shoehedd · 1 month
Animated a heap of this guy before my son was born but this week I went and implemented him. Some of the regular weak zombies will tear their arms free when injured and grab you from afar! It's pretty gross!
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paper-starship · 1 month
hey guys... help a girl out???
so... im making my first game ever on GameMaker Studio 2, I'm totally new to programming and gamedev in general, and im running into some issues I have no idea how to solve. Might me something really silly that I'm just not realizing so I'll just post every single issue here in hopes someone will help me out lol So the issue here is: when you first interact with the mousetrap (by collision + hitting enter), the text is aligned. But if you interact with the door (by collision + hitting space) then it will not be aligned anymore???????? what????
the events for both objects (the door and the pop-up box in which the text is coded into) are bellow:
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foolsandkings · 1 year
Quick Weekend Update:
I have overhauled the Inventory to look just a little nicer I think. My UI is still all over the place, I clearly haven't yet figured out a proper theme or style, though I like this a lot better.
Since my backgrounds are handdrawn I think it makes sense for my UI to also have that inky styling.
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I've also started developing an idea for an interactive menu in the game. This place is for the player to look "Inwards". Here, they might later be able to upgrade their skills or just be able to review what impact they've had on characters in the game.
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It still needs a lot of work but the general idea is this limbo-like space where gnarly trees uphold beating hearts - with fog and feather particle effects.
I've also just done some tiny fixes today, like:
Ensuring the function that allowed traders to randomize their inventory based on item type actually randomizes more than one item. It's still buggy though.
The menu for choosing how long to rest is now separated from the rest object so other objects will be able to call it in the future, and I'll be able to give it more elaborate styling.
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gamersalad · 1 year
Nuclear Throne - We have to reach.. the Nuclear Throne!
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Ever wanted an arcade twist towards your usual post-apocalyptic games? A game that keeps the action while not having to invest in too much of the world. What about a twist of Soul Knight that doesn’t heat up 2010s phones? A game that you can carry around for when PLDT doesn’t make your money’s worth.
Look no further with Nuclear Throne, an indie roguelite shoot-em’-up game that comes in just megabytes, but keeps you aiming for more. It was created by Vlambeer, a Dutch studio consisting of Jan Willem Nijman and Rami Ismail, with major contributors like Paul Veer for readable character design, Justin Chan for engaging promotional art and Jukio Kallio for the world-building music. Opening its gameplay to the world in March 2013, it slowly reached its way to becoming a staple indie, living long enough to be recognized and ported for the Nintendo Switch in 2019, and the XBox One in 2021.
The game starts off after an apocalypse that changed the world more than ended 99.99% of it. Let’s start with the original five characters of its Beta version, who I’ll have to introduce to give you a taste of how much more Nuclear Throne and its fans have.
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Before his mutation, Fish was a normal cop of the Inter-Dimensional Police Department; an agency and opposition that fears the Nuclear Throne’s power.
A sentient Crystal surpasses her ancestors. Being family-oriented, she wants the Throne for her kind to flourish.
Eyes can’t really speak, not even with the universe’s fictional language ‘Trashtalk’, so no-one really knows him. He seems to be an avid fan of movies, though.
A pessimistic skeleton of Melting flesh that can explode dead enemies in compensation for his measly health.
And lastly, there is Plant, a genocidal venus flytrap that keeps a primal sense of carnage on its way to the Throne.
These characters join up and gather around a campfire, queuing for their attempt of reaching what everyone in the roster perceives as salvation from the post-apocalyptic wicked. They find new survivors, taking them in to have them wait in refuge, or cooperate through the wasteland. And maybe sometimes, taking further steps with Crowns filled with various misfortunes to weigh them down for the brag. All these and more, with cursed weapons, golden ones, malformed mutants, and allied ones. Simple, right?
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As a game made from GameMaker Studio, modding the game to seemingly extend this lore is relatively easier than most games you know. The only catch is, it’s not as popular as most games you know. But it’s not all bad! There is a plethora of mods to indulge in, solo or with friends. Within itch.io’s collection stands out ‘Nuclear Throne Together’, a mod that integrates mod-loading and local and network multiplayer. With Vlambeer’s peaceful shutdown during their 10th anniversary on September 2, 2020, modders have slowly continued adding content for you to check back in every once in a while.
Personally, this game was my kickstarter to applying game sense into real life, such as starting from scratch to thinking between game-changing abilities (yes, college). It got me into my own zone and even stayed with me in old doodles and a soap sculpting assignment from 2019. It kept me up my feet with how each character held diversity, the right way, and fought adversity, going for broke for what is and is no longer at stake.
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With all that said, I suggest you grab your Shovel and dig through the relic of roguelite instead of a mere article. Who knows? Maybe you will also feel like ‘Kings and Queens of Wasteland’ (by Jukio Kallio.)
Happy trails and salads, from Angelo!
Wanna give Nuclear Throne a chance? It's up on Steam for gamers to play with! YOOO!!!
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Post by Angelo M. Biscarra
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rooktko · 1 year
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WIPS and final art pieces for our game GemCore
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restricted-official · 7 months
RESTRICTED’s Development
No stalling or anything, just going to beat around the bush- GameMaker Studio is the primary candidate for RESTRICTED. I did say Restricted was in beta, but speaking from a new developer’s standpoint, that’s not really accurate- its more or less still in pre-alpha. However, the exposition of the storyline’s fully completed. The main characters are introduced, the conflict is shown, and Chapter 1 will be scripted. There’s still a slight issue- GameMaker Studio doesn’t allow you to export to any platforms except for GX.games unless you have a subscription. Working through that’s going to be a hassle, but there might be other programs. Any recommendations?
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boofy1347 · 11 months
why in the fucking 2 kilometers per hour can't game maker studio 2 have that little slider that paint has? (i'm talking about these ones btw)
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mmm-stories · 1 year
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MMM Games - Free content
Hi everyone! Thank you all for trying out "At the Dream End" and providing us with valuable feedback. Your input is incredibly important to us, as it will help us improve our games and deliver an even better gaming experience in the future (such as "Beyond Gods - At the Dream End 2" for which the news is coming soon).
A free PDF with additional content will be released soon. This content will include concept art, behind-the-scenes information about the development of the game, and insights into the creative process, as well as a ton of bonus content. And for those who are new to MMM's games, it's worth noting that we make games since 2010. All games released in 2010. - 2020. are completely free, so players can experience the evolution of the studio's game development process. If you're a fan of indie games, be sure to check out MMM older games and see how we started! https://mmmindiegames.blogspot.com/2022/12/older-games.html
"At the Dream End 1" is available at:
Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/2251670/At_the_dream_end/ Itchio ​https://mmm.itch.io/at-the-dream-end-game​​​ GameJolt https://gamejolt.com/mmm
Also, if you're a fan of "At the Dream End," be sure to check out our merch page and see what we have to offer. Fans of the game can now purchase a variety of products, including mugs, t-shirts, laptop bags, phone cases, pillows, and much more, all featuring unique designs inspired by the game. We are constantly adding new products, so be sure to check back often for the latest designs and merchandise. Thank you for your support, and we hope you enjoy the game! https://www.redbubble.com/people/mmmvisualnovels/explore?page=1&sortOrder=recent
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hallowtoon · 1 year
coding is a loveable disaster.
okay so originally, my game, Neverending, was gonna be just a little beta-test game on scratch right?  i’m making it on gamemaker studio now, and i have NO IDEA HOW TO USE GAMEMAKER!!!! [. . . yippee. . ]
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shoehedd · 5 months
Working with my Horizontal camera scrolling today. Probably the nicest I've gotten this to work so far. The main thing it does is match your movement speed unless you change your direction and then it has to rush to catch up.
It also won't go out of bounds. Very nice for Horizontal areas, but more work is needed for tall rooms!
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rnr-tko · 2 years
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Posting some new dodge and attack abilities our game RNR. It’s going to be utilized in the dodge event system as well as in the survival and king of the hill mode.
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foolsandkings · 1 year
Transferring Systems across to a new Project: Working Title "Sprite"
After my rumenations last week I set to work in preproduction for a slightly smaller project that still uses a lot of the systems I've been working on.
In this new project, the player takes the role of a houseplant. That's right - we play as the come-to-life plant familiar of an alchemist who has settled in a big empty house on her own. Not only will the adorable tree sprite help with brewing potions and collecting ingredients, they'll also take on much of the housework. For this, their innate elemental magic comes in useful. They can blow wind at cobwebs and dust bunnies, and soak up water to go water the plants in the herb garden and even douse the occasional chemical fire the Mistress of the house might have the misfortune of causing.
The benefit of this project is that most of the core game-loop happens in and around the house, so there is a finite number of rooms I have to create and illustrate. The story is also a lot more fun, cute and simple, and so I don't have to overthink the plot at every corner - it's just not required for the enjoyment of the game.
So here's what I've done on this project so far:
created a simple walk and idle animation for the player (at least for left and right)
implemented move, run and the interaction range check
made it possible for the player to blow a gust of wind in WASD directions
created dustable objects that the player can clean with the wind blast
set up fading walls inside the house - these objects fade when the player walks out of the room. The lights in the rooms are linked to these walls so when they fade, so does the light, which creates the cool effect that the room is still visible but sits in darkness now.
set up a parent planter object into which the player can plant seeds, and set up the basic code for those plants to grow and become harvestable
updated the inventory in this pixel art style, and implemented a few items I know will come up in the game
Containers and a revised trade system shouldn't take long, and same for the dialogue system - everything just needs new graphics, so for the most part it's artwork slowing down the progress.
Here are a few early screenshots.
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rooktko · 1 year
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aw0gamedev · 2 years
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Decor 🤌
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smokeyreeve · 2 years
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And lastly there’s this.  This was the first game in which i really developed a real artstyle for it and to this day i think a lot of it still looks good.  It was supposed to be some kind of point and click adventure i made with someone else directing me, however the development of this was a frankly painful experience that i’m glad i barely remember. Oh well, the screencaps look nice
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chinykian · 3 years
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Made grass sprites that sway as you walk past em'.
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