#geralt/dandelion fanfic
killrisma · 11 months
“you know what, fuck it *has unprompted passionate first kiss*”
has gotta be one of the tropes of all time
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tumblr loves Jaskier the way Geralt should.
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Prompt 14
Jaskier is sure Geralt ignores most of what he says. That is, until Geralt leaves his journal behind when he goes to hunt one day. Jaskier trips on it and goes to put it in his pack, light-heartedly muttering to Roach about how much of a slob that man is, before seeing his name plastered all over the page. He takes a deep breath and prepares himself to read a page filled with nothing but insults and a rant of how annoying Jaskier must be, only to find out the journal is filled with paragraph after paragraph of loving descriptions and insights into everything Jaskier speaks or sings about, including the occasional highly-detailed sketch of him, made with love. Jaskier reads page after page after page after page after page, and only stops when interrupted by Geralt's shocked intake of breath as he comes back to camp.
Pre-Prompt fic that ticks some of the boxes was found by @merthurmagic! It focuses on the drawing part, but it's very sweet! It involves getting together, and the kaer morhen boys! I'm not a personal fan of the way dialogue is written, with angle brackets instead of quotation marks, but it's still a good read!
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write-ur-wrongs · 7 months
In an attempt to get out of funk, here is a very short, not edited, written-directly-into-tumblr, song-inspired grealt x reader fic. Inspired by Stayaway by MUNA (the best band in the world, begging y'all to listen to their music you will be forever changed!!).
"Come on! I know you're home, I followed you!"
The bard was yelling and banging on your door incessantly and you knew you had to answer eventually. The bastard followed you home after all, he knows where you live.
"I'm not home!" you shouted back, delusional.
"Y/N! I may be a fool but I'm not stupid," he replied, and you could hear the familiar smile pulling at his lips, "Now open up! The door and your heart!"
"Jask," you sighed, laughing despite yourself at his poetic antics, "go away!"
"No! I miss you!"
"I'm not home!" you tried again, will wavering.
"Y/N!" he pleaded, and you swore you could hear half that cursed smile pull down into a pout.
You rested your forehead against the door and bit your lip, debating. All the while, your hand betrayed you, reached for the doorknob and turned it open.
Before you knew it, you were face to face with an old friend and while the sight of him filled you with joy, you were also flooded with other, less welcome feelings of remembrance.
"Y/N!" he exclaimed, pushing himself into your home and saving you from dwelling on the heavy memories that tried to creep up over you. "You're home, what are the odds?"
"Hilarious as always, Jaskier," you said, closing the door behind him. "What brings you to my little hamlet?"
"Fate, chance, what have you," he said, his cheery demeanor working overtime to cover for his abject curiosity, "The sea called and I had to answer. You know how it is."
"I do, do I?"
"Don't you? I mean you just disappeared... I assumed something called and you, you know, answered?" His tone stayed light, the practiced levity of someone who's spent years buttering people up for information all while staying neutral.
"I guess..." you bit your cheek, busying yourself by playing hostess, and pouring you both a glass of wine, "things changed and I thought, 'hell, why not change too?'"
"Fair enough... oh thank you."
"Of course," you said, taking a sip of wine yourself before guiding you both towards your couch, "but seriously Jaskier, why are you here?"
"Seriously? I was just passing through on my way to Oxenfurt when I saw a familiar face. A face I thought I'd never see again..."
You looked up from your glass then, but immediately regretted it when you met the bard's earnest gaze.
"Yennefer thought she saw you in Novigrad a while back but then... nothing. We thought you were gone for good."
"Jaskier, come on," you pleaded, praying he wouldn't elaborate on who 'we' entailed, while another, less disciplined part of you hoped for the opposite. Maybe if you knew he missed you, maybe if you knew he was looking for you... maybe you could let yourself be found.
"Don't shake your head at me, Y/N. You disappear from the city, you quit your job, no one has seen you at the pub, the library - anywhere!"
"I- I know... but Jask," you stammered, trying to start three sentences at once and fumbling them all.
"I mean, you loved your job, didn't you? And what about us?" he asked, voice cracking slightly. "Gods, was the breakup that bad?"
"The thing is, Jask," you sputtered between large sips of wine, "It wasn't. It was easy, actually. He did what he always does when we fight; scowl, shut down, turn away, and then take it out on our friends. The break was clean."
"If it was so clean, then why did you leave?"
"It's the rest of it! The, the staying away that was, is impossible. If I had stayed and kept going it out with you guys, we'd drink and dance and I'd wonder where he is. Or one moment I'd be at the library studying and the next, Yen be asking me about the breakup and trying to 'cheer' me up by bringing up the good times and next thing you know? I'm answering the door for him when he rolls back into town injured and brooding. I couldn't stand it! I- I couldn't risk it."
"That's -"
"Pathetic? I know."
"No! No, but if there were so many good times, so many reasons to go back then why not-"
"Damn it, Jaskier! This is why I had to leave." You said, gesturing between the two of you before dropping your hand on your lap with a smack. "If I let him back in, then he's not the man who broke my heart anymore. Not the one who told me I was overemotional for being worried when he'd disappear for months. Suddenly everything is fine... until it's not and I'm hurt and alone again."
You felt tears begin to prick the back of your eyes and shoved the heel of your palms into them to force them down.
"Hey... Y/N," Jaskier said, gently pulling your hands away from your eyes and taking them in his. "I'm sorry, I didn't know..."
"It's okay," you said, giving your friends hands a squeeze and looking up to the ceiling, letting your tears fall for a moment, "I'm okay."
"Oh alright, but I'll be okay," you amended, laughing at yourself lightly and wiping the tears away. "Jaskier, don't look so sad. I just need time, space, distance... I will be fine."
Your words had little effect on your friend though, who seemed to grow more anxious and sad with every passing moment. You quirked your brow at him and shoved his shoulder playfully, trying to break the mood.
"Jaskier, will you relax?" you asked, desperate to get him to smile now. You really had missed Jaskier and now that he was here, you realized how much you wanted him to stick around.
"Y/N, I'm really sorry." He whispered, refusing to meet your gaze.
You were about to try another lighthearted quip when you heard a knock at your door. Not someone knocking, just a knock. One quick but deliberate rap.
"Who...?" you heard yourself asking, even though you only ever knew one person who knocked on doors like that.
"Y/N, I'm so so sorry," Jaskier kept repeating. "I really didn't know. I never would have told him if I'd known."
Your mouth was bone dry but you couldn't get your hand to reach for your glass of wine. You just kept staring at Jaskier, watching him babble.
"I'll go tell him to leave, Y/N, I'm so sorry," you heard him say, his voice barely registering over the ringing in your ears.
You felt him get up off the couch, your blurred vision registering the now empty spot on the couch only after you heard your door be pulled open.
Every fiber of your being was on fire. You were frozen. You wanted to throw yourself on the floor. You wanted to run to him.
"Y/N..." you heard him say. Fuck he sounded sad. You wanted to hold him, tell him it'll be okay. You wanted to slam the door in his face. You forgive him. You'll never forgive yourself.
Against your better judgement, you felt yourself to turn look towards the front door and your breath caught when you saw him.
Gods above, you thought, he should have stayed away.
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fangirleaconmigo · 3 months
Folks, friends, so I got an ask a long time ago from my dear panur which is a prompt for book boys Geralt and Dandelion getting it on after Geralt is turned away from a brothel.
I ask for prompts because I'm like, oh, I'll get practice writing something fast and short.
But guys, I can literally never do that. I've been working on this thing for months.
And I really actually like it and I think you will too (I hope anyway lol). I'm excited to share it. Hopefully today or tomorrow. Putting some finishing touches.
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bluedillylee · 1 year
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Fanart for Sunlight and Seafoam
 “I had a contract between a human and mermaid lover once,” said Geralt. “It wasn’t a bit like that stupid song. Or maybe exactly like it, given how well it turned out. But it was anything but ‘romantic’.”
 “What happened?” both Essi and Dandelion demanded at once, making Geralt wish he hadn’t said a thing. Essi had the calculating look of someone who was eager to start composing whatever he foolishly said, and Dandelion had half-pulled himself into Geralt’s now-soaked lap in his eagerness to get the witcher to speak. It was very distracting.”
This is more book focused with Dandelion instead of Jaskier. Don’t let that stop you if you’ve only seen the tv show because this story is fantastic. I love it and have gone back for several re-reads already
also posted on Ao3
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bluewritinghood · 11 months
Witcher! Watch out for that tree!
“You didn’t have to throw that guy through a table you know.” Jaskier says absentmindedly plucking at his lute as he walks beside Geralt down the dusty path.
“He was being an ass.” Geralt reminds him.
“Yes, well it did get us kicked out of the inn though so maybe not worth it?” Jaskier says still plucking at his lute more than likely trying to subconsciously perfect a tune that would soon make an appearance in one of his latest songs.
“He called you a cocksucking bastard.” Geralt reminds him gruffly. “I wasn’t going to let it go.”
“I mean it’s not the worst thing I’ve ever been called I could give you a whole list of insults a mile long that’s been hurled at me this year alone and never repeat the same one twice.” Jaskier laughs at his own expense.
Geralt offers an irritated grunt by way of reply.
“I mean it wasn’t even really an insult since it’s true, I mean half of it at least.” Jaskier says tuning his lute slightly.
“You were an illegitimate child?” Geralt asks surprised.
“Oh gods no. No matter how much my father would like to claim otherwise, I meant the first part. You didn’t know I was Bisexual?” Jaskier asks sounding genuinely surprised.
Geralt doesn’t answer, doesn’t say anything at all, doesn’t look away from Jaskier even as they approach an enormous tree in the road. But surely Geralt couldn’t miss it, its trunk was wider than his shoulders for heaven’s sake.
Geralt runs smack into the tree with a dull ‘Thunk’ stumbling backward.
“Good gods Geralt are you alright?!” Jaskier says jogging the few steps he had fallen behind Geralt to catch up with him and check on him. “How in the world did you miss that tree?”
“You’re into men?” Geralt asks instead of answering the question.
“Yes, I thought that was painfully obvious. Don’t tell me that’s why you ran into the tree it’s honestly not that surprising. I mean I’m kinda fruity.” Jaskier says with a laugh.
Geralt just stares at Jaskier until his smile fades.
“You’re not opposed to that sort of thing are you?” Jaskier asks suddenly a little worried that this of all the things might be what ends their friendship.
Geralt is a silent as a stone for a few minutes leaving Jaskier to wonder what exactly he would say if he ever said anything at all.
“No.” Geralt finally grunts out relieving Jaskier of his fears.
“Well that’s a relief.” Jaskier says with a nervous chuckle.
Geralt continues to stare at him until Jaskier finally asks. “What exactly is the problem then?”
Geralt finally stops looking at him only to start looking anywhere but at him. “I’m in love with you.” He mumbles.
“I’m sorry come again?” Jaskier guffaws. “Because I thought a certain sorceress occupied that stony heart of yours.”
Geralt shakes his head reverting back to his normal taciturn state.
“You’re telling me I’ve had a chance with you all this time and you’re just telling me now?” Jaskier asks voice raising an octave.
Geralt finally seems to get the message that his feelings are reciprocated because the next thing Jaskier knows he’s being pushed up against the tree and Geralt is kissing him.
Ao3 link to this story.
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New Alternate Universe Fanfiction idea:
Pretzel Shop
This is for the Witcher fandom specifically
Jaskier is the owner of the pretzel shop
It’s called Pankratzels
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nezmar13 · 10 months
Hold on Tightly
Geralt x Jaskier FANART
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Some nights Jaskier pushes Geralt back, silences his protests with a searing kiss and then just leans back, taking all of the witcher´s length in him.
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For the @flashfictionfridayofficial prompt an eternal summer
His summer
Fandom: The Witcher
Ship: Geralt x Jaskier
Rating: Gen
Tags: feelings realisation
He doesn't want this summer to end.
Not that it had been any different from previous summers. It's still the two of them camping under the stars, the same as ever.
But something in Geralt has shifted. Something he can't explain.
He'd stopped grumbling whenever the bard sang, strumming his lute into the late hours of night.
He didn't complain when Jaskier grabbed a comb and teased out the knots in his hair, carefully braiding it down his back.
He even let the troubadour steal his food, wear his clothes and use his bags to bring along whatever unnecessary items he wanted to.
When Geralt glances up from poking the fire to look at Jaskier, he can feel a smile tugging at his lips.
The bard was screwing his face up, hand scratching his head while he pondered the lyrics for his next song.
The years had been kind to the bard. His features are still soft and full of youth despite the wilderness they frequent.
His eyes shine bright, day or night, but Geralt prefers seeing them right now, across a campfire when they flash at him, piercing and demanding.
"What are you thinking, my dear witcher," Jaskier purrs, setting his quill and notebook down on the log.
Geralt's eyes dart down, flickering back to the fire. That smile on his face threatens to spill out across his lips.
He can feel Jaskier walk around, coming up behind him. His knees drop, perching onto the edge of the stone that Geralt is sitting on. 
Jaskier's arms wrap around his neck.
"What's on your mind, love?" he whispers in his ear.
"Nothing," Geralt lies, like he always does.
Jaskier hums in a low voice, a mockery of all the times Geralt made that noise, clearly making a point.
In response, Geralt leans his head against Jaskier's. He wants to turn his head, to kiss him, but he doesn't move.
He can't lose this. These moments they have. He wants more, Melitele, how badly he wants more, but he's never had more. He won't push it.
"I was thinking, it's such a nice night, maybe we can put out bedrolls together and watch the stars after dinner."
Geralt nods his head, then feels his breath hitch as Jaskier brings his lips up to his cheek and places the softest peck against him.
Then he's gone, leaving him to go back to compose while Geralt cooks the rabbit.
He never wants this to end, and yet, as the summer leaves start to turn, he knows it will have to.
His heart aches in his chest at the thought of a winter without him, his bard, his companion, his shadow.
His love.
The thought crashes through him. That's the word. That's what Jaskier means to him: love.
He stands up, dropping his stick, and walks over to Jaskier.
The dirt beneath his feet crunches, but he doesn't hear it for the thumping of his blood pumping around his body.
He feels warm in a way he's never experienced, not even in the throes of passion with Yennefer, or at a brothel.
His fingers twitch, his body feeling heavy with each step.
Jaskier isn't even looking at him, furiously writing down words onto a page. Geralt's never looks at what he writes, but he likes the way he sprawls black ink across the pages.
He steps forward, his leg hitting Jaskier's knee.
There's a huff of protest from Jaskier for a second, then he's looking up at him with narrowed eyes.
The argument is over before it begins, because Geralt reaches out with his hands, cupping his face with one and holding onto his bicep with another, and then Jaskier is rising to meet him.
Those blue eyes sparkle in confusion. They dart back and forth, up and down, as if Geralt's expression will reveal the secret.
Geralt feels breathless, like the air is thin. He moves his other hand up Jaskier's arm, sliding up and behind his neck.
The bard's lips are parted, tempting Geralt to taste them. Jaskier peers up at him, blinking.
There's a brief pause, a moment while Geralt tries to commit this to memory.
Then he leans forward, bringing their lips together.
Jaskier whimpers at the touch, barely responding, then suddenly his hands clutch onto Geralt's shirt, pulling hard.
Their lips slide together, soft and tender. The taste of plum wine that Jaskier drank earlier while they were in town fills Geralt's senses.
This is the perfect moment, something that should never end.
Yet Jaskier pulls back, gasping for air for a second.
Those eyes shine, like they always do, and Jaskier bites his lips playfully, leaning his forehead against Geralt's.
"I have to ask something, Geralt, or I'm going to explode. And, please, I need you to answer me. How long have you wanted to do that?"
"Just…a while," he admits, giving a small shrug.
Jaskier splutters, slapping his arm. It doesn't hurt one bit.
"You…okay, fine. Tell me later. I just need you to kiss me again."
Their lips meet again, sending tingles of pleasure through Geralt. He feels himself melt into it, knowing deep in his bones that this is where he wants to be forever.
This right here is all he needs. Jaskier, his bard, his love, is his eternal summer.
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uglylaugher · 10 months
Hear me out...
-fanfic idea Yennefer x Tissaia !! 💯
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Imagine this; Yennefer has the actual voice of an angel.No one really knows she can sing except for maybe Triss,Jaskier,Ciri and Geralt.She likes to keep it that way,having a reputation to maintain and blah blah blah.
BUT.. one morning she's geen given an invitation to attend a ball at Aretuza,courtesies of Tissaia.She reluctantly goes along with Jaskier who's ofc no doubt the entertainment for the night.
We all know what'll happen,tipsy as she is,she eventually agrees to sing along to Jaskier's song Her Sweet Kiss.BAM! revealing to the entire room she has a voice.Then literally Tissaia just completely mind blown;falling head over heals for her. ( You Carry On From There ! )
Listen to the song : The Closest Thing To Crazy - imagine Yen singing that!!
NB!! you don't need to create a story exactly like this, change it up to however you want it.
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Jaskier fidgeting with his burnt finger hurts so badly
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Prompt 20
Jaskier is wasted. Absolutely shitfaced. Drunk as a
s k u n k.
Geralt is exasperated, but he can't be too mad at Jaskier. Jaskier's been acting kind of sad recently. Maybe he's working through another breakup. Geralt can be concerned, but he's not angry. He'll just roll his eyes a little and drag his drunk bard to their room and make sure he passes out on the bed and not the floor. Except drunk Jaskier has quite a lot to tell this mysterious new man who came and brought him to his room. Does this man know Geralt? He's sharing this room with Geralt, did you know, mysterious man? Oh yes, dear old Geralt, his bestest friend in the world... He's also MADLY in love with him. Terribly so. Hasn't had a fling in months, not that Geralt has noticed. (And shit.. He hadn't.) Jaskier is just so stuck on Geralt. Has been for years, but lately it's gotten so bad he can't even fuck around or flirt too much without just feeling... sad. But fret not, mysterious man. As long as you don't tell any of this to Geralt, I'll bother you with my sorrowful tale no longer :)
Jaskier wakes up with one hell of a hangover, and a suspiciously antsy and overly-friendly witcher. Geralt's clearly nervous to bring up something.. But what?
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irrlicht-writes · 1 year
And you’ll strew some sage and lilies And roses where I rot Of all the flowers you picked I knew you would forget forget-me-nots
Sometimes, Jaskier stares into nothing.
Over the years, Geralt watches him and he doesn’t understand. He never asks, because Jaskier is simple. But sometimes, Jaskier stares and Geralt wonders what he’s seeing.
“Geralt,” the bard asks one day, mindlessly strumming his lute, “have you ever seen one of the fair folk?”
“No,” Geralt replies, “at least not to my knowledge. They are tricky creatures; you’d best to stay away from them. Why do you ask? Writing a song about them?”
“No,” the bard replies, “I was just wondering. Is there a way to tell if you meet them?”
“Do you think you met one?”
Jaskier blinks up at him, his lute forgotten in his arms. Geralt’s rarely seen Jaskier so unfocused and it worries him a little. Is the bard catching sick? He’s usually incredibly hardy. Jaskier looks to the side, away from Geralt, into the forest around them. He doesn’t answer.
Geralt listens. He can’t hear anything out of the ordinary, just the normal sound of the woods. Somewhere there is a nest of Nekkers, and Geralt hopes it’ll be a contract in the next village.
Jaskier tears himself away from the forest and starts moving again.
“I’m just wondering,” he whispers, almost to himself and Geralt isn’t sure whether or not he was supposed to hear that.
The bard plays a soft melody but he doesn’t sing. He doesn’t look behind him and Geralt worries he might just disappear completely. Slowly, Roach starts moving, following the bard’s lead.
The day had been normal before, but now, now it feels eerie. It feels like someone else is watching. However, when he looks around, Geralt cannot see anyone beyond the trees.
In the tavern, the bard returns to normal, all talk of fair folk forgotten. Geralt breathes a sigh of relief, almost audibly. Jaskier is weird, when he isn’t his usual, chatty self. The bard performs songs for the crowd, securing them a room and a hearty meal for the evening. Tomorrow, Geralt will look for the alderman about the Nekker nest. Today, he will drink the bad ale in the tavern and watch Jaskier perform.
The Witcher isn’t sure why, but he’s hesitant to leave. This time, this feels precious, like he wants to remember this. When Jaskier spots him at the table in the crowd, he smiles. Geralt feels like he has to treasure it.
And it scares him.
Jaskier is humming.
“Sing the song to me?”
“No, I can’t.”
Jaskier is humming.
“Your bard is floating.”
“I told you not to hex him.”
Yennefer scoffs. “Oh, I’d wish. But look.”
Geralt looks.
Jaskier sits at the campfire Geralt made and Yennefer is right; he’s floating. He’s humming the same tune he had been humming a few days ago, with a faraway look in his eyes. By all rights, he should hear them, but he doesn’t react. Quietly, he is humming, staring into nothing.
“I’m worried. He’s been – off, for a while now. When I leave him for winter – I don’t –“
“You want me to watch over him? That’s not going to happen, Geralt, I’m not your dog.”
Geralt sighs. He hadn’t meant that. He is simply worried. Summer is nearing its end, and he cannot take the bard with him to the Keep. Not only because of his brothers and Vesemir, but also because Jaskier would be so terribly bored after a week.
Jaskier stops humming and looks up. He doesn’t look at them, yet he seems to listen to something nonetheless.
“Jaskier?” Geralt calls out to him but the bard doesn’t react. His eyes are transfixed above the flame, staring into the trees again. He moves his lips, but no sound comes out.
Jaskier turns his head toward them and still, he can’t fix his eyes on them.
“Geralt,” he whispers, “what does the fair folk look like?”
Geralt gets up immediately. “Where did you see them?”
Jaskier shakes his head.
“I can’t,” he whispers desperately, “I can’t. I’m scared.”
He resumes his humming, louder this time, with utter despair laced into it.
Geralt scans the treeline, but he finds nothing.
“Geralt,” Yennefer says.
Geralt turns and he sees the witch holding the bard’s hand.
“Your bard is floating.”
And Geralt can see him float away, even though Yennefer tries so hard.
Jaskier picks flowers in a field.
Geralt and Yennefer are standing a distance away, Roach sticking close to the bard. She seems to be picking flowers for her mane for the man to braid into it.
The wind is soft today, and there’s no cloud in the sky.
Jaskier is slipping through Geralt’s hands and he doesn’t know what to do. Whatever fair folk Jaskier might be seeing, Geralt can never find them.
That evening, Geralt doesn’t complain when Jaskier braids his hair full of flowers. The bard laughs and behind them, the flowers are softly waving.
In Geralt’s hair, there are forget-me-nots.
“Promise me, Geralt,” Jaskier says one day.
They are lying on the earth, looking up into the starry night sky above them.
“Forget me not, when I’m gone?”
“I’m not letting you go.”
Jaskier laughs, a melody on the wind.
“Darling, I’m already on the path.”
On this day, it rains.
When Geralt turns, the path behind him is empty.
Years, and years later, when Geralt is older than he ever thought he would be, he finds himself at the coast.
He remembers a bard, young and yearning.
We could head to the coast, eh?
They could have.
The horse under him is Roach, but she doesn’t remember a bard. And yet, Geralt catches her watch the woods sometimes, like she’s looking for something.
Geralt is watching too. He’s never found the fair folk, never found the path the bard had taken.
He thinks about leaving. He thinks about dying.
He’d die in battle is what he always thought. But now, fights are his no longer.
The waves in the distance are soothing and Geralt closes his eyes.
If he forgets he’s at the coast, the waves sound much like humming from so long ago.
I can hear the cannons calling As though across a dream And I can smell the smoke of hell In every stitch and seam And like flowers, the bodies tumble Around this muddied lot I cannot hear them scream "Forget me not"
On this day, it doesn’t rain.
When Geralt turns, there is someone behind him on the path.
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dancingwiththefae · 27 days
Rating: E
Pairing: Gerlion
“We should have sex,” the poet announced suddenly, shutting his notebook with a snap.
The witcher choked on his drink.
Dandelion is struggling for inspiration. He seeks it out in his muse.
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“You’re no more a monster than I am, though we would both be debatable in the eyes of humans. What are you, a Godling?” Geralt surveyed the small being in front of him with a mix of annoyance and curiosity.
Godlings were harmless. Mischievous? Certainly. But they would hurt a man no more than a child would. He couldn’t kill an innocent creature for pulling a few pranks and being different. Which means that this little excursion was a complete waste of time, energy and food, and he would see not a single coin for his trouble.
The Godling blinked up at him with, hm, what was that? Fear? Wonder? Guilt..?
“Yes mister, a Godling is what I am. Please don’t be angry with me!”
The Godling shuffled its tiny feet in the dirt, looking down at them as if they were suddenly the most interesting thing in all of the lands.
Geralt’s eyes fell closed, an exasperated “hm” vibrating deep in his chest. 
“What did you do?”
“I took them chickens, I did, but I didn’t mean no harm by it, mister, I promise!” The Godling looked up at Geralt with its unnervingly big eyes, it’s bottom lip beginning to tremble slightly.
“It’s just, I needed the people to put up a notice! Needed the ‘elp of someone such as yerself!”
Geralt dropped his pack to the floor, rubbing his temples.
“Go on.”
“Well, see, I got lost out here all on me own,”
“And you’re how many years old? 500?”
“563, actually! But that don’t make no difference. Still lost, still alone.”
“This won’t take long, will it? I’m on my way to meet someone.”
“Oh! Who is it?!”
“He’s a... hm.” Geralt shifted his weight slightly, taking his turn now to find a sudden great interest in his boots. He scuffed at the dirt with a toe.
“A friend?” the Godling gave Geralt a mischievous look, “Witcher’s don’t ‘ave friends!”
“Yes, that’s what I keep telling him.”
“He sounds very persistent! I think we would get along swimmingly!” The Godling began skipping off in front of Roach, singing an ancient tune to itself without a single care in the world.
To no one at all, Geralt said, “You know, I think you’re right.”
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