#gareth hc
monsuplcopl · 1 year
gareth emerson sfw hc
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sorry if it's not perfect english is not my first language :)
-he treats his hair like shit, uses those 3 in 1 shampoo and detangle it with his fingers
-when he was younger he colected bottle caps
-now he makes pins out of them
-he has 2 younger sisters the younger does ballet and the middle one does martial arts (you can choose wich one)
-he is really good at cooking
-his mom teached him how to sew by hand and machine
-has definetly sewn something for their sisters
-helps the younger one sew the elastic on her ballet flats
-he can not dance gracefully evenif his life depends on it
-prefers to use his fingers as drum stiks and play along the rhythm
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qprstobin · 11 months
I want a Steve who genuinely doesn't want to play DnD because it's just not his thing! He enjoys watching and thinks some of it seems fun, but just isn't interested in the time commitment, or the math, or various other parts of it.
HOWEVER he does demand, like a child when they find out someone is writing a book, to be put in every single campaign as a random npc. He doesn't want to sit down for hours roleplaying, but he does want that seductress in the tavern to have good hair and be named Stevana.
And this isn't like, something the others don't know about, it's very obvious who it is each campaign. Sometimes Eddie even convinces Steve to do the voice for the character if it's a fun one and Steve isn't at work. Steve enjoys how much it both amuses and gets on various Hellfire members nerves, especially because his characters are always... Pretty out there.
Gareth and Jeff tend to be amused by Steve's characters, unless they are actively getting in their way and even then Jeff at least normally just finds them hilarious. Freak continues to want to study Steve like a bug. A crowd favorite for the CC members but a point of annoyance for the Party was the character that Steve pitched that was infatuated with that quest's main villain and would appear randomly just to say something really suggestive about the big bad, inconvenience them somehow even in a really minor way, and then dip. They were definitely supposed to be rescuing Stefano at one point but he was basically kidnapping himself at several points. Dustin is perpetually annoyed because Steve won't play with them for real, but he WILL play a random bimbo that starts them on a quest and enjoys flirting with the older members characters.
(Will and Lucas are... Maybe a little disappointed he's never flirted with their characters but also, Steve would never do that lol.)
Eddie is fine with it, he thinks this is a great compromise. He gets that Steve doesn't want to do hours long storytelling sessions, but this way he still gets to enjoy time with Steve doing one of his favorite things - creating characters and writing the most annoying stories possible. He loves that Steve is participating in even just a small way, and honestly only having him participate for a little bit at a time is better for Eddie's ability to stay on task anyway. He knows Steve wouldn't have fun being a player but he also knows Steve loves being a problem.
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wheatnoodle · 1 year
i hope s5 gives unnamed freak a name. that’s so fucked up of them. he’s in the show just as much as gareth and jeff and yet he’s the only one without a name?? even jason’s friend andy got a name! but here’s the one fat kid in the show that they aren’t going to even give a name and instead list as “unnamed freak”.
he has lines! and nobody, not even his supposed friends in the show, mention his name once. they said “let’s be body inclusive yet still show he’s not really a character!”
so, here’s some of my hcs for unnamed freak.
-his name is grant vanderburg
-he’s in the same grade as jeff and takes honors and ap courses for anything science and history
-grant sucks at math, but luckily that’s where jeff is great so he gets help from him at lunch sometimes
-he is the only person able to physically hold eddie down when he’s all wired up
-was on the wrestling team in middle school
-grant has a girlfriend named jessica who’s in the chess club and the mathletes and they’ve been dating since 7th grade
-he has an older sister, gwyneth, who’s 10 years older, married, and has two kids (he’s an uncle to his niece, 4, and his nephew, 3)
-grant’s dad passed when he was 2 while serving in the military so he has no memory of him and has been raised by a single mom
-his mom is AWESOME, she’s a chef at a restaurant up in indy so she’s constantly bringing home leftovers and sending grant to his friends with tupperware of home cooked meals
-grant was named after his dad and used to want to go into the army to follow him before he started to distrust the government come 8th grade
-his bass came from his grandfather on his dad’s side who, despite living across the country, would fly over and help out as much as he could when things got too much for beth (his mom)
-if music doesn’t work out, he’s considered being a pilot or going to work with his mom in the restaurant business
-he’s the friend that waits for you to tie your shoe while everyone else keeps going on ahead
-sometimes jessica will play a campaign with them and she crushes absolutely everyone involved
-he 100% has a pet lizard named henrietta and is allergic to dogs
-also has a peanut allergy
-he is just as important as the rest of his friend group
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I’m having a lot of thoughts about super protective Steve right now, but I’m also having a lot of writer’s block so I don’t have the energy to actually set the whole scene.
I need Billy and Steve delivering pizzas and snacks to The Party (including the Corroded Coffin guys) to wherever they’re holding their campaign. Maybe somewhere in the woods because it’s aesthetic and the weather is nice, like out by Castle Byers.
The kids are fine with Harringroveson for the most part by now, though a couple of them (namely Dustin) don’t always get along the best with Billy. He tries really hard so it’s getting better, but progress is slow. He’s still detested by the Corroded Coffin guys (namely Gareth).
I love the misunderstood character trope for some reason. I love the idea of other characters hating Billy’s image, the idea of him, but when they get to know him as more than the asshole jock they peg him as, they realize he isn’t all that bad.
Maybe Gareth makes one too many comments about not wanting Billy there. Calls him an asshole and provokes him with the intention of validating his own perception of the blond. Maybe even goes as far as to insinuate that the only reason Eddie or Steve are with him is because of his looks. Something mean that’s said in a teasing tone, but hits just as hard despite it.
Billy doesn’t react with white hot rage like everyone’s expecting. He turns away and walks through the woods back to the car with a look of shame on his face, and Steve immediately jogs to catch up with him, lacing their fingers together as they weave through the trees.
Eddie stands there anxiously, wondering if he should follow them or if it’ll overwhelm his already upset boyfriend. He turns back to the group and looks pointedly at Gareth. Not angry. Just disappointed.
Which some could argue is worse.
“C’mon, man,” he sighs, gesturing vaguely. “You couldn’t be cordial until they left? He didn’t even do anything.”
“Made ‘em leave faster, didn’t it?”
Gareth’s tone is less sure than before, because after all, he isn’t a malicious person at his core. He’s clearly at odds with himself about hurting Billy’s feelings — he didn’t even think it was something that could happen.
Eddie just shakes his head and sighs.
“Well, you’ve poked the bear, so now shit’s gonna get testy.”
“What, like—“ Gareth gulps and his eyes blow wide. “Like Hargrove’s gonna kick my ass or something?”
At the words, Eddie laughs. Crosses his arms and sobers when he hears twigs crunch in the distance, a set of footsteps approaching once again.
“Not Billy,” Eddie whispers.
As if on queue, Steve emerges from between the trees. His jaw is clenched and his shoulders are squared. He gets eyes on Gareth before anything else, which has him scurrying up out of his seat on the floor. Ready to bolt.
Steve stops beside Eddie. Shrugs his hand off of his shoulder when Eddie sets it there and points an accusatory finger at Gareth. The movement makes him flinch even though he’s still a handful of feet away.
“I dunno what your fucking problem is, but you don’t say shit like that about my boyfriend when I’m around, you hear me?” Steve seethes. He eyes Gareth up and down like he’s sizing him up before he simply tsks and shakes his head. “You can find your way home in the dark for all I care, so don’t bother asking for a ride when the game’s over.”
He stares until Gareth nods, at which point some of the rage relaxes out of him. Only slightly.
Then he turns to Eddie.
“Get on the radio when you’re done?” he says much more softly. “I’m gonna go ahead and take him home.”
“Is he alright?”
“Yeah, but you know how he is.”
Eddie nods and cracks a smile.
“Big ol’ softie.”
Steve mirrors his expression. Leans in for a quick kiss, then casts Gareth a final glare before he takes his leave.
Once he’s gone, Eddie huffs a laugh and intertwines his fingers over the back of his head.
“Jesus. Give him a while, he’ll get over it,” he dismisses. Glances over at Gareth, who looks about as startled as a mouse that’s been dropped into a snake pit. “Maybe.”
“I dunno, you could probably speed up the process by making Billy a cake or something.” When Gareth furrows his eyebrows, Eddie shrugs and laughs again. “I’ve never pissed Steve off that bad, but I have hurt Billy’s feelings before. My boy loves him some chocolate cake.”
There’s a beat of silence. Then two.
They wind up having to wrap the game up faster than they anticipated, because the nice weather becomes a drizzle which becomes a pour.
Steve goes against his word and gives Gareth a ride home.
The next day, he’s standing on their porch with a Tupperware container full of chocolate cupcakes that say srry 4 b-ing an a-hole in blue icing on top.
Billy immediately shoves one into his mouth and Steve reluctantly forgives Gareth, meanwhile Eddie is laughing his ass off because he didn’t really expect him to take his suggestion seriously.
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joansblondells · 2 years
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hellcheer + textposts (pt 3/?)
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grandwretch · 1 year
been thinking a lot about those hcs about steve bullying eddie and i'm pretty sure the math just does not check out on any level
like okay so first of all, steve absolutely would not be bullying someone older than him in his freshman and sophomore years, especially because in the way puberty hits teen boys, there is no way eddie wasn't probably taller and bigger than him in those years.
and like, yeah, he was more of an asshole in his junior year, but he was only a junior for four months before the demogorgon. so that means that everything you want steve to be responsible for vis a vis eddie's trauma has to be within that four months.
it's especially egregious when the only person we actually see steve bully is jonathan, who is a sophomore at the time. a sophomore who kicked steve's ass, btw. which probably means steve wasn't physically bullying seniors and escaping unscathed.
also it seems to be an equally popular trope that steve bullied gareth and gareth hates steve the most out of all eddie's friends, which is like... okay, gareth is, i think, a junior at the time of s4? which means he would have been a freshman in steve's junior year. which, yeah, sets him in steve's prime bullying demographic, but can i just remind everyone that steve wasn't even with that crowd for his entire first semester of junior year?
it seems incredibly unlikely that gareth got bullied by steve personally in fall '83 and then held on to that grudge for the rest of high school, especially after seeing firsthand steve's fall from popularity and then spending almost a whole year in school without him.
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When you wipe away their kiss
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Eddie: He'd probably laugh and say, "Hey what was that for?" Then, he'd follow up with a tickle attack if you refused to answer or because you admitted it was a joke. If you did actually answer, then he'd give you an over-the-top kiss as he dipped you dramatically as a sort of reward for your honesty.
Gareth: At first he’d probably be a little shocked but then he thinks he’d probably end up trying to get you back by wiping away one of the kisses you gave. He thinks that’d be a fun little game to continue with you. Maybe you’d start seeing who can get the most kisses. He thinks it’d be a fun little competition and try to make the other blush and smile.
Steve: He'd be pretty surprised, honestly but he'd just laugh it off. He knew that you were just joking with him, and he trusts that you love him, so in the end, it wouldn't really affect him too much. But it would definitely be a funny moment.
Robin: Would giggle and look surprised, but with a happy kind of surprise - then she would lean in for another kiss. "Don't play games with me," she says light-heartedly. "Just give me another one of your kisses and I'll be a happy girl." She would give you a kiss on the cheek and smile at you but if you wiped another off than she'll wait or make you give her one.
Nancy: Momentarily shocked at having her kiss so easily brushed to the side, her face flushes with embarrassment, then she would give you an equally playful shove, all while giggling sweetly. "You really shouldn't do that," she says, before kissing your cheek and ruffling your hair good-naturedly, still giggling the entire time.
Jonathan: would probably be one of amusement he could see it as an innocent, playful gesture and he would probably respond by leaning in for another kiss, with a smile on his face. If the situation was more serious, he might feel a bit hurt, as if you were rejecting his affection. In that case, he would probably feel the need to have a long sit-down conversation with you about your feelings toward each other and your expectations for your relationship.
Argyle: Would find it playful and teasing and wouldn't be offended by it. His cheeks would pinken, showing that he was excited by the flirtatious behavior. In response to your kiss being wiped away, he would laugh and try kissing you again, showing you it didn't deter him or upset him. He wasn't offended, so he didn't see your actions as wrong or too forward.
Billy: Would think you don’t want to kiss him so he would get all moody and walk away from you. He would then proceed to get a drink at the bar and drink away his sorrows by drinking.
Henry: Would respond with a playful pout, before returning the favor. "Oh, I see how it is! Don't start something you can't finish~" He'll say, a smirk spreading over his face, eyes dancing with mischief. He's not one to give up easily and won't be letting you have the advantage.
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goggles-mcgee · 2 years
Look I am weak for AU's
One AU I love for Steddie is Pirate AU and all I can think about is Eddie, captain of the ship Hellfire boarding a royal boat looking for treasures maybe a captive. He gets both!
He finds Prince Steve.
Eddie the Banished (who used to be a Prince who was accused of false crimes thus banished from his own kingdom) is just like: "You'll do Big Boy."
The crew is totally expecting Steve to start pleading for his life or to maybe try and convince them to take someone in his place but he just gets up and starts to get dressed with an excited smile because this was the first time he was allowed out of the kingdom and now he gets more adventure!
Steve: "Okay! Can I pack a bag? Is that allowed? How long do you think I'll be with you because I have to be honest, I will need to take my bathing supplies if you think it's going to be long."
Eddie who had been checking out the royal "assets": "Hm? Oh uh...yes? Yes you can bring a bag. Whatever you want Your Highness "
The crew is just staring at Eddie like, you useless gay, really now? As we're doing the job? But they know once Eddie's interests are piqued it's a done deal. Eddie's, and maybe some of the crew's hearts melt when Steve asks them for a favor.
Steve: "Can we please also bring my Personal Attendant? He is young and not like the other men in the castle. I fear if I were to leave him, the others would not be as kind to him as they are with me here, which if you ask me is not as kind as they could be. His name is Dustin, he should be in the quarters down below. Oh and also Robin, she is a Minstrel and I know if I were to leave her she would not make it back to the castle."
And like...how can they refuse? Like they are pirates but that does not make them bad people and the Prince seemed desperate and sincere so what the heck? They also kidnap Dustin and Robin along with Steve.
Steve when he sees Robin and Dustin on the Hellfire: "My friends!!"
Robin: "You had us kidnapped."
Steve: "Yes."
Dustin: "You are unbelievable!"
Steve: "Would you have preferred to stay on the ship with Thomas and all the others?"
Dustin and Robin grumbling but shaking their heads.
Steve: "Besides! Look at it this way, we get to go on a better adventure than visiting Prince Jason and convincing his father that continued trade with our kingdom is beneficial to us all."
Steve, Dustin and Robin really bond with the crew and Captain Eddie keeps "forgetting" to send out the ransom note everytime they port and pillage if that's what they decide. Eddie literally is head over heels for his little prince so fast it's not even funny, like he let's him sleep in his quarters, he makes sure he and his friends are well fed. He does not tie any of them up or put them in cells. He'll when he and Gareth were trying to make sense of a new treasure map they had gotten their hands on, that Dustin kid was the one who solved the first riddle for them. Now he, Robin and Steve were basically helping Eddie and his inner ring solve the map. Steve always said he had nothing to tribute to the group but it was his little thoughts and comments that really helped from time to time and he solved one of the riddles all on his own.
Basically Steve, Robin and Dustin get adopted by a pirate crew and just become pirates!
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bookshelf-dust · 2 years
gareth emerson headcanons
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gareth emerson x fem!reader. some headcanons are nsfw so this is 18+ (minors do not interact. go elsewhere. now.)
word count: 798
warnings: swearing, sexual scenarios, fluff
a/n: i have been on an unbelievable gareth kick lately. i kid you not, i want to throw up because he's so cute. it’s infuriating. <33
-i have been convinced by the rest of the void that gareth has sisters and i haven’t been the same since. in my head, there are two, and they’re younger, and he’s this sweet ass older brother.
-when his sisters see you with a braid in your hair when you're over one day, they want you to teach them how to do that. you’re more than happy to agree, but whisper to them, "maybe your brother will let you practice on his hair." it only makes the best sense, since you won’t always be there to help them. they are more than thrilled with the idea.
-gareth sees the three of you conspiring in the living room. “are you plotting my murder with a couple of children?” you burst out laughing and they patter over to reveal their master plan to him. “oh, she said that did she?” his eyes find yous over the top of their heads. “yeah, okay. you can practice on me whenever you want.”
-he swears constantly in front of them too, but will always turn around with a hurried, “don’t repeat that. you heard nothing. nothing, i tell you.”
-can and will fall asleep anywhere. if you're the one driving, gareth is going to sleep. do not count on having conversation with him, because he's already sliding down in the passenger seat, taking a little nap. it doesn’t matter if it’s the shittiest road known to man. he’s gonna sleep. one day you caught him slipping a small pillow in your glove compartment, and when you questioned his action, he shushed you and said, "for my naps. duh."
-pizza fiend. loves that shit. wants it way too often. you’re sitting on the couch with him and look over, asking “what do you want for dinner, baby?” and he turns his head, curls swaying, this dumb ass grin on his face. “we could go get pizza, baby.”
-if you shift because your back is tense, or your hip is starting to hurt, or your shoulder, anything--he's on it. "what’s wrong, princess? somethin’ hurtin'? want me to rub it?" he doesn't like for you to be in pain in any way.
-sometimes he forgets it's okay to buy himself something or do something for his own pleasure. whenever he's got extra cash, he wants to buy his siblings something, or even you, or just make sure he's got some money saved. so when there's a new album out, or a pin in the fifty cent bin at the record store that he likes, you have to remind him that it's okay to get himself something too.
-one time you had a slip-up, and called him "gare bear," but he liked it. you'd just gotten to his house, and let yourself in. "where's my gare bear?" you'd said, calling out since he wasn't in the living room, not really thinking about your words. like that, he appeared, poking his head out down the hall, smile on his face, cheeks pinked. "did you just call me 'gare bear'? holy shit, you're so in love with me." and he'd practically cackled.
-but the next time to called for him, asking, "gareth? can you bring me my notebook?" he'd shown up, notebook in hand, and pouted at you. "what happened to 'gare bear,' huh?"
-gareth can be a fucking tease sometimes. he'll slide up behind you and start rubbing his hands up and down your sides, your hips, start pressing hot kisses to your neck, tongue meeting your skin every few seconds. or maybe you're in bed, lying on your back reading, and he shows up, straddles your thighs, and starts doing the same thing. touching you. kissing wherever there is skin exposed. and then he'll leave. he'll hop up and go back to whatever he was doing. leaving you there, a smile on his face and lips all swollen from loving on you.
-his resting face tends to make him look like a grump. he once told you that people used to pick on him for looking so mean all the time, but you fixed that. you’d squished your hands against his cheeks, proclaiming, “you’re my grump.”
-likes to be told he’s pretty. you were the first person who said so, and he blushes every time you point it out. because he is so so pretty. maybe he picks you up for school. “mornin’ pretty boy.” he’s smiling and stifling a giggle. maybe he’s sitting on the couch and you’re running your hands up his tummy, his thighs, and he shivers. “feel good, pretty boy?” he groans. “y—yeah, yeah. shit.” and he slaps his hand against the armrest, finding it hard to believe that the nickname makes him feel so loved and so hot all over at once.
please let me know if you liked this! feedback is always appreciated!! comments and reblogs mean more than you know. <33
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navnae · 1 year
A Good Time (18+)
Parings: Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson ft. Gareth and Jeff
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: smut, gangbang, blowjobs, it’s smutty that’s all
Summary: Steve pleases Eddie and his friends like the good boyfriend he is.
Steve gets gangbanged by Eddie and his friends
Steve always brought out snacks when Eddie’s friends came over to his house and it was like that for awhile. He would place them on the table where it was easy for everyone to access then he would leave swiftly trying not to be a clingy boyfriend around Eddie’s friends. Overtime Steve started to notice a change when he would enter the room from all the guys especially Eddie. At first Steve thought he was doing something wrong and his initial reaction was to get out the way as fast as possible.
“Hey, come join us.” Eddie said while waving his hand towards himself. Steve didn’t think much of it at first and he was actually pretty excited. He made his way towards Eddie who was sitting on the couch with a smirk on his face. Steve gasped when Eddie pulled him down onto his lap and started to kiss him. The sudden action caught Steve off guard since they weren’t alone and Eddie was rubbing over all the spots that made Steve release the most embarrassing noises. The kiss deepened as Eddie licked the inside of Steve’s mouth making him moan in between the kisses. His cock throbbed against his jeans and his whines started to fill the room. Eddie kissed along Steve’s jaw while slowly making his way to his neck making sure to leave marks.
“E-Eddie we’re not alone.” Steve breathed against Eddie’s ear. His body became hot as he thought about Eddie’s friends watching them. Eddie let out a small chuckle as he continued to place kisses on Steve’s neck.
“Don’t be shy baby, they like watching you.” Eddie made Steve face his friends and they were jerking themselves off as they looked at Steve. Their eyes were dark like something came over them. Steve was a blushing mess when he saw the precum leaking out of their cocks and they stroked themselves faster when they locked eyes with him. Eddie noticed the way Steve looked eager as he watched his friends get off to him and his thoughts started to run wild. He grabbed Steve by his waist to lay him on his back.
“You’re such an attention whore. Already wet from nothing, I think me and the boys should teach you a lesson.” Eddie looked at his friends and they rushed over to the couch. Steve looked up at all three of them with innocent eyes even when their hard cocks were out of their pants waiting to be tended to.
“Eddie I can’t take it anymore. He wants to get fucked so badly just look at him.” Gareth was the one who spoke up. Eddie laughed at his friend’s bluntness and started to tug at Steve’s shirt. Steve didn’t need Eddie to say anything his shirt was already on the floor along with his pants leaving him exposed for all of the to see. He tried to cover up with his hands but Eddie pulled his hands away with a hard grip around his wrist.
“Come on baby boy, show us your pretty pink hole. You’re already so good for us.” Eddie said before placing a kiss on Steve’s forehead to reassure hm that everything was alright. Steve opened his legs wide and the cool air hit his entrance making him clench around nothing. He let out a moan when he felt a finger press against his hole softly, Steve looked up to see Jeff fingering him. Steve bucked his hips into nothing wanting to feel more of Jeff’s fingers inside him. Eddie rubbed his thumb over Steve’s slit that was covered in precum.
“I think he likes you Jeff.” Eddie joked as he continued to rub Steve’s tip. Steve cried at the feeling of Jeff’s fingers being removed. Gareth positioned himself between Steve’s legs and pushed them far enough to where they were touching his chest. His hole was met with something wet slipping inside him with ease. Steve arched his back from off the couch as Gareth’s tongue licked his rim and pushing it as far as he could inside Steve. He grabbed a hand full of Gareth’s hair to keep him in place as he thrusted his body toward his tongue.
“I can’t-“ Steve whined as he felt his cock stiffen against his stomach. He clenched around Gareth’s tongue tightly and his breathing became uneven at the feeling inside him. Jeff started to stroke Steve’s cock roughly before putting all of him into his mouth while letting it hit the back of his throat. Steve felt tears in his eyes from the amount of pleasure he was feeling from both ends and it was all too intense.
“My perfect baby boy letting my friends take care of you. You’re so fucking pretty just for us.” Eddie spoke softly. He leaned down to kiss a breathless Steve whose words were choppy moans that he couldn’t control. Steve tugged at Jeff’s hair and thrusted his hips while kissing Eddie passionately as he pulled Steve’s hair in the process. The hot streams of tears fell down Steve’s face as the tight feeling in his stomach tightened.
Gareth put a tight grip on Steve’s legs forcing him to stay in place even when they started to shake above his head. Jeff sucked on his tip making it sensitive and he swirled his tongue over his slit slowly before placing small kisses on the head. Steve couldn’t stop his moans that escaped his mouth even when Eddie would capture his lips with his own. Eddie ended up taking one of Steve’s nipples into his mouth and sucked the small nub tenderly. Steve tugged at Eddie’s hair as he panted with tears staining his red cheeks and his lips were swollen from the kissing that him and Eddie did previously.
“Eddie please.” Steve cried out as he came inside of Jeff’s mouth. He pulled away with a line of spit coming from the tip of Steve’s cock. Eddie smirked at Steve when he parted his lips slightly to catch his breath but it came out as small whines instead. Gareth was still licking his hole letting all the spit build up and drip into him. Steve weakly ran his fingers through Gareth’s hair trying to push him away from the already overstimulated area. Every lick made Steve’s cock twitch with pain while it formed a small patch of precum.
“I didn’t know you were so sensitive baby boy. You’re little cock is already wet again.” Eddie cooed at Steve as he wrapped his hand around Steve’s limp cock and started to stroke it. Steve let his tears fall again when felt his cock pump out a little bit of cum that was left in his body. Gareth pulled away before giving Steve’s hole one last lick. He wiped his mouth with his arm as he came up from in between Steve’s legs.
“You’re a lucky man.” Gareth said to Eddie as he put his cock in his hand and stroked himself. Jeff followed his league then placed his cock in his hand.
“He sure is.” Jeff smiled at Eddie mischievously. They stroked themselves over Steve’s body at a fast pace trying to cover them with their cum. Eddie was last to pull out his cock and he stood in front of Steve’s face as he stoked it. Steve didn’t realize he liked being the center of attention this much but being the reason why Eddie and his friends came was an amazing feeling.
“There goes my pretty baby, we’re going to cover you with our cum. Do you like that baby?” Eddie said lowly. Steve nodded his head and prepared himself to be covered with the hot substance that was coming from the three men in front of him. They let their cocks slip in and out of their hands quickly bracing themselves to cum onto Steve’s body.
“Fuck.” Eddie moaned as he came onto Steve’s face and his friends coming right after making cum splatter all over his body. Steve blushed at the hot feeling on his stomach it was a weird but he liked it. Eddie placed a kiss on Steve’s lips earning a small moan from Steve who was completely wrecked from the moments that happened prior. “You were such a good boy for me and friends. How about we get cleaned up, hmm?”
“I’d liked that.” Steve whispered softly and kissed Eddie again before getting up off the couch.
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nburkhardt · 1 year
A year before Robin meets Steve at Starcourt and Scoops Ahoy, Robin’s dad marries Gareth’s mom. Making them step-siblings. They get along despite the differences in music taste and that Robin’s a different type of nerd compared to Gareth.
The day Robin finds out Steve is her co-worker, she complains about it to Gareth and they bitch and gossip about “King Steve” until they’re called for dinner. They keep up that routine even after Robin admits Steve isn’t that terrible and kinda nice, actually. Gareth doesn’t quite believe her and he never calls her out on it because despite living in the same house for a year now, they aren’t close enough to call each other out on things like crushes.
It isn’t until after Starcourt burns to the ground that Gareth actually meets Steve officially. He hates himself, but he ends up getting along with the guy. Gareth sees first hand how codependent and attached Robin and Steve are. Like, attached at the hip, can finish each other’s sentences, and just know what the other is feeling type of attached.
He’s heard Robin screaming at night, woke up to her scrambling to the phone and then crying into the phone and then next morning, finds Steve and her wrapped up together on the couch. Luckily their parents are ok with it, had told him that “they went through something traumatic together, Gareth.” That was that, and afterwards Steve was in his life near daily.
It wasn’t until a few weeks of watching them together and also actually participating in conversation with Steve, that Gareth actually asks if they were dating. He gets his answer by twin gagging and then laughter.
“Platonic soulmates, with a captain P!” Robin had shouted out while Steve was too busy laughing that he nearly fall over.
*doesn’t want to write out a full backstory for a character that had like three lines, but I went and wrote this on Dec 22 🥴*
This came to be because of this post I made. Thought it could make it easier to incorporate Gareth into the story line, or get steddie to meet faster lol either way. Anyway, I wanted something on a happier note been reading angsty fics (and working on my own fic lol)
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qprstobin · 1 year
Maybe it's just the jock in me, but I think about Steddie going to the gym soooo much. For a lot of different reasons lmao. Part of it is that I think it's a great place for Eddie to thirst and be confused at how homoerotic so many of the rituals around the gym are, but also because there's a lot of humor in Eddie going to the gym.
He has a lot of energy, and we know he has some muscle, likely just from day to day activity, mechanics, band equipment, etc. He seems like he would enjoy being outdoors, and hiking or exploring. Something that is a work out but doesn't feel like one if you do it right. Despite all that, he absolutely has the vibe of someone who hated gym class (which, same), and probably would claim to hate working out/doing physical activity.
I just know that when Steve finally convinces him to go to the gym with him, Eddie would be SO MAD at how much he loves it and how great it makes him feel. He is absolutely that post that is like "you mean regular exercise is good for you and makes you feel good???? is good for your mental health??"
He feels lied to, he feels cheated. Maybe he should've expected this, now that he's dating a jock, but he thought that his jock was an exception. He hates jocks. What is happening to him.
Of course part of it is just that it's not gym class, which is not good at catering to any demographic other than "generally athletic and doing a school sport". Another part is that Steve is very big on making sure he doesn't hurt himself, and making sure that why he lifts and shit are at the level he is actually at. Steve would not allow him to overwork himself. He likes that he looks after him and likes that they are able to do something together that aligns with Steve's interests and not the nerd herd's.
It becomes a great way for them to spend time together in public, and it's extra fun when Robin comes along, or when they manage convince one of the others to join them.
The funniest part would be how much his friends would heckle him for it though. It's all affectionate, but Gareth every practice makes a joke about how he knows how Luke Skywalker feels, now that his "father" has betrayed him. Lucas is smug every time he shows up for a session with Steve, and Eddie is there too. it takes a lot for Eddie to remind himself he can't fight a toddler.
(He refuses to admit that he knows Lucas would win.)
The worst though, as @starsvs brought up, is that Steve would look at Eddie, who loves the outdoors, is good at staying hydrated for dnd/the band, and is now working out regularly? And go "babe I think you're a jock now" and Eddie would lose. his. shit.
Eddie genuinely takes a moment to consider if this is what is going to cause him to dump his boyfriend, because he better take that slander back right the fuck now. Eddie? A jock? The very antithesis of everything he stands for? The sheer dramatics that statement causes is enough to keep Steve laughing for weeks. Eddie would grumble and bitch for days, laying on the floor complaining about him!! being called a jock!!! Wayne is just calmly sipping his coffee and watching his boy go on and on, because its certainly more entertaining than anything on day time tv.
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fvcking-panda · 1 year
Here's the thing:
Gareth is not canonically short, in fact, the actor who plays Gareth is actually around the same height than Noah Schnapp, both are in the average height.
BUT he looks smaller besides the Corroded Coffin members and that’s why everyone thought that Gwydion was short, but he’s kinda not, just has the bad luck to have a lot of giant co workers 💀
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shylemon0 · 2 years
Gareth Dating an Artist!Reader Would include (Headcanons)
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(Gn) ———
· You two met through Eddie being that the both of you get treated like outcasts the first years of high school, both being in hellfire and getting closer after you joined the friend group
· You just sitting and drawing in your sketchbook listening to him and the rest of his band practicing, maybe ending up in a couple of sketches of the entire band and multiple pages of only Gareth playing the drums · Making custom Dice an miniatures for your dnd campaigns and everyone loving the style your miniatures have and constantly complimenting them
· Him finding it cute whenever your face and clothes are covered in paint after painting for a whole day · Sitting next to each other while you draw and him leaning his head on your shoulder to watch you draw/doodle
· You’ve made him a pair of custom handmade drumsticks as a birthday present, also just stealing his regular ones to paint and draw on, he fucking loves it, he’s always showing them off to his band and any other person that’ll listen because he’s so proud of them · You two could spend hours talking about your interests and hobbies 
· Whenever he decides to annoy you when you’re painting he’ll end up with some pain on his face as you jab your paintbrush at him to shush him away · He just genuinely loves you and your art and won’t stop complimenting it and showing your art off since he’s so proud to be the boyfriend of someone so creative 
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joansblondells · 2 years
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hellcheer + textposts (pt 8/?)
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sp0o0kylights · 1 year
Ya’ll ever write a sentence, reread it and go “Yeah I absolutely need to go to bed.” because; 
“I know what the secret ingredient in these is.” He added one more cookie later.
“Oh?” Steve said, a flicker of his old self coming through. “Share your guess with the class.” 
Gareth stared at Harrington dead in the ass. “Cocaine.” He deadpanned, before taking a massive bite.
I meant eyes. Gareth stared at him dead in the EYES. 
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