#garden progress
balkanradfem · 11 months
So I haven't made many garden updates because of my mental health, I went into survival mode for a bit, but now things are looking up, so I have things to share!
The garden has started producing zuchinnis monstrously, I've somehow managed to get more than 6 zuchinni plants which is a Mistake and I should have known better. I've ran out of ideas so I've been looking online for recipes and then I found this video, which I believe is the most sinful video ever created, if you're into women and wanting to get severely tempted then and only then watch this.
I've managed to get poisoned again, nobody is surprised, but this time I didn't do anything except eat food that was more than 24hrs old, I thought it would be fine, it didn't taste like it went completely bad, it was more like, on the edge. I think it happened because I put raw chives in it, and it was like, a blended soup, so maybe I just shouldn't do that. It took me 2 days to recover, I'm alright now.
The rest of the garden is doing so bad it's kinda funny, I haven't been taking care of it like usual, and I've found myself not having enough seeds of everything I've wanted, like green beans, peas, potatoes, so I've decided to plant what I have, only to get seeds, without actually eating those things. I also want to learn to grow potatoes and onions out of seeds, I've never done it before but I'm very excited at the prospect! My potatoes are not currently flowering but I saw a big field of potatoes and they all had flowers, so I'm planning to just sneak in there and steal a few potato fruits - nobody here is growing potatoes from seed anyway and the fruits are very poisonous. (I will not eat them don't worry).
I've gotten a decent harvest of garlic, I'm very happy with it! I got above expectations amount of chamomile, and I got gifted a whole lot of thyme. I'm in the process of drying strawberries for winter and I love how much I've got already. Next zuchinnis to get harvested will get dried too, and then finally, I'll dry cherry tomatoes as well. I can't wait to have a stash of dried goods again, they were invaluable last winter.
My tomatoes are looking pretty bad this summer, and that's not usually the case, I wonder if it's the bad weather, or I just haven't done enough fertilizing this year. I've gotten a few tiny ones from my balcony, where I'm having a few dwarf tomatoes grow, but they've also been doing bad, and they seem to be dying already. Peppers are still tiny little things and I only hope that eventually they start to grow properly. Beans, on the other hand, are doing great, they've taken their space and they're ruling their lands, climbing up to the skies and creating tons of produce. I'm checking every day to see when I can start a harvest, I would absolutely love some beans.
I feel like this year is a preparation more than a great gardening year; the beans will fertilize my soil, the lessons I've learned about planting in strawberry beds will help me do a better job next year, the tiny amount of green beans and peas I've planted will give me the seeds to plant big amounts next year, and if I learn to grow onions and potatoes from seed, the next year I will have more than enough, and I will have the knowledge to keep producing these things forever, without ever having to worry about seeds again.
If anyone has recipes for zuchinni that only require potatoes, flour, garlic and spices, I'd love to know! I have poisoned myself with soup so I have to hit the pause on that. Once I get tomatoes and peppers it will be pizza time!
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honeycombhank · 10 months
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I did it! finding materials with a very low budget took some time and picking out the plants and then deciding how I was going to display them was very satisfying in the end and worth every penny.
The rocks in the pots/ wire baskets and pictured here in the metal buckets- are ones I have collected from various hikes and beach trips, I am so excited to start using them in a creative manner around the garden!
I feel I am actually getting going on this peaceful setting and place of beauty. I want to create something unique and special in this small space we have.
So one goal has been brutally crushed already this month! Plants are hung on the fence and I am smiling!! Yay.
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knightofhylia · 11 months
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last year pollinator garden vs now
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earthdirtandlove · 2 years
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Banana peppers are coming along nicely. They have already grown and lost quite a few flowers, so banana peppers soon! Once the actual banana peppers get big enough, I plan on pickling them. Stay tuned!
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Earth, Dirt, and Love
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julochka365 · 1 year
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4/6.2023 (2) - the weekly garden progress picture
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felinefractious · 3 months
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🐱 Somali
📸 Ademi Turdieva [Winter Garden]
🎨 Blue Agouti
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bbeebles · 2 months
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(灬´ᴗ`灬)o 🍓🍰🍪🏠 some characters I designed based off of some super cute ceramic confectionery houses!
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potionbarrel · 3 months
not really fond of the cut off point for this one, but i wanted to get progress update 9 out in time for anniversary day! i'm STILL thinking abt this project and i really want to try and see it through!! community gardens i haven't forgotten about you....
happy 4th anniversary HLVRAI !!!!
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the-dead-of-wiinter · 8 months
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yoinked. beatrice will be having None of her friend’s self-deprecating anxiety. hush, fool.
Pilgrim Beast Wirt is from The Pilgrim’s Progress by @antares-8
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skuleighrose · 3 months
"...Bestow upon you chaos and mayhem..."
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she is hella in his lap and the rude person is interrupting >.<
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raenysart · 1 year
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meet Burning Gaze, the younger sister of Scorching Ray
she enjoys bothering her siblings and enforcing naps
The Dragon Garden
Scorching Ray | Burning Gaze | Calm Air | Dancing Lights | Tireless Pursuit (soon) | ???
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Good Rich Earth: A Science Fiction Retelling of "The Secret Garden"
Ever since Mary had become an orphan, all adults did was tell each other about her story.
"Raised practically by robots, the poor thing. On one of those military space stations. She's never stepped foot on a planet!"
They talked over her just as if she wasn't there. Mary hated it. But then, she'd gotten used to hating things. Earth had so many things to hate.
She hated the outside air that got too hot or too cold or too humid and couldn't be changed by flipping a switch. She hated the sky with its constantly-changing light levels. She hated the gray clouds that always seemed to hang low over the big stone house where she was supposed to live with her uncle. She hated the vast, barren lands with the short scrubby plants that were all that had managed to grow since the Disasters.
But she hated the echoing darkness of that big house most of all, and so she spent most of her days in the hateful outdoors, looking for something to do. Ben let her tag along sometimes as he tended to the grounds. He called himself a gardener, so naturally Mary asked what a garden was.
"Its where we grow plants on purpose," Ben said.
"Like hydroponics?"
Ben sneered. "Hydroponics!" He lifted a handful of dirt from the ground. "In good rich earth! None of those weak, wispy water-plants with no more nutrition in them than a wet rag!"
Mary couldn't get another word out of him after that--he was too busy muttering to himself about space stations and their unholy, unnatural ways.
But she kept wondering about gardens. She liked the word, liked the idea--having seen nothing similar in any space station.
"If only you'd been here when the mistress was alive," Martha said. "You'd have seen gardens enough then. Always tending to her plants, she was. Trying to bring back flowers what was lost in the Disasters."
But when the mistress was lost, so were her gardens--locked away and left to decay by the husband who couldn't bear to see the site of his wife's death. It seemed unfair to Mary--the one interesting thing on this planet had been abandoned, and now there was nothing left for her.
Or was there? The gardens weren't destroyed--just locked. And locks always had keys.
The search for that locked door became the sole pursuit that filled Mary's days. She searched every corner of the house, looked for cellars, searched among the outbuildings for anything that looked like the wall of a garden. As she searched, she found she noticed the wind and cold less--grew even to like it, as exercise kept her warm. She even found other things that, though they were not the door, proved to be worth finding. A stubby little plant with purple flowers that opened overnight. A stream of clear water from snowmelt. And--best of all--the robin.
He became a companion on her hunt, the little bird--a cheerful voice that flitted about and checked on her progress before returning to his little labors.
It was while following him one day that Mary found the garden. The robin, in his daily fluttering, perched atop a building that she'd passed by a thousand times, sitting on the very edge of the eaves. Then the robin twittered, stepped back--and disappeared, seeming to fall straight through the solid roof.
"Hologram," Ben explained later. "A protective field. Keeps the temperature beneath a bit more stable, lets in rain and birds for water and pest control, and keeps prying eyes from seeing what's inside. Mistress used it to protect her work--plenty of folks who'd steal a cutting and give it to the corporations."
At last! The lost garden!
But still no door. Mary spent days prowling around the walls, searching for an opening, and found nothing but solid brick.
Until one sunny day, when the robin landed on the ground at the base of the wall. As he folded his wings, one of them brushed the bricks, and Mary saw the faintest shimmer of light ripple across a section of the wall.
This, Mary recognized--EtherDoors were a fact of space station life. With the right key, the wall could become permeable enough to let a person through--no need for the extra space or machinery a door required.
The robin fluttered toward a short shrub and sang a cheerful song. As Mary's eyes followed him, she saw a patch of dirt beneath the branches--and suddenly realized that the rock she had seen there a thousand times was no rock at all.
Mary lifted the shining, convex piece of black metal--a simple piece hiding complicated electronics. She pressed it to the center of where the EtherDoor stood--and her hand went through the wall. With two more steps, the rest of Mary followed.
She found herself in paradise.
She had never seen so much green. It covered the ground, climbed the walls, twisted around posts. There were trees with flowers on their branches. Bushes with tiny lacy leaves. Rubbery green stems with silky red and yellow cup-shaped blossoms on top. Thousands of plants, tangled, matted and twisted together, but all alive, drawing food from the earth and reaching up, up, up toward the sun.
For the first time, Mary was truly on Earth, as it was supposed to be.
And she saw that it was magical.
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catharsim · 3 days
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Upgrades, people. Upgrades.
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hedgehog-moss · 2 years
Some small things that happened recently, other than the llamas’ shearing:
1. I traded a bottle of my freshly-made elderflower syrup (and some plum chutney from last summer) for a jar of wild peach jam and some homemade pâté, and the chickens went WILD over the latter. I gave them a tiny bit for a taste and then had to retreat to the kitchen to eat the rest because they kept jumping up and down trying to steal it
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2. I told the librarian a while ago that I was hoping to rehabilitate the former little pond in my pasture and she came over with her husband and daughter to give me a pond liner they had in their garage (they wanted to create a pond in their garden and procrastinated for 15 years basically.) A very nice gift!! But the highlight of their visit was when we went to the pasture to say hello to the baby llamas, and Pampelune fell in love with the librarian’s daughter. I’d never seen her like this! she just kept staring adoringly and asking for neck scritches and whispering sweet llama things in her ear.
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I replied to an ask the other day saying llamas aren’t really animals that enjoy being cuddled, but I guess I’d just never seen a llama with a crush.
3. My little vegetable patch is happy with this warm spring; the 2-year-old strawberry plants are going strong, and I’ve also got tomato flowers and male & female courgette flowers, so all is going according to plan.
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My one young raspberry plant valiantly produced two raspberries, which reminded me that I meant to plant more of them. I went to the agricultural store, and told them in passing that the persimmon sapling I bought from them last autumn is looking rather dead, and they gave me a few apology raspberry plants for free. I went home and discovered that the persimmon is actually making one very tiny bud! Now I feel like a con artist :( But look at this shy little thing (on the right), it’s so discreet...
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(left: girl courgette blossoms)
4. At the agri store I was invited to enter a raffle to win a 100-year-old olive tree. After filling up the little form with my name and phone number I was granted permission to take a second slip of paper and enter Pandolf’s name and phone number (I buy his kibble there so he is a valued customer). I hope he wins.
5. The sheep that are supposed to trim the grass around the store were napping in the shade, not a single one of them was working. I did not report them, because a sheep union representative came to touch my hand with its nose softly.
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6. I also bought (half of) a former wine barrel to use it as an additional trough for the animals—I wanted one near my house so I wouldn’t have to trek across half the pasture on winter mornings to go break the ice, and there are two rivulets there that made the ground muddy, so it was better to dig some channels and add some pipes and have them flow into something. Digging a hole for the barrel was as exhausting a task as ever (so many huge rocks!), I’m glad I’m done with the New Trough project. I also had to rinse the barrel and air it out for a few days because it very much smelled of bordeaux wine, but here it is now, using its transferrable skills to start a second career:
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I love hearing this new & very soft trickling water noise when I sit outside my house!
7. Pandolf, on our way home from the agri store, enjoyed the wind in his mane. (That’s it that the last piece of news.)
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earthdirtandlove · 1 year
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Hey Y'all,
I know I've been gone a while. but you know I got my garden started! I started a couple of tomatoes, peppers, and pumpkin seeds. The pumpkin grew so big, so fast, so I had to move it to its own big boy pot. I have a good start. I also have a couple more mature plants, so stay tuned!
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julochka365 · 1 year
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28/5.2023 (3) - the sunday greenhouse
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