five papers in parapsychological research. I know I helped you figure out that this place is a weird trauma mill but it was really mostly you. It’s completely ridiculous to promote me and I’m afraid it’s favoritism. For potentially heinous ends? This feels awful because it’s such an honor but I would never stop feeling stressed and guilty because I know so many more people (like you) are so much more qualified. Or qualified at all.
Sasha: holy shit
Sasha: ...do you remember the speech I gave you on stranger danger?
Jon: I’m afraid to mention this to Tim because he might beat up Mr. Bouchard for both my honor and yours.
Sasha: Jesus at this point I don’t even want a fucking job anymore. What bullshit. I’m never going to get promoted and I just need to accept that. This isn’t your fault, Jon, seriously, thank you for telling me. 
Sasha: we can talk about this at the pub
Sasha: in private. Off the radar. 
Jon: Looking forward to it :)
Jon: did I use the emoticon right?
Sasha: Yes, Jon, you did everything right. 
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kickingitwithkirk · 3 years
Rain pt:I
Summary: After Supernaturals end Jensen’s life turned upside down. A year later an unexpected movie offer gives his career a second chance but it comes with an unexpected surprises.
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x OFC! Lili
Word Count: 1918
Warnings: cursing, nervous Jensen, drinking, mentions of Holocaust, mention of divorce 
A/N: This story has components from my favorite W. Somerset Maugham short Rain and Lace by Shirley Conran.
*no beta-all mistakes are mine
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Jensen had been sitting in his manager's office for twenty minutes having arrived early. He wasn’t gonna chance missing this meeting and seriously wished he hadn’t drank that third cup of coffee ‘cause his leg was getting sore from the relentless bouncing between the caffeine and his nerves.
After making Jared swear not to say anything he gave him what he knew. Davis didn’t have a clue what the film was but Zimmer wanted to personally meet with him and the man didn't do face to face with anyone unless he had already decided about casting them.
Davis emphasized even if it's a small part, just being in a Zimmer film could, no, would reinvigorate his career, sending it in a whole new direction, he’d be seen as not just a sci-fi/horror genre actor but one whose name was bankable, maybe even capable of opening a movie.
Jensen jumped up when the office door opened as Davis walked in followed by an older, slightly built, elegantly dressed gentleman.
Eban Levi Zimmerman, who only went by Zimmer, was the decedent of two Holocaust refugee families, one from Austria, the other from Hungry. Both sets of his grandparents immigrated to Israel in the nineteen fifties, his mother and father were their middle children. They met and married in fifty-nine and he was born a year later.
He was their only child and dotted upon by all his family. From a young age he fell in love with the movies, his youth spent endlessly watching the greats of the silent era to the in fashion Cinema Italiano.
After graduating secondary school he was admitted into the NYC film school. Two years later he transferred to and graduated from USC film department.
He spent the next decade honing his craft as an assistant director for the likes of Spielberg, Scorsese, and Merchant before independently making his first film, a documentary on his family’s Holocaust experience.
It earned him an academy award nomination for best short documentary and soon studios were vying for him.
Zimmer’s directorial style had been compared to that of (One take Woody) W.S.van Dyke, bringing in his films on time and under budget.
His specialty was taking period pieces based on classic works and modernizing them with the gritty realism he learned under Scorsese. The studios learned years ago not to offer Zimmer big budget films with mindless, watered down scripts crafted for mass box office drawings only.
He was notorious for utilizing the difficult to pull off, long track shots, also learned under Scorsese. Many found this exasperating and exhausting to achieve.
A-list actors publicly pronounced they’d love the opportunity to be directed by him and some had been..but only once. He was always curtious but they learned the hard way he has absolutely no tolerance for a dialed in performance from his actors.
Behind the scenes they ended up cursing his name, becoming quickly disenchanted when they found that once in Zimmer’s domain, they would not be toadied or pampered, their whines catered to on his sets.
He also keeps an eye out for new talent, having cultivated his own small stable of actors utilizing them in most of his films as they had not only proved their mettle but earned his personal respect.
“Mr. Ackles, it is a pleasure to meet you,” Zimmer said sidestepping Davis and extending his hand, his grip stronger than he appeared surprising Jensen. “Sir, it’s a pleasure to meet you too.”
Zimmer softly humphs, waving a hand, “my father is sir, call me Zimmer,” he responds in a soft spoken accent more European than Israeli. “You’re taller than I thought, excellent. Of course, working alongside Mr. Padalecki would make most of us look short, I’m sure to appear as a midget next to him.”
Jensen chuckled, “Yeah, Jared has a lot of acreage. Please call me Jensen.”
“Won’t you have a seat…” Davis started and Zimmer gives him a do not interrupt me look.
“Jensen, would you please remove your hat and jacket.” He pulled off his ball cap and jacket as Zimmer walked slowly around him, sizing him up in an appreciable manner, “veuillez m’excuser,” and with his index finger poked at Jensen’s chest and abdomen.
“What the…” Jensen jerked in surprise as Zimmer smiled at him. “I’d appreciate it if you join me for lunch. I want to discuss the prospects of you joining my new project.” He turned walking out the office door without another word leaving the two men in shock.
“What’a you doing, waiting for an engraved invitation, move your ass!” Davis hissed at him.
Jensen grabbed his jacket and cap hurrying after Zimmer, suddenly feeling like a newbie chasing his big break instead of someone in the biz for over twenty years.
Zimmer was getting into his car as Jensen emerged from the building. Taking a deep breath to slow his heart rate and steady his nerves he climbed in the back of the limousine, sitting on the long seat on the other side of the limos bar. They drove in silence for a few minutes before pulling up to the Chateau Marmont.
Lunch turned out to be what in the fifties was termed a liquid lunch at the Bar Marmont. Zimmer orders a dirty martini with three olives and Jensen has a Chimay, figuring he better stick to something that wouldn’t muddle his brain today.
Zimmer takes a sip studying Jensen over the rim of the glass demonstrating his nervous tick with his tongue, slightly popping out between his lips licking at the bottom one but acting as if he’s not.
“You’re wondering why someone like me would contact you, am I not correct?”
Jensen fully licks his lips, “Honestly, yeah, I’m confused as hell. It’s not like we run in the same circles.”
“No, we certainly do not. I keep my eyes open for talent that has been, shall we say..overlooked, or in your case, underutilized. Casting picks up on your obvious qualities and misses the more subtle aspects.”
“Subtle aspects?”
“Yes, you’ve honed your obvious talents quite well. A long time ago Fellini told me a good director will only see the surface, a great one will seek out the untapped potential.” He paused to take sip, “I will admit I’m not a fan of your previous show but a close friend of mine is. I have always wondered why my friend had watched for years, what made your show so special. They told me to watch the nonverbal relationship between the Winchester brothers, how a glance, posture, a twitch even, expresses more than written words. I then saw it.”
“I watched an episode with the deadly sins, the one with gluttony I believe, who found Dean hollow, it was the end that caught my attention, something in your expression when you were begging for help, I knew I found my Mr. Davidson.”
“Mr. Davidson.”
“Do you only parrot the end of sentences Jensen?” Zimmer teased, “Over a decade ago a spec script was being shopped around. It was an updated version of the 1928 silent film based on W. Somerset Maugham's short story Miss Thompson, which was severely edited due to objectionable moral content...language and reference to Davidson’s title as Reverend borrowed from the stage version. It’s rather amusing the censors found those things immoral considering the lifestyles in pre-code Hollywood.
This script was brought to my attention by a studio optioning it at the time. I agreed to direct if we came to terms on the stars. They were very specific about who they wanted to star, both are excellent actors but I believed they didn’t fit the roles and suggested two other leads. Well, long story short, it fell through.” Zimmer paused again to savor his drink, “I later found out someone had purchased the script and all rights to it produce it at a later date.” He stops to nibble on an olive.
“Preproduction is currently underway, the rest of the cast has been signed and I’m planning to start rehearsals in a few weeks. The only component missing is Davidson.” Zimmer pulls a script from his inner coat pocket and sits it on the table.
“There are two things I need you to consider before agreeing: you’ll have to lose a minimum of fifteen pounds, twenty five preferably, I have a nutritionist you can consult with to safely do it in the time since actual filming doesn’t start until October.”
Jensen never had to do extensive exercising to stay in his current shape but knew losing that much weight wouldn’t be easy with his solid build, “And the second?”
Zimmer tapped his slender fingers on the script a few times before opening it, “I am trusting your discretion if you say no not to discuss the scene you read,” he slid it across the table. Jensen picked it up and scanned through the script, reading the dialogue.
He shook his head and reread through it again slowly, paying closer attention to the directors notes. “Are you seriously shooting this?”
“Yes, this is my completed shooting script for the film. You’ve done some directing, that’s the reason I showed it to you. I wanted you to know what this part fully entails.” He retrieved the script placing it back into his inner coat pocket before picking up his martini glass studying Jensen over the rim again. “And before you ask, yes, the actress playing Sadie knows about the scene and I’m well aware this part is like nothing you’ve never done before.”
“I’m sorry but I really don’t get it, why me? I’ve done mostly television, what makes you believe I can pull off this role?”
“Instinct.” Zimmer clasped his hands together on top of the table and leaned towards him, “I don’t waste my time on anyone or anything I don’t have faith in Jensen.”
Zimmer reaches for his glass again, “Like I’ve stated, I see more in your acting abilities than you’ve tapped yet. You’ll be working with some of the best in the business, co-stars who will push you to reach for that extra bit. Say yes and I can help shape you into an actor who gets the coveted rolls most only dream of.” He finishes the last of his martini.
“I’m going to say this now, I’m not missing Christmas with my kids, I’ve already promised them I would be there, it's the first since my divorce. I also have to be in Toronto in early February.”
“I’ve cut out a week of rehearsals to compensate for the producer who insisted shutting down production from December twenty-third to January third. We are scheduled to wrap filming by the twenty-ninth, so there’s no conflict with your other commitments.”
Jensen mentally calculates actual filming time will be less than thirteen weeks, a tight shoot compared to some filming schedules.
Zimmer stares him straight in the eye, “I’ll apologize now for the time constraint, a decision such as this that will affect your career needs time to consider but unfortunately, I need a definitive answer by tonight.
Zimmer stood up, “Now, the driver will take you back to your management's offices. I have a currier waiting with a contract for you to look over, I’m sure you’ll find the terms more than applicable.” He extended his hand and Jensen got up to shake it, “I’m looking forward to working with you Jensen Ackles.”
Tagging: SPN @donnaintx​​​
Dean/Jensen: @flamencodiva​​​
Rain @stoneyggirl​​​
29 notes · View notes
braveskyered · 4 years
Knights (Part 19)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18
(Special Thanks once again to @nebulous-rain​ for providing one of the illustrations. Please check her out if you have the time!)
Do you understand the severity of these terms?
…You know what? I don’t think I should repeat myself if you’re just going to ignore me.
Just like in reality, in fiction, anything goes.
Not everything is all lovely sunshine and daisies.
Life is never fair.
Not to you.
Not to me.
And especially not to them.
I wonder how much you’re willing to believe, or even believe in them at all.
After all…
We all make mistakes, don’t we?
And yet one will always never forgive them, no matter the apologies they genuinely give.
Aren’t you the same way?
I look forward to seeing where your journey takes you.
Part 19: Thought I Told Ya Stop Fuckin’ With Me!
- - - - - - -
April XX, 20XX
I don't even know what I'm doing. I'm so scared of what will happen to me, but I couldn't let myself go through this. I don't even know what Vivi was thinking. I can't do it. Not even for her.
I can't stay. I have to get out of here. Get away from the monsters that hurt me. It's nothing more than a prison at this rate.
I guess I'm a coward to the very end.
I'm sorry ■■■■■ ■■■■ everyone.
May XX, 20XX
It's been two weeks since I escaped that hell.
Somehow, things are getting better for me. I don't know why, but I managed to find a job at an auto repair shop and even a place for me to stay at the same time in Cantabile, Tennessee. The shop, Four of a Kind Queens, is a family owned business that's run by the grandmother of the Knights family, Vivienne. She's the one that provided me a job and a home. I don't know how to thank her other than to do whatever I can.
The Knights family is interesting in that they're almost all women (other than those that are married with a husband). Almost all of the employees at the shop are women, too. I actually felt a bit out of place as one of the few male employees there. You'd think it'd be the other way around. Thankfully, none of them seemed interested in me so far.
I can only hope that I'll be able to move on from the past without them finding me. I don't want the Knights family to get dragged into my problems any more than they have to.
I'm just happy to have Galaham with me. I don't know what I would've done, or where I would be, without him.
June XX, 20XX
It's been a month since I arrived in Cantabile. It's surprising that I'm still here.
I got a new phone for myself. It's the kind that didn't require me to get a contract since I bought it from an electronics store. I had already disposed of my old smartphone and the SIM on it after I came here. It was rough to let go of it, but at least my photos and other files for my projects are safe.
I just hope that I didn't compromise my safety when I did the switch.
July XX, 20XX
Vivienne told me to stay home for the next few days. All I learned was that something had happened in the city that had police going around crazy. Also, someone's family member had gone missing and was reportedly said to be seen in Cantabile. I didn't dare search my name online. Instead I opted to look up missing persons by state.
...I shouldn't be surprised that I found my name and face as one of those missing in Texas. It said that I had left for a solo vacation and never returned, and that my last known location was somewhere in the mountains of Tennessee. It didn't say anything about which town or city I was last seen in or me being hurt, but I didn't want to take any chances.
I want to let my uncle know I'm okay, but I can't. I'm sorry.
July XX, 20XX
Vivienne called me back into work today. The police had found the person that was reported missing, and there hadn't been any more unusual activity, so it was safe for me to come back.
She told me that it's not unheard of for abusers to report their victims that have escaped from their grasp as missing individuals, pretending to care about their missing "loved ones." Those blind to the truth would fall for the sob stories and find the victims that have truly escaped, and then drag them back to their tormentors and not know the difference.
I was worried that I wouldn't be able to make rent since I couldn't work for the past four days, but Vivienne still paid me as if I did. I’ll find a way to make it up to her someday.
I'm worried about my uncle, but I don't want to get dragged back there. I'm sorry, Uncle.
August XX, 20XX
The Knights, mainly Elaine (who is Vivienne's youngest granddaughter), have been inviting me to various events lately.
Sure, being invited to the little parties and lunch gatherings meant to keep up employee morale is pretty fun, but now the occasion is attending a Robotics convention. From what Elaine had told me, it was just only her and her family going, but for some reason, I was the only employee invited to come along. Maybe the others didn't have any interest?
Elaine said that it was to get me out of the apartment and the shop. It's true that I don't go out much other than to get the essentials, and even then, most of them were brought to me by delivery, but it's mostly because I don't want to expose myself.
I can't let them find me. I don't want to go back.
August XX, 20XX
Elaine and I are dating now, I guess.
I had a good time at the Robotics convention. There were a few moments where I thought I saw someone that would recognize me even though I wore a hat and a different style in clothing and gloves to hide my arm, but thankfully, I was only seeing things. I think as long as I'm with someone I know, I'll be okay.
I say we're dating, but I highly doubt it'll work out between us. I mean, who would want to remain beside someone who has more problems than I care to count? No one in the shop even knows about my arm yet, because I didn't want to get any special/excess attention because of it.
Still, I'm well aware that Elaine has a crush on me (she's not exactly the most subtle about it). I'm not sure what will happen once she loses interest, but I hope we can still be friends at least. Other than Elaine and her family, Galaham is my only real companion right now.
I don't really have much of a choice to stay isolated like I had been, but at least I'm not getting beaten or burned on a near daily basis.
...I wonder if this relationship with Elaine will work out.
August XX, 20XX
Surprisingly, Elaine hasn't broken up with me. I just don't understand. What does she see in me? I'm a disgrace to the people I once knew. I feel like a discarded piece of trash that's left out on the curb, and I know I'm still an absolute wreck from all the nightmares of the night that's forever etched into my subconscious.
I accidentally cut my right arm on a rusty pipe at work. Because I didn't have a medical record to provide, Vivienne had me taken to a hospital to get a tetanus shot as a precaution. Although I never wanted them to know, they learned about my left arm and the rest of my injuries. I never saw someone look so horrified. Not at me, but the fact that I had so many wounds still healing and one that never will. To be on the safe side, Vivienne had me go through a complete physical. Examinations, x-rays, even an MRI had been added into the mix.
Even though we reached a compromise in that no one is to ask how I got these injuries back in Texas, I told Vivienne that I wouldn't be able to pay for all of it. She simply said that the director owed her family a handful of favors. Just how much influence does she and her family have? I don't think she would've helped to this extent if I hadn't been Elaine's boyfriend.
...It still feels weird to say that.
September XX, 20XX
My wounds from the hell I escaped from are slowly healing. I don't think they'll ever truly fade, but at least they're no longer hurting. I still have to cover my neck with scarves or turtlenecks to hide the very last wound I received, but hopefully that will fade over time, too.
The medication that was prescribed to me last month had worked wonders for me. I no longer have to bear with such crippling phantom pain, and the Knights family, including Elaine, have been helping me move on.
Maybe I can truly start over? Maybe I can truly find a place for myself here? I don't know how I'll ever be able to return the favor for the Knights family.
I think I'll invite Elaine to try out that new sandwich shop that recently opened up with me.
October XX, 20XX
Over time, I learned that the Knights family have a side business of sorts. They handle paranormal investigations and even do monster hunting for certain clients. Oddly, only the women of the Knights family do this.
Vivienne had retired from the side business a few years back and runs Four of a Kind Queens after inheriting it from her mother. Her two daughters, Morgan and Caelia, still do the side business occasionally, along with her two granddaughters Elaine and Eleanor. I almost never see Eleanor, since according to Morgan (her mother), she travels with her husband for his job as a contractor of sorts.
Elaine is leaving for one such occasion. She's been hired to investigate an abandoned house since there have been some crazy occurrences here and there. I don't know why, but I couldn't bring myself to stay, so I quickly volunteered to join her. I told her of my past experience as a paranormal investigator and demonstrated my knowledge of it. It was enough to convince her.
I never told the Knights family about the group I used to be a part of. I don't even want to think of the names of who and what I used to know. I was thrown away and cast aside, and I was constantly punished for the things I never wanted to happen.
...I just hope I don't bring Elaine to her death. At the very least, I'll help maintain her equipment and remain in her van. That way if anything went wrong, at least it won't be her getting pushed off. I should probably check ahead of time and make sure there isn't anything that could be used as a weapon to hurt her.
November XX, 20XX
I keep telling myself that I need to stop involving myself with the paranormal. That way I won't get hurt anymore, that way I can't be used to hurt anyone. But I couldn't. I can't.
Elaine made the investigations safe. I actually enjoy going on these trips with her.
She listened to all of my concerns, answered my questions, and even took the time to plan ahead with me on what needs to be done. I would help with the preliminary investigation and preparation, and if it became too dangerous for me, I would stay in the van with the protection wards while she went on ahead. In the rare occasions where it was too much even for her, she would back out and call her family for backup.
I love it when one knows when to fold.
December XX, 20XX
Elaine and I are still dating here and there.
I still don't know what a date really is, but if the occasional walk around the mountain trails or just having a meal together counts as such, then I guess that counts? (Huh. Redundancy.)
The things I learned about Elaine so far is: She's good at cooking, knows how to work with cars, likes reading science fiction and the occasional romance and horror novels. She doesn't care much for movies unless it really interests her, and even then, that's rare. She loves the family cream stew recipe her grandmother makes.
Elaine started to play some video games with me once I saved up enough money to buy a secondhand console during a sale. I often like to do little commentaries whenever I play, and she started to join in as well.
I'm so thankful to have her as a friend.
December 25th, 20XX
Even though I was all but exiled from where I used to live, I still wanted to let my uncle know what I'm fine without anything being traced back to me. Eventually, I came up with a technique that allowed me to do it.
One time I went with Elaine on her trips for the family's side business, I had asked her to buy a stack of notebook paper and some envelopes from an office store while we were out three states over. They were completely covered with wrapping, so there were no worries of her fingerprints getting on them. I made sure to only let myself touch the letters while writing and sending them, so that way there would be no danger for the Knights.
I had written my first letter to my uncle last week. I didn't include much, just that I was fine and that I'm in a much better place, and I asked him in that he doesn't try to look for me. I even went so far as to write it in a way that he would know that I'm not making it up and that I'm actually safe. I won't be able to get a reply from him, and we probably won't be able to see each other again, but hopefully this will put him at ease.
Merry Christmas, Uncle. I'm sorry.
January XX, 20XX
The new year. Hopefully it'll lead to a new me.
I'm gradually making a few friends outside the Knights family, but I mainly just stay home and keep to myself. They've gotten used to it; I think. We sometimes get to play some online games together, so that's cool.
February 14, 20XX
I got to spend some time with Elaine at a place popular for couples before a job. Granted, Elaine was asked to investigate some disappearances that occurred in that area, but I came with her last minute because I wanted to spend more time with her. It's selfish of me to do that, but I want to prove myself as a person for her. Plus, the last few cases I went with her went okay.
The fact that the Knights family are so effective at paranormal investigations and monster hunting, it makes sense now.
The Knights family themselves are monsters.
Elaine ■■■■■■■■ those cultists. Sure, she did it to save me, but she still ■■■■■■ ■■■■.
Dating her was a mistake. Everything has been a mistake. Everything about me has been a mistake.
I broke up with her.
March XX, 20XX
I don't know what I'm even doing. I still go to work, but after what happened two weeks ago, I can't look anyone in the eye. I try to avoid them. I know that they can kill me at any given moment. If that were to be the case, I hope they'll at least wait until it's Galahad's time to go, I don't want him to pass after me.
When that incident happened, Elaine begged me not to hate her while crying. After that, she never said anything to me other than when it's time to clock out or the few times her grandmother would buy lunch for the employees. No one in the family told me to leave, but they didn't ask for forgiveness, either.
I fear Elaine, but I can't hate her. What she did was unforgivable, even though she did it to save me. I know I would have died had it not been for her actions, but still. Am I truly worth saving? Enough that someone will kill to do so?
…Real monsters would never save people.
I can't let it be like this. I will talk to her the next time I go to work.
March XX, 20XX
I managed to have a heart-to-heart talk with Elaine. I still couldn't bring myself to forgive her for what she did, but I made sure to thank her for saving my life. There are still many things we need to work through, but at least we seem to be on the right page now.
We've decided to give this dating thing another shot. Not to start over, but to pick up where we left off.
I will accept her, monster and all.
After all, the real monster is me.
June XX, 20XX
I love her. I love Elaine.
I shouldn't love her. I don't have the right to love her.  I shouldn't let these feelings be a part of me. It's becoming harder and harder to deny it.
Elaine can easily toss me aside should she so choose. But she didn’t. I just can’t understand.
I still confessed to her. Because I didn’t have a ring to give her, I gave her my star spin. She gave me a pin shaped like the moon. The Knights in the night. Heh.
She returned her feelings.
October XX, 20XX
Elaine proposed to me.
November 11, 20XX
So… I tied the knot with Elaine today.
It feels so unreal. I never thought even once in my life before meeting her that I would ever find love like this. I really don't know how to describe this feeling. I have never felt anything even remotely like this in the past where all I felt was pain.
The ceremony could have been better, though. I wish I didn't have to make Elaine sad when I asked her to keep that one promise for me as one of our vows, but I know this had to be done for everyone's sake, including hers.
Elaine, if you ever read this, I want to say thank you. I love you, and I will do whatever I can to make you happy like you do for me.
I love you, too, my star. ☆
- - - - - - -
Red spilled.
Arthur looked down on himself, on his hands, and saw red. Why is the room covered in red? Why are Gwen and Percy covered in red and down on the floor? The clothes of Vivi's son soaked in more crimson. Whose blood is this? He coughed and looked at his hands.
Oh. It's his.
He forced himself to swallow the vomit that threatened to leave his throat. He blinked and saw that the red is now gone. Another hallucination? Definitely not a good sign, but he will have to worry about it later when he took a moment to touch the moon pin on his vest before shifting his focus on the children.
Gwen and Percy, along with Vivi's son Jason, are still standing, looking at him like they're seeing a ghost. The wraith is still floating behind the children, looking like a deer in the headlights. Arthur briefly took note that it's holding something, a blue rectangle of sorts that took one hand for the wraith to hold. A box? Not important.
Arthur knew that he would have to face the wraith again one day. It could have gone in so many ways. In all of those scenarios, it always had the wraith looking angry and vengeful like it always did when it was alone with him.
To think the wraith could hurt him like this.
The sound of Percy's voice snapped Arthur out of the fog. It's hard to bear the heat flaring up from his back and neck, difficult to keep the acid bile from bubbling up in his throat, and hard to maintain eye contact with that ghoulish face. It’s not looking angry now, but he knows it’s only a matter of time.
"Gwen, Percy,” Elaine said, “Come over here.”
The three children glanced up at the wraith before the twins subtly nodded to each other, with Gwen quietly gesturing to Jason to follow her as the three left the wraith’s side. The wraith, to its credit, didn’t do anything to follow.
“Arthur, I—"
“Elaine,” Arthur commanded with strain, his fingers barely touching the scar on his neck, “Take the kids with you… and go back to the others. Tell Vivi and Mystery to come here.”
“Are you sure?” Elaine kept her attention to him while keeping the wraith in the corner of her vision, “Isn’t that the one who—”
He nodded. He didn’t want to leave this up for debate. This isn’t her fight, but his. He’ll find a way to fend it off one way or another, and he knows it won’t lift a finger to hurt Vivi.
“Okay,” Elaine nodded back, “But if it tries anything, let me know.”
“There is no need for that.”
Everyone turned to see Niniane with Vivi and Mystery behind her. Arthur had to suppress a shudder as he saw one of Niniane’s hands emit the green-blue aura and point it at the wraith. She looks really mad…!
“No way…” Vivi could be heard whispering, “The seal’s broken?”
‘Seal’? Wait, didn’t her father mention--
“So you’re the one that abused my distant grandson-in-law,” Niniane said as she held it in place with her magic, “I almost couldn’t believe it when I found out that you were still around after nearly eighteen years since your death. Most ghosts typically disappear after a few months,” she narrowed her eyes, “But that’s assuming you had let go of your desire for his death.”
“That’s—” the wraith started before Niniane brought it closer to her face.
“But at the same time, you have been sealed for over seventeen years, so maybe you’ve had plenty of time to… reflect.”
“Niniane, enough,” Arthur said, catching her attention, “This isn’t your fight.”
“Anything that involves my family is my fight, Arthur,” Niniane said simply, “I don’t see why we should leave this one on the loose. I can just easily seal it back to where it was previously, or…”
She let out a cruel smirk just before a dull blue and heart-shaped object flew out of Percy’s grasp and into her own.b
“I can just get rid of it entirely.”
She gave the metal heart a squeeze upon speaking the last word, causing the wraith to wince upon hearing a small crack–.
Arthur managed to hide his shock by swallowing his words. Still, it’s very tempting. Niniane could just easily eliminate the wraith here and now. If she did, then there would be no more burns, no more pain, and-- He glanced in Vivi’s direction and saw how distressed she is. How she looked at wanting to speak up, but unable to defy the one suppressing her. Just like how the wraith had suppressed him in the past. Gwen and Percy look terrified, too.
…This isn’t right.
“Not yet, Niniane,” Arthur said with much effort, “We can’t do that yet.”
Niniane blinked in brief surprise before looking down at Arthur with a glare, “Oh? And why should I delay in destroying this?”
“Because I need answers,” he said, “With what my uncle, the Yukino family, and the Peppers saying that they want all this to end, and why Vivi ‘snapped’ and kept hunting monsters in my name even though she never did anything to this one, or how that ghost managed to earn the kids’ trust, I need to know why.”
Niniane pondered momentarily before shrugging, "I suppose that's an understandable reason. Very well. I will allow you to question them, but I will be watching."
"No, I'll do it," Elaine said as she stepped forward to be beside Arthur, "I need you to watch after Vivian. We can't have her make her way towards us, not to mention that I don't want her to get hurt by that 'dog' again."
Niniane glared at Vivi and Mystery's direction briefly, then nodded, "Very well, Elaine. I will leave this to you. If any of them do go out of line, do whatever you wish," she handed the heart over to her distant granddaughter, "I trust you will make a good decision. And the children?"
"We're staying," Percy said as he and Gwen stood by their father's side, “It may not look like it, but it’s pretty much my fault that we’re in this in the first place.”
Arthur was about to rebuke his son before stopping himself. Like it or not, Percy is responsible for allowing Mr. Yukino to identify him out of an online article by wearing the skull pin and his resemblance to him, and he might be at fault for getting the attention of the Mystery Skulls, too.
But in the end, it’s Arthur’s own fault to allow any of this to happen.
Forget the blame game. Just get this over with. Get the answers I need, and just let this thing die once and for all.
The lives of his three children depend on it.
“I understand. I shall do as you ask,” Niniane straightened herself and shifted her gaze to the wraith and the Mystery Skulls with a narrow glare before walking away, “But like I said earlier, if they were to step out of line, there will be no mercy.”
Arthur watched Niniane leave. A part of him didn’t want her to, but something in his mind is telling him that it was probably for the best that the old woman isn’t involved in this. On a separate note, he could only hope that Morgan is keeping Lance and the Peppers in line, for he didn’t want to get them involved in this, either.
Now, it’s just him, Elaine, the twins, Vivi, her son, Mystery, and now the wraith.
“Jason,” Vivi broke the silence as she kneeled down to her son, “Could you stay with Belle for a while? I need to have a special talk with these people.”
“Do I have to?” Jason asked meekly, “I thought I could play with Gwen and Percy? They’re better than all my classmates.”
“That right?” Vivi gave out an exasperated yet fond smile, “Tell you what, if all goes well, then you can play with them again when we’re done talking.”
Jason looked like he wanted to speak up, but he nodded before giving Gwen and Percy a shy wave. He said something about wanting to talk more about robotics with the twins nodding, then left the living room after looking back a few times.
“Sorry, I didn’t want him involved in this,” Vivi said as she stood back on her feet. She looked at both Arthur and his family, then at the wraith and Mystery before speaking to Arthur, “So… You’re married. With kids.”
Arthur took a moment to make sure that he was between the Mystery Skulls and the twins. It became a comfort when he saw Elaine follow suit and hold his hand like she always did during the nightmares to make sure the wraith wasn’t near the children either. Whatever connection he had with the Mystery Skulls has long been shattered, and he managed to make a new one with the Knights family after meeting Elaine.
“You make it sound like that’s a bad thing,” he said while seeing the wraith slowly fiddle with the blue box in its hands, “Still, my condolences for your husband’s passing. He must have been a great man since your family left a shrine for him.”
Like me, she has also moved on from the past.
“You would’ve liked Harry,” Vivi smiled sadly, “Even though the way we got together was… less than ideal, we were able to love one another regardless. He loved me, and he loved our son.”
Something tells me that I shouldn’t pry further…
“But that’s not what’s important right now,” Vivi started to make a move towards him, only to immediately back off upon seeing his glare, “You know how shortly after you left, this town became cursed? By the demon that ruined everything?”
“You need me to help you break it,” Arthur said, unconvinced with his arms crossed, “You realize that I’m not really inclined to help you after you and Mystery almost killed my children.”
“She what?!” The wraith reeled back before turning to the woman in blue, “Vivi, why would you do that?! What were you even doing all this time that made you go after kids?!”
“They can transform into monsters!” Vivi said loudly, “I didn’t know they were Arthur’s kids!”
“Wait, so if we weren’t Daddy’s kids, you would’ve just gone after us no matter what?” Gwen asked as she glared at Vivi.
“None of this would've happened if you hadn’t attacked us in the first place!” Percy looked down on the fake dog, “We were just minding our own business until you showed up saying we shouldn’t exist!”
“We can only apologize for that. We thought you had done something to Arthur when I picked up his scent from the three of you,” Mystery said to Percy, “If we had seen you as you are now, even we would’ve picked up on the fact that you are his son, or at least someone related to him.”
Seeing his children becoming more involved with the monsters of his past is starting to become too much. Arthur covered his ears and started humming the lullaby quickly to himself to drown out the sound. He didn’t care that the lullaby would hurt him. He didn’t want to hear the madness anymore. No more! Please! No more!
“Arthur, isn’t that my--?”
“Oh, shut up! Don’t think we didn’t forget how that bitch nearly chopped up our sister! You’re lucky that she missed, or I would’ve gone for her throat instead of her hair!” Percy growled as he made the throat slash gesture with his thumb upon saying it, “Unlike necks, hair can grow back.”
“So you would have killed her?!” Mystery bared his teeth upon hearing the thought of Vivi’s safety being threatened, “I’m not sure if that would’ve been a wise choice. If that Gashadokuro hadn’t appeared, I would have made you regret making that move.”
“I’m right here, mutt,” Elaine said slowly as her right arm, the hand holding the heart, became skeletal with a black and purple flame, her left eye also glowing purple as she glared at the fake dog that just realized his mistake, “Care to repeat that in front of their mother?”
There was a long silence.
Or rather. It went blank for Arthur. They’re still talking. Still arguing. He set his arms down.
That’s right.
These three, the Mystery Skulls and a monster, tried to harm his children. The wraith might seem against the idea, but he knew the wraith would take away anything Arthur held dear like it had done in the past just to see him in pain.
“ARTHUR!” “What are you--?!” “DAD!” “DADDY?!”
Arthur kicked Mystery away from the kids amidst the screams and glared at the fake dog when he gave him a look of disbelief. He never wanted to hear Vivian cry like she had earlier today ever again.
“Arthur,” Elaine immediately went back to normal and came to his side, “Don’t push yourself.”
Upon seeing it, Arthur snatched the heart from Elaine’s grasp with his left hand. He tried to keep his breathing stable, but it’s getting harder and harder to breathe…
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…What is this? Why is it so dark and purple?
How long has it been? Days? Weeks? Months? Years? …Centuries? The passage of time has long been lost.
Nothing but regrets, nothing but sorrow, nothing but the memories that used to give him a sick sense of satisfaction that now bring him an even more sickening sense of regret and shame.
It’s what he deserved. He knew that.
He could still sense what is going on outside his prison… somewhat at least. His little helpers, the Dead Beats, that were extensions of himself still wandered over yonder here and there, but even though they’re essentially his eyes and ears, they can only sense so much in their extremely weakened state. He has no idea how long it’s been since he was left here to rot by the old traditional shrine maiden that knew how to use the paper seals and chants that could exorcise even the strongest of demons. At the same time, he didn’t know why she chose to seal him instead of eliminating him entirely.
He is aware that he brought this outcome of ruin upon himself, being sealed with the one that ruined everything. The memories it haunted him with within the darkened green, such as the ones he used to be proud of, only brought anger and disappointment upon itself. Sometimes it would leave him alone, and he made sure to treasure those moments of relief. No moment of peace except for these rare precious moments. Despite this, he couldn’t let his guard down and was always on edge.
The fact that it used him to hurt his parents will… It made him feel violated more than he cared to admit.
He has no doubt that this is all what Arthur went though, as well. He wondered if the mechanic is even still alive.
Every once in a while, he would try to distract himself from the now painful memories by singing his song with his little helpers. Sometimes he would sing it the way it’s supposed to, other times he would sing it more sadly and melancholy.
This time I might just disappear…
He chose to sing it slowly and softly this time. The green hasn’t tried to disturb him for a while.
All of a sudden, he sensed something outside. He couldn’t tell what it was since his little helpers were so weak. He couldn’t see them, but he could feel them. Two… no, three? New presences near his prison’s proximity. He may not be able to do anything from where he is, but he hoped that his little helpers would lead them away to safety.
…They’re not leaving. One can float around. But it’s so small… Unless he is wrong, the floating one is… searching for something? The other two that can walk are trying to pursue the one that floats. What are the Dead Beats doing? They’re trying to get into contact with the three, but something is holding them back. One had enough, and so it used a trapdoor to catch the three by surprise. Why are the Dead Beats trying to bring the three to him? There's nothing he can do.
Oh, the one that can fly took one of the two, while the remaining kept falling.
A young boy's voice. Maybe someone calling out to their partner? He wanted to help, but as long as the seal remains intact, he can't leave, let alone move.
A yelp of pain in a girl's voice. She sounds hurt. Did she fall that badly? Is this the person the other voice he heard just moments earlier call out to? Before he could question it any further, something in his vision changed. It's faint, but light started to crack vertically in front of him. To his surprise, when he tried to reach out, he found that he could move. His fingers came into contact with the side of what felt like a lid. He pulled it to the side as hard as he could.
The lid of his coffin fell off with a loud clatter, and he quickly shut his eyes against the bright light.
Am I… free?
Does this mean that Arthur is here?
"Oh… f-frick…"
He slowly opened his eyes to adjust to the light, which isn't much. When his vision cleared, he saw-- That's not Arthur. It's just a kid, a young girl with dark hair and gray overalls, staring at him with an alarmed expression though her eyes.  But the only way for him to be released from his prison based on what the old shrine maiden had said…
“Only those that come after in blood of whose soul you’ve hurt.”
Although he has no idea how, this child is someone that has fit the criteria the shrine maiden had placed. Maybe she knows where Arthur is, or at least what happened to the world outside after he was sealed.
He looked down at himself briefly before shifting his focus to his heart. Still dark in color, and heavily cracked like it had been ever since he realized his mistake too late. How long has it been? What does he even look like now? He thought about looking into his heart, but instead looked up at the child before him.
He started as he began to move forward, reaching out for her. Maybe he could lead her back to her two companions and then out of his prison? He tried to speak except he couldn't form the words other than "You."
The way the girl reacted with alarm before running off… felt familiar. He realized that he could move still, so he started to float and moved to follow her. He had to make sure she didn't fall into a trap or worse, encounter the green.
She saw him pursue her. As she continued to run away, she lifted an arm to his direction. He wondered what she was doing before seeing something sparkle in her hands and realized it immediately. She has magic. Why does it feel so cold? He didn't want to hurt her, so he lifted his hand to burn away the ice and nothing else. He tried to speak, but for some reason, he couldn't remember the words he wanted to say. What were they again? He knew how to say his name and one other.
"No no no no no no no no!" The girl just kept repeating the word, probably more to herself than anything else. She's a lot faster than he thought. How familiar. Maybe he can still warp the place like he used to before he was trapped here?
He knows most of the doors were basically portals that led to other doors meant to confuse people, so when the girl ran into one of the many doors in the hallway, she came out of another door in the same area just a little further down. When she saw him, she briefly looked annoyed, and then kept running in the long hallway and ignored the remaining doors altogether.
He needs to find a way to let her know he means no harm. It took some effort, but soon he was able to conjure a wall to cut off the girl's path to where only two pathways remain. The first path being the way they came, the other being another hall that neither had gotten to yet. Either way, he managed to effectively trap her in a corner.
"You… Arrrrrth…" Why can't he speak properly?! He just wanted to talk to her…
Something must have caught the girl's attention, as she soon went from a guarded stance to one of confusion.
"Are you… trying to say something?"
He looked up at her and nodded.
“You’re not going to hurt me, are you?”
He shook his head.
“Raise your left hand if you understand me.”
He did so.
She looked hesitant before standing up straight, “You’re definitely a wraith. The only way for something like you to exist was if you died a very violent death, and in your last moments, having a very strong desire. In other words, you have unfinished business here, right? Someone murdered you.”
He nodded. When the girl didn’t make a response, he looked down at his heart. Maybe if he shows her the photo inside, she’ll recognize any of the people in it? He allowed his heart to approach the girl for her to look. Just as if she was about to take hold of it--
He couldn’t believe his eyes.
“Back off, you skull ghost!”
Standing in front of the girl, shielding her from him is—! He realized that he is shaking, that he is crying, “Arrrrttthhhh… You…”
Arthur looked taken aback, “Wha--? Why are you--”
Before anyone realized it, he held Arthur in his arms in a soft embrace.
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“Arthur, it is you!”
There isn’t any green. He didn’t want to let Arthur go, otherwise it would mean that this isn’t real.
He wanted to let Arthur know how sorry he is and that he learned from his mistake. That maybe things will work out. That maybe, just maybe, things could go back to what everything once was. To be a team again. Maybe get Vivi and then ask Arthur that question with her one more time and hope that he accepts it. That maybe, just maybe, Arthur will forgive him.
And maybe, just maybe… He thought more to himself as he gently held Arthur, who remained still with a look of confusion, by the shoulders to look into the gentle blue eyes he always knew--
Arthur doesn’t have blue eyes. They’re supposed to be gold like his hair. He’s also supposed to have a patch of dark hair just above his forehead, not white.
Upon closer inspection, he realized that the not-Arthur before him isn’t even an adult, but a child that just reached his teens, just like the girl behind the boy that somehow opened his prison. He took a moment to take in the features of the boy before him. The spiky hair, the way the patch of hair above his forehead looks outside of color, his jawline, his general stature, it’s beyond unmistakable.
It’s not Arthur, but he didn’t doubt this boy is related to him some way.
What sealed it was when he saw a familiar pin on the boy’s vest, one of the Mystery Skulls logo. Unless it’s a replica, only three are supposed to exist, but since it looks so beat up…
Looking at the girl, she doesn’t look like anyone he knew, but he soon found what he was missing. Her eyes were the same gold color as Arthur’s. He then saw her headband with a somewhat beaten blue circle just above her right ear.
“Hey,” the girl asked, her voice shaking, “Do you know this ‘Arthur’s’ last name?”
It took him a moment to answer, “K-King…”
“'Kingsmen'?” the boy suddenly asked, and when he nodded, the two children looked at each other as if realizing something before the boy spoke up again, “Hey, do you remember when you died? Like, the date and year?”
He told them.
“That’s… that’s over seventeen years ago!”
…Seventeen… years?
His heart fell to the floor and cracked.
Arthur blinked and looked up at the wraith. If what he saw was true…
He gritted his teeth. He won’t accept it. He just can’t.
 He glared at the Mystery Skulls while holding on to the heart to the with a tight grip. 
“I don’t know what you Skulls have been doing while I was away, and frankly, I don’t even care,” Arthur seethed as he glared at Vivi, “I let you all do whatever you wanted with me because I know that everything was my fault. Your parents said so, as did Lewis’s family, and as did that monster beside you that you kept because of your damn obsession.”
His grip on the wraith’s heart tightened. The wraith winced. Vivi and Mystery looked taken aback.
“I let that monster have its way with me for the six months we stayed with it because it was the only way you would be happy. I had to learn the rules through trial and error so I wouldn’t go through any more of this,” Arthur pulled on the turtleneck of his sweater to reveal the burn mark on his throat briefly before releasing it, “Just so you could stay happy. But no matter what I did to atone, it wasn’t enough. Not for your family, not for the Peppers, and certainly not for that wraith that’s only been kind to you.”
Vivi is trembling. It would have pained Arthur to see it, but he no longer cared. Not after what she nearly did to his son and daughters, to Elaine’s treasured miracles.
He noticed Elaine’s hand wrap itself around his right shoulder and felt relieved, even though he dared not show it. Not in front of the wraith and the fox.
“What… What were the rules?” Vivi asked with a shaky voice.
Arthur rolled his eyes in irritation. Typical for the wraith to stay silent and play dumb around Vivi like it always did.
“I was not to be alone with you for even a moment, let alone speak to you, even if you were the one to reach out. I was not to perform maintenance on my arm. I was to go first on investigations, entering rooms, crossing streets. After all, you wouldn’t want me to push you to your death, too, now would you? I was not to do any more maintenance for the van, let alone drive it anymore. For all you know, I could’ve tampered with it to stage an accident, even though everyone here knows very well that the mechanic in me would never do that. I was to never sleep past a certain time, even on the few nights where I wouldn’t have nightmares and hopefully, finally, get a full night’s rest for once. Or else I would just be forcefully dragged out of bed and get punished. For all anyone knows, I could’ve been plotting something. ‘No rest for the wicked,’ as the saying goes.”
The Mystery Skulls were looking more and more sick as Vivi looked more and more angry at the wraith with tears starting to form in her eyes. Sucks to be them.
He didn’t dare look at his family right now.
“I was not to eat anything unless all three of us were present. And even then, that had some rules. I wasn’t to eat any of my favorite foods, or anything from the Pepper Paradiso, even if you were the one that provided it to me. Although that one will forever stick after not only getting beaten for it, but also getting tampered food that made me sick at least twice, from cookies with the icing switched to paste to that one meal that had arsenic in it. The only reason I didn’t require a hospital visit for that one was no doubt because I somehow developed a tolerance for it.”
Arthur briefly paused as he noticed Elaine’s fingers twitching at what he just said earlier before continuing.
“Or maybe it was something else, I don’t know or even care. Either way, I had to go without food for days at a time until I had to go to work with Lance, and in the few times I couldn’t I had to resort to eating the weeds outside.”
He felt Elaine’s grip on his arm tighten slightly and heard her whisper his name. He knew that this is the first time she would be hearing about everything he went through in painful detail.
He hated it.
“Your parents, mainly your father, blamed me for your amnesia, when in actuality the wraith was the one that did it to you. The Peppers, on the other hand, told me multiple times that I should’ve been the one who died that day. It’s true, though. Their son’s life had more meaning than mine, after all. I mean, who would you save? A man that has many connections and a promising life ahead of him, or a screwed-up mechanic that was thrown away by his parents with more issues than the stars in the sky?”
Anything I did to make up for what I’ve done, all that I tried to do to heal the damage I caused, was never enough.
“Arthur, why didn’t you say anything?!” Vivi is crying now, “Why?!”
Arthur gritted his teeth, “You were finally happy after everything that went wrong because of me when you were with that ghost. How could I take that away from you again?”
Vivi is trembling, “Even so, you should’ve told me. I could have done something!”
“Not like I could,” Arthur said as he tossed the heart behind him and jammed a finger at the wraith while keeping his attention towards Vivi, “You were pretty forgetful ever since the incident.”
There was a long silence.
“Arthur, are you saying what I think you just said?” Elaine finally asked before furiously pointing at the wraith, “You mean to tell me that he’s been controlling Yukino’s memory the entire time!?”
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The wraith looked away. Honestly, its unnerved Arthur that it was showing such human and Lewis-like mannerisms.
“It did erase her memory of Lewis dying, and then Lewis in general. So it wouldn’t surprise me if it could do more than that,” Arthur said, “Either way, so long as I ‘behaved,’ she wouldn’t know. The least I could do was make sure that it didn’t tamper with her memory anymore that it did.”
“Lewis, just why would you—!” Vivi shook her head before turning back to Arthur, “Then why didn’t you tell your uncle anything?! He could’ve done something to help you, instead!”
“All he’d do is pump that shotgun and make things worse,” Arthur spat, “We were lucky the last time that happened. I’m not risking a repeat.”
The sound of the shotgun is not something Arthur would want to hear again, that’s for sure. Not to mention that in the present, as much as Lance means well, Arthur knows that his uncle could very easily kill the children by accident should he mistake them for monsters like Vivi had, or worse, getting caught in the crossfire.
…He shuddered and struggled not to picture any of his family having big gaping wounds or being outright headless.
If anything, this just means that he can’t trust anyone from Tempo. No one.
It hurt. More than he cares to admit.
“That thing wanted me gone. That thing wanted me to disappear. But you didn’t, Vivi. You had me stay, and so that wraith had to make do with things like this,” he pointed at his own neck before pulling at his right sleeve to show the faint hand-shaped burn on his forearm, “And left me with more reminders of my inability to do anything more than I care to count! But I accepted it. It is my fault, after all. That demon took hold of me and had me kill Lewis. His blood is on my hands even though I never wanted it to happen!”
Vivi fell on her knees and kept crying. Mystery immediately went to her side to see if he could offer any comfort
Arthur can’t deny that seeing her in such a state is rather unsettling, but he can’t look away from it anymore. Upon seeing some movement, Arthur looked up and saw the wraith starting to lift a hand as if it wanted to comfort Vivi, only to immediately back off upon seeing Arthur’s glare.
Something cracked.
“You have every right to hate me.”
Arthur shuddered upon hearing the wraith speak and held on to Elaine for support. He looked around briefly to see if Gwen and Percy were still around, and briefly saw red as he noticed his son cradling the wraith’s heart in his hands.
“No number of apologies will ever make up for what I did to you, but I still want to say that I’m sorry.”
What is this feeling of… sorrow(?) welling up in his throat. Arthur didn’t want to maintain eye contact with the wraith. That’s how it gets people off guard.
“Before you and your family destroy me, I just want to know. If you hated me that much when you left…”
Arthur gritted his teeth.
“Why did you name your children with the names I suggested?”
Crack. Crack.
He didn’t.
- - - - - - -
“Oh wow! Look at this view, Arthur!”
The Mystery Skulls had decided to take a rest stop in Tennessee from their drive home after roughly five hours of riding. The rest stop also happened to have a scenic overlook where one could enjoy the scenery of the mountains from the interstate. It has a good view, Arthur had to admit as he leaned himself forward against the stone fence.
“Although I hear it can’t compare to what the Cantabile Mountains at the other side of the state have to offer,” Lewis laughed, “Maybe in the future we can go look?”
Arthur hummed in agreement, even though he remained more focused on reading a robotics tech magazine he had managed to obtain from a convention when they passed by a larger city the day before. The pages held some interesting ideas for prosthetics, which was something Arthur had taken an interest in as of late. He made sure to fold the corners of the pages he needed to look into later when he gets home.
Upon hearing the sound of a dog barking, Arthur looked behind him to see Vivi and Mystery running around. Mystery had been rather restless, and Arthur didn’t doubt that the bespectacled dog is more than relieved to have the opportunity to stretch his legs.
Upon seeing Vivi look so happy, something ached in Arthur’s chest. He didn’t know what to call it, but he knew better than to talk to her or Lewis about it.
“I know you’ll find someone who will love you, Arthur. I know it.”
“Yeah, right,” Arthur said as he continued to read the tech magazine in his hands, “You know how to cook while having the strength to do pretty much anything. And with Vivi’s appetite, any family you’d have with her will probably enjoy that to their heart’s content. Me? I’ve got none of that.”
“Well, actually, we still had some things to sort out before Vivi and I go that far,” Lewis said after some silence, “I mean, there’s still some stuff to work out before we can do that.”
Arthur looked up from the tech magazine he was reading and saw Vivi doing something with Mystery from the corner of his eye. He didn’t bother to pay full attention to them before shooting a glance at the man next to him. Way to be redundant, Lewis.
“Ah, sorry, I’m losing track. You see, you know I’m adopted, and I have no idea who or where my birth parents are. Don’t get me wrong, I love Mom and Dad, but sometimes I just wonder…” Lewis trailed off before giving Arthur a fearful look, “Ah, wait, that didn’t…! Crap…”
A dark cloud formed over Arthur’s head, and his mood felt worse than it already is.
Although Arthur never looked back when he went to live with his uncle after the nasty divorce between his parents, it never stopped being a sore subject for him. He didn’t deny that he would occasionally feel envious of the families Lewis and Vivi have, but Lewis just sounded so selfish there. At least he had loving parents at all, blood related or not.
Sure, he has his uncle, but sometimes Arthur wondered just what exactly a complete and loving family felt like. Arthur knows that Uncle Lance would do anything to protect him, but he isn’t exactly the best at showing affection, often displaying a gruffer side more than anything else. Arthur sighed, maybe he’s the selfish one.
“Gwen and Percy.”
“Huh?” Arthur gave Lewis an incredulous look in response to his friend’s comment out of the blue.
“If, ah, you ever have a son and a daughter, we could name them that,” Lewis laughed while leaning against the railing, “Not only would they fit in with your name like in the legends, but they’re great names by themselves, I think.”
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Arthur blinked in confusion before turning his head away from Lewis, hoping that the latter wouldn’t see the blush forming on his face, “I-I guess, but you know that in order for me to even do that, I’d have to get together with someone first. And even then, I don’t know if I’d be good enough to be a father.” Let alone be a good enough partner, he mentally added with a heavy heart.
This isn’t helping his mood.
Lewis hummed in thought, “I don’t know about that. You’re actually pretty good with my sisters, and you even helped us with Paprika back when Dad and I had that car accident shortly after she was born. Mom even said that if it hadn’t been for you, she might have gone to the hospital herself from overwork. Since you’re a great babysitter, I’d say you’d make a great dad.”
Well, he can’t… deny that. Somewhat.
“Still, you’d make a better parent than me, though.”
Lewis didn’t respond immediately, which made Arthur wonder if he had said it with more bite than he intended. Having to watch Lewis and Vivi being all lovey-dovey and virtually ignoring him outside some quick glances throughout the entire drive to where they are now didn’t help matters. Sometimes, he wondered if they even wanted him around anymore. It hurts more than he’d like to admit.
Still. Him? A father? Someone’s significant other? That’ll be the day.
As far as Arthur knows, he’s most likely ace or aro or whatever the heck the label is called. He had tried to figure out what exactly it is through online research, but with so many terms that seem to get added every week, combined with the rather toxic influence with people saying on what is acceptable and what is not only to find the whole thing turned around on its head, or what is “something-phobic” based on what his initial assumptions on the two (or more) terms were, Arthur never bothered consulting any of the online communities and gave up entirely. To him, it was just more trouble than it’s worth.
Then again, it’s probably not wise asking online strangers for help on something like this anyway. Especially once he started finding posts that essentially held the basic message of being something akin to “this label is like this with these very certain criteria or fuck you and go die,” and even blogs that are said to be devoted to supporting these labels just can’t seem to agree with one another. Do they accept this? Do they accept that? He could never find a consistent answer.
He had thought about finding a counselor that specializes on the subject, but not only are there not any reliable-looking ones within a reasonable driving distance from Tempo, their hourly rates without proper insurance is way too high for someone like him. It’s not that Kingsmen Mechanics doesn’t provide insurance for their employees, it’s not exactly the best for those with mental needs. Lance would sometimes make an annoyed comment about that.
And then there’s the fact that Texas itself, and maybe a good chunk if not all of the remaining forty-nine states, most likely wouldn’t accept anyone outside of whoever is perceived as "hetero-normal" or whatever people call it.
Why the hell am I wasting my time thinking about this. Arthur growled to himself in frustration while trying to be quiet enough for Lewis to not notice.
After struggling to comprehend it all, it just felt so pointless. But he still wants to know why and figure it out for his own peace of mind.
As far as he knows, his name is Arthur Kingsmen, a twenty-two-year-old car mechanic and Lance’s nephew. To him, that’s all that mattered. He knows that he desires a companionship of his own like how Lewis and Vivi have for one another, but he just can’t feel the desire with any of the people he has met so far. Not to mention seeing those two together… hurt. He didn’t know why.
Maybe something is wrong with him, but he can’t impose on Vivi and Lewis like that.
And as far as Arthur also knows, he will be alone for his entire life once he goes out on his own.
He briefly entertained the idea of meeting someone, falling in love, getting married, and starting a family… but he knows that’s a mere pipe dream.
His heart ached.
One last case.
Just one last case, and then he will leave.
And finally go out on his own.
- - - - - - -
“Or… more accurately, why did you name them after Vivi and… after me?”
Gwen Vivi, Percy Lewis, and Vivian Lulu. The first and middle names he had given to his three children in memory of the two people he cared about.
The wall broke.
“How dare you.”
“How dare you claim those names,” Arthur’s hands balled up into fists as angry tears leaked from his eyes, “The one who suggested those names is dead. Dead and gone. Buried!”
He glared at the wraith. He won’t fail to keep eye contact this time. He has Elaine with him, she can stop the wraith if need be.
“You can’t have them,” he seethed, “You’re not taking them to be your playthings. I won’t let you hurt them like you hurt me.”
“I would never hurt them! Why would—”
“They’re not just mine, but Elaine’s, too. Unlike me, she has nothing to do with you or any of this. I’m not going to let her get hurt because of me.”
As soon as Arthur said those words, a loud audible crack could be heard. When Arthur looked to see the source of the noise, he saw Percy still holding the heart, now nearly black in color, and open. Annoyed, Arthur took the open locket from his son’s hands and looked inside to see what it was that made the children’s faces so pale.
…The thing felt putrid in his hands. Filthy.
“Gwen. Percy,” Arthur said calmly, “Go to your nana. Stay by Vivian’s side. Don’t let her come in here.”
The twins looked at one another nervously.
It was clear that they didn’t want to, but they obeyed. After waiting a moment to make sure the twins were out of sight and hopefully out of hearing range, the fury Arthur felt slowly started to rise. Gwen and Percy, and maybe Jason, shouldn’t have seen what was inside the locket. They are not to be involved over past issues such as this.
Arthur tossed the locket at Vivi and Mystery’s feet in disgust before clutching the moon pin on his vest, “As soon as you asked me that damn question, I couldn't take it anymore. That’s why I left.”
Vivi’s eyes widened, looking torn and shaken as she picked up the locket, “Wait, you mean tha--that was all it took? Just because that we--, that I asked you out on a date?"
“That’s right,” he said as he made the move to hold Elaine’s left hand with his own, knowing that her wedding ring was visible for Vivi and the wraith to see. He then took a moment to glance at the wraith to make sure it wouldn’t get any stupid ideas before choosing to ignore the look of guilt on its face, “Lewis was your boyfriend, not me. I never wanted you projecting on the third wheel when Lewis went missing or died to be more accurate. You belonged to him.”
“Hey, I belong to no one by my own damn self, thank you very much,” Vivi snapped, “No one but I can decide what my relationships are, not some random person I don’t have any memory with anymore!” She sighed with frustration, “Did you seriously think I would flirt with someone I wasn’t interested in?!”
“Playfully, maybe. Since that’s what friends do,” Arthur shrugged as he held Elaine’s hand closer to himself, “It was still wrong, though--”
“I wanted us to be more than friends even before all that, Arthur!”
…Arthur really wished Vivi didn’t just say that.
“Wait, hold on. Let me make sure I got this straight,” Elaine raised her free hand to point a finger at Vivi, “You, Vivi Yukino, wanted to make Arthur your boyfriend even though you were already taken, and you had your memory of Lewis back when you asked Arthur that question?”
“You can have more than one significant other in a relationship,” Vivi explained, “Sure, there was a huge stigma for polyamorous relationships even back then, but we weren’t going to let that get in the way.”
Arthur risked a glance at the wraith. Curiously, it kept its head hung down, not looking at anyone. He really, really didn’t like the way it’s presenting itself right now, looking like a scolded child. Lewis would have that exact same expression in the few times he had been scolded by Vivi for some reason, and that disturbed him more than he cares to admit.
When Arthur thought about the past, he knew what it was that had become so painful for him whenever he saw Lewis and Vivi being together as partners. He wanted to be a part of that circle, but he knew that deep down, it was entirely selfish of him to want such a thing. What made it worse was that he didn’t even realize it was love he was feeling for Vivi and Lewis until he had realized his feelings for Elaine when she won his heart.
Well, even then, it’s too little, too late. Lewis is gone and dating Vivi after learning of the former’s fate would just be an insult to the dead. Plus, he didn’t want Vivi to project Lewis through him. In the end, there is no point in reminiscing the past or wondering about how things would’ve gone had Lewis not died, had the Mystery Skulls not gone into that cave.
What’s done is done.
“Before I died,” Arthur stiffened upon hearing the wraith speak, “Vivi and I had discussed our feelings for one another and for Arthur once we realized it. We even tried giving him hints and even flirted with him at times, but he always seemed to miss them every time. We were beginning to think he was ace/aro at that point.”
It took a lot of willpower on Arthur’s part to keep himself from shuddering. Shut up. Stop talking.
“Um, yeah, as far as I know, Arthur never knew how to flirt,” Elaine said with a somewhat exasperated breath, “I just kept inviting him to weekly dates and tested the waters little by little with his consent until I knew how he clicked. We were friends first, then we started dating casually, then seriously, and then to where we are now.”
Unlike what happed with Vivi and Lewis, Elaine was never subtle about her feelings for me. Even though I never knew how to flirt, even I could pick up the cues she was giving me. She always told me that she liked me, that she cared, and that she wanted me around. She invited me to cafes, to parks, to the mountain ranges, to peaceful places. She acted like my life mattered. Whenever she took a step forward, she would talk to me. She would communicate with me. I would have never confessed to her had she’d not done that.
I stopped bothering with the labels. It’s pointless. All that matters is that I know my name, and I love Elaine. That’s it.
“Eventually, we decided to just outright tell him after we finished exploring the cave,” Vivi averted her eyes with a sad expression, “But you know that never came to pass.”
Upon hearing those words, Arthur’s chest ached with a familiar sensation of doubt and a heavy tightness as he looked at his left arm. The awful feeling of loneliness, conflicted feelings, and a heartbreak that never completely went away. Arthur quietly took a deep breath. He would be lying if he were to admit that he didn’t feel anything for Vivi and Lewis anymore, but most of the desire had faded. He felt nothing for the wraith.
He gave his heart to Elaine. He won’t betray her like that. He won’t let her go through such heartbreak ever again.
“I see,” Elanie sighed as she gave Arthur’s hand a squeeze, letting him know she’s still with him, “Since we’re on the subject, perhaps you can actually answer this question since both your parents and the Peppers didn’t give me the full story. From what they told me; things have ‘gone straight to hell’ when Arthur left your lives.”
Arthur could’ve sworn he saw one of Elaine’s eyes glow when he saw her narrow her gaze at Vivi.
“What happened in Tempo after that?”
Neither Vivi nor the wraith responded. They just looked down in shame. Arthur didn’t see a reason to pity them anymore.
“I guess it’s my turn to explain things.”
Arthur nearly jumped when he heard Mystery speak. Had he seriously forgotten that the kitsune disguised as a dog is still around? Even though he was right beside Vivi the whole time.
“Go on,” Elaine looked down at the dog with contempt, “And do not leave out a single detail. Tell me everything.”
“Very well,” Mystery took a deep breath, “As we’ve said before, it all started when Vivi got the phone call from Lance. None of us knew that Arthur had left for a ‘solo vacation’ after he finished his work here. So when Lance called police to help locate Arthur, he came to our place. That’s when he found all the evidence that clued us in that Arthur had been abused by Lewis ever since we reunited. While Vivi’s memory issues is one thing, I do not have any excuse for not noticing Arthur’s pain. I was too focused on watching out for Vivi’s health as I am bound to her.”
A hitched breath from Vivi caught Arthur’s attention. She looks angry, “After you left, when I found out about what my parents and the Peppers… and Lewis have done to you, I was livid. I told them all that if they had to blame someone, they should’ve blamed me.
“I am the leader of the Mystery Skulls, so the wellbeing of everyone was my responsibility. I failed to do that when we went to that cave. If I hadn’t brought us there, or if I hadn’t brushed off your concerns, or had I not suggested we split up,” Vivi sighed before continuing, “Or had Lewis and I talked with you about our feelings before instead of after that cave, then none of this would have happened to us. The one that caused the series of events that led to Lewis getting killed was me. So it’s my fault, Arthur. Not yours. If anything, I should’ve been the one receiving all that abuse from Lewis and the others instead of you. Not that it makes things any better, of course, but still.”
Don’t say that. Don’t say that Lewis is--
“Continuing from where we left off, Vivi and I were trying to search for you by checking whatever leads we could get. All we knew from the police reports was that you had taken a bus to a route leading out to the east of Tempo, transferred a few times within the span of two days, and then boarded a bus that was reported to have dropped you off somewhere in the mountains of Tennessee,” Mystery said, “We elected to have Lewis stay behind since we couldn’t trust him with your wellbeing, but that became our worst mistake.”
The wraith looked at the blue box in its hand, “The demon that killed me… was still around. It took hold of my father and almost killed Paprika by putting a knife to her throat. If I hadn’t been around, then she would’ve died. Vivi was able to save him by,” the wraith shuddered, “By freezing his hand off, but then the demon took hold of me. My mother got caught in the crossfire when she was taking my father and sisters to safety.”
A chill went up in Arthur’s spine. He knew that experience firsthand. A human falling under possession is one thing, but anything that actually has powers that normal people like him aren’t capable of doing? He glanced at Elaine to see how she’s faring and could only feel somewhat relieved upon seeing that she hasn’t changed her scrutiny of the Mystery Skulls.
Although Arthur shuddered that the wraith just kept talking, he didn’t know if it was from hearing it speak or finally knowing why Mrs. Pepper’s body is so full of burn scars. The burns he received from the wraith were tame in comparison. For him, he could just hide them under his clothes. Mrs. Pepper, not so much.
“Vivi and Mystery were able to expel the demon from me, but then Vivi’s grandmother sealed me within my home.”
“Obaa-san said that the seal could be broken by ‘only those that come after in blood of whose soul you’ve hurt,’” Vivi quotes with her fingers, “Since Arthur was hurt by Lewis, Mystery and I knew that we needed him to break it. But there’s one thing I don’t quite understand, Arthur didn’t go anywhere near where Lewis was, so how was the seal broken?”
Vivi, stop calling that thing Lew—
“…Arthur’s children,” Mystery perked up in realization, “If we take ‘only those that come after in blood’ to mean his descendants, then they easily fill the criteria since they’re descended from his bloodline. I do remember Fuyuko-sama once saying that Arthur is an ‘herbivore,’ so to speak. She may have intended for the conditions of removing the seal to be impossible, as she may have thought that Arthur would never have a child, let alone get together with someone. It makes sense.”
Arthur and Elaine looked at one another briefly, the former feeling very uncomfortable. Neither of them liked the fact that Gwen, Percy, and Vivian have more involvement than they thought.
“Well, either way,” Vivi sighed before crossing her arms, “Since Lewis is here, that means all we need to do now is find the demon that tore us apart and cursed this town, and then we can finally end this nightmare. And then once we take that thing once and for all, we all just… talk. Hopefully patch up things and then just,” she let a hard breath, “I don’t know, go from there.”
Getting rid of that wraith would be a real good start.
“About the demon,” the wraith said, “Before your grandmother sealed me, I managed to take it down with me. It was actually because of it that I… ended up learning of everything it made Arthur do to kill me, and then how it caught up to us before we managed to briefly defeat it.”
There was a silence.
“Wait, what the fuck?” Vivi’s voice is steadily rising in volume, “Mystery and I were looking for that thing ever since Arthur left, and you mean to tell me that it’s been with you the entire time?! That thing was torturing the town for over seventeen years!”
“I didn’t even know it’s been seventeen years until Gwen and Percy told me right after the seal was broken! Do you have any idea how hard it is for me to process that?! They were will filling me in on what I had missed and were just about to get to my sisters until you all came in!” It held up the blue box in it hand, “I held on to this ever since Paprika gave it to me!”
Who gave you the right to call them by their names? Arthur bit his lip in anger. They’re not yours.
“Wait, wait, wait, wait, hold up, hold up,” Elaine let go of Arthur and put herself between Vivi and the wraith before giving the latter a pointed look, “To make sure I have this straight. You had been sealed by Yukino’s grandmother, along with the demon, right?”
“And my and Arthur’s children had broken that seal, therefore freeing you.”
“That’s… right.”
“So if you’re here, then where’s the demon now?”
Arthur’s blood went cold. He looked behind him before running out of the room.
The kids!
As he ran, his anger could not be contained. As a father, he will do whatever it takes to keep his children safe for their sake, and for Elaine’s.
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The wraith is too dangerous to keep around.
- - - - - - -
The hunt is over!
And now you are mine!
Hide in shadows give you safety, baby...
But not this time!
You really like to think the contrary, don’t you?
Part 20: Your Enemy???! 
23 notes · View notes
The Rise of Glory || Chapter 4
                                   ❃ ❃ ❃ Flight to London ❃ ❃ ❃
Harry rests his head on my shoulder, taking a clear view of my screen and begins to read what I have spent the last hour typing out. We haven’t said much since the meeting and catching the flight; I am a little irritated with things in general and how at the drop of a hat we had to once again pack things up and go home at his convenience. I know it isn’t exactly his fault, but I can’t deny the fact that I am bothered by things. Deep down, I am still somewhat bitter that he stole my thunder and accepted a deal to branch to New York when I had the initial plan, I just couldn’t go through with it. I am not as powerful as he is or as knowledgeable, I do sometimes feel like he used that to his advantage. And, yes, what’s his is technically mine so it shouldn’t matter, but it is the principal. It was something I was doing on my own without the help of my family or the help of Harry’s business, I had him with me as support ut I had done all the plans and ideas myself, it was my incentive. 
❝The purpose of this petition is to gather a sufficient number of signatures from qualified Styles & Co Owners to recall / remove all current board members (9) nine. (DPOA By-Laws: Article 8, a & b)
Immediately upon receiving the required number of signatures, the current board will be replaced with an interim board of 3 until such time as a special election can be held to vote in new members. (Interim board is not to exceed a maximum of 90 days).❞
Harry stays quiet for a minute, and I gently shrug him off my shoulder, “Do you not have anything to say?” I curiously ask. I don’t necessarily like the fact he doesn’t have much to say on the matters. He is never one to be quiet, as a CEO, he always has a booming opinion and doesn’t tend to back down from a fight, but right now, he seems to be silent. 
Harry hums, “Yeah, I thought you quit.”
I glare over at him and he offers me nothing but his grin as he chuckles quietly to himself, “Or do you retract your statement of wanting to resign?” Harry smirks, he is attempting to be lighthearted and a smartass but I don’t find any of this amusing. I am quite offended by his board.
“Get rid of the board or I quit entirely.” I threaten, not wanting to be apart of a business that has a board as he does. They are useless and only do what benefits them. 
Harry sighs, “Why are you giving me an ultimatum? I didn’t do anything, I can’t even vote.” Harry defends himself softly. 
I know that it isn’t his fault and he is the middle man, but I expected him to stand up for me, not just because he is my husband but because he is the CEO, he hired me for my work, he knows I am good at my job and deserved more than what they did. I deserved better. I would hate for them to be treating any other woman the same way they have treated me. It is atrocious, in my opinion. A leave of absence is none of their business, my worth ethic has not been compromised. 
“Find a way to kick them all off and restart it with us. Sign the petition.” 
“Baby, when it is notarised and properly done and placed on my desk, I will sign it and do what I can do to make it happen.” 
“I mean it, Harry.” I press, wanting him to understand that I am not joking.
I’m not doing this because they have done me wrong, I am pressing this matter because it started with them ordering him to take a leave of absence and freezing his accounts, it continues with them phasing me out, and their next step could very well be to take him down and make him forfeit the business that he has established from the ground up. 
“I do, too.”
I shake my head disapprovingly, “There is no need to account to them when we are the shareholders of the cooperation, we don’t need them managing anymore. We can either wait for the annual shareholders’ meeting at the end of the term or get rid of them now, I want to overthrow them now.”
“Elle,” Harry sighs, “This is the only six hours of rest I will get, can we discuss something other than this?” Harry questions.
“Harry, this needs to be done.” 
“Okay,” Harry nods, “When I get to the office, I will call the lawyers, and I will schedule the meetings so we can talk and figure out the reasons for not electing them. If we remove a director without cause, the director can sue us for damages. So, let’s talk to the lawyers, we will figure it all out, I promise. We will take the board back and have control.” 
“I don’t know how you haven’t already fired them, they forced you to step down and have an interim CEO.” I remind Harry of what happened a few years ago, they forced him to step down and have Niall as the interim CEO, they froze the assets and audited everything without much of probable cause besides his physical health. 
We didn’t dispute things, we didn’t take them to court or bring lawyers into the mix, they got away with everything once, but I will be damned to see them pull things again on Harry. He has worked too damn hard for his company and what he has to have the board continue to dictate things. This isn’t necessarily just about me and their treatment towards me but things have to end here before it goes too far.
“I haven’t had the time to take on firing the fucking board, between getting married, getting in a car accident, the downfall of the business, dealing with suddenly having two brothers, one dying, the other one being psychotic thanks to my father, then having to deal with my father shooting me while trying to take over my empire, and having a baby with you, I haven’t exactly had the time. As you can see, I still don’t have time but if you drop the conversation and let me spend the next few hours relaxing, I promise that I will do everything to replace the board.” Harry looks at me with tired eyes, his hand reaching over to grab mine, “I promise, Elle,” Harry assures me, offering me his sweet and reassuring smile before leaning over and kissing my cheek.
“Okay,” I agree, “But we can’t fire Niall, he gets to stay,” I instruct with a grin. There is no way Niall can leave the company. 
“Okay, sweetheart.”
“And, I want Mr Seattle on the board, I like him.” 
“We will see what we can do. While you do that, I am going to sleep.” Harry ends the conversation and leans his head on my shoulder, falling asleep rather instantly, leaving me to pass time on the flight. I use the time to continue drawing up the petition and researching ways to overthrow the board and legal things we can do. It won’t be easy and it will probably take a lot of lawyers meetings and perhaps even a lot of money, but it will be worth it in the end when Harry doesn’t have the members of the board making decisions for him. If we buy out some of the members and replace them, I think we can pull this off. Harry needs to take over chairmen and have the overall say when it comes to the board and decisions. 
I manoeuvre around the kitchen, doing my best to put the groceries away with Alex at my legs, craving my attention as if he hasn’t received any all day. Alex goes through spells of which parent he wants to cling too, today it has been me. From the moment he woke up, he has been attached to me; I’ve barely had a moment to myself. Sometimes it’s sweet to have Alex need me and want me but sometimes it gets bothersome. 
I pick Alex up and bounce him on my hip and I sift through the mail that has piled up on the counter. Harry doesn’t understand the purpose of collecting mail. You collect it, you open and read it, and throw it out when it’s no longer useful, he on the other hand thinks it’s okay to just pile it on the table or on the counter whether it’s opened or not. “Harry, what are we doing for dinner?” I call out with a sigh, irritated that he’s still perched on the living room couch with his laptop. The house stays quiet for a moment and I roll my eyes at the lack of response, “great response,” I mutter, my finger slipping under an envelope and ripping the tab open to reveal yet another bill. 
I hear the heavy footsteps of Harry echo off the floorboard before he’s by my side and pressing a late kiss to my cheek. 
“What’d you say?” Harry questions, taking Alex from my hip, well aware that Alex has been clinging to me all day. 
“Thank you for the help with the groceries,” I sarcastically begin, glancing over at him before staring back at the paper bill. “Do you know there’s this thing called auto pay on bills? It would be great to use since you don’t open the mail,” I gesture down at the pile of mail on the counter. 
“Mhm, but I like a paper trail.” Harry lifts his shoulders into a shrug. 
“Well, you need to start writing the checks and not leaving these bills on the counter, they’re going to end up getting lost and we will end up with no lights.” I am not sure how we haven’t had the lights cut off on accident at this point. 
“I did go through the mail, I just forgot to tell you about it,” Harry shrugs with a slight smirk. 
“Whatever,” I heavily sigh, “What are we doing for dinner?” 
“Let’s order pizza, do you want me to get the cheque book?” 
“No, I’ll do it… I don’t know why you wait for me to say something before you want to do it,” I somewhat chuckle, not annoyed too much with him. I’ve learned that there’s no point crying over spilt milk when it comes to small things in the marriage, such as, wh pays the bills and who leaves the mail on the table for the other one to read. 
Harry hums and shrugs, “Force of habit.”
“I’m going to go write these cheque’s later after dinner since you live in the ’90s and won’t do auto pay.” I wink, poking fun at him for his ways.
“Paper trails are the way to go, keeps everything aligned and proper. No need for phones to do absolutely everything.” 
“Whatever, Styles,” I roll my eyes and pick up the last envelope that has cursive writing on the front addressed to Harry and me. I turn the envelope over and see the flap has already been open. I take out the card-stock paper inside the envelope and look down and begin to read the invitation. 
I look towards Harry and raise a brow before I hold up the invitation to his sister’s wedding. “Oh, yeah, thanks for telling me my sister got engaged,” Harry comments, taking me by surprise. He isn’t too pleased by the slightest.
I had no earthly idea about the engagement, I have been far too busy to talk much to her lately and to be quite honest, I haven’t wanted to get between her and her brother. Their relationship is rocky at the moment, they’re both as stubborn as each other when it comes to certain things. 
It has been three years since the horrible December night that Harry’s father held myself, Charles, and Harry in a room at gunpoint, and it has been three years since Logan passed away tragically. With everything that happened in the year of 2021, both the good and the bad, what really strained Harry and his sister is the fact he kept secrets from her and their mother. Gemma struggled with the information of Logan and the fact Harry knew the entire time about Logan and had the chance to properly meet him, even if they didn’t always see eye to eye. Gemma began to resent Harry for his share of secrets, especially when word got around about what happened on that December night. After that night where she nearly lost her brother and I nearly lost my husband, the love of my life, Gemma began to take a turn for the worst and began to go back to her old self, the old Gemma that I first knew when Harry and I started to date. Slowly, she began to find herself at the bottom of a bottle and put her energy towards resenting her brother and the family secrets and ties that Harry did everything to try and hide from her. 
Gemma hasn’t cut all ties with Harry she calls now and again, mainly to check up on Alex and to make sure everything is okay. But the conversations her and Harry do have are usually minimal. There are times I have to force Harry to speak to her and to keep communication, unfortunately, the relationship is getting no better, it seems to be getting worse with each day that passes.. 
“Harry, I didn’t know about it either,” I inform Harry of my lack of knowledge about the engagement. 
“Mhm,” Harry hums and shrugs, “We aren’t going so it doesn’t matter.” 
“Speak for yourself and not me,” I sternly state, “Why didn’t you tell me about it? How long has this invitation been sitting here?” I question, looking back down at the invitation and trying to find the RSVP. 
“Harry, we missed the RSVP,” I glance over towards him, “The wedding is two months away.” 
“And I’m not going.” Harry stubbornly responds with an unrelenting stare. 
“Harry, it’s your sister’s wedding.” 
Harry shakes his head, “She didn’t even have the balls to come and tell me herself, she has no damn respect, and I’ll be damned to kiss her feet just because she’s getting married. She could have called to tell me at the very least.”
“No,” Harry shakes his head, “If she wants to continue to hold grudges then that’s on her, I tried to protect her from everything and this is how she thanks me? Fuck that, Elle.” 
“Language,” I mutter, “We can finish this conversation later when little ears aren’t around.”
Harry shakes his head, “I’m not going, that’s all there is to it. No need to finish this later, it’s done.” 
Harry doesn’t want to hear my opinions or continue the conversation any further. I know if I continue it will turn into an argument, but he is making the wrong decision here. His sister hasn’t always made the best decisions with things, she has come a long way since the first time I met her when Harry and I started to date many years, she no longer finds herself at the bottom of the bottle, but sometimes she falls off the earth and forgets to maintain her relationship with Harry. They’ve been rocky for years, they love each other and would do anything for each other, Harry would lie his life on the line for her if it meant saving hers, but they are so damn stubborn and hold grudges. I see both sides of the matter, I know Harry had reasons for keeping things, he was trying to keep his family whole and safe. He didn’t want to see his mother and sister go through any distress because of their father; Harry felt the need to protect his mother and sister from the turmoil. On the other hand, I can see why Gemma would be upset and have a hatred towards Harry, she had every right to know about Logan fully, she had every right to not be kept in the dark with everything, especially with how everything almost left Harry lifeless. 
“No, Elle. If she wanted me to truly go, she’d have had the respect to tell me herself and not like this. This is wrong and you know it.” 
Harry has a point, Gemma should have told Harry herself, even if it was a text or a phone call, she didn’t even tell me. She could ave told him she was engaged when it happened, we have no clue how, when or even who. As far as I know, we haven’t met this man she is marrying. She has never been one to bring men around, in fact, there has been one boyfriend she has managed to bring around for us to meet but it wasn’t very often. I am not even sure if the one she is marrying is the same man. 
I let out a sigh, “You two need to talk it out. That’s your sister, Harry.” 
“Love, you know she’s in the wrong here.” 
“I am going to be blunt.” I begin.
Harry groans, “Can’t you drop it?” 
I shake my head, “You have one brother you had to bury on bad terms, don’t fuck things with your sister. She is all you have.” 
“This isn’t my fault, she hates me for things that aren’t my fault, I didn’t ask for the family drama. Fuck, she acts like it is all my fucking fault. You don’t even talk to your sister,” Harry reminds me of my family feud with my sister that I have barely spoken to. I don’t even think she knows Alex’s birthday, her and I parted ways years ago and it was for the best.  
“Harry, drive up there and hash it out.” 
Harry shakes his head, “No, I’m tired and I don’t want to leave you here alone with Alex.”
“Okay, since you don’t want to discuss your sister, feel like discussing what happened last night?” I ask, reminding Harry of what he wishes to forget. 
I don’t tend to question the things he does but last night is something that is out of character for him. Harry doesn’t just suddenly not come home after work and come home at an ungodly hour after spending time at the bar. 
He shakes his head, “I’d rather argue over my sister.” 
“Harry, we need to at least talk about it. We agreed to communicate about things.” I sigh as I cross my arms over my chest, watching as Harry runs his fingers through his hair and look up at the ceiling, not wanting to discuss things but knowing deep down, it is for the best for us to talk.
❃ ❃ ❃  flashback ❃ ❃ ❃
I fell asleep on the couch waiting for Harry to come home. He does a lot of late nights but it is rare that he doesn't’ text or call me and tell me he won’t be home or is staying at the office or penthouse. To be honest, rarely, he doesn’t come home and at least tuck Alex in before he hurries back to the office. “Where have you been?” I instantly question Harry as I hear the door close and his shoes sound against the marble flooring in the foyer. 
I hear the shuffling of Harry walking closer before his shadow appears and he throws his keys and wallet to the coffee table before his shoulders shrug off his suit jacket. “Harry, it’s three in the morning, I’ve been worried sick about you.” 
“Elise,” Harry begins with a heavy sigh, “Do you want the truth?” 
“What the fuck else would I want?” I respond bitterly, tired and irritated with his behaviour. 
He usually texts or calls me when he’s working late, tonight I got nothing. 
“I was at a bar, Elise.” 
I raise a brow and cross my arms, “On a fucking Wednesday?” 
“Yes, on a fucking Wednesday.” Harry nods his head, his hands reaching to his collar and beginning to undo his tie.
“You have work, Harry.” 
Harry rolls his eyes and huffs out of frustration, “Who are you, my mother? I’m aware I have work. I needed a fucking drink, okay?” 
“What has gotten into you?” 
“Look, I don’t want to deal with this right now.” 
I become quiet for a brief moment before my words slip out of my mouth before I can stop them, “Harry, are you going off the deep end?” 
“No, I’m tired, I’m going to bed.” 
I watch Harry as he wanders away from me, continuing to unbutton his shirt as he walks back across the marble flooring in the foyer, “Elle, are you coming?” Harry calls, a small indication that he isn’t trying to be an ass with me. I heavily sigh and know that I need to let this go and pick it back up when he is in a better headspace and can have a proper conversation with me about what his problem is...
*end of flashback* 
Harry sighs as he places Alex down, “Go play outside for a minute, mate, I’ll be out in a minute,” Harry escorts towards the glass doors and lets Alex outside along with our golden retriever, London. 
Harry steps over towards me and he sits down on the bar stools while I continue to sort through the mail. “Elle,” Harry begins, grabbing my attention, “I uh— Can I tell you something without you thinking I am nuts?” Harry softly begins, “Because I know how crazy it sounds.” 
I nod my head, “Yes, darling, you know that.” 
Harry takes a deep breath and looks outside to keep an eye on Alexander for a moment before Harry looks back in my direction, “Everywhere I turn, I swear I keep seeing my father.” Harry begins in a whisper, “And when I take a double look, he’s gone, but it’s bothering me. Elle, I don’t know how to explain it.” 
“Is that why you went to the bar?” I question, beginning to put the pieces together on what has caused him to be like this.
Harry looks down in defeat and grows silent. I walk around the counter and I place my hand to his back, rubbing small circles. “He’s not getting out of jail for a while, you know that.” 
“Doesn’t make things easier, Elle. I feel like I’m losing my fucking mind.”
“Drinking won’t help.” I sigh, not wanting him to go down the wrong path like his sister did many years ago. 
“Thanks, Elle,” Harry scoffs, “Tell me something I don’t already know. I saw what it did to my sister.” 
“Maybe you need time off work so you can decompress, I think you’re far too stressed.” 
Harry shakes his head, “I have the media up my ass, now is the wrong time to show defeat, plus until we figure out a routine with you working from home and stepping down a bit, I can’t take time off.” … “Elle, what if he got released?” 
“Harry, there’s no way he was released early.” 
“Maybe he escaped?” Harry suggests, beginning to come up with different theories on what could have happened.
I assume there is a logical explanation for things but I don’t think he is truly seeing his father everywhere. 
“Harry, you haven’t slept much lately, you need a good rest.” 
“Mhm,” Harry hums, “A good rest and a good shag might fix it.” 
“Don’t get your hopes up,” I playfully hit his shoulder, “Maybe if you call your sister, you might get lucky.” 
“No. I’m not calling and I’m not going to the wedding.” Harry shakes his head. 
I lean down and kiss his warm cheek and slowly move to his neck. “You know, it is a turn on when you’re the bigger person and don’t hold grudges… You’re so tense right now,” I leave trailed kisses down his neck. 
“I’m going to that wedding, aren’t I?” Harry sighs. 
I hum a response, “Now go play with Alex, we can finish this later.” 
“I hope we are finishing these neck kisses later and not this discussion.” 
I roll my eyes at Harry as he stands up and offers me a wink, “Go, I’ll order pizza,” I gesture towards the garden where Alex is patiently waiting, kicking his ball around. 
❃ ❃ ❃ 
I step out on the back porch after calling for a pizza, and I smile as Harry and Alex chase each other around the garden, giggles filling the air while the fairy lights twinkle, the sun beginning to fully set as darkness begins to spread itself out. I watch the two of them playing, both of them seeming as content as can be. There was a time Harry was unsure about having kids, he thought he would never make a great Dad, he had his doubts, but with every day that passes, I see a man who has grown into a fantastic Dad. Harry does his best to always be there for Alex, he does his best to put Alex before the business. Harry makes sure to be there for important events and milestones. Soon Harry will teach him how to ride a bike and before I know it, he will be showing him how to tie his tie for the school dance. 
“Careful, mate,” Harry extends his arm, grabbing Alex as he stumbles over his own feet, “Go give Mummy a hug, she looks a bit cold,” Harry gestures towards me with a smile. 
Alex peers over at me with his bright eyes and a beaming smile, “Mummy,” Alex grins, rushing towards me. I squat down and open my arms for him as he runs into them. 
“Ahhh, big hug,” I chuckle, wrapping my arms around Alex and picking him up, “Let’s wash up and get inside to eat.” I kiss his rosy red cheek, “Harry are you—” I begin but instantly stop as his phone begins to ring and he digs into his pockets. 
“Daddy’s phone keeps ringing,” Alex informs me innocently. 
I nod my head and bounce him on my hip, “Let’s wash your hands, Daddy will come in with London,” I assure Alex, gazing at Harry and gesturing that we are going inside. Harry nods his head and begins to pace along the grass while on the phone. 
I take Alex inside the house and begin to clean him up, making sure his hands are clean for dinner. While I watch him wash his hands, I glance out of the glass doors where Harry sits on the steps of the porch, still on the phone. 
Sometimes that phone causes more harm than good, and other times that phone has been a blessing that couldn’t come sooner. I can only hope the current phone call is a blessing, but from the way he is perched on the steps with his head hung low, I am starting to believe it is not the blessing we are anticipating.
❃ ❃ ❃
I step outside with a blanket wrapped around me and I wander closer to Harry as his head is in his hands. “You okay?” I softly challenge and I rest on the step beside him, my hand immediately beginning to massage his back. 
Harry lifts his head and takes a breath before shrugging his shoulders, “The board are trying to control New York, I need to buy them out, Elle.” 
“Let’s buy them out.”
Harry shakes his head, “Baby, it’s a lot of money.” 
“What are we talking about here? A couple of thousand?” 
Harry laughs and shakes his head, “I wouldn’t be worried if it was a few thousand.” 
“Soo…” I trail off, unsure of how much money it could take to buy the board back and create a new team. 
“The average compensation package for board directors is $4.17 million. With how much money my business is worth and the fact I am one of the biggest CEO’s, they will not let me buy them out cheaply.” 
“Okay, so we pay them 4.17 million.” 
“Darling, it is per member we get rid of. We are looking to buy out at least twenty million,” Harry informs me. 
I grow withdrawn, unsure of what to do or say… twenty million is a lot of money to fork out all at once. 
“What are we going to do?” 
Harry places his arm around me and kisses the top of my head, “I don’t know, sweetheart, I don’t know. It’s something we will have to talk about, we can sell the Windsor Estate, but I don’t want to do that, I only have five million in the offshore account and I don’t want to dig that up, that is for emergencies if anything happens again like my business going down or our assets being frozen again.” … “Could attempt to prove serious board director offences, such as failure to meet fiduciary duties, but that would be hard, any misconduct will be hard to prove, it’s our word against theirs, they have been in the business longer than I have— Money talks, buying them out is the best way to shut them up and get rid of them.” Harry laments, unsure of what the most desirable option is, “Could buy-in under Meyer Enterprises but they know you have that company.”
“Well,” I begin, trying to come up with a logical solution that doesn’t involve paying these pricks millions of dollars, “We could sell Meyer Enterprise, it is worth quite a bit or we could offer them nine percent each of Meyer Enterprise shares, it would still give me the overall say, they’d just own nine percent each. They’d have forty-five percent amongst themselves.” I offer a solution and Harry grows quiet for a moment. 
“I don’t know, we can talk about it after Alexander is asleep, I’ll make a few more calls and talk to Niall.” … “I am sorry about being a dick last night, you deserve better than how I acted, things got the better of me, but that is no excuse. And I am sorry if I come across as an ass when it comes to my sister, I just don’t think what she has done is fair either.. None of it was my fault but I got the short end of the stick.”
“I know.”
“Doesn’t mean I should take it out on you,” Harry presses, “I am sorry, I know last night’s mistake calls for flowers and a bottle of wine— all of which I don’t have right now, but I am sorry.”
“Sincere, I see,” I gently nudge him, “The flowers are definitely a factor in whether I accept it or not.” 
“I’ll pick them up on my morning run tomorrow with London.” 
“”I was only joking, I accept your apology, but while you’re out, coffee would be nice from that coffee shop that just opened.” I assure Harry. “Let’s get some pizza before Alex throws his after dinner tantrum.” 
Harry sighs and stands to his feet, offering me his hand, “Mmm, my favourite time of the evening,” Harry sarcastically mutters, helping me to my feet and placing a kiss on my forehead.
“Terrible two’s will be over soon, he is three in a few months.” 
“It doesn't suddenly end once they turn three,” Harry laughs, leading us inside the house. I close the door behind me and turn to see Harry already heading towards the small sectioned off play area where Alex is playing with the plastic balls, rolling them around everywhere. 
❃ ❃ ❃ 
“Can I make a suggestion?” I ask as I walk closer to the desk that has papers scattered across it. 
Harry nods his head and looks up at me, his pen between his fingers as he leans back in his chair with a sigh. “Instead of getting rid of the whole board right now, let’s go for the chairman, pay him out and you take over chairman and then we handle the others slowly and phase them out.” 
Harry nods his head, “He wants a payout of compensation to leave.” 
“How much would we have to pay him?” 
“How much I would earn this year, my entire salary.” 
“But they can’t estimate that, can they?” 
Harry nods his head, “Well, with how the stock market is, as long as it doesn’t crash and as long as I keep the current investments and clientele I have, it is estimated I would have to pay him a lot more than the ten million I would be paying the other members.” 
“How much are we talking here?” 
“Do you never check the accounts?” Harry chuckles. 
I shake my head, “No, I don’t keep up with how much you earn.” 
“We,” Harry corrects me, “We earn.” 
I shrug my shoulders, “By December we are meant to bring in just over thirty million.”
“Holy fuck, I could have sworn we were clearing about five million not thirty.”
“Been working my ass off, Elle, so many good investments and whatnot. He hasn’t earned thirty million to be handed to him just because they’re being assholes. There’s still tax on the money… If I hand my entire year's salary to him, one bad move and we could be broke and not be able to pay bills. If I have no income and the stocks go down, we are fucked. We need to make a decision on Alex’s school and pay for that—” Harry begins to name off the possible things that could happen and what we need to pay. 
“Stop,” I instruct, well aware that he is going to go down the rabbit hole and consume himself with his thoughts if he continues to think about all the possible outcomes of what could happen. “If you’re concerned about the income, we need to sell Meyer Enterprise or part of the shares. Give him just under half of the shares.” 
“He won’t want to be a silent shareowner.” 
“We can sell the family assets I have.”
Harry shakes his head and transfers closer to his desk, “No, you’re not selling your family assets.” 
“Maybe my Dad and Uncle can help?” I suggest. 
“I am sure they might have some advice, I will give them a call,” Harry sighs before he spreads his fingers through his hair, “I’m sorry,” Harry begins, “It is always one thing after another.”
I extend him a meagre smile and wander around the desk to where he remains, “It’s okay. Years ago we were just two Uni students trying to make ends meet and now we don’t have to worry about the power being cut… Not yet, anyway,” I chuckle, attempting to lighten the mood and make Harry aware of how far he has come. Sure, it may not have always been the easiest route and there has been a lot of bumps in the road, but he has worked hard for everything he has. 
Harry grins, “Those were some rough times, could barely afford to buy you flowers,” Harry laughs, “And to think, somehow, I managed to win you over.” 
“Yeah, we all wonder how,” I laugh, gently nudging Harry before pressing my hand to his back. 
“Thanks, babe, love you, too,” Harry laughs, “Glad I never stopped pursuing you, the best thing to have happened to me.” 
“Mhm,” I hum, “I love you,” I wrap my arms around him from behind, my arms draping over his chest, “Anything I can do? Any paperwork or anything to help?” I volunteer, wanting to take some of the stress of his shoulders while I have a spare few minutes to do whatever needs to be done. 
“You could help me by letting me take you across this desk… Could push everything off the desk right now,” Harry responds, his hands rubbing up and down my arms. 
“Like old times, huh?” I grin, stepping in front of him and moving to sit in his lap, straddling him as his hands move to rest in the small of my back. 
Harry raises a brow and cocks his head to the side, my agile hands clasping to his shirt and embracing the touch of my fingers against the fabric. Harry draws me closer into him and begins to kiss my lips while I undo his buttons, leisurely and effortlessly. While entangled in sweet kisses and mumbles, my brazen hands elect to move from their position on his shirt and investigate the texture of his body, gradually moving up and across his abs, examining his body. They progress up to his shoulders, feeling his taut steely muscles before taking their time in wandering back down. I trail down his torso before resting at his pants. “Why are you making me do all the work?” I playfully tease which causes Harry’s eyes to brighten and his lips to curve into a grin. 
“Really?” He breathes. He moves my hands away from his chest and positions my hands to rest by my sides, there’s a second of silence between us before he forcefully kisses me like his life depends on it, igniting the fire between us and moving his hands under my shirt and bringing them to dance their way to my front, “Uh-ah,” Harry hums, not permitting me to move my hands to caress against his chest, “Don’t do any work,” Harry urges, his lips falling to my neck and causing my breath to hitch in my throat, “Not a damn thing,” Harry breathes against my neck before continuing to leave sweet kisses down to my collar bone, his hand gradually moving down my torso before he reaches my jeans. He unbuttons the jeans slowly and dips his fingers inside them, gently teasing me against the lace. 
“Harry…” I breathe out, “Don’t tease.” 
“Don’t tease?” Harry chuckles, “Not fun, huh?” 
“Harry—” I begin but he cuts me off as he caresses his lips back to my neck, and I tilt my head to the side, the kisses propelling sweet tingles down my body with every fevered kiss. His fingers cease when he touches the lace again hidden under my jeans. He leisurely inches his agile fingers to fondle the lace line, delicately dipping his fingers under them, the bold caress of his tongue becoming further filled with passion, his fingers mildly teasing you by the gradual incline he takes. 
We both immediately pull away as we discover the soft cries from the staircase followed by Alex calling for us, “I’ll get him and put him  back to bed, meet me back in the bedroom?” Harry advances softly while I discreetly get off of him and stand to my feet. 
I nod my head, “If he doesn’t end up wanting to sleep with us,” I respond as Harry stands up and presses his hands to his shirt, adjusting it and buttoning his shirt up. 
“We can’t keep letting him do that,” Harry sighs and we both step out of Harry’s office and walk towards the foyer and the staircase where Alex is standing at the top, peering through the rails. “What’s the matter, Alex?” Harry questions while Alex sniffles and rubs his hands over his eyes, mumbling something inaudible while waiting at the baby gate.
Our child has figured out how to master climbing out of his cot, and it is almost impossible to keep him in his room, even in New York he would manage his way out of his cot and find us. I can only assume his separation anxiety is starting to kick in, as it happens with most children. “Time for a bed,” Harry mutters as he adjusts the baby gate and we both walk up the stairs towards him. 
Harry has been on board the big boy bed train for the last few weeks, and I agree with him now. It is time, he is going to keep climbing out so it is best that he is in a bed where if he does want to get out, he doesn’t have to climb. I heavily sigh and nod my head, “You’re right.” 
“I don’t hear that often,” Harry laughs, reaching the top step and opening the baby gate  before picking up Alex. “What’s the matter? Hmm?” Harry hums, “Jus’ want some cuddles, I see,” Harry sighs when he gets no response and instead Alex rests his head on his father’s shoulder. 
The Next Day.
The last few days have been one hell of a rollercoaster that I wish I could get off of and never have to get back on. Unfortunately, life is like a rollercoaster, there are some dips and curves we will like, and there are some that will make us wish we never got on the ride, to begin with.
I overhear the office door open, “Harry’s in a meeting,” I murmur as my eyes stay glued to the documents I’m reading. I’m not too interested in whoever is at the door; I’m just ready to read this document and go home. 
I’m tired. Mentally, physically, and emotionally tired. 
Harry tossed and turned all damn night and it kept me awake, too. I don’t blame him for being on edge and struggling to sleep, he has two businesses to keep afloat, a father in prison who seems to be managing to cause him hell still, plus he has the media slandering him and setting up camp outside his buildings. He got a call this morning that the building in NYC was swarmed by the media trying to pry information from his workers. We managed to hop on a flight just in time to miss the chaos last week. Harry made the executive decision to fly us back to London in the hopes to settle everything and to stay under the radar and away from the media, but it hasn’t done much. The media are perched outside waiting like hungry lions that are ready to pounce on their prey. They’re outside the building, they’re outside our house, they are everywhere and they follow us everywhere. I’m so glad that I don’t need to be at the office as much and that this is my last full day, Harry has granted me the ability to step down and work from home for the most part until I’m ready to be in the office. 
“Good, I can talk to you instead, Elise,” the voice speaks and makes my heart skip a beat, and my throat suddenly feels as though it's tightening. The voice is familiar but there is no way the person should be in front of me.
I lift my eyes from the document in front of me, and for a moment, I feel as though the world has completely stopped. Surely, this is an illusion, I have to be seeing things like Harry is.
One, two, three, four… I’m still breathing... but I feel as though maybe I shouldn’t be, for what— whom—  I see before me isn’t who I had intended to view. 
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” Logan chuckles, rather amused with himself as he steps closer to Harry’s desk and waves his hand in front of me while I continue to stare at him. 
I’m stunned and confused. Speechless you could even say. 
I stare at Logan and my world feels as though it’s spinning and ready to crash down on me. 
My words fail me and don’t come to mind as I stare at Harry’s brother who I watched bury in Cheshire. 
“You’re meant to be dead,” I respond harshly.
“And you’re meant to be the nicer one,” Logan laughs, “Where’s my brother?” 
“Logan, I—” I begin but I stop, shaking my head as I stand up from the desk, “Give… Give me a minute,” I stutter, unsure of what to do or say in this situation. I still feel as though my world is spinning, I am still hoping this is some sort of nightmare of hallucination.
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youarejesting · 4 years
BTS365 Prompts.Week 22
[Full Masterlist] [Prompt Masterlist]
Please tag me in your work if you use my prompts. I want to see your work. Ever your Jester.
Tell me your birthday and I will tag you on your special day!
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      May 28th - June 3rd
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Kim Seokjin - Hamburger
Covert Careers was the TV show taking over Korea. It was where they took celebrities and Idol’s from their daily lives and forced them to work everyday jobs. Kim Seokjin was nominated by Bang PD to go on the show, so he was put through hair and makeup to look like a Mall Janitor. You were working at the nearby American style burger joint in the Mall Cafeteria; ‘Burgundy.’ There was a word they were filming an ad for the shopping centre. You didn’t care about that; instead, you were more worried about the new janitor. You knew the old janitor had left after harassment from some of the restaurants, including your restaurant manager.
So when you saw the new young man with his shaggy hair and glasses, he looked lost being yelled at by the taco bell restaurant manager. You walked over, calling your colleague to take the counter. Striding across the floor and stepping between the two men and facing the taco bell manager with your hands on your hips.
“It’s his first day, do you want this young man to quit and do your own cleaning duty or let the poor guy learn from his mistakes and grow to be a great janitor.”
“You’re just as uneducated as the janitor working at that burger joint.”
“You manage a Taco bell. You are so much better than us, aren’t you? I am sorry I didn’t realize I had to bow.”
“Whatever, take your Criminal boyfriend here and teach him to clean properly. Or he won’t have a job by the end of the day,” He growled, noticing the camera’s on him. You led the young man away and sighed, beginning to show him what to do and after taking care of him all day, until one in the afternoon. You took him by the hand, and you bought him a dress shirt and pants and some shoes. 
“You don’t have to,” He said, his ears going red. “Look I want to, every man deserves some respectable work clothes and it will make you seem less of a pushover” He allowed you to buy them for him. You asked him if he would cut his hair, and he refused and so you took to it with a comb and looked at him. 
"You are really handsome" You smiled, led him back to the cafeteria, and gave him a meal from your restaurant. He ate heartily, and you giggled "Can we get married, you eat so well"
His cheeks lit up bright red, and he choked on some fries and tried to wash it down with the lemonade, and you grinned.
Min Yoongi - Pillow
Yoongi had a special pillow that no matter where he was in the world or whatever time of day when his head lay upon it, he fell into a deep sleep. He felt content and safe whenever he felt the familiar softness under his head. Your scent embedded into the fabric helped to relax him no matter the location. 
Jung Hoseok - Bucket
Hoseok was at the pier, he had been visiting the beach as a punishment from a run BTS episode, and he would fulfill it. As he stood on the pier, the wind picked up, bringing with it the salty sea air that seemed to cut his skin as it blew past. He was looking particularly stylish with a street style of baggy clothes, heavy jacket, glasses, and a Bucket hat. He was enjoying the sunset alone, asking the film crew to take a picture of him. When a particularly strong breeze snatched up his bucket hat and blew it away, depositing it into the ocean, he ran to the edge of the pier looking over with a shout.
“I got it, friend. If you could watch my bag,” You shouted and lifted your dress and springing over the rail and diving into the water, snatching up the hat and swimming back into the shore. You walked the hat back to its rightful owner and smiled, picking up your bag and dress and leaving without looking back, and Hoseok was in awe at how cool you were.
Kim Namjoon - Macaroon
The patisserie down the road from Namjoon’s house was holding a few classes for people to learn how to make certain delicious pastries and sweets. Namjoon had no skills in cooking what so ever, but you were just so nice, and he got so flustered. So when he complimented your macaroons; You asked him if he wanted to learn how to make them, he said yes without thinking things through. 
Behind the shop was a classroom where you held the workshops, and tonight there were six people present, including Namjoon and yourself. Halfway through the recipe, he realized his macaroon shells were not turning out how they should. He went to get them from the oven when the oven mitt got stuck to the oven coil, and Namjoon ripped his hand from the burning mitt seconds before it set alight.
Park Jimin - Nice
Every celebrity ever knew that reading the comments was a bad idea. Still,Jimin was feeling curious and opened a review of their latest music video. He began reading an extensive comment. 
“Namjoon is the Leader, he is smart and a lyrical genius. Yoongi is so talented with expressing his emotions while rapping and is the bad ass one. Hoseok is the best dancer hands down and has such a great energetic personality.” Jimin smiled. This review was so nice and wholesome he kept reading hearing about how well they thought everyone was doing. He walked out to the living room so he could read it too you, proud of all the work that was put into the new music video. You listened to  him read about Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok before he moved on.
“Taehyung is the handsome and unique quirky one. He has an amazing soulful voice. Seokjin is so funny and Handsome he might not be the best singer, but he is improving so much. Jungkook is the golden maknae for a reason and is perfect at everything. And then there is Jimin, who is Nice?” 
Heart sinking Jimin closed the laptop, and you frowned. You were ready to tell him just how amazing he was and the word ‘Nice’ wouldn’t cut it.
Kim Taehyung - Early
Taehyung was told by his friends they were meeting at the nightclub at five past five. Honestly he thought it was an odd time but didn’t question it. That is until he showed up and realized that the club wasn’t open. He called his friend who said that it was a typo and he meant five past ten. Taehyung didn’t know exactly what he was supposed to do for four hours and fifty-five minutes, but as he wandered away from the front of the club he saw that right next door was a twenty-four-hour gym he looked in and saw you walking on the treadmill, at first he thought you were out of breath and red, wiping sweat from your face. But when he watched just a fraction longer, he realized you were sobbing.
Jeon Jungkook - Repeat
It wasn’t his fault. If anyone was to blame it was Namjoon, for dropping his iPhone into a puddle of water on their walk through the park. He had been trying to show his hyung a song he had made. 
So standing over a bowl of rice, he hoped it would get the moisture from the electronic device. He didn’t want a new one just yet. It was the moment of truth; he had left his phone overnight, and when he turned it on surprisingly, it did, and there was nothing wrong. He made a few texts and calls to experiment. It was too perfect. Something had to be wrong, and yet nothing seemed to be wrong. 
The director called for a half an hour break on set, and Jungkook pulled out his phone; it was 11:12, and he tried to play a song. He noticed the song he played yesterday for Namjoon was on the screen, and it said it was playing. But he couldn’t hear it; was his speaker broken? No, it couldn’t be he had made calls that morning, and they were working perfectly. He pressed the pause button thinking perhaps it was a glitch. 
He pressed pause and again no sound; he pressed play, and the song didn’t play, but the noise around him became noticeable. 
He tried again pressing pause, and his ears felt almost blocked, looking up he was going to ask Yoongi if he knew anything about it. He was always pretty tech savvy, considering his profession. He got a few steps and froze, noticing that everyone around him had frozen. 
He waited ten minutes and went to check the time. They were really committed to the prank, but when he looked at the time it was 11:15, how had only three minutes passed Jungkook began tapping his screen wondering if it froze too and accidentally hit the play button and they all began moving again.
Experimentally, he pressed pause, and they all stopped. He raised an eyebrow and hit rewind. Everyone moved backward awkwardly and he pressed play. “Take a half an hour break,” The director called again.
He pressed the pause button and went for a walk. He walked down the street, wanting the freedom to just walk around. It was as he was walking through the streets that he saw movement out the corner of his eye, and there you were slowly backing away from the frozen figures shaking.
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sassyduckqueen · 5 years
30 Days of Lukanette- First Fashion Show
So there’s some difference to this story then in canon. This is based on the Style Queen episode. 
Marinette frowned to herself as she fixed the feather onto the hat before lifting it up to make sure it was ok. However, she wasn’t satisfied so she fiddled with it again.
“Honestly, Marinette, it’s perfect the way it is,” Tikki piped up but Marinette frowned deeply as she looked at it.
“Ah, Tikki, I don’t know,” She gasped, moving her chair to face the little Kwami. “I feel like it’s the ugliest hat in the world and Adrien is suppose to model it in front of everyone. He’ll resent me for the rest of his life,”
She moved her hand to her face as she worried.
“I have zero talent and everyone is going to find out that out tonight,” She gasped, finally collasping on the floor.
“You’re a great designer, Marinette,” Tikki started but they were interrupted by the sound of someone knocking her door. Tikki stopped talking, reading to hide as Marinette panicked and quickly got up.
“W-who is it?!”
“It’s just me, Marinette,” Her dad echoed. “The taxi is here so I thought I’d come and get you. You ready?”
“Y-yeah!” She exclaimed, putting the hat in it’s box and opening her purse for Tikki to fly into. As soon as she did, Marinette rushed outside and hopped in the taxi with her mum and dad, both were beaming at her.
“I’m so proud,” Her dad piped in. “My little girl having her first fashion show,”
“D-dad,” She blushed as her phone went off. She unlocked it and saw Luka was ringing. She smiled and pressed answer. “Hey, we’re on our way,”
“Awesome,” He sounded excited and it made her smile.
“You ok?”
“Yep. Just psyched. I just got to meet Jagged Stone. Like I didn’t even ask to. He just came up to me and said he liked my hair. How cool is that?” He gasped, excitedly before realizing he must sound nuts. “So-sorry,”
“Why you apologizing?” She questioned, laughing softly. “It’s ok to get excited about meeting your idol,”
“True. I got a picture with him as well so that is awesome. Jules is going to be so jelly,” He chuckled, making her smile. “Thanks for inviting me, Marinette,”
“That’s ok,” She smiled shyly. “Anyway, we’re about two minutes away so I’ll see in a moment ok?”
“Ok,” With that, she hung up and her father raised an eyebrow at her.
“Luka,” She stated and instantly her parents nodded. They approved of the young musician as he seemed sincere and sweet. Her father was unsure of him when he first walked into the bakery as he looked like a bit of a punk but when he saw how Luka checked up on her after an akuma attack and heard the song he sang to her, he felt his mind change. He smiled as the taxi pulled up. Marinette opened the door and climbed out as Luka walked over. She smiled as she looked at him. He had actually put in a slight effort. Sure, his jeans were still ripped but he had a blue shirt on, instead of his usually Jagged Stone shirt and hoodie. Sabine got out as Tom paid the taxi driver before he got out and it drove off. Marinette took out the tickets for all three of them. “Right, these will get your seats and I’ll join you shortly. I just need to drop-”
“This is it. Here she comes,” Her face fell as a car pulled and the doors open to reveal the mayor of Paris, his daughter and who Luka could only guess was his wife. She had a large black hat on with a golden rose, a black and white jumpsuit and golden shoes. “The international queen of fashion, director of style queen magazine, Audrey Bourgeois!”
“Oh no!” Marinette gasped, looking terrified. Luka and her parents frowned and looked at her. “It’s Audrey Bourgeois!”
“Who’s that?” Luka asked, making Marinette look at him.
“Only the harshest fashion critic in the entire world!” She gasped, looking more panicked. “I didn’t know she was coming. Oh, she’s going to hate my hat for sure!”
“Hey, I doubt that,” Luka smiled. “You’ve got this, Mari,”
“T-thanks, Luka,” She smiled, trying to calm down. “R-right, I better go and give this to Adrien. Deep breathes, Marinette, deep breathes,”
She muttered as she walked off. Luka smiled and shook her head, following her parents as they walked to the entrance. They handed in the tickets and headed inside. Luka looked around as he walked through. He was surprised to find they were front row. There was quite a crowd gathered for it but he smiled when he saw Juleka and Marinette’s other classmates. They were sat on the third row, apart from Alya and the girl he recognized as Lila. Rose waved at him and he waved back before he sat next to Tom and Sabine. Alya grinned at him and moved closer.
“How did the infamous punk rocker Luka Coffaine get front row tickets to the cat walk of the century?” She grinned, causing him to smile.
“The top designer invited me,” He grinned, making her smile but naturally, Lila had to butt in.
“I invited Prince Ali but he couldn’t make as he was helping the poor children of Africa,” She stated. “Oh and Audrey Bourgeois will be showing off one of my pieces here today,”
“Wow, I didn’t know you had a piece been shown here today as well,” Alya gasped, clearly unaware that it was a lie. Luka rolled his eyes as Marinette came out with a woman with red and black hair. She looked so nervous.
“Marinette! Yoo woo!” Her dad called, waving at her, along with Alya and her mom. Luka waved as well as she looked over but naturally, Lila ignored her. She waved back and began to walk over.
“She looks nervous,”
“No doubt!” Alya pointed out. “It’s her first fashion show with her first professional piece and not to mention, Adrien will be modelling it,”
Luka was sure Lila almost exploded with jealous at Alya’s words but even he had to admit, he was a little jealous but for a different reason.
“I’m sure it was just go great,” Tom reassured as Audrey Bourgeois walked over, looking at everything like it’s covered in mud.
“How delegated is this place,” She states before looking everyone like they were scum. “And I have to share the front row with this group of low lives. Ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous,”
With that, she sat down in Marinette’s seat. Luka went to speak up but Alya beat him to it.
“Um sorry but that seat is reserved for Marinette,”
“This Marinette girl again,” He hated the way her name rolled off her tongue and then her daughter stepped in.
“Let me handle this, Mother,” She grinned, waving her hand before putting her hands on her hips. “Hey, losers. Do you know who my mother is?”
“To be honest, I don’t and I don’t care,” Luka piped up, making everyone look at him in surprise.
“She’s the head of Style Queen,” Her daughter gasped. He was sure she was one of Juleka’s bullies. “This show is for her so get lost,”
“No. Just because she’s ‘Style Queen’ doesn’t change that seat belongs to Marinette,” He pointed out. At that point, the woman Marinette had walked with came over.
“Mrs Bourgeois,” She stated calmly, making the fashion queen look at her. “Mr Agreste has reserved a seat for you,”
“Finally,” She gasped, getting up. Luka watched with interest.
“On the second row,”
“What?!” She screeched.
“My mother always sits in the front row,”
“Not today,” She replied, calmly, causing the Audrey Bourgeois to look horrified. It made Luka want to laugh but he wasn’t a mean soul so he shook the thought from his head.
“This is unacceptable. Gabriel can not do this to me!” She gasped, angrily. “I’m the one who discovered him! Without me, he’d still be drawing his unworldly designs in his dismal, cramped studio,”
“I can offer your seat to someone else if you don’t want it,”
“How dare you!” She gasped, pointing her finger at the woman. “You’re fired,”
“I don’t work for you,” The woman replied, coolly. “I work for Mister Agreste,”
“We’ll see about that,” Mrs Bourgeois growled, pulling out her phone and tried to call Mr Agreste but she couldn’t get through. She growled again.
“I’m guessing from your expression that I’m not fired,”
“This is unacceptable!” She screamed, crossing her arms. “I will not view a fashion row from the second row ever!”
With that, she stormed off and her daughter followed her. The woman showed Marinette to her seat and smiled before walking off. Marinette took a deep breathe and smiled at everyone before Luka leaned over to her.
“Are fashion shows always this dramatic?”
“Only when the Bourgeois family are in town,” She giggled before pushing a strand of her hair back. “I’m really nervous, Luka. What if everyone hates it?”
“I doubt anyone could hate something you designed,” He smiled sweetly, making her blush a little as the light dimmed and the show started. A few female models walked out first, doing their thing as Nino played the set music. Luka leaned over to her. “Isn’t that your friend, Nino?”
“Yeah. He’s trying to be a DJ so Adrien got him to be the DJ for this,” She smiled.
“That’s nice of him,”
“They’re best friends and Adrien’s so caring- oh here he comes,” She gasped, blushing as Adrien strutted his way down the cat walk in a graceful and profession way. He posed and smiled charmingly at the camera before winking at some girls, who fawned over him before his eyes met Marinette’s. He shot her a seductive smile, causing her to smile and blush but it made Luka feel bad. How could he ever match up to him. He lightly shook his head to rid himself of those thoughts as he was here to support Marinette. “You ok?”
“Yeah. Just not use to all those flashes,” He smiled. “I love the hat by the way,”
“Thank you!” She gasped, clearly happy with his words. He smiled and continued to watch as Adrien moved in front of the cameras, posing at every angle. Suddenly, a cloud of gold glitter landed on the stage and formed into a golden woman with a staff.
“A fashion show without the queen of style! Glittery unacceptable!” She screamed, facing the camera.
“Is this suppose to happen?” Tom asked. “I’ve never been to a fashion show before,”
“Me neither, sir but I think that’s Mrs Bourgeois,” Luka pointed out.
“She’s been akumatized!” Alya gasped a little too excited as Marinette looked around.
“Where’s that ungrateful Gabriel Agreste?!” She demanded. “I demand he kneels before me!”
“My father isn’t here,” Adrien pointed out but it was a bad choice as she turned her attention to him.
“Well then, if fashion destatory daddy isn’t here, I’ll have to settle for Agreste Junior!” She gasped, shooting a golden ray of glitter at him. “You’re fired!”
As soon as it hit him, it turned him into gold, causing everyone to scream and panic.
“Adrien!” Marinette gasped as everyone began to run to escape. She started to run as well, to find somewhere to escape but Style Queen landed in front of her.
“Ah, just the girl I’m looking for!” She cackled, causing Marinette to step away. “You’re fired!”
Marinette raised her arms to protect herself but was shocked when she wasn’t turned to gold. However, a person stood in front of her with their arms out was.
“Luka!” She gasped as she released who it was. However, Style Queen stamped her staff down and Luka’s golden form was sucked into the staff before it was pointed at her.
“Seems like your boyfriend thought he could save you. Too bad, his sacrifice was for nothing!” She laughed. “You’re-”
“Wait! Mum… I mean Style Queen… look, Dupan-Cheng is a loser and isn’t worth your glitter so let her suffer, knowing her boyfriend took her place!!” Chloe gasped, surprising Marinette, even if she used an insult to stop her mother. Style Queen lowered her wand slightly. “Also, if you want to get revenge on Agreste, I know where he lives but we should go now before he escapes. The media will be covering this and he’ll hear about Adrien soon and then he’ll hide,”
“Good point, Clair… I mean Chloe,” She ordered before stamping her staff down again and stealing Adrien as well before she transformed into a cloud of glitter, taking Chloe, Adrien and Luka with her. Marinette frowned to herself and looked around, making sure the place was completely empty before opening her purse and allowing Tikki to fly out.
“That Style Queen has made a big mistake,” She stated. “Tikki! Spots on!”
Luka blinked as he came back round. He frowned to himself as he was sure he had been turned into a golden statue, like Adrien as he had jumped in front of Marinette to protect her but now he was here and no longer gold. He looked around to see where he was. To his surprise, he was no longer at the fashion show but in fact, in the Eiffel tower and he was surrounded by a golden forcefield. He got up and tried to push against it but it was hard like glass. He tried to break it but it wouldn’t shatter. Style Queen walked over to him and tapped it with her staff.
“Hello there, fashion disaster,” She grinned, evilly, making him step back. “You’re going to help me capture that ridiculous bug and that sly tomcat,”
“Where’s Marinette?!” He demanded but she laughed.
”Don’t worry, Prince Charming. Your princess is fine but can’t say the same for you. You see this dome is made from my glitter and soon, you’ll be drowning in it!” She grinned, causing him to notice the glitter falling down on the floor quickly. “Nothing like live bait to lure out the heroes, hmm?”
He glared at her as Chloe came over,
“You’re not going to really hurt my Adrienkins, are you, Mum.. I mean Style Queen?” Chloe asked, looking over to her left. Luka followed her line of vision and saw Adrien in a similar shield, only he was gold and lying down on a golden slab with a rose in his mouth. Style Queen turned to her and threatened her with her staff.
“You want to join Agreste Junior, Kylie… Chloe?” She shouted, pointing the glow staff at the girl. “Just ask and I’ll fire you,”
“Um no thanks! I’m good!” Chloe gasped, pushing the staff out the way. “You’re right. We don’t care about him!”
“Make yourself useful, assistant!” She growled, pointing at her. “Tell me if you see Ladybug and Cat Noir!”
“Yes, Style Queen!” Chloe sultered. Style Queen turned into glitter and flew off and that’s when Chloe lost her cool. “Oh! What am I going to do?! What am I going to do?!”
“Hey!” Luka called out, making her look at him. “Is that your mum?”
“Yes! She’s been akumatized and I don’t know what to do!” She gasped, clearly scared. “I just agreed to help her because she turned my dad into a gold statue and I didn’t want to end up like that! Wait, you’re Dupan-Cheng’s boyfriend right? is that why did you jump in front of her?”
“I’m actually not her boyfriend,” He replied, feeling a little sad. “I’m her friend and I care about her so there was no way I wasn’t going to do nothing. Is she a statue?”
“No. I convinced my mum to go after Adrien’s dad,”
“I’m glad she’s ok,” He stated, noticing the glitter was just covering his feet. “You need to break these domes. I’m pretty sure your mum is planning to drown me with Glitter,”
“Ok!” She tried to hammer her fist on his then tried Adrien’s. “Oh it’s no good!”
She looked around but then her eyes lit up.
“Pss!” She hissed, looking up at the rafters. Luka followed her line of sight again and saw Ladybug. “Ladybug. Hurry up! Adrienkins is crumbling and Marinette’s boyfriend is going to drown in glitter!!”
“I’m really not her boyfriend,” Luka corrected as she gasped, pointing over to him and Adrien. The glitter in Luka’s dome was nearing his knees now. Ladybug looked at Chloe with determination.
“Did you see where your mother’s akuma landed?” She asked, her eyes lingering on Luka.
“It’s in the rose she put on Adrien,” Chloe answered, looking worried. “Where’s Cat Noir?”
“I wish I knew,” She stated from her hidden place.
“Ladybug,” Luka gasped, his voice echoing, making her look over at him. The glitter was just over his knees now. “Is Marinette hidden in a safe place? Chloe said she stopped her mother from turning to her into glitter and I think Style Queen partly blames her. Not that’s she to blame,”
“She’s well hidden,” Ladybug assured. “And don’t worry. I’ll save you and Adrien,”
“I’m relieved to hear that,” He smiled but worry invaded his eyes as the glitter reach his thigh.Seeing that and that more of Adrien was crumbling away, Chloe panicked more.
“You better come up with something fast,” She gasped. “My mother’s going to see you,”
As if on cue, her mother appeared behind her in a cloud of glitter, landing on Adrien’s dome.
“It’s really impossible to find qualified staff these days,” She stated as Chloe turned around before she point her staff at her. “You’re fired!”
“No!” Chloe gasped, waving her hands but she was hit anyway. Luka gasped. As much as he didn’t think much to her, she didn’t deserve that.
“Ladybug, hand over those awful earrings and I’ll let this peasant live,” Style Queen stated, pointing to Luka.
“Ladybug! Don’t!” He shouted. Style Queen glared at him and stamped her staff, causing the glitter to speed up a little. Ladybug gasped as she noticed it, allowing Style Queen to point her staff at her. “Ladybug! Watch out!”
Ladybug dodged it last minute but Style Queen was relentless. Luka gasped as he watched the fight between the hero and villain. Style Queen was impossible to defeat. She was made completely of glitter so Ladybug couldn’t land a hit. She was forced to hide. Luka tried to look for her but the glitter was now up to his waist.
“Lucky Charm!” Ladybug shouted, somewhere from the rafters but it gave her location away to Style Queen. She attacked her again, even knocking Ladybug down. Luka frowned deeply as Ladybug dodged her attacks but then she suddenly flew off the eiffel tower and left. Style Queen didn’t follow and instead landed in front of him.
“Your hero has left you to your fate,” She grinned evilly.
“Ladybug will be back!” He argued but she laughed before walking over to him.
“Your faith in her is admirable but ill placed,” She stated, leaning against the dome.
“Why take me anyway?” He asked, noticing the glitter was up to his chest. “What do you want from me?”
“You got in my way. If you had moved in front of your little girlfriend then you wouldn’t be here now plus like I said. Live bait draws out a hero and I have no intent of giving up Agreste Jr. I need him to lure daddy to me so I can my revenge,”
“All this over a seat?” He questioned, making her frown.
“It’s not over a seat!” She shouted back. “It’s the principle but I don’t expect a street urchin like you to understand. You look like trash, even when you try to put in an effort!”
“I’m a musician not a fashion critic and everything looks like trash to you!”
“Excuse me!”
“You don’t even know your own daughter’s name!” He pointed out. She huffed and disappeared in a puff of smoke again, leaving Luka alone. He looked down and noticed it was nearly up to his shoulders. “Please, hurry Ladybug,”
A few seconds later, a girl sneaked into the area where the domes were. He recognized her as Alya as she snapped some photos before seeing him and rushing over.
“Where’s Style Queen?” She asked, causing him to look up. She nodded and looked around before studying the dome. “This is made out of glass and glitter. I should be able to-”
“Alya, you should be more careful,” Ladybug stated, making her jump before she turned to Luka. “I’m sorry if it looked like I was running away. I had to get help,”
“That’s ok,” He smiled but the glitter was now nearing his neck. “But whatever your plan is, you should do it now,”
“Alya, is it just you here?” She asked. Alya nodded and Ladybug frowned before pulling her out of Luka’s line of hearing and sight. Suddenly, Ladybug went flying across the floor and he saw her let go of two little boxes that bounced and fell off the tower before Style Queen landed before her. He managed to move through the glitter so he could see a little behind him. Alya was now a golden statue. “Lucky Charm!”
A tube of something landed in Ladybug’s hand and she looked at it confused before she looked around and grabbed the flagpole before covering it in glue and started to fight Style Queen. Panic set in for Luka as the glitter began to reach his chin as Ladybug fought against her. She did well at first but Style Queen got the upper hand. He wasn’t able to watch the rest of the fight as he pushed himself through the glitter. He tried to break the dome with his shoulders but the glitter made it hard to move and the dome was basically indestructible, Soon, the glitter started to touch his lower lip and he realized he wasn’t going to escape on time. He managed to move his hand so he could pinch his nose and took a deep breathe before it moved over his mouth and nose. He slammed his eyes shut as it washed over them and before he knew it, he was completely submerged in golden glitter. His mind raced as he knew he couldn’t hold his breathe for that long and he was afraid Style Queen might defeat Ladybug. However, all those thoughts were driven out of his mind as the ground shook violently. The glitter suddenly shifted, freeing him from it. He gasped for breathe as he fell to his hands and knees before looking up. Everything was breaking  and Ladybug was making a grab for the rose on Adrien’s lips while dust and broken metal surrounded them. He heard the sound of cracks spreading throughout Paris and felt the towel fall.
“No!” Style Queen screamed but Ladybug quickly broke the rose, freeing the akuma before she purified it. She then threw up the tube of glue in the air and shouted those magic words. Within minutes everything when back to normal and everyone who was a statue was restored. Even the glitter on his clothes was gone and Style Queen turned back into Chloe’s mum. Adrien and Chloe helped her up. “What happened? You’re all fired!”
Ladybug landed next to him, causing him to smile.
“Thank you rescuing me,” He smiled before realizing he was on the other side of Paris. “I’m sorry, Ladybug! I really have to go!”
With that, he rushed out and down the stairs. When he was almost on the last stairs, he came to a stop as he noticed a little hexagon shaped box sat on the stairs. He realized it was one of the boxes that Ladybug had dropped. He picked it up and went to turn around but a flash of red told him that she had just left and he had no idea how to get in contact with her. Looking at the box again, he carefully slid it in his pocket, promising himself that he would find a way to return it to her before he ran down the last step and hailed a cab to get back to the fashion show.
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ducktracy · 4 years
126. the blow out (1936)
release date: april 4th, 1936
series: looney tunes
director: tex avery
starring: joe dougherty (porky), lucille laverne (bomber)
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this is a cartoon i’ve been looking forward to reviewing for quite awhile—it’s certainly one of my favorite dougherty-era porkys. well, to begin, this is porky’s first solo cartoon! not a beans in sight (sorry, beans!). tex’s first interpretation of porky was a bloated, ravenous father who screams “WHOOPEE” a lot. now, he’s characterized as a cute, naïve kid, a role he’d make up in the large majority of tex’s porky cartoons. even as far as 1941, porky’s age is mentioned to be 7 years old in tex’s porky’s preview. also worth noting that the bomber is voiced by lucille laverne, who you may recognize as the evil queen from snow white just a year later. in terms of sunopsis: a hungry porky longs for an ice cream soda, yet he’s short on money. however, his prayers may be answered as he finds out doing favors for people earns him a quick buck. his biggest favor of all—returning a bomb to a mad bomber.
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menacing music underscores an overhead shot of a local building. a sinister laugh offscreen is brought on by a mysteriously cloaked figure, who placed an alarm clock in front of the building. the figure darts away, the clock ticking forebodingly as a trail of smoke pours out of it. and, of course, BOOM. newspaper headlines pour in (with a keen eye, you’ll spot that they’re addressed to podunk journal, podunk express, etc etc) detailing the bomber’s acts, one newspaper gloating a $2,000 reward if captured. all the cop cars are called, phone lines and telegram wires burning up as the search for the bomber ravages on.
police sirens wail in the distance as a shot of a dingy old alley pans to an exposed basement window. zoom into the pitch black darkness, the same sinister laugh from before piercing our ears as a bat flies into view. the pans are very well thought out and well structured as we pan through the basement, finally getting a good glimpse of the bomber, hard at work.
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if i had to make a guess, i’d estimate chuck jones does the closeup of the bomber making his time bombs (chuck liked to play around with shadows, and there’s a sinister shadow behind the bomber at work—it also aligns with his style, and he even gets an animation credit. i can identify the bob clampett scenes with certainty, his style really sticks out to me). lucille laverne provides a great, obnoxious, sinister voice... as she should, since she was probably recording for snow white around the same time. “a clock, a little dynamite, a black bomb, a few firecrackers, some lovely skyrockets, and ya have a little time bomb that will blow up a CITY!”
the bomber masks himself, draping himself in his black cloak and donning his hat. he does your stereotypical villain walk, covering his face—i love me a tex avery villain. almost always a very obvious parody. everything with tex is to be laughed at, to be funny, to be made fun of. the bomber ponders where he’ll strike next, scanning a city map. he circles off a random area, crossing over it for good measure, and he furtively creeps out into the street, ready to strike.
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elsewhere, porky is deeply invested in an ice cream parlor, his face pressed against the window. a sign advertises an ice cream soda for 10 cents. inside, we get a good look at the frothy goodness as an offscreen waiter places a straw inside. another offscreen hand grabs the drink, and we’re met with porky’s smiling, hungry face, eagerly observing as the offscreen customer slurps away. porky’s face quickly turns crestfallen, and soon he’s frowning at an empty glass.
however, he’s undeterred. porky reaches into his pocket (literally just his own flesh, a reoccurring detail that i just adore) and pulls out five pennies, narrating “five pennies! just enough for an ice cream soda!” he struts confidently into the parlor with his outstretched hand, a lovely score of “fella with the fiddle” (his theme for this cartoon, also the name of a merrie melody and also whistled by porky as he gives a camel a bath in little beau porky) backing him up. he marches to the counter and asks “one ice cream soda, please!” unfortunately, the offscreen waiter has to break the news—“too bad, sonny. you only have half enough pennies for a soda.”
porky’s grin melts immediately as he dejectedly trudges away, hands in his “pockets”. suddenly, inspiration strikes, and our little haggler zips back to the counter, bargaining “well, how about a half of one, then?” still a no. having exhausted every option, porky mopes on the sidewalk. a passerby drops his cane, and porky halfheartedly returns it to him, not even realizing he’s done anything. the man offscreen expresses his gratitude by offering a penny to porky.
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suddenly, porky snaps his head to the sweet copper that lies before him in an outstretched hand. he eagerly accepts the penny (“oh boy! a penny!”). bob clampett animates his little jig as he does a dance, throwing the coin up in the air, whirling around just in time to catch it in his back “pocket”. a reoccurring gag that’s funny every time, perfectly and sardonically capturing his glee. he rubs his hands together, scheming, almost making a “grinch face” (chuck jones will provide many a grinch face in his cartoons, as he should) as the gears turn. doing favors = money = ice cream.
thus launches a favor spree. tex’s strong sense of timing furthers the potential of porky’s motives and transforms a mundane idea into something hilarious and likable. who doesn’t want to see him get his soda? porky rushes in just in time to hand a woman her fallen glove, and sure enough she repays him. another penny earned, another jig performed. any subtlety at porky’s desire to earn cash is quickly dropped as he puts on his best “cute” pose, pulling in his body and closing his eyes like the dickens he is, putting out his hand. more subtlety lost, more eagerness gained as porky literally rockets forward at super speed to reunite a woman and her wallet. another victory jig. just as things couldn’t be any brighter, porky finds a nickel on the ground. a whole five cents, just what he needed! as he’s about to bend over, a scottie dog zooms forward and snags the coin, flashing porky a toothy grin and tipping his hat before walking away. porky simply stares back in bewilderment and grief.
now, we pan back to the dingy, dark alleys as a familiar snicker rings out once more. the bomber creeps around the sidewalk, hiding behind the “blotz building”. the coast clear, he sneers “here it goes!” as he turns the clock on, and foreboding ticking begins. he creeps forward, warily placing the bomb down at the front of the building. the bomber knows that his work is done as he hurries away.
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what he DOESN’T know, however, is that he was a witness: a stuttering, chubby, porcine witness. porky is just tickled to see the bomber turn the corner. he scoops up the bomb, mistaking it for a regular clock, and approaches the bomber, who’s crouching behind the corner, eyes squeezed shut and ears plugged as he braces for impact. timing sharp as always as he slowly opens his eyes and spots porky holding the clock in front of him... and wastes no time screaming as he does a take. what a great juxtaposition—porky’s naïve oblivion, arms outstretched to return the clock like the good little civilian he is, and the harsh screech of the bomber as he recoils immediately, sinister and ugly and (relatively) smart.
a perfectly hilarious distance shot of the bomber making a break for it, zigzagging through the streets as poor little porky hobbles behind with such good intentions. i love that this is a precursor to tex’s droopy cartoons—largely relying on a little pest that follows you EVERYWHERE and is at every turn, no matter where you go (tex’s first droopy cartoon, dumb-hounded—which i highly recommend—is a glorified take on this cartoon). the bomber seeks refuge in a garage, sliding a door shut in front of porky. of course, porky pops in from the other end, proudly handing out the clock to the bomber who recoils once more and darts away.
the bomber scales a tedious amount of fire escapes, climbing to the top of a building, where he’s greeted by a familiar pig. back down the flights of stairs the bomber goes. laverne’s vocal characterization is side splittingly hilarious and obnoxious, and tex’s knack for humor and speed totally make this cartoon something great. it’s a basic plot, really, and could have been handled disastrously in the wrong hands (no offense to jack king, but i’m sure this cartoon wouldn’t have been half as funny or endearing if it were in his hands). porky greets him at the bottom, just completely clueless as to why this mysterious man keeps screaming “NO!!!!” at him. desperate, the bomber dives into a manhole.
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you just can’t go wrong with this. the bomber creeps around in the dark, surely alone now. that little idiot couldn’t have possibly have crawled down in here. yet, a lit up sclera and the visible face of a clock (a clever creative decision that totally just sells the joke) prove him wrong once more. the bomber runs the opposite way in the darkness, and yet again he’s met with that stubbornly optimistic pig.
frantically, the bomber dives out of the manhole, diving into another, followed by porky. out once more, pinning the next manhole cover down so porky surely can’t escape. what he fails to notice is porky crawling out of another manhole in the foreground. instead, the bomber barricades the manhole cover with a traffic sign, snarling “now i’ll fix the little pest, so he’ll be blown to pieces!” porky is right next to him, both of them utterly clueless for different reasons. now, the villain whips towards the audience and sneers “WHETHER YOU PEOPLE LIKE IT OR NOT!” tex was famous for breaking the fourth wall for a reason. it works. similarly, a fourth wall breaking villain would be pivotal to the plot of tashlin’s the case of the stuttering pig.
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porky latches onto the villain’s cloak, blankly staring at him wordlessly. he’s literally like a baby that will NOT stop looking at you, to the point of borderline uneasiness. it’s literally that, but amplified. and it just works out fantastically. the bomber is absolutely clueless to two things—his little parasite, and to the two police officers who recognize the bomber. police sirens scream, as does the villain. he runs as fast as he can, and porky holds on with an iron grip, just flailing along for the ride. a hilarious distance shot of porky flopping around behind the villain, the cops commenting “look, the kid’s got hold of him!” “yeah! the little fella’s got plenty a nerve to tackle a mug like that!”
thankfully for the bomber, the chase leads right into his hidey hole. he spends a great deal of time tediously locking a stack of doors, celebrating his victory. the coppers bang on the door as the villain barricades himself in, sneering at their futile efforts to get him out. great setup as his smile is quickly paralyzed, offscreen ticking growing louder. of course, pan over to reveal the unflappably optimistic porky beaming as he holds out the time bomb. the bomber throws aside his barricade and bursts out the door, diving straight into the police van.
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porky rushes outside and drops the smoking clock inside the van where the bomber is locked up in. the cherry on top as porky facetiously poses, making a spectacle of himself as he coyly sticks out his hand and puts on his best innocent act. the car drives away... a bumpy ride ensues as fireworks explode one after the other, the car jumping and rocketing around.
back to porky, who’s still posing coyly for his earnings (now animated once more by clampett). a man says “here’s your reward!” as he drops a hefty sack of dough in porky’s palm. he buckled beneath the weight as he possesses $2,000 worth of coins in his grubby little hands. absolutely ecstatic as he tosses the bag into the air, doing his jig. the bag explodes on top of him and he’s covered in coins. a man walks up to him, paper and pencil in hand as he asks “what’re you gonna do with your reward, sonny?” porky inhales before launching into a quick, breathlessly excited “i’m gonna buy me—i’m gonna buy me—i’m gonna buy me—“
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what else? he’s gonna buy him $2,000 worth of ice cream sodas, that’s what. porky slurps down soda after soda, a victorious “fella with the fiddle” blaring as an underscore. he pauses his feast to smile and wave at the audience—iris out as he sucks down more dairy goodness.
i love this cartoon, and this is my favorite cartoon we’ve seen so far. it’s such a feel good watch. is it stupid? absolutely. break it down and you’ve got porky running around for 4 minutes while a guy screams one word replies. yet it’s SO much more than that. porky’s personality in this short is more than all of the personality we’ve seen in the past 125 cartoons combined. he’s phenomenal (i may be biased since he’s tied for favorite with daffy, but...). tex perfectly captures his childish spirit. innocent, naïve, oblivious and bumbling, yet smart enough to know that if he can put on an act he can earn a quick buck or 2,000. timing is everything in this cartoon, and it works out just fine. the scenes never feel TOO tedious, though there are some that definitely lose just a little bit of their punch. not much, though. laverne’s deliveries are fantastically obnoxious. she definitely cheeses it up, and it certainly works in her favor. the villain is an obvious parody, and works exquisitely well as a foil against the brutally honest demeanor of porky’s. is this tex’s best? no, not at all. but it’s a memorable short that i always find myself coming back to, and it always puts a smile on my face. you DEFINITELY need to check this one out. it’s just too good!
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teruthecreator · 4 years
okay now im actually thinking of what kind of character i’d be as a disney villain so im just gonna ramble n shit under the readmore feel free to keep reading if u want to kno Just how sexy of a villain i’d be
okay so i have absolutely not plot thought out for the movie itself, but figuring i sit mainly in the theatrical realm i’ll just say it has something to do with theatre. and maybe it’s set in like the fifties when broadway was starting to gain a resurgence after the war (which isn’t necessarily true, historically, but there was a lot of focus drawn on theatre after the great depression and world war II) and i’m like a Big Actress on broadway. because i gotta be, yknow? the movie aint about me, it’s about some up-and-coming actress working her hardest to make it into the “big lights” 
but me? nah i’m already There, baby! i made it there by hook or by crook (”crook” meaning i literally hired crooks to eliminate my competition so i could make it to stardom) and i Intend to stay there! and i seem really peppy and cheery at first glance, dressed in a lot of yellows and such. i’m famous, but i can be nice, can’t i?*
*i can’t because Hubris 
and the main character ends up at the same audition i do, and we’re both gunning for the lead role because Of Course This Is A Disney Movie. and because it’s a disney movie, the new girl gets the lead role and i get her supporting role. and though i look super excited for the main character on the outside, as soon as she leaves the callsheet the lighting changes to this harsh underlighting as i grimace and tear the callsheet to shreds. this will Not last, oh no babydoll, it won’t. 
so i’m Plotting now, yknow? the main character’s getting all chummy with the lead man (who is her love interest Of Course), and i’m unconcerned with him because i’m a villain which means i’m Gonna be gay-coded (not outwardly bc, again, This Is Disney) but i notice how fond they are for each other. and i just start worming seeds of doubt into the director’s head; whispering that she won’t work out, she’s only in it for the fame not the art, look at her! fifteen minutes late to her first rehearsal! she Clearly can’t be trusted with such an important role!
(she’s fifteen minutes late, mind you, because i told her leads don’t need to come in on calltime. and i also maybe paid some goons to go around and slash a bunch of taxi tires so even if she did want to make it on time she couldn’t. who’s to say for sure, though?) 
but the director is determined to make her work, so i’m ignored, of course. so i start to make More moves; i’m talking sabotaging equipment, telling the lead guy lies that the main character supposedly told me about him, maybe even practicing a kissing scene w the guy that looks Far too real for the unsuspecting main character who just walked into the rehearsal room late at night after the guy asked her out. 
now i know what you’re thinking: michelle, where’s you big musical number? where’s the best song in the whole damn movie?! hold onto your hats, my dears, cause it’s Comin’.
basically i’m imagining my song taking place primarily in my dressing room. my dressing room is always reserved for me because i’m famous, and even if i’m only a supporting role fans will still come to rehearsals and send me flowers (which is something people did back in the hayday of theatre. i don’t think practices are open anymore on broadway). and i’m imagining, like, all the flowers like crowding the room and practically framing my mirror. and it’s the last dress rehearsal before opening, and i have a Big Plan ahead that’s surely gonna work. i’ve already stuck a wrench in the main two’s lovestory with my kiss scheme, now all i have to do is make the main character quit. and i’m surrounded by all these vibrant roses and sunflowers that look cheerful and bright as i enter the room. but as soon as i shut the door and start to approach my vanity, the lighting shifts. 
and all those red roses turn black. and all those cheery sunflowers turn midnight purple. and my silk, long, form-fitting red dress that goes down to the floor and has a slit running all the way up to my thigh is now a shimmering, mysterious, villain-perfect purple. and the lipstick i put on my lips as i start to sing is black. 
i’m boasting about myself, obviously, and how i was the only star meant on broadway. this song is really just about hamming myself up. and there are dramatic cuts to the stage as i’m still in this villain outfit, singing and dancing for an imaginary crowd of thousands cheering me, me, and only me. it’s very darla dimple meets ursula meets scar, okay? i’m having a time with it. 
the song ends with this dramatic, long, powerful note (which in the soundtrack version turns into a long laugh that then fades to nothing), but in the movie as i start to laugh i hear a loud knock on the door as a stagehand calls 15 minutes till places. 
yadda yadda yadda, i make the main character quit, i go to take her place opening night. main guy tries to get her back, but fails. then for some reason, right before the show starts, she Does come back. i try to stop her (maybe KILL her i dunno teehee). my plan gets foiled, i’m mocked offstage. the main character succeeds, kisses the guy, disney-style ending.
as much as i want to win, i’m the disney VILLAIN, not the disney hero. but my part will be the favorite part of the movie For Sure
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insanityclause · 5 years
Zawe Ashton is sorry that she is tired. In her dressing room at Manhattan's Jacobs Theatre, at what would be the end of a working day for many, she still has to go over last night’s notes with her director Jamie Lloyd, and get into hair and make-up. Within hours, she will hit the stage for another sold-out night of her Broadway run in Betrayal, the Harold Pinter revival, which will make her a New Yorker until the end of the year.
“I feel like I'm going mad, but I think I'm really into New York. [When I speak], I can already hear my American upward inflections!” she giggles. The play, which also stars Charlie Cox and Tom Hiddleston, has come to New York after a sold-out turn in London in a year that has cemented 35-year-old Ashton's transition from emerging ingenue to bonafide leading lady. In person, she's warm, wickedly funny, and whip-smart — a combination that goes some way to explaining how she's built a career not just in front of the camera, but as a writer, director, playwright, too. Just don't call her an overnight success — it's been nearly 30 years in the making.
Ashton was born and raised in Hackney, a culturally diverse part of East London at the forefront of the city's gentrification. "Cut me open, and I do bleed Hackney," Ashton says. “I remember when cab drivers wouldn’t even go there but for me, there was just local people establishing community and establishing identity. It was multiculturalism, it was biracial, it was anarchy.”
She grew up the eldest child of an Ugandan mother and English father. She describes her younger self as a hyper child. “I just wanted constant stimulation.” Her mother, busy with three kids, enrolled Ashton in the Anna Scher Theatre, an affordable drama class, whose notable alumni ranges from Hollywood crossovers Daniel Kaluuya and Kathy Burke, to Eastenders favourites Sid Owen, Patsy Palmer, and Natalie Cassidy.
“I went in, and there were like three or four baskets on a tiny little stage. One said wigs, one said hats, one said costumes, and I thought to myself, 'I’m going to love this.'" Ashton went on to spend 14 years with the company. "Every Friday night and every Saturday afternoon for 14 years! I think back now, what a disciplined young person that I was. I think I’ve always needed something like that to keep me anchored.”
Small roles in Game On and The Demon Headmaster followed, along with appearances in British staples like The Bill, Casualty, and Holby City, but her success led to bullying at her north London school. “I was different from others at a time when you're supposed to just be blending into that wall,” she says. If there's one thing that's clear, it's that Ashton doesn't do blending in. "I never understood this thing of finding yourself or finding the truth — I couldn’t give a sh*t about the truth," she says.
Earlier this year, she released Character Breakdown, a book about her experiences as actor and the challenge of darting between make-believe and everyday life. "I've never bought into the idea that there is this one self," she says. "I started acting as a 6-year-old child, when my brain was still extremely fragile. I didn’t have hope in hell if I didn’t want to have fractured selves — that moment was over by the time I’d finished my first day on a film set."
Ashton's breakout role didn't come until years after that first day. In 2011, when she was 27, she debuted her role as the hilarious and sensational Vod in Channel 4's now cult classic, Fresh Meat. “When I got it, I had just done an independent movie called Dreams Of A Life,” she recalls. “That was a one-two punch. I had my independent film world covered and I suddenly had this cult TV world covered, and that was it. My head was above the parapet, and things have just been on the up since then."
Like many actors of her generation, she's only down with the "up" when it's about the work. "I’ve never been bothered about fame," she says. "Even when I was at Anna Scher Theatre, you were never allowed to use the words 'star' or 'fame,' they were like swear words. I want to be a successful actor, never a famous star. Because one is an organic meal that will sustain you, and the other is toxic.”
That does complicate things, because whether she's conscious of it or not, Ashton is a star. Her most recent work has seen her share the screen with Toni Collette in the BBC drama Wanderlust, about a therapist trying to save her fraught relationship with her husband,  played by Steven Mackintosh. She also had a lead role in Netflix’s Velvet Buzzsaw, a quirky thriller set in the contemporary art world where she plays Josephina, the object of affection, alongside an idiosyncratic art critic called Morf, played by Jake Gyllenhaal. Her wattage is rising, and unsurprisingly, the designers have come calling. Erdem, Mulberry, Regina Pyo, and Roksanda Illincic all want to dress her, but as Ashton discloses, the style part doesn't always come naturally.
“People talk about ‘effortless style’ but effortless is so far away from any of my experiences of that sort of thing." She now works with stylist, art director, and brand consultant Steph Wilson for her big appearances. "She's not a celebrity stylist, which seems to be a very different breed of person," Ashton explains, "but my stylist is a big reason I am able to cope with events." Their first collaboration — a voluminous, tiered Stella McCartney gown that Ashton wore on the 2016 Olivier's Red Carpet — set the tone in their relationship. "We affectionately called [it] the lampshade dress," Ashton recalls. "It was a complete risk, and a risk that I'd been told again and again and again not to take. 'Don’t go there, you're not well known, you're not famous, unless you’re famous you shouldn’t wear things like this.' I just said, 'I want to dress like the artist I feel,' and that was that."
Ashton might sound assertive, but she swears she is only now coming into her own. “How long have we got to talk about women of colour and imposter syndrome,” Ashton asks, now in her hair and make-up prep. “It’s a real thing, and many people have it. It’s, I think, a particular characteristic of the overachiever. Because you're bottomless, you never think what you’ve achieved is enough. There are lots of little dots, as I approach my 30th year as an actor, that I'm sort of really looking to connect so I can move on to the next stage of my life.”
Part of that next stage is taking up more space. "When you work in film sets, when you’re working on projects that are male dominated, you are always treated as the last priority," she says carefully. "There have been times when, like in sex scenes or whatever, I’ve just been expected to get on with it. No conversation, no time wasting, you're just supposed to minimise your space, and let the money-making industry crack on because time is money." Not any more. "I'm going to call abuse when it’s abuse, and I'm going to call micro-aggression when it’s micro-aggression," she says of on-set behaviour she once might have let slide.
In October, in both Hackney and New York, she will stage For All The Women Who Thought They Were Mad, a play she wrote some 10 years ago when she part of the Royal Court Young Writers group. The play uses statistics to platform the cultural biases at work in medical institutions in Britain that are specifically stacked against women from the African diaspora. “Women being over medicated, unnecessarily being sectioned into their families, losing their jobs. It’s all really shocking, so I wanted to write something for all the women I’ve known [who] thought they were alone. It’s taken so long to get off the ground because it was considered an exposé by every theatrical institution in London, and [I'm] so glad we are doing it," she adds. "A lot of women for a long time have been told to find their voices, but I don’t agree. We have voices. We just need a platform. And we need the words."
One word Ashton is thinking about a lot these days is "motherhood." “I would like to have a baby,” she says slowly. "I’ve never said that before, but women never say it." Despite various rumours about her love life, she emphasises that the baby is a goal, not a current reality. "It's not in the works, and it's not being planned," she says. "There's absolutely not one single detail that I can mention, but the next thing on my agenda is building towards that stage, and I feel very proud of that."
Ashton is aware that the path in that direction will be unreasonably complicated. "The widespread shame of motherhood is criminal, and it needs to stop," she says. "The world can never improve if you disrespect the people that bring life." Still, Ashton is rolling up her sleeves. "I feel like this career has so many connections to my childhood desires, and now I want to figure out what my adult ones are.”
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houseofvans · 5 years
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With the sharp-edged graphic feel, high contrast color palette, and a modern twist on traditional Hawaiiana, artist Christie Shinn’s paintings offer a fresh interpretation to life in Hawaii. Her beautiful works have not only appeared as a Vans shoe design, but also as the artwork for the Vans 2013 Triple Crown of Surfing event. Not only one thing, Christie is also the art director and collaborating artist at Surfer Towel, where her two towel designs will be released this summer.  Find out more about Christie’s artwork, inspiration, and favorite collaboration by taking the leap below! 
Photographs courtesy of the artist. | Portraits by Joel Terron Photography
Introduce yourself?   My name is Christie Shinn. I’m a resident of the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii.  I’m Canadian but I’ve called Hawaii home for over a decade. 
What kind of work do you create? What medium and what would you say it is about?  I work in acrylic paint on canvas, wood, leather.. really, anything the paint will stick to.  
I’d say the style of work is a modern version of traditional Hawaiiana (Hawaii-inspired art/craft).  
I taught myself to paint, and my favorite art at the time was early skate graphics and silkscreened concert posters so I think there is a sharp-edged graphic feel to my work because of that.  I like to go high contrast with color and pick subjects that are a little off-typical.  I live in a place that is so familiar to people all over the world, even if they’ve never been here.  I feel like it’s my job to find a fresh interpretation of life in Hawaii. 
How did you start from doodling and drawing to what you do now? Where did your love of drawing and creating stem from?  My grandma taught me how to paint when I was a kid.  I remember being fascinated with making marks on a canvas. It starts off blank, then it’s something and each choice is totally up to you.  Some are good choices, some aren’t, but they’re all yours.  I still love that about making art.  I get to sit at my easel and create a thing that did’t exist before I thought of it.  So cool.  
Who and what were some of your early artistic influences?  My favourite artist as a kid was Henri Rousseau who created massive tropical themed paintings, even though he’d never been outside of France. He created an entire lifetime of artwork exploring his tropical fantasy world.  His work is so weird and wonderful.  
When I started getting serious about art, my absolute favourite artist was (and still is) Andrew Pommier.  I love his characters, I love his style.  I feel like I can look into the eyes of one of his characters and see an entire backstory.  One of his pieces is on my studio wall for both inspiration and as a barometer for my own work. Even though we have different styles, I try to make sure each new piece that leaves the studio is worthy to be hung next to the Pommier. 
What are some things that inspire the drawings you make now? What are some of your favorite things to draw? What about them makes them something you just find yourself re-creating or re-capturing over and over again?  I’ve spent a lot of years living on the North Shore of Oahu and about 4 years ago I met my boyfriend who lives on the South Shore. His place is an hour drive , and it’s like a whole new island visually.  The colors are different, the ocean is different, the sunsets…everything is new and fresh.  I think a lot of my work over the past 4 years has been inspired by the contrast between the two shores.  
Take us through your artistic process? What’s a typical day in the studio like? I wake up at 7:30am, get some cuddle time with the cat, make coffee and wait for my assistant to come over.  He packs orders while I paint. Usually a friend drops by at some point because I live on a property with several houses and my neighbours are all friends.  If it’s a surf day, we break for a surf.  The afternoon is a mix of planning out new pieces, answering emails, prepping orders and generally taking care of the business side of art.  I’ll do an evening beach run if I’m feeling energetic.  Watch the sunset.  Usually with a beer.  After dinner, I’m back at the easel until about midnight.  Nighttime is my favourite time to paint because there are no distractions. 
I always take weekends off to maintain the work/life balance.  It can get obsessive, especially when I’m struggling with a piece.  Mandatory time off helps me reset.  
What art tools will we always find in your creative space? Is there a medium you want to try that you have yet to get your hands on?  I keep it pretty minimal when it comes to materials.  I have one large brush for lay in, 3  flats and 2 liner brushes.  I always have several blank canvases hanging at all times.  Since inspiration is hard to control, I think the key is to be ready for when it strikes.  
I’ve always been fascinated with screen printing.  I’d love to dabble in that one day.
What’s been one of your more rewarding collaborations or projects? What about it was so rewarding? What would your dream collaboration be?  I first worked with Vans in 2013 as the poster artist for their Triple Crown of Surfing event here on the North Shore.  I did a bonus design that they turned into a limited edition capsule collection. It was on button up shirts, bags, hats, towels.. I didn’t know any of this until I opened up the box of samples. It was so unexpected, I actually teared up a little. What a crazy feeling to see your art on a Vans product.  That moment really made a lasting impact.  After that, I started to really believe it was possible to have a career doing something I was good at and that I loved.  I owe a huge debt to the Vans design team of ’13.
A few years later I got to collaborate with Vans again on a shoe design for the Japan market.  It was my favourite collaboration to date because they let me customize everything: the shoe, the insole, the box and even the tissue paper!  
A few months later I’m in Tokyo doing a signing event next to a wall of my shoes.  It was surreal.
I think my dream collaboration would be collaboration shoe for Vans USA. I love to hand-paint Vans and I have a couple favourites from the hand painted series I’d love to see as a production shoe.  Also, the Japan sizes were so small I never got a pair I could actually wear myself! 
What do you do when you’re not drawing or working on projects?  When I have a lot of down time, I love to travel. Japan is my favourite destination right now.  When I have a little space in the day, I’ll log some hammock time, go for a surf, run, take photos…not in that order. 
What’s the art community like where you are? What kind of avenues are there for artists in your area or is it more of a DIY type of thing?  Hawaii is a great place for artists.  We have a lot of galleries, local shops and businesses that feature the work of local artists.  There are so many interesting opportunities outside the gallery scene too. For example, some big hotels in Honolulu have been doing rebrands over the last few years and nearly every one has hired a local artist to help refresh their look.  There is also a lot of love for Hawaii in Japan which has lead to some really cool collaborations between local artists and Japanese companies.  It’s a really great place to be an artist because there is no one measure of success. There are so many ways to have an art career here. 
What’s your art tip that you want to share with folks?  I try to keep the usual stuff in mind as I work: contrast, energy, balance.  If there is a lot of warmth, add a splash of cool. If you go high-detail, balance it with some negative space. Dark/light etc… 
My favourite pieces are the ones that still have the energy of the first strokes when they’re finished.  Overworking is so easy to do.  I try to take breaks and walk away or put it away for a while. I usually have several pieces going at the same time for this reason.
What are your favorite style of VANS? My favourite Vans are Slip-Ons.  It’s customary to take your shoes off outside of homes and some offices in Hawaii. I take my shoes on and off a lot in a day so the slip-ons are the way to go.  Also, they have more surface area to paint on, so they get an extra point for that as well. 
What do you have coming up that you can share or are super stoked about?  My newest collaboration is with Japanese airline ANA and LeSportsac.  I created a series of bag designs for LeSportasac that will be available exclusively on ANA flights.  I’m on my way to Japan in May for an art festival so I’ll actually get to see the bags on the flight.  
I’m also pretty stoked on 2 new towel designs I have coming out this summer for Surfer Towel.
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wild-aloof-rebel · 5 years
y’all asked for a recap of the austin up close and personal shows, so i’m gonna do my best to give that to you. it was pretty similar to the other shows (which already are similar to things you can find in other interviews) so there isn’t a ton of new info here, but here it is anyway. under a cut because it’s gonna be long (and my immense apologies to people on mobile for whom we all know this won’t actually include a cut):
the show begins with the recap clip package from before s5 aired. i was a little sad to see they hadn’t updated it to include any new stuff, but it’s understandable i guess. even though i’d seen it before, did i start crying as soon as it started playing anyway? absolutely. was it amazing to be in a room full of people cheering for david and patrick’s first kiss? fuck yes.
dan and eugene come out on stage first for some father and son shenanigans. eugene jokes that dan is a big longhorns fan, to which dan replies that he doesn’t know what that is. they laugh at both shows about various sections of empty seats, even though the theater is supposed to be sold out. eugene jokes that he came up with the idea for the show while dan makes Dan Faces at him. dan says that they’ve been drinking frosé at the hotel all afternoon. eugene talks briefly about how proud he is of dan, and during one of the two shows you can basically see dan trying to shrink back into his leather jacket and hide--it’s so fucking cute how badly he takes compliments. (also, inserted side note that dan looks incredible, as usual, and i have to commend his commitment to his aesthetic for wearing a leather jacket in 80+ degree weather). and then they introduce the cast--noah, emily, annie, and finally catherine, who for good and obvious reasons gets a standing ovation at both shows.
the discussion starts with eugene and catherine talking about filming waiting for guffman because it was filmed in lockhart, texas, which is part of the austin metro area. they talk about eating a lot of barbecue during filming, and catherine says that that restaurant had a huge mural of like, bloody butchers on the wall, which was of course horribly unappetizing. from there they move into talking about all the couples they’ve played. dan asks if they have a favorite aside from johnny and moira, and they both agree it’s gerry and cookie from best in show. during one show, eugene tells the story of how he and christopher guest came up with the two left feet gag, and catherine jokes that moira’s backstory is similar to cookie’s, in that she has a trail of ex-lovers who consider their time with her to be the best sex of their lives. then they sing “god loves a terrier”
next they move into audition stories from annie, emily, and noah. annie talks about the bad spot she was in before the audition (during which emily cracked up, as is tradition for telling this story)--house burned down, $500 in the bank, blown her first screen test, and considering changing careers--how she read and tested for both alexis and stevie, and how it took 2 1/2 weeks for dan to call her back after her screen test, during which time she of course came to the conclusion she didn’t get either part. and dan when he called, of course was... well, dan, and left her hanging for as long as possible before asking finally asking if she wanted to play his sister. (he defends himself by saying punk’d was popular at the time, and he thought it would be funny.) emily talks about her similarly bad spot before her audition--divorce, no jobs, $800 in the bank--and the rumor that she took her top off during it. dan jumps in to clarify that in reality, she had a great audition and instead of saying thanks and leaving the room at the end, she sat down on the sofa, pulled the collar of her sweatshirt up over her head, and began rocking back and forth saying “that was awful, that was so bad, oh god...” dan also points out that her taking her top off would have done absolutely nothing for him, lmao, which then leads to noah joking that the first thing he did in his audition was take his top off. (I LOVE THEM) dan says noah was “underprepared” for his audition, to which noah argues that he prepared a lot--learned his lines, thought a lot about the character, etc.--but he didn’t watch any of the show, for which dan apparently still holds a grudge against him. he says dan also gives him shit for not having seen paddington 2, and dan reveals the ultimate travesty that noah has also not seen pretty woman.
for the next segment, each actor talks about their character. eugene talks about playing the straight man for once and how that differs from all the other roles he’s played. emily, during the second show, feels the need to clarify what he means by “straight man” since there are other connotations to that phrase, lol. 
there’s a brief moira clip package, and catherine talks about the origins of moira’s voice/pronunciation/vocabulary, dropping into the voice to refer to it as “mementos of her world travels” that she “bestows as a gift on the less travelled and less educated [which has about sixteen syllables in it]” as “an amuse bouche of what it’s like to walk in her givenchy shoes.” she also jokes during the second show that it’s a good thing dan didn’t make her audition to play moira because if she had come in with that voice/inflection, they would have thought she was having a stroke. dan asks her if she has a favorite wig--she doesn’t because it would be like asking her to choose her favorite “bébé”--but she does talk about how much fun it is to wear them in ways they weren’t intended, including as a hat, a look she refers to as her “director’s beret.”
annie talks about the influences of the kardashians, lindsay lohan, and the olsen twins on alexis’s speech and mannerisms. she talks about her vocal fry and how it’s essentially such a “lazy fucking way” of talking, as well as the origin of the alexis hands and how it came from the way they all hold their handbags. (her thought process: what if there was no handbag? and what if i turned my hand over? and what if i added another hand?) she also mentions that someone recently contacted her on instagram very concerned for her health because apparently her wrists being like that could be a symptom of some terrible disease. (she clarified that she doesn’t have any of the other symptoms lol). dan says it looks more like she was in a horrific accident, broke both wrists, and just decided not to get them fixed. annie insists that it’s actually very relaxing and that we should all try it before we fall asleep at night, lol. then there’s a whole conversation about the popularity of “ew david” and all the places it’s popped up--lapel pins, doormats, needlepoint, license plates--and annie says someone pointed out on twitter recently that she only actually says it twice in the show. [that’s actually wrong, she says it three times plus an “ew, no, david,” but the point still stands that she says it far less than people think she does.] dan jokes about how he didn’t realize when they wrote that line that people would someday be yelling “ew” at him when he walks by on the street.
emily talks about her similarities to stevie, starting with how they dress, and how much she loves just getting to sit behind the desk playing sudoku and solitaire all day. she says sometimes directors will be like, what if stevie was dusting in this scene? “why?!” maybe she wants to make coffee. “not that coffee!” and so emily stays happy and comfy behind the desk all the time, calling it the best job she’s ever had, and eugene confirms that hanging out behind the desk is indeed pretty nice.
dan asks noah about what it’s like to play basically the only sane person on the show. he talks about how interacting with the roses is a bit like watching a tv show or a family of aliens--it’s entertaining and you’re always waiting for what reference is gonna pop up next to what celebrity they did what with. he says that the day david walked into ray’s, for patrick it was like “discovering a unicorn.” he also mentions that one of his all-time favorite lines from the show is “it’s a general store, but it’s also a very specific store.”
they cover some fan creations, including the taxidermied rats that dan talked about on james corden, a couple of dogs dressed up like the roses, a planter with eugene’s face drawn on it, a little crocheted david and patrick, and a romance novel cover-style manip of david and stevie “behind the scenes” of the turkey shoot.
they talk a bit about cabaret, which is the only part of s5 that really gets discussed anywhere. noah and emily talk about how difficult the dancing was for the “money” scene (dan jokes that it was particularly difficult for emily since it didn’t consist of sitting behind a desk), how they both watched the video of the professionals doing it and thought it looked easy but that it was not. they talk about dan sending them for vitamin drips, and noah demonstrates a bit of the dance that they had particular trouble getting and that led to the choreographer trying to get emily even to just walk rather than doing the move and she still struggled. (here’s a brief video of that bit.) annie also joins in the discussion to talk about “willkommen” and how the choreographer was always so upset that they weren’t nailing the moves the way he wanted them to (her kick toward the end of the routine gets a special mention there), and they would just use the excuse of “well my character wouldn’t be a great dancer” to cover up for the fact that they couldn’t really do it lol. dan laughs about the fact that he wrote himself out of alla that mess.
dan asks noah to talk about his version of “the best.” noah says he knew how much the song meant to dan (they joke in one show about how dan is the kind of person who would hear the original in a club somewhere and beg everyone around him like “okay, but actually listen to the lyrics...”) and how difficult it was to figure out how to take something that’s so poppy and far from his usual style and transform it into something that would work for him. he talks about how dan finally texted him to ask if he could hear it, and he played it in his bedroom 17 or 18 times before finally sending dan one run of it and then didn’t hear anything back for like 4 hours. he jokes that at that point he basically is assuming he’s been fired. and dan jumps in to say that in reality he’d just been sobbing alone in the dark after listening to it and that you shouldn’t just spring that song on someone when they’re sitting at home alone marathoning downton abbey. noah says that what he thinks makes the scene particularly great on the show, however, is dan’s performance as david reacting to the song. dan then talks about the moment when moira reaches out to touch david’s arm and how that wasn’t scripted but was such a beautiful and important moment of support from a parent for their queer child. eugene then jokes that the scene would have been even more poignant if johnny had been included in it, and they argue over why he couldn’t have been there (he was back at the motel with stevie. eugene: “he could have slipped out for ten minutes.”)
dan asks everyone about their most memorable day on set. emily (along with contributions from noah and annie) talks in both shows about filming the cabaret scenes and how it was so great because it was the last day of shooting for s5 and they were in an actual theater with a whole audience to watch them and so it felt like a real, actual theater performance. they were rehearsing it up until the last possible minute, and they only got three takes at it.
in both shows, they talk about the junebugs from the filming of “surprise party” and dan a) not initially knowing what a junebug actually was and b) having a fear of flying bugs. (per dan, “so does nicole kidman. sue us both.”) they talk about all the takes that were ruined because there were so many flying around and how eventually one flew down dan’s shirt and he freaked out, which leads to eugene doing a reenactment of dan freaking out, complete with “fuck this fucking shit!” (the actual version of which you can of course watch in the s1 bloopers) eugene says he wanted to get t-shirts made that said fuck this fucking shit.
in the first show, eugene brings up the golf scene with johnny and roland and talks about the director yelling at them because they couldn’t stop laughing, take after take (which you can watch in the s3 bloopers). he jokes about how it ultimately didn’t even matter because “it’s my show.”
in the second show, catherine brings up the scene of moira and david trying to sell the allez vous products to everyone and how she couldn’t stop laughing because dan looked “insane” with all his tanner and his [intentionally] bad acting (again, s1 bloopers are your friend).
after all that, they play the multi-season blooper reel (which is great because i do always enjoy watching dan say “i never said i was bright, guys, just really fucking pretty” lmao). during both shows, annie and emily sit on the floor to watch it, which is super cute.
then there’s the audience vs cast trivia game. annie picks five audience members to come on stage and compete against the cast. i don’t remember all the questions dan asked, but between the two shows there was at least what’s alexis’s middle name? what does alexis call the mennonites who they get the peanut butter things from on the way to heather’s farm? what was the gift that patrick gave david on their first date? who was the person moira decided to perform a show about for asbestos fest (and a bonus point for the actual name of the show)? what does twyla put in glasses of champagne? what was moira’s character’s name on sunrise bay? and my personal favorite since i got the acknowledgement from dan for knowing the answer, what was the name of alexis and david’s nanny when they were kids? emily hands out t-shirts to the five audience members who played, and the prize for the audience “winning” is of course noah playing “simply the best” and he jokes beforehand that he’s been working on an acoustic arrangement of “a little bit alexis,” which noah, please, actually do the thing. (here’s a tiny video of him performing.)
the show ends with just a few quick words of thanks from dan. in the first show, he mentions that they’re filming the “sixth and final season,” which uhhhhhhhh does not get the warmest of reactions, which is probably why he doesn’t really mention it in the second show.
aside from the discussion of cabaret, there was very little discussion of s5. i think they’re basically still running the script from the shows they were doing at the start of the season, so i guess that makes sense, but it would have been nice to see a little more talk about it. in one of the shows, dan does briefly bring up annie having done both the song and the choreography for “a little bit alexis” herself, and he says they have more footage of her dancing and that maybe they might release some of it as a treat. and then he kind of realizes what he said and goes, “well i guess now that i said it we actually are gonna have to do it...” so maybe we have that to look forward to?
also since there was no discussion of the engagement in the first show, i submitted a few questions for the second show to try to get them to talk about it (some questions more direct than others), and dan did somehow manage to pick one of mine to read, which was asking noah what it was like having dan carry him up a mountain repeatedly. (i know we’ve heard him talk about it already in some of the bts videos, but like i said, some questions were more direct than others, and that was my indirect way of being like, binch let’s talk about what happened on that mountain lolol.) i actually missed the first several seconds of noah’s response because i was too busy dying about dan reading my question (if someone else who was there wants to fill me in, please do, lmao), but i think he made a joke about dan actually carrying him allllll the way up the mountain, and then more seriously he did specifically say that it was impressive for dan to do it take after take because “i’m not a light man.” he also talked about how they got up there and started filming them looking out at the scenery, and that turkey vulture just swooped so nicely right into the shot and circled back out again and how auspicious that seemed. (there you go, @jcams88, confirmation just for you, straight from noah’s mouth, that that they did not edit in the turkey vulture flying around back there.) unfortunately there was no further discussion of the proposal from there, but hey it’s at least a bit more s5 talk than we would have had if i hadn’t asked lol. all the thanks to dan for picking my question and at least giving us this much.
one other random thing that happens throughout the show and made me laugh a lot is that when annie or noah talks about something dan has said to them, they say it in their best impersonation of dan’s voice, and after they’re done, dan’s immediate response is, “okay, first of all, i don’t sound like that,” in the exact same tone of voice they were impersonating. as a running gag, it was solidly funny every single time. i love them all SO much.
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konan720 · 5 years
Sgt. Frog/AHiT AU: Stranded
Description: A young recon squad of three crash land on earth after shortly arriving to the planet. Separated and lost; they look for a place to stay until they can find a way home.
(Chapter one: Mayday!)
‘Mayday! mayday! This is Recon ship Zeta! Engine failure! Requesting rescue!’
A voice played on, over and over throughout the vast void of space; the voice came from a downed ship, small for a normal sized ship of their kind. The beings that dwelled within it long since gone. The wreckage was now in the side of a large mountainous region of an island far from a major city.
In this island, stayed a quiet little town. The world they crashed on is referred to them as pekopon- living there are pekoponians;
But to the natives?
They know themselves as humans, who live on the planet earth.
Small ‘plap’ sounded off in a steady pattern, as a small being wondered though the empty streets of a neighborhood; it was raining heavily that day- Sky dark and unrelenting; though the small being didn’t seem to mind all that much.
She was more worried about being lost- and alone; scared she was, as she looked for her squad. Entering the planet was not in the plan, some unseen and unfortunate events occurred. They were only to study and give information back to the ones in charge, waiting back home-
They were to young to see any major battles yet; but they had special privileges. Asking enough times can also get you pretty far.
Finally coming to the conclusion that this small being wasn’t going to find her friends here, she sat down and started sniffling; stifled little sobs barely heard over the rain.
Earlier this morning, two young adults clambered around their neat two story house; they were both getting ready for today. “Moon! Get moving! We’re going to be late!” One could hear shouting from inside the house if they stand close enough “and bring an umbrella, it’s going to rain today!”
“Oh relax, bother- I’m always prepared!” A more calm tone follows after a loud one “Snatcher, what’s gotten into you today? You seem more agitated the usual.”
Identical twins stood at the entrance of their modern style doorstep. William, and Mathews- but to everyone else they grew up with;
MoonJumper and Snatcher.
“Mid terms.” Snatcher deadpanned
A simple ‘Ah’ followed after as the two walked onward to school. They had to keep moving as thy talked, it wasn’t going to wait for no one. Especially when it's college.
“And then there’s Vanessa!” He emphasized, raising his hands to the sky “she won’t stop bothering me! Even after I’ve broken up with her, she thinks we’re still dating!”
“You broken up with her; when did this happen?” MoonJumper asked
“A week ago- and boy; that wasn’t pretty..” Snatcher put a hand to his face; slightly traumatized by the display of displeasure she showed.
“I would imagine, she seems to be missing a few screws..” moon said, earning a nod from his brother.
being identical mostly twins, they had looked the same from birth, besides their eye colors, all the way to Middle school; during High school is when their styles changed-
Snatcher, bored of his brown hair, died it a dark shade of purple- a shade that looks indefinitely black at first if not looking at it with a bright light source.
MoonJumper still kept his natural brown color, but upon his face he wore glasses, his vision not as bad, but from time to time he'll use them. Mostly when he goes to school, because his seat was positioned in the far back.
The only thing that was still identical, was the fact they still have their hair at shoulder length. Fluffy, one would say, And smooth to boot.
As they left the neighborhood, and into the streets of town, they passed by many kinds of people. A sweet lady in her mid thirties waved them hello, she was a chef at- and quiet possibly, the best restaurant on the island. Owned and ran it with a few relatives.
Then there were the two men who always yelled at each other- well, one did, the other sauntered around and made sassy comeback. Apparently they were directors visiting the island for potential movie ideas- to bad they can't cooperate with each other. They could really make a good movie if one just puts their differences aside.
Then there's the mayor, the boss with his goons; there's something shady about them- but surprisingly they run the town just fine. Nobody really complains, everyone knows each other in some way. These are perks of living in a small town, on an island, far from any major excitement-
"God, this place is boring!" Snatcher suddenly yelled to himself. Earning a small chuckle from his brother.
Up ahead, you could see the college building, sitting just at the borders of the forest the led to the mountains. The mountain sat in the middle of the island, and branched off quite some ways to the northeast, creating a spiky peninsula dubbed- ship wreck isle. Their entire island, from above, comically looked like a frying pan!
"Let's hurry and get to class before Vanessa finds me.." The dark purple haired man said, a whisper as if she was already here.
"I honestly don't see what you saw in her." Moonjumper shook his head, "didn't the others say, 'stay away from her'?"
"Tell me; since when do I listen to other people's opinions?" He snapped back
"And now look where that's gotten you?" Moon raised an unimpressed brow "a crazy ex girlfriend- who by the way, has an unhealthy obsession over you. And is currently stalking you right now." He mumbled something hat last part, noticing movement out of the corner of his eye.
"What, where?!" Without needing an answer or a position, Snatcher took off; Leaving his brother behind. Shortly after, moon hears shuffling, and clapping of slippers chasing after twin. He only shook his head "we might need to call a restraining order.."
To some of the students class was boring, however, to Snatcher- it was going to help him with his dream of becoming lawyer. Unlike some of the students who doodle in their book, and stare out the window, he was one of the students to actually pay attention.
Him and his brother were both trying to achieve their dreams.
What a duo; a lawyer and an astronomer.
With Snatcher's noise in law, Moonjumper aimed for the skies. Hence why he'd gotten the name Moonjumper. Snatcher had received his because at any good opportunity he'd take it and take advantage of it.
As the bell rang for lunch, Snatcher took the chance to stretch out his arms as he watched every one else pack up and leave for their hangout spots. Today, he’ll be coming home alone; for some reason- Rachael; the School’s head of the florist club, has asked for his brother’s help.
Snatcher thinks there’s something going on between the two, because at how fast he had accepted the invitation- thinking back on it, he only chuckled more. Quickly looking out the window before taking his leave, he saw how fast the storm was approaching; it was looking nasty out there.
So nasty, at a point he could have sworn he saw something Strike the mountain side.
It was probably lightning.
“Time to hide for lunch again..” he mumbled to himself. It’s always hard to find a nice spot where Vanessa isn’t watching him- or breathing down his neck.
Once school was over, Snatcher found himself walking down the streets as the rain pelted down on his umbrella... it was nice; peaceful.
Tap tap tap, the steps he took could be heard as he walked- but what was that-? Was that crying..? No, couldn’t have been, who would be out in this weather- at this time of evening? Snatcher paused, just to see if he was just hearing things..
But there it was, almost silent sobs; of what sounded like a child! Turning his head towards a dead end ally, he took action- hurrying over a few trash bags, and making sure he didn’t trip into old sludge, he found himself near and opening- a lamppost shined down on a slumped over figure.
It was so small.. and.. definitely not human. What.. what was it? It was purple, white, and wearing what looked like a tan top hat with flaps. It hadn’t noticed him yet, thankfully-
Should he leave? Before it sees him? It could be dangerous; it could have rabies-
As he stepped back, Snatcher accidentally stepped in a puddle, the splash makes the small head rise, and he got a more clear picture of its face. The bottom half was white, while the top part seemed to be purple. Big strange teal eyes looked back at him- and they were filed with tears. It looked like a small half tadpole that could walk like a human..
And then it spoke-
“I’m lost..” it.. she sniffed, rubbing her eyes “I don’t know where I am..”
it’s speaks English.
“You.. can talk..”
She nodded “can you help me..?” She approached him, and he backed up out of caution. “Don’t be scared pekoponian! I don’t mean any harm!..” she trailed off “I mean.. I as a single being.. the rest of my race is kinda..”
She was just rambling now, he couldn’t take his eyes off or her; Snatcher had to admit, she was cute- but what was that he was just called.. pekoponian..?
“Are you an alien..?” There’s no way something like this is native to earth, and hasn’t been discovered yet.
“I’m not supposed to answer question from a pekoponian-“ but she looked back and forth, making sure no one else was around “but.. yeah- I am!” She smiled.
The two stood there in the rain, after confirming this claim, it took awhile for the collage student to wrap his head around this. Should he just go for it? Just run? Or help her out? By the sound of it- she was the equivalent of a child; but she’s from space and alone- and let’s not forget soaking wet from the rain.
But she was an amphibious life form.. did the rain even bother her?
Snatcher closed his eyes, clinching his umbrella with his back to the alien; he could hear it start to cry again- as if feeling he was thinking about leaving.
“Please.. I’m all by myself right now- I don’t know what this planet will do to me!” She pleaded.
And that triggered thoughts to flood his head- she was an alien; is the government found out about her.. only bad things came to mind. Or what if she got road killed because she couldn’t understand crossing the road?
She probably doesn’t know much about this planet..
Taking a huge sigh, he finally caved in. Looking to the small little being, he extended his free hand. “Come on, kiddo..”
She smiled widely at the tall man, and he started walking off- keeping with his pace; the little frog followed.
“I’m Hakiki!” She smiled, “what’s your name?”
“You can call me.. Snatcher for now..” giving the small being a neutral look.
This will be posted to Wattpad for now; Fanfiction.net, and Ao3 Soon!
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taurgo · 5 years
Thoughts on Love, Death and Robots
Just as a preface I’d like to say that I’m glad Netflix actually invested in this type of storytelling, and I honestly enjoy anthology series and their ability to provide a wide range of perspectives and give creators the freedom to show what they want to show, even if the result is less than full length; i mean, all of these are short and sweet and while i wish there was more content for some of them, what’s given is enough to understand the premise and the story line. The medium of animation tells so much with so little! I additionally hope they give a second season! 
 also, if you haven’t watched the show yet be aware that its reasonable to say a majority of them had, well, death and a moderate amount of nudity or difficult subjects which is understandably hard for some people (myself included in some situations- very uncomfortable-making)
That being said here’s my thoughts on the episodes in the first one (being as spoiler free as possible) keep in mind this is just my thoughts post-viewing: 
1. Sonnie’s Edge: I fuckin LOVED this, from the animation and design, to the action premise and the little details they give the characters- its understandable why they wanted this episode to go first and its a great introduction. Also I’d say the violence is super purposeful and not out of place. This could be given an entire series and I’d watch it: 10/10.
2. Three Robots: This was on the more family-friendly side of things and also has a great concept! not to mention the facial expressions of the red robot are adorable and its just all around pretty fucking funny. Works well as a short story.On one hand i’d argue THIS should be the first episode but then it may give the audience a misrepresentation of the entire thing so i get why its second. This is probably the closest thing to a pixar short on the list, if pixar short characters could use the fuck word: 10/10
3. The Witness: so concept wise I feel like it was a little lacking, like by the end of the story its obvious but it leaves the viewer wanting more explanation. Like I’m not necessarily one for a writer to hand-hold the audience through concepts, i feel like inference and observations make up a huge aspect of viewer experience but i wanted just a liiitle bit more.Also the uuh nudity was kind of uncomfortable. Regardless it just has to be said THE FUCKING ART STYLE! THE FUCKING ANIMATION! GORGEOUS! UNIQUE! the entire time I was just stunned by the background, the motion, the expressions it was a visual feast. Hands down the most vibrant animation style: 8/10 overall and 12/10 for the art.
4. Suits: This one was... interesting. Kind of hard to find the right words. Good interesting! good premise! the art style was not my favorite, like we were nearing the uncanny valley with the character designs (with the exception one (1) bad ass, mech operating, cigar wielding stone-cold bitch) but the action was very well done. You were invested in what was gonna happen. Well rounded in terms of story telling and a good length!: 8/10
5. Sucker of Souls: Compared to the previous shorts this was certainly different! The animation was simple but very well done, not super flashy but the action was fluid and fast-paced, and the ending was great! reminded me of Castlevania for a few reasons. Entertaining!: 8/10
6. When the Yogurt took over: Animation Style: Noodly. Noodles everywhere which is adorable. This one is also family-friendly, pretty damn funny and a good length. Reminds me of Douglas Adams: 9/10
7. Beyond The Aquila Rift: This one uuuh was not my favorite. Probably my least favorite if we’re being entirely honest. The animation style was kind of motion-capturey like a video game, the content itself was like 50% nudity which was awkward as fuck and the actual good part of the story was there for a brief time and when its not happening its all you can think about. 5/10
8.Good Hunting *Minor Spoilers*: alrighty this one is complicated for me. On one hand, the animation is gorgeous, very traditional 2-d and the beginning premise is quite interesting but there are some things that personally rub me the wrong way, namely the extent to which they show the traumatizing events of the main female character (first of all i dont want to see the assault of someone, let alone her being brutalized and to top it off some guys dick. ) I understand that one of the main themes is the empowerment against those who have wronged her and the very good commentary on imperialist fuckasses but its hard for me to watch this one. On the upside the 'love' part of this 'love death and robots short' is respectfully platonic and caring. Overall, I’m giving it a 6/10.
9.The Dump: Why is this here. It's entirely unspectacular, and is arguably the weakest out of all of these in that it doesn't make you love it or hate it, your just kinda indifferent: 4/10.
10.Shape Shifters: this one was also a little weird. The animation is, once again motion capturey. The premace is actually quite interesting and I think the story itself would work well for a CW show but it's a little weird here. It's less sci-fi and more realistic fantasy but I understand what they were going for. Arguably much better than the last one: 7/10
11. Helping Hand: oof this one was hard to watch in that this specific man vs. circumstance type of story is personally a sub-genre of horror for me. Like any kind of man in the Arctic, nature, ocean or space situation has always been super unsettling for me but that's personal taste. I can honestly see this story alongside very retro space short stories that would be in an anthology next to assimov. Reminds me thematically of the cold equasion, and also pretty fucking graphic. 8/10 for unsettling aspects.
12. Fish Night: first of all, art style is gorgeous, concept is unique and very fantastical. Worth watching, especially if you live in the desert like me! 8.5/10
13. Lucky 13: on one hand: Samira-mother fucken-Wiley. On the other hand, military based sci-fi stories which don't really do it for me, and again we got motion capture: 7/10
14. Zima Blue: THE 👏ART👏IS👏GORGEOUS AND SO IS THE ANIMATION! The premise is super existential and watching was a very enjoyable and kind of thought provoking experience. 9/10
15. Blind Spot: again, the art and design is really amazing and stand out! The premise very contained but well excecuted and I think I recognize the voice actors? I can see this as a series believe it or not. Did I mention the animation? Holy shit hats off to the creators! 8/10
16. Ice Age: Topher Grace is that you? Boy this is akward, seeing as how the last thing I saw you in was Blackkklansman but anyways... Unique premise, unique style of animation and live action, Kind of insightful as to the nature of life. Enjoyable! 8/10
17. Alternate Histories: Animation Style: Noodly Noodly Noodles. Seeing Adolf Hitler get the shit kicked out of him multiple times? Entertaining! 8.5/10
18. Secret War: once again we have a motion captured Military-Sci-Fi short. However out of all three that appear throughout this show, this one's probably the best. Worth Watching! 7.5/10
Overall: This series had it's ups and downs, but as a whole was definitely worth watching and was a wonderful display of the collaborative efforts and skills of animators, artists, directors, designers and so on. Bring On Season 2! Call it hate, life and nature!
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As We Stumble Along...
This week I had the pleasure of being part of the first NYC externship for my Alma Mater’s brand new, and now fully developed, Musical Theater Program. I had the chance to work with some lovely SUNY Geneseo Juniors and Seniors in a new musical theatre workshop - an entirely new experience for all of them - and attended the first ever Senior Showcase. The talent was wonderful, the interactions were lovely, and the entire experience got me thinking…a dangerous pastime, I know.
As a part of the workshop I had to essentially explain to the students who I am, what I do, how that’s relevant to Geneseo, and how I got to where I am. And you know what? That was much more difficult than I expected.
At this moment in my career, these are the titles that I can, and generally do, give myself:
Composer-Lyricist/Librettist (technically 3 titles?)
Performer (Musical and non-Musical Theatre)
Musical Director
Vocal Coach
Accompanist (I do this less often)
Arranger/Orchestrator (though mostly my own material these days)
One of the Geneseo students said “You do so much!” and I guess that’s true. But I think the better question is, how the heck did I learn to do all of these things?
Broadway Standard
The one area from the above list where multiple straightforward and comprehensive paths of education exist is performance.
The theatre as a whole has always recognized that performers are necessary to train in large numbers since shows and theaters exist all over the place with roles that need filling. And performing is the most visible aspect of theatre, which makes it a great entry point for those interest in the business. So plenty of paths exist for people to become performers, and I won’t bore you with the details of mine. Everyone has their own stories on this one.
The other item on the list that is fairly straightforward, though certainly less common than performance, would be accompaniment.
***Quick PSA***: Someone who accompanies is called an ac-com-pa-nist. Not an ac-com-pa-NEE-ist, or any other version. Not a crucial thing to know, but I figured I’d throw it out there :-)
Usually the story I hear from pianists is that they were, at one time in their early life, cornered by some teacher or choral director or other and told they should play piano for a choir, jazz group, or school musical. And thus was born another accompanist.
For me, it was basically the same. My piano teacher told me I should, my choral teacher lost their previous student accompanist, and thus I was tagged for the job!
Where I diverge a little is that I found out I really enjoyed playing musical theatre songs for my friends, and started wanting to be better at it. So I made a point of finding all of the musical theatre music that I could in books and scores, sitting down, and attempting to play it. This is a pastime I continue today, and it has made my skills as an accompanist must stronger - so I would recommend this to anyone looking to hone this particular skill.
Barely Knowing Left From Right
My time at SUNY Geneseo ended up being quite crucial to the accidental development of two other items on that list: musical direction and vocal coaching.
Because I was already a pianist and accompanist, something that was well known by the beginning of my Junior year, I was tapped to be the Musical Director of one of our a cappella groups (and eventually the other as well). I knew from watching previous MDs that the basics of this job was to simply teach notes, but that the good ones could do oh-so-much more. And I wanted to be a good one.
(Anyone surprised? You may have gathered from my blogs thus far that I’m a little competitive about being good at what I do… :-D )
So I went to it. I learned by watching what others did, listening to my favorite arrangements and performances, and started trying things out. It was a lot of trial by fire. But soon I figured out what worked and made the music better, and what to avoid. I had already been arranging for the two groups for over a year at this point (something that I was allowed to just try and found I could do fairly well), so I had some sense of what I was doing. So I took the knowledge I had, added it to the skills I already possessed, and created a new skill set.
Was it perfect right away? Ohhhhhh no. It took me plenty of time to figure it out. But by my Senior year I was comfortable calling myself a Musical Director of both a cappella and musical theare.
As for the vocal coaching, this came from my accompaniment skills as well.
We had a club at Geneseo called MTC (Musical Theatre Club - nailing that name, right?) for which everyone would always stress about auditions each semester. So, being one of the 3-4 pianists in the club, I was often asked by people to help them prepare for their auditions by choosing songs and creating cuts. I found that I was naturally inclined toward this work - something I’d probably not have known if I hadn’t just tried it.
Then, in my later college years, I started gaining the confidence to give some vocal notes to people. I had zero reason to think I had any authority in this matter, but from what I was seeing and hearing I thought I might be able to help.
As it turns out, I was right.
With not an ounce of training (not something I’d really recommend) other than my own vocal training, I found that I had a natural ability to help people adjust their voices. And then of course I wanted to know more, so I began doing my own research and self-education. By the time I left college, I was well on my way to being able to do this sort of work professionally. And now, since it’s how I make the majority of my living and because it’s also an ever-changing field of study, I continue to educate myself on new techniques and styles.
But I’d never have known I could even do this if it hadn’t fallen into my lap and, more importantly, if I hadn’t decided to take the risk and try.
We Pull Our Bootstraps Up
And then we come to the remainder of the list: Composer-Lyricist, Librettist, Orchestrator.
It has been said that “failure is the best teacher,” and in my personal case of these above skills, I must agree.
If I had no business being a Musical Director or Vocal Coach, I had even less business writing music or words for the theatre. I mean, what experience did I have?
None. Not a bit.
I love creating. I’ve always loved creating. I had dabbled in some music writing when I was in grade school and did some light composition as part of my Music Theory class in high school - absolutely loving it - but that was the extent of my composition experience. And never had I written a play! I wrote a 5-minute piece once at the NYSSSA Theater Program, but it was terrible and I never tried again.
Until Geneseo, that is.
Playwriting was being offered as a class in my Junior year, so I decided to take it. I had loved my Creative Writing classes in the English Department, but I really longed to write for the stage. So I took it. And I was terrible.
Oh boy, I couldn’t write a play to save my life. And I certainly did try.
I understood the mechanics and the theory and the basics of what to do, but the best thing I could come up with was a murder-thriller spoof called Clue-less, which was actually an out-of-class pet project. It was fairly funny and had some nice dramatic moments, but it still wasn’t good. After getting a solid B- on my final assignment for the class I said that was it for me and playwriting. No more. But then I thought…
What about Musical Theatre? I’m certainly more inclined to writing music than a script…
So, to try out this idea, I decided to take Oscar Hammerstein II’s advice to Stephen Sondheim and attempt the exercise of adapting a play that I admire into a musical. Not for the world to see, necessarily, but for myself and to learn.
The play I chose? A Streetcar Named Desire. I love me some Tennessee Williams, and the high theatricality of the style seemed ripe for some music additions. And best of all, I didn’t have to write the book, just adapt.
I spent 4 weeks over the summer trying my hand at finding song moments, writing in character voices, adapting dialogue into lyrics (though without much structure), and composing a world that sounded like these characters. I tried to tell their stories, moved the action forward, and give a hint of New Orleans. And you know what? It was pretty damn good for a first attempt.
I was encouraged. I decided to be bolder for the second go-round and write an original musical as my Honors Project at Geneseo. Due to some college politics, the project could only be approved if I wrote the book, music, and lyrics, as well as stage the entire thing in my second semester acting as musical director, director, and producer. Certainly a tremendous undertaking - and the point of this was to scare me off - but again I said yes. Bring it on.
Thus a musical - and mediocre one at best - called PICk Love was born. I did all that was asked of me, and an audience of ~300 people ended up seeing it over two performances at the end of my Senior year. I had even gone through the process of learning how to orchestrate in a direct study (since I wasn’t wearing enough hats already) and continued to work on the show after graduation.
Loooooong story short, I was hooked. I wanted to learn more, and correctly now. So I auditioned for the BMI Lehman Engel Musical Theater Writing Workshop. Didn’t get in fully, but only as an auditor. Said yes. Met some amazing people and some of my best friends. Re-auditioned the next year. Got in. Said yes again. Met more amazing people, including one of my current collaborators and best friends. Learned so much. Got a ton better. Wrote and re-wrote The King’s Legacy. Met more incredible people. Kept saying yes.
We Live And We Learn
Most of the things on my list are skills I received no formal education for. In fact, there aren’t a lot of ways to receive a formal education in some of them. And this thing I had no idea how to do, let alone whether or not I could actually do it, is now one of the main parts of my career. But how did I get here?
Everyone has skills, whether from natural ability or because they’ve been honed. Everyone has interests and passions, even if they’re mostly unexplored. And, if you want, these things can come come together to create new skills and pathways that you previously may not have known existed. All you need to do is try.
Try and fail. Try again. Dislike you work. Research. Watch and listen and learn. Try and fail again. Like a little of what you’ve created. Reignite your passion when necessary. Continuously hone your skills. Try again. Fail. Succeed. And most of all, just say yes.
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kman1902 · 5 years
Bits and things about movies and TV shows in 2018
It is a rather similar post to what I have done back in 2016, and I thought it would be a great way how to re-start /for at least a fifth time/ to write and share some stories of life, movies and some other things as well.  Movies and TV series have always been something that I enjoy watching. I love it for many reasons, starting with the fact that you can see a form of art displayed on the screen. Imagine how many people it took to put the whole thing together. Actors, directors, designers (costume and set), producers, editors, sound engineers and way more. Movies and TV shows in a way also provide a great escape for those who need it. You can let your imagination flow with the movie and explore something above your own life. Movies and TV shows can also change our perception of life. I am not saying it alters your life completely, but I do believe that a great idea caught in a movie can be taken home with you and it shifts your understanding at least a little bit.
This is not a list of the TOP 10 movies, created by the academy or a scientifically proven list, this is just me as a friend and a lover of the arts sharing my own favourite movies and TV shows of 2018. A fair warning ahead, these are not just movies and TV shows released in 2018, but I have included older ones, which I have seen and enjoyed in the past year. I have been nice and I linked all the titles with the IMDb pages as well. /Enough blah, blah and lets start!/
The Voices (2014) - /Told you that I ain't sharing just 2018 love affairs/ This one definitely has flown under the radar by many. Ryan Reynolds is in it, so do you need any other reason, why not to watch it? It is a very psychedelic thriller comedy. It definitely made me a bit sad the next day /and slightly relieved/ that I can not understand what my animals are trying to say. 
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Black Panther (2018) - Of course this is on my list, not just because I am a huge fan of the Marvel cinematic universe, but also because this raised a new bar for superhero story telling. I know that a lot of people did not like the movie, it was not their taste. That is totally fine, cause we are so different, with so many opinions. But for me the movie felt great because it was engaging both on the action, I loved the story how Black Panther came to be and it was filled with color. Also in my opinion the African style was very nicely added within the clothes and each tribes specific culture. Additional reason why it is one of my 2018 favourites is also due to what it did on a social level. If you have no idea, what I am talking about, check this article. Wakanda forever!
The Office (2005–2013) - As I had no job for a month and a half, between writing job applications and sleeping /officially we stick with this story/, this was what I devoted my whole attention to. For sure this is not everyones cup of tea, but as a person who quit working in a big corporation I could relate to a lot of things within the show. Also I started daydreaming of having a similar love story as Jim Halpert and Pam, but more in reality I was driving towards being Stanley or even Creed. Not sure what I am talking about, again? Just check out the show. The jokes are still very relevant and the corporate environment is still the same. 
Avengers: Infinity War (2018) - /Give them all the Oscars/ A second of many entries from the Marvel universe. Not everyone likes superhero movies, but for those who do, I think this one is one of the top ones. The sheer pressure throughout the movie and the rather dark ending of it brought many people to shed a tear. /Me included/ What in general I love about superhero movies lately is the fact, that it is not all fun and games, and being the best. It is portrayed as a challenge that actually in the end destroys you. Speaking in philosophical terms, it is the same as being nice and open to everyone in these days. Sooner or later you will burn out for the sake of others. Back to the movie, it is also amazing that they managed to connect so many characters together and bring a good story with them all. Marvel has definitely worked this out, and the result of Captain America: Civil War already showed it. 
Lady Bird (2017) - Yes, standing next to superheroes there is also this film. The simple question - do you remember how you felt when you were seventeen? When I look back at things now, sometimes I would give everything to be seventeen again. Take away the responsibilities and everything, but then I also remember that even back then the world felt a bit too big to handle. Most of us have managed to step away from the idea that we need to please everyone, but still we do like the idea that people like us. Remember how it was back then?
The End of the F***ing World - There are many opinions about this TV show, from people saying that it is awesome, to people saying that they don't get why others waste time on it. I loved it. It is best if you check out the trailer and give it a try. Maybe it connects to people on a personal level and it drives them to watch it, maybe that is also the reason for such divided opinions. 
The Magicians - I have not seen Harry Potter /for shame... I know... how can I even exist/ but I think this would be something a HP fan would love as well as anyone else. The premise is simple - what would you do if you would find out that magic is real? I watched the first season with a buddy in 2017 and then I binged watched the second and third once I moved back home. It is a crazy story that can also drive the question in your mind - what would do if you would find out magic exists? Watch the first trailer here and do the goddamn magic! P.S. Hurry up season 4 is just around the corner. 
The Orville - I owe a lot to my buddy Marian for sharing this with me. This show definitely receives a gold medal from my side. It is funny, engaging and it talks about so many social questions and issues all at once. In our society I would expect we would be more advance and wiser, but there are still so many instances of racism and homophobia around us. This show tackles these serious notions and others perfectly. Of course in reality most probably if we would meet alien species at first it would be bombarding them and asking questions later, but just think how our belief and general acceptance would change if we would live and work side by side with aliens from many different planets. There is more to life than just black and white, and it is my belief that we should be advancing to a more open, understanding and diverse society. Second season is out now and so far it is as amazing as the first one. 
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Papillon (2017) - The story plot I think is not heard for the first time. A wrongly accused man gets imprisoned and forms a friendship with someone. But the story develops and takes you along with it. The sad reality is that quite a lot of people have faced it back in the day and in some countries they face it still. 
A Prayer Before Dawn (2017) - The plot of the movie is based on a real life story of an English fighter who is imprisoned in Thailand. It is not an easy afternoon movie to watch, it is actually rather hard to digest, because of the simple notion that it is true. I can only be surprised how in reality the main character has survived it all and how he now works with prisoners and tries to help them. 
Origin - This was such a damn surprise. Started it at the end of the year and binged watched it until the end, after coming back home from a New Years party on the 1st of January. It is a thriller horror mashup. The idea of moving away from direct jump scare and gory horror is something that I love, and this show delivered on it. Being a suspense play between hunting an alien on a spaceship, surviving and dealing with their own pasts, the survivors on the ship portray brilliantly how people in stressful situations change. The horror genre is not for everyone, but seeing that this is not the standard horror flick with gore added, I can only recommend it. 
A Quiet Place (2018) - I started 2019 by really jumping into scary (or I would much rather call them thriller) movies. In a way, I blame Origin for that, because it filled me with adrenaline and I needed more suspense, and boy o boy, did A Quiet Place deliver on it. John Krasinski has directed a great movie, playing in it with sounds and sign language, adding suspense as the movie develops. It is called one of the best movies of 2018 and there is a good reason for that. I did not like the ending of the movie, but that is something you can check out and share your opinion about.
Aquaman (2018) - Yes, I am ending the list with a superhero movie. I just will come out and say it - I loved Aquaman! I am still so hyped about it, that I am even going to take my sisters kids to see it. The DC universe has been in the shadows ever since Batman v Superman (I am on of the few people who loved it), better let's stay away from Suicide Squad because it was a pure disappointment. Justice League was ok, but in all honesty I forgot I have seen it. But Aquaman... oh Jason Momoa, hats off for bringing the character that has been a bit of a joke between the comic fans on the first spot. The visual effects, the action, the story. It was all really well combined. I do hope that Warner Brothers and DC take this into account and they maybe find their vibe in creating good movies. I still don't get it, why did they get so afraid when people said that Batman v Superman was so dark.  
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Honorable mentions:
Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018) - Perfectly stands next to Avengers: Infinity War and tries not to compete with it. 
Venom (2018) - Not sure why people did not like this one. 
Deadpool 2 (2018) - It is Deadpool... how can you not love Deadpool? 
The Terror (2018) - Literally a chilling TV show thriller. 
Bird Box (2018) - The hype is very real and deserved. 
Outlaw King (2018) - Netflix definitely has the power to create great movies (most of the time)
Darkest Hour (2018) - As it turns out Mr. Churchill in real life was not such a nice guy, but Gary Oldmans performance of the character was amazing. 
Altered Carbon (2018) - I like Sci-Fi and in particular I liked Blade Runner 2049, and this gave me a similar feeling to it. 
Brawl in Cell Block 99 (2017) - I did not know Vince Vaughn could play such a strong and steady character. This movie reminded me Shot Caller which in a similar way undeservedly flew by people. 
I did not get it:
The Predator (2018) - They had such an amazing material (first two movies in particular) to work with, but they created such a dud. 
Bright (2017) - I miss the days when Will Smith was in good movies. 
Skyscraper (2018) - I know that The Rock can do way better movies. Just look at The Rundown (2003). 
Daddys Home 2 (2017), Tag (2018) and Night School (2018) - Comedy movies in general are facing a hard time, it could be because most of the jokes have already been said and also because it is hard to connect with a slightly older audience. /Yes, yes 27 is not that old, but it is not that young as well either/ I think comedy movies should stop dumbing it down and maybe trying to find more intelligent and maybe sarcastic approach to jokes. Not saying that the movies are bad per say, but they are not impressive enough in a genre that deserves and needs impressive, good comedy movies. 
Murder on the Orient Express (2017) - Tried to watch it at least three times and could not finish it.
This is for sure a view point of my own and I am not expecting that everyone would have the same opinion about the movies selected. Movies and TV shows are something to enjoy and entertain ourselves with. It is not just the story plot, the acting, it is also camera work and playing with words and in some cases even sounds. Spending their free time in front of the screen is not for everyone, but for me, I love a good movie and TV show, the same as I love reading a good book in the morning whilst going to work. 2019 will be an interesting year for movies and TV shows, as Marvel is releasing Captain Marvel, Avengers: End Game, there will be also many great shows returning like The Magicians, The Punisher, Vikings is now running as well, and of course Game of Thrones comes to an end. 
Have I missed something watch worthy? 
Let us hope for a headbanging and awesome 2019 inside and outside of the big screen!
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