#from moray eel to dog
canisalbus · 9 months
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✦ Slim fit ✦
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mochinomnoms · 3 months
More domestic stuff?? GREAT
Yuu getting another batch and the already born kids just cling to them because "They glow!!!" while the twins are like "Please let them go for a bit" because yuu has an eel and shirmp kid almost acting like weights holding them down preventing yuu go anywhere
Also that about baby morays eating shirmps now I think about a eel kid teasing their shirmp sibling
Shirmpkid2: *hugging shirmpkid* don't you dare
Eelkid: hehe what this? *throws a shirmp in the air and eats it*
Shirmpkid: *Full on wailing in terror*
Shirmpkid2: you asked for it! *deep breath* DAAAAAAD-
Eelkid: NO HOLD ON
Having leech blood on you means that you have natural urges to tease others also how would it be with the kids knowing Azul? I imagine it would go like:
Shirmpkid: *cleaning urges increasing*
Eelkid: *nomnom tentacles*
Speaking of adding Azul to the mix how would octopolycule go like? I wanna know what you have in mind! aside from the shirmpmer smut
(I've broken and written a one-shot with Tweels and Shrimpmer Yuu. I have thoughts on octopolycule but that will have to be for another time.)
[cw] - Yuu is referred to as "Ama" by children, but still referred to as gn, Tio is used instead of Uncle.
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The Delights of being "Zuzu"
"Stop it! You're scaring him!
Two little shrimp fry mers were currently curled into one another, the larger teal one holding her sibling in her lower legs and tail. The smaller one, a light pink that turned a darker red at the tip of his tail, was trembling in his sister's grasp, eyeing his other sister across from them.
"Oh lighten up!" A teal elver mer was rolling her eyes at her twin and younger brother, she was dangling a raw shrimp in her fingertips. "It's not like I'll eat him, unless..."
She grinned, her sharp teeth gleaming in the low light of the sea cave. Leaning down to be eye level with her brother, she snapped her jaw at him, making the poor boy whimper.
"If he misbehaves, then he's gonna turn out just. Like. This. Shrimp."
Tossing the shrimp up, she caught the tail of the shrimp with her teeth and shook her head, not unlike a wild dog with a bone. Shoving the rest of the poor crustacean in her maw, cackling as her brother wailed in fear, she found herself pushed to the ground by her twin.
The teal shrimpmer was surprisingly ferocious, snapping her own teeth at her twin sister. Though they were blunt, she made up for it with her several lower legs around her tail as she wrapped them around her sister. This helped little though, as the other simply tied her own tail around her sister in an attempt to avoid her.
"Nuh-uh! Shut up Coral! I'm just playing! I'm gonna tell on you for being a jerk!"
"No you!"
"No you!"
"No YOU!"
"Why not both?" A smooth, silky voice responded.
The girls, now adequately tangled together by their tails and legs, froze as their younger brother cried out happily to their Uncle Azul. At some point during their fight, he'd managed to sneak into the room, sticking to the walls and ceiling to crawl over them and to their brother, who was reaching up to him.
Azul was currently staring at them with a disapproving, narrow gaze as one of his tentacles reached down to curl around their brother. The smallest of them, he fit perfectly in his uncle's hold as he was cradled and brought up to Azul.
Curled up in one of his other tentacles were the remaining two siblings, their brother's fellow triplets. One was another moray, a bright red one with a white stripe going down her spine. The second was also a moray, though he was multicolored, his scales made up of a mosaic of teal, red, and pinks. The two were napping, but reached out to their brother, who was making small chirps and squeaks. They responded in whistles and chirps in kind, wrapping around their brother and resuming their nap.
"Now girls, what did your Ama say about fighting?" Azul scolded, carefully making his way back down with his nephews cradled in his grasp. He managed, quite expertly might he say, to make his way down to the twins.
"Pearl, Coral, please untangle yourselves. And Pearl?" Pearl froze, after managing to untangle herself, being grasped by the scruff of her neck by Azul.
"Yes Tio Zuzu?" Pearl bashfully giggled, her tail curling into itself. "I wasn't being mean, I was just playing."
Azul clicked his tongue, using the tip of his tentacle to pinch Pearl's nose. "By terrorizing your brother? You should know better."
"I told her not to!" Coral swam over to Azul and used her shrimp legs to crawl up his legs and reach up with her hands. Azul adjusted his grip, holding Pearl in his left arm while he picked up Coral with his right.
"Yes, I heard, but you shouldn't be fighting with your sister. If you're anything like your fathers, you'll end up breaking half the room." Azul chuckled at Coral's pout.
After managing to adjust his hold on the twins and the triplets in his tentacles, Azul slowly made his way out of the nusrey.
"Are you just hungry Pearl? You could've asked me to make you something you know."
Pearl smushed her face against Azul's chest, nodding her head with a pout. "Yesh pwease, Zuzu."
Azul chuckled, making his way through the house and into the kitchen. Putting the twins down, he leaned down to Coral to ask, "Little Coral, can you bring me your brothers' basket so I can make us something?"
Coral nodded eagerly swimming away, followed by Pearl. Azul busied himself by pulling out various bowls and stored away fish. In just a few moments, the girls swam back with a large kelp-woved basket in tow.
"Here Zuzu!"
"I helped too Zuzu!"
Azul smiled and patted the girls on the head. "Thank you my dears."
The triplets, still curled around each other, cooed as they were placed in their basket, whining softly before settling. The red moray, pink really from the transparent look on her skin, opened her eyes and began babbling at Azul.
"Zu zu zu zu!" She made grabby hands up to Azul, though her attention soon shifted to her sisters as they peered over the edge of the basket.
"Mananana! Mananana!"
"Hi Poppy! Hello!" Coral cooed at her sister while Pearl wiggled her fingers above the other two.
Pearl giggled as her multicolored brother swipped at her hands. "Did you have good nap Lumiro? Does Moss make a good pillow?"
Lumiro giggled, nuzzling into Moss's side as the smaller shrimp fry yawned and curled into his brother to keep napping.
Azul smiled, busying himself with mashing up the bits of shrimp, crab, and small fish in a bowl, though he left out the shrimp in another bowl. Splitting the food up into smaller shell plates, Azul moved to settle down next to the basket and handed the twins their own bowls.
"Here girls, eat up. Your Ama and Fathers will arrive from the doctor's soon."
Pearl began shoving handfuls of her meal into her mouth, while Coral nodded along and did the same, albeit less messily. Azul moved to feed Poppy and Lumiro with a spoon, though Moss refused the food.
"Hmm, I forgot you only feed on milk. How picky, Pearl please get me Moss's bottle." Azul turned to Pearl, smirking at her messy face covered in food. "And clean up your face, silly girl."
"Yes Zuzu!" Pearl squealed, giggling as she swam up to the cabinet that her Ama kept Moss's food in. She grabbed one of the seaglass bottles and brought it over, holding it away from Azul's grasp.
"Can I feed Moss? I promise I'll be careful!" Pearl asked, pouting her lip. Azul chuckled, gesturing for Pearl to sit on his lap as he picked up Moss with his tentacles.
"Sit down and I'll put him on your lap." Pearl settled, cradled by two of his arms, and squealed as her small red brother was placed on her lap. She pushed the bottle's nipple against his lips, which he moved to suckle as he grasped the sides of the bottle with his hands.
"Ahaha! He doesn't have teeth, that's so weird! Did you have teeth as a baby, Zuzu?"
"I did, I had to eat stuff like you as a baby too. But Moss is more like your sister. And your Ama when they were a human still."
"What was Ama like as a human? Were they super tiny like my baby brother? Was I this tiny?" Pearl asked, smiling as Moss ate from her hand.
Azul hummed, leaning back to rest on his hands while his tentacles held up Pearl and Moss.
"I'm not sure, but human babies are quite a bit bigger that most mer babies. You know, you two were just the size of my palm when you were born."
"What!" Coral gaped, swiming over and crawling up Azul's chest. She picked at the dead skin around his neck and chest, shoving the bits in her mouth. "We're barely bigger than your hand now! How big are human babies?"
"Ha, well they're still small, about the size of a cuttlefish. But they spend more time in their ama's bellies. I think your Ama was probably the same."
Coral oh'ed and ah'ed as Moss finished his bottle, sighing as Pearl took it away. She looked up to Azul for guidance, who moved Moss upright and motioned for Pearl to pat his back.
"Pat his back, to get the air out of his tummy."
Pearl nodded, doing so until Moss burped. While doing so, two of Azul's tentacles were still spoon feeding Poppy and Lumiero. Once their bowl was empty, Azul tucked the two in their basket again.
Moss burped, little air bubbles leaving his mouth. Azul gently removed him from Pearl's grasp, who whined, and placed Moss in between his sleepy siblings. Both of them curled their tails around their brother and reached for him with their hands. The triplets happily settled back for another nap.
The twins settled quitely in Azul's arms, Pearl reaching over to Coral, who took her in her arms. cradled in Azul's arms, Pearl rested her head on Coral's chest as her twin tended to debris in her hair. Azul, quite easily with his 10 limbs, got up and moved over to the living room. Sat on the large shell love seat in the corner, the basket in his lap and twins in his arms, Azul decided to recount tales from his time at NRC.
The twins asked questions about their fathers and ama, how they acted, what they did, though Azul avoided any questions about your...mysterious appearance during their second year.
The twins were so enraptured by Azul's storytelling, that they failed to notice you entering the home.
"You should ask Ama what Tio Zuzu was like in school. He ended up being quite the troublemaker when I met him, right Azul?"
"Ama!" Both Pearl and Coral perked up and wiggled out of Azul's grasp to launch themselves to you with giggles.
"Hi Ama! We missed you Ama!" Coral giggled as you pinched her cheek while Pearl curled herself around your shrimp legs.
"Ama! Where's Papa and Daddy?" Pearl cutely asked, batting her eyelashes at you as she nuzzled your stomach. "Daddy said he'd bring me a mushroom to eat!"
"Over here my darling, I have it right here." Jade swam in after you, followed by Floyd who eagerly picked up Coral and tossed her around the water.
"Heya Little Coral! How's my Baby Shrimpy doin'? Being nice to your Uncle?" Floyd pressed his forehead against Coral's giggling with her as he cooed and awed at his child.
Azul smiled, moving to meet you and the brothers he gestured to the triplets.
"They ate just a bit ago. I'm assuming the check up went well?"
You nodded, eyeing Pearl has she shoved the rather large mushroom Jade brought her in her mouth.
"Pearl, chew it please. Jade, don't encourage her." You sighed, squinting at Jade's nonchalant grin.
"She's fine, she has to learn how to unhinge her jaw eventually. Isn't that right Pearl?"
Pearl nodded and gave a muffled reply, gnawing on the cap.
"What did the doctor say, if you don't mind me asking?" Azul asked, picking up the triplets' basket to bring it over to you. "How are the 'berries' doing?"
You two shared a soft laugh as he gestured at your transparent belly, the four eggs clustered together to look rather similar to a raspberry.
"They are nice and healthy. Though, I'm drawing the line here with babies. The first two were expected. The triplets were a surprise. But quadruplets? Humans just have the one and done. Maybe twins or triplets on the rare occasion. But four? At once?"
You sighed, glaring at Floyd and Jade from the corner of your eye. The twins, holding their own pair of twins, all four giving you a pouty look and big eyes.
"Yeah, no. We're stopping at—ugh god—nine. Floyd and Jade can keep their hands to themselves if they try for any more again."
"But the girls want even more siblings. And I'm sure the triplets will want more baby siblings too!" Jade whined, tilting his head against Pearl's as Floyd did the same with Coral.
Floyd cooed, "Yeah! Tell them girls, tell Ama how much you want more siblings."
The girls began crying out to you, whining about wanting more sisters and brothers.
"Besides, it's not our fault. Morays only have one or two kids." Floyd followed up, a wry smirk on his lips. "Shrimps are the ones with big clutches. We're just being good husbands, right Jade?"
"Oh, completely, Floyd. We'd be awful partners if we didn't fullfil our darling's wishes during mating season. Are we awful partners, my love?"
Both sniffled, mock crying as they allowed the girls to pat at their face for tears.
You turned to look at Azul with a deadpan stare. "Do you see what I have to deal with?"
Azul laughed at your 'misery', allowing you to hug him goodbye as he made his way out.
"I'm aware, I grew up with them. They're your problem now." Azul waved at you from behind, patting the girls with two of his tentacles on their heads. "Goodbye, remember, you owe me for babysitting! Bring Malleus to one of my resturants, his presence alone will give me much publicity!"
"Yes, yes, of course Azul. Bye!" You laughed, waving back as you shifted your attention to your triplets, small as the size of your hand. You cooed at your babies, tracing the back of your finger over their cheeks.
"Aw, sweet things. Aren't they? So much sleepier than the girls were."
Jade joined you, curling his tail around yours as he pressed kiss to your temple. Pearl was watching the triplets with rapt facination as they curled into your arms as you picked them up. Floyd joined your otherside, resting his chin on the top of your head as he hugged you from behind. Coral managed to crawl up his arms to the top of his head, digging through it to pick out debris that tangled through his teal locks with intense focus.
"Are you cleaning Papa?" You asked, smiling at Coral, who practically blended in with Floyd's hair. "How nice of you, make sure you do it really well, your new siblings will need lots of guidance from their big sister."
Pearl gasped, leaning out of Jade's arms to paw at your 'berried' tummy and press her cheek against it. The eggs inside, two pink, one green and the other blue, glowed at her touch.
"Are they all going to be shrimps too? Are they Ama?"
You chuckled, using one of your shrimp legs to pat her head. Though, you also pecked her face clean of mushroom.
"I don't know my love, we will just have to see. Now all of you let me go!" You shooed the four away, swimming towards your bedroom. "Ama needs a nap in their bed with their babies!"
Coral and Pearl gasped, pushing their fathers' hands away to chase after you.
"We're your babies too Ama! We wanna nap with Ama too!"
"Ama! Ama!"
Jade and Floyd followed, watching as the girls settled in your nest with you. The triplets were gently placed on the bed, still curled against each other in a small pile, and rested against your chest as you layed on your side. The twins rested themselves against the nook of your neck, though Coral pushed her way into your hair and rested against your scalp.
After the girls settled, you gestured for Jade and Floyd to follow. Floyd quickly took his favorite spot at your front, wiggling down to face the triplets and wrapped his tail around your own. He used on of his hands to prop his head up, the other resting on your stomach, the eggs glowing at his touch.
Jade followed, taking his spot spooning you and nuzzling in the nook of your neck. He smiled as he felt Coral's hand rubbed his forehead in a soothing pattern, moving his own hand to rest on your stomach as well, next to Floyd.
"Mm, shouldn't you two head off to work? Your father won't be happy if you don't show up again." You sighed sleepily, fighting off a yawn. "Not that I'm complaining. I like this."
"Nah, it's fine." Floyd murumured, drawing shapes into your skin with the tip of his claw, careful not to put pressure. "We mention you and the kids, he gets all sorts of mushy."
"Don't worry love, we just want to spend a bit of time with our darling spouse and children." Jade kissed your shoulder, watching as you started falling asleep.
"Go to sleep. You rest and stay safe, we'll be back before you know it."
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comments and reblogs appreciated 🩷
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demonic0angel · 3 months
More Jazz Forms (click for clarity)
TW: disturbing content, body horror
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1) Head only Jazz
+ She is a head that walks on a bunch of mysterious tentacles. She’s inspired by a CN novel called “Let the Villain Go” in a chapter where a demon pops up and is described as a head that walks on tentacles (I may be delulu and remembered it wrong).
+ Around 900 feet tall. Most of the height is her tentacles, but her head is still around 100 feet tall.
+ Jason is a little obsessed with how huge she is. When he is away, she stays standing over his apartment like a creepy water storage tank. Nobody can see her except liminals and ghosts, so she remains undetected by Jason’s side.
+ She is generally peaceful and doesn’t move much. She is a relatively quiet being with no explicit ability to defend herself or attack. I imagine her to be very dreamy, despite her piercing stare.
2) Celestial Object Jazz
+ She is a quasi-stellar radio source, AKA a quasar :)
+ Impossibly large and infinite. She is so big that her gravitational pull is pulling apart a piece of the universe. Jason thinks that she’s beautiful, and he looks for her every night. He uses special technology to see her on Earth and when he can, he sneaks onto the Watchtower to look at her.
+ The mass of the black hole that she is made of is around 150 billion solar masses. She is located extremely far from the Milky Way within the largest galaxy of the universe. Since she is technically both the black hole and the gas that surrounds it, she won’t be fading for awhile.
+ Her origin is unknown in this idea (but is related to her siblings, who have all become celestial objects themselves). Her existence is extremely old and that is partially Clockwork’s fault.
3) Corrupted Jazz
+ She has become corrupted from years of ectoplasm, death, and generally instability. The tentacles that come from her stomach is actually just pieces of her soul that are trying to reach for others. She calls for help, but no one but Jason has been reaching out.
+ She cannot be around people for too long, or she causes insanity, violent mood swings, headaches, auditory and visual hallucinations, paranoia, nosebleeds, and general weakness, even if they cannot see her. Jason is somewhat resistant to her, but she heavily restrains herself so the effects of her existence won’t hurt him.
+ She tries to stay away from Jason, but bc she’s so clingy, she watches him from a distance. Her presence brings shadows and darkness, so he’s also been getting a reputation of scaring criminals to pissing themselves whenever he comes by.
+ Her body is covered in shadows, but she glows a little from the ectoplasm, so her silhouette can be vaguely seen.
4) Monochrome Jazz
+ Inspired by Lady Dimitrescu and Hachishakusama
+ She dresses in all black and her skin is pale as well. A hat and face mask cover all available skin on her face. Any skin below the neck is also covered.
+ She is around 9 feet tall. She stalks Jason whenever she can and always follows him around. She is extremely hostile and dangerous and does not hesitate to attack when she feels even the slightest bit threatened. She is also completely mute.
+ She is both a ghost and an urban legend, hence why she looks like that. Underneath her mask is a mouth of razor sharp teeth like a moray eel.
5) Wolf Jazz
+ Inspired by Jason’s Red Hood motif that is similar to Little Red Riding Hood. That’s also why I associate Jazz with so many canine themes :)
+ Black fur, several pairs of eyes, and two sets of deformed ears. I am debating whether or not she also has 3 pairs of legs.
+ She follows Jason around like a dog, but does not behave like a pet. As such, he can’t order her around unless she wants to listen to him. Thankfully, she likes cooperating with him and the two of them terrorize the criminals of Crime Alley.
+ She is around 5 feet tall when standing on all fours, but when she stands up on her hind legs, she is around 9 feet tall. She is very fluffy.
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occasionally-victor · 5 months
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i stopped doing this thing back in may because i had exams and then i was so tired i didn't draw at all and now i kinda just don't feel like finishing so yeah👍 i still like designs tho, look at my mer!mumbo, he's a bit moray eel inspired, but not that much, i was mostly just fucking around there
A bit of context for this comic:
So, Grian is a part of a small pirate crew (it consists of: Xisuma (somewhat of a capitain of a ship, haven't thought of what he is as in like species tho), Ren (dog hybrid, often mistaken for some sort of werewolf, but can't actually shapeshift), Stress (some sort of, you won't believe it, monster; the one who actually can shapeshift to be even more yknow; thinking she's probably last one from wherever she is), Impulse (demon like always), Scar (human, but really good at magic; was a diplomat for some kingdom, but got bored) and, well, Grian (also human)). Mermaids are not unknown, but most of people live usually their lives without seeing one ever (Grian is kinda one of those people, until recently).
Mumbo and Grian relationship at that moment was pretty much them constantly encountering eachother (not really accidentally because Mumbo was following the ship for while) (and by encountering i mean "one sees the other while the other one doesn't notice, until the other does notice").
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mintmoth · 1 year
OKAY I'm gonna do a big ask response here! There's a few I didn't grab which are mostly just people saying sweet things- to which honestly I can't thank you all enough 😭 it's so wild to me to see people enjoying my art so much
I'm gonna keep most of the replies under the cut since it's gonna get a bit long but I wanted to touch on this one real quick-
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Absolutely anyone is free to use my art as an icon wherever! Just be sure to have something crediting somewhere and yeah absolutely go for it!
OH ALSO my submissions don't work on mobile for some reason? The formatting messes up I guess, but check out this awesome coloring!! I love how the layers of shading look 😭
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LMAO okay so I've seen a good handful of older/mafia au designs for Floyd and Jade and a lot of them have either both of them with double sleeves or Floyd with sleeves and Jade with a back piece- though I've also seen somewhere both of them having one sleeve on the opposite side
Right now I'm just messing around so I don't have any official tattoo designs for either of them, but I do know I want Floyd with at LEAST the double sleeves, and Jade with some pieces he keeps hidden by mostly wearing business attire lmao
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XBSISNK THANK YOU 😭😭 honestly drawing hair is one of my absolutley FAVORITE things to draw lmao, most of my ocs have long hair I just can't help it honestly
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YES ABSOLUTLEY probably not too often but I could definitely see Azul going to bed and waking up to a very full bed lmao. Funnier yet because I think all three of them are the type to cling in their sleep when they have someone else beside them. They're just weird sea creatures used to small comfy spaces
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I actually haven't thought about this! Honestly I think that would be really cool! Or even if he found that he had a specific shade range of color blindness as a human- though I could see Jade and Floyd taking advantage of that by doing something like giving him the wrong color shirt to wear that day or something lmao
Though you also reminded me! Eels also have terrible eyesight! So I've seen people both having the headcanon that the twins wear contacts, and also the headcanon that Azul needs glasses now because he did a deal to give part of his vision to both of them
Honestly it's really cool to think about! I don't know which headcanons here I like the most, but I love seeing them
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Okay honestly I absolutley have to draw this because I LOVE this idea and part of why I'm answering this is to mentally catalogue that I need to draw this lmao
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I also love this idea! Like at lunch, after classes before they go to work at the lounge, and after the lounge closes up for the night it just becomes the twins' gossip hour lmao
Because yeah they do spend a lot of time together, but they're still apart a lot, and there's no way they're not telling each other about all the nonsense they're getting up to once they meet back up
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DBSISNSK DONT CRY LMAO I got a handful of questions about Niles I want to try to touch on here
Absolutley he wouldn't mind helping anyone set up games on their computer lmao, especially if it's a hard to get visual novel that he's a fan of because he's the type to want everyone to play and love the games he loves
He's definitely dropped hundreds of hours into "creature crossing" with one of those islands with tons of customization and cute shit, and his "island creatures" are mostly cats with a couple dogs and the pegasus LMAO
Also while he's not directly inspired by any specific character, since he's in Ignihyde he does have a little Greek mythos theming and has some inspiration from Eros, which is also why he's very "love" themed/romantic
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OH MAN I'm actually not 100% sure which moray I think the twins would be, I'd have to look more into them specifically
But I did want to mention that my idiot self is tempted to make Yet Another Oc (though I probably won't post this one since I feel very oc heavy already) that's also a moray- but specifically a snowflake just because wow I want to make a design around the coloration they have 😭
ALSO!!! Regarding Eel Anon!
I wasn't able to screenshot everything you sent but it was absolutley fun hearing about the dorm idea you have!! I love hearing about new dorm concepts and I've seen a couple nightmare before christmas dorms so it's neat to see the different ideas people have! Also no way do Eri and Rika sound like knock offs of the twins lmao they both sound really fun and I like how they juxtapose one another- also how you have their whole family worked out??? It just reminded me I need to do some more backstory work for my group lmao but honestly it was really cool reading about them so don't even worry about long asks or anything!
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bethanythebogwitch · 1 year
Welcome to the final instalment of my series where I discuss the origins of every fish Pokemon. Today I’ll be covering gen IX. For previous generations see here: gens I-II, gens III-IV, gens V-VI, and gens VII-VIII.
People criticize Paldea for having too many birds and dogs, but I haven’t seen people talking about how many fish it has. I bring this up because Paldea has a lot of new fish. Only Hoenn introduced more fish lines. The first Paldean fish is the Wiglett line, which is also the only new multi-stage line. In this case, the species name helpfully tells us what it’s based on: garden eels. These eels are famous for poking their heads out of the sediment while keeping most of their bodies in an underground burrow. Because they typically live in large colonies and look a bit like grass, a group of eels can look a lot like a patch of plants, hence the name. Garden eels are very shy and will retract into their burrows at any sign of danger. This behavior is shared with Wiglett, which will retract if it sees the player coming, forcing you to sneak attack it to battle.
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(image: garden eels looking adorable)
Wugtrio follows the garden eel origin, but also incorporates some moray eel inspiration. Both Morays and Wugtrio lurk in holes in rocks and grab passing prey, dragging them in. The fact that both Pokémon are slimy enough to get the Gooey ability is likely a reference to hagfish. These jawless fish are famous for their defense tactic where they secrete large amounts of slime when threatened.
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(image: somebody playing with hagfish slime)
Finally, Wugtrio’s red coloration may draw from the giant tube worms found around hydrothermal vents.
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(image: giant tube chilling on a hydrothermal vent. Except not chilling because it's really hot there)
As one of the two convergent pokemon lines, the Wiglett line is an example of convergent evolution. This is when distinct groups of organisms evolve similar adaptations in response to similar selective pressures. A classic example of this is the flap of skin used for gliding known as a patagium that has evolved independently in flying squirrels (rodents), gliding possums (marsupials) and colugos (primate relatives). All three groups evolved the patagium to beter move between trees in their arboreal environments. In the case of Wiglett’s similarity to Diglett, the dex entries and official website helpfully tell us that the two species evolves similar body plans because they are both dedicated burrowers.
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(image: a diagram showing an example of convergent evolution in sugar gliders and flying squirrels)
Veluza is based on hakes, specifically merluccid hakes. These are predatory fish in the same family as cod and haddock who are known for being indiscriminate predators of smaller fish. Fittingly, Veluza is pretty aggressive, chasing down the player whenever they get near one. Hake are pretty economically important in Spain, Paldea’s main real-world basis. The Spanish love their hake. Not only do more than half the hake sales in Europe go to Spain, Spain is also the world’s largest consumer of the fish.
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(image, a silver hake)
Veluza having a prominent dorsal fin and what seems to be an anal fin followed by smaller triangular finlets reminds me pretty heavily of tuna, who are also very fast predators.
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(image: a tuna's tail, showing the finlets)
Veluza also almost looks kind of mechanical, which makes me wonder if there’s some inspiration coming from torpedoes or submarines. Veluza’s habit of removing parts of its own flesh is an example of autotomy. This is when an animal will remove parts of its own body and is the basis for the pokemon move autotomize (which Veluza doesn’t get for whatever reason). Autotomy is mostly used for defense while Veluza uses it to increase its speed and offenses. In my very quick search I was unable to find any examples of fish that use autotomy, but the fact that the move that represents this in Veluza is called Fillet Away and the dex mentions how the shed flesh tastes, it’s pretty clearly another reference to how much the Spanish eat hake. In this case, it’s a fish that fillets itself for you.
I’m going to talk about Dondozo and Tatsugiri together as while they’re different lines, they’re linked to each other. Dondozo is a giant catfish, specifically a wels catfish, the largest freshwater fish in Europe. While not native to the Iberian peninsula, the species has been introduced there. Dondozo’s diet including bird Pokémon is a reference to how wels catfish will beach themselves to try to catch and eat birds.
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(image: an absolute unit wels catfish with human for scale)
Something I can’t understate is that Dondozo is big. At a height (presumable length in this case) of 39’04”, Dondozo is the second largest non-legendary in the franchise and 3rd largest overall after Eternatus and Wailord. That’s whale shark sizes and dwarfs the beluga sturgeon. The largest freshwater fish in the world. The two largest non-legendary Pokémon being aquatic is true to real life, where animals in the water can get much bigger than animals on land. Nothing as big as a blue whale can exist on land because without the support that water gives, the animal’s own weight would crush it. This is why beaching is usually a death sentence for large whales. Of course it would be remiss of me to not mention that both Tatsugiri and Dondozo have a sushi theme. Dondozo is based on a sushi chef. It’s head frills look like the traditional sushi chef headband and its tongue looks like a sushi geta, the wooden bench sushi is commonly served on. The sushi theme is more prevalent with Tatsugiri, which looks like a piece of hand-shaped sushi.
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(image: sushi nigiri)
The different forms and colors of Tatsugiri make different individuals look like different dishes. The different colors may reference koi, which could also explain its dragon typing. Koi, and carp in general, are often associated with dragons. Tatsugiri can use its fins like limbs and survive out of water, possibly referencing fish like lungfish and mudskippers, who can live out of the water. Dondozo and Tatsugiri have a mutualistic relationship, a type of symbiosis where both parties benefit. Tatsugiri is the brains to Dondozo’s brawn, giving instructions to the larger fish and acting as bait to lure in prey. This is a form of aggressive mimicry. Tatsugiri is stated to dwell in Dondozo’s mouth. This could reference two things. The first is mouth brooding, where a parent fish will keep its offspring inside its mouth to protect them. The second is cleaner fish, who can safely go into the mouth of larger predatory fish because of a mutualistic relationship with them.
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(image: a mouth-brooding fish)
The final fish Pokémon so far and the only legendary fish is Chi-Yu. This adorable little malevolent monstrosity is based on a goldfish, or rather fire in the shape of a goldfish. Like the other Treasures of Ruin, its true body is the actual treasure, magatama beads in this case, while the rest of the body is gathered from the environment to support the treasure. Chi-Yu being born from envy and the jade beads being in place of the eyes makes it a very literal green-eyed monster. Chi-Yu and the Treasures of Ruin in general are based on the Four Perils, malevolent beings from Chinese mythology. The Treasures don’t map exactly to the Perils and the connection is stronger in some than others. For example, Ting-Lu is based on the Taotie, which is usually depicted on cauldrons, and it has a massive cauldron on its head. Chi-Yu is probably based on the Hundun, a faceless creature with 6 legs. Chi-Yu doesn’t have a proper face, just beads where eyes should be, and it has 6 fins on each side of its body. The Hundun also has wings and fins are kind of like wings I guess? Not related to Pokémon, but the Hundun appears in the Iron Widow, which is a book you absolutely should read.
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(image: a depiction of a Hundun)
And with that, this series comes to a close, at least until we get Gen X. I may do something similar with other Pokémon based on aquatic creatures, but I haven’t decided yet. I may also discuss some of my own fakemon if anyone is interested.
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spaghettioverdose · 3 months
People who design scary fish monsters don't really get it y'know? Most of the time it's like some kind of angler fish or moray eel or some generic, unidentifiable fish head put on a human body. And like most of the time they're not even that scary. A lot of fish are much scarier in concept than they are in reality or in their appearance.
Angler fish are scary in concept. A light in the dark that attracts your attention but is actually attached to a predatory creature. In appearance theyre basically a ball with a fucked up face, long teeth, a dangly thing on its head and a shitty little tail that can barely carry them around cause they're entirely adapted to be sedentary ambush predators. They're just way more ugly than they are scary.
Moray eels are scary in concept. A long, slender creature that can hide in dark crevices and suddenly launch out to grab you and drag you into their lair is scary. In reality they look goofy and adorable as hell. I can't look at a moray eel and think "wow that thing is scary" after I watched so many videos of them swimming up to a diver to be pet like a dog.
Same with octopuses and squids (although they aren't fish). Most horror around them focuses on "ooh tentacles! they look a bit weird!" and that's it.
Aquatic creatures have a stupid amount of weird, fucked up adaptations to draw from. Get more creative. Stop making angler fish monsters.
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Lionfish: Kings of the Coral Reef
Members of the genus Pterois, also known as lionfish, are infamous for their bright colors, mane-like fins, and deadly venom. These fish are indigenous to the warm waters and coral reefs of the Indo-Pacific, with 12 species distributed from the coast of South America to the tropical islands of the western Pacific. Wherever they’re found, Pterois species are one of the top dogs in the food chain.
Lionfish have few predators that aren’t other, larger lionfish. Some predatory fish like moray eels, groupers, and sharks have been observed eating lionfish, but none are known to go after members of the Pterois genus consistently. Most potential predators are deterred by the lionfish’s 18 spines, each of which is tipped in a toxin that affects the muscular system and its connection with the brain, as well as causing extreme pain. Though the toxin is not fatal to larger fish and humans. Like their namesakes, lionfish are predators themselves and feed on a variety of small fish, invertebrates, mollusks, and smaller lionfish.
To demonstrate that they would make an unpleasant meal, lionfish use a form of coloring called aposematism, which uses bright, attractive colors and ornaments to make themselves conspicuous. Predators then learn to recognize those colors and ornaments as indications of something they don’t want to eat, and avoid the fish entirely. Each of the 12 Pterois species has a different variation of stripes and spots, though the colors largely range in shades of red, yellow, and white. An individual can be anywhere from 30 to 45 cm (12 to 18 in) long, although juveniles are often only 3cm (1in) long.
Pterois species can mate multiple times a year, and don’t have any set mating season. When a group of males and females want to court, males with gather and display for any females present, similar to the rituals of turkeys or some birds of paradise. When a female choses a male, they will swim together in a kind of synchronized dance before the female produces one or two mucus-filled egg clusters, which the male releases his sperm over. Each cluster can contain up to 15,000 eggs. The larvae hatch a day later, and spend the next 3 to 4 months hiding along the sea floor as they grow into their juvenile forms. Sexual maturity is reached at 2 years, and individuals can live anywhere from 5 to 15 years.
Conservation status: The IUCN currently does not have any species of lionfish listed as Endangered. Two species, the red lionfish (P. volitans) and the common lionfish (P. miles) have become invasive in the Mediterranean sea and the western Atlantic cost, particularly in the Caribbean. Many governments and non-profits are currently working to control or eliminate the growing rogue populations.
If you like what I do, consider leaving a tip or buying me a kofi!
Common lionfish (Pterois miles) by Alexander Vasenin via Wikipedia
Red lionfish (Pterois volitans) by Klaus Steifel via iNaturalist
Spot-fin lionfish (Pterois antennata) by Mark Rosenstein via iNaturalist
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talkingattumble · 9 months
Therians or animalkin or furries or anyone who wants to fill out a poll, I have a question
also please read the bullets below the poll for clarification!
some clarification:
Humanoid animal basically is just an animal that is physically anthropomorphic enough to look somewhat human. It doesn’t have to be super humanoid, just has to have some physical things showing it is humanoid. This can range from having a humanoid (but still scaly, furry, feathery, etc.) body, to just standing upright.
The “able to do animal things�� option does not make any physical changes. For example, you could choose to have the sense of smell of a dog, or the bite force of a shark, but you would not get a dog nose or shark teeth.
The “animal but mentally human” option would not change anything but the mind of said animal. Basically, the animal in question has human intelligence/sentience, but it would not walk on two legs or anything.
The “some animal qualities” option includes internal organs or other not outwardly visible body parts (like second jaws of a moray eel or the liver of a wood frog).
The “stay human but live like/with animal” can range from meaning “mentally and physically human but with animal lifestyle”, to “mentally animal, but physically human”
The “stay human, but have human traits related to that animal” option is kinda confusing in retrospect, so here’s a somewhat (but not that much) better explanation. It would be gaining a human quality that you tie or equate to a certain animal. For example, if the animal in question is a moose, someone may choose to have dark brown hair. If the animal is a bullfrog, someone may choose to have a raspier/deeper voice. If the animal in question is a cheetah, the person may choose to have freckles. Things like that. Does that make sense?
If you want, please reblog with the specific thing you want and/or why! It’s cool to see other peoples ideas on this.
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zodarii-dae · 1 year
symbols for double life! here are the third lifers, here are the last lifers, here (and here) are the top three, here are the losers. i wanted to have at least some similarities between soulmates (except for tango and cleo, as their soulmates were part of separate symbol categories).
tango is a tauernscheck goat. i wanted him as a goat because of the horns, and this one had the best colors.
ren is a german shepherd. i wanted him as a dog this time, because this game was the most domestic. he has german shepherd vibes.
bigb is a golden retriever. he of course also had to be a dog, but i don't have much of a reason for the breed. i just thought it fit, y'know?
grian is a hoatzin. i wanted to give grian a jungle bird to match with scar, and the hoatzin symbolizes self-preservation. it's sometimes called the stinkbird- grian distances himself from scar and pushes him away because he thinks it'll be better for them both.
scar is a giant panda. i feel like this one is self explanatory.
etho is a sand tiger shark. i had to give the boat boys sea creatures, and etho definitely has shark vibes. like a sand tiger, he seems scary, but is more likely to attack when provoked.
joel is a green moray. he's slippery like an eel! and he's green, of course.
bdubs is a meadow jumping mouse. i love mouse bdubs because clocks, and they lived in basically a meadow.
impulse is a plains pocket mouse. same as bdubs- clock symbolism and location.
cleo is a brown widow spider. they eat their mates, and cleo was one of the ones who purposely hurt her soulmate.
i'm going insane here. if you have any thoughts, please share!
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realityandrebirth · 9 months
Benthomorro Thoughts:
Morro is asexual & gray-aromantic. He feels romantic attraction very rarely, and usually doesn't act on it when he does.
Benthomaar, on the other hand, is full on pansexual, and while he's socially awkward, he can be very flirty when he's comfortable around someone he likes.
When they first start dating in the Coinverse pseudo-canon, Morro is still afraid of water/the ocean to the point of panic attacks, and the fact that him meeting Benthomaar nearly ended with Kalmaar drowning him didn't exactly help. Still, he's been growing more and more frustrated with his phobia, and developing a relationship with someone who literally lives in the ocean is what finally pushes him to get past that fear.
Merlopian culture has normalized polyamory to the point that they don't have a word for it, it's expected that someone will have several partners at once, especially when raising children. Benthomaar is monogamous with Morro at first, since he wants to be respectful of human customs, and it takes a few months before they talk about opening up the relationship. Morro is cool with Benthomaar seeing other people, though he isnt interested in dating any others himself, and he gets along well with his metamours.
When theyre older (and also married), Morro and Benthomaar have a house built on Ninjago's shore that's partially underwater. Morro lives their permanently, but Benthomaar, at this point, is *king* of Merlopia after Trimaar (still alive in this AU) stepped down, and he cant be away from Merlopia for longer than a week or two. Still, he makes time to spend with his husband at their home at least once a month, and Morro makes frequent visits to Merlopia as well.
hehehe their wedding was at the beach and had morro walking down the aisle into the water to represent overcoming his fears to be with benthomaar
Merlopians have domesticated moray eels and they are like dogs. Morro and Benthomaar have a pet one at their house. Her name is "Stupid Asshole" and they love her very much.
need you to consider the idea of Morro sitting on some stairs, half submerged in water, reading the newspaper or something, with a giant eel curled around his waist
I'll save the rest for another post.
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dogtoling · 10 months
i love your stuff , do you think inklings may have domesticated species , such as we do with dogs and cattle? , if so what species do you think theyre derived off? ,also , do you think they may have faced some species that convergently evolved with old past ones from our time ( like the terror birds that roamed south america considering birds are still alive in the splatoon world ) , would this also mean theres a greater bird diversity compared to today , sort of like serina but wayyy less crazy
they totally absolutely do have domesticated species, i think it's safe to say Zapfish are domesticated given they seem to be super docile and are totally cool with being kept in a dome for long periods of time. You could also chalk that down to game logic and say that's not literally how the electricity is being extracted out of them (it could be extracted periodically, like how we milk cows) but tl;dr anyway Zapfish are totally a domesticated type of animal
Aside from that, several types of sea slugs appear to be kept as pets, though on account of literally being slugs i don't think they would be quite as intelligent and reactive as something like a dog or cat would be. think more like a literal actual slug except it's very large and you have to take it for walks to eat some grass. Inklings also leave out food for slugs and STREET LOBSTERS in splatoon 3, which might imply you can keep lobsters as pets as well, and from the art book we know wild feral crabs exist as well so you could technically keep those too.
For domesticated species more like actual cats and dogs, these are not canon, but i'd like to propose domesticated species of small sharks such as dogfish and reef sharks, maybe epaulette sharks. There's a LOOOOT of sharks that are just little guys and they would be the perfect stand-in for dogs or cats, being domesticated apex predators that can get surprisingly cuddly. As of Splatoon 3 we know feral apex predators exist out there in the form of like, 20ft great white sharks (that float, lets not talk about that) and upsettingly large moray eels (that also float, lets not talk about that). This implies the existence of a lot of other wild animals that are like that... which was easy to already kind of assume without real evidence, but it's nice that it's canon now, and that opens the floodgates for "how many of these could've been domesticated, then?"
When it comes to birds I don't think there would be any kind of insane bird species, or a species boom to begin with. Mostly because Splatoon focuses on sea creatures and just from the game's standpoint i'd find it super unlikely they'd just have giant terror birds or anything even remotely related, lol. Whenever there's non-sea animals in Splatoon, they're either extinct or unchanged. And regardless, if there was some kind of bird evolution revolution, I don't think any of the sea creatures trying to evolve into shitty land guys with barely any efficient ways to even get around (wtf was evolution doing with marigold!?!?!?!?) they would Not Have Made It with like, apex predator birds. I'm surprised any of them survived raptors
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tickledpink31 · 2 years
Since we know that Minako’s patronus is a mouse and Deuce’s patronus is a chicken, what about others?
I actually drew Deuce's Patronus as a joke. Realistically, I feel like the other characters wouldn't be able to cast the Patronus charm because of the differing magic systems and how hard it is to master the spell. They're not Minako who has inherited two magic systems, but thinking about the twst boys Patronuses are fun.
Btw I'm not strictly assigning animals based on their personalities, but I'll reference them anyway as a bit of a guide
Nezumi family:
Flor—Mixed bloodhound named Pluton based on Pluto the dog
The rest of the family members (aside from Minako) don't have Patronuses/only have incorporeal Patronuses
Riddle—Hedgehog. A cute and tiny one with an attitude, sort of like his tsum in the tsum tsum event.
Ace—Fox. A pretty common Patronus, but they're cunning and ambitious.
Trey—Brown Hare. According to @/the-patronus-librarian, people with this Patronus can handle themselves very well when pushed to the breaking point. "With their quick wit and knowledge they can hold their own in a duel, however, they prefer avoiding conflict rather than running straight into it." Although, I wouldn't say he's shy or reserved.
Cater—White rabbit. This is influenced by the amount of Cater fanart having white rabbit ears
Leona—Lion. Need I say more?
Jack—Wolf ^
Ruggie—Hyena ^
Azul—Octopus. It should be noted that one source says that these people are virtuosos
Jade & Floyd—Moray eels. I couldn't find any analysis of them
Kalim—Otter. "Through their affinity to water, otters are symbolic of life and purification. Otters are also extremely playful and curious." and "Associated with friendship, otters are often found holding hands while sleeping." —Mugglenet
Jamil—King cobras. Cool and calm under pressure, but deemed the most dangerous and venomous of all snakes. "[Y]ou try to keep your composure as much as possible, because you feel better when you are in control of your strong passions. When you are in control of yourself, you can then use those passions wisely and resourcefully, using just enough to get your way and not letting anyone take advantage of you or your feelings."—@/hogwartswelcomesyou
Vil—Peacock. "known for their beautiful eye-shaped plumage. These birds extend their feathers not only to attract mates but more importantly, to appear more intimidating to predators... Peacocks are easily irritated and would make a fierce and gorgeous Patronus." (lol) —Mugglenet
Rook—Hawk. Dangerously observant, intelligent, and keenly aware about what is going on around them. That's what makes them great hunters
Epel—Squirrel. Listen, listen, listen, squirrels look cute, but they're vicious. But if it makes him feel he could have a brown bear as a Patronus. Fierce, can fend off wolves, and cute in some angles.
Idia—Brown owl. Known as omens of death, and can actually attract Dementors because of this. However, this makes them good Dementor hunters (reminds me of how he hunted down the overblot boys in chapter 6)
Ortho—Fox terrier. "This is a small yet fearless dog that loves being outside and around people." —Mugglenet
Malleus—Dragon, obvi. A rare and powerful Patronus, fitting for a future dark fae king.
Lilia—Bat. Vampiric themes. Bats are also associated with luck, happiness, and transformation.
Silver—Koala. They sleep for 20 hours a day. When threatened they can become dangerous
Sebek—Crocodile. Due to his name being based on the Egyptian crocodile god.
Crowley—Crow. Regarded as omens of dark magic.
Crewel—Dalmatian named Mr. Dalmatia
Trein—Cat. Not just a cat but an exact copy of Lucius. Lucius either gets jealous or he has a new playmate.
Vargas—Stag. A really brawny one and rare too. They are symbols of strength
Sam—Frog. Adaptable in almost any situation and easy going.
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angelfoodcake222 · 1 year
MerMay is HERE!!!
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What would the Neighbors look like as merfolk? Well, after plenty of research (thank you Wiki, many fishing sites, & relatives irl), here's my take on that in alphabetical order.
🐶🐟Barnaby B. Beagle: Atlantic Spiny Dogfish. Okay, okay, this was an automatic choice just because of the name. Although, two venomous spines, can grow up to 4' (4 feet), often seen hunting prey in dog-like packs (hence the dog-like name), tends to feed primarily on crustaceans, jellyfish, squid, &/or schooling fish. Cod, red hake, goosefish, other spiny dogfish, larger sharks, seals, & killer whales all prey on dogfish. Dogfish also have a habit of getting caught in fishing nets due to their size, often resulting in bycatch (n. the unwanted fish and other marine creatures caught during commercial fishing for a different species). Now, clearly, Barnaby will be the same size as in his bio, same colors to as is the case with everyone else here.
✉️🐟Eddie Dear: Common (freshwater) Carp. These guys are all over the place where I go fishing/crabbing, make for good eating, too. What they do is root around soft sediment They usually feed on aquatic plants, worms, zooplankton, & other small animals found in the deposits. Their rooting upsets the water's bed & degrades their habitats by uprooting vegetation and increasing turbidity (cloudiness in the water due to particles). They're native to freshwater lakes & rivers in Eurasia. They were introduced to the United States in the late 1800s as a new sportfish. Now found in 48 U.S. states & most temperate areas around the globe. They typically prefer slow-moving systems with soft muddy/sandy bottoms. Found in most lakes & rivers in Louisiana. They sort of look like massive goldfish that evolved to be tougher for the wild. Somehow, they're often confused with native small/largemouth buffalo [fish]. Generally, they're a sort of golden brown/brassy green color that wanes to a pale yellow/white belly. The silvery variety can be found too, I've just caught the others. Subterminal mouths with two sets of barbels (AKA: "whiskers") off the upper corners of their mouths, large scales. Like most North American fish, they can grow +50 lbs but are more commonly found between 10-20 lbs.
🦋 🐟Frank Frankly: Florida Pompano. The Florida pompano, part of the jack family, is a species of marine fish with a compressed body, short snout & deeply forked tail. Pompano fish often have a color variation of blue, green & yellow on their dorsal areas with silver &/or yellow on their body & fins. I imagine he/they studies butterfly fish instead of actual butterflies. He'll still pop up to the surface to watch actual butterflies flutter around. Most adults of this breed feed on small surf clams, amphipods (I.e. sand-hoppers/beach-fleas, predaceous ghost shrimp, whale ectoparasites Cyamus, etc.), crabs, shrimp & even mussels. If he finds pearls or precious-looking items, he gives them to Eddie or Julie.
🐛🐟Howdy Pillar: Fimbriated Moray Eel. Get it? Because he's got freckles. Huh, huh? Anyways, these eels (aka Gymnothorax fimbriatus/ dark-spotted moray/spot-face moray), are a moray eel of the family Muraenidae, obviously. They're medium-sized moray that can reach a maximum length of 80 centimeters (31 in), though Howdy would be bigger (+8ft, maybe). Its serpentine-shaped body has a white-cream to light brown background color dotted with numerous dark spots which latter vary in size and shape depending on the individual & maturity. It has a tapered snout, is greenish-yellow with black dots, the corners of the mouth are white, & a very boop-worthy snout tip. He does the same things in his OG counterpart's way but with fish-based needs; worms, fallen crates of goods, fish filets from seemingly nonsentient fish, & so on. Wally is far more slippery, so plucking a chosen item is easier in Mer!form than bing bipedal. Howdy is an eel, so hunting isn't much of a challenge for him.
🌈🐠Julie Joyful: The Lybia Tessellata (commonly named "Pom-pom/Cheerleader/Boxer crab") comes from its symbiotic exercise of brandishing a stinging sea anemone (usually Triactis producta) in each of its claws to fend off predators & possibly to stun prey. Its "boxer crab" title comes from its bellicose reaction to threats. Something about this just fits...
🐔🐳Poppy Partridge: There are a lot of fish in the ocean, like birds in a tree. The chicken could be tuna (chicken of the sea), that much I know. Maybe a little parrot fish for color? Grouper for size? I can't find anything for her.
🌟🐠Sally Starlet: I'll be honest here, I was going to automatically pick a default starfish to go here, but then is kept digging. I'm stuck between a Lion Fish & a Manderinfish. Surprise, surprise, I can't pick. Maybe both with a touch of Flame Angel Fish for color?
😘🐟Wally Darling/Home: Yellowhead Jawfish (AKA; Opistognathus aurifrons) these little darlings [pun intended] are usually seen in undersized colonies around sandy &/or rubble-coated areas near reefs. Their lairs, smallish architectural phenomena, are created by excavating holes and lining them with rocks & shells for support - all done with their mouths. Obviously, Darling is half humanoid so he could use his hands here. Still, it's an interesting idea for him to be the one who builds Home. 🤔
These are just my thoughts on what they'd look like fish-wise. I'll need more time to pick & choose what other traits they'll each keep or lose. Feel free to use this as a sort of prompt or muse material 🤗!
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oddityroadshow · 1 year
Other than jamie, what's the rest of the chars favorite animals??
Oh nice thanks for the question! I (Shannon) would say Marlin loves cats and likes any animals that are pleasant to be around and low maintenance, and probably any especially beautiful animals like peacocks. Answers from the rest of the cast I copied off discord- Allison: OKAPI [9:46 AM] She really loves all animals tho [9:46 AM] Manatees [9:50 AM] Green moray eels, octopuses, dogs, cats, dik-diks, coatis, kinkajous, crows, I'm gonna stop cus I'm just gonna wind up listing every animal. Paul: Giraffe [tall] Penguins [Improbable] Cats [Ron is a cat dude] Paul Byron — Yesterday at 11:55 AM "I just get a real kick out of those lil birds that can't fly and them real tall horses"
I also asked Joel for Cobb's favorite and while I said he didn't want Cobb to be the NPC that represents him, Cobb has "for sure found himself under many a bridge on a bender having befriended a bevy of animals"
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verdantmeadows · 1 year
Oh wait nvm you've already answered most of those grjdjdhjs. 🐾✨🌈 then, I guess
🐾: What are your kintype(s)?
Oh gosh I have a lot!!! If you're ever interested I can send you a google doc of all my kins...but my non-fictionkin kintypes as of rn are:
the sun
various other animals (domestic rat, hedgehogs, rhesus macaque, moray eel, monkeys)
I think my most important/strongest/highest fiction kintypes rn (and this changes! it just depends) (I've also done it by series so it's not so long/spread out) are:
Randall Ascot (Professor Layton)
Sal Fisher (Sally Face)
Sun Wukong, MK (LEGO Monkie Kid)
Hop, Hau, Gold (Pokemon)
Hajime Hinata/Izuru Kamukura, Kazuichi Souda, Shuichi Saihara, Kiyotaka Ishimaru (Danganronpa)
Kirishima Eijirou (BNHA)
Edric Blight (The Owl House)
But I definitely have way more than that and I have more in some of those series that I haven't listed!!! I would post my full kinlist but again it's very long and also there's some kins I just prefer to not have public, and also it's associated with my email which I don't want public (I've got it on a Google doc)
✨: What are some things that validate you?
I find it very very validating when people use kin names of mine! I change my icon on Discord pretty frequently so when my friends or loved ones call me the name of the character in my pfp (which is usually a kin shift of mine) that makes me super happy. (VERY very rarely will my icon be a character or something I don't kin.) Or when they refer to a character as me--like if they refer to a fiction kintype of mine as me so talking about them in the 2nd person. (I'm not bothered by it when this ISN'T done though, but when it contextually makes sense, it makes me very happy!) Or when they send me things like dogs or angel-themed stuff because it reminds them of me! Also I find it validating to get to talk about my kin experiences and just have it respected...like when discussing a fictional series, getting to mention my kin memories or canon of it. And also just general respect for my identity or believing that I am otherkin and that my experiences are real to myself.
🌈: Talk about any other kin thing!
Hmmm this is an important fact about myself but I am a system and this ties into being otherkin for me. I have some alters that aren't me but not many. For the most part, all of my alters are non-distinct versions of myself. If you've ever seen that trope where a character gets split into their emotions or something, that's kinda what it's like for me. But I'm not always aware of these distinctions. Anyways, they're all me, Verdant, because they're not separate people and calling them "them" like they are is honestly kinda odd. The reason why this ties into otherkin for me is because many of my kins (which I'd say like, all of me always kins, of course) have alters, or my kinshifts often are when an alter of a kintype is fronting. Things like my gender and sexuality my change based on that kintype's canon, as well as having different food tastes, triggers, etc. It's different than a kinshift because all "core" aspects of myself stay the same, but if I eat a different food it's because I'm reminded of that kin or miss things from that life, not because I now find that food to be my favorite.
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