#gai x reader
forthereaderinserts · 2 years
Gai: Just ask Y/N out, what’s the worst that can happen?
Kakashi: Humiliation, embarrassment, fire, explosions, collisions, tears, and death
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wing-ed-thing · 10 months
Team Dinner! (Might Guy x Reader)
Synopsis: After a mission well done, you and Gai have his team over for dinner. It should be noted that Gai has never cooked (successfully) before.
Word Count: 1.2k
Tags/Warnings: @kakashiswilloffire Kitchen Antics, Reader is Picked Up, Fluff, Wholesome
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You weren’t exactly sure when Gai proposed it, but you had gone with him to the market and marked your calendar for dinner nonetheless. You and Tenten must have had a similar thought as you leaned over Gai’s kitchen counter, brows in various forms of furrowed as Gai worked the cutting board. 
You caught her looking at you in your peripheral and glanced her way to meet her confused stare. Tenten bounced from the cutting board and back to you. All you could offer her was a confused shrug and speculative dip of your lip. She turned her attention back to her teacher, concerned.
“Are you sure there isn’t anything we can do to help, Gai-sensei?” she asked, eyes glued to Gai’s fast-moving kitchen knife. He made short work of a squash, the blade hitting the wood block with a slam sudden enough to make Tenten flinch. Gai shook his head.
“No, no. No guest of mine is being put to work in the kitchen!” His eyes closed as he grinned, throwing two thumbs up and his kitchen knife into the air. You and Tenten shouted simultaneously, both instinctively reaching out in some way or another to catch the knife before Gai could. With a theatric twirl, he turned and caught the knife by the blade between his fingers. You let out a deep sigh. Tenten looked like she was about to pass out. You poured her more sparking juice and nudged the glass into her hand. 
“Where do you want the onions, Gai-sensei?!” Lee spun around from his station at the opposite counter, his eyes puffy and red. He wiped his face against his shoulder. Your lip curled into a slight pout.
You took a clean napkin in your hand, maneuvering around Gai with a light touch on his lower back. He hardly noticed, continuing to speak and wiggle around as he usually did. Lee, always one to wear his emotions freely, continued to cry. He, too, barely acknowledged you even as you gently dapped his free-flowing tears. 
A gentle sound came from the front door. Lee’s head shot up just in time for one of his tears to miss the food.
“Ah, that must be young Neji!” Gai bellowed. 
You slipped the napkin under Lee’s thumb, once again moving around the chaos to answer the door. Sure enough, Neji stood on your doorstep. He wore his usual pout, which you were sure stemmed from a reluctance even to be there. Gai had always been an acquired taste, and Neji was a moody teenage boy, so you couldn’t say you necessarily blamed him. 
“Hey, Neji, it’s good to see you.” He gave a small grunt of acknowledgment as he walked through the door you held open for him. As he stepped into the entryway, the small box hidden under a fold of fabric at his waist didn’t escape your notice. You closed the door behind him as you spoke discretely, “You know, I can put that in the fridge for you.”
Neji froze on the spot. While his blank expression gave nothing away, his relative demeanor told you all you needed to know. He turned, giving you a once over as he tried to decipher any hint of disappointment from you. 
“I brought one, too, if it makes you feel any better,” Tenten chimed in. She hopped up on an adjacent couch, kneeling on the cushions to rest her elbows on the back pillow. “I think the only one who didn’t bring one was Lee.” You rubbed at the back of your neck with a bashful smile. 
“Kinda embarrassing that he has more trust in Gai’s cooking than I do. He’s never made a meal like this, and given how the last ones went…”
Neji frowned—although not by much more than usual. Tenten grimaced at the memory.
“Granted, I think we can all agree that Lee has a little too much faith.” Neji didn’t meet your eye as he sheepishly surrendered his backup dinner to you. You tucked it discretely into your sleeve as he took to scowling at Tenten.
“It actually looks like he’s doing a good job tonight,” you offered. “I told Tenten that if it ends up a disaster, I’ll just give these back to you and pretend they’re leftovers I found in the fridge.” Neji’s brow furrowed. 
“You think that’ll work?”
“Oh, yeah, Gai won’t even bat an eye—” The pleasant smell must have hit you all at the same time. You stopped talking, and all three of you took a deep inhale. Dazed by the scent, you continued, “Uh, yeah, they seem to be doing pretty well there. It doesn’t seem like that will be an issue.”
“Yeah, no, Sensei is surprisingly competent in the kitchen,” Tenten whispered, only to receive a scoff from Neji in return. 
“I’ll believe it when I see it.”
Sure enough, Neji did see it. The three of you sat at the counter as Gai and Lee cooked on the opposite side, putting on an oddly fascinating show. You poured Neji a sparkling juice. Your emergency bentos were long forgotten. 
“I would pay money to see this,” Tenten said, entranced as she dug into the chips and dip you had set out on the counter. She held one half of the tray, and you supported the other. “I have never seen curry do that before.” You shook your head slowly in disbelief.
“Out of the pot, in the air, and back into the pot. Like a cartoon.” You ate another chip. “Dare I say it’s art?” Neji scoffed.
“I don’t know about art. I’m still trying to figure out how someone uses the spine of a knife to clean a herring.” 
Gai cleaned his hands in the sink in front of you, and with a triumphant whip of his hand towel, he pronounced,
“Dinner is almost ready!” 
He struck a pose, and you tried not to laugh as you gave Tenten the rest of the chip tray. You cupped the side of Gai’s face, kissing his cheek before you attempted to move past him to grab plates to set the table. He didn’t let you, wrapping two muscular arms around your hips to spin you around the kitchen with a jolly laugh. 
“I will not let you down until you proclaim me House Husband… Extraordinaire!” You yelped as he gave you a light toss, catching you back in his arms as he lowered you into a dip as expertly as any ballroom dancer. You held your hand up to your forehead as if swooning.
“House Husband Extraordinaire, will you please allow me to set the table for your gourmet cuisine?” you declared dramatically, and only then did Gai allow you back on your feet. He spun you under his arm, but when you caught sight of the dinner table, you saw it was already set. Even the dishes that Gai had just cooked were already there.
Gai’s three students stood around the table, waiting patiently for you to join them, each of their expressions warm and sentimental. Lee was crying, blubbering something about a pure and loving relationship. 
You took your seats at the table.
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed, and supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
Notes: The dinner menu consists of Team Gai's favorite foods: herring soba, curry, and sesame dumplings. Odd combination.
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iambilliejeanok · 2 years
Can you do Kakashi, Iruka and Gai for what it’s like to sleep with them headcanons? Like with the Uchiha guys 🥰
Warnings: 18+, sfw and nsfw, somno
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Kakashi being the well calculated and strong shinobi he is, means that when it’s time for him to get some much needed rest, he’s out like a rock. On days when he’s particularly stressed out, he will seek you out to request a little help. He absolutely loves it when you’re the big spoon, the warmth of your body against his back, your leg wrapped around him, and your hand in his makes him quickly sink into the perfect deep slumber. On other occasions, he loves for you lay ontop of him, and while he moves throughout the night, he drags you along with him like you’re his little squishmellow.
Don’t think that you stand a chance at carefully slipping away during the night though, because Kakashi isn’t a deep sleeper, which is why sleep time for him means sleep time for you love😊. He absolutely does not mind your feet rubbing against his while you slowly fall asleep and doesn’t mind holding you throughout the night if you ask for it. He really values falling asleep together and waking up together as often as the two of you can, it’s important to him because he constantly yearns for you (his safe place), to be there with him when he ends the day and when he starts a new one, it somewhat reassures him that there will always be love for him at the end of a troublesome day and even more love for him at the start of a new one, braving him for facing his life as a shinobi.
Since Kakashi actually needs his rest, he doesn’t usually try anything if he’s really tired, neither will he wake up in the middle of the night and try anything on you. But that doesn’t necessarily mean it never happens. Some nights, when he’s not exhausted from month long missions, he get sinister ideas that he’s certainly not ashamed of carrying through. Especially since he is a little touchy, he might casually cup you pussy while he’s the big spoon, and if you happen to be damp or a little too warm he instantly gets hard. At this point in time, he’s long handed himself over to his perverted ways and is fully committed to hearing your softly whimper in his ear. He’s addicted to your breasts, gently massaging them while tweaking your nipples, a trick that always gets you in mood he’s noticed. Once he feels you arching your back and hears your soft moans, he starts a trail of wet, sloppy kisses and nibbles along your cheek, jawline and neck, your panties now drenched from the attention, licking his middle and index finger before his hand is in your panties, steadily massaging your clit, hushing you if you stir and sweet talking you into going back to sleep.
Things might escalate if you allow them to, which you often do since you’re aroused enough that even the thought of not having him inside of you leaves you whimpering, but he always gives you just what you need, slowly thrusting all the way inside of you, deep enough that you lose your breath and then he pulls all the way out, slamming right back into you, making you cry for him as he brings you to orgasm. A few rounds of this torture and you’re begging him for mercy. A little cleanup is needed and of course some cuddles and kisses, until the two of you are asleep again.
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You’re surprised and lowkey jealous of Guys ability to fall asleep no matter the weather, the noise or the light around him. He’s also a really deep sleeper, and rather heavy, unconsciously rolling to lay ontop of you in the middle of the night. It’s okay though because he always puts you to sleep when you need him too. When it’s time for bed, he practically forced you to lay ontop of him, between his legs while your face rests on his chest, gently rubbing your back while rocking you back and forth never fails him, and once you’re snoring he will carefully find a more comfortable position for the two of you to sleep in. Usually, he will always opt for holding you tight and engaging in a little conversation, waiting for you to fall asleep before he quickly follows. He doesn’t like sleeping on his own at all, but will let you come to bed a little later if you promise to actually be one bed at the time you said you would. If not, he’s going to come and get you. Needs you all over him while he sleeps, and will sometimes whine about it in the morning if you don’t.
Gai is a big big pervert. He loves touching you in your sleep, since you’re so vulnerable like this. He loves to slowly stroke your clit, are fully analyzing your face, your breathing and any sounds you make, imaging just what it is you’re dreaming about while he massages your clit in circles, adding the same amount of pressure he normally does when you’re awake, patiently waiting to see you cum, grinding himself against your ass while he cups your breasts. When you wake up he gets a little more impatient, hushing your moans and whimpers as he slowly sinks in a finger, desperately coaxing you into making a mess on his hand, whispering lewd things in your ear as you brace yourself for the coming orgasm.
Considering how big he is, it takes a few tries, lots of encouragement and little praises for him to fully sheath himself inside of you. opting to simply cockwarm you. Once you both get up in the morning, that’s when he will get to slowly fucking you, waking you up with intense orgasms to help you start your day right!
Touches you a lot in his sleep, sometimes it’s conscious sometimes it’s unconscious, but it’s often sexual and you love it. He doesn’t always tend to arouse you, but that’s okay, you’ll try sleep any arousal off, since you always get that taken care of in the mornings.
-don’t write for him
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ziinesso · 2 years
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“Are you asleep?”
"Oh! Y/-"
“Not so loud. The others are sleeping and you’re supposed to be sick.”
He was always happy. Even with a cold, he was happy. Alone, cloistered in his little bed, he was happy.
“You’re not bored here? There’s not much to do.”
“No no, I’m alright.”
His body might have betrayed him. His only landscape might have been that ceiling. But it was okay. His heart was filled.
“Don’t you feel lonely?”
“Not really…”
A cold, he could endure it. You were by his side. A cold, it was a chance. An opportunity. He had never seen you like that. The setting was more domestic than usual, you seemed different. More delicate. You whispered as to not rush him. Your palm was soft against his forehead. You laughed more at his joke, the usual insults put to the side. You were honest with your emotions. You were you. You were prettier.
Sick, not sick. When he was in love, he was always happy
“You’re taking care of me.”
- BROOK (op) ; gai (nt) ; itadori (jjk) ; tanaka, nishinoya, hinata (hq)
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lemony-snickers · 1 year
april showers masterlist.
some hopefully comforting fics to get you through the grey sprintime weather. <3
1 - kakashi hatake with prompt "spring cleaning"
2 - naruhina with prompts "hanami" and "unintentional kiss"
3 - tenzo with prompt "petrichor"
4 - itachi uchiha with prompt "dancing in the rain"
5 - kakaobi with prompt "unintentional kiss"
6 - kakaoc with prompt "dancing in the rain" (oc: saya)
7 - konan & nagato with prompts "choosing a bouquet" and "bird watching"
8 - kakashi/reader with prompt "tentative hand holding"
9 - kakashi/reader with prompt "tender forehead touches"
10 - kakaoc with prompt "seedlings" (oc: risa)
11 - kakayama with prompt "tentative hand holding"
12 - gai/reader with prompts "dancing in the rain"
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13as07 · 5 months
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(Might Gai)
[Art work is not mine! Credit to shattercrack]
Requested by: Myself
Y/N: Your Name
Word Count: 4,274
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
Non-romantic one-shot; more friendly one-shot vibes
A bit of Kakashi love at the start and definitely Kashi focused
     My fingertips cling to the bottom of Kakashi's vest as he walks me through the empty streets of our village. "I can just stay at your place," I try again, tugging on his vest some.
     Kakashi's eyes drop down to me, his anbu mask sliding down his hair some as he moves his head. "No," he answers shortly, sliding his fingers down my arm before colliding them with my own. His fingers are chilly against mine, but that's no surprise since Kashi is always cold. "You're not safe with him on the loose," he adds, picking his head back up as he continues leading me forward.
     About ten minutes ago, Kakashi and I got a not-so-nice wakeup call from Yamato. He went on a rant about someone attacking the Uchiha Clan or something. I'm not sure though.
Kakashi has made it very clear since he joined the anbus that he wants me nowhere near his work, let alone the shinobi world. It saddened me a bit, Kashi being so stuck on me giving up life as a kunoichi, but after the both of us lived through the loss of Obito, Rin, and Lord Fourth, I know he wouldn't survive losing me too. Especially after he joined the anbus. The thought alone of me going on a mission without him sent Kashi into a panic attack. So, reluctantly, I settled for the life of a civilian.
     It's not all that bad. Finishing normal schooling was quite boring and slow-paced compared to the fast-pace, on-the-go training I was used to. A couple of months ago I started schooling to become a civic medic, and with my background of shinobi medical training, I'll hopefully get to graduate a year or two early.
     I still spar with Kakashi, it gives me a nice outlet for the chakra I don't use as much anymore. He also shows me new jutsus and has me practice older ones 'just in case' and because 'you can never be too prepared'. I think it's just his anxiety about being away so much, but I don't mind. It's bitter-sweet moments that remind me of my old life, and my old squad mates.
     "While who's on the loose?" I ask, slightly poking the subject. I know it's not going to go far; it never does. If I've learned anything about Kakashi's line of work over the past five years, he won't talk about it, he doesn't want me to know about it and he doesn't want to relive any of it. I don't blame him. Anbus deal with the darkest corners of our world, which means Kashi deals with the darkest corners of our world.
     Kakashi freezes, tugging my arm some from me taking a couple more steps. "I need you to listen very closely to me, okay?" He asks, his hands cupping my cheeks and forcing me to look into his eyes. I love his eyes; I love the contrast of the dark red of Obito's sharingan against Kashi's natural coloring.
"If you see Itachi, you drop everything and you run. You run and run and run until you are sure he's gone, you understand? And then you continue running, and you do not stop until I find you, okay? If that happens, you make sure it's me. You ask a million questions about me or you or Obito or anything, and if I get even one of those questions wrong, you continue to run. Over absolutely everything else, do not look into his eyes, you hear me?"
     I tilt my head some, letting my eyes run over Kakashi's face. He's scared. I haven't seen him this scared since Lord Fourth died. "I understand, Kashi. What's going on with this Itachi guy? Did you forget I'm trained too? I might be rusty but I'm not useless."
     His jaw clicks open and shut a few times, eyes wandering around the darkness before settling on me again. "No, you're not useless. Which is why I'm okay with you staying home alone when I'm... working, but this is different. Itachi is... he is capable of things out of your abilities, out mine... possibly even out of the Hokage's... I need you to stay safe," Kakashi whispers the last part, his breath shaking as he scans over my face again, drinking it in like he'll never see it again.
If Itachi is as dangerous as Kashi is making him seem, it might be the last time he sees me. The last time I see him... I can't think like that though. Kakashi will be safe, he will come home, he always comes home.
     "I'll be safe, Kash, I always am," I mumble back, wrapping my hands around his wrists and rubbing small circles into his skin. He tilts his head down, connecting our foreheads and closing his eyes. I flutter my eyes shut too, letting my other senses soak him in. I soak in his scent, the icy feeling of his skin against mine, the soft sound of his lungs at work.
     The moment doesn't last long, the driving need Kakashi has for his job pulling us apart once again. A part of me has always wanted to ask him to give up the shinobi life too, but a bigger part of me knows that's not possible. Kakashi hasn't known anything besides this life, being the son of a highly regarded shinobi, starting this lifestyle himself when he was only five. I had the joy of a normal childhood, unlike my partner which made the shift back to a civilian life easier for me than it'll ever be for him.  
     "We need to get going," he mumbles, dropping one of his hands back into mine before continuing to pull me forward.
     The rest of the walk is silent, the emptiness taking up space between us, which doesn't help my worry about his newest mission. I take the time to remind myself of worse things Kashi has survived, worse missions he's gone on, and still managed to make it home to me.
     A door lamp is lit up a few houses ahead of us, cutting through the darkness. It was a rush leaving the house; Kashi threw on his uniform, grabbed my to-go bag, and dragged me out the door. Not much information was passed down to me, just a quick 'you're staying with my colleague'. I'm going to assume this is the colleague's home, or their house at least.
     I'm proven right when Kakashi stops in front of the door, pulling me in front so I'm tucked away safely. He knocks and the door opens almost instantly. I guess this colleague has been expecting us.
     "Ka-ka-shi," the man in the doorway says, dragging out my partner's name in a weird way.
The guy in front of me is very... loud in his appearance. He's in a green jumpsuit, which does not help his bowl cut or his blocky eyebrows. I've seen him around the village a couple of times, usually sporting the usual shinobi vest paired with obnoxious leg warmers and his village ID as a belt. "Mini Ka-ka-shi!" He adds, looking down at me and saying Kash's name all weird again.
     "Um... no... Y/N," I correct, glancing up at Kashi. His face is a bit more relaxed now. I can survive some time with Mr. Obnoxious if it means Kakashi can focus on his mission instead of worrying about me the whole time.
     "Y - N!" The man says, dragging my name out as well. I smile a bit at that. Maybe he's not as obnoxious as I thought he was. He's just a sweet guy with volume issues.
     "This is Gai," Kashi says, gently pushing me through the door. He drops my bag on the ground next to me, still touching me, but on the small of my back instead of wrapped up in my hand like before.
     "Gai?" I repeat, glancing down, my eyes following Kakashi's movements.
     "Gai," he repeats, standing back up. His hands snake around me, wrapping me up in his hold and gently pressing me against his chest. He presses a gentle kiss to my neck, the thin material of his mask separating his lips from my skin. "I got to go. I don't-"
     "Know when you'll be back. I know Kash," I say, cutting him off and tilting my head back. I lay against his shoulder, taking in his face once more.
     Kakashi tilts his head, his mouth next to my ear as his hold tightens on me. "I love you," he whispers before pressing another divided kiss behind my ear.
     "I love you," I echo, sketching him into my memory. Kash will be safe, he will make it home to me.
     "I'll see you soon," he says, reluctantly letting me go. "Take care of her," he adds, looking over at Gai before turning back towards me again. "I will see you soon," Kakashi repeats his words almost a promise.
I know it's not though; he can't promise he won't die on any mission because there's no guarantee he will make it back.
He stays for another beat before slowly letting me go. His eyes stay locked on me as he backs out of the room, once again moving slowly as he closes the door. My heart stings a bit at the lost sight of him. The feeling of dread, sadness, and worry fills me up every time he leaves, and refuses to leave until he's back safely in my arms.
     "So, mini Ka-ka-shi!" Gai says, pulling my attention away from the door and towards him.
     "Y/N," I correct again, glancing around the room. It's very much the house of a newly out-of-the-house teenager. It's a lot cleaner than I'd expect from a man. However, most shinobis are very strict with themselves. Gai seems to be that way too.
     "Mini Ka-ka-shi," he voices again, a huge smile on his face. I decide to let him win, it's not worth the fight. "What shall we do on this glorious night?"
     "Well... I planned to lay down and cry myself to sleep, per usual," I answer before I can stop myself. I know it's not very ex-shinobi of me but the first night without Kash is always the worst, and if I let myself cry it out right away it's a lot easier to deal with him being away the rest of the time.
     "That is certainly a plan, not the best plan, but still a plan. Let's come up with a different plan," Gai says, smiling at me again and throwing up both of his thumbs. I giggle a bit at this. It's nice to see a shinobi still so full of life. "Here's a plan!" He cheers, walking away from me. I take the time to bend down and slide my shoes off. "We can make some hot cocoa and we can look through some of my old academy photo books! Believe it or not but Ka-ka-shi wasn't always so cool." You know, I think I'm going to start saying Kashi's name like that too. It's quite funny.
I was in the same year as Kakashi - and in turn Gai I’m pretty sure - but I wasn’t close to either of them. I usually hung around Asuma and Kurenai so Kashi and I didn’t interact until we both got assigned to Minato-Sensie. I still had the hugest crush on him though, as did half the academy.
     "That sounds fun, Gai," I answer back, setting my shoes next to the other pair by the door. Gai's attention turns back to me, a smile still covering his face. I grab my bag, tugging it towards me with the small hope there's a pair of house slippers in it. There's not.
     "How unprepared Ka-ka-shi," Gai says, causing himself to laugh. "I don't have a spare pair of house slippers, but I do have some fuzzy socks. I'll be right back!" He cheers, flashing another big smile before walking out of the room. I wonder if he's being cheerful on purpose or if that's just how he always sounds.
As he's gone I look around the room again, taking in more of it. The place is small, but that's no surprise. Shinobis are paid on commission, which means they kind of make their salary with younger shibobis usually being at the bottom of the food chain. Once someone gets their footing, they tend to be able to go for harder missions with bigger commissions.
With Kakashi being an Anbu he gets commission pay on top of salary pay which leaves us living a pretty comfortable life. It also leaves me with a pretty payout if he does die on duty. I shouldn't think like that. He's not going to die. It's just my anxiety.
The entry is pretty open, an archway being the only thing separating the entrance from the combined kitchen and living room. The kitchen is neat beside the old wobbly-looking table, which is covered in different piles of paperwork. It's still neat, everything in its pile. The living room is pretty empty besides a boxy TV, a mostly empty bookshelf, and a grandma-looking couch. Definitely a "freshly out of my parent's house" kind of home. I think it's cute and it makes me a bit sad I never got to experience this stage in life.
My parents died during the Nine Tail attack, leaving me alone. That's when Kashi insisted on sharing his apartment with me, seeing how neither of us had anyone besides each other left in the world. At the time he had already been in the anbus for about a year so his home was all set up. That also meant when he bought me a house we had everything we needed. By then he already had a few steps in the door so getting our home to look how I wanted wasn't much of an issue money-wise.
"I'm back Mini Ka-shi!" Gai says, walk through one of the doors on the right wall. He makes quick steps back to the entrance, an unopened pair of socks in tow. When Gai said he had a pair of socks I didn't expect a new pair. How sweet of him.
      "Thank you," I say, giving him a small smile. His arm stretches out, holding the fuzzy socks out to me. They’re the same bright orange as his signature leg warmers, making me giggle a bit. I take them from him, making sure to tuck the plastic they came in, into my bag before sliding them on my feet. They are warm and fuzzy, a nice little moment on this dreadful night.
“So, Grand Tour!” Gai says, clapping his hands together before bending down to take my bag. “This way Mini Ka-ka-shi.”
I climb to my feet, following after him. It's weird having Gai carrying my stuff for me. Don’t get me wrong, I’m used to this kind of treatment from Kashi, but not others.
I’m not hated around the village, but I’m not exactly liked. Women envy me because I’m with Kakashi and I don’t blame them; I’m aware of the status and attractiveness he has. I’m also aware of the loom of death that hangs around him and me, which usually scares people off. If that doesn’t scare them off, the fact that my boyfriend is an anbu tends to scare people.
“This is my glorious kitchen!” Gai cheers, throwing his hands around the small space. The walls of the space are that yellow apartment color. “And this is my cozy living room!” He adds, taking a couple of steps forward.
“Your home is adorable, Gai,” I say, looking around some more. I kind of miss my apartment. Don’t get me wrong, I am so grateful for the things Kakashi can give me but I do think it would be nice to live life at a normal pace, in a normal way.
He hums in agreement, stepping away to open the furthest door on the wall. “This is the bathroom,” Gai says, leaving the door open before stepping towards the other door. “And this is my bedroom.”
Once the door is open I poke my head in. It’s a generic boy’s room, with blue bedding, and a single pillow on the bed. There’s a desk in the corner, more neat piles of paperwork on it. “You’ll be sleeping in here tonight.”
“What?” I ask, turning my attention to the shinobi.
“You’ll be sleeping in here,” Gai says, pointing to his bedroom. “And I’ll sleep out here,” he continues, pointing to the couch.
“I’m fine sleeping on the couch,” I tell him, shifting my weight between my feet. I don’t want to put him out of his room for the night or make him feel like I expect him to.
“Absolutely not. What kind of friend would I be if I let my best friend’s partner sleep on the couch? Not even that! What kind of man lets a guest sleep on the couch? Boys do that, not men.” I listen to Gai’s ramble as I watch him set my bag on the little desk in the room. He is just a sweet guy. “Anyway, enough of my morals. How do you like your cocoa?”
“I’m fine with however you make it,” I answer, watching him close the door and march towards the kitchen.
“Well, I make mine with cinnamon and marshmallows on top, is that fine for you too?”
“Ya, that’s fine.”
I stay silent, watching Gai make circles around the kitchen as he heats the milk and collects our toppings.
“Mini Ka-shi?” He calls, pulling my attention out of my thoughts. I hum in response, letting him know I’m listening. “Would you make yourself comfortable? You look like a stiff board pressed up against the wall.” The statement is paired with a soft small, completely different from the wide one I’ve seen all night.
“Ya, sorry. I’m just worried about Kakashi,” I mumble, slinking over to the couch before sitting down. I curl up against the arm closest to the kitchen, a small attempt to prove to my host that he’s not the reason I’m so stiff.
“There’s no reason to worry about Ka-ka-shi. He’s a pretty good shinobi. Not as great as me of course! Still pretty good though.”
I smile a bit as Gai chuckles to himself. “What makes you think you’re better than my Kashi?” I ask, amusement growing in my chest.
Kakashi doesn’t talk much about his fellow shinobis but this Gai person has been mentioned a few times throughout the years. I never knew his name; I just knew him as the ‘want to be rival’. He’ll never admit but Kashi considers Gai his best friend too despite the annoyance he insists Gai brings to his life. I consider their friendship a good thing, it brings a childish element to Kash’s hardened life.
“Well, we’re tied right now. Twenty-one wins and twenty-one loses but I will beat him! I shall be better than Kakashi Hatake!” I stifle my laugh a bit, finding Gai’s counting funny. I’ve heard about their contests which consist of anything from sparring to a game of rock-paper-scissors.
“Oh ya? You’ll have to keep me posted on the win-to-lose count then,” I say, watching Gai carefully walk into the living room, way overfilled mugs holding his attention. I’m careful as I take my cocoa, taking a burning sip from it to help avoid a spill.
“You know, Mini Ka-Shi,” Gai starts, taking a few sips of his cocoa before setting it on the kitchen table. “Our similar doesn’t talk very much.”
Similar is one way to word that. “Ya, Kashi isn’t much of a chatterbox.”
I watch as Gai shifts things around the bookshelf. It doesn’t take him long to find what he’s looking for. “And yet, when he does talk it’s usually about you. You’ve had him whipped since the academy.”
A laugh bubbles up again from Gai’s comment. It’s no secret that Kashi was the heartbreak of our class. It’s also not a secret that he had eyes for Rin. It does mess with my head sometimes, knowing I was the second choice, knowing that if Rin was alive Kakashi and I wouldn’t be together.
“Ya okay, Gai. I think you should get checked for dementia. Everyone knows Kashi had a huge crush on Rin,” I comment, my giggles coming up as I sip more of my drink.
“No, he’s always had eyes for you.” Gai fights back, walking over as he flips through a thin book. It’s the yearbook from our second to last year at the academy.
Gai sits down on the couch, leaving a bit of space between us as he flips through the pictures. “Whatever you say,” I mumble, turning my focus back to my drink.
“It is what I say. Ka-ka-shi respected Rin and was protective of her for Obito. He loved her to an extent, we all love our squad mates. They’re our family, but his heart has always been yours,” Gai rambles on, continuing to focus on the memories in the aging book.
I roll my eyes at the rant. He’s not completely wrong. Constantly risking your life alongside your squad builds a family bond among the members, and with that comes love. I love Rin and I love Obito - not like I love Kashi, but I do still love him.
Gai pushes the book towards me. I bend down, gently placing my cup on the ground before taking the book. I open it up, being meant with the academy crest and the year the book covers. I flip through the books, letting the memory of my childhood fill my mind.
I end up settling on a blown-out picture of Genma and me practicing our chakra control. I’m hanging upside down like a bat on a tree branch, my hair filtered through a flower crown of sunflowers. Genma is lying flat on his back on the ground, a pissy pout on his face as looks up at me. His hair is wrapped up in a flower crown too, courtesy of me.
I had a habit of making flower crowns in class to help me focus. If my hands were busy my mind could focus, hence the teacher turning a blind eye to it.
“Ka-ka-shi adored you back then, still does,” Gai mumbles, his eyes locked on the picture too as he smiles. “He’d get up early every morning to pick flowers by the gates of the village for you to make crowns.”
By the time we were nine, I would find a basket of different flowers waiting on my desk every morning. I always assumed they were from Genma since he always insisted on wearing one of the crowns I made every day. He would always say it would be a waste for it to go unworn and just tossed out once class was over.
“He would collect them too, after class, the ones you’d throw out,” Gai adds, his smile growing.
“You’re delusional,” I say, a smile growing on my face too. The thought of Kakashi digging through the trash to save my forgotten artwork makes me feel good.
“No, I’m not. I’m pretty sure he still has them in a shoe box in his locker at work. He’s whipped.” Gai erupts in laughter, very contagious laughter that spills over to me. That’s another warming thought. This tough, veteran anbu having a box full of flower crowns his girlfriend made during their school years.
“Kakashi does not have a box of my flowers in his locker. That is so like… uncool.” Our giggles continue as I flip through the pictures.
“I told you Ka-ka-shi wasn’t cool during our school years,” Gai pushes out through his chuckles. “Oh my, you should have heard the ramble he went when he learned you’d be in the squad. I thought lungs were going to give out from how fast he talked.”
“He was not that excited!” I say, stopping on another blown-out picture. This one is of Gai doing a handstand as Kash is rolling his eyes at his friend.
“He was. ‘Gai she’s on my team! Y/N is on my squad! I’m going to get to see her every day!’ That and he was oh so excited to get Genma off your hip,” he interrupts himself, another round of laughter being pulled from his chest. “‘Genma isn’t going to be around all the time! I’ll get to talk to her as long as I want without him butting in! Do you think she’d go to dinner as a squad if I ask? I should put the idea in Obito’s head,’” Gai seems pleased with his explanation.
I can’t help the warm feeling that pulls the corners of my mouth up further. That did happen. The night after squad assignments were announced, Obito insisted we should all go out to eat so we could ‘get to know each other better’. Kakashi - surprisingly - said yes which caught everyone by surprise. He never was and still isn’t much of a going-out person.
“You know Gai, I think we should hang out more,” I comment, flipping through a couple more pages.
“Yes ma’am! I’d love any excuse to embarrass Ka-ka-shi and to learn new embarrassing things about him, of course.”
We both laugh a bit more, the warm feeling of my newly forming friendship and the secret admiration Kash has always had filling me up. I think I’m going to start staying with Gai more often when our ‘similar’ is out on a mission.
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nightingaleflow · 2 years
could I request guy or lee comforting an upset s/o? like not upset with them, but just upset with other people please ❤️
you pick which one ^^
You're in luck, nonnie.
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I love Lee and Gai, so I gave them each a drabble.
Rock Lee first, Maito Gai second. Individual warnings will be attached to each drabble.
Enjoy. <3
ROCK LEE (521 words) Warnings: Hospitals, exhaustion
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You were exhausted, both physically and mentally. It had been a long day at the hospital, and every single person, from the patients to the other medics, seemed determined to get on your nerves.
“Yes,” you explained. “You need to take this medicine after you eat.”
“No,” you sighed. “This little red spot isn’t going to kill you. It’s just a zit.”
“Yes,” you growled. “You need to wash the sheets in hot water.”
“No,” you cried. “There isn’t any peppermint extract left!”
You had never felt so drained as you did when you finally trudged out of the hospital towards your house. And along the way, everyone and everything only seemed to make it worse. Why did that dog have to see a squirrel and bark incessantly? Why did the waiter have to shatter a plate? Why was the sun so damn hot?
By the time you actually got home, you wanted to just hide in your room and break down. You were overheated, overworked, and overwhelmed. You just needed to hide away somewhere that no one could find you.
When you walked through the door, however, you weren’t alone. Lee was already standing in the kitchen, stirring something in a pot.
He looked up at you with his trademark smile. “Welcome home, my precious flower!” he said. Then his smile faded as he saw your expression. “Is everything all right?”
You briefly debated what to say before settling on the truth. “No,” you muttered.
Immediately, Lee crossed the room and pulled you into his arms. “What happened, my love?”
“Long day at work,” you replied, relaxing into his embrace. “A lot of stupid people doing stupid things and making my job harder.”
He hugged you tighter. “I am sorry.”
“You don’t have to be, Lee. You didn’t do anything.”
“Be that as it may, it pains me to see you in distress,” Lee replied. He pulled back and looked you in the eye. “What can I do to help?”
You settled back against his chest. “This is a good start.”
He rewrapped his arms tightly around you, pressing a tender kiss against your scalp. He gently rubbed his hands along your back and whispered soothing nothings in your ear.
You closed your eyes, quietly savoring his affection.
The timer sitting on the counter went off, and Lee sighed. “I must finish making dinner,” he said. “You just relax, and I’ll bring it to you shortly.”
You managed to form a small smile. “Sounds good. Thank you, Lee.”
Lee bent down and pressed a sweet kiss against your lips. You closed your eyes, savoring his affection as you kissed him back. He pressed one more kiss against your forehead, then stepped back to the stove.
You did as he suggested, going into the living room and settling on the sofa. You laid back and stretched, watching Lee putter around and put the finishing touches on the food.
He glanced your way as he took the pot off the stove and gave you a warm smile.
You smiled back, feeling the stress from the day vanish like smoke in the breeze.
MAITO GAI (560 words) Warnings: Minor injury/blood, treatment of said injury, mild angst
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Your fists pounded the punching bag. The fabric stretched and groaned around your fingers, but you didn’t care. Every time your fist collided with the bag, you saw yourself punching every member of your last squad.
Your squad mates didn’t take a mission seriously, causing a bandit to nearly escape before he could be questioned. You had caught him again, but it shouldn’t have happened in the first place.
And your squad mates certainly shouldn’t have blamed you for it. You were taking your sleeping shift, they were on guard. And yet they tried to saddle the blame for the incident on you.
Fortunately, Tsunade saw right through their lies and tore them to shreds during your debrief. She also offered you a few days off to “rest and recuperate,” which you were glad to take.
You wished she would let you pummel your squad mates too, but that was out of the question. So you just had to settle for the punching bag hanging on your back porch instead.
Your fists slammed into the bag harder and harder, but it still wasn’t enough. Frustrated, chakra crackled through your veins and into your hands. You threw one more punch, and this time, it was hard enough to knock the bag clean off of its chains. It flew a few feet away before falling to the ground.
You felt satisfied as you watched it fall. Then, as you went to pick it up, you felt a stinging sensation in your hands.
You looked down and blanched.
Your knuckles and fingers were badly scraped, blood leaking out of several spots. You cursed, walking towards your door.
“Good afternoon, my dear.”
You spotted Gai coming up the path towards you, his arms loaded with groceries. “Hey, Gai,” you said, tucking your hands behind you.
He frowned. “What’s the matter? You’re normally so full of youth!”
“Yeah, well, not today,” you replied.
His expression grew serious as he saw your hands hidden away. He glanced at the fallen punching bag, then back to you. “My dear, let me see your hands.”
You sighed, then pulled them back out.
He walked up and studied your injuries. “Let’s head inside,” he said. “I’ll put these away real quick, then we’ll get you cleaned up.”
“Gai, you don’t have to do that,” you said.
“I would like to, my dear. If you’ll allow it.”
The look he gave you was so sincere you couldn’t help but nod.
You followed him into the kitchen. True to his word, he stored away the vegetables and bread in the blink of an eye. Then he brought you to the bathroom and gently began to wash your hands in the sink.
“Rough day at the office?” he asked.
You snorted. “Yeah.”
You ran through what had happened as he wrapped your hands in clean bandages. He was a good listener, reacting exactly as you needed him to.
He finished tying knots above your wrists as you finished your story. You carefully turned your hands, pleased to find you still had full mobility. “You’re really good at this.”
“I do try to give a hundred percent to everything I do, especially when it involves someone precious to me.” He then lifted your hands, pressing a soft kiss against each of your wrists.
You melted.
He smiled at you. “Better, my love?”
Tag List: @justmyownreality @therantingfangirl @mrsbakashi @anchy-bananchy @hashira-mal @allyallygator @nnandmm-archived-hard @rayofmirasol (if you would like to be added to the tag list please let me know)
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Characters: Maito Gai and Reader
Training was a given with Gai. No matter what was going on in your day, time had to be taken out for Gai to do his excersises.
It was a necessity to keep himself in top form. Something you didn’t complain about because you usually found a good spot to sit and view, and what a view Gai made.
Today you weren’t behind him checking out his ass as he did stretches, but instead you had chosen to slide in underneath him when he decided to do one thousand push-ups.
For every push-up he did, you rewarded him with a kiss.
A small kiss on the cheek, or a peck on the lips, followed by one reason you loved him. Everytime you did it, Gai’s smile grew a little wider. Which was impressive given the man had a face splitting smile twenty four-seven.
“Five hundred ninety three,” he lowered himself towards you, chuckling when you give him a tiny kiss against the nose. “What is it you love about ke this time?”
“Your smile.”
“You’ve said my smile sixteen times now,” he teases you. “Do you really love it that much?”
Reaching out towards him, you trace your thumb over his lips. “More than anything in the world,” you promise, leaning in to steal one more quick kiss before he pushes himself back up. “It’s the most beautiful smile in the world.”
“The most beautiful?” His laughter rings in your ears. A boisterous, overwhelming sound that could fill a room with ease.
The most beautiful sound in the world to go with the most beautiful smile.
“That’s what I said,” you hummed. “Now, i believe you still have four hundred and seven push-up’s to go.”
“I do.”
“Better get to it,” you smile up at him. “Or we’ll be late for lunch.”
“Will you run out of reason’s you love me?”
“Never.” it’s a promise, firm and true. There is no end to the reason’s you love Gai. A thousand is only the beginning of an endless list.
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tetriminas · 6 months
dating Miles Edgeworth headcanons (Miles Edgeworth x fem reader)
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He leaves you for a man
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wing-ed-thing · 8 months
Might Guy x Reader x Kisame Love Triangle Headcanons
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𓆃 Is this a love triangle? How much does it really count if one leg of the triangle completely forgets that the other exists? That still counts... right?
𓆃 It's most likely that you're a Leaf shinobi. Considering Guy's tunnel vision, the most plausible scenario is that you and Guy are peers, and Kisame isn't afraid to express his interest no matter the "sides."
𓆃 While other love triangles are more interactive— where your two interests compete for your affection— Guy's cluelessness leaves quite a bit to be desired.
𓆃 Neither Guy nor Kisame really see a competition. More so, Guy is only half aware that he's into you in the first place, and Kisame thinks fighting and flirting is just a good time.
𓆃 And given that you rarely see Kisame in the first place, the times the three of you are together ends up being mostly business.
𓆃 Kisame is bound to say something complimentary— if not vulgar— and while Guy can swoop in with a swift kick and recognize that, he can hardly remember Kisame let alone focus for a second.
𓆃 You're pretty sure Guy sees it as a chivalry thing, that he's coming to your defense without realizing that he's particularly attentive to you.
𓆃 If there's any contention between the two, it would be at this moment, specifically coming from Kisame.
𓆃 Kisame loves a good fight— and good banter— more than anything, so Guy getting in the way is a surefire way to get him annoyed.
𓆃 From the outside, things can look a bit funny when Kisame is slamming Guy into the forest like a baseball before turning to you and telling you that he likes the new way you've got your hair.
𓆃 "Do you wanna get out of here?" he might ask and how is he expecting any other answer than a few rapid blinks and a "...what?"
𓆃 The Guy/Kisame dynamic isn't the most exciting. It's mostly Kisame trying to shoot his shot the little time he's around you and taking advantage of the handicap that is Guy's general obliviousness.
𓆃 Kisame doesn't even seem to see himself as a threat or an enemy to you because he's on a whole different brand of clueless.
𓆃 Guy is a nuisance; you're cute; Kisame is a terrorist for hire.
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed, and supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
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being a marauders fan is a red flag.
it’s also an orange flag.
and a yellow flag. and a green, a blue and a purple one.
you’re gay.
happy pride month.
i love you.
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melonn-soda · 5 months
❝ PERSONAL STREAM (A Little Too Personal..) ❞
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word count: 1.9k
warnings: subbot! cis male reader, domtop! cis male kamo choso, camboy! choso, slight dumbification?, praise kink, reader referred to as a size queen (term is used for a man), mention of edging (choso), mentions/descriptions of manhandling
prompt: congratulations! you just won a solo fan call with your favorite camboy! hope you have fun watching him getting off to you being just the goodest boy ever :)
notes: a gift for and and idea from @sooniebby I jus made it into a choso fic. I've been holding it off for a while now, I think. this isn't as good as had wanted it to be but it's fine regardless. not beta read, sorry not sorry
fem aligned dni
you can’t believe it.
you actually can’t believe what you’re reading right now.
in your email inbox, something you barely ever check unless needed to, had a message from the user of a porn website (not your proudest moment) that you signed up on just to watch his videos, telling you that you won this month’s drawing. you had to stand up, walk around, eat breakfast, and come back to your computer to see if it was still there. if it was still real. you swore you’ve never felt so excited yet so scared in your life.
to know that, somehow, you won that solo fan call, to know that he’ll be jerking off for you, to know that no one else can see him but you, talking to you, and- shit. you were getting hard. you looked back at your computer screen. the email is still there. you’re not crazy. you feel like you are though.
the roll of the cheap gaming chair you bought from amazon sounded muffled in your ears as you backed away from your computer, getting up to get ready for the day with that email still lingering like an itch on your scalp that you can’t seem to satisfy. you need to get to work.
your co-workers noticed the blank stare in your eyes as you slipped on your chef coat and pants, hands on autopilot as you tucked hair into your hat and tied the apron around your waist. it smelled of fresh detergent since they just washed your uniform. your friend had to even point out that you cut your finger when dicing onions because you were too out of it to even notice. or was it that working in the food industry made your fingers numb to the sensation since it happens so many times? ... huh.
when you got back home, you opened up the email again. it’s still there. it’s still real. did you want it to be fake? part of you says yes but the majority of you hoped not. i mean, you’ve been following this guy for.. what, months now? lord knows how much money you’ve sent to him. he wants to start the call at 7pm on discord.
you thought he might use something else other than that app but he was probably just using an alternative account and he most likely changes his user after every raffle. if you were him, you would do the same thing.
you should probably take a shower.
it was 6:40 and your hair was still damp with water, towel resting on your shoulders to catch any stray droplets from getting your shirt wet. you kind of wanted to back out. the fear of being one to one with the camboy you’ve been fantasizing about for a long while now was scaring you a bit.
fingers fidgeting with the paper stars littering your desk and your foot rapidly tapping against the floor, you watched the seconds go by on your desktop. your dominant hand reaches for your mouse and highlights his username to copy it and paste it onto the add user section, sending the friend request to see that he accepts it not even 2 minutes later. ...was he getting ready?
your webcam was sitting on your desk, not properly hooked onto the top of your computer. it was plugged in but you hardly ever use it so it just sits where it is. should you set it up? ..no, you didn’t feel like it. your mic was completely ready though, as always. you and your friends would always play together on call, so it was your most used piece of equipment.
4 minutes.
your stomach twisted in anxiety.
choso sighed as he applied lotion all over his torso, all too used to the way he prepared everything during streams and bonus videos locked behind an even bigger paywall. this sidegig he was doing felt like a chore sometimes but money was money, and by god did this account make him a lot of it.
lots of women flocked to his account, entranced by the way his voice stuttered whenever he close, his hips that instinctively jerked because his hand wasn’t able to move any faster, and the whimpers that teared into the mic when he came all over his hands and milked himself for all that he’s worth. they mostly talked about how perfect his dick looked but that was an average comment in his chat.
he saw the friend request notification pop up on his computer and figured he’d at least get his cock hard before the call even started. he put on some random porno in the background, stroking himself with little care and when he got half-hard, he figured that would’ve been enough. he accepted the friend request and close the tab with the video playing, looking over to see that he had 4 minutes until he would start the call.
fingers moving expertisley across the keyboard, he made sure to tell you that the first 30 minutes of this session was free, any longer and you would have to start paying up. you replied with a very short, “got it.” and left it at that. you seemed to type out something more before it quickly went away, causing choso to raise an eyebrow. were you scared?
35 seconds.
choso was getting tired of waiting, so he began the call. unbeknownst to him, you freaked out when you heard the ringtone rumble through your speakers, hesitating to accept the call. in the end, you did anyway because you didn’t have to pay for this private session for 30 whole minutes.
the half-curse’s hand went back to his dick, stroking it with barely any passion behind his movements. however, he wasn’t expecting to see the face of the winner from the drawing within 5 minutes of the call, teeth biting into his fist as his other hand’s fingers worked himself open. choso swore he was no longer half-hard, dick twitching to life in his hands, pre already leaking from the tip of his cock.
he was used to mostly knowing that women were behind the screen and heavily suspected that you might’ve been one- but fuck, to know that another man was getting off to his voice, his cock, drove him wild.
maybe he’ll get rid of that 30 minute rule.
you didn’t mean to turn your webcam on.
you could feel your stomach sink when you could see yourself on full display for the camboy in the discord call. it was too late to turn it off now. whatever. you only live once.
“aren’t you just the cutest?” you aren’t sure why you flinched but the way his voice carried those words certainly got you feeling things, “how about you turn your mic on too, yeah? wanna hear your pretty voice.”
shakily, the hand you were biting on reaches for your mouse and you click unmute. your fingers that were inside you accidentally pressed against your prostate, causing a loud moan to fall from your lips, immediately slapping your hand over your mouth to silence yourself. you don’t want to get a noise complaint from the neighbors... again. the first time having to explain that to an officer was embarrassing enough.
“good boy,” he grunts into the mic, bucking his hips up with a loud smack coming from his end of the call, “jus’ the sweetest little thing, aren’t ya? betcha’d be just absolutely adorable if i were to fuck you stupid. it hasn’t even been 15 minutes and you’re drooling all over your pretty fingers.”
you didn’t even notice that you’ve been panting so much that spit began to run down your chin, too absorbed in the way the camboy’s dick spilled even more pre over his massive hands. fuck, just how strong could he be? could he manhandle you? yank your head back using your hair as a handle while blowing your back out? shove you down on his cock because you simply weren’t riding him fast enough?
“you got a dildo on you, baby?” he asks you, his hand slowing down to a stop. his words pulled you out of your abundance of fantasies to shift your focus back into reality, vision a little blurry from the tears resting on your eyelids.
you managed to fumble out a small, “mhmm..” just loud enough for him to hear and he tells you to grab it. in a slight daze, you reach into one of your many desk drawers to pull out the toy that sat in its box, already cleaned from its prior use.
“do a favor for me, yeah? put it in nice and slow, imagine it’s my cock stuffing you full. how big ‘s your toy? five- six inches?” he sure likes to ask a lot of stuff, you notice.
“‘s seven..” you mutter, wincing when you push the toy inside your hole, stretching you full and your mind goes numb.
he chuckles, deep and breathy and shit- “so you’re a size queen? that’s what they call it, right?” he starts pumping his fist around his cock again, albeit slower than before. you would take a bet that he was edging himself, “that’s it. such a good boy f’me.”
legs quaking in place, you managed to get it all inside you. sitting on it was much harder on your chair than you anticipated, the current position you were holding getting uncomfortable. cautiously, you lifted your hips, wrapping your hand around your own dick and giving it a few strokes while breathy moans left your lips, slamming yourself back down on the dildo. your eyes widened in surprise as the tip of it pressed against your prostate, a loud whimper echoing throughout your room.
“fuck-! you’re so cute, mmph- k-keep going, baby. i’m getting close- ah!” you could see that his hand was moving much faster than when you last looked up at your camera, quick breaths and filthy pleas paired with the desperate thrusts of his hips.
 stumbled cries left your lips when you began to keep up with his pace, fingers getting sticky with pre as you continue to stimulate yourself. through blurred tears, you could see his hips rut one last time before a stifled moan left his throat and his fist was coated with his cum, dripping onto his pants.
he winces at the overstimulation from just shifting his hand to let go of his softening cock, grabbing a tissue to clean himself up while watching you bounce up and down your toy. you could even say he was jealous. even so, he could tell you were pathetically chasing your own orgasm, breathy sighs escaping from the confines of your lips. eyes closed in slight shame yet concentration, your thumb came up to the tip of your dick and rubbed, causing a yelp to slip through and your eyes opened once more.
however, you weren’t expecting to see the gorgeous face behind the creator of all those inappropriate streams you’ve watched the second your hips slammed back down on the dildo. 
ropes of your own release spilling out of your dick, it finally registered in your head that the camboy was willingly letting you see this. your thighs quaked not only in nervousness but also in fear that you might get a boner again just from how handsome he was. his face was pale although dusted with a bright hue of red covering his cheeks, eyebags signaling a lack of sleep, he had some sort of black line going over the bridge of his nose and cheekbones, and slightly messy black hair tied up into short ponytails. if he wasn't attractive to anyone, he was at least attractive to you.
his pretty and slightly plump lips opened to speak once more, “do you.. wanna meet up in person..?”
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lemony-snickers · 1 year
helloo, i hope i'm not bothering you! i just saw your recent april showers do spring lem flowers posts and was wondering if you could write something about gai and the reader dancing in the rain? your writing is just too beautiful to resist to ask, so i hope i'm not asking for too much! i'm sending you loads of love and the best wishes <3
not a bother at all; thanks for your patience. <3
You almost trip your way down the stairs when your shift is over, so delighted to finally be finished with your work week that you all but skip from the stairwell to the front door.
You're about to tumble out into the street, mouth stretched in a delighted smile when a sharp crack of thunder pulls you from your daydreams of how you'll spend the rest of your evening and weekend.
Looking out the doors to the mud-spattered walkway, you groan. Apparently, the lovely sunshine-filled day you'd left behind when you entered your windowless workspace this morning has since clouded over.
Sometimes, you think, life truly is unfair.
Defeated, deflated, and very much regretting your choice of footwear, you step out into the rain without a coat or boots or umbrella, resigning yourself to a soggy deommute.
Maybe you'll just order food and stay in tonight, you think, because a cursory glance overhead makes it very clear very quickly that the weather is not likely to improve any time soon. You curse internally that you worked through your lunchbreak--when the weather might still have been nice!--so you could leave a little early.
What a waste.
As you trudge toward home, the rain and wind seem to pick up in intensity out of spite, and soon you're grumbling under your breath at the injustice of it all. A bit dramatic, perhaps, but so is this damn weather. If you didn't know you'd be teased mercilessly by the first person who saw you, you think you might even stop to shake an irritated fist at the storm-clouded heavens for good measure.
You're only halfway home, hair plastered in a sopping mess and feet squelching in the thick muck of Konoha's streets with every step, when you're finally granted a respite from the downpour.
Confused, you peel your gaze away from the ground to look up and see if maybe the clouds are finally beiginning to disperse. What you find instead is the underside of a bright green umbrella.
"It appears you neglected to check the weather when choosing your attire for today!"
Gai Maito's deep, smooth voice cuts through the noise of the storm without any trouble and he's smiling brightly despite the copious mud speckled over his leggings and bodysuit. You're not sure how someone can be so cheerful in the face of such dreadful surroundings, but then, you don't think you've ever seen him wear any other expression, so perhaps that isn't as strange as it seems at first.
You offer Gai a grateful smile, blinking raindrops from your eyelashes as you thank him for providing a little protection from the storm. "I think I just got too excited about the sunshine this morning, I didn't think to check whether it was permanent."
Gai chuckles, the sound rumbling like the thunder overhead, only you find it much more pleasant to listen to.
You think if anyone can understand blind optimism, it must be Gai. You've ever met anyone so completely capable of finding the good in all things, all people.
"This morning certainly was lovely," he agrees as he falls into step beside you, holding the umbrella as much over both of you as you can.
You grimace when you realize his opposite shoulder is now quite exposed to the elements and so you tell him, "It's okay, I'm soaked anyway, no reason for you to get wet, too."
He frowns, almost as if he doesn't understand what you're saying.
"I just mean you don't have to waste the umbrella on me, since I'm already drenched."
Gai smiles at you again, but it isn't the usual beaming, gleaming grin. It's something much softer, his dark eyes gazing at you fondly from beneath his thick eyebrows.
You yelp when the umbrella retracts, leaving you both standing, unprotected, in the downpour.
"What are you doing?!" you ask, gawking at the way Gai's vest and jumpsuit immediately begin to darken as the rain seeps into them. His hair plasters itself to his forehead and he sweeps his fingers thorugh it, pushing it away from his face in a way you have to admit suits him quite well.
You've always thought he was handsome, but there's something about Gai a little disheveled that's even more enticing than usual.
He tilts his head back, letting the rain slick over his face, droplets tracing down between the taut tendons of his neck to disappear beneath his flak vest. "There is nothing more youthful than seizing the moment!" he proclaims, then adds when he looks at you again, "Wouldn't you agree?"
You don't have time to answer before Gai grasps both your hands in his. If it weren't for him holding you upright as he yanks you off course, you certainly would have face-planted in the thick mud at your feet.
"Gai!" you yell over the din of the storm, "What are you doing?"
But his only response is another laugh as he begins to twirl you around. You have no idea where his umbrella has gone and you find quickly that you don't really care. His enthusiasm is infectious as always and soon you're laughing right along with him as the two of you prance and splash in the mud. When he wraps one strong aroumd around the small of your back to pull you closer, you feel the vibration of his happiness in his chest.
Suddenly, the rain and the mud and the wind no longer matter. That you had hoped for sunshine and got grey skies instead doesn't feel like the betrayal it did a short while ago.
Because Gai Maito is dancing with you without a care for how silly you both look in the middle of the village, or whether his leg warmers are ruined, and you know in your heart that no amount of sunshine could ever compare with Gai's radiant energy.
You hardly notice when you make it to your front door, breathless and dizzy from your rainstorm promenade. Gai's sharp cheekbones stand out as he grins at you, his eyes sparkling far more than the dewdrop-like rain gathered on his lashes should make possible.
"Would you like to come in?" you ask between bouts of laughter and catching your breath, "A cup of hot tea seems the least I can offer for your trouble."
"Trouble?" he asks. "I'm afraid I don't know what you mean?"
You gesture to all of him--his mud-caked toes and sopping wet uniform. In a rare moment of courage, your reach up and pluck a wet leaf from his tussled black hair and hand it to him.
Gai chuckles. "While I'd love a cup of tea," he says, "I feel it's important I make it clear that spending time with you has never been and will never be troublesome."
Your smile falters just a little, heart beating rapidly in the wake of his admission, hoping it means what you think it does.
"Come in," you say, smile growing wider again by the moment, "I don't think I'd like to stop dancing quite yet."
Gai follows easily and suddenly your weekend seems a lot less dreary than it had only a little while ago.
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dorkszn · 5 months
𝓋ℴ𝓁. 𝓉𝓌ℴ / 𝒾𝓈𝓈𝓊ℯ. 𝓀ℯ𝓃𝓉ℴ 𝓃𝒶𝓃𝒶𝓂𝒾
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twitter p links ! / male & female reader ! / vol. three !
01. quickies with co-worker!nanami (male reader)
02. morning sex (male reader)
03. nami gets a little rough sometimes (male reader)
04. sugar daddy!nami (male reader)
05. slight rough sex with nami prt. 2 (fem reader)
06. nanami is a hair puller (fem reader)
07. your first time with nami (fem reader)
08. riding sugar daddy!nami (male reader)
09. he missed you (fem reader)
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nightingaleflow · 2 years
kakashi and gai having a competition on who can make you scream LOUDEST; rokudaime! and in the hokage's office
Anon, you get me.
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Here you go! <3
Make Her Scream
Fandom: Naruto (Blank Period era) Pairings: F!Reader x Kakashi x Gai Rating: Explicit Word Count: 2.2k Warnings: All Porn Zero Plot, unprotected PIV sex, semi-public sex, oral sex (female receiving), vaginal fingering, orgasms, chair sex, desk sex, hickeys/marking.
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It started with a seemingly innocent request. Kakashi and Gai had been having a very heated discussion as you walked by the Hokage’s office, and you couldn’t help but look. When they noticed you, they invited you over and explained that they couldn’t reach an agreement on something for one of their competitions, and would you be willing to help settle things?
Of course, you said yes. You’d been friends with them for years, and if you were being honest with yourself, you’d been attracted to them both for nearly as long. And who could blame you? Both men were incredibly gorgeous. Kakashi was strong and lean, even beneath his billowing Hokage robes, with dark eyes that always seemed to look right through you and silver hair you wanted to tangle your fingers in. Gai was built like a god, with more muscles than you thought the human body had and a bright smile that made you melt even on the coldest days. But it wasn’t only on the outside where they were gorgeous. They were both wonderful people as well, warm and caring, and always willing to lend a hand or a friendly ear.
You hadn’t seen nearly as much of Kakashi since he’d become Hokage, and you hadn’t really seen Gai recently either, so it was nice to talk to them again like nothing had changed.
That is, until Kakashi closed the door to his office and explained exactly what they were having a disagreement about.
“You see, Gai and I were trying to determine which of us is the better lover,” Kakashi said.
You blinked. “I’m sorry?”
“Exactly what Kakashi said,” Gai said. “I for one have never left a woman unsatisfied-”
Kakashi snorted.
“I haven’t!” Gai said indignantly. “Regardless, Kakashi seems to think he is better at pleasing a woman than I am.”
“…I see,” you managed, still struggling to believe what you were hearing.
“But, this is one of those arguments where we can’t get anywhere on our own,” Gai continued. “So, that’s where you come in.”
“So, the way you want me to help is…” You swallowed. “To see which of you can please me better?”
“That’s right,” Kakashi said.
“Well, to be more precise,” Gai chimed in. “We want to see which of us can make a woman scream the loudest.”
Was your face on fire? It certainly felt hot enough.
Kakashi then looked at you with his most serious expression. “Now, please understand, you’re under no obligation to say yes to anything. You are free to leave or tell us to stop at any time.”
“I understand,” you said, even though your brain was utter mush. You were being offered a chance to have sex with Gai and Kakashi? Surely, this must be a dream or a genjutsu. There’s no way this was real.
Gai wheeled up to you and gently laid his hand on your arm. Your eyes widened slightly at the callouses you felt against your skin.
Yep, this was real.
“We promise, we won't do anything you’re not ok with,” Gai said, his expression a mirror of Kakashi’s.
“So,” Kakashi asked. “What do you say?”
You looked back and forth, looking for any sign that this was a joke, that surely they weren’t serious, that they’d never ask you for such a thing.
But there was none. They were completely sincere, patiently waiting for your answer.
Slowly, you nodded. “Ok.”
As soon as you said the word, you were pulled backwards into a warm lap and felt heated breath at the juncture of your neck and shoulder. Kakashi was still in front of you, so you guessed that Gai had wheeled behind you, eagerly pressing his lips against your skin as his arms wrapped around your waist. You couldn’t help it as a soft moan escaped your lips, already feeling your body growing warm.
Kakashi lowered his mask as he leaned down, and for a moment, you were awestruck. You had never seen his bare face before, and it was as beautiful as the rest of him, with a boyish smile gracing his lips. But before you had time to process the sight further, Kakashi slipped a finger under your chin. He tilted your head back, then pressed a kiss of his own against your lips.
You whimpered as Gai continued to work up your neck and Kakashi captured your mouth. If the challenge was to make you scream, then it wouldn’t last very long with how weak you felt from just their lips grazing you. You closed your eyes, tilting your head to allow Gai more movement while maintaining your kiss with Kakashi.
They both noticed your adjustments and moved accordingly. Gai kissed harder, leaving a trail of bruises down your neck. Kakashi’s hand drifted lower, unbuttoning your blouse before pushing it open to reveal a lacy black bra. Gai pulled the blouse the rest of the way down your shoulders, then his deft fingers crept up your back to your bra. He ran his thumb over the clasp. “Still ok?” he asked, his hot breath against your ear.
Kakashi pulled back long enough for you to whisper, “Yes.”
Gai unhooked your bra, and Kakashi helped pull it down your arms. You shivered again, partially from the cool air and partially from the way Kakashi’s eyes and Gai’s kisses grew hungry. Gai’s hands slid back around your waist, feeling your delicate skin beneath his calloused palms. Beneath you, you could feel Gai’s growing erection pressing up against your ass. And from what you could see from Kakashi, he was in a similar state.
“Are you just going to stay clothed the whole time?” you asked breathlessly, grinding against Gai’s lap while hungrily eyeing Kakashi.
Gai chuckled behind you. “So eager,” he purred.
Kakashi shrugged. “It is only fair,” he said, pulling off his robes and hanging them on a hook.
“Mmm, I suppose,” Gai said, reluctantly loosening his grip on your waist.
You leaned against Kakashi’s desk, watching as the two men stripped in front of you. Your mouth went dry as bare skin and sculpted muscles appeared, and your eyes darted back and forth between them, not wanting to miss a second from either.
Gai, who seemed to view even the act of stripping as a competition, finished first. He grinned smugly at Kakashi, who merely shrugged and gestured in your direction. Gai then turned to you with a smirk, and your mouth went dry as your eyes roamed over his sculpted chest and arms.
He wheeled over, hooking his thumbs in the waistband of your pants before looking up at you. You leaned back and nodded, letting him drag the rest of your clothes down your legs. Then Gai hoisted you in his arms and set you down on the desk. You gasped as he leaned forward, roughly kissing your inner thigh and leaving a fresh set of bruises along the delicate skin. His hands seized your legs, hauling them over his shoulders. His left arm wrapped around your thigh, holding you firmly as he delicately traced his tongue closer to your folds. Your breathing became ragged as he looked up at you, his eyes dark with lust. “May I?” he asked, as breathless as you.
“Yes,” you whispered.
He immediately dipped his head, running his tongue over your folds. You gripped the desk tightly as you gasped, struggling to keep yourself upright. Then he swirled his tongue around your clit, and you involuntarily leaned back, wanting him to have as much access to you as possible.
Gai noticed your movement and snaked his right hand around your back, guiding you until you lay flat on the desk. Once you were comfortable, he draped his left arm across your body, holding you firmly in place. Then he returned his efforts to your folds, dragging his tongue up over and over again before sucking gently on your clit.
You tried to writhe under his amorous attention, but you could only whimper as he held you down. His right hand snaked higher, his fingertips tracing lines along your thigh. Once they reached the apex of your thighs, Gai pulled his head back before plunging a finger inside you.
As you moaned, Gai chuckled. “That’s my girl,” he purred, his breath hot against your pussy. “Just let it out.”
He added a second finger, pumping them in and out of you before suctioning his lips back on your clit. Your moans grew louder, your feet digging into Gai’s back. Encouraged, he pumped harder into you before curling his fingers upward. You arched your back against his arm, moaning loudly as hot tears leaked from your eyes. “Fuck, Gai, that feels so good.”
Looking extremely pleased, Gai curled his fingers again, sucking loudly on your clit. Your moans of his name devolved into incoherent gasps, unable to articulate anything other than raw pleasure.
One final push from his fingers, and you fell apart, sobbing in pleasure as your walls clenched around Gai’s fingers. He stayed between your legs, licking up your juices until your orgasm faded and you lay limp on the desk.
He finally pulled back, wiping his mouth. “Are you all right?” he asked, studying you with concern.
You lifted your head, nodding as you tried to catch your breath.
A smug grin formed on his face. “Splendid!” he said. He then grinned at Kakashi. “Good luck, rival. I think I’ve got this one in the bag.”
Kakashi shrugged. “If you say so.”
Gai folded his arms. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“The challenge was to make her scream,” Kakashi replied as he moved behind the desk. “And I didn’t hear her scream once that entire time.”
Gai blanched, and you gave him an apologetic smile. “Sorry, but you were really good though,” you offered.
Kakashi hummed behind you, and you turned back to look at him. “Are you ready to continue, or do you need a minute?”
Right. Kakashi’s turn. You took a deep breath, then nodded. “Go ahead.”
Kakashi sat in his chair, then beckoned you over to him. As you slid off the desk, he took hold of your waist and gently turned you around. He then guided you onto his lap, where you could already feel how hard he was. He nibbled lightly up your neck, his arms wrapping around you from behind, and you gasped, feeling a renewed heat between your legs.
Their techniques were like night and day. Where Gai was forceful and passionate, Kakashi was more focused and deliberate. He kept his mouth on your neck, adding a fresh layer of splotches to your skin. His left hand went to your breast, his fingers pinching at your nipple, and his right snaked down, gently teasing through your pubic hair to touch your clit.
Still sensitive from your earlier orgasm, you let out a gasp as you writhed in his grasp. Kakashi smiled, then simply followed your movements, never allowing you a moment of respite. You shivered and moaned, unable to focus on a single sensation for more than a few seconds. Your nipples swelled under his pinches. Your clit throbbed, producing sparks of pleasure that shot through your body as he circled it. You were dripping onto his lap, but you were too lost in your pleasure to be embarrassed. But even with so much, it wasn’t enough. You needed more.
Then he abruptly stopped, and you looked back with a confused whine. He merely smiled at you, then gripped your waist and hoisted you up. Before you had a chance to react, he pulled you onto his throbbing cock. You moaned loudly as he filled you inch by delicious inch, pressing up into you until you sat flush on his lap.
He sat still as you adjusted to having him inside you. “Still ok?” he asked.
You nodded. “Please.”
He immediately gripped your waist tight and pulled you up until his cock nearly slipped out. Then he pulled you back down, causing you to cry out as he refilled you. He slammed you onto his cock over and over, his quiet grunts drowned out by your cries. Before long, you took over the motion yourself, fucking yourself with his dick. This freed his hands, and they immediately returned to your clit and nipple. He played you like an instrument, humming as you sang out your pleasure.
You felt your core tightening, and you gripped the arms of the chair, your cries growing louder and louder. “Ka-Kakashi!”
He thrust hard into you, and that was it. You screamed his name as waves of orgasm crashed over you a second time, your walls spasming around his cock. Kakashi followed right behind, filling you with his warm seed as his cock pulsed inside of you.
You leaned forward against the desk, trying to catch your breath as Kakashi carefully pulled himself out of you. He gently rubbed your back and asked, “Are you all right?”
You nodded. “Yeah. I’m good.”
Kakashi leaned forward and kissed your shoulder. Then he looked up at Gai. “Well, Gai, who do you think won that one?”
You glanced up to see an annoyed Gai, his arms folded as he stared down Kakashi. When he didn’t answer, Kakashi said, “I believe that I’m the winner of this round. Wouldn’t you agree?”
“All right, I’ll concede this one,” he said. “Congratulations.”
You offered a sympathetic smile. “It’s ok. Like I said before, you were really good.”
Gai sighed. “Maybe, but I still lost.”
“Well, you know what that means, don’t you?”
Gai and Kakashi looked at you curiously.
You smirked. “You’ll just have to beat him next time.”
Tag List: @justmyownreality @therantingfangirl @mrsbakashi @anchy-bananchy @hashira-mal @allyallygator @nnandmm-archived-hard @undersero (if you would like to be added to the tag list please let me know)
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✨ imagine ✨
Going to the training field to do your daily work out and practice that jutsu you’ve been trying to perfect for weeks, only to find Maito Gai already there in the middle of doing his own training.
If it were anyone else you’d be able to ignore them and continue on with your plans, but it’s Gai.
Gai, who is currently bent forward with his ass facing you and a smile on his face when he looks at you between his legs.
“Enjoying the view?” He teases you, chuckling when you try to turn away and act like you weren’t just staring at his ass.
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